#mod tisfan
tonystarkbingo · 5 years
Round 3 Sign Ups are Open
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Sign Up Here
Important Dates
Sign ups open - Monday, November 25, 2019
Sign ups close - Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cards handed out - Wednesday, January 1 - Saturday, January 4, 2020
Change Requests - Saturday, January 11, 2020
Master Post Due - Saturday July 4, 2020
You may request a card at any time after the sign up period but before June 1, 2020. Send an ask or an email or contact a mod and say if you want NSFW options (anyone with no preference is assumed to want SFW prompts only).
Please consult the FAQ before asking mods -- most of your questions about how, when, what, and which are answered there! This document is posted here on tumblr, on our Dreamwidth Site, on our pillowfort site (under the rules & info tab), and in the #frequently-asked-questions channel on the discord.
Quick and Dirty Rules
What Counts as a Fill?
Fanfiction or poetry: 300 words (or exactly 100 words if it is specifically a “drabble” fill)
Fanart: 1 image, 3 in x 3 in if in traditional media, 300 px x 300 px if digital
Graphics/moodboards: 2 images
Gifsets: 4 images
Playlists: Album Art + 6 Songs
Fanvids: 30 seconds
Podfic: 10 minutes
Rec Lists: 10 fics  
Fanmade Craft: one thing (doll, lego construction, cross stitch, embroidery, whatever. Please photograph in good light so we can all admire how cool you are!)
You are welcome to create more content for your fill!
What Counts as for a Badge?
Participation: 1 square - YAY! Go you! You are successfully a star!
Bingo: row, diagonal, column or four corners and the center - YAY! GO YOU!
Blackout Square: YAY! Go YOU! (and we’re very impressed)
Dum-E: a special badge for people with 5 or more fills who did NOT get a bingo
The First Bingo Party will be held on the Discord on January 11, 2020 (Our parties run from the very beginning of Saturday to the very end of Saturday, everywhere around the world, so approx 47 hours of Saturday.)
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marvelfanrecs · 7 years
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To submit your fan reviews of Marvel Fan Fic. 
At a quick glance, the Marvel fandom is huge; over 300,000 fics on A03 alone! 
It can be really hard to navigate something that big, even if you’re narrowing it down to one or two favorite ‘ships. Rec lists help, but sometimes even those lists can seem overwhelming.
We can help you! And you can help us!
Check out our Style Manual and submit a review for your favorite fic!
This blog will post reviews, recommended lists, author spotlights and other content aimed at finding you quality fanfic to read! 
**we are also looking for artists willing to make a custom banner for this blog, as well as staff mods and reviewers
Please join @marvelfanrecs and repost today!
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Tisfan's Master Post
B1 - Exit Stage Left, Pursued by a Velociraptor, Link 
B3 - Rules of the Road, Link
B5 - Exactly Like Hell, Link
I1 - Like a Goddamn Katy Perry Song, Link
I3 - Discover your Soul, Link
I4 - The Worst (Thing You’ve Ever Caught Me Doing), Link
I5 - How Did It End Up Like This, Link
N2 - Lay Me Down on a Bed Of Roses, Link
N3 - Just a Taste, Link
G1 - Cuddling is Extra, Link
G2 - One in Fourteen Million, Link 
G3 - (Turns Out) I’m Trouble, Link
G5 - Sugar Dates and Figs, Link
O1 - Two Roaring Handfuls (And a Bit More), Link
O2 - Stays at the Beach House, Link
O4 - Any Old Music Will Do, Link
O5 - Falling for your Boyfriend, Idiot, Link
I got a Bingo For Diagonal O1, G2, N3, I4, and B5, plus all four corners (B1, O5 and center)
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27dragons · 4 years
Hello! I hope you are having a nice day. I wondered if you could share some of the fics you read and reread again and again. Or maybe some fics that a person new to the WinterIron fandom could start with. Thank you!
Oh, boy, okay, let’s see...
I absolutely re-read @tisfan‘s stuff over and over. And my own, actually, because they say you should write the fic you want to read, and I did, and now I want to READ IT. But if you’re asking me for recs, then you’ve probably already checked out my stuff. Let’s see what else I can find.
(boy, I wish there was a way to sort my AO3 history by “number of times read” or by ship, because I’m a multishipper and a lot of my go-to re-reads are not winteriron.)
Absolutely, my #1 most re-read series is All These Burning Hearts in Hell by @dsudis, but it comes with some caveats: 1) it’s slavefic, which is not for everyone; 2) while it leans very heavily on the “comfort” side of “hurt/comfort”, the “hurt” (both implied and explicit) is definitely not for everyone; 3) it’s endgame stuckony rather than winteriron, though more winteriron than anything else, mostly, and all three of them never come together because; 4) it’s not finished, and the author has moved on to another fandom. Alas. All that said, I adore it and it’s my #1 go-to series when I am in need of serious comfort.
@copperbadge mostly writes Stony when he’s in the Marvel fandom, but his Silver Age series is winteriron and utterly delightful.
General winteriron creators that I like (in no particular order, and I’m 110% sure I’ve left out several that I adore but): @potrix-the-queerschlaeger has some excellent winteriron (AO3 here). She also runs the @imaginetonyandbucky blog, which posts less often now than it used to, but the archives are FULL of lovely winteriron content. You can hit up the @starkbucksbingo blog, which is a winteriron bingo, though like all open collections, quality will vary. Finely_Honed has been out of the game for a while, but she wrote amazing stuff for quite a while. @hddnone (AO3 Marvelous Menagerie) is utterly delightful and inventive, and also she recently helped mod the @winteriron-winter-stockings. @monobuu is both an artist and a writer (AO3), and her art is so freaking adorable! Notevenclosetostraight writes long and imaginative fics in whatever combination of Steve, Tony, and Bucky seem to tickle their fancy at any given moment. Others worth checking out: Polizania, Festive Ferret, Wiggle (aka @rise-up-ting-ting-like-glitter), @iam93percentstardust (AO3), Riot Falling, @beir, @aurumacadicus, and probably a dozen more that I’m going to kick myself for not including about ten minutes after I post this.
But that should give you plenty to get started with, and the more you read, the more you’ll see those people’s recs, and soon you’ll be curating your own faves. Welcome to Winteriron, Anon! The ship name is cold and hard, but we’re all warm and cuddly, so stick around! ;)
(everyone who sees this should absolutely reblog with their own winteriron faves!)
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tisfan · 4 years
Title: Genus and Species  Collaborator Name: @27dragons & @tisfan Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26030251 Square Filled:   Tony Stark Flash Bingo (Aug) - Thanos (both)   Starkbucks Bingo - I3: “I got nothing” (27dragons), O4: Time Travel (to the Future) (tisfan) Ship/Main Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: G Major Tags & Triggers: None Other Tags: Time Travel, Established Relationship, Dinosaurs, Robots Summary: Tangling with Thanos has landed Bucky and Tony somewhere -- or somewhen -- they don’t know. No, Tony, you can’t bring the dinosaur home and keep it as a pet. Word Count: 1703
For @tonystarkbingo and @starkbucksbingo
When Bucky opened his eyes, all he could see was green in all directions. At first he thought that was just the remainder of the Time Stone’s power. Thanos had done… something. No one quite knew what because the battle had been so confusing; the Power Stone blasting purple rays everywhere, the Space Stone moving people out of position, lord only knew what was happening with the Reality Stone. And then there had been a great, green wave of energy--
“Ug,” said someone nearby. It took Bucky a moment to clear his thoughts enough to identify it: Tony. “I feel like a Pride parade just swallowed me whole and then puked me out.” A pause. “Why are we in a jungle?”
