#missing starstruck today..
jens-lyndelle · 10 months
DIVERSITY WIN! the cyborg Gunnie Miggles-Rashbax from Starstruck Odyssey has TWO GAY DADS!
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
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💘 happy valentine's day! 💘
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icanseethefuture333 · 2 months
PAC: What good luck is coming your way?⋆。.°•✩
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‘I’m so lucky
I’m a star
But I cry, cry, cry in my lonely heart, thinkin’
“If there’s nothin’ missin’ in my life
Then why do these tears come at night?”’
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Potential Breakup Song by Aly & AJ
Best Friend’s Brother by Victoria Justice
(There’s Gotta Be) More To Life by Stacie Orrico
Discipline, Courage, Freedom, Communication, Twin Flame, Talking, Family, Plan A Vacation, Two of Air (Equilibrium), Daughter of Air, & Nine of Cups
The good luck that’s coming to your life, pile 1, is balance, confidence, and stability. Some of you could have Libra or Taurus placements. You could have had a rocky upbringing in life but it didn’t stop you from becoming the individual you are today. You could be a very loving person and have a lot to give to others. You may dim yourself down and feel that you are not all that special and often put others on a pedestal, whether that’s a family member, friend, celebrity, or partner. You need to see what’s special inside of you. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, dear. Some of you could have a very close relationship with your parents or grandparents. I’m having a vision of a little kid running to their guardian for comfort and receiving hugs. This is a message for some of you - you guys should visit your old childhood home for abundance or need to call your parents and rekindle the relationship you had with them, they miss you very much. If you have inner child wounds from your family, you need to resolve them in order to make progress. Don’t get stuck in this current phase of your life, you need to embrace change and new beginnings. I’m seeing that there is an intense connection with a romantic interest. Some of you might be in a stagnant relationship that is not benefiting you and it is hindering your growth, I think it would be best if stay single for a while. You are growing up and you are changing, that is a good thing! Some of you have a crush on someone and you are wishing to express your feelings, I see that if you talk to this person, things could actually go very well! Although, you must focus on making yourself happy first before seeking this person. Again, you need to focus on self love first. When is the last time you did something for yourself, pile 1? Make the choice today to be the hero you always needed. Be brave, pile 1. Some of you as a child might of loved the movie Starstruck and Princess Protection Program. You should watch these films to hear the messages in them, they might give you guidance. A father figure in your life may also provide clarity for what you have been feeling. Try to reflect on the relationship you had with your parents and how that results in your relationships with others. A lesson is needed to be learned at that time, once it is completed, you will notice a drastic transformation in your friendships and romantic life. You are going to be secure with who you are as a person and won’t feel the need for others to complete a part of yourself that was feeling empty. Additionally, some of you are wishing to make a bold move. Are you wishing to travel? Take a vacation? A trip to a place you always wanted to go? Now is a good time to do so. Crossroads could be an important film and may resonate with your situation.
“I can accomplish what I set my mind to”
“I find the inner strength to face fear with confidence”
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Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Superstar by Jamelia
Love Don’t Cost A Thing by Jennifer Lopez
Whatever You Like by T.I
Loneliness, Love, Money, Courting, Cassette, Love Call, The Star, Ten of Water (Repletion), & Mother of Water
Your good luck charm, pile 2, is the charm of love, fortune, and gifts. There is someone who wishes to come into your life and spoil you. I feel that you are independent and successful in your endeavors. You are good with your finances and you may look high maintenance in appearance (you may own luxury, brand name items, or your style is just very prissy n pretty). You have an admirer that really appreciates how you carry yourself as an individual and has great respect for your accomplishments. I’m reminded of the lyrics from the song She Got Her Own by Ne-Yo ft Jamie Foxx & Fabolous:
“Knowin’ she can do for herself
Makes me wanna give her my wealth”
When this person approaches you, you will look at them like they’re crazy. You might even be offended when they offer you help or try to do chivalrous things. Do not block your blessing, this person can give you access to bigger career opportunities. You have to release your outdated beliefs. I understand you are trying to protect your heart and peace of mind, but how can you make progress in your desired career field without connections? Your spirit guides know you have expensive taste and that you won’t be the only one capable of funding that lifestyle. I’m getting Nara Smith and Lucky Blue Smith vibes. They are both working individuals but Lucky spoils Nara with gifts like designer bags and luxurious items. You give off WAG and video vixen vibes, pile 2. Your beauty is reminiscent of Meagan Good, Christina Milian, Lee Hyori, & Vanessa Bryant in the early 2000s. You could have received a lot of envy from others growing up and was always in the center of gossip. People’s consistent haterade being thrown at you has made you isolate yourself, you were never lonely because you had to be your own best friend. Some of the people who picked this pile were bullied growing up or had a hard time making friends. You are strong and confident but constantly having your guard up out of fear of being hurt is making you miss out on life. Princess and The Frog may be a very significant film that you need to watch. Tiana was hard working and had dreams of opening a restaurant so much that it made her miss out on having fun and spending time with other people, as well as using work as a coping mechanism to cope with her father’s death. It becomes unhealthy when you have the assumption that most people are inherently evil and focusing all your attention on work, allow yourself to make connections with others and have fun every once in a while. It won’t kill ya to take a break, money isn’t the source of all happiness. Changing your mindset would attract more positive interactions within the workplace, college, and in your interpersonal relationships. You know you have great qualities so try to showcase this when having a conversation. Also smile! You have cute facial expressions when you’re not making a RBF lol. You may have a hustler mindset because of being poor as a child but this does not reflect your current reality, pile 2. Some of you may also be pursuing an education, taking courses regarding your culture could provide you with some insight. Turn to your ancestors for strength and wisdom on making the right choices regarding love. You are divinely protected either way so misfortune is not at all in your destiny!
“I know that I am never alone”
“I commit to the practice of seeing good in all things”
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Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Stereo Love by Edward Maya ft. Vika Jigulina
Electric Feel by MGMT
Who Said by Miley Cyrus
Judgment, Pride, Past Life, Ice King, Karmic Relationship, The Snake, Five of Air (Conflict), Four of Fire (Perfection), & Mother of Air
Pile 3, with the lucky girl syndrome~ I see that you will be releasing yourself from other people's expectations and instead will pursue your desires. You could have grew up in a strict household and had family members who believed that being successful, wealthy, and having good grades was more important that self expression and being "happy". Financial security was prioritized over emotions and this had left your heart cold. You could be someone who has a hard time expressing their feelings and can be quite feisty when engaging in conversations. I see that you have always wanted to be more of the rebellious one or had to be rebellious in secret. The Bratz movie could be very significant to this pile, you might relate to one of the girls or one of the Bratz is your favorite doll (Jade, Sasha, Yasmin, or Cloe). I also see The Game Plan and Herbie - Fully Loaded for some of you were your comfort movies as a child. Growing up, you might of changed your clothes after your parents dropped you off at school or got dress coded often by your teachers/principal. You could have felt insecure as a child for not being able to dress like the other kids or not being allowed to wear a makeup. You have the power, pile 3. You are no longer this child anymore, this might hurt knowing you never got to experience the same emotional fulfillment other teens/adults did as children, but the good news is you have so much time to make up for it now! Take the initiative today and write down all things you never got to do but always wanted to have and start making a list of methods you could use to make this possible. As long as you put the effort in, anything could happen! I also feel that you compete with those of the same sex. You could come across people that are catty and try to put you down for no reason. You might also have these traits yourself and you need to reflect on how you treat other people, having opinions is normal but being judgemental and making assumptions about others before giving them a chance, is not. You have to acknowledge your flaws and the triggers you have been avoiding. For example, if you know that you easily get pissed off because you grew up in a household where arguing was normalized, realize that behavior isn't healthy. Overall, the good luck that you will be receiving is in regards to your independence and self expression. Additionally, I see you perfecting your craft. Some of you enjoy fashion, science, graphic design, and/or mathematics, you could receive an award or some sort of acknowledgement for your creative ideas!
"I understand that everyone has their own unique path and challenges"
"I love myself, and I see myself in everyone"
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Thanks so much for reading and I wish you the best of luck with whatever makes you happy in life 🍀
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nadvs · 2 months
Hey girl! I’m obsessed with basketball!rafe, your write him so well! On the night of readers first visit in basketball!rafes condo, you said they slept together. Can we have a blurb on that? I NEED to know how that went
thank you so much!! omg yessss. they’ve been long distance and it’s been hard but they miss each other so much so when she finally visits, it’s intense 🤭
based on this fic, mentioned in this blurb! 18+!
» au masterlist
at this point, they’ve been together for almost seven months. and a month and a half of that has been at a distance.
since rafe moved away, it feels like all they do is argue. most of their calls have been tense. they’ve gone days giving each other silent treatment too many times to count.
so when she’s stepping out of the airport gate that late afternoon, she’s more nervous than she is excited for her three-day stay, and she hates that she feels like that.
she finds rafe standing by a pillar, wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses. he’s gotten even bigger, his muscles bulging under his sleeveless shirt. now that he’s signed with the nba, he’s at practice every morning, hitting the gym twice a day, preparing for the season two months away. always busy. often too busy for her.
he doesn’t wait for her to reach him. he helps close the distance, meeting her in an open pocket in the crowd and wrapping her in his arms. he’s holding her so tightly that she can feel his heartbeat on her chest.
she didn’t know what to expect when he saw her, considering how rocky things have been. but this feels like the best possible way he could greet her. he seems happy. the chasm between them is still there, but it’s closing.
rafe nuzzles into her neck, smelling the mix of shampoo and perfume that makes her her, and is so overwhelmed that his throat feels thicker and tears start to form in his eyes. thank fuck he’s wearing shades.
“hey, baby,” he says, muffled.
“hi,” she says softly. “how are you?”
it’s a loaded question. he’s lonely. he didn’t realize how lonely until he held her. he’s stressed. he’s out of his depth. but he settles for, “not bad. you?”
“better now,” she says.
she knows her boyfriend’s life has changed. but it’s not until they’re walking out of the building and he gets stopped by a middle-aged man asking for a photo with him that she realizes just how much things have shifted. the man’s wife shakes her head, saying don’t bother them, but the man says please, it’ll be quick.
rafe obliges, once again grateful he’s wearing shades so nobody sees his teary eyes.
“you’ll take us to the final, won’t you?” the man says, clearly starstruck.
“i’ll try,” he replies. it’s clear to her that rafe’s a little uneasy, which surprises her. she thought he and his ego would love the attention.
“you’re like famous famous,” she teases once they walk far enough away.
“that’s only like, the second time that happened,” he says, not matching her playfulness.
she can tell that he’s trying to downplay it. but the season hasn’t even started and he’s already being recognized. it’s a big deal.
“is that why you’re all disguised?” she realizes.
“yeah,” he admits, seemingly embarrassed. he really didn’t want anyone to recognize him today.
they reach his car in an underground parking garage and she settles in the passenger seat as puts her suitcase in his backseat. he sits and starts the car.
“what have you done with my boyfriend?” she asks, trying to lighten the mood. “how are you not bragging about what just happened?”
“i don’t know,” he says. “you’re here. that’s what i’m focused on. and who knows… i could be one of those guys who gets one contract and then burns out. better not to get used to all that.”
her eyebrows knit together. he’s being short with her. and he’s never spoken like this. she’s seen him unsure about himself only a few times before. he was painfully nervous on draft night. but he never mentioned anything about his career burning out. this isn’t the man she knows.
“you’re a great player,” she tells him. “you won’t burn out.”
he nods unconvincingly and shifts the car into reverse, trying to avoid this heavy of a conversation right away. she knows him well enough to know what he’s doing. she puts her hand on his.
“hey,” she says softly. “wait a second.”
he sighs, his throat thickening again. he puts the car in park and turns it off.
“you good?” she asks.
he pinches the bridge of his nose. she realizes that his hand is trembling. he finally takes his sunglasses off and rubs his eyes, wiping at them.
“i’m tired,” he admits.
she stares at him through worried eyes.
“i’m sorry. we’ll take it easy tonight,” she tells him. “we can just order food and watch tv and go to bed early. it’s going to be okay.”
he nods, licking his lips nervously.
“it makes sense if you’re overwhelmed. it’s a lot of pressure. your life is so different now,” she says. “and i know i was part of the old one, but i want to be part of this new one, too, okay? i’m here for you.”
she’s not saying it solely to reassure him. she realizes she’s hoping he’ll reassure her back. things are still off between them. she can feel it. maybe it’s because she’s slowly drifting into the past to him. maybe he won’t carry her into his new life.
rafe is speechless. his chest hurts. he hates that she would insinuate that he doesn’t have a place for her. that she has any doubts at all. he’s the one who called her after their last big argument, following days of not talking to each other. he’s still bitter about it. he keeps putting up a fight, yet it’s like she thinks she’s the only one trying.
“the only way to fail is to give up, right?” she says.
rafe snorts.
“where’d you read that?” he says mockingly. cutting.
he regrets it immediately. she sits straighter, creating distance between them.
“i’m sorry,” he says. “i’m just... i want you here. i do. i’m already thinking about how you’re going to leave and it sucks. i’m just so… on edge.”
“so, your way to handle it is by being mean to me like, a minute after i get here?” she asks. his knee-jerk reaction to stress has always been to be rude and combative. it’s her least favorite thing about him.
“my head’s not right. i’m sorry.”
even though she’s hurt and bitter, she pushes past it and nods.
“let’s start over,” she says. “i can tell you all about my flight. real exciting stuff.”
he finally cracks a genuine smile.
when they make it to rafe’s penthouse, she’s shocked. she saw the view of the city through the floor-to-ceiling windows over their facetime calls, but the real thing doesn’t compare. it’s unreal, the way the setting sun is glistening over the skyline.
it’s crazy. she’s stayed right where she’s been since she met him, on the same campus doing the same things, but now he’s here. the stinging anxiety hits her again that maybe he’ll leave her in the past.
“this is really nice,” she says.
rafe gazes at her as she looks out the window. he’s felt out of place since he got here. the dynamic with his new team is nothing like it was back in college. this condo feels more like a hotel instead of his home.
but with her here, the most important piece of all he knows, the place doesn’t feel cold anymore.
he looks out at the view. it is nice. but it’s been hard to appreciate it since there’s been a weight living over him, blurring things.
“you can continue the tour now,” she says.
he offers her his hand. she takes it. his palm is rough and calloused from all his training.
as she paces through the condo, everything about the place is stunning. bare, but stunning.
“i can help you decorate if you want,” she offers as they travel down the hallway. “wanna go shopping tomorrow?”
“yeah,” he agrees. something as mundane as shopping for decor excites him simply because it’ll be with her.
they reach his bedroom. the california king bed is centered against the back wall. the room offers another beautiful view with a balcony.
“you ever sit out there in the morning? watch the sunrise?” she asks, stepping towards the open balcony door. she can hear the dull roar of cars zooming through the massive freeway laid out far below.
“nah, i go straight to practice,” rafe says. “and on days off, i just sleep in.”
“right,” she recalls. he gets up almost every morning before the sun rises. his schedule has been brutal. she feels guilty for fighting with him about how hard it’s been to schedule calls with him. she pictured him living a glamorous life, forgetting all about her. but he just seems isolated. exhausted.
she turns to face him again, gazing around the characterless room.
“would you want pictures in here? maybe some art on the walls?” she asks.
“i thought decorating started tomorrow?” rafe teases. she loves that he’s seeming to ease up a bit.
“can never be too prepared.” he smirks, looking down at her with a tired, but relaxed expression.
“i haven’t had time to do anything with the place,” he says. “and i wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“all good,” she says. “you stick to basketball, i’ll stick to making this place look like someone actually lives in it.”
“deal,” he says with a soft laugh.
she smiles. her eyes drift down, noticing faint white lines on his shoulders under his sleeveless shirt. she traces her fingers over the new stretch marks.
“they’re not working you too hard, are they?” she asks.
her tender touch makes rafe’s body go hot. she feels it immediately, how the tension between them has shifted.
“no,” he mumbles. “the trainer said i actually need to slow down on the lifting. i can’t get too heavy. i won’t be able to run as fast.”
“so, what i’m hearing is you need a few rest days,” she says with a cute shrug. “you need to relax. it’s for the good of your game.”
he chuckles. within minutes of getting home, his girl makes everything better.
“thank you for coming,” he says sincerely, his hands finding her hips. her heart feels ten times lighter.
“for getting on a flight you booked? in first class? to live in your penthouse?” she says. “you’re welcome. big sacrifice.”
rafe smirks at her again, leaning closer. their lips press in a slow, sweet, long kiss. he pulls back once he feels her hand on his cheek.
“you stressed out, baby?” she whispers. his eyes are still closed an he only nods, grimacing. she strokes his cheek with her thumb.
“you want me to help you relax?” she says. he leans lower, his forehead on hers. his stomach is numb. his boxers suddenly feel too tight.
“yeah.” rafe’s tone is low. needy.
“lie down,” she tells him. “i’ll make you feel better.”
his entire body is buzzing. once he’s on his back in his bed, they’re slowly pulling off each other’s clothes.
she thought when they’d inevitably get into bed, it’d be impatient and rushed, but every movement is careful. they want to savor each other. it’s so much better this way.
she leads him to lie on his pillow when he’s left in his boxers and she’s in her panties. she pulls down his boxers, watching him spring out, the coil in her body already tightened to its limit. she missed him so badly.
she holds him at his base, meeting his eyes as she slowly takes the tip in her mouth. she watches his toned body curve as he bucks his hips with a groan.
“fuck,” he whispers. “wait, wait.”
he shifts to his side, turning his nightstand lamp on so that he can see her better, instead of doing this in the dim of the sunset.
he lies back down, placing eager fingers at her roots, desperately guiding her back to where she was.
their eyes lock as she lowers again, her tongue hot against him, slowly sinking until she has all of him in her mouth. she softly gags and pulls back, leaving his length wet with her spit.
“you’ve been working so hard, hmm?” she asks, looking at him as she palms him slowly, dragging her hand over his slick hardness.
“yeah,” he says, voice strained. “fuck, i missed you so much.”
she feels better hearing his words. all the tension between them has dissipated, at least for now.
“i missed you, too,” she whispers. she wraps her lips around him again, feeling him twitch against the inside of her cheek.
rafe can’t take his eyes off of her. she moves slowly, carefully, her tongue flicking around him, her wrist twisting and stroking. his grip is tight at the roots of her hair as she starts to move faster.
he can feel himself getting closer. he doesn’t want to finish like this.
“come here,” he murmurs, cradling her head, leading her closer.
she obeys, hovering over him on her knees. his hands drag over her ass, running over the lace of her panties, squeezing hard as she lowers to press her lips on his.
they kiss hard and slow, over and over until she can’t anymore, breathless and grinding on him. his thumbs loop under the band of her underwear, pushing the fabric down.
she wriggles out of the lace and he grasps her waist to turn her onto her back, kissing her again, finding her wrists and pinning them tightly against his bed.
“i don’t think i’ll last long,” he rasps against her mouth.
“that’s okay,” she says. “i just want you to feel good.”
he so badly wants to tell her he loves her. but they’ve never taken that step, and if he does take it and she doesn’t follow, he might not survive the fall.
instead, he moves to rest his hand between her legs, inhaling sharply once he feels how wet she is.
“fucking dripping for me,” he praises. she spreads her legs wider and he trails up to her clit, starting to trace circles.
she arches her back, pushing against his hand, already getting close. her body is just as desperate and impatient for it as his is.
“i’m close,” she whispers within seconds, her eyes shut. he stares at her in awe, so damn pleased that he can do this to her and get her there so quickly.
“yeah? you gonna come on my hand?”
“yes, yes,” she breathes, her lips parted. “don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
rafe wants to kiss her, but seeing her pretty face twisting in pleasure is too good to miss. one hand keeps her wrist pinned above her head while the other works with fast, firm movements, bringing her closer.
“i can’t wait to be inside you,” he groans. “you’re all i think about, you know that?”
she dips her head back, a soft moan spilling out of her mouth as she unravels, her body weakening with her orgasm. it hits her so hard that she trembles more than ever before.
she takes a moment to collect herself, then finds the strength to sit up just enough to grip him, guiding him to press against her. he groans as he starts to sink in her and she links her legs around him, pulling him in.
she presses her free hand against the head of his bedframe to steady herself so he can slam into her without any recoil, promising him the best sensation she can give him.
with one hand on her jaw and the other on her palm, interlacing his fingers with hers, he bottoms out, grunting against her ear.
“as hard as you want,” she whispers. “you know i can take it.”
her words make him dizzy. he doesn’t build up to the pace. suddenly, their slow, patient movements are gone, and he starts to thrust in and out of her fast and rough, to the hilt every time because of the way she’s keeping herself anchored against his headboard.
it’s like he’s drowning in her. he doesn’t want to come up for air. his breaths grow more shallow, his skin gets clammier, his pulse speeds up.
his bed is shaking with every slam, hitting deep inside her, wrapped in her heat and never wanting it to end. he squeezes her hand, wishing she knew just how grateful he is for her. not just for this. for everything.
“you’re mine,” he rasps. she tightens her legs around him, looking up at him as his handsome, sharp features crease in pleasure. “you belong to me.”
“yes,” she whispers. “i do. i do.”
rafe leans down to kiss her, his body going tight. she feels him grow harder, the pressure outright perfect, and he groans into her mouth as he comes, filling her with his heat.
he collapses on her, heavier than he was the last time they slept together. but she keeps her legs linked around him, withstanding the weight, running her hand down the curve of his spine while the other stays interlaced with his.
he’s panting hard. and he can’t control it when tears sting his eyes. she notices him shuddering, and she squeezes him tighter, kissing his cheek over and over again, her heart breaking for him.
“you okay, baby?” she whispers.
“yeah,” he says, and for once, he’s being honest about it.
all of this has been so hard and discombobulating, but with her here, life feels easy. and finally, he’s confident in something again. he knows they’ll make it. there’s no way they can’t.
“yeah,” he repeats. “hungry.”
she softly laughs, moving to wrap both arms around him. he’s so big and hard and heavy, but she tries her best to hold him, to comfort him.
“let’s get dinner,” she says. she knows his diet has been strict. “cheat day?”
rafe smirks against her neck. he didn’t know how badly he needed a vacation, and that he didn’t even have to leave his house to feel like he’s on one. he just needs her.
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tojikai · 2 months
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Pairing: Toji x reader
tags/cw: 🌽star!toji, 🌽star!femreader, nsfw, alot. ykwim.
word count: 2.5k
a/n: i was writing something else but i can't stop thinking abt this soo. i just feel like writing smut. i miss toji sm.
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“Looks like I’ll be coming over even without your manager's invitation.” 
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🌽star! Toji who’s very in demand so he’s very picky with who he films with but you were surprised to see him arrive early when your agency made him an offer, eyeing you like a piece of meat and he’s a tiger that hasn’t eaten for months, ready to devour you the moment you get close enough.
When you entered the studio, you smiled at the crew as they offered to carry your bags. You were very professional and punctual especially when it comes to work so you made sure to arrive early. The fact that your partner was still tentative didn’t help with the tension. As an actress, you want to know thoroughly who you work with to make the scenes more effective. Having no idea who it is or how they are made you feel like you’re patting around the dark.
“Very early, huh? Excited to see me?” Your soul almost jumped out of your body when you heard a voice behind you. It was a deep yet velvety voice, sending shivers down your spine and vibrations to your core. You turned around only to be met by a naked chest. Your brows raised as your eyes traced the contours of his pecs and muscles.
There in front of you was none other than Toji Fushiguro in the flesh.
His hair was shiny and it fell so perfectly on his face. You can’t help but think about how good he’ll look once it’s wet with sweat as he’s panting under you when you ride his dick. He got a toothpick hanging on his lips and you can’t help but feel the squeak on your pussy every time he kisses his teeth. His narrow eyes look down at you like he’s ready to devour you and his nose—GOSH, his nose—tells you that the couch in the middle of the room won’t be the only one you’ll be sitting on later today.
He was only wearing sweatpants that hung dangerously low around his waist, showing his toned abs and v-line. Just from the outline, you can tell you’re gonna be sore after today’s shooting. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken another film right after this if you knew you’d be dealing with something that big. You tried to keep your eyes on his face because it would be embarrassing to get caught ogling your partner not even 5 minutes after arriving at the set but oh well… here you are, listening to his chuckles.
“It’s all yours later,” He whispered seductively as he reached behind you to get his bottle. They were right about him being overly confident. Well, that’s because he’s built like that. You also understand now how he can afford to be picky. “I-I didn't think you'd be early, Mr. Fushiguro!” You laughed awkwardly, extending a hand and he stared at it for a few seconds before taking it and pulling you close, pressing you to his chest. “No need to be so formal. In our line of work it's better to get comfortable early on, don't you think?” You can feel his hand slide deliciously from your back to your ass and you couldn't stop yourself from pressing yourself onto him while he murmurs in your ear. 
He has a point, though. In your field of work, the first thing you do is get comfortable with your partner. You don't have much time to get to know each other so it's better to jump into the business whenever you can. After all, chemistry and intimacy are the capitals for your job. Aside from the kinks, turn-ons and offs, safe words, and restrictions, it's also good to get used to conversing with each other so the script flows more naturally.  
“Well, yeah. That's right. I was just starstruck that the “picky” Mr. Fushiguro agreed to film with a rising star like me.” Your voice sounded sweet as you pressed yourself further to him, arching your back as you felt his hand slightly caress its skin. The smirk that formed on his lips sent tingles to your clit and that was enough for you to press your legs together, biting your lip. “Who wouldn't agree when the partner’s this pretty?” He squeezed your bum lightly, 
“We wouldn’t be filming until late noon, the director didn’t think Mr. Fushiguro would be here so he’s settling some things with the backup.” Looking back at the assistant and the people murmuring as some of them cleared the set, Toji’s smirk got bigger. You stared at his lips, wondering how that scar would feel on your skin. And before you could look away, you were caught by his eyes which seemed to have gotten darker at the opportunity.
You’re usually very professional when filming, but this man doesn’t come unless the partner makes him feel like…cumming. This is barely work to him. 
“How about I orient you with what I wanna happen first?” 
And now, your legs are wide open on a couch that was supposed to be used later, moaning his name as his fingers move in and out of your sopping wet cunt.
“Toji…” You moaned, watching his fingers diddle with your bud for a few seconds before being shoved back in again. He already made you squirt and it hasn’t even been 30 minutes since you’ve met. “I thought this clit only looks nice in the films.” He commented, smirking up at you as he places a kiss on it. 
“Oh my gosh…” You panted, leaning on your elbows, not wanting to miss a movement. Tongue darting out, he traced the sides of your pearl, moaning as he took it all in his mouth. The vibrations almost sent you to the edge again as you tried to press his face closer to you. You thanked the heavens that the crew chose to go out for a break and only a few were left outside. It’s not like they wouldn’t be seeing this later but getting caught like this makes you feel shy.
Taking his fingers out, you can feel Toji harden his tongue on your bud before he drags it down to your hole. “Ah!” You pouted at him, hissing at the feeling of his wet muscles exploring your insides. The way he moves it around makes you circle your hips, grinding your pearl on his nose and making him growl. “I knew this pussy would taste this good when I saw it.” You blushed, thinking about how he watched your videos. 
The thought of having him holding his cock as he jerks off on your clip makes you wetter than you already are. 
Kissing your clit one more time, he moved up to your lips, kissing you like he wasn’t here to fuck you like an animal later. “Mmm, both your lips taste so good, Mami.” He moaned, pressing your cheek as he coaxed you to open your mouth. You let him slip his tongue inside you, panting as he allowed you to suck on it before slapping your cheek lightly as he pulled away “Such a good slut,” He tapped your tit before pulling your chest to him, skillful tongue circling your sensitive nipples as his fingers played with the other one. 
“Yeah….” You moaned, pushing his hair back and exposing his forehead as he licked your button with the tip of his tongue. His eyes stared menacingly at you before you felt his finger caressing your slit again. He indulged in the way your brows bumped together when he sucked your nipples hard, pulling before letting go with a pop. 
Your hand found purchase on his still-clothed cock, painfully wanting to be let out of its confinement. “You wanna taste? Go on, Mami. It’s been waiting for you.” He chuckled, pulling his phone before filming you as you slowly pulled his sweatpants down. “Gotta have a little tip for me, yeah? Gotta have my own personal clip of this pretty mouth around my cock? Go on, baby.” The way he said ‘baby’ made your pussy clench as you squatted in front of him, naked cunt exposed to the air as you kissed the tip of his dick. 
