#miyu would find it easy to talk to him
hellcifrogs · 1 year
What would a Kenshi and Team 7 interaction look like. Like, would he be an uncle type cuz of Kakashi. Would he meet Team 7 pre-Shippuden, then meet them again when Sai joined and be like, “Sasuke, you look different.” I need to know.
God if Sasuke hadn't made such a show of leaving the village (with Naruto's loud help) that beautiful interaction could have been possible!
I honestly don't know how they would interact though... Kenshi's genins should graduate sometime between team Gai and the 9 rookies. (They're special little kids a.k.a. we couldn't pick a class for them) so they know of them, but maybe don't know them.
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Some thoughts about One Piece on Ice
Thanks to some help by one kind fan I managed to watch One Piece on Ice. 😍 Thank you so much! ❤️
Admittedly I probably wouldn't have watched the show if Shoma wouldn't be the star of the show. I was so interested to see his character portrayal because it's so out of Shoma's own character.
But before I talk about Shoma here are some other thoughts...
First of all I am quite clueless about the anime or manga of One Piece which probably would have helped to understand the story better because I don't own any Japanese language skills, so I won't say anything about the story. I just wish I could appreciate the whole story better. (I have basic knowledge of the characters and I watched a couple anime episodes when I was like 12 years old so 😅)
I think anyone who has seen pictures of the show, knows how amazing the costumes are and how close they are to their animation counterpart (I mean at least I know the characters with my less than good one piece knowledge)
It's quite a different than usual ice show. It really tells a complete story, no "extra" skating to just show off, every skating is implemented into the story. It really feels more like a theatre on ice than an actual ice show. It's not easy to produce a theatre that needs to tell a story from 3 viewing angles. Usually theatres are directed to watch from the front. Here it's watched from 3 sides, which on a stream made it sometimes difficult to see the conversation that was going on but in the arena it's needed. (Tbf no stream or video can ever give justice to a theatre production no matter if on ice or in theatre just because the circumstances are wildly different. I won't elaborate on that but let you tell this by a musical nerd who watched countless musicals live and on screen)
The choreography ideas are great. Especially cool are the choreographies for the fight scenes, each fight scene has a different set up. The spcial effects on top of it are so cool. Congrats to Kenji Miyamoto for this show and also congrats to the lighting and special effects designers. These things really add a lot.
The ACTING!!! OMG the acting is so good for an ice show. These are skaters not actors (besides Miyu) and all of them do an amazing job. There is a lot text going on especially for Marin, who is actually the main star of the show, no one has as much to do besides her and she is emoting so well to an audience. She really should be thinking about going to theatre. Rika Hongo is one of my favorite characters in this whole show. This suits her so well. How she can implements the skating skills into the character and how she is never off charater. And SHOMA OMG OMG OMG 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 How can this be Shoma? He can act. Like really. He's full of energy, full of different expressions, he is a come to life animated character, acting over the top like it's suited to the character and on top he does skills on ice I haven't seen him do anywhere before. Admittedly I was sceptical about Shoma acting and on top such a "quirky" character, but they couldn't found a better person for it.
I applaud the full cast for their acting. And they stayed in character until the very end until the curtain call.
It's a great show from the ideas, to the choreography, to the costumes, to the acting! ❤️
What an amazing show! 😍
Do I have any negative points about the show? 🤔 Well only one thing...the availability for ppl outside Japan is a disaster. I know countless ppl who would have paid to see the show on stream but weren't able to because of the geoblocking and trouble finding a working vpn or credit card. It probably has to do with copyright but then at least give the fans an explanation...The other small critique is simply on me personally😅...without knowing Japanese or One Piece it was not the full experience it would surely give...but you know what maybe that actually gives me a reason to really learn Japanese and to watch the anime/manga 😉
If anyone wants to and is able to watch. Do it, you won't be disappointed!
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haikyuuwriting · 4 years
so hhhh since u asked for reqs-- oikawa and iwa (separately) trying to surprise their s/o on their bday by trying to make a cake for them? ty :D
hi miyu <3 i hope you like these i had a blast writing them uwu
Oikawa’s mother and sister always liked to tease him in his area of weakness: cooking. He could get by in the field - he made a good egg omelet on his good days. Usually he settled for easy to make ramen or cereal when he idn’t trust his abilities, though. Which is why his mother laughed loudly when she walked into the kitchen one morning to find him sitting at the kitchen table hovering over his phone, various measuring tools and bowls spread out on the table around him.
“Birthday cake? Ah, is it Y/N-chan’s birthday today?” She beamed at him, moving to take the phone from his hands and go through the ingredients.
“Nope!” Oikawa yelped, moving away from his mom, making her frown and set her hands on her hips, “It’ll be even more special if I make it myself from scratch!”
“True. Please don’t poison Y/N-chan, though, you know I’m very fond of them. And clean up the mess when you’re done!” With that Oikawa’s mom left the kitchen, and a few seconds later he could hear the sound of the TV in the living room and her laughter at whatever soap opera was playing.
Left in the quiet kitchen, he got to work, playing music from his phone loud enough for only his ears. He found himself enjoying the process of measuring and mixing things into what he hoped looked like cake batter. He’d made cake before with his sister - but it had been way easier back then since it had been with cake mix. He remained optimistic, though. It was Y/N’s special day and he didn’t want to ruin it.
God knows how long later he was taking it out of the oven and icing it carefully, not even noticing his mom entering the kitchen behind him until she tsked loudly. “Smoother, Tooru. That’s messy.”
“’Kay.” She disappeared to the living room again and Oikawa was sure to smooth his icing carefully. In a separate bowl he mixed in food coloring and with his mom’s piping bag he decorated the edges, feeling immensely proud of his steady hand. He didn’t trust himself enough to try writing Y/N’s name on the cake and a cheerful “Happy Birthday!” so instead he stuck on the appropriate candle numbers and carefully slid the cake into his mother’s plastic cake box he hadn't even known she had until he rummaged through the cupboards.
The walk to Y/N’s house was pleasant enough, even thought Oikawa jumped at anything that moved since he was terrified of a cat attacking him now, in the most important moment of his day (he’d been attacked once and he never would forget it.) Luckily he didn’t drop the cake and made it to Y/N’s house safely and was able to knock on their door before anything catastrophic happened to the cake.
Oikawa had dropped by earlier to give Y/N their present - he hadn’t told them about the cake, since he wanted it to be a surprise and bonus present. The look of surprise on Y/N’s face when they opened the door was priceless in Oikawa’s eyes and worth every second of freaking out about the oven’s temperature or the color of the cake and icing.
“Tooru did you bake this?” Y/N gaped, taking the cake from him and inviting him inside. Y/N had a party hat on even though there had been no birthday party - Oikawa had given it to them earlier and it appeared as though they had not taken it off.
“Yes I did,” he said proudly, following Y/N to the kitchen. He watched as they laid plates, forks, and a knife on the table beside the cake.  Y/N carefully cut them both a slice, letting out an appreciative “ooooo” when they saw the fluffy inside. Oikawa took a bite at the same time as them and both looked at each other in amazement at how good it taste.
“I thought you said you sucked at baking!” Y/N exclaimed, digging their fork in for another bite. “This is great!”
“It was my love for you that fueled my new passion, Y/N-chan,” Oikawa said as he dramatically stabbed his fork into the cake. “No one believed in me but against the odds I prevailed-”
“You’ve got some icing on your cheek.”
“Do I? Where-” he let out a screech when Y/N swiped an icing filled finger across his cheek. He laughed at her pleased expression and dipped his own finger in icing, moving towards Y/N slowly. “A grave mistake, Y\/N-chan!”
It was no secret to Iwaizumi’s close friends that he could bake. He made muffins a lot and always shared - and his biggest fan of his baked goods was Y/N. But he’d never made them an actual birthday cake for their special day - only cookies or other special sweets. So he decided to make one this time, figuring it would be pretty fun to try and make one from scratch.
His first mistake was assuming he’d be alone the morning of Y/N’s birthday. When he woke up he saw not one face hovering above his head but two. He didn’t even scream; he was way too used to this at this point.
“Did you forget?” Makki asked, grinning cheekily. “Today’s vlog day!”
Makki and Mattsun, the insufferable duo, had promised Y/N to film a vlog this year for their birthday. Not for the purpose of YouTube, just for their personal memories. It was actually a genuinely sweet idea - but they were narrating, filming, and editing the whole thing. Knowing Y/N, though, they’d love it.
The two waited for Iwaizumi in the kitchen, making small talk with his parents as he did his morning routine. Thank god he’d woken up early today. He could only imagine how early the two must’ve gone to Y/N’s place to film their Happy Birthday duet song (backing vocals by Oikawa, previously recorded since he didn’t get up earlier than 10 AM when he could avoid it).
“We went to Y/N’s at 12AM,” Mattsun informed Iwaizumi as he started getting out what he needed and setting it on the table. “We’d gotten family permission and everything - we’re professionals. And her family adores us so they didn’t mind.”
“Tell us what you’re doing now, Iwa.” Iwaizumi turned to find himself in front of Makki’s phone, the camera pointed directly at what he hoped was his face and not zoomed into his eyebrows or something.
“Getting everything to make Y/N’s cake. Since you guys are here I’m assuming you’ll help.”
His second mistake.
“Ohmygod how do you even turn this on,” Mattsun nearly screamed over the loud mixer noises of an already turned on standing mixer.
“Iwa I sincerely hope you know what you’re doing because this seems like too many eggs,” Makki said from the kitchen counter, expertly holding his phone camera in one hand and cracking eggs and dropping them into a bowl in the other.
“I know what I’m doing,” Iwaizumi replied, turning off the mixer and telling Mattsun to preheat the oven. He knew they were just messing around, and he didn’t mind much.
A while later Mattsun was narrating to Makki’s phone the “monstrosity” of a cake that Iwaizumi had produced from the heavens, and then the three of them were off to Y/N’s house with it, their presents for Y/N in tow.
They were the first to get to the party, and Y/N opened the door for them, beaming in a shirt that said “BIRTHDAY ROYALTY” in all caps, no doubt gifted to her by Oikawa. “Hajime it looks great!” Y/N exclaimed, pausing to wave at the camera before ushering everyone inside.
Thankfully the cake lived up to the hype; everyone at the party enjoyed it and even asked for the recipe when he was alone. A few days later, when Y/N’s vlog was given to her and she sat down with Iwaizumi to watch it, she laughed at Makki and Mattsun’s reviews of it with him. “10/10, and we’re not just saying that because we helped but because Y/N wouldn’t stop bragging about her baker boyfriend to us in between present openings.”
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ourplehaze · 4 years
Can I please hear about that Winx au?
i will write what i can remember because i have a lot written and not enough patience to read it:
giorno, as in canon, is the son of jonathan, dio, and a third woman, of which jonathan has died, dio was sealed away in the omega dimension years ago, and giorno's mother lives on her home planet with giorno and her husband.
now for fifteen years everybody thinks giorno is a witch. and they would be right since two of giorno's parents are witches (jonathan and his mom who i'll be calling miyu). so because of this and the fact that dio presented himself as a sorcerer and was rightfully powerful, miyu enrolled him in cloud tower and pushed him to be perfect, which he obviously could never achieve (which his stepfather took great pleasure in punishing him for on his breaks). that is, until the incident that happened just a little after he turned 15:
while he's walking in cloud tower, giorno notices somebody being threatened by students into handing over something they don't have. giorno steps in to advocate for him (and to lighten some pockets but don't worry about that), and things turn very violent very fast. when a witch in the group tries to curse the somebody, giorno acts without thinking (rare) and casts a fairy spell, something he's almost never done before sans a few hiccups in the past. this is something he got from dio, actually, who had so much gender envy towards witches and dark magic that he stole a witch's body.
this spell proves to take such a toll on his light energy stores that it transforms him and gives him access to the full supply. (it's worth noting that this magic system doesn't adhere to canon because i think it's weird that witch magic is generally only dark spells while fairy magic is only light spells. some other things too but basically whether you're a fairy or witch is based less on personality good/bad etc and based more on genetic dispositon.) this transformation of course causes a huge scene, and quickly gets him the attention of headmaster griffin.
since griffin and faragonda love breaking rules and are also wives they make an agreement with giorno that he'll spend alternating semesters in alfea and cloud tower, which giorno requested his parents remain in the dark about. in essence, he's a witch with fairy powers and as such can cast a wide variety of spells, not to mention the sheer potential dio gave him.
at alfea, he meets bruno buccellati, who was enrolled already having gained enchantix. (he doesn't like talking about it, but says it has something to do with his father.) bruno specializes in creating pocket dimensions that he can send things to and summon things from, such as spare clothes or stolen textbooks. these dimensions are easy for a magic user to escape from, but if you can't use magic you're pretty much fucked until he summons you out.
speaking of people who can't use magic, leone abbacchio is an ex-witch who had his powers stripped after a chain of incidents in his past (he worked under dio for a short time and specialized in taking the powers of magic users for himself). despite having his magic taken, though, he never lost the experience that naturally comes with using magic. thus, he's very good at picking up on and identifying trails of any kind of magic, such that he can re-enact what spells they cast, where, and how long ago. if a fairy was in the area a week ago and never teleported, leone would be able to track them down and find them. he's also something of a walking dictionary for spells runes circles etc, kind of like how i memorized the pokedex in 6th grade.
narancia is a fairy through and through that specializes in physics, especially manipulating the trajectory of any airbone object using latent magic. there were lots of words in that. anyway he can do this to almost any object, however it takes more magic the more massive the object is. and yes he can do the sex pistols thing. not only is he able to utilize latent magic he can pick up on any ongoing magic use just judging by currents of magic in the air-- how much and where it's coming from, but not what kind. he also has a stutter
on the topic of the sex pistols we have narancias boyfriend mista. he's not even a magic user he's straight up just a regular dude that red fountain took from italy. the earth one. the reason they took him though is fucked up and insane and it goes as follows: sorcerers caused a media blackout and took control of mista's neighborhood, then held a woman hostage when people refused to bow to them. so mista pulls up and is lucky enough to avoid every curse they try to cast on him, then takes a gun from a police officer and finishes off all four of them. sorry about the oncoming tense shift. since that was magic activity on earth the magic world caught wind of it and found mista took him in for questioning etc etc. and they decide he's a good enough sharpshooter that didn't get his brain scrambled by the brand new ideas the sorcerers' presence put in there. well anyway because of that he's enrolled in red fountain as a specialist and meets buccellati who's basically the mutual friend between people that otherwise would just tolerate each other.
mista's incident, coincidentally, helped cover up a similar incident that happened close by. pannacotta fugo, unlike mista, is a magic user. his parents, their magic being too dangerous by decree of their kingdom, brought and raised him and his brothers on earth and forbid magic once they found the oldest brother using it on pain of not eating. not only this but they pushed pannacotta just like they do in canon, such that his only pillar of support is an old italian woman that lives near and sometimes attends the college he goes to. she got sick and died, and when he failed a test the next day, his teacher belittled pannacotta's grief and made him so angry that he cursed the teacher and nearly poisoned him to death. when he realized what he'd done he made a break for it only to be found by bruno buccellati, who connected the dots between pannacotta's magic and the accident and decided, after pannacotta explained the truth of the matter, to forge papers for him so a thirteen year old wouldn't get tried so harshly for a provoked attack. he was sent to red fountain under the guise of a boy from eraklyon named haze, and studies as a specialist there. his main weapon is a dagger, which often gets magically poisoned due to his anger and stress, but it's something he's trying to work on with abbacchio.
trish is simultaneously the same and different from giorno. her father was a witch cursed by dio in a similar manner to dark bloom, such that his alter ego that dio's magic forced into creation is obsessed with maintaining the power he was given and will go to almost any lengths to keep it. this includes hunting down his daughter and trying to steal her magic a la leone before his punishment. and he'd be right thinking trish is powerful. because she is. her mother was a fairy and thought for the longest time that her father was too. but after meeting with a strange man, trish has her home attacked by monsters, and uses a dark spell to protect herself at the last moment. (unfortunately, she's not able to save donatella). this sends her running to cloud tower, where she meets and allies with giorno. i'm thinking she'll gain her enchantix by saving her father at the "cost" of her magic (which the transformation will get her back of course).
that is all
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m2jay · 4 years
True Self [Genos x OC]
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Ch. 2 | ~To Avail~ (pt. 2)
She was stunned and looked at Genos with a “what the hell just happened” kind of look. “So.. How old are you then?” Miyu asked him with a weirded out expression.
