#misuse of the law
agentfascinateur · 4 months
Canada introducing a bill to suppress criticism of Israel
The amendment to the Criminal Code hides in Parts 2 & 3 in a bill on pedophilia
Proud Zionist Trudeau is rolling back his father's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as the ICJ has to tell Israelis to stop their war... #wrongsideofhistory
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twaterlaw · 10 months
“Look,” you tease, your voice soft and your hands framed around Law’s face. You stretch your thumb to smooth over his cheek bone. “I’ve got the whole world in my hands.”
You only get a moment to appreciate the widening of Law’s eyes before he schools his gaze back into something more passive. Early on in your relationship, you might of over looked it - the gentle squeeze of your fingers in his as he reaches up to pull your hands away from his face —now you’ve learned to appreciate all of Law’s little tells.
“You’re ridiculous,” he scolds you, just a smidge too soft to not be fond. He places a cool hand on the top of your head.
He’s still not quite used to this, you know — how gently you treat him, your honey sweet words, or how freely you give him your affections. You’re soft and warm (“Too soft for this life,” he’s told you before, his fingers tangled in your hair. “How the hell did you end up here?” he’s asked, lips a breath away from yours).
To a man who’s grown up in the harsh cold, you and your love burn a little — like sinking into a warm bath after coming in from the snow. There’s usually a moment of discomfort before Law melts.
It’s a delight to watch this man, infamous in all four seas for his coldness, his capacity for cruelty, settle into being loved, to adjust to warmth and comfort. It’s gradual, the changes you see in your captain, your lover, but you’ve taken to cataloguing each one in your mind.
Tonight, if his hand lingers a little too long on the top of your head or you notice the tips of his ears redden with extra blood flow, you opt not to call him out as you press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth and add it to your list.
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meganechan05 · 5 months
Emergency at Zaiban Castle
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Silly convo after 4/20 where the thought of "imagine Rita watching Moffun and Me while high" flashed through my head and spawned this monstrosity of a thought.
Retainer Poker Night has snacks with weed in them (bc have you've seen their bosses?) and they all take turns making them. Morf forgot to put a warning label when it was her turn and Rita thought it was the usual "I had time to bake stuff" the two do so...
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storm-of-feathers · 8 months
i dont suppose anyone knows the magic words to make my pharmacy gimme a refill like 3 days earlier than they want to
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louderfade · 10 months
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from Is deep brain stimulation a treatment option for anorexia nervosa?
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Hundreds of thousands of poor Floridians have been kicked off Medicaid in recent weeks as their Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis, travels the country for his 2024 presidential bid and rakes in campaign cash from big donors.
Florida is among the states that have begun unwinding pandemic-era rules barring states from removing people from Medicaid during the public health emergency. Late last year, Congress reached a bipartisan deal to end the so-called continuous coverage requirements, opening the door to a massive purge of the lifesaving healthcare program.
A dozen states have released early data on the number of people removed from Medicaid as they restart eligibility checks, a cumbersome process that many people fail to navigate.
So far, the statistics are alarming: More than 600,000 people across the U.S. have been stripped of Medicaid coverage since April, according to a KFF Health News analysis of the available data, and "the vast majority were removed from state rolls for not completing paperwork" rather than confirmed ineligibility.
Nearly 250,000 people who have been booted from Medicaid live in Florida, whose Governor is a longtime opponent of public healthcare programs. As HuffPost's Jonathan Cohn wrote Sunday, DeSantis "has refused to support the ACA's Medicaid expansion for the state, which is the biggest reason that more than 12% of Floridians don't have health insurance."
"That's the fourth-highest rate in the country," Cohn noted.
But DeSantis, who has said he wants to "make America Florida," appears unmoved by the staggering number of people losing Medicaid in his state as he hits the campaign trail. The Governor relied heavily on large contributors to bring in more than $8 million during the first 24 hours of his presidential bid.
Prior to formally launching his 2024 campaign, DeSantis traveled the country in private jets on the dime of rich and sometimes secret donors, and he is currently facing a Federal Election Commission complaint for unlawfully transferring more than $80 million from a state committee to a super PAC supporting his White House bid.
Late last month, DeSantis' administration insisted it "has a robust outreach campaign" aimed at ensuring people are aware of the hoops they have to jump through to keep their Medicaid coverage, such as income verification.
In Florida, a four-person household must make less than $39,900 in annual income to qualify for Medicaid.
The state's early data indicates that 44% of those who have lost coverage in recent weeks were removed for procedural reasons, like a failure to return paperwork on time.
The figures have drawn outrage from local advocates, who urged DeSantis late last month to pause the Medicaid redetermination process after hearing reports of people losing coverage without receiving any notice from Florida's chronically understaffed Department of Children and Families (DCF).
