#miyuki matsuda
angelstills · 11 months
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オーディション / Audition (1999)
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closetofcuriosities · 5 months
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Audition - 1999 - Dir. Takashi Miike
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Hero Vision Vol.7 (2002/Summer) ft. Kamen Rider Ryuki Cast Members with Ryohei & Hidekazu Ichinose (translations below)
Takamasa Suga (Kido Shinji) Interview (page 6-7)
"At the time of this interview, the double filming for both the movie and TV series were underway, and it appears to be a real nightmare."
Suga: I'm already overwhelmed. I don't have time to sleep or even memorize the script. "What am I suppose to do?!" is the current state of things (laughs). My body is starting to get used to it, but it's still very difficult.
"Despite the demanding schedule, he always has such a sweet smile on his face. It's been six months since he started playing the role of Shinji Kido, the main character of Kamen Rider Ryuki. He says that his image of Shinji, which at first felt like a blur, has recently become more defined."
Suga: In the begining, I was so preoccupied with filming, that I honestly wasn't thinking about Shinji. I hadn't seen "Kamen Rider Kuuga" or "Agito," so I didn't know about the whole Rider process. However, when someone said to me, "Producer Shirakura said that after the transformations in Episodes 1 and 2, that was Ryuki's Shinji," I thought I had a better grasp of what was going on. I thought it was the movements of suit actor Seiji Takaiwa in the Mirror World, so I though, "Alright, I'll do that." At first, I thought Shinji was a pretty pathetic guy, but he's actually a strong leader, and always does what he thinks is right. I've recently realized how cool it is that Shinji's charm has the power to envelope everyone around.
"Not the coolness of a dependable hero, but rather, humane and tasteful coolness. He and Takaiwa-san had a close meeting to better express Shinji's emotions before and after transforming. Whether it's how Shinji sleeps, or how Shinji goes about his day after waking up."
Suga: Even in my private life, I notice I'll say, "Eh!?," or some other Shinji like reaction. Sometimes, I get caught up in a strange emotion where I can't tell who is the original, myself or Shinji.
"Suga-kun, who is now a huge part of Shinji's life, had never seen "Kamen Rider" until he was given the chance to audition. Although he had always been interested in the entertainment industry, he was unsure of his career path after high school. It wasn't untill he saw the movie "Swallowtail," directed by Shunji Iwai, where he decided to become an actor."
Suga: It felt as though I had watched that movie with my whole body. I saw it with my eyes, heard the sounds with my ears, and even felt like I smelt the movie. After watching, I was still in a mix of emotions and thought, "What is this feeling?" Then I realized, "Oh, I know! I want to be on the screen!" It was a real Shinji moment (laughs).
"After working on TV dramas and gaining some experience, he auditioned for Ryuki a few years later, but with the feeling that he was "grasping at straws."
Suga: When I went into the second round of judging, all the models around me were on the same level as Ryohei-san, so I thought this was definitely not going to work out. Even after making it to the final round, I was so nervous that at one point I said something unintelligible like, "I love beer!" When I received the news two weeks later that I got the role, I didn't believe it right away and was cautious, saying, "I don't believe this."
"When you went to the costume fitting with high expectations of what kind of cool Kamen Rider you'd see, when seeing Ryuki for the first time, you though……."Kendo?!" You were very surprised.
Suga: When I first saw it, I thought it was a really strange design that I had never seen before. Now, I'm very attached to it, and think it's the coolest out of all the riders. I love it so much.
"Of all the episodes that have been filmed so far, episodes 13 and 14 are the ones that you value the most. It's the episodes where he was distressed by the thought that he had killed Zolda."
