#miss the cato family..
7s3ven · 8 months
hello! ur writing is so fun and rahhhh i heart it. idk if ur taking cato reqs but i love him bro its an issue. anyhow, childhood friend!tribute!reader and him coming to terms with the fact that both of them cant win. could be platonic or romantic whatever u like<3
I’m literally in love with Cato.
( master list )
IN WHICH… Cato Hadley and Y/N L/N accept there can only be one winner. The Capitol watches as one falls and the other leaves the arena with a furious heart, never quite moving on.
Warnings : not proof-read, a little bit of angst, some gore (it’s the hunger games)
THG TAG LIST : No one rn 💀
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It was a hot and sunny day when the Capitol chose to announce the tributes. Small beads of sweat rolled down Y/N’s forehead as she clasped her hands behind her back. The sun was relentlessly beating down on the large group of teenagers crowded in front of the stage, organised by age and all eagerly waiting.
Y/N wasn’t like the rest of her District. She had seen how the effects of the Hunger Games weighed down on the tributes. Haymitch had turned to drinking after the slaughter of his family. Y/N couldn’t imagine returning home to see the people you held dear gruesomely bloodied on the floor.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cato. He stood out from the boys, being one of the tallest and towering over them. He had his jaw clenched and he was impatiently tapping his foot, waiting until he could leap onto the stage.
His head turned and they locked eyes. Y/N was the first to break into an amused smile and he returned it, his pale lips curving upwards.
Y/N paid no attention to the video playing on the screen in front of her. They showed it every year and she had practically memorised the voice lines by now. Her mind flashed back to yesterday, the day where Cato had suggested the unthinkable.
“What if we run away?” He questioned, making Y/N pause. She grasped the handle of her ax tightly as she spun around to face her childhood friend.
“What?” She needed to make sure that she had heard him right. It’s not like Y/N hadn’t thought of it before but for Cato Hadley of all people to ask was outrageous. He was Two’s greatest candidate. They were all counting on him.
“You heard me. What if we ran away? Away from all this and away from the games? I wouldn’t have to worry about being a peacekeeper. We could do it, you and me.”
Y/N has full faith in her axe skills and Cato’s strength but the idea was almost too crazy to pull off. She shook her head, “They’d find us.” She whispered. Y/N was glad nobody else was in the gym because this could be considered treason.
Y/N subtly shook her head. If only leaving District Two was that easy. They would surely notice if their strongest candidate and his axe-throwing friend went missing.
Her attention was caught by the lady, Kikoro, walking towards the microphone in a hideously bright yellow skirt. Beside her, Y/N heard Clove laugh.
Clove was a good friend of Cato’s and by default she was a friend of Y/N’s too. She was shorter than both of them but that didn’t stop her from snapping at people left and right. Her skills with throwing knives were amazing and Y/N often felt a little jealous. Surely the knives were lighter compared to lugging around a wooden stick with a blade attached to it.
“Now, I must warn you, there’s a new little rule. No volunteering this year.” Kikoro uttered into the microphone, her lips covered in yellow lipstick curling into an unsettling smile. She ignored the disappointed jeers from the teenagers as she reached into the first bowl. “Ladies first. It’s only polite.”
Everybody watched with bated breath as Kikoro unfolded the piece of paper painfully slow. Clove was practically shaking with excitement.
Kiroko cleared her throat before she leaned forward, glancing at the crumbled paper. “Y/N L/N.” She said.
Y/N clicked her tongue, thinking it was all a sick joke. She wasn’t scared shitless like the tributes in the paper districts were but she was disappointed. Why her and not somebody who actually wanted to compete?
Y/N begrudgingly stepped onto stage after being dragged by a peacekeeper. “Let go of me.” She hissed, yanking her arm out of the man’s grip.
“What’s your name, dear?” Kiroko asked, gesturing Y/N to step forward to the microphone. The H/C-nette stared at the Capitol citizen in confusion.
“You just said my name… Y/N L/N.”
Kikoro paused before she burst into a fit of light laughter. “Ah, sorry dear. I’m so used to volunteers. Next up, the boys.”
Y/N hoped her District partner would be someone useful who she could discard later. Someone strong but not too strong as to overpower her.
As Y/N rocked back and forth on her heels, she glanced over at Kikoro who was now unfolding the second paper. She read text written in black ink before grasping the microphone.
Hearing her own name getting called didn’t frighten Y/N but as Kikoro declared the male tribute, her heart dropped so fast that she may as well collapsed. It was the one person she wished hadn’t been chosen.
“Cato Hadley.”
The train ride was silent. Enobaria had tried talking to the pair but they never replied. Eventually, she gave up and went to a different compartment.
“We should’ve run away.” Y/N quietly muttered, suddenly regretting not putting the absurd plan into action. Across from her, Cato chuckled.
“Yeah…” He paused, refusing to believe that this was really happening. That he’d have to kill his best friend if he wanted to survive. He was brought back to the harsh reality as the train bumped along the tracks.
“You should’ve played dead… or something.” Y/N stirred the spoon around in her cup of coffee, having no intentions of actually tasting the bitter drink. She licked her dry lips. “What happens if we’re the last ones left?”
Cato didn’t have the courage to answer. He pushed his food around with his fork for a few moments before finally lifting his head. “May the best win.” He uttered.
Y/N glanced out the window, staring at the tall buildings of the Capitol in the distance. She took a deep breath as the train quickly approached the large city and their impending doom.
The days in the Capitol were limited. And they passed by fast. One minute Y/N was standing in front of the dummy targets, skilfully throwing axes as their heads then the next she was in front of a crowd in a glittery gold gown.
“You’re a fan favourite, Y/N. How does that make you feel?” Caesar, with his crazy blue hair and matching suit, said as he widely grinned.
“I guess I’m just that charming.” Y/N smiled as she leaned back in her seat, gracefully crossing one leg over the other.
“Our time is almost up but may I ask the question that everyone has been wondering? What on earth is going on between you and Cato?”
The Capitol had caught wind of the small stolen glances and borderline flirtatious kisses on the knuckles. Y/N shifted in her seat as she recalled the event before this very interview.
“You look…” Cato entered the room, practically starstruck as Y/N stood on a small platform. “Wow.” She frowned as she adjusted the tight bodice of her dress.
“Really? Because right now, I can’t really breathe.” Y/N let out a small laugh but she felt her corset suffocate her lungs.
“Does this look like a face that would lie to you?” Cato grasped Y/N’s hands and helped her off the platform. “I mean it. You look stunning… almost makes me wish we were getting ready for a ball instead of this.” Cato’s face was so close. Y/N couldn’t help but let her eyes dart to his lips.
“You look handsome too.” She playfully grinned as she straightened Cato’s tie. “Blue suits you.”
“We’re just friends.” Y/N repeated that overused phrase while the Capitol citizens groaned in frustration. “I don’t know what you want me to admit… Cato is handsome but I can’t imagine dating someone I’ve known since childhood… his face is getting a little annoying.”
Y/N’s cheeky remark earned her a few laughs.
“If given the chance, I probably would’ve liked to kiss him once, you know?” Y/N’s confidence grew and she forgot all about how Cato could hear her words through the small screen in the waiting room. She folded her arms over her chest just as the timer buzzed.
“Y/N L/N, everybody!” Caesar declared.
She stepped off the stage and back into the shadows, away from the piercing lights. Glimmer and Marvel had already returned to their rooms and Y/N was about to do the same before Cato came into view.
She saw him wave enthusiastically at the crowd but his eyes were on her. She shrank back, suddenly aware of what she had said during the interview.
Y/N scurried off before Caesar could even ask Cato one question. She stormed into the room assigned to District Two. Enobaria was sitting on the couch, clicking the TV remote buttons.
“Need help getting out of that dress?” The sharp-toothed woman asked. Y/N silently nodded.
“Thank you.” Y/N said, finally able to breathe properly again. She would never take oxygen for granted again.
Y/N was only dressed in a black singlet and shorts when Cato burst through her personal room door. “What was that?” He demanded, slamming the door behind him. “If given the chance? I’m giving you the damn chance, Y/N!”
