#mixed with rythym mini games
raisnkaine · 1 year
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I need to draw my ocs more
I love my ocs :] I want to develop them more and start working on my personal project
Though I'm not exactly sure what path I want to take with it
Its very complicated and I wont bore you with the details
But the personal project includes this lil gremlin and their band- i cant remember what the name of it was. I do know it's band is like garage rock/punk/alt that sorta stuff
It takes place in a world that is overflowing with clowns :> I'll share more when I feel like it
Ill ramble in the tags
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1. Sly and Bentley get idle animations while in the Safehouse Hub.
2. Murray interacts with them Sly and Bentley in some idle animations. Ex. The final idle animation where Murray stands next to Bentley after unlocking Clockwerk/the final level where he eats a hotdog. Take that and make an idle where he offers Bentley a bite or Bentley is eating his own hotdog.
3. Carmelita gets more levels where she gets to shoot at Sly/ Crashes 1 or 2 of the boss fights. Ex. Carm follows Sly to the Muggshot fight and Sly has to use Carm's shots to subdue Muggshot while Sly flips the mirrors/ or steal the guns off of Muggshot.
4. Murray has a boyfriend/girlfriend. No legit, either it be Bentley or Sly OR an entirely other character that isn't outright mentioned except for thier name and species, no gender.
5. Murray get new levels that are essentially the escape routes they have to take to escape the area. Murray racing against the cops.
6. Bentley gets new levels that are hacking the Interpol computers for new info on the Fiendish Five. Mix of Sly2/4 hack missions.
7. New cutscenes where Bentley and Murray interect. Or Murray interacts more with Sly.
8. Neyla is introduced earlier. Somehow a insider of Interpol the Gang uses for info, making her a important and trusted person before her betrayal in Sly2.
9. The Hideout/Safehouse is now a fully explorable area where you can chat with Bentley and Murray for tips, chat with Neyla over Thiefnet to buy more info, see what you've collected in the Thievius Raccoonus so far. (Bonus if the book is in Sly's room.) ^^^ - Sly uses the main area to level select - Bentley's room is for looking at cutscenes and chatting with him when he's in it. -Murray's room is for training with the new moves and given little minigames where you help Murray train. (helping him become The Murray) - Sly's room has the Thievius Racoonus and other items you've stolen. (Muggshot's guns, the jewel from Mz. Ruby's belly button, Raleigh's Tophat, A firework from Panda King)
10. Bentley and Carmelita interact. Whether being bitterly cordial or teaming up to dunk on Sly. These two would be good buddies.
11. Sly reveals his special ability. Ex. He lived??? Of course he did, he can rewind time to a certain extent. (???)
12. Murray takes over the turret missions with a potato gun. No Sly watching over him.
13. Bentley and Sly team up to get Bentley to central areas where he can hack into the FF's secrurity. Funnier would be if you brought him to the chicken coop level and have him directly speak with ghost where he'll tell you somehting like: Bentley: In order to get through here safely, you're gonna have to whack 50 chickens to make a huge pot of chicken gumbo! Sly: I thought you didn't like chicken? Bentley: Not for me, the ghost!
14. Mini missions of the vacations the Gang takes between episodes. Fun, little rythym games, smaller hacking jobs, mini training. Or even snippets of what's going down on Carmelita's end and how she's able to find Sly over and over.
15. LET US SEE THE CLOCKWERK PAGES. What pages did we retrieve when we beat Clockwerk??? Was it Conner's pages? Maybe a snippet of it actually being writing by Dr. M? A warning about the Klaww Gang for next game??? What abilities did Sly find on those pages or were they empty???
16. Give us a extra cutscene where Carm escapes the volcano and gets a hold of Neyla to get Interpol into Russia. Giving us a more connected tie between the end of Sly1 and how the Klaww Gang took interest of the parts they stole in Sly2.
17. Dating minigame. Find specific items as Sly and gift them to Bentley, Murray, Carmelita, or Neyla for extra coins, more treasure, updated moves, etc. Bonus achievement for collecting all of them AND giving all of them to the right people.
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Ah yes, rythym hive, the game that makes each update make me legit not feel like playing hdjahsh. I don't blame ya for not being interested, many svt fans that are getting it just for svt have complains about it and they are valid.
I know we shouldn't compare it to the superstar games as dalcom had years of perfecting their games (they aren't perfect at time ether) and bighit bought out this company to make their games who probably don't have much experience making such games yet. I understand that but you can tell how much rythym hive is lacking while having some shining moments but its the cons that put you off, especially with the current state of updates. The fact that your free diamonds have NO purpose, legit no purpose to be used. Now yes, I can get them for say the disc's for playing a song or coins and maybe some of the less cool stickers for the diary but the fact I cannot use them in exchange for paid stuff (that mind you, was something you could do prior) is just a big fish slapping to the face to the players who were there since day one (when apparently it was in alpha state that legit was never stated in the game when downloading?) Sure you can get icons by completing quests but its much time consuming to complete the icons as it is random. That's why I agree, having the options to "make things go faster" by having fans pay extra to get a special theme like those new birthday ones is cool and if fans have saved up enough special currency to buy things, let them. The fact we cannot do that anymore is just a huge question mark to me, its very everything behind a pay wall. I cannot buy tbe themes for anything despite having 7,000 diamonds and I cannot use them.