Suga: It was then, that I once again found myself thinking about my sense of responsibility as a Rider. It was like I had just shed a layer of skin. But, even though he grows little by little this way, I would like to keep Shinji's "roots" planted as they are. Everyone around Shinji is carrying something on their shoulders, except for Shinji himself. He's quick to say, "I'll protect people," while having nothing to back up his words. No one to protect, and no past. I once thought about it deeply, and asked the producer, "Does Shinji have a past?" I was told, "No, Shinji is just a young man who had a normal upbringing." I think that's when my mind began to wander. I don't have anything to prove it, but I'm not sure that's something Shinji would say. What I am sure of, is that his emotions are straight and pure like a child, which I like. I also cherish the bad and idiotic parts of Shinji as well.
"You get along well with your co-stars, Matsuda-kun and Ryohei-kun, who are of the same generation."
Suga: We'll talk about upcoming scenes and say things like, "Ren, how do you feel about this part?" and "Ok then, let's do that part like this." We'll work through this process by trial and error. Everyone has a strong character, so I hope we can create relationships on screen that brings out the best in all of us.
Suga-kun talks about Shinji and Ryuki with more enthusiasm than usual. Everything in his life is all about Ryuki now, and he seems to be enjoying it very much. _
Satoshi Matsuda (Akiyama Ren) Interview (page 8-9)
Matsuda-kun was dressed in a black tank top, with black leather pants, and short black boots. Just like Ren, black seems to be his main image color. We asked, "Are you trying to convey Ren's image?" He responded with, "I think Ren is trying to convey me." If a normal man said those words, you'd think he was being sarcastic, but when Matsuda-kun says them, they sound natural.
"Matsuda, a native of Osaka Prefecture, still occasionally speaks with the Kansai dialect."
Matsuda: Recently, I've been able to play the role of a Ren naturally. Ren's a really cool guy, isn't he? Before, I worked hard on creating the "extreme" part of him. You don't normally see people like him in real life (laughs). People who have known me for a long time will say, "You and I are exact opposites." Usually I'm just messing around while speaking nonsense.
"Ren (Kamen Rider Knight) is a complex character, being neither right nor wrong. Therefore, when acting, Matsuda says, "I try to give weight to each word instead of saying too little." He also said, "If I move too fast, I'll look weak, so I try not to move too fast except for when I run at full speed. Like when I'm chasing after Shinji, you know?"
"He won the role of Ren through an audition, but even before doing the audition, he "debated for a week whether or not he would accept the role." According to his manager, who is Toei's producer for Ryuki, Shinichiro Shirakura, he had been paying attention to Matsuda-kun since his debut work in "Natural Girl Next ~ 100 Nights in Yokohama". Matsuda-kun, who never heard that before, shyly said, "This is the first I'm hearing of that!! I'm so embarrassed (laughs)."
Matsuda: Before the audition, I had some hesitation due to the fact that Ryuki was a children's show. So I worked with the manager, faxing each other back and forth, talking about all kinds of things, like what kind of fans the franchise had, the kind of material we had, who would watch us, and so on. In the end I decided, "Okay, I'll accept!! After all, I went through all this trouble of research, so I'll definitely have to do it now!"
"Oooh, so cool Matsuda-kun!!"
Matsuda: Afterall, I would look like a complete idiot if I failed the audition because I said, "I don't want to be associated with tokusatsu" (laughs). That's what I thought, so I didn't push back at all when I entered the production.
"Ren plays the "Secondary Rider" role in the show, and while Shinji is the main character, according to Matsuda-kun, "It's probably better than having the lead role (laughs). The camera follows Shinji, and Ren follows him in order to make the story more interesting." He goes onto say that Shinji and Ren have a bad relationship."
Matsuda: Rather than liking, disliking or having a friendship with him, I feel it's more like, "It's stupid to even hate this guy" (laughs). When he says to Shinji, "I owe you one," he says it as if embarrassed, and I think it's Ren's way of dealing with Shinji that he'll carry through to the end.
"There are rumors (!!) on the internet that you're on bad terms with Takamasa Suga, who plays the role of Shinji."