Y/N let out a squeak of surprise when he grabbed her face and pulled her forward, swiftly kissing her like he had been waiting to do so for years. With how his hands trailed down to tightly grip her waist, Y/N wouldn’t be surprised if Cato had been dreaming of this moment.
Cato pulled away, resting his forehead on Y/N’s. “How’s that for a given chance?”
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The sun in the arena felt different. Its heat was blistering and Y/N felt her body burning up underneath her heavy jacket. She wanted to discard the warm piece of clothing but it would come in handy at night.
The Careers had already made their allies clear. Y/N glanced at Cato who was already staring at her as usual.
To Y/N’s left was Glimmer, who was impatiently tapping her foot as the countdown began. Y/N stared at the decreasing numbers until it reached five and she had no choice but to get ready to run.
This was no mere dream, it was a reality that Y/N wish she didn’t exist in, for Cato’s sake.
To no one’s surprise, Cato was the first to react as the countdown finished. He leaped off his podium, immediately making a run for a silver sword. Some tributes turned tail and ran but those who joined the mess in the middle were gruesomely stabbed by Cato.
Y/N grasped a pack of throwing knives, tossing the sharp objects at anything that moved. She managed to cut Katniss’ cheek and the ravenette was not pleased about that. The District Twelve girl shot an arrow Y/N’s way but she ducked and avoided it.
“Y/N, here!” Cato tossed a fancy looking axe her way. She easily caught it, swinging it at a foolish boy who thought he could beat her.
The bloodbath didn’t last long thanks to Cato. He either killed or drove off any of the remaining tributes. “I’m feeling pretty good about this.” He grinned down at Y/N as they waltzed around the Cornucopia. He twirled his heavy sword in his hand.
“You’re in a good mood.” Y/N muttered. The hunger for bloodshed had clouded Cato’s mind, causing him to forget that Y/N would have to die in order for him to emerge victorious. She said nothing about it, though, not wanting to spoil his cheerful mood.
“I’ll be in a better mood after this.” Cato chuckled to himself as he pecked Y/N’s lips. He held her close, burying his face in her neck.
Y/N stood still, awaiting the moment where they would be forced to turn on each other. Out of the pair, Y/N had always been the rational realist.
Glimmer was dead, filled with toxin after Katniss sabotaged the Careers’ camp.
Marvel was next. Katniss skewered him like a kebab with her arrow. He died on the forest floor, joining Glimmer in Katniss’ kill count.
And then there were two. Y/N had narrowly avoided being bashed in the head with a stone by Thresh. The side of her head was still bleeding, the crimson liquid staining the green grass below.
Y/N groaned as she collapsed beside Cato, leaning against the large tree trunk. “Who’s left?” She rasped. She had heard a canon go off but she had no idea who it was.
“The boy from Eleven, the pair from two, and us.” Cato replied, his shoulder brushing against Y/N’s. He pulled out a small tin bottle, handing it over to Y/N. She gratefully took a large gulp of cold water. “Don’t worry, we’ll get home.” He whispered, “You and me forever.” After Y/N’s near death experience, Cato realized that the Capitol had played him as a fool. But he was happy about the announcement that said two victors could win if they originated from the same District.
Y/N leaned her head on Cato’s shoulder and closed her eyes, deeply sighing. She didn’t know when she dozed off or how long she was asleep but she cracked open one eye to see Cato hurriedly shaking her.
Night time, the Careers’ prime time to hunt, had already past. When Y/N’s eyes finally adjusted to the light, she furrowed her eyebrows. She was in a cave yet she remembered falling asleep on the forest floor. And Cato was covered in bites and gruesome grazes and blood. So much blood.
“Cato…” Y/N breathed, quickly leaning forward, “What happened to you?”
“I killed Katniss and Peeta… and the mutts killed Thresh. It’s you and me left, Y/N.” His sounded sounded so weak and he sluggishly cupped her face, panting heavily. For once, he was covered in his own blood rather than the blood of his victims.
“You drugged me…” Y/N’s heart fell to her stomach as she realized what had happened. Cato had slipped sleeping pills into the water and while she was knocked out, he put her in a cave and went to hunt down the three other tributes. She furrowed her brows. “How could you? Cato… you could’ve died.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “Yeah… I know. That was kind of the point. While you were asleep, they revoked the two victors rule. There can only be one again.”
That was enough for tears to well up in Y/N’s eyes. “Don’t leave me… please.” She cried as she held Cato, her childhood friend and her first true crush. His blood stained her muddy clothes but she didn’t care. “Please…” She trailed off as Cato wheezed.
“The mutts did a good job on me.” He muttered, finding it harder to stay awake. Y/N’s eyes widened.
“No. Cato. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me here!” She immediately noticed how his pulse slowed down. “Stay awake, Cato! I can fix this! Please.”
Y/N had already come to terms that there could only be one victor but she had yet to accept that fact that she had to lose Cato to walk out.
“You can’t give up now… we came this far. We can sort something out.” Y/N uttered as she shook Cato in a fruitless attempt to convince him.
“I love you, Y/N.” He grasped her hand, squeezing it tightly. “I always have. Ever since we became friends. Ever since you were the first to find the courage to talk to me. I don’t know what I would have done with you.”
Y/N laughed as a sob bubbled up in her throat. “I love you too. If only your name wasn’t called. I could’ve won the games and come back to you.” She shakily sighed as she leaned down to kiss Cato’s cold lips. She placed her hand on his neck and when she felt no pulse, she pulled back in a panic.
“Cato?” She shook him once. Then again. “Cato?!” She repeated, this time louder. “No… no… no! Don’t leave me here! Cato!”
She screamed so loud that the sound echoed around the forest, scaring the birds and causing them to flee.
Y/N walked out of the arena a free woman. Not quite since Snow would still have full control over her but she liked to think she was free to a certain extent.
The Capitol workers had tried to discard of the necklace she held so tightly in her left hand but she refused to let them take it away. It was the only remaining memory she had of Cato.
Anger swirled around in her heart like a monster, threatening to burst free and reign terror over anyone that came in contact with her.
Only now was Y/N realising why the victors never looked genuinely happy despite having everything they wanted. It was because Snow tore their deepest desires away, always holding it near but never within their reach.
Enobaria had wanted to be a mother.
Gloss wanted a peaceful life with his sister.
Cashmere wanted nothing more than to take care of the children in District One.
Brutus craved freedom from Snow’s cruel clutches.
And poor Y/N dreamt of becoming a bride but as she watched the light drift from Cato’s eyes, her wish was swept away with it.
Now, Snow had nothing to take away from her because the person she loved the most was already gone.
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kit-kat-katie · 1 year
I Knew You Would
A/N: Here's a small drabble that I finished before my exams, so I'll work on that Finnick fic in my WIP when my exams are in the rear-view window. Hope everyone, students especially, are doing well. ❤️
TW: Small mentions of death, reader is worried about Clove
Pairing: Clove Kentwell x Reader (implied romantic)
Summary: After Clove is announced the victor of the 74th Hunger Games, it feels unreal until the moment she comes home. Well, until she kisses you, of course.
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"And the victor of the 74th Hunger Games... Clove Kentwell!" Ceasar announces, and although those in your district cheer loud, your voice rings strong and true above them all.
Ever since you've wished her goodbye, you've been awaiting her arrival back home to you. A kiss goodbye wasn't the best place to end things between the two of you, but she'd come back for you again when she won.
If she won.
Your doubts were strengthened in the weeks between the Reaping and the Hunger Games themselves. The competition seemed tough, and there was good traction behind a few of the tributes in Districts where there wasn't a victor in a while.
But who were you to doubt Clove?
Her arrogance nearly got her killed towards the end, which nearly sent you spiraling, but she was able to recover and kill the boy before killing the girl that was her first target. You loved her pride sometimes, but the mentors that trained you were right - it'd be the death of you if you took it too far in the arena.
After that, Clove and Cato scouted out the last boy before it was announced that only one of them would be going home instead of a pair. Although Cato was stronger, Clove was quicker and skilled with knives, so she stuck one right in his heart before he could do any damage.
