fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Shakuni mama (pandit ji mode on): I now pronounce you both Mitras
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pixelarthropods · 5 months
i would fall in love with you if you drew any ants 🥺 especially polyrhachis, pheidole, or honeypot ants!!
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Your wish is granted :3
Meet 6 different ant species. Myrmecocystus kennedyi, Myrmecocystus mexicanus, Pheidole bergi, Pheidole noda, Polyrhachis mitrata and Polyrhachis semiaurata. I hope you guys like it! <3
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stxrrynxghts · 5 months
Re-watching Mahabharat (5/?)
Karna's obsession with Arjun is VERY unsettling
Bhishma is straight up BLACKMAILING Dhritrashtra. I don't have any issues with it, NGL.
Duryodhan's expressions are so FUNNY like he looks stupid 90% of the time despite being gorgeous
"Bhairava ne bhairavi gaa li, mere bacche" LMFAO
Dhritrashtra loves Pandu and his sons, but not more than his own kids.
Drona is gatecrashing this event. YAY.
Technically Drona is right. The Kurus are still his students.
Arjun crying in court T_T
see guys? This is WHY Arjun is the model student. HE is the one student who is so devoted to his guru, hence why he is Drona's fav as well.
Drona knew that Arjun would stop him, didn't he?
Drupad is SO creepy, ngl
Okay but why does Karna dislike Arjun and the Pandavas so much? He has known them for like...a day?
Karna be like: I am offended on your behalf, mitra
The mitrata between Karna and Duryodhan.....makes me think that they were room mates ;)
Not Arjun making a fool out of Subhadra
also their tune is so soft to listen to.
No Arjun, jumping isn't called "dancing".
Did I just see Arjun and Subhadra play the Dwapar version of hopscotch-
Srsly? Subhadra doesn't know what the chakravyuha looks like?!
Not Subhadra dropping dialogues said by Krishna to confuse Arjun
Arjun is not impressed by Krishna
Arjun is a huge simpleton. Dude can't even see that he is being flirted with.
did.....did he just flirt back? Is the world ENDING?!
Drona is not allowing Karna to fight in this thing. He isn't wrong, since as per the show, Karna is NOT Drona's student!
Also why is Karna being so salty about this, as if he didn't expect this
Okay, in canon, Shikhandi was born as a girl, but later in life, she transformed into a man, completely. He even married a woman, and had kids. why is he a girl here
why do the Pandavas always let Duryodhan boss over them
The Kauravas think they can break into the chakravyuha. How hilarious.
this. this is the result of overconfidence.
"Is vyuh rachna ko todna to mai bhi nahi jaanta" You should have thought this before entering, Duryodhan.
Le Duryodhan: pran jaaye, but hair flip na jaaye
Shikhandi is so incompetent for someone who aspires to defeat Bhishma.
Seeing the chakravyuha transports me to more traumatic times
Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjun, Sahadeva: i fight with my weapon, Le Nakul: i talk in horse language
not Bhima thinking about in the midst of a fight o_O
The Pandavas are taking this VERY lightly
I mean, so would i, if Arjun and Bhima were my brothers
Yudhishthira has the "tumhara kuch nahi ho sakta" expression on his face
Sahadeva's wig is so BAD
Arjun is serving hair goals even in the midst of a war. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that his hair is all natural, and not a wig.
Arjun, this isn't hurdles. why are you jumping?
Arjun, sweetie, be careful, or else your dhoti might get untied somehow.
Drona and Drupad's history....is interesting.
Drupad is a sexist person, and an even shittier dad.
Dhritarashtra tried to manipulate Yudhishthira, but ended up getting manipulated by Arjun instead LOL
Gandhari isn't even hiding her displeasure. sis.
Duryodhan has the funniest smile, it sends me cracking everytime he smiles. like, it is very clear that his intentions aren't pure, but this is Yudhishthira he is lying to.
Not the Pandavas doing different things in the same room XDDD
Nakul and Bhima are clearly each other's favorites. This is so sweet.
Bhima almost moaned after tasting sugar syrup. I could see that on his face.
Why...why on earth is Bhima eating a RAW Karela?!
Bhima literally conducted a science experiment to show that Duryodhan will remain to be an asshole. Perhaps making slits in the karela would have helped reduce it's bitter taste?