Matsuda: I'm often asked by magazine reporters if we don't get along (laughs). But, it's actually really surprising to be asked such a question. Sugacchi (Suga-kun's nickname on set), is a good friend and co-worker, who I usually go home together with, or out on the town together. So, I'm trying to figure out what else I should do to emphasize how well we get along with each other.
"It's been said that you're also on good terms with Hassei Takano, who plays Tezuka Miyuki (Kamen Rider Raia)."
Matsuda: He and I are strangely compatible. On my way to the studio, we meet up at a convenience store near the train station and make the 10 minuet walk while goofing around. That's what we like about each other (laughs)
"He says that working as an actor is difficult, but also enjoyable. He says that tokusatsu programs are particularly appealing because he can play a role over the span of a year. However, he also has his complaints."
Matsuda: I've begged the staff to do more action! Riders fight after transforming, so there's not much action before the transformation. And since Ren is supposed to be a strong fighter, he can knock out his opponents with a single punch. Well, that's not exactly what I mean, I just wanted to make a big statement. The other day, there was a scene where Takashi Hagino, who plays Takeshi Asakura (Ouja), filmed a scene that I really liked, and I watched admiringly while also being jealous (laughs).
"Matsuda-kun was originally scheduled to work for a fashion related company, but after his debut, understood "the depth of the industry," and chose to be an actor."
Matsuda: Ryuki is a battle between 13 Riders, but in reality, it's also a war between the Riders to see who can survive and who will be eliminated. That's why I myself, feel like I'm in a very serious competition as Akiyama Ren. There's no end to how difficult it is to be an actor, and the fact that there is no answer, not a single one, is fascinating. It's perfect for a arts major like myself.
Ren (Knight), wasn't the only one who continues to fight without an answer. Actor Satoshi Matsuda's battle has only just begun. _
Hassei Takano (Tezuka Miyuki) Interview (page 10-11)
Two years ago, Takano-kun gained popularity for his cool acting as Hiroya Fujimiya (Ultraman Agul) in "Ultraman Gaia." He didn't expect that he would also appear in Kamen Rider Ryuki as the fifth Rider, "Raia." As expected, no one else has appeared in both productions but him.
Takano: At the time I overheard from a friend of mine that, "There are going to be 13 Kamen Riders this time around." "Eh? That many?," we talked about it so normally. Then he said, "My friends are going to be in it." It turned out to be Matsuda-kun (Akiyama Ren) and Yuge-kun (Yura Goro). So, while I had heard stories, it was a surprise that I was also going to appear in the show. It felt almost like fate (laughs).
He had no hesitations about appearing in a tokusatsu program for a second time, as he thought to himself, "I want to do it."
Takano: If I had been the me from a little while ago, I might have been a little put off, but this time, I'm enjoying the challenge of how to play the hero and making them look good.
"The days of Ultraman Gaia were the dawn of a new era for tokusatsu. This was followed by "Kamen Rider Kuuga," which marked the new wave of tokusatsu, as these series of works have made the public recognize tokusatsu programs more and more in recent years."
Takano: I felt this phenomenon firsthand. The quality of "Gaia" was high, and I felt that the range of people watching the show was expanding, but since filming Ryuki, I've realized how popular these shows are.
"This is a comment only a performer of two works can make. What did you feel was the different between Ultraman and Ryuki when you actually played the role?"
Takano: The difference in enemy size (laughs). In Ultraman, alot of the performance is looking up and imagining the enemy in the blue background. Furthermore, for Ultraman, the SFX team would split up my shots in two directions, whereas in Ryuki's case, I would just keep saying, "Ok, I going to transform," so I really felt that I was transforming. I'm actually really fond of it. Uh…But, when I was shown a picture of Raia's image for the first time, I honestly thought, "Eh-?!" (laughs). The color is kind of mediocre, like it's pink metallic with some orange. Personally, I love blues and black, so I thought, "It must be nice being Knight~." Everyone else has a clear motif, like a bat or dragon, but Raia is a stingray? Can't I be a shark or maybe a whale? Furthermore, I'm a fortune telling stingray? eh? (laughs). At first, I was surprised by the world view of Ryuki. "A net for grilling meat?", "Transforming with a card?" things like that (laughs).
