divinedeathbed · 16 days
Creates a selfship blog that's url is "mysships" like misships. Hahaha get it
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suncitygirls · 6 months
Like weeks and weeks ago we got this insanely good candy as a misship and today i made garlic bread and dinner yahoo for everyone and my coworker gave me 1/3 full bag, all he had of them in thanks Thank you coworker they are the best.
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ronmackpdx · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Puma Comcast Business Golf Polo Size XS.
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cloudster-clown · 2 years
Just found out my techno plushie got misshiped to another person...
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The Jubilee: Fill Your Boots
My latest podcast (MP3) is a reading of my 2017 Locus column “The Jubilee: Fill Your Boots ,” about the nature of material scarcity, which is a subject of enormous significance at this moment as production has ground to a halt, and in which the use of the internet to coordinate our activity is at an all-time high. The essay’s thesis is that the answer to the climate change crisis might coordination, not privation — holidays when our renewable energy sources weren’t producing, work when they were. Making hay while the sun shines. Given the enforced time off so many of us are living through, the ideas are more salient than they were when I started thinking about them in 2017.
Cheapness and coordination go hand in hand. Trains gave us railroad time, the first system of timekeeping that synchronized clocks beyond ear­shot of the clocktower’s bells, so 11:00 a.m. in New York was also 11:00 a.m. in Toronto – and they also made it drastically cheaper to move goods from one place to another, both to bring them to market and to refine them further in multi-stage, distributed industrial processes. Spoke-and-hub aviation gave us flight transfers in 45 minutes, including baggage logistics, making it possible to go from small, out of the way places to large, centralized places without having to provide economically unsustainable point-to-point direct routes between every small town and every big city. Walmart’s supply chains stretch from China to Burbank with fantastic reli­ability, so that everything Walmart sells is always available, without having to wait for misshipments and misorders. A single McDonald’s hamburger can contain beef from 1,000 animals – the company isn’t a restaurant chain, it’s a logistics firm that solves problems involving fractional cows.
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chey-doodles · 5 years
Okay so last week on Friday I got March’s charity pin in the mail and I had ordered a white PMA t-shirt size Small alongside with it. Well on Friday I had only received the pin and not the shirt. I looked on Arrive and I realized it must’ve misshipped (because Arrive said it did) but still no sign of the shirt today. Has this happened to anyone else? Should I just wait another day or what??
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ryqoshay · 6 years
Happy Life: How to Handle Plan B
Primary Pairing: YohaRiko Words: ~1.4k Rating: K AU: Angelic? Time Frame: Late college? Young adult, post college? (May change as I write more) Story Arc: Stand Alone
List of all HL scenes
Author’s Note: Hit a wall with the first scene I wanted to write for Riko’s birthday. As such, the title for this new scene shares a meaning with my own experiences in writing it.
“I’m home!” Riko called, entering the apartment. She smiled as a black kitten and a tan puppy scampered around the corner. “Hey Prelude, Phobetor.” She knelt and scratched both pets behind their ears. “Do you two know if Yocchan is home yet?”
As if they actually understood the question, the young animals turned and lead the way to the kitchen.
“Riri!?” Yoshiko uttered, turning in surprise as her three roommates entered. “I-I didn’t expect you home so s-soon!”
“Everything alright?”
“I… think the stove is cursed... or something.” The younger girl fussed with the dials and held her hand over the burners, hoping for heat.
“Is it plugged in?”
“I checked that.”
“Did the breaker trip?”
“Checked that too.” Yoshiko sighed, glancing at the uncooked food on the counter. “And I already prepped everything too…”
“Have you called the landlord?”
“Not yet.”
“Why don’t you go relax for a bit.” Riko suggested, sensing her girlfriend’s frustrations. “It’s not a problem. Don’t worry about it.”
Yoshiko opened her mouth to protest further, but closed it at the sight of Riko’s gentle smile. With one last lamenting look at the half-finished meal, the fallen angel trudged into the living room.
“Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.” Riko announced, stepping up behind the couch. Unconsciously, her hand moved to stroke the cat perched on the back.