“Yeah, spread those legs as you suck my dick. Show me how nasty this makes you feel, Ma.” You moaned, tongue sticking out as you licked his shaft, hand cupping his balls before you took it all in your moan. Toji grunted at the move, cursing at how you escalated things quickly from kitten licks to deep-throating him in an instant. “I gotta talk to the director too. How dare he take so long in inviting me to fuck this mouth.” He chuckled, pulling you by your hair to sit down on the couch.
You eagerly took it back in your mouth, letting your tongue trace the vein under his length. You whimpered as you felt him reach over to tweak your nipple with his fingers. “You’re such a whore for my dick, yeah?” He hissed as you bobbed your head up and down, pulling your lips back to prevent your teeth from touching his skin. Not long after, you can feel Toji’s thighs tensing under your touch and he was already pulling you away from him.
“Uh uh, not yet.” He whispered, throwing his phone away before dragging you on the couch. You instantly opened your legs, staring at him with lust and hunger in your eyes as you licked your lip. Toji watched as you spread your plump lips, showing him your entrance as if silently begging him to ram his heavy dick into you. He would’ve taken a picture if only his knees weren’t going weak from holding back.
“You just can’t wait, huh?” He rubbed the tip at the tender flesh of your core making you whimper, grinding your hips as you pleaded repeatedly “Please,” He cooed at your state, putting a hand behind your head before capturing your lips and shoving his thick erection inside your waiting cunt. You moaned in the kiss, feeling the pleasurable burn as he stretched you with his girth. He slowly moved in and out of you, groaning at the tightness before breaking the kiss only to urge you to watch as your heat took his length.
“Look at that, doll. Look how perfectly it fits inside you.” He moans, mocking your whimpers as he gradually went faster until he was slamming into you. His strong hands push your knees to your shoulder, squeezing your bouncing tits. You shamelessly called out his name, not caring if the staff could hear the two of you getting it on already. Hell, you don’t even care if they start filming now. 
“Yeah, wanna let them know I can’t hold myself around you, huh?” He growled, sweat dripping down his face as he parted your folds with his fingers. “Is that why you’re being so loud?” You can feel his fat tip nudge your g-spot, making you scream as you explode. “Oh gosh, T-toji—” You chanted, feeling his cock slip out, or rather get pushed out as you squirted on him, making him chuckle as he rubbed your bud quickly before pulling your hand and switching positions. 
“Messy doll.” He teased you, watching your body twitch as he laid down, placing you on top of him and you found yourself mindlessly rubbing yourself on his cock before swiftly sliding it in with a soft cry. “That’s it, fuck yourself on me, Mami. Show me how much you want my cum, yeah?” He reached for your tits, rubbing the pebbled flesh as you rolled your hips on top of him, hands caressing his glistening skin as you breathed out his name. 
Toji felt hasn’t felt like fucking a coworker before until he had your name on the email he got. Seeing your mouth open, and your glazed eyes as your body bounces on top of him got him hoping this wouldn’t be the last. If it was, he’ll make a way to fuck you again. Toji’s hand slid down your body to your swollen nub, drawing figures with his thumb as he shallowly thrust up to you, restraining himself from letting go and fully ravishing your body. 
It was when you leaned back, arching your body as you parted your legs wider that he lost control, ramming up to you like a madman as a rumble erupted from his throat. “You’re really asking for it, doll.” He put his hand on your hips for support as he fucks himself up in you, chuckling as you hit those high notes, and breathing harder as he hit the exact spot inside you. 
You looked so breedable, so cock drunk as he pounds into you, whining his name as you frowned in pleasure and struggled to keep your body from falling to the side.
“Toji.. keep doing that.” You whimpered, throwing your head back as you let him use your body as he pleases. Desperate for release, Toji sat up and laid you down without taking his pulsating length out of you. You can tell how much he’s trying to stop himself from coming, enjoying how you squeeze his throbbing cock every time he shoves himself in you. 
Yelping as he folds you in a mating press, Toji couldn’t even afford to let you breathe as he hammered his dick into you. “Oh fuck!” You cried, feeling him reach deeper into the new position. His face contorted like he was in pain as he repeatedly buried himself inside you, bullying your cunt as put half his weight on you.
“Gonna cum inside you, doll.” He panted, pressing his forehead against yours and smiling when you nodded frantically with teary eyes. “Gonna fill you up so good, you’re going to be asking for it again later.” The sound of your skin slapping against each other echoed around the room. Feeling his hips stutter, you pouted up at him, “Give it to me, please, Toji. Pretty please.” You breathed against his lips. 
As his thrusts went shallow, you could feel his tip rub the sweet spot inside you, making you cry out in pleasure as you cum hard around him. Your eyes rolled back in pleasure and your thighs trembled. The feeling of your walls spasming and contracting around him sent Toji to the edge. He managed one powerful thrust, hissing as he spilled all his essence deep inside you. You whimpered at the feeling of his warm liquid flooding and painting your insides. 
“So fucking good,” He rasped out before capturing your lips. Panting hard, he savored the feeling of your tight pussy clenching around him. You stayed in that position for a couple of seconds, hearing each other’s shattered breaths before he pulled out, eyes fixated on your winking hole. He licked his lips, smirking as you whined desperately at him. Your hip’s starting to hurt but you can’t bring yourself to care, enjoying the way his eyes glimmer at the sight of his cum leaking out of you.
“Looks like I’ll be coming over even without your manager's invitation.” 
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homeofthelonelywriter · 6 months
Capri Sun
(A/N) This is just stupid, but I love this side of Cod.
Pairing: Simon x Reader (no Y/N)
Warning: blood draw, fear of needles, aggressive and oblivious reader, starstruck Simon, suggestive at the end
Synopsis: Based on this.
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Simon is a soldier. A warrior. Hardened by life, by the horrors he experiences every day. He had killed hundreds, thousands of people with his hands. Scars cover his body. Scars he acquired in battle and through torture. His subordinates fear him, his superiors respect him. If anyone were to think of a ‘tough guy’, someone not scared by anything, they would think of him.
But god damn, this man is scared of needles. What didn’t help, was the fact that, as a soldier, he had regular health check-ups, each of them including a blood draw.
At first, he tried to face his fear alone, not telling anyone how bad it really was. Only when he eventually fainted before one of those blood draws, did Price catch wind of the Lieutenant’s phobia. And since then, he accompanied Simon to every single blood draw, just to make sure the big, scary man was okay.
But Price still tried to help Simon with his fear. While at first, the Captain would be standing right beside his colleague, he started slowly distancing himself, hoping to give the Lieutenant some independence that way.
The same was happening again. They had just gotten back from a mission and due to an injury, Simon had to go through a check-up, which would start with the oh-so-feared blood draw.
The soldier felt the anxiety from the moment he woke up, only consoled by the fact, that since he had to be sober for the blood draw, it would take place before breakfast. At least it would be over soon.
Ten minutes before Simon’s appointment was scheduled, Price knocked on his door and picked him up. Together, they walked to the infirmary and after checking Simon in, they sat down in the waiting room. Some other soldiers recognized them and started to chat with Price, not really noticing Simon’s silence. After all, he wasn’t much of a talker on a day when he didn’t have to get a needle jabbed into his arm.
After a few minutes, Simon was called into one of the rooms. As he got up, he glanced at Price, who just nodded encouragingly, sending the Lieutenant off. While walking to the room, Simon took slow, steady breaths, already trying to calm his nerves. But when he entered, the anxiety spiked up again.
This time, it wasn’t because of the prospect of what was about to happen, but because of…you. You were…adorable, sitting on a tiny stool, you could use to roll around the room.
He stood in the door for a few seconds, staring at your profile, as you routinely took out everything you’d need for this. You didn’t even notice him until you swiveled around to face the door.
A surprised gasp escaped your lips, not expecting a mountain of a man to be your patient today. Sure, you were used to treating soldiers, big men and women, fit and stocky, but that man…he was something else entirely.
After recovering from the surprise, you let out a chuckle and pointed to the chair in front of you.
“Please, take a seat.”
Simon did as you asked, still staring at you. You looked so fragile and cute. And your smile. If Simon were to die and he could pick one image to see before he leaves this world, it would be that smile of yours.
You swiveled back again, grabbing a capri sun from a table behind you before you turned back to face him. As you ripped off the straw, you started to go through your standard introduction.
“Hi I'm your medic and I'll be drawing your blood today.”
You straightened the straw and aimed at the small hole on the top, jamming the straw down, but missing it. If this display wouldn’t have scared Simon as much as it did, he would’ve found the way, your face pulled into a frown, adorable.
You try again, missing once more, making you grow incredibly frustrated.
“Ahm, so…are you sober?”
You weren’t even looking at Simon while asking him the question, still focused on the capri sun and the way you kept missing the hole.
You glance at him, a smile on your face, before you glance back down at the juice pack in your hands, the smile gone.
“And have you ever fainted before, during, or after a blood draw?”
Simon’s muscles tensed and his eyes grew wide while he watched you jabbing at the poor juice pouch, a thin layer of sweat starting to cover his skin. His hands had started to claw at the armrests of the chair. But you were oblivious to his panic.
He muttered a quick ‘no’, wanting to save face in front of you, but in his mind, he completed it with a ‘but I think I’m about to’.
“Good. Let me just…ugh.”
Another missed attempt and you clearly had enough. You balled up the pouch, turned it on its side, and jabbed the straw into it with as much force as possible, a triumphant ‘ah-ha!’ leaving your lips as you took a sip.
Your display of aggression was enough for the poor man and with a voice you never expected from someone like him, he called out.
You looked up, confused as to what was going on. Your confusion only grew when another big and burly soldier, even if not as big and burly as the one sat in front of you, came running up to the door.
“What’s going on?”
You looked between him and the man sitting in front of you, not knowing what to say. And Simon didn’t say anything either, instead just reaching out his hand towards the Captain.
Price let out an understanding chuckle and closed the door for some privacy, before grabbing Simon’s hand and giving him an assuring squeeze.
“He doesn’t like getting his blood drawn.”
The way Price whispered that to you, seemed as if he was sharing an important secret with you. You nodded in understanding and sat down the juice pouch, which caught Price’s attention, earning you a confused look.
“I couldn’t hit the hole with the straw, so…”
You explained it so nonchalantly, but in that moment, everything started to make sense in Price’s head and he had to use all of his self-restraint to not just burst out laughing.
Now that you knew that your patient was afraid of the procedure ahead of him, you decided to get it over with as quickly as possible. And you did it without a hitch, placing a small bandaid over the puncture wound.
“Do keep some pressure on that, okay? You don’t want a bruise to form there.”
Simon nodded and with the help of Price got to his feet. The Captain quickly thanked you, before leaving the room, but Simon hesitated. He glanced at you and you again smiled at him, making his heart melt.
“W-Would you l-like to go out s-somtime?”
He talked so quietly, it took your brain a second to catch up, and when it did, a heavy blush covered your cheeks. Was he really asking you out?
“Y-Yeah. I’d love to. I’m done at six tonight.”
Simon nodded, not looking at you, way too embarrassed.
“I’ll pick you up then.”
You nodded and smiled at him, waving as he left the room.
Let’s just say, from that moment on, you were the only medic that would draw his blood. And let’s just say that with him, the procedure required a lot longer than normal and would only happen behind a locked door. Yeah, he’d practically have you sitting in his lap while drawing his blood, grinding up into you, the only way to get his mind off of what was happening that moment. At least Price no longer had to accompany him to those appointments.
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Call of Duty - Masterlist
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linorachas · 2 years
maknae line + unexpected kinks
tags: marking, choking, cockwarming, manhandling, public space, possessive behavior, afab reader for sm
this is for anon who requested a maknae line version of unexpected kinks!!! i mostly write smut for hyung line so this was pretty ballsy of me to write all of the maknaes in one go *__* hope it's readable pls do not throw tomatoes at me i am but a wee silly little writer
hyung line version | buy me coffee? (৹ᵒ̴̶̷᷄﹏ᵒ̴̶̷᷅৹)
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HYUNJIN (marks)
Hyunjin hadn't thought he was this possessive.
But while he was fucking you into the mattress, he had accidentally left a bite mark on your shoulder as he lost himself to you and an orgasm. When he pulled back and saw you touch the mark with a dazed look on your face, the sight of it brought up something inside of him.
A deep, carnal need to see you covered in marks made by him and him alone. To see every hickey on your neck and know that it was from his lips. For everyone to know that only he could bruise you so prettily like this.
"Hyunjin," you gasp, "no- no more marks, People- they're gonna see-"
"So," Hyunjin growls against your neck. With his fingers tangled in your hair, he pulls your head back, giving him more space— more access to leave his mark on you. "So what if they see? Then they'll know to back off."
You squirm as Hyunjin's plush lips trail against your strained neck. You feel his hot breath first, then the sting of his teeth sinking into your skin before he sucks on it. It's one of the many, many marks he's left on your body today— from the inside of your thighs to your navel to your neck, but it still has you reeling like it's the first one.
He was going to make sure that he'll have you painted in his kisses, his marks, his bites, so that nobody will ever dare to put their hands in you.
Hyunjin was the painter, and you were his canvas.
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JISUNG (being vocal)
"Thank god Hyunjin still had some condoms left.”
“Please don’t—“ you gasp noisily, scratching your nails down Jisung’s back when he shifts and his cock hits just right, “talk about Hyunjin when you’re— god, ah, fucking me.”
Jisung smirks, cocky and smug and annoying when he says, “Can’t multitask, can yo-“ but he’s cut off with his own moan when you squeeze your walls around him tight, making him double over.
“Fuck, babe, don’t do that.” Jisung hisses into your ear, hips slowing down to a stop as he composes himself. “What if I cum too early?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“That was one time—“
“And it will never be forgotten.” You smirk, slapping his ass and making him jolt. “Now move, cowboy.”
Jisung sighs exaggeratedly. “I miss the days when you were just starstruck by my cock and would only say I was good.”
You roll your eyes with a snort, locking your ankles behind Jisung’s back, urging him to keep going.
“Well maybe if you fucked me that good again, I might— ah!”
Jisung’s entire demeanor shifts when he grips the fleshy part of your thighs, and your legs lift as he finds an easier position to pound into you. Your back arches at the onslaught of pleasure, but the movement only serves to make his cock press against your sweet spot more precisely, making you keen.
Jisung moves his hands, sliding them up so he could grab onto your waist tight, bringing you back down harder onto his cock. You slap your own hand against your open mouth, attempting in vain to muffle your lewd sounds. It doesn't work.
Jisung watches with a heavy gaze as you make noise after noise, unable to stop yourself from moaning and squealing every time he pounds his cock into you. Every mewl you made was music to his ears, and he wants to hear more.
Your hands scramble to cover your mouth again. Jisung frowns.
“Wanna hear you,” Jisung complains with a pout, lips brushing against the back of your hand as he leans in close. He grabs your hand and pins your wrist to the bed, letting your sounds filter through the open bedroom.
“They’re gonna kill us—“ you manage to say in between groans, writhing as one of Jisung’s hand slides up to thumb one of your nipples. “They’re gonna hear and we’re going to get kicked out—“
“Let them hear." Jisung mutters, feeling his cock twitch at the thought. "Let them hear how good I'm fucking you. Let them hear you scream my name. Let them know I'm making you feel good."
Jisung grunts with each thrust, punching moans out of you. He chuckles then, and with a glint in his eye, holds your wrists above your head.
"Let me hear you fucking scream, Y/N."
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FELIX (cockwarming)
When you slip inside Felix's room and sit by his feet, Felix had thought you just wanted some cuddles.
So even though he was in game, he takes a hand off the keyboard to run it through your hair and acknowledge your presence, letting his nails scratch against your scalp. You hum and lean into the touch, then rest your cheek on his lap.
"Keep playing." You had said. "I'm just bored."
And so he did. He kept playing, but his hand came down to stroke your head whenever a loading screen popped up. You were so quiet and so still under him that he almost believed your were asleep.
That is, until, you nuzzle against his crotch.
Felix jerks, and his character in the game dies. When he looks down, you're looking up at him with a sheepish smile.
"I'm bored," you repeat with a pout, and he immediately knows that whatever you say next, he can't say no to. "I just want it in my mouth, please? I'll stay still."
Felix frowns at that, confused. "You'll stay still?"
With a gleam in your eye, you say, "I'll show you," and you tug the waistband of his sweatpants down.
And fuck. He isn't even hard yet, but he's well on his way with how you hold him in your hand, guiding his dick inside your very own mouth. Your hot tongue slides against his shaft, and Felix all but shivers.
"Y/N-" he starts with a hiss, but you're already taking more and soon enough, you've got his whole cock down your throat. It's tight and wet and hot and Felix doesn't understand how he's going to stay still-
But then you're back to resting your head on his lap, cock still in your mouth. You looked like the very definition of sin, drool in the corners of your mouth and cheek bulging.
But your eyes, lidded and dazed, stare up at Felix lazily, like you had all the time in the world and you were going to spend it with Felix's cock in your mouth.
"You're-" Felix swallows. "You're going to stay? Like this? While I play games?"
You nod. It was a minuscule action, but it inched his cock further into the heated canal of your mouth. Felix's head sags back against his chair.
Fuck. He is so going to lose.
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SEUNGMIN (keeping quiet)
"They're gonna catch us, Seungmin, fuck-"
"They will if you don't shut up." Seungmin grumbles before pulling you into a kiss. It's so hypnotizing that you don't notice his hand slide down to your shorts, easily undoing the button with one hand before his fingers slip inside your underwear.
The moan that you let out when his fingers brush against your clit is loud, and he bites your lip in reprimand.
"Sorry," you try to whine quietly, even though you were busy squirming at how fucking good it felt to have his fingers rub circles on your clit. "I- ah, ah, wait-"
Just as you let another moan out, noises are heard from outside the door. A beat later, and you can hear Changbin's loud voice and Jisung's laughter.
Your legs close on instinct, but Seungmin's hand between prevented you from closing them all the way. He tuts and pries it back open with his other hand.
You look up at him, eyes wide. "Are you insane? They're right outsi- fuuuck,"
You grit your teeth as Seungmin chooses at that moment to slip a finger inside, slide easy with how wet you are. In desperation to help yourself stay quiet, you grab the edge of your shirt and lift it up to your lips, biting it between your teeth in hopes that it would muffle your sounds.
Seungmin's eyes darken.
The action had exposed your upper body, and just the sight of you doing your best to keep quiet was making heat pool in Seungmin's belly. You even had your fingers pressing against your lips, face contorted, but your hips were bucking into his hand like you'd die if you ever stopped. Fuck. Seungmin was salivating.
You startle when he presses you harder against the wall, at the same time he slips more fingers inside of you. He watches you, shirt between your teeth, eyes wide and desperate, and his cock jumps in his pants.
"You're going to cum for me," he says, tone leaving no room for protest. "But if you make a single sound before you do, I'm leaving you here. Understood?"
You clench around his fingers, and nod.
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JEONGIN (manhandling)
Jeongin knew he was strong.
No matter how much he said he hated working out, he still does it diligently, and it showed. However, he's never known to what extent his strength reached.
At least, not until he's got you pressed against the wall, cock so deep inside you that your legs were shaking.
You trembled with every thrust, toes white from how much force you were putting on your feet just to keep yourself up. Jeongin held on to you, of course, but you were fucked so stupid that your arms lost all mobility and were slipping off his shoulders.
Despite the struggle, you were still moaning in his ear, begging and pleading for more. To fuck you harder. To make you take it. So with a lust-addled mind, Jeongin found himself sliding his hands under your thighs, gripping the flesh tight before he easily and quickly hauled you up.
"Put me down-!" You gasp, eyes wide, legs locking around Jeongin's waist on instinct. "Yang Jeongin, are you cra- agh!"
But Jeongin couldn't stop now. There was something about you, helpless, nothing you could do but trust Jeongin to hold you up and just take his cock over and over and over again-
He was in so fucking deep. Your head thumped against the wall with every drive of his dick into you. When he leans in close, you can't do anything else but whimper and look up at him with glazed, teary eyes.
"You want more? I'll give you more." Jeongin whispers, hitching you higher up the wall. You let out a strangled gasp.
"Hold on tight, baby."
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itsthewritergal · 7 months
One Week - B.Barnes x reader
Here is part two my loves, there will be a final 3rd part,
TW: suicide, death, character death, breakup, general sadness, suicide notes, swearing.
(also I won't be making a taglist for the next part so please turn notifs on so you don't miss it!)
Bucky couldn’t watch, he had resulted to cleaning the blood from between the joints on his metal hand. The quinjet hummed slowly, providing little comfort to Bucky’s swirling thoughts.  Steve and Wanda were talking quietly, not quietly enough for Bucky’s liking. 
“Did you read yours?” Steve asked, gesturing to the letter that Wanda had clutched in her hand 
“No, I won’t. She wrote it for me to read when she wasn’t here. She is here. I don’t need to read it” Wanda said sadly, her letter was still sealed in the envelope with her name neatly swirled on the front. Her eyes fell on Y/N’s sleeping frame, Tony had taken the decision to sedate her, she had refused to be taken out of the cell, still clutching desperately to the hope of death. They had all tried their hardest to level with her, but nothing worked, everyone had tried their best, everyone except Bucky. He couldn’t find a single word to say to her as she was desperately asking everyone to kill her. 
“We will be landing at the compound in ten minutes” Tony said to nobody in particular but everyone stopped and listened 
“I think we should take her to a hospital” Nat said calmly, she was too calm for Bucky’s liking. He couldn’t understand how she wasn’t tearing herself apart for letting Y/N get to this state. 
“She needs to be at home” Tony said firmly 
“The compound isn’t her home” Nat answered curtly 
“It used to be” Wanda mused, thinking of the days that Y/N had spent wandering around the compound as she watched Bucky training, or cooking together, it used to be her home. 
“It isn’t now” Clint agreed with Nat, “A few months ago I would have said the same Tony, but now, well now she needs to be at a hospital. She needs to be given the choice to come back with us” 
“Cap?” Tony asked, 
“I agree” Steve said, 
“So do I” Sam added, 
Bucky stayed silent.
“Fine, I’ll reroute to the hospital” Tony said with a sigh. 
“Mr Stark, Dr Cho told me you were on your way, I’m Doctor Simmonds, I’ll be treating Y/N today,” A doctor said meeting Tony at the entrance door to the Quinjet, 
“You need to treat this girl as though she’s one of ours, understand?” Tony said firmly, 
“I understand” He said simply following a few nurses as they placed Y/N onto a stretcher and carried her into the hospital, “Can you tell me the extent of her injuries?” He asked 
“We haven’t examined her” Nat interrupted, “She was held for around 23 hours, we are unsure of what happened.” 
“I understand, now if you could all wait outside. I’m going to examine her and let you know what I’ve found” He said as he disappeared behind a closed door that Y/N was lying behind. 
“We should have gone in with her” Steve said, 
“He needs to do his job, and we need to wait” Wanda softly said, there was a nervous edge to her words, Bucky picked up on it. 
“Coffee anyone?” Nat suggested, a few nodded, “Bucky come help me” She said 
“You can handle it” Bucky said his gaze still on the floor 
“Now Bucky” Nat left no room for argument and Bucky followed her silently through the halls. “You need to tell me what happened” She said firmly 
“I don’t know what you mean” Bucky replied 
“When you broke up, what the hell happened?” Nat said, her eyes flaming with something Bucky didn’t want to deal with 
“We broke up” he said bluntly “There isn’t anything else to say” 
“You’ve been seeing other people whilst she’s been planning her suicide” She whispered fiercely, “What the hell did you do to her?”  It was one of the only times Bucky had seen Nat loose her cool in such a dramatic way, 
“Nothing happened” He reiterated simply 
“Don’t be that guy” nat snapped, “Five coffee’s please, black, double shot in all of them” She said to the girl stood starstruck behind the counter 
“Look, nothing happened” Bucky said “We split” 
“Who made the decision?” 
“I did” he replied, his eyes fixating on his boots once more, 
“We didn’t work together, do you need a full rundown on my life?” He snapped louder than he wanted, 
“Just on your breakup” Nat replied quickly, “Why didn’t you work?” 
“I couldn’t do it, she was too much.” He didn’t mean it, he didn’t know how he could explain it in any other way to Nat 
“Too much how?” 
“Here you are” the girl behind the counter placed the coffees down, Nat muttered a thank you. 
“I like my life, I like being alone. I enjoy coming home alone. I don’t need anyone else in my life to look after,” He snapped, 
“You’re not telling the truth” Nat whispered “You forget, I used to be the best interrogator that SHIELD had ever seen. I see through you Bucky, and whatever you did to hurt that girl—”
“I told her I didn’t love her,” he whispered “I told her she was too much for me. Told her that she was naive and young and stupid.  I said that I didn’t want to deal with her or look after her or have to love her” 
“Why would you do that?” 
“Because I was scared, she is good. She is innocent, and kind, and gentle, and she kissed me as if I was good too. I’m not. So I ended things, and I said things that I won’t ever repeat because the words already haunt me enough” he sighed “I dated those girls after her because they weren’t good people, or nice people, I suited them better, there wasn’t anything to ruin. With Y/N, I was killing her slowly and she didn’t even know it” Bucky said, his chest heaving once he finished , 
“Bucky” Nat started, 
“I needed her to hate me” He said softly, 
“You failed” Tony said from behind him, “I came to help get the coffee” He explained once Nat gave him a confused look “She doesn’t hate you, she hates herself. I dread to think what she’s been thinking of herself the past few months because of you” 
“Tony enough” Nat stopped him 
“Y/N is lying in a hospital bed sedated because he was a coward” Tony snapped, “When she wakes up, you best hope that she forgives you, because if there’s a shred of anything other than forgiveness in her words I will kill you” He said turning and walking away. His words were calm, and collected, Bucky knew he was sincere. It should have scared him, but it didn’t. 
“Mr Stark?” Dr Simmonds asked coming out of Y/N’s room, 
“How is she?” Tony stood up from the uncomfortable plastic chair, 
“We need to admit her to an inpatient facility” His voice made Bucky’s blood run cold, “In order to do this I need a signature from her next of kin” he continued to explain, “I reached out to her sister, who is on file as her next of kin, except it seems that she passed away a few months back and I need to know if there are any other living relatives for me to contact for permission” The room went silent, 
“Her sister died?” Wanda parroted 
“According to our records around ten months ago” Dr Simmonds said, 
“She doesn’t have any other family, her parents died when she was little and her sister was all she had left” Bucky said stoically 
“This isn’t the answer you’re going to want to hear but without a next of kin I can’t admit her” Dr Simmonds explained softly 
“We can look after her at the compound” Tony said, 
“Tony, we can’t make a decision like that without talking to her” Steve cut in. 
“I agree with the Captain, Mr Stark. She’s still drowsy from the sedation but uprooting her in the state she’s in isn’t a good idea” 
“What state is she in?” Nat asked 
“She’s malnourished, dehydrated, exhausted. Nothing physically wrong apart from a few minor lacerations and bruising, but she’s not been taking care of herself. If you hadn’t told me she’d only been taken for 24 hours I’d have guessed it would have been at least 3 months” He explained 
“She’s depressed” Tony muttered softly 
“Without talking to her at length I can’t make that diagnosis, she’s clearly grieving her sister. Amongst other things but I don’t know what those are yet. I’ve asked for psych to come and give her a full examination just so we know what we are dealing with. But without a next of kin, my hands are tied” 
“What about an old next of kin?” Bucky asked slowly, 
“Y/N would have to sign off on it, are you a past next of kin for her?” The Dr asked, eyeing Bucky with a look of distain, the pieces clicking into place slowly. Bucky nodded, “I’d have to check with the board” The Dr explained. 
“Can we see her?” Wanda asked changing the subject quickly. 
“I will ask her, but I’m not promising anything” Dr Simmonds said with a nod, retuning back behind the closed door.  
The next few minutes were painful, nobody dared to sit down in case Y/N asked to see them. Bucky could hear muffled voices behind the door and it killed him that Y/N was so close but he couldn’t reach her, he wouldn’t dare to reach her in case of anything making her worse. 
“Mr Stark” Dr Simmonds said stepping out the room, “She has agreed to see you” 
Tony didn’t say a word and instead followed the doctor through the door and into the room. Y/N was sat in bed, restraints lay idle on the bed, untied, Tony’s eyes went straight to them. 
“They took them off about an hour ago” She said quietly, knowing what Tony was thinking. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked carefully sitting in a plastic chair that had been placed at her bedside, 
“I’m sorry” She said, calmly. 