“I got nothing,” Bucky said, rolling over to look at Tony. The Iron Man suit was pretty banged up, souvenirs of the battle. “I think-- I’m not sure. Strange was yelling something about a time vortex. It’s hard to understand him under normal circumstances.” Thanos had zapped Bucky with the Mind Stone at least three times, somehow sensing the Winter Soldier would be easier to control. 
Bucky did not appreciate it.
Tony made some kind of noise that was hard to interpret through the suit’s speakers, and then retracted the helmet to look around. “Okay, well, those are deciduous trees, so we haven’t been thrown back more than three hundred million years or so.”
“There are jungles all over the world,” Bucky said, grumbling and getting to his feet. He might only look about thirty-five or so, but there were days he felt all one hundred of his years. Knees. Knees were a thing. Also, poor design. “Any signal?”
Tony made a face and then reformed the helmet. “...Some,” he said. “Nothing I can hook into right away, but there’s something out there.”
“Right, Mulder,” Bucky snarked. “All right, we do this the old fashioned way.” He dug out a set of binoculars and hung them around his neck. “You stay down here, you’re too colorful. Any sniper in the area might want to take a stab at you.” He didn’t necessarily disinclude himself on that list, but the sort of stabbing he had in mind was generally not for polite company. He looked around for a good, tall tree and scrambled up, swinging himself from branch to branch. When he got high enough, he paused, waiting for the wind, so it wouldn’t just be one tree shaking like crazy.
Finally, he breached the canopy and could get a look around.
More freaking bush than he’d seen since Cambodia.
Trees, and trees, and more trees. In the distance, he made out a mountain (also covered in trees) and a break in the trees that was either a road or a river. 
Something was moving.
Bucky turned the binocs in that direction. Something big was moving. Trees swayed and crunched. Something really damn big. Bucky could feel the vibrations of its footsteps in the tree he was clinging to. 
“Clear,” he yelled, and then just let go. He could handle drops up to fifty feet without too much trouble, and the ground here was soft and springy.
He’d just reached Tony’s side when the something fucking roared. Like a tiger crossed with an elephant and the size of a blue whale.
“That’s a dinosaur,” Bucky said with forced calm. “We should get the heck to shelter, like, yesterday.”
“What kind of dinosaur?” Tony wondered. “Might be an herbivore. That would be cool, actually.”
“May I remind you that the current contenders for biggest, meanest land animals are moose and hippos, and they’re both herbivores,” Bucky said. “Can we do something productive, like finding a cave, or an overhang, before it sees us, and decides we’re lunch?”
“Oh, fine.” Tony tossed a couple of microcameras up onto the trees where they clung like particularly bright insects, then turned in a slow circle. “Infrared suggests some hollow rock in that direction,” he said, pointing. “If there’s not a natural entrance, we can make one.”
Bucky nodded, then took point. It bothered him a little that there wasn’t someone taking up the rear between Tony and whatever was out there, and reminded himself that Tony was an experienced fighter, and he had a suit of armor, which was pretty damn tough. 
The whatever it was sped up, moving at them-- Bucky tipped his head to one side while he ran the math. Nearly thirty miles per hour. Bucky picked up the pace a little bit. On flat ground, Bucky could run almost sixty miles per hour, but this was not flat. Nor was it a good plan for him to expend that much energy before they had any idea what they were up against, or if there was much in the way of food in the nearby vicinity.
“Got your cave, ten o’clock,” Bucky said. There was a bit of a clearing and then they could squeeze in, one at a time. “How far back does it--”
Bucky stopped as the -- freaking hell -- dinosaur came crashing out of the jungle, about six meters high and full of teeth.
“That,” he said, firmly, “is a dinosaur. I don’t care what you just said about the deciduous thingies.”
“There were deciduous trees long before there were dinosaurs,” Tony said distractedly. He was looking up at the dinosaur, his head cocked. “It’s not a dinosaur, though.”
“Okay, you go out and tell it that it don’t exist,” Bucky snapped. “If it’s going to eat us, does species really matter?”
“The species doesn’t matter,” Tony said. “What matters is that it’s a robot. I don’t think we’ve gone back in time at all. I think we went forward.”
Bucky stared at him. “I fail to see how this is an improvement in any way.” Probably worse, honestly. Dinosaurs were at least skin and bone and nerve endings. And most living things were afraid of fire.
“Dinosaurs are your department, sweetheart,” Tony said. “Robots are mine. Get in the cave and stay out of its sight.” Without waiting for a response, he launched into the air, a wide, spiraling path that would take him around the dinosaur-robot-thing a few times before he reached the level of its head.
Bucky slid into the shadows where he could still watch, sighing. “If you bring back a giant dino-shaped robot from the future as a pet and say ‘can we keep it’ I promise you, Steve is gonna kill you.”
“Not if my pet dino-robot eats him first,” Tony said cheerfully, even as he swerved to avoid the thing’s lunging bite. He dipped and spun and wound up clinging to the dino-robot’s back.
The dino-robot was extremely unamused by the sudden disappearance of its prey. It whirled and snapped, clipping several branches as big around as Bucky’s arm with all the ease of a hedge-trimmer.
Tony was muttering under his breath, technical terms that made no sense even when Bucky knew what they meant, because they weren’t connected to each other, just little fragments of sentences and thoughts, punctuated with occasional grunts as the dinosaur made various attempts to dislodge him.
“You got an EMP grenade?” he called down after what seemed like hours and was probably no more than a minute or two.
Bucky stuffed his left hand into his satchel, the sensor array in his fingertips cataloging his equipment neatly. “Two. You want me to throw it, or lend it to ya?” EMP grenades were pretty good against Doombots, their occasional throw downs with raging maniacs like Doc Ock, and more than a few times against the US military who had a perpetual boner for shooting at the Hulk.
“Toss it up here,” Tony said. “This thing runs on a-- oof! --slightly different frequency than the ones we’re used to, I need to do a mod.”
“I don’t know about you, smart-guy,” Bucky said. He dashed across the clearing, rolling when he got to the far side, “but I am not used to giant robo-dinosaurs.” He threw the grenade with such precision that Tony only had to hold out his hand to be able to catch it.
“Perfect, good throw,” Tony said, because he was consistently amazed at Bucky’s aim. (And Clint’s, if Bucky had to be honest.) He let go of the dinosaur’s back and shot up higher into the sky, just out of its reach, hovering in the air as he retracted one gauntlet and started fiddling with the grenade.
After snapping uselessly at Tony a few times, the dino seemed to realize there was something else under its feet. A large snout bent down to snort at Bucky, who promptly punched it in the nose with his left arm. “Bad dino-bot, no biting,” Bucky scolded. The snout didn’t even seem damaged. Crap, that was probably bad.
The dino-bot did not smell like a robot. It smelled like rotting meat, probably the result of whatever it had caught in its teeth.
“Almost done!” Tony called. “Hang in there!”
“Whatever you’re doing, do it faster!”
The dino-bot made another lunge for Bucky that he was barely able to dodge by diving behind a large tree. And then he had to roll out of the way again when the dino’s attack knocked the tree over.
The dino roared again. Why did a robot have to roar? That seemed entirely unnecessary.
