elairu 2 years
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this has no original ideas in it
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huneykipp 2 years
Sunset Shimmer Redesign!
Sunset Shimmer is a kirin in my redesign! I wanted more diversity within the mane 7, and so I went with a kirin!
Sunset's family moved to Sire's Hollow when she was just a filly. Her father left a little after the move, no one has seen him since. Sunset has one younger sibling, Sunburst. The two spent most of their time together trying to outwit each other with new spells. Sunset Shimmer always had a knack for magic and strived to be the most knowledgeable about magic in her town. After she left for Canterlot, Sunburst picked up where they had left off in their studies and continued to be the bookworm that he is.
When she found out about Celestia's Academy for Gifted Unicorns, she wanted nothing more than to study under Celestia. For her entrance exam, Sunset had to hatch a phoenix egg, paralleling how Twilight had to hatch a dragon egg. And much like Twilight, Sunset was allowed to keep the legendary bird, naming her Philomena. Celestia saw potential in Sunset and took her under her wing. She had never met a kirin before and was definitely intrigued. Kirin magic was not researched, and so Celestia took this apprenticeship as an opportunity to get to know Sunset and kirin magic.
Sunset befriended Twilight throughout her time at the academy and they became friendly rivals. Despite how antisocial Twilight can be, Sunset was always at her side and they were rarely seen apart. That is, until Sunset realized how powerful Twilight was.
This is where my headcanons definitely steer from canon. I don't consider the Equestria Girls movies to be canon. For my Sunset, the portal to the human dimension has never existed and will not exist.
Sunset Shimmer's downfall began when she realized how powerful her best friend was. Twilight's power made sense of Shimmer insecure with her own and that led her to search for more ways to gain more magical power. Sunset went against Celestia's rules about the library and snuck in late one night to explore the restricted section beneath the castle. She found a spell that could harness her emotions to bring her more power, but at the time, her emotions were anger and jealousy. Had her emotions been different at the time of finding the spell, the outcome could have been much different.
This spell caused Sunset Shimmer to shift into her nirik form and accidentally set a sectiom of the library ablaze. This led Celestia to finding her and attempting to capture her for trespassing and damaging the library. Celestia's guard soon arrived to attempt to capture her, but were not successful. There was a momentary showdown between Celestia and Sunset, but Sunset's magic became increasingly difficult for Celestia to handle. Celestia was able to stop her for a moment to try and understand what was going on, but Sunset got even more upset over the fact that her mentor was seeing her in such a state. Sunset fled Canterlot and retreated to the Peaks of Peril.
She returned to Canterlot a few years afterwards and was treated as a threat to Equestria by Celestia and Luna. Sunset never meant to hurt anyone all those years ago, but she let her emotions get the best of her and the dark magic consumed her. She tried to explain this to the queens, but Celestia insisted that Sunset's use of dark magic is enough to deserve her a place in the Canterlot Gardens. Celestia was furious with Sunset for disobeying a very important rule. She was going to turn Sunset to stone for her crime of weilding dark magic.
Twilight was in the castle at the time, on their way to a meeting with the queens. They entered the throne room to find Celestia preparing a magical attack and Sunset on the ground, pleading for forgiveness. Luna was standing behind Celestia, looking away in shame. Twilight ran to Sunset's side and deflected the blast, sending it crashing into the wall behind the queens. The queens stood in utter awe and Sunset shakily stood next to Twilight. Although the kirin was much larger than her pony friend, she felt so much weaker than her. Twilight stood in front of Sunset and insisted that the situation was unlike anything she had ever seen out of Celestia.
I haven't really thought about it much past that point, but let's just say Twilight helped Sunset become more comfortable with herself and taught her about how powerful the magic of friendship is. Sunset ends up moving into the Golden Oak Library with Twilight and helps Twilight with her research about magic. Sunset still has a piece of the dark magic with her, but Twilight does what she can to keep Sunset's head high. Oh yeah, and they're dating BAHAHDH
Sunset is bisexual and demiromantic. She uses she/her pronouns.
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andromedaepic 2 years
headcanon <3 rainbow dash calls anything remotely bad a bruh moment. rarity and fluttershy keep encouraging her to talk about her emotions but she refuses, she cannot be fixed
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vennycreations 4 years
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Sweetie Belle obtusely flirting with Spike, Spike being oblivious and not interested and Applebloom and Scootaloo being horrified.