Clove showed a winning smile to the camera as her victory was announced, and you couldn't help but cheer.
Your Clove would come back home to you.
The train station had all sorts of people crowding around the entrance, waiting to take a gander at the newest Victor. You find yourself among the first as you await for her arrival back home.
When the train comes into view, people cheer and clap as it comes to a screeching halt. Before the train stops, you see Clove looking out one of the windows before she spots you. A wide grin spreads onto her face as you excitedly wave at her.
You were in disbelief that she was the one, out of all of those kids, to come home, but it felt so real now.
Clove Kentwell was the 74th Victor of the Hunger Games.
After the buzz and excitement died down, people dispersed from the train station as Clove was escorted to her family. They were happily reunited, with tears and all, and she talks with them for a few moments as you look on proudly.
She then gets a small pat on the back from her father before she comes running to you.
You immediately embrace Clove as she slams into you with all of the force in her body. You both go crashing to the ground, but the mixture of laughter in the air assures everyone that you're both okay.
"You came home." You mutter softly as she cautiously lets go of you.
"Of course I did," She smiles before resting her elbows on the ground next to you, "we had unfinished business, remember?"
Ah, the kiss.
You shyly laugh before biting your lip.
"You wanted another kiss?" You teasingly say before gently placing a strand of Clove's hair behind her ear.
"I wanted a better kiss."
Her smirk tells you all that you need as you place your hand on her face.
She pulls you in for a rough kiss as your eyes widen. You deepen the kiss for a moment as you enjoy the feeling of her lips on yours.
"I missed you." Clove breathily admits as her lips part from yours.
"I missed you more." You mumble before giving her another quick peck. "Let's get you cleaned up before your big interview at home, huh?"
"Sounds like a plan."
A genuine smile lights up her face as she helps you off of the ground. You walk, arm-in-arm, towards her new home as you fill her in on every little thing that she's missed.
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pastafossa · 9 months
Today is hard again.
Pet loss TW below the cut.
Yesterday was better, thanks to Daredevil and Echo being a distraction, but today, there were just a couple things that hit me in a row.
Cato's ashes are ready to be picked up, along with his little pawprint. I want so badly to have him here. But there's also a part of me that doesn't want to go. Because if I do, if I go and pick him up in that little urn, that's it. It's official. My old kitten chow is gone. And bless the vet hospital because when I quietly said thank you and that I'd try not to cry when picking him up, they told me they understood, and I didn't have to worry about that.
Then my general vet, who is amazing and had been helping us keep Cato comfortable, also sent us this card which arrived today. And she included a small poem of the rainbow bridge, and some local pet loss support groups. So I cried over that for a while.
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And then a final package arrived today from one of my friends and her family - a frame, with a space on one side for a picture of Cato, with a customized Pawprints poem on the other side. And then I just cried all over again, especially because the poem is so relevant - I did have to let him go. And I was there for him as he went, and it was peaceful, he did drift off, all while purring in my arms as I stared into his big blue eyes one last time. So then I had to go cry over that.
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I'm grateful for all of it. But god does it still hurt, and I miss him so, so much.
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laurageto · 10 months
Destiny's Knot Chp4 Gojo
trigger warning (story contains); hardcore sex, death & childbirth
Suguru wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer before planting multiple kisses over your face. You giggled, cheeks flushing a peach shade.
Shoko watched intently, not at you and Geto but at Satoru. To the untrained eye, nothing would be a miss but she knew her best friends better than anyone. Gojo's lips smashed together into a hard line, his piercing aqua eyes unwavering at the sight of you and Suguru.
"Hey, get off of my wife!" He joked, launching a half eaten bread roll at your back. The baked good smashed into your shoulder, you could feel your rage boiling over. God damn this boy knew how to press your buttons!
"Calm babe.. he's only joking" Suguru uttered softly into your ear lobe, his warm sweet breath tickling your cheek.
"I know, it just gets to me. My parents have no say in who I love or marry. He knows it's a sore point..."
Geto flipped his best friend the middle finger with his arms still protectively wrapped around you which made Gojo chuckle to himself in amusement.
You both casually walked back to your friends hand in hand, Gojo and Shoko both edging up the table to make room for you both to sit.
"So, Yaga has this mission for us.." Geto started. The table all turn to listen intently. "So you've got to retrieve the Star Plasma Vessel and ensure its safe arrival with Tengen?" You repeated after he'd finished.
"Essentially" he smiled back at you.
"So who's to go on this mission exactly?" You cherped up once more. "Me and Satoru will collect the girl and bring her back to Jujutsu High"
"Girl.." you whispered. The poor thing. You fully understood the reasoning to why Tengen needed to reset his body but that didn't make it more sad for the poor girl that was sacrificing her future to protect everyone else's.
After lunch had finished the two boys were ready to head off.
"Look after eachother ok?" You looked back and forth at the pair. Geto nodded. He scratched the back of his neck, tilting his head and giving his usual soft smile.
"Don't you worry dummy. I'll bring him back in one piece" Satoru announced boldly with his ever so confident smile plastered onto his features.
Usually his arrogance irritated you but for once it was well placed. Geto was strong but Gojo was stronger. The pair made a formidable team.
Flying was something you were born to do. The wind whipped your silken tresses as Cyrax weaved through the soft clouds. You could make out Caraxes and Catos in the distance, they never ventured to far away from eachother.
It was hard to believe how much your dragons had grown since you were young.
Dragons were only born to males in the Tatsuya family, that was the rule. So when your father's dragon birthed three eggs, your parents were so excited to welcome a son into the world. Not only was this son craved for, he would have three dragons at his side. The Tatsuya family could finally challenge the Gojo family once more. All of those dreams were shattered when you were born, the girl that wasn't wanted.
That was when your parents decided to marry you off to the Gojo's. If you couldn't lead their family maybe you could birth them an heir with the Gojo prodigy.
Your delicate fingers gripped Cyrax's spines as the anger pulsed through your core. Who could 'sell' their only daughter?
Well you were going to prove them wrong. Not only would you become one of the greatest female sorcerer's alive but you were not going to marry Satoru Gojo.
How ironic that you'd fallen for your proposed husband's best friend.
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liquidcatt · 4 days
I don't wanna say goodbye
Avocato x gn!reader
Summary: Goodbyes are always the hardest. You just weren't ready to say it to the man you fell in love with.
cw/tags: angst, slight hurt/comfort, no happy ending, angst, all my tears were shed
Also on AO3
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In front of you was a void. A big, black, empty void in space. The more you stared at it, the more you felt being sucked in. It was inevitable that this would be the end. You were prepared, but at the same time, you weren’t. You weren’t ready for this. You weren’t ready to say goodbye. You weren’t ready to say goodbye to your friends. You weren’t ready to say goodbye to Gary, to Quinn, everyone. Everyone you traveled with on the Galaxy Two became a second family.
‘So this is it huh?’ a voice pulling you out of your thoughts. You turn to see Avocato, staring at the void as well. He was smiling, though his eyes were full of sadness.
‘Yeah.’ you replied back. You could feel tears swelling up behind your eyes. ‘It is.’
The first time you met Avocato, you were taken aback by him. You’ve never seen a Ventrexian before though you’ve heard stories of them. You never imagined that he was once the second-in-command to an evil alien dictator. His son, Little Cato, would talk about how much of a great dad he is. Gary, his best friend, would chatter hours with you on what an amazing guy Avocato is despite his rocky beginnings. It was hard for him to open about his feelings as you were a new member at the time, but you assured him that you wouldn’t bite. He slowly started to get comfortable around you and would go on missions with you almost as much as with Gary.
Eventually, the two of you would become more than friends and the day he confessed his love was the best day of your life. You never thought you’d see yourself becoming his lover, but it was something you wouldn't trade for the world. Throughout all that life put you and him through, you always made it out alive, albeit without getting injured.
All these happy memories you created and shared with Avocato would be lost forever. And the memories you wanted to make would never happen and it tore you inside. First you got sad. Upset. Depressed. Then, you got angry. Real angry. Angry at the world. Angry at whatever entity was responsible for this. You never asked for this. You never wanted this to come to an end. You started to tear up til it stung your eyes. Your shaking hands turned to fists. Your lips started to quiver.