But as it did, Tony swooped down and chucked the EMP into its mouth, then dropped the rest of the way to the ground to get between it and Bucky. “--two, one.”
“You make a pretty good shield,” Bucky muttered, putting his shoulder to Tony’s spine. They’d discovered a few times, the hard way, that the arm wasn’t always too great at dealing with EMPs either, but the suit made for a good Faraday cage.
The dino-robot closed its mouth, made an entirely biological hiccup sound, and then--
The mouth dropped open.
Very slowly, the dino-bots legs folded--
And it fell over, crushing more trees and wrecking the landscape.
“Well, that’s that, then,” Tony said. “Unless, of course, there are more of them out there. We should probably work on finding a way home so we can kick Thanos’ butt.” 
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 10 Roundup!
We’re getting closer to our first round of handing out badges!  We are keeping track of fills on our spreadsheets, and that is why it’s so important for you to add your fill information for every fill you post, everywhere you post it.
For a refresher, this is what we need every time.
Title: Collaborator(s): Link (AO3, Tumblr, Pillowfort, Dreamwidth, DeviantArt, etc.):  Square Filled (Letter AND Number AND Prompt): Ship/Main Pairing: Rating (Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit): Major Tags/Triggers: Summary: Word Count (if applicable):
The Tumblr mod gets reeeeeeally annoyed when you leave any of this info off your post, because then she has to go searching for it.  Don’t do that to her.  It’s rude.
Now, go enjoy the fills from this week!
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Title: America's Ass[Hole] Collaborator: ceealaina Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C5 - Retirement Ship: Bucky/Sam/Steve Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops and Cafes Summary: Steve and Bucky have been together for years – and they’ve been crushing on Sam for nearly as long. Turns out all they needed to seduce him were some inappropriate comments about doughnuts, an asshole customer, and one of Steve’s famous ‘Captain America’ tirades. Word Count: 1854
Title: End Of All Days - Chapter 15: Part XIV Collaborator: Minka Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 – Never Again Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: graphic violence, PTSD Summary: Captain Steve Rogers had thought his military days were behind him, left in the bloody nightmare that was Saigon. Retired and working as a History Professor, the last thing he expected was to get caught up in a cataclysmic Slavic prophesy foreshadowing the end of the known world. With Cold War tensions running high, Steve finds himself in need of a guide and translator to get him behind the Iron Curtain and into the isolated snowdrifts of Siberia. It’s deep in the heart of Bucharest’s resistance fighters that Steve finds the ideal candidate, but swaying the enigmatic ex-operative known as The Winter Soldier proves to be complicated. Trust is hard-won, especially in the world of espionage, and with a KGB death squad nipping at his heels, the Soldier has countless reasons to stay presumably dead. As the lines between right, wrong and the supernatural begin to blur, Steve is forced to reconsider everything he’s ever believed, right from the sanctity of his own country to the very foundations of creation itself. --- Aka the Indiana Jones/Atomic Blonde lovechild of a fic that literally no one ever asked for but you’re bloody well going to get anyway. Word Count: 68,387
Title: When We Get Out Of Hell Collaborator: seibelsays Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - Canon: Earth-616 Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: Team as Family, Bucky Barnes Recovering Summary: Bucky promised his friends that when the war was over, they would celebrate. Word Count: 2131
Title: Art for The Winter Witcher Collaborator: feignedsobriquet Link: Tumblr Square Filled:  K4 - AU: Fantasy World Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: fanart for 27dragons and tisfan’s Winter Witcher
Title: a day of fun with bucky and clint Collaborator: jurassicworjd Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Shopping Together Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: slight swearing Summary: Steve thinks Bucky should socialize more, which somehow leads to Clint dragging Bucky out of the tower for a shopping trip. Word Count: 2575
Title: Date Night Collaborator: squadrickchestopher Link: AO3 Square Filled: Kink: Lingerie Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content Summary: Clint doesn’t answer. He’s staring at Bucky’s legs, clad in dark stockings. As Bucky watches, he sinks to his knees and reverently reaches out, running a hand up Bucky’s calf. He skims over the garter belt straps, over to where they disappear under the purple panties, all the way up to where the straps attach to the lace part of the camisole. His thumb smooths over one of the little purple bows and he swallows roughly, the movement of his throat visible in the dim light of the kitchen. “Baby,” he finally says, voice faint. He looks up at Bucky’s face. “Did you wear all this for me?” Word Count: 8610
Title: Retirement Farm Collaborator: writing-what-writing Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C4 - retirement Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Bucky retires from avenging and starts a farm Word Count: 1477
Title: You’re the only place that feels like home - Chapter 1: Of all the things I´ve lost, I miss my mind the most Collaborator: LilMissAwesome Link: AO3 Square Filled: B5 - AU: No Powers Ship: WinterIron Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: ABO Summary: Due to a new law, that doesn´t allow Omegas to sign contracts anymore, Tony Stark finds himself in the need of an Alpha roommate - with emphasis on the "mate" part. Lucky for him that Bucky Barnes is also looking for a place to stay... Word Count: 1372
Title: Poker Night at the Casino Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U3 - poker night Ship: Tony & Bucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, gambling Summary: poker moodboard
Title: What About Us? - Chapter 2 Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Sex Friends Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: A/B/O dynamics, Alpha x Alpha Summary: It’s the morning after and Bucky wasn’t expecting this. Word Count: 4006
Title: Man On Man Collaborator: grimeysociety Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Kink: Oral Sex Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Brief Mention ofPeriod-Typical Homophobia Summary: They’d been kissing for only a few days, it still felt new, but he’d thought about it often enough, memories coming up from the recesses of his mind, and he’d drool – honest to God drool – thinking about what he wanted Steve to do to him. Word Count: 1155
Title: The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 1: The Beginning Collaborator: fightingforcreativity, rebelmeg Link: AO3 Squares Filled: C5 - Mind Control/ Brainwashing (fightingforcreativity) B5 - scars (rebelmeg) Ship: Bucky & Natasha Rating: Mature Major Tags: Hydra, Red Room, brainwashing, trauma, child abuse Summary: The Asset has been here before. He knows because they don’t keep their words to themselves. But there are other signs as well. Like the cowering children and the red-haired girl that looks at him like she knows him. Word Count: 931
Title: you don't want to fool around; you just want to lie in my arms Collaborator: flintrage Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - Takeout / Pizza. Ship: Teen Rating: Stucky Major Tags: fluff Summary:  Sometimes one of you doesn't feel like fucking, and that's okay. You can make feet jokes and order pizza instead, and be just as happy. Word Count: 391
Title: the gods think differently from us Collaborator: flintrage Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Team Dynamics Ship: None Rating: Gen Major Tags: not Loki positive Summary: People on the internet seem to think Loki would make a good addition to the Avengers. The Avengers disagree. Word Count: 305
Title: There are angels, and then there are ANGELS Collaborator: flintrage Link: AO3 Square Filled:  C4 - “Dyin’ ain’t so bad.” Ship: None Rating: Teen Major Tags: near death experience Summary: Bucky almost dies. A pair of angels stop it from happening. Word Count: 443
Title: The Name You Gave Me - Chapter 3: A Taste Of Freedom Collaborator: rebelmeg Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - Asset on the loose Ship: Bucky & Natasha Rating: Mature Major Tags: Hydra, Red Room, brainwashing, trauma, child abuse Summary:  One last demonstration for the Winter Soldier's pupils goes horribly wrong. Freedom is so close, for both of them. Natalia had planned it all, and the As���no, Yasha, had just followed her call. Word Count: 3388
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heamarvel · 5 years
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The Christmas Unicorn
Link: Fic and art found here on AO3 Author: 27dragons, tisfan Art: Monobuu Tumblr: @tisfan @27dragons @monobuu
Ship: Bucky x Tony Rating: E Achievement badges earned: Prompt 6, WinterIron, 20k+ words, Art, Baking or cooking, Non-abled character, NSFW, Stories from childhood, Mod special: Tiara (banner created by the amazing @kocuria​ )
Summary: Tony doesn't begrudge anyone else their enjoyment of the holiday season; he just wants to be left out of it. He's never really seen the point. Bucky's usually all for it, but a disaster at work that forced him to cancel his plans to travel with his family have left him feeling a little curmudgeonly. The two meet and bond over their shared lack of interest in the holidays.