He rested his elbow onto the table as he pointed his finger up and said, “Oh, I’m 25. I started my own training routine 3 years ago back when I was 22 and didn’t stop it despite the difficulties--.” he realized he had begun monologuing.  Saitama’s eyes and eyebrows slightly twitched as he was disgusted by his realization. “And you?”
Miyu giggled then took a deep breath and spoke calmly. “I’m Miyu, 18 years old, and I ran away from home because I wanted to avoid an arranged marriage.” She noticed the boys looked unimpressed or couldn’t care less. It internally annoyed her since she felt like she was getting judged, but she couldn’t quite tell. 
“That’s lame.” Saitama commented bluntly.
“What is?” she asked as she lowered a brow. 
“Just say no.” 
Miyu stuttered in disbelief. “I-If it was that easy then I wouldn’t have been here!” she sputtered.
He shooed her away and pointed at the closest door near the entrance. “You should go wash up right now.” 
She looked at the direction he was pointing at and nodded. As she walked up to her luggage, she rummaged through it to find her towel. A sense of relief filled her since she was finally able to take a proper shower after so long. She was able to adjust the water’s temperature and use proper shampoo and conditioner to clean her hair. The forest’s scent was no longer on her. 
On the outside, Miyu seemed to be taking a long time from the boys’ perspective. Saitama complained since he wanted to use the bathroom already. Genos would occasionally look at the door and think that she would come out, only to just see the door remain closed. The two of them waited with their varied levels of patience.
When Miyu finally came out, Saitama hurriedly rushed into the bathroom. She placed her hand on her cheek and looked at the ground, realizing that she had been in there longer than she had thought. She rubbed her hair a bit more with her towel then placed it over her shoulders as her hair air-dried. Miyu walked back to the door to apologize, “Sorry!”
“You should!” Saitama said through the door. 
Genos walked up to the door and asked, “Should we discuss rent?” 
Her eyes widened as she started to lightly pull down on her cheeks. “Oh my gosh, I just realized I spent the night here..” she shrieked. “I’m only off for a week. I get back to work straight away after that. I can pay you guys better then.!” 
“Actually.” a flush from the bathroom was heard, along with the sink water. Saitama then opened the door and walked past the cyborg and girl to get back to his living room. “You have good coupons. Usually, Genos does all the household work. Maybe that kind of stuff could be your job.”
Miyu clasped her hands together. “Really? Surely there’s more.?” she asked.
“I mean-” he turned on the tv and began to watch. “The groceries sure are something too.” 
“I won’t disappoint then.” she affirmed. Miyu began to slowly unpack, but it didn’t take long since she didn’t have much. She had a few clothes, a pair of red glasses, comb, hairbrush, hair ties, toothbrush, toothpaste, pens and pencils, and many journals.
“Why do you have more journals than clothes?” Genos asked curiously. 
She organized her stuff a bit to fit neatly in the apartment. “Well, I write in my free time.” 
“We should head out and go get your own f-” Genos stopped mid-sentence as he sensed another figure coming their way. “Get back!” he told Miyu since he knew she couldn’t defend herself. “Object coming near slowly.” he had his hand out, ready to blast.
Miyu looked at him, thinking he was dramatic. From behind, she heard Saitama walk towards them. The two made eye contact and she gave him an expression and mouthed, “What’s happening?” to which he waved off.
Saitama patted Genos from behind, indirectly telling him that it was okay. The blonde cyborg lowered his hand down and refrained from further alertness as he sensed the figure get closer. Saitama then opened the door to see King with his console in his hands. 
King looked down at Saitama and greeted both him and Genos. He noticed Miyu behind them. He waved at her, to which she reciprocated. “Saitama, I brought the gaming console you wanted to borrow since you said--”
Saitama quickly cut him off. “Ah! King! Yes! One of your unexpected visits, as usual.” he fanned out his hand and welcomed him into the living room. The man never told Genos that he had been going off to play games during his free time and had instead been telling the cyborg that he had been doing important things.
Genos looked at his master and pointed at the door with his thumb. “We’re heading off.” he told him as he walked out the door.
“Bye!” Miyu bowed and waved at the two before closing the door and following Genos.
Both King and Saitama waved and began setting up the game console. They looked at each other for a bit as they didn’t know what to talk about first; the game, that Genos doesn’t know about Saitama slacking off, or the elephant in the room. Their game was soon booted up and the two began mashing buttons to fight. 
“So, who is she?” King started off with.
Saitama focused on the game as King beat his character up with multiple combos. “She’s this udon worker that Genos knows.” His thumbs were rapidly shifting as he desperately maneuvered around King’s character to avoid any further hits. “Gah!” he exclaimed out of slight frustration.
“What business does she have here?” he asked. 
“Doesn’t have a place to go to.” Saitama’s game character died in the first round and he slammed the controller to the ground but not hard enough to break the floor. “Urgh!” He then tried composing himself. “She’s also Genos’ other teacher, in a way.” he added. 
“Teacher?” he casually asked as he pressed buttons with ease. “What does she teach him then?”
“For the past weeks, Genos has been seeing her for manga lessons.”
“Manga lessons?” King chuckled. “That doesn’t sound like him.”
“Genos assumed I gained strength from my mangas.” Saitama said with an annoyed tone.
King nodded since that explanation made more sense. “Now that adds up.” In the game, he was cornered with a sliver of health left. He kept blocking as he was attacked with multiple spam attacks. “He doesn’t seem like he’d just read manga on his own. But why is he learning from that girl and not you?” When he found an opening to attack, he pushed Saitama’s character and struck.
“You-!” Saitama continued to mash his buttons furiously. “Because he read all of my shounen ones and started reading some of my shoujos. After that, I basically told him he needed to learn how to live like his age. It became this task for him to somehow become stronger.” 
“Do you think it’s possible for him to get stronger?”
Saitama died in the game, once again, but he didn’t fuss about it that time as King’s question had caught him off guard. “He lacks power. All his strength depends on his mechanics. No matter how much training I make him do, it won’t make him physically stronger.”
As Genos and Miyu were walking, they’d occasionally run into more mutant bugs. The association soon gave Genos a call to inform him that all of them were to be considered as monsters. He understood and incinerated any that he sensed or came near. 
Miyu looked at him from time to time as she thought about his mechanics. He functioned differently since he was a cyborg, so it amused her. “Hey.. what parts of you are human?” she asked him. 
He looked at her and said, “It’s just my brain. Doctor Kuseno made me this way to appear more human. The skin you see on my face is just artificial skin.”
“I really need to thank you for taking me in, so thank you.” she said gratefully with a smile. “You’ve done a lot for me, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to repay you.” 
“I’m learning from you, and it’s been a difficult process. You have my utmost respect.” 
“Even so,” her eyes softened. “It is a bit much.”
He shrugged and crossed his arms. “Things don’t always go as planned, like your job. I didn’t see any reason as to why it was such a bad thing that I brought you to Master Saitama’s place although I can see why to an extent after what you taught me. It can be a big misunderstanding.” 
She nodded. “Yes, it really can be. “
It didn’t take too long for them to get out of the ghost town and get back to where most people roamed around. There were no more ruins of buildings and nothing but the clean city, for the most part. They walked through the markets to find suitable futons that would fit in the apartment and came to Miyu’s liking. 
Around them were others that sometimes stared or whispered among themselves. Miyu took notice of the people around them and felt self-conscious, asking Genos if they could leave the area as soon as possible. He assured her that there were no threats around them, but that wasn’t her concern. After they made their purchase, the two headed home until Miyu got side-tracked.
“Genos! Could we try that?” she asked excitedly as she pointed at an ice cream parlor. 
He turned his head to look. “Right now? But we have to take this back.” he referred to the futon that he was carrying.
“But there’s nothing wrong with getting side-tracked.” Miyu pouted with disappointment. 
Genos stopped walking as he sensed something scurrying around. “Don’t move.” he told her, which she listened to. 
“Help! HELP!” voices cried out from behind them. 
The two of them looked behind them to see people screaming and running in terror. The buildings around slowly formed cracks. Luckily, the buildings didn’t collapse yet, but they looked severely damaged. Genos quickly told Miyu to run to a safe direction with the futon and that he’d find her later. She nodded and ran off.
The cyborg ran into the direction of the chaos. He used his sensors to track down his enemy and found a giant cockroach. He attempted to incinerate it, but it didn’t seem to work. “You’re a menace to most here!” he shouted at it. 
It scurried around and spread fumes, making others around sick. The monster lunged at Genos with its legs and tried scratching him with them but failed. Frantically moving around, it flipped over to try to crush Genos, only to break the asphalt. 
Genos pushed it down further by hitting it hard with his elbow. He jumped up and spinned with speed thanks to the boosters at his shoulder blades. It allowed him to attack the monster with more force. He noticed that his opponent had kept running through the shadows to avoid the light. He then yelled, “Lightning eye!” and his yellow irises began to glow brighter and brighter until it flashed a bright light at the cockroach.
It didn’t anticipate his move and saw the light head on. It became blinded from his eyes and struggled to maneuver around.
“Dual Blade Rush!” he shouted as blades came out of his arms. Genos slashed its head off, but the body still moved. “Machine gun blow!” he continued to fight and delivered a barrage of punches at a blinding speed until it didn’t move. From where its head was cut, he began to incinerate it from the inside then out.
From a distance, Miyu saw the whole thing and was proud but concerned. If Genos had to deal with such things all the time, then it’s no wonder why he was like that. As his mentor with manga and such, she felt like she had to take her part more seriously and be more responsible about it. Looking up, she saw Genos running to her after most thanked him for his help. 
“Are you alright?” he asked as he took the futon from her hands. 
She sighed and shook her head. “This isn’t normal..” 
Miyu grabbed him by the wrist and tried dragging him, which didn’t work since he weighed a ton. She persisted to keep walking despite her efforts not working. “You need to have fun!”
He began walking to help her out to save her the trouble. Genos looked at her hand on his wrist and asked, “What do you mean?” 
“Gotta act our age, right?” she said with confidence as she looked back at him. “Don’t think too much about the futon. Let’s go around like yesterday but actually do something rather than a tour!”  
“So how are we going to have fun?” he asked.
Miyu contemplated for a bit on how she was gonna word things. “Fun isn’t just something that you do that’s described. Something fun can bring you this feeling of enjoyment, excitement, you might say. Whatever’s done may not be considered fun based on preferences, and you can’t just always determine it based on how you see it. You should try it at least.”
Genos took a mental note on every word Miyu said. “Won’t this delay my goal?” he questioned.
“About the cyborg that destroyed your hometown?” she shook her head. “Not at all. There’s sure to be days where you don’t fight, right? Those days off of yours could be put into training, but you do that all the time! Even when you’re with me for our manga sessions, you’re mainly there for learning. You should at least enjoy what you’re reading too. The plot! It’s fun to get into stories.” she pointed out.
“Go on?”
“There won’t always be some sort of goal. Last night, you said you can count me as a reliable friend? Well.. I-I..” she sputtered. “I will be that! You can always look to both Saitama and I for guidance as advisers, but I will always promise to be your friend first.!”
Genos nodded firmly as he was determined to understand every concept she was teaching him. They soon stopped as they came to a stop at an arcade. He watched her grip slowly come off of him as she gestured to him to enter. He looked inside as the building was a bit dark. All the games mainly lit up the place whether it was an arcade game or a claw machine. 
Miyu went up to the front counter and paid for two gaming cards. She gave the other to Genos and they walked around. There were many people inside with different age groups. It didn’t matter how old you were since everyone was able to find something that they were bound to enjoy. After walking around for a bit, she found one of those games that tested your strength and suggested Genos to give it a try.
Genos insisted it wasn’t a good idea since he’d probably break the machine, but she insisted to try either way and swiped his card. He gave it a swift jab without using his full force and punched the small bag. It immediately went up along with the numbers on the screen. He watched the screen stop at the number 999 and turned to Miyu. “And this determines my strength?” he asked.
She made a face and did a so-so motion with her hand. “Eh, kinda? Not really? I mean-..” she awkwardly laughed. “Normally, yes, but you’re a special case. Since you’re stronger than most people, I bet it would’ve excelled those numbers by a lot!” she assured him.
“That’s an obvious statement, but how will it tell me what I’m lacking?” he wondered.
“Genos,” she presented the game with her hand. “These games don’t really give you information like that. They just calculate your strength and its programmed capacity is 999. Who knows, technology is always advancing. Maybe some invention will one day give you an analysis for that kind of thing.” she told him on a positive note as she gestured to him to follow her around more. “You could try other games with that card. How about a fighting game?” she asked.
“I need to fight someone in here?” he questioned in shock. “That would not be a fair fight.”
She squinted her eyes at him and made a face. “What? No-” Miyu laughed for a second. “Haha, I need to teach you a lot. This is all still a lesson, but don’t fully think that way.” she told him. “Anyways, they’ll either involve joysticks, controllers, or guns.” she explained.
“They’re just the controllers, don’t worry. They’re not real.” she assured him. “I can even play with you one some too!” 
His tone changed a bit and sounded more interested. “Can you now?”
Miyu nodded and pointed at a game from across the room. “Let’s try that one over there!” she suggested as she jogged up to it happily. 
He followed and looked at the machine. Genos noticed there were two sets of joysticks and buttons. “I assume you’ll use the other pair?” he asked her as he swiped his card.
She swiped her card and explained the controls on how to move his character. She taught him that the joystick was for movement and buttons were the attack moves and blocks. “Each character has their own attack style and strength level. Also, blocks will always work in this game as long as you’re facing the right direction. It doesn’t matter how strong your character is.” 
“So these are what Master Saitama cannot beat King on.” Genos commented randomly.
“The guy that was over earlier?” she asked as the game started. 
“Yes, he is ranked 7 within the S-Class heroes and is known as the strongest man on earth to many that follow the Hero Association. However, as much as I do respect his strength, I know that title doesn’t belong to him.” he explained.
“Because of your master, Saitama, huh?” she checked.
“Yes, you are correct.” he confirmed.
The two focused on their game as they continued talking. Genos’ character died in the 1st round as he was still getting used to the controls. Miyu gave him a tip on not to spam attacks unless he had a thought out attack combo at a good time. He listened and beat her on their 2nd round. When it came to the last round of their game, their conversation became more choppy since they were focused on beating each other. It didn’t take too long for the game to end as it ended in a draw due to them doing their special attacks at the same time. 
Miyu then suggested they try shooting and racing games. Genos agreed and followed her around as she chose the games. When they came across the racing game, Genos would exclaim about how objects being thrown shouldn’t be involved since racing is about speed. He went on about how purposely bumping into each other’s carts and using items wasn’t a true race, which made Miyu laugh because it was just a game, and he was taking it too literally.
After trying racing games, Miyu made Genos try a shooting game next. They picked up the gun controllers and started shooting at zombies. She often reminded him that he couldn’t depend on his sensors to find out where they were going to come from and that he just had to pay attention. He listened and began moving his gun to face multiple directions to not miss a single shot. A few had caught him off guard since there’d be some that would pop out of the side of the screen out of nowhere randomly. 
“Do you want to try a claw machine game?” she asked him then warned, “They’re kinda rigged though.”
“If it’s rigged, then why would people waste their time on it.?”
Miyu shrugged and answered, “Though it’s rigged, it’s kinda a chance thing.”
Genos declined the offer and asked if she wanted to continue. He was surprised to hear that she wanted him to choose, and he didn’t know how to react or respond. He peered from one of the corners of the wall to take a look outside and saw that it was still bright. “Do people usually stay in here all day?” hr questioned curiously.
She shook her head. “No, unless you’re a no life here, then yeah.” 
“No life?” 
Miyu assured him he wasn’t a no life and that he had better things to do than spend his days at arcades for many hours. “Do you want to use your points from games to get something in exchange?” she suggested. 
Genos lifted his card up and looked at it for a bit. “I don’t see why I would want anything.” 