"That was a very honest yet blunt comment by Takano-kun. But now, he loves playing the role of Raia. As for the character of Miyuki Tezuka…"
Takano: I liked him from the very beginning. Tezuka wanted to change his Rider's fate. The desire to push back against something that's already been decided is a natural trait inherent in humans, isn't it? "If I can decide my future, then this wasn't it!," and I think everyone wants to change something. I think Tezuka, who says that he creates his own future, is a very charming and passionate character to play.
"Takano-kun says that he also admires Tezuka. In the show, there is a scene where Tezuka asks Shinji, "Have you ever felt so lost that you feel you could die?"
Takano: I've never been that unsure. I am indecisive, so when I'm in doubt, I'll ask someone else to decide for me (laughs). Even when I'm hanging out with friends, they'll say, 'Where do you want to go?" I'll say, "You decide. I'll follow you." I admire Tezuka's way of life, but it seems so extreme that I'd rather not live like him.
"By dying, Tezuka proved to Shinji that he could "change his future" with his own hands."
Takano: For Tezuka, when I read the script about him becoming a Rider because of what happened to his friend, I cried a little.
"At first, Takano-kun heard that Tezuka's friend (Saito Yuichi) was initially suppose to be a racer. The story was originally about him being unable to use his legs due to an accident, then, it was changed to him being a pianist that lost the ability to use his hands due to an incident caused by Ouja (Takeshi Asakura). This is what caused Tezuka to become more agitated before the battle with Ouja."
Takano: What's most sad to think about, is that I'll no longer have a role in the show after I die. In Ultraman Gaia, I was always out of sync with everyone else and was often alone, but this time we were always together.
"As their senior in tokusatsu, he gave advice to Suga-kun and Matsuda-kun, and in return, they taught him about Ryuki. On one occasion, when filming for the day finished early, the three of them went out for drinks in Shinjuku"
Takano: At that time, there was a counter across from the table where we were sitting, and there was a young woman reading a copy of Hero Vision. I noticed and went, "Ah-!," and all three of us were exposed immediately. I thought to myself at the time that the popularity of tokusatsu programs were reaching new heights (laughs).
Kamen Rider Ryuki, which was made with the help of people of his generation, will likely be a very memorable work for Takano-san. _
(partial translations for the rest below)
Kamen Rider Ryuki - Film Site Report (Page 12) (top, 1st photo): "Between takes, they made friendly conversation. They were constantly surrounded by the neighborhood children, but only Matsuda-kun kept his distance from them (laughs)." (bottom, last photo): "In his hand is Dragreder. Hidden away in his bag is a Ryuki Plushie." _
Satoshi Ichijou (Shibaura Jun) Interview (page 14)
"The sixth Kamen Rider, Gai (Shibaura Jun), is a smart, game freak, and coldhearted college student, while Ichijou-kun, who played Jun, is also an active college student."
Ichijou: During filming, I had to ask my friends to help me with various things like, "I’m sorry! I lost my attendance card somewhere" (laughs).
"When Ichijo appeared in Kamen Rider, his friends reaction were, "We can't watch it because it airs tooooo early in the morning!" The reaction of his friends are very natural."
Ichijou: On my days off, I hang out with my friends in my hometown. I also play street futsal with the guys from my high school soccer team, as well as those from the baseball and basketball teams who liked to play soccer. There's a place behind Meiji University in Ochanomizu, where we play all the time and always win, plus, it's free to get into (laughs).
"At first he wondered how he was going to fit in, but it turned out "they were all nice people" and he settled in easily."
