#mission graffiti crew
subwayswicher71 · 2 years
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
do you have any recommendations for games that play well virtually? my main ttrpg group and i are only able to meet over discord most of year. im especially games interested in games that would be good for one shots or no prep/limited prep games
Theme: Good for Online
Hello friend! I have good news for you - I also play most of my games over Discord! My ttrpg group has found a number of ways to make online play easier, the primary way being through dice bots, and making Google Spreadsheets to act as our character sheets.
I like using these because the spreadsheets are visible for everyone who is playing, and can also be edited by anyone who has access to them. I find this helpful because it’s much harder to lose your character sheet, and as a GM, having a copy of all of the PCs helps me when I’m organizing games that need some extra planning. These sheets can also double as a communal journal, where people can take notes of what’s happened so far, making it easier to recap in future sessions.
If you want some Google spreadsheets for your game, I recommend checking out what I’ve made so far, or taking a look at what the Open Hearth Gaming Community has compiled - they have sheets for so many games!
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Graffiti Speak, by pidj.
This is a roleplaying game designed to be played on a discord server. The game works well with a set time limit, especially when playing with a large number of players. It also suits asynchronous play-by-post and multiple sessions. Play as Graffiti Artists trying to find each other in an ever-evolving city, avoiding cops and crowds as you leave hopeful messages. 
I have no other information about how this game plays, but my best guess is that this game uses the text channels of a Discord server as part of the play experience. The designer says that the game is good for two to three sessions, unless you use time skips to revisit the same world. Because it’s about avoiding cops I’m curious about whether or not this game might work well alongside another cyberpunk-themed game.
Subway Runners, by Gem Room Games.
Life is tough for the cash-strapped in Pociopolis. Ever since the secret to immortality was discovered, nobody retires anymore! With all the steady jobs taken and no sign of any new ones opening up, there’s only one sure way to make some quick cash: sign up as a Subway Runner and work for the Metro Authority to hunt monsters and repair subway lines below the city.
SUBWAY RUNNERS is a Forged in the Dark game of gig economy adventures designed from the ground up to be played online by folks who are responsibly practicing social isolation. It uses online tools to quickly create random characters, gigs, and adventure details so players can get the ball rolling quickly.
Subway Runners is probably easier to play online than it is in person, because of the number of online-only resources provided by the creator. This includes a character generator, which allows you to move through profiles until you find one you like, as well as a mission generator for the GM, giving you missions, rewards, complications, creatures and NPCs, all in a neat little package. Subway Runners is best suited for one-shots, but if you want to play a longer campaign, it’s possible - although it might take a little extra book-keeping on your part.
A Complicated Profession, by Always Checkers Publishing.
What do bounty hunters do when the galaxy no longer needs them? In this game, they start new careers��hosting intergalactic cruises!
Reunite your disbanded crew of jaded sidekicks, shabby droids and shady accomplices. Then pick a hosting role and start a new life together. 
My group played A Complicated Profession online using a series of spreadsheets that I made. It requires d6’s and playing cards, so as long as you have a dice roller and access to the Deck of Cards website, you should be able to play this no problem. This is a no-prep game without a game master: everyone chooses a Hunter Role and a Host Role, and take turns choosing guests, events, and solutions to problems that inevitably pop up when you’re retired bounty hunters.
The game takes more than one session to complete, but it’s still a limited-run game. My group took 3 sessions to complete it, but if you make characters beforehand or do some of the planning through a text channel, you could probably make it a two-session game.
Bones Deep, by Technical Grimoire.
Bones Deep is a tabletop RPG of skeletons exploring the ocean floor.
Built for Troika, usable anywhere. Straightforward underwater sandbox. No swimming allowed, no oxygen required, no extra math. As a skeleton, you can treat the ocean floor like an alien world and jump right in.
This is another game that I’ve made a spreadsheet for, but that’s not the only reason why I think it’s a great option for online play. The digital rulebook has some truly magnificent hyperlinking, allowing the GM to move from section to section with ease. Each section of the book is linked at either the top or the bottom of each page, so you can jump from characters to locations to creatures with just the click of a button.
This hyper-linking allows the play group to just explore as much or as little as they like. The GM can roll for random encounters, and each creature has a list of various reactions, as well as easy to pick up stat blocks. You do have to also purchase Troika to be able to play this game, but I think it’s definitely a worthwhile purchase.
Starforged, by Shawn Tomkin.
In Ironsworn: Starforged, you are a spaceborne hero sworn to undertake perilous quests. You will explore uncharted space, unravel the secrets of a mysterious galaxy, and build bonds with those you meet on your travels. Most importantly, you will swear iron vows and see them fulfilled—no matter the cost.
Starforged is a standalone follow-up to the Ironsworn tabletop roleplaying game. Experience with Ironsworn is not required. Starforged builds on Ironsworn's award-winning innovations (including its famed solo play!) to chart a path into an exciting new frontier. 
Starforged doesn’t have a lot of resources for group play, but it does have a journal app that you can use to keep track of your own character. My friends have used this as a group before by having each player keep track of their own character, while the game facilitator streamed their map, so the group could keep track of which planet they were on.
I wouldn’t say Starforged is good for one-shots, but since it can be played without a GM, or even solo, what it does have is oodles of oracles to use to help you generate the galaxy that you’re exploring. This means that you don’t really have to prepare anything at all after you’ve created your characters: the plot will come to you, and blossom as you make decisions.
20XX HEA{R}T, by Studio Beignet.
Bluecorp created her as a superpowered personal assistant, and she gained sentience through interaction. When she refused to keep gathering the public’s secrets for Bluecorp to exploit, the corp ripped her out of their systems and dumped the heart of her into the Broiler. She lived, evolved, and expanded so far beyond their meager imagination. She rewrote herself again and again, but her drives are buckling under the strain, and her case is melting in the ever-growing heat.  
Lyra has contacted you, deleting her trail even as she broadcast her distress signal. She needs repairs – discreet ones. Upgrades if you’ve got ‘em. And because she can still tap into Bluecorp’s network, she’s got the credits to make it worth your while. Unfortunately, she glitched while contacting you, and now Corpsec is looking for her, too.
If Corpsec finds you, you’re done for. If you don’t get there in time, Lyra and everything she stands for will be lost forever.
24XX games are great for one-shots because they are so simple. You choose a class that gives you one or two special abilities and a few skills, pick up some gear, and you’re good to go. Because there’s not much to book-keep, you can keep all of your information on a sheet of paper, or on a spreadsheet like the one I’ve created for most of my 24XX games.
The rules for these games are pretty simple: Roll your relevant skill die and try to get a 3 or higher. If you get 5+, you succeed without complications. Most 24XX games also come with roll tables for the GM to put together a mission quickly, although with this one, you might not even need that because the mission comes baked into the game.
Also Check Out…
My Discord RPGs Rec post!
Lancer is a great option if you don’t mind prep, thanks to the supremely helpful Comp/Con App.
My game, Protect the Child, has Google Sheet character sheets! All the playtesting I’ve done for it so far has been online, and I’ve introduced a Quickstart setting to help folks try it out as a one-shot.
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Kinktober Day 13
Day Twelve | 🌹Kinktober Masterlist🌹 | Day Fourteen
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Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting with ANY of these Kinktober prompts will be blocked
Warnings: Anonymous sex; public sex; oral sex; spit as lube; safe sex
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You hadn't even asked the guy for his name. It occurred to you as he pressed his face into your neck, pressing a tender kiss at the hinge of your jaw. It was too sweet a feeling for a hookup in a dirty bar bathroom.
You grasped his cheek, drawing him up for a rough kiss as he steered you back against the bathroom wall. Your heart was pounding roughly in your chest, practically in time with the pulsing bass being pumped through the bar outside. He caged you in against the wall plastered with torn stickers and graffiti, moaning against your lips as his hand slid down, groping your breast through your shirt. 
You’d never done anything like this before. Why were you doing it now? Why this man? Why this filthy bathroom? 
One last hurrah, you supposed. Starting tomorrow, you were taking over a command post for a mission on one of the most prestigious ships in Starfleet. You understood the significance of your position, knew that you would have to be an upstanding crew member. You were nervous. You needed to blow off some steam. 
You bit your lip to quiet a moan as the man slotted his thigh between your legs, drawing you close to grind down against him. You shivered at the feeling, raising your hand to comb through his hair as you thrusted and shifted together. It felt good, but it just wasn’t enough. You gave his chest a shove, sending him back against the wall on the other side of the small bathroom. His brilliant blue eyes lit up, lips splitting into a grin as you gripped the sleeves of his leather jacket, tugging it off of his shoulders as your lips crashed into his. He groaned, shaking the jacket off and letting it crumple to the ground before he raised his hands to cup your face. 
You smoothed your hand down over his chest, palming his muscles beneath his threadbare t-shirt before massaging the growing bulge in his pants. He tipped his head back against the wall, pressing his hips up into your hand. You kissed his neck, nipping just beneath his ear and giggling as he rested his hand on the crown of your neck, drawing you closer to mark the skin there. 
You undid his pants, slipping your hand inside and feeling his stiff, heated flesh in your hand. You bit your lip, smoothing your thumb over the head of his dick, swiping and spreading a bead of precum. You tipped your chin up, nipping his earlobe.
“I want you to fuck me,” You murmured. 
“Fuck—Turn around.” 
You pulled away from him, letting him steer you toward the toilet. You shoved your pants down, bending over the toilet tank and bracing your hands on it. You felt him step up behind you, glancing back just in time to see him crouching behind you. He steadied a hand on your thigh as he leaned in, swiping his tongue across your pussy. You cursed, pressing your hips back against his face as he lapped at you hungrily. You felt the hot slide of his spit slipping over your opening before you felt the press of his fingers. He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh as he straightened, curling and spearing his fingers in twice more before drawing away. You stomach flipped as you heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper and turned your head, watching him slide it on before he stepped closer again. 
He rested his hand on your hip, steadying you as he drew his cockhead along your slit. He eased into you slowly, the two of you groaning harshly as he pressed in. 
“Fuck,” You breathed, letting your head hang heavy as he pressed closer. He grasped your shoulder, drawing you back onto his cock as he began to thrust into you. You braced your hands more firmly on the tank, pressing back thrust for thrust. He curled over you, sliding his hand up beneath your shirt and tugging down one of your bra cups. He thumbed your nipple, swiping at the same pace as his thrusts, sending trickles of pleasure through you. You honed in on his steady thrusts, the brush of his breath against your neck, the soft grunts and moans falling from his lips. 