When Tony unexpectedly finds himself taking care of a pair of kids who rather emphatically expect Christmas to be Done Right, he finds himself turning to Bucky for help.
Masterpost | Other award posts | Part of the Holiday Movie Challenge 2019 collection
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eirlyssa · 5 years
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My masterpost, containing all of my fills for the @tonystarkbingo. I got a blackout!!!
Before continuing on to the list, though (which can be found underneath the 'read more'-line because it's kinda long), I would first like to thank the amazing mods who have made this *amazing* experience possible. Tisfan, Buu, Meg, Nix, Panda, Ali - I love you all, and thank you *so* much for organizing all of this!!!
S1 - Never Let Me Go [Chapter 2 - And I'm Going Under], WinterIron As they continue meeting up at night, Tony and Bucky grow closer. Then they find out that they can actually sleep when they're together, and really, what else is there to do but cuddle as they finally find some peace? Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Asexuality, panic attacks, Tony’s bad coping methods
S2 - Coming Together (Falling Apart) [Chapter 2], Gen team fic Steve wasn't quite sure how to get out of this situation, but he did figure their best chance was if they did it together. Not everyone seems to agree with that. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Non-graphic torture, canon-typical violence
S3 - Force (Be With Us), Gen team fic, pre-WinterIron When Padawan Steev loses his Master to what seems like an accident, he and his friends gather... and find out there is a lot more going on than they'd ever expected. In the end, it's Tho'ny who comes up with a solution that will turn their lives around. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Implied/referenced child abuse
S4 - Bad Blood, Gen fic When Gregory appeared, claiming to be the son of Howard Stark, Tony couldn't help but think this would not be going anywhere good. And as it turned out, he was right. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Vague mentions of canon violence
S5 - Redeemed, Gen drabble Tony works on the Iron Man armor as he thinks. Rating: Gen Warnings: None
T1 - Coming Together (Falling Apart) [Chapter 1], Gen team fic Steve wasn't quite sure how to get out of this situation, but he did figure their best chance was if they did it together. Not everyone seems to agree with that. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Non-graphic torture, canon-typical violence
T2 - Always (I'll be there), WinterIron This was their first Valentine's day together, and they both wanted it to be perfect. Which was also why Bucky worried when Tony didn't show up for their planned date. Despite everyone else telling him that's just what happens with Tony, even if he doesn't mean to, Bucky refused to believe that Tony actually forgot. Turns out, he's right. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Canon-typical violence, brief mention of underage (Tony/Sunset)
T3 - Never Let Me Go [Chapter 3 - All This Devotion], WinterIron As they continue meeting up at night, Tony and Bucky grow closer. Then they find out that they can actually sleep when they're together, and really, what else is there to do but cuddle as they finally find some peace? Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Asexuality, panic attacks, Tony’s bad coping methods
T4 - Got Me So Crazy In Love, WinterIron moodboard based on Alice in Wonderland Rating: Gen Warnings: mentions of insanity
T5 - Coming Together (Falling Apart) [Chapter 4], Gen team fic Steve wasn't quite sure how to get out of this situation, but he did figure their best chance was if they did it together. Not everyone seems to agree with that. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Non-graphic torture, canon-typical violence
A1 - One Call Away, pre-WinterIron When Tony notices he's being followed on his way home, he calls Rhodey to help him out. Except it turns out he didn't, not quite. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Some canon-typical violence
A2 - I Won't Give Up On Us [Chapter 1 - Look Into Your Eyes], ThunderIron When a marriage is finally arranged for the crown Prince of Asgard, his wife-to-be isn't what Thor had expected. He is far, far better. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Genderfluid character, gender dysphoria
A3 - Show Me The Stars, WinterIron With his followers asking him to review a specific movie, Bucky finds that he needs to call in some help for the more scientific parts of it. Fortunately, there's this guy whose YouTube channel he's been following... Rating: Gen Warnings: None
A4 - In My Sights (With These Hungry Eyes), WinterIron moodboard Werewolf Bucky sees Tony, laughing, for the first time across the room at the supernatural bar he’s visiting, and he’s instantly enchanted. Werewolves really only mate once, after all, and they tend to know their intended mate by sight. Now if only Tony would get with the program… Rating: Gen Warnings: None
A5 - Coming Together (Falling Apart) [Chapter 3], Gen team fic Steve wasn't quite sure how to get out of this situation, but he did figure their best chance was if they did it together. Not everyone seems to agree with that. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Non-graphic torture, canon-typical violence
R1 - Gave You My Heart [Chapter 3 - Open Up My Eyes], post-CW Team Iron Man, pre-WinterIron The five times Tony developed Hanahaki disease, because as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't stop loving the wrong people.(When the Rogues come back, they're in for a surprise.) Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Team Iron Man, critical of Team Cap, Hanahaki reimagined, mentions of canon-typical violence, dissociation
R2 - Lullaby In Binary, Gen Tony & DUM-E DUM-E will take care of his creator, even when said creator is being stubborn about it. Rating: Gen Warnings: None
R3 - Reminder, Gen drabble Tony has a tattoo to help him get through the rough moments. Rating: Gen Warnings: None
R4 - Loneliness Can't Touch Me (When You Are), WinterIron moodboard Rating: Gen Warnings: None
R5 - Gave You My Heart [Chapter 1 - Running In Circles], post-CW Team Iron Man, pre-WinterIron The five times Tony developed Hanahaki disease, because as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't stop loving the wrong people.(When the Rogues come back, they're in for a surprise.) Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Team Iron Man, critical of Team Cap, Hanahaki reimagined, mentions of canon-typical violence, dissociation
K1 - Tale As Old As Time [Chapter 1 - Neither One Prepared], WinterIron Once upon a time... A young prince, an elaborate spell, and a soldier who just wanted to help his friend and ended up in a fairytale he never could've imagined. Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Vague references to war, Bucky’s missing arm, and eventually Tony’s childhood
K2 - Never Let Me Go [Chapter 1 - The Place To Rest My Head], WinterIron As they continue meeting up at night, Tony and Bucky grow closer. Then they find out that they can actually sleep when they're together, and really, what else is there to do but cuddle as they finally find some peace? Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Asexuality, panic attacks, Tony’s bad coping methods
K3 - Recover, Gen drabble Tony muses about Howard, and the things he learned from him - for the better and for the worse. Rating: Gen Warnings: Vaguely mentions Howard Stark’s bad parenting
K4 - Gave You My Heart [Chapter 2 - Know I've Made It Home], post-CW Team Iron Man, pre-WinterIron The five times Tony developed Hanahaki disease, because as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't stop loving the wrong people.(When the Rogues come back, they're in for a surprise.) Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Team Iron Man, critical of Team Cap, Hanahaki reimagined, mentions of canon-typical violence, dissociation
K5 - Guide Me Home (Guard My Heart) WinterIron moodboard Rating: Gen Warnings: None (for the moodboard)
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dracusfyre · 5 years
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Here is my Masterpost for the 2019 Round of the @tonystarkbingo! Thank you to all the mods for a great experience, and I am very excited for the next round!!