‘(Y/n), what’s the matter?’ Avocato looked at you with a worried look.
You looked up to him. ‘This isn’t fair.’ You yelled, tears falling down your cheeks. ‘Why did this have to happen? Why did it have to end like this? I wanted to go on more adventures with you. I wanted to see more of the galaxy and meet new people. I wanted to make new friends. I wanted to see your home planet. I wanted to get to know the rest of the team more. Maybe become a parent to Little Cato, but now’ gritting your teeth ‘....he’s gone.’
‘They’re all gone. And I’ll never see them again.’
You felt your body get numb. You felt like you were gonna fall. You wanted to fall and pretend this was all just a bad dream. Instead, you felt some big, gentle arms putting themselves around you. Avocato caught you to keep from falling. You felt the Ventrexian tremble and heard a few sobs coming from him
‘I know.’ Avocato croaked out. ‘I wish there was something I could do to stop this from happening. I wish there was a way I could rewind time so that you, me and Little Cato could be a family. I wish things could go back to the way they were, but I can’t.’ He held you tighter. ‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.’
No, don't apologize. You wanted to tell him that this wasn’t his fault, but all that you could muster out was a loud sob. You wrapped yourself around him and bawled into his chest. You were gonna miss hugging him. You were gonna miss the sound of his heartbeat. You were gonna miss being a part of his life.
‘I love you.’ You sobbed.
‘I love you too (y/n).’
Neither of you knew how long you cried and held each other before you needed to reassure each other and that you've come to terms with what was happening. It wasn’t easy, but you both had to accept that this was the end. That's just how it had to be
Taking deep breaths to collect yourself, you looked up at Avocato. ‘Can I kiss you one last time?’.
He smiled. ‘Yeah, baby. You can.’
You moved your hands slowly to his shoulders to pull him close. Closing your eyes, you leaned up to gently kiss him. His lips were soft to the touch. This felt nice. You always loved giving him kisses before bed and sometimes, he’d shower you with kisses when he was in a good mood. You start to pull back, but suddenly felt Avocato grabbing your hips, holding you close and deepening the kiss. You responded by wrapping your arms around his neck and returned the favor. You didn’t want this to end. You wanted to stay like this forever. You two eventually parted and rested your foreheads together, gazing into each other's eyes.
‘I don't wanna say goodbye.’ you spoke up, sniffling your nose
Avocato moved a hand to your face, wiping away a tear from your cheek. ‘It's okay baby. You can let go. I’ll be okay.’
You took a deep breath. 
Closing your eyes, you released your hold on the Ventrexian. It was only a split second, but when you tried to grab something, all there was was air. Nothing.
All that’s left was the void, you, and half of your heart.
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a/n: this is a reupload to a fic I wrote back in 2021 cause it was the year Final Space was cancelled after ending on a cliffhanger . I'm happy we're getting the graphic novel, but it still feels bittersweet.
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header by @bunnysrph
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babyblankyerror · 2 years
We heard your fave hcs for garycato and spiderpool, but what are your fave hcs for found families you like, like Gary Avocato and Little Cato or Spider Man Deadpool and their daughter? (Sorry i don't remember her name)
I have so many but here's the main ones:
Ellie obviously being a big fan of Spidey and its a lil awkward on Peter (before she finds out his identity)
Peter is the 'responsible' parent most times until he's not - Ellie will struggle with science homework and he'll be like "I have these chemicals in my lab that explode when making contact with oxygen- maybe that will help, wanna see?"
Wade is that proud father that will spoil his daughter (and partner)
Peter is the photographer and loves taking pictures of Wade and Ellie together, knowing Wade doesn't have many (and doesn't like his own image) - what he doesn't know is Wade also saves many pics of Ellie and Peter)
Wade will try not to use bad language near Ellie or talk about things that aren't PG
Peter has no concept of what's PG and will explain in full detail on what birthing a child is like and how painful it is because Ellie was unfortunate enough to ask him
Ellie starts to pick up Peter’s habits and Wade finds it adorable (until she uses Peter’s sass against him)
Ellie will sometimes jump from slightly high places (trees and benches) without warning and Peter is always there to catch her
Peter tutoring Ellie (Wade finding it incredibly hot)
Wade playing house with Ellie (sometimes Ellie decides Peter is her wife and Wade gets jealous "how come I'm not your wife?! </3" "you're the dog now dad")
Peter will sometimes come back from work to find Ellie and Wade having a tea party (will also join in and begin to complain and gossip with them)
Wade buys clothes for them a lot and often will be like "whaaat??? No way- can't believe I accidentally got 3 shirts that look exactly the same and are out perfect sizes! Isn't that crazy??!" Just so they can have couple outfits
Peter had gone to work with messy makeover (either he forgot about it or he didn't want to upset Ellie by taking it off)
Wade sometimes will waste money on advert billboards "see this guy/girl??? That's my boo" or something (both Ellie and Peter get embarrassed)
Wade is the type of guy to lie in restaurants about their birthday to get free cake, Ellie loves playing along (and since Peter hates it he's always the victim getting a surprise cake)
Ventraxians get jealous easily but Little Cato and Avocato are next level- they fight over Gary's attention (Gary still doesn't realise this)
Avocato is happy Gary and Little Cato are bonding until he sees Little Cato's smug face-
Little Cato isn't used to Avocato being physically affectionate so he will purposely be like "what are you doing, creep" before running to Gary like "I've missed you!!" (They have been apart less than 5 mins)
Gary will go into old habits and maybe steal in front of Little Cato- then he'll be like "Stealing is bad!" When Little Cato does it
Silent contests of who gets more compliments from Gary being held without the humans knowledge
Gary loves texture of fur so cuddling is awesome with his new kit and hubby
When Gary gets tired of touch and company, he'll try to be alone but Little Cato doesn't quite grasp the concept yet and just seats near him (like in that episode where Gary says "just want to be alone" and little Cato is just "ok" and stays with him anyway)
Little Cato acting like both Gary and Avo- picking some of their habits
Sometimes Avo will walk in on Gary crying because Little Cato has lil beans
Sometimes Gary will walk in on Avo crying because Little Cato fell asleep holding his hand like he used to when a baby
Little Cato still clueless on his parents smexy timez
Gary doesn't make it obvious but he sometimes gets overwhelmed by the fact he finally has a family and people who love him (Avocato knows and just silently comforts him)
Gary will fight over toys with Little Cato and other petty things ("that's my mug! >:0" )
Gary is a good baker, Avocato a good cook
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ak4rin · 4 months
🤝 any of my jjk muses that call the most --
the funny thing about them is that aesthetic wise they're on the same page but personality wise they strangely balance each other - despite her reputation, teen akari tends to let people walk over her, so hanging out with naoya makes her skin thicker in a way. on the flip sides she offers a less violent view about things
they dye each other's hair, definitely painted each other's hand nails too sometimes. akari was totally still shoplifting stuff at the mall even though his and her family money combined could buy a castle. she's got fond memories of their shopping sprees though she doesn't miss the way their respective parents hated on their drip
in the most unserious way, they're the cato and clove of every goodwill event they've ever attended - they strategize, they're not abobe cheating ... still end up being losers. throughout the years akari has learned to not care too much about it despite the fact that her performance review would be awful, preferring to socialise and network with tokyo students on time off instead. it was a whole ordeal
naoya graduated a year before her, which was already somewhat the reason why their friendship took the fall. then after her graduation she moved back to the us which didn't help either. akari still follows naoya on socials, but unless one looks through her followers this piece of knowledge would go over anyone's head. she's ... disappointed things went the way they did and wishes they were still friends, but also recognises that they've changed too much - she doesn't think he'd like what her life is now, or her attitude about it for that matter
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clatoera · 1 year
Please tell us your Clato story. Since when do you like Clato? What makes you like them? Thank you :) ....
oh my goodness okay well uh
I have liked Clato for a long long time. Eleven years. I noticed the insinuation in the book, but it was once I saw the actual film and the performance of the characters I could really identify them stronger in the books, and I grew a love from that. Like I said. I have been a fan a long long time. On fanfic . net there are still 5 or 6 clato fics I wrote between the years 2012-2014, that are under a few different usernames, that no i will not claim, but they're still out there as proof of my life long devotion.
