#missing blackthorn child
witchlingcirce · 4 months
One thing I genuinely really like about the last hours and the dark artfices is that you can see how different Cassie’s original plans for the series were.
Btw all this information is stuff you can find on her tumblr from like 2010 and above!!!
Like for TDA in particular, Julian was meant to be really heavy smoker, Cristina’s name was Carmen and she was definitely going to have a very different personality (Cassie mentioned how this ‘Carmen’ liked to dye her hair), Livia was going to tell people her name was Olivia because she thought Livia was odd, AND there was meant to be another blackthorn! Who was originally going to be around 5 I think? And her name was Ariadne!!
Now the last hours is one where you can 100% see the major differences in how the characters and story was originally planned. I don’t know how long Cassie had actually planned this series for, but it was definitely a longggg time.
One major difference is definitely just the characters in general. If you look at James in the midnight heir his personality is so drastically different, there was meant to be alot more characters (I.E, Charlotte and Henry where meant to have daughters which I wish we got!!!). Not to mention appearances were very different as well!!!
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Anna was going to have green eyes, and Christopher was going to have longer hair (look at that pony tail!).
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Another example of this!!! I don’t think I could make who half these characters, and ngl looking at this feels so cursed!!
I think it’s meant to go Alastair, Alexander Lightwood (Gabriel and Cecily’S youngest son), next to him is either Cecily or most likely an earlier conception of Anna, Lucie and Cordelia, James and Matthew, behind them is Jesse and Grace I think! I than… Charles and Christopher??? Very odd duo. On the boat is herongraystairs, and than next to them I think is meant to be more lightwoods? I presume whoever they were would be our now Thomas, Eugina and Barbara. And I could not tell you for the life of me who was behind them.
I think the last hours is especially fun to look at because they have a decent amount of old fanart!!! Looking at white Alastair and Cordelia feels so… like it doesn’t even seem like it could be them!
TLH was also her series most impacted by covid!!! And she had planned to give the series a more tragic end, so I’m really curious what her original plan for that in particular was. I have theory’s something was meant to happen with Matthew but that’s just me.
I really enjoy seeing the difference in the original plan and what we got! Seeing the earlier stages feels so weird!!
(All lovely drawings done by Cassandra Jean)
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whimsical-lullaby · 5 months
Would you write a Toranaga x reader who was traveling with John Blackthorne?
Untethered, floating aimlessly
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Standing before the great lord, your head hung low with your eyes trained to the ground and unable to meet his gaze. But your ears bore witness to your surroundings; the howling winds of nightfall, the crimson tent's flap flying in the breeze. Had your feet not been covered, you would have felt sand cling to your toes. For a moment you are thankful you are in this clothing .. but the weight of it hangs on your shoulders.
Just like the weight of his silence, you think inwardly as you waited patiently for whatever words would come out the Lord's mouth.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you finally raised your eyes to see the scene unfold before you. Yoshii Toranaga, holding his infant daughter in his arms .. he looked down at her, his lips upturn in a small but recognisable smile of content. Moving slightly in a motion of rocking the child who rests in her peaceful slumber. You've never seen him this peaceful before, not ever since you met him.
The girl seemed like she was too little to even fit in his arms but she did, perfectly so. An image too good to be true.
Toranaga lifts his had and his eyes rest on yours. "You did well."
You did well. At those three simple words, you gleamed softly.
In your time in Ajiro village, you had taken up the task to learn as much of the Japanese language as you could. Ten words a day, you had requested of your teacher, Lady Mariko. But she adjusted them to five, less you wanted to go to sleep with a headache and forget the pronunciations which was most likely what happened.
"What have you decided to name her?" Toranaga quarries in a hum.
Yes, it is true. You have excelled in learning as much words as your brain could handle. But you were still new to stringing up sentences with said words. Your head turned to Lady Mariko, awaiting his translation.
Swallowing up every anxiety you had in you, your eyes interlocked with his. "I have." Your voice began, leveled. "Mariko will be her name. For she has stood by me like no one else has since my arrival."
Toda Mariko blinked, hesitating her interpretation for her Lord as her heart swells with gratitude. Her eightfold fence rattled but she charged on, guarding it dutifully. She dips her head in a bow. "You honor me greatly, N/N-sama."
Lord Toranaga's eyes narrowed lightly, brows contorted in confusion and they rested as Lady Mariko translates for you. He didn't dare miss the warmth the two women shared and found it endearing that you were finding a footing in his country, a home in the form of one his most trusted people.
A small smile settles on his lips, looking at you. "A fitting name indeed."
The Lord comes over to you, carefully placing Mariko in the safety of your arms. Your heart swells with wonder of her being here .. for a long time she had been but an imagination, a dream. And now you're finding it hard to believe she was actually here.
You had expected so much from Toranaga's arrival. The first image of him that came to your mind when he saw you, was him raging and speaking so quickly in long sentences you didn't even understand. And you just staring at him like a deer, surveying for any predators in the area.
However, you weren't going to lie because you deserved his anger, his lecture. Hiding a pregnancy wasn't a small thing...
Still, you couldn't take your mind off of the day you two parted. You had argued with him on the ship sailing to Ajiro village after the escape at Osaka. Needing to let out your pent up emotions to the sole purpose of your anguish and frustration. Him.
When you were first brought before him along with John Blackthorne, you had been but a stranger to him. A barbarian. At first you had no knowledge as to why he had strike up the deal to set John and his crew free in exchange of you being his concubine.
It seemed like a deal for his own personal gain which you righteously refused. But just as John had a slippery tongue when it comes to vile words, he did so when telling lies. Like the lie he told Toranaga of you being his sister, to ensure that you were close to him whatever the circumstances was.. a lie in which still is hidden til today. And then he goes on to accept the offer on your behalf.
Some brother he was.
Lady Mariko was there to help you in any way she could and you were grateful in that aspect. Yet that still didn't mean it was sunshine and roses from then on.
The escape from Osaka took place.
You had thought, since you were Toranaga's concubine he would protect you, at the very least. But when you climbed on that Portuguese ship at the bay, and the captain said he wanted you and Blackthorne out and back to the shores of Osaka, Toranaga came out of the captain's quarters and relied his words.
You were no stranger to betrayal. It was the root cause of you coming here in the first place. The son of a lady you were serving had his eyes of for you, one day gifting you his grandmother's ring on Christmas. A little bird tweeted in the kitchens you were working in and you found yourself in front of the Mistress who had her son beside her, questioning him on the jewellery. The bastard denied ever giving it to you.
Branded a thief, you knew sooner than late that you would be sentenced to transportation.
Your nan always told you to be wary of men, they will take advantage of you if you don't.
That's why you descended upon the Portuguese ship in tow behind John, because you were just a pawn in whatever game the Lord of Kanto was playing.
You both narrowly escaped. That was one thing about you that you shared with John. Your drive to live ...
For the few coming hours, you had Mary that drive nor will ..
Unable to face Toranaga after his betrayal, you went to the back of the ship that courses through the waves. Somehow, you ended on the other side of the helm of the ship, the heal of your legs balancing on a protruding beam. Your mind had conjured up a peaceful oblivion, that was enough to make you do that.
As you gaze down at the reflection of the starry littered sea, that's all you wished to be engulfed in. A gleaming heaven, a calm nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Not a raging cold ocean that would drown you the moment you let go.
The moment you let go ..
It never came. Because Toranaga was there.
He stopped you. Obviously it didn't work. You were a stubborn girl from the day you were born.
Your mind was made up. You nothing here in these, you had no one, you were no one.
By the time you reached Ajiro village, no words were shared between you and Lord Toranaga. You stood next to Blackthorne as the formalities went on with Toranaga inspecting his vassal's army.
Then you saw him sailing away on the boat, gracefully raising his fan as the army cheered him on. Nagakado had said he had urgent business and that for the coming months, the gun regiment needed to be trained.
There was only a moment where you interlocked eyes with his as the boat took him away. A foreign feeling tugged at your heart and you ignored it as you wondered beneath all that anguish inside you. Was he ever feeling it too?
Now how were you to bring up being with child in all that whirlwind of pain and betrayal and loneliness?