“Mmm…?” Yoshiko looked over with an expression that was obviously attempting to control an increasing irritation.
“Bad news; Tanaka-san said they won’t be able to make it over tonight.” Riko explained as she leaned over to pat the dog on the cushion. “Good news; she said to send her the receipt for whatever we order tonight, be it if we go out or order in or whatever, and she’ll deduct it from our rent. Same goes for breakfast tomorrow if need be.”
“That’s… good…”
“So, what’s wrong now?”
“The system needs an update, but it’s not connecting.”
“Do we have connection?”
“My phone connects fine, so it’s probably something server side.”
“What about your offline games?”
Yoshiko shook her head. “Those won’t work either until the system gets its update.”
“I see.” Riko offered a sympathetic smile before rubbing her girlfriend’s head in a similar way to how she had just done with their pets. She was grateful that Yoshiko wasn’t so upset so as not to be placated by the gesture, even pushing up into Riko’s hand a bit. “Well, why don’t we place an order?” Riko pulled out her phone. “Then I can play something for you while we wait?”
“You’d be alright with that?”
Riko chuckled. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Yoshiko pursed her lips. “Well, it’s just that today is…”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean you have to everything.” The older girl explained. “And sure, I always enjoy watching you play and talking about your games, but, having Yocchan as an exclusive audience when I play is also a gift unto itself.”
That earned a smile from Yoshiko.
“But first…” Riko opened an app. “Let’s get some food on its way.” She made her selection and before handing the device to the other girl.
Yoshiko tapped at the screen a few times before frowning.
“Now what?”
“They’re out of my favorite…”
“We can order from somewhere else if you prefer.”
“Hrm… Maybe I can try the special?”
“Oh? Which one? I chose the second one.”
“In that case I’ll go with the first…”
“That looked good as well.”
“Yohane would be more than happy to share a few bites with her angelic Riri.”
Riko smiled, happy to see a spark of the Yoshiko she loved best start to return. She held out a hand, which Yoshiko took, before leading the younger girl to the music room. Prelude and Phobetor followed close behind. Riko liked to think that the pets enjoyed her music as much as Yoshiko, but she realized they were probably mainly interested in the company.
Yoshiko settled into her favorite spot while Riko sat on the piano bench. The redhead lifted the fallboard, poised her hands above the keys for a brief moment and then began to play.
Three chords in, Riko stopped.
“What was that?” Yoshiko asked, picking up on something being wrong, but not quite able to identify it on her own.
Riko tapped at one of the keys. But, instead of the expected harmonious tone, a dull thud sounded.
“Did the curse affect the piano as well?” Yoshiko gasped. “I thought Riri’s aura of good fortune would be enough to protect it.”
“I think it just needs a bit of maintenance.” Riko chuckled. “I have been playing it a lot lately.”
“So… now what?”
“Hrm…” The older girl thought for a moment. “How about… maybe… Why don’t we head down to the convenience store and pick up some special treats for Prelude and Phobetor?” She smiled as the got the expected reaction from the two animals.
“And a cake?”
Riko blinked.
“I couldn’t make dinner, and I won’t be able to make a cake for you either.”
“Ah, that’s fine.”
“It is?”
“Of course. If I know my Yocchan, you’ll be wanting to bake the cake as soon as the oven is repaired.”
“Oh, and I packaged up everything you prepped already, so it will be that much easier for us to make dinner tomorrow.”
“I’ll make it!” Yoshiko offered, enthusiastically. “Yohane insists on making dinner for her Riri, even if it is belated.”
“Alright.” Riko nodded. “Then shall we head out?”
“To the store!” Yoshiko made for the door.
“I’m sorry, Riri…”
“Again?” Riko tilted her head in confusion. “Now what?”
The couple had finished a lovely dinner together and were now settling down on the couch to enjoy their cake while watching a movie.
“There was one more thing my curse affected.”
“Your gift.”
“What do you mean?”
“I ordered it online and it was supposed to be here no later than yesterday.” Yoshiko explained. “But it somehow got misshipped to someone in France.”
