airis-paris14 · 6 years
Miss Me Not 2
Summary: you graduate with your masters soon, and our boyfriend is plotting how to get you to Wakanda.
Warning: fluff!, T’Challa fluff!, T’Challa x black! OC.
A/N: This it for this story. Hope you enjoy! The next chapter of Take a Break should be up soon!
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“Alisha Renee Davidson, step away from my dress!” you yelled over your shoulder as your friend inched her way to the Nordstrom suit bag. “Queenie, you’ve got to let me see at some point,” she sighed. “It’s been a week! Neither of us has ever purchased anything from Nordstrom that wasn’t on clearance. I wanna see.” She whined.
“You’ll see the dress when I put it on,” you explained cleaning the eyeshadow fallout from under your eyes. “It’s not that spectacular anyway,” you shrugged. Alisha turned and raised a perfectly threaded eyebrow, “Sis, have you ever owned a $400 dress before?” You bit your lip to contain your smile. You shook your head in response to her question. “Have you ever so much as touched a $400 dress?” she added moving to sit on the desk beside you. You shook your head no. “Then it is a big fucking deal!” the woman exclaimed. You burst into laughter and stood up from the desk. “I’m going to get changed,” you laughed grabbing the bag and walking into the bathroom. You unzipped the suit bag and ran your hands over the dress once more. You quickly shimmied into the white ensemble. Poking your head out of the bathroom, you called out to Alisha, “Hey, can you zip this for me?” you gingerly stepped out from behind the door as she broke into a grin. “I mean- damn- I gotta give loverboy credit. He sho’ know how to pick ‘em.” she smiled while pulling the zipper up.
“Me or the dress,” you smiled, turning to fiddle with the dress in the mirror. ”You. The dress is a reflection of the girl in the mirror. Have some confidence Queenie. You snagged a whole prince .” Your eyes filled with tears and you hugged your best friend. ”I'm gonna miss you Li.” she hugged you back, tears welling in her eyes too. ”No crying yet, ” she smiled dabbing at tears, ”We didn't spend your dress money on makeup for nothing.”
”You still gonna pay half of that, ” you laughed. ”Of course. Catch me when them graduation checks roll in, ” she pointed. You grabbed the mortarboard off your bed and handed them to Alisha to pin on over your twist out. Once she was done you switched places and you pinned hers onto her new wig. You both applied your final touches before standing side by side in the mirror. ” I still can't believe you convinced me to do this, ” you laughed staring at the top of your mortarboards.
”It’s cute and all the girls are doing it together.” Alisha smiled ”we better go. The girls want to meet up beforehand.” You double checked your outfit once more, then walked across the quiet campus to the athlete's entrance to the stadium. A scream erupted as you both turned the corner. ”OKAY LADIES NOW LET'S GET IN FORMATION!” your whole friend group began to sing as you walked towards each other. ”PROVE TO ME YOU GOT SOME COORDINATION!”
Everyone broke into your freshman dorm steps. When the time came everyone ran to the center, but you and Alisha were ready. ”Monroe girls best in the world! He parted the sea when he made me!” you high fived once the laughter subsided. ”Y'all know y'all ain't right, ” Zaria laughed pulling you into a hug. ”How?” You smiled, ” don't be mad cause Monroe girls do it best.”
”Y'all stupid, ” D’Aja laughed pulling you in for a hug. Texra and Cha’relle were next to hug you. ”Where’s Zulema,Charlie, and Nora?” you asked quickly scanning the group. Zulema and Nora had to go escort the speaker, and Charlie has never been early a day in her life.” Texra smiled, as teachers began escorting students into line. “I guess I’ll see y’all when the deed is done.” Cha’relle smiled as they begin calling for her school. “You make it sound like we are gonna kill someone,” Texra joked. “Who’s to say I haven’t already? I hope y’all negroes keep secrets,” she called over her shoulder before disappearing in line. “She’s joking right.” You asked as the rest of the group begin slipping on their gowns. You pulled your gown over your shoulders as the others shrugged. “Who knows? Jason could be laying in a ditch somewhere for all we know,” Texra joked as her school was called. “I’ll see y'all afterward.” she hugged you both once more. D’Aja followed suit and soon, you parted with Alisha as well. You fell into place with the rest of your classmates as you began the procession into the stadium. The roar of the crowd was the first thing to hit your ears as you processed behind the undergrads.
Your phone dinged in your hand as you recorded the scene all around you. “Isn’t that loverboy’s family. 9:00 o’clock. You glanced in the direction indicated by Alisha and spotted Ramonda Shuri and Okoye seated in the crowd. You broke out into a smile as you noticed your parents sitting with them. You opened the friend group chat in your phone and sent out a quick message. “Y’all. I’m gonna cry.” the replies were instantaneous as you all took your various seats located in close proximity to each other. “What happened?” “Why” “No. sis, this mascara is too expensive.” “Why didn’t you buy waterproof?” “Does it really matter?” “Yes.” “Yes.” “Yes.” “T’Challa’s family is here.” “Aww.baby girl.” “Bitchhh, they love you.” “Oop, a wedding on the way.”