She sighed. “Well, there’s bound to be something that you might really want one day.”
“One day.” he nodded. “I’ll tell you if so.”
“That’s great.” she smiled happily. Miyu felt like she was making some progress with him finding things to enjoy. “We can head back to the apartment for your manga session if there’s nothing else that’s coming to your mind.”
“That sounds ideal.” 
 As the two of them walked back, they continued to talk about other things whether it were about the Hero Association, Saitama, the arcade, or manga. Miyu slowly started to open up more as they talked. She went on about how she gets lost in the mangas that she reads and has a habit of re reading some because she liked them so much. Genos couldn’t relate, but he did his best to understand her point of view. 
“Master Saitama seems to be really interested in the Sakura Hime series.” Genos commented as they crossed through into the ghost town of City Z. “The fighting styles are very unique. I haven’t encountered anyone like them, but I’m confident in taking them on in a fight if that were to happen. The only person I can think of that is similar, but not really, would be Sonic.” 
Miyu held in her laughter and snickered, “Pfft.. Sonic.? Is he fast?” she asked him sarcastically.
“He’s very fast.” Genos informed her with caution. “When I first met him, it was difficult for my sensors to track his movements. He’s dangerous,” he turned his head to see her covering her mouth and quietly laughing. “Why’re you laughing?”
“Nothing, nothing.!” she giggled. “Did he wear blue?” she went on and burst into laughter.
He thought for a moment and said, “I believe he just had blue eyes. He was a ninja.” 
With one slow nod, she listened. “How long ago did you fight him?”
“It’s been quite a long while.. I’m not sure when the next time we’ll see him again. He has something against Master Saitama. “
They soon arrived at the apartment. Genos informed Miyu that King still appeared to be there since he sensed two figures inside. From the outside, they can hear Saitama’s frustration over losing and King slightly mocking him. They awkwardly entered and minded their own business. 
As Genos entered the living room while Miyu prepared dinner, he placed her futon at the side where theirs were stacked and began reading patiently. King leaned back and asked Genos about how his studies and training were going. He told him that they were going fine thanks to some help.As they had their small talk, Saitama trained in the game, hoping to improve himself and one day finally beat King in a match.
“I hear Saitama has told you to read manga.” King brought up as he sat at the table. 
Genos carefully placed the manga down to give him his proper attention. “Yes, it’s been going well thanks to some help.” he referred to both his master and new friend. 
“I see you have brought a new futon. You two took a while to get one.” he pointed out. “Did you guys run into some trouble?” 
The blonde cyborg recalled the events regarding the cockroach that was in the city not too long ago. He expressed some concern over the cities as the rise of these monsters kept coming. “I’m speculating there’s some ties with the once House of Evolution from before, but Master Saitama and I had already gone before. He defeated its strongest hybrid, but the similarities are uncanny.” 
“I’m heading to the Hero Association--” King was then interrupted by Saitama’s eagerness.
“I believe I can defeat you know!” Saitama exclaimed confidently as he gritted his teeth from stress. 
“Maybe next time, Saitama. You can borrow the console. I’ll be taking my leave to avoid overdoing my stay.” he insisted. 
“Wait!” Miyu called out to him in the kitchen. She peered from the kitchen’s door to look at the three. “You should stay for dinner.” she insisted. “We have more than enough food for 3.” her voice slowly faded as she felt like she was crossing some line, but she wanted to make the effort to get to know those around her new roommates.
Saitama agreed with her as he passed the controller to King. “Yeah! Do that!” 
King rolled his eyes at Saitama’s antics and took the controller from his hands to quickly beat him in a match. “I’ll stay then.” he told them with gratitude. He then turned to Saitama with a plain expression. “You need more practice.” he teased. 
Soon after, Miyu walked back and forth from the kitchen to the living room nervously. She didn’t want to spill the food she made, so she held one bowl at a time. Placing each bowl down carefully, her fingers trembled as the heat  from them was somewhat getting to her. Back at the kitchen, she would quickly flail her hand for some wind to cool it off. As she brought the last bowl, they all thanked her for the food and began eating. 
“This tastes good, Miyu.” Saitama complimented her. “I never had hitsumabushi like this before.” 
She thanked him for his compliment and explained, “I thought it would be nice to eat it to avoid summer heat weariness.”
Saitama looked up at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face and replied, “Oh, that doesn’t really affect me.”
“Oh..” she laughed awkwardly. “Haha.. I see..”
“I can see why they hired you at that udon shop.” he added on. 
Her eyes widened in surprise from King’s comment. She quickly swallowed the food in her mouth to avoid talking with her mouth full and asked, “You know I work there?”
He nodded in response. “Yes, Saitama was talking about it a while ago.” King turned to Genos and asked, “Do you think the food is good, Genos?”
“Doctor Kuseno gave me the functions of being able to eat, but I am unable to taste anything.” he explained. 
Miyu gave him a soft smile but was internally a bit disappointed that her cyborg friend couldn’t taste the flavors. “That’s okay.” she assured him. “At least it helps with biofuel.”
“It always does, thank you.” Genos told her.
When they were done, King escorted himself out and thanked them all for having him over. They all said their goodbyes for the night and got ready to go to bed. Miyu insisted on using the bathroom last to avoid any further waiting for Saitama. As Saitama was in the bathroom, Genos arranged the futons around the table while Miyu cleaned the dishes. 
Saitama slept by the patio door, as usual. Genos moved his futon closer to his as he placed Miyu’s futon where his used to be. After a while, the three soon went to bed, accepting their new routine. They all weren’t sure how things were gonna go, but there was a sense of comfort. It didn’t take too long for them to go to sleep, and Miyu’s week of break soon went by quickly.
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merryfortune · 5 years
Forever Lost Child
I’ve decided to crown this fic my farewell to Vrains piece. The finale broke my heart and then put it back together again. It was wonderful. I look forward to the next iteration of  Yu-Gi-Oh but Vrains has a very special place in my heart
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Word Count: 1.9k
Tags: Post-Canon, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
  Using only a name, they were able to track down his final resting place. No one was bold or brave enough to reach out to the family directly, instead, they relied on underhanded means to ascertain where the grave would be located. Then, they all agreed on a date and now, said date had arrived and there was no turning back; minds couldn’t be changed or disagreed upon as they had made a promise.
  So, the five of them gathered outside the cemetery. Between each other, they murmured exchanges of placid greetings. Yusaku, Takeru, and Jin had arrived as a group whereas Miyu and Spectre had made their way to the spot individually. It was weird to be altogether, and yet incomplete, as they were when they were as a group.
  It was an unusually warm day with a breeze. It seemed unusually appropriate given what they knew about the person they were visiting. And in such weather, they were all dressed appropriately in their nicest clothes and as appropriately as one could be on a hot day to visit the grave of someone they knew intimately and yet, not at all.
  To begin with, as they stared down the gates until someone – Spectre – pushed it aside so the others may pass, it was easy to be solemn. Once they passed through, uncertain of where they were going save for a name and a subsection, it became difficult to maintain a façade. It began with Spectre, who made insensitive comments to peers who couldn’t care less. After he, it was Yusaku who took solace in being able to quieten Spectre; scolding him for his aforementioned sensitivity and then to Jin who took glee in being able to scold Yusaku for being so one-track minded about this sort of thing. Takeru, however, took it all in stride, happy to listen to their different perspectives. At least until it then wound around to Miyu.
  To cope with this strange grief and mourning, Miyu’s bravado began to show even though it was apparent by the wobble in her lips that she was going to be the first to break. But, instead, she pushed that weakness onto Takeru. He was an easy target for her teasing, especially in a cemetery on such a hot day; murmuring and whispering to him that even though it was completely and utterly bright out, now was the perfect time for supernatural phenomena to take place. Including and especially the appearance of ghosts. And even though she could not have made it more obvious that it was all in jest, Takeru cowered at her talk regardless. But she found it unsatisfying, so she soon quit.
  After Miyu quit teasing Takeru and after Spectre quit making his inopportune comments and after Jin and Yusaku were able to nit-pick about said comments, it was like a black cloud had come over the group whilst they wandered through the cemetery. Yet, the sky itself was cloudless. As they continued through, a creeping sadness entered their veins, their thoughts, and it was Jin who found the gravestone they were looking for.
  It looked like every other in the area, though perhaps shinier. Recently cleaned, it seemed as it shone so brightly in the reflective sun. And burned incense scraps remained as well as some flower petals from dried and discarded bouquets, long carried off in the wind. The other gravestones around it, to commemorate the lives of yet more strangers, were darker in comparison; not quite as well loved. It was strange seeing the tall post to commemorate the short life of this boy. It was harrowing to stare down and each of them stared it down, memorising the curves of the sculpted calligraphy and the way it portrayed the name.
  Miyu was the one who broke such an unrelenting, clinical gaze first. Her eyes sealed shut and her jaw slackened. She bawled. Completely and utterly without inhibition with jagged, broken sobs which hiccupped in the otherwise still air. The boys listened to her, feeding off her open misery and gaining catharsis to that as they evaluated their own emotions in front of this gravestone.
  Yusaku licked his lips. “Someone should… We should, um…”
  Miyu continued to bawl and as Spectre was closest to her, she decided to cling to him. He made a sour expression, no doubt because her face was on his breast and she was a snotty, wet girl, but he placed a protective hand on her shoulder whilst she hugged him tightly. But Spectre relented regardless; his stern, annoyed expression softening to something akin to regret but it could have been petulance. He had been huffy all day as he already had to show some consideration today by bringing respectful flowers and now, he had to deal with this.
  “Look, over there, we can, um,…” Jin mumbled, his voice was a louder outburst than he had intended and that made him feel awkward but he brushed it off as best as he could; he pointed to a faucet and bucket they could use. They were located beside the next block of gravestones.
  “We’ll handle it then.” Takeru said and he shot a sympathetic look at Spectre who rejected it with a roll of his eyes. Though, his hand betrayed him as he had begun to pet Miyu who was still bawling on his chest.
  So, between the three of them, they got to work. Yusaku filled the bucket with Takeru whilst Jin, with a dour smile, removed the remains of flowers and incense already on the altar. After that, Jin stepped aside and let the other two clean. Spectre watched and bit his tongue. That’s not how he would have done it, but his attention was elsewhere, comforting Miyu.
  Spectre especially had to bite his tongue when Yusaku and Takeru awkwardly decided that they ought to let this gravestone – and consequently, the spirit of – know who they were. What they were to this boy, now passed on. And their connection to his subsequent death. Their musings, so sweet and polite, were not how Spectre would have enlightened this monument to this person, but his experiences weren’t universal. And especially not within his peer group. If they could be called that at all, in his opinion.
  “We’re sorry about what happened,” Yusaku mumbled whilst he scrubbed, “the other Ignis are really sweet, we swear.”
  “Mm, Flame’s really nice! You would have liked him.” Takeru said, deciding all on his own the likes and dislikes of this stranger who they could wrought however they felt, based on what little information remained of him online or in accessible memory.
  Jin’s lips twitched as he listened to the two of them exchange conversation directed at the marble whilst they cleaned. Soon, they were satisfied. Miyu, in the meantime, had calmed down enough to face her fears and how they congregated. She smiled weakly, murmuring a greeting and even an apology for being rude. Spectre made no such gesture, instead watching the scene as though he were uninvited.
  “I’ve still got the incense and stuff.” Takeru said. “And Spectre, you should give him the flowers.”
  “Understood.” Spectre quietly replied.
  Takeru shuffled closer to Jin and Spectre slotted in. He placed the spider lilies on the altar and made sure to leave room for Takeru so he could light the incense. He easily set up the spikes of incense but screwed around with the matches for longer than need be. But, soon enough, a flame was sparked, and the dry smell of the cemetery had to compete with the smell of vanilla and something else. Something smoky.
  After that, it didn’t feel like there was much else to do. Strangers were strangers no matter how intertwined their pasts were.
  Takeru lifted himself to his feet. Jin and Yusaku followed suit and the five of them found themselves in a line as they clustered around the boy’s gravestone. As strangers. And as something far more intimate than friendship. Thus, fingers intertwined. Interlocked and slipped through personal boundaries which existed differently outside of this place in the cemetery.
  Jin, to the far right, and Spectre, to the far left, were the bookends. Miyu, who still clung quite close to Spectre in her grief, took his right hand. Takeru took her left whilst Yusaku took Takeru’s right. With Jin being left with one hand empty and one hand full of Yusaku’s. And together, they silently looked onto the gravestone, shining in the sunshine and withstanding the warm breeze. Again, both were far too appropriate based on what they knew.
  Each of the five found it confronting to be as they were. Securely interlocked with one another, yet so alone in their thoughts, in their heads. Mortality had always been on their minds. Yusaku, Takeru and Jin, honestly not thinking they would ever grow to be the ripe old age of sixteen and yet they had and were finding the courage inside of themselves to do something good with the time that they had. As compared to Spectre who wanted to remain in those six months as a child eternally yet, since he had not, aspiring to live to the same age as his darling Ryoken-sama sans one day because he couldn’t think of anything worse than having to outlive his master. And then again, compared to Miyu who aspired to live as long as she could, to prove the doctors wrong and to grow out of the sense of her mother’s well-meaning smothering.
  Yet, the gravestone in front of them, was a stark reminder that accidents happened. Life existed in randomness, a sort of entropy one got used to until something dire or radical happened. Though, his death wasn’t accident. It hadn’t been a quirk of chaos. It had been planned. But, the sentiment of the alienating sense of death could happen any time, anywhere, and to anyone remained underlying.
  And that evaluation of their mortality was enough to break them all down. Yusaku was the first to cry out of the five of them. His tears streamed down his face with a rare vulnerability from him as he had spent so long trying to be strong and, for some time, had succeeded in it, at least publicly. Miyu bawled openly once more whilst Spectre shed reluctant tears, hiding them despite the futility of such a thing. Takeru who’s sobs were choked up and of tears which burned hot as they streak down his face, hideous in how twisted it became whilst grimacing. Finally, there was Jin who cried like some faint spirit with his tears more akin to omens than droplets of water and salt with a palatably unreadable expression, so blank and yet so revealing.
  Eventually, the five were content in their mourning. They had shed their tears and made themselves known to the gravestone. And thus, they bid the gravestone bittersweet farewell. As they turned their back on it, lingering close to one another with the sense that they would never truly feel complete. They were the victims of the Lost Incident and they were supposed to be six – not five – and therefore, one of them would always be lost. And none of them liked that sentiment or how it was an omen for the future because sooner or later, five would become four and four to three and three to two and two to one and then, the unthinkable.
  But, for now, such grim matters did not have to be heeded as for now, they were five and their dear, unknown friend who was permanently the forever lost child.
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ariasphirance · 5 years
Can we talk about
Revolver said Dr. Kogami’s simulations on the grouped Ignis was right
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He also said that Lightning’s simulations on each Ignis was right
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Means he admitted that each Ignis did have future with humans
Lightning is considered the most intelligent and an actual leader by the other 5 Ignis
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This means if Lightning led the other Ignis, as they were considered “a group”, he would tell the Ignis to annihilate humans and they would actually do so. Or if they didn’t obey, he would rewrite their programs
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and make sure AIs would go against humans, the exact future that Dr. Kogami predicted (considering the preview of episode 98, did Dr. Kogami actually notice Lightning’s darkness and put it into the simulations?)
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Wow that makes a lot of senses
Basically, throughout the show, all Ignis except Lightning dont hate humans at all despite the fact that a human organization destroyed their world and tried to kill them - Ai built barrier by telling lies so he could cut the connections with humans and quickly returned to Cyberse world. He appeared an airhead but actually keeping distance from Yusaku, instead of hurting Yusaku or using Yusaku to an extent that he could leave Yusaku dying to find another escape route. But later Ai grew attached to him, enough to turn down his fellow Ignis’ offer and tried to live in peace with Yusaku - Flame immediately found Takeru and trusted him wholeheartedly, helped Takeru overcome his fear and showed genuine concern to Takeru’s well-being and even feelings. Literally the most wholesome Ignis and a bro - Aqua still chose to save Miyu even though she doubted humans, and clung to the most precious memory of Miyu to not go against humans, despite all she saw was humans chasing after her to kill her off (Hanoi, SOL, Blood Shepherd) - Earth would choose to side with humans if he knew Aqua was saved by humans, and that Flame and Ai were also there, sadly he died before found out his answer - Idk about Windy but Ai and Flame said he was a nice guy and easy to talk to. And considering Lightning had to rewrite his program to force Windy his ally, i assumed Windy didnt hold grudge against humans and didnt share Lightning’s idea. Plus Revolver found no evil personality in Windy’s simulations, then that makes him a good Ignis?