Yudhishthira is telling his bros to look at Duryodhan's positives. No Yudhishthira, you are the stupid one here.
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apsciencebydan · 8 months
Pensive hentzia mitrata man, done up in old timey B&W portrait style, because, I dunno, such things please me.
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alcnfr · 2 months
A little White-Jawed Jumping Spider (Hentzia mitrata) on the chicken coop...
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zuzsenpai · 8 days
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Zuzu's Bug-ventures: Jersey Shore Edition Part 2!
I'm back from New Jersey and in total I ended up finding 43 different kinds of insects/spiders/isopods/etc. Not all of them are getting posted (some of the photos I took are so dogshit I can't in good conscience consider them internet-worthy.) But here is part 1 if you haven't seen it.
Anyway, there are a couple repeats from part 1, having found and taken better pictures of some of these bugs in the latter half of my vacation.
Restless bush cricket (Hapithus agitator). A repeat, but a much better photo. They mfers are SO NOISY. Also I spent an entire evening trying to get good photos of like 5 different spiders with my camera's terrible flash, none of which came out well. But this guy gets a perfect nighttime photo, apparently
Spotted orbweaver spider (Neoscona crucifera). Also a repeat. I ended up seeing about a dozen of these guys all over the boardwalk
Arabesque orbweaver spider (Neoscona arabesca). Another orbweaver, but different from the previous one. I really love the webs in these photos
Bellflower resin bee (Megachile campanulae). Cute
Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae). We're old friends at this point, though this one doesn't look as cabbage-like as others I've found
Flea jumping spider (Naphrys pulex). I was sitting in a gazebo near the ocean and saw this fella walking around. Apparently I'm getting really good at seeing bugs and spiders now, because this one was tiny and very well camouflaged
Unsure of ID. Possibly Helcystogramma badia.
Common pill-bug (Armadillidium vulgare). My isopod bestie who I saved from the windowsill <3
White-jawed jumping spider (Hentzia mitrata). Another repeat. It would be nice to get an actually good picture of this one someday
Swamp cicada (Neotibicen tibicen). Flew directly into my mom while we were playing mini-golf. Twice
South American toothed hacklemesh weaver spider (Metaltella simoni). Very dead, unfortunately. Also found this one during mini-golf. The internet says they like to be underneath things in damp places. So the fact that it was in the middle of the course with the sun beating down on it should have been my first clue. Also it is squished and curled up as hell :(
Praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) and a guest appearance by Canis familiaris, AKA my son Linus who has every disease. Including cataracts, so it's unclear if he could actually see the mantis
Unsure of ID. Probably a leafhopper of some kind
Unsure of ID. It's an orbweaver for sure
Columbian trig cricket (Cyrtoxipha columbiana). This was a really cool find tbh, even though they are definitrly known to be in New Jersey
Unsure of ID. Absolutely no idea. A soldier fly or a flat-headed wasp or a sweat bee or something else entirely??? I'm thinking of posting it on reddit at some point
Red-banded leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea). Leafhopper colorations are super rad!
Yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). Aaaaand here we have some brand new trigger warnings for my bug posts! A disease-carrying mosquito that has absolutely and very clearly fed on someone. I saw it moving on the ground and thought it was a tiny beetle. Boy was I wrong. 0/10 do not recommend
Unsure of ID, probably a sweat bee. I think it's covered in pollen from that flower, which is honestly adorable. Also my phone's ability to take nice photos is so arbitrary
Triangulate cobweb spider (Steatoda triangulosa). My shower buddy. Took showers on two separate occasions and found this guy chilling near the sliding door. It was definitely alive and didn't seem to be getting wet, so I let it do its thing
Unsure of ID. Picture is shit so no clue at all. Probably died while hanging from the ceiling
There you have it! I regret not being able to capture a photo of an elusive giant solid neon yellow butterfly I saw all over town for days. But it wouldn't stop flying for even a second ;n;
Next time, I guess it's back to local stuff, backlog, and friends' photos! Weather looks pretty nice for the next week, so hopefully I can spend some time outside finding bug friends before it gets too cold
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myfoodsflowers · 8 months
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Seidenfadenia 🌸🌱 from the family Orchidaceae. Seidenfadenia and another orchid genus, Gunnarella, are named for Danish botanist Gunnar Seidenfaden. At present, there is only one known species, Seidenfadenia mitrata, native to Thailand.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 7 months
Yes I was thinking about guilt tripping, thank you.