Title: Tesserae Square: S1: Never Meant to Hurt You Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary: For the ImagineTonyandBucky prompt (I've waited two months for this I'm so excited) Post CW—Imagine a pining Bucky picking up on how Tony seems genuinely relaxed and comfortable (dare he say happy?) around Bucky, and being really, really excited about it... then noticing how Tony minutely flinches, shies away from, and is generally afraid of Steve. Which Steve notices of course, and feels terrible about it. Imagine Bucky trying to help fix things between them like they've both helped fix him. Sometimes when things are broken all you can do is find a new way to be...though that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19268848/chapters/45825247
Title:  The Pull of the Past Square: T1: Misunderstandings Warning: No Archive Warnings, TW for Panic Attacks Pairing: Tony Stark & Dr Stephen Strange Summary:   Stephen has Tony come over to fix a sink and things go very sideways. Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/17770640
Title: Take My Hand (Don’t Fear the Reaper)  Square: R1: Crossover Warning: Major Character Death, technically. Tony Stark is a Ghost. Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary:  After Afghanistan tony became a part-time grim reaper assigned to the winter soldier, since Bucky has a messed up head he can see tony. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18475756/chapters/43776208
Title: Tinker Techie Soldier Spy Square: S2: AU Cop/Detective/FBI Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary: Tony is sure (pretty sure) that the new guy James is a spy for a rival police captain, and he’s not going to let little things like a dimpled chin or a world-class ass or a great personality stand in the way of his investigation.Well, he’ll try not to. His best friends certainly aren’t helping; Rhodey has washed his hands of the whole thing and Natasha is on the sidelines watching with popcorn. But he’s determined to figure out this spy thing and then he’ll be able to prove that James is up to something more nefarious than just being criminally good looking. Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/20153308/chapters/47744983
Title: Apotheosis Square: T1: Picture (Tony Stark with a Gauntlet) Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark & Loki & Bucky Barnes Summary: Tony could sense the self-satisfied murmur of computer from across the room and the inquisitive trilling of the cameras in front of him. Which, he knew on an intellectual level, should feel strange. It should be weird that he can hear electronics talking to themselves and taste electricity like mint on his tongue, but it didn’t feel weird. At this point he was just rolling with it and saving the freakout for later; he also wasn’t discounting the possibility that he was, in fact, losing his mind. Tony Stark comes out of Afghanistan with powers he doesn't understand and the determination to make the most of the second chance he'd been given. Even though he saves the world (a lot), the most important thing he does may be when he gives others that same second chance. Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18684448/chapters/44310397
Title: To Think I Saw It  MOD FILL by @tisfan Square: A2: Unreliable Narrator  Warning:  None  Pairing: Morgan Stark & Tony Stark Summary:  Morgan needs to build a robot to dig for treasure while she keeps a look-out for bears. And who is the best person to help her with that task? Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19876126
Title: Fancy Meeting You Here Square: S3 Holding Hands Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark/Eddie Brock/Venom Summary:  Eddie sees an unexpected person from his past and decides to give him a hand, which turns into dinner, which turns into an unexpected reunion of a different kind. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17733776/chapters/41839076
Title: Cheesy One Liners Square: A3 Free Space Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary:  For the ITAB prompt Imagine Tony walking up to Bucky in a bar and saying the most cheesy pick-up line ever in a jokingly flirty way, and Bucky likes it (and him) and flirts back seriously. (no powers au) Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/19421329
Title: Tony Stark’s Guide to Being a Functional Adult Square: R3 Deep Throating Warning: No Archive Warnings, TW for Ableist language Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary:   For the ImagineTonyandBucky prompt: Imagine Tony getting disowned by Howard before starting his second PhD and start working at Bucky's mechanic shop part time. Getting together shenanigans ensue. Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/18230297/chapters/43132445
Title: Close but No Cigar Square: T4 Spy, Secret Agent, Assassin, or Hitman Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary: For the ITAB prompt maybe you could write something where Tony is kidnapped & the villain tries to force Tony into something or makes a move, but then Bucky arrives just in time & there’s a heartfelt reunion. For some reason, bad guys still think its a clever idea to kidnap Tony and try to make him do things he doesn't want to. The one who planned said kidnapping for Tony's wedding...well. The less said about that the better. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19879267
Title: Fancy Meeting You Here (Ch 2) Square: R4 Date Night Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark/Eddie Brock/Venom Summary:  Eddie sees an unexpected person from his past and decides to give him a hand, which turns into dinner, which turns into an unexpected reunion of a different kind. Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/17733776/chapters/41839076
Title: James Barnes, Entertainment Specialist Square: S5 Wedding Fic Warning: None Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Summary:  Bucky meets a mysterious man while he's working at a wedding and gets a little bit- okay, maybe a lot -swept off his feet, both literally and figuratively. Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/19858885
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
Wait- I thought the bingo doesn’t need signing up? What is the signup for the Mark VIV bingo and how is it different from the flash bingo? (I read the FAQ and I’m still confused this is my first time doing a bingo ;-;)
The Flash Bingo, which is 5 prompts in a single row, does not need sign ups. Mark IV Bingo -- Round Four, which we’ve altered the name slightly since both Round 3 and 4 are going to be in 2020, and we didn’t want to get fills mixed up -- is a full bingo (24 prompts and one free space). Sign ups will be open tomorrow to get your card personalized and your fill preferences (there are questions for tropes and preferences and do not wants) Sign ups also allow you to be able to swap out some card squares if you don’t like them.
You don’t have to sign up; at any time between when signups close and a month before the round ends, you can request a generic SFW or NSFW card Mod Tisfan
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marvelfanrecs · 7 years
This blog’s purpose
To promote Marvel fanfic and fanfic writers by providing reviews of fanfiction pieces and recommend them to our readers.
Recommended lists may appear here as well, but mostly we want to concentrate on more specific reviews; what we liked about the fic and why, digging into characterization, themes, and plot. We’re kinda under construction at the moment, so expect the appearances and whatnot to change as we figure out what our plans are.
If you’ve read a good fic and want to recommend it, please feel free to submit a review.
What this blog is NOT
A bashing site. No negative reviews will be posted; we want to help find people stuff to read they like, shine a spotlight on authors whose works we enjoy. We’re not here to drag anybody down. 
All reviews will have the rating of the fic posted (or try) but the site itself is open to anyone, so while mature and explicit fics will certainly be reviewed, there will be no overtly explicit commentary on this blog
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blinded-and-bloody · 6 years
Just wanted to let you know that we're pretty sure you're in the other bingo, Iron Man, not the Tony Stark Bingo. That's not our card you've displayed and I don't have your name on our roles. No worries, just want to make sure you get credit for the right event. ~mod tisfan
.... Wow I feel fucking stupid. Thanks for letting me know. 
[And for a moment I felt smart, ha ha ha...] 