So each Ignis have no reasons to go against humans, they just tried to live in their own world away from humans
Summary, it’s all Lightning’s fault
I hope Revolver would consider this future and leave the other Ignis alone after Lightning fucking died, well, assumed that all other Ignis can still be recovered...
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
Phoenix Protocol 20
Zavala x Awoken Female Warlock | Mid/Post Forsaken | Slowburn | Gratuitous Descriptions of Light | Self-Confidence/Self-Worth Issues | Redemption
When the Traveler’s Light was returned to the Guardians after the defeat of the Cabal, it did not manifest itself the same in everyone. Miyu, an Awoken Warlock, finds herself struggling with her abilities, her Light feeling different and not her own. With her Vanguard preoccupied with grief and all eyes turned to the Reef, she finds herself turning to an unlikely source in an attempt to rediscover her connection to the Light and define what it means for her as a Dawnblade.
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Art for this one is brought to you by the lovely @crazy-bone-lady who gifted me this lovely sketch for my birthday last month (and I’m still screaming about it).
She isn’t really awake when he rises with her in his arms, the wan rippling of starlight beneath her skin only the slightest bit dimmer than her eyes. Her head lolls against his armored chest, not softly, but not hard enough to hurt. Still, she hums some intelligible sound against him, relaxing when he says her name.
His measured, serious steps are easy to drift in and out to, but the whirlwind of transmat jolts her awake with a gasp.
“I’ve got you,” He tells her, his voice soft, breath warm against her forehead, when her breathing quickens and both Ghosts zoom in frantically. He presses his lips to her skin, featherlight. “It’s alright.”
She replies moments later, groggy and sleep-addled. “You’re squeezing me like it’s not.”
When what she says sinks in, he does his best to relax his grip. “Did I hurt you?”
She shakes her head, clearing some of the foggy feeling away. “Not at all,” Miyu replies.
He strides down a long hallway. His quarters, she realizes. Miyu keeps her gaze trained on him. He does not hold eye contact long, but she does feel his fingers twitch with the urge to hold her tighter again.
“Talk to me,” She says, when he lays her on one side of the bed.
Zavala turns away, rounds the bed and doffs his armor with a practiced slowness, the methodical unclasping of buckles and ties giving him something to do so she won't see the tremble of his hands. It would be too telling of his emotional imbalance, the war of fury and fear that he desperately needs to get under control.
Tamashii and Adelaide flit above her. When she props herself up on her elbows to try and remove her robes, they both make intelligible sounds of distress and assist her. Her Ghost's voice is firm. Worried. “Your blood pressure is still lower than usual. Hold still.”
“I'm okay,” She breathes into the relative quiet of the room.  “Just tired. I promise.” It is a good thing they intervened, though. Her vision swam a little around the edges with the movement.
“Let us take care of you,” Tamashii tells her in that gentle, almost timid, way of his that reminds her that he's just been put through something very bad. The little wobble of his voice suggests he needs to help her as much as she needs to be helped. Her sweet, precious Ghost. She reaches for him and he comes, sinks into her damaged palm with a shivering tumble. “I'm sorry,” He murmurs, shaky. Adelaide bobs overhead in silence. “Just for a little while.”
She cradles him close. “It's okay, Tamashii. I'm here.” She takes a moment to continue. “I'm sorry I frightened all of you.” He bumps her hand and phases away. She feels him like she would an overshield, his presence lurking protectively around her mind. It's Zavala's ghost that transmats away everything but her undergarments. She shifts, trying to get comfortable. She does feel a little achy, now that she thinks about it.
The bed dips beside her, and she rolls over to face him. The effort is harder than she cares to admit, but the hand he places on her cheek is warm. Soothing. She shuffles toward him and he moves his hand to her waist to pull closer.
He does not speak, not with words. His eyes say something else. They speak of fear. Concern. Worry.
Miyu lays the palm of her hand over his heart. It shakes with effort and the phantom tingles of nerve damage. “I'm fine, Zavala. Really.”
His unoccupied hand squeezes the one she’s laid on his bare chest; he's stripped into loose sleep pants and little else. His breathing is ragged. Chaotic, for a man who thrives on structure.
“Four Ghosts were powerless to bring you back,” He says, trying to abate the anger, but it bleeds into his voice regardless. Stoicism fails him. “For hours, Miyu. I held you for hours, not knowing-” His voice catches. He swallows. Dials it back, tries to get himself under control. “I thought I had lost you for good.”
She frowns. Her fingers sneak out from under his, and she lays them on his cheek, along the ribbons of pale tattoos. He tips his head up into it and kisses her palm like a man starved for touch.
“Ikora did not understand. Thought it was some kind of resistance, like your Ghost refused to help.” His hands clench into fists, a sharp contrast to her delicate fingertips dancing along his temples. “She killed you, repetitively. She almost killed you for good.”
“Zavala-” She finds herself pressed onto her back, not unkindly, drowning once more in depths of blue.
“I have held my composure for centuries,” He murmurs. “Through failures and devastation that should make what happened today pale to compare, and yet I,” He takes a breath, trying to abate his rambling. “I do not think I could handle losing you. What I mean to say is-”
Two gentle, delicate, trembling hands reach up to his shoulders and guide him down to lay half on top of her, his head on her breast, ear pressed to the heating of her heart. Warm. Alive. Here.
He closes his eyes, reaching for her hand. “I love you,” He whispers against her skin, across pale aura the color of stars and snow.
It isn't that she doesn't love him. Miyu thinks perhaps the fact that he's fallen in love with her despite how fragile, how broken she is, makes it that much more. And yet, when she tries to tell him that she loves him back, she chokes.
The Speaker's words echo in her mind, chill her to the bone. “You will hurt those who care for you, very much.”
“I know,” She whispers into the dark, tears leaking from her eyes. Her hand squeezes his like it’s her anchor, a lifeline despite the tingly-burn of pain the movement takes. “I know.”
He surges up to kiss her, and it's both terribly sad and unbelievably sweet. She wonders if, deep down, he really does know.
The path back to her Light, back to herself - to all that she is and all that she is meant to be - is a path that she must walk alone.
Miyu carefully slides out of the bed and dresses in a shirt that’s far too large for her petite frame. Tamashii immediately scans her, zipping around her carefully as if there is something he can do if vertigo claims her and she tumbles to the floor. It does not, though. She feels significantly better. Not amazing, not like she’s normally felt lately, but her head is clear and her balance holds.
A look back at the bed tells her that her partner has not moved, a blanket draped over his bottom half, his usual half-frown, mostly stoic visage passive in sleep. She resists the urge to smooth her fingers over his brow; She can see the tension that lingers. It would only wake him up, and right now, she needs a moment alone with her other partner, the one to whom she’s inexplicably bound.
They slip out to the balcony of the Commander’s spacious abode, a small space of a modestly furnished living room. “We’re alone,” Tamashii tells her, knowing she’s going to ask. He flutters close, in front of her face. “What happened yesterday? Why did that happen yesterday?”
She sighs. “I had another vision.”
The back half of his cones spin, the golden trim catching the light of the rising sun. “A vision,” He processes. “Thanatanotics?”
“Maybe?” She shakes her head. “That’s never really been my thing,” She tells him, though they both know. “I talked with… well, he said he both was and wasn’t the Speaker, so…” She dips her head sheepishly, snow-white eyes daring to peek at Tamashii’s cyan optic.
Tamashii bobs midair and waits.
“He asked me about what makes me a Guardian. And…” She sighs. “He mentioned that the Light would guide me, when I was ready to stop being afraid.”
“Mmhmm,” The little being in front of her says. “And this took hours?”
“I don’t know how it works, Tamashii!” She whispers, so she doesn’t yell, “I didn’t ask for the vision!”
The Ghost recoils. “I’m sorry,” He apologizes. “I just - I couldn’t feel you, for a while there. Zavala wasn’t the only one who thought you were gone. I failed you. We tried-” Miyu plucks him from the air and holds him against her heart.
“No,” She admonishes. “You have never failed me, and you never will.” Her fingertips are soft and tender as she strokes his upper-most fin. “You brought me back the second you were able. I know you did.”
He bob in her hold, a resounding yes, and trembles. “I don’t know which was worse,” He whispers in his synthetic overtones, “At least when the Cabal attacked, I knew there was nothing I could have done, but this was… if I was stronger, maybe I could have-”
“No,” She says, drawing him back so that they can look at each other. “If the Traveler wished to speak to me, how could you have intervened?”
“The Traveler needed you dead?”
“Maybe,” Miyu says, with a tip of her head. “I don’t know. The Speaker said this would not happen again.”
Tamashii blinks his optic at her. “So next time, it’s for good?”
“There won’t be a next time,” Miyu replies. “I have to figure this out.”
“Did he give you something that would help you with that?” Tamashii sounds skeptical. Not that he wasn’t fond of the Speaker, because they both had been, but she can tell he’s at his limit.
She shakes her head. “He helped me realize something, though.”
“I can’t do this here.”
“Listen,” Miyu breathes. “Please.”
“Go ahead.”
“Ikora and Zavala, they want to help. Zavala’s efforts have really made things easier for me.” She taps her index finger against her cheek, and looks out at the City and the looming underbelly of the Traveler. “But I’m not making things any easier for them. The Traveler needs them, too. Working together.”
“That isn’t our problem.”
“Yes and no.” She runs her fingers through sleep-wrecked hair. “Look. Everyone has an idea of what’s best for me. And what happened yesterday is only going to make everyone’s opinions stronger. I’m sure you heard Zavala. He blames Ikora.”
“I do, too. She shouldn’t have provoked you.”
“We’re all fighting battles others don’t know about,” Miyu recalls, sagely. “We’re all human. We make mistakes.”
Tamashi flutters a bit, cones spinning as he processes, takes in the whole of her face. “What are you saying, then?”
“Zavala won’t want me dealing with Ikora.”
“No,” Tamashii agrees, “He won’t. I'm really not sure how I feel about you dealing with her, either. So what do you want to do?”
“I have to leave the Tower.”
Tamashii rocks back and forth. “Even if you told them you had a vision, Miyu-”
“I have to,” Miyu resolves. “It’s the only way.”
“Okay,” He considers, “Let’s say I agree with you. How will you do it?”
Miyu shrugs. “I’ll figure it out. If nothing else, there’s still Osiris.”
“The-there is?”
She nods. “Do you trust me?”
“As much as I think I’m going to need a therapist when this is all over-” She quirks a demure brow at him, the sunlight accentuating the hints of blue and purple and silver in her mostly pewter-black hair, “Of course I trust you, Guardian.”
Miyu smiles. “Glad to hear it.”
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Anime's Top 10 Vampires of All Time!
  As the time for Halloween approaches, it makes us nostalgic for all of our favorite monsters, goblins, ghouls, and ghosts that haunt our anime. But what about the regal, majestic vampire? While they seem to be popular, vampires are pretty rare in starring roles, and separating the wheat from the chaff is an even harder task. A lot of times, the poor vampire is relegated to cannon fodder for powerful main characters to dispatch, treated as nothing more than lowly monsters to be exterminated, meaning it can be easy to disregard them as something uninteresting or weak. But fear not; we’ve learned from the best Van Helsing School of Vampire Hunters to catalogue who we think are the 10 top vampires in all of anime! Think you can stomach the challenge of standing up to these terrible titans, keep scrolling… If you dare! 
HONORABLE MENTION: Dracula Man (Dragon Ball)
Our list wouldn’t be complete without at least one honorable mention, and we felt it was hard to leave Dracula Man (AKA Fangs) here off the list. While not quite famous for being a vampire in the traditional sense, fans of Dragon Ball likely recognize this Thai Kickboxing Vampire! Dracula Man is far from the only vampire in Dragon Ball, with quite a few of the movies seemingly love the idea of pitting the Z Warriors against undead bloodsuckers, he’s the only one who appears in the canonical show itself. Of course, Dracula Man also has another dubious “honor”: being one of the only foes in the entire series defeated by Puar (with help from Upa, of course)! Dracula Man would go on to be something of a Dragon Ball in-joke, appearing in some of the games released well after his initial debut in the series, so we figured we’d say “fangs” for the memories, but not quite enough to make the top ten!
10) Staz Charlie Blood (Blood Lad)
Blood Lad was a quirky title that featured various supernatural types going at one another in a struggle to control the underworld. The protagonist, Staz, is a bit of an oddball compared to other vampires: he isn’t really affected by garlic, doesn’t mind crosses, can’t fly, and doesn’t even have wings. What he does have, however, is a huge obsession with Japanese anime and video games! Aside from that, Staz is the a territory leader in Demon World East, making him more of a delinquent than a refined aristocrat, but he is a descendant of Dracula himself (not an uncommon thing for most anime vampires, to be fair)! Staz is certainly a unique take on the modern vampire, and earns his spot at number ten for being a quirky, but likeable, modern rendition of the blood sucking creature of myth.
9) Sunako Kirishiki (Shiki)
Shiki was a pretty heavy and dark show, and we figured we’d get that warning out of the way first for anyone who might be curious to check it out after reading our list: things get dark, and we mean DARK. The vampires of Shiki tend towards the ghoulish side, with their dark eyes making them seem even more inhuman than usual. Perhaps most unusual is Sunako, a seemingly young girl that resembles a doll more than a dangerous monster. Sunako wants nothing more than to find some way for the Shiki and humans to live in some sort of harmony, but the cruel world she lives in, and the actions of both groups, makes her dream seemingly impossible. Like Staz and a few other good vampires, Sunako only feeds to survive, trying to limit her need to do so as much as possible and cause as little suffering as she can. 
8) Saya Otonashi (Blood The Last Vampire / Blood +)
While technically the same character, the two versions of Saya are quite different, and equally memorable. Blood the Last Vampire’s version of Saya is that of a cold, seemingly aloof young woman who becomes a cold blooded killer, hunting down the monsterous Chiropterans. Fighting vampiric beasts with a katana is cool, but it’s even cooler when you’re also the last remaining “true” vampire that exists! In Blood+, this version of Saya similarly hunts Chiropterans, although her past is far more mysterious and her own existence as a vampire is clouded in mystery and intrigue. Either version of Saya is worthy of being on a list, but we wanted to highlight both, as the movie and TV show were amazing and worth the watch! 
7) Mina Tepes (Dance in the Vampire Bund)
Mina Tepes' standing of the queen of all vampires sounds great, until you realize that everyone is seemingly out to kill you! After paying off all of Japan’s debts, Mina sets up a supposed vampire safe zone known as the “Bund”, but human aggressors and vampiric plots of usurping the throne threaten Mina’s life… Until she turns the tables on her would be attackers! Mina isn’t quite the little girl she appears to be, and while her bodyguards are quite capable, Mina is a full fledged vampire who has some serious skills and abilities. Mina certainly embodies that sense of aristocracy associated with vampires, what with paying off an entire country’s debts, but the way she carries herself and the vampire culture of the Bund cement the series as having one of the more interesting takes on vampires not as monsters, but as a unique culture separate from humanity. Just make sure you don’t call her a little girl, or you might not live long enough to even regret it! 
6) Seras Victoria (Hellsing / Hellsing Ultimate)
Originally a rookie police officer, a fateful and fatal encounter leaves Seras Victoria at the mercy of a cruel choice: die, or become a vampire! Deciding to choose “life”, Seras becomes the ward of the most powerful vampire there is: Alucard! Trying her hardest to resist the temptation to feed and bumbling through her transition from human to vampire, Seras is equal parts adorable and terrifying, as many people who’ve seen her true powers manifest can attest to. If you’re not familiar with her, let’s just say that coming between her and what she wants most is a fine way to get ground to dust! Seras lends a much more “human” component to the vampires of Hellsing, and frankly seems even more rational than some of the humans at times, making her a memorable character for just trying to do her best in the crazy hellscape she lives in. Good luck, Seras! 