“None of that” Tony said firmly, patting her hand comfortingly 
“I didn’t want anyone to know, I just needed it to be over” She said “And then they came and it seemed like the best way out. I’m sorry I put you through all that” 
“You don’t need to apologise,” Tony said “Let me help you, please?” 
“I’ve spoken to the doctor, lots of doctors and I’m okay. Really. I’m okay” She promised sincerely
“They want to admit you” Tony said slowly, watching as Y/N’s face fell, 
“They said”
“They can’t though, because of your next of kin. They need a signature and it—”
“She’s dead” Y/N bluntly whispered  
“I would like for you to come and live at the compound for the next few weeks, just until you get back on your feet” He said softly 
“I won’t put you or anyone else through that” 
“You mean Bucky” Tony said, he knew it was risky to bring him up but he needed to know how best to help Y/N. 
Y/N’s eyes glazed over sadly, and she pulled her knees up to her chest. 
“This isn’t his fault. Believe it or not the breakup was actually probably the least bad thing that happened this year” She said with a half hearted chuckle, 
“I’m sorry, I should have been there for you” Tony said, “everyone is here to help. Just let us look after you for a week. That’s all” 
“I promise I’m okay” 
“I know you are, I need to do this for me, let me help” Tony said, it was a lie. He needed to know that Y/N was somewhere safe and once she was there for a week he could convince her to stay longer, he was sure of it. 
“One week” 
“One week” Tony nodded. 
Tony had instructed Wanda, Bucky and Steve to set up a room for Y/N whilst he filled out some paperwork for Y/N. 
“How are you feeling?” Steve asked Bucky as they walked through the empty compound, towards one of the guest rooms, 
“I don’t think you should be asking me that” Bucky kept his eyes trained on the ground. His shoulders hunched, 
“This is as hard on you as it is on her” Wanda said 
“It’s not, I never tried to end my life. I made her do that. It was my words that forced her into that position” Bucky said, his filter had gone, he was bleeding raw emotions onto the floor of the compound and he couldn’t stop. 
“That wasn’t your fault, you can’t stay with someone just in case they get depressed when you leave. That’s basically blackmail” Steve said 
“She didn’t deserve this. I promised her I’d be with her for the rest of her life. I swore she’d never be alone again and then I left. I’m no better than anyone else in her life” 
“She doesn’t hate you” Wanda said, 
“What?” Bucky asked, 
“I read the letter, I didn’t think I was going to but I couldn’t stop myself” Wanda said pulling it out of her pocket “but she told me that it wasn’t your fault” 
“Stop” Bucky said, 
“Bucky she didn’t do it because of you” Wanda said 
“She needs some plants in here” Bucky said firmly as they opened up the door to Y/N’s new room, 
“Buck” Steve started 
“And her fairy lights, on the ceiling, she likes them to look like stars” Bucky continued. “We don’t have very long, we need to get started”
 @cookingdancingchick @vicmc624 @mostlymarvelgirl @olipiaa @scifinerd1818 @ordelixx @differenttyphoonwerewolf @unaxv @bumblingbamblingbandofbaboons @classyunknownlover @julvrs@scott-loki-barnes @cjand10 @pigeonmama @sassyqueencowboy @callmissrogers @wintrsoldrluvr @weallhaveadestiny
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kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
Conflicting Feelings Part Six
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As the morning sunset swept through my hotel room's balcony view, I felt Hugh begin stirring in his sleep, "G'day, gorgeous." He said sleepily as I felt him start stretching. 
I smiled, "Good morning, sexy." I purred, leaning up to peck his lips before moving out of the bed towards the bathroom to turn on the shower. 
Today was going to be bittersweet. I was going back home today, my stay in LA had come to an end. It was time for me to head back to the East Coast, to the beautiful, busy town of New York City. Hugh was in LA for the filming of the new Deadpool & Wolverine movie, so I'd be going back to NYC solo. Truth be told, I missed my condo in New York, but I knew I'd miss my favorite Aussie even more. 
Now that things are beginning to happen, the thought of leaving breaks my heart. I didn't realize I was reacting to my thoughts until his voice interrupted the thoughts racing through my brain. I felt two arms snake around me, "What's wrong, my love?" He asked softly. 
I sniffled, quickly wiping a fallen tear from my cheek, "I'm leaving today to go back home." I said as my voice trembled. 
He frowned, "Today?" He asked, making sure he heard me correctly. I nodded, staying silent, trying to control my flooding emotions. "Do you have to go back home today?" He asked. 
I sighed, "I paid for a round trip, so my flight's already booked. I can't get a refund and I can't afford to lose the money." 
He kissed my forehead, "I'll take care of it." He said simply. 
I looked at him, shaking my head. "I can't let you do that." 
He smiled, "I want to and I can." pecking my lips again. 
I rolled my eyes, "I don't want you doing that. I paid for first class and that's not cheap." 
He chuckled, "You do realize I make millions, right love? I'm making $20 million from Deadpool. I can assure you a first class plane ticket will not break me."
I shrugged, "And I'm staying where?" 
He looked at his phone, "With Noldsy and Blake, and of course me. You have to babysit their kids from time to time, but it's not that bad." He chuckled.  
I looked at him, "You seriously want me to cancel my flight?" I asked, grabbing my phone. 
He pouted, "I would be heartbroken if you didn't." 
I smiled, "And Ryan and Blake are okay with this?" I questioned. 
He rolled his eyes, "C'mon, you know Ryan and Blake love you." 
I sighed, "Okay, if you insist..." I logged onto my app and canceled my flight, luckily receiving a 50% refund for a last minute cancellation from the flight insurance I'd purchased when I first paid for the ticket. "It's cancelled." I said, throwing my phone down, pulling him into the shower with me. 
As we washed off he spoke, "We'll drop your rental car off when we head out. We can take mine back to Ryan and Blake's." 
I nodded, "Okay, but I need to make a stop and get some more clothes. I packed for five days and I'm not wearing the same outfits for another week." 
He kissed my forehead, while rinsing my hair out, "We can do that." 
After our shower and packing up the hotel room, we parted ways to drop off my rental car, Hugh following close behind me in his. 
Hugh's POV:  
As I followed close behind her, I was overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the course of knowing her. We'd met each other in 2020 when she starred as an extra on a show I was working on. I had very little interaction with her on the show, but backstage was a different story. She approached me and told me how she was starstruck to work with Wolverine, which made me laugh. 
She was only 22 years old when I met her, I was 51, turning 52. She was an attractive young woman. She was funny, she was intelligent and she was humble. I thought nothing about her until we'd cut up on set and spent hours talking. She had a boyfriend and I had a wife at home, not to mention I like older women. We'd remained friends until she came to my rescue when my father died. That's when things went wild for me. Several things took place that her pride will not allow her to talk about, but I couldn't stop thinking about them. 
When I arrived back to NYC and to Deb, I separated myself from her. COVID made it easier. I kept trying to block the feelings out because I knew they were wrong. I forced myself to focus on Deb, and Deb only, but that only made us grow further apart in our marriage. 
While in England, not only did I walk in on her changing and saw her breasts, there was one night she had too much to drink and confessed many things to me that she has no memory of. She talked about her difficult upbringing, she talked about her failed relationships, but she doesn't have any recollection of admitting to me that she loved me and dreamed that one day I'd be hers. Or how if my marriage ever ends, she was claiming me for herself. That night, I'd had a few drinks myself and we shared a kiss. 
I thought about how after I walked in on her, she'd became what I'd imagine when I'd wank off. I'd imagine how perfect her breasts were, how I wanted to run my hands down every curve on her body as I fucked her, and how her pussy would taste, or how tight it would be around my fingers. I thought about how much I'd want to pleasure her and make her orgasm so much that she couldn't function anymore. Just the thought of her made my dick throb.
But, it was more than just sex with her. She was genuinely my favorite human being, besides my children and of course, Ryan Reynolds. She was there for me during one of the hardest times of my life. She keeps me grounded and focused on the bigger picture, even if I struggle to see it. I'd spent 20 years thinking I was with the love of my life, until I realized I didn't know the meaning of it when she came to England that night. 
Main Reader's POV: 
As we arrived at the drop-off for the rental car, I quickly returned the keys, heading back outside only to be bombarded by photographers. They photographed Hugh, me, us in the car together, etc as they asked if we were an item. 
"They're fucking relentless, jesus christ." I mumbled. 
He chuckled, "You act like you haven't had the press bother you." 
I giggled, "Not to that extent. That was different."
He reached over grabbing my hand, interlocking it with his, bringing it to his lips, placing a small kiss on my knuckles, "Did you want to get clothes now?" 
I blushed, shaking my head, "Let's get to Ryan's first. Let them calm down and then we'll go." I said regarding the photographers. 
He chuckled, "Okay, we can do that." 
The drive to Ryan's wasn't long. It was full of Hugh singing along to songs on the radio. He had a beautiful voice and hearing it on screen was nothing compared to hearing it in person. About 5 minutes later, we arrived at Ryan's place. Ryan and Blake weren't home. Ryan was filming scenes and Blake was promoting her new movie. The kids were with a nanny since Nanny Hugh had been MIA all weekend. 
As we walked in and made it to the bedroom Hugh was staying in, he ran his fingers through his beard, "I've gotta shave this." He said to himself. 
I smirked, "Can I help?" 
He giggled, "Can you do the Wolverine shave? It has to be perfect for the film." 
I shrugged, "It can't be too hard to shave mutton chops."
"Shawn will kill me if you fuck this up." He laughed, handing me a set of clippers. 
I giggled, grabbing them. "I won't fuck this up. Do you know how in love with Logan I was as a child?" 
He playfully rolled his eyes, "Don't say it like that. It makes me feel old and it's making me feel weird. You know I was 32 or 33 when I filmed that."
I shrugged, "I was 4 when it was released." 
He cringed, "God, stop. Let's talk about something else." 
I chuckled as I began shaving the infamous mutton chops, "I love making you uncomfortable." I said playfully. 
He looked up at me, "I'm not giving you a reaction while you're shaving my face, but I've noticed." 
As I finished up showing him my kick ass skills as a barber, we heard a voice downstairs, "Oh, Hugh! Where you at big fella?! It's your favorite Canadian. A little birdie called the media just told me you're with a hot little number. Is she here?" 
We quickly jumped at the sound of his voice, looking at one another, making a run for the door to meet him downstairs.  Ryan looked at us, still wearing the Deadpool suit, "Ah, there she is. Hot little number, this is my humble abode" He chuckled as he swayed his arms around showing me his living room. 
"Why are you in your suit, mate? They actually let you bring Deadpool's suit home?" Hugh asked, smirking, knowing Ryan was instructed to not leave set with the suit. 
Ryan smirked, "Sir, I will have you know, I stole this suit." 
I joked, "Levy is going to beat you."
Ryan laughed, "He can try, but no one can beat me in this suit, darling." 
I rolled my eyes, "Mutton Chops! Look at you." He exclaimed at Hugh, noticing the freshly shaved face. 
Hugh laughed as Ryan's face got serious, "Seriously though, I have a question for you." He said, pointing towards me. 
"And that is?" I asked, furrowing my brows. 
Ryan looked at Hugh and I, "We're rounding up people to play the Deadpool variants. Blake is Lady Deadpool, but there's another female one. Do you want to do it?" He asked. 
I gasped, "Are you serious?" my eyes widened. 
He smirked, "As a heart attack, sister. Plus, I figured it would give Hughy here more time to spend with you."  
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unknownmystery22 · 4 months
Little Do You Know -Lando Norris
Summary: Lando finds him jealous, little does he know he has no reason to be.
Warning: Jealousy, slight angst, drinking, slow burn
A/N: look out for a twist
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You were an upcoming journalist in F1. You were young and charismatic. Naturally people in the paddock were attracted to you and tried to make an move on you. You never really cared about any of them you had your eyes on a certain Papaya brit.
Speak of the devil "Hi Y/N, looking good" Lando said. "Thank you Lando, you don't look too bad yourself. Best of luck for today He simply grinned and said "Well seeing you just made me a whole lot luckier" you just looked down to hide your blush which you were pretty sure Lando had noticed. Oscar called Lando for team meeting "See you around, gorgeous" he said cheekily and went away.
This had been going on for a while you both flirted here and there but never really made a move. You were close friends with some of them like Max and Charles they were aware of your feelings towards Lando and would tease you relentlessly.
The race went well. Max won again wow, shocking. Charles was P2 and Lando ended up being P3.
After post race interviews, just as you were about to headout. Lando called you out "hey wait!" "Well hello Lan how can I help you ?"you asked turning around. "Well I just wanted to ask if you will be coming to the party later" He replied. "Ofcourse Lan I wouldn't miss it" you said. He just grinned and said "Just making sure my lucky charm is gonna be there". You just smiled and rolled you eyes and went away.
*skip to evening*
You were all dressed up maybe a little too much for a certain someone. You heard someone knock your door. You opened up to find THE Lewis Hamilton at you door. "Well Hello gorgeous, if you don't look ravishing. All dressed up for a certain papaya driver perhaps" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. You just slap him in the shoulder and say "Can we get going already". "Oh! Eager to meet your boyfriend ha" He asks teasingly " He is not my boyfriend" you said. "Not yet" he replied.
You entered the club with Lewis holding my hand to protect me from the paparazzi. As soon as you entered you could see people stare at you. It made you feel much more confident.
Lando spotted you from where he was talking to Max and Oscar. He looked at you and starstruck till he saw who was next to you. "Since when are they close ?" He asks to no one in particular. Max just chokes on his drink and says "Wait! Mate you really don't know?" Lando just grumbles and says "Not that it concerns me". Oscar just replies sarcastically "Sure".
You walk over to Lando smiling "Hi Lan". Lando just mumbles a Hi and brushed past you still figuring how he missed out you and Lewis being close. You found his behaviour strange and to be honest it hurt a little. "What's up with him ?" You asked to other two. Max just shrugged innocently whereas Oscar said "He is just being a idiot".
You were feeling down since the whole reason you came was for him. Lewis comes over to you as he noticed the whole ordeal "Hey, let him be don't let him ruin the night for you, sweetheart" he drags you to VIP section and gets you a few drinks. Though in the VIP section with your friends and colleagues you couldn't help think over to Lando. As you looked around you saw him standing with Charles and talking with a few girls. You felt so hurt at that moment. Lewis followed your line sight "Love, come on don't read too much into it" He said trying to comfort you he wrapped his arms around you.
Lando saw Lewis wrapping his arms around you and the man swears if looks could kill Lewis would be dead for sure. He couldn't care less about the girl next to him trying to talk to him. Charles suddenly asks "Okay, what's up with you ? You are here with me instead of being with your girl".
Lando grumbles "She is not my girl and she certainly has company" looking over to Lewis. Charles looks over to see Lewis and it finally hits Charles and he starts laughing so bad. Lando looks bewildered "What's so funny ?" Charles still laughing replies "Dude you are jealous of her stepbrother" Lando looks like deer caught in headlight "WHA- Since when OMG! I just messed up. She will be mad at me. I am so dumb for god-" Charles interrupts him mid sentence "you better go now" Lando straightens himself up and goes over to her.
"Umm Y/N.. can I talk to you for a second" Lando asked. You stood up from your place near Lewis and went with him outside to little quite place "So now you want to talk ?" you sass. Lando now embarrassed tells "You are probably going to hate me right now but as soon as I saw you with Lewis I assumed the worst, I was jealous that's why I was grumpy. I really like you Y/N and I thought I lost my chance so I pani-". You interrupted his rambling "Wait first of all you though I was with Lewis: with disgust on your face "Ew" "and second how did you NOT know that Lewis is my brother, well Stepbrother".
Lando just rubbed his neck "guess I am just dumb"
"Well, that's obvious. And for the record I like you too if that wasn't oblivious.
Lando grinned "So that means you are up for a date with me ?".
"I am pretty sure that is what I meant when I said I like you even if you are a dork" you reply.
Lando just comes closer and says "You wouldn't mind if I kissed you right now ?"
"I would mind if you didn't" you say
He just cups your face and kisses you deeply.
Little did he know the night would lead him to this.
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 8 months
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: While shooting a movie with the infamous Wanda Maximoff, you start to fall for her. The lines between reality and acting blur together as you enter into a publicity stunt relationship, and you try to save your heart from breaking.
content warnings: angst, fake relationship, but a happy ending! Also TW for religious trauma, specifically homophobia within the Mormon church.
word count: 6.8k+
Original Request
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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The first time you lay eyes on Wanda Maximoff, you knew your life would never be the same. Her green eyes pierced through the chaotic atmosphere of the audition room, a group of people you assumed were her team surrounding her as she walked into the larger room off to the side, where the actual auditions were being held. 
You watched her go until her silky auburn hair faded from view, the door shutting firmly behind her, and sucked in a large breath. It felt like the air was simultaneously lighter without her heady presence, and thicker at her absence. You made up your mind then and there to try your very best at this audition. 
Deep down, you knew that the privilege of knowing Wanda Maximoff would be the insurmountable victory of your life, and you steeled yourself. 
“Damn,” Someone said, and you frowned as the room erupted in nervous laughter. Looking around, some people seemed starstruck, while others looked absolutely terrified. You understood why, nobody had told you that one of the most famous actresses in the country would be showing up at the final round of auditions today, but you could understand the reasons behind their secrecy. 
Mentally running over the lines you knew you’d forget the second you were in the presence of the most exquisite woman you’d ever seen, you manually slowed your heartbeat, breathing in slowly while you calmed your nerves. 
You couldn’t fuck this up. 
Someone called your name, and you stood, the movement feeling almost robotic. Blinking a few times, and shaking off the stubborn nerves that raced through your already sleep-deprived body, you smiled slightly at the people around you. They all offered small, encouraging smiles, but you could see the hunger behind their eyes. The need to succeed, to be better than everyone else in the room. The need to win. 
Shivering again, you reminded yourself that although it was a competition, it didn’t matter if you didn’t get the role. As long as you tried your best, that was enough. Then you remembered the woman waiting on the other side of the door, and a fierce wave of something rushed through you. 
Walking into the room, you kept your back straight, hoping to at least act like you were confident. That crumbled the moment you locked eyes with Wanda, the green of her irises imprinting themselves into your mind as you formed an awkward smile. 
“Alright,” A mousy-looking man clapped his hands, the illustrious eyes that had sought yours now focused solely on him. You never wanted to kill a man as desperately as you did now. Instead, you turned your head, shaking the cobwebs of gay panic from your mind as you forced yourself to focus. 
“We’re going to start with page twelve, scene two. A seat has been provided,” The man gestured towards the front of the room, and you glanced over. A single booth, about six feet long, was sitting innocently in a spotlight. It reminded you of your childhood, images of hot sticky Sundays clawing their way to the surface as you swallowed harshly. 
Missing the glance Wanda sent your way, her brows furrowing slightly at the distant look in your eyes, you jerkily made your way toward the seat. 
The words of a forgotten Sunday worship wormed their way towards your ears, murmuring things like ‘sinner’, ‘abomination’, and ‘unworthy’. The words suffocated you, visions of a church meeting hall flashing before you as you sat down on the familiar seat. 
Your fingers grazed the fabric, and you realized that they must have acquired an actual seat from some random Mormon church, and you fought the bile that rose. 
“I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself,” A soft voice filtered through your thoughts, clearing your mind instantly. 
Looking up, your face flushing, you could only stare silently as Wanda sat beside you. Embarrassment welled up, knowing that the woman had probably witnessed you get lost in the past, but she gave no indication that she’d seen anything, holding out her hand. 
“I’m Wanda,” She said, a genuine smile brightening her face. Her eyes searched yours, seemingly imploring you to take her hand, and you did. 
You were happy that you didn’t stutter as you gave her your name, surprised when Wanda repeated it back to you, the syllables forming into something beautiful when she spoke. 
“Be honest,” She leaned in, eyes sparkling with your hand still firmly grasped in hers. “How nervous are you?”
The faint scent of vanilla encircled you, a haze threatening to pull your focus away, but you remained steadfast. Not wanting to miss a single moment you had with the captivating enigma that was Wanda Maximoff. 
“I accidentally bought myself two coffees this morning,” You confided, smiling slightly at Wanda’s confused expression. “I had forgotten I’d ordered the first one, so I waited in line again to order my latte, only to realize halfway through the second cup that I’d been so anxious I practically blacked out while ordering the first time around.” 
Whatever reaction you’d been expecting, the tinkling laughter that erupted from the woman seated mere inches beside you was better than anything you could’ve imagined. Her eyes crinkled, one hand coming up to cover her mouth, and you fought to urge to lower it, wanting to see her full face while she was in the throes of happiness. 
“Alright ladies,” A voice rang out, shocking you out of the comfortable lull you’d found yourself in. “Are we ready to begin?”
The mousy man was now seated at a long table, three people seated on either side of him, their eyes locked on you and Wanda. You swallowed harshly, suddenly remembering that this was an audition, and you reluctantly removed your hand from Wanda’s. 
Glancing over, Wanda nodded, her eyes still locked on yours. They were warm, as if to say, ‘Don’t rush, take your time,’ and you smiled. 
You could totally do this.
“When did you know?” Wanda’s voice is frail, and you bite your lip. 
“Know what?”
“That you’re…” She trailed off, her eyes distant, a lost look in them. They met yours, green eyes pleading with you to say the words she couldn’t.
“That I’m gay?” You make sure to make your tone extra sarcastic, sending a quick smile her way, and nudging your shoulder gently against hers. You leave it there, finding comfort in the warmth that shoots through your body at the minimal contact. 
She lets out a breath of air, inhaling shakily as she quickly glances away from you. “Yes… that.”
“It’s not a dirty word, you know,” You say, tilting your head slightly, hoping to catch her eye. She refuses, fingers picking at the seat between you as her eyes remain locked somewhere in the distance. 
Fighting the urge to sigh, you let your own eyes glaze over, a faraway look appearing in them as you breathe in deeply. It’s a weary sound, and you close your eyes briefly as you exhale, preparing your answer. 
“I think I’ve always known,” You begin, resting a hand on the seat, your pinky centimeters from hers. Green eyes lock onto it, her breaths shortening further, her silence stretching on. 
“The first time I realized that I was…” You search for the word, shaking your head slightly, “Different,” The word tastes like ash in your mouth, and you can’t help the slight wobble in your voice. 
Clearing your throat, you continue, “I was in second grade, and for some reason, I really wanted the approval of my new teacher,” You glance awkwardly over towards Wanda, smirking, “I’ve always liked older women.”
Wanda’s fingers inch closer to yours, the tension palpable. You look away, needing to get the next words out, but knowing you wouldn’t be able to if you were staring into those all-knowing green eyes of hers. 
“I went home that night, and I prayed,” The words get stuck in your throat, and you realize with rising horror that actual tears are making their way into your eyes. You push onwards, Wanda’s hand inching closer to yours. 
“I prayed that I would wake up the next morning and be able to like boys the same way that I liked girls. I prayed and asked God why he would do this to me, why he would make me like this if he hated it so much.” Your voice breaks, a tear escaping down your cheek. “And it didn’t work.”
At those words, the dam finally breaks, and your shoulders heave with silent sobs as Wanda’s hand finally encircles your own. You can feel her other hand hesitantly rising, moving towards your shoulder before stopping, unsure if she should touch you or not. 
Eventually, after a pathetic-sounding sniffle escapes you, her other hand wraps around your shoulders, bringing you in. You bury your head into her shoulder, fingers gripping tightly onto the back of her shirt as the lines between acting and reality blur together into one giant, jumbled mess. 
“And, scene!” A voice calls out, and you force the tears back, manually slowing your breathing to gain some semblance of control over yourself. You tell yourself that you’re imagining the hesitant way that Wanda pulls away from you and blink in surprise when her hand remains on your back, gently rubbing soothing circles as you breathe deeply. 
“That was…” The man can’t seem to get the words out, his eyes shining. “Phenomenal.” 
His voice is breathy, filled with awe, and you can’t help the surprised look that takes over your face. Really, all it took was a minor mental breakdown and your acting was phenomenal? You should try that more often. 
The rest of the members at the table seem to agree, and the mousy-looking man makes his way toward you and Wanda, a wide smile on his face. 
“Congratulations!” He all but exclaims, and you feel disconnected from your body as he continues, “You’re hired!”
The man goes on to explain that Wanda will be playing the other main character, the Bishop’s wife, while you play the lead role in the movie. You know the character well, you’ve played her both in real life and now in auditions, but you can’t quite believe the words that are spewing rapidly from the man’s mouth. 
You play a 19-year-old girl, living with her elderly Grandmother after her parents had kicked her out for coming out as a lesbian. Your character only attends church with her resolutely Mormon Grandmother because she is scared to lose the only person in her life who will still give her a home. The man explains that your character falls in love with the new Bishop’s young wife, having just moved from Utah to your state, as Wanda’s character navigates her new realization of her sexuality while also falling in love with your character. 
It’s a beautiful story, one you’d read over and over again before deciding to audition. The themes of religious trauma, grief, and romance all swirled into one complicated story, but one detail, in particular, stood out in your disconnected brain. 
Wanda’s character is the romantic interest of your character. 
What are you supposed to do now?
The director, a brunette woman with a seemingly permanent calming aura, had instructed you and Wanda to get to know each other better during the two months before shooting. She’d said something about how actors who were friends in real life had better chemistry on screen, but you’d blacked out after the word ‘chemistry’ had fallen from her lips. 
Wanda had laughed, seeing the slight flush appear on your face, her hands gentle as she guided you towards her car, “Seeing as we’ll be getting to know each other pretty well for the next few months, why don’t we start with a tour of my home?”
She’d persuaded you further with the promise of a home-cooked meal, and you simply couldn’t refuse. You were a recent college graduate, living in a shitty studio apartment you could barely afford, surviving off of the bare essentials. A tour of an actual house with an actual meal sounded like a pretty sweet deal to you. 
Plus, Wanda would be there, so everything would be perfect. 
The next two months were wonderful, the text messages between you two were constant and the weekends reserved solely for getting to know each other better. You quickly learned that Wanda absolutely loved cooking, but she adored gardening. 
The two of you had started doing puzzles together, one particularly colorful one catching your eye as you went shopping with Wanda, and she’d insisted on buying it for you. So, it became a tradition. Every Saturday, excluding the ones when Wanda had prior plans seeing as she was a famous actress with events to attend, the two of you would share a bottle or two of wine and assemble a puzzle while conversation flowed like water between you. 
The only thing you dreaded during these two months was Sundays. The director had asked you two to attend a Mormon church, stating it as research for the upcoming movie. You didn’t have the heart to explain why the mere thought of stepping foot inside a church again sent uncomfortable, conflicting tendrils of grief and self-loathing crawling up your spine, so you simply agreed. 
Wanda knew. She somehow always knew when something was wrong. She’d helped you pick out an outfit, a modest dress with comfortable shoes, and in return, you’d helped her find a dress in her massive closet that actually fit the impossible Mormon standards. 
You were silent during the car ride to the church, your eyes locked on the landscape moving quickly outside your window. Wanda didn’t have to ask if you were alright, she saw the distant look in your eyes and knew that you were trapped in memories, unable to escape. 
A soft hand enveloped yours, fingers tight around your hands as you felt vanilla pierce the heavy weight of the scenes playing behind your eyes. Your brain cleared briefly, overwhelming gratitude welling up inside you at the gentle show of support, and your fingers squeezed back. 
After that, you felt more present. Even when you walked through the doors, a false smile glued to your lips as you led the way towards a seat covered in that same scratchy fabric from the audition room, you didn’t sink beneath the waves of past memories threatening to drown you. 
The fabric didn’t seem quite as scratchy now with Wanda beside you, her pinky mere inches from yours. You remembered the audition room, the memory overlapping with the past ones that strained to reach the surface of your thoughts. The new memory suffocated the old, your breaths coming easier while Wanda’s steady presence overcame your senses. 
Someone began speaking at the podium, your body jolting as you realized it was a prayer. Wanda’s eyes were sharp, taking in everything, assessing everything. You showed her how to fold her arms, bowing your head slightly. The last thing you wanted was to stand out. 
If you stood out from the rest, you would never be fully accepted. You couldn’t go through that again. 
Wanda seemed to see the desperation in your eyes and copied your movements. Her green eyes didn’t close, watching you as your eyes stared blankly at the booth in front of you. 
“Dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee…” You couldn’t hear the rest of the prayer, the familiar phrase ringing around your head until the cacophony of noise threatened to overwhelm you. 