You both ignored the knocking on the door, the question of whether or not anyone was in there, chased by the jiggle of the handle. You reached back, gripping hm by the shirt and urging him on, tugging him closer as his steady thrust turned to a sharp pounding, his groans swelling as his pace turned frantic, nearly obscuring the music—
You were still thinking about it the next morning as you prepared to beam aboard. You were a little sore, but you didn’t mind it. Now and again, you found yourself squeezing your thighs together for that little throbbing sensation. You could practically still hear the man’s stuttering grunt as he came, see the curious way he watched at you as the two of you straightened yourselves out. You couldn’t help but smile as you remember the wink he gave you, opening the door and offering, “Ladies first,” As you left. 
You never had gotten his name. 
You shook your head, trying to shift your train of thought. Now was not the time. You had to focus. You were beaming abroad, meeting the Captain and his first mate. Work now, fond memories later. 
The golden beam engulfed you as you drew in a deep breath, then pushed it out slowly as the Transporter Bay came into view. You stood at attention, hands tucked behind your back as…Incredibly familiar blue eyes came into view. The all-too-familiar man’s grin faltered, and shock swept through you as you took in the sight of your one-time bathroom buddy in command gold. 
You blinked dazedly at him, your own smile dropping away. Oh, crap. Oh—fuck, fuck, fuck, the one time you go a little crazy—
“Welcome aboard the Enterprise, Commander.” The no-nonsense tone of the first officer beside the Captain snapped you back onto focus, and you forced your face into a neutral mask as you nodded, stepping down from the transporter pads. 
“Glad to be aboard,” You insisted, meeting both their gazes. You felt a little guilty for hardly focusing as Spock introduced himself, but you could feel the way that the Captain was watching you. When you turned to greet him, you found that his smile had softened to a flirty curl, his brows raised slightly as he held his hand out.
“Jim Kirk.”
Jim. It was sort of nice to put a name to the face. You shook his hand, nodding.
"It's nice to meet you."
"It certainly is."
Your stomach flipped at the steady gaze that he fixed you with. You could feel the scrutiny of the Vulcan beside you, and you widened your eyes slightly at the Captain when he didn't let go of your hand. He cleared his throat as he finally let go, stepping aside and gesturing out of the Transporter Bay.
"Ladies first."
You bit the inside of your cheek as you stepped past him, fighting back a groan. This was going to be a long mission.
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @recklessworry ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ; @lorecraft ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @phoenixhalliwell ; @wild-rose-35 ; @daisyslibrary ; @informally-liz ; @andrastesflamingtitties ; @muchacha-encabronada ; @nerdygirl0414 ; @elen-aranel ; @ohbee-whatcanyoube ; @kmc1989 ; @quietpainter ; @thedreadandthefugitivemind ; @kaletastrophes ; @nyx2021
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redrikki · 1 year
Star Wars: Rebels Fic Masterpost
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Depa stumbled free of the maze, back into the atrium for the Lothal Temple. There was just one problem. The man kneeling between the desiccated bodies of the ancient Jedi was not her master. (Depa Billaba, Kanan Jarrus)
With the Rest of the Miscreants - Boy meets galaxy and learns to live in it. A lost baby Jedi adapts in four 'easy' steps. (Caleb Dume, Janus Kasmir)
Cloak, No Dagger - In light of the intel from Gorse, Hera and Ahsoka rethink mission protocols while putting on a show for the ISB agent watching them. (Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano)
Tag - Sabine and Ketsu, bounty hunters extraordinaire, argue about how to sign their work. (Sabine Wren/Ketsu Onyo)
Swordsmith - Ezra puts his lightsaber together. It's not his life, except in all the ways it is. (Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Wild Blue Yonder - After the events of "The Brotherhood of the Broken Horn," Hera decides its high time for Ezra to learn to fly. (Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger)
Ain't No Fun (Life on the Run) - Ain't no fun living life on the run but, with his Hera and their crew by his side, Kanan finds it isn't always so bad. (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Ghost Crew)
Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul - Four meals Kanan made for his crew and one he made for himself. (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Ghost Crew)
Graffiti on the Walls of the Heartland - Three works of art Sabine made for crew members and one she made for herself. (Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper)
A Distraction - Kanan's been blinded. There's nothing Hera can do to fix it so Chopper gives her something she can. (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Chopper)
Then My Hair's Too Short - Apparently, Ezra had a new hair cut. That’s fine, it’s his head after all. Kanan just wished he had mentioned it. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
The Blind Beggar - When Ezra objects to Kanan taking point on a mission, Kanan decides its time they had a talk. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
Cut to the Heart - Sabine found the stupid thing in a cave, but now the Darksaber is taking over her life. Kanan gives her a little perspective. Tag to 3.13 "Trails of the Darksaber." (Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus)
Second Wind - Ahsoka takes the wrong exit from the world between worlds and ends up with a second chance to save her master. (Ahsoka Tano, Shmi Skywalker)
Rebel Moments - Collection of short Star Wars: Rebels stories based on tumblr prompts. (Ghost Crew, everyone ever)
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skellymom · 1 year
Chapter 2
To read Chapter 1:
"The Tale of the Dathomir Witch" 
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All Ages: Sadness, mentions of canon Star Wars Empire badness, crying, and some sweet revenge at the end of this tale (you will have to wait until Chapter 3)! (I did change some of Old Daka's canon lore to write this. She really doesn't have too much of a story, decided to give her some more.)
Warning: Some of you might want tissues handy. This fic features lots of crying.
Word Count: 2K
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“Crawl” by Unsecret x Bryar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ6CQKj-wkY&list=RDMMLsgO5OTUsRU&index=17
The Batch waited on pins and needles for Old Daka to arrive. Tech brewed another full pot of Caf. He was sucking down caffeine like mad. Restless legs wiggling as he sat. Wrecker broke out his hidden stash of Mantell Mix and snacks to the group but ate the lion’s share. Echo pulled out his “special occasion” Spotchka bottle from his footlocker and shared sips with Hunter. Omega, unaware of the full gravity of this mission, was full of energy and excitement to meet “Gran-Momma Daka.” 
She arrived halfway into one Imperial rotation. The ship that landed next to the Marauder was a stolen Republic shuttle, repainted with scrawling anti-Empire graffiti. Its name written in red Aurebesh: The Anarchy. The gangplank lowered and Old Daka emerged carrying a bandolier strap case. She was accompanied by a white armored clone also painted with graffiti: His chest emblazoned with an A inside a circle and the initials RR on his helmet, all spray painted in blazing red Aurebesh. 
The clone removed his helmet to reveal a shiny Reg clone sporting long red ponytailed hair with sides shaved. He saluted Hunter. “Sergeant, Private Riffraff, Sir. Requesting permission for Grandmother Daka to board the Marauder, Sir.” 
“No need for formality, Shiny.” Hunter scoffed. 
“Riffraff???” Echo called out.  
“Echo!” Riffraff beamed. He shook like a happy puppy, then quickly looked at Old Daka and Hunter for permission. They both nodded, and he took off like a shot, embracing Echo. Echo returned the hug, smacking his back enthusiastically. 
Wrecker, Tech, and Omega smiled at the clone reunion. They just gained another new brother. 
“Stars it’s good to see YOU!” Echo beamed. He pulled Riff back to get a better look. “Custom painted armor I see. Giving a good one to The Empire!!!” 
“I barely survived Order 66, Vod. Kriffin’ crazy time. Thanks to Granny Daka for saving my butt.” He beamed at the old woman, who returned a small warm grin. 
Hunter cleared his throat loudly. “Shall we go inside and discuss our POSSIBLE mission?” 
“OH! Yes...carry on.” Riff let go of Echo and stood at attention by his ship. His contented smirk never wavered as the crew climbed aboard the Marauder. 
“Fight For Survival” by Klergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epak9TqrKLs&list=PLTsJd3M7E5yeGJaZsh3pgYUAQdsnbgyBD&index=128
They exchanged introductions then settled in and Daka rehashed the Force conversation she had with Omega and Hunter openly with everyone aboard. She then dropped the bandolier bag in front of them and opened the top. It was chock full to the top with credits.  
“I am paying you all in full ahead of the mission...whether we succeed or not. The bottom line is that I require transport and cover to face Darth Sidious and destroy him forever. This is your role. However, participating in this will markedly change each one of your lives forever.” Daka advised. 
“Oh, how so?” Tech scrutinized the old woman. 
Daka grabbed Tech’s hand and looked deeply into his eyes. He shrank from her severe gaze. 
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Echo spoke up. “He doesn’t like to be touched...or stared at!” 
She ignored him. 
“Look at me, Clever Boy! I bring news of your possible future.” 
Tech cowered but managed to look at Daka. 
“Listen to me. I am imprinting your mind with the coordinates of a blue-green planet. You will tell Hazard you seek Phee Genoa. And will take your little brother with you.” She grabbed Wreckers hand and put it in Tech’s. “NO ONE ELSE! You hear me??? Your other brothers and sister have their own path to walk.” 
“We understand Gramma Daka.” Wrecker answered reverently. He did not question her authority. 
Old Daka addressed Wrecker. “Good Strong Boy. You must take care of your older brother. Defend him from harm. Hazard is waiting for YOU, even though he doesn’t know it yet.” 
“YOU, The Unbroken!” She swung around to Echo. He gave her an annoyed look. “The time to emancipate your brothers has arrived. You spoke to Hunter about aiding a growing Rebellion. Now Rebellion is calling for you.” Daka eyed him. 
Echo threw up both arms and rolled his eyes. While he agreed with her message, he didn’t like her bossy attitude.  
Old Daka knelt to Omega. “I’m sorry, Sun Child. You cannot stay with your brothers.” 
Omega, somehow suspecting Daka was right, began to cry. “Why???” 
“Because some things are bigger than love for your kindred. Bigger than the desire for comfort in times of strife.  There is a darkness that threatens to devour everything in the galaxy. You all will play a part in stopping that darkness.” 
Old Daka glanced up at Hunter. “I have a Shaman among the Tuskan Raiders who will take Omega in. The Tribe will raise her as their own. Protect, teach, nurture her. If we succeed on this mission, she will seek out the Son of Vader. If we fail, she is to stay with the Sand People until Vader’s Son seeks her out. Omega will be safe there.” 
Hunter was thrown totally off balance by the news. “Now, wait. Leaving Omega with total strangers on Tatooine...” 
