#mob choir never disappoints they always go way beyond everyone's imagination
spillthechlorine · 2 years
okay but the title being 1 is actually so incredibly clever, and not only because of the cool transition at the end of the OP, but it also represents where shigeo stands with his powers at the end of the very last arc
we see him openly laughing for the first time and having fun with his friends and he's finally allowing himself to Feel, hence him being on 1% because everything is okay and he doesn't need to worry about losing control anymore
so i just think it's such a smart move to go from 99 to 99.9 and then back to 1 because it perfectly shows shigeo's growth and it's really the only way to finish off the series
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thebennettdiaries · 6 years
a private audience
On the twelfth day of Shipmas...
Trope: Royalty --- because nothing says Christmas like a prince! Pairing: Klonnie 
“Are you going to the square today?” Caroline asks.  She is practically buzzing as Bonnie unloads a box of candles nearby.
“Why would I?” Bonnie already knows the answer but she enjoys watching Caroline’s eyes bulge to an unnatural size.
“Prince Niklaus!?” Caroline shrieks (there is some regret in Bonnie now that her ears are ringing).  “He is going to get the official key to the city.  And the children’s choir is going to sing to him.  He’ll shake hands afterwards.  Everyone is going.”
“Not everyone,” Bonnie points out.  She could care less about the Royal Visit.  Okay, she appreciates the flood of tourists it has brought to downtown area.  Her sales have been higher than she initially projected and she is looking at a nice deposit in her vacation fund.  But beyond the economic boost, she is content to ignore every facet of Prince Niklaus’ visit.
“Ugh, you work too much,” Caroline complains.  “You miss out on all the good stuff.”
Bonnie decides she will let Caroline think that is her reason for staying back.  After all, this place is a one woman show.  But in reality, she is much happier surrounded by her crystals, herbs and candles.  “Go, have fun.  Take a selfie or ten.”
“Imagine if I get one with him?!”
“Living the dream,” Bonnie retorts.  She kicks the empty box aside as Caroline dances out.  
Blissful, peaceful silence.
She spends most of the afternoon tidying the place up, stopping long enough to sell things to those who stop in on their way to the city center.  Each time she is asked if she will be joining them and she becomes an expert at feigning disappointment that she will be trapped within the four walls of the store.
By early evening, things have come to a standstill, her customer base held captive by the fair prince. She takes the opportunity to brew herself a cup of chamomile tea.  She hops up on one of the shelves and drinks deep.
Then the door opens with enough force to rattle the glassware throughout the store.
Bonnie’s body jolts automatically, her tea sloshing over the rim and into her lap.  She sets the mug down, moving quickly to eye her newest (and potentially rudest) customer of the day.  She finds a man at the door and he is turning the sign from open to closed.
“Hey!” She protests immediately, her eyebrows pushing together.
He turns, a look of absolute panic evident on his face.  “You’ve got to hide me.”
Bonnie blinks.  She knows that face.  It is impossible not to know that face.  It has been plastered all over every newscast and newspaper for the past few weeks.  “...what?”
“Hide me,” he pleads.  “Quickly.”
Bonnie’s mouth is slightly ajar now.  A prince is in her store.  A prince is in her store begging for a favor.  
Before she can form an answer, Niklaus runs past her and actually ducks behind the counter.  
The door opens again and this time she is hit with a blast of cold air.  And a chattering of voices.  Female voices.  There are at least a dozen of them trying to crowd the front of her store.  She winces as one bumps into a displace of lavender essence.  If those bottles fell and broke she’d be smelling lavender into her afterlife.  
Thankfully she is spared.
“Is he here?” One of them calls with the same level of enthusiasm that Caroline had displayed earlier (Bonnie wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Caroline was squeezed in the back of the mob).  
“The prince!” There is exasperation in the woman’s voice.
Bonnie can practically feel Niklaus silently pleading with her not to give him up.  For a moment, she is tempted to ignore it but then she worries about the state of her store if she jerks her thumb towards his hiding place.  
It will be like a bomb went off --- a scary, amorous bomb.
She can’t have that.
So she shakes her head.  
“Was that who went running on by about five minutes ago?  Tall man in a black coat?”  
They don’t need much more convincing.  They just hear five minute head start and back out to make up ground.
Bonnie breathes a sigh of relief.
Niklaus peaks his head up from behind the counter.  For a moment all Bonnie sees if blonde curls and she resists the urge to snort in laughter.  Instead she holds it in as he rises to his full height.
“Thank you,” he says with a little incline of his head.
“I didn’t do it for you.  I did it for the future of my business,” Bonnie tells him (because there is some real truth to that --- she won’t let herself slip back into being overwhelmed by the idea of royalty in her store; that reaction was temporary).  
Bonnie glances towards the storefront, noting the crowd moving by at a steady pace.  All in pursuit of the prince.  “You know, you can’t just stand there…”
“You are going to kick me out?” For a moment he looks as if he will try to pull rank and remind her that he is royalty and therefore she should bend to his will.  Lucky for him, he does not.
She would have opened her door and shouted his location loudly on principle alone.  
“I just mean you kind of stand out right now.”