Thankfully the loneliness was cured.
You found a friend in Usami Fuji. She had orders from Toranaga to be John's consort and you knew a great deal about him spending time on the Erasmus, in that long, excruciating voyage. She was thankful for you immensely.
With time, she helped you adjust to the life growing in your womb as she was once a mother too.
Lady Mariko was there, too.
She was your translator, your closest confidant. You had begun to accept her as the older sister you always wished and dreamed you had. Most of your siblings you had to see go because of famine. You were much accustomed to death around you.
So when a new life came, your heart was heavy with joy. Your eyes shed tears of content for the very first time since you arrived in this island country. In your daughter, you had something that was yours and a purpose to keep moving forward in this godforsaken journey called life.
Life seemed a little brighter with her here now. And that only hope you held, was the reason you stood before Toranaga today, without having to fall to your knees and wallow in self pity and embarrassment.
Toranaga nods toward Lady Mariko and she bows, taking her leave. Your heart sinks as you watched the departure of your interpreter but you do your best not to show it. Now, all you had was your broken Japanese to communicate with him.
There was silence, only the winds whispered, filling the space between them. As if they too were anticipating who would break the silence of suffocation.
"That day .. no goodbye." You tried piecing together the words you could only describe were like million puzzle pieces to create one image, while the clock ticked in your eardrums.
The clock being the unflinching gaze of Toranaga.
Toranaga replies, "I'd assumed you were angry with me."
"I still am." You confirmed, catching onto the last three words he said. The lessons you spent with Mariko giving you hope that even though broken, you could still communicate and reach and understanding.
Your gaze fell on a lamp, finding it interesting all of a sudden. You harboured enough strengths and courage to do a great many things but looking into his eyes was not one of them. He was the most frustrating yet undaunted man you had ever met in your life and you didn't know whether to see that as a blessing of a curse.
"Can .. can I trust you?" Your voice came out in a whisper.
"Trust is a powerful word."
Of course he would say that. I mean, what were you hoping? He was a Lord, for crying out loud. And you .. you are just a girl from a small town that courageously paved her way through life and then royally fucked it up after you trusted someone you claimed to love.
Still not meeting his eyes, yours closed as you let out a shaky breath. You just needed the clarity. "Then, can I lean on you? Until the storm is over?"
He knew exactly what you meant. This war. You wanted clarity on whether he would protect you should anything happen ..
Toranaga nods. "I will you give you a shelter untill this storm is over." His lips upturned and your eyes finally found his, your heart fluttering as the burning on your cheeks stung.
"And perhaps," he continues, "we can start over. From the beginning."
"I'd like that," for the first time, you beamed a smile that reached to your eyes. "I'd like that very much."
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madwomansapologist · 3 months
notes on Storm's Illumination
"Thath. Justice." - Navani Kholin, chapter 69.
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I wanted to leave this for the end, but let's start with: how it feels good to be right. I am, once again, Miss On Sight.
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Elhokar is a stupid fucking asshole. What a dumb king. Stupid. He weakened his family in the vision of others, and without his stupid decision of CUTTING THE FUCKING SADDLE the whole battle of The Tower wouldn't happen.
The way everything would be so much easier if he was cruel. But no, he needs to be only thing that is worse than that: stupid.
Elhokar, if you have no haters than I am dead. Fuck you, and bless Dalinar's cock inside your mom. You fucking child, say sorry for stepdad/uncle.
The Tower was an arc worthy of prizes by itself. The way I could see all the threads Brandon Sanderson created just becoming one knot, how every single thing finally had an answer, is just mind blowing.Dalinar.
I judged Dalinar for his behavior, but there he goes and proof that my argument was exactly the conclusion he came to. His moral is right, the moment isn't. And if the moment isn't for a man like him (and what a man), then he will change what's happening.
The Way of Kings wasn't written for people in a war, but after it. For now, he can be the only adult in a room full of childs.
The way characters decide to give others they armors and swords just makes so much sense. Szeth now wanting one more shardblade to aim other, Kaladin not seeing honor in gaining something from a battlefield filled with his friends corpses, Dalinar understanding that he will never allow himself to be Blackthorn again.
Sadeas, I liked you for a instant. I'm waiting gladly for the moment Adolin kills you. And c'mon, there is no way anyone but Adolin is killing Sadeas.
Bridge 4 finding their freedom only because they were honorable. And them being honorable only because they knew what it felt to trapped in a position in which the only thing they could do was to die. Not a "I was hurt and because of that pain I will protect", but "I was hurt and despise that pain I will protect".
Syl being a honor spreen. Still not sure about what it means exactly, but I have a theory about Shallan that soon I will see if it's right or not.
In general: I slept four hours that night because of that book. And I am writing this while at work. That's how much it affected me.
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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literallylyn27-02-97 · 2 months
Dad Lance and Silver headcanons!!
From being champion for so long, Lance has a lot of entertaining and fun stories, and Silver really likes getting to hear them.
Banter. So much banter. Silver loves to mock him for being "old, as well as "a flying type trainer."
Lance uses a lot of names like "kid" "kiddo" and also some pet names. He likes to call Silver "his little champion." Sometimes too.
Lance teaches Silver how to care for baby dragon pokemon and dragon pokemon in general. Silver actually really enjoys it, and finds it a bit therapeutic! (Not that he'd ever admit it-)
Silver would never admit it, but he can actually be kind of clingy when it comes to Lance. He doesn't like it if he has to go away for long periods of time, or even if someone else is getting more attention from him then he is 😤 that's his dad. (Not that he'd ever admit it.)
He's good at hiding his clinginess for the most part, but 9/10 Lance sees through it.
Silver, unsurprising, has a lot of trouble sleeping. He's got that C-PTSD/Anxiety combo that constantly keeps him up at night with paranoia and gives him non-stop nightmares, so it's rare for him to get the full eight hours. (Lance is trying to help-)
Silver is cold pretty much all the time, whereas Lance is warm pretty much all of the time. This results in Silver constantly leaning into Lance for warmth, which he is adamant is "totally not a hug!"
He also has this habit of wrapping Lance’s cape around himself and stealing it when he's not looking. And eventually, his Sneasel also picks up on this trait, which Silver finds hilarious.
The other champions absolutely adore Silver. The first time he met them Silver was (Though again, he'd never admit it because he's so strong and intimidating ofc) incredibly shy, so he wouldn't say much. Which sparked them all to immediately awe at how "cute" he was. (Much to Silver's disdain.) Along with "he's the spitting image of Lance!"
Which is why Lance has to constantly remind them: "you know he's not biologically my child, right?" (He refuses to say "not my actual son." Silver is his actual son no matter what DNA says.) Though the other champions refuse to believe him due to the fact they do look similar. /hj.
Lance gets incredibly happy every time Silver accidentally calls him Dad, or even when he finally starts doing it on purpose. (He definitely cried the first time it actually happened once Silver wasn't looking—)
Silver is deficient in iron and thus is incredibly sleepy very often and also pretty sick, meaning Lance is constantly on the look out just to make sure he isn't hiding any flare ups or issues from him, and that he keeps any medicine or snacks he might need to sustain his illness close by.
Silver actually picks up on a lot of Lance's personality traits! Once he's lived with him long enough that is. He develops a liking for bad jokes, (which he's very upset about-) more of an understanding and kindliness towards Pokémon as well as a lot more gentle personality.
But of course he is also still Silver and quick to get defensive if any of those things get pointed out, or if someone annoys him. He's just a lot less violent and (slightly) less rude about it-
It's a tradition in the Blackthorn Dragon Clan that Dragon trainer's get their first cape along with their first Pokémon. However, when Lance takes in Silver he of course already has his first Pokémon, so instead when Lance gives him his first (handmade by himself) cape he declares it "Silver's official welcoming into the family. (And no Silver definitely doesn't cry.)
Silver was really nervous at first about the fact that Giovanni was his dad, and tried to keep it hidden from Lance because he knew he hated them just as much as he did and he was worried Lance wouldn't wanna keep him around anymore. But one day Lance found a missing person description about Giovanni's son, that was oddly fitting of Silver, so he was able to put two and two together.
