#mmmm the delicious 'we are the last of our respective kind' of it all
ghoul-haunted · 1 year
sextus pompey-mark antony but not in a way that fixes anyone
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endless-vall · 5 years
Not Born, but Made - TCATF fanfic, Chapter Four - Interrogation.
Summary: Before Kenna can talk Annelyse into supporting her cause, she needs to pass the test of an associate of hers.
Author’s note: I think that if Kenna wasn’t royalty (from the start) her and Raydan’s dynamic could be even more interesting (seeing as Raydan wouldn’t be reluctant to flirt with her) but I’m getting ahead of myself, we’ll get there later.
As I said, I’m on a semi-hiatus, but I have a bunch of these chapters already written out, so I figured, why not post another?
Tagging : @endlessflame @frugalchoicer @regina-and-happiness @stopforamoment @mariamulroney @indiacater @wolverinesbeer 
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They walk in together, hand in hand. A servant announces them, although no one really knows their names, yet.
“Kenna Rys and Dominic Hunter, from Stomholt.” A few faces do turn around to watch them as they go down the stairs, but they are all looking at Kenna, Dom realizes.
She does have that affect on people.
So he smiles and plays his part.
They finally arrive to the bottom of the stairs, greeted by the most dazzling ballroom they’ve even been to.
To be honest, it’s the only ballroom they’ve even been to - But they’re sure it’s more impressive than many other ballrooms. It has to be, decorated in so much golden statues and marble.
Both Kenna and Dom smile, greet people, and mingle until they come to a stop.
A few steps before them, stands a beautiful woman. She’s wearing a golden dress, and has a jewel decorating her wavy, long, black hair.
“This must be the queen,” Kenna whispers to him.
“How do you know?” She looks promising, but so are many other ladies in the room.
“Well, for starters, she has guards.” Kenna points out.
Huh. They aren’t so visible, in first sight. The golden woman does have guards around her, but they aren’t standing so close, and look as if they belong there.
“And her outfit is all-gold. You know.” Kenna mentions, adding.
Dom shrugs. “I guess you’re right.” He nods back.
“I’ll go talk to her. You talk to the nobles meanwhile? Try to charm them before saying anything about a plan about-”
“Overthrowing the Nevrakis regain? Yeah I won’t start with that, I promise you.” Dom chuckled, and Kenna joined him, realizing she was being too bossy, and too obvious.
“I’m just nervous,” She admits. “I want everything to go according to plan.”
Dom takes a deep breathe, and lets go of her hand. “And it will.” He assures.
“Now go get her.” Kenna feels a light push on her back, and lets it guide her towards the queen of Aurelia, who turns out to be a charming lady named Annelyse.
The conversation flows greatly, before Kenna mentions anything about Luther or a rebellion.
“I have to admit Annelyse, I did come to Aurelia with a favor to ask in mind.” She tells her, as Annelyse offer her a glass of the finest wine Aurelia has to offer.
“I figured as much,” Annelyse’s smile never falls.
Annelyse hands Kenna the wine, and hums to herself while a servant pours another one, for Annelyse herself. “Most people come to Aurelia to seek something. I didn’t think you to be different. Please don’t be offended, though, you’re the first one I don’t really want to decline tonight.” She explains,
And Kenna nods.
Kenna sips from the wine. It tastes amazing, better than anything she’s ever drunk.
It tastes a lot better than the glasses she’d manage to sneak while playing with Dom in the summers, and better than the ale she’d shared in the tavern with Val, Jackson and her other new friends.
“Mmmm, this is delicious,” She doesn’t forget to compliment Annelyse.
“I’d hope it would be. It’s the best wine Aurelia has to offer,” Annelyse smiles at her, and something tells Kenna she isn’t lying.
It seems Kenna had charmed Annelyse, and maybe the favor she was going to ask of her wasn’t too far-fetched, after all.
“So... Should I tell you of my plan, and let you decide whether you want to help me or not?” Kenna tries her luck, keeping her voice down and her features unchanged.
For a stranger, it would seem her and Annelyse were still talking about ballroom stuff, just like they had been for the last hour or so.
“Of course not!” Annelyse giggled, placing a hand on Kenna shoulder and keeping with her act. “It’s a party.” She reminded her, talking into her ear now.
“But you should meet with me later for some privacy, and we could discuss that.”
Annelyse gives her a meaningful look, before looking around the grand room. “Well, I have tons of other guests to attend to, but I’ll see you, later.” She winks at Kenna, and with that, sways out of sight.
“So, how’d it go? It seemed like it was going so well for a while, but then she disappeared.” Dom found his way back to Kenna.
“Well, it went... Well? Though I haven’t introduced her to our cause yet.” Kenna furrows her eyebrows for a moment, before remembering she still needed to put on a show and dazzle the nobleman around her.
She put a mask back on her face, figuratively speaking, and smiled as decisively as she could.
“What?!” Dom exclaimed, although they were speaking in hushed tones and whispers. “You haven’t told her yet?”
“She invited me for some private time later, she said discussing those things in a party wasn’t really wise, and she’s right.” Kenna pointed out.
Dom sighed. It was true. It would be dangerous to discuss their plans in here. But he wasn’t sure how he felt about Kenna being with Annelyse in private, either.
“What about you?” Kenna changed the subject. “How did it go with the rest of the nobles?” 
Dom assured her he was quite the charmer. He swayed a few major families to their side, already blindly supporting whatever idea they’d suggest.
“That’s good to hear-” Kenna smiled, but stopped in her tracks when she saw someone approaching them.
Before they could discuss their plans any further, a beautiful, dark and mysterious man stood before her. 
“May I have this dance?” He was offering her an arm.
Kenna only blinked at him once, before shaking herself out of her shock and breaking into a smile. “Of course.” 
Dom couldn't help but feel a rush of jealousy running throughout his entire body.
He came to this party with Kenna by his arm, and yet he lost her so easily.