Ah mix stages were its own completely different section! Those are the games version of daily tasks you would see in superstar. Mix stages are like you know in the chapter stages (they used to be called seasons instead) where some of the tasks is to play 3 songs in one go? Like a mini Playlist of a minute and a half song and then it switched to the next songs? That was mix stages. You could decide what songs to play and add them as the mix Playlist for others to play. Playing other mixes could give you rewards (it was how some people got better cards i believe) so the fact it is gone and I legit cannot find them anymore is so weird..no one can, im guessing its the 4th box that says "coming soon"? So why can't we play it anymore?
The gameplay can be confusing so I understand xD changing to 4x speed is what I prefer because it is similar in speed to the superstar games I think? So I can play it easily! 5x it depends lolol. I do like you can switch the speed, that is a nice touch. Not perfect as the 1x speed is so confusing but helpful indeed. Are the beatmaps easier? In some ways they are i can admit that! Its only when the chapter challenge songs and they have a specific 5x speed challenge or you have to have all notes be marvelous I struggle lol. In general while there are some positives it isn't as fun and engaging to me? Its nice to get good cards like an xr which is their version of an r card but idk...no proper leader board and ranking, the changes to the updates where its no longer free (i get they need to make money but I am confused why go this route?) Maybe they may fix it? Idk but so far, its the closest we will get to having a svt game again which is a shame and I don't like to say it but it is bighit we should side eye, while pledis isn't bought out they still are under what bighit says so they didn't like that a super popular group was under a game that wasn't theirs thus superstar pledis closed which means the one game we could play nuest songs, pristin, etc...is gone. No we won't get them in rhythm hive, it's only for active groups as we can tell (unless bighit surprises me lol) and it feels like a less fun experience it is a bit blah to see that :c idk maybe I am biased with the superstar games so djsjdjs
How are you doing though? How is your wrist? Hopefully better!! Also svt movie?
yeah i have kept in mind that dalcomsoft as a company has more experience with rhythm games, so i feel like in some ways i can't blame the developers of rhythm hive for doing what they can. but tbh either way some of the decisions they made for the game are just stupid & greedy. the best thing to use the free diamonds for is definitely the card packs but i don't think i'll ever be over the whole free vs paid diamonds thing
ooh i gotcha! that is weird that they took away a whole feature of the game away like that... i can only assume they wanted to fix some major bugs or rework how it works before they make it available again. but you'd think they'd announce something like that
the speed thing was so confusing to me at first! since the default is 1x i thought that the actual song would speed up on the other modes and i didn't understand why anyone would want that TT. but i was also super frustrated by how close together the notes were. now i can only really play on 5x speed dkfjhg it's more the speed i'm used to from superstar. i can see how lower speeds would be useful for accessibility reasons though. if your eyes can't track things as fast, then slower speeds would probably make it way easier to actually play. but imo 5x speed should be the default and then u can lower it if needed. or maybe i'm just biased to my own preference dkfjg
i'm sure rhythm hive will continue updating and hopefully they listen to their user base and improve... but yeah im still mad at hybe for forcing ssp to end for their own gain. like yeah that's exactly what i expect a corporation under capitalism to do but that doesn't mean i'm gonna like it lol. and even despite updates there's a very slim chance they're ever gonna add nu'est, as/oc, pristin songs which to me is the biggest loss in all this (fingers corssed they at least add fromis_9 eventually... there needs to be some gg representation on rh)
i know everyone complains about how little pledis cares for its artists, and there is truth is some of the things people say. but like, pledis also clearly has a number of employees that genuinely care about the company's history and their groups, past and present. whereas it's seems pretty clear no one at hybe gives a shit about past pledis groups. and like, i do get it. why would a hybe employee care about a group that disbanded years ago and never had a direct affiliation with their company? but its also just frustrating to see as a fan u know?
but anyway, i'm doing well! i'm waiting to hear back about an internship that might lead to a full time job if i get it so fingers crossed for that TT my wrists were doing a lot better for a while there! but they've been acting up again the last week again... luckily they mostly seem to hurt late at night & early in the morning which like,,, idk what that's about but at least they're not hurting 24/7!
i'm so excited for svt movie!! me and M (@minghaosmilfshirt) are going to see it together, we already got tickets ;-; when it was first announced i was worried it was only on those screenx screens, and the closest one would have been about 5.5 hours away, but fortunately there's a screening about 40 minutes away dfkjg. i'm also wondering if the performances will be ot13 or not... the movie is also supposed to have interviews and such which i'm sure are ot13, since the movie description said as much. but if the performances they mentioned are from POL then obviously they'll only be ot11 :')
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