#mn9 Mighty no. 5
thehyperrequiem · 1 year
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I actually find this to be funny, Battalion actually swearing when it is censored with static sounds in the game where you can almost hear his swear! 😂
I am not sure how they got away with it, but Battalion needs to watch his language despite being a drill Sargent.
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mn9-confessions · 2 months
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¡5 publicaciones!
Thanks to the anons for the milestone badge
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somechubbynerd · 2 months
@pudgy-planets replied to your post “@pudgy-planets replied to your post “How do you...”:
Yeah she’s got what the cool kids call a personality. This game could’ve been decent were it not for the litany of shit that followed it.
Mhm. Mighty No. 9 was genuinely just kind of a shitshow all around, tbh. The game itself ended up being kinda whatever, but...
I'm curious about what the fuck happened to Red Ash, because that shit seemed like it was getting funded all over with the MN9 money AND a corporate sponsor, and then Comcept got bought out by (I think) Level 5 and nobody heard from Inafune again.
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jayextee · 1 year
Mighty No. 9
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So, whilst I'm still working on my replay of Mega Man 7 (you think I'm reviewing these things after just one play? Poor form!) I decided to change it up and throw Mighty No. 9 into the mix.
Y'know, the one INAFKING (Keiji Inafune) himself left Capcom to make in lieu of there apparently not being any new Mega Man games -- before Capcom made the, frankly, fucking spectacular Mega Man 11.
MN9 is not spectacular.
So the Internet has decreed, this is an abomination of a game that neither lived up promises from the Kickstarter campaign, or to its premise as a Mega Man spiritual follow-up. Only, I think in the terms of the latter it kinda did. And kinda didn't.
Mega Man, much as I've come to love the series of late, is not the best thing ever. It has swings and misses like any other series (including a certain other blue hero-starring action platform game with an evil genius villain and his penchant for robots) and has more than a few entries that are so 'more of the same' as to be nigh-paralysing with the onset of crippling deja vu.
Mighty Number Nine has swings and misses, and is kinda more of the same (especially the basic formula of 'eight robots with various elemental attributes/weaknesses, followed by an endgame sprint). So far, so delivering on the promises as a game. But it makes some bold decisions in terms of overall game design that could've, maybe, in some parallel universe where they were executed well, elevated this over being a hum-drum tribute to its father series.
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Before I continue, yes I am ignoring wholesale the debacle that was the game's Kickstarter promises and botched launch. I didn't back the game, I wasn't invested in it, other people can tell the story way better than I can. And when I managed to purchase the game for a reduced price circa mid-2017, I wasn't bothered much then either about anything other than how fun the game was.
And was it? Is it? Well, for me, yeah. Kinda. On the surface level it's a slightly-tame Mega Man clone, except the boss weaknesses work a little differently; they don't seem to be a method to absolutely steamroll the Robot Masters, um, the Mighty Numbers as much as offer a way to nullify certain attack patterns or gain other advantages -- thankfully, then, there's no refight boss-rush near the end of the game. But also, on top of this the game attempts to offer replayability with stage rankings and a combo system using the game's dash/absorb 'AcXeleration' mechanic for high scores, but it falls flat on its face and lends more an air of layout rote-memory to the affair than it does creative gameplay and improvisation.
Swing, and a miss, as I say. It's got some charm in places; I personally love the Mighty Number designs -- all apart from player character Beck himself who I could honestly take or leave. And, honestly, the banter between them during the game is great and I'd have loved to see more of them in future installments. But conversely, the game is marred by some occasionally-sadistic placement of instakill hazards in the platforming, overly-long basic boss fights (even with those, uh, "weaknesses", heheheh) and a completely unimpressive aesthetic.
It's not terrible, it's not great either. 3/5
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parfaitstars · 8 years
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jonnywunnut · 8 years
1. Do you try to stay away from walkthroughs?  Depends on the game. If I’m going to OCD playthrough, I’ll use a walkthrough. Otherwise I just look stuff up if I’m stuck.
2. Company you’re always loyal to?  Squaresoft. For almost 25 years now
3. Best game you’ve ever played?  Chrono Trigger. Emulate it, buy it for your DS or 3DS. Try it. It’s amazing. Dragon Age: Origins is up there too.
4. Worst game you’ve ever played?  Ugh, so many. Retribution: Ride to Hell is definitely the worst. Mighty No. 9 and Two Worlds are both up there though. (I actually helped kickstart MN9)
5. A popular series/game you just can't get into no matter how much you try? Zelda (please don’t kill me) I did like Link to the Past though
6. A game that's changed you the most? Final Fantasy 11 (MMO). I played this for 8 years off and on. I met my (ex)wife on there, a ton of friends, developed better social skills and some management skills all in this game. MMO’s can have a HUGE impact on peoples lives. Both good and bad.
7. A game you’ll never forget?  Vagrant Story. One of my favorites of all time. It was honestly way ahead of it’s time, and I’m still hoping for a HD remaster/remake of it someday. I had even worked on writing up a sequel to it.
8. Best soundtrack?  This is tough. The soundtrack to Chrono Trigger is phenomenal, though I love the ost of Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 11.
9. A game you turn your volume off every time you play it? The Division (I play it with headphones on to hear the ambient sounds and footsteps better). Turn the sound of in disgust? I Am Setsuna. Holy crap I can’t stand the music in that game.
10. A game you've completely given up on? Dragon Age: Inquisition. I could not have been more hyped for a game.
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mn9-confessions · 2 months
What I hate most about mn9 game is that it never got fixed in these eight years, the game is still in it's 1.0 version no matter in what console you play it on, even no man's sky which also had a disastrous release was fixed with free updates
Sadly this is true, and to be honest I don't think it's going to be fixed soon, Inafune's company COMCEP is almost banished after the bought by LEVEL 5, and he's busy doing other stuff like making sh!tty nfts
Anyway, at least we got mighty gunvolt and mighty gunvolt burst which are better than the original game
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