You put your phone away as the graduation got underway. Soon enough, the moment you had all been waiting for had arrived. The graduate students were called to the stage one by one to receive their diplomas. Twenty minutes later, Elise Carter began her walk across the stage. Your heartbeat rapidly in your chest as you wiped your palms once more on the front of your gown. You adjusted your cords and stole once more. ”Iza Chattman, ” the announcer called out, “Your breath caught in your throat as you began your procession across the stage. Master of Arts in African and African American Studies,” You saw your friends on their feet cheering along with your family. You stood in the center of the stage awaiting your hood. Your heard more people erupt in screams. Your friends screamed from the crowd, along with undergrad students. Confusion settled onto your face as people began to point behind you. You turned slowly to find T’Challa dressed in his royal regalia, kneeling before you on the floor.
Tears welled in your eyes as realization sunk in. you began to nod yes vigorously. T’Challa laughed before being handed a microphone. “Iza. Ever since my eyes landed on you six years ago. On this very campus. I have never been able to get you out of my head. You are in everything I do, and everything I encounter. Every time I see something or try something new. My first thought is always of you. Whether you would like it? How you would feel? And lately, I find myself making life decisions with you in mind. That’s when I realized. I never saw any part of the rest of forever without you. When I’m with you I feel normal. I feel loved and cared for. I feel like I can be myself with you. You have been my sunshine and my confidant for years now, and I want to make it official. I know the future for us is uncertain, and scary. And your life is going to change in so many different ways. But even as I stand here now, I am in awe of you and all you’ve done. And I’m more than confident that you can and will rule by my side. With intelligence, poise, wisdom, and grace. That is why I kneel here before you to ask,” The prince briefly dropped your hand to pull a black box out of his pocket. “If you Iza Marie Chattman. Will marry me, T’Challa Udaku Prince of Wakanda.” he flipped open the black box and a large diamond ring unveiled itself. Tears poured openly out of your eyes, “Yes, a million times yes!” you smiled through your tears. He stood and slipped the ring on your finger. The crowd erupted in cheers as you pulled him into a kiss. Phones everywhere flashed as you both stood gazing at each other on the stage.
Once the president calmed everyone down, she offered her congratulations in return and after one final kiss, you headed off the stage. You ventured back to your seat with frequent congratulations and hugs. Once all the master's degrees were conferred, the graduate students were led out before the undergraduate students began their walks. As soon as you exited the stadium, your friends bum rushed you from all sides. “Bitchhhh, who was right?” Texra yelled once she caught up with you in the crowd. You pulled her in for a hug as your other friends began to scream once they spotted you in the crowd. “Izaaa!!!!! Girl, you snagged him. You snagged a mutherfucking prince sis! When’s the wedding?” Zulema sang as she hugged you.
“Girl, she just got engaged a like 45 minutes ago,” Charlie smiled hugging you too. “But,” Alisha interrupted, “The real question is. Who is the maid of honor?” Alisha pointed. “Now. Y'all all know it’s me,” Zulema pointed. “Now I know you a bold-faced lie,” Texra interjected as the other began to argue.
“Damn, can't I just enjoy being engaged first?” you shook your head as Alisha moved to stand beside you. ”It's me right, ”Alisha asked. ”You already know, ” you smirked. ”Now I remember sending my baby off to college to become a historian. Not a queen, ” a deep voice rumbled. ”Daddy, ” you smiled at your father. He wrapped you in a warm hug. ”Princess, ”you corrected. ”the queen is standing behind you.”
Ramonda smiled as you walked over to give her a hug. ” I am so proud of you. I am sorry T’Chaka could not be here as well, ” she smiled. ”you all being here is more than I could have hoped for.” you replied as you set your eyes on Shuri. ”and my little sister made time to come see me as well, ” you teased as Shuri opened her arms for a hug. ”well someone had to make sure the boy actually proposed.” she laughed. ”I would not have missed it for the world” she added quietly.
”General, ” you smiled at the woman. ”we are all so proud of you Sister Iza, ” she smiled. ”Thank you.” you're turned to face your mom. ”Mama.” you cried as you rushed into her arms. ”since when does your mama come last on the list of people you greet?” you squeezed her tighter and laughed into her shoulder. ”I'm so proud of you busy bee, you've grown into an amazing young woman.” you wiped a tear from under her eye.
