#mitzu gif
otwicepairing · 8 months
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34 notes · View notes
vorrentis · 2 years
Mina x Tzuyu - Merry Christmas!
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A short smut-shot that was requested for a MiTzu so I did it for Christmas.
If you remember, this was a Sana x Dahyun fic for Valentine, BUT I changed it up.
WORDS: 10,468
Sorry, it's a short one.
Mina let herself into the apartment, kicking off her high-heels the second she set foot inside the door. 
She was taking the afternoon off; getting things ready for what she was hoping would be a night to remember.
The suit jacket was next to go, tossed haphazardly across the arm of the couch. She would need it again later but for now, it'd be too warm.
She'd been storing things away for this night ever since the first hints of cupids and candy hearts had hit the shelves.
Christmas Day was never a big deal for Mina and Tzuyu, to them it was just another day in the year. That was what was going to make tonight such a surprise.
There was no way Tzuyu would be expecting the night that Mina had been planning.
At least, she hoped not.
Tzuyu had a sixth sense when it came to Mina and her little schemes. The fact that Mina had an almost child-like enthusiasm for the world, in general, had a lot to do with it.
But she'd tried to be sneaky, stashing items in the closets or little nooks she knew Tzuyu would never look into. If anyone asked, she wasn't at all interested in the 'over-marketed, exploited' holiday that fell on February fourteenth of every year.
That was all about to change.
First things first, she had to start getting dinner ready. The chicken breasts were hiding in the back of the freezer and she pulled them out, unwrapped them, and sitting them in the microwave to defrost.
While that was going on she pulled out the dried cherries in amaretto she had mixed together before she'd left for work that morning.
They were definitely ready and she nearly did a little dance in the kitchen. This was going to be an amazing dinner and she hoped it tasted as good as it sounded.
She checked the chicken, frowning when she saw they were still partly frozen.
Resetting the microwave she started to sauté the celery and onion, mixing it with the cherries and breadcrumbs. Now that the stuffing was made she pulled the chicken out of the microwave, scooping the stuffing mixture into them and putting them into the oven.
For a moment Mina was afraid she wouldn't be able to get everything done before Tzuyu got home from work but she relaxed when she looked at the clock.
It wasn't nearly as late as it suddenly felt and she got to work on dessert, homemade chocolate-covered strawberries.
She'd picked out the best ones she could find at the grocery store the other day and nearly had to smack Tzuyu's hand to keep her from taking them to work in her lunch.
Breaking the chocolate into the top pan she started to hum, her stocking feet sliding across the tile as she moved to the tune in her head.
She stirred the chocolate as it melted, trying not to let her mind wander. The last thing she needed was to scorch the stuff and have to start over, that was for sure. There wasn't enough time for that.
She was running a mental checklist through her head when she heard a knock at the door. Hoping it was the flower delivery she turned down the burner, wiping her hands on a towel as she hurried to the door. Mina couldn't even see the man thanks to the bouquet he was holding and she laughed, taking the vase from him with a huge smile.
"Right on time, thank you!" she said, the flowers going on the end table for the time being so she could sign the delivery receipt and tipped him for his efforts as he thanked her and went off with a 'have a nice Christmas'.
Oh, she will.
Mina put the vase of flowers on the table and finished making dessert.
The chocolate was melted completely now and she turned off the heat, lining a cookie sheet with parchment paper to place the strawberries on once they were coated. As she dipped she was finally able to relax.
Everything was going perfectly so far, and she was certain that Tzuyu would be completely shocked by all the effort she had put in.
Creating a night like this was something that Mina had always wanted to do, but could never find the right time until now.
Strawberries were done and Mina was grateful that she'd cleaned out the fridge the previous weekend so there was a shelf to put the cookie sheet on.
She checked the chicken before making the honey glaze that was supposed to go on them, unable to keep from tasting it herself.
A wicked grin crossed her lips as she thought of all the other ways she could use any glaze that may be leftover, making another mental note to make sure she saved it.
Clad only in her navy blue skirt, white button-down, and bra, she went back into the kitchen, applying some of the glazes to the chicken, which was starting to turn a nice golden color.
She set the table, using the china Tzuyu had received as a housewarming gift from her grandmother.
The bouquet of roses and wildflowers was the centerpiece, and she added silverware and glasses to complete the look.
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That completed, Mina did a quick walk-through of the decoration of the living room.
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Everything was set now, except for her.
Knowing she'd probably hurt the rose petals if she went back upstairs, Mina had thought to bring her make-up down that morning, sitting her little case in the second bathroom.
With everything else done she could concentrate on herself so she headed in there, checking herself out in the mirror.
Her make-up from the morning was still there so she just needed a little touching up so she got to work, applying just a little more blush and eye shadow along with the dark red lipstick she had purchased especially for tonight.
Mina unbuttoned her white shirt next, unsnapping her bra. This is where the bag she'd grabbed from upstairs came into play.
Mina had bought herself a red lace bra, the color almost exactly matching her lipstick. She put that on and looked at her reflection in the mirror.
There was just one thing missing, and Mina smiled to herself. Going back into the living room, she grabbed the suit jacket she'd discarded earlier.
She slipped it on, buttoning all three buttons so just a tiny bit of the bra peeked out.
She double-checked her reflection then and nodded. It looked even better than she'd hoped.
The champagne was chilling in a silver bucket and Mina was just applying the last round of glaze to the chicken when she heard the door open. 
"Welcome home, my love~" she called out from the kitchen, and in response, she got a gasp of surprise.
Smiling huge, she stepped out of the kitchen, batting her eyes in what she hoped was as innocent of a look as she could muster.
"What is it?" she asked as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on.
Tzuyu's eyes were wide when she saw Mina, and the surprised look on her face slowly changed into a wanting smile.
"Mina...we promised we wouldn't cook without the other." she said, taking off her coat.
Mina walked over, licking her lips.
"I know, but I couldn't help it. I just thought that I should do something special this year for my special wife. I'm sorry…"
The look on Tzuyu's face said she definitely didn't mind at all, but Mina couldn't help but feel a bit bad going behind her back.
"Hey, don't be. It's beautiful, everything is. I just hoped you didn't get stressed or something."
"Of course not, I was thinking about you after all."
This was going over better than she could have hoped. 
When Tzuyu grabbed her by the hips and pressed their bodies together, she wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's neck. 
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"But trust me, sweetie, you haven't seen anything yet."
Tzuyu leaned in, kissing her long and deep. Her hands immediately roamed to Mina's ass and she moaned when she realized that Mina was wearing nothing underneath her skirt.
"Naughty girl~" she murmured, their lips still together. "Someone is wanting my undivided attention tonight~"
That made Mina laugh and she nipped at Tzuyu's bottom lip, then licked the spot lightly.
"Like that's different from any other night?" She pulled back just a bit, sliding Tzuyu's jacket off, and leaving the puddle of black fabric on the floor.
She worked to open the two top buttons and the three lower ones of Tzuyu's shirt as well, so only one kept her from being completely exposed.
"Sit," she said, her eyes sparkling. "I'll get dinner out of the oven."
"Oh," Tzuyu asked, her voice teasing. "Does that mean I'll be calling for pizza before it's all over?”
Mina turned to look at her, the bowl of honey glaze in her hand.
"Come over here and I'll show you what I did." She pulled the chicken out of the oven and drizzled a little more of the glaze over them, inhaling and closing her eyes.
They looked and smelled delicious, and she was more than a little proud of herself. She didn't realize Tzuyu had actually come over until she felt two arms around her waist, nuzzling the back of her neck.
"What's this stuff?" Tzuyu asked, and Mina felt the bowl be taken from her hand. The glaze was still warm and she felt it get drizzled on her neck, only to be licked off by Tzuyu moments later.
She pressed back against her and smiled.
"It's a honey glaze," she replied, her eyes still closed. "Now go sit before we don't get to eat this dinner I slaved over."