5) Miyu (Vampire Princess Miyu)
The OG lady anime vampire princess, Miyu is an anime icon that fans of a certain age likely remember as one of their first anime titles ever! A classic horror series, Vampire Princess Miyu followed the titular main character as she hunted down Shinma, demons, that would wander into the human realm to do harm. Miyu is another compassionate vampire, generally selecting people to feed on that she can leave in an eternal state of “happiness” in exchange for the blood they give her. The Miyu series is an absolute classic, starting off as a manga in the 80's and still running today, with numerous anime spin offs in the forms of OVAs and TV shows. I remember first encountering Vampire Princess Miyu in a Blockbuster Video aisle (remember those stores?), and coupled with another high ranking vampire on this list, became one of many reasons why I ended up diving deeper into the wonderful world of anime.
4) Shinobu Oshino (Bakemonogatari)
We will try to avoid too many spoilers here, because one of the joys of the Bakemonogatari series is discovering the web of ways characters interconnect and the secrets that they hide. What we can say is that when the series first debuted, the donut munching young vampire known simply as Shinobu stood out from the rest of the eccentric cast, and seemed to catch the eye of many other fans. Shinobu is a relative mystery in the series, a skulking shadow that doesn’t seem to quite fit in with the things going on around the other characters, and diving further into the Bakemonogatari series reveals why this is. But we don’t want to say too much more about it; go check out the series for yourself and discover why Shinobu rates so highly as one of the most unique vampires we’ve seen in a long time. 
3) Vampire Hunter D (Vampire Hunter D)
Along with Vampire Princess Miyu, Vampire Hunter D is an anime that some fans might remember as one of their first anime ever. The star of a long running series of novels illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano, Vampire Hunter D comes to the anime world rarely, and generally in the form of feature films: 1985’s Vampire Hunter D, and 2000’s Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Both films are amazing and still hold up today, and D is one of the best semi-silent protagonists there is, hunting down vampires in the post-nuclear future world they inhabit. The mixture of post-apocalyptic sci-fi and medieval style horror make the series truly unique, and whether you’re an anime fan from 30 years ago, 20 years ago, you probably think of D and his fabulous hat when you think of anime vampires! 
2) Dio Brando (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
While he’s certainly an odd style of vampire compared to some of the more traditional ones on the list, there are few that can hold a candle to the one, the only, Dio Brando. Originally a human boy who discovered the secret of the Stone Mask, Dio is a being of pure evil and selfish desires that fits perfectly with the image of vampire, and his original vampiric run through Phantom Blood truly feels like a classic movie monster villain. When he re-appears in Stardust Crusaders, Dio’s vampirism takes a bit of a backseat to his Stand abilities, but his classic vampiric cry, “WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!”, still remains! Fans who had a chance to see the original JoJo OVA from the 90s might remember Dio’s fabulous vampire cape, but even without it, his fanged grin and inhuman stamina make Dio one of the top vampires in anime; after all, not many of the others can claim the ability to stop time and drop road rollers on people! Dio, we love you, even if you are a terrible monster.
1) Alucard (Hellsing / Hellsing Ultimate)
  When you talk about anime vampires, though, it is really hard to ignore the lanky, leering, and imposing presence of Alucard from the Hellsing series. The huge red hat and coat, the glasses, the wide, inhuman toothy grin, and the huge guns give Alucard a timeless profile, and coupled with his absolutely bonkers assortment of abilities, makes him perhaps the most terrifying vampire on the list. Stopping time for a few seconds seems like child's play compared to some of the abilities that Alucard possesses, and the absolute terror his foes suffer when they realize just how outclassed they are by Alucard makes for some of the best moments in anime. Of all the vampires on the list, Alucard is also the most “authentic”, detesting sunlight, holy symbols and consecrated weapons, and even being unable to cross bodies of water without his coffin and soil. Whether it’s being the most accurate to vampire lore, striking a memorable profile, or just being ridiculously powerful and scary, Alucard really hits all the right buttons when it comes to the top anime vampire!
  And with that, we put the last stake into our list! Vampires certainly seem far more popular than they are prevalent, but when a vampire is a good character, they really leave an everlasting impression. So as you get ready to enjoy your Halloween festivities, maybe take some time to revisit some of these amazing vampires, or check them out for the first time. Just beware… If they ask you for a drink, you better protect your neck! 
  What do you think of our list of vampires? Have any that we didn’t include here? Let us know what you think in the comments, and have a Happy Halloween! 
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
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skyhunter95 · 6 years
Fixing Krystal
Despite her popularity, Krystal is easily the most divisive, most controversial character in StarFox. She is worthy of criticism, as the adaption of her character is a far cry from perfect, but I think she gets more scrutiny than she’s earned. The issues with her character I think are easy fixes, and I also want to talk about how the better parts of her character can be adapted to work better. I will be going into depth so this will be quite…long… Her contribution to the World/Setting: What we have: Adventures brought in weird magic, and shows Krystal dressed in rather primitive garb. However, doesn’t necessarily mean she herself is primitive. We know nothing about Cerenia, (Put lots of pins in that). Krystal having powers? That isn’t that out of nowhere in StarFox, in fact: weird Fantasy or Paranormal elements have been in StarFox long before Krystal showed up. Examples: In SNES, (Route 3, Meteo 2) there is a weird bird-like creature that appears in the asteroids and sends you into a warp that abruptly ends the game. In Adventures, it’s similar to when the warpstone sends Fox through a warp. Warping in StarFox has always seemed to involve a strange surreal otherworldly dimension. There are also strange static-shaded objects that attack the player in SF64 during warps (Sectors X, Z, and Meteo) . James Mccloud appears as a ghost in SF64, and guides Fox out to escape Andross’s subterranean base as it explodes. In terms of powers; across his appearances, Andross has insanely powerful telekinetic powers, can shoot lasers out of his eyes, can shoot lightning from his fingers etc. Krystal having to use a staff to shoot fire, ice, and project shields isn’t that much of a stretch. How it can be better: Whether this is done through a sequel or a reboot, adapting Cerenia, and some Dinosaur Planet lore to fit the StarFox universe isn’t hard. There are ruins all over on Titania and Venom in SF64 (and later Assault), maybe they relate to Krazoa Palace, and the Cerenians, there are dozens of ways to write some interesting ancient space-civilization stuff in there. I think the most obvious way to fit Krystal in the universe, in a way that benefits her character, and Andross as a villain, is establishing that Cerenia was destroyed by Andross. It was vaguely implied in a cutscene in Adventures where Krystal seems to recognize Andross’s spirit shortly before he trapped her in that crystal prism. (Put a pin in that). Role on the team: What we have: I think the Telepath role in Assault works, it was something that Krystal could do since the original Dinosaur Planet after all. The ability is something that she can do that no one else can, it’s just that it was severely underdeveloped and underutilized. Occasionally Krystal points out obvious weak points to bosses, dialogue: “I can feel it, the weak point is at the top!” against the first Aparoid boss on Fortuna, “The weak point is at the top!” on Katina’s boss, or against the Aparoid Queen: “Fox, blast that red section!”. Other times where her telepathy is used; She senses an enemy squadron waiting for them on the other side of a door on Fortuna, senses targets within the base interior on Katina, and “Senses faint brain patterns” when the team sees abandoned Wolfens adrift on Mission 5 Meteo. The big time her telepathy is used, is during the cutscene right after Mission 5. She interrupts everyone while they were talking to General Pepper, to tell them that she was sensing a distress signal from planet Sauria. It had her totally shifting the entire scene from celebration of success, to a sudden rise of more danger. It would have been great if there was a lot more of that with Krystal. How it can be better: Krystal’s use of telepathy in-gameplay has minimal effect, it is essentially the same thing as what Peppy does, only Peppy uses intuition to examine a situation rather than having powers to examine something. Many people didn’t like that Krystal essentially hijacked Peppy’s role, having her in an Arwing while Peppy was on the Great Fox didn’t help. I think there are ways to have them both knee deep in the action, the word “replaced” should be avoided. Nobody’s replacing Peppy, she’s just a new asset for the team. Say in a game similar to StarFox 2 (The kind I’m hoping for), it would be cool if the player is allowed to pick 4 pilots from an expanded team of roughly 8: Fox, Falco, Slippy, Peppy, Miyu, Fay, Fara and Krystal. (going into detail on the others is a post for another day), Krystal’s special; is that she can tell the player when and where enemies will show up ahead of time, perhaps a blue glow appears as the outline of the enemy type at the location on the map where they are likely to appear. Essentially, Krystal can telepathically sense thoughts from across space, this might be a bit of a stretch. We can probably also keep Krystal giving Fox obvious warnings on bosses or enemies ahead, probably swap around with Peppy doing similar. Remember when I mentioned Cerenia? We know nothing about what it looks like, we can easily assume it was a technologically advanced civilization similar to Corneria, but their technology is almost more mystical. We already know Krystal’s staff is powered by crystals that the player has to gather, so it uses a fuel source. Perhaps this is the basis of most of their technology. On top of that, perhaps Cerenians’ use of telepathy goes hand in hand with their technology, ESP basically. Krystal being the last of her kind would be a huge boon to the team if that were the case, especially if Venomians were after it. (Something I’ll bring up later). Her plot, her mannerisms, dynamic with the team and character interactions: What we have: Cerenia was literally only mentioned in the manual, most of Krystal’s backstory being raised by Randorn, and her quest to save Dinosaur Planet (now called Sauria) was utterly cut. It was mentioned she was looking for her PARENTS, only for all of that to be utterly abandoned the moment Krystal is trapped, and it is never brought up again, ever. As I mentioned earlier, Krystal adds tiny tiny bits to the plot using her telepathy, other than the one shift to danger leading into mission 6 in Assault, other than that, she sorta takes a backseat sadly. In terms of her interactions, in Adventures, we see her as friendly and kind, speaking to a fallen Earthwalker, and being more than willing to help. She defiantly tells-off Scales the moment she met him, and also declares “We will never kneel to you!” When Andross is re-awakened, although it wasn’t revealed to be him quite yet, at least not to Fox, AKA, the Player. Later in Assault, she retains being fairly sugary sweet, and becomes almost of a mommy figure. She softly scolds Slippy or Falco. “This happens because you’re reckless, be more careful!”. She is at least able to disagree with Fox, when he was going down to the surface on Katina to investigate the mystery on Katina-base, she says “By yourself? It’s too dangerous, I’m going too..” sadly, he tells her that he wants them in Arwings as cover, and she doesn’t have anything left to say. She became very passive compared to Adventures, where she promptly snatches her staff away from Fox to fire wildly at Andross. Although, she did seem proud of her combat abilities on foot, like dialogue: “I’m becoming an expert marksman, aren’t I?”, “I won’t be beaten by the likes of these things.” Krystal can be sweet and friendly, but she needs to have some feistiness to her too. She does retain some of this whenever Panther hits on her, she either ignores him, or sarcastically blows him out of the water. Even saying “As long as I’m covering Fox..” in an angry tone. A nice case of her defiance, and her loyalty to Fox, but that leads us to another problem, I’ll get to that in a sec… We never learn anything about what really motivates her, only that she seems to care about the team, care about others, and Sauria. Some more dialogue: “We WILL save Sauria, just you watch and see!!” “Poor beautiful Sauria, they won’t get away with this.” “All we can do is hope for their safety!”. Of course, most of her screen time is taken up by her practically throwing herself at Fox. She is obsessively romantic over him and it overshadows the entire rest of her character by a pretty wide margin. Although, the best part of that downfall to her character, is that she does reject Panther a bit, she even convinced him to tell them where Pigma was… the idea was good, but we could have gotten much more dialogue banter that leads her to tricking Panther’s one-track-mind into helping them. How it can be better: Adapting her backstory with Randorn (as brief off-screen events) could do her wonders, her homeworld was utterly destroyed by Andross; the big villain of the universe. Andross wanted to research their unique psionic powers, and upon finding a way to gain this power, he had them wiped out to keep them from aiding Corneria in the coming Lylat War. Krystal, once aware of this, knows that she is all alone and has nowhere to go or be. Fox is the first person she meets (Adventures timeline), and is perhaps the only person she trusts at first. He introduces her to the StarFox team, and she suddenly now has friends and family. Krystal shouldn’t mommy the team members, but she should be sensitive to when they are in danger, and desire for their safety. I’m not against her romance with Fox, but her romantic implications with Fox should either be drastically reduced or ousted altogether. The fans can take care of that… She can still be defiant and headstrong in the face of villainy. Krystal could become very important whenever Cerenian technology or cosmological phenomenon come into play. Cerenian technology could have refined warping or shielding technology. For example, if a shield protecting Corneria fails, the team, and their other friends could find a way to make a shield from Cerenian tech. Krystal alone has access to it. Remember that Crystal that turned her into an infamous damsel in distress in Adventures? Imagine if those were some kind of interface for Cerenian technology; one that puts users in suspended animation and can be dangerous and painful for untrained users. Perhaps Krystal uses that very thing to create a shield and project it over the planet, similar to what her staff can do. The overview here, is that elements of Dinosaur Planet can be adapted to fit the StarFox Universe, and keep Krystal from appearing out-of-place. Using some of those elements, and what was done well in Assault to better justify her presence, give Krystal something to do, and a doorway through which she can affect the plot, or gameplay much more than she did. Treating her backstory, and the fact she is last-of-her-kind should be integral to her motivation, and interactions with other characters.
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pretty-idol-hell · 6 years
Pretty Live 2018
So on December 9th 2018 I went to the Pretty Live! And I have A LOT to say about it. 
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I have been to Pretty Series, or rather PriPara concerts before, but I haven’t been to one in over a year. Also the special thing about this one was they actually featured voice actresses from EVERY SINGLE SEASON in the history of the Pretty Series.
In attendance was: iRis and Run Girls Run (this covers SoLaMi Dressing/Miracle Kiratts/Meltic Star), VAs of MyDream plus Shuka and Falala, Hibiki, Fuwari (same VA as Falala), Garmageddon, WITH and special guests Naru, Mia, Aira. Also Wa-Suta.
I think most people were here for PriPara though. Walking around the event area I think I saw mostly people with PriPara decorated bags. I’m going to guess the breakdown was about: 60% PriPara, 20% PriChan, 15% WITH, and 5% Pretty Rhythm. I was proud to be in that 5% with my Rainbow Live bags!! I saw at least one Aira bag, one Mia bag (it was mostly Paircham plushes but still ahah) and a couple Narus and it made me so happy! <3 It’s hard to say who was the most popular character overall…. Maybe Shion? Or Sara. (Most of the PriChan bags I saw were Sara.) Or Shogo. But there was a lot of variety. You can pretty much name any character and I probably saw someone who made a bag of him/her. 
It’s important to keep in mind that mostly only female fans make elaborate bags though. The male fans mostly just wear gaudy character T-shirts and put a couple keychains on a backpack.
I was surprised at how many WITH bags I saw even though they were such a small part of the event. Then again, after seeing how many fans came mostly to see them, I was surprised that WITH didn’t have any merch. They weren’t even featured in the pamphlet at all.
So the songs in the afternoon and evening performances were different but the flow was basically the same. There was no talk session. Just 2 1/2 STRAIGHT HOURS of one long medley of performances, a quick break while Run Girls Run talked about merch and news, then the big finale. (No encore. Just messages from the cast and then a screen with “Merry Prismas”.)
Run Girls Run came out as the opening act. They were alright! I was thinking to myself wow, they look super young when Coco Hayashi, voice of Mirai, actually introduced herself as being a high school 1st year. I looked it up because I wasn’t sure if I heard that right and GEEEEZUS yeah she’s 16 years old holy hell. They did Kiratto Start and Go! Up! Stardom, then replaced Kiratto Start with Prima Donna (the ending theme of Kira Kira Memorial Live) in the evening which was a really nice surprise.
Next up was Wa-suta! And I was pretty impressed with them! They seemed a lot more confident in their performance than I remembered them being last time. (When I saw them for the first time on the Summer Tour shortly after Idol Time started, I remembered thinking they seemed a little nervous?) They only did their PriChan stuff in the afternoon but in the evening they did The Biggest Paradox, which I was really happy about! I realized that I really like their PriChan stuff too though! ChanChanPuChanChanPuPrichan!! So I found myself really enjoying them and I wished their set as a little longer, but oh well. There was a lot more to come.