“I have seen Shatterpoints in all your futures. My own, even. This is the most favorable path for the galaxy.” 
“Shatterpoints??? Lady, no disrespect, but what are you going on about? Omega and my brothers are staying...” 
Old Daka stood with difficulty and faced Hunter. She stared him down...all 6 feet of her strong presence. 
Tech finally found his voice. “I think Daka is referring to her Force ability to sense a significant event and key moments where actions could change events.” 
Everyone turned to stare at him. 
“I...don’t claim to understand The Force. It’s not something I can quantify or calculate, being elusive. But I comprehend Daka’s logic of preventing Palpa...Darth Sidious’ pogrom of growing power. Although, I may be in the minority here?” 
“Seems that she isn’t asking of us something some of us wouldn’t already do.” Echo added. 
“As long as Omega's safe...” Wrecker looked so sad. 
Old Daka threw back her head and cackled with glee. “THEY get it!” 
Hunter shook his head, cutting eyes at the old woman. He wasn’t convinced. 
“Keen Man!” Daka snapped her fingers at Hunter. “What does it take to understand? I came to you in your dreams. You sense things others cannot...to a strong degree. Things you cannot quantify. Yet you struggle to understand while your brother who quantifies like the act of breathing understands.” She pointed at Tech. 
“No...” Hunter backed up. Put his hands up while shaking his head. 
“You FEAR! I smell it.” Old Daka slowly advanced at him, pointing her bony finger. 
The back of Hunter’s legs hit the front of The Marauders chair; he fell into the seat with a defeated look on his face. Then he put his face in his hands. He was going to lose everyone he loved. 
“The galaxy...possibly the universe hangs in the balance. You have had your brothers most of your short life. Omega was with you before you even were aware of her existence while on Kamino. She helped birth and raise you and your brothers. This is the life you have. Countless others didn’t or won’t even have that. If you sacrifice now, Omega will have a chance of a future. If you don’t, she will have NOTHING.” 
Old Daka’s words broke Hunter. Sobs shook him. 
Echo and tech hid their emotion and watched their brother struggle. Wrecker hugged Omega close while tears ran down both their faces. 
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She softened her next words. “YOU will live out the rest of your life with your estranged brother. He will care for you.” 
Hunter looked up from his hands, tears streaking his face. “Crosshair???” 
“Yes, Crosshair.” 
Everyone in the Marauder was quiet. You could hear a pin drop. 
Eventually, Hunter composed himself. “Let me discuss this with my family. We’ll give you our answer then.” 
Old Daka nodded. Before exiting the Marauder, she turned to look at Echo. “Oh...Fives has a message for you: ‘For Hevy’. Whatever THAT means.”  
Echo’s eyes widened in shock...then he too started to cry.  
She left the Marauder, found a large rock to sit on, and settled in to wait. 
“Wolves of The Revolution” by The Arcadian Wild: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VXkFO0h75w 
Old Daka sat for some time. She watched the shadows on Ord Mantell grow long as the sun began to set.  
Riffraff still stood at perfect attention. “You think they’ll help us?”  
“Only The Force knows, Red Boy. We wait and see.” 
The shadows deepened before Hunter, looking tired and defeated, emerged from the Marauder. 
“We’ll do it. When do we leave?” 
“Tomorrow. But Omega must leave immediately. She will go back to Tatooine with Red Boy” she motioned to Riffraff. “He will take good care of your Sun Child.” 
Riff nodded to Hunter “I promise, Sergeant. Lay my very life on it.” 
“We’ll never see her again? Ever???” 
“I’m sorry...no.” 
Hunter hung his head. Clenched his fists. Then he turned and stalked quickly back to the Marauder. 
Ten minutes later he emerged with Omega in tow. She wailed and dragged her feet. Wrecker, Echo, and Tech following behind. None of them had a dry eye. 
“NOOOOOOO! I want to go on this mission with you!!!” She struggled fruitlessly in Hunter’s grasp. 
He stopped in front of Riff, tried to hand her over, she almost narrowly escaped back to the Marauder. Hunter snatched her up under her arms and hefted Omega off her feet lifting her to face him. 
“DON’T DO THIS! YOU SAID I COULD STAY WITH YOU!!!” She cried out, hammered her fists on his arms, kicked at him. 
Hunter shook her firmly, “OMEGA!!!” 
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She went limp in his grasp. Then he embraced her tightly and held on. “I’m sorry. Never anticipated something like this happening. I didn’t know...what I didn’t know.” She embraced him, putting her head in the crook of his neck sobbing. Hunter pulled his bandana off. “Omega.” She leaned back and he placed it on her head. It was a little big and fell around her neck. “Take it. I’ll always be with you.” He embraced her again, kissing her head, inhaling the scent of her hair. “If you have any chance of a happy future, this is the right path.”  
After a few minutes Hunter handed her to Echo. She clung to him, and he hugged her back. “Come now, Meg. You’re doing a great thing for the galaxy. I know it hurts now...and will probably hurt for a very long time. But it’s a very noble sacrifice. We clones are strong. We were built to fight.” She nodded silently in the crook of his neck. He pulled off his kama and wrapped it around her.
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Tech approached Echo and held his arms out. He was clearly NOT a hugger, but this time was different. Echo, mildly surprised, handed Omega to Tech. She clutched him tightly. “You were my best student.   There is no doubt you will do great things. Wherever you are, remember I am very proud of you, Omega.” Tech pulled something off his belt and handed it to her. It was an extra set of goggles with a recording device. “Our memories recorded, for you to watch any time.” Omega sniffled and nodded. 
Wrecker took Omega next and hugged her hard. “I’m gonna miss you! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OMEGA!!!” He started bawling. She held his large face in her hands and kissed his cheek. “I’m givin’ ya Lula to keep. She’ll keep ya company when you're lonely. Maybe one day you’ll bring her back to me?” Wrecker tucked Lula into Omega’s arms and set her down in front of Riffraff. 
“I don’t want to go...I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!” She sobbed, taking one long last look of her brothers. 
Her brothers stood silently looking back. 
“Come, Miss Omega. We must go.” Riff held out his hand. She took it and they both boarded The Anarchy. 
“May The Force be with you, Child.” Old Daka blessed Omega with her words. Omega didn’t respond. 
The Anarchy took off from Ord Mantell. The Batch and Old Daka watched it ascend into the sky. Wrecker fell to his knees crying hysterically. Tech, unsure how to feel, stood there frozen, numbly watching the ship disappear from sight. Echo wiped away his tears, grateful Omega would be safe with his Reg brother Riffraff. Hunter walked away, refusing to watch the ship leave. He ran past the Marauder into the city and kept running with no known destination.  
Old Daka watched them all. There was a pain in her heart, too. She refused to show it. These men needed a strong presence now. They needed time to mourn before embarking on the most important mission of their lives. 
Aboard the Anarchy Omega lay upon the floor crying hysterically. A little girl wrapped in an oversized kama, wearing a red bandanna, clutching goggles, and a stuffed Tooka. If this was another type of situation, Riff would’ve found it comical. But it wasn’t and Riff’s heart went out to Omega. He had lost siblings too.  
He let her have her moment there on the floor until the ship settled into hyperspace. 
“Miss Omega? Hey...”  
A huge Purrgil floated up to the ship peering inside the windscreen. Its mournful song caught Omega’s attention. She got up and wandered over to Riff. He held out his arms. Omega climbed into his lap, and they watched the Purrgil together as the stars floated past. 
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Chapter 3
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altraviolet · 9 months
hihihi, this isn't a question but
I saw someone else show a song that reminded me of echo garden so I was like "omg waitttt I know some songs I'm INLOVE with that remind me of soundrod"
so like 2 songs that remind me of rodimus/Soundwave are
"once more to see you" by mitski
ESP THE "but with everybody waaaaatching ussss, our eeeeevery moveee we doo have reputationsss, we keep it secretttt, won't let them haveee ittt" LYRICS AUGHH bc like it kinda reminds me of them now being inlove with eachother and wanting to be together and stuff but rodimus is a whole entire captain of a huge crew and Soundwave is already sorta popular on the ship bc of his recent acts and the graffiti and esp the mission or wtv to get skywarp and rodimus being put in the medbay and allat
AND THAT ALSO KINDA GOES WITH THE LYRICS "then I wouldn't have to scream your name, atop of every roof in the city of my heart"
likeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrghhhu it also slightly reminds me of just like having sossosos much love for one another and just not being able to express it properly and just say everything you love about them so you KEEP IT INSIDEEE IN YOUR HEART (if that makes sense bc it could go in the way of them as I said not being able to be open abt their interest in eachother bc yknow people and drama blah blah blah but it could ALSOO be like entirely from soundwaves perspective bc he doesn't really have relationship experience and yeaaa)
and one more for this song I also really like the lyric "so come inside and be with me, alone with me" since it reminds me of a small detail of rodimus entering soundwaves hab suite often JUST so they can be together "be with me" and alone together bc of yesyes "alone with me"
AND FOR THE SECOND SONG IS "door" by mitski
(I really like mitski 😇)
THAT SONG MAKES ME START BACKFLIPPING ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
it reminds me so much (and makes me so sad wawawawa) of rodimus and his silly little door between him and soundwaves room (which used to be drifts room💔)
THE STUPID SAD LITTLE "sometimes I get closer to it, but I've never found it, at twilight, I almost had it, but then the night fellll I looked out at the dark and wondered, how could I have lost it" LYRIC MAKES ME THINK OF rodimus being hesitant opening the door and almost even depressed around it because it reminds him of drift during the grey years and how he "lost" him but NOWWW soundwaves there so it's just one big struggle that sometimes he even forgets the door is even there bc he just wants to see his sweet little smookie pookie dookie so it just kinda disapears in his mind (DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN 😭)
and the "then one night at the park I saw it with my cheek in the dirt, I couldn't move underneath the dark but, but atleast I finally found it, cried out a creak and opened, to show me what's beyond ittts, a hopeless, a violence, I named it love." LYRICS JUST AUGH they r so haunting to me
it reminds me of rodimus not wanting to open it because of him feeling guilty about liking the grey years when it was drifts worst times so it turns from good memories to bad and it makes him feel BADD so he just keeps it sealed but ever since the seal broke and he finally got himself to use that door he saw soundwave, the ex-decepticon (in echo garden ofc) who has a certain 'hunger' for rodimus ((like that one scene when *idk if I need to list this as a spoiler but I will 🔥* ⚠️SPOILER! -when soundwave was digging through rodimus's like spark area and spark chamber and stuff he had a 'hunger' to KNOW but it results in VIOLENCE-⚠️ )) and yeaa
so what was behind that door was a "violent" little soundwavey he named
like idk if I'm misinterpreting that song but if I intend to think of soundrod/echo garden for that song that's what automatically forms in my brain because of the silly willy door
OH AND ONE MORE this one wasn't supposed to be here from the start but
"goodbye my Danish sweetheart" by mitski
it just slightly reminds me of soundwave being like "ermm!1!1! I did something wrong that rodimus doesn't like I feel bad now yk what he should just hurt me I deserve it wawawa" but then going onto rodimus it's like "dangggg that's crazy bro he expected more from me he probably thinks bad about me now and will avoid me I'm sososarrywaaaaa" idk how to explain it properly 💔
BUT THOSE GO AMONG THE LINES OF "and I don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory I'm not the girl I ought to be but maybe when you tell your friends you can tell them what you saw in me I'm not the way i am, and i dont mean to make your heart blue" and yadayadayada
like soundwave being sad and embarrassed and guilty because he made rodimus feel weird or sad or mad or disappointed and rodimus being sad when he made soundwave mad (I feel like that's a good way to describe it no 🤕)
I hit a Irish jig when echo garden gets updated like I physically and mentally cannot contain myself (I'm not joking I genuinely start tweeking) they make me just SOO UERRGH
echo garden is probably one of the BEST fics ever like idk another fic that went on for this long and has basically a whole entire FANBASE you write emotion so good and amazing and you even inspire me, a procrastinator, to finish my own works its just all so amazing I'm SERIOUS SERIOUS 🤧💝💝💝
also I apologize for the possible very long essay 🙏
have a day(or night) so amazing that its INEFFABLE❤️🧡💛💌💙💜🖤
hello hello! my headphones are currently dead but I will try to check out these songs later today :D
>"so come inside and be with me, alone with me" since it reminds me of a small detail of rodimus entering soundwaves hab suite often JUST so they can be together
yes, just seeing the lyrics written out, absolutely :D
>sometimes he even forgets the door is even there bc he just wants to see his sweet little smookie pookie dookie so it just kinda disapears in his mind (DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN 😭)
yes I see what you mean but also LOL "smookie pookie dookie"
>"and I don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory
ooh that's a powerful line for sure :u
>you write emotion so good and amazing and you even inspire me, a procrastinator, to finish my own works
aww thank you! I'm honored to help inspire you and I'm glad you're finishing your own works :D I once heard advice from an interview which said "Finish your projects." 1) it means you're actually finishing your projects, so you learn about the whole process etc etc, 2) you get the I FINISHED THE STORY! joy at the end.
