#miss your content it's so goooood
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(7/?) little donghun moments because i miss him ©
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
The Arrangement
Din Djarin x F!Reader
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Summary: You entered into an arrangement with Mando find some physical relief from the monotony of hyperspace as you travel through the galaxy together as a formidable team of bounty hunters. When you did so, there were three clear rules: that it would not impact your professional relationship, that there were no strings attached and most importantly of all: that Mando would never, ever remove his helmet.
When you carelessly let your emotions get the better of you and undermine those rules, you fear you have lost the man who means everything to you and discover that you miss much more than merely the physical encounters…
Word Count:  7.1k ✯ Rating:  Explicit 18+ MDNI ✯ Content Warnings: Smut, light angst, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex. ✯ Author's Note: Well, this was by far the spiciest thing I have ever written and I hope you like it! I get the urge to write smut very occasionally and it was actually pretty fun to explore this side of a relationship with Din. Thanks to the lovely @decembermidnight for helping me out with this one and encouraging me through it! Very much a "Goooood Anakin, gooooood," dynamic. Nervous about posting this one so I'm going to run and hide now but hope you enjoyed it! :)
✯ My Masterlist ✯ Read on AO3 ✯
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As you lie forlornly on your bunk, isolating yourself further from the man who has already put distance between the two of you, you rue the day you ever allowed yourself to enter into an arrangement with such an elusive man. You think back to all the moments you have shared since your paths first crossed, reminiscing over each one of your encounters. 
Tonight is not the first night you chastise yourself for allowing yourself to become entangled with a Mandalorian; far from it. 
Since you and Mando first started sleeping together, there have been frequent occasions when you have regretted the day that you gave into your desires and ever allowed yourself to end up underneath him, especially since he is so reclusive and aloof by nature. His reserved nature occasionally frustrates you, though you have always successfully hidden that. Well, almost always. 
Mando’s withdrawn, quiet nature began as an attractive trait. His stoic, quiet nature first drew you to him as a business partner. 
Except, now you have become something more to each other, such a trait prevents you from knowing him entirely. 
And, boy, do you want to know him entirely. 
Unfortunately, it seems as though you never will. A fact that you are painfully aware of now Mando cannot even stand to be in the same room as you. He is always hiding away in the cockpit. 
You are frustrated at yourself for ever allowing yourself to feel so deeply for him. 
What started as a casual arrangement is undeniably something more to you now. He means something more to you now. The man whose presence you cannot bear to be without. The man whose absence creates a great cavernous void in your chest that feels overwhelming. 
The arrangement between you and Mando started as a physical release for you. A way to scratch an itch. With no strings attached, the arrangement was merely a way of passing time as you hurtled through hyperspace to collect the next bounty. 
You were instantly attracted to Mando since you first glanced at him in the Cantina on Nevarro. With his broad shoulders, narrow waist and imposing form, it was impossible to tear your eyes away from him when he strode in. Even though mostly hidden beneath his armour, you were certain he was gorgeous. 
Then you heard him speak.
Maker. His voice. So deep. His tone was so even, including when he was frustrated by the conversation with the head of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild on Nevarro. Even in the face of adversity, Mando kept his composure. The hulking warrior seemed so composed, so certain. His voice was calm and steady. 
As a fellow member of The Guild, you were unable to resist the tempting urge to eavesdrop on his conversation with Greef Karga. You heard all about how Mando was struggling to afford the interest on paying off the ridiculous loan he had taken to buy the antiquated Razor Crest. You discovered he was having increasing difficulty covering the fuel that the old girl guzzled. After hearing about his predicament, an idea formed in your head.
It was rare for two members of The Guild to collaborate in such a way. After all, Mando should have been your competition. Something about him was drawing you to him, though. You felt compelled towards him, as though some invisible Force was pushing you together. 
You proposed an arrangement to him. 
In return for keeping the credits from your jobs, this mysterious Mandalorian would provide transport, lodgings and fuel in his ship. Considering it was an offer to have one of the best Bounty Hunters in the parsec come aboard his ship, you knew it was an offer he could not refuse. Sure enough, Mando accepted. 
You had been together ever since.
At first, the arrangement was strictly business. You both kept yourselves to yourselves. Never prying into the other’s affairs.
However, after a couple of months spent traversing the galaxy together, there was a shift in your dynamic.
It turned out that two people existing together in a confined space with only each other to converse with to break the monotony of endless hyperspace lanes would find conversation and, eventually, friendship in each other. Despite their best efforts to avoid such a dynamic. 
While friendship blossomed, so did other feelings. 
You had never been able to deny your attraction to Mando to yourself. Pretty soon, you could not even deny it to him. Not when he asked you outright after imbibing one too many flagons of spotchka. 
The first night you slept together was after a particularly heavy night of drinking at a seedy Cantina next to the shipyards of Corellia. There had been an unavoidable tension in the air that night. The alcohol had only enhanced your existing attraction towards each other to the point where it was no longer possible to ignore. The booze finally gave you the courage to vocalise them. 
The tension which lingered in the air all evening was only magnified when you finally staggered back to the Razor Crest. It was practically suffocating being so close to him in that old ship. 
In hoping that you would quickly fall into Mando’s bunk alongside him, you had vastly underrated the meticulousness of your business partner. 
Even in your inebriated states, he had taken the time to lay out the ground rules. Despite how desperate you were for him, every inch of you aflame, Mando had insisted on setting some boundaries before your first time together. 
Firstly, he insisted that sleeping together should not get in the way of your professional relationship. Mando would not give you favourable rates or discounts, nor would he expect them from you, just because you were sleeping together. He made it abundantly clear that, at any time, either of you could back out. The end of the arrangement would not impact your life together.
Secondly, there were no strings attached. No feelings. No declarations of love were wanted nor expected. Ideally, no emotions at all; this was strictly a physical relationship. You were to enjoy each other’s bodies and bring each other pleasure, but that did not necessarily mean that feelings ran any deeper than merely enjoying the way he relentlessly pounded into you, night after night, as you soared through the stars together. 
Thirdly, and most importantly to Mando: the armour stayed on. All of it. Including the helmet. You were never, under any circumstances, to question this rule. You were never to attempt to remove any of his armour. If you did, it would not only terminate your physical arrangement with Mando. But your professional one, too.
You were so desperate to finally relieve the tension that had been simmering for months that you were more than happy to agree to terms. 
You did not regret your decision for even a moment once Mando ended up in the bunk with you.
In allowing your desire for him to win out, you discovered that he was a skilled lover, even with the limitations of his armour. You could not touch him, see his face or feel his mouth, but he made it work. He always ensured you came first, knowing exactly how to please you.  
Your encounters with Mando were a way to blow off steam, a release you both craved. It broke up journeys and brought you closer together. Your professional lives went from strength to strength. You were attuned to each other’s bodies. With each encounter, it felt as though you were slowly becoming one.
Even if you feared catching feelings for Mando, you always consoled yourself that it would never amount to anything. You were sure he did not feel for you in that way.
Whenever you doubted the arrangement, you thought about how the positives far outweighed the negatives. After all, keeping your sexual encounters in-house, so to speak, was a far safer option than putting yourselves in such a vulnerable position, entirely at the behest of others. Your reputation as a formidable bounty-hunting team preceded you throughout the galaxy. You were certain that there would be no shortage of people who would be keen to seduce you and Mando for their benefit.
The arrangement was perfect for both of you. It satisfied your carnal desires. 
At least, at first, it did. 
The closer you grew to Mando, the more your lives became intertwined, the more difficult it was to respect how strongly he felt about keeping himself covered when you slept together. 
To begin with, Mando only took his cock out of the confines of his flightsuit. His armour remained on, digging into your skin. The various plates of his armour colliding roughly with your skin was a sensation you did not mind one bit, especially the touch of his cool beskar on your flushed skin. 
Although you were entirely naked before him, with every inch of your skin displayed. At first, Mando did not even remove his gloves.
During those early encounters, you would barely even touch him. Fearful of being scolded, of ruining what you had. He often took you from behind, pounding into you after he bent you over the crates or the edge of his bunk. Sometimes on the cockpit's dashboard itself, if you were particularly desperate for each other and could not make it down the ladder to your bunk.
Still, the more you and Mando got intimate with one another, the more desperate you were to reach the man below. 
When he finally allowed you to ride him as he sat on the red leather seat of the cockpit, your ass brushing against the cool metal of his thigh plates, you took your chance.
You frantically pushed through the coarse material of his cowl and moved the material which guarded his neck so you could place your lips upon the soft, golden skin you discovered there. 
Mando did not seem to mind, never pushing you away. 
It became a ritual whenever you slept together. You, delighting as you sucked marks that no one else would be able to see, while Mando groaned and praised you. 
You knew the marks were just between the two of you, for your eyes only. Still, their presence nonetheless gave you a thrill in the days afterwards. Especially, when you saw him interacting with others. To know that you had marked him. You had claimed him as yours.
It was a heady prospect that this formidable Mandalorian warrior had been reduced to a whimpering mess by your lips, by such a simple act. He had allowed you to claim him. 
It was also a dangerous prospect… to think of him as yours.
You did not dwell on it for too long, however. 
After that first time you desperately sought out his skin as you rode him in the cockpit, something shifted deep within Mando. 
That small action had clearly awakened some previously untouched feelings in him. The next time you slept together Mando allowed you to remove his flightsuit. You had not acknowledged this shift or dared to believe that it could mean that he held any deeper feelings for you than the lust and desperation borne out of your encounters. 
Still, from that day forth, rather than just taking his impressive length out and nothing else, he would undress himself and wait for you on the bunk, clad in nothing but his helmet. 
It was a sign of ultimate trust. Of vulnerability from a man who you knew rarely allowed himself to feel such an emotion. 
Now you lie here despondently at the knowledge that you have ruined everything. 
Your heart constricts as you remember how close you and Mando once had been. How much you had trusted each other. Entirely. Unquestioningly.
Those times seem so distant now.
Now that you and Mando have stopped speaking. 
Since your last encounter more than a week ago, which happened in the aftermath of a particularly stressful job on the forest planet where you had collected your latest bounty, he has not said a word to you. 
Mando has been completely ignoring your existence… and you have a pretty good idea as to the reason why. 
In fact, as you think back to your most recent encounter, turning over the thoughts in your mind once again, you are certain of the moment you ruined everything…
You had barely made it to the bunk, so desperate for each other after spending days camped out in the undergrowth. Dirt still clung to your pores, invading every crease of your body. There had been no opportunity to use the sonic. You were preoccupied with loading up the bounty, as Mando started the Razor Crest’s launch sequence. Despite your dishevelled, filthy appearance, Mando did not seem to mind. He initiated another encounter without hesitation. 
Your condition seemed to unlock something primal within him when you bore yourself to him, traces of dirt on your skin. The musky scent of the forest planet clung to him as he bared his hulking form to you after stripping out of his flightsuit. He was feral, desperate for you as he pounded into you at a merciless pace. Mando moaned loudly and chanted your name as though it were a sacred prayer until he finished with one long growl of your name in his deep, gravelly voice that strained under each syllable.
In the aftermath, as you lay on his strong chest, you allowed your mind to wander. You wondered what the man beneath the helmet looked like. Whether he was as attractive as the rest of his body suggested. His body was firm and toned without being overwhelmingly muscular. There was a softness to his belly and chest you appreciated. A physique more than appropriate for a man of his age. 
You ached to move your hands beneath his helmet, tracing his features with your fingers so that you may see him in the only way possible for you to do so. To catch the vaguest of glimpses of the man who had brought you so much pleasure over the last few months. 
Still blissed out from your multiple orgasms and barely comprehending the gravity of your words and how dangerously close to the line you were stepping, you said something which you wished you could take back almost as soon as the words were out of your mouth. 
“I wish I could see your face when you moan my name, Mando,” you sighed as you lay there in the afterglow. 
The shift was immediate. You felt Mando tense beneath you. Your comment had unsettled him. The guilt was immediate.
“Wait, Mando,” you quickly added, your blood ran cold as you realised your carelessness, “I wasn’t asking you to remove it… I was just thinking out loud. Please, Mando, I…”
Your words were cut off when he shuffled out from beneath you, disentangling himself from your limbs that had been entwined ever since you collapsed in a heap of breathless satisfaction after your latest encounter.
Without uttering a single word to you, you heard Mando’s heavy footsteps echo throughout the metallic hull and disappear into the fresher to finally wash the grime from his body. 
When he finally exited, you attempted to apologise to him one more time. Unfortunately, he was thoroughly uninterested in anything you had to say. You stood before him, the threadbare blanket from the bunk wrapped around you, pleading for mercy. A formidable bounty hunter reduced to a trembling wreck, begging for Mando's forgiveness. Mando did not respond to anything you said. Instead, he immediately excused himself while mumbling about checking the hyperdrive generator. 
Throughout the last few miserable days, you have distracted yourself from the uneasy atmosphere which hangs heavy in the ship by thoroughly polishing each one of your blasters and thinking back to happier times. 
Like the time when Mando stripped himself from his flightsuit for the first time and allowed you to finally see him almost entirely. As entirely as you ever would.
The way his taut, toned flesh felt underneath your fingers as you traced each ridge of his muscles with delicate, tentative fingers. His sweaty skin slapped against yours, an obscene noise which reverberated throughout the rest of the ship.
As you lie back on your bunk, you cannot help your fingers trailing down your abdomen. Lower and lower until they reach between your thighs. 
You are stunned by how wet you are before you have even touched yourself, so turned on by merely the memories of Mando.
You gather your wetness with your fingers before you begin moving them in a circular motion over your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
You think back to that first time you laid eyes upon Mando. His impressive physique. The way he picked up the pace to fuck you even harder when you raked your nails down his flesh. Moaning and grunting into your neck as you left marks down his broad back. 
You remember the unmistakable scent of sex that lingered in the air afterwards, amplified by the fact there were now two bare bodies during your encounters, not just one. It was almost overwhelming to your senses, the scent of him. So masculine and musky. So Mando.
You groan at the memory, clenching around nothing. You feel so empty, desperate to feel the delicious burn as Mando’s thick cock stretches you and reaches parts of you never filled before. You slide two fingers inside yourself and begin thrusting out. Although it satisfies the ache, it pales in comparison to the fullness and completeness you feel whenever Mando snaps his hips forward and thrusts into you in one fluid motion. 
You try to remember how he felt, pathetically imagining that your fingers are in any way comparable to his touch. To his length. It is the best you are going to get, for now.
Your nipples pebble and tighten beneath the thin cotton shirt you wear. The material provides some friction, but nothing as satisfying as when Mando would roll them between his thumb and forefinger, causing you to throw your head back in ecstasy. Still, you moan at the memory, continuing to thrust your fingers inside of you with one hand while the other massages your clit. 
“Mando,” you gasp when you pick the pace up. 
Both hands and your fingers working in tandem still are nowhere near as satisfying as even one of Mando’s thick, calloused digits. 
“Kriff, Mando!” you yell as your legs begin trembling.
You are so close now. That familiar feeling builds somewhere deep inside of you. A coil tightening, ready to release. 
A familiar voice behind you, tone full of concern, “Are you okay? I heard–” followed by a gasp of surprise and hastily retreating footsteps kills the mood instantly.
“Sith hells!” you exclaim, annoyed to have been interrupted when you were so close to climax.
That frustrated feeling soon gives way to embarrassment as you realise that Mando probably heard you from all the way up in the cockpit. He has spent much of his time up there, only descending the ladder to use the fresher or prepare himself rations. Even then, he usually only comes down when he can hear that you have sealed yourself into your bunk for the night. 
You must have called his name far louder than you had realised in the throes of passion. You wonder how you will ever face him again. You pull your pants up and step out of the bunk, keen to at least attempt to converse with the stubborn buckethead. 
Fortunately, you do not have to wait long. Mando soon emerges from the fresher. There is an awkward silence. He stands there, clad in his flightsuit and helmet, clenching and unclenching his gloved fists at his sides repeatedly. It is a mannerism you recognise well, usually seen when he is trying to size up a target or decide his next move. Is that how he sees you—as prey?!
“Mando,” you breathe, “Please, can we talk?”
Mando does not move a muscle. He stands perfectly still, at full height. A looming, intimidating presence in the darkness of the hull. 
“Look, I know I upset you the other day,” you begin, sincerely laying out your feelings and hoping that he comprehends how remorseful you are. “I’m so sorry, Mando. Please believe me. I know what I said was thoughtless, but I wasn’t thinking. I would never expect you to take your helmet off for me. I know how much being a Mandalorian means to you. I would never try to come between you and your Creed,” you promise.
You briefly pause, searching Mando’s body language for the smallest clue as to his feelings. Unfortunately, he is so used to hiding his emotions from the rest of the galaxy that you cannot glean even a crumb of information.
“I miss you, Mando,” you sigh, “And not just like that!” you hastily add, hoping that he does not think your apology is in any way related to the compromising position he just caught you in. 
Mando remains perfectly still. It’s progress, at least. He has not retreated. You take that as a sign to continue. 
“I miss the nights we spent together in the cockpit, sharing memories of our past and discussing our hopes for the future. The way you would always make sure there was a warm cup of caf for me each morning when I finally hauled myself from the bunk. You were always so eager to rise, while I have never been a morning person,” you smile fondly, attempting to fight the tears that have suddenly pooled on your waterline. “Remember when you showed me each of your weapons? Showing me just how you liked them polished and ordered. Somewhere along the way, they became our arsenal, Mando. Our weapons are together in the locker, side-by-side. Just like us.”
You finally get the first clue of the impact your words are having on Mando when his broad shoulders rise and fall. The shaky breath he takes is amplified by his vocoder. Reminiscing has left him emotional on some level, too. It’s a positive sign. You make headway with it.
“I will forever be grateful for the day I overheard that conversation with Karga in that Cantina on Nevarro. Even though I used to curse this ship after I first came aboard, I think it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Without it and the loan you took out to cover costs, you would never have required someone else. I know…” you sigh, choosing your next words carefully as you are painfully aware that you are likely going to come dangerously close to overstepping another boundary. “I know that you do not always take kindly to strangers, Mando. I know that you have been alone for so long that you have probably forgotten what it feels like to be with someone else. But what we had was something special. I miss that. I miss us, Mando.”
Mando’s helmet falls, then. His unrelenting, steely gaze is finally off you. You are getting through to him. You keep talking, hoping that your words have the desired effect.
“You mean so much more to me than our encounters, Mando,” you confess. “I enjoyed every second, don’t get me wrong. But I would take them all back in a heartbeat to go back to how things were before. I would rather have only had you in my life platonically than having you like that and losing you…
What happens next catches you completely off-guard.
Firstly, Mando tilts his helmet up. His helmet is finally level with you again, focused on you. You look into the dark, T-visor where you imagine his eyes would be. You can almost feel his eyes on you. Your heart starts thundering. You feel that connection back. That spark.
Before you even have time to digest his actions, Mando’s deep voice finally breaks the silence:
“I love you,” he says simply. 
