#mk sun kokoro
spotsupstuff · 2 years
*kicks the door out* I HAVE JUST TWO QUESTIONS at the moment
FIRST What did Ma found actually that could help with getting ride off Macaque for good? And did she even tried to use it against him?
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(for both if you dont wanna or cant share with info yet, u dont need to answear rn or at all, its all good, luv <33)
"I could so easily put a stop to all your bullshit right here and now. I know how to kill a shadow yāoguài, y-y’know? I found out- I did my research- all because of you and your horrible rampages. All I need is a flame... enchant it with the spell I’ve found and shove it down your maw and you’d be dead for good!!" Mǎ puts her hand around his throat, laughing weakly in what he immediately recognizes as fear, squeezing only a little bit as if she wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing.
"Nnh... No reincarnation- no spirit that could even go back to hell. No second chances..." both her hands grip his shirt and shove him against the cold stone wall of their cell, strongly enough to force the air out of his unmoving body. Her ears are lowered and pupils blown wide. "I could set your organs on fire and I’d finally be liberated from my worst mistake- finally, I could be granted peace! No more of you, no more of Liù’ěr, no more of- no more of..." her fists tighten, start trembling. "..no more of my youngest brother."
The spell in question basically a combination of a hex that makes the fire “hungry” in the sense that it won’t stop Burning as much material as it can until the caster calls it off and a hex that Binds one object to another. Shadows have this nasty habit of simply making themselves immaterial when threatened with something to avoid getting hurt but with a strong enough binding hex they just won’t be able to do that. The combo of these two is a sure way to kill just about anything
Really I just one day imagined Mǎ goin “天啊。。。” (heaven...), absolutely smitten cuz a human biker girl shot her A Look while doin an Akira Bike Slide n I just went “Well fuck I guess she’s married now.”
Mǎ’s wife’s name is Kokoro (surname Sūn cuz Mǎ slapped it on her when they married), she was 35 when they met, Mǎ learned how to ride a motorbike to impress her but Mǎ is a DORK so she ended up GUNKIN IT ALL UP but thankfully Kokoro was like “You’re stupid. I like that in yōkai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” n so they started DATING and then they got MARRIED!!!!! Mǎ ended up learnin a lot of domestic shit like how to fix a fuckin SINK (she looked like a drenched rat by the end of it) n they were HAPPY until the human lifespan came kickin in n Kokoro unfortunately passed away
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
I barely knew Kokoro but I'm craving to know more bout her and Ma-
Hmmm... Let's see what I can pull outta the thin air for her
Kokoro was 5'7'' aka one inch taller than Ma n naturally she constantly teased her about this. She was also a reason why Ma put down her solid masks for cloth ones (and one eye patch thingy so really only one quarter of her face was visible but that's still a lot with her). I'm thinking of makin that hoodie Ma has to be originally Kokoro's of which Ma has been takin care of this whole time (it’s magicked so it wouldn’t tear apart cuz of use)
Ma didn't stop her research while she was with Kokoro and instead of Kokoro being weirded out about this kinda stuff, she tried to find spell books for Ma to help her out. They would lie in their bed n read thru the spell books together- so Kokoro ended up knowing a few spells herself The reason why Ma was in Japan came up between them about six times (ahah) before, on the seventh, Ma told her everything. Kokoro needed a moment to stomach all that information, but other than that the only feelings that stayed with her over this towards Ma was sympathy and pity. And a bit of healthy fear cuz "what the fuck r u sure this powerful ass yokai wont try to get us like I mean Hundred percent sure???" Her reply to Ma telling her how old she was, was “HOLY DICKNIPS YOU’RE OLDER THAN ANY EDIBLE CHEESE IN THE WORLD” which like yea she sure is
Fact: Kokoro is a word that unites the heart, the mind and the spirit under itself- this was chosen as her name because she, in a way, did that for Ma. Kokoro glued Ma together just by her presence and helped her keep focus and peace
Here’s a first attempt at designin her:
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Ma n Kokoro absolutely listened to Mitski, lying on the floor, feelin like a pair of lesbean sad sacks, multiple times during their time together
Kokoro had a booming laugh that often startled Ma which only made Kokoro laugh even more n almost every time Ma ended up laughing along with her. Disrespect could be Kokoro’s second name- if she didn’t like somebody she’d fuckin Let Them Know, whether it being thru verbal disrespect or her doin gross stuff like unashamedly burping, messin with her teeth or, in extreme cases, pickin her nose. That sorta shit made Ma fall for her even harder
Ma stayed by her side till the very end. When Kokoro got to the point of passing for a grandma, they used to sit together in parks and feed the pigeons or ducks. Ma often went thru patches of worry about what she would do after Kokoro would pass away- these were usually banished by Kokoro giving her kisses on the cheeks, nose or forehead n that would prompt Ma to just. shower her wife in as many affections as possible, effectively taking her monkey brain off the ugly thoughts
She passed away in a hospital durin an evening as a 96 year old, with Ma and her close ones nearby Kokoro had a little biker family (not her bio fam) that ended up kinda being Ma's too. This group was the only reason why Ma, grief-stricken, still stayed in the city after Kokoro's passing. The yokai part of the fam did a lot for Ma when it came to comfort
Long Xiaojiao reminds Ma a lot of Kokoro but in a “oh you are like the daughter we never had, I gotta mama you.” kind of way. One day, maybe Ma might get to say to Xiaojiao how much Kokoro would’ve liked her if she got to meet her
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