Riko snorted as she tried to hold back, but it didn’t take long before she burst out laughing.
“Sh… shipped to… F… France?” Riko struggled to get out between bouts.
“That’s what the tracking info says. And they don’t know when it will get here. I’m sorry…”
“No, no, no…” Riko shook her head and willed herself to calm down. She slipped an arm around her girlfriend and pulled her close. “It’s not your fault, Yocchan. These things happen sometimes.” She giggled. “Maybe we can have Mari pick it up for us.”
“Yeah, but…” Yoshiko cut off as a kiss landed on her cheek.
“I know you’re going to say that they happen more often to you. But regardless of how true that might be, it still doesn’t make it your fault.” She poked the other girl’s nose. “And I’ll keep telling you that until you believe it.”
“But today is supposed to be special.” The younger girl finally got in her protest.
“And it is.” Riko assured. “I just had a wonderful meal with my lovely girlfriend. And now I’m getting ready to watch a movie and spend some quality time with my beloved Yocchan. Just the two of us.” Two heads popped up, causing Riko to laugh again. “Sorry, four of us.” She corrected.
“But we do this at least once a week.” Yoshiko insisted. “Usually more.”
“Doesn’t make it any less special.” Riko replied. “And doesn’t mean I enjoy it any less. Don’t you enjoy it too?”
“Of course, I do. I love our movie nights. And game nights. And music nights.”
“And study nights?”
“Not so much.” Yoshiko admitted. “But I do enjoy studying together more than alone.”
“As to I.” Riko smiled. “So, stop fretting and enjoy this movie with me. I think you worry too much about me sometimes.”
“A fallen angel should always concern herself with the well-being of her angelic girlfriend.”
“A fallen angel should also know when to relax and go with Plan B when Plan A fails.”
“I think we’re probably on like D or E by now…”
“Probably past that even…” Riko chuckled.
“Plan Double-Theta?” Yoshiko grinned.
“Sure, let’s go with that.” Riko reached for the remote. “But before we do, there is one more thing I’d like from you.”
“Oh?” Yoshiko raised an eyebrow.
“Something that recognizes this special day.”
The blue-haired girl paused in thought before her eyes widened with realization. “Happy birthday, Riri!” She finally said cheerfully.
“Thanks, Yocchan.” Riko replied before hitting Play.
Author’s Note Continued: Well... that certainly was an interesting patchwork of old notes and recycled ideas... But that’s occasionally what Plan B ends up being. And I wanted to get something out by Riko’s birthday. Perhaps someday I’ll come back to this and smooth things out. But if my track record concerning HtHaN’s much needed retcons is any indication, it’ll probably be a while.
That all said, the primary source of inspiration for this scene is a set of plaques my mom bought for the family. They say “Life is all about how you handle Plan B” which is more or less one of our mottoes. We often joke about adding to the plaques “Or Plan C. Or Plan D. Or...” or something of the like.
I can see Riko adapting this mindset even before she starts dating Yohane. Possibly as early as asking the younger girl to move in with her, or possibly earlier. And perhaps I can write a scene or two about such preparation once the movie is released.
Finally, kudos to anyone who knows another mention of a Plan Double-Theta.
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sydmarch · 2 years
bought something else from sacred bones praying & crying it doesn't get misshipped to texas on its way to me this time 🙏
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auroraluciferi · 2 years
I can’t describe how many solar contractors, installers, and other clients are desperate for panels right now
after 2-3 years of the pandemic interfering with solar supply, logistics and installation, this was supposed to be a watershed year for US solar - I never truly believed that, because I’ve seen first hand how fucked everything has been since 2020
almost every single quoted project has been held up by issues because of supply chain, labor, availability/stock, and widely fluctuating shipping & handling fees
our manufacturers have completely refused to answer even basic questions for months. 
my team has been forced to tell contractors, the people we see and talk to and work with every day, “you may have ordered this product from us 4-6 months ago, but right now, we don’t know what panel we’ll actually be getting, we don’t know how many, and we don’t know when that will be.”