"Oh yeah, turning on the oven seems like hard work," Tzuyu joked which earned a smacking on her butt from Mina as she went back to the table.
Mina grabbed the plates, putting one of the chicken on each of them, making an impromptu garnish with the glaze, and carrying them to the table.
She sat down next to Tzuyu and placed a hand on her thigh, squeezing slightly. Tzuyu looked at her and then looked at the prepared meal.
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"This looks amazing though," she said, covering Mina's hand with hers. "I can't believe you did all of this."
Mina shrugged, but a smile formed.
"I just thought it would be fun for us to do something special this year. Besides, it’s easy to surprise you."
"You definitely surprised me. I can't believe you kept it a secret, honestly. You're so bad at that."
Mina stuck out her tongue and ate some of the stuffing.
"So how was work?" Mina asked as Tzuyu shrugged.
"Same old, same old. You?" Mina shrugged back.
"Eh, nothing new either." Mina answered back as they both started to talk about their day of what went down.
27 mins later
They sat there in silence until they were both finished, and Mina stood to clear the plates. Tzuyu started to protest but was silenced by Mina's look.
"You relax," she said. "I've got this. You just relax."
Tzuyu's eyebrow raised then but she said nothing. She waited until Mina was starting to wash the dishes before she moved, coming up behind her and sliding her arms around Mina's waist.
"What happens when your little plan has a diversion?" She kissed along Mina's neck, one hand sliding down and under the skirt, trailing up her thigh. "Can you handle someone messing up these big plans of yours?"
The hand pushed Mina's legs apart slightly and she gasped.
"Depends on what's happening to mess them up," she noted, leaning back against Tzuyu. The hand kept moving, fingers sliding between her lips, just grazing her clit. She moaned then, her head falling back, landing on Tzuyu's shoulder. "Like that? That's the kind of diversion up I don't mind."
"Keep doing the dishes," Tzuyu said, and Mina nearly pouted, although she obliged. It wasn't often that Tzuyu gave orders and for Mina, it was quite the turn-on. It didn't matter that it was just about the dishes with Tzuyu touching her there, there was no 'just' involved.
As she kept working, washing out the broiler pan she'd cooked the chicken in, Tzuyu rewarded her by sliding two fingers into her, finding her already wet.
"You were hoping for this," Tzuyu accused. "You wanted me to want you so bad that I just had to take you right here and now."
"Maybe," Mina replied coyly.
Yes, that was exactly what she was hoping for, but she wasn't about to admit it.
"Well you got what you wanted," Tzuyu said near Mina's ear, before biting the earlobe. "No panties means naughty things~ I think I know what my dessert is~"
Mina moaned, her hands gripping the counter when Tzuyu removed her fingers to rub her clit again.
"Keep doing that and I won't be able to stand, let alone wash the dishes." Tzuyu removed her fingers then, causing Mina to whimper. "Damm it, that's not fair Tzuyu!" Mina was frustrated now and she turned around, pulling Tzuyu against her and kissing her hard.
=======================SMUT START====================
Tzuyu had expected that since she knew wife extremely well. What she wasn't prepared for was the passion behind the kiss.
There was something different about it that Tzuyu couldn't quite put her finger on. Granted, she wasn't complaining about it, not in the slightest. 
She kissed Mina back, picked her up, and sat her on the counter.
She made a mental note to thank her personal trainer for that and then pushed Mina's skirt up her thighs, kissing her neck while teasing her clit with her fingers once more.
She could hear the change in Mina's breathing, the sound she knew meant that her lover was extremely turned on.
That just fueled the fire for Tzuyu and she pushed three fingers inside of Mina, her thumb rubbing her clit. 
Mina moaned Tzuyu's name and was silenced by a kiss, little murmurs escaping as Tzuyu's fingers moved in and out.
Mina was certain it wouldn't take long. 
Tzuyu knew where to curve her fingers and what angle worked best. She felt her body flush as Tzuyu kept working on her, her fingers curling around the counter so she wouldn't completely buck off the surface.
"So close," she gasped, feeling the tingling sensation that she knew so well. "Don't stop."
"Don't plan to," Tzuyu replied, sucking on Mina's lower lip.
Mina was slick, nearly dripping for the touch of Tzuyu's finger to her clit made Mina realize that she desperately wanted release, and she began raising and lowering her hips as Tzuyu finally entered her. 
She wanted more, and pushed against Tzuyu's hand, trying to force Tzuyu deeper into her. But Tzuyu dipped in just a little to get some moisture on her fingertips, and began to stroke the length of Mina's lips toward her clit. 
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She soon had Mina wet all over, sliding her finger back down and finally ending her teasing to slide her forefinger fully into Mina's pussy. Mina gasped and arched against Tzuyu's finger, beginning to kiss her frantically again at the same time.
Tzuyu curled her finger inside Mina's pussy and pulled it up and out slowly, then ran it to the top of Mina's lips and fully over Mina's clit.
She felt Mina's button under her finger and then slid back down to Mina's pussy. She slid a second finger into Mina, her forefinger and middle finger entering easily as she pressed her hand against Mina.
Tzuyu withdrew from Mina and brought her hand up to her mouth, sucking her forefinger into her mouth. Mina surprised her by putting out her tongue and then sucking Tzuyu's middle finger into her own mouth.
She could both taste Mina's juices as they kissed again as Tzuyu moved her hand back to Mina's pussy.
Tzuyu slid her two fingers back into Mina and began to use her thumb against her clit. As she rubbed and pushed her fingers in and out of Mina, Mina began to moan and broke their kiss, throwing her head back.
Kissing her neck and then up to her lips, Tzuyu began to vary her pace. She alternated between sometimes rubbing Mina's clit intensely with her thumb, sometimes pushing harder into Mina, and other times just lightly stroking Mina all over.
Each time she slowed, Mina pulled herself back up to kiss Tzuyu, but whenever Tzuyu pushed harder into her or the pace on her clit accelerated, she couldn't help but arch back to try to press her pussy against Tzuyu's hand. Mina began to stiffen under Tzuyu, and she began to murmur
"Tzuyu...Oh, Tzuyu...Yes... Oh.... Oh... Oh, don't stop, don't, don't stop..." Tzuyu accelerated her pace, pushing her fingers into Mina's pussy and continuing the pressure and circles on her clit with her thumb.
"Oh... Yes... there... right there... YES. Tzuyu TZU-" Mina suddenly stiffened under Tzuyu's fingers as her orgasm overtook her.
 She bucked against Tzuyu's hand and grabbed at Tzuyu to pull her into a hard kiss as she pushed her hips upward, pushing Tzuyu's hand against her even harder as she pushed herself up against Tzuyu's thigh.
Her thighs tightened, trapping Tzuyu's hand between them, her thrusts slowly slowing.
Finally, she fell back against the sink, relaxing her legs enough that Tzuyu could withdraw.
The two stood still for a few minutes, kissing occasionally.
"You're amazing, you know that..." Mina whispered to Tzuyu, looking into her eyes.
"Why thank you~ But I know that you're far from done yeah?" Mina smirked, "Do you have another surprise planned?"
"Alright," said Tzuyu. "But if that's where we're going, I don't think you're going to need this." She reached out to Mina's hips, and taking the top of Mina's skirt in hand, pushed it down past her hips. It fell to the ground, and Mina stood naked in front of Tzuyu.
Mina's pussy was now exposed, but Tzuyu only leaned forward and kissed Mina once more, her hand reaching behind to stroke Mina's lower back and run down over her butt, but Mina leaned back.
"Bedroom. Now." Mina was upright as Tzuyu giggled into her mouth and the two women walked down the hall, stopping to kiss every few feet, keeping in contact with each other as Tzuyu took Mina's hand and pulled her into the bedroom, but it wasn't far as Tzuyu pushed Mina into the nearby wall and put her arms around her, Tzuyu kissed her again, their bodies pressed together.
Then she broke the kiss, and Mina stepped away as they went towards the bed, but Mina stopped as did Tzuyu.