He just hoped the stars he was seeing in her eyes were still just a part of her act.
“What a beautiful evening,” Kenna commented, being let by the mysterious man on the dance floor.
“It is,” He answered, but unlike her he wasn’t looking around them at all, his eyes were focused all on her, and her only.
Kenna felt her cheeks turning red, but tried to fight that feeling.
What was that feeling, anyway?
“May I ask, who are you, exactly?” She gulped a little, trying to regain her courageous persona.
“My name is Raydan, Raydan Lykel. I’m an... Associate of lady Annelyse’s.” He explained, though his tone wavered a bit when he mentioned ‘Associate’.
“Well, Raydan the Associate, seeing as I haven’t seen you all night long, and the fact that you weren’t announced when you entered, can I deduct that you’re not just an associate, but maybe...” She leans closer, trying to intimidate him just in the right amount, and whispers in his ear. “Her spy?” She guesses.
When she leans back, she’s surprised to see Raydan smile. It still looked like he had the upper hand, and that’s not a situation where Kenna usually were.
“You are correct, my lady,” He nods, spinning Kenna with elegance and grace just in queue with the song. He never missed any beat, Kenna realizes, and he’s been leading her this whole time, with the song. Someone watching them from the side would not be able to tell it’s the first time Kenna has danced to this song.
“And if we’re already playing a guessing game, let me deduct that you’re not royalty, are you?” He looks at her feet, as if he’s motioning for the fact that he was, in fact, leading her this whole dance.
“And still, you got invited to this ball. You’re here because you have some kind of cause in your mind, and you need Annelyse to do it.”
Kenna nods, unsure what her next move should be. He could expose her at any moment. Hell, even more, she fell for his charming smile and silver tongue, but he was just Annelyse’s spy and doing his job, marvelously so.
“You’re also nervous, I can tell,” He continues, answering Kenna’s prayers so she doesn’t need to speak up.
“Don’t worry, I won’t expose you. Not yet at least.” He assures her.
“You won’t?” She can’t help but raise her eyebrows at him. She let’s her guard down, once again, but this time purposely. “Why?”
Raydan seems to think about her question for a second, before smiling to himself, brilliantly. He dips her, just in time for the song.
She lets him guide her, relaxing in his touch and trusting him to pull her up when he needs to. She closes her eyes, and lets the world around her to fade away, for just a moment.
“Easy,” He says, making her open her eyes back. He’s lifting her up, and she watches as the light around Raydan seems to shine brighter than it does around the rest of the room. “It’s because I like you.” He smiles, and twirls them around again.
“You like me?” She blushes again, before reminding herself it might just be an act. “You don’t even know me.” She scowls at him.
Raydan chuckles to himself. Kenna doesn’t like that.
“Since the first moment you set foot in this ballroom, it was obvious you had a cause. A cause you’re ready to fight for, and I respect that.”
“You watched me since the moment I stepped into the room?” Kenna questions.
“Wrong. I watched you since the moment you stepped into the city of Aurelia.” Raydan finally gives away more information, and Kenna feels dizzy.
“Since the moment I entered the city? But... How...?”
“We don’t just let any travelers into our city’s walls,” Raydan explains. “Annelyse tasked me with this.” He shrugs.
“And I also know why you’re here.” He adds, his eyes finally leaving Kenna, as he looks at something behind her shoulder, his eyes getting dark and distant and serious again.
“You do know? And you’re not going to stop me?” Kenna’s voice isn’t so sure of herself as it was in the beginning of this conversation, but the dance is not over yet and she clings to the moments they have until they finish it.
Raydan doesn’t answer, but he looks back at her, the corners of his mouth rising into a light smile, telling her that no - in fact, he wasn’t going to try and stop her.
“Does Annelyse know?” Kenna continues questioning.
“No.” He answers, giving Kenna the answers she wants to hear. She wonders how come she’s so lucky, to meet not one but two people that decide to take a chance on her. The carriage rider and now Raydan, the spy who’s loyalty she should be questioning right now, but she isn’t.
“Now, if you don’t mind, can we finish the dance without further interrogating each other? I do enjoy dancing with you, even if you’re quite inexperienced.” Raydan tells her, making her blush again.
This time, Kenna laughs, and throws her head back. When she returns to face Raydan, he’s watching her intently, her eyes glistening with curiosity.
She rests her head on his shoulder, continuing to dance. “Sure. I enjoy dancing with you too.” She lets only him know, as she’s speaking into his ear again.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
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siriusordo · 7 years
Flirting With Desire-Chp 29
A/N: Okay, again sorry this took a while to get out here. I've been trying to focus on my original story and I've been fighting a total lack of writing ambition. Just ugh. Anyway maybe this will help break my dry spell. Fingers cross that you enjoy it. Thank you to @jediserenity82 for her awesome help beta'ing this! You rock!
"You're tired and the bed is big enough," I said. She looked ready to continue the argument, so I pulled out the big gun. "For me, I don't want you to go."
"For you," she capitulated as she got comfortable on the bed, resting her head on my shoulder. A few moments later, her breathing evened out and she drifted to sleep.
"No," I whispered, lightly kissing her brow. "I'd do anything for you."
Closing my eyes, I let the feel of K'agan next to me lull me into slumber….
Read below the line or: ffnet:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11343608/29/Flirting-with-Desire AO3:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/4224414/chapters/28943778 SWTOR Forums: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9467478#post9467478
Flirting with Desire
Chapter 29
K'agan's POV
"Mmmm," I moaned and burrowed under the covers. I was comfy, warm, and safe. I had felt this relaxed since before the Gauntlet and…..Aric!