I can imagine that a huge part of Gonta's arc would be about raising his self esteem and indirectly proving to people that he's not an idiot. (I can totally see Vaggie accidentally infantalizing Gonta due to her over correct morals)
Kokichi drags Gonta around to go do activities and prove to him he's smart
Kokichi looking at Gonta being down on himself: So since Angel is based on a spider, what spider do you think it might be?
Gonta immediately lighting up and looking at angel: Gonta thinks that Angel might be a Jumping Spider specifically maybe Hentzia mitrata? or maybe Pelegrina aeneola? Gonta thinks this because
Kokichi: Just nodding along having no clue what he's talking about
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tpatodd1 · 10 months
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Sedinfedinia mitrata... Think I spelled that right lol.
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desiblr-tales · 2 years
@prashn se ik prashn hai ki *finger crossed* kya vah kisi sundar kanya se prem karte hn g? Agar nai to kya hamse mitrata karenge g? Mitrata ke baad... Choro... Hame bas uttar chahiye 🥺
@prashn, u are famous dude
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koval-ptaki-birds · 2 months
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129) Cyanolyca cucullata; Modrowronka czarnolica, azure-hooded jay (sójka błękitnokapturowa) - gatunek ptaka z rodziny krukowatych. Występuje w Ameryce Środkowej. Jego naturalnym siedliskiem są subtropikalne lub tropikalne wilgotne lasy górskie. Wiadomo, że ten gatunek ma cztery podgatunki. Ma od 11 do 12 cali (28 do 30 cm) długości i jest ciemnoniebieski z czarną głową i górną częścią klatki piersiowej. Tył głowy i szyja są błękitne z białą obwódką. Sójki podróżują w grupach od dwóch do dziesięciu osobników i mogą dołączać do stad mieszanych gatunków. Jest to gatunek skryty, dlatego trudno go obserwować na wolności. Jako wszystkożerca, sójka ta zjada jagody, nasiona i małe, martwe zwierzęta. Samice składają od trzech do czterech jaj, a młode opuszczają gniazdo po dwudziestu dniach. Gatunek ten jest klasyfikowany jako gatunek najmniejszej troski, co oznacza, że ​​nie jest zagrożony wyginięciem.
Gatunek ten został po raz pierwszy opisany przez amerykańskiego ornitologa Roberta Ridgwaya w 1885 roku. Jego epitet gatunkowy, cucullata, to łacińskie słowo oznaczające „kapturowy”. Jego najbliższym krewnym jest piękna sójka (C. pulchra) z Kolumbii i Ekwadoru; w swoim badaniu z 1934 roku Hellmayr traktował te gatunki jako konspecyficzne. Analiza filogenetyczna opublikowana w 2009 roku potwierdziła bliskie pokrewieństwo między tymi dwoma gatunkami; Bonaccorso spekuluje, że geograficzne (i późniejsze genetyczne) oddzielenie tych gatunków od innych w rodzaju Cyanolyca mogło zostać zapoczątkowane przez powstanie doliny Río Cauca w zachodniej Kolumbii. Sójka błękitna ma cztery podgatunki:
Cyanolyca cucullata mitrata - występuje we wschodnim Meksyku, od San Luis Potosí do północno-środkowej Oaxaca. Początkowo Ridgway traktował ten podgatunek jako odrębny, ale później połączył go z sójką błękitnogłową
C. c. guatemalae - występuje w południowym Meksyku w stanie Chiapas do środkowej Gwatemali
C. c. hondurensis - zamieszkuje zachodni Honduras
C. c. cucullata - podgatunek nominatywny, występuje w Kostaryce i zachodniej Panamie.
Gatunek ten występuje w Kostaryce, Gwatemali, Hondurasie, południowo-wschodnim Meksyku i zachodniej Panamie. Żyje w wilgotnych lasach wiecznie zielonych, czasami przeplatanych sosnami. Można go znaleźć na obrzeżach tych lasów, zwykle w środkowej i wyższej części tych drzew. Zwykle można go znaleźć tylko tam, gdzie lasy mgliste są nieprzerwane.