Mina turned to look in the mirror at her and Tzuyu.
"Mina?" Tzuyu looked back and forth as Mina smiled at Tzuyu.
"I love you," Mina murmured as Tzuyu smiled back.
"And I love you too."
Mina took a step and was about to kiss Tzuyu, but then slid around to stand behind her, pressing herself against Tzuyu's back.
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"Oh, your turn already..." Tzuyu grinned as Mina giggled.
"I have to make up for what you did to me~" Mina sweetly spoke in her ear.
Mina reached around Tzuyu while she placed her chin on Tzuyu's shoulder, watching the two of them in the mirror, and slid her hands up under Tzuyu's shirt.
Tzuyu reached down and pulled it off in one smooth motion, revealing her lacy pink bra with Mina's hands covering it. Mina began to trace a line on Tzuyu's skin along the top of her bra.
Tzuyu's nipples were visible through the thin material of the bra, and they hardened as Mina dipped her finger inside.
Mina stroked over each nipple, then stepped back far enough to reach down to unhook Tzuyu's bra.
Tzuyu reached up to hold her bra against her as Mina slid the straps down over Tzuyu's arms.
Then, holding Mina's gaze in the mirror, she slowly lowered her hands to reveal her naked breasts. 
Cupping them, Mina took Tzuyu's nipples between her fingers, beginning to roll them around.
She moved her head in and nuzzled Tzuyu's neck, planting a trail of kisses from the back of her neck up along the side to her jawbone, and then over Tzuyu's cheek and to her mouth as Tzuyu turned her head to capture Mina's lips with her own.
Reaching around, Tzuyu pulled Mina in for a hard kiss, and then released her to look back in the mirror.
She slid her own right hand up to her left breast where Mina had momentarily released the nipple, taking her own nipple between her thumb and forefinger and pulling it out while Mina watched.
As she stroked it, it became fully erect, and Tzuyu reached to bring Mina's hand back up to it.
"Mmmm," she murmured-
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-encouraging Mina as her wife began to give it more attention, squeezing harder and rolling it between her fingertips.
As she played with Tzuyu's left breast, Mina slid her right hand down over Tzuyu's belly. Reaching the top of Tzuyu's skirt, she fumbled with the button for a moment, but then got it open and reached lower as she pulled the zipper downward.
Releasing Tzuyu's breast, she reached down and caught Tzuyu's gaze in the mirror as she slowly pushed down Tzuyu's skirt with both hands. Tzuyu swallowed as her skirt fell, Mina's gaze following to settle on a red thong.
Watching her hand in the mirror, Mina ran her finger along the top of it, on Tzuyu's abdomen, and then stroked down over it.
As Mina's fingertips brushed over her mound, Tzuyu felt a rush of heat to her pussy. Needing more, and soon, she hooked her own fingers in the sides of her thong, pushing it off and letting it fall to the ground.
Mina's fingers hovered over her, and Tzuyu looked back into the mirror to see Mina still looking down to where she could now just see the top of Tzuyu's pussy in the mirror. Slowly, Mina slid her hand down towards Tzuyu's pussy, touching lightly.
Tzuyu wasn't totally shaved but had a small rectangle of hair above her slit. Mina ran her finger along the sides and through the short hair before continuing downward to finally touch Tzuyu's lips.
As Mina finally reached her pussy, Tzuyu turned her head and body slightly toward Mina, opening her lips for another kiss.
As their tongues touched, Mina found herself stroking Tzuyu's slit, sliding between her lips to find that she was very wet.
Mina began to run two fingers up and down inside Tzuyu's lips, then reached down enough to slide the tip of her finger into Tzuyu's pussy.
Tzuyu moaned into Mina's mouth, then broke their kiss to lean forward, putting her hands on Mina's body to hold herself as Mina began to rub up and down in earnest.
Mina watched Tzuyu's face in the mirror as she rubbed, finding Tzuyu's clit and rubbing her fingers up and down over it.
Tzuyu found herself pushing against Mina's hand, and as she kept her middle finger inside Tzuyu's lips, Mina began to rub against Tzuyu with her whole hand.
After a minute of watching Tzuyu push against her hand in the mirror, Mina shifted further to the side and brought her left hand back over Tzuyu's ass.
Sliding her hand between Tzuyu's cheeks and further down, Mina found Tzuyu's pussy from behind.
She slid one finger into Tzuyu easily as Tzuyu pushed back against her, eliciting an
"Oh!" as her finger penetrated deeply. Mina could see that Tzuyu was flushed, her hair hanging in front of her reddening face as Mina continued to work on her pussy.
She began to push the fingers of her left hand in and out of Tzuyu's pussy with a regular rhythm, pushing on Tzuyu's clit with her right each time she penetrated with her left.
Tzuyu leaned further, pushing her ass outward. Mina worked a second finger into Tzuyu from behind as Tzuyu began rocking back and forth between Mina's hands, her breathing becoming ragged.
"Yes... almost... keep.... OH! OH!" Tzuyu suddenly stiffened against Mina, her pussy spasming around Mina's fingers. Mina continued rubbing over Tzuyu's clit as Tzuyu rode her fingers through her orgasm, slowing as Tzuyu seemed to pull back from Mina's hand.
Tzuyu was spent, breathing hard, as Mina pulled her fingers out of Tzuyu. She leaned in to give Tzuyu a small kiss.
"You okay?"
"Oh, I'll be fine, just give me a sec," Tzuyu answered, out of breath. Feeling her wet fingers, she brought them up to her face, giving a lick up the side of one finger to taste Tzuyu's pussy. Mina heard a small gasp and turned to see Tzuyu watching her closely. 
"You know, watching ourselves was so hot Mina." Mina just smiled, looking into Tzuyu's eyes, and slid the whole length of her finger into her mouth.
Mina made a show of cleaning off both fingers that had been in Tzuyu while Tzuyu watched, mesmerized.
Then Mina leaned in to give Tzuyu a kiss, sharing the flavor she'd been enjoying. The two women kissed for a few more seconds, and then Tzuyu straightened. "Okay, now weren't we going to the bed?"
Mina laughed.
"Couldn't help myself," she said while managing to not look at all sorry while pulling Tzuyu's hand towards the bed.
Tzuyu smirked as Mina plopped down on it and opened her arms as Tzuyu responded by climbing onto the bed herself, however, Mina brought her hands to Tzuyu and yanked her down hard as Tzuyu yelped a bit onto the bed, lying with her face very close to Mina and glancing into her eyes.
Both giggled at the sudden action of Mina.
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But it wasn't long till Mina reached out and pushed Tzuyu's hair off her face before giving her another kiss, smaller this time. 
They lay there together for a few minutes, kissing gently, Tzuyu still warm from her orgasm and catching her energy.
Mina shivered again, not from cold this time, but from the intimacy of molding her naked curves to Tzuyu's.
She could feel their breasts touching, their belly...and then Tzuyu insinuated her leg between Mina's and grabbed her to pull her tight against her down there as well.
Mina could feel the flesh of Tzuyu's pussy as it touched her, and the heat from it. 
Her own pussy made contact with Tzuyu's leg, and she reflexively adjusted to get better contact, pushing back against Tzuyu.
Tzuyu smiled, and Mina gave her a hard kiss in response as she felt a new rush of heat to her pussy.
Laying pressed against one another, Tzuyu kissed Mina gently.
Mina found herself rocking slightly as they continued to kiss, her pussy moving against Tzuyu's leg, creating gentle friction. There was no urgency to her movement, just the closeness of soft and tender kisses, with both women relaxing and lying comfortably together.
"I like this," whispered Mina after a few minutes.
Tzuyu smiled. "It is nice, isn't it?"
Mina smiled back, licking Tzuyu's lower lip softly and Tzuyu kissed Mina back and expressed more through her lips than words could ever do. Her body pressed against Mina's as her tongue entered her mouth.
Everything in the world felt right for the two.
Mina held Tzuyu tightly as she enjoyed her lips.