I always have taken to the kind of off the cuff ships that don't really have a lot of canon moments in the books, and even fewer on screen (me and gary ross gonna beef). But I always thought the insinuation was there in the moment Clove died. For crazy, violent Clove to scream for him because she is scared and about to die, she had to know he'd come. For Cato, who is described by Katniss as temperamental and brutal and violent, to actually call back to her, run to her, and hold her as she died, I took something from that.
I thought the way it humanized the careers was phenomenal, and especially those two considering they were Katniss's biggest competition. Clove dies a scared girl being held by a heartbroken, sad boy.
Naturally Clato has always been a fanon thing more than canon. I was on facebook RP-ing as Clove, I've written fanfic a LONG time, I've read probably every single Clato fanfic on both fanfic.net and AO3 both in my time. And it was the fan expansions of the characters that I loved.
That being said I think I have just always identified so strongly with the careers. I wanted to be Katniss, I had a little sister, etc. I've always been the Clove, I've always been the Glimmer. It sounds cocky but it's true in it's own way. I was the smartest, I was the best, I worked the hardest, I was a favorite to win anything I ever did. I wouldn't do something unless I had the best chance at winning. I was the oldest child, with the endless pressure to perform at the top level, to be the best, to make my family, my school, my hometown proud. I wouldn't do something unless I was the best at it, even today I'm called crazy by my classmates regularly because of how much I study, what long days I put in. I still reap the rewards of that. I empathized with these kids who had no choice but to be the best. Who worked really really hard with the intention to make other people happy and proud. I would be lying if I didn't mention this in my explanation as to why I love Clato, because it is definitely part of it. I see myself in these kids, in Clove and Glimmer especially, because I think personality wise I am a direct mix of the two, just depending on which side I turn on at any given moment. I'll use what I call my "pretty girl powers" to get what I want, or otherwise i'm pretty bitchy, cold, calculated, etc. I literally added a line in the most recent chapter of my big Clato fic, in which Clove describes the trafficking and abuse of the victors as the worst thing you could to do someone, violating them like that, which is literally my opinion and belief that I gave to her. So thats definitely part of it, the way I empathize with kids who's worth is placed in the pride they bring home. Pride they are wiling to DIE to bring hime.
Part of what I love is the opportunity with them. To take these kids who are often seen as villains (Which if you see them as villains you miss the author's whole point, that the capitol is the villain, the capitol is the enemy), and flush them out and give them depth. Give them relationships, and favorite colors, and secrets they share between each other. Give them hopes for the future, give them dreams beyond winning. You win by 18, you have to imagine what the future after the games is like, too. I think they have the opportunity to be very normal in what they want after the games. They'd want dogs, and houses, and families of their own. Thats why I love them. They are child soldiers who are still children. They have dreams. They have wants. They have needs. They deserve to have full characterizations and be fleshed out, and thats the opportunity I take with them. You could make brutal bloody Cato an adoring brother, because outside the games he has a really wonderful little family. You could make Clove, with her psychopathic tendencies, a child who lost the mother who loved her, and the drive to prove that her mother and her are not weak girls, and the resultant way she would deeply love and fiercely protect whatever family she has (even found family). They train their whole lives together, who would understand them like each other.
Theres the chance to make them complex, explaining who they are in canon, and expanding on who they are outside of it.
I could wax poetic on Clato for hours, and in fact I do. Thank you for this opportunity though, I am always always down to be a Clato enthusiast on main.
Thank you thank you thank you
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veny-many · 1 year
*Mindlessly writing about Plo surviving order 66 bc my mind is diseased*
*with terrible English*
*and deep hurt*
The first thing he recognized was fire.
Too much hotness, burning through skin to bone.
When he couldn't suppressed his scream, and for that, when he drew air, his lung burned like acid poured straight into his throat. While he painfully coughed in the toxic gas, he finally realized that his mask was shattered piece by piece in his hand that was holding his mouth.
The instinct that he studied through wartime made him reach his side pocket immediately. His hand remembered where he stored spare mask parts. While he tried to calm his cough and hold breath, and he closed his eyes, only relying on his sense of touch, he quickly assembled mask parts. When the last piece was placed, he drew the mask and goggles in face fast, and finally breathed steady and deep. After a few more breaths, he finally found control of his body.
Which was not pleasant.
His body's left side screamed in pain as burn scar carved on their surface. He couldn't find any sense in his left arm, and he knew that was not a good sign. When he stood, he felt sharp pain through his whole body, so that probably meant many bones of him broken. If that's what it takes for a surviving plane crash, he tried to think calmly, it will hardly be worst bargaining.
And he remembered the terrible truth.
The shot was from behind.
When he was flying the sky of Cato neimoidia, he was doing last sweep for any last remaining enemies. He and his wingman Jag flied through clean sky and tall buildings, watching from above marching troopers, beautiful bridge city.
'They already deployed new shinies down there.'
Captain Jag had pointed the marching young clones.
'Hopefully, those boys would be able to survive longer than before.'
'Our fight in this place is almost over. They maybe not even need to fight in here.'
Plo replied with hope; he knew this whole war would be soon over. Count Dooku was defeated, it was a matter of time. And when this sweep is over, he would finally inform that Cato neimoidia is safe from separatists, he could go back to his home. After a long and painful deployment on this battlefield, him and the whole 442nd were devastated and tired. If he could be back in home, he would find his families he can talk, and favorite meditating places he can rest. Maybe, he could finally meet his little 'soka, again. Last time, he heard that she came back to them to fight with them again. How he missed her, with deep grief and regret. If she can forgive his grave mistake, and allow him to ever talk to her...
And there was a sudden warning in the Force.
It was from behind.
It was impossible, there's no enemy detected yet, and only one behind him was his wingman, how could this-
And then the whole world shattered.
And then he could finally remember. The shot was from his wingman.
And it was still impossible. There wasn't any intention for killing and betrayal felt in the Force from Captain before flying. Jag was a great man. He valued the lives rather than success or victory. That's why he evacuated his troopers from battle that they couldn't win, and took any punishment of failure for his mans safety. How could he do this unreasonable betrayal by his own choice?
Still confused, he tried to look around. The place was messed. When he looked up, there was now fallen bridge, which was smoking with fire. When he looked down again, he could recognize that a big part of the bridge had fallen with his starfighter. It was a miracle that he was alive somehow.
And that was the worst kind of miracle.
First, he saw a white shining helmet between debris. He recognized that the clone trooper's body was buried under wrecks. He quickly approached the body and stood there, witnessing the truth.
There was no living energy felt in the Force.
There was nothing, while there were bodies everywhere.
Each body was broken, buried, and shattered with wreck of bridge. Armors of them weren't painted, so they were what they called Shiny, the youngest clones that just got out from Kamino. None of them was moving. No one is calling help or screaming in pain.
Feeling like his own heart dropped down, Plo slowly set down on dirt and closed his eyes, and spread his Force sense. He tried to reach anyone, anything, that if there's still lives that he can help, he can save. But when he released himself in the Force, only he could feel was more pain and death. Everywhere in the whole galaxy, all of his families screamed in disbelief and grief. Almost all of them dying painfully, not even younger ones were spared...
And when he finally reached his limit, from pain and grief, he had witnessed, he lost consciousness with silent cry.
There was no Jedi anymore.
Clones had betrayed them with no hesitation.
And in the middle of now newly created Empire's place, Plo was standing there, unsure what to do.
Ashes still snowed from fire in bridge above them, down where Plo and the body of shinies' laid down. Ground and the clues of so many deaths were already buried under gray ash. Plo remembered the color of his battalion's armors. Wolffe once said that gray means grieving for close ones they lost. Mourning for their lost families.
Is this the meaning of the fight? The result of their choices?
His dear niece, Sha said to him, that this was is meaningless. While she was grieving his dear padawan, and fallen troopers, she was disgusted by the Republic that only focused on her 'victory', and she told that any good reason for this war will never change the fact they sacrificed many great mans lives.