imagine being a solar installer trying to plan your summer or fall work schedule on that kind of vague bullshit
it makes me feel like a complete idiot, because my company is a major distributor for hundreds of these groups, but the factory is telling us that all this is held up because of issues at the port, tariff/trade concerns, shipping/handling/freight problems, etc.
in reality, it’s almost certainly because the container of panels they allocated to us was sold to some other group out west who will pay far more for it than us
was it misallocated? was it misshipped? did the port have delays or carrier lose it? did fucking pirates steal this rich cargo while it was on the water?
maybe it hits the port after weeks backed up in a harbor somewhere and just completely disappears like an entire goddamn container of solar inverters from another one of our three major distributors
did my boss never sign the check 12 weeks ago?
we will never know
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blinksharx · 6 years
we switched to a big giant conglomerate warehouse at work and its been *the worst*... they constantly misship things, mislabel things, and short us... my section looks awful now
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cruxymox · 7 years
if i could be not in this box, tightly, dark. or is it only my head, or my neck, or my skeleton whole and nervous-nervous-nervous system folded so badly, so unlike origami it reminds us of a tilting hell...
this box which should nothing be.
a splintered wall presses black at the back of my brain, reaching for somewhere the eyes. the moving rings, failed neon bridges, pressing for colors. the railroad of demonic prism-caught peripherals. i can breathe, i think - thank gods i can breathe, i am to have. have to, i am.
in and count and out and count. in the box, and in the box, and in...
when i am in here, what is out?
i am not sure where my hands are. i don't feel that any i have.
behind, tied, or styrofoam cased. maybe packed in ice, the plastic cooler swings under swimming red lights and didn't this i want, they're mine, they're mine, don't to them these glaring give.
if i could unbox, could we have gathered and turned crowbar my hands. [or and this mouth misship.] not this tightly, this dark.
but still and quiet, pressed i wait and hope. wait still. quiet. breathing.
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hightechlogistics · 4 years
How fulfillment centers are helping in an optimized warehouse management system?
Fulfillment centers are different from conventional distribution centers. The former is used extensively by e-commerce companies to help them fulfill orders for their end customers; while the latter is meant for distribution to retail centers. For small-scale businesses, the growth of fulfillment centers has helped them save their operational costs, mostly logistics. One of the core areas is the warehouse management system. How?
Stock out, mispicks, misships, and damaged products are four issues that constantly bother online sellers, causing them to lose clients and brand value. All of these are related to mismanagement of inventory, shipping, and deliveries. The good thing is that with the help of outsourced fulfillment centers, e-commerce merchants can overcome all of these issues. There are typically two ways of working here – one, the online merchant receives items from the manufacturer, reviews them, and sends them to the fulfillment center; and second, the items are directly sent to the warehouse in New York or any other suitable location, as per the location base of customers.  
For an e-commerce company based in the US, the essence of working with the right fulfillment center in New York is manifold. There is definite cost saving in not having an owned warehouse or physical space to store the products. Inventory management becomes easier, shipping and deliveries become smoother. The headache of managing the logistics part of online selling from one endpoint to another is outsourced. This helps online merchants to focus on their key areas of expertise.
Another advantage in outsourcing lies in the fact related to returns. Returned products go back to the fulfillment center and not the online seller. Also, with volume shipping orders, fulfillment centers can negotiate better rates with shippers; as a result, online sellers go ahead and offer free or discounted shipping charges to customers.
Original Source: Blogger.com
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midar1 · 7 years
pro tip for everyone living outside North America: never order anything from nhl.shop.com, everything will be misshipped or re-sent back to the States at least a dozen times, and shipping will take over a month, and usually only happens after you contact their support and they send you replacements for your missing items. the international NHL shop is your best friend even if they have like 2 products
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canmete2 · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2C0qOYR
JIERUIZE Gold Lace Appliques Short Cocktail Dresses High Neck Cheap Short Prom Party Dresses robe de cocktail
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When you order , please read the measurement instruction and check the size charts carefully , we made the standard size according to the size charts on our page!
If there is no standard size fit you , you can also custom made the size , but you should pay US$10.0 for the custom made fees , thank you.