"One of these individuals is a seven-year-old boy in remission from Leukemia who is now unable to access follow-up—and potentially lifesaving—treatments," a coalition of groups including the Florida Policy Institute and the Florida Health Justice Project wrote to DeSantis. "Families with children have been erroneously terminated, and parents are having trouble reaching the DCF call center for help with this process. Additionally, unclear notices and lack of information on how to appeal contribute to more confusion."
Citing Miriam Harmatz, advocacy director and founder of the Florida Health Justice Project, KFF Health News reported last week that "some cancellation notices in Florida are vague and could violate due process rules."
"Letters that she's seen say 'your Medicaid for this period is ending' rather than providing a specific reason for disenrollment, like having too high an income or incomplete paperwork," the outlet noted. "If a person requests a hearing before their cancellation takes effect, they can stay covered during the appeals process. Even after being disenrolled, many still have a 90-day window to restore coverage."
The Congressional Budget Office recently estimated that around 15.5 million people—including 5 million children—are likely to lose Medicaid coverage nationwide over the next year and a half as states resume eligibility checks made necessary by a system that doesn't guarantee healthcare to all as a right.
"Many people don't realize that they've been disenrolled from Medicaid until they show up at the pharmacy to get their prescription refilled or they have a doctor's appointment scheduled," Jennifer Tolbert, director of state health reform at the Kaiser Family Foundation, told The Washington Post last week.
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ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
8. Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why? (Random me a brother)
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There are a few specific people he genuinly consider enemies, a Miqo'te lady named Bexy, a Roegadyn lady called Moe and Viera lady calling themself Kjirsa.
The first he despises because she dipped her nose in business she had nothing to do with (the relationship between Dusk and Neoma) and decided to get involved in ways that traumatized his brother. This is a person he wouldn't mind seeing dead.
The second he considers a pure danger to Auro'usk. Not the person herself, but rather the things she seem interested in doing and drag his brother in on. He, begrudgingly, try to accept his younger brother's feelings though that she is his best friend.
The last is just a huge annoyance in his life, so not regarded as clearly an enemy as others. She stole his most treasured posession on their first meeting and after that she has simply refused to leave him alone every other time she spots him. To say the least, them being enemies is not a mutual opinion between them
@umbralsound-xiv @moengeim @neoma-eltanin
- Angst Questions -
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
after reading all of these... debates and discussion about why AI art isn't very ethical, i think the one that resonate with me the most is lucidpixul and dave mckean take on how AI art didn't have any kind of... identity to it.
and this sounds so hocus pocus to some people, especially people who aren't involved in the art field, but from the years i have been studying art, what i discovered is that, no matter how amateur-ish someone's art is, there is always some sort of peculiarity to it. a... memorable factor, so to speak.
hell, even the way someone draw a stick figure can be very personalized. think of art as like a signature or a handwriting. you can copy someone's handwriting, but there's always gonna be that 0.01% element that no one can capture.
and art is really about a personal take on life. and seeing other people look down on artists, telling them that their hard work to create something out of their life and experience is meaningless, that it's easier make something out of the hard work of many other artists...
idk i just feel... annoyed and disappointed. and this whole thing really emphasize on how much capitalism ruins even something as fun as creating something out of nothing.
but yeah idk i just think it's... it's sad. i love art and i hate to see so many soulless creations get advertise as such when it's nothing but an amalgamation of things that don't have much meaning and intentions to it.
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kesarijournal · 1 month
Waqf Properties: A Blatant Betrayal of the Quran, Islam, and India
Case Against Waqf Properties in India 1. Waqf as Anti-Quranic Violation of Quranic Inheritance Laws: The Quran explicitly outlines inheritance laws in Surah An-Nisa (Chapter 4), which mandate the division of a deceased person’s estate among their heirs, including children, spouses, and other relatives. Waqf, by its very nature, contradicts these provisions. Waqf properties are often “locked” or…
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vivaciousoceans · 2 months
“Arrest that son of a bitch who runs that thing” “for what” “breathing” ate. cleared. iconic.
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lawtoppers · 3 months
Madras High Court Ruling on Advocate Stickers; मद्रास उच्च न्यायालयाचे अधिवक्ता स्टीकर वापराबद्दल निर्णय
मद्रास उच्च न्यायालयाने वाहनांवर 'अधिवक्ता स्टीकर' च्या गैरवापराबद्दल महत्त्वपूर्ण निर्णय दिला आहे. जाणून घ्या काय आहे हा निर्णय आणि त्याचे परिणाम.
Madras High Court Ruling on Advocate Stickers Madras High Court Ruling on Advocate Stickers The Madras High Court has issued a significant ruling concerning the misuse of ‘advocate stickers’ on vehicles. The court declared that police authorities have the right to take action against lawyers who misuse these stickers to evade legal obligations or claim immunity from traffic rules and other…
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realityfragments · 5 months
The Dark Side of the AI.