A pinky touched yours, Wanda’s body resting fully against you as you sat side-by-side in a little booth. The man was still speaking, your ears numb to his words, your senses locked into only one person. 
Her finger wrapped around yours, an awkward version of a pinky promise, an act so juvenile yet innocent and pure. This memory overlapped with your past, multiple prayers you’d heard about ‘giving strength to those who stray’, and ‘loving everyone no matter what their sins may be’, being smothered by the simple touch of a pinky. 
You longed for more. 
The rest of the meeting passed quickly, your hands interlocked in the seat between you, hidden beneath the folds of your skirts. You were numb to the words spoken at the podium, having learned to block them out a long time ago. You let yourself remember, an unexplainable grief rising within you as you remembered what it felt like to truly believe in something, before the same people you’d once felt seemingly unconditional love from, turned on you with knowing eyes and quiet whispers. 
All because you liked a girl. 
Silent tears fell, your sniffles quiet from years of practice. Wanda’s fingers tightened, her eyes warm but not overwhelming. You let the memories wash over you, reliving them and then releasing them, letting comforting waves of vanilla envelop and smother them like a warm blanket. You finally smiled, right near the end of the meeting, your eyes no longer dull.
Wanda held your hand the entire time. 
The rest of the cast was amazing, friendly faces surrounded you, and laughter never ending as you mingled before the first table read. There was an assortment of finger sandwiches on a table near the back of the room, and you didn’t stray far from it. 
It’s not that you were hiding, per se, but rather surveying the room while you tried to control a slight panic rising within you. Yeah, scratch that, you were totally hiding. 
“Hey,” Your eyes raise from the sandwich you’d been inspecting, meeting a familiar shade of green. You can’t help the comfortable smile that erupts on your face as Wanda makes her way over to you. 
“Not a fan of mingling, I take it?”
“I just,” You gesture helplessly, noticing the lingering looks from some of the cast, probably wondering why Wanda was standing near you. “I don’t know anyone. And I feel really awkward.”
Wanda’s fingers interlock with yours, pulling your reluctant frame away from the table. “Well,” She reasons, walking towards a group of people, “Let’s introduce you then.”
You’re quite proud of yourself, having not stuttered over a single line of yours during the first table read. You could tell that some of your castmates were surprised that you were playing the lead character, as you weren’t a well-known name in the industry. 
The cast was stacked with A-list actors, Wanda being one of them. In all honesty, you were terrified, but Wanda’s chair was next to yours, and her pinky never strayed far from your own, so it wasn’t all that bad. 
Positioning her body until it was slightly facing yours, Wanda leaned in after the director announced a short break, the rest of the cast standing up to mingle, their voices chattering about the script. 
“You did exceptionally well.” The words were whispered in your ear, meant for you and you alone. Something warm burned in your chest, and you smiled proudly as you tilted your face toward Wanda. 
Your breath caught, her lips inches from yours. She didn’t make any moves to lean back, and you fought the urge to count her freckles as her soft breaths hit your face. 
“A glowing review,” You managed, a smirk making its way onto your face at Wanda’s smile. “I’m flattered.”
Wanda laughed, finally leaning back as she did so, and you let out a sharp exhale. One of her hands gripped your forearm as she chuckled, one hand covering her mouth as she did so. 
“You shouldn’t do that,” You said, blinking at the suddenness of your words. 
Wanda tilted her head, brows furrowing slightly. She doesn’t have to speak, her silent question stretching out in the silence between you two. 
“I just mean, you cover your face when you laugh,” You gesture towards her, ducking your head as your mouth keeps talking. “You shouldn’t, you’re beautiful when you laugh.”
The statement feels awkward coming from your lips, the compliment suddenly sounding too flirty, too personal, just too much. But then, Wanda’s smiling again, her eyes sparkling as she practically beams at you, and your words don’t feel unnatural anymore. 
“Well, I…” She doesn’t continue, her eyes searching yours as her eyes continue to sparkle at you.
“I never thought I’d see the day that Wanda Maximoff was rendered speechless,” The joke spills out, the silence threatening to turn uncomfortable as you stare at each other. You place a hand over your heart mockingly, “I’m truly honored to witness this momentous occasion.” 
Wanda laughs, and this time her hands stay away from her face, your eyes eagerly taking in her expression. You were right, she is beautiful when she laughs. 
“Alright, sweet talker,” She stands, still smiling widely at you as she pulls you from your seat. “Let's go mingle with our new friends.”
You socialize, words falling easily from your lips as you get to know the rest of your cast. Plenty of people congratulate you on landing the role, some offering encouraging words and others offering tips. You enjoy it all, auburn hair and sparkling eyes never leaving your sight for too long. 
It’s not as awkward as before, not with Wanda by your side.
“Your agents are geniuses,” Angela, the woman playing your on-screen grandmother jokes, relaxing against the booth. Your fingers play with the scratchy fabric, standing behind the seat with Wanda leaning next to you. 
You’ve been shooting the movie for a few weeks now, and this is one of the longer days. You’re shooting on the set of a reconstructed Mormon church, and you have to admit that the set designers did their research. The main hall is eerily similar to the one you remember growing up in. 
There’s a multitude of extras milling about, the day long and exhausting for everyone, since the scenes you're shooting take place in a packed church meeting. You’ve finally gotten a break, and Wanda has come over to talk with you, as she usually did. 
“What do you mean?” Wanda asks, and Angela laughs. It's a throaty sound, and your lips turn up of their own accord as she braces herself against the seat. 
Someone shouts about the lighting, and you’re momentarily distracted while Angela wipes her eyes slightly. She waves off the young makeup artist, dabbing at the concealer beneath her eyes. 
The extras give you and Wanda a wide berth, and you’re unsure if they were instructed to do so, or if they were just intimidated by the lead actresses of the movie. Either way, you’re grateful for the space. 
“Don’t worry,” Angela says, leaning in and drawing your attention back to her. “You don’t have to play dumb with me, everyone knows that you two are dating as a publicity stunt.”
You and Wanda glance at each other briefly, shock evident on both your faces as Angela continues, “It’s a genius idea, truly. It's great for promoting the movie, and it gets people wondering if your on-screen chemistry is as good as your real-life chemistry.”
Real-life chemistry? What the fuck? 
Wanda must be thinking the same thing, because her eyes are slightly wide as she stares at you. Then, they change slightly, a calculating look in them as a multitude of makeup artists swoop in, surrounding the two of you as they prepare you for the upcoming scene. 
You catch Angela’s eye, and she pretends to zip her lips shut. Offering a wobbly smile, you walk almost robotically towards the front of the room as the director calls for places, your mind racing. Wanda brushes past you, her hand grazing your waist as she moves to sit behind the podium, where you’ll be standing for the next scene. 
Taking a deep breath, you push all thoughts of Wanda and fake relationships and chemistry out of your mind. There will be plenty of time to panic later, now, you have to focus on the next scene and try not to mess up badly. 
It’s utter chaos when they have to reset a scene with as many people as there are in the room, and you really want this day to be over with. Besides, there’s a bottle of vodka and an evening of overthinking waiting for you. 
Your publicist, a woman named Annie, smiles encouragingly at you while you sit in shock. 
“I mean, just think about it,” Another woman speaks, and you turn your wide eyes towards her. “It’s the perfect opportunity to sell this movie to the public, and the two of you are already good friends.”
At that, Wanda glances over at you. 
You blink. It’s slightly unfair how regal she looks, sitting elegantly in her chair in this small, suffocating room. Your brain is already slightly frazzled from a long day of shooting, and you struggle to process the request of Wanda’s publicist. 
“Let me make sure I’m understanding correctly,” Wanda interjects, sensing that you’re off-kilter at the moment. Her voice soothes you, and you remind yourself to breathe as she continues, “You want us to pretend to be in a relationship, as a publicity stunt?”
Well, when she puts it that way, it doesn’t seem so difficult. But then again, you’d agree with anything Wanda says, so maybe you’re biased. 
“Exactly,” Annie says, Wanda’s publicist nodding. “This movie is already projected to hit the box office, and with this, there will be even more demographics watching. This pretend relationship will help build anticipation for the movie, especially since the whole internet ships you two already.”
Now that was a new piece of information, and by the look on Wanda’s face, she was also hearing this for the first time.
“Do they really,” Wanda’s voice is slightly faint, her posture slumping slightly as she leans back in her chair. She seems to process, her eyes unfocusing slightly, so you ask a question of your own.
“Which demographics are we talking about, exactly?”
Annie smiles, sharing a look with Wanda’s publicist. “The younger generation for sure, since you’re already starting to trend on popular social media apps, as well as the LBGTQ+ community. They’re always looking for a new queer couple to ship.”
You try not to bristle, wanting to remind Annie that you’re a part of that community, but before you can get the words out, Wanda interjects. 
“Can we think about it?” Her words are soft, and when you glance over towards her, the green of her eyes doesn’t lock on yours like usual. Instead, they’re focused on her publicist, with a slightly firm look in them.
The woman concedes, and Wanda stands quickly. Before you’re able to get to your own feet, feeling slightly shaky as you do so, she’s already out the door.
After a few days of awkwardness, which you absolutely hate, you and Wanda agree that the publicity stunt is a smart move. 
It’s awkward at first, especially since you’re overthinking every interaction you have with her. You shy away from her touch, suddenly questioning if she’s touching you for the publicity stunt or because she actually wants to. 
After a couple of days of this, you’re in your trailer, watching some stupid reality show to try and get your mind off of the uncomfortable day you’d had on set when three light knocks sound at your door. 
“I know you’re in there, I can hear the TV.” Wanda’s voice sounds through the door, and you curse. It’s not that you were avoiding her… that’s a lie. You were totally avoiding her, and your acting in scenes with her had taken a hit because of it. 
“Just let me in, we need to talk,” There’s a pause, then, “Please?”
You can’t say no to that.
Turning the TV off, you make your way to the door and open it to reveal a very tired-looking Wanda. Her auburn hair seems slightly duller than usual, the sparkle in her green eyes no longer there. 
“Um,” Wanda pushes past you, sitting on your couch as you shut the door behind her. “What did you want to talk about?”
The question feels awkward, and you know that you’re avoiding the proverbial elephant in the room. Wanda gives you a look, and you sigh. 
Sitting down on the couch next to her, you leave plenty of space between your body and hers, and you try not to think about the way her pinky twitches at the distance. 
“Why are you avoiding me?” Wanda asks, and you blink. You hadn’t expected her to be so straightforward, but it seemed that she had no more patience for hesitancy. 
“I’m just,” You trail off, letting out a frustrated sigh. “I’m not sure where reality ends and this fake relationship begins. And I’m not sure about what’s real and what’s not.”
Wanda doesn’t say anything for a long while, but the silence doesn’t feel awkward anymore. Instead, it feels heavy and filled with a multitude of unspoken feelings that you wish you had the bravery to share.
“So this,” Wanda reaches out her hand slowly, as if not to spook you. It stops, halfway between your body and hers, resting innocently on your couch. Her pinky stretches out further, and you let your hand slide along the cushion until your pinkies interlock. 
You don’t imagine the relieved sigh that escapes Wanda’s lips.
“You’re not sure if this is real or not?” The question rings around your head, and you shake your head because no, you can’t tell.
“Let me tell you how I see it,” Wanda says, her voice soft. You look up, meeting those pretty green eyes for the first time all day. She smiles, and they crinkle at the edges. You’ve missed seeing that. 
“When we’re alone, or on set, everything is real,” Her voice is firm, laced with honesty. “When we’re in public, it’s still real, just dramatized for the camera. Does that make sense?”
You nod, the pieces finally clicking together in your brain. You don’t say anything, and you don’t have to. All you do is squeeze Wanda’s fingers tighter and move closer to her on the couch. 
Turning the TV back on, you rest against her, your head resting on her shoulder. When you glance up at her, the green in her eyes sparkles back at you. Something settles deep within you, and Wanda rests her cheek against the top of your head.
You stare blankly at the script in front of you. The pages flutter slightly as a gentle breeze sweeps through the actor’s tent. Sounds of chatter flow around you, but you remain unresponsive, the words on the page swimming off and distorting as you try not to panic. 
A sinking feeling makes its way into your chest, the reality of the scene you’re about to shoot finally setting in. 
You have to kiss Wanda Maximoff. 
Sure, it’s an on-screen kiss, it’s not like it means anything. Right?
But there’s a small part of you that longs for it to be real. Some stupid part of you that you try to get rid of that wishes it meant something to her. Because it sure as hell means something to you. 
But it won’t mean anything to her. It’s a fake kiss. One meant for the screen. You build your walls, surrounding your heart with impenetrable stone as a calm iciness envelops you. 
It doesn’t mean anything. 
Her lips are inches from yours, and you can’t stop looking at them. They’re plump, and slightly glistening from a light coating of lip gloss. There’s a red undertone, and you find yourself yearning to discover what she tastes like. 
You hesitate. 
“Cut.” The director calls, and you blink, stepping away from Wanda. 
“Remember,” The director begins, and you focus all your attention on her, ignoring the concerned look Wanda is sending your way. “Your character wants this, she’s not hesitating. She’s been yearning for this for weeks now, and I need you to show that through the screen. I want to feel the tension, the desperation.”
She pins you with a look, a sort of knowing glint in her eye. “Understood?”
“Yep, got it.” You offer a smile, the fakeness of it making you cringe. Your makeup artists swoop in, touching up the smallest details possible, while you avoid eye contact with Wanda. 
“Hey,” Wanda’s voice is soft, and you glance at her. Her eyes are locked on yours, and you somehow can’t bring yourself to look away. She looks almost… sad.
“Are you alright?” 
You mentally scoff, your walls crumbling slightly as the green of her eyes threatens to overtake you. “Yeah.”
The clipped tone of your voice rebuilds your walls, the stone solidifying once again. You turn away, walking towards the beginning spot of this scene, not seeing the confusion that overtakes Wanda’s expression. 
A wave of sadness crashes through her, all the times that you’ve been pulling away from her running through her mind as she makes her way towards her own spot. She attempts to meet your eyes again, but you refuse. 
She knows that this scene won't be successfully shot today. 
“And, action.” 
You look up, your character snapping into place quickly, your eyes dark and full of longing. Wanda is startled by the sudden change but snaps into her own character quickly as you walk slowly toward her. 
“Don’t say things like that,” Your voice is low, your emotions swirling in the forefront of your mind. 
“Things like what?”
“Things that sound a lot like love confessions,” You hear your voice break and want to cringe. It fits perfectly for your character, but you’re unused to sounding so weak. 
“Why not?”
Your body is pressed against Wanda’s, her chest grazing yours with each shallow breath she takes. You almost believe that it’s real, just for a moment. You desperately wish it was. 
Wanda’s eyes search yours, and you’re reminded that she’s playing a character. A character that’s falling madly in love with you, unconcerned about the repercussions. A character that couldn’t be further from reality. 
You hesitate again, your body refusing to move your lips closer as your mind wars with itself. 
Wanda sighs, and the director calls out again. You barely hear what she’s saying, your body practically propelling itself away from Wanda, focusing on rebuilding its walls as her hand twitches toward you. 
“It’s alright, “ the director is saying, and you force yourself to focus on her. She’s smiling gently at you, her voice kind, “Everyone has off days, we’ll try again tomorrow. It's been a long week.”
Nodding jerkily at her, you wave off your team, choosing to return to your trailer instead of following them. You’ll deliver your costume later, or have someone come pick it up. But right now, you need to be alone. 
Walking quickly, you practically sigh in relief when you reach your trailer. You’re quick to unlock it, pressing the door open urgently and twisting slightly to close it. 
A hand stops you, delicate fingers wrapping around the door as you look up in shock. You hadn’t realized anyone was following you, but looking into those iridescent green eyes, you understand. 
Wanda says your name, her voice holding a pleading edge to it, and you can’t bring yourself to deny her. 
You open the door wider, silently giving her permission to enter. She brushes past you, fingers twitching but not touching you. She seems to want to touch you, and you try and push down the part of you that wants her to. 
“Why are you…” She hesitates, not knowing what to say. 
Raising your eyebrows, you resign yourself to having this conversation. You knew it was coming, but you find yourself inadequately prepared for it. Standing awkwardly in the middle of your small trailer, you simply stare at Wanda. 
“Why is it so difficult to kiss me?” Wanda’s eyes are sad, and you want to cry. You hadn’t meant to make her fucking sad, and now she looks like a kicked puppy.
The tears that spring into your eyes are unexpected, and you blink furiously as they begin to spill down your cheeks. Wanda steps towards you, but you evade her, opening the door and gesturing for her to leave. You refuse to cry in front of her, not when your heart is seconds away from tearing in two. 
“When I kiss you I want it to be real, I want it to mean something, Wanda.”
The door shuts firmly behind her, and you miss the understanding and longing that appears in her eyes. Wanda turns away, a single tear escaping her. 
Of course it would mean something to her. It would mean everything. 
It’s raining, and you want to cry and laugh at the same time. 
Wanda had left you a voicemail. You’d stared at your screen while watching her contact picture pop up as she called you. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to hear her voice, so you let it ring. 
What you hadn’t expected was the voicemail. 
“I just… fuck, I don’t know what I want to say but it would mean something to me. I promise. I- you. I hate this. I hate this distance, I hate that I can’t help you and I hate that I’m falling in love with you.”
The message had ended pretty quickly after that confession. You’d heard a few muttered curse words, and then a dial tone that rang in your ear long after you lowered the phone.
You didn’t know what to do, so you grabbed a rain jacket and started walking. Hoping it will clear your head. Your feet had other plans it seemed, as you found yourself walking up the driveway of Wanda’s home. 
It surprised you, as she lived at least fifteen minutes away by car. You barely remembered the walk there, having been trapped in your own mind as your body brought you towards the only thing you could think of. The person who had consumed your every waking thought, and invaded your dreams.
How fucking typical and cinematic it was, walking up her driveway in the pouring rain. You could see a few lights on, and you begin to prepare a speech. Something super lame and mushy about how much you like… fuck that. How much you love her. 
Fuck. You loved her. 
Of course you did. You’d gotten to know and love the woman behind the famous persona she’d created. The soft, caring woman who loved gardening and puzzles, who hummed along to songs as she cooked, and who looked at you with impossibly soft eyes. 
You knock, and your heart feels like it's about to beat out of your chest. 
Green eyes meet yours, and you recoil. They’re cold and dull, so unlike the usual sparkle that you’re used to, and you feel your walls build higher even as you plead with yourself to lower them. 
Turning, you feel your feet start to walk away, your mind replaying that dead look in her eyes. Your heart fortifies itself, trying not to break as you make your way down the driveway. Tears blur your vision, your ears ringing with embarrassment as you try to remember the way back to your trailer. 
“Wait, just… fuck. Wait.” A firm hand grips your forearm, and you spin in surprise. 
There’s fire behind those green eyes, and you stand still. Wanda’s auburn hair is drenched, rain pelting down on the two of you, running down her perfect face as she blinks at you. 
“I…” She can’t seem to get the words out, her eyes boring into yours. 
Time stands still, the tension thick as you allow yourself to glance at her lips. You feel the words on the tip of your tongue, threatening to escape. You let them. 
“I love you.”
Wanda speaks at the same time, her words slightly faster than yours. Green eyes widen in surprise, and you feel a wave of immense relief sweep through you. 
Rain continues to pour around you, but you barely notice. Within seconds, Wanda’s hands are cupping your face, your own grabbing desperately at her waist as your bodies draw together like magnets. Her lips find yours, and you feel something click into place as your lips slide together effortlessly. 
It feels like coming home after a long day, the months of pining and uncertainty coming to a head as you melt at the feel of her lips against yours. Your shoulders relax, tension seeping out of you as you chuckle. 
Pulling back, you stare at her, watching her eyes crinkle as she mirrors the wide smile on your face. She’s perfect, and you whisper one single thing before your lips find hers again, rain soaking the two of you as you embrace. 
“This is real, I promise.”
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Taglist: @alexawynters @msvenablesbitch @marilynthornhilllover @lifespectator @milkeeteaa @imnotawitch @marvels--slut @justabrokensunshine @dorabledewdroop @wandsmxmff @esposadejoyhuerta
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sunarc · 1 year
After Hours
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𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 1
toji x reader
Synopsis: What happens when you meet someone willing to make all you naughty dreams come true?
CW: virginity loss, corruption kink, size kink, alcohol consumption, shy reader, toji is a player, cum eating, Shiu is being a daddy in this per usual, modern au, afab reader, bar owner toji, 5.1k words, please let me know if i missed anything
A/N:I’m so happy to present day 1 of Kinktober!!! I’m so excited for y’all to read please enjoy!
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You sipped your drink to the sound of rock music playing loudly from the speakers. You watched as hot sweaty bodies crowded around a pool table swinging money in the air while yelling out bets. The bar was lively, it was loud and there you sat, quietly at the end of the bar, watching everyone, enjoying the show. The bar had people from all walks of life come through. Some would come through and tell you stories you could never imagine, some telling you of where they were headed and some just a little sleezy looking for a quick fuck. You were never the type for hookups. You honestly couldn’t imagine being with a random stranger for one fun night. You enjoyed being in this space. It was fun to see so many different people and get to experience another’s life just for a few minutes.
“I can’t possibly imagine doing something so scary like that” you said, shocked listening to the story being told by the big figure sitting in front of you smoking a cigarette.
“You wouldn’t believe all of the crazy things I’ve done sweetheart” he pulled a long drag from his cigarette then turned to you.
“You got any stories?” he asked
“Who? Me? I- uh no I don’t really do much” you fumbled over your words suddenly becoming nervous by the question.
It was true, you didn’t really do much. You were honestly as innocent as they come. You didn’t drink, not because you thought it was bad but more so because the taste of alcohol was quite repulsive. You had never had a boyfriend before, hell you had never engaged in sex before. You just never found someone worth giving yourself away to. The idea was honestly scary. Having to get naked and show your body to another person was honestly scary yet something about it felt so intriguing. Something about sleeping with someone and having them take you in ways you wouldn’t dare speak about out loud was almost thrilling. You shook the thought away.
“I really mostly like to just hear about other people’s stories, I find them fascinating really.” You said, giving a shy smile.
He nodded his head silently taking in your words.
“Hm, I guess I could understand” he took a drag finishing his cigarette. “But what about living?”
You gave a confused look.
“What do you mean, I am living?” the question almost sounded silly
“No, you're listening to other people live. You’re basically living vicariously through other people.” He scoffed. “Why not enjoy the thrills of life yourself instead of hearing it from other people?”
The question left you speechless. You sat staring at the man's mouth slightly open unsure of what to say.
Why weren’t you living?
You went to work and came to this hole in the wall bar every night just to listen to stories and drink juice. When were you going to be the one telling the stories?
“You bothering my customers Shiu?” a loud voice interrupted your thoughts.
Toji, the bar owner, walked over to the two of you cleaning a glass with a smirk.
“Bothering? I could never. I think that might be your job.” he chuckled.
“How you doing pretty? Need another drink?” Toji asked, looking down at your almost empty glass.
“Hi Toji, I’m well today. I’d love another juice thankyou” you said smiling softly.
Ever since you first walked into the bar Toji had been as kind as ever. His smile was always inviting. He was tall, buff and handsome. He always left you feeling starstruck as he moved behind the counter muscles flexing in his tight shirt smiling handsomely at customers as they handed him large tips. He always gave you free drinks mostly because you only ordered juice. He was even nice enough to let you stay after closing and keep him company while he cleaned and told you stories of before he owned the bar.
“Your friend wasn’t bothering me” you said as he handed you a full glass. “I was probably bothering him,” you laughed.
Toji smiled and leaned forward on his elbows.
“I’m sure a pretty girl like you could never bother anyone.”
You looked down smiling at the remark. Toji was a big flirt with everyone. If a pretty girl walked in and looked like she had big pockets he would somehow always flirt his way into an unusually large tip.
“I was just offering a little advice,” Shiu said as he pulled out another cigarette, putting it between his lips.
“Last time you gave someone advice they died” Toji commented as he fixed a drink for a regular.
“They took it a little too literally, that isn’t my fault” he lit the cigarette pulling a long drag.
The two bantered back and forth arguing over his advice.
“He actually told me something really helpful” You interrupted.
“Oh yeah and what was it exactly?” Toji leaned over the counter dangerously close to you. He bit his lip as he stared at you waiting for you to answer. You shied away suddenly feeling nervous under his gaze.
“I- well it was just about me living life that’s all” you stumbled over your words.
Toji smirked at you
“Now why would he say such a thing doll?” he seemed intrigued as he sat up and poured a shot for himself and Shui.
“I guess , well , I’m just not living out my fantasies…” your voice died out towards the end of your sentence.
“Not living out your fantasies?” Toji rested his head in his hand with a smirk playing on his face.
“Tell me more about that” his voice was low as he asked for more. You sat in front of him watching his movements almost hypnotized by the way he spoke so smoothly. Toji was an intimidating guy. No matter how many nights you spent sitting chatting with him about any and everything you never failed to grow nervous under his dark gaze.
“I uh I shouldn’t talk too much about it” you let out a nervous chuckle.
Toji sat up letting out a small sigh.
“All right then, keep your secrets,” he laughed.
You gave a shy smile before sipping your drink. It would have been hard to admit in front of two obviously attractive men that you fantasized about losing your virginity. The topic seemed so taboo. You could imagine them pushing for more details. Why hadn’t you lost your virginity? What are you waiting for? Are you some kind of saint, too good for sex?None of the above. The right person just hasn’t come along yet, someone to send chills through your body just from their voice. You wanted someone who would make you feel something, someone worth it. You sat in silence stuck on the previous conversation. You hadn’t noticed the bar slowly emptying out. Drunk bodies stumbled out slurring words as they called their rides.
“You sticking with me, pretty girl?” Toji’s voice interrupted your thoughts.
You nodded your head with a small smile, it wouldn’t hurt having another late night conversation with Toji while he closed.You looked around noticing Shui pulling out his last cigarette before throwing back the rest of his drink.
“I’m leaving you, two have a good night” he turned to you “I meant what I said live a little, kid”
“Hey what about me Shiu got any advice for me ?” he teased
Shiu walked to the door before turning around
“Hm, actually yes, go to hell” he smirked and left without another word.
Toji scuffed as he wiped down the counter.
“Asshole,” he mumbled.
You laughed at the encounter and looked around at the now empty bar. It was nice to look at apart from the scattered beer and glasses. The bar had nice decor, it was one of the main factors that attracted you to the place.
“So any new stories for me?” you asked, watching as Toji came from behind the counter with a broom sweeping the place.
“You like my stories that much?” he asked, half his attention on you, half on cleaning.
“You spun around on the bar stool laughing to yourself at the childish action.
“I think you have fun things to say” you thinking to yourself for a moment “And well I guess I really like your voice” you mumbled the last part.
Toji chuckled, stopping his actions. He looked at you with a smirk.
“You like my voice huh?”
You looked away suddenly embarrassed by your confession.
“I mean well you- it” you stammered
“It’s okay doll” Toji walked closer to you lowering his voice in the process.
“I could talk all you want” he said “ But I’d more so like to hear something about you” he said as he came close standing between your legs as you sat facing him on the stool.
“Something about me?” you asked slightly confused.
“Yeah, I mean you sit with me while I clean all the time and you listen to me go on and on about stories for days yet, you never talk to me about yourself.” he said leaning closer to you.
Your breath hitched feeling the heat from his body as he closed the space between you two.
“For example I’d love to continue that conversation from earlier, you know the one about those fantasies of yours.”
He leaned down eye level to you just a breath away. His lips were only inches away from yours. You wanted to lean in just to see how soft his lips would be. Would he taste like alcohol or something sweeter? How soft would his lips be? You leaned into him only for him to reach behind you picking up the spray bottle and rag. He walked away with a smirk and began wiping down tables.
“Talk to me doll” he said “ I mean I’ve told you so many things before it's only fair you tell me a secret or two” his voice was sensual. It sent tingles through your body to your core. You crossed your legs squeezing tight at the sound.
“Well” you said contemplating if you should speak your thoughts.
Toji stopped his cleaning to look at you
“It's just us two here, you can tell me anything” he said softly.
You looked around as if you’d somehow find someone sitting in the corner listening in. To no surprise the room was empty apart from Toji’s large muscular body standing a few feet away from you.
“I guess I just fantasize about losing my virginity,” you said, voice fading away.