Does he love you?! You are sure you misheard him. Your desperate mind is playing the cruellest trick of all. 
“Y-You love me?” you choke out in disbelief.
“I do.”
“Oh, Mando, I love you too,” you tearfully whisper.
“Din,” Mando rasps.
You look at him questioningly.
“My name,” Mando nods, “It’s Din. Din Djarin.”
“Din Djarin,” you murmur the name of the man you love with such reverence, as though it is a sacred prayer, enjoying the way your mouth curves around each letter. 
Your head is still spinning from Din’s declaration and the reveal of his name. You have barely had time to process the events which have just transpired when he drops the next bombshell on you.
“I want to remove my helmet in front of you,” Din declares, “I want you to know me entirely.”
“Din, I wouldn’t expect such a thing,” you shake your head frantically, “Just because we have confessed our feelings, I would never expect you to take such a drastic step.”
“That…” he sighs, “Is precisely why I am taking such a step.”
You do not have time to vocalise any further protestations. Before another thought can enter your mind, Din lifts shaky gloved hands to the side of his helmet. You hear the unmistakable sound of a Mandalorian helmet depressurising. Something you had only ever heard through the door of the fresher until now.
Din trembles as he lifts his helmet. The emotion of the moment takes its toll as he prepares to finally bear his face to you. Your mind almost goes blank. All you can hear is the blood rushing in your ears and his heavy breaths.
As the gleaming helmet finally begins to lift across his features and reveal his face to you, you get your first glimpse of the man you love.
You see patchy stubble across his jawline, a neatly trimmed moustache plush which sits atop plush, full lips, a strong nose and then, with his helmet fully removed, his most striking feature of all. His eyes. The most soulful pair of deep brown eyes that you have ever encountered.
Din Djarin is stunning. Heartachingly so. 
With just one look at his face, you know that you will never be able to allow this beautiful man to slip through your fingers. 
“Din,” you whisper, your eyes filling with tears as he stands there before you, his helmet clutched before him as he looks up at you.
There is so much nervousness and anxiety in his gaze that your heart aches for him. Unable to bear the eye contact any longer, Din bends down and places his helmet at his feet with a satisfying clunk. 
He stands up straight again, but not to his full height. With his face bared and the slight tremble evident in his body. You no longer see a hulking Mandalorian warrior and feared bounty hunter. Instead, you see a frightened man, who has never known such intimacy before.
“You are so handsome, Din Djarin,” you whisper, as you close the distance between you. 
Din’s mouth hangs open as your words sink in. You raise your hand, realising you are trembling with emotion, and timidly place it along his jawline. The patchy stubble is scratchy underneath your fingers.
“Devastatingly handsome, in fact,” you clarify.
“Thank you,” Din nods gratefully.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Din swallows thickly, steadying himself. When his brown eyes fly open and meet yours again, you notice the apprehension has been replaced by something different altogether.
Din’s brown eyes are aflame, burning with desire for you. You sense he is desperate to act on his feelings, but unsure of how to proceed.
“Can I kiss you?” you request.
“I’ve never kissed anyone before,” Din murmurs, closing his eyes again.
“You’ll learn quickly,” you say encouragingly. 
Din nods slowly, without opening his eyes. 
You close the distance between you, hovering an inch from his lips. You want Din to make the final move, to bring your lips together.
When he finally does, it is so achingly sweet and timid that you are surprised this is the same man who has bent you over crates and driven into you over and over, at a relentless pace. Until you were bruised and sore the next day from the force. 
Din pulls away, breathing deeply. A simple touch has been almost overwhelming for him. 
You wait for his next move, allowing him to take the lead with what he is comfortable with. When Din finally leans in again, he is more eager to claim your lips. The kisses deepen, growing increasingly frenzied as your tongues collide. Your hand trails along Din’s jawline and grazes along his neck. When you move your hands into his hair and tangle your fingers in the soft strands there, Din groans and presses his body against you.
In response, you lean your head to the side to give him unfettered access to your mouth. Din does not hesitate to take advantage, deepening the kiss without hesitation. He moves his enormous hands up to your cheeks, cupping them in his enormous hands. 
Your kisses grow more desperate and frenzied, the moaning and panting increasing. Although Din was inexperienced and clumsy at first, your teeth clashing and his tongue searching yours desperately before he learned a more pleasurable ratio of tongue to mouth, you discover that he is indeed a quick learner. He nibbles on your lip, using his teeth in a way that he discovers you like as you throw your head backwards and gasp his name. You are still getting accustomed to the novelty of being able to call him something other than Mando. 
When your lungs burn, Din finally pulls away. The two of you furiously gulp air into your lungs, steadying your breaths as your eyes meet. You allow yourself to look at Din once again, admiring the features which are so new to you. Yet somehow, comfortingly familiar. You feel as though you have always known his face. In Din’s brown eyes, you see awe, shock and lust. Despite their already dark colour, they are blackened by something primal.
You are about to suggest taking this to your bunk when Din drops to his knees before you, a dark look on his face. You are about to question the gesture when he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of your pants and shimmies them down your legs as he goes. 
He kisses a path up your legs, pushing himself up so he kneels one leg as he pays particular attention to your inner thighs. Din takes his time teasing you. He removes the final barrier between you, discarding the pesky fabric elsewhere. 
When Din finally kneels before you, your glistening core bare to him you feel your knees weaken as he licks his lips at the sight in front of him. You groan, barely able to remain vertical. Thankfully, Din is holding your hips firmly in position, his gloved hands digging into your flesh.
At the sight of him on his knees like this before you, you think that this experience cannot possibly be any more arousing.
Then, his tongue touches you where you have been aching for him to place his mouth most of all, and you discover how wrong you were. 
He wastes no time sliding his tongue through your wet folds. Din makes up for his inexperience with enthusiasm and you move your hands down to run your fingers through his soft, dark curls. Keen to keep him in just the right spot, especially when he finally places his tongue where your fingers had been frantically circling minutes ago. 
“Din!” you gasp, when his tongue picks up its pace, clenching your thighs around his head and feeling his facial hair tickle your inner thighs.
Hearing his name fall from your lips in such a desperate manner only encourages him. He continues lapping at your core with a renewed fire and determination.
“Just there, just like that,” you praise.
Din continues for a few more moments and you feel your orgasm gathering pace within you. When your legs begin to shake, he moves his head back and you almost scream in frustration. But then you see the look on his face, and his sins are soon forgiven.
“Know how long I’ve wanted to bury my face between your thighs?” Din rasps, his voice barely audible and muffled thanks to his current position. “So beautiful,” he adds, before his tongue is on you again and all coherent thought leaves.
The pace is relentless now, Din swirling his tongue around your most sensitive spot as he seems driven to please you. To have you screaming his name so loud they can hear you all across the galaxy.
You chant his name over and over as your orgasm finally breaks, causing pleasure to reverberate throughout your body. Every inch of you is on fire for him. Din looks up at you, his brown eyes practically black. He makes an obscene slurping noise as he seems determined to collect everything on his tongue, not allowing a single drop of you to go to waste.
“Delicious,” Din rasps as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, looking at you with a satisfied smirk. 
You cannot believe how much he seems to relish in your release. How much it arouses him. You know he has always enjoyed pleasing you, just as much as receiving his release. Now, his benevolent nature is on full display once again. 
Satisfied you can at least stand by yourself, Din rises to his feet. He looms over you, eyes meeting yours and softening briefly, with something which looks suspiciously like love. You wonder how long he has looked at you like that. How many affectionate glances have been stolen from your eyes by his helmet? 
None of that matters, now.
Your train of thought is interrupted as Din resumes kissing you, pinning you up against the cold metallic walls of the Razor Crest. You can barely breathe, unable to move for a few moments as he kisses you. Once you regain feeling in your trembling legs, you begin nudging Din in the direction of the bunk.
He never breaks the kiss as you stumble across the floor. Din cannot get enough of kissing you, his enormous hands roaming all over your body. 
The kiss is only broken once the back of your knees hits the bunk. You sit on the hard surface, looking up at him flirtatiously through your eyelashes. You decide Din is far too clothed for your liking and move to free his straining bulge from his tight brown flightsuit. Before you can feel his familiar length in your hand, he places his hand on your wrist and moves you away from him.
You look at him in confusion before he whispers, “Lie back, cyar’ika. Let me take care of you.”
You do as he says, but not before divesting yourself of your clothes. You lie back, awaiting him. Buzzing with excitement to finally lay eyes on Din Djarin in his entirety.
You are entranced as you watch his muscles contract and relax as he removes his flightsuit. Broad muscles and chest bared to you, then his stomach and lower... his muscular thighs and toned calves. The most incredible sight you have ever seen.
Din crawls up the bunk and positions himself on top of you, supporting himself with his elbows as he resumes your makeout session with just as much veracity as before. He plunges his tongue into your mouth over and over, desperate to taste you.
It seems as though Din is scared that he will never have a chance to claim you like this again. Later, you will remind him that you are his for the rest of your days.
For now, you cannot form words, conveying your pleasure only through broken sounds which are torn from your body by Din’s skilled mouth. 
The usual straining metallic groans of the Razor Crest as it hurtles through hyperspace are joined by its occupants’ moans and gasps as they collide.
You notice that Din has finally shed his gloves when he takes your breasts in his hands. Squeezing the soft flesh and staring at them as though it is the first time he has ever laid eyes upon them. In a way, it is the first time he has seen many of your features with his own eyes, finally free from the dark visor that distorts everything.
Suddenly remembering he can take your flesh in his mouth, Din begins kissing the valley between your breasts. He trails kisses along both of them, one at a time, paying them equal attention. As though he is worshipping you. Discovering new ways he can show his affection for you. With his helmet removed, an entire galaxy of new possibilities has been opened to him. Now, there are so many ways to demonstrate his affection for you, to revere all the parts of your body he loves so much. 
Although you are enjoying his ministrations, you are growing somewhat frustrated by Din’s languid pace. The frenzied kisses and touches have given way to gentle, almost timid, exploration of your body from Din’s lips. When you are about to whine pathetically and beg him to pay attention to your aching buds, Din finally envelops them in his wet heat. He begins paying careful attention to the most sensitive part of your breast. The place where you most wanted his mouth. 
You gasp as he begins mouthing sloppy kisses around your nipple, before finally swirling his tongue around your hardened peak. You arch your back off the bunk, giving more of yourself to him. Even in your desire-addled state, you think about how much better his mouth feels than gloved fingers and hands kneading your breasts. 
You grind your hips up against Din’s hardness, desperate for some friction. Clenching around nothing as he continues sucking your nipple, each swirl of his tongue only making you more desperate for him.
When you can take it no longer, you place your hand on Din’s head and pull his hair lightly. He looks up at you, raising a dark eyebrow at you.
“Din, please,” you whine, desperate for him to finally take you.
Often, the man you knew only as Mando would tease you at this point. When he had used his deft fingers to draw an orgasm or two from you, leaving you desperate for him. You knew he was satisfied that you were ready for him, but he still wanted to hear it from your mouth. Before giving you what you wanted, he would command you to use your words in a firm tone. Imploring you to tell him where you wanted him. 
Fortunately, it appears that the man who has confessed his love for you, will not cruelly tease you. Din is just as desperate as you are; aching for that moment when he finally enters you. 
Din kisses a hot trail up the column of your neck, thrusting his hips against you in desperation. He joins his lips with yours one last time before leaning up and taking himself in hand to line himself up with you.
“Wanted to savour this moment but, kriff! You’re so perfect…” Din rambles, “Don’t think I can wait,” he grunts as he notches himself at your entrance. 
“Then don’t,” you sigh, begging him to put you both out of your misery. 
Din nods, joining your lips one last time before he slides himself into you in one swift, fluid moment. You practically see stars. 
Somehow, he feels even bigger. It has not been too long since your last encounter. Even still, you have forgotten how impressive his length is. Your fantasies could not accurately capture how his hardness touches places so deep inside of you that you wonder how it is possible. 
Although the friction and sensation are delicious, particularly as Din keeps pressing kisses all over your face and neck, you know that you won’t last long. Since Din caught you earlier when you were so close, you have been on the edge almost continually. Now, he is thrusting into you at a relentless pace. That familiar ache is back. This time, there are no interruptions. Din does not slow down or pull away. You quickly come with another gasp of his name.
After watching you come undone, you are surprised that Din does not let himself go. That he does not allow himself the release you sense he is so desperately chasing. Instead, he continues to ride out your orgasm as he thrusts into you harshly.
“One more,” Din encourages, cupping your cheek in his hand, “I know you have one more for me.”
You nod shakily, eager to please him. In response, Din clashes your lips together, grunting against your lips as he finds a new increased tempo that you are stunned he could muster. All the while impressively maintaining a steady rhythm. 
“That’s it,” Din encourages as he feels the way your pants increase and your legs tremble.
When you come with another shout of his name, Din finally lets himself go. His thrusts become increasingly erratic before he finally comes with a shout of your name, burying his face into your neck. His pants are warm against your neck as he paints your belly with hot, thick ropes of his spend. 
Din stays like that for a few more moments, careful not to hurt you with his weight as he regains his composure lying on top of you. You feel so content and begin absentmindedly tracing circles into his warm, broad back. 
Then, he lifts himself from you. You smile when he lays his head next to you on the pillow, still feeling your heart leap as you realise that you actually get to look at his face. Din looks thoroughly pleased with the events of the night. Happy that he could please you over and over. 
“I love you, Din Djarin,” you whisper fondly as you bring your hand up to his jawline, stroking his cheek softly with your thumb. 
“I love you too, ner kar’ta,” Din smiles in return, turning his cheek to press a kiss on the palm of your hand.
Since that first encounter in the Cantina on Nevarro, you and Mando have always been partners. Travelling through the galaxy as a formidable, feared pair of bounty hunters.
Now, you and Din are partners… in every sense of the word. 
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golden-moony · 5 months
king of my heart | smau
pairings: lando norris x fem!reader | pato o'ward x fem!reader
summary: y/n is an F1 content creator loved among the grid and the fans, and more than one person ships her with lando due to how close they've always been. but when y/n goes to her first IndyCar race, the last thing she expects is being involved in rumours with another mclaren driver.
warnings: love triangle? kinda.
author's note: i might turn this into a mini series but i'll see how it goes. btw english it's not my first language so if there's any grammatical error please let me know so i can fix it, ty🧡 now enjoy!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
yourusername posted to their story!
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[caption 1; it's indycar weekend in Long Beach, babyyyy!] [caption 2; time for practice and snacks🌞]
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liked by indycar, zbrownceo, yourusername, and 83,527 others!
patriciooward INDY500 colors and back in the streeetz🤩
user1 lookin' goooood🔥
arrowmclaren it'll look even better with confetti covering it😉 user2 admin knows a win is coming!! 💪
user3 Este es tu año, cabrón! VAMOOOOS 🇲🇽
user4 is it a requirement to be handsome to drive in mclaren? cause daaaamn
user5 same girl, same
yourusername black is the new papaya fr 🔥 can't wait for tomorrow!
patriciooward hopefully you'll be wearing #5 user6 OMG?!?!!!??? yourusername can't show favoritism! i'm a professional, sir patriciooward it can be our secret then 😉 user7 OH MY- HELLOOOOO? user8 landonorris come get your girl bro!!! user9 omfg mr o'ward i wasn't familiar with your game user10 y/n sweety, wrong mclaren driver landonorris 🤨 user11 she really said i want a mclaren, don't care which one😭 user12 and she's so real for that
user13 let's goooo Pato!! 🦆🧡
user14 y/n and pato's exchange?? NEW SHIP HAS ARRIVED!
user15 i feel like i'm betraying my roots but pato and y/n would be the it couple fr user16 SO TRUE user17 pato and lando deserve sooo much better.
user19 f1twt is about to have a blast with this one 🍿 user20 they already have #teampato and #teamlando hashtags going on 😭😭
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yourusername posted to their story!
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[caption 1; preparation for ✨qualy day✨] [caption 2; that's how you arrive in style]
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liked by pierregasly, alexanderrossi, shelovesformula1, and 76,088 others!
yourusername First IndyCar race ✅ can't explain how incredible this weekend was! I’ve had the pleasure of chatting to so many cool people, discovering so much about this series and meeting so many of you! 🧡 can't wait to show you everything soon 😘
user1 what a babeeeee 😍
frosenqvist so great to meet you! hope you come to another one again soon! 🏁
arrowmclaren we second this! user2 she's an indy girl now 😎 tkanaan especially after all the fun we had last night😜 yourusername oh i'll definitely come back for more races (and parties ofc🙊) user3 she's part of the family now! love to see it user4 mclaren team 🤝 us: being in love with y/n
lissiemackintosh so happy to have met you!! 💖
yourusername can't wait to see u again 🥹 user6 MY FAVES 🤩🤩 user7 girls supporting girls 💞 user8 we need a colab!
landonorris y/n get out of there. That's not your family!
carlossainz55 y/n please hurry, the kid has missed you maxverstappen1 y/n please hurry, we can't stand him anymore maxfewtrell y/n please hurry, he gets whiny when you're not around alex_albon y/n please hurry, oscar is about to commit crime oscarpiastri that is correct, so please y/n hurry landonorris when i asked y'all to back me up, this is NOT what i meant 🙄 yourusername if it helps at all, i've miss you all 🫶 (except Lando) landonorris i hate y'all fr user9 this is the kind of content i pay my internet bill for 😂
user10 literal queen 👑
user11 she couldn't become lando's wag so now she goes to indy to try to find a man lol such a clout chaser
user12 girl stfu she's literally just doin her job user13 try not to sound so bitter next time 💋 user14 get a life, hater
user16 i don't think we're talking enough about that last photo
user17 RIGHT?! Y/N X PATO LET'S GOO user18 nah y/n x lando >>>>>>>>
patooward Indy looks good on you 💯 i wonder who took that amazing first pic
yourusername credits to you, amateur😘 user19 you can't convince me they're not flirting user20 i truly don't know if i wanna be pato or y/n... i only know i'd hate to be lando rn 😭 user21 y/n and lando are the endgame user22 Y/N X PATO TILL THE END
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landonorris posted to his story!
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[caption; safe and sound where she belongs]
sooo.... y'all want part 2?
912 notes · View notes
frogchiro · 1 year
141's sweet sweet mate spending time with her pups, 4 out of 5 pups are asleep snoozing. Lifting one up into the air as it tries to blink away its weariness away, wanting to protect his mama but once you start singing Love Like You By Rebbaca Sugar (yes its a steven universe song) the poor pup can't resist sleep,
"if i could be half of what you think of me, i could do just about anything, i could even learn how to love"
Ghost seeing this little scene through a crack in the store and OOH HOHOHH he has to bite his tongue so he doesnt let out any happy chirps, it makes him feel /so/ warm on the inside.