Spike had just attempted one of his numerous tries at asking Rarity out and had tripped on his own tongue. He鈥檚 a lovesick fool. And Sweetie Belle wanted someone to see her the way he saw Rarity.
Sweetie Belle... just stop
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SECOND IMAGE:聽
Sweetie Belle learning that Spike did not feel the same way about her as she did for him and figuring out he was still in love with Rarity.
Harsh reality, SB.
After SB had been in her feels for a while, she decided she needed to get away. She wanted to get as far away as possible. That was Mount Airis, so with the excuse of visiting her friend Terramar, she leaves, and ends up spending the night with him. He falls for her and after the night they spend together, SB finds that she is pregnant. She keeps the foal and carries her to term, giving birth, then leaving the next day.
Terramar doesn鈥檛 go after her for fear that he was the one who forced her into having the foal in the first place
Suddenly alone and horrible miserable, Terramar gets a letter from somepony who had been in a very similar situation when they were younger
Sweetie and Terramar were like 18/19 when they had their kid, little Snowflake. So it was basically a teen pregnancy and SB decided she didn鈥檛 want to raise a foal and knew that Terramar was a good guy, so she left. She was very shocked when he never contacted her, but was happy for it nonetheless.
Then he started showing up at the family dinners and she decided she would request a lot more concert/tour dates, to the joy of her agent.
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autistic-moonbeam 6 years
Herd au
I wanted to add to (one of) my head canons (this one goes along with the Pinkie Pie Headcanon post I made). This will be about the mane six, as well as some other characters.
Okay! In this AU (I might turn it into an actual story but I'm not sure. Definitely gonna do drawings based on it)
Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are a herd (closed? polyamorous triad) and all three of them are transstallions(All of their names will remain the same as I don't feel like they are necessarily feminine or masculine).
Rainbow(I will also refer to him as Dashie or Dash) is the most masculine of the three, Pinkie is kind of in the middle, being kind of masc sometimes, femme sometimes, and sometimes a combo of the two, and Flutters is usually rather feminine.
Rainbow Dash is gay(questioning, but gay is what he has come up with for now, you will see later on), Pinkie is Pan, and Flutters is Bi, they are also all on the Ace spectrum.
Rainbow is the tallest of the three, Flutters is the shortest, and Pinkie is a bit taller than Flutters. Both Pinkie and Flutters are chubby, Pinkie being a bit chubbier than Flutters(Pinkie loves food and is not ashamed to admit it), while Dashie is rather slim and muscular(he also loves to eat but he has a very high matabolism). Pinkie has the shortest mane of the three, and Fluttershy has the longest.
As stated in my Pinkie headcanon, He is autistic(and adhd), as is Fluttershy. Fluttershy also has Social Anxiety Disorder and Generalized Anxiety disorder. Dashie is Diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia (which is part of why he didn't read much before that time he was in the hospital), and it is thought that he is also autistic, but he has not yet been diagnosed.
Fluttershy's favorite stims are stimming with music(this varies and he usually prefers to have music anyway), various body stims, colorful lights (when they aren't too much for him), soft textures, swings, he likes soft movements and calm things, he also tends to flap (wings and hooves) when he's greatly excited about something and can also get loud at these times (like when he saw spike the first time). Fluttershy loves tight hugs when he gets overwhelmed, they help him calm down immensely. Fluttershys skin is very sensitive(even more sensitive when he's overstimmed), so he is picky about clothing (when he wears it. His coat helps prevent some irritation). Some of his special interests are animals, animal care, and fashion. Rainbow on the other hoof prefers to move fast and is usually constantly moving in some way, flying is one of his favorite stims. When Rainbow gets overwhelmed(which doesn't happen very often) he is very sensitive to touch and lights, so it's best for him to be in a familiar place with dim lights (like certain places in his cloud home or Flutter's cottage).
All three of them wear clothing from time to time, when they do Dashie prefers scene, emo, and comfy styles of clothing, Pinkie also likes scene and other colorful styles of clothing as well as some pastel styles (like fairy kei), Flutters prefers pastels and comfy is his default (he loves loose flowy things, and adores dresses and skirts).
When the three aren't working at their respective jobs or spending time with their friends, they are spending time together (usually at flutter's cottage as it is the easiest to get too(compared to Rainbow's) and the quietest (compared to the Cake's).