His royal and brave Commander Wolffe once told him, that clones have so many doubts in this war, but they still don't have choice but fight or die, because they were made and taught for that. That he wonders if they had the actual chance to choose their life other than fighting in war till death, how many would remain here to fight.
In deep inside of Plo's heart, he secretly agreed with them. He never wanted slaves, the slaves made for them to fight with them. No other choice but to follow orders, fighting till death or thrown out like trash when they used. He deeply cared for and respected any clones lives, but at the same time, he was disgusted about how they were 'made' like things. After Shaak's care in Kamino, clones' rights were slightly got better for his relief, but it was still heavy burden that he was leading the army of young troopers to their graves.
Maybe this was their punishment, for how they changed for fighting the war, for how they justified using clones for their fights, for how clones had to suffer under their command.
But then he also remembered.
Before he and 104th's last farewell(Plo didn't know that would be the last), Wolffe told him with his honest heart.
'I never regret fighting with you, General. Even if you still doubt your leadership for our great loss... We are all glad that you're our Jedi. Because you care and believe about us, and we are doing the same to you.'
And they talked about their fights, what they were fighting for, those whom they managed to save, and those pleasant memories that they made together.
If you ask him about war, he would answer that he had doubts about why they're fighting, and feared what they became through time in war. But even that, he would never regret meeting and fighting with his troopers, brave and charming friends. And fighting for saving lives and right things, in the violence spreading through galaxy.
He needed to move. He needed to keep living for what they fought and grieved.
First thing first. He needed to find others.
He never felt little 'soka's death in the Force.
If the galaxy would ever allow him, there's still a chance that he will meet her again.
If will of the Force would allow him to reunion with whose he deeply misses, he would wait and live till that time comes.
With newly rooted hope in his heart, he started to move again to his pass.
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revengeismygender · 1 year
so in thg first book Cato is kind of our big bad in the arena. he singles Katniss out from the get go, he’s a scary and vicious career, and he’s the last one standing besides Katniss and Peeta. he’s the enemy before the “remember who the enemy is” moment.
in both the book and movie there are small attempts at humanizing Cato shortly before his death, pointing us back to the Capitol as the real enemy as we’re reminded that this is also just a scared child. however, I think the book does this much more effectively than the movie.
here’s our Cato humanization arc in the book: when Thresh kills Clove she’s crying out for Cato to help her and he runs to her, reminding Katniss of when Marvel was killing Rue and she called out for Katniss. As Clove is dying, Cato is holding her and begging her to stay with him, mirroring Katniss and Peeta’s interactions and reminding Katniss that the two of them were also a team and could have gone home together. she also revisits this during their victory tour stop in D2. it’s unclear whether there was a romance between the two of them or if he just wants to hold on to his teammate and link to home, but we see him crying over her. then, when they are outrunning the mutts, Cato asks Katniss and Peeta if the mutts can climb once they’ve made it on top of the cornucopia. she has the thought that he’s just a scared kid like them. he reverts to his scary self for a moment while threatening to kill Peeta, then after he falls he turns back into a miserable child as the mutts torture him until he finally begs Katniss to mercy kill him. his death also haunts her more than almost anyone else’s for the remainder of the series.
here’s his movie humanization arc: at the very end when he’s threatening to kill Peeta he seems to have a small breakdown and starts yelling stuff like “that’s what THEY want” at the sky, presumably referring to the capitol. and I just don’t think this works as well because it’s too little and too much at the same time. the last time we saw him he was snapping the neck of district 3’s kid. he doesn’t come to clove’s aid. he doesn’t climb the cornucopia with them, rather he’s waiting to ambush them at the top. he goes straight from ruthless robot to crying puppet the second he grabs Peeta, and then he starts ranting and yelling at the capitol in a way that would certainly get him (if he survived) or his family (since he doesn’t) punished. we have had no small moments reminding us he’s just a kid, and then we have one big moment that would have too many consequences in universe and that kind of makes Katniss seem heartless since it seems to have no affect on her and she kills him immediately after. I just think it’s a missed opportunity to make it clear who the enemy of the series is and isn’t.
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kit-kat-katie · 1 year
Come Back Home
A/N: As an unapologetic Clove stan, I'm happy to write something for her. I'm thinking about writing for Glimmer too, but idk, we'll see ;)
TW: Fluff if you disregard what happens in the first book :), weapons, fighting
Pairing: Clove Kentwell x Reader (implied romantic)
Summary: As the 74th Hunger Games approaches, you train with Clove to prepare her for what's to come. When The Reaping occurs, Clove makes a promise that you can only hope that she's able to keep.
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It wasn't fair.
She was better with close-range combat and could put you on the ground in under a minute.
You were better with long-ranged combat - spears, bows, and anything that could deal damage from a range was your bread and butter.
Still, you try to look as menacing as possible as you stand toe-to-toe with Clove Kentwell. You know you'll get your ass kicked, but you might as well put on a good show, right?
A whistle blows, and she's the first to charge at you. You quickly step aside as you find yourself playing defense - your first mistake.
You nearly step off of the mat as you dodge another swing from her. A vicious smile sits on her face as you realize that you've somehow managed to get yourself into a corner - your second mistake.
Your third and final mistake was trying to do something instead of bracing for impact. You attempted to tackle her, but she quickly moved aside as you came crashing to the ground.
You roll over before Clove climbs on top of you. You feel the heat rise to your cheek as she pulls a fake knife from her training uniform.
You pretend to be in pain as she stabs your upper torso, and you stick your tongue out and play dead as she gets off of you.
You hear her laugh as you tilt your head to her.
"You're an idiot, you know." She says before offering you a hand up.
You nod before taking her hand.
"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."
Hand-in-hand, you and Clove make your way to the Reaping - the place where Clove will have the honor of being District 2's female tribute in the 74th Hunger Games. There was no guarantee that she'd be reaped, but she was given the right to volunteer by fighting her way up the ranks.
"You good?" You softly ask before squeezing her hand.
"I'm okay. I'll just miss home, that's all."
"Not me?" You take offense at her statement as she scoffs.
"You're a part of my home, so I'll miss you most of all."
You bite your lip as you approach the Peacekeepers, and you let go of her hand.
"I'll be watching you." You warmly smile at her before giving her a quick hug.
A cocky smile rests on her face.
"I know. All of Panem will be there too."
You don't think the escort can fully read the name out of the ladies' bowl before Clove volunteers. Full of energy and life, she bounces up to the stage and takes Cato's hand. The crowd goes wild, with you included, and the 74th Hunger Games are going to commence with Cato and Clove in them.
You're silent as the Peacekeepers escort you inside of a small room. You see Clove say goodbye to her family before turning to you.
"I'm so proud of you." You softly mumble before giving her a tighter hug. "I'll miss you while you're gone."
"I'll be back, I promise." Clove lets go before taking your hands in hers.
"Come back home safe, alright?" You blink away the tears in your eyes as she silently nods.
"I will."
You embrace her again before letting go for good.
"Oh, and one last thing-"
You give her a quick peck on the cheek, which causes a small blush to appear on her face.
"-a good luck charm for my favorite tribute."
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laurageto · 10 months
Destiny's Knot Chp2 Gojo დ
trigger warning; this story contains hardcore smut, death and childbirth
Your father, mother and grandfather had quickly ushered you into the black vehicle parked outside the front of your home. You didn't recognise the car, it definitely wasn't one of your families.
You clung to your mother's arm as she slid into the seat next to you. It was unusual for you to be so attached to her, she was never around. You'd gotten used to the ever changing list of nannies that dressed you, fed you and taught you.
The only real time you ever spent with any family was Jujutsu training with your grandfather.
The drive wasn't a long one, maybe fifteen minutes tops. You spent the journey counting the illuminated street lamps, it was evening so the delicate glow of amber lights reminded you of the pixies you'd read about in fairytales.
Your daydreaming was disturbed by the abrupt halt of the car.
You'd arrived.
The cold evening air sent goosebumps rippling across your body, you hugged your arms around your chest defensively. The minka in front of you was just as intimidating as your own.