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Nesting with your newborn puppies has become one of your favorite things; whether it's your instincts, your love for your babies or most probably both, doesn't really matter. All that matters that your litter is already with you and their fathers, all safe and comfy in your nest ;;
Gaz, Price, Soap and Ghost almost can't be torn away from their new family, their instincts and hormones raging at even the thought of leaving their omega and babies but being a soldier is a demanding job and even though they already filed for extended leave, there's still so much to do. You assured them that the babies and you will be alright, they're still tiny, barely a few weeks old and not very active yet so all you need to do is feed them and cuddle with them in your nest.
After a few hours Ghost became terribly restless and decided on checking up on you and the pups 'just in case' and that's when he walked onto a sight that will be engraved into his mind until the rest of his days.
You, beautiful, sweet you was holding one of your babies, the rest four pups were in a cuddle pile and sound asleep but the one you were holding was looking a you with a look of sheer child-like wonder and adoration, although due to your singing Simon could see from the gap in the door that his little son was slowly drifting away, lids getting heavy and finally his tiny chest was rising and falling with slow, steady breaths, finally asleep.
The blonde man had to physically restrain himself from chirruping at the sight, chest already vibrating with deep purrs as he continued looking at the sight of you smiling and nuzzling against your son before putting him back down to his sleeping siblings and laying down yourself to drift off to sleep with a small smile still on your lips.
Simon had to forcibly move away from the door and back to his duties before his instincts would take over and he'd just go and cuddle with his family all day. He promised himself in that moment that the second his and the rest of the packs duties end, they will B-line to the den and cuddle, nuzzle and scent to his hearts content.
He loves his family so so much <3
872 notes · View notes
Daddy!January: Day 4
Edging with Daddy! Bang Chan
Requested by @changbinslovelylegs
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Content Includes: Soft!Dom Bang Chan x sub!fem reader, written from Chan’s perspective, angst (alot of it), suggestive themes of depression, praise, kissing, oral (fem receiving), cum play, fingering, reader has female anatomy, crying during sex (in a non-sexual way), edging (duh, of course), swearing, clingy and desperate sex, hand-holding. 
Word Count: 1,001
‘Just lie down for me okay? Daddy wants to take goooood care of his babygirl’ 
Chan started to realise things weren't going well when you stopped your usual chatter during your Netflix dates, when your smiles were becoming forced and your need for Chris’s teddy bear hugs were dwindling. 
He knew you were stressed out, that the obstacles and responsibilities of life were taking its toll on you and it twisted his stomach and rattled his sleep. 
The quality time wasn’t working and his words of encouragement were barely helping, when he tried, you would just lightly chuckle and murmur ‘thank you’ at his response, the laughter in your voice barely camouflaging the sadness of your eyes. 
Then the worry of disappointment sets in and he doesn’t want you to be disappointed in him, you NEED to be happy again and he NEEDS to make you happy again. 
Is that healthy? Not really. 
But that’s just who Chan is when it comes to loving you. 
So if his empathy can’t help soothe the ache. 
Then perhaps his touch and body will. 
His eyes raked over your naked form as he undressed you, the dim lighting of the lamp and the midnight sky had relaxed you and he could feel how pliant and warm you were under his hands. 
Wet and open-mouthed kisses were being placed across your chest and stomach, your little pants and gasps filling his heart with pride and his body with need. 
His hands gently prying your thighs apart, his eager eyes staring up at you and filled with desire and tension. 
‘Are you going to let me have you babygirl? Make you feel good?’ 
Your enthusiastic nods and the way you moaned ‘Yes’ had accelerated his arousal more at knowing he was just about to show how GOOD his tongue and fingers can really make you feel. 
He stuck two fingers in his mouth, wetting them before he opened your folds, pressing the ever so-courteous polite kiss to your clit. 
He felt your body jolt at such a small touch, the staggered pants told him just how sensitive you really were. 
And so that’s when he really dived in. 
His hot tongue flicked the underside of your clit before circling around the outside, his strong hands holding your thighs apart, his manoeuvre is slow but the pressure is firm. 
He pulled away slightly, lifting his head up for a breath of fresh air, a soft smirk planted on his face as he heard you whine and your hips squirm in frustration. 
‘If you want to cum for me baby, you need to tell me something’ His chin is lightly resting on your pubic mound, watching your brow furrow and your bottom lip quiver. 
He was so close to just slamming his cock inside you and attempting to fuck the goddamn misery away. 
But he could edge the pleasure away for his babygirl. 
‘Are you happy with Daddy right now? Is Daddy making you feel good?’ 
His body was tense from the question, his breath hitching and his jaw clenching from the pressure he was placing on himself at this moment. 
‘I feel so good right now, please I’m so close Daddy, want to feel more good’ 
Your pleas and the scrape of your nails against his scalp had Chris salivating for more and he began tasting you again, this time enthusiastic for more. 
‘I’ve missed this so much’ Chan moaned out against your clit, his fingers gripping your thighs even more, 
‘Wanna taste you more, wanna taste you every day’. 
Chan sighed in relief when he heard you orgasm around his fingers, almost feeling ecstatic from the slight loss of breath he has from how tight your thighs were locking around his head. 
The relief subsided with something more primal when he heard the pleas that caused that final thread of control to snap. 
‘Please, Daddy. I want more, want more of you’. 
With Chan’s clothes strewn haphazardly on the floor, arms holding himself up and your legs wrapped around his waist, grunts and deep moans filled the air as he bottomed out inside of you. 
‘Keep looking at me babygirl’ A soft hand gently brushed the hair away from your face, 
‘Let Daddy see those pretty eyes of yours, I want to see them happy again for me’. 
Chan wished the thrusts started small, just taking the time to slowly breathe in the intimacy you two were sharing. 
But he was so needy, hard and desperate he just couldn’t and the first hard slam had you both gasping out in pleasure and for Chan to just be the saviour he so desired to be. 
‘Give me your problems’ He moaned out in between thrusts, his words shaky and eyes boring into yours. 
‘I’ll take them- Ahh! Take them away for you’ 
His thrusts faltered slightly as he hastily grabbed your hands with both of his, reaching up to pin them above your head. 
‘I promise’ He interlaced his fingers with yours, his voice breaking and eyes misting with tears. 
‘I’ll make them go away, Daddy will make them go away’ 
Chan’s hands tightened around yours, using the grip for leverage as his thrusts caused the bed to rock and your nails to scratch down his back. 
He let out a grunt at the sting of your nails, his teeth biting into your lower lip and his tongue soothing the ache away, the taste of salt, sweat and tears staining his mouth. 
‘I love you, Daddy loves you so much’. 
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My heart went over the moon when soft Bang Chan was requested because dominant Bang Chan when he’s needy and clingy is my favourite type of smut to read and write. 
Also, just fyi. I wanted to point this out because I’m seeing a lot of confusion here. 
You/your partner can be clingy and/or needy and still be dominant. 
Clingy and needy traits aren’t just submissive traits. 
You can also still be unbelievably sexy whilst also being needy and clingy. 
Clingy and needy soft dominants are my favourite type of dom.
Okay, I want to see more fics where the doms are clingy and needy. 
Please stay tuned for the rest of Daddy!January where I will be writing Hongjoong and Bang Chan as clingy and needy doms. 
Thank you 🙂 
(Take a shot every time I say clingy or needy 😝)
If you would like to be included in the taglist, comment down below. 
Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @scuzmunkie @mrcarrots @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @kodzukein @whatsk-poppinhomies @yeosdarling @hologramhoneymoon @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person @itbtoblikethatsometimes @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @thirstybchanstan @necessiteez
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spector · 11 months
I saw you finished bg3, I'm too much of a baby to go past the second act : ( I've finished it but I've heard the third act isn't as good as the first two, can you share your thoughts? Spoiler free ideally, just... Did you like the third act? How did it compare to the first two? Just wondering as a person who has a chronic inability to finish things because of the risk of a disappointing ending 😭
OUGH I FEEL YOU, i put off finishing act 3 forever, i just kept doing sidequests and exploring , but first of all
act 3 is very badly optimized. even if you have the best PC ever or if ur playing on console, combat in act 3 will take a loooooooooong time bc the city is soo badly optimized. its not about frame drops or anything like that, its just that enemies most of the time will take forever to calculate their first move. someone told me its bc they're targeting unseen enemies or even targeting all of the superfluous items in the city which makes getting thru combat a CHORE. i dont know when they will fix it, i know they keep patching the game as they go but when i played it , it was a misery.
not to mention in act 3 theres just. so much fucking shit to do. good lord. in act 1 and act 2 i was sooo happy to explore and do everything but in act 3 it was just tiring. taking frequent breaks from the game might be beneficial as it was for me
in terms of quests/encounters in act 3 - a bit of hit and miss. in act 1 i think i enjoyed every single quest (but that could've been from the game being brand new in my mind still). in act 3, there are some fun ones (dribbles the clown im looking at you... or the quest where you have to intercept a newspaper article about you from hitting the press) but there are also some that r like ... ok..idc...
THAT SAID, i dont regret finishing it, at first i had a lot of issues with the companions bc none of them stood out to me but they're very malleable if u give them time - that is to say, they can have ambitions that align with your own personal story and that makes it fun, its like ur a team going towards a similar goal. i think that's why i was so motivated to finish, i had a concept for my player character from the start (paladin that breaks their oath bc of the circumstances and then fully embraces the no gods, no masters life by seizing total control) and i had to see it UNFOLD on da screen... and tbh i was very happy with the result, it felt like watching a movie of story plucked from my head
in terms of final fight - EH. it was very easy to me but i was on balanced difficulty so it had the right to be easy.
as for the other 2 baddies (orin and gortash) - they didn't bang for me but there was some depth to both of them that maybe i would've gotten to enjoy if i didn't decide to kill em hehe
anyways, im rambling - the point is, the ending is really what you make it so if you picked choices that were fun to you, the ending should be fun as well. in terms of combat/boss fight mechanics etc, i found it too easy to enjoy. raphael boss fight, now that was a fun encounter. OVERALL, i think i recommend act 3 but maybe wait until its optimized? also get ready for a massive amount of content but just know you can skip things!!
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monzabee · 1 year
Yess Jess is a cool character and I like him too !! I’m done with s2 as well I love this show and I’m binging it like no tomorrow haha 💜
Ooh they did ? I thought both the movies weren’t going to change the dates but either way I’m looking forward to see both !!!
Yess they were good I liked both the new versions of the song but I think I love the original ones a bit more alsoo I want to hear you’re losing me as well
He looks so cute in that race suit andd fp2 was a good result hopefully tomorrow he gets pole position and then on Sunday the race goes without any issues and he wins !! Like just imagine him finally winning at home that would be so so special 🥺💖 ALSO Seb was there and I missed seeing it live omgg I just saw the post you reblogged and he looks so smiley I miss him so much 😭❤️
Alsoo besite I saw your wips and I’m so so excited to read them whenever you publish them !!! You’re fr like Taylor always feeding us with the best content 💜💖
i love how jess and rory are so different yet they are also so similar!! and i love how he's a book nerd😭 you are watching it so fast, bestie!! make sure to rest your eyes please😭💜💜 i'm not sure why but they changed the date for oppenheimer, but it would've been cool to watch both on the same day😭
oh i really want to listen to it as well, but i love that we have hits different now!! SNOW ON THE BEACH WITH MORE LANA WAS SOOOO GOOOOOD💜💜💜
hopefully he gets pole tomorrow (he did it before so he should be able to??) and he actually finishes the race❤️‍🩹 i think if there is no issues with the car then this year is looking like the year we can see charles winning monaco finally😭💜💜💜 SEB WAS THERE AND HE AND LEWIS HUGGED AND THIS WILL BE THE ONLY THING I WILL BE TALKING ABOUT😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
i'm working on them, so hopefully in the upcoming weeks😭 THAT IS THE NICEST COMPLIMENT I'VE EVER RECEIVED, SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAYING THAT😭💜💜💜💜
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ahundredtimesover · 4 years
January 2021 Reads
Happy 2021 to us! I wrote my first fic this month so all the more love to these lovely authors bc damn this shit is hard (reblog & comment on their works!) But anyway, again, note the angst, fluff, and smut descriptions and much love to our blond lil bun jk 🐰
1. Second chances by @parkhabits (a, f, s) - exes au, husband au, CEO jk (read if you want a really satisfying fic about pain, longing, & a love that never dies ALSO incredible smut and hothothot ceo jk)
2. Babesitter by @randombtsprincessa (s) - childhood friends au (read if you want not-so-innocent and cheeky little shit jk and great sexual tension and smut)
3. Arrow to the heart by @kidguk (f, s) - f2l, gang au, neighbors au (read if you want gang drama but something actually really soft and cute)
4. Photographs by @honeyedhoseok (a, f) - lovers au (read if you want something sad and a lil heartbreaking with the right fluff to wrap it up)
5. Holidating by @yeojaa (f, s) - bf2l, childhood friends au (read if you want a romcom type fic, really fun characters and depiction of relationships, and something warm and fuzzy)
6. Friday nights and take out series by me (my first fic pls let me know what you think) (a, f, s) - f2l, idol jk (read if you want good friend jk and a mix of angst and fluff and things in between)
7. Simmer down and pucker up + The aces up your sleeve by @outroshooky (a, s) - bf2l, friends with benefits (read if you want something sooo painful and poetic and vivid and just an angst train but with a satisfying end)
8. Rattled series by @gukslut (a, f, s) - s2l, neighbors au, dad jk (read if you want a classic and a fully formed, well-thought out, and beautifully written story that will break and heal you)
9. Exclamation mark by @whatifyoulivelikethat (s) - tattoo artist au (read if you want something self-indulgent and incredibly hot with shy and smitten but secretly filthy jk)
10. Arm candy by @bisougi (s) - ceo jk (read if you want a quick read of ceo jk being so turned on bc he’s hot and this is hot)
11. Countless promises by @sungvin97 (f) - s2l (read if you want a love at first sight and wholesome flirting type of fic)
12. Hurts good by @mercurygguk (a, f, s) - boyfriend au (read if you want some good make up sex)
13. On call pt1 + pt2 by @yoonjinkooked (f, s) - s2l, doctor jk (read if you want something cute and fun and hot bc trauma surgeon jk is your dream boyfriend)
14. I miss you by @yoonjinkooked (a, f) - bf2l (read if you want the right amount of angst with a fun and cute fluffy ending)
15. Stay gold by @yeojaa (s) - boyfriend au (read if you want a quick read of blond jk being playful and a cute and a fun depiction of a relationship)
16. Knot today by @kinktae (s) - bf2l, werewolf au, roommates au, college au (read if you want a/b/o context and goooood smut)
17: Busted in busan by @hansolmates (f) - s2l (read if you want a romcom and serendipitous type fic that’s cute and warm and soft)
18. Contentment by @btsqualityy (f, s) - werewolf au, boyfriend au, alpha jk (read if you want wildly horny and smitten and soft and hot boyfriend jk)
19. Room 109 by @lavishedinjimin (s) - werewolf au, college au, roommates au, alpha jk (read if you want cocky but sweet alpha jk and good smut)
20. Rough edges pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt6.5, pt7 + scenario & drabble1 & drabble2 (ongoing) by @kjhmyg (f, s) - boyfriend au, college au, bad boy jk (read if you want tension with super sweet and smitten bad boy jk and super cute OC and something fun and stressful but really good stuff and really good smut)
21. Temptation series by @aiimaginesbts (a, s) - werewolf au, workmates au (read if you want incredible and beautiful and hot smut and werewolf angst it hurt but shit this is sooo good)
22. Crescent bound by @parkhabits (f, s) - bf2l, werewolf au (read if you want a YA werewolf-type of fic with the right amount of fluff, smut, and humor)
23. Hot boy bummer by @jungkxook (f, s) - bf2l, friends with benefits, fuckboy jk (read if you want cocky blond fuckboy jk with fun banter and good smut)
24. Life eternal by @jungkookiebus (a, f, s) - fantasy au, fae au (read if you want pain and beauty of a fae jk fic that’s well-written)
25. Remote learning + Distance learning by @hansolmates (f, s) - f2l, neighbors au (read if you want a well-balanced fic of cute, fun, sweet, smut, and humor with lovable characters and a really fun relationship dynamic)
26. Chasing butterflies by @ddaenggtan (s) - s2l, college au, weeb jk, nerd jk (read if you want really relatable OC for how much she thirsts for jk and really cute nerd jk & all-around good fic with really good smut)
27. Ruin the friendship + Over the edge by @kpopfanfictrash (a, f, s) - bf2l, college au, jock jk (read if you want a really good bf2l fic that’s soft and a tiny bit angsty that becomes funny bc of ot7 but with reallyyyyy good smut)
28. An exercise in restraint by @ttttaehyungie (s) - boyfriend au (read if you want beautifully written and really good sensual smut and subby jk)
29. A date with destiny by @imjustfanfictrash (s) - idol au (read if you want something fun and really humorous with good sexual tension and really good smut)
30. Starboy by @sugaxjpg (s) - college au, frat boy jk (read if you want reallyyyy good smut)
31. Calculated IV by @whatifyoulivelikethat (s) - college au, boyfriend au (read if you want really good smut and such a hot and fun couple)
32. Catharsis + drabble by @junghelioseok (s) - college au, friends with benefits au (read if you want really hot smut with threesome ft. Jimin, with beast in bed but really shy and adorable jk)
33. After hours by @ggukcangetit (s) - workmates au, school au, teacher jk (read if you want something short and fun with adorably hot and shy and cheeky jk and some good smut)
34. I missed you by @lesgetittkookie (f, s) - college au, boyfriend au, jock jk (read if you want a feel good fic of sweet and sexy couple lovemaking)
35. Young alpha + Falling into you by @aroseforyoongi (a, f, s) - bf2l, werewolf au, soulmates au (read if you want a good werewolf/soulmates premise and some good smut)
(monthly reads masterpost)
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 14.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love
Warnings For This Chapter: Heart Tugging Yoongi, Crying, Emotional
A/N: This chapter is early because I’ll forget to post at 5 like an idiot :) shoutout to the squad @xjoonchildx, @ladyartemesia, @ppersonna this chapter is goooood!
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You have ascertained at this point that although Yoongi is incredibly fit -- he's never done heavy lifting in his life.
You watch him continuously mumbling to himself while carrying things over to the wooden porch, stopping himself whenever your father passes with something in his arms to show a tired smile.
It's kind of hilarious.
"Well! That's it!" you dad says, clapping his hands together happily. He stands on the porch, a smile etching onto his features as he looks at you.
Yoongi sighs happily beside Minho, feeling proud of himself that he's actually done something on his own for once.
"Will that be all, Sir?" Minho asks, his voice filled with amusement.
The CEO grimaces at him. "That'll be all. Be back here in two days with a new set of shoes for me and an Irish coffee."
Minho nods bowing to the both of you before climbing back into the car.
"Your mother is making bean paste in the back," your dad notifies you as he kicks off his sneakers.
You hum sweetly, walking up the steps to take off your own shoes.
Yoongi puts his hands on his hips, looking at the hanok with curious eyes.
"Here goes nothing," he mumbles, following after you.