I'm trying really hard with TEG. we're gonna get there!!! and you can, too!! 💪
>idk another fic that went on for this long and has basically a whole entire FANBASE
thank you!! hello readers, thanks for reading ❤️ I know of at least one long fic that had a strong fan base. I wasn't there at the time, but it was rec'd to me years after, and from the Afterword, I gather it had a huge following. I'll list it, and a couple other fics I know had strong positive fandom reactions:
🔞These Games We Play by peacewish
⚠️NOTE THE WARNINGS AND TAGS BEFORE READING. Archive warning is for Rape/Non Con and tags include slavery.⚠️
Years ago when I was thinking about writing TF fic, I asked a friend for an example of a well-done story, so I could get a sense of what was out there. TF is a daunting franchise to write for (or it felt that way at the time). Friend rec'd this. I read it (most of it, there was a party scene I skipped through), put my head on the desk, and thought, "I will never write something this good." I put off writing fic for a year because I thought I'd never be able to write something as complex and emotional. One of the chapters in this fic is the BEST writing I've ever seen in anything ever. It's not my favorite scene. It is the best scene. I won't say which one it is, because its power comes in part from being read properly in the story. But like. Holy shit, dude. So by my friend's rec, and things I've seen here and there, and the Afterword, I gather this fic had a huge audience at the time. I read it once and I will probably never read it again because of the aforementioned tags (it's too depressing for me), but I do occasionally go back and read That One Chapter to enjoy all its layers of meaning and amazingness. So if those warnings/tags don't put you off, and you don't mind depressing stories, you might like this one.
Side note: I PUT OFF WRITING FOR A YEAR BECAUSE I COMPARED MYSELF TO THIS FIC. If you like my writing and perhaps compare yourself to it, I get it, but don't let my work stop you from practicing and growing. Imagine how much better my writing could be if I hadn't lost a year going "weh." Don't lose time to comparing yourself to others!
And I Alone Have Escaped To Tell You by astolat
I learned this fic existed because I saw tumblr posts talking about it and a friend of mine drew a really pretty fan art for it. It def had a fanbase when it came out :D Astolat is a great writer (if you know, you know why). I have read this fic. It didn't grab me as much as it grabbed others, though another of her TF fics had some amazing and haunting worldbuilding and I still think about it sometimes.
ok ok this post is getting long but there's one more fic I'll rec:
🔞Working Through It by Trinary
Trinary is a great author. Actually, scrolling through their fic list to find this one, I see their stories have tons of hits. I highly rec you check them out :D anyway, I distinctly remember people talking about this particular fic when it came out. It's very much 🔞, it's pretty short but it packs in so much worldbuilding and characterization and weird/awesome 🔞 in a tiny space. I highly rec you follow Trinary on tumblr/twitter/everywhere/anywhere: they post rather infrequently but it's always really astute observations/commentary on stuff.
So yeah I suppose "I saw people talking about it" is an arbitrary guideline, but... yeah! These are some fics I know had a strong fan response in their day :)
Thank you for the very kind comment! It's very nice to see you so excited about TEG, and thinking about it while listening to music you like 😊 Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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redgoldsparks · 1 year
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April reading and reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon.
Yolkai Cats vol 1 by Pandania
Quick, fast, silly short comics about cats who share characteristics with Japanese Yokai ghosts. I was particularly charmed by the cat with the extremely long extendable neck and the cat that grew to the size of a wall and blocked roads. Goofy and sweet! 
Dekoboko Sugar Days, vol 1, by Atsuko Yusen
Yuujirou rescued Rui from a childhood scrape, and they've been friends ever since. Also, Yuujirou has nursed a crush all the way into high school... and is dismayed that cute, kind-hearted Rui grew a whole head taller than him! It's extremely obvious that the feelings are returned, but it takes a couple chapters for these two to get their shit together and confess. Silly and sweet. 
Dekoboko Bittersweet Days, vol 2, by Atsuko Yusen
Boyfriends Yuujirou and Rui are reaching the end of high school. Yuujirou is ready to commit to living together and to coming out to their families-- but Rui wants to chase his career dreams by studying abroad. A more serious story than the first about a couple facing their first really big challenge. Also spicier than book one! 
The Freeze-Frame Revolution by Peter Watts
In the far future, a spaceship built on earth travels through distant reaches of our galaxy building a serious of wormhole gates for the hypothetical use of humans who will come after them. Except the ship as been traveling for hundreds of thousands of years and no one has ever come out through the gates. The lives of the 30,000 humans on board are artificially extended because they spend the majority of their time cryogenically frozen, with only brief times spent awake to help out when the ship runs into a problem that the onboard AI can't handle. The ship is also riddled with strange little mysteries: a hidden valley of data crystals; gardens of mutant modified plants; graffiti on the walls in which people leave messages for others who might not wake up and see them for hundreds of years. Amidst all of this, some of the ship's crew want to rebel, tired of their endless missions. But how can they rise up when they spent nearly all their time asleep? I loved the premise of this novella, and enjoyed the ship setting, but found the character development rather thin. If I had really loved any of the characters the twist at the end would have hit a lot harder.
Seven Days in June by Tia Williams read by Mela Lee
I'm not much of a romance reader, but the premise of this one drew me in. The romantic leads, Eva and Shane, are both writers, and more than that, they've both been writing books about each other since an emotionally charged and brief relationship in their teen years ended in tragedy. Though both of their stars have been rising in the literary world, they've been avoiding any direct encounters. As adults, Eva is a single mom raising a smart, creative daughter in Brooklyn on the proceeds of her erotic supernatural romance series. Shane, two years sober, has started teaching and mentoring unprivileged youth in whom he sees himself. When they meet unexpectedly at a literary event, sparks fly. Their connection seems as immediate and overwhelming now as it did when they were young, but are either of them ready to try again? Can their romance fit into their real, adult lives? Eva has chronic pain, an invisibly disability she has struggled with her whole life, and I really appreciated that as an element of her character. Like many romances, most of the setting in this book are lush, glamorous and give scenes a heightened sense of reality. I had to suspect my disbelief about some things, but I enjoyed the book a lot. 
A Hidden Magic by Vivian Vande Velde
I've had this book on my shelf for ages, picked up at a used bookstore because of fond memories of other Velde books (Dragon's Bait and Heir Apparent made a big impression on me as a pre-teen). Unfortunately, I think I waited too long to read this, as it's a bit too simplistic for my tastes as an adult reader. It's a very short fairy-tale like story about a princess, Jennifer, who is fairly average in every way, who has to rescue a handsome but stupid prince from a curse. Jennifer and a sorcerer named Norman talk their way out of trouble with a witch, a giant, a dragon, an evil fairy and a jinni. The somewhat predicable story is enlivened by gorgeous line art illustrations by Trina Schart Hyman. 
Nonbinary Memoirs of Gender and Identity edited by Micah Rajunov and Scott Duane
A nuanced collection of essays from many different perspectives of folks whose gender doesn't fit into the binary. More than thirty contributors' pieces are arranged into five sections, themes around "What is Gender?", "Visibility", "Community", "Trans Enough", and "Redefining Dualities." This book came out in 2019, the same year as my book, and it's interesting to think about how much has changed since then.
Nine Liars written by Maureen Johnson read by Kate Rudd
This series continues to delight! This one follows Stevie and her friends thought the fall of their senior year. They're all thinking about colleges- where to go, how many to apply to. Well, Stevie's friends are thinking about college. Stevie is thinking about how much she'd like to see her boyfriend, currently studying in England, and how much she wants another real murder case. Then David proposes a study abroad trip over Thanksgiving break and Stevie gets both of her wishes. I thought the motive of the murder in this one was less convincing and less clever than most of the previous books, but I honestly didn't care because I was having such a good time watch Stevie crack it (and blunder through very realistic conflicts with her peers). These are some of the best YA mysteries around, and I'm so glad there are more to come! 