You felt embarrassed at your confession. You wanted to hide away. Lose your virgin, what a foolish fantasy. Why not something like travel the world or start a business, that’s a real fantasy but no there you sat legs crossed squeezed searching for friction. “I mean- well there's more but I well” your words seemed to scramble as you spoke. Toji stood in front of you smiling at your truth.
“I think that’s a cute fantasy.” he said
He leaned against the table and folded his arm.
“I’d love to hear more about this…” he bowed his head, hiding his smile, “fantasy,” he said finishing his sentence.
“What? More?” you almost yelled shocked by his words
He licked his lips while making eye contact.
“Yeah” he repeated “More”
He got up from the table and began to roam around the room with a sigh.
“I mean there’s gotta be something more to this little fantasy of yours”
He walked over to you fiddling with the edge of your skirt. His fingers brushed against your skin making you feel hot all over.
“What is it, do you have some fantasy of getting tied up for your first time?”
His fingers danced across your skin. He looked down concentrated on his hand movements.
“Or do you just want a nice big cock to stretch you out?”
His words went straight to your core. You were too shocked by the vulgarity of it all to say anything. No one had ever spoken to you like that before. No one’s words had ever made you throb the way his did.He chuckled at your silence. Toji stepped away and went back to cleaning. You almost had the urge to snatch his arm and drag him back to you. You could never see yourself being that brave though.
“Well what about you?” you muttered too shy to speak up.
“Hm? Me?” he asked looking up from his task.
“Oh well I’ve got a few fantasies I guess” He stood with a concentrated look thinking about his own fantasies.
Your mind was running a relay race imagining the lewd words that could possibly come from him. At the same time you wondered what he could possibly fantasize about? What had he not done? You leaned forward intrigued with what he would say.
“Tell me,” you said, eyes wide with interest.
He laughed at your eagerness
“You really wanna know?” he asked, leaning against the table.
You nodded your head, excitement coursing through you.
“I do,” you said in a hushed voice.
Toji walked to you leaving his rag behind. His footsteps seemed so loud in the empty room. He filled up so much space with confidence alone.
“I guess I have that same fantasy”
His finger traced your jawline while his eyes stared deep into yours.
“I’ve been thinking about it alot lately,” he said as he licked his lips. “I can't stop thinking about how good it would feel stretching out a fresh virgin hole. The thought of making someone so innocent beg for my cock while I fuck them dumb” his bit his lip and looked down towards your plump ones “That shit just drives me crazy doll”
Your breath hitched as he spoke. You couldn’t help the throbbing that went to your core. The thought of having someone like Toji give you everything you ever desired sent shivers through you. You knew he’d make you feel better than any toy you had could ever make you feel. The way his lips looked so wet and soft, the way his muscles strained against his shirt, how he always smelled good always made your heart beat so hard you were sure he could hear. You sat starstruck, unable to form the words you wanted to say. Hell, you didn’t even know what to say. Would you beg him to fuck you, to take your virginity right then and there? Would you tell him that's nice and try to change the subject? No you had to take chances,
Live a little kid
You heard Shiu’s words replay in your mind like a record.
Now was the time to live a little.
“You got something on your mind?” Toji asked as if he was just waiting for you to say the word.
“I can help” the words flew out your mouth at the speed of light.
You wanted to hide away after hearing yourself. Help what? Clean? You couldn't pull yourself together.
Toji hummed satisfied with your answer.
“You want to help?” he asked “Are you asking me to bend you over and fuck you in this bar?”
He leaned in to whisper the words in your ear. Hearing him say it out loud almost felt wrong.
“I do- I mean I am- wait I mean” you fumbled over your words too overcome with embarrassment to function.
Toji’s laughter caught you off guard. He grabbed you by the jaw and pulled you in for a kiss. The kiss was wet. He tasted so sweet even though he had been drinking. His lips were soft. So soft you felt yourself melting into him. Your hands gripped the side of the stool almost tearing at the leather. Toji’s hand moved down to your neck pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. His kiss was delicate yet was filled with hunger. His fingers danced up your skirt feeling the heat between your legs.
“No panties huh, you’re not as innocent as i thought” he smiled as he inched his fingers closer to your core feeling the way you were practically leaking.
“This can’t possibly be your first go around. You come in wearing these short skirts” he pressed a kiss to your neck and licked a long strip up to your jaw.
“You're wearing nothing underneath. I bet you were just begging for someone like me to peek and see that pretty little pussy dripping all over my seats.”
You were left in a daze from his fingers just barely brushing against where you needed him most to how he sucked your neck leaving your skin feeling raw. His scent filled your every waking being. He was all that you could feel, see, touch, smell. It was almost as if he had become the only person left in the world and all that you wanted was for him to touch you; to touch you in ways no one had ever done before. You needed him. Your mind was desperately pleading for him to slip his fingers inside of you, to feel your gummy walls and finally give you the pleasure that you were desperately clinging onto him for.
“Please touch me” you whimpered out.
Your voice felt so weak. You were so needy for him, your fingers dug into his arm pulling him closer.
“Such a needy little thing” he chuckled
His fingers moved along your legs teasing you with every touch.
“I need more than that love. Where do you need me” he voiced with his head still in the crook of your neck sucking and licking at your skin.
You grabbed his hand, dragging it up your thigh to place it between your folds. Words seemed to fail you so taking action was your only choice.
Toji smiled at your courage. His fingers maneuvered up and down your core feeling how wet you were. He rubbed soothing circles onto the bundle of nerves earning him a soft moan from you.
“Have you ever been stuffed with someone’s fingers?” he asked in a low voice
You shook your head while meeting his eyes.Toji free hand grabbed your jaw.
“Words Princess”
“No,” you whimpered.
Your answer seemed to have a strong effect on him. The thought of watching your innocence slip away from you at his hand was enough to have his cock straining against his pants.
“I’m gonna put a finger in and I’ll let you know each time I do just so you don’t get all shy on me when your pussy’s sucking my fingers in” he smiled.
His thumb kept a steady pace rubbing quick circles while he slipped his first finger into your hole.
“That’s it” he said, rocking his finger in and out of your eyes watching the way your mouth widened to an ‘o’ shape while moans spilled past your lips.
“You like that?” He placed a wet kiss on your lips.”Pussy feels so tight baby, I wonder how you’re gonna take my cock”
You let out a whine while your hips grinded down onto his hand.
“More please, I need more”
Toji’s eyes lit up at your words.
“Oh? My nasty girl wants more huh” He smirked “I’m putting in a second finger now dirty girl, I’ll give you what you want”
His second finger slipped in with ease. A gasp escaped your lips as he filled you up groaning at the way your hole squeezed around his fingers.
“So wet for me doll.” His breath ghosted against your lips as his fingers continued to fuck in and out of you making a mess below you. You let out weak moans and gasp. This feeling of his fingers massaging your gummy walls was something you had never experienced before. You felt the world revolving around you. Your heart was racing in your chest. Everything seemed so loud at that moment. The way his breaths sounded sharp as his fingers picked up speed. The drips of water from the sink he had left running after washing dishes, The cars speeding by not noticing how you were falling apart giving yourself away to him. If a car were to slow down just for a few seconds it would have been so easy to just peek into the window to see how your legs were spread open. Your hips were grinding down onto him. It would have been so easy just to see how much of a mess you were making for his fingers. That seemed to send a thrill through you, having some unknown stranger turn their head and watch you lose your virginity and take a cock for the first time.
“God, it feels so good” you let out a loud gasp unable to contain yourself.
The feeling of him dipping his fingers into you was so overwhelming you thought you might lose your mind. You had never touched yourself like this before. You always stayed away from fucking your self with you fingers to afraid to stick a finger in always preferring to massage your clit. Little did you know the desire and pleasure that would come with having someone shove their fingers deep into you, you were practically drooling from the feeling. You felt a pit forming in your stomach the feeling so foreign all you could do was moan and curse about how good he felt.
“Come on doll” Toji rasped out “ Give it to me, make me proud, show me how pretty you look making a mess on my fingers.”
His words were enough to send you spiraling. You let out loud unfiltered moans. This was new, something better than ever. You wanted- no craved more. This feeling of ecstasy felt like a drug taking over you. You let out heavy breathes as you came down from your high.
“Don’t think we’re done just yet doll, I want you to take your first cock” Toji said as he lifted you bringing you to the table he had just wiped down.
He pulled your shirt up exposing your breast and pulled a nipple into his mouth. You let out a long moan feeling his hot tongue swivel around your nipple. His mouth felt so warm. His hand squeezed and massaged your other breast as he let out a groan. He pulled your skirt off and threw it in a nearby corner.
“You won't be needing that” He said as he took your body in.
He pulled his cock free from his pants and your eyes went wide. Not only was he big, he was thick. You sat staring with a slack jaw fearful that his two fingers weren’t enough to make him fit. He stroked his cock as he rubbed circles on your clit.
“Look at what you do to me doll” he said, voice strained. “Got me so fucking hard I can’t wait to make your pussy cream”
He pushed you down so that your back was laying flat against the table. His arms wrapped around your thighs to pull you to the edge of the table. He rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit sending shivers through your body.
“Look at you, being so good for me, you ready to take your first cock” he licked his lips staring at your glistening cunt “You ready to make a real mess for me baby?”
The tip of his cock prodded at your hole just barely entering.
“It- It’s too big” you whimpered watching as he held his cock rubbing it through your folds.
“Don’t worry doll, I’ll make it fit” he said, eyes never leaving your hole.
He inched his cock into you achingly slowly watching how your pussy sucked him in taking all that he was giving you. Toji’s eyes rolled back, feeling how tight you were squeezing around him. He had known you'd be tight but never did he imagine you’d have him ready to cum just from sinking himself into you. He stilled inside of you just admiring the warmth and tightness of you. He took a deep breath to gather himself.
“Fuck you feel so good” he whispered the words and you almost didnt hear him.
“I’m gonna take it nice and slow for you princess”
He moved his hips in a slow motion watching the way your face moved from being scrunched up in pain to eyes rolling back enjoying the pleasure of being stuffed full.
“You like that shit” he asked as he rolled his hips into you slowly. His cock felt so delicious inside of you. You wanted this feeling forever. He filled you up so perfectly. You couldn’t fathom the idea of having anyone else fill you up like this. The way his hips rolled into yours meeting your hips with a soft slap left you gasping for air.
“Breathe baby breath” he rubbed soothing circles into your hips.
You sucked in a shaky breath not realizing you had been holding your breath focusing solely on the pleasure of him.
“Come on baby let me hear those moans, I want to hear how you sound taking your first cock” he squeezed your hips as he rocked into you. Toji was holding back. He bit his lip trying to contain himself. He didn’t want to destroy you for your first time. It was taking everything in him not to absolutely wreck you. He made a mental note to himself that the next time he stuffed his cock into you, he’d leaving you a drooling fucked out mess but for now he would be content with just watching the way you’d fall apart taking him your first time.
“Tell me how it feels” he leaned down to pepper wet kisses from your collar to your neck. “First time being so full, tell me where you feel me baby talk to me”
You could barely breathe properly and now you were trying to form sentences.
“So good ugh I feel it all in my tummy it's so big” you slurred.
Your moans were so loud any person walking by would have a perfect show to watch. You couldn’t find it in yourself to care about any lingering stares that could possibly be watching through the window. Your mind wandered off to thoughts of someone sneaking looks through the window, digging their hand in their pants and getting off to you creaming on your first cock. What a lewd thought. Your whimpers seemed to repeat like a broken record. You couldn’t help but moan and beg him for more.
“Faster please I need more” you whimpered, hardly able to contain yourself as you bucked your hips upwards into him.
“You sure doll, I don't think I’ll be able to stop if I do” his voice was gruff as he fucked you in a slow pace.
“Please” you begged “I need you so bad”
Toji bit his lip. He grabbed your legs pulling them up so your ankles could rest on his shoulder. He rubbed your stomach feeling where his cock was inside of you. His hands massaged your skin as he grabbed your calf kissing your ankle.
“Be a good girl and take everything I give you then, hm?”
His cocked slammed into you at a pace you did not expect. His hips met yours with a loud slap. Toji’s eyes scanned your body watching every movement. Your back arched off the table as you moaned so loud your voice echoed off the walls.
“Look so pretty taking cock” he groaned “ Mean to tell me I’m the first one to get to see you like this”
His thrust were relentless slamming into you “This sight is too pretty to share.” His thumb rubbed circles onto your clit as he rocked his hips into you.
“That’s it taking me so well doll” His words were going straight to your core.
You could barely form sentences, only strained moans and slurred versions of his name. Your body seemed to fall apart for him. The table under you rocked back and forth with his thrust. If you had half a mind you would be worried that it would break but all you could think of was how you were about to cum. You felt a warmth in your stomach as he fucked you.
“Come one Princess I want you to cum with me. I want to see how messy you get for the first time” his words had your eyes rolling back. You felt so weak barely able to do anything but cum on his cock. Your body didn’t feel like yours. You had never came so hard in your life. He was covered in your juices, soaked from all that you had to give him. Toji’s eyes were looking down focused on the way his cum mixed with yours covered his cock. His movements slowed as he fucked the cum inside of you.
“I don’t like being wasteful” he said as two fingers covered in cum moved between your lips. You sucked his fingers obediently without a second thought. You were in such a daze you would have done anything for him.
“You were so good for me” his voice was low as he leaned down placing kisses on your lips.
Toji felt his heart growing warm. He had never felt so soft for someone before.With any other girl who would have already been zipping up his pants and ordering them a ride but for you it felt different. He wanted to fulfill every fantasy you had. He wanted to be the only one watching you cum. It was either him or nothing at all. You were just too perfect to share. From the way your chest moved trying to catch your breath to the way your plump lips sat open wet from drool had his heart feeling like it might beat out of his chest.
“I want to make all those nasty fantasies of yours come true.” He whispered, kissing your skin cock still stuffed inside of you.
“I want to be the only one to get to see you like this”
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🏷️: @karazorel7 , @candyceedea , @fleurettiie , @pressuredtreasure , @plaxxxie , @cloud-lyy , @fictionalthirsting , @smuttyfantasyrecs , @enchantedcherie , @coyloves , @baldi-2 , @pickledwasp , @sanxuus , @fictionsimp , @ibby-miyoshi-nerd , @kiqqnii , @snazzyturtles , @sadlittle-girl , @faumpje , @nvvacanesworld , @no-f34r
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doboosh · 2 years
hey im back again 🥹 Can i request somethinggg . I just saw this gif and I imagined Rich GF! Reader picking Wednesday after she did something stupid and dangerous again . Oh btw Reader is not from nevermore . Reader was like - "Hello my little Nightmare, Miss me?" 😭🔥 .
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“Spoiled little devil”
Wednesday Addams x richgf!fem!reader
You’ve learned that your girlfriend has caused a bit of trouble at Nevermore, what’s better than to bail her out of that dreaded school and speak to her yourself
Warning(s); none, maybe a bit of cussing, teasing? If that’s even a warning
Yeah, you knew this would happen. With how much trouble Wednesday got into from her past schools, you had no doubt that she would cause the same amount of mischief at this one.
You sigh as you turn up the radio in your brand new car, your dad had gotten it for you for no reason. Not saying that you weren’t grateful.
You were so thankful for everything your family has provided for you.
You look over to the GPS as you drum your fingers onto you steering wheel to the beat of the song playing loudly in your ears. Only 15 minutes away, not if you speed a little. More than a little. A lot.
Oh god how you’re looking forward to seeing the look on your girlfriends gorgeous face.
This is going to be amazing.
Especially when you had called the headmistress before to ask permission to take Wednesday out of school, reluctantly she agreed, so now you have the whole day to spend much needed time with your little murderous tornado.
You pulled into the school, pulling down your expensive glasses as you got out of your car.
It was a tad bit chilly today
You grabbed a black present bag as you moved away from your car.
You smiled a bit as you made your way into the school, right before your opened the doors, Wednesday came barging out.
“Hello my little nightmare, miss me?” You giggled, opening your arms wide open for a hug.
Wednesday looked a little starstruck as she looked at you, but recovered enough to dive into your arms.
You kissed her head and laughed and she rocked you back and forth. “I got you a present, my love” you said as you caught your breath.
You grabbed said gift and handed it to her.
You could see her eyes shimmer just a tad when she got it into her hands.
She unwrapped it quickly and saw an expensive black sweater, you had got it custom made for her. Warm enough where she could stay bundled in her little mischievous expeditions, and cute enough where she could wear it out.
“Thank you cara mia” she whispered as she grasped the material in her hands.
“Anything for you my sweets”
“I want to show you my dorm, don’t mind the colors on the other side of the room” she said as she grasped your hand.
You giggled a bit as she tugged you along, “aren’t you allergic to color?” You teased, she looked back at you and shot you a teasing glare.
As you both made your way through the school, people stopped to watch the closeness of you two.
Your linked fingers somehow a jaw dropper to most.
“Oh how lovely, I love the room” you said as you entered the dorm.
You spotted a blonde haired girl who jumped at the sound of your voice.
“Wednesday? Who is this?” She asked, a smile slowly coming to her face.
“My girlfriend” she responded monotonously.
“Hi! Y/n L/n, nice to meet you..?”
“Enid! Enid Sinclair!” She said quickly, reaching her hand out to shake yours
“It’s nice to meet-“
“Okay, enough” Wednesday snapped, “let’s go out into town, I want to show you around the area”
“Alright my love” you said, rubbing her knuckles with your thumb.
Driving to town you had decided to ask her about what she’s been doing
“So why have you been getting in trouble my love?” You has asked curiously
“Solving murders”
“Wait what, murders? There was murders?”
“There still are.”
“Wednesday what!”
Just a little drabble!! Love y’all!
Bell 🤍
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slightlymore · 2 years
death of peace of mind
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train conductor haechan x fem reader
genre: magiccore/miyazaki/tim burton, broad industrial revolution/victorian setting, romance, soulmates au, enemies (?) to lovers, !!slow burn!!, angst, smut, multiperspective
warnings and content: +18, explicit sexual content, virgin reader, fingering, unprotected, nipple play, biting, some level of corruption, sexual tension, oral fem receiving, hand job, pet names (darling, love, baby, my girl, my lady) and titles (Sir, Miss), begging, praise, spanking, sexual tension, gentlemanly and lady-like behaviour etc etc
words: 19k
other characters: mark as reader's friend, jeno for a moment, johnny mentioned
synopsis: The Train. That's where your parents met a few years before you were born and that's where your grandparents met as well as their parents before that. Oh to be grown and travel on the Train as well, meeting your soulmate and falling so madly in love that you'd become consumed by it. And there you were years later, your only travel case in your hand and your best dress on, standing in the Train Station at exactly 1:05am on the 1st of May. You looked up and let the night sky calm you down and when you looked back in front of you, the train was there. What were you supposed to do now? But then one door opened, engulfing you with the freshest flowery scent. The most gorgeous man you've ever seen in your life descended and tilted his hat lifting one gloved hand to guide you inside. "Welcome aboard, Miss."
for the lovers of dream sorter haechan
When the curtains call the time
Will we both go home alive?
It wasn't hard to realize
Love's the death of peace of mind
The Train.
That's where your parents met a few years before you were born and that's where your grandparents met as well as their parents before that.
The tales of those encounters enriched your childhood and your fragile dreams. Oh, to be grown and travel on the Train as well, meeting your soulmate and falling so madly in love that you'd become consumed by it.
You’ve always desired it. You’ve always longed for it. 
The teachers would get shiny eyes and beaming smiles on May 1st. You remembered the first time it happened. The air felt different and the town felt more alive than usual. 
"Today is a special day for all of us," your parents also smiled at the breakfast table. They looked almost shy and they exchanged gazes they would usually let themselves have in a more private moment. 
You were in your first year of elementary school but from what you could understand, that day sounded like a big deal for the adults and it started to be a big deal for you as well. 
"This is the day when people go on a Journey to find their soulmate," the teacher repeated what you've already heard at home. 
The Train, the children would whisper, the giddiness in their voices making you almost escape your skin with excitement. 
"Can we go and see it?" you asked with your heart in your throat from the emotion. You really wanted to see all the young adults go to the Train Station and embark. 
The teacher smiled as if that was the most common question asked. "Unfortunately, it's a very private moment. But when you're ready, you will finally see the Train and you will find the love of your life during the Journey." 
You were an only child so besides your parents' tale of how starstruck they both felt upon seeing each other on the Train, you had no other immediate example of how the experience would go. 
"My brother Johnny said the place they ended up in is way more gorgeous than our town," one of your classmates and your best friend said one time. "But not as gorgeous as his partner, he said,” making a throwing-up motion with his fingers. 
A choir of grossed out children made you giggle at the time and you joined them, but deep inside you knew that it was indeed possible to meet a person more gorgeous than the most gorgeous place on earth.
You wanted that. You desperately wanted that. 
Your parents also said their towns of origin weren't as beautiful as the one you were living in and although you could objectively see it was decently cute and cozy you were sure they felt that way because of the rosy love glasses. 
"Why do I have to leave this place when I find my soulmate?" you wondered one time as you were growing older and having more and more thoughts about the Journey. 
Your mom patted your head. "When you find the love of your life the Train stops and lets you both off. The couple has to live in the place they ended up in."
"What if I want to come home?" you argued.
"Your partner will be your home," your dad explained with a fond smile. "We will see each other often the way you see all of your grandparents. Don't worry about missing us."
"Also it is too soon for you to think so deeply about it," your mom chuckled, pulling at your cheek.
Yet, there you were years later, your only suitcase in your hand, which you bought for the occasion, and your best dress on, standing in the Train Station and feeling like the too soon came, well, too soon. 
Your mom helped you put on some makeup as well that day and you had to admit you were feeling pretty cute.
But oh so anxious.
You couldn’t believe you were about to initiate the Journey on the Train. Thoughts of how your soulmate looked like adorned your mind since you could remember but in the latest months you found yourself fantasizing about them more and more. 
But with the pretty thoughts, some thoughts of doom would send rocks to your mind as well feeding your anxiety even further.
The mixed emotions made you uneasy.
"What if there's no soulmate for me?" you looked yourself in the mirror as your mom finished her last touches on your hair. 
"Nonsense," she reassured you. 
"But has it happened before?" you insisted. 
She sighed. "Yes but it's very rare. What happens, in that case, is that you need to come back home and you need to go on the Journey the following year." 
"And are there people who went on for many years and they met no one?"
"Not as far as I know. Everyone met someone sooner or later. Your grandma met your grandpa after 3 years." 
You exhaled. Maybe you'd just go on a little train ride and come home before sunset.
Maybe you'll also need 3 years. 
Maybe no one would fall in love with you ever. 
You expected the Station to be full of people but it was completely empty.
"Don't worry about it. The Station doesn't let you see your friends until you're all on." 
You bit your lower lip and waited. There was no moon on the sky and the stars were very visible. 
You looked up and let the night sky calm you down and when you looked back in front of you, the Train was there. 
"Heavens," you swallowed the little surprising gasp and looked to your right then left feeling your breath accelerate. You didn’t hear it arrive. 
What were you supposed to do now? Was it supposed to feel this ominous? 
But then one door opened with a slow hiss, engulfing you with the freshest flowery scent. 
The most gorgeous man you've ever seen in your life descended and tilted his hat lifting one gloved hand to guide you inside.
"Welcome aboard, Miss." 
His hair was black and a bit longer in the back. Your father would have said it looked a bit messy; he’d probably offer some gel and suggested him to comb it backwards. But the man wore it so well that you found yourself thinking how it would feel like to pass your hand through it and mess it up even further. 
“Thank you,” you replied quietly. Then you cleared your throat and tried again. 
The man’s face was a polite mask, not one muscle of his perfect face twitching or moving. On the contrary, you felt your face in flames as you walked near him to enter the wagon. 
“Please, choose the coach you’re most attracted to,” you heard his voice behind you. The fresh flowery perfume followed you both and you realized it was his scent. Taking a few steps forward you found yourself shaking ever so slightly. 
“Who are you?” you turned around before having a chance to look down the dark but cosily illuminated wooden corridor of the train. 
His chest was so close that you could see the little silvery tag on it. Conductor. 
Then you took a step back not realizing how close he was. 
“I apologize for not having introduced myself earlier. I am the Conductor, Miss,” he simply replied. “I’ll be around the Train if you need me. Also, if you ring the bell you’ll find in every wagon."
His eyes were a dark shade of marine blue, you realized, like the ocean during a storm, when you can’t distinguish between the water and the sky.
Your grandpa told you many tales of his life at sea. He used to say it was the most beautiful and terrifying thing, and at the time you didn’t understand how something scary could be beautiful, but that man’s eyes made a shiver go down your spine yet you didn’t want him to stop looking at you. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I'll leave you to get comfortable,” he tilted his hat again, making a shadow appear over his eyes, as if reading your mind and seeing your fascination with them. 
You gave him a little bow as well, as your mother has been teaching you it was polite to do when meeting gentlemen, then you stared at the way he turned around and took the opposite direction in the tight corridor. His shoulders almost touched the walls when he walked and his legs looked extremely long in his black uniform. 
The coach you chose was the first on your left, a luxurious dark brown space, with deep bordeaux seats which you realized were softer than any other material you’ve ever felt before. You placed your suitcase on the designated space and sat down, looking at the windows showing your town’s Train Station, then you inhaled and exhaled looking down at your dress and rubbing your lace-gloved hands together.
What were you supposed to do?
Would your soulmate come barging in your coach?
Would you meet over breakfast in the morning?
Why were you all supposed to go at exactly 1:05am? 
You suppressed a yawn wondering where you were expected to sleep, then with the corner of your eye you noticed the curtains slowly close and you gasped feeling the train depart at the same time. 
Your older cousins liked to joke about ghosts roaming around the Train but you thought you were grown already to believe such things. Yet, the movement felt uncanny and you were so on edge that you haven’t realized you were squished against one of the seats’ corners until a ding made you scream. 
On the little table a small card boarded with gold appeared out of thin air. 
“Dear Miss, you are invited for Breakfast in the Dining Car. Please turn the card around for the Train map. My warmest regards, the Conductor” 
You touched the paper with your fingertip as if it were a poisonous snake and the ink smudged a bit as if it has been freshly written. 
Breakfast? At 1am? Maybe he meant tomorrow morning? 
You turned the card around as instructed and the display for the train was illustrated. A little “you are here” red mark told you that your wagon was the one in the middle of the train.
You wondered how did the Conductor know you chose that specific coach when he left you just a few minutes prior and didn’t even check back.
The Dining car was towards the head of the train, the direction in which the Conductor walked, and the name Steam Locomotive adorned the first car. You wondered if he was in there or if his coach was one of the wagons close by. 
The train was moving swiftly so it wasn’t bothering you as you thought it would. The closed curtains made you sad that you couldn’t see the scenery so you got up and extended your hand towards them, trying to perhaps see the machinery through which they were able to close on their own.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a voice made you jump in place. 
“Mark!” you turned around and walked the few steps towards the door to hug a very dumbfounded young man. 
“Hey, hey, you okay?” he awkwardly stood there even after you retrieved your arms from his neck and stared him up and down. 
“I was so scared to be alone. It’s good to see your face,” you explained. 
Johnny’s younger brother has been your best friend and the one you spoke about the Train Journey the most growing up. You were still ashamed to remember the way you cried for the whole night the time Mark told you his brother hasn’t come home from the Journey because he has found his soulmate. You had a very intense childhood crush on him. 
“I get it,” he smiled then his eyes went down to eye your dress, then up, noticing your prettily arranged hair and makeup.
Then he sighed, almost disappointed. 
Without realizing you touched your cheek. Did he think you were ugly?
“What?” you blinked at him. 
Mark shook his head. “I just-,” he started then interrupted himself, a bright dust of red moving in towards his cheeks and ears. “I thought that maybe you could be- you know-sometimes it happens that even friends-” 
You blinked at him then you felt your own face on fire. “Oh,” you realized what he wanted to say. The scarf you tied around your neck made it difficult for you to breathe. 
“Well,” he scratched the back of his head. “I guess we’re not soulmates. That, of course, if you didn’t feel anything in particular either.” 
“I felt relief,” you said. 
Mark nodded, agreeing with you. “I was also just glad to see a friend.”
Was he disappointed you weren’t his soulmate? Or was he happy it wasn’t you?
The following silence made him clear his voice once then his eyes fell on the card in your hands. 
“Oh, I got one too. I was wondering if it was a prank inviting me over for breakfast. I was going towards the Dining Car to at least check it out.” 
“Right? I thought I was the one misunderstanding the invite,” you chuckled. “I’ll come with you now if you don't mind.” 