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cap-ironman · 7 years
2017 Cap-Ironman Exchange Gifts unveiled on December 26th
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Today we start the unveiling of gifts! Each day we will be revealing the gifts created by participants of the 2017 Cap-Ironman Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts. Over the next days the creators’ identities will be hidden. On January 7th, we will reveal all of the creators who participated this year. Here are today’s gifts! Unmade for Kiyaar (616, 3600 words) “He looked exactly like you,” Tony hears himself say. “I knew it wasn’t you, but he looked like you, so I believed he wouldn’t hurt me.” Why is he telling Steve that? “He told me you loved me,” Tony continues. Maybe he just wants it all to hurt. Maybe if it hurts enough, it’ll finally end once and for all. All I Want For Christmas for Mozzarella (MCU, 6300 words) It's the Christmas season, and all Steve wants is a little privacy. All Tony wants is a date. All thanks to Justin Hammer- Wait, what?? for adarksweetness (MCU, 2900 words) Tony ends up for auction at a charity ball. Steve ends up with a ticket. But with both boys smitten and unable to address it, well, that leads to complications. Which leads to this story. All the Difference in the World for Lunatical (Avengers Academy, 7200 words) It's Tony's luck that on his first date with Steve away from the Academy, they end up abducted by AIM agents and it looks like their boss just might reveal Tony's big secret. Ribot’s Law for Winterstar (MCU, 19600 words) Steve Rogers doesn't know he's Captain America. The ice erased his memories. It's up to Tony to convince him. And teach him how to be Captain America again. Soulmates for lazywriter7 (Ultimates, art) (art; no summary) This town ain't big enough (for the lot of us) for Cap Iron Man Community (Multi, 1400 words) For the prompt: Identity Porn+Multiverse. Two Steve's from different universes get into a fight over which of their crushes is better: Tony Stark or Iron Man. A Wish Your Heart Makes for Cap Iron Man Community (Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), 2000 words) A fill for the Community prompt "Tony Stark: disney princess and friend to all living things." Conditioning for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, NSFW art) Fill for the prompt: Tony has some wild, possibly dub-conny sex with Winter Soldier!
To check out all of this year’s gifts (so far!), head over to the 2017 Captain America/Iron Man Holiday Exchange. When your gift is revealed, please be sure to comment and thank your gifter! We’ll be announcing all the gifts for today on Dreamwidth, and you can share the tumblr post with everyone! Thanks, FestiveFerret, Laire, Navaan, Salma, and Tisfan Your Cap-Ironman Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts 2017 mods
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
How about Bucky takes tony to a fair for a date/his birthday cos Tony's never been to one before and bucky using sniper and assassin skills wins everything tony wants, plus getting trapped on the ferris wheel at the top and lots of kisses
[A/N: Happy Steve Rogers’ Birthday, everyone! In celebration, @tisfan and @everyworldneedslove have written this mostly-fluff side-fic prompt fill to go along with their much longer fic, Safe and (the) Sound! This one is still long enough that normally we’d split it into pieces here on IT&B, but in celebration, our benevolent mod/admin has agreed to let us post the whole thing at once! Chapter One is posted here; if you like it, there’s a link at the end to go to the rest of the fic on AO3. Or if you’d rather read the whole thing on AO3 (for instance, if you’re on mobile and the readmore is misbehaving AGAIN), the title just below this note is linked as well.]
Lord of the Swings, Chapter One
Tonywasn’t really a morning person, but there were a few ways to wakeup that he didn’t mind. Bucky bringing him a mug of fresh coffee.Bucky nibbling at the back of his neck, hand sliding lazily overTony’s skin. Bucky singing ridiculous 80’s pop under his breathas he pulled on jeans to go out on the deck for his morning smoke.
Couldhe help it, if all his favorite ways to wake up involved hisboyfriend? Bucky had alreadybeenabout the best part of Tony’s mornings.
Dogslobber, that was notonTony’s list of favorite ways to be woken.
“Ug,Lucky, stop, gross, get off,” he whined, pushing at the lump of furthat was panting hot dog breath into his face. Satisfied that Tonywas awake, Lucky jumped down off the bed. Tony shoved off theblankets and sat up, scratching at his neck where one of Bucky’slove-bites was healing and itchy. He leaned over to squint at thealarm clock. “Ughhh,” he complained again, and glared at the dog.“You’re awful.”
Lucky’stongue lolled out in a canine grin.
Tonysighed and climbed out of the bed. He didn’t bother with pants,just shuffled down the hall to the bathroom. Emptied his bladder,washed his hands, splashed his face. Checked out his reflection as hebrushed his teeth. None of last night’s bites and hickeys were highenough that he’d need to borrow Nat’s concealer, at least. Hegrinned at them, and decided he could wait to shower and shave untilafter coffee.
Buckywas already in the tiny kitchen, humming and dancing as he cookedsomething. Tony dropped a smacking kiss on his shoulder beforereaching for the full mug Bucky had left on the counter. “Morning,”he said into the first sip.
Insteadof dancing impatiently by the front door, Lucky was sitting at theentrance to the kitchen, watching Bucky with all the attention in theworld, waiting for something to drop. “You already walked him?”Tony said in surprise. “Christ, how long have you been up?”
“‘Boutan hour, or so,” Bucky said. He flicked his gaze over to Tony, thenpaused, noting the marks with a wry grin. “The sunrise was realpretty… not that you haven’t already given me your opinion onsunrises, so I didn’t wake you.” That had happened, Bucky’sdesire to be romantic running smack into Tony’s utter loathing forthe crack of dawn. Sometimes, Tony thought, his boyfriend wasabsolutely the worst;beingnudged awake to watch the sun come up had seemed more like apunishment than a special event. It was funny now, though.
“Youdo realize that we literally work until almost midnight, most nights.We’re allowed to sleep past six in the morning,” Tony said,hiding his smile in his mug. “What’ve we got planned-- Wait, it’sthe Fourth. Day off, hot damn.”
[mobile users, ‘ware the readmore!]
Buckyshrugged. “I just can’t, anymore,” he said. “Get twitchy if Ilay around too long, an’ you were sleeping.” He flipped thepancakes onto a plate and moved the griddle off the burner. “Here,blueberry pancakes, bacon, and… well, it was going to be an omelet,but pizza dog nudged me at the wrong time, so scrambled eggs withsome add-ins.”
Tonytook the plate and stole a kiss. “Sleeping in and coffee andbreakfast?I think I’ll keep you.” He fished a fork out of the drawer andtook his plate and coffee out to sit on the sofa to eat. Bucky had alittle dinette table and chairs, but if Tony sat on the sofa, Buckywas more likely to come and sit next to him.
Buckyfried up one last batch of bacon and recovered his own plate from theoven where he’d been keeping it warm. “Wait, Lucky,” he said,pushing at the dog. “It’s hot, you stupid mutt.” Lucky sat backdown, then heaved a great sigh and trotted over to give Tony greatbig sad eyes of starvation. “You’ll want to eat all that. Busyday today. An’ the food’s gonna be expensive. And notparticularly good, at that.”
“Captiveaudience food,” Tony agreed. He broke off a piece of bacon andtossed it for Lucky, then dug in, himself. “When’re we leaving?”
“Parkopens at ten, so,” Bucky flicked his eyes at the clock. “Ninetyminutes, give or take. Steve’ll be champing at the bit, but there’sthis time delay between when the parkopensand when the rides get started, a fact that after so many years,you’d think he’d learn, but oh, no… and he’ll get real loudin the park if he can’t get his vertigo on right away.” Buckyrolled his eyes. Steve was a champion rant-and-raver, when he gotgoing.