She moaned as Tzuyu kissed her deeper and more passionately and Mina couldn't stop her hands from running up and down Tzuyu's body.
Everything about Tzuyu made Mina want her more in that moment. She couldn't stop her hands from going down and squeezing Tzuyu's hot little ass.
She then grabbed Tzuyu by the hair and pulled her in for a deep and passionate kiss. Mina accepted the challenge of fully committing herself to this moment.
Both ladies continued kissing deeply as their tongues met in the middle just as their energies crashed into each other.
Mina moved one of her hands from Tzuyu's hair back down to her ass and gave it a hard squeeze as Tzuyu moaned and returned the favor by grabbing Mina's ass.
Mina moaned louder while Tzuyu began rubbing Mina's ass while she kissed her. 
She then moved her hands up and down Mina's entire body, taking time to appreciate her ass as well as her body.
"You’re beautiful," hushed Tzuyu as she broke the kiss, “everything about you is," she added, as she began rubbing again while rolling on top of Mina and placed one of her hands up to the beautiful set of breasts she desired so much.
Despite Tzuyu's efforts to keep her relaxed, Mina squirmed and moaned uncontrollably from her touch as Tzuyu fondled her breasts, playfully twisting her nipples.
Mina could barely kiss Tzuyu with all the moaning she was doing and desired the sensation of having her body touched.
Tzuyu leaned towards Mina's chest and placed kisses all over as Mina's heart filled with love, Tzuyu looked into her eyes and said, "I love you Mina."
It wasn't often that Tzuyu was a romantic kind of person.
It'd take a lot to get her to be sweet and affectionate, but for Mina, her wife, it was easy as 1,2,3.
Mina couldn't take it anymore.
Tzuyu was just so perfect to her as well.
She could no longer stop her actions from showing just how grateful she was to have Tzuyu in her life and wrapped her arms around her wife and locked her lips with her gorgeous woman.
She brought Tzuyu down on top of her and they kissed deeper and more passionately than they had ever kissed anyone before.
Tzuyu took a full grasp of Mina's breasts, squeezing them as she stuck her tongue deep inside Mina's mouth.
Mina looked up at Tzuyu and…
"Thank you for making me feel special." She felt understood in a way she never felt before.
"You’re my wife after all," said Tzuyu, with a smile. Making Mina happy brought just as much joy to Tzuyu.
Mina looked into Tzuyu's eyes.
She could sense Tzuyu's desire to take care of her needs. Mina was so turned on and ready to be vulnerable with the beautiful woman. 
She was ready to let go of any inhibitions and follow her heart's desires.
Mina laid on her back and Tzuyu was on her side, pressing her body against Mina's, stroking her hair as she kissed Mina once again. 
Tzuyu then slid her hand underneath and began rubbing Mina's wet clit.
"You feel so good~" Mina exclaimed. 
The sensation of Tzuyu's touch was high already, but only Tzuyu was able to create more intense feelings.
"Yeah," said Tzuyu, as she continued rubbing, "you like that baby?"
"Yes~ I do~ I love it when you play with me~" moaned Mina. 
Her sexy little body squirmed around as the brown-haired beauty continued tickling her clit Tzuyu giggled as her wife squirmed. 
"K-kiss me..." Mina moaned continuously. 
She couldn't control her body with the sensation she was feeling. 
"I-I want to k-kiss you!" she finally said, between as Tzuyu placed her lips on Mina's, not letting her catch her breath. 
Their tongues played with one another's as Tzuyu continued to tickle Mina's wet little clit. 
Mina hung on to Tzuyu, submitting herself to the woman that made her feel so sexy as she squirmed and pulled Tzuyu in tight, and reached around Tzuyu's body to squeeze her ass.
"Hmm~ play with me too~"
With Mina's other hand, she palmed one of Tzuyu's tits. 
"Hmm!" "Hmm~"
Tzuyu was now moaning just as much as Mina was while she continued to rub her clit.
Suddenly Mina's lips released as her head snapped back and she let out a long moan. 
"UGHHHHHHHHH!" she moaned, as her eyes crossed from the pleasure of a large orgasm.
Mina closed her eyes as she breathed heavily.
She was left satisfied as her body released the pressure of another intense orgasm.
Tzuyu was genuinely happy to give her beautiful friend the pleasure she deserved.
She continued to pet Mina's soaking wet pussy as she held her with care and placed a soft kiss on Mina's forehead as she watched her catch her breath.
"I really enjoy making you cum," Tzuyu whispered. "May I do it again?"
"Please," Mina begged, as she blushed and Tzuyu giggled.
Then their kissing accelerated, and Tzuyu began to push back a little more against Mina's slow movements. Already damp, Mina knew she was getting wetter, and wondered if Tzuyu could feel it.
Mina's hand trailed down to stroke Tzuyu's breast, then further down around her and to her butt, rubbing over it. Tzuyu's hand was already on Mina's ass from before, pulling her in and holding her to keep their contact.
As the two began to move together, Tzuyu began to squeeze Mina's ass more firmly. Mina could feel her cheeks separating as Tzuyu pulled her in close.
Mina found herself beginning to rock a bit more purposefully against Tzuyu.
She hooked her leg up higher, trying to press her pussy more firmly against Tzuyu's leg. As she did this, Tzuyu's hand slid further back from rubbing Mina's buttock, and her fingers grazed over Mina's pussy from the back.
She began lightly stroking Mina's pussy, running her fingers up and down her slit, over the skin of her outer lips. From this angle Tzuyu was just able to sneak her finger inside Mina's lips, barely enough to tease, pulling out to stroke Mina's lips again.
As she ran her fingers up and down, Tzuyu's fingers touched Mina's anus at the top of the trail of her fingers. Tzuyu touched very lightly at first, not knowing how Mina would react.
But when Mina continued to move against her without reacting, Tzuyu began to include Mina's asshole into the path her fingers were taking, touching it lightly, running her fingers down and slightly between her lips, down further almost to where Mina's body was connected to Tzuyu's, and back again.
Each time Tzuyu dipped into Mina's pussy, Mina tried to push back against her hand while still keeping her clit pressed against Tzuyu's leg.
After a minute, Tzuyu shifted her body, breaking their kiss so that she could pull Mina up a little more and effectively slide down a little farther to reach Mina better from behind.
Now she could actually slide her finger into Mina's pussy, still not deep, but enough for Mina to feel her inside.
Tzuyu could feel just how wet Mina had gotten as she continued to rock against Tzuyu's hip as Tzuyu's fingers moved in and out in rhythm with her rocking.
Mina was breathing heavily as Tzuyu touched her, feeling a slow buildup to an orgasm that was still a ways off, but which she could see coming.
Mostly it was the pressure on her clit that was getting her there, but Tzuyu's teasing behind her was delightful agony. She really wanted Tzuyu deep in her, but it just wasn't going to happen from this angle.
Tzuyu continued to finger Mina's pussy, alternately penetrating and withdrawing just to stroke the outside, from Mina's asshole down past her pussy towards her clit. 
From her movements pushing back against her, Tzuyu knew that Mina was excited and wanted more, but she was enjoying just this level of touch.
She shifted to focus a bit more on her touch on Mina's ass along with her pussy, and when Mina didn't object to repeated stroking, she pushed on her asshole slightly.
Just as when Tzuyu dipped into her pussy, Mina pushed back against this pressure, giving Tzuyu a green light to play a bit more. She dipped back into Mina's pussy and began to spread Mina's wetness over her anus.
Putting a little pressure on Mina's rosebud, Tzuyu could feel the muscle resist as she pushed. Tzuyu felt Mina let out a breath, and pulled back from her far enough to glance up at Mina's face and murmur,
"Is this okay?" Mina's eyes were closed, and she just gave a jerky nod.
Tzuyu dipped her finger into Mina's pussy one more time, getting it thoroughly slick, then returned to start sliding it into Mina's asshole.
Angling her finger, she began to slip in, pausing as her first knuckle reached the edge of Mina's anus. 