Of course, he still accepted Silver, since Lance believes more than anyone that people's blood relations don't define them, and that family are those you choose, which really helped strengthen their bond as father and son.
Lance is a morning person. Silver is not. Lance will be awake at 10:00 in the morning feeling refreshed whilst cooking breakfast, Silver will be flopped over on the living room couch wishing Arceus would strike him down then and there so he doesn't have to go through the pain that is fully waking up <33.
Silver doesn't like the dark. He doesn't like how vulnerable it makes him feel, and it reminds him of living with Giovanni and constantly having to hear the sadistic conversations he would have with the Rocket Grunts, and so he has a habit of sleeping with a lamp on when he moves in with Lance.
Giovanni used to always talk about Silver being "the heir to the throne" for Team Rocket, which always made him really uncomfortable. Even before he had worked through his personal issues about his views on Pokémon, Silver despised the idea of doing anything for the organisation. So Lance always makes it clear that even though Silver is training under his teachings, he is in no way obligated to go down the same path as him and become champion unless that's what he wants.
Lance hates leaving Silver along for long periods of time because he knows that boy will not look after himself at all. He has to constantly text reminders to eat, drink, take medicine, etc. So if he does have to go away for any League related things or anything else, nine times out of ten he's taking Silver with him.
Lance had to teach Silver a lot of self-care he didn't really understand due to living out on the streets for so long. The first time he ever brushed his hair was heck because of how tangled and knotted it was, but miraculously, they got there in the end.
He also had to teach Silver that a lot of things he thought were normal, actually, are not!
"No, Sweetheart. It's not normal to suddenly feel really tired out of nowhere and like you need to lie down before passing out, I think I might have to take you to see a doctor about that."
"No, you can't just "wait out" the paralysis your hand got from that Dratini's thunder wave. Come on let's go sort that out."
"Yes, you do need to take these iron supplement pills. No, Silv, you weren't fine out on the streets you just weren't used to actual love and care, Kid."
Sometimes it feels like he's giving Lance gray hairs early but he wouldn't have it any other way. <3
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vvvvivi567890 · 6 months
Chinese LoTM Gen Fic Recs (II)
<<< Part I | ★☆★☆★ |
Last Updated: July. 31. 2024
Those Who Want to Be Mr. Fool's Dog by moyaozi
Under the instructions of Madam Magician, Lumian comes into contact with an organization in which all of the members wanted to be Mr. Fool's dog
A Holiday by k70296
Takes place during the 4th vol of COI; Klein briefly wakes up and sends an avatar to spend time with friends in order to increase his humanity
The Church's Redemption Angel God Descends in Chasel by siriuss12
Extraordinary Benson Wants to Live an Ordinary Life by kaiyi965
Benson becomes a beyonder (s6 lawyer) before Zhou Mingrui transmigrates
Everyone is Worried About Their Family by hanpeiwen
Klein goes home and Melissa is extremely over-protective of him
Wait Until They Die by aizhuangkudexiaocainiao497
That Rainy Afternoon by bimoqingtian
Benson's 3650 Days by bimoqingtian: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, (Last Updated: Mar. 17. 2024)
The Sun is Shining Brightly on a Beautiful Day by ilymb
Melissa's One Wish by nanrong44064
Loneliness Can’t Kill the Cat by fucaoweiying70209
Required read tbh; Zhou Mingrui meets himself from the future
Help, Make Trouble by luoyunshengya: Preface 1, Preface 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, (Last Updated: Sept. 10. 2023)
Blackthorn Security Company:
Will Klein Miss Blackthorn Security Company? by jinxuan44061: 1, 2 (Lasted Updated: Mar. 24. 2024)
LoTM Klein splits into two post-doomsday, one of them lands in the past at Blackthorn Security Company
About the Future, Future Klein by xinjinjumin4545033: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, (Last Updated: May. 06. 2024)
Tingen nighthawks meet future Klein; chapter 5 is LeoKlein but I'm not sure if it will be present for the rest of the fic (i'll move it to another post later if it is)
Tarot Club:
How Many Steps Does it Take to Put a Cat On the Bed? by benguodeniunai
Reaction | Mr. Fool Read His Holy Scripture by amusitelangdeaima
Homecoming Group (kinda ig):
The Oracle Prohibits Illegal Outsourcing by langduzhe023
Organizing the Church of the Fool's sealed artifacts with Roselle and Amanises
3 Protagonists Gather Together by nenesis17
Leonard's portable grandpa is Roselle not Pallez
3 Protagonists Are a Bit Too Many: 1, 2 (END)
A Room Where You Can’t Leave Without Saying Something Embarrassing by anice526
Hall of Truth Trio | ”The Fool,” “Justice,” and “Stars” are In the Face by moranheixuan: 1, (Last Updated: May. 13. 2024)
Martime Group | Whose Child is This??? by chuyue12737: 1, 2, 3 (END)
gehrman turns into a 6 year old zmr with fragments of klein’s memory
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garvalhaminho · 3 months
forgot to post my thoughts while reading the first chapter of tlkof as someone who has only ever read tda and tid (translated from chaotic portuguese)
thais??? who??
dru likes learning by understanding how things work, relatable (SHE'S LITERALLY ME)
she's learning about downworlders and can ask magnus for help, but specifically cristina (the diva who loved studying faeries!!), mark and helen (icon) and kieran and i love that for her 💞 like yes give her one thing she can take advantage of
not her dyeing her hair black (ate)
"thais always looked glamorous in her gear" 🤨 no look i know friends can find each other pretty and beautiful etc but when it's ya literature.....it's usually the censored version of "hot as fuck" JUST SAYING
DRU IS 5'3 YAAA WE'VE GOT THE SAME HEIGHT (i think, i'm not american)
i already love dru and thais's friendship 🫶 they match each others freak
dru trains to forget everything she's gone through 😭
oh already the preppy guys and fuckboys (mason hardcastle)
"dru and thais didn't need to ask each other; they knew already they'd be a team" awwww i already know i'm gonna love their friendship
paige ashdown when i see you in the street (no but like an ableist and fatphobic bully? i'll fight that fucker with my bare hands)
thais speaking portuguese in the middle of nowhere i love it
OH AND THE FUCKBOY IS HER EX AND HE SUCKS, if it was me and i had classes with him i'd literally throw myself off a bridge
dru inventing "sex crocodile",,, she's too iconic i fear
"nothing scared [dru}. nothing in a movie, anyway." babygirl 😭 i remember her like mentioning how she liked horror movies but the horror depicted would never be as bad as the real life horror she's experienced
dru still talks to kit 😭 no like imagine your sister still talks to your situationship of two weeks from three years ago, i'd jump off a bridge (yet again)
"there's no danger. we're on academy grounds" famous last words
"she tugged gently at a dangling lock in her friend's hair" THAT'S LITERALLY A MICROTROPE IN ROMANCE MOVIES
"she cursed silently, imagining every bad word she could think of and some she was pretty sure she'd just made up." let dru say fuck pleaseeee. just once. as a little treat, she deserves it
"she wondered for a moment if she should mention that her brother, mark, was the consort of the unseelie king" not her trying to use her connections
no yeah he's literally royalty he's literally a prince (get that bag girl!!)
dru thinking that ash's eyes were like the sea glass julian loved......oh how i love this family
"'how do you know my name?' she demanded. his eyes narrowed. 'you must be joking,' he said. 'you've forgotten? you can't have forgotten.'" of course she's forgotten a random guy she was with for two minutes three years ago, she has a life, YOU'RE just a SIMP
ash getting yelled at and reprimanded by his daddy or whatever but still literally helping his crush and sending her away to safety 🙏 and your man can't even text you back
julian and emma leaving london to take care of their child drusilla blackthorn
he didn't even sleep during the three nights she was missing 😭
i fear i might become thais/dru shipper under the right circumstances
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
Daimhín Heorot character intro
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Image from Pinterest
The main character of the pirate king of deaths redemption book one of the pirates cursed god series
His love interest is Oisìn Mallory who is captain if a Tarak fleet vessel
Daimhín is the pirate king of the bioluminescence sea and the wielder of the shadow sword his crew is known as redemption and his vessel that he was born on is known as Death's Redemption. It is made of blackthorn
He is extremely loyal to his crew as they are his family but sometimes he has to play his part as king. (Mostly to other vessels...) His crew see him as a captain first and foremost
Name: Daimhín Heorot
Kind of Being: Human
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Appearance: Hight: 6.5 Appearance: wavey black hair, Sapphire Blue eyes, Muscular build, Wood ash Tattoos on his chest,back and upper arms, scar on his cheek narrowly missing his eye (he got from tripping as a child down the stairs in a ship. ) *he lies and says he got it in battle because he is embarrassed by it*
Occupation: pirate king of the bioluminescence sea
Family members: Dead
Pets: lord mew and fù
Best friend: Galen and Adoh
Describe his/her room: bed, bookshelves, hook for hats and jackets, wardrobe, desk
Way of speaking: deep Scottish accent.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): slightly arrogant, confident. Caring with his crew.