Also, I put closed with a question mark after the bt about them being a herd, because they are considering adding Twilight to their herd. Twilight is questioning their gender so they use they pronouns for now. They are intersex(which is part of the reason they use the pronouns they do) as well as autistic. (Note, Flutters is intersex as well and Pinkie and Dashie have both physically transitioned). Twiley is bi.The herd all loves spending time with Twiley.
Twiley special interests include magic, books, an learning.
Pinkie and Dashie are the most outgoing of the four, with Flutters being the most shy, Twiley having the hardest time understanding other ponies. Twilight is in between Rainbow and Rarity height wise.
Next are Applejack and Rarity.
Rarity is a Trans mare. Applejack is a stallion (born that way but they thought he was a filly until he hit puberty and developed properly, but he knew from when he was younger what he was). Rarity had supportive parents and transitioned early on, first with growing out her mane and changing her name and pronouns, then physically(through magic) transitoning to the way she wanted to look. She is one of the tallest of the mane six. Apple jack is the tallest. Applejack is also the strongest, thought the others are strong in their own ways. Rarity and Applejack are both bi. Rarity is diagnosed with ocd and autism. Her main special interest is fashion. Applejack isn't diagnosed with anything but the mane six isn't so sure he's nurotypical. They do know he's stubborn as a mule and can be rather resistant to change as well as quite possibly have dyslexia and discalculara(he's always had problems with reading and math but he hasn't let that stop him.)
Okay, now the CMC.
Applebloom is afab (assigned filly at birth) genderfluid(trying he/him and they/them at the moment) and pan , Sweetie is acab (assigned colt at birth) questioning (currently trying out she/her) and pretty sure she is bi, and Scoots is a pan trans boy. They are trying out being a herd together(but if that doesn't work they will still be friends). Scoots can't fly well (still aren't sure why), Sweetie has difficulty walking sometimes(and needs help from the others when this happens), and Applebloom has attempted to get sweetie to use a walker that he/they built for her when she has trouble but she fears it will make her look weak. Scoots is adhd, and sweetie is autistic and has hearing processing difficulties, Applebloom has a lot of the same problems his/their brother Applejack does. Applebloom and Scoots are the same height, and Sweetie is a bit taller than them.
Babs is afab questioning(thinks they may be a trans colt or maybe a demicolt but they aren't sure, uses they for now) and is pan. Babs has hearing problems because when they were born they had ear infections in both ears and has scar tissue from those infections as well as others. They don't have a massive amount of problems because of it, but they can't hear as well as other ponies their age and it's worse on the right side so it's best to be on their left side and have them facing you when talking to them. Babs also only has three legs, being born without their front right leg. The CMC and the Mane six are understanding and do their best to help Babs in any way they can. Babs has a very advanced magical prosthetic that helps immensely and a hearing aid for the ear that has more damage.
Spike is a nonbinary transgirl and questioning her sexuality (and if she is ace or not).She is pretty sure she is panromantic.
TenderTaps is a cis gay colt.
Some family of the mane six now.
Big Mac a cis stallion, Pansexual.
Shining Armor is intersex and acab(like Twiley) and she realized early on that she was both but identified more as a girl and wanted to use feminine pronouns. Cadence is a transstallion who only realised it a little while ago. Flurryheart(taking after her parents not only with her wings and horn but is also intersex like her mother) is still young and they are waiting until she gets old enough and she can decide for herself what she is. They use she/her pronouns for her as she was assigned filly at birth.
I think that's enough for now. Note I haven't seen the newest seasons and I may or may not change things in this headcanon (due to the show and personal preference ) in accordance with this. I will probably also add more as I come up with it.
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palaceofpassion 2 years
Nice ones. Can we get your headcanon on how Sparity is in your stories?
First I'm going to start with the simple thing, and the biggest discourse with them.
I'm still of the opinion that Twilight was super young when she hatched Spike. Around 3. So the age difference between them is incredibly small.
Spike is older than he looks, but that's because he's a dragon, and we've seen that they have both regular and irregular ways of aging.
Everyone knows this of course.
Surprisingly their relationship is never quite clean and easy though.
Spike was obsessed with her for a long time, because she was his first real crush, and his species gets obsessed and its not something that lets go.
Rarity wasn't any better, as she would often lead him on during their early years.
She's always cherished him, but it was almost always as a friend. Or at least on the outside, but she does have feelings for him that she has a hard time coming to closure with.