Tonylaughed and shrugged. “It’s his party, he can bitch if he wantsto?”
“Mmmmhmmm.”Bucky made a noise of agreement, rolling up one pancake and stuffingthe whole thing in his mouth, returning his plate to an elevatedstate to keep it away from the dog. “Spoiled.” He handed hisplate to Tony. “Guard that for a minute, would you?” He brushedcrumbs off his shirt, which Lucky promptly attacked. Bucky checkedthe bacon and dumped a few strips and some scrambled eggs intoLucky’s bowl and sat it on the floor.
“There,greedy thing,” he said, patting the dog fondly. “Probably a goodthing he doesn’t speak English, he’d be all sorts of confused.”Bucky threw himself back down on the sofa and while he recovered hisplate from Tony, he didn’t eat, just sort of watched Tony sidelongas he twiddled his fork in one hand.
“What?”Tony demanded after a bit. “Is my hair all sticking up again?” Heshoved his fingers through it, trying to make it less fluffy.
Buckyleaned over, crowding into Tony’s space, his eyes glinting withinterest. Easily, he divested Tony of his plate, setting it down onthe battered coffee table. With an almost predatory motion, like astarving vampire, he swooped in on Tony’s throat and licked overone bruise there. “God, you’re so…” Bucky said somethingelse, but as his lips were moving over Tony’s throat, it was alittle difficult to concentrate.
Tonytipped his head, letting Bucky in, sinking into the sensation.“Nnngh, you’re going to be the death of me,” he groaned,dropping his fork so he could slip his fingers into Bucky’s hair.
“Can’thelp it,” Bucky said. He trailed his mouth up the side of Tony’sjaw and then planted a very light kiss on his lower lip. “You’rejust… tempting.” He backed off again, taking a bite of eggs andtrying to pretend that he wasn’t still ogling.
Tonysighed and picked up his fork again. “Don’t you dare make me walkaround this place all day with a hard-on,” he warned. “There arechildren there. Impressionable young children.”
“Whoare not the slightest bit interested in what’s going on in yourpants,” Bucky pointed out. He polished off his eggs and pulled on avery prim and proper attitude. “But I’ll keep my hands tomyself.”
Tonydidn’t believe that for a hot second, but Bucky might give him timeto finish breakfast, at least. “As you should,” he said primly.“Except in the Tunnel of Love, of course.”
“Theydon’t actually have one of those,” Bucky said. “Shame, that. Isuppose we could--” But whatever it was that they could have donegot lost as Nat’s little commuter car pulled into the lot and Stevelaid on the horn. Which might have been more annoying, except thecar’s horn was barely louder than a kid’s bike. Meep! Meeeeeeeep!Meep. “Well, so much for that idea.”
Tonyblinked, and leaned to look out the window. “You said ninetyminutes!” he said. “I’m still in my boxers!”
Buckyleered. “I’d noticed that. I said we’d leave in ninety minutes.Go shower, I’ll delay the birthday boy.” He swatted Tony’s assas Tony scurried for the shower, muttering and complaining the wholeway.
Tonyrushed through the fastest shower ever -- not like he wasn’t goingto be drenched in sweat again by the time mid-day rolled around, hemostly just needed to rinse off the evidence of last night’s funand get his beard soft enough to shave. He didn’t rush shaving --he’d done that before and the results were worse than if he skippedit altogether. And if the park didn’t open until ten, then theycould wait five more minutes.
Finally,wearing shorts and his thinnest white tee -- it was going to bebroiling, no way was he wearing something dark or jeans -- he duckedout the door and jogged down the stairs to the parking lot. “Youare in a very big hurry to stand in line,” he observed to Stevewith a grin. “Happy birthday.”
“Youare too pale,” Nat complained. She frowned at him, then pulled abottle of spray sunblock out of her backpack. “Come here, beforeyou turn into a crawdad.” She proceeded to attack him with thespray-on, which smelled weird and kept getting caught up in thebreeze, which meant he got sunscreen in his mouth. Yuck.
Natstarted digging through her bag again, handing Tony stuff as if hisnumber one job in life was to be her portable shelf. “Bandaids,chapstick, granola bars, ziplock bags, hand sanitizer. Oh, here,you’ll want this.” She frowned, realized Tony had his arms fullof her crap, and sighed. “Useless.” She snagged Tony’ssunglasses and fitted a bright orange strap onto them before stickingthem haphazardly on his head.   
“Um.”Tony looked at Bucky, but Bucky just shrugged and grinned at him.Tony sighed and just waited for her to finish fussing. It was Nat; itwas easier, always, to just let her have her way. It usually turnedout that she was right, anyway.
“Canwe go now?” Steve said, looking at his watch. Tony hadn’t seen itbefore; Steve usually didn’t wear any jewelry while in the kitchen.It was heavy gold with a well-scratched face and looked like the sortthat actually had to be wound. “If we get there by nine-thirty,we’ll get to park in England.”
“It’sthe 4th of July,” Bucky pointed out, like Steve didn’t alreadyknow that. “We’re parking in Italy and you know it. Just suck itup.”
“Thisis why I think we should get a hotel,” Steve said. “We could getstarted firstthing.”
Buckyslid his sunglasses onto his nose for the sole purpose of being ableto glare at Steve over the lenses. “No, we can’t. Relax. The parkain’t goin’ nowhere.”
Tonyturned to Nat. “Is this bickering going to stop once we’reactually there, or is this pretty much how the whole day is going togo? I just want to be prepared.”
Natpacked her stuff back into her bag and gave Tony a wide, somewhatsharp-toothed grin. “Worse. It will get worse.” She linked herarm with Tony’s. “I claim Antonishka for bumper cars, just so youare aware, Bucky.”
“Doyou?” Tony asked. “You’ve never seen me drive.”
Shepatted his hand. “But I have seen them drive. Both of them. Believeme, I am safer with you.”
Buckyscoffed. “Keep that up, woman, and I will veto eating at theFesthaus this year.”
Natglared. “You will not dare do that.” She turned to Tony, excited.“They have cake! The size of your head!”
“Nobody’sgetting any cake unless we getgoing!”Steve protested.
Buckysighed and gave it up, unlocking his truck. “Pass, please?” Nathanded him a badge attached to a lanyard. Bucky tossed it on thedashboard and climbed into the driver’s seat.
Tonyopened both passenger doors and gestured grandly. “Waiting on you,now,” he told Steve, smirking.
Stevescoffed, but climbed into the truck behind Tony. “Can you move yourseat up?” Tony continued to be amazed that Steve fit in thatcommuter car of Nat’s because he could already feel Steve’s kneesdigging into the back of his seat.
Tonyalmost said no, just to be a smartass, but it was the man’sbirthday, after all. He’d half been expecting Steve to call shotgunand push Tony into the back with Nat. So he groped for the lever andyanked the seat as far forward as his own knees could stand. “That’llhave to do.”
“Stevegets first pick,” Bucky said, tossing his CD book into the back,then threw the truck into gear and spun out, churning a huge plume ofgravel behind him as he peeled out of the parking lot. “BuschGardens: bad food, long lines, and sunburn, here we come.”
Stevethumbed through the collection and finally selected a CD, handing itup. “This,” he said.
Buckyglanced at the disk. “Oh, god,” he said, then shoved it into theplayer.
JustinTimberlake started bringing the Sexy Back as Bucky pulled onto theinterstate and headed north.