Then the character songs (or rather the songs where they sing in character) started, which were the bulk of the concert, and it would be impossible to remember them all. 
For the solos, some characters got longer versions of their songs than others and some were absent from one performance or another. For example, the My Dream members only sang their solos in the afternoon while Miracle Kiratts only sang their solos in the evening. And all of them sang the short versions. BUT. Hibiki and Shuka not only got featured in both shows, but got the FULL versions of their songs…. I guess that’s what it means to be celeb eh.
It was my first time seeing Madoka Asahina voice Shuka since Shuka didn’t exist the last time I went to a PriPara live. I loved how they did her hair. She looked a lot like how I might imagine an older Shuka to look. 
Poor Azusa Sato only got to sing Fuwari’s solo in the evening performance (no Falulu so no Tricolore) and nothing for Falala except for a Christmas performance with the other Idol Time girls (it was actually Lucky! Surprise Birthday re-written to have Christmas lyrics haha). I though that was a little bit sad for her. 
So in both shows I was towards the back, and since it was just a big hall of folding chairs with no elevation I couldn’t really see the stage that well. But I was close to the isle during the afternoon show which was good. They had some of the girls going around in these big carts, and a couple of them went right by me that time.
The first time was Yuina Yamada when she was singing Michiru’s solo. And the funny thing was, she was the first one who came out on a cart so nobody was expecting it. So when her song started up and everyone was like ?? where??? and I realized she was coming down the isle on a cart like five seconds earlier than the people around me. So I’m suddenly pointing up and shrieking, and everyone is like ??? what’s wrong with that weird foreign girl—AHHHHH!!!
The second time was when all of a sudden there was a huge POP, all these blue streamers rained down, the intro to Jun Amore Ai kicked in, and I looked up to see Mitsuki Saiga DIRECTLY ABOVE MY HEAD singing as Hibiki. I’m not going to forget that for a long time!! That moment alone probably made the entire thing worth it.
You can see one of the streamers I saved in the picture above. No other character got an intro like that. Only Hibiki.
I already talked about this a lot, but Meltic Star opened with their brand new song Netemo Sametemo DREAMIN' GIRL which premiered on the anime literally only a few hours before. So I, like most of the people in at the event, was hearing it for the first time. It was a really bizarre moment when we were all expecting COMETIC SILHOUETTE and then it was like wait… wait… whaaaaaaaaaaat is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis. I didn’t find out that the song had actually been on the anime that morning until hours later.
So, of course I knew going into this that several iRis members now play double roles. But man, it still didn’t prepare me for seeing it actually in action. Especially Yuuki Wakai who is both Reona and Sara. She didn’t change her hair when she switched characters (she couldn’t do much really) so to me it felt a lot like seeing Reona dressed up in Sara’s KR performing with Meltic Star. That was a trip. Funny how she went from playing a biological male character to a boyish girl. But yeah, the iRis members are really talented. Seeing Yu Serizawa and Miyu Kubota bicker as Anna and Emo while dressed as Mirei and Sophy was craaaaaazy. 
Another thing I realized is that, with the way they cast them, both Miracle Kiratts and Meltic Star are made up of both members of iRis and Run Girls Run intertwined together. So you basically can’t have a PriChan concert without having both groups present. This to me shows a commitment to keeping PriPara going as I would think all members of iRis will likely always show up to the bigger concerts like this one, and I feel like it keeps things strong the way they mixed up the new girls with the experienced. I thought it was strange to do it this way at first, but after thinking about it a little bit it makes sense. 
Moving on, WITH performed and they were pretty great!!  In the afternoon and evening they did one of their new songs (a different one each time) plus Gira Galactic Tightrope. Both of their additional songs were songs I was hearing for the first time. The crowd loved it and  I was pretty impressed with their performance as well. Even though I didn’t know their songs, it was really easy to get into them. By the end, like with Wa-suta, I found myself wishing their set could have been a little longer.
I still feel like I wish someone would make me a Powerpoint or something which explains how WITH got so popular despite being such minor characters who barely did anything in Idol Time. But during the event it finally dawned on me that it’s probably not about WITH as characters at all. It’s probably that people just like their voice actors. Is it? They are indeed cuties.
(Also explains why I have had trouble getting into them, since I just don’t follow real life celebrities the way other people do. But putting that aside…)
When Gaarmageddon was performing in the afternoon I noticed Gaaruru’s costume was missing a wing. I spent most of the performance wondering if she always had one wing and I just never noticed. But nope, she had two in the evening ahah. I wonder when it fell off and if that will make the DVD.
Oh yeah, so you remember that fan created unit from a while back? Where people could vote at Prism Stone for their favorite characters? Well if you don’t, Dorothy got #1 and ended up being grouped with the #2 and #3 characters Aroma and Hibiki to make the unit “Doramageddon Hi”.
I thought they just did this to sell merch and the unit would just fade into obscurity but NO.
Basically it was.... a giant mess. It was mostly just Dorothy and Aroma arguing the entire time about who was more popular, ever so often being interrupted by Hibiki just not givin a f singing these MAJESTIC lyrics over them like the class act she is.
It’s hard to imagine this song ever making it to CD. I mean, a huge chuck of it is just Dorothy and Aroma getting the audience to yell “Do-ro-thy!” “Devi-Devi-Devi!” “DO-RO-THY!” “DEVI-DEVI-DEVI” over and over again while getting faster and faster. But I at least I hope someone uploads it when it comes out on DVD. What a terrible combination for a group ahah. (People didn’t vote for that group specifically. They just combined the most popular characters. Perhaps especially because of that we have nothing but clashing personalities.)
Azuki Shibuya, aka Zucchan who plays Dorothy was really eating it up too. She had blue hair, the only cast member who went as far as to completely match her character’s hairstyle (the others just did what they could with their natural hair), so she basically WAS Dorothy for this event. She agreed in the pamphlet that she basically does become Dorothy as soon as she steps on stage. Also she was super shocked when she found out Dorothy was actually number 1!! (So happy for her.)
So like I said, after about 2 1/2 hours straight of performances we finally got a little break where Run Girls Run came out, talked about the merch being sold in the next hall over, and made a few announcements. Some of the things they talked about were a “remastered” version Kira Kira Memorial Live coming back to theaters for a short time in January, and a Tsutaya TV Valentines project that I didn’t really understand.
Then they made the “big” one and announced season 2 of PriChan!
But. They way in which they announced it was kinda odd.
Because they started off by showing Pretty Rhythm Miniskirt arcade footage and seeing that on the big screen was like whaaaat. Then they started going through the logos of the Pretty Rhythm to PriPara seasons in order by year before getting up to PriChan. After showing the logo for PriChan, the kira door (??) closed on the PriChan logo with a SLAM! Then silence. It was kinda jarring.
So in the three seconds that followed I was like… what… what does it mean… is PriChan ENDING?! I was also still reeling from seeing that Pretty Rhythm arcade footage on the big screen earlier so I was like maybe—
Then it was like NOPE PriChan season 2!!! haha.
Don’t get me wrong, PriChan getting a season 2 is good. GREAT even. But it was kinda hard to get excited about it in that moment because basically it was exactly what I expected would happen for next year. I mean it’s kinda like well, yeah, of course. I would have been much more surprised if they were doing something different and for like THREE SECONDS I thought maybe they were. But y’know. Oh well. Viva PriChan. 
During this concert I thought about how far PriChan has come over the past year, and how I enjoyed the PriChan performances every bit as much as the PriPara ones. I don’t miss PriPara because, thanks to still ongoing stuff such as events like this, PriPara never really left. I’m looking forward to seeing where PriChan goes from here
So after the announcement section ended it was finally time for what we were all looking forward to. Or at least what I was looking forward to: The Pretty Rhythm girls!!
They came out dressed in their Pretty All Friends outfits and introduced themselves as Saints. They didn’t sing all together, but they did perform together so you could still say it was a legit Saints performance and also the first one of all time. Rumi Okubo has never performed as Mia before. She said in the pamphlet she was looking forward to shouting “MIA IS NUMBER ONE!” with everyone. And she did. A lot ahah. So basically they all sang their solos one by one while the other two were the backup dancers for whoever was singing. Heart Iro Tori Dream was a singalong, as it always is. I didn’t practice the lyrics beforehand but I didn’t need to aaaaaahhahaaaa! To think being able to sing in in the theater during Kira Kira Memorial Live was such a BIG DEAL earlier in the year. At that time I never dreamed at that time I’d be doing it with the real Naru months later.
After their solos they sang Make-It with SoLaMi Dressing just like in Prism Tours. 
Then came the finale.  All Idol Song Precious with the FULL CAST. This was the part which really got me straight in the heart. Precious is the finale song to Let’s Go PriParis and basically my favorite PriPara song/performance of all time. To think I would hear a version with SAINTS in it?! AND HIBIKI (who was the only idol absent at the time from the movie version) And WITH??!!
Basically I think I can be done with Pretty Series concerts forever now because nothing will ever get better than this.
My only regret was I didn’t know the lyrics. The second half of the song was a singalong and I tried to practice in between performances but it didn’t really work. So Precious is on my list of songs to learn for someday… maybe.
Thing is.
As good as a show the Pretty Series concerts are, the venues are always terrible. Everyone always stands and it’s hard to see. At least we had chairs this time to sit down during that one break (before I went to one which was standing room only and that was hell) but during the concert if you’re short, it’s tough luck. I could kinda see through peoples’ shoulders during the afternoon, but in the evening performance I could literally not see the stage at all. It was basically like being at a live viewing, except I paid x3 the price. I could only see the girls clearly when they were up on the carts, but the carts rarely came to the back. Even though all the tickets were the same price basically.  
So yeah, I came out of retirement to go to this one, and I probably won’t go to another one for a long time if ever. They announced this Friendship Tour thing with a lot of show dates coming up soon, but I don’t really care. I got enough prism radiance from this show to last me years.
…Is what I want to say…. But…………. 
Then a voice whispers in the wind……… An…. ju………………….
 Can I really live the rest of my life without ever hearing Fortune Carat live…..?
 I…. don…. ‘t……… kno…w….
We’ll see.
Basically at least I think one of two things has to happen before I drag myself back to one of these: 
1.)   Rainbow Live Reunion 2.)   Anju
And that’s all folks. Merry Prismas.
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flydotnet · 6 years
Tango à Trois - Chapter 1: Hollyhock
Next Chapter (TBA)
Summary: Aoi Zaizen is a confused bisexual girl with two crushes at once and who doesn't know how to cope with that. Miyu Sugisaki is Aoi's best friend with a crush and doesn't know how to cope with growing another crush. Yusaku Fujiki is a confused teenager with a crush on his classmate and doesn't know how to cope with having a crush at all.
Chapter Summary: (N/A)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Pairs: Aoi/Yusaku/Miyu (subsets: Zinnia, Angelmaker, future Moonlight), secondary Kiku/Takeru and Ema/Akira
Chapter Count: 1/?
Notes: If everything feels kind of weird, it's because it's all set in a no-LI, no-Link VRAINS-ish AU for VRAINS I've come up with like eons ago in Internet time.
I came up with this ship on the fly (haha pun) in a group chat on Discord and stuck with it for some goddamn reason, and now I can't let go of it. In case you were curious yes I actually have some semblance of plan for this despite having this rushed, shitty first chapter because this is literally a random outlet for when I'm less inspired by my actual WIP novels lmao. While I know nobody is really gonna give a shit, I'm still posting it to show there are other ships than DSS around this hell of an Earth
xoxo, Fly
AO3 version available here.
Aoi had always been a rather confused girl when it was about romance. She used to blame it on her brother’s overprotectiveness, but seeing as she was still confused when he started dating Ema, her current future sister-in-law (there was no way they were getting split up, they were the perfect awkward couple in her eyes), that had clearly been a wrong hypothesis and, needless to say, she felt dumb because of it.
In fact, Aoi was confused enough by what love even was to begin with. It was about finding people attractive and wanting to spend something like eternity with them, right? So why did she find everyone attractive? Why were girls cute and boys handsome? Wasn’t she supposed to be like her brother Akira and find either boys or girls attractive? He had told her it was fine if she was into girls, but he had never said anything about being into both, if that was the term for it. What if that wasn’t natural? What if she was never meant to find both attractive? Was she defective? So many questions…
 So she turned to her childhood best friend, Miyu. The latter had always been more in-touch with relationships and socializing, she’d have an answer, right? So they sent each other messages on one night, because Aoi was way too shy and intimidated to bring up such a sensitive topic in a public setting like school (someone could hear them, and it’d be catastrophic). Sure enough, Miyu told her it was called being bisexual, and it was perfectly normal.
Aoi’s heart strangely fluttered when her best friend, her most trusted confident, confessed to her that she, too, was bisexual and into both girls and boys. Was it relief or excitement, she didn’t know. She couldn’t guess or make a solid supposition, she couldn’t know.
 On another evening, she took it to Ema to make sure it was normal. Her brother’s girlfriend, recently turned fiancée, had truly become the big sister figure she had never gotten: Ema was the best person to confide something to and yet make sure her brother would never be aware of it unless Aoi told him herself. Ema had taken the topic seriously yet lightly, never overdramatizing everything like her sister-in-law had the tendency to do. However, even after confiding that she, too, was a bi lady (there really were a lot of bisexuals in her circles, huh), the flutter in Aoi’s heart didn’t appear again. She put it on the behalf that it could have just been her relief making her heart be all weird, but… there had to be something more to it. She knew it.
Aoi’s next step was talking it out with a long-distance friend she had met right before her brother had gotten his current job at SOL: Kiku. By that point, she knew she was bisexual and to distinguish romantic attraction from platonic feelings (mostly by using her brother and Kiku as references), but she still wanted to talk it out with another confident. Much to her fortune, Kiku took the news very well, wording huge words of supports and wishing her all the happiness in the world she could muster. The encouragement would have not been this overwhelming would Kiku’s boyfriend Takeru not have heard her happy squeals and joined in on the fun. Aoi was pretty sure she was radiating red when she got showered with an entire dictionary of nice words.
Eventually, she told her brother about it. Even if he was the one person she trusted the most in the world, the one she’d no doubt count on would something ever go wrong, the man who had raised her instead of their parents since she had been ten, she was still tense when telling him about it. He had shown distress at first, mostly because of how nervous she was when asking him “big brother, can we have a talk, please?”, but quickly untensed when she spat out the information. A pat on her shoulder and a hug later, her ears almost went deaf when he told her he was proud of her for being brave enough to tell him and wished her the best of lucks. Her entire being destressed with all of this behind her, but that didn’t solve another issue that had risen.
 The fluttering in her heart.
 The thing was, Aoi had ever only felt her heart flutter in this strange, intense way around two persons: Miyu and a boy from her class that she had eventually befriended. She wasn’t surprised to figure out she had a crush on Miyu: it only took her a few days to get over it, strangely enough. Perhaps it was because they had known each other for years; and knowing her best friend was no stranger to being attracted to girls comforted her into getting over it and acknowledging her romantic feelings. They had always been very close, always holding hands as children in the park and indulging in it when nobody was looking in middle school: there was nothing weird about what they were doing, what she was feeling.
Perhaps there even was a chance for Miyu to be in love with her too.
 However, the boy was another question altogether. Yusaku Fujiki was his name: he had always been rather quiet, not overly shrouded in mystery but never proactive in group conversations. They had shared classes for a few years by then, mostly subjects where she rather preferred teaming up with someone as discreet and apparently socially awkward as Fujiki rather than anyone else in the classroom (it also allowed her to escape from alpha bitchy popular girls and guys trying to hit on her as soon as they crossed gazes). Eventually, they became comrades, then friends, hanging out in most classes and between those to pass the time. Miyu had never been in the same class or workgroup as her: but it wasn’t too grievous when she had someone to rely upon, her now-trusted Yusaku.
Oh, that phrasing may have been too forward.