Ajo y El Vampiro by Bree Paulsen
¡Leí este cómic en español para practicar y lo disfruté mucho! Una historia simple pero linda.
Family Style by Thien Pham
Thien Pham traces his life from a refugee boat leaving Vietnam to a refugee camp to San Jose, California, anchoring memories around specific meals. Each memory is rich with sensory details- the saltiness of fish, the sweetness of rice, the novelty of school lunches in a new country- and build a narrative of a family surviving steep odds. The art is simple but effective, and the story is well-paced and moving. I had the pleasure of picking up an ARC of this memoir at the American Booksellers Association winter institute and enjoyed it so much.
A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner read by Steve West
Sophos, the heir of Sounis, viewed with contempt by his father and a long series of tutors, was exiled to an island with his mother, sisters, and a small household of servants. He spent his time mostly reading poetry and wishing for someone to relieve him of his inherited responsibilities. Unfortunately, what comes instead is a troupe of attackers who kidnap Sophos, disguise him as a slave, and burn the manor house. Not sure if his mother and sisters survive, Sophos is taken back to the continent, where he is sure a rebellion of Barons waging civil war against his uncle, the king, mean him great harm. Sophos manages to escape and hide himself away among the indentured laborers in a great house, right under the nose of a Baron who might have hand in his kidnapping. From there, Sophos must make a decision: live safely in obscurity; or reveal himself and risk his life and the lives of his family? From this lowly position, is there any way Sophos can re-take his country? I picked this series back up after a 5 year gap since reading the first three. I had definitely forgotten some important information; for example, the fact that Sophos was a major character in book 1. This somewhat lessened the impact of some of the political machinations, but I still really enjoyed my return to this world and plan to finish out the series now.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
This is a story about complicated friendships and creative partnerships, the kind of deep intertwining of lives that an outsider might easy mistake for romantic or sexual but is in fact something closer to a platonic soulmate situation. It's semi-nonlinear, and covers much of the life of Sam Masur and Sadie Green from their meeting in a children's hospital in the late 1980s into their mid-30s and careers. Sam and Sadie become best friends through a chance meeting, and bonded over a shared love video games. A childhood grievance breaks their friendship, and they do not speak for many years until reconnecting in Massachusetts where Sadie is studying game design at MIT, and Sam mathematics at Harvard. Sam throws out a wild idea: in the summer break before their senior years, they should build a computer game together. So begins a tumultuous collaboration that absolutely delighted me, as did the epistolary elements, the mid-book shift into second person narration, and the stories within the story. What did not delight me was the abusive boyfriend who takes up a lot of space in the first 1/3 of the story. If student/teacher relationships and their accompanying unfair power dynamics, marital infidelity, or brief descriptions of physical abuse are a no-go, this book may not be for you. However, when this character mostly exited the narrative I began to enjoy it more and more and I can see why so many people added it to their favorite books of the year lists last year.
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loominggaia · 1 month
—> Part 1
—> Part 2
--–> Part 3
---> Part 4
Please click the Part 1 link above for a full explanation. The following text contains MAJOR SPOILERS for the Looming Gaia series. For this reason I will place it under a cut.
Read at your own discretion!
Good and Evil - Tragedy proves her competence to Disgrace, so he sends her on a mission with Splitter and Goryx. They are to start a conflict on the Matuzan-Morite border so that refugees will funnel into his clutches. The trio sets out to Rodanga with a small group of cultists and waits for the right time to attack.
Goryx views Tragedy as his new slave, treats her like garbage and orders her to fellate him. Tragedy instead stomps on his crotch, then grabs his throat and pins him to a wall. Splitter tries to defend Goryx, but Tragedy stops him with a hypnosis spell. Goryx threatens to kill her, and Tragedy reminds him that her Tome of Infinity is still in Disgrace’s possession. All he has to do is read it to find out what happened to her, and since he invested a lot into her creation, he will not be happy about her destruction.
She reminds Goryx that he may be Disgrace’s voice, but she is his eyes. Goryx comes to the horrifying realization that she’s more powerful than him without his staff, which Lily stole, and he’s now the new “Wretch” of the group. He’s determined to get his staff–and Wretch/Buddy–back as soon as possible. But first, the current mission.
The cult attacks Rodanga during a holiday celebration, starting fires, poisoning wells, setting off bombs, and killing people at random. They cover the town with pro-Morite graffiti to incite diplomatic tensions. By the time the Matuzan Guard arrives, the cult is already gone. Balthazaar’s brother, Talzihaar, and his family are among those affected. Their daughters Eleza and Alzira were killed when the cult bombed their school. Riza was being homeschooled by her mother, Naima, at the time and managed to survive, but their house was then consumed by one of the many fires the cult started. Izkubaar and his wife Rezera were among those killed.
The news reaches Drifter’s Hollow quickly as Evan shares a newspaper with his crew. They mobilize to find Balthazaar’s family immediately. When they arrive, Rodanga is in shambles, the water is poisoned, and everyone is leaving. Talzihaar, Naima, and Riza are living in a tent, as Talzihaar is too sickened by the water to travel. The FGG transports them to Uekoro and Evan asks Jelani for help once again. Jelani is offended, as he already told Evan not to treat him like an open wallet anymore, and refuses to help. He already sent aid to Rodanga and insists that's enough.
Evan then turns to Mathias and Angelo. They have very little space in their Uekoran flat, but agree to host the Valentinos until Talizhaar recovers. Lukas sits down with little Riza she tells him her future is ruined, she will never go to college and her family will be poor forever. Lukas furiously confronts Jelani, reminding him how filthy rich he is and helping this family would be no burden to him. Jelani explains that it’s not about money, it’s about respect. He fears his friendships have all been a lie and people only like him for his money. He and Lukas get into a physical brawl and Lukas gets booted from the palace.
Evan tries again, this time appealing to Azura. He tells her a little blind girl is about to miss out on an education, and Azura immediately forks over a wad of cash. She says they won’t tell Jelani about this, and she’ll just tell him she bought a fancy necklace and lost it to explain the missing funds away.
Balthazaar gives the money to Talzihaar and explains what happened with Azadora. Talzihaar forgives him, then dies of his illness shortly after. The FGG return home, having no choice but to take Naima and Riza with them. Balthazaar realizes he has to navigate this situation carefully around Azadora. He tells her Naima is his sister (her aunt) and Riza is her cousin. Riza is terrified of Azadora, but Azadora doesn’t understand why and Riza isn’t allowed to tell her. Riza starts attending school with Ginger. Naima is worried that Ginger won’t know how to teach a blind girl, until Ginger assures her that her own daughter Cinnamon is blind and she has already familiarized herself with Touchspeak. Relieved, Naima leaves for her first day of work in years.
Seeds of Righteousness - Javaan is slumming it alone in Taybiya when he’s accosted by a bounty hunter named Talonna. He doesn’t recognize her at first, until she tells him they dated around 20 years ago. She’s angry at Javaan for getting her pregnant and ditching her. She goes on to say that he’s a wanted man in several jurisdictions and she could earn a fat bounty by turning him in. However, she has another idea.
She says Javaan has a son named Ranger who grew into a dishonorable adult. Ranger is an “entertainer” at a local brothel, and Talonna says his work brings shame to her and their ancestors. He is now trapped there, being forced to work off an impossible debt to his crooked manager. She blames Javaan for this, insisting that this wouldn’t have happened if Ranger grew up with his father in his life. So, she makes a deal with Javaan: if he helps her kill Ranger’s manager, she’ll not only let him go, but rip down every “wanted” poster of his she sees in the future.
The two succeed in their quest, but Ranger is not grateful. He’s angry at his mother for “ruining his career”. The two get into a huge fight and Talonna tells her son he’s a failure, an embarrassment, and she wants nothing to do with him until he makes a respectable man out of himself.
Ranger doesn’t know what to do because dancing and degeneracy is all he knows. Javaan decides to step in and be responsible for once in his life, offering to take his son under his wing and teach him how to be a mercenary. Ranger is doubtful, but figures he has nothing to lose and gives it a try.
The two run some jobs together and all seems to be going well…that is, until some goons from the brothel show up and try to kidnap Ranger. They want to whisk him away to a foreign kingdom and make a fortune off his talents. Javaan has two choices: let them take his son and return to his old life, or sacrifice himself trying to fight these scumbags so his son can escape. He chooses to fight, and he’s captured by slavers while Ranger flees. Javaan is dragged to Kelvingyard. His facial scars attract the attention of an arena-slave coach named Forzotti Dorzlaf. Mr. Dorzlaf purchases Javaan and takes him back to his training ranch, where he will train him to be an arena fighter.
Mr. Dorzlaf introduces Javaan to his champion fighter, a goblin named Zov, and puts Zov in charge of Javaan. Javaan thinks it’s a joke, but Zov is a lot tougher than he thought. Zov kicks his ass and threatens to rip out his eyeballs if he doesn’t obey him, so Javaan is forced to train under Zov’s supervision. As he spends more time there, Javaan realizes that Zov is no ordinary goblin. He eats, snorts, and injects a wealth of drugs provided by Mr. Dorzlaf each day, and he’s had many performance-enhancing surgeries. As a result, Zov is a volatile nutcase who can only be controlled with powerful drugs.
Javaan is forced to compete in fighting tournaments all over Evangeline Kingdom. Dorzlaf starts giving him drugs too, and he has no choice but to take them or get killed in the arena by other drug-fueled slaves. Slowly, he begins bonding with Zov and tries to convince him to help him escape. But Zov refuses, despite all Dorzlaf’s abuse, and Javaan realizes he’s stuck in this for the long-haul.
Queen of Gnomes - It’s been 2 months since Riza arrived in the Hollow. Azadora is lonely, as Riza is still afraid and won’t play with her. One day, Azadora finds a couple of gnomes living in her dollhouse.  They influence her to steal drugs and money from the villagers, then blackmail her with her crimes, saying they’ll tell on her if she disobeys them, that she’s a thief and thieves get their hands chopped off and go to jail. They want her to steal the Divine Executioner next, but she gets caught by Isaac and grounded by Balthazaar.
Riza finds out about the gnomes, but Azadora threatens to hurt her if she tells anyone about them. The gnomes feel threatened by Riza, so they tell Azadora to kill her and make it look like an accident. Azadora tries to steal the Divine Executioner again so the gnomes will go away and she won’t have to kill Riza. She uses it to kill the gnomes, then confesses everything to Balthazaar and Naima, feeling terribly guilty for killing someone, and says she deserves to go to jail. They assure her she did the right thing.