It didn’t take as long as we expected. Last week, a former school athletic director got arrested for framing a principal. Being a campaign year, I thought that most of the AI hijinx would revolve around elections around the world – and they are happening – but I didn’t think we’d see early adoption of AI in this sort of thing. And an athletic director, no less – not a title typically known for…
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trinitit3 · 7 months
i hate past me why did i want to write a courtroom drama fic so bad
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biblebloodhound · 8 months
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility (1 Kings 16:1-7)
No matter the culture, ethnicity, or place, we all have an inherent sense of justice and what is right.
This message from the Lord was delivered to King Baasha by the prophet Jehu son of Hanani: “I lifted you out of the dust to make you ruler of my people Israel, but you have followed the evil example of Jeroboam. You have provoked my anger by causing my people Israel to sin. So now I will destroy you and your family, just as I destroyed the descendants of Jeroboam son of Nebat. The members of…
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A federal watchdog is accusing the Architect of the Capitol, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, of ethics violations over an offer to provide tours to "patriots" weeks before the November 2020 election.
The inspector general with oversight over J. Brett Blanton, the Architect of the Capitol, found that one of his immediate family members offered private tours of the US Capitol in September 2020 while the building was closed due to COVID-19, according to a newly released report.
A post on social media included photos of Blanton and the family member from the dome of the Capitol with a comment stating: "This is happening!!!" and "All PATRIOTS welcome," according to the report. That comment was later edited to read: "*Patriots=Americans who love America. Not a candidate," the report said.
The inspector general also accused Blanton of abuse of government property and wasting taxpayer dollars by allowing his family to drive a government-owned vehicle and taking the vehicles on out-of-town trips to South Carolina and Florida, according to the report.
While serving on the US Capitol Police Board and overseeing the Capitol's property management and operations, Blanton had access to three government-owned vehicles.
"The OIG identified a significant amount of administrative, ethical and policy violations as well as evidence of criminal violations throughout the investigation," the report said. "Blanton's actions have violated every pillar the OIG operates under including theft, fraud, waste and abuse against not only the AOC but also the taxpayer," the report continued, referring to the acronym for the Architect of the Capitol.
The Office of the Inspector General referred the case to the US attorney's office in Washington, DC, and the Eastern District of Virginia, and both offices declined charges. Inspector general investigators also have referred their findings to the IRS for potential tax violations and to congressional committees with oversight authority. Investigators wrote they intend to present the investigative findings and possible violations of law in Virginia to the Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney.
Blanton did not respond to CNN requests for comment.
Inspector general investigators wrote in the report that the probe into Blanton began in March 2021 when a private citizen reported a woman drove Blanton's government-issued SUV recklessly by swerving out of a Walmart garage, driving 65 miles per hour in a 30 miles per hour zone, and making obscene gestures at another driver.
The investigation determined Blanton's daughters had been driving and riding in the SUV, and further, that others had complained in the past.
"Additional evidence and testimony confirmed the AOC vehicles intended for [Home-To-Work] transportation by Blanton were consistently used as personal vehicles by both Blanton and his family for weekend trips to a craft brewery, out-of-town trips and general family use," the report said.
Investigators also said Blanton allowed his daughters, their friends and a boyfriend to freely use one vehicle. According to the report, one of Blanton's daughters told investigators she "had transported her friends and boyfriend in the vehicle and referred to using the AOC's fuel as 'free gas.' "
In about a two-year period, Blanton's vehicle racked up roughly 30,000 miles, though Blanton should, by policy, have only driven 10,000. This resulted in nearly $1,400 in wasted taxpayer funds, investigators found.
In one instance, investigators said Blanton drove a 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee to a brewery in Leesburg, Virginia, and was involved in an accident, costing the Architect of the Capitol about $1,400. During the incident, Blanton claimed to be an "agent" and that the government would handle his insurance claim.
Blanton used the same Jeep to pursue a hit and run near his home after his daughter's boyfriend's car was struck. The police report obtained from that incident identified Blanton as an "off-duty DC police officer," and the suspect in the incident claimed Blanton affirmed he was a law enforcement member.
Blanton's role as Architect of the Capitol includes access to police information but does not grant him police powers.
Each vehicle Blanton used has an emergency equipment package, including law enforcement lights and sirens, a US Capitol Police radio and a satellite phone.
Despite his use of law enforcement-style vehicles, Blanton did not respond to the January 6, 2021, attack, the report noted.
Blanton may have intended to use more government funds inappropriately when he requested to remove a GPS tracking device from his vehicle and to replace the second-row captain's chairs with a bench seat.
According to another family member, "This was at the request of his daughters to have more room for guests," investigators wrote.
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