It's only when other individuals outside of their core friend group start to show appreciation for him. That she realizes her own feelings for real.
Especially with how actually good he is with diplomacy and making friends with other species, like Ember, and Thorax, and Gabby.
When they finally get together, if they do, depending on if I'm going with something sadder or not. They become incredibly close. Rarity, who is known for generosity and has fully established this at this point, finds herself wanting to be selfish.
And Spike, finally able to put back on those instincts is very much a want to be around her all the time.
Spike's instincts arent' the real reason he fell for Rarity. Of course it was purely a beauty aesthetic early on, but he learns to love who she is rather quickly. And, he wont' say it outloud. But he can see her faults pretty easily too, sometimes she's just a wee bit Vain, and can go a bit overboard. But so can he.
As Spike gets older, this is definitely a differ from main canon, he becomes quadrupedal. So he's closer to Mac in size, but lankier, and far more dangerous looking.
This isn't a Rarity specific thing, but there are instincts in them that just... really like that sense of danger.
For the kinkier part, Rarity's a bit on the masochistic side.
As well as having a bit of my Pyrrha and Weiss in her, if you know, well you know.
Spike's generally friendly, but he does mess up alot, and he tries to learn from his mistakes. Also he has to be careful with her, and just about everyone else around as he gets older.
Unless ya know, she doesn't want him to be.
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thespidersfrommarz 3 years
Name | Bee
Pronouns | it/they/star/thy/thou
Fandoms | Moomins | My Little Pony | Good Omens | Harry Potter/The Marauders | Warrior Cats | Luca (2021)| Cats the Musical | BBC Ghosts | Yonderland
Other blogs | @luca-incorrect-quotes | @retro-mlp | @mlpheadcanons
Formerly the-end-is-nigh
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vennycreations 4 years
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This is a picture of Rarity and Sweetie Belle鈥檚 family (from left to right, top row then bottom row):
Top Row:
Gabby (Married to Sweetie Belle)
Spike (Married to Rarity)
(Spike is holding his and Rarity鈥檚 youngest foal, Golden Dazzle)
Rarity (Married to Spike)
Terramar (Fathered Sweetie鈥檚 illegitimate child)
Bottom Row:
Iridescence (Rarity and Spike鈥檚 oldest foal)
(Iridescence is holding a picture of Sweetie Belle because her aunt is absent due to tours and avoiding her illegitimate child and baby daddy and WHY DOES RARITY KEEP INVITING THEM TO FAMILY DINNERS)
Feathered Belle (Sweetie and Gabby鈥檚 foal)
Snowflake (Sweetie Belle鈥檚 illegitimate child and Terremar鈥檚 pride and joy)
Story: So Sweetie Belle gets mixed in some nonsense and ends up getting pregnant with Terremar鈥檚 foal. She carries the foal, then the day after Snowflake is born, she leaves. Terremar never reaches out to her cause he felt like maybe she never wanted a foal and maybe he forced it on her (which he never did but insecurities exist). Sweetie Belle goes if and gets famous and meets Gabby. They get married and have Feathered Belle. But Sweetie avoids family dinners because somehow, someone found out about Terramar and Snowflake and they are at every one. So Sweetie becomes very absent.
Check out Venny鈥檚 Deviantart Page
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vennycreations 4 years
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Sunset saying goodbye to her lil bro Sunburst and heading off to Celestia鈥檚 School of Gifted Unicorns
Ignore the absence of cutie marks lol the only one who shouldn鈥檛 have one is Sunburst
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vennycreations 4 years
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Our Celestia and Luna Series
This series describes the fall of Celestia and Luna鈥檚 homeland, Vana, a city of alicorns. They were two of the three to survive the attack of the draquonecquii, the other being their personal guard, Pierced Dawn. Pierced became a mother to them then.
Pierced Dawn was very protective, even though the first creature they ran into on the ground was a puny, skinny unicorn.
Celestia raised the sun for the first time.
The two sisters became the rulers of Equestria and Pierced Dawn headed the army/soldiers. Luna is beginning to feel the pull of the Tantabus and feeling left in the shadows.
Luna began to feel the Tantabus take hold of her and fell to its will in certain situations. Celestia ignored the signs.
Finally, the nail in the coffin for Luna was Pierced Dawn鈥檚 death. Dawn was very much a mother to them and Celestia was older than Luna and found herself not needing Dawn as half as much as Luna did. Luna gave over fully to the Tantabus after Dawn鈥檚 death.