Wiadomo, że ten krukowaty ptak dołącza do stad mieszanych gatunków z innymi gatunkami, w tym sójkami jednobarwnymi i tukanami szmaragdowymi. Wiadomo również, że podróżuje w grupach z dwoma do dziesięciu innymi sójkami błękitnymi. Jest to gatunek skryty, rzadko wychodzący na otwartą przestrzeń. Z powodu tego zwyczaju ptaka niezwykle trudno zaobserwować na wolności i niewiele wiadomo o jego ekologii. Wiadomo, że partnerzy czyszczą sobie nawzajem pióra, co polega na tym, że jeden ptak pochyla się przed drugim i ciągnie za pióra na gardle. Pióra korony często poruszają się szybko i uważa się, że stan partnera można określić na podstawie tego ruchu. Podobnie jak inne sójki, ten gatunek jest prawdopodobnie niezwykle inteligentny. Wiadomo, że podobne gatunki wykorzystują mrówki do utrzymywania piór w czystości, przechowywania nasion i orzechów do późniejszego spożycia oraz używania palców u stóp do trzymania pożywienia. Jednakże ze względu na skryty charakter tego gatunku, cech tych nie zaobserwowano jeszcze. Jasne upierzenie ptaka ułatwia drapieżnikom znalezienie tego gatunku. Zawsze, gdy sójka czuje się zagrożona, wydaje ostrzegawczy odgłos alarmowy.
Ta sójka jest uznawana przez BirdLife International za gatunek najmniejszej troski, czyli niezagrożony wyginięciem, ze względu na jej duży zasięg geograficzny wynoszący około 42 500 mil kwadratowych (110 000 km2), populację, która – choć nie została zbadana – szacuje się na ponad 10 000 osobników oraz brak 30-procentowego spadku populacji w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat. Jednak sójka błękitnogłowa jest rzadka w niektórych częściach swojego zasięgu. Uważa się również, że wylesianie może mieć wpływ na tego ptaka.
Choć nie zaobserwowano, by ten gatunek tak postępował, wiadomo, że blisko spokrewnione z nim sójki, niszczą i zjadają uprawy uprawiane przez ludzi, takie jak sady, trzcina cukrowa, ananasy i ziemniaki. Sójka błękitna pojawiła się na jednym znaczku pocztowym w Meksyku w 1996 roku.
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Let me just... *faints*
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Please dear Lord have mercy *fist in mouth dying what in the world is this beauty*
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That head thingie should be illegal it's so sexy 😍
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Never knew that all I needed in life was a man in red clothes, gold jewellery and utterly useless but sexy *firm chest out* armour
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Aham Sharma as Vikram Aditya in Vikram Betal Episode 1
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meadowlarksabove · 5 months
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Spoons brings a plant in a small pot, a transplant. "It's called hoya mitrata, but some folks call it the tooth fairy plant."
“It’s beautiful…” 
He kept his voice down to a whisper, as if not wanting to disturb the precious cradle of flowers in her hands. They were so much like teeth, how very precious! “I’ve never seen anything like it!”
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stxrrynxghts · 4 months
Re-watching Mahabharat (7/?)
Can't believe that Yudi is falling for Duryodhan's theatrics
bold of Vidur to assume that Shakuni is the sole reason behind the Kauravas and Pandavas not getting along.
Dushasana is sooo dumb God-
Okay. I refuse to believe that Gandhari doesn't know about Dushala's marriage. HOW?!
Yay. Everyone has to give their opinions, but where is Dushala? Why isn't she telling if she wants to marry Jayadratha or not herself?!
Tho technically, Shakuni isn't wrong. IF Dushala wants to marry Jayadratha, then she should have the freedom to marry him, and Duryodhan has the freedom to wed her to him.
And I don't want Bhishma, the man who abducted brides for his brother, to give his opinions on whether a girl has the freedom to select her husband or not.
Yudhishthira, no one is politically bound to respect and follow Bhishma's orders. The reason people do what he says is out of respect.
Kunti being manipulated by Purochan. Has the Yadava blood evaporated?
Yudhishthira is proving that he is Kunti's son after all.
Honestly, this has been....what? 3-4 episodes since we last saw him?
Are these the exercises that Arjun has used to build that godly physique?