While Miyu and she had always been on a first-name basis, as calling each other by one’s surname was not a thing in kindergarten times, it hadn’t been the same with Fujiki. Getting to know each other as classmates passing papers off to each other to pass the time, helping each other in subjects in which they absolutely sucked (hers was Maths, his was Literature, and they were fine with that), joking about shared teachers were how they bonded, different experiences still retaining value to them: but they had to grow comfortable with the other and being close to them.
It wasn’t an easy task for someone like Aoi, who had always been “the SOL Security Manager’s sister” and trying to be profited upon (and, usually, her brother could immediately tell and sent them off): but Yusaku wasn’t like the others. He had never given a single damn about her brother’s job (or her brother at all, now that she thought about it), had never seen her as anything other than a classmate he liked to hang out with even outside of classes.
 And that was where it hurt, in a way.
 She was convinced Yusaku only saw them as that: friends. Considering their respective characters, it was already a miracle they had befriended each other and texted the other so often (as in, every day, and she was always excited to see what next trivia he could send her about his cat Ai and his friend Jin and his online best friend Takeru… Wait, that name was familiar), she couldn’t ask him to do much more than that. They were too introverted to have a mutual crush on each other…
…oh wait, that was even weirder.
Okay, finding both genders endearing and attractive was perfectly fine. Aoi was bi, her best friend was bi, her sister-in-law was bi… but falling in love with two persons at once, if that was her case, had to be abnormal. No, her feelings for Yusaku had to be something else… Perhaps she saw him as a twin brother? No chance, it was different from how she felt about her brother… Perhaps she saw him the same way she viewed Kiku, a trusty friend? No, no luck there either, there was the flutter and the weird pulses to hold his hand and maybe kiss him passionately against the wall… But then, what did she feel for Miyu?
The same thing, yes. Oops.
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briteboy · 7 years
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okay i’m gonna be real with you. i have...a LOT...of messages. going as far back as like...january? probably? i know...i’m so bad...don’t crucify me. i tried to get through all of them but there were a lot that i didn’t have a worthwhile reply for so i’m sorry if i didn’t answer something you sent :{
so here we have: a lot of nice things, a lot of santisms, reactions to the lou and cillian punchout, a few responses to my portfolio and other stuffs...i wanted to put astrology asks in at the end but it’s...a lot more than i thought it was and it’s 3 am so i’d rather die than answer all of those LMAO sorry. i’ll get to it next time
Anonymous said:
u can delete the snorting cum asks but it will still follow you for eternity
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okay so I saw the ask about snorting cum and it reminded me of a time that cum came out of my nose. It was gross but my boyfriend and I laughed it off. idk. I thought it would be a funny thing to share!! i'd understand if you didn't want this on your blog!! (maybe it makes you laugh!!)
wELL. WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START HERE. i’m screaming at this...i hope nothing EVER comes out of my nose ever in life...i hate this but ur right it did make me laugh
(Winry anon again) Also, did you get her name from FMA Winry Rockbell because if so I love it
this is what bartsim calls me and i hate her for it
whats the truth bitch
I missed santirat's beautiful face there are literal tears rn
me too...i hate that i miss him so much it’s so freaking dumb...i haven’t cried to my own story in a while but i bet i’m gonna once santi’s comeback rolls around. i’m already bracing myself
nvm u can have the lovely rat back, that way my heart wouldn’t be hurting like it is now
honestly yeah that’s fair
Been silently following your blog and though I'm more of a "ghost"(? What does that even mean¿) follower, I can't help but express just how chocked I am to see Santi again OMG. Gutted Lou has had a flashback, she does not deserve this. :'(
hello casper the friendly ghost...i love having santi pop up with surprise flashbacks hehe...ur right though she DOES NOT NEED THIS in her life, but it will get better for her soon do not fret my ghoulish friend
I need more pics of Lou and Santi together I’m not satisfied, thankssss
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HEHEH i love it cause that’s literally how my friends and i act, it was fun to write in a scene :~} i’m glad you liked it :’}}
Yeah when I cut my hair short everyone assumed I liked girls I found it kind of odd, but I didn't care too much. It mostly just made me end up realizing all the shit lgbt people go through, one time a guy literally went up to me and my friend, my bff who no one really knew was a lesbian was terrified because he said "oh dont worry lesbians are hot, but gay guys are just disgusting" it ended up he was talking to me, i just rolled up a piece of paper as tight as I could and smacked him on the head
EWW first of all that guy can take his weird fetishization and homophobia elsewhere thanks...i’m glad you threw a paper ball at him LMAO. but yeah on one hand, coming from ignorant/straight people it’s like “uhhhh why would you assume that about me”, within the lgbt community it’s like...common ground...an inside joke...i guess? so it’s weird. the link between hair, clothes and sexuality is can definitely be harmful in certain circumstances
fiona is my spirit animal and i love her ok thanks for coming to my TED Talk
that was illuminating thank you
i re-read santis story and i s2g i've read it so many times idk, but like its so easy to read i dont mean like emotionally but it flows really well. and like its not too confusing i hate when people make overly convoluted stories in an excuse for being deep its some good shit good job my dude
AKJSDKGKSJD THAT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never expected anyone to read it oNCE let alone REPEATEDLY...that really makes me so happy though because it’s definitely something you have to go back and read to catch all the details. ahhhhh thank you so much, i never ever want my story to be too complicated so i’m glad you don’t think it is!!
im crying because your recent post reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom when i was younger... she was always out of a job and sometimes we had to resort to living with other family members, it was all really hard on her and especially with having a kid she had to take care of at the same time. even though these are fictional characters, it’s comforting to know that other people have gone through the same situations i have. i love fiona and lou so much, they’re my heart and soul <3
OMG ;_________; i’m crying i’m so glad it resonates with you...i had a lot of friends growing up who were in similar situations and i think i kinda based lou and fi’s relationship on that, so you’re definitely not alone <33 i’m so glad you love them i love u
basically what I’ve learned from these asks is that Gianni is a perfect god-like human and I want one
he is. one time an anon told me they were like santi but they wanted to be rooney and i was like “i’m both santi and rooney on different days and i want to be gianni.” now u know why
hi, i just wanted to pop in and say that i really, really love your blog and i admire your editing skills SO much, i think you are EXTREMELY talented and i don't think you get told that enough. i've been following you for awhile now and i am in love with ALL of your stories, characters and edits you've put out! you're really an inspiration to me and i hope someday my edits can turn out as good as yours!! i don't have reshade so it's harder for me, but i'm trying to learn!! ok have a good day :-)
OMFG ;-; I DO GET TOLD IT A LOT AND IT STILL SEEMS FAKE...you don’t have to go out of your way to compliment me ;___; but thank you so so so much i’m crying...it makes me so giddy that i might inspire someone like WHAT...i don’t even know what i’m doing half the time i edit so u will definitely be able to catch up to me one day even if you don’t have reshade, i know it. i edited without reshade for like 2 and a half years on this blog so you can do it i promise!! have a good day/night/life i love u
fuck my succ
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I'm in need of some giannti in my life
we all need some gianti in our lives
Hey! I just wanted to say that ur an amazing writer. You portray everything so well, it’s insane. I want to be a writer someday and I hope my writing is at least somewhat close to yours. Have an awesome day my dude💕
WOW I’M CRYING...i still have a lot of room to grow and so do you, i hope you are able to become the writer you want to be :’} and thank you so much for the wonderful compliment i’m emo have a great day as well
aver is my queen, confirmed.
avey is everyone’s queen confirmed
oksy but listen, look up the model Charlotte Ray Spencer
i did but i couldn’t find her?? all that came up was ray spencer obituaries in charlotte, SC LMFAO...charlotte spencer is an actress tho it seems, is that...who...? omfg
I had a ectopic pregnancy when I was seventeen but I feel like I got off lightly compared to Molly. Your story is so beautiful in so many ways, I think it’s incredible how much character development you’ve managed to pull off honestly I’m amazed. Thank you ❤️
omg ;_______; i don’t even know what to say to this, but it means so much to me i can’t even put it into words. thank you thank you thank you so much, and i’m so sorry you had to go through that as well. molly was an extreme case and i hope no one has to go through what she went through. i’m glad you’re okay now, and thank you so much for reaching out to me and reading my story at all ;-; <3333
just a heads up: the links button on your ccfinds blog goes to the femmefinds url still
oh yeah i know i’m gonna be real with you...i’m too lazy to fix it lmAO
Luv your stick n poke tats u posted!!! Could u do more? Maybe on diff places on the bod?? Ur so talented. Xx
omg that was FOREVER ago...maaaaaybe in the future...we shall see...but thank you <33
Can u do a family portrait for all ur characters like u did w Lou!!!
oooooh hehe i probably will in the future!!
Kill v maim is one of my favorite songs of all time omg it makes me wanna wear ripped jeans and a leather jacket and cover myself in glitter and smash some windows with a baseball bat MMMMMM
HELL yeah me too...i become a cyber punk alien vampire when i hear that song
maybe do a casting call posted here ? u have many followers and im sure a good chunk live in ur area and would be willing to model ^_^
omg SCARY...i probably could tho tbh that’s a good idea, thank you!
hi sunny, what program do you use to merge your cc and what do you use to detect and remove broken cc that just doesn't work in game anymore? thanks!
i actually haven’t merged on my new laptop yet but i used s4s for merging and there’s the mod conflict detector!!
My game hasn't been working since the first Cats and Dogs patch but I uninstalled and reinstalled and it finally works again 😭
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sunny!! would you recommend your computer to play ts4 on? has it good graphics, can handle the highest settings and so? i really need a new computer but i have no idea which one to go for
yes i would recommend it!! i have reshade, ultra settings and like 8 gb of cc.
thanks for answering my ask eee ur story is probably the best ive read on here and yeah. i love how everything connects and everyones just so real. you dont have to post this i just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration and making me smile, laugh, cry, and scream in the middle of the night with your characters.
I LOVE U...it still sounds so fake to me when people say i inspire them, i don’t even know how to respond to all this ;-; just thank you for sparing a glance my way and resonating with my creations. <3 we scream and cry 2gether
I listened to Separator by Radiohead on repeat whilst reading Santi’s story and now that song just reminds me of him and Lou. I’d totally suggest listening to it’s so good! As is your story :3 xxx
oh radiohead that’s good sh*t...i’m listening to it now and i feel the santou vibes...especially when santi’s feeling out of his mind and she’s the only one who can calm him...haha cool..anyways THANK YOU!!!!
how do you make poses for the roof? i'm not sure how i can know if the sims will clip into the roof or float
honestly i just...eyeball it...because all roofs are different and you can’t put them into blender so. i just winged it lmao...i just made a pose that looked like it could’ve been lou climbing out the window, only the rig was still ground level, and then i used alt + 9 to lift the teleporter onto the roof as best as i could. that’s why it probably wouldn’t be a very practical pose to release, because i have no way of making it easy to use 
Lou punched him and I knew it would happen. 😀👌 nice, nice I like Lou whopping ass.
hehe i’m glad you enjoyed it...who knew she had a freaking hook like that
ok a theory... santi went to look for molly's mother and yea
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omg tell me cillian sings every other freckle at some point
OMFG well...that song came out in 2013 and the current flashback year is 2008 so. i would personally murder cillian myself if he was still in lou’s life 5 years after this honestly
hey kitty girl! i was wondering if you could answer this teensy lil question i got. im writing a "story" anddd i was trying to figure out how to make some parts not cliche. like i hate reading about whatever and being like girll ive done seen this before so i just needs to know. kisses
i absolutely love how this is worded and the fact that u called me kitty, very cute. anyway...this is pretty broad, perhaps you could clarify what kinda cliches you want to steer clear from? a lot of the time when i know something is gonna be cliche and there’s no avoiding it, i just kinda own up to it and try to subtly point out how cliche it is and somehow that makes it work out better...like being self aware somehow adds another more realistic element to the story that makes it better? idk...anyway dm me if you need help!!
so.... lou can remember more of what happened? this is good! go 2 the police bitch! tell them!!!!!!!
she should!! but the only problem is she doesn’t have proof. so... 🤔
how do you write your stories in a way that everything is organized and you're certain and not confused with everything? i mean, do you have any way for writing that let you develop your stories with not so much difficults? i'm trying to write an story for months but i only have a few of the most important events on my mind, i don't know how to develop another important details, i always feel that everything is confuse or crap
hmmmmm well my mind is very ah convoluted so it’s a wonder any of this comes out even somewhat cohesive? but basically i have a very good memory and utilize google docs a lot hahaha. i’ve gone in depth about my writing process here!
whats a good way when it comes to starting a sims story? i mean like the first post? :/
ummmmmm maybe test the waters a bit and just make a post introducing your character(s) first? or dive right in and get sh*t started. it could go either way tbh
boyish by japanese breakfast is a santixlou bop
oh sh*t!!!!!! i love japanese breakfast!! and i love this thank you!
So is lou like into cillian in a way? Making him kinda be in her type
as of right now (in the flashbacks)? HELL fucking no. but you’re right, she did say those things in the future to santi. so 🤔
Everyone guessing shit stupidly annoys me haha. I'M UNOBSERVANT AND I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND CHECK SHIT, LET ME LIVE. *Like* if you a ~dum~ reader who doesn't want every bit of foreshadowing called out. lol
i respect this honestly whenever i drop the hottest foreshadowing of 2018 i never expect my inbox to flood like it does but here we are and i am amazed
i’m screaming...i’m so sorry it’s my fault about your phone but like also i’m poor i can’t pay for that
i'm studying your latest posts because they're beautiful and my hatred for that long necked bitch is intensifying -- what makes me burn even more is that he's still wearing her necklace, can we say let the bitch burn?
burn babey burn
Why don't you use quick tags?
i’m dumb is why
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What if Fi's blue eyes are from... Cillian..?
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wHY did you have to make him cute and fucking cool though? I still hate him but it's harder.
I SCREAMED AT THIS SERIES OF QUESTIONS OISDFNGJKDSKJN yeah sorry he’s conventionally attractive but unsettlingly so and i feel uneasy when i look at him and plus the fact that he’s literally evil so .
im like, to 90% sure that cillian is in ace joker. so that song might have reminded lou of him...
this was sent right after that scene of lou hearing the song at pippin’s, so
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My conspiracy theory is that cillian is Lou's father. Speakimg of which are we gonna get to that soon, I'm dying of curiosity;.;
what do u resize ur photos to?
whatever 33% of 1920x1080 is i forget. i have a resizing + sharpening action so i just run that
im about to kill those kids if they keep fucking with my baby
me @ these ugly kids:
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Who are the best creators for mens clothing? I struggle so much to find good cc creators with men specifically!
badabing badaboom
I’m not sure if you’ve converted things before but do you know any good sims 3 cc to sims 4 tutorials? Or your followers?
errrrrr i have no idea i’m sorry :x
would you consider making like a photoshop psd file with all the layers in your editing process?
omg...heck no it would be so unhelpful OMFG mostly because my editing is just my own action + shading and highlighting unique to that pic
would you ever do an editing timlapse of your gameplay pics? 💖💖
ahhhhh maybe!! probably in the future!
OMFG THAT’S RAD...i’ve literally only seen it once tho i’m fake
I'M SHOOK. my friend kinda asked me out and I wanna say yes but my parents won't let me date. I'm 18! I need your advice! -signed 18 and alone anon
Can you pretty please link some photoshop tutorials you recommend? I really want to make my photos more cinematic and like your's without totally copying you or someone else. All I do right now is sharpen, color balance, and add some noise and then resize. I really need some more ways to get better looking photos such as yours.
ahhhhh the problem is i don’t know of any i’m sorry...lmao this is totally unhelpful :\ i have my own editing tutorial which is outdated but can probably help you out with the basics of lighting effects and shading n stuff?
Heyyy, I saw that you answered a question about making a ps action like your reshade, and I just wanted to say that I would love that! Unfortunately Mac users like me, can’t use reshade unless boot camping Windows onto our computers...☹️ and your reshade is just soooo pretty...
i don’t know if i’ll be able to replicate the reshade effect totally but i could release the action i’ve made for myself? it warms up screenshots but is totally adjustable to your liking for different color tones so in that way it’s kinda similar to the reshade. i’ll seeeeee what i can do...i know the woes of mac users all too well, my friend
i just wanna give lou a big ol cozy hug :o((( pls
pls hug her she needs it.