"You didn't have to get us anything, you know," your father tells him. Helping him push all of the gifts into the house.
"It's my pleasure," Yoongi breathes out.
Your father turns to your boyfriend, holding up the Japanese whisky and winking at him. "It's a nice gesture though. I'll drink this well… by the end of the night." he whispers conspiratorially to him.
Yoongi finds himself smiling, chuckling to himself.
You're a lot like your father it seems. He likes that.
Stepping into the hanok, Yoongi feels like he's in a museum. Which, he can't help but kind of love. Everything seems so olden but perfectly taken care of.
"We do have a bathroom and beds, luckily for you." your dad jeers.
When you step inside, you feel so at home. Nothing has changed at all and it's so perfect.
"Wait for it," your dad tells your boyfriend, putting the gift baskets on the wooden table.
"MY GAESU!" you scream happily.
Yoongi jumps at your loud voice, eyes widening. He's never heard you screech so loudly.
A small corgi runs out to greet you, tongue sticking out with excited heavy breathing.
He watches you bend down, pulling the dog into your arms.
"Be careful," he admonishes you sweetly, watching you rock the dog in your arms.
Your father watches how concerned Yoongi is for you, how he presses his hand to the small of your back for support and he smirks at the sight.
"Whisky, Yoongi?"
"That'd be great, thank you Sir." he replies kindly, unbuttoning his suit jacket.
"Call me Dad," your father says with a wink.
The sentence sends Yoongi frozen. He's never heard such a gentle tone from a father figure before. He's only ever been used to tones of disappointment or anger.
"Alright," he whispers, grabbing the glass with a tentative hand.
You smile at the sight before you, Gaesu constantly licking your cheek to show how much he's missed you.
You know that Yoongi is going to love your parents, it'll just take a while to settle in.
"I heard the infamous scream," you hear from the back door.
Your heart warms at the sight of your mother.
"Mom," you whisper, taking in how happy she looks.
For the first time in a long time, she looks healthy.
"I missed you!" your mother whines, opening her arms to hug you.
"I missed you too!" you reply, hooking your chin over her shoulder.
The CEO can see how fond you are of your family. He hopes it'll be the same for this small family you're making of your own now.
"This is Min Yoongi, my boyfriend," you say, pulling away and nodding to the handsome man.
Your mother's smile seems to widen at the sight of him. "Oh, wow. You're so much more handsome in real life than on my t.v., as if that's possible." she breathes out, her cheeks starting to blush.
"It's nice to meet you," he laughs, bowing to her.
She bows back before sighing. "I'm a hugger!"
He hugs her awkwardly as she pats his back. You giggle at the warm sight before you, you know this must be so strange to him.
"You are the culprit that got my daughter pregnant?" your mother teases, sending him flinching.
He chuckles awkwardly, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. "Guilty." he whispers.
"Well thank God, I thought I'd never have a grandchild," she says, slapping his shoulder.
"Okay, mom." you mumble, rolling your eyes at her dramatics.
"This baby is going to be cuter than a button!" she promises, pointing between the both of you.
Yoongi finds himself filling up with warmth, chuckling as your father rolls his eyes to him.
"Why don't you both get unpacked? And then we can start to make dinner," your mother suggests.
"Yoongi's never cooked before," you tell her, going to pick up your luggage.
The CEO groans gently as you all giggle. This is what family must be like. Joking and loving towards one another. He finds it akin to how him and Maya act sometimes.
"Don't even think about it," he tells you, watching you grip the handle.
"I can pick something up," you whisper as he narrows his eyes.
"So can I. Show me where the room is, little dove." he instructs, grabbing the luggage.
Rolling your eyes, you shrug to your parents as they give affectionate smiles.
"My room and the guest room?" you ask your mother, watching her hug your fathers side.
"Just your room. You're already pregnant, what else could happen?" she replies.
Yoongi's cheeks burn with embarrassment as he picks up your luggage. But, he's content with knowing that he can sleep with you for the next two nights.
He finds himself already fond of this wooden and paper house. And maybe even warming up to the people in it.
"Just through here," you tell the CEO, picking up Gaesu.
"I didn't know you have a dog," Yoongi says, stepping into your old bedroom.
"Leena's allergic so I left Gaesu home," you reply.
He hums understanding before yelping out as he looks around your room.
"What?!" you whine, putting your hand over your heart.
"THERE'S A CHICKEN ON THE BED!" he yells, dropping the luggage to the floor.
You can hear your dad laugh loudly from the kitchen and you snort loudly, stepping into the room and sliding the door shut.
The chicken takes one look at Gaesu before jumping off the bed and scurrying around the room.
Yoongi gasps loudly, jumping onto the bed with fright written all over his face.
"Catch it!" he cries out, shoving his hands in his hair.
"Relax, it's just Miguk." you say with a laugh.
"Why is there a fucking chicken in your bedroom?!" your boyfriend whines.
"Because we keep chickens for eggs? And Miguk probably wanted to be some place warm?" you ask confused, setting down your dog and opening up the bedroom door for Gaesu to chase Miguk out.
"So you don't have a heat lamp or some… warm place for a chicken to stay? Do I have to buy one for you?!" he asks, smacking the bed to get rid of a few feathers.
"It's just a chicken, you'll be eating one in like two hours," you say laughing loudly as the animals finally leave your room.
"It's disgusting. I need to change the sheets," he whispers, clearly grossed out.
"You know the walls are paper and wood?" you mouth to him, shutting the door.
"I shouldn't have to scream about a fucking chicken laying in the bed I'm sleeping in tonight," he mouths back, flailing his arms.
"Everything okay?" your mother sings from the kitchen.
"Yes!" you both reply at the same time.
The CEO finds it hard to not stare at where the chicken was standing just seconds ago.
"Come on, Yoongi. It's okay," you say, sitting down on the end of the bed.
"I don't think you understand that I'm fucking traumatized," he whispers fiercely, watching as a shadow of a chicken walks by the paper door.
"Do you need me to hold you?" you ask, sounding as if you're speaking to a small child.
He grimaces at you, folding his arms.
"No! I just don't understand how this is normal behavior," he retorts softly.
"Welcome to my home," you whisper, booping him on the nose.
He swats at your hand childishly, eyebrows furrowing deeply.
"I like your parents," he mumbles softly as you place both of the luggages on the bed.
"See, I told you. They're nice," you reply happily.
"You need to promise me that I won't wake up in the middle of the night to a chicken trying to poke my eye out with their beak. Do your parents feed them properly? Are they on a mission to assault guests?" he whispers fiercely, grabbing your hands.
"You're an insane person. You're actually fucking crazy," you whisper back, kissing the top of his head.
"What's crazy is that there was a fucking chicken in your childhood bed," he says appalled, appreciating the warmth of your lips on his skin.
"If I'm not worried about it, you shouldn't be worried about it," you say with a smile, grabbing your change of sweatpants.
"That's what they said about Pompeii and a fucking volcano erupted!" he barks out in a fierce whisper.
You find yourself giggling, combing your fingers through his hair. Almost immediately he feels himself relaxing.
After washing up and putting on comfortable clothes as well as insisting to your boyfriend a multitude of times that no farm animals would kill him in his sleep, you were ready for dinner.
Or, ready to make dinner anyway.
When Yoongi was younger, he used to watch Maya cook for him. His parents were never really home, it was just him, Maya and her daughter Myeyoung.
He has no real skills besides making money and playing poker.
Stepping back out into the hallway, he's surprised to witness such paternal affection.
Even from the short distance he can see how much love your father has for your mother as he cuts up an apple for her.
Would he ever get this? Would you be like this to him?
"My Gaesu-ah!" you call sweetly, slamming the paper door shut.
Yoongi takes this in also, how affectionate you are to an animal.
His father had hunting dogs that slept in cages outside of their home in hopes that they would feel less attached to humans.
There was once a time where his father bought him an expensive bird for hunting. He ordered Yoongi to train it. Being only six years old and without love, the CEO named the bird and praised it whenever it did well with orders.
He remembers showing his father, so excited that the bird did his bidding. But, Min Sangcheol was angry when he saw the bird catering to Yoongi's every whim.
"You made this bird adore you, that's why it does what you ask of it, you've ruined the fucking animal."
And his father broke both of the bird's legs.
"Yoongi?" you whisper softly, watching how entranced he is with your dog.
Looking up quickly, he gives you a sad smile and your heart tugs with uncertainty.
"Are you okay?" you ask, earning a gentle squeeze on your side from him.
"Come on," he whispers, pushing some hair back behind your ear.
Hearing your footsteps, your parents smile at the both of you.
"Yoongi, you didn't have to buy us such things!" your mother chides him, gently smacking his arm as she holds her new Chanel purse to her chest.
"I wanted too, it looks made just for you," he compliments, rubbing his hands together awkwardly.
In all actuality, it looks just perfect for her. With a gentle giggle, you can tell how absolutely smitten your mother is with him already.
"The tie you got me is perfect, I'll just have nowhere to wear it," your dad jeers to the CEO.
Yoongi chuckles, picking up his forgotten whisky glass and taking a sip out of eyesight from your parents.
"Very good manners," your mother whispers to you.
Humming, you can only agree. "He took etiquette classes when he was younger." you inform them.
"You should show Y/N's father a thing or two about etiquette."
Your father rolls his eyes, grabbing a wicker basket from near the sink.
"To the chickens, my love," you dad says, shooing you out the back of the house.
"Do you like dak galbi?" your mother asks, putting the gift baskets in the living room.
Yoongi watches you leave, his blanket of comfort gone from his sight. His left hand wraps around his right arm, feeling his usual comfort drift away. "Yes, Ma'am."
He feels awkward. He looks awkward as he stands beside the kitchen counter, watching as your mother begins to prepare ingredients.
The older woman can see how forlorn he looks, how completely out of his element he is and she can understand why you care for him like you do. He's broken.
"Come," she says, pointing to the seat across the counter.
He gives her a nervous smirk, sitting down in the seat she was just in.
"Have you ever peeled a potato?" she inquires softly.
With a small smile, he shakes his head. Black pieces of hair fall into his eyes and he goes frozen as your mother pushes them back just like you do.
"Well you're going to peel potatoes today," she tells him with a smile.
When she smiles, her face contorts quite like yours. And, suddenly he feels okay even for a little while.
Setting a bowl full of potatoes down in front of him, she hands him a peeler.
"We'll make you a chef yet, Min Yoongi," she winks.
Chuckling at her words, he begins to peel. It's clumsy and he loses the potato a few times from how wet it is, but he gets the hang of it after a few minutes.
"One time, when Y/N was younger she went on a potato ban. No french fries, no potato pancakes, no potato chips," your mother laughs at the memory, earning soft eyes from your boyfriend, "she was so adamant that she hated them for a good week or two. Then one night, I woke up in the middle of the night to crying. I went to check on her and she woke up telling me that she missed potatoes so much that it gave her nightmares."
Yoongi laughs along with your mother, shaking his head.
"I hope our baby comes out like her," he whispers hopefully.
In that moment, he realized just how comfortable he had gotten so quickly. It's easy to open up when you're welcomed. His instant reaction is to close himself off again but your mother catches it before he does. Not even giving him a chance to close himself off.
"You have a lot of good traits, Yoongi," your mother praises, beginning to cut peppers.
He hums unsurely, focusing on the task at hand.
"She's going to be a great parent, I'm not sure if I will be," he replies softly, he's so quiet if your mother wasn't paying attention she wouldn't have heard him.
"Why do you think that?" your mother asks and his eyes shoot straight up to hers.
In her eyes is softness and kindness that he sees in you on the daily.
In his eyes is worry and unsureness and your mother croons softly, petting his head maternally to give him some comfort.
He freezes at her gentleness but it reminds him so much of Maya that he feels his heart warm.
"Well my parents weren't very warm with me so I'm very cold with everything I do. Y/N isn't like that. She's understanding and always kind. She has patience and I lack that in spades." he whispers, washing some dirt off a potato.
Your mother hums. "Were your parents mean to you?"
He clears his throat, grabbing the whisky glass and turning away from her as he takes a huge gulp. "Yes Ma'am," he replies through gritted teeth, the alcohol warming his pallet.
"Well, let me tell you something about parents," she whispers across the counter, situating herself on her elbows, "some people aren't meant to be parents. They didn't have that affection when they were young and they don't know how to offer any to children as they get older and need to be cared for. My parents really shouldn't have had me, my father was cruel and my mother was obsessed with soju. I was a very mean, bitter child but as I grew up -- I came to realize that cycles must be broken in order for people to grow. Sure, I could have stayed mean and angry but that just leaves your heart black and broken. It's up to whomever feels this way to try and strive for a new path."
Yoongi takes in all her words, staring at her as she stares back.
Such wisdom. It's heartwarming and jarring.
"I see," he murmurs.
"Now, you're going to be a father. You should break that cycle, hmm?" she asks, picking her knife back up.
He nods thoughtfully. Just the way your mother speaks, it seems like she's lived a thousand lives. It feels as if she knows a part of his soul he couldn't begin to understand.
"You don't know how to be a father. Y/N doesn't know how to be a mother but you'll make that work. Because in actuality, you both care. You both want what's best for your child and you, sooner or later, will understand that they're the most important thing in your life. Not bitterness or hatred. Some people don't see that, but you will Yoongi." she says, throwing the peppers into a bowl.
"H-How do you know?" he stutters, gripping the potato in hand tighter.
"Because I see how you look at Y/N when she isn't looking at you. Like she makes the sun rise in the morning because she's willed it to be so." she says offhandedly, grabbing some green onions.
He whistles long and low at her wiseness, letting the potato fall from his hand to grab his whisky glass.
"I'm very grateful for how you raised her, she's wonderful. So thoughtful and caring… So completely different than anyone I've ever known before. She…" he finds himself saying, just letting his emotions fly out.
"She's bringing you inner peace and happiness." your mother says, looking up from the cutting board.
"Yes." he breathes out.
"And that's scary." she comments, wiping her hands on her apron.
Swallowing thickly, Yoongi turns to the open back door. Watching you gather eggs with your father. He can see your smile from so far away and his throat tightens at the sight.
"Y-Yes," he mutters.
"Y'know. The best thing about being frightened is knowing how at ease your heart will be when that's over." he turns back to your mother as she rounds the counter.
When she goes to hug him, he doesn't flinch this time.
"Your parents may have been mean to you, Min Yoongi. But, that doesn't define you. It shouldn't define you. If you need maternal affection, you can turn to me. I'm plenty of a mother for you and Y/N," she puts her hand over her heart, smiling down at him. He can feel his eyes beginning to burn and he apologizes as he bows his head.
"You don't need to be alone Yoongi, we're a family here and you're very welcome in ours," your mom whispers, cupping his face to raise it.
"Oh fuck," he cries gently, putting a shaky hand to his eyes.
He's never heard such earnest words like this from a parent and it brings him such relief that it makes his body wrack with sobs.
"All you've ever wanted was to be loved and be happy, I'm sure. We can do that for you, if you want that," she whispers, hugging him tightly.
His mouth opens, a small strangled groan leaving his lips as he cries louder.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand.
Clicking her teeth, your mother rubs his back. "You never have to apologize for being emotional."
"Everyone can pretend to be strong, Yoongi. It takes a real person to admit how emotional and hurt they are."
Biting his bottom lip to quiet his sobs, he buries his face into your mother's arm as she holds him tightly.
He's never been held like this. Maya never held him like this because she worked for him. She's never spoken so straight with him before. She's loved him and he knows that, that's why he loves her too.
But she's never seen into his soul like this. She's never sat him down and spoke the words he needed to hear, even if it made him break down. But, your mother has.
Your mother has given him something that he's never had. And, he wants it more as he holds her.
He wants that maternal affection.
He wants to be a part of your family.
He wants to be loved.
He wants to be cared for.
And it hits him like a truck when he thinks of you.
You can give him all of these things. You can make him into the one person he never thought would see the light of day. He never thought he could even be that type of person.
But from a distance, he can hear you laughing with your father and he cries harder.
He wants it with you.
He wants you to care for him.
He wants you to love him.
He wants you to be his family.
"Oh my God," he whispers, pulling away from your mother and wiping his face on his t-shirt.
"You will call me Mom from now on," she says, booping his nose.
With a small smile, he nods. He turns to the open paper door once more, watching as you smile and laugh with your father.
He wants this family with you.
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"So," your father says, slinging his arm over your shoulders.
"So!" you reply with a laugh, hugging him tightly.
Nearing the chicken coop, you can hear clucks of excitement as the chickens wait for their food.
Stepping out of the way, you let your father feed the chickens seeing as how you haven't done it in so long. It's for expediency.
"I like him," your father approves.
You smile gently, gathering egg after egg and placing them in the basket.
"He's a little rough around the edges but he's a good man." you insist.
Your father wipes his hands on his pants, getting rid of the small flecks of feed that linger on his palms. "You know, he looks at you like you're the most important thing in his life."
Snorting gently, you lean against the chicken coop. Your gaze fixes on the sky watching as pastel shades bleed into one another. But, you focus on the orange that mixes with a hazy salmon.
"His problem is -- he doesn't know what's most important in his life. He doesn't know how to live normally. He doesn't know regular emotions and that scares him," you announce, tracing a cloud absentmindedly.
Your father leans against the chicken coop with you, tracing your gaze to the sky.
"I see. He's never had a family, has he?" your father prods.
You shake your head, looking down at the basket in hand. "No. He's only ever had himself and heartache." you affirm.
The older man hums, looking at the dirt beneath his feet. "We should give him a family then," he surmises.
With a gentle scoff, you feel your eyes beginning to burn with raw emotion. "He deserves it. He doesn't even know what he deserves."
"Well, you do, kiddo. You know." your father insists, nudging you with his elbow.
Humming, your arms fold like a comfort blanket around yourself.
You want Yoongi to be so at peace. To love and know his surroundings. To at least understand what he feels day to day.
"Come on, your mother must be putting him through hell," your dad jeers, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You laugh, wiping at a stray tear that's had the chance to fall.
You want him to be your family.
Stepping back inside, you can see his gummy smile while he talks with your mother and your heart soars at the sight.
"Here, Mom." he whispers, handing her the bowl of potatoes.
The word he utters, sends you spiralling.
"If she's Mom, then I want to be Dad. You promised!" your father quips, setting the baskets of eggs by the stove.
Yoongi turns to you both in the doorway, black pieces of hair in his eyes as he chuckles.
"Yes, Dad."
Your father hums happily, the smile lines by his eyes wrinkling.
You watch the sight before you, your throat constricting and your nasal passages burning.
Yoongi is happy.
"Excuse me," you gasp, taking off to your childhood bedroom.
"Y-Y/N?" Yoongi calls you, watching you rush off down the hall.
He stands up, bowing to your parents. "Pardon me."
He rushes off to find you, wiping his wet hands on his sweatpants.
"Little dove?" he calls gently, opening the paper door.
Sitting cross legged on your bed, you hold a tissue to your face.