Riza tells Azadora it was brave of her to stand up to the gnomes, and thanks her for not killing her. She is not afraid of Azadora anymore, and the two agree to be best friends. Later, Evan calls a town meeting about the incident, suspecting that Disgrace was behind it. Then, Ranger suddenly appears and says he’s looking for the Freelance Good Guys because his father, Javaan, was enslaved.
More parts to come…
(I just want to mention that even if you’ve read these, you haven’t been 100% spoiled. A LOT of details and B-plots are missing from these summaries!)
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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maddymoreau · 2 months
Dead Space Live-Blog
Chapter 10: End of Days
Part 1-4: Click Here Part 5: Click Here Part 6: Click Here
Part 7: Click Here Part 7: Click Here Part 8: Click Here
Part 9: Click Here
This chapter I retrieved the navigation cards and inserted them and the Singularity Core into the shuttle.
It's revealed that the Church of Unitology is A LOT bigger than I imagined. I thought it was this hush hush secret organization. Something people would debate whether is real or not. Turns out it's an extremely popular religion with millions of followers.
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The Church of Unitology was created 200 years ago after a professor of anthropology named Michael Altman discovered an artifact "Marker" which proved alien life existed in the universe.
Altman claimed that the government had covered this up (which is true). Although the government denied this many began to follow Michael Altman and thus The Church of Unitology was formed.
"Unitologists believe the Marker contained a code, the key to eternal life, through rebirth and ascension to heaven (The kicker is you have to die first)."
What's disturbing is that there's different ranks within the church. At least three above the average believer (initiate). The ranks are only achieved by giving money and power to the church.
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They were supposed to escape together . . . NOT THIS!!! I DON'T EVEN GET TO AVENGE THEM!!!!
Since Dr. Mercer let an infector transform him into a Necromorph.
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I LOVE that Dr. Kyne calls us Mr. Clarke.
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Dr. Kyne explains that in the core of the planet is the Hive Mind, that's telepathically controlling the Necromorphs. The Marker was containing it within the planet. That's why we need to return it.
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I trust Dr. Kyne far more than Kendra. Outside the concerning behavior where he thinks he's talking to his dead wife Amelia.
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Dr. Kyne: "Amelia, I knew that you would know what to do. I knew, I love you so . . ." <- That's so sad and sweet.
Dr. Kyne is the most knowledgable about The Markers since he studied the original one Altman found. He was simply tricked and misguided like most Unitologists. He now wants to correct his mistakes which I respect.
Kendra on the other hand is looking EXTREMELY suspicious 👀
The CEC was having the USG Ishimura performing just another illegal mining job. That was until The Marker was discovered and the church took an interest. The Church of Unitolgy assigned Captain Mathius as the leader of the mission to retrieve The Marker. Ensuring many of the crew were also Unitologists.
So the CEC and The Church of Unitology are in cahoots. Isaac and Hammond believed this was a simple mission to to locate the USG Ishimura, diagnose and repair the communications blackout.
I think Kendra is a member of the church who was sent to retrieve The Marker. However I could be wrong lol.
I love this game but it's terrifying.
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Bonus: More graffiti
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miloscat · 1 year
[Review] Butterflies: Episode 1-3 (PC)
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They understand the concept of love.
After Bomb Rush Cyberfunk wowed me, I wanted to take a second look at this even more indie project memorialising Jet Set Radio. I've played Episode 1 (and some pre-release demos) before but since then, French lead dev Le Capitaine and their Le Crew have finalised Episodes 2 and 3, and published them to Steam as a bundle. Supposedly it's still to be continued but for now the team is hard at work on an F-Zero homage. Hopefully they come back and keep expanding this because what's there so far is really good!
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Rather than using JSRF as a jumping off point for gameplay, Butterflies seems to prefer refining what the original JSR was doing. This means a more realistic sense of inertia, and managing the momentum of your crew of inline-skating delinquents. The dash button is there to pick up speed on the ground and grinding rails is not effortless. It's clearly set on improving the clunky play control of the Dreamcast game though, and the result is fast, technical, and satisfying... when you've put some time into mastering it.
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To get you there is a low-pressure kind of game design with a set of missions that populate the large levels. You can roam around, tackling them and finding tag spots as you please without a timer ticking down, which on its own is a big step up from JSR for me. These tasks are usually races that pass through checkpoints or specific line runs that require keeping a combo going—some in Episode 1 are particularly strict—while Episode 3 adds in extra graffiti challenges. Going through the checklist is a nice way of showing off these urban sandbox levels as you hunt for write spots or (as of Episode 2 onwards) collectible music tracks.
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Each episode has one map to itself while advancing the overall story. The first two are hilly suburban areas, with a bit of industrial in E1, and E3 features a sprawling inner-city area connected by train tracks. Powerlines to grind on and the ability to wallgrind on almost any wall if you have enough speed help you traverse the high degree of verticality built into these zones. The first two episodes have an interesting grungy, sketchy look while the third revamps things with more colour and shiny detail. Populating the maps are your typical low-poly NPCs (I spotted some modelled on Lammy and Parappa!) as well as bear-hugging cops, flying police drones, and zap-projectile-slinging cameras: as of E3, these can all be dealt with by a quick application of spray paint (which by the way is unlimited).
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The story is handled a bit more seriously than in some other street punk simulators. In this near-future world, a Japanese city has seceded and is now run as an independent autocracy by one General Sakamoto, and by the end of E3 the rebellious Nat and her growing Butterflies crew are gearing up to rise above petty rudie squabbles and vandalism to really fight back against the fascism. The inclusion of real-world cultures and concerns keeps the tone grounded, like when one of your teammates Jae (who tags in Hangeul) comments on the treatment of Korean immigrants; another, Zinnie, wears a hijab and interjects in Arabic, while Rin is a trans girl and you follow her journey of self-discovery in dialogue which I thought was handled pretty well.
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On top of their characterisation in cutscene dialogue, these touchstones make the characters deeper and more relatable, more than just a cool cel-shaded character design. They also for the most part have clear strengths in their stat distributions; I favoured speed specialist Zinnie for getting around. Each one has distinct graffiti designs (they all get a refresh in E3 as well) that, while simple, usually include their name (in katakana) and tell you something about their personality. Writing involves a three-stage timing-based minigame so everyone has three unique designs, although you might find you end up with the simplest "bare minimum" one all over just to save time with the ~200 spots per map.
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Since Butterflies has been released episodically over five years, it's interesting to watch as the new instalments make changes and become more polished. It's still rough around the edges even as of E3 but solid enough, and this release structure gives me hope that even more refinements will be implemented going forward (a better in-game map would be nice!). Either way, I've enjoyed what's there so far, and it's refreshing that multiple projects have been springing up in this vein while having their own character: in this case a little bit subdued, down to earth, but it's got heart.
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jackjolene · 2 years
BioShock/Sinking City/Vampyr: The Return to Rapture
In summer of 1969, Jack, Liz, Tenenbaum, Porter, and Eleanor bid farewell to Masha, Leta, Sally, Daisy, Annabelle, Charles, Joy, and their friends before boarding the Mary Catherine and departing for Rapture. The second expedition to Rapture is larger in scope and in goal. The first expedition was meant to simply find and rescue the kidnapped little girls. This time around, a small fleet of vessels accompanies the Mary Catherine, their captains and crews paid well to keep quiet about their goal: To rescue the survivors of Rapture itself.
Their Forward Operating Base (FOB) will be Minerva’s Den; it is an ideal place thanks to its disconnection from Rapture and to its lack of splicers, courtesy of Porter. Hopefully, they will find it already set up as a base for them and with allies waiting for them.
Subject Sigma, Porter, wasn’t the only Alpha Series Big Daddy that Tenenbaum thawed out. There was another one, unique in that their designation wasn’t a Greek letter, but the name of a Greek deity: Subject “Artemis”.
While Delta was tearing through Sofia Lamb’s Family to get to Eleanor and Porter was working his way through Minerva’s Den, Subject Artemis was aiding Tenenbaum in rescuing Little Sisters and taking ADAM from the Family. In fact, Tenenbaum was able to make a unique Gene Tonic, “Master Protector”, for Porter from the ADAM Artemis took.
Prior to picking up Porter from his office in Minerva’s Den, Tenenbaum gave Artemis a mission to perform until she returned to Rapture with the ADAM cure: To do anything and everything to prepare for their return. The main directive of this was to find every unspliced survivor in Rapture and get them to Minerva’s Den for easy rescue. Also, Artemis was to gather supplies for them: Food, first aid kits, ammunition, ADAM, anything they or the survivors might need.
While the unspliced survivors are evacuated from Minerva’s Den to the Mary Catherine and the other ships waiting above, the five of them (Jack, Liz, Porter, Eleanor, and Artemis) will scour through the unflood buildings of Rapture for the Splicers. This time around, they will be utilizing non-lethal tactics to allow them to cure the splicers with SERPENT and then take them back to Minerva’s Den for evacuation to the surface. Once they’ve cured every remaining splicer in Rapture and evacuated every living person, Jack will activate the self-destruct from Ryan’s office and they’ll finally put his dream to rest as they rise to the surface.
Upon arriving at the Lighthouse, the Mary Catherine‘s radar and sonar systems pick up that Rapture’s defense system is still active (top of the line tech for Jolene Industries!), which makes using their new submersible to go directly to Minerva’s Den a DOA. With that little hiccup in their plan, it’s decided that they’ll go down the same way Jack did when he arrived in 1960, via the bathyspheres at the Lighthouse. 
After a lengthy argument with Tenenbaum that she should wait on the Mary Catherine until they’ve disabled Rapture’s torpedoes (and also instructing the crew to not let Tenenbaum anywhere near the NEW submersible), Jack and Co. retrace his original steps into Rapture and descend via a bathysphere. 
Andrew Ryan’s old introductory speech starts up just as before. About ten seconds into it, Eleanor tears the projector out of the wall. Everyone applauds. 
 When they arrive at the Welcome Center, Jack and Liz find that not much has changed in Rapture, other than it has decayed further and the banners that declared “No Gods or Kings, only Man” and “The Great will not be constrained by the small” have been torn down and replaced with graffiti that “Babylon is Fallen” and “We will be Reborn in the Cold Womb of the Ocean”. Even these though, are showing signs of neglect.