That is true enough.  He is dressed in a neat suit, his tie perfectly done up.  Draped across his shoulders is a long felt coat.  She can see the crest of the Royal Family stitched above his breast.  Meanwhile she is in a billowy blouse and skirt and is wearing enough bangles to play him a lovely tune should she so wish.
Yep, he definitely doesn’t belong here.
“Let’s go out back,” she suggests, noting the stark relief on his face.  
She is quick to turn the lock on the door to avoid anymore bombardments.  Then she moves with ease through her store to push back the curtain that separates the public from the private.  Her eyes scan over the space, noting the clutter.  She doesn’t have time to regret issuing the invitation.  He is already right behind her and she has no choice but to move further into the room.
He seems out of place here too.  But at least he is no longer visible to the public. 
Bonnie takes a deep breath and turns to him.  “I should apologize for the mess.  But since you are sort of an unexpected guest, I won’t.”  She eyes the way he stands tall even surrounded by her personal things.  “I won’t curtsy either if you were waiting for that.”
After a split second, he breaks out into a smile.  “Not necessary.”
Bonnie still fusses a little even though she does not feel as if she needs to.  She moves enough aside so he can have a proper seat.  He is slow to sink into it.  She bristles a little.  “It’s not a throne, I know.”
Niklaus shakes his head.  “I was just wondering where you will sit.”
Bonnie casts a glance around the room.  Then she does what comes natural.  She hops up on chest, her legs dangling over the side.  She can’t help but swing them as the pair eye one another.  Now that the initial shock and panic has worn off, she finds herself wondering just what the hell she is expected to do in this situation.  
“So...you’re what?  Into hide and seek?  Strange for a royal but according to the tabloids, there is always worse.”
Niklaus blinks and then laughs despite the situation.  “The crowd became a little too zealous.”
“You mean the female side of it did.”
He nods his head.
She wants to scoff but now that she is up close and personal with his majesty she thinks she actually gets it.  His pictures do not do him justice --- and he has an accent.  You can never go wrong with an accent.  
“I am sure my security is fully panicking right now.”
“They should be.”  At his look, she explains.  “Isn’t it their job to avoid this kind of thing in the first place?  Don’t you have a backup plan?  A decoy to throw their way?  A stretch limo for them to throw you headfirst into?”
Niklaus shakes his head.
The room falls into silence once more.
Bonnie becomes very aware of how his eyes roam across the space.  She has a cot in the corner for when she is just too tired (or lazy) to go back to her apartment.  There are clothes strewn here and there (she is forever grateful that her bra is well hidden) and remnants of her lunch are on display.  Not exactly the luxuries he is used to.
“Do you want some tea?” she asks, eager to distract him.  Before he can even nod, she is pouring two fresh cups and shoving one in his direction.
“What is it that you sell here?” He is sipping the tea with all the pomp and grace that she expects.  “When I was hiding I noticed an invoice for love potion?”
Her cheeks burn.  “I am just your average New Age store.  You know, crystals for healing, candles for warding off bad vibes...an occasional love potion for the tourist who wants something out of the ordinary.  Completely harmless by the way.  Pretty sure it’s just concentrated fruit juice.” She makes a face.  “Please don’t say anything.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
They exchange a smile and this time the silence is not so overwhelming.
“So what are you missing out on?  A ball?  A state dinner with the mayor?”
“A visit to St. John’s Hall actually,” he says and he looks pained at the thought.
Bonnie’s face softens.  She knows that place --- a home for the children who don’t have anywhere else to go.  It is supposed to be temporary but some grow up in that place.  She bets they are excited that he is coming.  It won’t be the reception he got earlier in the town square but it will be everything they have.  
(the cynical part of her wonders if he is doing it for the press)
“I am sure once the fervor passes, I will be able to make up for lost time.”
He sounds sincere enough.
She actually finds herself wishing just a little that she had actually been in the city square earlier when he spoke to the city.  But then again, if she had gone, she certainly wouldn’t be sitting here now.
Funny how things work out.
From the depths of his pocket, his phone rings.  He is careful to sit down his tea before he pulls it free.  She can hear him explaining the situation to his security.  She even helps, filling him in on the address.  
Then he stands.  
“I should be out of your hair soon.”
“Good, you’ve probably cost me business,” she says but there is no real heat behind her words.  Instead she smiles.
He gives her one in return.  It is wide enough for her to fully understand why Caroline danced around her store that afternoon.  
“I appreciate your assistance.  And discretion.”
She can read between the lines --- don’t sell this story to the tabloids.
“Your secret is safe with me.”
His security turn out to be two very beefy men, each of whom could probably bench press her without working up a sweat.  They look appropriately sheepish for how things have played out.  
“It is all right,” Niklaus assures them.  “I have been greatly assisted…” He furrows his brows and she realizes she hasn’t told him her name.
“Bonnie,” he repeats.  “Thank you once more, Bonnie.”
“Anytime,” she says as if he will ever walk through that front door again.
He is almost gone when he turns once more.  “ --- tomorrow I have a few hours to myself.  Thankfully.  Would care to join me for a proper show of gratitude?”
She is back to being slack jawed despite her promise not to be.  This time around she finds her voice more quickly.
“Yes, yes, I would.”
Later that night, when Caroline talks her ear off about how Prince Niklaus actually shook her hand, Bonnie decides against pointing out that she actually has a date with him.
Some things are just better left unsaid.
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