Items in his/her back pocket/ purse: dagger
Hobbies: annoying Oisìn?
Favorite sports: tempting fate
Abilities/Talents/Powers: none he wields a shadow sword though.
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): distrusting, loyal, suspicious, prone to helping people.
Fears: losing his crew, losing the ship.
What he/she wants more than anything else: for his crew to be safe.
TPKODR tag list
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker-writes @goth-automaton @thecomfywriter
@evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet @mauannacreates @kind-lion
@alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing @kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk
@unstableunicornsofasgard @mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @an-indecisive-nerd @smellyrottentrees
@honeybewrites @pheonix358 @the-letterbox-archives
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Did you know that in 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important before…
The Loife Show
Hi! I’m Loife. I’m a 14 year old girl and my birthday’s June 24th. I’m really weird. I love books and writing. I play the viola, I dance, I can speak Tamil, French, English and Hindi (sort of) and can write and read for all of the above. I’m also a daughter of Apollo! writing blog here- @loife-writes
Anyone except Zionists, Homophobes, Transphobes, and the Government
I’m in-
Oh boy.
My irl besties (love you both)- @4114yunique @zoesim5
now my online besties-
@moondust-on-the-hijabi- ma lune 🌙 🤭
@that-multi-fandom-hijabi- nova 🍡 🤭
@heartstars- phora 🌻 🤭 (my platonic girlfriend so everyone back off)
@reyna-obsessed- min 💜 🤭
@hijabi-desi-bookworm- esme 💅🤭
@fish-ofishial123- tai 🐟 🤭
@mxnkeydo- rithi 🧍‍♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (she’s my child she gets special treatment)
@queenofapeacefuldawn- dawn 🌅🤭
@the-princess-fangirl- alice 🫶✨
@/queenie-blackthorn- 👑 🤭
@/tinadablackthorn- 🐸 ❤️
@/itadori-yujiii- leta 🩵 🫶
@queenpiranhadon- kae ✨🤭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (tamil and phineas and ferb bestie, and my child so she gets special treatment)
@labaguetteisdabest- nyota 🦜🫶
@iam1withthepeggy- kate 🐽❤️
@torifuckingspring- 🥳❤️ (mosquito killer ayyyyyy)
@owocontroversy- PINEAPPLEEE 🍍 ❤️
@daydreams-from-the-void - OPHELIA <33 🥳❤️
@someonewhogotanaccount- my archenemy (jk ily) 👹❤️
@violet92959 - Violet BEST FREN’ 💜💜
(none of the above are ordered specifically, they’re just coming from memory. I’m so sorry if I missed you, I have bad memory! Please tell me and I’ll fix it)
The Loife Show is basically a concept I made up since my life is pretty interesting and practically like a show. It is under my own entertainment, LOIFE Entertainment.
Also watch:
The Nova Chronicles, an official side show of The Loife Show, under LOIFE Entertainment.
The New Summer Days, ^^^
#the loife show- episodes or parts of episodes of the loife show
#loife updates- shitpost
#loife answers- I answer asks
#thefivemusketeers <3- my irl friend group, often associated with #the loife show
#lemon dude <3- my (BLEH EW EW EW EW) boyfriend (YUCK STFU)
#loife writes- self explanatory
#TLEOT <3- my book TLEOT
#100%|an aru shah au- my book 100%
Welcome to hell, bitch. Happy watching.
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cosmereplay · 8 months
Day 9: In the shadows
Rated General, Evi/Sja-anat, Oathbringer spoilers
“He won’t answer my letters or spanreeds!” Evi grumbled to herself in a huff as she entered her bedroom. She was walking easily again, a scant few weeks after the baby’s birth, her second. “I will not have a nameless child!”
Sja-anat slid upwards, looking through a tall mirror inlaid on a stand, placed in the room facing Evi’s bed. She may have missed her husband while he was away, but she was no longer lonely, for Sja-anat kept her company, taking her secrets. These days, though, she kept more than she passed on to Odium.
The sun-haired woman, her only worshipper, sat on the edge of the bed facing Sja-anat. She had the infant tucked into a wrap dress, nestled close to her chest. She looked down, pulling open the top of the wrap to peek at her nameless child.
The baby awakened. He twisted, then let out a soft cry. He was still so very new to the world, and the present-ness of it caused Sja-anat to pause. Even now, he grows. He will never be this little again. She considered the nature of the passage of time as Evi removed her wrap, then tried unsuccessfully to feed him.
“He won’t latch. Why is this so much harder this time?” Evi cried out eventually, on the verge of tears. “I can’t even feed him. Those whitespines will take him away and give him to a nursemaid. He doesn’t need a nursemaid. He needs me. Why can’t I do this?”
Sja-anat watched and waited, knowing that sometimes Evi spoke her thoughts out loud, and could be startled if Sja-anat answered her. As she had already learned, it was possible to scare the human’s milk away. She floated between worlds, waiting for the perfect moment to speak, a time that would bring comfort rather than fear. She was certain it would arrive, just as certain as she had been that the child would arrive safely.
Evi rocked and kissed the infant, but he continued to mewl. She looked up, then, as if only just now noticing Sja-anat.
“I need to calm down,” she said. “I need a distraction. Spirit, please help me.”
There it was. The perfect moment.
“Name him,” Sja-anat said. “Name him tonight. His father has not answered for long enough.”
“You are right, of course, dear Spirit,” Evi sighed, and looked down at the baby. “The Alethi like to choose names that speak to the child’s identity. We should choose a name close to his father’s, so Dalinar won’t forget it.” She laughed, but it was sad laugh. The mirth couldn’t lift the heaviness of that truth. The Blackthorn had barely been aware of her pregnancy.
“The baby is of you,” Sja-anat countered, an anxiety urging her on. “He was made from your essence. He should be named for you.”
“He will know he is of me.” Evi cuddled him in close. “I’ll always be there for him, but his father won’t be. His name should be a reminder that he is of Dalinar.”
The words brought pain, but of course, Sja-anat kept her own knowledge close. She had her own favourite name. Re-lin, meaning ‘born unto darkness’, for the futures she saw for the boy were grim.
And yet, together, they might create something wonderful. They could be family.
“You wish his name to be ‘Son of Blackthorn’?” Sja-anat asked.
“Yes, well, not quite so directly,” Evi said, and her lips turned to a thoughtful smile. “Dallin,” she said. “Dal-lin. Born unto Dalinar.”
“I do not like it.”
Evi chuckled. “Well it must be a name you approve of, dear Spirit. How about Narin? Nar-in, born unto Dalinar.”
Sja-anat considered. “If you insist on naming him after the Blackthorn, add a part for you. His older brother is named only for the Alethi. Let this child hear some of your language.”
“We Rirans give our children their own names, as a new perspective for The One,” Evi said, then sat and thought, absently patting the baby, who had settled again. “Though there are favourites. If he were to have a Riran name, I might give him a more popular name, so he could hear himself as a part of Rira. Yah, for Yaysi? Yadallin? Hm, it sounds too similar to Adolin.”
“I do not like it.”
“Kei, for Kellai?”
“I do not wish for him to be named after a Herald.”
Evi looked at Sja-anat for a long time, thinking. “Re? It is a good name, and not from a Herald. I have known a few Res, all good people.”