The wooden beams on the outside were stained a deep maroon with a giant wooden veranda encompassing the entire property. The faint sound of bamboo windchimes could be heard in the breeze alongside the gentle trickle of water.. there must of been a stream near by.
The front door of the minka opened before your family had made it up the pathway, flooding the front yard with light. You raised your arm abruptly, shielding your eyes whilst trying to take a look at the stranger.
"Ahhh Master Tatsuya, welcome! And your wonderful family, please come in".
The man at the front door was tall and slim, his hair icy white and his eyes the most entrancing shade of cerulean you'd ever seen. He wore a navy velvet kimono with a black satin tie at the waist.
All you could think about was one thing.
This man looked like your family.
This man looked just like how you imagined Rin to look from your mother's stories.
You followed your mother into the house, finding yourself clinging to her side for the second time that day.
The home was absolutely spotless, every item of furniture had been placed meticulously and had it's purpose.
You entered the main living area where the strange man offered you all a seat on the couch.
"So.. this is the famous Y/n Tatsuya?" He beamed at you with a beautiful smile.
"Well my name is Haru Gojo" he held his hand out to you. You glanced to your mother nervously, she nodded in approval so you took his hand in yours and shook in gently.
"Miss y/n you have quite the reputation. Not only are you the first born female with a dragon, but you have three. Isn't that right?"
You smiled eagerly at the mention of your dragons. "Yes! Cyrax, Caraxes and Catos. My parents thought I was going to be a boy because girls never get dragons! But I got three and.." Haru chuckled at the passion exuding from you.
"Y/n.. that's enough now" your mother muttered in hushed tones. You trailed off and bowed your head down apologetically. "Sorry Gojo-san". He held his hands up "No no, you have nothing to apologise for"
Just as Haru Gojo finished his sentence, a petite blonde woman entered the room with a boy to her side. Haru turned to face the pair and beckoned them over. The woman, who you automatically assumed was the boys mother looked much more normal than the rest of the household. Her hair was fair but no where near as brilliant ivory as Haru or the young boys. Her face was soft and round, she radiated an auror of kindness.
The boy sat beside his father, you looked back and forth between the two, they were exact doubles of eachother. The youngster stared at you intently, his eyes narrowing and his mouth unmoving. Those eyes though, like nothing you'd ever seen before.
"Y/n, I'd like you to meet Satoru Gojo"
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ruvviks · 11 months
failure, ghost and monster for vincent, cato and eddie 👀👀
oc asks!
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FAILURE: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
to cato herself, her greatest failure is not realizing one of her squadmates was betraying kang tao. she still believes she should've seen it somehow because then kang tao wouldn't have had to hunt her and the rest of the squad down at all; to her it feels like she let down the rest of her squad, her friends, and they're all most likely dead now because of it
she hasn't been able to let go of any of it yet and mostly doesn't talk to people about any of it either, not wanting to bother them with it. she does eventually end up asking vitali for more help, which he of course is more than willing to do
GHOST: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
cato is still haunted by her old squadmates from kang tao and it will probably take another while before she will be able to let them go. she still often finds herself thinking of a funny remark to say in response to something that one of them would've liked, or ends up buying lunch for herself and one of her squadmates completely on autopilot when in the store. it's been years at this point but because she's never allowed herself to fully work through any of it, they're still a pretty big part of her life even when she doesn't fully realize this herself
MONSTER: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
cato is not monstrous in any way. her alignment with kang tao could be seen as monstrous by some but all she ever wanted to do was to be able to provide security to people who needed it; nothing more, nothing less
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FAILURE: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
eddie doesn't really have any big failures in his life. some people could say that his failed marriage is one, but to eddie it's not necessarily all that failed since they're still on speaking terms with their ex and they have shared custody of their daughter
GHOST: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
eddie isn't much of an overthinker but his way into the mercenary life is still something that haunts him a little bit. i still haven't gotten the detes of the situation down entirely but he had never killed anyone before that and then suddenly found himself with a dead body at his feet and while he acted entirely out of self defense and it was unavoidable, he can't get it out of his head
MONSTER: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
eddie is also not monstrous at all they're a sweetheart <3
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FAILURE: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
to vincent, his greatest failure is allowing t-bug and jackie to die. he still blames himself for their deaths and feels like it could've all been so easily prevented and he will never stop beating himself up for it
he also sees him losing contact with his siblings as a failure because he misses them a lot :( he wouldn't know how to get back in touch with them and thus hasn't done that yet, but there's something i got planned for the timeline that will get him back with his family soon enough >:^)
GHOST: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
vincent is still haunted by the memories of t-bug and jackie, but he's also haunted by johnny in a way. he still has the man's voice in his head, and it's definitely not johnny anymore but it feels like it's him to vincent. his friends would definitely be aware of that but it's very difficult to talk to him about it because he doesn't want to hear about the possibility of it not being johnny; he's scared of the voice going away and the silence in his head can be so overwhelming at times
MONSTER: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
vincent often thinks of himself as a monster because of several of his friends being dead and he blames himself for it, but really he is a little guy. look at him. that's not a monster that's a sweet little angel boy with crippling anxiety. he needs a nap
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Which The Hunger Games characters :
1. Do you relate the most?
2. Do you think missunderstood by fandom?
3. Do you want to know better?
Please give reasons for your answers. And you can pick more than one character for each question.
Thank you :)
So, totally forgot this was here! My bad!
Okay, let's go:
Hmh I think who I relate to the most has always been...on some level everyone, but mostly Peeta. I have felt that feeling of wanting nothing else but to be myself, who I am and not have to compromise or change for others around me. I've felt that desire for beauty and peace. Though, Katniss and her anger and confusion is also something I have felt and relate to so much as well. Even more so when I read the books the first time. So, Peeta but also Katniss too.
The easy one is Gale, and yes. A lot of people sorely misunderstand him as this heartless jerk and yea. That is a very wrong reading of him. But I will also say I think Haymitch is also misunderstood a lot too, as anyone who says he didn't love Katniss and Peeta, and wasn't doing the best he could for them given the little control he had over everything is missing the mark on him as well, I think.
Ohh SO many. Peeta plain and simple. I'd love to specifically know more about his family, as it almost feels intentionally left out. ut also his recovery, too. Johanna is also HIGH on the list of characters I'd love to know more about. Coin as well. Delly, Madge, Cato and either of the gamemakers even.
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calofhearting · 1 year
[Interrogation] Is that so? We have reason to believe that your twin brother's passing may have deeply impacted you. He would understand the sacrifice given that he was a volunteer, unlike you.
Confusion flooded her features. Of course, she had been impacted by Cato's death. What kind of person wouldn't be? It had been so hard for Calista. It still was. She was sure that she would miss her brother for the rest of her life. But what did it matter to the Capitol? How did her grief for her brother get turned into her not being able to understand the sacrifice that he had made when he volunteered? Of course, Calista wished that Cato was still here and that he had never volunteered, but that was the selfish part of her. And she had never said those words out loud. How could they even know that she had ever had those thoughts?
"I mean...of course, it's impacted me. I miss my brother every day. But that doesn't mean that I participated in treason! You are right, my brother's death was a sacrifice, and participating in treason would make his sacrifice for nothing! I'm proud of my brother. He made it to the final three of the Hunger Games. I grieve for him, but that doesn't make me a traitor!"
Do you think your family would vouch for your innocence, Miss Hearting? Word on the street is you've become soft with the games.
Would her family say that she was innocent? She couldn't imagine what her mother would say if they came to her home back in Two and told her parents that she had been deemed a traitor. She would be mortified to think that a Hearting could be a traitor to Panem. Her heart started to race at the thought. And her father...he had already lost so much, losing Cato. Would losing her kill him? Or would he be expecting it? Calista knew that he thought that she was weak, would he be glad to be rid of her?
What would they do to her if they decided that she was a traitor? Would they cut off her tongue and turn her into an Avox? Calista felt like she couldn't breathe. The Capitol knew that she was soft, but was that treasonous? She did everything that she was supposed to. She said all of the things that her family had taught her to say, and she watched the Games. She did! Calista had dutifully watched as the mutts had torn Cato apart, sobbing all the while, but she hadn't run to her room to hide.