Do you post on tumblr from your phome or from your computer? Just curious.
mostly from my computer, sometimes i answer messages on my phone while i’m out and you can tell because autocorrect actually makes me use proper capitalization for once in my life
how many hours have you played the sims? for me i have 4,070 hours. haha help
OMFG i think mine is like...900 or something...i can’t tell if that’s too much or too little, but it’s definitely inaccurate
if i could only look at one person's tumblr from now on it would be yours. ur literally the queen of tumblr #shookaf and also i really hope i die before you ever say ur leaving tumblr cause when u do, i will legit die and bury my own grave. i really appreciate u and hope one day i can be on ur level but rn im at level 1.5 while ur up in the millions :D
I’M SCREAMING PLEASE I AM A PLEB.............i cry u flatter me too much ;-; i genuinely hope i never leave this place because it’s been so fun and it’s helped me evolve so much as an artist and a writer, plus i made some of my greatest friends on here. so i hope that day never comes!! but who knows life is wild. anyway i’m sure you’re actually like at level 578 and are just being modest. it’s okay you don’t have to be humble
i think its so cool that you and wanderlust and other simmers use multiple worlds to make your own town and stuff. idk why but thats just so cool to me and i would have never thought of it. love your blog and story <3
omg!!! well i couldn’t resist, i love a bunch of them and can’t limit myself to just one ya know. plus the more i thought about it, the more my gen 2 story kinda centers around these kids from this one town and the town itself is very relevant. so i felt like i had to make my own!! and i’m very excited to get started with that hehe
I just met a guy named Rodrigo Santiago and I sCREAMED HOLY SHIT
Update (tho idk of you got the first one): I just got a text from a classmate named Rodrigo Santiago. I'm sCREECHING
no freaking way. there’s no way i don’t believe...i want proof...
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dont worry about posting this or do idc but i just wanted to say you should write about whatever you want and not care about whether people think you condone it or not. if i (a gay male) were to write about lesbians its not like im saying YOU HAVE TO BE LESBIANS BLAH BLAH BLAH you know what i mean? or if im writing about a robbery doesnt mean im like condoning robbery so like idk you do you boo and keep it coming ;D ilysm btw
OMFG no yeah i get it, i mean i think now especially in this online environment, people are hyper aware of Problematique things and so they’re a little too quick to point fingers without looking deeper than the surface. and whatever it’s fine people are always gonna be like that because people are mostly inherently judgmental, especially when it comes to consuming media. artists/writers face stuff like this all the time because people refuse to look past the surface, hence why works have gotten misconstrued all the time. but yeah i really appreciate this sentiment, thank u i love u
hope this isnt a weird question but what is the image size that u used for your character page?? thnk u 💕
omg it’s 300x300
have u listened to visions of gideon by sufjan stevens i was listening to it while reading ur stories and it made me so :(
oh my boy sufjan aka gianni’s personality claim i love him...and this song is :{ but i love even if it’s from the nasty age gap peach fucking movie
If i was married to Jamie and he treatin’ our daughter like that… oh I swear HES GOT TO GO!
it’s 2 am i’m so tired answering all of these i forgot who jaime was for a sec i was like um why are we talking about GoT anyways good night
how does alpha hair work with reshade? it seems so good in your screenshots and i’ve seen that in others screenshots it looks bad? whats the secret?
well good morning haha jk i never went to sleep anyway here u go
hooow do you make adorable toddlers in ts4?? teach me, gimme some advice please :(((
chubby cheeks! big eyes! small faces! little but plump lips! a good skin! dats all
how did u get ur sim onto the fire escapes?
ze teleporter mod, that’s it
I snickered at the, THE RETURN OF SANTI. Like I imagine it written in red horror lettering and santi just busts down the door and says ho ho ho im back bench, Did U miss me?
honestly i own a calendar and if i knew a definite date u already fucking kNOW it would be up there
ahhh im sorry for asking but im wondering how you find voice claims?? i'm looking for some for my sims, but it's tough to find one that's *right*, you know?? and your voice claims are great!! thank you <3
OMG voice claims are HARD, i literally just like “collect” them over time...i have a list in my phone of voices i like/may use in the future lmao, but try to think of actors or musicians and search interviews/movie or tv scenes with them speaking!!
i don't even read your story but i still follow you because i love your personality, sim style and just your whole entire tumblr
u follow me for ME? UM...what are u doing here...i’m so sorry (i love u...)
do you have a different reshade preset for flashback screenshots and for the present ones?
i do not!! i just edit differently
what happened to the honeycomb?
OMFG it’s still there...but we legit haven’t seen it since girooni’s wedding so um...it’s gonna have to get a makeover. i’m gonna do it when girooni come back home so i can finally show rupi working there like...wow...she deserves to be seen
lou's dad is the biggest asshole and i am waiting for the day that bitch dies
us when he dies
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shit theory: caroline goes to find and confront cillian about what he did in teen lou timeline. care ends up forming a crush on cillian and goes back to meet him several more times, but cillian ends up liking lou more which makes caroline jealous. and that's why they don't speak currently, 'cause cillian ruined lou's life in more ways than one.
uM holy fuck that’s all i got to say
pls tell me that Caro killed the dude that choked Lou (or beat his ass)
god i hope so !
how many people do you follow? are you “strict” with who you follow?
i follow 264 people and yeah i’ve gotten a bit stricter with it just cause like...i only want to follow people whose content i truly care about/will actually notice on my dash
would you ever do a sim dump?
probably in the future, it seems like people want more male and female sims from me SO
ramona got some moves tf
the girl is out here bobbing to the chicken dance like nobody’s business
have u seen the end of the fucking world? if u did what are your #thots
UM......................i watched the first episode ‘cause i heard so much about it and um.............................it was so bad OMFG i hated it. way too edgy for me. completely missed the mark. not into it at all. hard pass
HOPEFULLY ezra will follow through with that and i don’t necessarily mean in a romantic way but like...as her new roommate MAYBE he will be a blessing we can HOPE
I'm not sure if you've been asked this or not, but your poses are so good and I was wondering if you have ever considered making a pose pack? Sorry if this came off as rude! I love your posts!
i will probably in the future!! but first i gotta figure out which ones i’d actually include
okay so this is random but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your sims stories. Everything is so perfect and I'm forever shook because I can't believe the "sets" you use are actually the game. Your sims are so fleshed out and you are a huge inspiration to me. Anyways sorry if this was weird but I'm like obsessed with ur blog. bYe
AJHSDHJFSD THANK YOU!!!!!!! yes somehow we work miracles into this game can u believe it...ahh but thank you so much, it means everything that i would inspire you in any way...like what...omg
Santi is actually standing outside present Lou’s apartment wondering where the fuck he went wrong
he’s been there for 6 months just on the street standing there please someone let him in .
there it is fellas. this message is sooooo old i’m so bad
Have you read/heard of The Lunar Chronicles
i have not!! but i’ll jot it down!
I was wondering if you’ve ever had any problems with skins? For me some on the palm side of the hand it’s noticeably darker than what the skin is supposed to be.. like the rest comes out find but the hands are darker.
hmm...that’s weird, i haven’t seen that. i think it probably depends on the skin? or maybe your sim detail settings?
santi my daddy, honeybodies my mommy, lou looking like a cutie when she saw dat tiny puppy. my name is rappin anon, and i just wanted to say, ur are my favorite simblr basically saving my day. rappin anon OUT
o...my god
i love u
i love u...
52 notes · View notes
seven--secrets · 3 years
The Race Goes On | Riley | Trial 1.3 | Re: Willow, Chioko, Yuka, Robin, Ran, etc
Riley is heading around the room as the others talk, one by one asking them a few quiet questions for what she needs to see or other comments before checking what areas the others will allow. A quick hug is also given to Koune while she’s over by her, just for that little bit of reassurance.
When she gets back around to her own seat where her deskmate in Willow is, she blinks at them. Before anything else, she gives him a reassuring smile.
“Oh! Are your hands the issue? I don’t think that any of us are going to judge you for that sort of thing no matter what it is. But, well… If you want Willow, I don’t mind you showing me under the desk. Maybe we can even block it with your jacket, while we’re at it? It’s a little hard to get more privacy in here than that, but I promise I’ll be as discreet as I can if that’d be alright with you. I won’t make you show anything you don’t want to, but it would really help us out a lot to be able to worry a little less about stuff if you do show me everything you can. Or if you’d rather someone else do it, that’s fine too! Thanks for sharing the time you left too by the way, it helps a lot.”
If Willow trusted anyone else more than her, she wouldn’t be upset. But by god she was trying her best to give people as much comfort as she could with this even as she did her absolute best to get accurate information. She turns back to the others in the room to present her findings next!
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“Okay! Chioko-chan, Koune-chan, and Baoth-kun don't have any recent looking scratches or injuries, and the bit of makeup they’re wearing doesn’t seem to be hiding anything! I was able to check them all pretty thoroughly.” 
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“For Yuka-chan, I could check her hands, arms, shoulders and neck, but I couldn’t really check Yuka-chan’s legs because of the tights she has on, so if you wanna go through the hassle of removing them to check better I can do that, but otherwise just know that I checked everything else I could. I also checked out Yuka-chan’s headphone cable and can confirm that it’s too thin, and it seems like her bow can’t really be undone from it’s shape so it wasn’t that either.”
Riley was indeed thorough in her search it seemed hIUDHDS No immediately obvious results though, huh? Apparently it wouldn’t be as easy as looking for scratch marks, at least for what she’d been able to look at. Riley also gives a smile to everyone else who’s volunteered up areas to look at at the very grateful and non-judgemental smile, no matter what cuts or scars they had, and one for Ran too though she’s not sure how exactly to comfort her.
“Thanks a bunch everyone! I super appreciate it. We’ll get to the bottom of this one way or another, don’t you all worry. And we’ll decide on what’s best to do from there too together, alright?” How exactly? Well… that’s what they were talking about it for. Riley certainly didn’t seem ready to give up just yet either way. 
On to other things for now though, Riley gives Chioko and Yuka a nod, as they share more information.
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“It’s actually really helpful to know that the knife and the dye were there by the time you got there, so thanks a bunch for sharing that! If Chioko-chan’s words are accurate about it still being there when she left, that means that they went missing sometimes between midnight and 2am, or between midnight and 1am if Yuka-chan is also correct. I don’t think that time frame really knocks off any more of our candidates, but!”
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“I do actually think that there’s some credence to the theory that the dyed water in the washing machine and the note really was set up as a prank of some sort, y’know?? If you take it into a different non-murder context, it’s just a little bit messy and inconvenient seeming more than too malicious. What Ran-chan said is possible too, especially because Miyu-chan doesn’t necessarily have to have died right where she was laying. She might have just been staged there afterwards, y’know?
That said, I’m really not sure what other cause of death it might be beyond strangling, or how they could have killed Miyu-chan accidentally without knowing more myself. It’s possible that they panicked and decided to turn things lethal part way through too, I suppose…? There Might also be credence to Robin-kun's theory way back that the cord was just doubled up. I can at least confirm that it didn't seem like Miyu-chan's neck was broken."
Still, the conversation was at least started!
0 notes
Parallel Theories | Hibiki | Trial 4.6 | Re: Many
Meisa’s comment that something feels off is definitely something he’d been feeling too, though he’s not sure in what way things actually are. He gives her a nod at least though, because to him Verm being the culprit IS the easy answer. He’s more than willing to try and expand that if he gets some avenue to do so. When GrimmZB talks, making a few suggestions… Hibiki considers it, frowning in thought. He doesn’t talk right away, though he does plan to address that in time. For a time, he raises a hand in front of his chin in what is clearly a pose of serious thought as the others talk.
He does chuckle a bit lightly when Verm calls him a terrible person as a reason why he was fine with her, and can otherwise pretty much understand what she’d be mad about in a situation like this. Himiku jumping to defend him (by name even) is something he honestly doesn’t think is needed, though he can understand why she might for Miyu. He’s not going to even bother trying to touch on that though when she’s curling up to go back to sleep. He does give her a nod about the footprints though before she does though, re-agreeing with that point and her take on the shoes of others here.
Regardless... Eventually he does speak his mind.
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“I do think that’s likely that Himari had origami magic like the lobster and used the frog to try and get help, yeah, since it was pointing towards the camp where people definitely were. It didn’t make it all that far though, so we at least know that she wasn’t alive or at least conscious for a super long time, if that’s the reason it stopped where it did only part way to the camp. Still, Himari was probably still alive at least some degree of time. It was probably the only paper she had on her, since we didn’t find any others too.” 
Unless someone had taken something he guessed. That part wasn’t the issue here, though, even if it was probably good to keep in mind. Other than THAT...
“...I’m at least willing to consider that Verm might be misremembering in some way instead of lying, though figuring out what’s what there seems like it’ll be hard to get solid. But fine, I’ll bite. While one obvious and still possible option is still that ‘Verm did this and lied about it’, I do want to at least look into the other possibilities that crop up if we assume she’s mistaken to see what’s possible there.”
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“Under that scenario, I’d say that what happened between Verm and Shimizu, or at least her and someone, was likely accurate, as the evidence of the scuffle and blood splatter on that cottage side more or less matches up to what she said happened to her. What doesn’t match up is the mycea side, so… We have to assume that something about her memory there is off.
Maybe she got the order of what happened off somehow, and actually saw Shimizu push Himari off first before climbing down to stab her. If Shimizu gave chase like she said, then she could have climbed back up after seeing Verm after Verm attempted to head to the other side of the cliff and couldn’t climb down easily since the cottage side cliff was too difficult a section of wall to climb by normal means, as I did notice. They had their fight, she got stabbed and both fell just in time for Himari to die from her injuries minutes later, etc. It would still be weird that she didn’t die from the stab in that case, but I guess it’s possible”
It was technically possible, at least, which was something he’d been searching for. He still wasn’t certain if that was the most likely case, but it was possible.
“There’s also the possibility that Verm was wrong about a lot more than that, though. Like if she misremembered seeing Himari being pushed off at all, or that it was by Shimizu instead of some fourth person that was there with the other two or something, and combined them into one person in the form of Shimizu. Maybe she didn’t see the stab at all and just remembered her own stab in the wrong place, or assumed or something. I dunno. Lemme know if any of you have anything to add there about what our options are, because at this point I legitimately don't know what's more likely here."
He shrugs. He legitimately had nothing there as more concrete evidence than that, but it was something to put forward for other people to think about at least.
0 notes
enbyprincex · 5 years
Part 1 is here!
CW: Angst, heavy trust issues etc etc. Miyu is not a happy camper when it comes to feelings.
Miyu, in a much more stable and not mentally kicking herself frame of mind? She would sit Masanari and Kaede down separately to explain all her brain muck. Well some of it anyway. Cause it’s not fair to either of them and she’s gotten all that crying and wailing out. Now it’s time to apologize and I guess, hash out that the breakdown is on her not them. Cause she knows, oh she knows and appreciates Kaede not wanting to let her go back with Masanari because he triggered this meltdown but it’s not his fault. 
Not fully and she’d chew herself out if anything happened to either of them. So she talks to Kaede first cause she can talk to Kaede frankly and easily cause they’re close, they’ve always been close. And it’s not an easy talk but it’s a necessary one that leaves Miyu free to go back addition with Masanari with the promise that if anything happens she’ll come find Kaede first. It’s a simple enough promise and she mills over it on her way back while trying to figure out how to talk to Masanari without crying again. 
She’s upset yes, with him not trusting her but it’s more and less than that too. And it’s a halting discussion prefaced with so many apologies before she finally manages to choke out the real reason she bolted to the Mitsuba. Masanari seeing through all the defenses she’s built up make her feel naked in ways that she doesn’t like and it’s a vulnerability that makes her want to scream when she doesn’t know if he trusts her or if she’s just there for entertainment only on the days her demons get real loud. Somewhere along the way she knows it’s more than that but how can she not cry anyway?
None of it’s fitting for a shinobi, she knows. She knows it’s emotional gunk but she can’t help the fact that her emotions are part of her in such visceral ways. And it’s done! It’s out! She can breathe again and wait for Masanari to process what she said and pray this isn’t what pushes him away from her. Because she knows some days she’s hard to deal with and messy and everything in between.
0 notes