Tzuyu loved the feeling of entering Mina, her tight ring clenching her finger, so much tighter than her pussy. 
She pushed further, her first knuckle pushing past Mina's ring, then her second.
Mina groaned as she felt open to Tzuyu, and Tzuyu felt herself penetrate to Mina's core, feeling the heat inside Mina's ass.
Pushing back as Tzuyu entered her, Mina was almost gasping as she felt Tzuyu penetrate her this way.
The dual sensations of her pussy rubbing on Tzuyu's hip coupled with the pressure in her ass were remarkable, and she could feel her orgasm, which seemed distant just a moment ago, rising rapidly.
She began bucking harder against Tzuyu, trying to get more pressure and friction on her swollen clit, and also wanting Tzuyu to push further into her ass.
"More..." she gasped, and Tzuyu obliged by pushing her finger into Mina's ass as deep as she could, pulling Mina against her as she did. The sensations built rapidly, and Mina felt herself go over the edge, pushing hard against Tzuyu as Tzuyu pulled her ass tight.
"Oh god," she burst out. "Oh, Oh, Tzuyu... Oh!" Mina bucked against Tzuyu once more, then twice, her asshole clenching around Tzuyu's finger as her orgasm rushed through her.
Tzuyu kept her finger in Mina's ass as her thrusts against Tzuyu slowed. 
When Mina had slowed to just gentle rocking against Tzuyu, Tzuyu slowly pulled her finger from Mina and she gave another small gasp as she felt Tzuyu pull out, leaving her with a strange feeling of emptiness.
Tzuyu shifted, rolling Mina off of her leg and onto the bed next to her, still keeping contact with her hand on Mina's ass.
Tilting her head up, she gave Mina a small kiss. But then, before Mina could come down all the way from her orgasm, Tzuyu began to move downward.
She kissed Mina's breast but then continued further, trailing kisses down Mina's belly. Mina's tummy gave a lurch as she realized where Tzuyu must be going.
Tzuyu shifted further and slid her body down the bed. 
Taking Mina's legs in her hands, she opened Mina to her gaze, and without further ado, lowered her head to Mina's pussy.
Tzuyu kissed Mina's pussy lips gently, planting one kiss on each side, adding one above her clit. But then Tzuyu took her hands and spread Mina open.
Mina gasped as she felt Tzuyu's breath on her clit, and then almost immediately felt the soft sensation of Tzuyu's tongue running up her pussy. Mina moaned at the sensation.
Tzuyu then slid her tongue back down and into Mina's pussy, pushing it deep into her, her nose pressing on Mina's clit. 
"Hmm~ Tzu~ Tzu!"
Mina felt another rush of heat to her pussy as Tzuyu commenced licking her with long strokes from top to bottom, dipping her tongue into her pussy, and stroking up to trail her tongue over Mina's clit.
Tzuyu was gentle at first, lapping over Mina's clit with long, slow strokes, using the soft top of her tongue...till she stopped.
Mina looked down at Tzuyu pulling her head back.
"Hmm...we should experience it together," Tzuyu stopped her action and Mina understood her.
So Tzuyu didn't hesitate to straddle Mina's face and lower her dripping wet sex to her mouth, or to lower herself as well and align her mouth with Mina's pussy as well.
Tongues swiped against each other, and they both moaned loudly before returning to their meals. 
Mina swirled the very tip of her tongue around Tzuyu's clit, making the blonde's body shudder against hers. 
Tzuyu once again started doing things she knows she'd like, and just listened to Mina's always heated reactions to find out what she likes specifically.
Within a minute the entire room melted away from them, and everything about their lives including each other. 
Their shared body heat made them sweat more, and even while their mouths feasted on each other, their hands squeezed and caressed whatever they could reach. 
"God you taste so good Tzuyu~"
"You as well Mina~ I could eat you all day if I could~"
Mina had more of an advantage with the touching since Tzuyu was on top, but neither one of them seemed to mind when she grasped Tzuyu's adding in her hands and squeezed them to add to the stimulation.
Tzuyu briefly hoped that no one could hear them in their apartment because they were not quiet at all, even being muffled into each other's snatches.
Mina let out a scream into Tzuyu's pussy when she felt her teeth on her clit, and Tzuyu was humping Mina'a face with loud, panting breaths that sounded like she was hyperventilating. 
All that mattered at that moment as how they felt together, and how much they wanted to continue to feel together. 
The long gentle strokes, the delicate hands alternately touching the other lightly and pulling the other open added up to something that was somehow different, but which was bringing them to the edge fast.
Tzuyu began lifting and lowering her hip trying to get Mina's tongue to just the right spot.
When Mina finally sucked her clit into her mouth, Tzuyu jolted with ecstasy and clamped down on Mina's head, signaling she was right on target, feeling Mina's tongue really went to work on her clit.
Knowing what had happened before, Tzuyu reached under Mina with one hand to slide her forefinger finger back into Mina's ass, pushing in as far as she could.
Mina gave out a loud, incoherent noise, and with that she came again, her pussy bucking against Tzuyu's face, her ass coming off the bed and pushing down on Tzuyu's hand.
Tzuyu pulled Mina tight to her mouth, her tongue continuing to work over Mina's clit. Mina's legs clenched around Tzuyu's head, her ass tightening on Tzuyu's finger again.
Mina returned the favor as she groped one of Tzuyu's firm ass cheeks and the other hand to stimulate Tzuyu's clit as she tongues her pussy.
Tongues licked and probed, teeth bit and raked, and bodies writhed and shook, but always together.
"Oh shi-Tzu-Tzu-" Mina clamped her thighs together and Tzuyu knew she was about to come once more.
"I'm not ready Mina, faster!" Tzuyu begged as Mina swiftly paced herself to eat her wife out and join her.
It ended with their hips pushing against each other's mouths frantically, strangled moans of delight muffled by their unwillingness to pull away from their feast, heads buried between thighs like that's where they were always meant to be, and skin-searing fire shooting through their veins.
"Ahh! I-I'm gonna cum! Tzu, if you keep- AHH!"
"I-I can't hold back anymore either! I'm-ahh~~!" 
Both on the dot, came inside each other's inviting mouth as much as outside, slurping every drop they could.
It was an incredible moment, memories created from sensation more than anything else. 
That is what they would remember more, the feeling of being together. 
When they finally had enough energy to pull away, they lay down on opposite ends of the bed, but they were still looking at each other, smiling and already speaking as if they didn't just have one of the best orgasms of their lives.
"I know...but we're not done," Tzuyu huffed as Mina grinned.
"Good, come here...I think I should return the favor~"
As Mina asked, Tzuyu positioned herself against Mina, head to head and Mina brought her in to kiss her hard.
Tzuyu moved her leg off of Mina and rolled onto her back. Opening her legs just a bit, Mina reached down and looked Tzuyu in the eyes.
Mina began stroking her, Tzuyu's eyes fluttering as she touched her clit. 
She played with her for a minute and then leaned in to kiss her, the kiss fueling the sensation in her pussy as Mina shifted so that she was lying on her side, bringing her other hand up to Tzuyu's breast as she played with her breasts.
Glancing down, Mina decided it was her move and adjusted her head down to lick Tzuyu's nipples. 
Extending her tongue slightly, Mina's licks were tentative at first, just a flick of her tongue on Tzuyu's nipple, and a slow drag of the flat of her tongue under it.
But then as she took Tzuyu's left nipple fully into her mouth, running her tongue over it with more force, Mina was sastified at the sensation of it hardening under her tongue.
She began running her tongue in circles around Tzuyu's nipple, on her areola, sometimes sucking the whole top of Tzuyu's breast into her mouth.
"Hmm~ Mina~"
Tzuyu shivered slightly, the sensations from her breast reaching her pussy and her clit. Mina was enjoying playing, feeling the smooth skin of Tzuyu's breast under her tongue.