God, Subhadra, why are you so stupid sometimes? What is this show trying to prove? That she is someone who is just there for comic relief? srsly?
Okay but this is kind of like the "bhediya aaya" thing but Dwapar version?
Why is Karna being so scandalized? As far as memory serves, he was actively involved in this?
LOLS. Karna, probably: How will I kill Arjun if you burn him down?
Duryodhan is such a manipulative lil shit, isn't he? Shakuni is probably shedding tears of joy rn
Not the showrunners playing "Ye kaisi duvidha hai" in the BGM while Karna watches the Pandavas and Kunti leave.
If you feel SO bad for them, then stop Dury, or just tell them somehow? But no. Mitrata>>>>>humanity. If you can't do that, then stop feeling bad.
Krishna dropping casual hints in front of the simpleton Arjun
Arjun's memory starts glitching the moment Krishna starts giving him some divya gyaan XD
Vidur has a spy network? COOL
Why does everyone speak in riddles here? Is this a Dwapar thing?
Not Bhima and Kunti giving forced smiles on seeing the palace of Varnavrat hehehehee
Nakul is so much in love with himself XD #singlethings
Yudi is genuinely impressed by Purochan's mahal building and designing skills-
Sahadeva always asks the right questions at the right time. But no one pays attention to his borderline prophetic talks
The Pandavas don't sleep with a blanket? REALLY? Oh wait. They do have blankets.
This is such a cheap room. Have you seen the beds? That is literally a single bed. A single bed for PRINCES. No canopies, no King sized stuff, nothing. And they are in a single room.
srsly, where are the side tables?
Oh, that sneaky ass person was Bhima!! How surprising!!! *sarcastically*
Come on Nakul, use your brains!!!!!!!!!
Did Purochan just indirectly roast Bhima for getting hungry in midnight?
Do these ppl eat only sweets? As someone who doesn't have a sweet tooth, I feel very unrepresented rn.
There is no food for me to drool on T_T
Why is Dhritrashtra wearing Arjun's gamcha?
Even Dhri's andha pyaar can see through this priye Bhrata facade
Dhritrashtra yelling at his son after not giving him any morals as a kid. HAHA.
Dhritrashtra knows what Dury will be doing, but he won't stop him, right? I mean, you should stop your kid when he is busy committing murder.
Arjun is back, YAAASSSS
The real reason Vidur sent a mouse was to encourage the Pandavas to open an animal shelter!!!!
Arjun so caring. Makes jokes and lies to lighten the mood.
Nakul, are you trying to say that Bhima isn't handsome? *gasp*
Arjun be like: mujhe kyu toda
Also Arjun, wdym by that line? Bahu isn't the only one who can cook in a family!
Yes Bhima. Kick Arjun's ass for that weird dialogue.
Not Yudi unintentionally adding insult to Bhima's injury XDDD
Arjun, a literal pillar is melting beside you. PAY SOME ATTENTION TO IT!
Bhima is a cook, isn't he? How does he not know about all the different things that are added to kheer?!
Bhima is not impressed by Purochan's wife's cooking hehe.
Srsly, how do you not find all of Purochan's activities sus?
Ofc. As always, Arjun is the one to decode all the mysteries.
Ye naubat aati hi nahi agar Arjun ne kuch time pehle apne baaju wale khambe ko dhyaan se dekha hota.
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divyaastro-ashram · 9 months
Shubh Yoga for Family and Marriage in  Astrology
Embedded within the profound tapestry of wisdom lie the shubh yogas—celestial configurations that weave the fabric of familial harmony and prosperity. These yogas, born from the intricate alignment of planetary forces at the moment of one's birth, hold the keys to understanding auspicious conditions for nurturing strong familial bonds. Within the realm of astrology, these yogas serve as guiding stars, indicating propitious circumstances that pave the way for cohesive family ties, mutual respect, and an environment conducive to emotional stability and contentment within the household. Whether it's the Graha Mitrata Yoga fostering amiable relationships or the Gaja Kesari Yoga symbolizing abundance and emotional equilibrium, these yogas shine as celestial blessings, illuminating the path toward familial happiness and unity.