Mark took a few steps back to let you exit the coach and his eyes fell on the window again. “My parents said that if you open the curtains when the train is moving you’ll be forced to descend in the first place you see. Alone. Without the possibility to return on the Train ever again.” 
A shiver ran down your body at his words. 
“There’s also a warning,” he indicated with his chin. 
You followed the direction and noticed the golden plate near the curtains. 
You could have sworn it wasn’t there before. 
The corridor was gorgeously decorated with fresh flowers and paintings. You and Mark took your time to peek into most of the coaches too, giggling a bit when you noticed some of their residents weren’t alone. 
“How long do you think it takes for people to meet everyone on the train?” Mark asked, impressed that some were already coupled. 
You thought about it. “The train stops in every town, doesn’t it? There's so many people. I feel like even a few weeks." 
Mark winced. “That’s a long time. My parents met within 15 minutes of boarding. They had neighbouring coaches.” 
“My parents met after a few days,” you recalled. “My maternal grandparents met after three years of trying.” 
Your friend hummed. “That’s hard. I’d be losing hope.” 
You swallowed the dry lump. “That’s a bit scary, yes.”
You didn’t want to tell him that you were afraid you might end up just like them. 
The Entertainment wagons were about five, and you both held your breaths when entering the first as it was roaming with people. The strangers’ faces turned towards you both with inquisitive eyes, as if checking if one of you were their soulmate. 
You bit your lower lip taking a few steps inside. 
“What exactly do you think we need to feel when meeting the one?” you whispered as some people sighed and turned around, sign you weren’t interesting. 
“No clue. But it has to be something,” Mark answered. “Maybe a sharp feeling. Awe. Even fear?” 
“Fear? Why would I be afraid if I meet my soulmate?” you both walked slowly, staring at the board games people were playing. 
Mark hummed. “Not actual fear. More so like the fear you get right before sliding down with a sleigh. It’s scary but you know it will feel very nice.”
The example made you chuckle and it broke some of the tension you were feeling. Then his words actually arrived to your brain. 
Like the fear before sliding down with a sleigh…
…or the fear when you see a sea storm. 
You shook your head and exited the coach to enter the rest. 
“I can’t believe there’s actual breakfast,” Mark repeated for the third time already, cheeks full with eggs and bacon. 
You giggled, impressed by your own appetite so late at night. Or early in the morning?
“The train has different time zones than your town of origin,” a voice explained. 
The scent came first and it froze you in place, the piece of banana you were about to devour still in mid-air. 
Mark lifted his gaze to the side and greeted the voice. 
“I hope everything is to your liking,” the Conductor added. When you put the banana down on your plate and looked up, he was already looking at you. His stormy eyes were slightly squeezed in an attempt to look polite. His uniform looked impeccable as usual and with his hands clasped behind his back his chest popped underneath it.
You forced yourself to look away. 
“Yes, thank you. The train is gorgeous,” you said. 
The Conductor smiled a bit more. “And I hope this is a congratulatory meal?” he asked, looking at Mark for a moment as well, who furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Oh,” you shook your hands, realizing what he meant. “No no, it’s not like that.”
“We’re just friends,” Mark butt in, a bit scandalized. 
You nodded fervently. “Classmates. From the same town.” 
“Yes. Our coaches are close-by and we just found each other.” 
The Conductor listened to one then the other, looking at both of you intermittently with his everlasting smile. “Well, then. I’m glad you enjoy each other’s company. I wish for you to find your soulmate when the time comes as well.” 
You and Mark both thanked him and watched the Conductor bow enough for his eyes to get the same shadow you saw the first time you met him.
But he lifted his gaze to look at you this time. Slowly, letting his long lashes fan on his cheeks for a moment.
The pupils were very deep and you imagined yourself drowning in the almost black blue of his irises. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to turn around and look at his back as he walked away to greet other passengers. 
You couldn’t even bring yourself to reach and grab the fork because your hands were tightly clasped together on your lap to hide how badly they were shaking. 
On your way back Mark got welcomed by his male friend group in the third Entertainment wagon. Some of them had new faces around and from their shy gazes, you assumed they met their partners already. Some were alone and in the mood to party. 
Mark invited you to stay but you decided to go back to your coach and have some rest.
You wished to be able to party like Mark did. In the end, for him that was also a well deserved holiday after spending most of his days helping his father with the lands. Many thought the same and not everyone wanted to go on the Journey to meet an actual soulmate. For a lot of people it was a nice break from studying or work and that was it. 
But you felt uneasy to be that free-spirited, and you needed time alone to understand what was going on. After all, you’ve been day dreaming about the Journey and the Train your whole life. And now that the desired moment arrived there was something off about it all.
And you couldn’t point it out. 
You’ve never felt more relieved to enter your coach and see a fluffy small bed in one of the seats’ places. You sat on it and you also found it very comfortable. How it got there you had no idea and by that time you decided to stop asking yourself questions on how that Train actually worked. 
The spring dress you chose for yourself was easy to slip into but quite hard to undo, you realized, grunting a few times as you tried to untie the light corset. When you managed to open it you exhaled deeply and you let it fall to your feet. 
Then your eyes darted towards the warning sign near the window as you slowly got under the covers.
Curiosity killed the cat but you really wanted to know what was behind those curtains and why you weren’t allowed to know. 
Before you could realize that you didn’t brush your teeth or wash your face, the train stopped and you opened your eyes in the silence. 
“Thank you for traveling with us. I wish you happiness,” the Conductor’s voice was muffled outside your window and you remembered your coach was the first near the main train entrance. 
Did someone already get off as a couple? Or was that someone who looked outside and was now forced to live alone?
You walked slowly and stealthy and you were about to turn the corner to where the entrance you came in was when the voices stopped you in place.
They were many, perhaps six different ones, thanking the Conductor and chatting away, making already plans for the future. Imagining you in their place gave you anxiety - after all they all met a few hours ago and already thought of getting married - but you were also glad they were all soulmate couples and not any forsaken person who went against the rules.
Somehow, you also felt a but envious that it has been that quick and smooth for them. 
The Conductor’s back was towards you and you looked at his long fingers behind his back as he greeted the people away. His white gloves covered them and for some reason you wondered how they looked like naked. His waist was visibly smaller than his shoulders and the spine line descended so beautifully that you felt the urge to draw him, although you were no artist. 
You shook your head trying to get rid of thouse thoughts and realized that in the meantime the chatter died down as the passengers walked towards the Station.
The Conductor was still outside, probably seeing them away for good before departing, and his scent was slowly engulfing you the more you remained in his presence.
You swallowed. How could a man smell that good? 
Then you realized you had a full-on view of the Station so you squatted down behind the corner and tried to make sense of what was outside. That was your only chance, you figured.
“You know that’s forbidden, right?” the man’s smooth voice made you jolt.
The Conductor was still standing stoically without looking back and you let your gaze fall around as to understand who he was addressing, because he definitely couldn’t have seen you. 
“Yes. I’m talking to you, Miss,” he turned around enough for you to see his relaxed expression.
You could see only half of his face and the only visible eyebrow was lifted in a way that made his gaze look- well, sexy, you realized with a certain degree of embarrassment.
You got up and took a step forwards. “Well, I am not looking out through a window, so it is not technically forbidden. There’s not a sign near the entrance telling me I can't do this.” 
The Conductor turned around fully. His lazy gaze rested on your face then slowly went down your body and stopped on your nude feet. His eyebrow lifted even more. You wigled your toes in embarrassment. 
“I forgot to bring shoes,” you mumbled, your burst of confidence suddenly dying down. 
“And a dressing gown,” he added, his pupils darting back down to your chest and hips in the almost sheer underdress you were wearing to sleep. “And some common sense,” he added, locking eyes with you. 
You crossed your arms on your chest to prevent him from looking any further. Then you lifted your chin in disdain at his last phrase. 
“That’s not very polite of you. Gentlemen avert their eyes.” 
“Tell me, Miss. What prevents me from grabbing you and making you descend here in this town with the excuse of you not following the rules?” 
You gulped. “Common sense, of course. Why would you even do that?” 
“Why not? Maybe I forgot to bring it with me the way you did coming here.” 
You let your arms fall down in anger. “That would be very inappropriate and illegal!” 
“Says who?” he smirked. “There’s no warning near the door saying I can’t do that.” 
You bit your lower lip. “I get it. I should not be here. But you can’t push me out of the train. That would be barbaric.”
The Conductor stepped back inside in one fluid movement. “Usually passengers rest in their coaches or entertain themselves with the others in an attempt to find their soulmate. They don’t go wandering about.” 
You dropped your gaze to his chest as he was getting way too close for your liking.
And when he unbuttoned his jacket, slowly, and let it slide off his shoulders and fall on yours instead, you visibly shuddered.
It was warm and big, and it smelled like him. Like that overwhelming flowery perfume.
You felt dizzy. 
“I was just curious,” you whispered, feeling like a little child being scolded. But the Conductor’s expression was warm when you dared to look at his face again.
His lips were full and plump and you felt a tight lump in your throat seeing them move. 
“Go back to sleep, Miss.” 
His deep voice rang in your head the whole time you washed your face and brushed your teeth, feeling it incredibly warm. You let his jacket fall on the seat in front of your bed but as you slid under the covers you wore it again, and nuzzled you face into the material. 
In the morning, or what you felt was morning, you wore another dress you packed, a deep blue one you instinctively chose with little black flowers around the crown of it. 
Some people were walking against you in the corridor and you could audibly hear them stop their breathing as you locked eyes.
They were wondering if you were their soulmate.
Yesterday you would have walked slowly and looked around shyly as well, but today all you wanted to do was to bring the Conductor his jacket back and all of those people were just in your way. 
You were about to start pushing against people’s shoulders when Mark’s head pocked out of a coach and his ruffled hair made you realized he just woke up.
Not in his bed. 
“Mark Lee!” you stopped in place. 
“Fuck,” he blinked at you. “You out of all people. I mean, so nice to see you-”
“Did you find your soul-”
Mark exited the coach quickly and closed the door behind him. “Shh,” he was about to place one hand on your mouth but then looked at it and put it behind his back instead. 
“Let’s not- do not say anything.” 
You blinked at him. “Are you telling me that-” 
“Maybe,” he interrupted you again. “Listen, people here are gorgeous. There’s no need to save myself for marriage or anything.” 
Your jaw fell. “Mark Lee, did you just sleep with some random woman?” 
He scratched one eyebrow. “Did I offend your sensibility?” 
“You’re just some man, aren’t you?” you looked him up and down. “Whatever. Have fun,” you rolled your eyes and started to walk again. “And wash that hand, would you?” 
“How do you even know-” 
“I wasn’t born yesterday,” you turned around to quickly let your tongue out at him. 
“Is that the Conductor’s jacket?” he asked before you could exit the car. 
“No? I just found it around,” you answered quickly, leaving him behind with his questions. 
The Conductor said you had no common sense but you had enough common sense to know that being seen around with his jacket would somehow be a mistake. He was the one who didn’t have the common sense to know to not send you to bed with it. 
Lost in your thoughts you didn’t realize how far up the train you arrived and when the cars started to be empty safe for storage items you stopped in place to catch your breath.
It was very silent up there, the only sound coming from the rails outside and the steam locomotive. 
You were close. And you had no idea why you knew that. 
The walk towards the locomotive was slow and the spaces less fancy. Some coaches were on your right and you wondered if perhaps the Conductor was in one of them.
Or maybe you were stupid and he was way back in the train, doing his job. 
When you felt like that damned train didn’t even have an end, in front of you a big dark door with a skull on it indicating some type of danger opened and the swish of fresh flowers made you close your eyes for a moment. 
The Conductor’s head was tilted to the side as if amused. 
“I see that this time you’re decently dressed,” he said, the his gaze fell on your chest. “Almost.”
You gulped and put on a brave expression. “I came to give you this back. Thank you.” 
The man looked at the jacket you were holding and reached towards it slowly. His fingertips touched your knuckles for a brief moment and it made you so tense that you felt your head pulsating. 
“You could have rung the bell. There was no need to come all the way up here.” 
You let the air come out your nostrils. “You always scold me. You should be thankful I brought this back to you.” 
“I am scolding you because you keep taking the most convoluted decisions instead of the straight forward ones.” 
The informal conversation and the lack of Miss from his part made you nervous so you tried to look around his shoulder to see if any staff, or worse, the train driver could hear it.
Although you found his tone aggravating you didn’t want him to lose his job or anything. 
“So you didn’t make me come because you were curious to see the Locomotive instead,” the Conductor added, seeing you snoop your nose around.
You straightened your back. “I was just trying to see if someone was listening to your inappropriate comments towards a passenger and a lady.” 
The Conductor smiled and took a step to the side. “No one is here.” 
For a second you forgot about him, the curiosity of how that Train actually worked exciting you more. “Who drives this then?” you stepped in and looked around the small space. 
“No one,” the man explained and his breath caressed the back of your neck. When you looked behind your shoulder you realized he was staring at the goosebumps on your exposed skin. 
“Why is there a chair here, then?” you cleared your throat and walked around it. 
The Conductor wore his jacket and put his hands on the back of the big chair. “I like to sit here and look outside.” 
You lifted your gaze towards the small window in front of you. You hadn’t even realized you could see outside. 
“Do you want to try and sit down?” he asked. 
You bit your lower lip. “Would that be alright?” 
“I thought you didn’t care for rules,” he smirked. 
You lifted your chin and sat down. It wasn’t much, just the railroad in front of you and some trees on each side. But it was peaceful and your curiosity got fully fed.
Now you wondered when it was the time to be killed like a cat. 
“Why are you really here, Miss?” 
The Conductor’s voice was so close to your ear that your spine curved. But you didn’t move away. 
“Don’t-” you gulped. “Don’t flatter yourself or anything. I came here because I was curious and I had to give your jacket back.”
His index finger touched one of your hairs near the ear and you jolted in place, moving your head away. The man was smiling. He was holding a small feather that was probably stuck there. 
“I hope you’re satisfied at all times, Miss,” he replied. “And I am here to make sure all of your future needs are fulfilled as well.” 
That tone and those polite words were meant to be professional yet your mind went to Mark’s ruffled hair and half naked body. You imagined the Conductor’s dark hair on your pillow and his scent engulfing you all as his touch made your spine curve. And his hand, would he also use his hands on you like Mark did with his woman?
You shook the thoughts out of your head and got up quickly, feeling it hard to breathe in that narrow space. 
“Thank you. I will leave now,” you voice was wavering and if he noticed it he didn’t say anything about it. 
“I hope you have a pleasant journey,” he wished as you exited the car. 
He didn’t mention anything about finding a soulmate this time. 
Your scent lingered on Haechan’s body the whole day.
It was in his hair, his nostrils, his skin, around his neck and his hands. He wondered if you slept with his jacket the whole night and the thought of your naked body pressed against the material of it made him almost knock heads with a passenger. 
“Good day to you, Sir,” he tilted his hat last minute.
The young man barely noticed him, as his eyes were directed towards another person in the corner of the car.
Haechan was very acustomed to that gaze. He saw it every day for the past few years - the look of someone madly in love at first sight. 
That was how your eyes looked like the first instant he saw you on the platform waiting for the Train.
Waiting for him. 
He wondered how that gaze looked on his face but he was sure you didn’t notice it.
He wasn’t even sure it was there in the first place. 
His instincts got the best of him and he worked on autopilot. Polite face, good smile, distance.
Hell, he even took the sign away from your windows for five minutes. But then you almost opened the damn curtains - as he intended for you to - and he realized he couldn’t physically let you go.
It was probably a mistake, he thought the first seconds of seeing you. He took the job of the Conductor because his old grandpa couldn’t work anymore. Haechan lived on that train since he could remember. It was always him and his old grandpa, in the middle of the swarm of people looking for soulmates. It made him sick to death to see all that love around him. 
I wish you didn’t hate your parents for falling in love, Haechan, his grandpa used to say.
But it would have been different if they fell in love with each other.
But they didn’t. 
The boy has been told the tale of his family of Conductors many times. It was a curse, they said. No one in his family had soulmates and they were tasked with assisting the Train instead. 
How did you and grandma decide to be together then? small Haechan asked at the time. 
Sometimes you just choose who to spend your life with. This is how your parents met as well. Your father came on this train often and never met his soulmate. Your mother understood he might be a good husband choice so she approached him and that’s how they got together. 
But then dad met another woman on the train and left my mom. 
The grandpa sighed deeply. He just met his soulmate. He didn’t do anything wrong. 
Haechan as a child couldn’t know what to say to that.
He knew something was not right but he didn’t have the vocabulary to argue back.
But as a teenager he finally understood. 
He abandoned my mom, your daughter, and he abandoned me. Don’t speak about that man ever again. 
Haechan’s grandpa would only sigh and pat his shoulder. You’re growing into a fine young man. I am proud of you. And I am sorry that happened. When you’ll meet your person you’ll understand their choices. 
I will never understand it because I don’t have a soulmate. And I surely as hell won’t marry a woman that might meet her rightful soulmate years later and leave me.
Your grandma never left me, he used to remind him. And I wish for you to have children. Who’s going to assist this Train otherwise? 
To hell with this fucking Train, Haechan would explode and run away. 
He didn’t hate the Train.
It was his home.
So when he’d calm down, sitting on the outside metal stairs and looking at the scenery no one besides him and grandpa were allowed to see, he’d realize he didn’t hate his parents either.
His mom remarried and left the Train after dad left.
Haechan wasn’t sure if she was actually in love although from her letters she seemed happy, but the memories of her time closed off in a coach on the verge of death were still haunting him. Haechan stopped reading his father’s letters altogether and started to burn them in the Locomotive. 
A young woman approached him and Haechan shook off the memories and the convoluted thoughts about you from his head. 
“How may I help you, Miss?” he placed his hands behind his back with the best custom service expression plastered on his face. 
The woman seemed embarrassed. 
“If you need anything, please, don’t hesitate to ask me,” he tried to reassure her. 
She inhaled and took a step forward. Haechan leaned down to hear her better. “Well, you know how you said the coaches makes appear everything that you want? I was-, well, I met a man and- I know he’s not my soulmate but it’s not against the rules and we’re doing fine together for now and we were well, we were wondering how to make- how not to-” 
“Get pregnant?” Haechan simply asked and the woman’s pale face turned purple from embarrassment.
She surely didn’t expect him to be that straightforward. “Usually if you really don’t want that to happen, it doesn't,” Haechan continued. “If you’ve encountered difficulties then maybe you or your partner have-,” he interrupted himself. “-a breeding kink?” 
The young woman placed her palms to her cheeks and gave him a little bow. “I understand. I think I need to go now, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” 
“You just have to-” Haechan tried again but the woman already ran away. 
“I see I’m not the only one you’re being not so professional with,” a voice made him turn around. 
You were on your way for lunch. Or dinner? You lost track of time. You’ve been on that Train for less than 24 hours yet you felt like a lifetime already passed. To think you had to stay there until meeting your soulmate made you almost throw up. 
“I thought you were very excited to meet your soulmate,” Mark commented that morning, eyes closed under the fake sun in the fake seaside car.
You sighed. 
“I am.”
You were.
Or you thought you were. But somehow you lost interest. You imagined yourself inside the Train for so long that the moment you actually got on it it all lost meaning. 
And how was it possible that none of the men looked interesting enough to even have a mere conversation? The only ones approaching you were trying to get under your dress and you soon realized that romance was not the way you imagined it to be. 
“You don’t sound like excited. It’s as if you can’t wait to get off of here,” he opened one eye then turned to his side to see you better. “If you haven’t met the one yet, then what about enjoying it to the fullest until you can? It’s a place with free food and entertainment.” 
You gave him the side eye. “I do not intend to sleep around with random men. I’m a lady.” 
Mark rolled his eyes. “I’m also a gentleman and going down on people doesn’t make me less gentle.”
You almost spat your water. The Train somehow made everyone change or it opened your innocent eyes because you had no idea your childhood friend had that side of him. 
“Did you really not find anyone who’s kinda attractive? You don’t even have to know his name,” he insisted. 
Actually, there was a man whose name you didn’t know who you found very attractive. That was probably the worst part of that experience. Was it normal to be attracted to the Conductor like that? 
You shook your head. “Nonsense. I will wait for my soulmate. And no, no one around is attractive enough.” 
Mark exhaled and went back to his previous position. “I just don’t like seeing you sad.” 
“I’m not sad.” 
“Then angry.” 
“I’m not angry.” 
“You’re angry now.” 
“Because you’re pissing me off,” you sat up. “I’m going to eat.” 
You were already too confused for your liking. You didn’t need Mark Lee to investigate further.
The desire to have a soulmate was still there deep inside, the longiness and the need, yet for some reason you also felt numb to everything around you. 
Still feeling like Mark rubbed you the wrong way you almost missed the figures of the Conductor leaning down to whisper in a young gorgeous’ woman’s ear in the middle of the Library wagon. 
The woman seemed scandalized and so red that she looked like a tomato. The Conductor’s face was unfazed but a bit confused as she ran away. 
“I see I’m not the only one you’re being not so professional with,” you couldn’t help but say. 
The car was empty safe for the two of you and when he turned around you smelled his ever present scent.
It drove you insane. What kind of damn cologne was that man wearing?
“What do you go flirting with passengers for?” you crossed your arms on your chest. Maybe Mark was right and you were actually angry but seeing the Conductor’s face just added to the whole irritation, especially catching him flirting with your shy women. 
The Conductor tilted his head to the side as if genuinely surprised but also intrigued at your reaction. 
“What if someone else besides me saw you? What would happen to your position and reputation?” you went on. 
The man took his time to open his mouth and talk. “I don’t understand if you’re mad at me or if you’re worried for me.”
You lifted your chin. “Maybe both.” 
“It takes a good amount of care for both. Do you care about me?” 
He took a few steps towards you and the closeness made his voice quieter. 
You didn’t let him intimidate you with his charm. 
“I was raised a lady of good principles and seeing the Conductor of a Train meant to help people find their soulmates flirt with its passengers is not appropriate and I have to speak on it.” 
The Conductor’s smile widened. “And lurking at the time of descent in a skimpy night gown and nude feet is appropriate?”
His dark blue eyes were more stormy than usual and the moles on his face reminded you of the nightsky above you as you were waiting for the Train. 
“Coming all the way to my coach with a dizzying cleavage is appropriate?” 
His voice was so deep and close that you had to avert your gaze to catch your breath. 
“Shaking like this in my presence and being unable to look me in the face is appropriate?” he whispered so close to your lips that you inhaled and took a few steps back. 
“You’re also here to find a soulmate, Miss. Concentrate on doing that and leave other people’s business to themselves,” he added in his usual calm voice and walking around you he left you breathless and alone in the middle of the Library. 
Haechan reached for his tie to undo the knot and he realized his fingers were slightly shaking.
Your scent made him more on edge than usual and the fact he could still smell you on his jacket made him unreasonable mad.
And your face and expression, your hurt eyes seeng him talk to that woman, as if you were jealous, was driving him insane.
What were you thinking roaming around him like that? With your delicate blue dress and your cleavage moving up and down in that damn corset with every quick breath your took? 
He should have let you move the curtains and never see you again. 
Haechan walked the distance from the entrance door of the car to the Bar and without caring about anyone he walked behind it and poured himself a shot of whiskey. 
“Hard day?” a voice made him sigh deeply before turning around. 
He forced himself to smile. “I am not in service right now,” he lied to excuse his drinking on the job. 
The young man waved his hand. “No one would care anyway. They’re either on a date or uhh fucking.” 
“Would you like one?” Haechan indicated the bottle, ignoring the man’s choice of words.
The other nodded. “I’m Jeno.” 
He expected Haechan’s name in return but the Conductor never tells his name to passengers. “I hope you’re enjoying your stay,” Haechan said instead, pushing a glass towards Jeno. 
The latter took it and winced after downing it. “I’m not here for that. I’m actually a journalist.” 
Haechan fought the urge to roll his eyes. There was one of two of them every year trying to gather some kind of hidden information about the Train. Haechan also thought there were some secrets about it growing up but it was a pretty straight forward thing. Just a Train in which you can meet your soulmate. Nothing more.
Well, that until he met you and your scent got under his skin. 
“Is there something specific you’re writing about?” Haechan politely asked. 
“Is it true that soulmates understand they’re soulmates because of each other’s scent?” he asked, and a writing pad materialized in front of him. 
Haechan eyed his pen ready to take notes then his face. “You should ask the passengers. I am not someone who has a soulmate.” 
“So it’s true that the Conductor has no soulmate.” 
“Yes. It’s not a secret.” 
Jeno nodded, not writing anything as if that wasn’t the information he was actually seeking out of him. 
“My parents said there’s no such thing as scent. They’re also divorced,” he said. 
Haechan sighed. Another young man hurt by that Train and his parents. “Sometimes people come here and go home together even if they’re not sure they’re actual soulmates. Maybe your parents mistook their union for a soulmate bond but it was just infatuation.” 
“Shouldn’t this place guarantee a soulmate union?” Jeno asked. He looked very angry and Haechan could understand why. “What’s the purpose of this Train then? Let people choose each other on land at this point.” 
“It’s called free choice. The Train knows who’s an actual soulmate pair and usually it doesn’t stop for couples who are not actually bonded. This is why the train is not stopping now for all the people who are- uh, fucking.” Haechan was too exhausted to choose a more gentlemanly term for that. 
Jeno didn’t seem to care. “Then why did it stop for my parents?” 
“They probably insisted for it to stop. The Train doesn’t go against the free choice.” 
Jeno poured another shot, gave it to Haechan and took a deep gulp straight from the bottle. 
“Nice chat, Conductor. Can I ask to leave now?” 
Haechan kept quiet for a moment. “You should stay until you meet someone or until the Journey comes to an end. If you leave now you will not be allowed to come back.” 
“There’s no such thing,” Jeno whispered and got up, walking towards the windows. With one quick hand he moved the curtains away. The Train stopped slowly on its tracks and Haechan sighed. 
“Please follow me. I’ll escort you to the exit for going against the rules."
Is it true that soulmates understand they’re soulmates because of each other’s scent?
That phrase has been haunting you for the following hours.
You were rolling in bed from the moment you decided to try and sleep after pacing your coach for a while.
You didn’t mean to eavesdrop.
You didn’t even mean to follow the Conductor but his pace was urgent and the curiosity still hasn’t killed you, especially after that heated conversation you had in the Library.
Shaking in his presence and being unable to look him in the face? He could see that? What was going on and why were you feeling like committing the biggest crime you could think of?
No, why was the Conductor with his deep eyes and his pillowy lips and his smooth voice the only thing you could think of when you were on that dam Train to find your soulmate?
The Conductor walked towards the Bar and you remained back in the smaller corridor, watching his throat gulp that brown liquid like it was water. Why did he look so upset? Was it you? Or was it his missed opportunity with that lady that you interrupted?
You felt stupid spying him like that and you were about to turn around and walk away when the voice of a second man made you stop in your tracks. 
I’m actually a journalist, the man said and you wondered what the Conductor would say back. Would he accept to give the journalist information?
Is it true that soulmates understand they’re soulmates because of each other’s scent? You felt your blood turn to ice. What did he mean by that? Scents? Your parents didn’t tell you anything about that. 
But then the following exchange of information made you feel even worse. 
You should ask the passengers. I am not someone who has a soulmate.
So it’s true that the Conductor has no soulmate.
Yes. It’s not a secret.
Mark looked like a baby chick with his hair ruffled around his face. But you could tell it was from simple sleeping and not messing around with someone’s daughter’s insides. 
You pushed him back into his coach after he opened the door and you sat down. 
“Wow, when I told you to look around and decide who to fuck I didn’t think that someone would be-” 
You interrupted him. “Mark, tell me everything you know about the Train, soulmates, and-” you stopped for a second, “the Conductor.” 
Mark blinked hard as if unable to keep his eyes open and laid back in his bed. “It’s the middle of the night.” 
“Actually I’ve been trying to keep track of the time and it should be middle of the afternoon.” 
“Well, everything here is fucked and for me it’s middle of the night. Why are you so curious all of a sudden?” 
You sighed and relaxed in the dark red velvety couch. “Have you ever heard of people feeling their soulmate’s scent more that other people’s?” 
Mark hummed, one hand to scratch his forehead. “Yes. Johnny talked about it but at the time I thought it was something stupid people in love notice about each other. He said his partner smelled like patchouli and warm spices.” 
You lifted your legs up to warm them under your night gown. “And your parents?” 