"What did I do wrong?" he asks quickly, shutting the door for privacy.
He's done nothing wrong. It's a shame he always thinks it as such. You were just so astounded, so fucking happy that he could speak so warmly and freely. It took over your whole body.
"Are you upset with me?" he inquires, sitting down at the edge of the bed.
You shake your head violently, sobbing into the tissue.
"Then what is it?" his voice is soft and unsure.
Pulling the tissue away from your face, you take in the worry lines that are etched onto his forehead.
With a whine, you wrap your arms around his neck tugging him into a hug.
Yoongi croons softly, rubbing at your back with comforting swipes.
"Is it the baby? Are you in pain?" he whispers into your ear, hooking his chin over your shoulder.
"No," you breathe out, hugging him tightly.
"Alright." he whispers perplexed.
"I'm happy," you insist, burying your face into his neck.
He feels his heart slow down from the racing pace it was just at. His eyes flutter shut as he pulls you into his lap.
"Me too," he replies truthfully.
Holding each other so closely, your heart beats seem to meld as one. You sit in comfortable silence, your sobs stifling and quieting down to nothing.
"You just looked so h-happy that I…" you croak, balling his shirt in your fists.
The corners of his lips flick upward, his eyes opening to look down at your body in his lap. With soft eyes, he presses his lips to your temple.
"Min Yoongi, I'm going to cut this chicken without you!" your mother calls out.
You feel his body shake with a laugh. "One minute, Mom!"
Your lips press into a straight line, tears threatening to fall again.
"You're happy that your family is welcoming me?" he asks, pulling you away to cup your face with both hands.
You whine gently, nodding while his thumbs stroke at your cheeks.
"I'm happy they're welcoming me too. It feels warm." he whispers, shushing you as you let out a small sob.
"You'll let your family be my family, right?" he asks hopefully.
"Always," you whimper.
He smiles softly, his eyes taking in every curve and inch on your face.
"You'll be my family?" he inquires nervously.
"Yeah, I'll be your family." you cry happily.
He looks up at the ceiling, trying to ebb away tears that threaten to come.
"Good. I'd really like that," he replies gratefully.
Pulling your face closer to his, he kisses you softly, both of your eyes fluttering shut.
When you pull apart, his forehead presses to yours.
"I have to go cut a chicken," your boyfriend mumbles, earning a gentle laugh from you.
"Go cut a chicken," you whisper, sliding off his lap.
"I'm really happy with you," he says earnestly, pushing some hair behind your ear.
"Me too." you reply, watching how he smiles so brightly.
Holding his hand out, he dries your face with the hem of his shirt. "Come on, let's make dinner."
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To watch Yoongi laugh and talk to your parents as if he's always known them makes you feel fuller than any of the food on your plate could provide.
"Y/N saved me in History class one time," Yoongi announces to your parents, picking up his glass of whisky.
They hum inquisitively and you lean back against the wall as he chuckles.
"I did really terribly on a quiz that I didn't study for. And, the teacher was embarrassing me. But Y/N told me when the Mongols invaded Goryeo."
"1216." you state, earning a smile from your boyfriend.
He holds up his fingers and you stare at them.
You do remember it.
You remember how embarrassed he looked as a child. You felt the overwhelming urge to help him.
"I remember," you whisper.
He chuckles gently with a hum. "Anyway, she saved my bacon."
Your mother watches you both as you continue to stare at each other over the table. This is good. This is healthy.
"Yoongi, do you play any card games?" your dad asks, setting his chopsticks down on his empty plate.
The smirk that graces his features is devious and you giggle.
"I play poker," he quips, watching as you set down your chopsticks.
"Every Thursday," you add.
Clicking his teeth, he puts a piece of chicken over your unfinished rice. "Eat more for the baby," he insists.
He sounds so sincere you find yourself picking up your spoon.
"Would you like to play poker, later?" your dad inquires.
Yoongi nods, his hand under his chin as he watches you eat. "That'd be great, Dad."
"So how far along is my grandchild now then?" your mother asks, cleaning up the empty plates.
Your boyfriend immediately begins to help her, something he's never done in his life. "Sesame is almost ten weeks old now." he replies and you sit back on your hands to watch him help her.
"Sesame is a cute fetus name, I like that very much."
You can feel the sheer adoration beginning to drip from your mother for your boyfriend. When you first entered his mansion, you had absolutely no idea that it would lead you here. You couldn't have even guessed that he would be becoming a part of your family.
"I have some pictures if you want to see them, I can get a few more copies made to send to you the next time we go to the doctors." he suggests to her as they enter the kitchen.
"I'd love that," she cheers happily.
"I really like this guy," your father whispers conspiratorially to you, picking up your plate and bowl.
You find your nose wrinkling in delight.
"Me too," you mumble, watching your boyfriend's black hair fall into his eyes as he chuckles.
"I really like him too," you mutter to yourself, resting your head against the wall.
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"Something tells me that this is your first relationship," your father says, shuffling the deck of cards.
Yoongi looks up from his whisky glass, a small smirk gracing his features. "That obvious, huh?"
The older man laughs, setting the cards down in between both of their bodies. "Just a little bit," he quips.
The CEO chuckles to himself, looking around the barren land of your backyard.
It isn't quite a farm and it isn't quite a relaxing place either. But, he finds it quaint. It's the company that's more so relaxing.
"Everything with Y/N is a first for me," your boyfriend admits, dealing the cards.
"Oh?" your father pushes, picking up his glass of whisky.
Yoongi hums softly, almost unsurely. "Emotions. Caring. Being concerned. Happiness. Actually wanting to be happy. It's all new." he breathes out, looking up at the star flecked sky. 
Your father smirks over the lip of his glass, his smile lines appearing.
"It's hard to break out of a shell, isn't it?" the older man asks.
Answering the question, Yoongi nods.
"It'll be worth it though, won't it?"
"Oh yes, it will be. That's the thing about finding someone you want to care for. You find that everything you're feeling, whether it's new or not, is very worth it." your father replies, throwing a few peanuts into the bowl, in the place of poker chips.
Yoongi does the same, his cheeks puffing out as he thinks.
"Y/N's worth it," he surmises, picking up his whisky glass.
The older man smiles, raising his glass to the CEO. "I'm glad you think so too."
Their warm talk is cut off by the sound of a chainsaw a far bit of distance away. Your father huffs out, gritting his teeth in annoyance.
"Old man Im is at it again. Y'know, I can't stand that old prick," he gripes, laying his cards down on the small garden table.
"Old man Im?" Yoongi inquires, squinting at the house lights in the far off distance.
"I've been offering to buy that man's land for years now, it's lush and my wife would be able to plant flowers in it but he always asks for such a high price that it's nearly impossible! He wants to sell the land! He just won't give it to me because Y/N threw a rock through his window when she was a little girl," he proclaims, grabbing the peanuts and munching on them.
Yoongi watches how irritated his new family member is and he's immediately annoyed as well.
"How much is he asking for?" The CEO inquires, folding his arms.
"Five million," your father mumbles, grabbing the stack of cards to shuffle them again.
That's pocket change.
"Old man Im, huh?" Yoongi mumbles, watching the house lights shut off.
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Yoongi knows you've been in bed for some time when he enters the shared room. The sheets are ruffled due to your constant turning and your hair is splayed all over your pillow.
He finds himself smirking at the sight, stripping off his shirt to climb into bed with you.
Sliding beneath the sheets, he shivers at how cold his side of the bed is. But he's immediately warm as you throw your body over his.
"Did you have fun?" you mumble somnolently, putting your head on his bare chest.
He snorts gently, smiling up at the ceiling. His eyes flutter shut at the comfort of your body on his. Stroking your head gently, he breathes deeply letting the pleasantness of today wash over him.
"I had more fun today than I probably have ever had in my life," he answers you truthfully.
Your fingers drift over his abs and it's instinctual that he flinches. "Sorry, still working on it."
He still finds it surprising how easy it is to apologize to you when he has never said he's sorry to anyone in his life.
You shake your head, kissing over his skin softly. The shock drifts away, leaving Yoongi to only be comforted by your lips.
"Why do you have so many small tattoos?" you inquire, dragging your fingers over the colorful ink.
Looking down, his tongue runs over his lips feeling as if they're drying out. "Each one is a memory I don't want to forget."
"A memory?" you repeat, picking up your head to look him in the eyes.
"A memory of every cigarette burn that wasn't my fault," he croaks, clearing his throat as he caresses the apple of your cheek.
Your blood runs cold at his strangled voice.
"Like this one, the one of the hummingbird. I put up a bird feeder on my balcony in the winter so they wouldn't starve. And, my father told me that I have no brain. 'Why would you invite those rats with wings into the sanctuary near your bedroom? Are you Mother Theresa, huh? You're making them weak for not finding their own food.' I remember it all the time." your boyfriend says, staring at the paper door as he recites the old memory.
Your teeth grit, eyes narrowing as you cover the tattoo with your hand.
"I hate him," you whisper fiercely, putting your head back on his chest.
"Get in line, little dove." Yoongi murmurs, closing his eyes with a smirk.
There are so many small tattoos that litter his chest, and your throat constricts just looking at them in the moonlit room.
Yoongi looks down at your hand that covers a selection of scars. "Interested in any others?"
He doesn't mind sharing his past with you. In fact, no one knows about these stories he would so quickly give up to you. Not Maya or Namjoon. No one.
"It'll just make me angry," you mumble, turning your head to look up at him.
He chuckles, running his hand over your arm to your stomach. "Well, we don't want that. Anger is poison for Sesame. I should know, I've been poisoned twenty eight years of my life." he sighs.
You scoff gently, moving to lay fully over his body.
"Watch the baby," he grumbles, running his hands over your back as he looks back up at the ceiling.
There's silence for a bit. You just stare at him. Staring at the handsome broken man that's never known happiness.
"I can feel your eyes burning holes into my face," he jeers, squeezing your side gently.
"I really like you," you tell him, sitting up.
He peeks one eye open, the corners of his mouth flickering up with a snort.
"I like you too, baby. That's why I want you to be my family." he replies softly, stroking your thighs with his large hands.
You hum assertively, putting your hands on your hips. "You are my family."
He chuckles, kissing his fingers then mushing them into your lips. "My family member without my blood, housing my family with my blood. My goodness. How much luckier can I get?"
With a smile, you tilt your head as he clears his throat. "Thank you for bringing me here, little dove." he thanks you, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it softly.
"What'd you talk about with my dad?" you inquire, laying down beside him.
Turning his body to yours, he pulls your back against his chest, situating his hand on your stomach.
"Just this and that. I'm probably going to buy a farm tomorrow," he murmurs sleepily.
"A farm? What for?" you ask, running your fingers over his arm.
"I hear that a farm around here has great land for planting. And, I want my family to be able to plant." he whispers, burying his face in your hair.
You go to lift your head in confusion but he shushes you softly.
"Sleep now, little dove. Sesame is tired, just like their father."
The words warm your heart and you smile to yourself, tracing random shapes over his skin.
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It's easy for you to wake up in your old bed to the sound of roosters crowing good morning. It's not so easy for the father of your child.
Folding the pillow over his ears, he kicks his legs childishly.
"I hate chickens!" he whines loudly, stamping his feet on the bed.
"That's a rooster," you correct him, stretching as you stand up.
"Smart ass!" he barks out, flipping his body over.
Smothering his face in the pillow, he groans loudly.
"Guess he's not a morning person," your mother calls from the kitchen and the CEO's head immediately pops up.
"Yes, I am!" he retorts softly, his eyebrows furring.
"Mhm," you droll, combing your fingers through your hair.
Sitting up in bed, his joints pop and crack loudly to which he groans.
"The air here is so fresh," you exclaim, opening up the bathroom window.
"Why are you so chipper? We went to bed late," Yoongi inquired with a grumble, standing up out of the bed to crack his knees.
"Because I'm with my family," you reply, turning on the sink.
The CEO turns to the mirror, tilting his head as his hair falls into his eyes.
You're with your family. And that includes him.
He finds himself smiling to himself, grabbing a t-shirt from his luggage.
"Family," he whispers, running his fingers through his hair.
The simple word has so much more meaning than two days ago.
"Did you bring another set of comfortable clothes?" you ask him, peeking out of the bathroom.
"Why?" he inquires, showing you a pair of expensive sweatpants.
"Because it's six o'clock in the morning and we don't get up that early to just stare at each other," you quip with a laugh.
His hand falls, clutching the sweatpants with a frown. "What's that supposed to mean?"
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"Have you ever done manual labor?" your father inquires to the CEO, watching him sip his coffee.
Yoongi looks up from his Irish coffee, internally groaning at the question.
"No. I'm a CEO," he retorts, setting down the cup.
Your hand slides over your mouth as you begin to smirk.
"Well, my knees aren't what they used to be. You'll help me gather some apples from the trees out back, won't you?" your dad asks, a kind smile gracing his face.
Pressing his lips into a straight line, your boyfriend sighs. "Of course, Dad."
"Good boy," your mother praises, petting his head sweetly.
He smirks at how affectionate she is.
"And what're you going to do while I'm hard at work?" Yoongi inquires of you, watching you kiss the top of Gaesu's head.
"Probably help my mom cook lunch," you reply.
Yoongi immediately begins to smile, "I love when you cook."
With a giggle, you wrinkle your nose at his cuteness. "I know you do."
"Alright Mr. Never-Did-Manual-Labor. Let's go pick some apples!" your dad cheers, patting your boyfriend on the back.
Yoongi is grateful that you insisted on comfortable clothes. He would have never pictured himself climbing a ladder a day in his life, but here he is. Climbing towards the heavens to just reach for a few apples to fill up a basket.
"I was thinking about something last night," your father states, holding the ladder still as the CEO continues his journey upward.
"Oh?" your boyfriend replies, sitting down at the top of the ladder.
"Why'd you get married to that woman, if you don't like her?" your father prods.
Yoongi's eyes widen, staring at the canopy of leaves not so high above him. Oh, if the ground would only open up and swallow both him and the ladder whole.
His hand shakes as he reaches for a ripe apple, his Adam's apple bobbing uncomfortably.
To be truthful, even though he's only been here a day, he'd forgotten that he's married. He's forgotten that he lives with a despicable woman who ruined him.
"Because my parents made me," he announces, almost falling off the ladder due to nerves.
Your father holds the ladder tighter, watching how nervous the younger man's back is. He can see it tensing and shaking like he's frightened.
"They can just make you get married?" your father asks, clearly appalled.
Yoongi turns to him, dropping an apple to him with a smirk. "Rich parents can make you do anything in the world."
Your father hums softly, his eyebrows furring while he catches the apple.
"Is she mean to my daughter? Should I be worried?"
Yoongi finds his teeth gritting. The simple idea of your father being so worried about you in a house with that leech makes him wrought with anger.
Folding his body over the top of the ladder, he narrows his eyes at your father. "Dad, nothing will ever happen to Y/N and our baby. I would die before that bitch has a chance to hurt them or be mean to them. There is nothing for you to worry about, because I would never let that happen."
Your father's eyes widen at how angry your boyfriend has gotten at the drop of a hat. But, he knows just how serious he is. And he finds his body filling with warmth at how protective the father of your child is towards you.
He hums gently, nodding to Yoongi letting him know he understands. "Why don't you just divorce her?"
The CEO's arm stops as he reaches for another apple.
Why doesn't he just fucking divorce her? Who is she to him? No one.
And then he remembers. And he sees red once more.
"My head maid Maya. She had a daughter named Myeyoung. Sera made her move out when we got married because she was beautiful. I never thought so, she always felt like a sister to me. She was always around so she was just a comfortable person to me. When she moved out, I helped her get a job where she could make enough money and live a good life. She opened up her own art gallery. But I learned what a snake that woman is, that damned woman who loves in my house. If I ever divorced her -- Sera swore she would ruin her life and make Myeyoung suffer if I ever took her money away from her." Yoongi fumes, running his fingers through his hair.
Your father shivers at his words, completely appalled with how bitter and evil this woman sounds.
"I see," he whispers softly.
Yoongi can feel anger coursing through every part of his body as he hangs onto the top of the ladder.
He hadn't thought about it in so long, he hasn't wanted to think about how absolutely vile Sera is. But, she's always brought up and always around to make him miserable.
He takes a deep calming breath.
"Maya has always been like my mother when I didn't really have one. I couldn't just let Myeyoung get fed to the wolves. She's too sweet for that." he announces, grabbing an apple and ripping it from its stem.
"You're a good man, son." your father praises, catching the apple as it falls.
Yoongi chuckles darkly, his tongue licking at his lips. "I'll be a better man when the leech is out of my life."
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"Where are we going?" you whine, following your boyfriend as he tugs on your hand.
"I'm going to buy a farm." he replies happily, wading through thickets of bushes.
"This is Old Man Im's farm! He hates me!" you insist, feeling old emotions of terror from when you were a child.
Yoongi stops in his tracks, turning to you.
The sun is setting now, the pretty colors of the sky highlighting your features.
How he adores you.
Lifting his hand, he cups your cheek.
"You know, I'm feeling an emotion that I've never experienced before." he states, stepping closer to you.
With both of your bodies shrouded in the large thicket, it's only you and him.
"What are you feeling?" you ask, concerned and wanting to help.
He hums unsurely, wrapping his free arm around you. Pulling you up against his body, he pushes some stray hairs behind your ear.
"Whenever I look at you, little dove, my heart races like a horse on Sunday. I feel weak and needy when I'm with you. I just want to hold you without the need for food or water. I just want to stare at you every minute of every day.  I just want to… keep you. Forever." he admits.
Your cheeks puff out, heart warmed by his kind words.
"Maybe what you're feeling is infatuation? Or maybe you're feeling comfort?" you ask, adoring how his arms wrap around you, tugging you to his body.
"No I'm not infatuated with you, I'm infatuated with art. My heart -- it bleeds for you." he says, putting his hand on the back of your head to bury your face into his chest.
"Well, we'll figure it out together then," you reply.
"I'd like that." he whispers.
He knows what emotion this is, even if he's never experienced.
He's falling in love with you.