Shubh Yogas for Family
Shubh yogas for a family in astrology encompass specific celestial combinations within a birth chart that signify auspicious and harmonious familial dynamics. These yogas, derived from the alignment of planets, indicate favorable conditions fostering familial unity, support, and contentment. Examples include the Graha Mitrata Yoga, which emphasizes strong family ties and mutual respect among members, and the Gaja Kesari Yoga, which symbolizes prosperity and emotional stability within the household. These yogas serve as celestial blessings, shaping a conducive environment for nurturing relationships, ensuring familial happiness, and fostering a sense of togetherness among kin.
Different Shubh Yogas for Family
1. Graha Mitrata Yoga: Emanating when amiable planets inhabit specific houses, this yoga fosters robust familial bonds, mutual regard, and a serene domestic ambiance. Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury's friendly cohabitation symbolizes a harmonious family nexus.
2. Gaja Kesari Yoga: Formed when Jupiter casts its benevolent influence on the Moon from an angular abode, this yoga signifies emotional equilibrium, affluence, and prosperity within the household. It bestows auspiciousness upon progeny and wealth.
3. Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga: Arising from the exchange between the lords of the 9th and 10th houses, this yoga epitomizes ethical values, a sense of duty towards kin, and adeptness in fulfilling familial obligations.
4. Sarp Yoga: Despite its foreboding title, if placed favorably in the birth chart, this yoga assures familial safeguarding, robust ancestral heritage, and a supportive kinship network, offering a shield against adversity.
Marriage Prediction by Date of Birth
Marriage prediction by date of birth is a facet of astrology that analyzes the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth to forecast the timing and nature of their marriage. It scrutinizes the placement of planets, especially the 7th house and its lord, Venus and Jupiter, to unravel insights into marital unions. Utilizing the Dasha system, it delineates life phases, providing clues about significant periods for partnerships and marriage. This predictive tool aims to offer guidance regarding the timing, compatibility, and potential circumstances surrounding one's marital life based on their birth chart.
The 7th House and Its Lord: Central to matrimonial prospects, the 7th House embodies partnerships. Analysis of its lord's placement and interaction with other planets unveils the timing and nature of marital alliances.
Venus and Jupiter: Venus, the harbinger of love, and Jupiter, the symbol of prosperity, influence marital fortunes. Their favorable positions and interactions within the birth chart herald harmonious and prosperous marital unions.
Dasha System: A pivotal predictive tool, the Dasha system delineates life phases guided by planetary movements. It unveils crucial periods of union, highlighting the influence of planets on the 7th house and Venus.
Benefits Of Marriage Prediction
1. Clarity in Decision-making: Marriage predictions offer invaluable clarity, aiding individuals in making informed decisions about their future. Insights garnered from astrological analysis empower individuals to assess compatibility, potential challenges, and favorable timings, enabling them to approach their marital journey with confidence and foresight.
2. Understanding Compatibility: These predictions delve into the compatibility quotient, unraveling the dynamics between partners-to-be. By examining planetary alignments and their influence on the 7th house, Venus, and Jupiter, individuals gain insights into potential synergies and challenges within their relationship.
3. Preparation for Future Phases: Awareness of prospective timings for significant life events like marriage equips individuals with mental and emotional readiness. Understanding the potential periods indicated by the dasha system helps in preparing for the responsibilities and transitions that come with marriage, fostering better adjustment and planning for the future.
4. Facilitating Personal Growth: Marriage predictions, by shedding light on the timings and potential circumstances, enable individuals to prepare themselves mentally, emotionally, and practically for the commitments of marriage. This preparatory phase encourages personal growth, reflection, and readiness to embrace the next chapter of life.
The Bottom Line
In the cosmos of astrology, the resonance of shubh yogas for family echoes as celestial blessings, guiding individuals toward harmonious domesticity and unified kinship. These yogas, intricate and nuanced, portray a canvas of auspicious conditions and conducive environments for familial bliss. They transcend mere planetary alignments, serving as beacons of hope and positivity, fostering strong relationships and familial contentment. Understanding and embracing these shubh yogas enables individuals to navigate life's complexities with a profound sense of unity, respect, and emotional stability within the sanctum of their families—a celestial gift deeply entrenched in the ancient wisdom of astrology
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alcnfr · 2 months
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A very quick little White-Jawed Jumping Spider (Hentzia mitrata) on the back of a magnolia leaf ...
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