'Oh gods,' I thought as everything slowly trickled back into my consciousness. He…. my life mate…bleeding out… dying in front of me. Sounds and images filled my sleep dulled mind. First, was the image of Elara kneeling in a pool of Aric's blood while she fought to save his life. Next, I could see Aric's destroyed armor piled in the corner with blood soaked bandages littering the floor of the medical bay on the Thundercap. My brain saved the worst for last, making me cry. The sights and sounds were burned into my very soul, Aric's body arching off the bed as Elara tried to restart his heart and the flat tone of the monitor filling the small area.
"Shhhh," a voice whispered in my ear and a hand gently stroked my hair. "I'm here, you're safe. It's okay."
I didn't need to be fully wake to recognize that voice. I'd know him any place or any time, awake or asleep. He was my safe place, my heart and the other half of my very soul. My body immediately relaxed as the tension and worry drained from me. I unconsciously snuggled closer to the heat of his body next to mine, burrowing my face into his neck and purring contentedly as I drifted in and out. When the door to the room opened later, knowing it was probably a doctor or a nurse, I didn't bother to move. I was going to enjoy every moment of this.
"She's here, Captain." Corso said. "I'll let her know," he finished and I heard a communicator click off.
"Quiet," Aric growled, as he gently rubbed my back. "Don't want to wake her up."
"Sorry," Corso replied, his voice dropping to just below a whisper. "K'eegan's been worried," I heard him take a few steps into the room and drop into the chair next to the bed, "after yesterday."
"I was an idiot," Aric sighed as he pressed a kiss against my braids. "Not sure what the hells I was thinking. I couldn't live without her."
"You weren't."
"I definitely wasn't," Aric agreed distractedly. "It was all so much — waking up in this bed, not being able to feel my legs... I just didn't want to saddle her with a broken man."
"You're not broken," I said fiercely before Corso could comment. Opening my eyes I glared up at my mate.
"K'agan," he started, sounding as if he were getting ready to argue with me again.
"No," I interrupted him with a sad smile. "Injured, hurt, or maybe damaged but never broken." He returned my smile as my eyes filled with unshed tears, "And it doesn't matter to me as long as we're together. I love you."
"I love you, too," he immediately answered, eyes still locked on mine.
I hadn't heard the door open or someone enter the room when our moment was broken up by, "Yeah, yeah, yeah… break it up you two."
"K'eegan," I warily greeted my twin. I sat up straighter, preparing for the lecture that I knew was incoming.
"And next time consider holo'ing, when you don't plan on coming home," K'eegan continued irritably, "that way maybe your family won't worry about you."
"K'eegan, I'm sorry," I pleaded with my sister, "Yesterday was just so…overwhelming. And after we talked it out, it was late and I was tired. I didn't even think."
"And that's the only reason you're forgiven, little sister," she replied, returning my gaze, her eyes a little hard and filled with worry. Unable to stay angry with me, she gave me a small smile. "But pull a disappearing act like that again, and I'll kick your ass!"
"You could try," I nearly laughed.
"Pfft," K'eegan said in clear dismissal as she stepped closer and dropped a bag in my lap. "Big bad trooper or not, you're still my twin and I know all your weaknesses!"
"And I know yours," I returned with a smirk, "Best to remember that." Honestly, neither of us wanted our deep, dark sisterly secrets shared with our respective guys. Hopefully, she'd remember that too.
Raising an eyebrow K'eegan asked, "Truce?"
"Truce," I readily agreed.
"Now go get cleaned up," she said, motioning to the bag she'd dropped in my lap while simultaneously producing another, "While you get ready, I'll get the food out."
My stomach growled in response, making everyone laugh. I blushed and mumbled, "Can't help it, been awhile since I ate." I hadn't realized just how long it had been or how hungry I was until I smelled the food my sister brought with her.
Nudging me gently with his shoulder, Aric encouraged, "Hurry back or we'll eat it all."
"I'm going, I'm going," I answered, swinging my legs out of the bed, standing up. Grabbing my bag, I headed for the bathroom.
"I brought you something special, Aric." K'eegan said to my mate, "Spoke to the doc first and cleared everything with him. I followed his directives and kept it simple, but I figured you'd like something from home."
Shaking my head, I let the door close before slipping out of my clothes. I left them in a pile on the floor before turning on the hot water and slipping into the small shower stall. Standing under the water, I allowed it to wash some of my problems away, across my shoulders, down my back and legs, and into the drain. I felt it wash away some of the stress and worry I'd been carrying with me since this whole mess started. I was with Aric, where I belonged. And that was all that mattered. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and afterward started my ablutions. If I didn't hurry up, by the time I was ready the food would be gone. No way did I want to miss out on K'eegan's cooking.
While I couldn't boil water without burning the apartment down, my twin was a talented chef. She was incredibly gifted and passionate about food. She could have easily been a five star, awarding winning chef in any restaurant in the galaxy. She would have made any restaurant and herself rich. K'eegan claimed that earning a living cooking for strangers would have killed her passion for th art. She preferred showing off for those that she loved because they'd appreciated everything she put into the food she created. And if I didn't hurry up, I ran the risk of missing it!
Stepping out of the shower, I found a towel on the rack above the toilet, and dried off. Inside my bag, I found all the necessary clothes, sports bra, panties, a gray long sleeved shirt, a soft pair of dark blue lounge pants, socks, and running shoes. Once fully dressed, I glanced in the mirror. Not much left. My braids were low maintenance, and I didn't want to bother with make-up. I brushed my teeth, sprayed myself with perfume, before throwing everything back in the bag. Throwing it over my shoulder, I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Any left for me?" I asked, as I moved back to Aric's bedside.
Patting the spot next to him on the bed, Aric answered, "I saved you some."
"Thanks," I said, sitting down on the bed and resting my head on Aric's shoulder. Looking at my sister I asked, "What did you bring?"
"I saved you," stressed K'eegan , giving Aric a dirty look before pulling a covered bowl out a large bag. "Bantha steak soup, stewed fruits, and some fresh blue milk." After taking off the lid, she handed it to me along with a spoon.