Ichijou: I was aware from the beginning that Gai would be gone in five weeks, so it wasn't a shock to me that he died. But, I had been wondering how he was going to die. I really didn't think he would die in an explosion (laughs). Furthermore, what's inside the suit of a Rider whose been bombed to death with such incredible force? I wonder.
Ichijo-kun is an active university student with a flexible attitude. I wonder where we'll see him next?
Yasuko Kobayashi (Main Writer) Interview (page 15)
"When the production of Kamen Rider Ryuki was announced, we were surprised at how ambitious the setting was."
Kobayashi: I think that 13 riders were chosen in part because Bandai was going to produce alot of toys. Rather than having just one rider with multiple forms changes, Bandai said, "Let's have a lot of Riders." We planed to use this as a strategy to create an impact in terms of the number of participants. At first, we wanted to say, "Let's send out 50 Riders!," and I think Bandai was also interested in the number of people who would be involved in the project. Bandai also requested that we integrate cards in and to fight in a different universe. That's why Producer (Shinichiro) Shirakura-san must have thought a lot about it, until he decided on what we now call the "Mirror World." We wanted it to look like there was a "story" first, and not the "setting" first.
"In certain situations, only the main character, Shinji, "Has no reason to fight", which we think is very original."
Kobayashi: I think it's important to sometimes say "It can't be helped," because other people are carrying a variety of burdens. Because he's not carrying anything on his back, he's able to look at the battle from a "pure" perspective, which is what makes him the main character. I think the strength of not carrying anything on one's back comes out in the genuine strength of a person. Because, even though there is nothing of interest at stake, it's usually impossible to do something dangerous or foolish like risking lives, especially for today's generation. That's why Shinji is the strongest of them all……is what I think.
"However, Shinji watches and fights for Ren and his friends suffering, and in the end, Shinji too is able to grow.
Kobayashi: But, I don't think it's a good idea for him to grow based on circumstances of the people around him, due to them being so grave. However, how we move Shinji forward is an issue for the future. What will happen to the relationship between Ren and Shinji is the most important thing now. _
Ryohei & Hidekazu Ichinose: The Secret Records Vol.1 (page 17)
"How did you two get to know each other?"
Ichinose: I went into the office because I wanted to ask for some advice. Goro-chan immediately stopped me at the entrance (laughs).
Ryohei: Goro-chan is a bodyguard, you know (laughs). Actually, we had a mutual acquaintance. The first time we met was before I got the role in Ryuki. It was after I had auditioned, so it must have been last fall.
"Recently Ichinose-san has completed filming for "Ultraman Cosmos."
Ichinose: "The question now is how can I make the most of what I have gained during the past year? The other day, I was in Myanmar to live on a lake as part of the filming for "Sekai Ururun Taizaiki," where I had a great time, and I hope everyone enjoys the broadcast! I slept soundly every night, and even drank tea made from boiled river water without getting sick or having an upset stomach. After this I hope everyone will continue to look out for me.
Ryohei: I'm currently putting all my energy into Ryuki. I'm happy that I'm popular among adult women, but what I really want is for children to focus on me. I would be happy to receive fan letters from children. I really don't understand them at all (laughs). I like kids, but they're all afraid of Kitaoka, so when they see me on the streets, they back away, and, I'm pretty sure won't look me in the eyes?
Ichinose: The children become frozen.
Ryohei: It's strange, isn't it?
"It may seem unconvincing, but we're rooting for you to become popular with the children!"
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sachi · 1 year
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☆ Nagato Yuki // The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ☆ MAIDMADE / 1/7 / m i y u k i ☆ March 2024 ¥29,900 ☆ Sculpt Donguri Paint Icrea
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jpf-sydney · 11 months
"Nikkei" o meguru kotoba to bunka
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Shelf: 810.13 NIK "Nikkei" o meguru kotoba to bunka : idōsuru hito no sōzōsei to tayōsei. edited by Matsuda Makiko, Nakai Seiichi, Sakamoto Mitsuyo.