“Dad said mom smells like lavender and mom said dad smells like woody herbal amber or something like that,” he chuckled, shaking his head. 
He then opened his eyes and got up to sit, mirroring you. “Why? Did you meet someone whose scent is intense for you?” 
You wondered if telling him the truth. “No, I just-” you played with a loose string along the hem of your gown, “I overheard a man talking about his parents never mentioning any scent and they’re divorced now.” 
Mark leaned forwards. “Are you worried that your parents are not real soulmates since they also never mentioned scents?”
Actually that didn’t even cross your head but you realized that might be a possibility. You didn’t want your parents to divorce or anything. 
“Oh, come on. I’m sure that’s not the case at all,” Mark came to sit beside you and wrapped your shoulders with his arms. You weren’t there because of your parents but Mark felt warm and comfortable to lean on so you didn’t correct him. 
“What about the Conductor?” he then asked and you hoped he couldn’t feel the way you tensioned in his hold. “What did you want to know?” 
You gulped and sat straight, letting Mark’s arms fall to your waist instead. “I’ve heard he doesn't have a soulmate.” 
Mark nodded. “I’ve heard that too. Honestly I thought he would be some kind of very ancient man. At least, my parents said he’s very old, but maybe this is a new one.” 
You kept quiet, biting your lower lip. 
“What is it that you’re not telling me?” Mark whispered. 
You lifted your gaze and his big sparkly eyes gave you the courage to open your mouth. 
“If the Conductor has no soulmate, and soulmates feel each other’s scent, then why do I feel the Conductor’s scent everywhere I go?” 
After Mark collected his jaw from the floor and you kept him up brainstorming the whole night, you met both early in the morning over breakfast to further discuss the possibility of you and the Conductor being soulmates. 
“Not to put you down or anything,” he repeated, “but I’ve never heard of anyone bonding with the Conductor.” 
You sighed staring down your coffee with no desire to drink it but knowing it would wake you up. 
“I know, Mark, this is why I’m so dumbfounded.”
“I mean, also the original Conductor was a mummy of an old man. Maybe that’s why no one bonded with him. Maybe he was married already and that's how the rumour of him not having a soulmate started.”
You had a sip of the bitter liquid and winced. You were glad Mark was playing devil’s advocate with himself because you had no more force to discuss all the different points of view. 
“I don’t even think it matters. He warned me multiple times to leave him alone and find a soulmate. How would being soulmates with him even work? Where would the Train stop? Would I be forced to stay here? Being the Conductress? Forever?” you felt like descending into madness. 
“Listen, calm down. I think the solution is to check it myself first. We find him, I smell him. If it’s just his high quality cologne then you can put your mind at ease.” 
You didn’t want to ask what would happen if he couldn’t smell anything but maybe your desperate eyes told him your feelings because he sighed.
“And if I don’t smell anything, I try to rizz him up and I’ll be like dang you look like you know your cologne. Can you show me your collection? And I go to his coach and I smell all of the bottles and if it’s any of them we know it’s just his perfume and not his actual scent.” 
You opened your mouth. 
“And-” he interrupted lifting one finger, “if it’s none of them then we will come back here and brainstorm together. He’s an attractive man. Maybe you’re just sexually attracted to him. I bet that if you tried and fucked-”
“I will not fuck the Conductor,” you said, perhaps too loudly. You both looked around. 
You lowered your voice. “I don’t know what’s going on but having that kind of relation with him doesn’t sound like a good idea.” 
Mark leaned back in his chair. “Okay then. I’ll start by going on with my plan then we’ll see.”
You exhaled and nodded once. “That sounds like such a stupid plan.” 
Mark’s smile widened. “At least something fun is happening in this stupid Train besides drinking and sleeping around.” 
Haechan finished his morning routine walk across all wagons and sighed looking at his pocket watch. Soon everyone would be done with breakfast and would go about their business. He had to go and assist in the enternatinment wagons in some time as well. 
Then he felt a pair of eyes on his back and lifted one eyebrow. 
“What can I do for you, sir?” he turned around to see your little friend fake confidence leaning on a wall.
If Haechan didn’t know better he’d think the young man was trying to flirt. 
“Oh, hello there Conductor. Or maybe I should say-” Mark stopped his phrase as if waiting for Haechan to say his name. 
“Conductor is fine,” he smiled, joining his gloved hands together in front of him. 
“Right right. I will not push any boundaries. I was just wondering, like from a gentleman to another gentleman, if you can aid me choosing a cologne.” 
Whatever Haechan expected that man to say it wasn’t that.
He had to suppress a laugh. 
“A cologne, sir?” 
Mark walked around him casually. “I mean, I am here to meet a soulmate and I thought damn what if I don’t smell good? That’s my biggest fear actually, you know?” he put his hand on the chest to convey how intensely he felt about not smelling good. 
“When you’ll meet your soulmate, sir, they will think you smell like their favourite scent, so no need to worry.” 
Mark stopped in his tracks and his stupid fake expression fell. “You said soulmates smell like their favourite scents just now?” 
Haechan exhaled. “That’s what I said, sir.” He really hated repeating himself. 
Mark kept looking at him so Haechan was about to excuse himself and bid the weird man farewell but then the awareness of his behaviour washed over him like a cold wave and he stopped in place.
Haechan lifted his gaze and met Mark’s intense black eyes. 
“Are you not curious why I am asking you about scents, Mister Conductor?” his voice suddenly became lower. 
“I am not a curious man, sir,” Haechan straightened his tie with the intention of leaving. He didn’t like where all of that was going.
But Mark took a step to the side, blocking his way. 
“So what’s your favourite scent?”
Haechan fought the urge to grab the dude and physically move him away. “I like clean and fresh scents, sir.” 
“And what does Y/N smell like?”
Haechan put his tongue in the cheek and flared his nostrils. “I wouldn’t know.”
Mark thought about keeping this all a secret from you. Being soulmates with the Conductor of the Soulmates Train didn’t sound like a great time. It was like falling in love with Death when it comes to kill you. But he wasn’t going to be a bad friend. 
He told you to wait in the Seaside wagon in hopes you could relax hearing the sea waves, but when he entered he found you fidgeting instead. 
“How did it go?” you walked up to him but he exhaled and dragged you towards the lounge chairs.
He didn’t know what you wanted to hear, if confirmation that the Conductor was your soulmate, or if you wanted nothing to do with him. 
“First of all, he doesn’t smell like anything to me,” Mark said. “He just has a normal clean person scent. Like any other person.” 
You swallowed and inhaled shakily, letting the information sink in. 
“Second of all, he said soulmates smell like each other’s favourite scents.” 
You opened your mouth but nothing came out of it.
“What does he smell like to you, Y/N? Is it flowers?” 
Mark knew you’ve always loved that scent. The sweet but fresh perfume of flowers with their infinite colours. 
He didn’t need you to answer, he saw it in your pupils. You watched Mark close his eyes for a moment and exhale then open them again. 
“It’s not all,” he said. “He behaved weirdly when I mentioned you. I have a hunch that he can sense your scent as well.” 
I think you should talk about it together, Mark suggested, but you couldn’t just do that, could you? He was the Conductor after all. Such thing was impossible. 
Also, for how much you loved Mark, risking such improper behaviour only because of a hunch was too much for you. 
You thought you were afraid of not finding a soulmate. Growing up that has been your everlasting fear; yet your brain has never even taken into consideration the perspective of finding your soulmate in a man you could not have. 
For how much you’ve been wanting to see him, bump into him, or exchange a few stupid words to each other in the past days, your felt the same equal amount of desire to avoid him at all costs. 
You thought you wanted Mark to come back and tell you that it was just the Conductor’s overbearing cologne. You wanted him to say he smelt it too and that is confirmation that he couldn’t possibly be your soulmate.
Yet when he fed your idea that the Conductor might be your man the relief was so intense that you almost cried. 
It drove you insane. 
The following days you haven’t seen the Conductor once. Perhaps the encounter with Mark made him uncomfortable and he decided to avoid you as well. What if he though you were some kind of creep? He did warn you to leave him alone and concentrate on finding a soulmate instead. Was it possible to have a one sided soulmate? 
Somehow you felt like that situation was all your fault. Maybe that was the death moment of the curiousity saying, because you kinda felt like dying slowly if you thought about any other man. Maybe if you didn’t go to see the descending moment, maybe if you didn’t sleep with his jacket, maybe if you didn’t go and find him in the Locomotive, maybe if you didn’t confront him in the Library, you wouldn’t feel like that.
Maybe maybe maybe. 
“I know this is not good friend advice, but you could get your mind off of him by, you know, using someone else,” Mark shrugged, peeling an apple with a knife.
You sighed, pulling your summer hat lower on your eyes. The seaside car soon became you and Mark’s favourite. “You know what? Maybe you’re right.” 
“You finally gave in my temptation?” he wigled his eyebrows. 
“Yes. You’re the little devil sitting on my shoulder.” 
Mark cut a piece of apple and ate it off the knife. “I can introduce you to some fine gentlemen.” 
You snorted. “I saw the gentlemen you have around Mark Lee.” 
“And? Are they not fine?” 
“You can have them.” 
Mark rolled his eyes. “Do you want to have fun or not?” 
“I do. But I’m not sure if fucking random men is what I consider peak of amusement,” you replied. Mark didn’t say anything so you kept going. “Although, I noticed that the light brow hair man is not bad. I think his name is Jaehyun. He has nice hands and a great smile. I do enjoy a good dimple.” 
You expected Mark to laugh at you but he remained quiet safe for a little nudge he gave you. You sighed. “The other J name man is not bad either. He’s tall and he looks gentle like a puppy.” 
“Uhm,” Mark said and nudged you again. 
“What? You said I should sleep with one of them,” you slid away the hat to give him a venomous side eye when your mouth dropped open. 
Mark was looking at you with a little tight smile and in front of you, almost covering the artificial sun of the wagon, was standing the Conductor. 
“I apologize, Miss. I didn’t want to interrupt your- uh lovely monologue,” he tilted his stupid hat. 
You sat up feeling your body on fire. Then you looked at Mark who gave you a small apologetic smile. 
Your mouth was dry and you had no idea what was the appropriate thing to say to someone who overheard you talk about fornication. 
His scent should have told you he was there, but maybe you got so used to it that you were feeling it everywhere, messing with your perceptions. 
“Good day, sir,” you stupidly said. 
“I was just making sure you’re enjoying your stay,” the Conductor looked at you first, then Mark. “From your conversation I assume everything is fine.” His eyes looked black in the shadow and the little line between his eyebrow looked like a crack in his otherwise perfect face.
You gulped and bit your lower lip. 
“Just a precaution. I told this the lady that stopped me in the Library the other day also, if you remember. As a contraceptive, please make sure to strongly desire to not get pregnant, so the Train can take care of you.” 
The fact that useless friend of yours ambushed him like that told Haechan that you probably felt his scent everywhere as well.
And you must have spoken about it in such a way that made Mark investigate.
It made Haechan’s fingers tingle and they’d tingle ever more when he’d slid them underneath his covers at night, and fuck his fist to the image of you until he had to push his face into the pillow to muffle his groans. 
Everything was a mess and for the first time in his life Haechan didn’t know what to do. 
The letter he wrote his grandpa asking for advice was still unsent, looking at him from his desk.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to expose himself like that to his family. His grandpa would be nothing but supportive.
I knew you’d find a partner. See, now you understand it. It makes sense how your parents felt, doesn’t it?
Because no. Haechan didn’t understand it and his parents’ behaviour still didn’t make sense to him. Also, he hated to hear others say I told you so. 
But also, his family never mentioned the possibility of a full-on soulmate. They said someone random. Someone that couldn’t find anyone else. Someone who would accept Haechan as a second choice. 
He rolled in bed, the stickiness of his desire still coating his hand. Then he huffed and got up to wash.
His desire. It was such a foreign feeling to him to leave him breathless.
Yet it felt so familiar that he felt like he could finally breathe deeply. It felt like things were finally right, like he was finally home. 
That morning he didn’t follow with his duties thoroughly as usual. The Train stopped twice and he looked behind his shoulder to check whether you were there, in your skimpy underdress and nude feet.
But you weren’t. 
He tried to ignore you for the past few days and apparently you were doing the same. 
Yet, he could feel your scent in the whole Train, as if you’ve just left the wagon he entered.
He wondered if you felt him everywhere as well. 
In the afternoon, he couldn’t take it anymore so he followed the trail. He would just give you a short look, something to further fuel his autodestructive night fantasies. 
You were in the Seaside car, as usual, your dress ridden up your thighs on that chaise longue and Haechan wondered how could Mark concentrate on cutting that apple without cutting his finger when you looked like that besides him. 
“I know this is not good friend advice, but you could get your mind off of him by, you know, using someone else,” Mark shrugged. 
Haechan stopped in place. He wasn’t eavesdropping. You were talking loudly enough for everyone to hear. But he didn’t want you to sense him.
You wanted to get your mind off of whom? Haechan?
“You know what? Maybe you’re right,” you replied and Haechan tightened his fist in his white glove. The image of you sleeping with someone else suddenly appeared in front of Haechan’s irises made the seaside car look like the north pole instead. 
“You finally gave in my temptation?” that useless fellow asked and Haechan has never wanted to have a fist fight with a passenger more.
Of course, he wondered already if Mark was your soulmate and you both dumb idiots didn’t notice.
Maybe that’s why Mark even inquired about scents in the first place.
But why was Haechan sensing your scent if you were taken and why did the Train not stop for you two if that was the case?
Could the Conductors curse be that cruel? Making Haechan fall in love with a woman he could not have?
“I can introduce you to some fine gentlemen,” Mark said and Haechan didn’t know if he should feel relieved Mark wasn’t offering himself for your entertainment or be jealous at the idea of someone else touching you. 
He decided to intervene. 
“I do. But I’m not sure if fucking random men is what I consider peak of amusement,” you replied right when Mark lifted his gaze and a piece of apple fell from his mouth on the fine sand at his feet.
Haechan gave him a venomous look and opened his mouth to interrupt your scandalous monologue. 
But you went on. “Although, I noticed that the light brow hair man is not bad. I think his name is Jaehyun. He has nice hands and a great smile. I do enjoy a good dimple.” 
Haechan felt his jaw muscles twitch. “The other J name man is not bad either. He’s tall and he looks gentle like a puppy,” you continued. 
Mark had the decency to look scared. 
“I apologize, Miss. I didn’t want to interrupt your lovely monologue,” Haechan finally said as you finally realized what was going on. 
He came there like a thirsty man to have a single drop of water and you were thinking of sleeping with other men instead.
Haechan felt like stopping the Train and descending himself. 
Your eyes were glossy when you looked up at him, maybe from the sun but also from the embarrassment.
Haechan felt like making you feel even worse. 
Your gaze followed the Conductor’s spine as he exited the wagon and you let a single pained whine as you burrowed your face into your palms. 
“Mark Lee.” 
The poor Mark got up and away from you as if he could sense you might take your frustration out on him. 
“It’s not my fault.” 
You let your hands fall in your lap. “Now he thinks I’m a whore.” 
“I don’t think that changes anything. You don’t need his opinion or approval.” 
You got up with another whine. “He ignored me for days and now that he approached me again he overheard me talk about who of your friends I might fuck.” 
Mark finished his apple. “Hey. Wasn’t that your intention? Getting rid of him? Forgetting him?” 
You exhaled.
Yes, but why did it feel so bad?
They all eyed you the following night - the first ball party of the season, the little card said.
This time the ink didn’t smudge when it appeared on your nightstand out of thin air and it didn’t look like it was written by hand.
One detail made you bite your lower lip. Wear masks, the card said.
The car that was hosting it was huge and you realized it must have been some sort of optical illusion to make the space feel so big. The center was empty and you assumed it was for dancing. Most people were standing near the refreshment tables or near the walls and the exciting but nervous air made your skin shiver. Everyone from the train was there and you realized it was the perfect moment to meet a soulmate. 
With uncertain feet in your high heels you reached towards the drinks but the glasses didn’t move from the tray. 
“You need to say what you want and the glass unglues itself,” the Conductor said and his long fingers appeared in front of you. They wrapped the leg of a glass. “Champagne,” he said and the glass remained in his hand. 
You didn’t dare to look at him. “I didn’t know Conductors were allowed to drink,” you tried, remembering the time he felt the need to have that wiskey shot in the bar. 
“How do you know I am the Conductor?” he asked. His voice was low but light and amused. 
You turned around quickly to see a black mask, leaving nothing but an anonymous jawline and a pair of lips. His hair was covered by a silver crown and in his elegant suit no one could have noticed who he was.
But you did.
You cursed at yourself.
The Conductor leaned closer. “Is it because of my scent?” he whispered. 
You gulped and looked away towards the drinks tray. 
“So you admit it,” you murmured, wondering if someone was looking at you. 
“Admit what?” he asked. 
The crowd of people cheered and you assumed a new couple formed.
The intermission helped you cool your head. 
“I don’t know the names of all the drinks,” you changed subject. 
The Conductor didn’t seem surprised. “Which one do you want?”
“I don’t know. The least dangerous looking one.” 
“Bubbles,” he ordered and then gave you the glass full of sparkly liquid. It smelled fruity. 
“Thank you,” you said. 
“Do you always go for the least dangerous looking thing?” he turned around and looked towards the hall.
Some brave couples started to dance and you enjoyed the way the ladies gowns flowed under the golden lights. 
“Are you sure?” he smiled once before taking a sip of his drink. 
“Yes,” you took a sip of your bubbles as well. They buzzed on your tongue. 
“So you didn’t avoid me because you were afraid of me the past few days.” 
It wasn’t a question.
“You knew where to find me if you wanted to see one of your passengers. This is your Train.” 
The Conductor let his gaze fall on your face. “I did find you. You were talking about very interesting arguments.”
You gimaced, thinking of the Seaside Wagon incident. “It was just talk. I did not-” you started to explain the you realized how stupid it sounded trying to justify your actions, or non-actions, to him. 
The Conductor sipped from his drink in silence. You couldn’t read his face normally, and with that mask you really had no idea what he was thinking. 
“Are you upset I didn’t contact you all of these days?” he asked instead. "It was my understanding you were trying to forget someone by engaging in those actions and I am self centred enough to think that someone was me."
His honesty left you breathless. You considered lying. Admitting it would have been too humiliating. “No. I understand why you wouldn’t want to have anything to do with me.” 
“Which is?” 
“I look like a crazy woman who claims you’re her soulmate because you smell like flowers,” you blurted out before realizing what you just said.
Your hands in your white lacey gloves started to shake. 
The man remained quiet for a moment then he chuckled. “Really? I smell that nice to you?” 
You exhaled. “This is not a laughing matter.”
The Conductor analyzed your expression. “I apologize. I didn’t realize how this made you feel.” 
His tone gave you the courage to look him in the eyes. Even behind the mask they looked alive, torbid like the dark deep sea. 
But looking was a mistake. 
“I suppose it’s something common for you,” you inhaled, starting to hate the everlasting flowers perfume surrounding him. “Women with soulmate claims over you, that is,” you explained. 
The Conductor looked in front of himself and took another sip. “Yes. I am a charming man afterall.” 
You hated him. Was he punishing you? Or did he actually not care about you at all?
“Well, I avoided you because I wanted to say I had no claims. Take this as a compliment on you smelling decently and let’s move on.” 
“And what moving on means for you?” he inquired. 
“Acting as normal Train Conductor and Passenger,” you took another sip of your bubbles. It started to taste too sour. 
“Tonight many couples will make the Train stop,” he announced. “Would you like to see?” 
You turned towards him and you locked eyes. “Does that sound like normal Conductor and Passenger behaviour to you?” 
The young man laughed at your scolding. “I just know you’re curious.” 
“Why would you be kind to me like that? Do you want to push me out of the Train as you’ve expressed your interests towards doing before?” 
“I wouldn’t mind getting rid of you actually,” he joked and you could tell he didn’t mean it.
But the tears that secretly collected in your eyes during that conversation were close to falling to your cheeks. You left his side quickly but not before hearing him call out your name. 
For some reason you thought he didn’t even know the names of every passenger.
Was that normal behaviour? From Miss to nothing to your actual first name. 
He pissed you off. 
He pissed you off so badly that the tears streaming down your cheeks were tears of anger, you decided. 
“Oh heavens. Are you alright, dear?” a young woman stopped in tracks with her man. 
“Yes, thank you, Miss,” you bowed a little holding your skirts. You wanted to get out of that car.
No. You wanted to get out of the damn Train. 
Was it normal for love to hurt like that? Was all of that even love? 
You had no idea afterall.
Everyone said you would just know and everything would fall into place. You’d have the best experience and make the Train stop to settle down with the love of your life. Then why all of those people felt like nothing around you and the only man your heart ached for you couldn’t have? 
“Hey hey hey,” Mark stopped you by putting his hands on your shoulders. 
You were barely seeing where you were walking. 
“What happened?” he asked. “Did you see him?” 
Bless Mark and his everknowing third eye. 
You gave him a little nod and he pouted his lips, holding you into his arms. “There there. It’s alright. It’s okay.” 
The people walking around you gave you some looks as they tried to reach the ball hall but you didn’t care. 
“Mark, can you be my soulmate so we can go home and live together in a cottage?” you joked, your voice was muffled against his shoulder and you heard him chuckle.
“Actually-” he trailed off and you let him go, rubbing your eyes and finally eying the person on his side who was patiently waiting for you to calm down. 
“I want to introduce you to my-” he added then interrupted himself again, looking at the smiling person with eyes you’ve never saw him have. “-the love of my life,” he finished. 
Your coach felt like the safest place on earth and your cell at the same time. 
After the congratulatory moments and after starting to cry again because you realized how happy you were for your best friend to have found the person he was going to spend his life with, the sad tears came along again as you realized that he was probably going to leave the Train that same evening. 
We’ll come visiting often. Afterall I’m leaving my parents and friends behind as well and I want to see them again, he assured you. 
You sighed and sat down on your bed.
The reflection the mirror in the corner gave you back made you jolt a bit. You cleaned the running mascara from your cheeks and laid down waiting for the Train to stop, trying to empty your brain.
The Conductor’s voice echoing in your head couldn’t let you fall asleep. Why was he behaving like that? Was he that cruel? Couldn’t he actual see what was going on? 
When the Train’s rumbling stopped and you heard the chatter of some couples walking down the corridor you sat back up and opened the coach’s door. 
Mark squeezed you in a tight hug then gave you a thumbs up as he passed in front of you with his luggage and, after some other people, you saw the Conductor closing the line.
He stopped in front of your door and opened his mouth as you locked eyes but then he probaby changed his mind because he closed it soon after in a tight line and followed the rest of the people. 
You remained quiet behind his back and none of the passengers looked like minding having another spectator, so deeply lost in their partner’s eyes. 
“Thank you for traveling with us. I wish you happiness,” the Conductor said, repeating the same phrase you heard him say that first time you witnessed a passengers descent. 
Mark lifted his hand to wave and you exhaled, waving back, feeling tears prick your eyes as he turned around and walked towards the Station.
The Conductor remained there for the following moments and you somehow knew he did it for you. 
“He’ll do fine,” he said after a moment of quiet. 
“I know,” you simply replied. 
“Y/N,” he turned around and you inhaled taking a step back. 
“Don’t call me by my name. We’re not on those terms.” 
The Conductor hesitated but then he took a step inside and the doors closed behind him.
Your gaze was on his shiny shoes so he hunched his back a little to make you look at his face instead. 
The cry and the other events calmed you down by now but seeing his face made all of those feelings resurface.
You forced yourself to look at his eyes the way he cleary wanted you to. 
“My name is Haechan,” he murmured straightening his back. “Would that make us be on those terms now?” 
Your fingers fidgeted at the sound of his name and your lips fought the urge to say it out loud. 
“Why?” you asked instead. “Why are you being mean to me?”
“I’m not trying to be mean,” he got closer to you and you took a few steps back again. 
“I don’t want to be close to you. I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to be on first name terms with you. I wish for you to leave me alone if you don’t want anything to do with me.”
Haechan kept moving forward as you moved back until you hit the wall with your blades. He got as close as to rest his palms near your head on the wooden wall.
And when he leaned in and rubbed your cheek with the tip of his nose you forgot how to breathe. 
“You smell like fresh cotton and linen,” he whispered with the most desperate tone you heard a man speak. It was so tender that it clouded your mind. “It engulfed me the same instant I opened the doors that night. You’re not insane, I feel it too.” 
He straightened his back and looked you in the eyes. “The soulmate bond,” he added. “This is why you’re irritable when you’re away from me. This is why no one seems interesting to you, why this Journey feels boring. It’s not because you haven’t met the one yet. It’s because you have.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. 
“And? What now?” you didn’t let his sweet words sway you although all you wanted was for him to wrap his arms around you and press those pillowy lips on yours. 
“The truth is I am as lost as you are,” he let his arms fall to his sides. “This is not supposed to happen.” 
“I figured.” 
“I come from the Conductors family,” he started. “Traditionally we do not have soulmates. Our people-” he stopped, as if unsure of how to explain. “-breed by choosing random people they want to be with. Sometimes the couples stay together. Sometimes they don’t if the person who’s not from this family actually meets their rightful soulmate.” 
“Do you know of anyone who separated that way?” you asked although from his eyes you could tell that he did. 
“My parents.” 
You bit your lower lip. “I am sorry,” you wrapped your nudes arms. 
“Are you cold?” he asked but you cut him off seeing his hands going to unbutton his outwear. 
“Don’t you dare giving me your jacket,” you warned him. “It-” you stopped suddenly very embarrassed. “-was a lot to handle the first time,” you settled for, as drove me insane felt too much. 
“I know,” he looked as nervous and for a moment it made you feel better. You also never realized how young he was. He was probably just around your age. “It made me feel a certain well, too,” he added. 
You looked behind him and you realized your coach was just around the corner. Haechan let you walk around him and open the door, grabbing a shawl to put around your shoulders. 
“Come inside. It’s warmer here,” you let your head peek around the corner. 
Haechan felt too big for your coach, you realized, seeing him sitting on the deep dark chairs.
As if knowing to not give you any kind of temptation, there was no bed inside.
You made a mental note to ask Haechan how did the Train knew such stuff. 
“I am as unprepared as you are,” he spoke after a while, resuming his discourse. 
You knew that conversation was due to happen but it didn’t make you feel less nervous. 
“My grandfather never mentioned something like this happen to me. He just assumed I might end up seeing someone with no soulmate. My grandmother was one of them and they haven’t separated. Although now I wonder if she met someone else and actively chose my grandfather instead because of some kind of principle sentiment.” 
All of that raw information made your heart ache. You’ve never thought about the Conductor’s family growing up. You’ve never ever heard of people with no soulmate whatsoever. 
“Would that be that bad?” you asked in a tiny voice. 
His eyes were fiery when he looked at you but you knew he wasn’t mad at you. “Would you enjoy the thought of someone being with you because they feel sorry or because of a promise they made although they’re madly in love with someone else?”
You gulped and looked down at your hands in your lap. 
“You think that would be our situation?” 
The man didn’t reply. You took it for a yes. 
“Or are you afraid I’d leave you after a while? Because you think you’re not my actual soulmate?” 
“I don’t know,” he exhaled. “You’d think for a Conductor of the Soulmates Train I’d be more well versed in these heart affairs,” he chuckled bitterly. 
He closed his eyes and you felt brave enough to stare at his face. You’ve never had the opportunity to see his features for that long. He was so gorgeous that your heart felt like bleeding and the thought of you meeting someone else that would make you feel more than that that felt inimaginable. The thought of him with some other woman felt even worse. 
“If I can’t have you-” you started unable to keep your mouth shut. “I think I’ll just not have anyone else. I can’t even imagine-”
The man smiled and opened his eyes. They were the same deep blue that made you feel like suffocating the first time you saw them. “I am flattered you think this way now.” 
“I’m not going to change my mind.” 
“I love a challenge.” 
He was pissing you off. You told him just that. 
His laugh was so pristine that you felt a little smile bloom on your face as well. 
“Then what? I’ll just finish this Journey and go home? Then I’ll see you next year? Does this make sense to you?” you tried to reason. 
His story was so sad that it made your heart bleed but the relief that washed over you felt so good that it was making you dizzy. He was into you too. He could sense your scent too. He desired you too. You would not let him go away. 
“Sounds good,” he replied with a tiny breathy voice. 
You rolled your eyes. “No, it doesn’t.” 
“Then what? You wish to stay here with me? Forever? On the Train?” he asked instead. 