"Thanks," I said, carefully taking the bowl. The heat of it warmed my hands as the scrumptious smell of the soup wafted up and surrounded me, making my mouth water in anticipation. I knew it would taste as delicious as it smelled.
Grasping the spoon I dipped it into the liquid, scooping it up and taking a bite. The flavors seemed to explode in my mouth and I savored the taste, the thinly sliced vegetables, the delectable meat, and the scrumptious broth. It all combined to create a one of a kind, flavorful taste experience.
"K'eegan, this is delicious," I praised, after swallowing my first spoonful.
"It really is," Aric agreed, "Thanks for doing all of this."
"You're welcome," my twin answered, as she sat down in a chair at the side of the bed next to Corso. She had her own bowl in her hands. "You've been through so much, I wanted to make you something special."
"Even after everything that happened yesterday?" Aric raised an eyebrow.
"Especially after everything that happened," K'eegan answered his question, putting empathizes on the first word. "I knew you'd come to your senses and no way could K'agan stay angry with you. You're destined for each other."
"K'eegan, I don't know what to say," I smiled at my sister as I leaned into my mate. "You've done so much for us," I trailed off.
"You'd do it for me," she replied without hesitation.
"I would," I easily agreed.
"We would," Aric corrected me with a nudge.
"We would," I amended, leaning into him slightly.
"Now eat up," K'eegan said motioning to our bowls.
"Yes ma'am," I answered, dipping my spoon into the soup. For the next few minutes the only thing heard in the room was the sound of utensils scraping against bowls and the contented noises everyone made as we ate. After I finished the soup, I picked up the second bowl of fruits, taking a tentative first bite. The sweet tanginess of the fruit was a perfect contrast to the saltiness of the stew. "This is delicious K'eegan," I said around a mouthful of food.
"It is," Corso agreed, after finishing off his share of fruit. He put his bowls back into one of the bags on the floor, before he wrapped an arm around my twin and pressed a kiss to her temple. He whispered something into her ear, making K'eegan bite her lip and smile.
Before I could tease my sister, the door opened again and a voice asked, "What smells so good in here?"
"K'eegan cooked," I answered as Doctor Jeffre and Elara came into the room. "Would you like some?"
"It was prepared to the doctor's exacting standards," my twin added.
"It smells delicious," Elara said as she stood next to the doctor, a slight blush tinging her cheeks. "But no thank you. Jayd took me to lunch."
"Elara," K'eegan started with a smile.
"That's wonderful," I finished.
"Tell us all about it," K'eegan said, motioning for the other woman to sit down next to her.
"I ummmm," Elara fumbled for words and her blush darkened. The shy Imperial woman had no idea what to say to my forward twin.
Clearing his throat, Jayd quickly changed the subject. "Maybe we should get down to business."
"Yes," I said, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.
Draping an arm around my shoulders, Aric pulled me into his side. I gently snuggled into him, mindful of his healing wounds. I reveled in the heat of him next to me. So much could change in the next few minutes, our futures and our careers. The only thing that was certain was my love for this man and my place at his side. Nothing Jayd could say would change that, absolutely nothing.
"We're just waiting for K'addes and Kira," K'eegan informed the doctor as she held Corso's hand.
Before Jayd could answer, the door once more to reveal the couple in question. Kira greeted the room with a warm smile, "Did someone say our names?"
"We were just waiting for you before we begin," the doctor answered with a serious look. Not wasting time he added, "Let's have a seat."
"Sorry to keep everyone waiting," Kira sat down next to K'eegan, and K'addes dropped into the chair next to her, "we had some business at the Temple this morning."
"You didn't," I reassured her. "Jayd and Elara only just got here."
For a long moment, no one spoke and the tension in the room grew almost unbearable. I wanted to know, needed to know if Aric would ever walk again but I couldn't form the words. I was terrified of the answer, the uncertainty. What would we do? So much of who Aric was, was tied up in being a soldier. It was all he knew, all he'd done in his adult life. And if that was gone? What then?
After pressing a kiss to the top of my head, Aric held me tightly as he asked the question the room was avoiding. "What's the verdict, Doc? Will I walk again or not?"
Clicking a few buttons on the datapad he'd carried in with him, Jayd seemed to avoid everyone's gaze for a moment, before he finally looked up at us, his face solemn. "Aric, I'm sorry. With the severity of your injuries, the likelihood of you ever regaining mobility in your lower extremities is minimal at best." The rest of the doctor's explanation was lost to the buzz in my head.
The blow was almost physical. I could feel Aric's muscles tense underneath me and he flinched, before the shock drove the air from his lungs in a loud whoosh. I felt a rush of fear for my mate when his lack of breathing set off a few alarms.
"Easy sir," Elara ordered, as she stepped closer to the bed and laid a hand on the blankets covering his legs. "Take a breath, in and out."
"For me," I whispered, gently stroking his cheek with the tips of my fingers. " When Aric's green eyes met mine, I could see all the pain and fear he was feeling and the tears he'd never shed. "Please."
Closing his eyes, his body relaxed under my touch until his lungs finally dragged in a ragged breath. A second and third soon followed, silencing the alarms. As his breathing finally even out, he mumbled, "For you."
"Oh Aric," I breathed, burying my face in his neck as my tears started anew. I was overwhelmed. In my heart I knew this would be the answer but I hadn't wanted to hear it, hadn't wanted to give up the hope that my mate would walk again. "I love you."
Running my back, Aric pressed his cheek against my braids. "I love you, too."
"You aren't in this alone," K'eegan said.
"We're in it with you," K'addes agreed from the opposite side of the bed.
I knew my family had our backs, but it was still good to hear. This was all just too much. I just couldn't, not at the moment.
"We appreciate everything," I could feel Aric rumble, his voice rough with emotions, "But could we have some time alone?"
"Sure," Doctor Jeffre readily agreed. "Take all the time you need."
"We'll be in the hall if you need anything," K'eegan added as I heard her stand. Leaning in she rubbed my back, she whispered, "Anything at all. Love ya." I heard footsteps, the door opening and then we were finally alone.