“Re. For Rira. Yes.” Sja-anat hoped she had not answered too hastily. Re, for darkness, for secrets, for Evi.
“Redallin? No, I don’t like the sound of it. Renarin? Hm, that might be nice. Renarin.”
Re-Narin. Just as Re-Shephir was the Mother of Shadows, Re-Narin would be the Son of Shadows. Born unto the darkness of the days of the Blackthorn. Born unto Odium’s champion. Born unto death. Born unto long, hard days and longer, lonelier nights. 
“Born unto the Blackthorn and Evi. Born unto Alethkar and Rira. Let him know he is of two people, two worlds,” Sja-anat said.
"Thank you, Spirit," Evi said, and stepped forward to touch the mirror reverently. "I will burn incense and seal the name in the Riran way. I will tell the Vorin ardents. And I will seal my promise to name him with your blessing." She touched her forehead to the mirror, and Sja-anat could feel the warmth of her intention.
To keep him safe from Odium, Sja-anat would never be able to show a hint of interest in the boy. He would be born unto shadows, born of the love of those who could only watch from afar. In the future, she would do her best to hide him from Odium. Until then, this would be the only blessing she could give.
“Then it is sealed. His name will be...Re-narin.”
If you are thinking, hey, I would like to know why Sja-anat thinks that Evi worships her, you can read my fic Of Me (Rated Mature, 3000 words) and find out how they met in this AU
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aweirdoandhisfanfics · 2 months
The Monarchy of Eternyx.
The monarchy of Eternyx started centuries ago, with the first queen, Regina Hearts, she became queen after uniting all the tribes of monsters under her banner, the capital of her kingdom was Notte, which still is the capital of Eternyx to this day. Regina was known for her philanthropy and being a patron of the arts, which gained her the title of “Mother Monster”, a title that it's given to the queens of Eternyx still to this day. Regina had 3 daughters, Stefani, Joanne and Angelina, and after the death of her mother, Stefani became the queen of Eternyx. Before her death, Regina stated a rule of succession, only women could ascend to the throne, and for over 1200 years, this rule remained mostly unbroken, having a total of 55 queens and 8 kings on the throne.
Royal Houses At first, the only royal house that existed was the Hearts house, but as the time went on, many more royal houses were formed. Some of them were formed because a descendant of Regina became the liege of a certain region, and founded their own dynasty based on that region, or they received a nickname, which would evolve to the name of their own dynasty, or maybe they just changed to their spouse’s last name, here will be listed some of these houses (remembering that all of them can trace their origins back to Regina Hearts)
Main House of Hearts (defunct): The first to be created, for centuries, the Hearts’ dominated Eternyx, but everything changed after the last member of the house, Elizabeth Hearts, died with no children, which led to its extinction, and a minor succession crisis. Shard: The first member of the house was Eleanor Shard (nee Hearts), she was famous for her performances involving glass shards, which led to some people calling her “Miss Shard”, she really liked the nickname, which years later she adopted as her last name and founded her house after it, centuries later, after the death of Elizabeth Hearts, the house of Shard was chosen to be the next leaders of Eternyx, the current queen, Icona, is from this house.
Minor Butterfly: Was named after the dukedom of Butterfly, the current head of the house is Joan Butterfly, who besides being a duchess, is also a performer, Lady Odelia was also once part of this house. Obscure: Named after the light and shadow powers that the members of this house have, the heir to this house is Claire Obscure. Aro’ha’s unknown house: Aro’ha is not interested in Eternyx at the moment, she had fallen in Wackygroove a long time ago and is currently the queen of there, she has no plans on going back. Indra’s family: No additional information is known about.
Extremely minor These houses still have some claimants to the throne, but they are so far away from it, that they aren’t really considerate. Blackthorn: The house of Felicia, Scarlet, and Scotty (adopted) Blackthorn, Felicia is the owner of a Potion shop in Notte, and is the current head of the house. Adameve’s house: No additional information is known about this house. Wayne and Bissett: Branches of the Butterfly house, the members these houses can trace their origins to lady Odelia Butterfly, who moved to Wasterra for a political marriage with liege Adalberto Rosal, they had a child together, but after a rebellion, Odelia and Rosal were killed, and the child was raised by the Bissett family, who had no idea of the child heritage, decades later, the descendants of the child allied with Jae in the current Wasterra civil war, two girls were born during it, Janet and Jane Bisset, the last joined the resistance against Jae, and changed her last name to Wayne, after one of the leaders of the resistance, John Wayne. Rider: The members of this family specialize in shadow manipulation. Dials: No additional information is known. Chase: The Chase’s were a really obscure family, no one knew about their existence until Eva Chase emerged, a famous pop-star and actress (also a burglar, but no one knows that yet), she tried to claim her heritage as a Regina Hearts heir, but her branch in the family tree was so distant, that no one cared about it, and she was ignored, a thing which she didn’t take so kindly…
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theforeverdaydream · 2 years
A little idea that has been in my head for a while now. It was originally supposed to be only a few lines, but we have this instead. My bad. I hope you enjoy!
TW: Semi-graphic panic attacks and mentions of blood
Kit couldn't sleep for months after Mina was kidnapped. Every time he shut his eyes, images of his baby sister - bleeding, dying, too late for him to save - flashed through his mind, the screams that rose to his throat silenced before they could ever be heard, and every time Jem or Tessa asked him about the increasingly tired look on his face, he insisted he was fine. The daylight and his family chased away the demons night brought, and they already had too much to worry about. The few hours of fitful rest he did get were enough to last him through the day, so what was the point? Over a decade with Johnny Rook as a housemate left him a good liar, and he was able to blame his lethargy on school work and excessive Shadowhunter training. And this worked. For a while, at least.
It was Jem who found him one night, laying on the hardwood floor of Mina's room, panicked breaths leaving his mouth and hands clamped tight over his forearms, the grip hard enough that Kit felt his own fingernails dig into his skin. The air mattress his parents had bought him when he'd first resorted to sleeping in Mina's room had been thrown against the wall. At once his dad was there, speaking to Kit in soothing tones, reassuring him there was nothing really wrong. Kit clung to that voice the same way a drowning man clung to his lifejacket, but he could still feel himself going under, deep enough even sunlight couldn't reach. He didn't remember what his nightmare had been about, only that his sister had been there. His sister and Ty Blackthorn. . .
Pushing the thought from his mind, Kit focused on Jem, and once his adopted father was sure Kit was okay, they both peered into Mina's crib. The toddler was still asleep, a small smile etched across her face as she dreamed about things only children could see. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Kit knew he himself was still technically a child, but it had been a long time since he felt that way. Being the First Heir and a Shadowhunter, being a Herondale and a crook's bloodborne son, trying his best to be enough, yet feeling like he wasn't anywhere close. . . it was all too much at times.
Without words, Jem seemed to understand this. He left the room and, for a brief moment, Kit wondered if he had finally had enough. Perhaps Jem had decided he didn't want a 17-year-old problem child who got night terrors as a son after all and was informing Tessa of the news. But Jem came back, as he always did, and this time he wasn't empty-handed. Kit recognized the instrument in his hands immediately: A violin. Jem's violin. Kit had seen and heard him play it enough times that he was positive he could recognize it blind. But instead of sliding his bow across the strings and releasing a melodious tune as he always did, Jem handed the violin to Kit, tucking the rounded half under his chin and arranging Kit's fingers so they were clasping the bow.
"Play," Jem instructed him.
The rest of the night disappeared in a whirlwind of missed notes and patient teaching, but by the end - hours after they had decided to move from Mina's room to the courtyard so as not to disturb anyone - Kit understood why Jem found such solace in his instrument. It was a medium for Kit to transmit all of his raging thoughts and disgruntled feelings into, an anchor holding him steady when it felt like the tides would drag him out to sea.
It took two days for Kit to learn he could use the violin whenever he needed it (which was every night, if he was being honest) and two weeks for him to buy his own (a small thing made of rosewood, chosen in part to honor his mother and in part because of the low price). As the twilight music sessions bled into broad daylight (no longer, for the most part, because of Kit's running nerves and instead a passion for playing) Tessa joked she wasn't sure what she wanted a break from more: Mina's loud temper tantrums or the supposed banshee wails Kit's instrument produced. They had all laughed at that, even Mina, who, despite not understanding the joke, was happy just because everyone else was.