Mina moved her hand to Tzuyu's right breast, tweaking Tzuyu's nipple until it was hard, her mouth simultaneously busy on Tzuyu's left breast.
Mina could feel Tzuyu's arm moving as she masturbated. Mina leaned upward to kiss Tzuyu again on her lips, and then moved her left hand downward, sliding down Tzuyu's arm towards her hand.
She covered Tzuyu's hand in her own, feeling Tzuyu rubbing her clit, another finger lodged between her lips.
After a moment Tzuyu pulled her hand from her pussy to take Mina's hand in her own. Mina could feel that Tzuyu's fingers were very wet as she guided Mina's hand to her pussy.
Tzuyu placed her hand over Mina's, pushing it down to her pussy, covering Mina's fingers with her own and almost pushing Mina's finger inside her.
The two women began to play with Tzuyu's pussy together.
With Mina's finger inside Tzuyu, she was free to rub her clit again, but after a moment they switched, with Mina bringing her wet fingers up to rub Tzuyu's clit while Tzuyu opened her legs further to slide two fingers inside herself.
Mina felt herself getting excited again as she touched Tzuyu. Feeling her fingers play in another woman, feeling the slick skin of Tzuyu's pussy, was keeping her on the edge.
Her excitement brought her to the last thing she wanted.
Mina broke from kissing Tzuyu.
"Bring your fingers up," she whispered.
Tzuyu slowly brought her hand up between them, bringing her fingers up to Mina's lips. 
Mina put out her tongue, licking up the side of Tzuyu's finger, then slowly sucking Tzuyu's finger into her mouth.
Licking it clean in her mouth, she then removed it and kissed Tzuyu, sharing the taste.
Tzuyu's taste was slightly stronger than Mina's, but with the same unmistakable tang of sex and excitement. Releasing Tzuyu's hand, which Tzuyu promptly moved back to her pussy, Mina then began to slide down Tzuyu's body.
Reaching Tzuyu's pussy, she positioned herself with her head on Tzuyu's thigh to watch Tzuyu's fingers work over her clit, dipping between her lips and back up.
"Ahh~ Ahh~"
Tzuyu's fingers were working faster now, her own excitement building as she knew Mina was watching, inches away.
Tzuyu put her hand on Mina's head, stroking her hair, wanting to encourage Mina but not push her too far, or too fast.
Mina brought her left hand back to Tzuyu's pussy, playing at the opening of Tzuyu's pussy, seeing Tzuyu's flesh glistening.
Moving closer, she breathed in, Tzuyu's aroma hitting her and making her stomach tense. She blew out, knowing that her breath would tickle, and feeling Tzuyu's hand in her hair exerting very slight pressure and she watched her shiver as she felt Mina's breath between her legs. 
Turning to her silky smooth legs, Mina placed a lingering kiss on the inside of her left thigh, and gradually kissed her way up the inside of her leg, getting close to her hot mound but not touching it.
Tzuyu was sighing while Mina kissed her and she saw that Tzuyu's pussy was slowly opening of its own volition.
Repeating her movements on her other leg, Mina slowly kissed her way up again, loving the soft skin on her lips as she moved toward her goal.
She could hear Tzuyu's moans as she moved closer to her pussy again, and her hips were pushing up, eager for Mina to touch the most intimate part of her young sexy body.
She placed her hands on the inside of her legs to keep Tzuyu exposed to her and she moved forward and slowly licked along her pussy lips.
"Oh yes~ Mina~" Tzuyu exclaimed as her body shook at the first touch of her pussy.
Mina used her tongue on her, running it across her outer lips, teasing her, licking around her entrance but avoiding it and her clitoris, letting the anticipation build. As the moans got louder she placed her mouth over her sweet pussy entrance and licked around it before plunging her tongue into her.
The musky and sweet taste of her sex overwhelmed Mina for a moment as she entered her body with her tongue, and Mina paused, her tongue inside her.
The feeling of Tzuyu's flesh surrounded her and was rewarded with a moan and a sweet, salty taste as she reached Tzuyu's inner core. She tried licking up between Tzuyu's lips, sucking Tzuyu's lip into her mouth.
At the same time, Tzuyu cried out and tried to close her legs at the sudden invasion but Mina's determined hands kept her legs apart and her pussy exposed to her.
"Ahh hehe~ Hmm so good~"
Mina reveled in the control she had over Tzuyu and she started thrusting her tongue into her tight pussy and licking inside her hot body.
Soon Tzuyu was arching her back and shouting out Mina's name as she fucked her sweet pussy with her tongue.
Mina knew she wouldn't last much longer and I knew what I could do to make her orgasm more powerful. She pulled back from her pussy and before Tzuyu could miss her, she pressed two fingers against her glistening pussy entrance.
Her fingers easily pushed into her, parting her pussy lips so Mina could thrust them deep inside her, deeper than her tongue could reach.
Tzuyu shrieked, "Ahhhh, fuck that's good!~" at the feel of her fingers stroking inside her pussy.
Mina looked up, and it was a beautiful sight.
Tzuyu had her eyes closed and was playing with her breasts, her mouth open as she moaned loudly every time Mina pushed deep inside her young body.
Mina continued to probe her pussy, her fingers rubbing her pussy walls with every thrust into her, and she soon found the pace which helped her get closer and closer to her orgasm.
Now Tzuyu was just mumbling, 
"Yes, yes, yes," 
in time with the stroking of her fingers inside her as Mina could see her clitoris clearly peeking out from its soft protective lips.
Gradually her cries became louder and louder and Mina could feel her pussy get hotter and hotter from her attention.
Timing the moment Mina moved her head closer to her, still with her fingers penetrating her tight pussy.
Knowing she was about to cum, reaching up to hold Tzuyu's hand in her own, Mina suddenly flicked her tongue across Tzuyu's engorged clitoris.
Just that light touch of Mina's tongue on her set Tzuyu over the edge.
She could feel Tzuyu clutching her hand, squeezing it tight as Mina licked her clit.
Not knowing exactly what to do, Mina just did what she knew she liked, giving wide licks followed by more intense pressure.
When she hit a good spot, Tzuyu murmured encouragement, and Mina began to hit the right spot over and over.
Tzuyu felt her orgasm coming, and she began to grip Mina's hand even tighter and gave voice to the sensations in her clit in the form of a long incoherent noise.
It had been a while since the two could commit intercourse, and hearing Tzuyu, that she was going to cum on her face, brought Mina a smirk to know that she still had it.
Tzuyu's hips began rocking, her hand just holding Mina's head as she forced herself against her tongue. Her breathing accelerated, her chest heaving as her stomach rose and fell in time to the thrusts of her hips.
"Ahhhh, I'm cumming, oh yes, oh yes, ahhhhhh!!" Tzuyu finally shrieked as her climax consumed her and her body writhed under her touch.
Mina continued to gently lick across her clit while she came although she found it hard to keep close with all of Tzuyu's bucking and writhing on the bed.
Mina had to firmly hold her thin waist to stop her from moving too far away from her as she kept licking her sweet pussy. 
It was such a sexy feeling to know that she had made her sexy girlfriend cum so hard and so quickly.
Tzuyu's climax darted from one peak to another, a constant rush of euphoria that threatened to overwhelm her. 
Slowly her breathing calmed and Tzuyu slumped back on the mattress.
She thrust her hips up, holding her position as she came, falling back to the bed as shudders coursed through her body. 
Mina kept her tongue on Tzuyu's clit, flicking over it as fast as she could now as Tzuyu held her head tight against her.
As Tzuyu's shudders slowed, Mina reverted to a few long, slow licks, helping Tzuyu come back down to earth gently.
Mina wasn't done.
She had Tzuyu in this position and was addicted to Tzuyu's tongue.
Mina quickly hovered over Tzuyu as she watched Mina grab her arms.
"What are you-" 
And before Tzuyu could answer, Mina guided her wife's arms up and kneeling on top of them to simultaneously straddle Tzuyu's face and pin her down.