”Iza!” Alisha yelled, ”come one so we can take this picture!” she waved you over. ”Shuri, can you take this photo?” she took your phone, ” gotcha, ” she smiled. You walked over to your friends, unzipping your gown along the way. ”wait who's the last person?” you asked. Your eyes scanning over the eight people present. ”oh I invited Issa to be in the picture.” Zulema explained. ”Issa?” Alisha questioned. ”as in our speaker Issa Rae?” Charlie exclaimed.
”Zulema, ” a new voice called, you all looked up to find Issa standing next to T’Challa. ”hey Issa, ” Zulema smiled. ”This is Iza, Charlie, D’Aja, Nora, Cha’relle, Zaria, Texra, and Alisha.” the black woman introduced. ”it's so nice to meet you all, ” Issa smiled. ”I hope you don't mind me intruding on your picture.” you smiled, ”No, it's no problem. Thank you for agreeing.”
Everyone lined up in a row and Shuri took a couple of pictures.
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”ok ok, just one question, ” Nora interrupted ”how many if y'all new that lover boy was a prince?” You, Alisha, and Issa, all raised your hands. ”when were y'all gonna enlighten the rest of us?” Nora huffed. ”to be fair, he is all over the news all the time, ” Alisha shrugged. You smuggled into T'challa's side. ” I mean, I had my first legal drinks at a bar, with a Prince, ” like is no one else a little in awe?” Nora exclaimed.
”Sis, Iza is about to marry him! That is awe!” Nora interjected. ” I just wanna know if I can still call you loverboy, ” Charlie asked. ” Of course, ” T'Challa smiled. ”please, I am the same T’Challa you all went to college with.” the prince explained. ”Except that you're about to marry Queenie and if you hurt her we’ll kill you.” All of your friends nodded with Charlie. “The Dora will be glad to assist you,” Okoye winked.
“Can I marry him before we discuss plans to kill him?” You teased. The large group began walking towards their cars. T’Challa squeezed yours in his. “So. Mrs. T’Challa Udaku is moving to Wakanda?” The prince teased. You stopped in your tracks. The prince was roughly jerked back. “T’Challa, look me in my eyes and tell me you didn’t do this just to get me to move to Wakanda.” Your voice eased out slowly. The prince’s eyes widened in horror. The implications of his words sinking in. Ramonda quickly dragged Shuri off and everyone else scattered to their respective cars. Charlie eying T’Challa the whole way.
“No, oh entle no! I’ve been planning this since you first asked me to attend your graduation. I have known I’ve wanted to marry you. I’ve been ready for a while now, but I wanted it to be special,” he quickly explained. You visibly relaxed,” oh,” you replied. You both began walking back to the car. “So what changed eh?” The prince question as he walked to open your car door. “What do you mean?”
“Well you know marrying me means you are moving to Wakanda right?” He paused. “Yes.” You laughed. The prince turned to face you. “A few weeks ago, you were very unsure about moving to Wakanda. Now you want to marry me.”
“T’Challa, do you not want me to marry you?” You turned to face the prince in the interior of his car. “Yes, Yes I do! But I just want to know your train of thought.” You sighed turning to T’Challa, “T’Challa. What made you know, despite all my uncertainty, that I would say yes?” The prince stopped to think. “One, I prayed to Bast that I got lucky,” he cracked a grin. He reached for your hand, “and security. You like security. Knowing what’s going to happen.”
“There’s your answer your highness. I always knew we were in this thing forever. But with you as a public figure, an engagement makes that forever known to everyone around us. To the world. That gives me the societal security I needed to make this move. With you. As long as you are a constant in my life, I can’t anything else the world throws at us. Cause, it will always be me and you vs. the world. And that’s enough for me.” The prince smiled before pulling you in for a soft kiss. He pulled the seatbelt over his chest before pulling smoothly out of the parking lot. As you drove past your dorm he smiled. “How about tomorrow, once we get everything out of your dorm. We take a piggyback ride around campus. I’ve never had a piggyback ride before.”
“Who says that you’ll be getting one, shouldn’t the husband carry his wife around?” You teased. “I think the homeowner should be carried around.” T’Challa rebutted. “So I should be carrying your father around?” You teased. “You know what, never mind.” The prince frowned.
T’Challa made a turn as comfortable silence enveloped the Lexus. “So what is our first order of business in Wakanda?” You questioned. “Choosing a Royal House to live in. So I can wake up your beautiful face each morning. Sunlight reflecting off that beautiful brown skin. Watching your face as I take you over and over and over….”
T’Challa!” You exclaimed as he pulled into the restaurant. “I love you,” You followed him out of the car. “I love you too entle,” he grinned. Kissing the large diamond on your finger.
Taglist: @writingmarvellousimagines @leahnicole1219 @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @nyneebee @hutchj @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @strictlyashley @afraiddreamingandloving @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @gorjiss @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @yoyolovesbucky @derangedcupcake @builtalongthewayside @ilcb7 @chaneajoyyy @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites
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