We sat, wrapped up together on the bed as I cried silent tears for everything Aric had lost…. for everything we'd lost. This changed our lives, our futures. Those couple of words had just altered our whole world. It was just so overwhelming. I was in state of shock, unable to feel or think past this moment. The only certainty I had left, was that we would figure it out together.
I don't know how long we stayed like that, tangled together, comforting each other. Eventually I found the strength to lean back against the bed, my side still pressed against Aric's. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, I tried to pull myself together, and reign in my thoughts and emotions.
"This is it," Aric's voice broke the silence.
"What?" I asked, turning so I could look at him.
Staring at me, his green eyes locked on me, seemingly searching for something until he elaborated. "This is it. If you have any second thoughts about tying yourself to broken man, this is your chance to change your mind."
I sat dumbstruck on the bed, before I got angry with him. "Never!" I declared fiercely as I glared daggers at him, willing him to see exactly what I felt. "This changes nothing!"
"It changes everything, K'agan!" Aric argued just as viciously. Slapping his legs, he added, "I can't feel my legs!"
"And?" I asked, truly puzzled. Why couldn't he understand that it was him I loved, and his inability to walk would never change that?
Sighing, he leaned his head back against the bed and glared up at the ceiling. "It means I'll never walk again. I can't have your back K'agan," he explained, his voice strained. "It changes our whole lives."
"It doesn't change the most important thing."
Turning his head to look at me he asked, "What's that?"
"My love for you," I said with a small smile.
"I love you, too," he huffed out.
"You're my life mate, the love of my life and that won't ever change."
"K'agan," he started, "I…"
"I'm in it for the long haul," I interrupted him.
"Yes!" I said, getting exasperated, "You stubborn," I stumbled, looking for the words, "Nerf herder!"
Aric started at me until his face finally broke into the smile I so loved. "Nerf herder? That the best you could come up with."
"Aric," I warned, rolling my eyes and making him laugh.
"Nerf herder it is," he laughed. Using just a finger he turned my head, so I was looking at him. "I love you forever, madly and deeply."
"Ditto," I said, reaching up and wrapping a hand gently around the back of his neck and pressing our lips together in a gentle kiss.
We were both breathless when we broke apart. "Ditto?"
"Forget it. Just kiss me," I ordered, pulling him back to me.
"Yes ma'am," he mumbled, kissing me. I savored the feel of him, the taste of him. Determined to enjoy this moment, I threw myself into the flames and deepened the kiss...
A/N: Hope everyone enjoyed it! Reviews and comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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draumrfold · 5 years
Half Haven: The Elf That Was On Fire
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The early morning light drifts into my room, I’ve woken at the crack of dawn to see the sun just starting to ascend into the sky, I take this time to find my center and meditate on all that has happened recently. While I am meditating the ground starts to shake violently, which I find quite alarming, it lasts for about a minute or so. When it stops I head out to check on everyone, apparently earthquakes are quite normal and there is no need for concern. This plane of existence is very odd. 
After realizing everyone was fine, I went downstairs and ordered us all breakfast. They also had tea and coffee, it was delicious, it’s been quite some time since I had had either. Honestly, I find indulging in tea and coffee more enjoyable than drinking ale. Last night was well deserved and amusing and it looked like everyone else had a great time...there are just better ways for me to spend my time. 
After we had all eaten our fill we set out for the Bard’s College. BoBo seems very hesitant on fulfilling his promise he made me, but I don’t press him on it. However when we arrive at the College, we are denied access because only students and alumni are allowed to enter, and BoBo is neither of those. To say I am disappointed in BoBo would be an understatement, I keep this to myself though, because now is not the time, later I will talk with him about it. Maybe there is more to the story, but that seems doubtful knowing what I do so far about BoBo. I turn my attention so finding another solution and ask BoBo if he knows of any public library or places that would have information on plane shifting. He leads us to a small shop that sells parchment and ink, I’m starting to think we are wasting our time when a nice little old lady appears behind the counter. 
Turns out she use to be a pretty good mage and is able to offer some very useful information on plane shifting. She tells us that: 
The plane we are currently on is guarded against plane shifting by a divine barrier. 
 The Doomvault must have been a demi-plane with multiple connections or a nexus of sorts. 
Tells us of a realm of doors/realm of sigils, which connects to all planes.
We will need a powerful spellcaster to cast the spell “Plane Shifting” in order to send me back to the right plane.  However the Divine Barrier is what is going to stop me from going back, we have to find a way to bring it down or to get through it. Otherwise, I’m pretty stuck here. 
At the end of our discussion, she tries to banish me, despite saying that I didn’t wish to be banished, but it kinda worked? At least for a few seconds. However, I was in the strangest of places. It was a black room, with a man, who looked up at me and said “You’re not dead,” I looked back at him and said, “Ya I know, I’m lost and now confused,” he replied “Good luck with that,” snapped his fingers and I was back in the shop. 
On our way out of the shop, we ran into Talrean. “Glad you’re not dead,” I say to him. He randomly disappeared upon our arrival into the city yesterday. “It takes a lot to kill me.” He replies. “That remains to be seen,” I say flatly. 
Our conversation is interrupted by Galadin who stole Ashrah’s parchment and was running down the ally with it, while she shouted “Stop that thief,” Talrean raised his bow and threatened to shoot him. Of course, Guards happened to be walking by and came to check out the commotion. Maliadin managed to talk our way out of trouble. 
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After leaving the ally and the guards we headed over to see the Hero’s of Easthaven monument in the Nobel district of the city. It was very peaceful. The monument is in a section of the city known as “The Hanging Gardens” flowers, and gardens, and magical plants were everywhere. I thought about how Maelin and Aura would have loved to see this place and would have loved to inspect each and every plant. Hopefully, they aren't dead, they seem like good people, and I would like to see them again even if they annoy me and aren’t most useful in fights. Even if it’s just to recount this tale to them. 