You bit your lower lip. “Where do you stay when it’s not Soulmates season?” 
Haechan sat lower on the chair and his extended and spread legs made you curse at yourself for finding that attractive. “I live on the Train. Always had.” 
“You just stay here alone? The whole year?” you leaned in surprised. 
The man shrugged. “I had my Grandpa before. It wasn’t that bad. And I don’t know another world besides this one so I don’t miss it.”
“Where is he now?”
Haechan looked towards the window as if actually seeing what was behind that curtain. He probably knew what was behind it, you realized. 
“He’s living with my mother. He couldn’t work anymore as he was too old.” 
You leaned back in your chair as well and lifted your legs to rest them near him.
Haechan turned his head towards them and lifted one hand, letting his fingers trail the arch of one of them making you twitch. 
He looked at your surprised expression and his eyelashes were heavy on his eyes. 
Then he inserted two fingers between the hem of one of his white gloves and took it off, letting it fall to the ground. Then he did the same with his other hand. 
You couldn’t speak.
No, you couldn’t think. 
His fingers were slender and his touch was warm as he caressed your arch again, this time making you fully shiver. Seeing his bare hands shouldn’t have made you feel that way. 
“Haechan,” you murmured, maybe as a warning, or maybe because you simply wanted to say his name. 
“Y/N,” he said back, taking your feet and placing them on top of one of his thighs. He then looked down at them, slowly touching your ankles too, going up as much as he could reach which was too much for your dizzy head giving the crampness of the coach. You could have sworn it wasn’t so small before. 
You hummed as he reached your knee, letting your skirts fall to your thighs in the movement. And when he reached the clasps of your garter keeping the tights up you jolted. 
“I don’t think we should be doing this,” your voice wavered. 
“I know,” he breathed out, yet his hands didn’t move away and you didn’t push them away either. 
They kept going up, over your skirts this time until reaching the back of your corset which was starting to feel way too tight. 
Haechan slowly slid down between your legs, on his knees, as if guided by a string coming from inside of you. The view made you mewl and the thought of doing this with anyone besides him sounded abhorrent in that moment.
The first pull made you inhale and put your hands on his shoulders. They felt firm. 
The second pull at your corset made you bite your lower lip and Haechan’s pupils darted to it. 
“Haechan,” you called out again, this time softly, like a prayer. 
“Yes, darling,” he leaned even closer to you, attentive to your expression and reactions. 
The pet name knocked the air out of your lungs.
“If-” you swallowed thickly, “if we have to separate-, please, I want-” 
Haechan patiently waited for more. His eyes, his fucking eyes, they were so deep, and his lips, so so close to you. You could have just leaned forward and tasted them. 
You felt like going insane. 
“Remember when you said that you’d-” you changed the route of the phrase thinking it would be easier but you stopped again.
Haechan exhaled and pulled another string from your corset. “What is it that you want?” 
“I want you to be my first.”
Something inside Haechan’s brain was screaming that it was all a mistake, that he was doing something he shouldn’t have.
But Haechan has been a very good boy his whole life while everyone around him made mistakes with not a single worry in the world. Warm between your legs he didn’t care if he’ll regret it. 
But hearing you he stopped, inches away from your mouth. Your heavy breath was matching his and your cleaveage still tightly restricted in that corset made him wonder if you could feel how hard he was against the heavy skirts of your dress. 
“I need to hear you ask me again, explicitly, and I need to hear you say that you’re aware this might be a mistake and you might regret it,” he grunted. 
You fanned your lashes at him with that pure expression of yours. 
“I want you to make me yours and I am aware of all of the consequences,” you murmured. 
Your tone and the polite choice of words made him want to scream. 
“Please,” you added and Haechan couldn’t take it anymore.
He leaned towards you and grabbed your chin with one hand, tasting the tender skin of your neck instead of your lips. 
You exhaled and trembled against him, your pulse beating so fast underneath his tongue that he wondered how plump and wet you were between your legs. 
So soft and malleable in his arms you let him gently push you into the bed that materialized underneath you. 
The Conductor’s eyes were so deep that they looked almost black. His body felt so good on top of yours that you wondered if he could let his weight down even more to fully engulf you with his presence.
You couldn’t imagine feeling such intensity with someone else. He didn’t trust you with your feelings but the moment his lips pressed on yours you were sure he had to be your soulmate or nothing in life would have made sense. 
And when you finally slid your hands in his hair you found it was as soft as you imagined.
His wet velvety tongue on your throat made you mewl in ways you’ve never heard yourself sound before.
Then he kissed your boiling skin on your clavicle and when he reached the swell of your breasts you felt on fire. 
“Hng,” you whimpered, feeling his warm and wide palms press on your waist and slide underneath until he pulled up to sit. He never stopped kissing your body, not even when he pulled harshly at the corset strings to finally undo it. 
You gasped at the sudden freeing sensation and shyly let your arms up for him to drag it up and let it fall to the side. 
He cupped your free breasts soon after under the thinner dress material and you threw your head back. 
Not in a million years you would regret that. It wasn’t possible. 
And when your back hit the mattress again Haechan finally kissed you, slowly, brushing your lips together first, then delicately taking your upper lip between his, letting you taste his bottom one. Your fingers deepened the pressure on his shoulders the same moment you felt his tongue nudge at your mouth. You opened further and timidly let yours meet his. It tingled all over your body and when he slid it fully inside your mouth you moaned.
You couldn’t breathe nor think. You couldn’t even move. 
Was this the love everyone was talking about? Because you were starting to understand. 
In that moment it didn’t matter what you two would end up doing. The only thing you could concentrate on was the ardent kiss and his hands on your arms, reaching up to slid the dress straps off your shoulders.
Then he touched the spot with his lips and you finally gasped, taking in as much air as you could, extending your neck in the opposite direction, giving him more space to fully drive you crazy. 
“Shh, it’s okay,” he murmured against your skin as you twitched ever so slightly. Your breast was almost bare and the thought of him seeing you as no one had before made your nipples poke the dress fabric until it hurt. 
“Tell me to stop anytime and I will,” he added. 
“I don’t want you to stop. Please,” you found yourself saying. 
You were so warm. You were warm and soft and Haechan desired you so much that he had to bite his lower lip almost to blood to prevent himself from devouring you completely.
Insane, he thought, you were insane to ask him to fuck you like that, and he was also insane for going with it.
His cock was so hard that it was painful and he imagined you felt the same, so he leaned down and wet your hard nubs making you gasp so deliciously that he made a mental note to do it often.
The thoughts of that being your first time together but maybe also the last was banging into his brain but he decided to ignore it. Your little sounds were grounding him and the way your breast felt underneath his hands, overflowing between his fingers as he squeezed just added to his brain haze. 
He was starting to feel feverish and if he didn’t ended up with his mouth between your legs soon he thought he was going to go insane.
Your hands on his shoulders made shivers go down his spine and when they moved to his hair, he hummed with your nipples against his tongue. 
He wanted to make you feel good, he wanted to make you feel so fucking good.
And he told you, murmuring it on top of your skin, sliding down your torso and letting your scent and warmth guide his clouded brain. 
Haechan took your dress with him and when he couldn’t take it anymore he lifted himself on his knees and dragged it up your legs, throwing it as far as he could.
Your chest was falling and dropping so fast underneath him and he took a moment to enjoy the view, letting his gaze caress you where his hand was, slowly from your ribcage down your navel until reaching the slit between your legs. 
You gasped, the little O on your face making his almost growl. 
“Have you ever touched yourself before, darling?” he asked with a voice he barely recognized. 
You shivered and he leaned back down to shelter you with his body, his hand still lazily drawing circles around your plump and soaked clit. 
You tried to hide your face in the crook of his neck but he was quicker.
You couldn’t believe you were completely naked in front of the man you desired so desperately. Was that the cruel joke of the destiny? Giving you all before taking it away from you?
Haechan kissed your lips, this time deeply and rougher than the first. Then he breathed on them. “Answer me,” he demanded. 
You melwed, unable to think. His fingertips were so delicate and gentle that they almost weren’t there, yet you felt them so well that you couldn’t concentrate on anything else. 
“Only outside,” you admitted. 
Haechan rubbed his nose against your cheek. “I thought you were a curious person. You never felt the need to know how it feels inside?” 
You swallowed thickly. Not in your most depraved thoughts you imagined a gentleman talk to you like that. And you loved it. 
“I was afraid,” you admitted. 
Haechan hummed, kissing slowly alongside your neck then licking your ear. “You’re so sensitive. Were you afraid it was going to hurt?”
You nodded as a reply. 
“Are you afraid now?” he looked you in the eyes, his fingertips never stopping for a moment. 
“No,” you whispered. 
Haechan’s wet lips were open as if to let more air get inside his lungs and the thought of you being the cause to that decadent expression made the wetness between your legs just get worse.
You bit your lower lip, wondering if he noticed and when he dropped his hand by a mere centimeter you could feel his finger nudge at your hole and collect every drop of it. 
You closed your eyes in embarrassment, clasping the material of his shirt on his bicep, and it just made Haechan more eager to rub your clit in ways you never even thought of. 
“Show me,” he said, his voice so thick and rough that you felt like swimming in it. “Show me how you touched yourself.” 
“Please,” you begged unsure yourself for what. 
“Don’t be shy. Put your hand on top of mine and guide me, love,” he murmured with a twinkle in his eyes that made your insides burn. 
You let one of your hands slide down his arm and you reached the back of his hand between your legs. It felt so erotic that you felt like combusting. 
“Yes, just like that,” he prompted you, his lips now back on your chest, gently biting the softness of your flesh. 
You gulped and pressed your fingers on top of his, moving them in little circles you knew felt good. Haechan hummed. “Yeah? Do you like it like this?” 
The little nod you gave him made him smile. Then it turned into something more ferocious. 
“What about this?” he changed the movement, his fingers now gently flicking your nub up and down as well, pressing a bit more that you did it yourself, sending jolts of pleasure across your body. 
“Yes,” you stuttered. 
“Yeah?” he spoke in the crook of your neck. “Did you make yourself cum as well?” 
You threw your head back at the sensation and his tone and his words didn’t help you feel grounded at all. “A few times.” 
Or at least you thought you did. Because the way Haechan was making you feel didn’t even come close to the way you managed to make yourself feel alone. 
“May I?” his words buzzed against your lips, so polite in contrast with the way his fingertip felt like nudging at your core. 
You bit your lower lip and Haechan rubbed his lips on you as a in invitation to bite his lip instead. You inhaled and nodded, pressing your hand on top of his.
He sucked the air between his teeth and kissed you deeply, letting his tongue smack against yours in the wettest and most desperate kiss. 
And when you felt his finger slide inside of you it felt so overwhelming that you clenched so hard he had to break off the kiss to shush you. “You need to relax for me, baby, yeah?” 
You felt your whole body shake and Haechan kissed the corner of your mouth then your cheek, doing on your jaw and neck.
“It’s going to feel very good, I promise,” he murmured against your clavicle. “That’s right,” he exhaled, feeling your melt in his hold. “My sweet sweet girl, just like that.” 
The praise went to your head so badly that you almost didn’t realize the way he managed to move inside and out of you slowly and when he reached a specific spot and curled his finger upwards you jolted in place, grabbing his shoulders with a strong grip, the moan that escaped your throat probably loud enough to wake up the neighbouring passengers. 
“You like that, darling?” Haechan kept fucking you on his finger until you couldn’t close your mouth, the sensation sending the most intense jolts of electricity up your legs and torso. 
“Fuck,” you exhaled and Haechan chuckled. 
“Yeah? My lady became this dirty for me?” 
“Shit,” you couldn’t stop yourself. “Oh, heavens.” 
The wet sounds and Haechan’s quick breaths made you curl your toes, and when he stopped his hand and you felt his finger exit you mewled a protest. 
“More, please?”
Haechan gave you a cocky smile, lifting himself on his knees in front of you and letting you stare at the way he took off his jacket then slowly, so fucking slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt.
His pristine skin peeking underneath the white fabric made your mouth water and you had to sit down as well, leaning in and pressing your lips on his chest. 
Haechan exhaled and cupped the back of your head and when he felt your delicate fingers open the rest of his buttons he thought he’d cum on the spot. 
Your touch was heaven on his chest and your lips started to get too low, very low, down his abdomen until reaching the band of his dress pants.
Your ass was full on display the way your were crouching on all fours and when you lifted your gaze up, your mouth so close to the tip of his clothed cock, he reached and gave you a light spank that made your eyes shine and your tender throat mewl. 
He desperately wanted his cock down that throat but he knew it would be insanity. 
So he grabbed your chin instead and pulled you upwards to kiss your mouth again, and this time when he pushed you into the mattress he didn’t care to be gentle.
The grunt that left your chest made him worried that he had been too harsh but the way your grabbed his hair and pulled him into the kiss again, wrapping your thighs around his waist told him you weren’t a porcelain doll. 
And when he left your gasping mouth to devour your cunt the moan you made and the way your body curved almost broke him. 
“Haechan,” you called out and he has never heard someone pronounce his name in a sexier way. 
He hummed back, deeply, licking a stripe up from your hole to your clit and resting on it heavily before rolling the tip around it, tasting you, flicking it until he felt your nails dig in the forearm he snaked around one of your thighs.
He pressed his palm on your lower stomach and the way you inhaled deeply made him suck ever more. 
Legs around his head - the Conductor’s head - and his mouth on you, his arms around your limbs and his scent all over your body, you’ve never felt more ready to die. 
“God,” you moaned, shaking in his hold so much that he added more pressure on your hips and when you felt his fingers nudging at your hole again, this time two of them, gently pushing past the rim, you grabbed the sheets underneath your until you had no more strength.
“Please please please,” you mumbled, his fingers hooked in so deliciously that you couldn’t see anymore. You had no idea there was such pleasure out there. 
Haechan hummed, almost growled, his mouth full of your and his deep blue eyes staring at you with such intensity that you just had to let go or you would go insane. 
“I feel-” you tried, your voice rough. 
The man let your clit go for a mere second. “Yeah? Come on, cum for me darling. Come on, my love.” 
It was like a switch, his tongue back on you and his fingers stretching you so well that you could only bury your had in the pillow and scream, coming undone until the only thing you could hear was your own breaths and the gentle rumbling of the Train underneath you. 
Haechan’s little kisses made your shaking thighs relax and you realized you were clasping his wrist so you let go with trembling fingers. 
“My good good girl,” he came towards you, peppering kisses all over your body, his fingers still deep inside of you, feeling the way you kept rhythmically clenching around them. 
His lips were wet and red when he reached your mouth.
You exchanged a deep look that made all the hairs on your body rise and when he kissed you slowly and you tasted yourself on his tongue you felt like pouty in his arms. 
“I want to make you feel good too,” you whispered against his lips. 
Haechan hummed and slid his fingers out, making you hiss. Then with his wet hand he grabbed yours gently and directed it towards his pants. 
“Open the buttons,” he ordered and you gulped, sliding your second arm between your bodies and obeyed, opening them one by one and feeling the heat coming from his body. 
“Now touch me,” he breathed against your temple and you felt like rolling your eyes back from the sheer intensity of that energy. 
You looked up and saw the man of your life close his eyes and furrow his eyebrows almost in pain when you caressed his length from tip until base. 
“Fuck,” he gulped. “Harder,” his order made you bit your lower lip and you added a second hand, grabbing it loosely and moving them both up and down. 
Haechan wrapped your hands with his and you inhaled shakily at the darkness of his eyes. He guided you, making you squeeze more until his breath went missing. 
“Like this?” you asked. He was hot and hard but so velvety that you were afraid to hurt him. 
“Just like that, darling,” he reassured you and when you felt the drops of something sliding under your palm Haechan’s jaw clenched. “You’re making me feel so fucking good, good heavens Y/N.” 
You picked up the pace, loving his sounds and his expressions and he groaned.
You wanted more. You needed more.
“Please, I need you,” you murmured against his cheek. 
Haechan leaned in and bit down on your neck, sucking on your skin and the sting felt so good that you felt your cunt pool up again. “Say that again, darling.” 
You exhaled. “I need you, Haechan, please.” 
“Where?” he breathed on your open mouth. 
“Inside of me,” you choked on air as he reached down and slid his cock out of your hands with a wince, letting it rest between your fold instead. 
You nodded and gasped, feeling the heaviness on if rub against your sensitivity. 
“I need you to stop me at any given moment of discomfort. Do you understand me?” 
His tone and demeanor made you almost chuckle. He drove you crazy. 
“Yes, sir,” you whispered and Haechan put his tongue inside his cheek at your choice of words. 
He intertwined his fingers with yours while the other hand held the base of his cock to align himself with you.
It was so big and thick, two veins running down it similar to his forearms and it made you swallow dryly at the sinful thought that came inside of your head. 
But you felt drunk and you didn’t care.
“I want it in my mouth,” you locked eyes with him and Haechan visibly crumbled between your legs. 
“You’ll be the death of me,” he inhaled sharply through his teeth and pushed inside of you slowly making you gasp and squeeze his fingers. 
“Mmmm,” you furrowed your eyebrows and Haechan stopped, leaning down to shush you, kissing your neck and guiding your breaths until you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him forward. 
“Does it hurt?” he murmured, moving his hips ever so slightly, making more and more space for himself. 
“It stings, outside, but it feels good, inside,” your phrases were broken and Haechan chuckled against your lips, giving you a quick kiss that you couldn’t concentrate on as he was getting closer and closer to the spot you oh so desperately wanted him to reach. 
“It’s going to feel better soon,” he reassured. 
“I know. How does- it feel-for-you?” your tiny voice, stuttering because of his shallow thrusts made Haechan dig his other hand in the mattress. 
“It feels like heaven, my darling.” 
You hummed and then gasped as Haechan felt you open even more, swallowing him so well that he had to compose himself before he could start losing it and ram inside of you. 
“Does the thought of me feeling good turn you on, love?” he grabbed your waist, keeping you in place and finally bottoming out. 
Your face scrunched and the moan you let out sounded like music to his ears. 
Your breath was so irregular that you felt not enough oxygen getting to your brain.
There were no words to describe how he felt inside of you, intoxicating, sinful, full, so fucking full, he was all over you, inside your body and mind and heart, you wanted him more and more, you wanted him forever. 
You stared at him between your lashes and you hoped he could see all of that. You hoped he could understand how he made you feel and you hoped he felt the same. 
“I know, baby,” he shushed you, his hips picked up the pace and he was heavy and deep, the sound of his skin slapping yours making you hide your face into the crook of his neck in shame. He let you do that and lifted your hand above your head, pushing into it as much as he wanted to push into you and couldn’t for fear of hurting you. 
Your brain went to the image of him fucking you desperatly and animalistically, fast and with no worry.
You desperately wanted that.
You wanted him again. That couldn’t be the last time you saw each other.
No way. 
“Haechan, kiss me, please,” you managed to speak between the gasps. 
The man leaned down and kissed you deeply, fucking you both with his tongue and his cock, until you moaned into his mouth. 
His eyes were feverish and his forehead shining with a thin layer of sweat.
You let his hand go to wrap his neck and dig your hands in his soft messy hair, not breaking eye contact until with no words you both orgasmed and you lulled each other’s shaking bodies to sleep. 
---will continue---
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yeondollie · 7 months
ᴍʏ ᴄᴇɴᴛᴜʀʏ ౨ৎ ᯓ★
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beomgyu x fem! reader ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
. . warnings ; ANGST .ᐟ, heartbreak, based on the film '20th century girl', usage of the nicknames (my love, baby, my pretty girl), very very tropey, beomgyu does NOT die like the film, not a good ending, mentions of sunghoon from enhypen and chaewon from le sserafim, just so so sad :( my heart hurts ♡
. . words ; 1.4k
a/n ; hi bbys !! i just rewatched 20th century girl and i was BAWLING :< i kept thinking of beomgyu with the "i will wait for you" trope ughhh so so sad :(( anyways enjoy ml ౨ৎ
. . part two ౨ৎ
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"will you wait for me? can do you that for me my pretty girl?" beomgyus holding you close to him, your tears falling on his sweatshirt. he was leaving, to you it was for forever but it was just to study abroad in paris for a year.
"please dont cry, i'll be back for you. i promise you, pinky promise me?" he stuck out his pinky finger, waiting for your to intertwine with him. hot tears ran down your face as you pulled away from his chest and tied your pinky with his. "y-you really p-promise beomgyu?"
"yes angel," his head rested on yours. "you'll be back in my arms again in no time, okay?" he tried to push out a smile.
this one stung.
you nodded silently, your voice was too strained to answer him back. the final call to get on that stupid train was announced. he pulled away, cupping your face in his warm hands. "see you my love, i love you more than anything." and before you could answer back he was on that train, waving goodbye to you.
your tears were falling so hard, it was getting difficult to breathe. you waved goodbye back, seeing that dumb train door close allowing it to take off. as soon as that door closed, beomgyu broke out in tears trying to cover his sounds as to not disturb his other passengers. "f-fuck.." he mumbled feeling his own tears drop to his sweatshirt, paired with the stains of yours.
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it had been a year. a year without beomgyu, a year with no contact. you tried texting him, nothing went through. you tried calling him, nothing went through. you even tried email, nothing absolutely radio silence. wasn't he supposed to come back already? why? why weren't you in his arms again like he promised?
you grabbed your pillow, screaming and letting out all your emotions. how stupid were you to think he would actually stay in contact? "you stupid.. stupid boy." your words were muffled in your pillow yet you didn't feel anger, only sadness and only tears of pain could come out of your eyes.
all your friend told you to move on, even setting you up with a guy. 'park sunghoon' was his name and yes he was handsome but.. every touch, you just thought of beomgyu. you thought of the way he would play with your hair, the way he would hold you in his arms, the way he would look into your eyes.
maybe sunghoon was good for you, maybe he would provide you the comfort you were truly needing but beomgyu was the only man on your mind. you couldn't bare the thought of being held by a man other than beomgyu.
the days he would fix your skirt when it was too high, when he would wipe the extra lipgloss on your lips, the way he would speak to you so softly. it was all too much, you missed him so much it hurt your heart.
yet today was the day you were to hang out with sunghoon, maybe try something new. you two were going to a local festival to watch some fireworks, maybe get a bit to eat. maybe this was the turn around for you, to see if sunghoon could help you out of your helpless state.
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you were all prettied up. hair up in a bow, dress on, and some pretty sneakers your friend had gifted you. sunghoon, standing in front of you, had your favorite flowers in his hands and a pretty smile on his face. he looked so starstruck to see you like this. "i-i.. you look so pretty.. these are for you! i-i know you.. i mean i remembered you told me you liked them.. so i-i got them."
you took the flower sin your hands and smiled, maybe this was gonna turn around. "you're so sweet. thank you hoon." you give him and big hug, feeling that love surround you like it once did a year ago. "the place isn't super far away so i'd thought we could walk."
the walk was fun, he was a big question asker and luckily for him you were a big talker. he liked it, he liked to listen and to ask. until the two of you arrived, you just talked his ears off.
you were really starting to feel your mood switch. maybe he was bringing out a better you, a you that could actually love again.
when you two got there, to your surprise, he had already set up some blankets and some snacks. "hoon.. y-you didn't need to do this." you chuckle and you could feel his shaky hand wrap around your waist. "i-i know but.. you know you're really special to me" you could almost feel the tears start to dwell in your eyes.
sunghoon sat beside you on the blanket he had set, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "you see that star? it shines really bright huh? its really pretty.. like you." sunghoon adds, prompting you to lay your head on his shoulder. "s-stop.." you giggle. he ruffles your hair a bit and laughs himself. "hey! its true.." he adds.
after a while of snacking and laughing with sunghoon you had to use the restroom to freshen up. "hoon i'll be back, stay here okay?" he nods and you turn around, trying to find directions to the bathroom.
you spot a man drinking something and prompted that he looked nice enough, maybe he would have some directions. "hey excuse me, do yo-" you couldn't mutter another word as he turned around.
choi beomgyu?
to make matters worse, there was a girl around his arm. is this why he hasn't been taking to you? as much as you wanted to explode on him, you just wanted to get back to sunghoon to not have him worry. "d-do.. you know where t-the restrooms are?" you ask, your voice clearly shaky.
"r-right.. over there," he gulps and you turn around to leave. "but wait!" his shoulder forces you to face him once again. "_____?" his voice just sends tears to rush down your face immediately.
"s-stop dont.. dont cry." his hands were now on your shoulders. he knew he messed up. truth is, he could message you. you were just blocked. he could call you, he had just blocked you. he read your emails, he just didn't respond. why? he had met a women, chaewon, back in paris where he had been studying and forgot all about his promise to you.
"d-dont touch me." you brush him off and turn back around to walk towards the bathroom. he's taken aback from your words, dont touch you? but thats all he wanted to do at the moment, all we wanted was to have your love again.
"baby plea-" he was cut off from your harsh words. "dont you dare call me that."
he could tell how much pain he had put you through and god he felt horrible but no, you couldn't forgive him. not in a million years. for a whole year you had thought something happened to him, his phone got lost, his number had changed. all these delusion lies to shun you from the truth.
"you didn't keep your promise." you say, voice low. he cupped your face like he did on that fateful day but his look, his look changed. he didn't look at you with love in his eyes, he looked at you with this guilty look. he knew he had messed up.
you pulled away from him, unable to stomach the fact he was cheating on you while here you were; thinking he was in danger. "are you.. here with somebody?" he gulps as he asked this, god he hoped the answer was no.
"yea." he could feel the liquid rising in his throat, he was sick. "really? y-you.. you're here with somebody?" you nod, not wanting anything else to do with this conversation.
"i really h-have to go, h-he's waiting for me." you look anywhere but beomgyus eyes and turn away to leave once more but he insists. "_____ can i tell you something?" you nod your head, still avoiding eye contact while he bends down to whisper something in your ear.
"i still love you, please dont do this."
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mintsv · 1 year
haunted house w/ gunwook !! ⁺ ☁⋆
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bf!park gunwook x gn!reader
synopsis : scenarios / imagines / drabbles or whatever on being in a haunted house with bf!gunwook, very fluffy and just very domestic fluff no angst 🙏
wc : 0.5k i think
-> note : idk what to call this but this is my first time doing these bcs im currently going through a gunwook phase, i hope you like it :)
the moment you and gunwook enter, you were already on the verge of pissing your pants. gunwook noticed how you were basically as still as a stick so he held your hand, rubbing his thumbs on the back of it to reassure you that he was there.
"It's okay none of it is real y/n, besides you have me, i'll protect you." he would say a bunch of encouraging words but deep inside he was as giddy as a little kid and he found you adorable when you get scared and instinctively clutch onto him like a koala.
this is pretty obvious but since gunwook is GIANT i feel like he would try his best to protect you from the 'ghosts' since he doesn't get scared easily he'd giggle a bit at you but he wouldn't actually judge you for it he just thinks you're adorable.
gunwook would get SOOO much butterflies the moment you hold onto his bicep or hide your face in his back whenever you were scared, it'll just give him that slight ego boost and the feeling of you being really close and touchy with him made his heart beat 10x quicker, eventually he'd forget all about the ghosts.
of course the entire time your hands were either intertwined or there was never more than 5 meter distance between the two of you, it looked like you two were literally stuck like super glue and i bet the person in the cctv room was bawling their eyes out.
gunwook's smile would NOT leave his face the entire 30 minutes you were in there, everything you did made him starstruck even though you were literally scared shitless.
at one point the two of you had to split to solve a certain puzzle, gunwook solved it first and waited for you. the moment you finally cracked it, you ran towards gunwook and hugged him real tight.
"i missed you, i thought i was gonna die there." you mumble into his chest to which he responds with another giggle, he doesn't complain though and he hugs you back and you guys took a solid 2 minutes just hugging before the instructor told you to start moving again.
after what felt like agonizing hours for you, both of you finally reached the end. you let out a big sigh, leaning your head onto gunwook's shoulder while your hands were still intertwined
"can we never do that again, i don't think i can sleep today." you look up at him and gunwook couldn't help but grin widely again and he was sure his cheekbones were gonna ache after all the smiling he did.
"what about we watch a movie at my place? Barbie?" your eyes lit up for the first time after 30 minutes in the haunted house. gunwook took that as a yes and began walking, occasionally swaying your hands back and forth.
while binge watching barbie, you had completely forgotten about the prior events cause you were too busy cuddling with gunwook as the faint sound of barbies talking started to fade and you end up falling asleep in gunwook's arms.
-> again this is my first time i apologize if it's not very good ;)
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