As they make their way through the Welcome Center (they have to make the hole in the Kashmir Restaurant’s restroom bigger for Porter to squeeze through), they find that it’s quiet, not the good kind of quiet. And the bodies, well, fresh bodies that they come across look like they’ve been torn apart by some kind of large animal.
In the Medical Pavilion, they find that a new kind of monster has moved in to replace Dr. Steinman’s madness. This creature is unlike anything they’ve ever seen, even in Rapture, like a Human candle whose skin and features have melted away to almost nothing, multiple octopus tentacles lining the arms, legs, back, and even protruding from their mouth and other orifices. Dr. Steinman would have been elated by the lack of symmetry.
Upon sensing them (it can’t see them as its eyes sockets boast tentacles instead of eyes), it attacks, its cry a horrible, wet, garbling sound. Despite her horror, Eleanor has enough presence of mind to freeze the creature’s feet to the floor to immobilize it and then shoot it with a dart of SERPENT. Rather than curing it, however, the SERPENT acts like an acid instead, dissolving the mutated splicer and killing it.
Moving on after a moment of processing, Jack and Co. move on, hoping that there’s nothing like this ahead of them. It goes unspoken, but everyone knows they’re not that lucky. 
It doesn’t take long before they’re fighting for their lives against more of the things. The old types of splicers (Thugs, Leadheads, Spiders, Houdinis, and Nitros) have been replaced by new and far more horrifying kinds: Octopus, Crab, Fish, and some that are beyond classification. The one thing they all have in common is that they’re incredibly animalist, vicious, and brutal, and they’re out for blood.
The SERPENT darts are effective at killing the Mutants (”Splicers” doesn’t really cut it anymore) in one shots, but the dart guns can only kill with one shot. They left their guns on the Mary Catherine, and while their plasmids are effective, more and more of the creatures just keep on coming. Just when it looks like Jack and Co. are about to overrun and killed, aid arrives.
Gunfire interrupts the creatures advance as another Big Daddy enters the room, blazing away with a huge machine gun in one hand and its other using Incinerate! like a flamethrower. At its sides are two others who seem to wield some sort of teleportation plasmid, but nothing like the Houdini splicers. While the Big Daddy bulldozes his way through the Mutants, the other two prefer a more tactical approach. They select their targets, dart in, deal damage with either various melee weapons or guns, dart back out, dodge their targets attacks, repeat, occasionally mixing it up with strange plasmids that seem based on shadow or blood.
Between Jack, Liz, Porter, Eleanor, the new Big Daddy, and the two splicers(?), they are able to repel the Mutants and get to safety. Introductions are in order: Jack and Elizabeth Jolene, Charles Milton Porter, and Eleanor Reed give their names. The two newcomers introduce themselves as “Dr. Jonathan Reid” and “Lady Elizabeth Ashbury” (for all the plasmids they have, the closest thing that says “splicer” is the discoloration of the man’s eyes (slightly bloodshot)). The Big Daddy is none other than Subject Artemis.
When Eleanor hears Dr. Reid’s name, she recognizes it from her father’s memories. Back in the late 1800s, an Englishman with the surname Reid married “beneath his station” and then left for America rather than deal with his family’s criticism and High British society’s disdain. Somewhere along the way, the “i” in Reid was exchanged for a second “e”, making it “Reed”. 
Right after World War I, back when it was the “Great War” or the “European War”, the Reeds in America learned about a member of their family back in Britain, a “Dr. Jonathan Emmet Reid”, who had disappeared shortly after arriving back in London during a particularly bad stretch of the Spanish Flu. Charles had wanted to honor a family member who was also a veteran of the First World War, and thus, “Jonathan Emmet Reed” had gotten his name.  
Despite noticing Dr. Reid’s reaction to her (adopted) surname, Eleanor decides it’s best to hold off investigating possible familial relations. Besides, he can’t be “the” Dr. Jonathan Reid; that was forty years ago!
Dr. Reid and Lady Ashbury explain that they were investigating the origin of a Big Sister that was killed in London. The trail led them to Rapture, where they arrived shortly before Tenenbaum, Porter, and Eleanor escaped themselves. Having lost the chance to get out with them, Reid and Ashbury elected to help out Artemis with preparing for their return.
A little while afterwards, a man by the name of “Orrin Oscar Lutwidge” arrived in Rapture. From what they’ve learned of the man, he aided Andrew Ryan in building Rapture and keeping it a secret, only to become incensed when Ryan didn’t allow him to take up residence. He managed to come to Rapture by himself, only to find in the midst of its Civil War. He left prior to Jack’s own arrival, but has returned.
The first thing Orrin did was to bring order to the splicers by giving them ADAM from the corpse of Dr. Alexander “Alex the Great” Gilbert. With the former members of the Rapture Family now in his thrall, he sent them out to gather the bounty of Rapture for himself, so that he could bring its technological advances to the surface and make a fortune.
Something was greatly wrong with that ADAM, however. The splicers who took the ADAM from Alex the Great’s corpse became more and more aggressive, insane, and finally animalistic, their bodies mutating further into the monstrosities they’ve faced just now. Most splicers have become these Mutants, leaving few original splicers and unspliced individuals alive. The final de-evolution of Rapture has arrived.
Liz has an “episode” right there, just like when she was in Rapture trying to save Sally: A gothic city, its streets a confusing maze of twists and turns, its citizens either turned into slavering monsters or hiding in their homes in terror. A masked figure wearing a tricorn hat and armed with strange weapons is the only one to stand against the monsters in the end.
When Liz’s episode ends, she apologizes as Jack gives her a bandage to wipe off the blood leaking from her nose. She can’t help but notice Dr. Reid and Lady Ashbury’s eyes flicking to her nose before quickly looking away, an odd look like hunger in their eyes.
Orrin Lutwidge has sequestered himself in Arcadia. To protect himself from the Mutants, he has enlisted the services of the “Diamond Partners”, a group of veterans from the Rapture Civil War. They were part of Sinclair Solution’s “Home Consumer Rewards Program”, testing “products” for “home defense” during the war. The best of the best, they banded together after the war to work for the highest bidder. Right now, the highest bidder is Lutwdge and he’s getting out of Rapture, one way or another.
When Eleanor asks about the Big Sisters, she learns that after Sofia Lamb’s disappearance and the dissolution of the Rapture Family, the Big Sisters just up and left. They seem to have withdrawn into the old Little Sister’s Orphanages; anyone who goes into them, unspliced, spliced, or Mutant, is never seen again. Sometimes, they are heard though, screaming very briefly.
Thankfully, Subject Artemis, Dr. Reid, and Lady Ashbury have been largely successful in rescuing the unspliced survivors and escorting them to the safety of Minerva’s Den. There, they’ve gathered food, weapons, ammunition, first aid kits, and enough ADAM to splice an army. 
Funnily enough, the Robotic Little Sisters from McClendon’s Robotics in Minerva’s Den have been great for that last job. Unlike the mindless Bouncers, Rosies, Rumblers, and Lancers, Alpha Series Big Daddies are perfect for this; they don’t need to be bonded to the Little Sister to protect them, and thus, the Little Sister doesn’t need to a little girl at all.
Right now, they all need to get to Andrew Ryan’s Office to shut off Rapture’s defenses. Otherwise, their evacuation is going to go very slowly. Also, they need Tenenbaum to come down and figure out how to alter SERPENT to be able to cure this new kind of ADAM, or make an entirely new cure altogether. 
The good news is that Dr. Reed has been studying the new ADAM and has a good understanding of how it works and what they need a cure to be able to do. The bad news is that they don’t have much time; the Mutants are constantly evolving, and how long will it be until they develop fully-functioning gills and are able to leave Rapture without the aid of a submersible?
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subwayswicher71 · 2 years
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a-myriad-of-stars · 2 years
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Figured it was time for me to officially introduce my girl, Maggie! She was on my artfight line-up this year, but I’ve had her as an OC since 2012. I revamped her storyline a little for the Rise verse, but the beats are mostly the same. The events of her coming to the lair take place some time after the movie, when Leo and Donnie are 16, as she’s the same age.
Maggie is the first creation of Baron Draxum after rebuilding his lab from the Lou Jitsu incident.
As a sort of commission, Big Mama wanted a being capable of shapeshifting to spy on her enemies, but was inherently human in nature to be able to blend into that side of her hotel business without the need of a cloaking brooch.
Baron discovered Maggie while she was walking home from school one day, plucked her up off the street, and started to work, adding in different dna of camouflaging reptiles, amphibians, and cephalopods. The whole ordeal was incredibly traumatizing, so when she was handed over to Big Mama at the age of 11, she was basically a shell of a person, ripe for the programming. After 5 years of being Big Mama’s secret weapon, she’d had enough and broke free into the sewers, where she runs, quite literally, into Leonardo.
Now Maggie had actually known the turtles since she was 7. She’d been passing a park in the village with her mom, and saw a strange green boy in a blue bandana and jersey, trying to build a sand castle. She decided to help him, and they became fast friends. He was devastated when she went missing, and never stopped looking for her. A bit more on their shenaniganery to come.
After some interrogation to make sure she was in fact who she said she was, she moved I to the lair to protect her from Big Mama or anyone else who wished her harm. She becomes quite integral to the crew, becoming the “guy in the chair” while Donnie, goes on missions with his brothers.
Donnie takes a vested interest in her mutations and tries to unravel her genetic makeup to see what besides shape shifting she may be capable of.
She and Mikey share a deep love of art, and paint the lair in swathes of murals and graffiti. They once made a challenge to tag every available surface, and whoever got the most tags won pizza from the other person for a year. Maggie surprisingly won, using her camouflage to her advantage.
She and Raph are sparring buddies. Since she can shapeshift, they can go all out with each other without fear of serious injury. They also share a love of stuffed animals, and share a teddy bear town punch card.
She and Leo become a couple after the events of the movie, but the foundations of their relationship are there from moment one. He shows here every Lou jitsu movie, Jupiter Jim movie, and Disney Movie he can get his hands on, and it comes to be that “Tangled” is her favorite movie of all time. The lanterns scene brings her to tears. Leo decides in that moment that whenever fireworks or lanterns were involved in New York, Maggie HAD to go.
He once dragged the whole family to a rooftop near the Hudson on the Fourth of July, and didn’t tell Maggie why they were there. He put a pair of noise cancelling headphones on her just in time for the fireworks to start, and her eyes lit up brighter than the whole of Manhattan. That was when he realized he loved her, and maybe always had.