It was then a feeling of contentment and joy so fierce it burned warmed the inside of Kit's chest. This was his family; this was his home; this was where he belonged. And fuck the world if it thought it could take this away from him.
The New York Institute was a beast dressed down in bright colors to look fancy. Streamers and balloons and flowers touched every inch of the building, and the tables were decorated with golden clothes and porcelain vases filled with plants. The wedding was set to take place in four days, but it may as well have been that night with how perfectly everything was already in place.
When Jace and Clary had visited Kit and his family in Devon several months ago with news of their recent engagement and an invitation to their wedding, it had felt like a far-off dream. An unreality Kit always knew would happen but couldn't quite fathom. He had been surprised by the overwhelming jubilance he had felt for his cousin - Jace had wanted this for so long, he knew, and all of his dreams were finally coming to fruition.
Right before the pair had left, Jace had said quietly to Kit the Blackthorns would also be present at the wedding, a quiet question in his words. Swallowing the thought of what might happen if he saw Ty again, Kit shrugged and said he hadn't thought otherwise. Emma was close to Clary, after all, and where she went Julian and the rest of the Blackthorns would surely follow. He got along fine with Dru, having been texting her on and off for months, and the same could be said about Julian and Emma. In fact, if Ty was taken out of the equation, the Blackthorns wouldn't be a problem at all, but it was Ty who made them an issue in the first place.
Kit still remembered seeing him in Blackthorn Hall, right before Mother Hawthorn had taken Mina, his tan collared shirt snug against the lines of muscle around his arms, the flashing silver eyes wide with shock and tinged with sadness. His hushed voice when he had whispered, "That's not how you clean a gun."
Sometimes, it felt like the only thing Kit could think about was Ty. It drove him crazy how, even years after he had left Los Angeles, there was one ghost from his past he could never escape. Two, technically, if you count Livvy. Every moment he had ever shared with that boy was burned into his mind, so clear it was like they had just happened. Kit remembered the metallic glow of the knife Ty had held to his throat when they had first met, the way he had thought, "How beautiful"; he remembered the smile it felt like Ty reserved for him especially, the one that was like a sunrise reflecting off the water; he remembered the tortured look on Ty's face when he had tried to raise Livvy, the confusion when Kit had confessed, "I love you, Ty. I love you."
And now the chance of seeing the boy who broke his heart was greater than ever. They would be sharing a building for a few weeks, because the Blackthorns and Carstaies-Gray-Herondales would be staying in the Institute for some time after the wedding was over and most of the other guests had left, but Kit was certain he could avoid the Blackthorns for most of that time. Whether it be chatting with Simon about mundane movies and shows, or getting Jace to teach him something new about being a Shadowhunter, or hanging out with Mina, there were plenty of plausibe distractions for Kit. But even with this in mind, he knew he would have to speak with Ty at least once before this was all over. He wasn't sure why, but it was as true a fact as death.
As for right now, all Kit needed to do was figure out how to straighten his damnable tie. Deciding fashion could wait for tomorrow, he found his violin in its black case and tucked it neatly underneath the crook of his arm. Locating a flight of stairs, Kit took the steps two at a time until he was greeted with a heavy metal door with a "Roof access for Shadowhunter personnel only" sign plastered on it. The door was locked, but it took Kit a matter of seconds to fix that problem, and he swung it open, stepping onto the roof of the New York Institute.
The wind was calmer than it had been the morning before, and it was dark, the few stars that were visible alarmingly bright next to the full moon. Kit took his violin from the case, and muscle memory took care of the rest. Slotting it underneath his chin, his fingers danced on the familiar wood of the bow as it slid neatly across the strings, wrenching out a tune both mournful and soothing, a blissful series of notes piercing through the night air.
The sound of feet thumping softly against the ground brought Kit back to reality, and, glancing down, he realized there was what seemed to be a lynx sitting patiently at his feet. She had black ears that ended in soft tufts, and white-gray fur spotted with slightly darker spots. Belatedly, he realized she must belong to one of the families Jace had invited. That or his cousin had bought an overgrown cat without telling anyone.
"Hey there, you," Kit murmured softly, bending down so he was almost eye-level to the lynx. "The door was open, wasn't it? That's my bad. I hope you don't get too cold out here. But, then again, if I've learned anything from Church it's that cats are stubborn little demonic bastards. I'm sure you're doing just fine."
He offered his hand tentatively, letting it hover just above the lynx's head so she could turn away if necessary. But the lynx just nuzzled her face into his skin, whiskers scratching gently against his skin.
"What's your name, little lady?" he asked quietly, despite knowing she had no way of responding.
"Irene," a smooth, honey-like voice said.
Kit startled, hand halting above the lynx's - Irene's - head. He hadn't heard anyone coming. Glancing up, his mind immediately flared to life, painting a hundred pictures of a boy with dazzling silver eyes and curling hair, a boy with a spectacular mind and a smile like the sun.
Because standing right above him was Ty Blackthorn.
Ty didn't understand when Irene suddenly started clawing at the door of their guest room. Studies showed that when animals expressed a will to escape their current enclosure, it was often because of they were discontent with their surroundings. He was all too aware of being unresponsive to change, but he hadn't thought Irene would be the same way.
There were a lot of things, though, in the New York Institute Irene could be uncomfortable with. The jarring journey from the Scholomance to the Los Angeles Institute to here for Jace's wedding couldn't have been easy for Irene, he supposed, so he opened the door and kept a keen eye on his lynx.
Almost immediately, Irene bolted out of the room, Ty's Shadowhunter training being the only thing that allowed him to keep up with her as she scampered up a flight of stairs, quickly reaching an open door that led to the wide plain of the Institute's roof.
It didn't take long for Ty to register what had attracted Irene here: It was the music. For there was a boy, elegantly postured with moonlight turning his light blonde hair white, playing a violin, long fingers releasing a sound so beautiful it made Ty's heart turn. It was hopelessly depressing, in a way, like the din someone mourning their lost love would give. But at the same time it was steady and safe, an iron wall guiding your backside.
Ty had never been good with feelings, and this case was no exception, but he was at once struck with the sense he had never experienced something like this, and he didn't want it to abandon him ever. He was familiar with music, with the classical tunes his headphones emitted when he placed them over his ears, but he had never heard something that gave him this overwhelming sense of belonging.
Irene trotted over to the musician, completely comfortable with this perfect stranger. The boy stopped playing, making Ty's gut clench with a sense of disappointment, and spotted her, crouching down so that he could pet Irene.
In the next moment, two thoughts bled through Ty's head. One: Irene, who didn't even let Anush touch her and despised everyone who wasn't Ty, was letting someone neither of them knew run his hands along the silken coat of her back fur. Two: That his first thought was wrong, because Ty did know this man, had seem him enough times in his dreams it was a wonder he didn't recognize him immediately. Because this was Kit Herondale.
He looked gorgeous, Ty thought, and happy in a way he had never seen before. There was a small smile etched across Kit's face as he petted Irene, and it made him look so vulnerable and like something worth protecting that Ty wanted to hug him, the same way Kit had hugged him on the roof of the Los Angeles Institute so many years ago. But Kit's words from when they had both been in Blackthorn Hall still rang in Ty's ears, when he had asked Kit when the other boy would forgive him, and Kit said he didn't know.
It would be for the best if Ty turned away now, gone before Kit even noticed him. Irene would be safe, judging by the protective way Kit was holding her, and it would stop the pain of hearing Kit turn him away once more before it even began. But Ty couldn't walk away, not when Kit was involved.
Gliding soundlessly across the floor of the roof, Ty reached Kit just in time to hear him say in a barely audible voice, "What's your name, little lady?"
Kit's voice was deeper than it had been months ago, rich and full of curious affection. Unable to stop himself, Ty answered his question: "Irene."
If it hadn't been obvious before, it was now clear Kit had no idea Ty had been standing there, for he jolted back a step and glanced up wildly, going perfectly still when his eyes landed on Ty's.