Natsnagged a map and started poring over the show schedule just as oneof the roaming park photographers hounded in on Tony to get them allto pose for a picture in front of the wishing fountain. Two “sayVacation!”s and two clicks later, Bucky put the paper claim sheetin his pocket. Might be funny; the second picture they’d allmanaged to get rabbit ears up behind Steve -- Tony was actuallystanding on the lip of the fountain and leaning on Bucky’sshoulders to get up there -- and Steve hadn’t noticed.
“So,what is your thing?” Nat asked Tony, holding out the map.
“Whydoes he get first pick?” Steve demanded.
“Hedoesn’t,” Bucky said, reasonably, “but it’s going to take himlonger because he doesn’t know what any of the stuff is. And wealready know what Nat’s pick is.”
“Cake,”Nat said, nodding her head.
Tonystudied the map; like a lot of amusement parks, it was arranged inmore or less a circle, with a few side-loops. The place was dividedinto areas that were along a theme of various Western Europeancountries (except for what appeared to be French Canada, which...why?), There were lots of rides, and shows for the non-thrillseekers, and (of course) shops and food stalls and restaurants. “Idon’t know,” he said after a minute. “I don’t know anythingabout any of these rides.” He cocked his head at Steve. “What’syour first pick, then?”
Buckygroaned and rolled his forehead against the back of Tony’s shirt.“One of these days, he’s gonna give over getting revenge for mydragging him on Rebel Yell until he puked.”
Natgrabbed the map and started drawing on it with a pen from her pouch.“This, these rides, they all do loop-de-loops. This one is MachTower, good view of the park, but drops you sixty feet. This one ismagnetic, fun, fast, but breaks down a lot. Water slides. RomanRapids, more water, a lot more water.”
“Hm.Water should be right after lunch,” Tony mused, “when it’salmost as hot as it’s going to get and when we have enough time todry off before we go home.” He glanced up at the other touristsstreaming past them. “Any particular reason we have to pick? Ifigured we’d just... follow the path and do whatever lookedinteresting.”
Natstepped back and pointed at Bucky and then at Steve, doing the VannaWhite arms. “Exhibit A and Exhibit B. If we each pick one thingthat we must do to make us happy for the day, it prevents a couple ofovergrown man-children from acting like squabbling siblings.”
Stevemock-scowled. “When have I everstoodin the way of you having more cake than can possibly fit in thatstomach of yours?”
Buckyfacepalmed. “Oh, now he’s done it.” He snatched the map andlooked down the schedule. While he was going through the list ofshows, Nat started listing a very precise number of times and visitswhere Nat did not get to do her things that ended with a very large,loud complaint about having never evergottento feed the lorikeets.
“Uh,okay then,” Tony said faintly. “And Exhibit C, I see.” Helooked over Bucky’s shoulder.  “You got any hanging‘coasters? The kind where your feet are swinging free? I lovethose. Feels like you’re flying.”
“AlsoGriffin,” Bucky said, “and Alpengeist. France… and France.That’s convenient. And there’s ice cream in the middle, whichmight get Miss Deprived of Caloric Goodness to cool her jets.”
“Okay,well, if Steve’s called Griffin, I’ll claim Alpengeist, and thenI get to ride both.” Tony grinned at Bucky, so happy it felt likehis face might split. “What’s your pick?”
“Theanimal show? Really? Dorrrrrrrk,” Tony teased. He laced theirfingers together and squeezed. God Bucky really was a total dork.Tony loved it.
“What?It’s cute,” Bucky protested, absently rescuing his hand to tapthe description of the show. “And Lucky came from a show, once, youknow. I mean, not this nice, this is a nice show. Rescue animals andstuff.”
“Right,”Steve said. He snatched the map and folded it up, stuffing it in hisback pocket. “We’re on a mission. Come on, people, daylight’sburning!”
Tonyrolled his eyes. “We are not soldiers,” he told Steve, but theyall followed him anyway, deeper into the park.
That’s the end of Chapter One! Continue to Chapter Two on AO3!
~ @everyworldneedslove & @tisfan
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27dragons · 8 years
tagged by @daeshikoba!
rules: you answer the questions and tag some blogs you’d like to get to know better
nicknames: liz, dragons (only in AO3 comments), mom (only for the Things), lizzie (only for @tisfan), george (only for my dad).
star sign: scorpio. i am the least typical scorpio ever.
time right now: 4:15pm
last thing i googled: why spicy food is spicier the day after you cook it, which was @tisfan‘s fault.
favourite music artist(s): this week, it’s leonard cohen and jonathan coulton.
song stuck in my head: weirdly i don’t have a song stuck in my head at the moment. how unusual.
last movie i watched: at home: the lego movie (well, Thing2 watched it and i was in the room). in the theater: rogue one
last tv show i watched: ummmm Thing2 watched a few eps of avengers assembled the other day.
what im wearing right now: jeans, my marvel xmas sweatshirt, and fuzzy slippers (work from home days are the BEST)
when i created this blog: 20...12? 2013? i didn’t start posting regularly until well into 2014 tho
kind of stuff i post: like 85% marvel. the rest is: occasional forays into other fandoms (harry potter, star wars, disney, etc), dumb jokes, really pretty photographs, and the odd political outburst.
do i have any other blogs: heh, yes. because Thing1 follows this blog, i moved all the nsfw stuff to @dragonsafterdark (which tumblr won’t link for some reason possibly because it’s nsfw but you know how to get there if you want to). also i run @everyoneispolybecauseavengers (PLEASE SUBMIT STUFF) and i’m a mod on @imaginetonyandbucky.
do i get asks regularly: almost never, actually; maybe once a month? which i find odd, because @tisfan‘s followers talk to her ENDLESSLY and i have like an order of magnitude more followers than her (or i did at last check, she may have caught up in the meantime because she always does surpass me eventually). do i just radiate an ur-librarian sort of SHHHH aura?
why did i choose my url: originally this was going to be a publicity blog for my non-fandom writing, and my authorial tagline was “because every world needs love”
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
pokemon team: valor, mostly because i liked their symbol the best
favorite colour: blue, except sometimes it’s red
favorite character: tony stark is my actual fave
number of blankets i sleep with: one at home, as many as i can find if i’m sleeping somewhere else
dream job: it would be editing if editing paid better and wasn’t so hard to break into. 
following: 199. i checked. which is weird because i would have guessed a lot smaller number than that.
number of posts: 10,688 as of this one right here.
as always, i don’t tag people in these but if you want to do it, feel free to blame it on me. :D
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years
Tony Stark Flash Bingo
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Sound effects optional 
Have you been missing the Tony Stark Bingo? I know I have been!
So, we’ve decided to open the Flash Bingo prior to the signups for Round Three.
What’s a Flash Bingo?
A flash bingo is a short series of prompts: five to be exact, that make up a single bingo row. We will have seven different rows available. To participate, come to the blog on October 27th and grab one. 
The theme for November’s Flash is “Autumn” and the prompts include a color, a character, a general prompt, a fluffy autumn prompt, and a scary autumn prompt. All the same rules apply for fills (length for Round three has dropped to 300 words). 
You can fill as many as you want -- we do ask that you complete all five fills on your Flash before grabbing another one!
You may post these to our A03 Flash collection starting November 1st. After November 30th, all Flash Cards will be discarded and new Flash Cards will be available starting November 24th.
There will be Flash Participation and Flash Completion badges available.
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