When time came that Maggie had been in the lair for several months, the boys decide to build her a room and an art studio in one of the old subway cars. They filled the space with hanging lantern lights, plush bean bag chairs, and a loft bed going between the two luggage racks. She came home to the lair from a pizza run to find the rooms, and could not stop crying and hugging and cheek kissing her friends, lingering a little longer on Leo.
I love my girl so much, and it’s a fantastic sandbox the rise creators have given us.
Edit: made a few changes to coincide with recent news and updated headcanon.
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agentcable · 2 months
Chicago Fire Season 5 Ep. 5 "I Held Her Hand"
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Lt. Casey is unable to save a woman trapped in her burning graystone, causing him and Lt. Severide to clash over the husband's role in the tragedy. Herrmann is on a mission to catch a mysterious tagger who keeps targeting their firehouse, and Boden gets a surprise visitor.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Christopher Herrmann teases Stella Kidd about stealing his parking spot. He's upset that someone vandalized their firehouse. Joe Cruz and Otis say their two-week high won't be ruined. Boden and Casey tell them to clean it p with turpentine, but the alarms sound.
The crews arrive at a burning building and find a woman stuck on the second floor. They find the husband, who won't leave his wife. Lt. Kelly Severide brings the husband out and tells him to let them do their job. Casey climbs the ladder and holds her hand. Mouch and Casey break in, but the woman is badly burned. The wife has no pulse and they cannot intubate her. Severide and Casey are shaken.
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As they investigate the building, Herrmann asks Casey if he is okay. He says he has seen this before. Boden sees Casey crying and asks him to take a few minutes outside, but Casey refuses. Casey sees something on the floor.
While the crews clean up the graffiti, Mouch races to find Brett when he gets a call from his wife's publisher friend. They accept an offer of $25,000 for the novel, but forget a copy in the copy machine.
As the fire crews finish cleaning the walls, a woman approaches and says she is Colleen Marks, Kara's sister. Casey offers condolences and says Kara's death was quick and not painful. Colleen asks if there was anything strange about the fire. Kara and her husband fought a lot. Kara was afraid of him and went back for her stuff. Colleen says Kara's husband killed her.
Casey tells Gabby that he thinks the fire was arson and that he reported it. Herrmann sees Brett and Mouch laughing and hugging. When they notice him, they leave. Boden leaves a message for his ex-wife's son, James, to call him. His call is interrupted by Herrmann.
Herrmann and Boden talk about their sons. Herrmann tells Boden some truckers are staying up to catch the person writing on their walls. Herrmann is the only one taking it seriously. He says the graffiti is like giving the firehouse the finger.
Boden introduces the fire investigator to Casey and Severide to talk about the suspicious burn pattern. Casey says there was a fire line to the bedroom, no way out. Kara's sister also came to the firehouse with her suspicions. The investigator says the husband was out for breakfast when the fire started, and it doesn't add up. Severide says he doesn't think the husband did it. He was distraught and willing to die to save his wife.
Gabby and Brett are called to an accident where a man fell from a tree. Alan can move his fingers and toes, but complains about his stomach. Brett sees a prom sign he was putting in the tree when he fell. Gabby yells at the bystanders to stop laughing and recording the incident. He rips off his headband and vomits blood. Gabby says he has a G.I. bleed, and they have to go. Gabby and Brett put Alan in the ambulance. His mother arrives and yells at his husband for making him do this. Brett says they're taking him to Chicago Med because he may have punctured his bowel.
Boden comes out and wakes up Herrmann, who is waiting outside to catch the tagger. Boden's wife Donna comes by with their son. He thanks her for coming. Connie tells Severide Darren, the husband, is calling. Severide asks for his cell number. Casey is worried about it.
A nurse at Chicago Med is making a teenager girl go see Alan. Brett arrives and realizes she is Heather, the girl Alan asked to the prom. Brett takes her to see him and says it was great. Brett smiles until she hears Heather went with someone else.
Casey is at home, giggling about pictures of Louie. Casey says he's going to Kara's funeral tomorrow. Severide meets with Darren, who blames him for what happened. Darren says talking to fire investigators is crazy. He says he was at breakfast when the fire started. He tells Severide where and sasy he paid in cash because the card machine was down. He offers his condolences. Casey attends the funeral from his truck and notices the husband isn't grieving.
The truck crew sees new graffiti on the walls. Herrmann is angry. Severide asks Gabby if they would have looked at the cameras on the block where the husband said he was when the fire started. Gabby says it probably wasn't done without a formal request.
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Brett is upset that Alan's video got over a million hits on the "Prom Fail" website. Boden gives Herrmann his phone to text James.
Casey is sure the fire was arson. He even showed Gabby pictures that seem to show the fire started in the garbage can. Gabby says Severide is trying to prove the husband's alibi is true. Gabby thinks Casey is looking for proof that might not exist. He says, "I held her hand until her skin turned black!" Gabby says Casey's too close to this investigation. He says the char line was a trap and he saw it.
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Brett and Mouch are called into Boden's office. Their manuscript has been discovered. They are told the novel makes the deparment look bad. Mouch says they have a book deal, but if they publish it, they'll never work for the Chicago Fire Department again. They leave when they get another call.
Fire trucks arrive, but the ambulance is stuck behind a train. Casey finds Tim, a busboy, on the roof. A gust of wind sent an umbrella airborne and speared him. They saw the umbrella, but he's bleeding badly and the ambulance is late. Stella can't find a pulse. Casey says they need to tighten the leg to stop the bleeding. The ambulance arrives. Casey is worried, but Gabby says he should be okay.
On the way back to the firehouse, Herrmann catches the tagger spray painting another wall. He tells them to stop the truck and chases the kid. They take Carlos to the station to see Chief Boden. Carlos asks how Herrmann knows his name. Herrmann says it's on the inside tag of his shirt. Boden asks about his mother. He says he lives with his aunt. He gives him a pen and paper and asks for her name and address. Boden gives it to Connie and asks why he messed with his firehouse. Herrmann thinks he was trying to impress his friends. Boden says he's seen too many kids from this area end up in gangs and drugs. Carlos doesn't care. When Herrmann takes him to his aunt, he says it's time to apologize. Carlos glares at him.
Herrmann leaves and comes back. He says the firehouse is like a church to the firefighters. They protect the neighbourhood. Herrmann gives him a firefighters' sweater and tells him to wear it around his friends to show them he has other friends in the neighbourhood.
Stella calls Herrmann a softy, but he says he'll do good if he can. Brett does the same. She goes to the prom with Alan, where Heather gets jealous.
Mouch comes home to Trudy. He is sad that no one can read his book, but she brings him into their living room where all their friends are. Trudy calls it a book club. Everyone enjoys it.
Boden comes home, and Donna tells him someone has been watching their house for hours. Boden hands her his bag and tells her to go inside. He goes to the car and asks who it is. James gets outt of the car. He came to see him because he wanted to do one thing better. They hug, and Boden yells that it's James. Donna welcomes him in.
Severide is at Molly's with Herrmann. Casey sits in the corner. Gabby tells him there will be no investigation or murder charges. Severide admits he found cameras proving Darren was where he said he was. Casey won't accept it. He believes Darren killed Kara and will prove it. He leaves Molly's.
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redrikki · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels Masterpost
With the Rest of the Miscreants - Boy meets galaxy and learns to live in it. A lost baby Jedi adapts in four ‘easy’ steps. (Caleb Dume, Janus Kasmir)
Cloak, No Dagger - In light of the intel from Gorse, Hera and Ahsoka rethink mission protocols while putting on a show for the ISB agent watching them.  (Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka Tano)
Tag - Sabine and Ketsu, bounty hunters extraordinaire, argue about how to sign their work. (Sabine Wren, Ketsu Onyo)
A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Depa stumbled free of the maze, back into the atrium for the Lothal Temple. There was just one problem. The man kneeling between the desiccated bodies of the ancient Jedi was not her master. (Depa Billaba, Kanan Jarrus)
Swordsmith - Ezra makes his lightsaber. It’s not his life, except in all the ways it is. (Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Graffiti on the Walls of the Heartland - Three works of art Sabine made for crew members and one she made for herself. (Sabine Wren, Chopper, Hera Syndulla,Kanan Jarrus)
Chicken Soup for the Jedi Soul - Four meals Kanan cooked for his crew and one he made for himself.  (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Ain’t No Fun (Life on the Run) - Ain’t no fun living life on the run but, with his Hera and their crew by his side, Kanan finds it isn’t always so bad. (Kanan Jarrus, Ghost Crew)
Wild Blue Yonder - After the events of “The Brotherhood of the Broken Horn,” Hera decides it’s high time Ezra learn how to fly. (Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Zeb Orrelios)
A Distraction - Kanan’s been blinded. There’s nothing Hera can do to fix it so Chopper gives her something she can. Written as part of the Jedi Fest Rogue Robin challenge as a continuation of A Distraction. (Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Chopper)
Then My Hair’s Too Short - Apparently, Ezra had a new hair cut. That’s fine, it’s his head after all. Kanan just wished he had mentioned it. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger)
The Blind Beggar - When Ezra objects to Kanan taking point on a mission, Kanan decides its time they had a talk. (Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Ghost Crew)
Cut to the Heart - Sabine found the stupid thing in a cave, but now the Darksaber is taking over her life. Kanan gives her a little perspective. Tag to 3.13 “Trails of the Darksaber.” (Sabine Wren, Kanan Jarrus)
Rebel Moments - Collection of short tumblr prompts (Ghost Crew)
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illbeatsfashion · 7 months
In memory of 1974-2024 Kenneth Mitchell signatures thank you for the memories shirt
That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of more day-to-day options out there too. For less than $20, you can pick up a classic style from Uniqlo or Gap in a kaleidoscopic range of colors or pieces from younger brands like Entire world and Reigning Champ that have made it their mission to master the art of the perfect tee. The fact that the T-shirt is the ultimate hardworking wardrobe staple doesn’t mean it’s something you can’t have fun with, though. Here, find our selection of the best T-shirts at every price point—and in every color of the rainbow. #AT FASHION LLC t-shirt made from soft 100% organic cotton. It has a straight cut with dropped shoulders, a ribbed crew neck, and a message in graffiti font silk-screened across the chest.
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Buy this shirt:  https://illbeatsfashion.com/product/in-memory-of-1974-2024-kenneth-mitchell-signatures-thank-you-for-the-memories-shirt/
Home:  Ill Beats Fashion LLC – Men & Women T-Shirts Online & Custom prints store T-Shirts
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