"Hehe, how horny are you today Mina~" Tzuyu chuckled, some uncertainty in her voice as she tried squirming underneath the weight. 
"It's your fault for that,"
Mina reached down to stroke her wife's hair, meeting her eyes, and Tzuyu gave her a small nod. 
"Well I ain't going to say no to eating you again~" Tzuyu grinned as Mina chuckled.
Biting her lip, Mina lowered herself onto her wife's face and inhaled sharply as a hot tongue pushed through her folds. 
"Ah yes~"
A few licks collected her wetness, then Tzuyu settled into a well-practiced pace that made Mina moan. Her wife knew just what she liked, and Mina tangled one hand in Tzuyu's wavy hair as she leaned back on the other, basking in the sensations.
"That's it, baby..." Mina groaned, clutching at her wife's head as pleasure set her nerves alight. 
It felt so different to be the one in control. 
Tzuyu was usually the one to be taking the charge, but Mina can and will attack back and boy was it unbelievably hot to Tzuyu when she did.
Though Mina's relaxed demeanor was adorable, this was a knockout.
Judging by the dampness of her wife's pussy and the eager tongue on her clit, Tzuyu was enjoying it too, though her wriggling suggested she was desperate for a little attention of her own. 
Mina shifted the hand she was leaning back on to rub Tzuyu's slit, smiling when her wife moaned against her pussy and lifted her hips into the touch.
"Hmm, you look so hot under me~" Mina murmured, slipping her fingers to gently stroke Tzuyu's wet folds and circle her clit with teasing slowness. 
She used the hand in her wife's hair to pull her close, and Tzuyu grumbled indistinctly before beginning to flutter her tongue over Mina's most sensitive point once more. 
She returned to rubbing Tzuyu's clit, firm passes with the slick pads of her fingers that made her wife moan. 
It didn't take long for Mina's orgasm to near. 
"Ah Tzu! Again!" 
Tzuyu's skilled tongue and the unfamiliar but intoxicating thrill of dominance had a hot tension ready to snap inside her. 
Mina quickened her fingers, trying to hold back from her peak and using her knowledge of her lover's body to bring her wife to the edge with her.
She was the only one to tip over, though, and Tzuyu whined in disappointment as Mina let out a low moan. 
"Ohh fuck! Tzu! Ahh! Ahh...~"
She clutched at Tzuyu's hair, wave after wave of bliss rocking her body and leaving her weak. Her legs tensed and spasmed, her stomach flexing with each bolt of pleasure.
Mina moved to the side, slipping her fingers out from Tzuyu's soaking pussy and laid on the side of Tzuyu, whose face was dripping with her juices.
"You look so hot..."
 And Mina didn't hesitate to kiss her as Tzuyu kissed her back.
Both of them moaned into each other's mouths as they molded and fit together so perfectly, and the soft, pliant globes of either breasts pressed against their own.
Their bodies writhed, flesh against supple flesh, as their lips met and parted too many times to keep count. 
But it was such a different kiss in comparison to everything else that night. 
Lips pressed together so softly that if it wasn't for the lovely tingling sensation that spread throughout their bodies, they wouldn't even register the contact. 
Mina drew out Tzuyu's tongue with her own, memories of exactly what each other's tongues can do lit their senses ablaze, and neither one seemed content to be in the other's mouth for long before switching sides.
Their bodies never stopped moving completely, and every second of contact only seemed to add fuel to the kiss that was overwhelming them both.
But they understood that it was their love for another, a love that can't be replicated by another.
When they finally stopped kissing, their lips stayed just centimeters from each other for a while longer, both of them hoping one would continue the kiss. 
"Mina..." Tzuyu said so softly that Mina barely recognized the voice. 
She never knew that one word could be filled with so much feeling and the fact that it was her name that was said made it so much more poignant. 
"I truly love you..."
Mina smiled at her wife and graced her hand up to play with her hair.
"I know, and I love you too Tzuyu. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together, I'm not letting you go for anything." Mina uttered back as Tzuyu's face lit up.
That once-in-a-blue-moon expression that only Mina could achieve.
"Neither I to you Mina," Tzuyu said back and scooted closer to her wife and both girls enjoyed each other's presence, regaining the energy that they lost in their love.
Closing her eyes as she slid one of her legs between Mina's so they were entwined at the ankles, Mina leaned up and gave a peck on Tzuyu's forehead.
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"Merry Christmas Tzuyu."
"Merry Christmas Mina."
And the two cuddled up, eyes shut, and let the exhaustion take them away.
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And that's that!
So not much to say, but Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this. 
Vote/Comment and thanks again!
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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"go to sleep. . ." sanzu's gruff voice cuts through the still silence of the night. you suck in a sharp breath, it startled you a little—you've been tracing sanzu's pretty features with your eyes as he lays on his back next to you. his side profile never fails to amaze you; the way his thick lashes curl upwards, every dip and curve of his cute nose, his rosy lips.
"or, you can keep looking." despite the tiredness in his tone, there's an evident tease. sanzu turns to his side, giving you a full view of his face. he had his arms loosely crossed over his chest, eyes sealed shut, and forehead slightly creased from his knitted brows.
bringing a finger towards sanzu's face, you ghost it over his face; along the bridge of his nose—causing him to scrunch it a little at your soft butterfly touch—to the dip of his lips, and over the ridged skin on the corners of his mouth.
"you're so pretty, haru. . .”
sanzu's heart pounded against his chest. thank the heavens for the moonlit room because you couldn't see sanzu's creeping blush. pretty. no one calls him that. the rosy-haired man lets out a little scoff before turning his back to you, hiding the fact that he's flustered.
you let out a soft laugh before wrapping your arms around him, tightly -his back flush against your chest. his scent engulfed you, immediately putting your body at ease.
"so beautiful, my haru."
sanzu lets out an absent-minded hum, taking your hand in his. naturally, he'd snap at other people calling him those words but it's different with you, it always is.
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eucharist-eulogy · 3 months
Favorite HSR characters and why!
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hes just like me fr
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mitzu told me she hced eng sunday as shiloh’s vc and i died /j
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i read Alien Space and Second Eruption. buff peepaw please
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shes so silly
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sanaxnayeon · 3 years
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Our two lovely gangsters.😎
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kpopfeeds · 2 years
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m i t z u 
0 6 . 1 0 . 2 0 2 2 
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kiss4na · 4 years
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i don’t know why i find the members hugging tzuyu so adorable, it’s just so fluffy and soft. just the older members hugging their maknae chewy 🥺🥰
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teudoongievibes · 5 years
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Lord Jihyo only knows how much I love her and am thankful for her, and only want everything good in this world for her. 
2019 was hard on this sweet penguin, but she came back only stronger and ready to flat out kill me everytime she makes an appearance or simply exists.
I hope 23 will treat her well, she deserves it, she deserves the world.
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placeoroutlet · 5 years
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63 notes · View notes
lucelith-blog · 6 years
CHAPTER 5: Small Town
OUT NOW!!!!!
« A TWICEXID 80s au »
read here: https://www.asianfanfics.com/browse/tag/hajeong
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misamo · 7 years
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otwicepairing · 4 months
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heart shaker ? no more like butt shaker haha
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dahyun · 7 years
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287 notes · View notes
mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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— sanzu haruchiyo x mitsu
cw: nsfw (mdni), smut, unprotected sex, hickeys, clit slapping, riding, pet names (baby, sunshine), sanzu being hot as always.
a/n: here it is folks, mitzu smut 🧎🏻‍♀️this fic is purely self ship so if you’re not into that then please scroll past, no need to send hate <3 purely based on the most delicious esex sanzu and i had
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“im curious about something.” mitsu mumbled, her cheek pressed against sanzu’s chest as she lay her head on top of it. sanzu hummed in question, sending vibrations straight to her ear as he ran his slender fingers through her silky wine coloured tresses that cascaded down her back.
she let out a chuckle, embarrassment already engulfing her body before even asking the question. sanzu furrowed his brows, gaze dropping down to the girl on his chest—he was now very curious about what she had in her mind. “what’s on your mind, sunshine?”
mitsu thought about it for a while before letting out a small sigh, “what’s your.. favourite position?” she felt the strand stroking her hair come to an abrupt stop, her question definitely caught sanzu off guard.
she positioned her head at an angle so she could look up at him. mitsu met sanzu’s gaze, a smug smile forming upon his lips as he thought of the answer. “my favourite position, you say?” the hand that was once buried in her hair slowly made its way down to her back, his fingertips barely making contact with her clothes.