Tōkyō : Kuroshio Shuppan, 2022. ISBN: 9784874249147
179 pages : colour illustrations, maps, portraits, charts ; 18 cm.
Includes bibliographical references at end of each chapter and index (pages 222-225). Text in Japanese.
Table of contents:
"Hajime ni / Matsuda Makiko.
Dai 1-shō, Nanbei Nikkei Nihongo kyōiku no sōzōsei to tayōsei / Matsuda Makiko.
Dai 2-shō, Keishōgo kyōiku no hensen ni tsuite : Ōsutoraria to Burajiru o rei ni / Tomuson Kinoshita Chihiro.
Dai 3-shō, ""Chigai"" no kankaku o ikiru / Fukushima Seiji, Hasegawa Aresandora Miyuki.
Column 1, Atarashii shiten kara mietekita koto / Matsuzaki Kaori.
Dai 4-shō, Tayōka shakai no famirī rangēji porishī / Izawa Sayaka.
Dai 5-shō, Nikkei 4-sei no keishōgo bunka hoji no kanōsei / Sakamoto Mitsuyo.
Dai 6-shō, Nikkei aidentiti ni tsuite kangaeru / Mizukami Takao.
Dai 7-shō, Sutairu bannō shinwa no hōkai : jōkyō ni ōjite, hanasu gengo ni ōjite, ningen (kyara) ga hiitoteki ni kawaru to iu koto / Sadanobu Toshiyuki.
Dai 8-shō, Jibun no kotoba o tsukuteiku imi / Miwa Sei.
Dai 9-shō, CLD-ji no kotoba no kashika to zenjinteki kyōiku / Nakajima Eriko, Sakurai Chiho.
Column 2, Hanarete nagamete, mazaru yosa ni kizuku / Sausedo Kinjō Akira Arekkusu.
Dai 10-shō, Nikkei Burajirujin ni totte no "Nihon", soshite "kyōdo" / Nakai Seiichi.
Dai 11-shō, Burajiru ni ne o haru haiku haikai / Shiraishi Yoshikazu.
Dai 12-shō, Boribia Nikkei shakai no gengo sesshoku to kongō gengo / Danieru Rongu.
Column 3, ""Why me?"" : naze watashi ga Shidonī ni iru ka / Teramoto Fujiko.
Dai 13-shō, Konbu ni bunsanka sareta aidentiti / Otsuji Emi.
Dai 14-shō, Samayoeru bunka, gengo, aidentiti / Okada Hiroki.
Owari ni / Sakamoto Mitsuyo, Nakai Seiichi, Matsuda Makiko.
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tanghanwa · 2 years
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Asian Clothing Figurines Review
Asian Clothing: Japanese Kimono
Kimono Type: Jinja Kimono: Miko
Accuracy Rating: 3.5/5
0 notes
moviemosaics · 2 years
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Still the Water
directed by Naomi Kawase, 2014
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dare-g · 3 years
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The Adventures of Kosuke Kindaichi (1979)
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ozu-teapot · 5 years
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Audition | Takashi Miike | 1999
Miyuki Matsuda
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Still The Water (2014) Naomi Kawase
A meditative story of a teenage couple coming to terms with their relationships with their parents and the goings on in their seaside village.
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namjhyun · 6 years
MOVIE REVIEW | Chihayafuru: Musubi
The review is based only on the events of the film. I feel the responsibility to point this out because the manga is on going, which means the story might take a turn to any possible direction in the future.
I finally got the chance to watch this film this week, a very nice and neat conclusion to the world of competitive karuta. For those who need a little reminding, the story follows Chihaya and her friends as a team trying to win the national high school competition and, for some of them, even dream of becoming professionals. But the films also tells us about their personal struggles, sometimes on actual lines of dialogue and, other times, through out the poems been read in the karuta competitions.