Color: You can choice any color you like from color card ,then tell us the color number,since computer screens have chromatic aberration, especially between CRT screen and LCD screen, we can not guarantee that the color of our products will be exactly the same with the photographs you saw.
If you want the color to be the same to the picture ,please remark that you want the color to be same as picture , we will choose closest color to the picture .We can not sure that the color will be exactly the same to the picture!
In most time, the buyer need not pay any customs fees. We will declare it as a sample or gift and a low value to avoid the tax.
But sometimes in some countries, the customs officer maybe strict. We can not accountable any customs fee, please check it out the customs policy at your own place. If you have to pay the customs fees, it is your duty to your own country, the buyer should understand this situation.
We using below companies for transportation.
UPS takes 4-7 working days
DHL takes 4-7 working days
TNT takes 4-7 working Days
Fedex takes 4-7 working days
EMS takes 7-15 working days(To Brazil takes 35-45 Days after we sending)
China Post Air Mail takes 25-30 working days (To Russia and Brazil takes 45-60 days)
NOTE : Russia and Brazil Buyer should give us your FULL NAME , or the dress can not arrived to you easily!
Please keep our company information in your contact file, check our website when you have time or need new products, you will find nice dresses which are fit your market well. Also send us email if you make your own design, we could make according to customer’s requirement.
Looking forward to work with you!
Order Cancellations
We understand that ordering a dress for your special occasion is an important undertaking, and our cancellation policy was created with this in mind. However, it is important to note that our dresses are made to order, and once the creation process has begun the materials cannot be reused. The good news is that after placing your order, there is still time to make up your mind. Please refer to our cancellation policy below for details.
Our Cancellations Policy
1.Orders canceled within 24 hours of payment confirmation will be eligible for a full refund.
2.Orders canceled 1-3 days after payment confirmation will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost and 50% of the product purchase price.
3.Orders canceled after 3 days of payment confirmation will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost.
4.Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
Returning For Replacement or Refund
1.Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. Upon the arrival of your package, we encourage you to check and make sure that the dress has been made to your order specifications. Try on your dress as soon as possible without removing the tags, altering, or washing the dress.
2.If you are returning or exchanging dresses or accessories, please make sure they are in their original condition – unworn, unwashed, unaltered, undamaged, clean, free of lint and hair and with tags intact and attached.
Defective, Damaged or Misshipped Items
You are eligible for a refund of the full purchase price plus shipping costs for defective, damaged or mis-shipped items. If you believe your items were damaged during delivery, you must first obtain “Proof of Damage” documentation from your delivery carrier.
Sizing or Fitting Issues
As all of our dresses are hand-sewn and custom tailored, the finished gown may vary by approximately one (1) inch in either direction of the specified measurements.
Dress is not the size you ordered
Should your dress size differ from the specifications of your order by more than one inch, we encourage you to find a local tailor to make adjustments, and we will gladly reimburse you for up to 50% of the product price in tailoring costs. If you choose this option, please remember to request a receipt from your tailor as a copy of it must be provided when requesting reimbursement.
Dress is the size you ordered but does not fit
Dresses that do not fit properly but fit the specifications you ordered cannot be returned or exchanged.
Please note: if your order specifications differ too greatly from the final sizing request, resizing may not be possible
Return Process
1.Submit a return request to seller within 15 days of your order’s shipment*. Include an explanation and photographs documenting the reason for the return. Returns will not be accepted without prior approval from my shop.
2. Once our sellers has approved your request, please send the item and the completed Product Return Form back to us as soon as possible.
3. Once received at our facility, your return will be processed in 3 to 5 business days. Once your return is confirmed and inspected, please allow up to two billing cycles for it to be credited to your account. Items returned in unacceptable condition we will not be processed as refunds and will be shipped back to you.
Please contact us before leaving a neutral or negative feedback. As a serious and responsible seller,we will try our best to solve your problem.