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Next Chapter ------->
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Third Wheeling Taglist -  @wickizer, @imluckybitches, @slothykreuger, @claireelise19, @ggukkieland, @rspbrryy, @iv-bts, @bambuzlee, @chanelbts, @mxxngxdss, @bluewhale52, @milesjeon11, @diamonddia-mond, @vinylphwoar, @yxnxxli, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn, @bts-7beauts, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace, @eclectically-esoteric, @nikkiordonez12, @kaitswrld, @skamlover200, @sevgilove98, @kooeuphoria, @jikooksgirl19, @hobbledehoy26, @singular-itae, @dchimminie, @lowlifeoeuvre, @sugaslittlekookies, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth, @softysuho, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire, @betysotelo18, @jeonmisha, @iwanttohitmyself, @ayyyocee, @neverthefirstchoice, @itsbangtanoclock, @little7bitchh, @veryuniquenamegoeshere, @deathkat657, @firstlovesuga-93, @namjoonia, @paperpurple, @muzikabijou, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites, @kleff03, @ruinsofangels, @brightwingr5, @leekanchol, @rkivemagic, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside, @melaninkpops, @y00ngisbabygirl, @ungodlyjoon, @prochnost513, @dunixxd, @athenakyle, @igotnotype, @chxmachxps, @tinymintyoongi, @vangameren-blog, @alpaca1612, @ohcarolinamin, @thegreatestsushi, @jooniebuggy, @eltrain80, @btsmylife21, @deeepvibes, @httpminyg, @deliciouslydisturbed365, @rkchmestizangmaldita, @jimin-chu, @pimpnameyannie, @preciouschimine, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet, @vanillamyg, @aamxxrii, @kooafraid, @ladykadyrova, @singjisu, @yazanii, @moonlitmyg, @justzeera, @absolutefantrash, @whocaresarchives, @loosewindmill, @vantesfx, @bt21chim, @flowerboyhobi, @kozuume-kenma, @taepiper​
Sorry for those it didn’t tag!
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bifairywife · 2 years
How does it feel like for your fucking jaysteph agenda to be heard that your getting some panels of them on the recent episode
Do you know someone from the webtoon because now I want to do something for my rarepair to make myself be hard too (not for the batman one, but for a different webtoon)
the first part sounds aggressive ngl but i feel you just like to sprinkle in a curse word sometimes-
IT FEELS GOOOOOD i'm so used to giving not with writing jaysteph fics i'm new to that area but you know what i mean i finally get to receiveee ashfjshasahsa
okay okay so kindddd of a story time (no spoilers under cut this time just some rants)
i know my current jaysteph series is called "summer's jaysteph agenda for wayne family adventures" and it's really just that - tbh i didn't make it to be heard, i just made it as a personal thing for me because i wanna give some moments for my ship (i like to think that my "specialty" is writing missing scenes ever since i made my first doriano fic for encanto)
i can't really follow the current continuity cause there's a lot of stuff that branches from it so i chose wayne family adventures since i can easily update myself with the events there
as for the second part, unfortunately i don't know anyone from the webtoon. and i don't really think i was "heard" because of my series ashfjashfasa (it would be funny if i was tho, i can only imagine,,, webtoon if you're seeing this tho and wanna confirm my dm is always open ;>)
but i do encourage you to write for your rarepair. whether you get heard for it or not, at least you made something for yourself that'll satisfy your need for content on your rarepair - and for others out there that also ships your rarepair <33
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 As your boyfriend | BNHA Headcanons 』
From the good, to the bad, to the downright adorable.
Characters: female!reader, Aizawa Shouta
Tags/warnings: Boku No Hero Academia (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, smut, fluff, soft dom Aizawa, relationship, headcanons
A/N: Right, so I'm simping for this man biG TIME, but I'm only on season 3, so no spoilers or anything, please. This is my first BNHA post (and it turned out way longer than I was intending 😅) Please let me know if you want more in the future!
Also, I have a repetitive strain injury, so typing stuff is taking a while at the moment. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ ~Imo
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☆ Aizawa Shouta ☆
I'm not going to lie. Shouta can be a big ol' grouchy pants sometimes, and it's basically impossible to win an argument against him makes you want to tear your hair out, sometimes
But most of the time, he's just tired and in pain, and he doesn't mean to be so crotchety
He's not the type to make excuses, though. That's childish. He means his apologies, even if they're simple
He'll normally initiate an apology by gently wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his forehead on your shoulder 🥺
Physical contact is incredibly personal and intimate for him. He doesn't just touch anyone, or allow them to touch him
You're special 💞💫
Soft, gentle touches, like his fingers interlacing with yours, or his leg brushing up against you, are basically his way of saying 'I love you'
Catch me crying in the corner, a'ight? 😔
He rarely ever raises his voice. Like, ever he doesn't need to, and is aware that it can be scary
He's definitely the kind of guy to forget to tell people that you're dating, simply because he doesn't see how it's relevant or anyone else's business 🤦‍♀️
I mean, he ain't wrong, but–
And his mood switches between 'antisocial' and 'clingy' like a mechanical metronome did someone say 'cat'?
Sometimes, you'll be lucky if he speaks more than three words to you together in a whole day nothing personal 🤷‍♀️
But on other days, he literally won't let you out of his arms for the world he's complicated, okay?
You have missed many a parcel delivery because he wouldn't let you get up from his lap to answer the door 🙄😂
Boundaries and responsibilities are key and highly respected by Shouta, and he would NEVER erase your quirk without your permission, unless he literally had no other choice like someone's going to get hurt, or something
Is generally quite serious so what's new? but you're one of the few people he can relax around when he feels like it
9/10 of his jokes are dad jokes 😎 hell yeah
Takes a hard stance in financial debates, but is constantly broke af 😶 says he'll buy you dinner and presents you with some instant noodles with a 'Reduced To Clear' sticker on them
Will take a bite of your food/steal some off your plate without asking, and literally say nothing to defend himself #gremlin
Is incredibly shy and uncomfortable about being ~le horny~ until you've been together for literally forever
Even then, he's still shy about it when he has to bring it up and it's pretty cute, let me tell ya
It took him forever to admit to you that he gets turned on when you eat ice lollies
Guess what you do whenever you want to mess with him like a little brat 😛
But if he's in the mood, he will 100% whisper something dirty in your ear, even if you're completely alone and probably well past third base
He does it because he knows your pussy will clamp around him at the sound of his voice 😳🥵
*fans self profusely*
Genuine, unadulterated smiles are rare with Aizawa, but when he does 🙌 Heaven hath opened its gates and allowed an angel walk amongst mere mortals 🥺🤧
If he lays his head on your chest, he will fall asleep like that *snaps fingers*
Surprise nose and forehead kisses to show he loves you ❤
Calls you 'Kitten' this is basically already canon at this point
And he's all about those deep talks with you at 3 am when he can't sleep
Speaking of insomnia!
It's cheesy, but you're like a soothing balm. The warmth of your body makes him feel safe, your touch helps him relax, and your voice soothes him to sleep
He's never slept as well as when you're beside him 😭🤧
When cuddling, he likes to be the big spoon but will accept being the little spoon if you if you press your boobs against his back and ask really nicely 🤭
And he loves you stroking his hair and running your fingers through it 🥺
Netlix nights and pillow/blanket forts!!
Rainy days are a godsend. Staying inside all day under the blankets, with the soft sound of the rain falling outside and no-one to interrupt you – literal paradise
He makes mean hot cocoas and Irish coffees 😋 I feel like this man lives off Irish coffees 😂🤣
Wears a lot of black and grey sweatpants at home 😗 which highlight the outline of his dick just right, if ya know what I'm sayin' 👀
Doesn't like going out for dates and prefers staying inside and doing stuff together same, honeyy
But if you really like going out, he will somewhat begrudgingly agree to it and get all dressed up for you, just so long as he gets his fair share of home-dates, too 🤗
But if you also don't like going out... the two of you will basically never leave the house, except to get groceries in your pyjamas from the 24-hour convenience store down the road at one in the morning oddly specific, I know, but you get me
And sorry, but I don't make the rules
Well, actually, I do. But shush
We all know that Shouta cleans up *chef's kiss* So when you go somewhere ~fancy~ he always looks so damn fine 😩
But he has very little idea that he's hot he sees himself as a tired, walking dumpster fire🚶‍♂️🔥
Shouta will 100% turn into a crazy cat dude with 15+ cats if you don't stop him I never said you should, though 🙃
And is a 'minimalist texter' – basically, if he can't answer a text with 'yes', 'no,' 'maybe', or 'OK', then he probably won't answer it at all 😭😂
Especially if you try and sext him or send him your nudes while he's at work. He'll probably lecture you when he gets home and depending on just how much you turned him on, he might proceed to teach you a lesson...
But wear his shirt, and just his shirt or his hoodie and he's yours
Heart eyes, motherfucker 😍
And, depending on how you two are feeling that day, you may or may not end up getting dicked down on the nearest semi-flat surface right then and there 👀
But don't misunderstand. This is an incredibly tired man you have here, and his libido actually isn't through the roof sorry, ladies so this kind of thing isn't an everyday occurrence
But when he dicks you down, he dicks you down goooood
Shouta's not big on PDA, but makes up for it in private. We're talking hands and kisses all over your body he leaves nothing unloved 😏
And while he's not big on PDA, he is big on sneaky displays of affection or 'SDA', as I like to call it
Like subtly grabbing your butt for a second, or his hand on your thigh under the table at a dinner etc. especially around other people
But what really gets him going is slowly removing your clothes and taking you fully naked, spreading your legs wide and holding them open he likes the view 😍
He lowkey highkey worships your body 🙏 and will literally not shut up about how fucking pretty you are, and how fucking good it feels inside you his words, not mine 😳
Groans and growls a little when he's getting close/cumming especially when he's being a little rough and likes to cum together, but knows it's not always practical
He tends to be a gentle dom, but can get just a teensy bit 🤏 rough if he's too into it – but nothing outrageous
We're talking rough thrusts and a brutal pace, maybe holding onto you a little too hard and, waaahh, he gets so embarrassed if he leaves bruises
Is also into a little bondage, but again, only light stuff – restraining your wrists with his hands or his tie or his Capturing Weapon 👀 maybe blinding-folding you if you're okay with it
If you're not blindfolded, then I'm afraid he's all about that eye contact
Eating out your pussy? Eye contact. Pounding you into the mattress? Blazing eye contact. Rearranging your guts in front of the mirror? Fucking eye contact
But all jokes aside – he's too used to taking without consent with his quirk, that he's kind of paranoid about it comes to sex but it's adorable and sweet, and honestly, still kind of hot
And speaking of eating pussy – goddamn does he like to please you. Like cream to a kitty 😛
Oh, and he just loves it when you suck on his fingers as he's pounding into you 🤤
And he likes to leave love bites in personal, inconspicuous places and sometimes on your neck
He's marking his woman 😌
When he gets suuuper horny, he likes to fuck you from behind, standing upright in front of the mirror. It's a specific kink he has of watching himself stretch you out as the length of his cock disappears inside you...
I can get behind that, lemme tell yaaa
I said he tends to be dominant, but female doms – fear not!
Shouta is quite flexible when it comes down to it and is kind of lazy, lmfao so he definitely has time for laying back, having the control taken away, and having his dick ridden
For him, it's really all about communication and what you're both comfortable with
I will say this, though: sometimes, his cat watches you while you're banging 😅😂
The first time it happened, you freaked out and refused to continue because – how could you??? But eventually, you just kind of got used to it 🤷‍♀️
The same way you've got used to it following you to the bathroom every time you go to take a shit 😭
So now, you just kind of laugh about it, which helps keep things a little lighter 🤗
After sex, he does like to snuggle, but you'll be lucky if he stays awake for more than 30 seconds it's one of the few times he actually can sleep well
If you're ever out and about, or even inside, and cold, he'll wrap you up in his clothes/scarf/blanket like a sushi roll like Eren wrapping up Mikasa in his scarf, all deadpan and everything 😐
It's not that often, but when he gets drunk, he gets all soft and emotional, and starts babbling about how he can't believe he got so lucky to be dating you, and that he's sure he hasn't done anything to deserve it mah heart
He's pretty sure he wants kids, but he doesn't feel like now is the right time, and is lowkey afraid that it's never going to feel like the right time
He also constantly doubts himself, wondering if he'd actually able to look after them and protect them the way a father should class 1-A got him second-guessing himself 🥺
Besides, it's not all about him. You clearly have a say in it too, and he doesn't want to force you into anything
Again: communication and comfort zones
Dating Aizawa definitely has its ups and downs, and it's not smooth sailing, but he's prepared to work for a life with you because he's found a connection with you that he hasn't feel with anyone else
He knows that you're both far from perfect, but hopes that, for once, you might just make something good, and make it last 🥰😇
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darkpersonapeace · 4 years
oK i haven't been able to find ANY good EdWin fic lately, perhaps you have some? <3 i feel like there aren't enough fics about them tbh.
I gotta tell you, this is the second time I'm writing this reply. I lost all the fics I was tagging here because I clicked the wrong button, but I'm doing again because I can't deprive the world from EdWin, so here we gooooo: 
(If you haven't checked, I have like 30 (?) EdWin fics in my Ao3  bookmarks, but I'll tag them here along with my favorite ones!) 
Halfway Home and Memorabilia by Invaderk - okay, this are THE fics for me. They are both one shot, post canon, and they are awesome. In my Edwin fic podium, this one is pure gold. 
Hey, Stupid by hiyoris_scarf - One shot, post canon. I adore this fic, it warms my heart.
nothing let to say by mitsys - EDWIN PACIFIC RIM AU, PACIFIC RIM AU. This fic is soooo good, I love it. Sometimes I dream about a second chapter. 
It's an Enormous World by @elfpen - A collection of one shots, set post canon. They all are really good but 'Questions' is my favorite! 
The Ever After by emaxx - this fic. THIS FIC is canon to me. Seriously, it's soo good. It's really well written, the dialogues, the characters, the story. It's awesome. Arakawa herself could've written. 
Angel of Mercy by @altoinkblots - AU WW1, two chapters. Not gonna lie, I cried reading this. It's really goooood, highly recommend! 
In a Polaroid With You by TheBadIdeaBears - AU modern setting, meet cute. I love this fic, it was one of the things that inspired me to write It's called home. 
Throw it Out to Sea by anthrop - One word: PAIN. SO MUCH PAIN. I read this crying, and I'm not exaggerating (although I cry a lot in movies and books). This fic is really, really good. 
Settling Down by wreathoflaurels - Angst but also smut soooo, it's all week in the Edwin world. One shot, post canon. 
the angers will not away by hangonsilvergirl - One shot, post canon. Ed dealing with his traumas but also fluff and Edwin babies!!
Back by vvavavoom - One shot, post canon. Just pure family fluff. 
Morning by theothardus - One shot, post canon but this is smuuut. There's some slightly fluff and Edwin babies but in all this is porn (awesome porn). 
Precious Mettle by lbk_princen - Missing scene from when the boys come home, Edwin and fluff!! (dorks in love) One shot, set during canon. 
while the weary nations weep by aeoleus - One shot, during canon, when the boys come home. Just some angst feeling, sentimental Ed and fluff Edwin
Nothing in This World by ArtemisRae - One shot, post canon. This is sooo good, the four times Ed misses alchemy and the one he doesn't. 
Gender Roles by ArtemisRae - because Edward would be an awesome househusband, wouldn't he? Fluff, post canon, one shot. 
Hurdles by @wrongnote - One shot, post canon. Slightly angst but with happy ending. I must say, my heart squeezed a little when I first read this one. 
where the earth splits beneath the sun by The-Immortal-Moon (LunaKat) - Okay, so this one is PAIN, but also great. AU where Ed and Winry are the ones in Ishval. One shot. There's also kind of a sequence? Is alone in this desolation, we try not to flourish 
what restless hearts we harbor beneath our skin by The-Immortal-Moon (LunaKat) - this one gives me FEELS, but deals with some heavy contents (read the tags!!), is basically angst with happy ending. One shot, post promise day. 
sew my lips closed (I'll tear your heart) by The-Immortal-Moon (LunaKat) - fluff, Edwin, one shot, post promise day. but best of all, BISEXUAL ED, BISEXUAL ED!!! Edwin is still endgame, don't worry, but I have a soft spot for this emotionally and sexually constipated dork. 
Ps: this author The-Immortal-Moon (LunaKat), has some great stories that not EdWin but I highly recommend them! (this here and this one are my favorites) 
A Birthday to Remember by @winryofresembool - One shot, post canon, Edwin babies and Edwin as awesome parents. Just pure delicious fluff!! 
Midnight Mechanic by Angelhart - One shot, post canon. Also one of my favorites, fluff, awesome writing and porn. The best combination possible. 
I'm a hex girl (and I'm gonna put a spell on you) by writing_addict - One shot, Vampire Win, college parties, great world building and fluff. What more can we ask? 
hold your heart courageously by anthrop - One shot, post canon. After the proposal, these idiots in love figuring it out their lives together. 
His Mechanic by Bookwrm389 - One shot, set during canon. This is canon to me, because honestly, Winry would react that way if Edward let anyone else touch his automail. 
The Sun and the Moon by antivanitas - One shot, set during canon and porn, hehe. This one became canon to me, this is exactly what happened but Arakawa had to remove from the manga. 
 By Evil_Little_Dog:
Neverland  - AU after the promise day. It's basically 'what if everything was more fucked up?' Edwin in the background, but still really good. 
Ghost of You - Alternative ending for FMA 03 and CoS. Although is no tagged as 'complete', it is. There's an ending and it's really good. And a happy ending for Edwin because 03 didn't make that happened. 
Hope and Love  - One shot, post canon. Angst but also fluff? And happy ending!!! 
It Don't Matter To Me - Post canon. Really well written, just heads up here: there's some Roy/Edward relationship in this fic (this is not my ship AT ALL, but It's really well written and I kind of get it why they are in a relationship here, there are some special circumstances) but Edwin is endgame, promise!!  
Flower Language  - One shot, post canon. I love this fic, but there are some dark (?) elements discussed in here, so watch out (there's only one tag in this fic, so if you want me to tell you what happens just dm me or ask here). 
Heat Wave  - this is canon to me hehe. One shot, set during the Briggs arc and kind of porn? There's explicit sexual content here, but nothing too much. They are in the cold and they need to warm up guys, cmon. 
I think that's it, anon! I know I've read more Edwin fics but I just can't remember all of them right now. I hope I've helped 💖💖
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
I am here to ask for some goooood Doom content 🙏🏽
I decided to do relationship headcanons because why not lol 
@mxndalorians also requested these headcanons 
Commander Doom relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
Doom may seem like a hardcore badass but he’s a big ol’ softie 
He’s a sweetheart but he’s also a flirt 
Luckily, Doom is smooth as fuck 
You don’t even know he’s flirting he’s so smooth 
He’d definitely be the one to ask you out first 
Of course in a romantic way 
Doom would take you to some nice dinner 
He’d continue to take you on sweet dates, most being romantic walks and such 
Doom would eventually woo you into a relationship 
Your dates would then start being at your apartment 
It would mostly just be you two relaxing at your apartment 
But he still takes you out sometimes, his hand in yours 
Doom doesn’t care about pda. He is very handsy, especially in public 
You’re his! Why hide the fact? 
Sometimes, while cuddling, he’ll tell you stories from his many battles 
He loves telling you stories. It’s one of the ways he shows off 
He loves to impress you in many ways.
Sometimes Doom will try to make you dinner! He can only cook a few things though 
So I hope you like pasta! 
If you ever make him food you’ll never get rid of him
Doom basically moves in with you once he comes over like twice 
He’s like a big stray cat  
You take him shopping to go buy some comfy sleeping clothes and some civilian clothes 
Doom loves shopping and style. So you two are out for a while 
He makes you see everything he tries on, just so he can show off 
He gets a lot of new clothes that day. 