Finally, the battle to end all battles happened and Celestia鈥檚 baby sister was sent to the moon.
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vennycreations 4 years
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I know you, I walked with you
Once upon a dream
Pinkie reminds Discord of an old friend he once had. Her name was Chaos Reigns and they were both kind of outcasts from the whole group when they were young and so they were always together.
Discord greatly enjoys Pinkie鈥檚 company.
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vennycreations 4 years
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Luna visiting her pen pal in his cell in Tartarus. She has grown quite fond of him. His story is not what it seems...
~ ~
Sombra made mistakes. He knew he deserved to be jailed like he was. His actions caused the terror and enslavement of an enitre race. He closed his eyes, straining to look back at the past. He wished he had never been born. He wished he had been born different, at least. He thought, if he had been born normal, flourescent pink or blue, with a brightly colored mane and light eyes, he would have fit in. He would have sparkled like the rest of his peers in the warmth of the Crystal Heart's love. He would have never had weaker magic if he had been born normal. Maybe then, he would have never wandered into the Library of the Crystal Empire Mage, scouring the shelves to find any book that would help his young horn grow and become more powerful. He never would have met the Mage himself and never would have latched onto the father-figure he saw in him with such vigor. Maybe then, the Mage never would have handed him the book about dark magic and led Sombra to the day he could only stand by and watch as the older stallion enslaved the entirety of the Crystal Empire. Maybe that never would have happened. He wished he had been born different. "I like you just the way you are." Luna whispered through the bars of the cell. "Only you, Moonbeam." Sombra sighed back wistfully.
Sarah and I ignore the last season btw cause it wasn't the best and we didn't like a lot of it. Not that it wasn't cool to watch! But we just didn't agree with a lot of it. If you can't tell, our headcanon of Sombra is different than in the show. Sombra was dark colored in a world full of bright colored ponies and he had weaker magic than all of his peers. He was seen as an outcast. An orphaned, weak, pitiful outcast. Sombra went into the Mage's Library one day (the library we see Sunburst in when he reunites with Starlight) and searches and scours for a book to help strengthen his magic. The Mage sees him and leads him in the direction of dark magic, taking the young unicorn under his metaphorical wing and teaching him all he knew. Together (along with the dark magic corrupting Sombra's mind the same way the Tantabus had with Luna) they could take over the Crystal Empire. Before Sombra could realize what was going on, it was too late and he was forced to watch his people lose what they loved most: each other. Sombra is terrified. In his terror, he kills his mentor in a heartened attempt to save the Crystal Empire. But it's too late. The dark magic has come too far, though, and takes over his mind, turning him into an evil being. Now left to lead the Crystal Empire alone, he follows in the footsteps of his mentor and forces the Crystal Ponies into slavery. He is defeated by Celestia and Luna, seeming to disappear, but no. He comes back (in Season 3), the darkness even stronger, but when the light of the Crystal Heart's love hits him instead of the power of the Elements of Harmony, the darkness is banished from his heart and horn. This causes his body to dispel of all evil, turning back into his old self. He is shocked at what he has done and breaks down, apologizing to the princesses. He still must be jailed, though, and he understands, allowing himself to be locked in Tartarus, playing ball with Cerberus in his free time. Cerberus could tell he wasn't truly evil. Luna, who had been shocked alone by the confession of his story, so similar to her own (the darkness took over my body and I lost control), found herself intrigued by the stallion. She begins sending letters to him, asking him simple things like his favorite ice cream and his favorite color. They get into deeper things, like both of their intentions and what they feel they did wrong and what they would have done. In the end, Luna ends up visiting him many times, even freeing him for trips to Canterlot, in hopes of reformation. During one of those trips, Luna becomes pregnant with Constellation. After Constellation is born, Celestia sees he is truly good and releases him on promise of reformation and good intetnions. Blackout was born within that time. Within the time Luna is pregnant with Blackout, rumors of dark magic being used in cities in Equestria spreads to Canterlot. Who do you think the ponies of Equestria first assume is doing it? Sombra is forced on the run. To this day, Luna has no clue where he is. All she knows is that he is safe and alive.
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vennycreations 4 years
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Sunburst must now save Starlight from his evil big sister. But Starlight has a massive lil crush on Sunset and would rather just hang out in her strong and beautiful hooves thx
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