Ty let his gaze drop immediately - those eyes, such an intense blue like a stove fire, permanently burned into his memory - and it landed instead on the small mole on Kit's cheekbone.
"Irene," Kit whispered, then quoted the first words of Doyle Ty had ever read: "To Sherlock Holmes, she is always the woman."
Shocked, Ty lifted his view of Kit's face slightly, realizing Ty's own look of astonishment was mirrored there. Almost as if against his will, the corners of Kit's lips were twitching upwards into a bare smile. He had never thought Kit read the Sherlock Holmes novels. More importantly, he had never thought Kit would memorize such a trivial line as that first one. But Kit had, and Kit remembered.
Maybe it meant nothing, but maybe it meant more than that. Maybe there was a chance, after all, of mending a friendship that had fallen apart years ago. Maybe by the end of this week, the boy Ty had been chasing after for months, always just out of his reach, would be a little closer. Could be his again.
Meanwhile Irene lay there confused, wondering how there were two people crowding around her and not a single one was giving her well-deserved headpats.
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togetherhearted · 2 years
Machine Herald [Viktor]:
Wintery stuff
Cuddly moments
Machine Herald x vesani!reader
Viktor with an assistant who's into him headcanons
Shieda Kayn:
Kayn x fem vampire!reader
Kayn with a battle feral s/o
Kayn with a lifeless!reader
Starry night
Wintery stuff
Winter special - Scarf
Cuddly moments
Sleepy cuddles
I'm all yours,not going anywhere
You have a good heart
Debonair Zed with a Gothic Lolita S/O
How about a kiss?
SB!Aphelios x Fem!Winter blossom
Heartsteel!Aphelios x figure skater!S/O
You're stunning
100 words- beauty
Nasus with explosives specialist S/O
Superhero!Vi -Saving a life
Cheater Vi
Reader meets crime city!Akali
Reader meets crime city!Akali part 2.
KDA akali meets reader's child
Reader Vs Akali
Reader Vs Evelynn
KDA Evelynn meets reader's child
Reader asks to touch Evelynn's "tails"
Spirit Blossom Evelynn x reader
Coven Evelynn and Siren!Reader
Evelynn with a S/O that can't feel pain
Sugar rush Evelynn with a short S/O
Sejuani with a s/o good at stealing things
Firecracker Sejuani with s short S/O
You can't leave without letting me hug you first
Zyra with a s/o good at stealing things
Haunted Zyra with invisible reader
Zyra s/o takes a hit for her
Elise with a s/o good at stealing things
Stargazing was a good idea
Elise s/o taking a hit for her
Blood Moon Elise with an invisible reader
KDA Ahri meets reader's child
Reader Vs Ahri
Reader asks to touch Ahri's tails
Spirit Blossom Ahri and Siren!Reader
Ahri with a S/O that can't feel pain
SG Ahri enemies to lovers
Ahri s/o taking a hit for her
Arcade Ahri with an invisible reader
KDA Kai'sa meet reader's child
You can't leave without letting me hug you first
Karthus S/O taking a hit for him
Hwei x fem!piltovian reader
Hwei with a lifeless!reader
Jhin S/O taking a hit for him
Project Jhin with a Gothic Lolita S/O
KDA Seraphine meets reader's child
KDA Seraphine and Siren!Reader
Reader wants to sing with Seraphine
Viego x unicorn princess!reader
Viego S/O taking a hit for him
Viego with a battle feral s/o
Viego with a lifeless!reader
General Vex headcanons as a partner
Vex headcanons as a wife
Big bro Sett
Sett with explosive specialist S/O
Thresh with explosive specialist S/O
Lissandra with a S/O that can't feel pain
Lissandra's s/o takes a hit for her
Miss Fortune:
SG Miss fortune enemies to lovers
Miss fortune s/o taking a hit for her
SG Jinx enemies to lovers
100 words - happiness
Hecarim meeting his S/O
Hecarim with a battle feral s/o
100 words- midnight
Blackthorne Morgana with a short S/O
You can't leave without letting me hug you first
Tahm kench:
High noon Tahm Kench with a Gothic Lolita S/O
Yone and his daughter
100 words- Sunset
Qiyana's s/o takes a hit for her
100 words - Flowers
Kda girls married to one lucky man
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usagirln12003 · 5 months
Edalyn Clawthorne: Hogwarts AU
Tumblr media
Edalyn Clawthorne is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 18th of June 1959 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1970, being sorted into Gryffindor house.
She has a Blackthorn wand with a Phoenix Feather Core.
Her Patronus is a Barn Owl.
Her favorite subject was Defense Against the Dark Arts and her least favorite was History of Magic.
She was a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team from her fourth year onward and became the captain in her sixth.
Confident and sassy, Eda is best described as rebellious, with Luz calling her "surprisingly foxy for her age". Her vast skills and aptitude in witchcraft give her a brash streak, as she proudly declares her power and is openly defiant of authorities, going as far as knocking an auror unconscious and flying off to avoid getting caught.
Unlike her sister Lilith, Eda is vehemently anti-authoritarian, having little to no respect for laws and authority in general. She refuses to get any legal jobs because she views them as crooked for the limitations they place on magic. She is also not a fan of the educational system for similar reasons, bemoaning its reliance on "blind obedience" and "pointless busywork".
Eda is described as the sort of teacher that would not only throw someone into the deep end, but also set the entire body of water on fire. Eda has an odd view of how a good apprentice should act; she is very proud of Luz for getting detention for the first time, reacting the same way when Luz convinces her to teach new spells by appealing to her vanity.
It's shown that she has a caring side to her and she is willing to protect the people she holds most dear, such as when she protects Luz multiple times, being close to a mother figure for her, as well as swallowing her pride when she realizes that she's being unreasonable and that Luz is miserable not being around her new friends and only having a limited palette with learning about magic, and enrolling her at Hogwarts. She also deeply cares about Lilith despite them both being on different sides of the law. It also seems she is afraid of losing her friends, and as such tries to ignore the idea of them leaving.
Eda was also shown to be very forgiving, shown when she decided to forgive Lilith for cursing her and even letting her live with her after seeing how sorry she was and how she willingly shared the curse with her to make amends, although she doesn't miss the opportunity to remind her sister about what she's done through some playful banter, adding to her guilt.
She is also very protective of her family and loved ones, but in her desire to keep them out of harm's way, Eda tends to drive people away, either to protect them from her curse or anything else, like she did with Raine and her parents; such distance lasted for years. She tried doing the same with Luz, wanting her to run away from the wizarding world to protect her from Belos' looming threat, and her insistence caused a fight between them, which strained their relationship for a little while.
For all the distance she tries to keep sometimes, Eda always means well, and has shown much patience and forgiveness. When Luz was believed to have been killed by Belos, despite going through a fit of rage in her grief, she gently pushed the Collector away from her, not wanting to take her anger out on the child and showing she didn't blame them for anything, wanting to focus her rage on the real cause of it.
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Stranger Things Shadowhunter AU
So in this AU, most of the main characters are Shadowhunters. The Wheelers, the Sinclairs, and the Hendersons are all Shadowhunters from old, respectable families. (Dustin's father died in battle when he was young). The Buckleys are also Shadowhunters, but they're not connected to the rest of the Shadowhunters in town for some reason. Maybe they moved to Hawkins more recently. Maybe their family is being judged for something they did a generation ago. Maybe Robin's parents being hippies translates to her parents being really friendly with Downworlders, which made other Shadowhunters look down on them. Maybe Robin isn't her father's daughter and is instead the product of her mother's tryst with a faerie, making her odd and unaccepted in the shadow world (like Mark and Helen Blackthorn).
The Byers used to be Shadowhunters until Lonnie was turned into a werewolf, back when Jonathan and Will were children. He came home angry and upset that he was going to be exiled from the Clave and he lost control of his transition. He Turned both Will and Jonathan, who then became outcasts. Ex-Shadowhunters who were now Downworlders and something to be feared or pitied. Joyce didn't get turned, but she stuck by her kids and faced the same ostracism as them.