Doom won’t wear a hood if an outfit has one. He needs to show off the many earrings in each ear!
He takes pride in his piercings.
Also loves his dreads and showing them off! 
He’s very into the punk look, and damn does it fit him 
Doom loves leather jackets, but also shirts where he can show off his tattoo sleeves 
He has two tattoo sleeves, both have forest and nature like designs 
He loves it when you trace them, especially when you two take bubble baths 
Doom loves bubble baths, he enjoys relaxing in them with you 
Plus he thinks they’re romantic 
He is always calling you by pet names!! Especially “My heart.” and “My love.” 
Doom is very level headed and pretty relaxed, but he still has PTSD
So he has trouble falling asleep and he has bad nightmares
When you cuddle him, his head on your chest, he sleeps like a baby most of the time
He’s an open book, he’s always willing to talk about his emotions and issues 
Doom is always up to listen to yours, and he’s very very supportive 
The romantic show off is actually a great listener, believe it or not 
Doom has two different colored eyes. 
His left eye is a bright emerald green and his right is a dark doe brown 
You had no idea he was color blind until way later in your relationship 
Doom is very embarrassed by it, and he tries to not let it affect him 
Everytime you call his eyes beautiful he blushes like a fucking fool 
He always compliments you, but when you compliment him he doesn’t know how to handle it
It’s adorable
Remember how I said he’s very handsy in public?
Well if you grab his ass or anything in public he’s a blushing mess. 
It’s very easy to fluster this commander 
Doom would probably say “I love you” first 
He’d always remind you of his, mainly by actions 
When he’s away on missions he tries to comm you often, just so you know he’s alright 
Doom is touch starved as hell, so it makes him kind of clingy 
So after missions he needs cuddles! He missed you and your touch so much! 
Once Doom falls for you, he falls hard 
Doom will love you with all of his heart and he’ll never let you forget it 
Mr. Romance knows a thing or two 
But you’ll still have to teach him some things, but it doesn’t take him long to learn 
Doom has that good clone memory and he learns quick 
After a lesson or two, he knows your body perfectly
Doom soon learns that he absolutely loves pleasuring you, he can’t get enough of your noises 
Some nights he’ll draw orgasm after orgasm from you, but other nights he’ll tease you till you’re almost in tears 
He’s a big teaser
Since he’s a show off he might tease you all day with simple things
He’s an asshole and he fucking knows it 
Doom will 100% tease you in public, he can never keep his hands to himself 
If you tease him back in public it will most likely lead to public sex, 
At first he gets flustered and such at first, but then he just gets needy 
He isn’t afraid to fuck you anytime, anywhere. 
Doom is very very patient, but if you do the teasing he loses all patience 
You two end up playing a lot of games, mainly ones where you see who snaps first 
Doom is kinky as fuck, so he will try anything you want to try 
Like I said, he’s an open book. So he’ll talk to you about his kinks 
He loves trying things out with you! It keeps things interesting!! 
You know what else keeps things interesting? His nipple piercings
If you even touch one of the silver rings he gets riled up. They’re very sensitive 
Doom is a switch. So when you top him make sure to tease those rings 
Also grab his hair. He has pretty long dreads that are perfect for grabbing 
Doom is pretty vocal, he never holds back his pleasure 
He moans like a slut when he’s being topped though  
Doom has many kinks, but he really enjoys bondage and games 
His favorite thing though? Oral. 
Doom is a god when it comes to giving oral 
His mouth is so skilled it’s dangerous. 
He always wakes up before you do, it’s his favorite way to wake you up
Doom cannot get enough of your taste!! 
When he isn’t giving you oral his lips are still attacking your skin somehow 
Doom can’t help but mark you up
Doom loves receiving oral, but he can lose control 
If he’s not tied down he’ll end up fucking your throat 
Doom has a breeding kink, but he doesn’t want children until after the war
So he’ll cum anywhere! 
If you tease him in public enough, causing him to ruin his pants, he’ll punish you real good 
Remember how I said Doom loves praise?? Well if you praise him he loses it!
He has a praise kink, both receiving and giving 
Doom is very romantic, so after a romantic evening he’ll fuck you slow and intimately 
He loves those soft romantic nights, but he’ll still take you roughly 
He may be romantic, but he loves his animal sex 
Doom loves bubble baths, which mostly lead to bathtub sex 
He just thinks they’re fun 
Remember, Doom will fuck you anytime, anywhere. 
This means he’s fucked you everywhere in your apartment
Doom is very caring with aftercare 
He mumbles sweet nothings to you as he cleans you both up with a warm rag
If you two have energy he may even suggest a hot shower
No matter what, you’ll fall asleep in the warm embrace of your loving commander
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @royalhandmaidens @cherry-cokes-world @iamassbuttkingofhell @catsnkooks @mxndalorians @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @peacefulwizardfox @jedi-mando @julyzaa @strangebroadwaykinks @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @jedi-nila-rhyn @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @commanderrivercc-3628 @ct7567329 @simping-for-fives @blue-space-porgs @my-awakened-ghost
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thecandywrites · 3 years
Blood For Gold Chapter 14
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Ha! You THOUGHT I had forgotten this but no. No. Not by a long shot. it's just getting GOOOOOD. Like intrigue, sit on the edge of your seat as you subconciously hold your breath, good. The plot thickens and it's getting complicated and dangerous and you're gonna love it! Just...love it.
@punkhorse96 gurl, this is for you. Enjoy.
Blood For Gold
Chapter 14
“So what caught that nose of yours so strongly tonight?” Benny asked as she stole into Sierge’s room and was in the process of eagerly disrobing him again.
“I couldn’t be sure.” Sierge shook his head, not wanting to disclose the secret his nose uncovered, although if push came to shove and it was either him attaining Benny or his brother attaining Audra and his happiness was the price of his brother’s, he would officially have enough to tip the scales in his favor. Although now that he had been close enough to Sultana Audravienne, he realized the secret to why the Sultana would have so much coin to throw around, she was obviously a private whore for the Red Velvet Rope. Living a double life and supplementing her income. By his calculations the Sultana could pull in hundreds, maybe even thousands of pounds, being a pure moura with marks like hers, anyone would be paying through the nose to see how extensive they were and if she were masked, no one would be any the wiser because of how “proper” English society was and how covered up they usually had to be, no one would ever see that much of Audra’s body to say one way or the other in polite society. But if the gossip columns got wind of it, she’d be done for.
That is how the Sultana enraptured his brother, they met on the train first, then went to The Red Velvet Rope where she was already latched onto Demsey through his cock and was making Demsey compete for her with the Dauphin, just another moura playing another game of cat and mouse or mice in a maze. All mouras were the same, except for his Benny, his perfect, brilliant Benyana. Who had captured his heart, mind and soul.
“I don’t believe you.” Benny practically sang as she pushed him down into the bed before she practically pounced on him and used her fingertips to both stroke and rake her hands all over his already marked body.
“Demsey’s whore at the Red Velvet Rope, I found her scent on another orc.” Sierge finally confessed as Benny continued to licentiously tease him.
“Well she’s a whore and her whorehouse was hosting the event, of course she was working, she has to make a living too.” Benny reasoned with a shrug as she started licking up his cock and could tell that wasn’t all Sierge had uncovered.
“So what else?” Benny prodded as used the tip of her nose to nuzzle his ballsack as his mostly hard cock layed over most of her face, the head already weeping and the sight threatened to pull every ounce of air from Sierge's lungs.
“Come on, you can trust me, tell me. Have I ever betrayed your confidence?” Benny encouraged before she used the tip of her tongue to split the two testicles as she licked from the back of his ball sack to the underside of his cock then licked all the way up to the tip, grinning as it got completely hard from her minstrations.
“No.” Sierge hissed as he fisted the bedding. Benny and that tongue of hers was something else. He loved it.
“Then tell me.” Benny offered before she swirled the head of his weeping cock with her tongue before flicking it and giving him a heated look of desire.
“She wasn’t there as a worker, she was there as a guest.” Sierge finally groaned when her mouth closed over his cock as she gave him a few good sucks as Benny giggled in her hum around him.
“And did you find her?” Benny asked as she used her hands to start massaging his thighs.
“Yes.” Sierge confessed as he felt like he was in heaven.
“And?” Benny pressed further.
“The resemblance is uncanny.” Sierge said, figuring that was the safest answer he could give.
“Then why did you sniff at Audravienne at the table and the other blue orc?” Benny asked as she used her breasts to squish around Sierge’s cock, the underside rubbing against her breastbone.
“Because I could smell her on him.” Sierge said.
“It was a crowded dancefloor, she could have brushed up against him.” Benny excused, trying to see how much Sierge would give up.
“Not unless she had sex with him on the dance floor, I could smell her sexual essence on him. On his pants particularly. It had been attempted to be wiped off, but her essence was potent and very fresh, less than an hour old.” Sierge admitted.
“Well she’s always had a thing for orcs.” Benny revealed.
“What do you mean by that?” Sierge asked as he rose to his elbows to look at her perplexed by her choice of words.
“My brother Leumeni? He used to get her off with his fingers and tongue a lot back in the stables, it hurt him something awful when she became a shakan and couldn’t return to them, never even returned any of his letters either in all that time.” Benny revealed.
“He what?!” Sierge asked as he sat up, feeling particular panic grip him for his sister Kiera’s sake because Kiera and Leumeni had gotten quite cozy themselves.
“What? That’s a norm back in the stables, most brothers get their sister’s friends off, mouras of all kinds have high sex drives, it keeps the moura’s “pure” as in no penile-vaginal penetrative sex but that doesn’t mean you can’t suck someone off or help them masturbate in turn, but the keiy point is, is, it’s just sex, no feelings, no strings attached, or that’s the way it’s supposed to be but not the way it is right now between us.” Benny giggled as she climbed into his lap and seated herself onto her prize.
“Does that mean that Kiera is in danger of Leumeni…” Sierge began.
“Oh no, wherever we are, we have to hold ourselves to the code of ethics and standards of where we are at the time. So since it’s not proper for a “lady” such as your sister to be in any compromising situation with a gentleman, Leumeni likes her enough that he won’t jeopardize her honor. Nor any of the other jewel orc counterparts. But you and I obviously have something much more precious and valuable than they do, don’t we? And it would be a shame if we didn't take advantage of every chance and opportunity to get as aquainted with each other as we can be, can we?” She coached as she held his face as her gaze held his as she was undeterred and rode him.
“That we do.” Sierge had to admit.
“Then don’t worry.” She reassured him before he fell back into the bed and let her ride him as she pleased.
Meanwhile in Demsey’s room.
“You have to tell her!” Tzane demanded of his eldest brother as Demsey was laying in bed with his arm over his eyes and just wanted rest more than anything, his body was spent, his mind was exhausted and his heart was torn in conflicting confusion.
“I will, when the time is right.” Dempsey reassured Tzane.
“And what’s wrong with right now?” Tzane pressed.
“She’s tired, just like I am. She’s already in bed, it would be inappropriate to go to her rooms, especially at this hour.” Demsey argued.
“Oh you say that, but yet we all know that Sierge isn’t staying alone in his room, we can all smell them on each other. But no one even bats an eye.” Tzane argued.
“That’s because the only thing Sierge cares about- is his own pleasure more than any woman’s honor, even a moura bride’s.” Demsey growled, frustrated that every time he closed his eyes he was seeing Miss Draft instead of Sultana Audravienne.
“If you don’t tell Audra now before the Dauphin and Dauphine push Ramsey to ensnare her to the point where she has no choice put to accept him, it will be too late and Audra will have to put up with sharing her partner with her brother of all people, it’s heartbreaking enough for a partner to be unfaithful, but that’s too much like incest for anyone.” Tzane pleaded.
“I know! That’s why when I get a chance to privately tell her, I will, so that she can protect herself from him and his family. Tomorrow, I will find a moment to tell her tomorrow and I will not rest tomorrow night until it comes to her attention, now please for the love of the gods and all that is holy, return to your own quarters and get some rest. Please, I beg of you.” Demsey pleaded.
“I will hold you to it.” Tzane insisted before he left and returned to his own room.
Meanwhile Calla had found her way into your rooms through the secret passages.
“Audra, there is something you need to know.” Calla insisted as she came over to your vanity where you were removing your makeup and wondering why you had put on gold glittering eyeshadow before you left but it seemed to have turned white and then black over the course of the evening, it was happening to more and more of your gold powder and glittered substances and it alluded you as to why it kept happening, it kept happening ever since Edward’s death and you didn't know what was happening but it was getting on your nerves.
“Is it about how Axal and Ramsey are lovers?” You guessed.
“You know?” Calla asked, shocked by the fact that you knew already.
“Of course I do, Axal told me about the attraction the moment they landed here and he’s been inseparable from Ramsey ever since and I understand if the sight of Ramsey sucking Axal off on the balcony above us caused a disruption to Tzane and Demsey, such kinds of relations are a bit taboo in this society but I had no reason to make a scene and embarrass anyone tonight by throwing a fit, although if push comes to shove and I’ll need that reason publically, I’m sure Axal will “confess” to everything to give me an out eventually. For now, I’m content to play blissfully ignorant until then. But you must swear to keep all that a secret, especially from anyone and everyone else.” You confided.
“So this...does not upset you?” Calla asked.
“No, why should it? I have no attachment to Ramsey and therefore no reason for jealousy, at this point such a union with Ramsey would be considered incest on account of Axal which is all the reason I need to dismiss Ramsey as a suitor and his attempts to woo me and I love Axal dearly and I want to see him happy and Ramsey seems to be able to do that quite nicely and honestly with Axal going to 3C’s, it makes quite a bit of sense. Axal has a solution to the “problem” and it should become realized soon. So all I have to do is wait and play along for now.” You told her.
“Oh.” Calla frowned as she considered all of that.
“So you and Tzane seemed to be quite the pair tonight, does he please you?” You asked her as you scooted over on your bench and patted it in invitation so she could sit next to you.
“He is the most noble and remarkable and brilliant gentleman in all of England.” Call sighed dreamily as a love drunk smile seemed to plaster itself on her face which brought a happy grin to yours before Calla started talking about how wonderful Tzane was.
Meanwhile back in your grandmother’s room, she was taking council with her daughter, her daughter’s mother in law, as well as your hier father’s wife and her mother along with the Dauphine herself as they had all passed around your original contract with Edward along with your contract with Richard as well as the reports of the stable master’s assessments of you after you had been reassessed after Edward’s death.
“This makes no sense.” Your mother said as she wiped the tears from her eyes, reading about the abuse you suffered.
“I think it makes perfect sense.” Maradiem, your heir father’s wife, and your "step mother" answered.
“Then explain it how you see it so that it makes sense.” Your mother demanded.
“What is missing about the reports is Jane. She was only 15 at the time, and is still at the absolute mercy of her monstrous parents. She was an innocent caught in the crossfire according to Audra and the only soft spot the Morrigans found to “push” because they ripped all the others away. Audra had no means of escape, she had no way to fight back. She was being watched at all times and drugged with mourkatili. Served at Jane’s hands no less. If Jane had any sense of self preservation, she of course would play the innocent wounded, weakling to Audra, beg for Audra’s compliance so that she wouldn’t get hurt from Audra’s point of view but also play the compliant pawn to her parents to keep herself from actually suffering their "abuse" which I'm sure was just a show for Audra's sake. And while the Morrigans found that if they appeared to punish Jane, because Audra herself was too strong to defeat by any other means, they used Jane to emotionally manipulate her and dupe her into anything. Jane still, could have reached out to the stables, she could have reached out to any number of people at all the balls or anything she went to, she could have sent a private message to the stables to intervene if she really had Audra’s best interests at heart and wanted to protect Audra as much as Audra protected her. As it stands now, if Audra dies, it is Jane who is Audra’s beneficiary. All that money and wealth, goes to Jane if something happens to Audra.” Avania, Sylvar’s mother explained as Maradiem nodded her agreement to that explanation.
“Exactly.” Maradiem nodded.
“And I have dispatched Charlotte to get the truth from Jane, Charlotte is quite good at gaining trust and gaining invaluable intelligence, she is far more intelligent than she lets on, she is with Jane now, in the gardens and is gathering intelligence as we speak and has been since she came here. Plus, it’s been no mistake that Countess Agnes Morrigan has always had her eye on Ramsey for Jane herself and with Audravienne out of the way and with Jane inheriting all that Audra has, even that would be enough for Gregori or Ramsey to reconsider.” Yalin confessed.
“But as it stands now, Audra’s body has been poisoned or "tainted" as you would view it, to the point that any chance of her producing an heir is naught and any designs that Gregori or Ramsey have about her producing an heir for your family is not feasible.” Your mother Jodhaa voiced.
“Yes, both Gregori and Ramsey will have to consider that Audra even trying to conceive could endanger her life. And I will speak with them about it myself.” Yalin readily agreed.
“I think we need to reach out to Audra’s paid companions, bring them here and question them and see what they know and question all of Audra’s servants, the ones that followed her from Broadcove are especially suspicious.” Loreiris insisted.
“As it stands, Scotland Yard is at Broadcove and at Mirador. And we have hired Bellfast, who is a mage- and they are especially keen with everything magical and they can conjure up everything that has transpired. And what I heard from them only this morning- is Broadcove was under two spells. The second was placed by Audravienne, to turn all the mirrors and paintings in Broadcove into scene catchers, and the first however was performed by a wizard- Lemark under Richard’s decree, so that no messengerari- would work on the grounds and the lightning rod on top of the house is a form of signal disturbance that affects not just the house but until the very grounds that Broadcove sits on, even their neighbors have difficulty but have never thought that the problem would be with Broadcove and Scotland Yard in their in their investigation have found that at least three men in the postal system have been hired to catch all of Audra’s mail and all mail addressed to Audra and they themselves disposed of it but as of right now- those letters are being rebirthed into existance by Bellfast. Each one will come with a high cost- of course it will be demanded of the Morrigans to pay for. So we do have solid evidence of Richard tampering with all communications.” Yalin divulged as she pulled the letter out from her pocket and passed it around for the others to read.
“So Richard made it so that Audra couldn’t reach out and from that, obviously Jane could not reach out either. Audra fired back with making everything else in the house a catcher- basically a messengerari that was set to record everything.” Jodhaa smiled in relief as did most of the others.
“It appears so, yes, but it’s all protected by a password. If they can crack the password, they can get access to it, or if Audra will be so kind as to provide the password, a case can be built starting tomorrow so that after the komoba battle- we can go straight to court.” Yalin grinned.
“Clever, clever girl, that’s how the stable masters could know of the abuse. Not only did they have Audra’s word, but they must have seen the proof of it with their own eyes. A catcher is just as good as a messengerari.” Maradiem realized.
“And catchers and messengerari’s both hold up in our court system as proof. As long as there is no sign of tampering, it all can be submitted and taken as gospel.” Yalin insisted.