"My family would say that I am loyal," Calista finally said, her voice soft. "I know that I am weak where Cato was strong. I don't know why that is. I never volunteered because the Academy deemed me unfit for it. They didn't want to waste resources on someone who was not going to be able to handle it. But I do my duty to Panem in other ways. I watch the Hunger Games every year and I celebrate the sacrifices that our tributes give to Panem. If that makes me a traitor then I don't know what I can do differently to convince you that I am not a traitor. I knew nothing about the treason that happened at the Quarter Quell. My family knew nothing. I still know nothing."
We have your brother's autopsy results. Have you seen them? Well we actually just have the photos here today. Maybe seeing them will remind you just of what the girl on fire is capable of, and how the rebels are not meant to be trusted.
Horror bloomed on her face when the interrogator pulled out the sealed envelope. Cato had been in such bad shape that they had advised a closed casket service for him. Calista hadn't wanted to see her brother like...that. The mess of a body that had been returned to her wasn't her brother. She preferred to think of her brother as the strong man that he was when they sent him off to the Games. It had been terrible enough seeing it on the screen, she hadn't wanted to see him in person. Calista thought that her father had looked inside the casket, but he had never spoken of it. Calista knew that they could do miracles for the victors in the Games, but they didn't afford that same honor to the fallen tributes.
Not even ones as spectacular as Cato had been.
Tears rolled down her cheeks and she felt like she was going to have a panic attack as the man pulled the photographs from the envelope. He laid them down in front of Calista and she couldn't look away. Her brother...Cato. The images were grotesque and if Calista didn't know that it was Cato she wouldn't have believed them. But there was the outfit that Cato had been wearing in the end. She could see hints of blonde hair. But that was all that resembled her brother.
Maybe seeing them will remind you just of what the girl on fire is capable of, and how the rebels are not meant to be trusted.
Did they know about her interaction with Peeta at the start of the Games? They couldn't know that she had wanted to thank Katniss for taking Cato out of his misery, and for ending the Capitol's torture. They couldn't know.
Calista knew deep down that Katniss had not done this to Cato. It had been the Capitol that had doomed her brother to that death. But she had been in this interrogation room for hours, with question after question, under the bright fluorescent lights, with no food or water and she was feeling so turned around. Everything was swimming in her head; all of their questions and demands. She didn't know which way was up and which way was down. And there was the picture of Cato's mangled body on the table, right in front of her. She couldn't look away from it even though she desperately wanted to.
"I don't know her, I swear. I never spoke to Katniss Everdeen. She killed my brother, what would I have to say to her? I don't trust the rebels, I support Panem. Why don't you believe me? I just want to go home."
The sobs that had been building up finally broke through, and Calista finally broke down, putting her head in her hands as the sobs wracked through her body.
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catohphm · 2 years
Happy holidays, Cato!
A holiday prompt for you!: Snowball fight!
[ellie-e-marcovitz ☺️]
Hi @ellie-e-marcovitz! Thanks for the prompt! It's been a few days but I managed to pull something together! I ended going an extra mile and worked it into a nice light-hearted story set in my friend and mutual @ariparri's wonderful Cardverse AU! This fic is set during Cato's childhood in the AU. It's been a fun time brainstorming and writing out this short story, so I hope all you guys enjoy it! 😊
Helena, Jacob, Olivia, and Alessandro Durazzo belong to another mutual and friend of mine, @helenadurazzo.
Snowballs Across the Stream
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Back in a simpler time, the Ace and Jack of Clubs were only just youngsters. Growing up in the upper class of the kingdom, they enjoyed their childhoods with little to no cares. Cato and Helena grew up together. They went to the same school and visited each other's houses with their parents.
One winter, Cato's mother and father, Reilly and Freddie, went away to attend the annual Passion Ball in the Kingdom of Hearts. They dropped off their sons, Cato and Alex, at the Durazzos' home before catching their train. Olivia and Alessandro Durazzo, Helena's parents, were longtime family friends of the Reeses. They were trusted to look after Cato and Alex while their mum and dad were away.
The morning after his parents departed, Cato sat at the Durazzos' dinner table, eating breakfast with them. Jacob and Alex had woken up and eaten early to hunt for the family's supper later in the day. Cato glanced up from his meal and frowned.
"What's the matter sweetie?" Olivia spoke up "You look sad."
"I asked Mum and Dad if I could go to the ball with them. They said no." Cato answered in a melancholic tone.
"I'm sure the ball would've been very fun for you, Cato. But mum and dad are adults. They're allowed to go away and have fun once in a while." Olivia explained. 
"Yeah. They told me that before they left. I have a hard time cause…" Cato paused for a second "I miss my mom and dad.'
Olivia nodded understandingly "I know it's hard. Me and Alessandro miss our kids when we have to be somewhere."
"That's right. We have to go to work everyday but that doesn't mean we love our Helena and Jacob any less." Alessandro added.
Helena, who was sitting beside Cato, looked at him and laid her hand on his shoulder. She nodded "We'll have fun together, Cato." He smiled and felt better.
"I have known your mum before you and Helena were born, sweetheart." Olivia told Cato. "We're part of your family too. Me, Alessandro and Helena."
"You're always welcome in our home, Cato. If you want to come over, just let your mum and dad know. Of course, we come to see you sometimes too."
Cato was happy. "It's much better here with you all."
After breakfast was over, Olivia pointed towards the window.
"The weather's clear and it's piled up with snow." She commented. 
Alessandro chuckled "Perhaps enough for a couple snowballs?"
An idea flew into his wife. "How about a snowball fight, Cato and Helena?" 
"Sure!" He said. "I can find a spot in the woods where we can play." Helena offered.
"Please don't forget to dress warmly, and be careful. It's cold out there!" Olivia told her daughter and Cato in a worried tone. "Actually, I'm giving both of you only 15 minutes before I come and get you both before one of you freezes. Is that okay?"
Both of the kids nodded and left the table to get ready.
Now layered up, Helena led Cato through the grounds of her parents' property looking for a place for them to throw snowballs. In a couple minutes, she found a small running stream in the woods with piles of snow. "We can throw snowballs here!" she said in an eager tone.
"I'll be set up across the stream." Cato said.
"Please don't run, Cato." Helena replied. 
Walking briskly, he took a moment to psych himself up before leaping across the water. "I'm good! You ready Helena?" 
"Ready when you are, Cato! You get the first throw!" She hollered back.
In a makeshift game of tennis, the kids were exchanging snowballs at each other, the stream taking the place of the net. The only thing different was that a hit, instead of a dodge, was a score.
Cato and Helena's game lasted around 10 minutes. The person who scored the most hits once the match was over won. They were both skilled at snowball fighting. When she landed her fourth snowball on Cato, he was knocked to the ground.
Helena jumped the stream and went to check if her best friend was alright. "You okay, Cato?"
He grinned and gave her a thumbs up. "I sure am. Just got knocked down, that's all." She was glad to hear this.
Olivia came up to the stream calling their names. "That's fifteen minutes! Time's up kids!"
"That's my mum!" Helena helped Cato up. She led him over the stream where they met Olivia. 
"I hope you both had fun. Who won?" She asked.
"I got him four times." Helena replied. "Three points on my side." Cato added. 
"So that makes Helena the winner." Olivia hugged her daughter. "Congratulations, dear!"
Their hug lasted for only two seconds before Helena turned to Cato and gave him a hug too. "You still did really good, Cato!" 
"It's okay to lose, sweetheart." Olivia chimed.
Cato replied "I'm just glad the snowball fight was fun!" Helena felt the same. "Me too."
"How about we go back inside and get warm, kids? I've got hot chocolate and cookies baking." Olivia said.
As they went with her, she and Helena whispered. Helena then told Cato "Since I won the game, my mum wants you to taste the cookies for her." He laughed "I'd be glad to!"
Olivia remarked "That sounds great! Let's go in and get comfy." Cato and Helena together shouted "Yeah!"
The three walked back to the Durazzo house, their arms huddled together for warmth.
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