“mhm.. when you’re on top of me, fuck. sittin’ all pretty with your breasts exposed just for me to squeeze and play with.” as sanzu was saying this, his arm curved around from mitsu’s back to her front, hand cupping a mound and squeezing at it.
she let out a surprised yelp at sanzu’s action, her cheeks instantly turning into a deep shade of crimson as she felt her face burn with embarrassment. but, she held sanzu’s gaze, both their eyes slowly getting clouded with lust.
“all while i call you ‘my baby’, because i know how wet that gets you. am i right, sunshine?” mitsu swallowed thickly and nodded. she bit her lip as her heart raced with excitement as sanzu slipped his hand under her shirt to continue playing with her chest.
“seeing you bounce on my cock with such desperation while i rub your clit.. fuck, it’s so hot. but you like it, don’t you? the way i let you take control of the speed and rhythm.”
sanzu smirked down at her. he didn’t miss the way she shifted on top of him, eagerly rubbing her thighs together as she felt her cunt tingling while such naughty words came out of sanzu’s lips. he liked the way mitsu tried to pull herself together whenever she was flustered; the way her dimpled cheeks blushed with embarrassment as she furrowed her brows.
but of course, as innocent as her expressions were, her mind was far from innocent.
“hm. why don’t you show me, my moonlight?”
a few seconds of silence passed as they held each other’s gazes—his deep cerulean eyes intensely looking into her dark brown ones. mitsu could hear sanzu’s heart pounding against his chest, she also noticed how his hard his cock had gotten, which was now brushing against her clothed thighs.
sanzu gave her breast one last squeeze before muttering a curse under his breath. “fuck, sunshine. you know what to do..” after stripping their clothes off, both of them positioned theirselves on the bed—sanzu sitting on the mattress, back resting on the headboard while mitsu straddled his lap, her legs folded on each side of his hip, knees digging into the mattress.
as if on cue, his hands flew directly to her hips, rocking it back and forth to stimulate her bare clit against his hard cock. mitsu let out a soft whimper, lips parted and her back arching at the sudden pleasure as she dropped her head low. “sanzu..”
“hmm? use your words, sunshine. what do you want?” mitsu swore under her breath and looked at sanzu, “i want you inside me.” he smirked, “good girl. go on, put it in.”
she wasted no time to grab the base of his heavy cock and lifted her hips to slide down on his cock. sanzu threw his head back against the wall as she sank down on his blunt tip, his fingers harshly digging into the flesh of her hips—hard enough to form small bruises.
“fuck, sunshine.. always so tight f’me, huh?” his voice was strained from trying to hold back a moan, gritting his teeth. mitsu’s nails painfully dug into sanzu’s shoulders as she slowly took his length, inch by inch. “aah, fuck!” mitsu whined, her legs instinctively trying to close as sanzu bottomed out.
sanzu sat limp against the headboard, he eyes shut closed and head thrown back in pure bliss as her cunt hugged his cock in all the right ways. his cheeks were almost the same colour as the rosy strands that cascaded past his shoulders and onto his bare chest.
he let out a shameless unexpected moan as mitsu began lifting her hips and dropping back down to the base of his cock. the sound of loud squelching and heavy pants echoed throughout the room. fuck, it was erotic.
it took all of sanzu’s willpower to open his eyes and look up at mitsu through his long rosy lashes. the sight in front of him almost made him cum right then and there; the way her breasts moved with every bounce of her hips on his cock; the way he pink lips were slightly parted, small moans slipping past them; the way her eyes held his gaze like she wasn’t giving him the best fuck of his life.
sanzu leaned forward to cup each of her breasts with his slender hands, harshly squeezing at the supple flesh. he didn’t hesitate to put a bud in his mouth, his tongue swirling around her sensitive nipple, alternating between licking and sucking at it. he gave her other breast attention by squeezing and groping it.
this earned a loud moan from the woman above him, the pleasure she felt now did not only come from where she and sanzu met but also from where sanzu sucked on her nipple. “ah! ah! sanzuuu..!” this caused her to bounce harder on his cock, her ass deliciously slapping against his heavy balls which made a loud skin slapping noise.
“fuck yeah, baby… s’good for me.” sanzu groaned and threw his head as he felt mitsu briefly clench around his cock, presumably from the choice of pet name he used.
sanzu chuckled, “haah.. so cute, clenching around me when i call you ‘baby’, hm?” all she could respond with was a moan due to how well sanzu’s tip was hitting that spongey spot inside her over and over again.
the hand that was playing with her breast trailed down her abdomen and to her clit. sanzu’s thumb brushed over her clit a couple of times before rubbing fast and tight circles.
“ngh—ah! shit! sanzu!”
mitsu removed her hands from his shoulders and brought it behind her. leaning back, she firmly placed her hands on each of sanzu’s knees and bounced faster. this time, her breasts were more exposed. he swore he almost saw stars at the sight of her; her chest littered with love bites of dark red and purple hues and breasts swollen from his ministrations earlier—deliciously bouncing with every beat.
“ah shit.. that’s it sunshine. mhm! so fucking close.. you cumming f’me?” his voice was breathy, moans unexpectedly escaping here and there. he could’t help it, not when his sunshine looked so fucking perfect and delicious. and the best part? mitsu was all his.
“y-yes! yes! fuck, i’m so close, baby!”
sanzu leaned forward to whisper in her ear, his hand still stimulating her clit, “why don’t you cum for me, baby?” his hot breath ghosted the side of mitsu’s neck, causing goosebumps to form.
mitsu let out a loud whine as she heard the pet name that could bring her to her knees. she threw her head back, her face contorting in pleasure while she let out short high pitched moans, chest heaving with every breath that escaped her lungs.
her wine coloured strands stuck to her skin as a light sheen of sweat covered her naked body.
sanzu peppered open-mouthed kisses along her chest; kissing over the littered bruises along her skin, tongue darting out to trace them, leaving wet trails of his saliva. he could tell she was close with how much she squeezed around his cock, fuck, he had to hold himself back from cumming right away.
he switched from rubbing mitsu’s clit to slapping it, bringing tears to her eyes. “mmm, that’s it baby.. let go for me. cum for your moonlight.”
it didn’t take much before the knot inside her stomach snapped, immediately cumming around sanzu’s cock. “sanzu!” mitsu arched her back as she cried his name out loud. hot tears rolling down her flushed cheeks as pure pleasure engulfed her whole body—every muscle becoming taut.
sanzu licked a long stripe from between the valley of her breasts up to the side of her neck and whispered sweet praises in her ear, all while slapping her clit.
after riding out her orgasm, mitsu messily took sanzu’s cock out to stroke it. her hand quickly moving up and down his sticky shaft—her brain was still fogged with lust, and head dizzy from the mind blowing orgasm.
she looked at sanzu who had his head thrown back in pure bliss. adam’s apple bobbing with every moan that slipped past his lips. “fuuuck.. mitsu!” she rubbed her thumb at the apex of his cock, stimulating the sensitive slit of it while her other hand worked up and down his shaft.
“mmm, cum for me, baby..” sanzu let out a string of profanities as he let go. his thick, hot cum spurted every where, painting mitsu’s abdomen and chest white. she rode out his orgasm by fisting his cock harder and massaging his balls which earned a whine of protest from the man beneath her, overstimulating him.
“shit, sunshine.. you drive me absolutely crazy, you know that?”
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© mitsuyeaah
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