“Now if you’ll excuse me it is quite late, we need to retire and get at least a few hours of sleep tonight.” Yalin urged them before they all got up and went their separate ways as Charlotte was already waiting in her mother’s room dressing room to tell her what she had found out from Jane but one look at her Lottie and she could immediately tell something was wrong.
“Audravienne’s case can not be allowed to make it to court.” Lottie insisted as her eyes glossed with tears.
“What? Why?”
“Because Jane has uncovered the plot to bring Audravienne into this family. And if the case goes to court- Audravinne and Jane will be assassinated to cover up the plot.” Lottie urged her mother, her own panicked tone giving Yalin pause and worry.
“By the Morrigans? They’ve already tried to kill Audra with mourkatili and failed, but why would they try to kill their own daughter? That doesn’t make any…” Yalin shook her head no.
“No- not by the Morrigans, but...but by Father.” Lottie blurted.
“What are you talking about?” Yalin asked as Lottie’s tears began to fall and she started trembling.
“Count Edward Morrigan was poisoned with Wolf’s Eye. That’s what made him go crazy to begin with. That’s what made him abusive to Audravienne and what got her that shakan status. When Richard and Agnes discovered it, they thought it was Audra, but it wasn’t, she was innocent and had no knowledge or involvement and Jane has proof of Audravienne’s innocence but her parents did not believe Jane and believed that Audra had brainwashed Jane into thinking Audra was innocent, the reason they bought that mourkatili was revenge for Edward. Father poisoned Edward and killed Edward so that Audravienne could marry Ramsey quicker. Jane knows that Audra is innocent, she also knows of father’s involvement and if it goes to court, Jane knows that it will be the death of not just Audravienne but herself if not her whole family to cover up father’s involvement. That’s why it can’t go to court. What has already been done is all that can be done, if any further steps are taken- the implications would ruin everyone involved, even us, especially us.” Lottie revealed as Yalin had to sit down and clutch her middle and fight not to throw up.
“Doesn’t father’s actions make more sense than ever? Father is so desperate to get Ramsey married that he murdered Count Edward to make it so once Ramsey had chosen Audra at the oddly convenient time of her wedding. But now that Audravienne is tainted with mourkatili, she can’t produce heirs and Count Edward died for nothing. If they move forward with the court case, and all is revealed- we could lose everything.” Lottie urged her mother as Yalin started crying as fear and panic gripped her own chest.
“Say nothing for now, to anyone, not even father or your brother. Do not let on that you know any of this. Maybe there is still a way to hang the Morrigans on the mourkatili and prove Audra’s innocence and leave it at that.” Yalin insisted as she fought to find her composure.
“But what is worse is I fear that Axal will meet the same fate. Axal has caught Ramsey’s eye and heart from what I can tell and Ramsey will never let Axal go so that he can embrace Audra and Audra has no wish for Ramsey, it’s plain for everyone to see. But I know that Father is unyielding and Father will make her choose Ramsey if she doesn’t want her own neck in a noose because he could as very well put the poisoning on Audravienne, father has the ability and connections to tamper with the evidence and then turn that tampering on Audravienne, it could be “proved” that she was the one to kill him via Wolf Eye, once things are tampered with- it’s all ruined.” Lottie professed.
“And with Charlico mated to Heavencrest, there is no escape for Audra. She can’t flee to the colonies because Charlico will find Heavencrest, the way all mated pairs of griffins do. Audravienne is trapped, whether she knows it or not but Father will make her aware of it. It’s just a matter of time. And father can always just buy one of Ramsey’s other lovers, have them moved into the palace and pass off their children as Audra’s children to make them legitimate heirs and lock Audra away to make it seem like she becomes pregnant.” Lottie fretted.
“But that means that Audra will be just another prisoner, just another pawn like before. She will be miserable and will drink herself to death, she has enough self respect to not put up with it. It won’t work. If she can not find happiness and contentment, she will be gone. And I swore to her I would protect her from another life like that. And I have every intention of keeping my word.” Yalin insisted.
“But what can we do?” Lottie asked.
“I don’t know, but we will think of something.” Yalin reassured her daughter.
“For now, just...try to get some sleep, and watch over Jane and Audra and Axal. Don’t let any harm come to any of them, make sure to be the first to eat and drink everything offered to them, your own moura genes will protect you, as will the servants. I will find a solution as fast as I can.” Yalin swore to her daughter before she saw her daughter out and then got undressed and retired to her own bedroom where her husband was already fast asleep as Yalin slipped into bed with him and stared at him wearily, if not with fear and a good healthy dose of mistrust.
For all of their marriage they had both loved and admired the other’s cunning and ability to play intrigue better than anyone else in court and in business so that they always came out on top. But she never would have thought her husband capable of actual murder and if Gregori had poisoned Edward, she knew that with Audra being so close and so “attainable” he wouldn’t stop there. Gregori would absolutely kill Axal, he would kill Jane, he would even kill Audra if it meant that his own deeds would never be known and her own family would be torn if not beyond ruin if it was found out. She needed to encourage Demsey Voyambi to take Audra as a bride for himself sooner than later because it was clear to her that he had a deep affection for her and she knew him capable of truly loving her and giving her the loving home life she so desperately wanted. And she needed to find another option for Ramsey that would tempt Gregori off of Audra. Come the morning, she would be talking to Axal herself to find another solution and everyone would just have to accept that nothing more could be done in your case.
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carpsurprise · 4 years
Alex/M!Farmer + Can you come pick me up it didn't work out 🥺🥺 thanks (plus I love your writing sm it's goooood)
˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ alex + “can you come pick me up? it didn’t work out” ... !
→ male!farmer — (he/him pronouns)
→ notes: i hope this is what you meant by that. if not, tell me! the phrase ‘pick me up’ didn’t really work out, but i tried my best to make it work. 
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The farmer sniffled, resting his face against the palm of his hand. Approaching footsteps crunched the dirt path to the forest, signaling that Alex had gotten the text he sent:
‘Can you come pick me up? It didn’t work out.’
Alex rushed himself getting dressed, one sock inside out and still pulling on the sleeves of his jacket on the way out of the door. The walk to the forest was longer than he imagined it would be, but he jogged out of worry anyway. The farmer didn’t look over at Alex, keeping his gaze locked on the sea of trees in front of him. Alex seen the picnic that was all laid out and prepared, wincing slightly imagining the scene that most likely unfolded only a couple minutes prior to the farmer’s text.
He sat beside the farmer, rubbing his hand along his back in a desperate attempt to comfort him. “Hey, hey, I’m sorry. Listen, they don’t know what they’re missing, okay?”
The farmer’s head collapsed into his hands, trying to repress any outburst that would break through. He nodded at Alex’s words, still refusing to lift his head. 
“Yeah, they don’t know. I’ll stay here if you want? Me and you can enjoy this picnic. You put so much work into it, don’t want it to go to waste, ya know?”
Nodding again, the farmer lifted his head and wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand. “Yeah,” he mumbled, glancing at Alex to see the side of his face. His friendly smile persisted, despite the circumstances. The farmer grabbed the drinks he had brought for him and his date, handing one over to Alex. “Here.”
He took the bottle, opened it, and threw his head back as he drank. Alex laid down against the picnic blanket with his hands behind his head, hoping his act of normalcy would spread to the farmer. He let out a content sigh, watching as the farmer opened up the picnic basket before shutting it again abruptly. “I don’t think I want to sit here anymore.”
Alex shot up immediately, setting his bottle of water to the side. His act had failed him. “Oh, okay, I understand. Do you want me to help you bring this stuff back to the farmhouse then?”
The farmer nodded slowly, picking himself up and yanking the picnic blanket up with him. Alex carried the picnic basket, allowing the farmer to clutch onto the light blanket as they both walked to the farmhouse.
“I can stay a little longer if you want,” Alex offered.
“Yeah,” he replied, opening the door to the farmhouse, “please do.”
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Maple syrup dreams
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 21 | Part 22 Maple syrup dreams | Part 23 >
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Disclaimer: Just fluff
Author’s note: Do you know what I just can’t get enough of? Whenever I’m writing my fanfics I keep Tumblr open in the background and there’s nothing more fun than seeing you, the reader, pop up in my notifications every few minutes or so, liking yet another chapter of a long fic. At some point I even know when you’re having a tea break, or taking a moment to make yourself some food. It makes me, as a writer, feel all gooey with happiness (and I quietly enjoy the fun along with you whenever you’re reading my works, my mind bringing me back to when I was writing that particular chapter you just liked). Ugh! I’m such a sap today! I love you darling readers! ❤️
Word count: 2.042
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
I am writing this blog from a far, far away place. My fingers a bit numb from the everlasting cold, the taste on my tongue remembering I had far too much Maple Syrup Taffy and my everyday schedule suddenly consisting off shoving snow and rubbing down snowy dog paws.
Me and chocolate cake are in Canada, where we’ll be for the next 2 months as he’s working on a movie here. A movie? Chocolate cake? Hold on, you may think. Tell me more about this mysterious chocolate cake that you seem to be getting serious with! Well dear readers, though many of you know by now whom my lovely chocolate cake is, I’d still like to keep our privacy a little while longer. So let us just say; talk, dark, handsome and a very practical human heater when sleeping together. Especially when you are staying in this freakishly cold country and the actual heater is broken.
Today I’ll be visiting the movie set for the first time, and thereby a part of a new life starts that may have seemed totally ridiculous had you told me I’d be here a few months ago. But alas(ka), here we go!
‘Morning love.’ Henry chuckled, watching me shuffle through the tiny hallway of the trailer, my body clad in probably every sweater and wool sock I could find. ‘Hmmpff..’ I grumbled, plopping down beside him on the small bench in the kitchen nook.
It felt a bit like my student days. Living on each others lip, this shared living space no bigger than some 24m2, the heating unit broken and the food..well..not great.
‘Need me to warm you up?’ He smiled, gesturing me to scoot over to his lap. Silently nodding I moved up to him, feeling his arms snake around me and pull me snug against his broad and warm chest. ‘Ungh..how can you only wear one sweater and not be cold?’
Henry laughed. ‘It’s called 4000 kcal a day intake and lots of exercising.’ He kissed my cold cheek, his slight stubble scratching my skin. I sniffled and shook my head. ‘Does not sound like my cup of tea.’ - ‘Doesn’t have to be. I’ll keep you warm.’ He hummed, pushing a warm hand beneath my layers of sweaters. ‘Besides, the maintenance team is going to check on that heater this afternoon, so with a little luck we get home tonight to a nice and warm trailer.’ - ‘Goooood.’ I hummed, then squealed, feeling him tickle my skin ever so slightly. ‘Very good.’ He smiled, sniffing my hair before placing a kiss atop my head.
‘Hmm..In case I haven’t mentioned it, I’m so glad to have you here.’ He whispered, nuzzling my hair some more. I chuckled. ‘Oh you only mentioned it about a hundred times or so.’ I leaned back a little so I could turn my face towards his, our noses touching.
He was SO warm.
‘I wouldn’t miss this for the world.’ I murmured, laying a pillowy kiss on his lips. ‘Besides I got some small tasks to help the team out with today, so I don’t have to wait for you to come home like the good housewife I am.’ I winked, making him snicker. ‘Very good wifey.’ - ‘I mean, I’m no wife..but..you know..housegirlfriend sounds weird.’ I shrugged, turning to steal a sip of coffee from his large mug and thereby missing the loving glint in his eyes.
He watched me for a few more long moments, enjoying his coffee and staring into the abyss of 6 AM nothingness, Kal still snoring quietly on his dog bed. He didn’t want to ruin the moment as it was, but there sure was a whole lot going on in his head.
I was his first girlfriend to join him for such a long movie shoot. And for the first time in a long time he didn’t feel so very alone. Didn’t feel like it was just another fleeting moment of a good life. This was going to last. He would make sure it would.
‘Oh are you going to finish that.’ I pointed at a leftover bite of his breakfast toast. He laughed aloud. ‘Go ahead. And, I’ll make myself a mental note to make double the amount of breakfast tomorrow.’
I blushed slightly as I felt his gaze on me, chewing that bit of toast. ‘Sowwyy.’ I gulped, quickly swallowing the toast. ‘You really don’t have to..-‘ - ‘No please Ali. You travelled half the world just to be here with me. The least I can do is make you breakfast while you wrap yourself in not one, not two..but THREE of my sweaters.’
My blush became even more fierce when I felt his chest rumble with mirth.
‘Mwu..they’re just really nice sweaters.’ I mumbled, pouting at him. ‘Hahah. Oh Ali-bear. I have missed you so.’
Ali-bear? I raised an eyebrow at him as my blush slowly faded. ‘Ali-bear?’ I asked with mild confusion. ‘Yes, since you call me Henry-bear and you ARE part of the bear pack now.’ He winked, nodding at Kal who was blinking open his eyes, the large Akita stretching out his paws with mild exaggeration. We both laughed. ‘A-ha..so I’m a bear now, too?’ I looked at him and he shrugged innocently, making me laugh even harder. ‘Oh Henry..you are un-BEAR-able.’  
The days on set were crazy long, crazy cold, but also crazy fun. After a week or so I got into a routine of helping for a few hours on set - moving and cleaning props, cooking meals with the cook, walking Kal -, followed by a few hours of working on my upcoming book and help out the Jersey Gazette with editing articles.
My life in Jersey felt like lightyears away, but I didn’t miss it as much as I had anticipated. All I really needed was Henry, silly as it seemed. Be it because we were crazy in love, or because we really had found great soulmates in one another. Even on 14 hour workdays we’d find the time to be there for each other, making life in general really rather pleasant.
Did I have a good idea for one of my stories? I’d pitch it to Henry. Henry needed to practise some new lines? I’d play his villanous counterpart. Did either one of us feel a little on edge? We’d have a quickie in the trailer.
Yes, life was good.
‘Hi mom..hello?..Mom? Can you hear me?’ The line crackled and my mom’s voice distorted in a wild flurry of screeches and blurred speech. ‘Let’s try again.’ I ended the call and waited for her to call me in turn, this time the line thankfully much more stable.
‘Oh! There we go!’ Mom exclaimed, hearing me giggle. ‘Hello Ali dear. Oh baby we miss you soooo!’
‘Hi mom. Miss you too! How’s everything at home?’
‘Quite exciting times over here..we finally adopted a dog! A four year old poodle mix, named Cookie. And she’s a lovely gal. Chewing on some shoelaces as we speak hahaha.’ - ‘Quite lovely indeed haha. So you truly miss me THAT much, hmm? Empty nest?’ - ‘Terribly. So how’s everything over there? Are you okay? Eating enough vegetables?’
Moms will be moms.
‘Yes mom haha. Plenty of vegetables. And I exercise everyday because it is crazy cold and there’s practically no other way to get warm..-‘ - ‘The things you do for love, hmm? I remember you experiencing your first snow. How you immediately ran back inside, not liking it one bit. And now you are living in meters of snow!’
‘Yes. The things we do for love.’ I heard the trailer door open behind me and looked over my shoulder, seeing two snowy bears enter, bringing with them a gust of icy cold air.
‘Close it..close IT!’ I exclaimed, waving at the door when Henry let it open, his arm filled with a number of plastic bags. Smiling, his nose also slightly red with cold, he bumped the door closed with his buttocks, Kal taking the moment to shake off the remains of snow in his fur and launching it at the both of us.
‘KALL!!’ I warned, the akita panting at me happily, acting as if he didn’t do anything wrong.
‘Shall I call back later dear? Sounds like you have some men to take care of.’ My mom’s voice sounded in my ear and I slowly nodded, my eyes tracking to Henry as he zipped out of his jacket and started rubbing Kal down with a towel, the dog continuing to circle away from him, thinking it was playtime.
‘Yea..call you back mom. Looks like Henry could use some help haha. Have fun with Cookie and send pictures!! Love you. Give dad a hug from me.’ - ‘I shall my dear. Kisses back!’ And that was the end of the call.
I quickly stood up and helped Henry dry off Kal, our smiles growing as the dog started to bounce up, licking our faces. ‘Who’s a good boy?!’ I cooed, rubbing him behind the ears, squatting down and allowing the dog to lean into me, going in for a big bear hug. The dog was more than glad to get all this attention, his head ducking down and pressing into my chest, eager to get even more pets. I laughed and looked up at Henry, seeing him get up and moving back to the bags that were now on the small kitchen counter, his hands digging through the contents
‘Whatcha got..-?’ - ‘Close your eyes!’ He stopped me mid sentence, looking over his shoulder with a mischievous glint in his ocean blues. ‘Ohhhkay..’ I said, slightly unsure, settling down so Kal couldn’t topple me over, the large Akita folding his large paws over my lap and also looking at Henry.
What was he up to? With a slow breath I closed my eyes, my hand continuing to trace languid circles through his fur. And then I felt something being pushed down on my head. Warm, soft. REALLY soft. A..hat? I wished to open my eyes but Henry clicked his tongue in warning, now picking up my hands and slipping them carefully in what probably were two mittens. My lips curled up in a smile, and I turned my head up expectantly.
‘Can I look now..?’ I asked quietly. Henry chuckled. ‘Almost.’
Then I felt something shift beneath my hands, Kal sitting up slightly.
‘Okay, now you can look.’
I opened my eyes and first saw Kal, wearing the cutest purplish blue knit scarf, and then the mittens on my hands. Also knit, but with a teddy-like material inside to keep my fingers nice and toasty. Reaching for my head I could feel a hat there. ‘With bear ears.’ Henry sniffled, nodding. ‘I know you don’t want me to get you presents. But it’s a bit of a special day.’
‘Special..day..?’ I quirked up an eyebrow, then smiled feeling the two small bear ears on my head. Slowly I lowered my hands again and gave Henry a studious look. ‘Special day.’ Henry smiled, sitting down beside me and Kal, his eyes glittering.
‘Did I ..miss..something?’ I gave him a suspicious look.
Henry chuckled. ‘Perhaps a calendar.’ He reached for my mittens and pulled me to his chest, noses nearly touching. ‘Happy half year anniversary sweet little icicle of mine.’ He said with a smile in his voice, his lips trying to brush against mine, but failing as I gasped in horror. ‘OOOH…I FORGOT.’
Henry laughed all the harder, shoulders shaking and Kal shifting so he could lean into the both us, head squeezed in between our chests. ‘That’s quite alright. Now c’mhere.’ He snickered, pulling my embarrassed face to his, our lips finally melting together.
And how hot and cozy that moment was.
Nothing big and outrageous. No hours of driving just to get to some half decent restaurant. It was just Henry, me and Kal. The three of us enjoying a first home cooked dinner in weeks whilst laughing at the extra warm clothes Henry had gotten me - he could not stand it seeing his girl be cold, and though he loved sharing his sweaters..he did need some of them for his own use too, especially when we went out for our morning runs.
It was sweet, thoughtful, simple and much of what I expected of true love. A maintenance kind of love.
And from here on any next steps in our relationship didn’t seem so scary. I had not even given the whole donorship thing a second glance since we had arrived in Canada. This? This might very well be it, you know? 
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