The film choose to make a time jump between the second film and the third, putting the last installment of the trilogy on Chihaya’s senior year of high school. She’s only have one goal in her life: becoming the Queen of karuta but now teachers and even friends are taking different routes in life, choosing professions and paths in which they won’t be able to talk together as the tight-knit group they become, so she needs to start thinking what else lays beyond karuta.
On this point, I feel the story failed and achieved something at the same time. It was nice to see Chihaya think of things beyond her karuta bubble with the film didn’t developed properly. I like she kept her goal of becoming Queen until the very end, because at her core that’s who she truly is, but at the same time I didn’t get to see her spend enough time thinking of life outside the sport.
Other professional karuta players are shown to have their own personal and professional lives outside the competitions, so I guess I would have like to see Chihaya be a little more motivated or explicit on what other thing she might want to pursue. Whatever it tis, I’m sure it would have been with the same savage passion she has for everything she loves.
Meanwhile, Taichi finally reached a boiling point. I guess it’s fair to say Taichi has been competing his entire life: against Arata but most importantly against his own insecurities. Taichi’s biggest roadblock has always been himself, by putting others before him to a point of whatever he wants becomes irrelevant in his own life. When he first started playing karuta again, in freshman year of high school, he didn’t do it for himself. He did it for Chihaya, and unlike her his development about what he wishes to do in the future beyond the world of competitive karuta was properly developed.
Taichi finally loses to the pressure and feels forced to leave the karuta team. It’s a nice call back as to the same reasons why Arata quitted karuta in the first film. Back then, Arata lost all motivation when his grandfather had died. He was the reason why Arata started and continue to play the game and with him home he needed two films to find a reason to do it for himself.
The same thing can be said about Chihayara. She’s always played for her, a point the film makes perfectly, and because of that she’s able to support her teammates, show respect to her opponents and inspire her juniors.
If you ask me, the third film in this trilogy is Taichi’s film. It’s the conclusion to his journey and the answer his been looking for since day one. The card choice at the end, where he’s putting all his feelings out in the open, is him finally stepping forward and withholding nothing.
As for the love triangle, I would rather concentrate on the personal story of our three main characters. I believe this story is so popular because of the everyday and common struggles the characters go through that resonate with people, and not because of a love triangle.
Chihaya’s answer remained true to herself, as mentioned before, because she’s never really thought of anything beyond the karuta world. Of course, Arata put himself out there, in all the ways possible, because Arata never doubts himself once he has set his eyes on the prize. And, of course Taichi is the last man standing next to Chihaya because that’s also part of who he is.
That said, of course, I have a team I’m rooting for and personally I believe the story told in this film serve for the benefit of one team rather the other. But to get a real and final answer about Chihaya’s feelings, we will have to keep on reading the manga.
Kudos, to the amazing supporting cast who it’s as wonderful as always. Making the smallest moments incredibly funny and heart warming, even sometimes stealing the entire show from the leads. Thank you!
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angelstills · 11 months
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オーディション / Audition (1999)
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justfilms · 7 years
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Audition - Takashi Miike 1999
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izumi-ixa · 5 years
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I’m pretty sure Ren’s comment back in 2002 was not literal, but it become true in 2019. o(≧∇≦o)
Re-watching Kamen Rider Ryuki (probably due to RIDER TIME Kamen Rider Ryuki) and get to see that episode few days after after watching Rider Time Ryuki ep.2, can't help to think that Tezuka tooks Ren’s words pretty literal ^_^.
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sachi · 3 years
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☆ Furude Hanyuu // Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu ☆ 1/7 / Miyuki ☆ March 2022 ¥15,273 ☆ Sculpt/Paint Matsuda Model
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cinemapic · 4 years
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Still the Water. 2014. Dir. y Guión: Naomi Kawase
Nijirô Murakami, Junko Abe, Miyuki Matsuda
Trailer: https://youtu.be/2uP64LGzFYk
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