Steve Harrington is a mundane. Nancy Wheeler is rebelling not only by dating the town golden boy but also a mundane who her parents would never approve of. Once Steve gets involved in Everything, he becomes an Ascendant and he and Robin become parabatai.
Will goes missing, just as he does on the show. It's not the full moon and they don't know where he's gone. Jonathan should be able to find him (they're brothers and in the same pack) but he can't, which makes the rest of the Party concerned. The Clave isn't doing anything, because the Byers may have once been Shadowhunters, but Will Byers is a werewolf child and thus not their problem. Mike, Lucas, and Dustin go into the woods to look for him and that is where they find El.
El has magic, so she should be a warlock, but they can't find a warlock's mark on her, which is strange. (She's the result of an experiment, à la Tessa Gray. Maybe they mixed a warlock with a faerie somehow. Maybe El is a warlock who has far too much demon blood in her veins, which when she discovers it, makes her worry she is a monster).
Most of the plot of Season 1 plays out, but with Shadowhunter shenanigans instead. Mike protects the strange girl they found in the woods. Lucas insists she must be a demon and they fight. Nancy bonds with Jonathan, who she's always kind of known but never associated with because Nancy was being a Good Girl and doing what was expected her and Good Girls don't hang out with werewolves shunned by the Clave. Steve acts like a dick and when he goes to apologize to Nancy and Jonathan, he gets dragged into the Plot and ends up saving their lives, setting up his future as and Ascendant.
I haven't quite figured out who the bad guy is (the scientists who experimented on El, who took Will because they wanted to test a shadowhunter/werewolf child? Some kind of demon?). Or what do with Hopper (is he a Mundane cop with the Sight, perhaps one whose daughter was killed by the shadow world? A Shadowhunter who has been stripped of his marks? A Shadowhunter who has lost belief in the fight after the loss of his only child?)
But I think this could be fun.
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nephilimborn · 1 year
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( from eldest to youngest, the nephilim blackthorn family )
also born out of the union of lady narissa and andrew blackthorn, the first blackthorn child was born half-fae. raised in the shadowhunter culture / the bright glass towers of alicante seen from her childhood bedroom's window / she is a young kind woman that has been exiled away from her family after the cold peace. unlike mark, helen was allowed to keep contact with the rest of the siblings, for her exile had been masked as a business trip to investigate certain anomalities on the magic wards that protect idris, the shadowhunter headquarters and HOME. helen lives with her wife aline in a remote location known by no members of the family, fulfilling her duty with pride and resentment, before finally returning as the head of the los angeles institute, where most of the blackthorns reside, after the canon events of the books. mark misses his older sister constantly, for she is the only one of the blackthorns to truly understand the stigma that comes with being part fae, specially after the cold peace was installed.
second son, half-fae, adopted the eldest sibling role until he was ripped from his family and exiled to faerieland. there, he lost notion of time and identity under countless tortures and starving days. finally, he is reunited with his family under strange circumstances, used by the faerie courts to sabotage nephilim and wage another war. nonetheless, mark's strong love for his siblings and guilt over having abandoned his responsabilities would override every mind-trick and manipulation tactic used by his captors to ensure his loyalty. he feels deep hatred towards the clave for what has been done to his family and thousands other families just like his, yet he feels an even stronger hate towards himself for believing the lies, for thinking that his siblings were dead and there was nothing he could do, for disappearing when they needed their older brother the most.
eldest human son, an artistic soul crushed and broken by the weight on his shoulders. since the blackthorn parents were turned and murdered on the dark war, julian has been responsible for each blackthorn sibling. for their training, their hygiene, how much do they eat, what allergies they have. there is nothing that the eldest brother in the los angeles institute cannot do, taking care of the bills, the reports, and every important thing that you could ever imagine. of course, a sixteen year old can't be the official head of the institute, yet their uncle arthur, the actual director, was a shell of a man, obsessed with dark magic and possibly overriden by the shadowy claws of dementia / it left them no choice, if the blackthorns wanted to continue living in their home, it falls on julian to keep the façade. to continue the illusion. it will break him, it already is. just as his multiple obsessions, that thirst that cannot be quenched, will kill him. julian is obsessed with art, painting, drawing, and studying it. there's a secret hidden room in the institute where he disappears for hours at a time, mostly when the tide is down and the sea is calm, when the clave hasn't sent any messages and the fridge is full. specially, he is obsessed with drawing emma, his parabatai. a parabatai is a partner, a friend to cover your back until your last breath. her beautiful golden locks, in a perfectly crafted disarrey of aurean light, and those lioness' eyes. mark is sure their connection, and the tons in julian's shoulders, will be the start of the demise of the blackthorn family. ➻ TIBERIUS AND LIVIA
the twins, around fourteen years old when mark returns to the institute, he almost cannot recognise them. ty, a smart and shy young boy constantly engrossed in a detective novel ; livvy, a strong and extroverted girl, always ready to nag and scold her twin brother for this and that. they are joint by the hip, almost never found without the other close by, and of course, always getting into some mischief. investigating leads way too dangerous for them, spying on kind of suspicious allies, and turning every mundane activity into an exciting game of wits.
it is them who bring the most pain to mark, when he thinks about the years lost. he was never there to comfort ty when it got too loud, too crowded. he was never there to ask livvy gently to help him, to hear about her adventures and infamous deeds. it is them, ty with his kind caution around him, as if he's a feral animal. livvy with her scared looks, only there for a second but enough for him to retreat once again. it is livvy's death what ends up breaking them, what ends up pushing julian to his limit, mark to the deep pit of guilt, emma to recklessness.
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drgnbld · 1 year
Give us some info on Lance's parents uvu
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the lore I have on Lance's parents might be a bit unconventional as I wanted to keep in as much as the Manga background story as I could, with him being a child of Viridian Forest it made little sense to have him born and grown up in Blackthorn; not to mention the clan lore I created to fit in with his Hisuian ancestor, a former prince of the clan who Lance very much takes after. So, I'm going to write about two sets of parents: his biological parents and those who raised him in the clan.
Though this will be his main verse information, I'd also like to give an honorary shoutout @othersidecfparadise who writes as Lance's adopted Dad(tm), Hanta, with some shared lore and discord writing on.
not much is known on Lance's father. meant to have been a kiss and tell moment once it became apparent that the woman he slept with but hadn't married was bearing his child, he left. gone out of the picture for the rest of her life, Azalea Sakura found herself scared for facing the world alone - except her own father, and Lance's "real" grandfather, took pity on her and allowed her to stay with her child at their farm.
she's a gentle soul. one full of empathy and was equally as vibrant. giving Lance up to the den and having no further contact with her son devastated her, but through determination carried on as if nothing had happened. even ended up married a few years later, born with another son. as of now she lives in the sinnoh region and keeps a very close eyes on her forgotten son's life through his televised battles and appearances. she took on a company with her new family as a pokémon carer - looking after those who needed to be given up by struggling trainers or finding those abandoned.
the family who took lance is and raised as one of their own belong to the oldest family within blackthorn with a lineage reaching back to the old kingdom. on top of that, the son Ichiro is the eldest of two and the uncle of Clair, though she comes into the picture a bit later. struggling to have a family of their own, Ichiro and Reina almost gave up until their father, and village elder, offered them to raise little Lance for next in line to the throne. they were overjoyed and of course accepted.
Lance spent more time with Reina mostly due to the traditions of the den. not exactly a "women belong in the home", it was more of a "mothers taught their children how to interact with dragons" because they were deemed to be more patient and understanding. Reina was headstrong, this showed heavily in the connection she had with her Dragonite Zide - one of the strongest dragon's in the den, and the only one who could take on the elder's dragons with the possibility of winning. she had met Ichiro during her gym challenge as an adult when against Blackthorn's gym. for Ichiro it was love at first sight, watching this very tall red head flatten his team then proceed to miss a high-five with her Dragonite immediately after.
unfortunately Lance lost both parents during a battle attempting to calm ancient dragons down, only Zide came back to the den to break the news - retiring until Lance would take on his own gym challenge later in life. He was a young teen. From then, he lived with his uncle and became an older sibling to Clair (though would always ask to be referred as her cousin).
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