Once again,thank you for ordering and hope you like your purchase here.You comment is very important in our business success. If you are satisfied with your purchase and our total service,pls take a minute to leave us a positive feedback with an overall Detailed Selling Rating
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potatofuzz · 7 years
a package i ordered got misshipped to a town 45min away (after ALREADY BEING IN MY TOWN) and instead of being sent back it was? sent one state over to a sort facility?
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dearsystems · 5 years
Why an Efficient Fulfillment Process Starts with WMS Software
The Obstacles to an Efficient Fulfillment and Warehouse Management System
This article is part 1 of 2 in our series, “Why an Efficient Fulfillment Process Starts with WMS Software.” Stay tuned for more!
You sell a product. The product ships to the customer. Simple, right?
Of course not. That simple logic hides the messiness, complexities and tight deadlines of a crucial process: fulfillment. And when you add a warehouse full of inventory to the mix, you absolutely need an effective organization system for your business to function, hence a warehouse management system (WMS). That system is the backbone of your warehouse.
To run a warehouse, you need an inventory management system. To run a warehouse efficiently, you need WMS software.
Fulfillment comprises a series of tasks, from order management to warehouse management. You may feel that your current system is adequate, whether it’s manual or based on some combination of order tracking and inventory management.
But the truth is, a highly efficient and streamlined fulfillment process simply isn’t possible without WMS software. Without it, you’ll be stuck at a lower level of efficiency for both time and cost. Here’s what that looks like:
Level 1: Manual
Some businesses still run fulfillment manually on printed lists in their warehouses, either because they have yet to upgrade or because they’ve only recently expanded enough to need a warehouse. While a well-organized manual process does represent a warehouse management system, it’s a pretty low-level one.
A manual WMS will cause you all sorts of headaches, including:
-Human error & associated rising costs
-Lack of transparency
-Difficulty of optimizing based on data insights
-Inability to do complex picks like wave or bulk
 These factors combine to create rampant inefficiency across the board.
Human Error & Costs
Human error is incredibly common — and incredibly costly. A misprint could result in an incorrect shipment; a list distributed twice could result in a whole slew of duplicate orders sent out; theft can result in immediate losses; even simple mispicks or incorrect packaging might send orders in all the wrong directions.
The ramifications of these errors are the real problem. Inventory is an incredibly valuable asset, and when it’s sent to the wrong place, it’s a sunk cost. That’s not to mention disgruntled customers who received the wrong order or no items at all, as well as associated costs of retrieving misships or having to send out the same order again. A manual warehouse management system, even with the best oversight, can do little to prevent all of these errors.
Transparency & Data Insights
A manual system is also more challenging to optimize. Without clear data insights via a software program, you can’t make small but impactful improvements like reorganizing your inventory or ensuring that workers are using the fastest route between shelves.
Complex Workflows
Manual WMS also limit you because they don’t facilitate more complex (and more efficient) order fulfillment. For instance, you can’t run something like a wave pick to mastermind the flow of workers within the warehouse with just a pen and paper. If you’re picking orders as they come in or relying on a print-out, you can’t do bulk picks to satisfy multiple order lines, because you simply don’t have the oversight of the whole system to do that.
 Level 2: Order & Inventory Management
A significant step above the muddle of manual management is software that’s adjacent to warehouse management systems. Most commonly, that means order and inventory management softwares.
For growing businesses, this is a great intermediary step. It ensures that your inventory is properly tracked, that orders come through automatically based on inventory availability and more. Early into warehouse management, this system will work just fine.
Here’s the catch: with these non-specialized softwares, you’ll end up running into many of the same problems as a manual warehouse management system. You’ll have more insight into your inventory, but still no data on your warehouse itself. You’ll have better control over orders, but still struggle to efficiently manage complex workflows like bulk picks. You’ll also still rely on manual processes such as printing out order lists for workers.
Inventory management is pretty much a necessity to any business with physical goods — but for a company with a warehouse, it’s simply not enough. It comes down to this: if you have a warehouse, you need WMS software.
 How to Find the Right Inventory Software
The post Why an Efficient Fulfillment Process Starts with WMS Software appeared first on DEAR Cloud Inventory Management.
This article originally appeared at https://ift.tt/2tNEMOL
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