While we were at the monument and everyone was paying their respects I decided to wait patiently and meditate, the Ki here is strange, it all seems to flow strongest from on top of BoBo’s statues head. It would be wildly inappropriate to climb on his statue so I just sit in front and make due. 
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“Sir Bradford is a Knight from Thrallia. He was sent to East Haven by his father who thought some time out of the city would do him some good as well as teach him the lessons he needed to be a successful leader”
Not long after we see Brightclaw appear in the sky with two riders. The Princess and Sir Bradford approach, the princess explains she's here to drop Sir Bradford off with us and she is on her way to see her father. Sir Bradford has a quest for us. Sir Bradford is the Prince of Thrallia (& the Princesses brother) and will be joining us as backup on our quest. He outfits us with war horses that are fully equipped. 
We set out for a Giants outpost our mission is to gather intelligence. I find it rather strange to be sending a party made up of mostly heavily armored people to gather intelligence when it seems more of a job for more sneaky people, but this is what the party has decided to do, so off we go. The day’s travel is fine, we rest at the same camp where we encountered the Man, Pig, Bear sighting which admittedly gives me pause but we have BoBo’s hut for protection. 
The next morning arrives and Sir Bradford makes some kind of attempt of conversation with me but in the end, fails or gives up, I’m not sure. It seems like he has something on his mind, but he asked the weirdest question about my master’s wisdom. I don’t think I’ve ever considered him wise is the thing. Crazy, interesting, obsessive, a little too invested in death sure, but wise? Mmmm. I’m not so sure. He did know a lot, and his research was top notch, but there is a difference in being intelligent and wise, I would definitely say my master was intelligent. He was a far cry from the Monks at the monastery, the council that ran it was made up of the most diplomatic, most honest people in the monastery. I would say they were wise, but maybe not so much my master.  
On our ride we notice the grass growing rather wildly, and Talrean seems to think it is growing at a rapid pace. At one point it’s so tall that I take my quarterstaff to see if I can cut it down so I can see. Vines entangle it and myself and throw me from my horse on to the ground. We end u facing several monsters all the while I am stuck on the stupid ground entangled in poisonous vines. The vines tingle kind of like acupuncture, it’s a bit relaxing after a while. When I am finally released most of the creatures are already dead and there is just one left. Thankfully this party is pretty good at fighting. I rush over to the last creature and with Talrean’s help we put it down. With the defeat of the creatures the grass resides and is back to normal, we continue on our journey. The rest of the journey is uneventful, thankfully. 
When we arrive outside of the Giant’s outpost Sir Bradford tells us that this is as far as his scouts have made it, and reinforces that he is here to serve as back up. That his “adventuring skills” do not compare to ours, that he is better at running a city and fighting on front lines. Talrean then compares running a city to adventuring like it’s the same thing. I give him a look of what an idiot, which Sir Bradford shares with me. 
It is soon revealed this is a terrible idea in general. We run into the problem of we have no idea where we are going and can’t really sneak around, nor do we know specifically what kind of intelligence we are looking for. In the end, we’re put into a position of having to figure out a distraction so we can all make it across a hallway and into another door without being seen. Talrean decides to attempt to distract them and/or self-sacrifice in order to cause a distraction. I don’t see exactly what he does but there is shouting and smells of smoke and fire. I do hear him shout for us to run, it’s then that I am faced with a critical decision, what he’s done is incredibly stupid, but I also hear my master's voice floating in my head.
He’s reading from a scroll from one of his many friends “To expire in service to its principle is one of the most profoundly holy experiences a living being can hope to enjoy.” It is with this that I see Talrean and I have something in common, both of us have mastered the fear of death, and use it to our advantage in our own ways. 
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As I turned the corner on one of the rows I spotted her and several other women, standing in a large basin, hiking up their dresses, knee deep in grapes. I knew she’d been helping prepare for the wine festival, but very hairy pussy this was dedication! It’s funny how the more time you spend with someone the more it hurts to be away, even for what should have felt like a short while. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as I approached her and her grape-stomping comrades. I hadn’t seen Myranush for weeks, and I was aching to see her. I was told by the servants at the manor that she was out and about in the vineyard. EDITS: Grammar/syntax Glossary Artzruni - Landed family of winemakers Rao-Galli - Fortified city to the north Qazo [kah-cho] - Literally "brave little one", Myras nickname for Kallisto Xyur [hee-oor] - Respectful address to an older sister Jan [jahn] - Literally "(my) soul" but roughly translates to "dear" Dzo - "Hey" Shirini [shir-ree-nee] - sweet, sugary, voluptious "Pomegranate Girl" - the romantic type Shift - under-dress garment Ath - creator god, sun god, represented by a gold dragon Zanebelli - goddess of natural beauty, alpine meadows, river valleys, and mountains I decided to go directly to the Artzruni estate. Eventually, Myra noticed me watching and her face flushed with embarrassment. Myranush walked towards me, bashfully holding one of her arms. I gave her a coy smile and a subtle wave; she’s so cute when she’s flustered like that. Leaving my horse, I began to walk out towards the farmhouse where I suspected she might atk scary hairy pussy free photos be. Actually, you seem like a natural. There were a few older women, but most of the local girls were spry and young. "Hi Qazo… sorry, you caught me at a bit of an awkward time. The ladies finished up their work and wiped most of the grape-guts off of their and legs and feet. " she gave me a peck on the cheek. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them work. Gosh it’s hot out here. " She was still as red as the juice that stained her usually milky calves. "It’s great to see you again Xyur-Jan. " We took our bowls into the shade of a nearby tree and sipped the delightfully cool beverage. Myra sidled her legs next to mine and sighed. I was amazed by the way they’ve constructed it over all those natural caves; we even went fishing in one of the lakes under the city. " I didnt mention Tara. Leaning on the side of the barn, I waited for the ladies to finish. "Did he give you anything? I must’ve worked up a bit of a sweat mashing those grapes. "There’s some watermelon juice over here. He gave me the most beautiful wool blanket, I’ve got it with me now. She probably didnt want to know. " She was giving me this coy look. I looked off towards the village girls chatting around the basin of macerating grapes. It wasn’t Donato’s present that I was really excited for. I’ve never been to the city before, so he showed me around a bit. Was your trip to Rao-Galli nice? My face flushed and I shifted uncomfortably, staring off into the distance. Myranush must’ve noticed me watching, she put a finger on my chest and whispered into my ear. "Oh Qazo, you know it’s impolite to stare…" Thank Ath we were so far from the group; in the shade here, we were all but a blur in the mid-day. There was one in particular that held my gaze. She wrapped her legs around mine and purred into my ear softly, "you know, any one of those girls would be happy to have someone as cute as you Qazo. I moaned softly free pics hairy pussy as she nibbled on my ear. The late summer air hung heavily around us, the shade of the tree keeping us comfortably cool. I could feel goosebumps on my neck; she was so brazen, touching me like this in front of everybody. You know how great the wool is from there. Nobody bothered us as they left. We rested here for a long while, silently enjoying the soft breeze in the boughs of the tree, the birds chirping in the vineyards. " She ran her hand up the inside of my thigh, squeezing me slightly. Myranush lay her head on my chest and we stayed there as the grape stomping party dispersed. " I can’t say that I didn’t have ulterior motives, but then again I might just be making it harder on myself. After all, she could get me worked up without even trying. She rested her hand on my thigh again and just smirked that knowing, wicked smile that told me I was hers. It was a deep relief to be in her arms again; the whole world just fell away around me until only the feeling of her chest rising and falling into mine remained. "Sure, that would be nice. I rest my head against the trunk of the tree and closed my eyes, sighing softly. " She smiled up at me sweetly. We ambled our way to the stream on their property. She stayed close to the shore and washed the stream over her smooth skin. She tip-toed her way out of the stream and walked over to me. " It was a bit surprising given how hot the day was. Myra lifted her shift and waded into the clear cool water. You know, for your birthday? I knelt by the river’s edge and splashed some of the crisp water onto my face. "Sure you didn’t just want to see me go for a swim? " I winked at her "Ugh, naughty Qazo. In the event you cherished this short article along with you wish to be given more information relating to porn hairy atk i implore you to visit our own webpage. " She flashed a grin with eyes so sultry and sweet. "What can I say, I’ve been on the road for some time, a nice bath would be wonderful, not to mention some homely comforts. I shifted and looked down at Myra, "would you like to take a walk down to the stream to wash off? " She just rolled her eyes at me. I smirked slightly, "too bad it’s so frigid, I would’ve loved to go for a swim. She walked over to me and I stood up. " "Hmm, that’s just one of the perks. You just want to watch your Xyur bathing, is that it? " "Well… They’re in season of course. The Artzruni have a pomegranate grove, don’t they? " I started away from the stream and she bounded ahead of me, her linen shift clinging to her wet thighs. " She cocked her head looking at me sideways, "As far as I know, say. My gaze followed her braid and she turned back towards me. Our eyes met and Myra gave me another challenging smirk. Probably delicious right now. She was right (it was downright icy), but it was so refreshing after my long journey. " I looked her up and down, biting my lip. She had caught me staring again. We had arrived just before their harvest, and the branches hung so heavy with the deliciously full red fruits. The orchard was another beautiful sight. The lush pomegranates were at their peak, blushing, and ripe for the taking. "C’mon, let take a walk. what are you getting at? With the light covering of grass and worked soil beneath, the seating was very comfortable indeed. I laid out the blanket and we plopped ourselves down in the sunshine. " Myranush commented as she traced the tip of her tongue behind her teeth I grinned and dropped the sack of fruit to her feet. I remarked at the softness and thick padded nature of the wool. "Take your pick Xyur-Jan. "Dzo…" I started to protest. Daintily nibbling at her first seed, "What is it Qazo? " She hummed, lightly batting her eyelashes. "Hmm… This is a great spot for a little snack. "I’m feeling a bit peckish myself…" It was true, I hadn’t eaten much today. Garnishing what we could from the orchard, we filled a spare burlap sack. I started at the pomegranate hungrily, tossing the membranes aside into the vineyard. She just returned with the most innocent, shirini expression. I finished my half and simply took in the display. "Now who’s the greedy one? " Myra teased as she continued steadily, only eating one or two seeds at a time. She giggled at my obvious enthrallment. I’d like to enjoy some more, but I think my dirty hands are sullying the flavor. Continuing a bit further we found a nice piece of soft earth between the rows of trellised vines. " She reached down into the bag and produced a smaller pomegranate. As she brought the arils into her mouth, she kissed her fingertips, licking them delicately to get every last drop of the garnet juice. Intrigued, she separated a seed in her fingers and gingerly placed it into my waiting mouth. "Such care and dedication you take in enjoying your treat," I smiled sweetly, coy, "but now you’re only whetting my appetite. "Come now Qazo," I could’ve sworn I saw her blush, "Lie down. I never get that much juice out of pomegranate! Would you be so kind as to offer me some of yours, your grace? I looked up at her face, sun to her back, stray hairs catching the light. " She lightly patted the blanket next to her. She cracked it open with her nails and passed the smaller half to me. She started on another pomegranate and plied me with the fruit. I turned around and lie back, and she moved behind me, taking my head in her lap. "Ay Jan, I spoil you so much…" she ruffled my hair as she started to feed us the remainder of her pomegranate. She tilted her head slightly and smiled down at me. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, I couldn’t imagine a more blissful moment with her. Something perhaps a bit more… filling. " I asked with a feigned concern, lightly brushing her arm with the back of my hand. She exhaled, her breath ragged, and put a hand on my chest. " I sighed again, "you take care of me so well… but are you sure you have had enough to eat? "Mmmm…" savoring the flavor, "My hands cannot compare to the delicate nature of yours, Xyur-Jan. Staring at them hiking up their skirts… and showing all that skin? She sighed, shaking her head, "You’re probably just worked up watching all those village girls stomping grapes, aren’t you? Her eyes flashed with delight. " She dashed an eyebrow at me as she suckled on another seed. " I bit my lip, looking up at her. I tried to catch my breath, my heart was racing in my chest. As we finished the our second, I gazed up at her again with devious intent. "I might have another snack for you if haven’t. "Some caught my eye more than the others. I shivered and arched my back. Ignoring my comment, "Another snack you say? You must’ve been just exhausted from all that heat," she snickered. You know how hungry your poor Xyur can get sometimes too…" Punctuating her remark with a pout, she moved her hand down to my belly and traced the tips of her fingers under my waistband. " I licked the pomegranate juice off of my lips. " She giggled at my predicament. I just groaned audibly and bit my lip. Myra ran her fingers along my length lightly, "Mmm, I had no idea that you were that worked up. She slid her hand smoothly into my trousers and softly groped at my now throbbing erection. I reached up and caressed her breast through that thin linen shift. "Don’t worry Qazo, your Xyur will take good care of you. I pawed at the hem of her shift pushing it upwards. " She put her chest out and snaked her torso, leaning above me, purring with pleasure. "Hmm, the sun feels nice here. That sounds incredibly tempting. Nothing but this slight material between me and that perfect body of hers. Her sex glistening in the sun only heightened my arousal. " she commented idly, reveling nude in the late afternoon light. She took the hint and lifted it up and over her head. "By Ath, have I done nothing but exacerbate your condition? She turned back towards me with one of her puppy-dog looks. She slithered her way over me, poising her face just above my tented trousers. So much for wanting a pomegranate girl. She pulled my pants and breeches down sharply and oohed for a moment as I sprung free. " Myra enthusiastically began to work me with both hands, leaving no stone unturned. Her hips swayed back and forth hypnotically as my stomach tensed and released over and over. I started panting rhythmically, my hot breath and kisses covering the insides of her thighs. We were in broad daylight in the middle of the vineyard during harvest season. "It’s ok Qazo, just relax and let me take care of you. I silently prayed that the Artzruni’s fieldworkers liked to pick grapes in the early morning, but there was no way I was going to stop now. The thrill of being found only intensified the lust and I started to rock my hips with the tempo of her strokes. Oh by Zanebeli, I had to grit my teeth to not lose it right then and there. The more excited I became, the more nectar trickled from her honeypot, until she was positively soaked. The possibility of getting caught had crossed my mind again. She took my head out of her lap and gently laid me back on the blanket. It had the (perhaps not so) unintentional effect of putting her cunt mere inches from my face. " She placed her hand on my pelvis with space between her thumb and forefinger holding me in place. Her legs straddled loosely near my head so that my beard wouldn’t scratch her thighs. My head was spinning with desire and in my daze I lifted my head and tasted her. I tried to relax and listen to the fields around me. "Stop it Qazo," she giggled as she pressed her knees into my cheeks, pinning my head to the blanket and raising her butt into the air. Her mouth dropped it’s occupation with an audible pop. I could smell her musk, mine, and partially fermented grape juice all mingling into a pungent bouquet. Suddenly I could feel her warm wet lips as they wrapped around the head of my cock, her tongue swirling and lashing at my engorged flesh. She dismounted my face, and deftly repositioned herself between my legs. I gasped and moaned as she slicked the shaft with her spit taking me deeper and deeper into her mouth. She moaned around me when it hit the back of her mouth. I watched her from half-lidded eyes as her tongue flicked and expertly worked it’s way between the folds of my foreskin. She paused with her soft lips pursed at the tip, smirking from behind my member. Then she enveloped me slowly, sliding her hot mouth down until I bottomed out against her throat. I took my time lapping the precious fluids from her curves and mound. As I lie back, all I could think was she was way too good at this. " she put a hand on my belly pushing me back, and just gave me a look that said ‘quit talking’. I had been fantasizing about this moment for weeks, and it was even better than I imagined. Her motions were deliberate and exaggerated, and she always punctuated her movements with that pert, waggling ass. I did as she ordered and went back to my usual panting and moans. She looked up at me, her gaze unwavering as she started to work me over; her eyes were burning with lust. She grinned, "Feeling a bit hot out here Qazo? She took her time, feeling my pulse in every corner of her mouth. My face flushed, my vision blurred, and my mouth hung open with ardor. I bit my lip with anticipation as she kept me on the edge. It was salty, sour, and just like her scent: dirty and delightful at the same time. I reclined, clasping my hands behind my head. How she loved to torment me. I could feel it welling inside me, the strokes of her mouth going deeper, gripping tighter. She clicked her tongue and resumed with a feverish intent. She wrapped her lips securely around the shaft sucking greedily, coaxing every last drop out of the tip with her tongue. I knew she wanted my cum and she was going to get it one way or another. I couldn’t hold back anymore and I told her I was close. She whimpered slightly and sped up, lightly massaging my balls in encouragement. that feels incredible… ah! " It was more than I could handle. She crawled up beside me and planted a light peck on my cheek. I tensed again, and Myra got just what she was looking for. There wasn’t any wasted. I let out a primal grunt as they tightened and I ejaculated into her mouth. She dipped her tongue into my urethra and ran her fingers from base to head hoping she could get just another morsel. /u/Xyur-Jan_is_so_lewd "Mmm… I love the way you taste… Thanks for the snack. I pulled my pants back up and she put her shift back on and we just lay there in the summer evening afterglow. " I pulled her in close and returned the kiss. She breathed in my ear "It’s so nice to have you back Qazo. I just sighed and my head collapsed against the blanket.
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