#moder family
theocddiaries · 24 days
Dick: I'll be gone for two hours. Bruce: That is two hours you could spend studying. Dick: I have been studying all weekend. No friends, no phone. Just me alone with books. I feel like Jason. Jason: You're never alone when you have books. Dick: Really? Is that what you want me to turn into? Bruce: Sweetheart, listen to me. This is the S.A.T.'s, okay? It is not some stupid science quiz. Jason: Hey, if science quizzes are so stupid, why do you put mine up on the refrigerator? Dick: Because we feel sorry for you,'cause books are your friends.
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kafkasapartment · 27 days
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edwinisms · 2 months
on my third rewatch and just got through ep 3 and man. the devlin house is such a strong fucking episode. like quality-wise. acting-wise. plot-wise. etc. that’s not to say the first two episodes weren’t strong, but the devlin house hits noticeably harder and hits different. like it’s the precise turning point episode where you realize oh. this show isn’t just gonna be campy with a dash of angst. we’re addressing some serious heavy ass trauma. and not just magical unreal trauma either like. just straight up abuse. and the boy who’s been unserious and silly this whole time isn’t just like that for shallow comic relief reasons. there is so much more there lurking under the surface. oh man it’s good
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yescking · 3 days
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i hhave no idea what this is
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Happy Easter: Dysfuctional Family
Charlie: (blowing a kazoo through the hotel while wearing white bunny ears and tail, carrying an Easter basket, and throwing bright colored and decorated eggs everywhere)
Hazbins: (groan collectively)
Vaggie: (slightly distracted by the tail) Hun, love the enthusiasm, but do you even know the purpose of Easter Sunday is?
Charlie: (cracks open a Cadbury egg and siphons out the innards with her tongue) Isn't it just an excuse to binge on chocolate and snuggle fluffy little bunnies and ducklings?
Angel: (clutches his pearls in ex-Catholic Italian horror) Mama Mia!
Lucifer: *Squeeeeee!* I'll be right back!
Vaggie: I guess that's a more corporate way to put it.
Angel: That's IT!!! I'm making my Mama's Italian Easter Bread! Charlie, you need to be schooled on Easter!
Alastor: Hmmm... I suppose if we're doing a full celebration, I can do a little something to liven things up. (Snaps his fingers, and everyone's clothes are transformed into various colored Bunny footie pajamas)
Charlie: (wearing hot pink bunny jammies and twirls) Oooooh! These are so cuuuute!
Vaggie: (in pastel lavender pajamas and snarling) Cabron!
Angel: (sneaky smirk as he wears a pastel pink and white two-piece pajama suit) Oh, Smiiiiiiles?
Alastor: (simply wearing red bunny ears) No.
Angel: C'mon! Hear me out! (Whispers in Alastor's ear)
Alastor: Hmmmmm.... I'll allow it! (Snaps his fingers again)
Vaggie: (baggy bunny jammies suddenly transform into a black and velvet purple, Las Vegas Showgirl bunny suit with white tail and ears, fishnets, and heels with purple wrist cuffs)
Vaggie: (growls and tries to cover herself) FUCKING-A, ANGEL!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TELL HIM?!?!?!
Angel: Does it matter? I don't have a soul to sell. (Sees Charlie) Ha! Might wanna focus on your girlfriend, Toots.
Vaggie: What? (Looks at Charlie)
Charlie: (blushing, heart eyes, panting like a puppy, and her pajamas turned into a similar Showgirl suit but red with fox ears and tail)
Vaggie: Ch-Charlie? Charlie! No. No! Charlotte Morningstar, we are in front of guests! Shit! (Runs down the hallway)
Charlie: (hearts explode around her head) Hippity-Hoppity, that ass is my property! (Gives chase)
Vaggie: (rounds back around the corner while carrying Charlie bridal style) Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Lucifer: (rides in on a tidal wave of fluff infused rubber duckies while wearing yellow ducky footie pajamas with orange webbed feet) RELEASE THE QUACKEN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Alastor: (sighs in aroace exhaustion as a random rubber duck bounces off his head)
Angel: (slowly calming down as he wipes a tear from his eye) It's just like home~
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ezrazone · 7 days
just dipping my toes into a deep dive on anne rice’s legacy in transformative works today. she really burned a thriving fan community to the ground and it is a testament to the new series that there’s been such a fan work resurgence and it is now a major responsibility of its current “official” (most powerful) stewards to treat that other material respectfully. rice’s copyright cudgel in the 2000s will have you shaking with anger if you care at all about fan communities or transformative work or copyright as a tool of class warfare
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sgiandubh · 3 months
For no particular reason: Lola's homemade chocolate
Today is Lola the Corgi's presumed birthday. We chose it approximately, while at the vet's, because Lola's story is nothing short of a canine miracle. She jumped in my cab, somewhere in the humble outskirts of Bucharest, on Saint Nicholas' Day. The driver asked, absurdly, if that was 'my dog' and I simply answered 'well, now it is'.
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Little did we know the shaking, stone cold and scared to death puppy was a very rare Cardigan Corgi - this came later, when a British friend was amazed at the recovery and pointed it out adamantly. She could have been stolen or simply lost, but we will never know and we never looked back.
All our dogs had Spanish names (except for cats, always boys and always Pasha, namesakes of a beloved Shipper Mom's childhood pet), simply because they are easy to learn and remember. In her case, Lola is for...
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for well... for obvious locomotion reasons 🤣 #LolaFlores. Twelve years with a supremely intelligent and empathic friend deserved a batch of my homemade chocolate, don't you think?
Too bad she can't try it. But enough babbling, here goes.
You will need: 2 cups/ 250 grams milk powder - I recommend Nestlé's Carnation, if you can't get hold of Rarăul, the obscure, Communist local brand (so damn good); 2 sticks/200 grams full fat butter (I recommend Irish butter, always with excellent results), at room temperature, cubed; 7 Tablespoons/50 grams cocoa (Dutch, if you can, but I prefer either Ghirardelli or the Greek Ion brand, which I think are the best on this planet); 2½ cups/ 500 grams Demerara sugar (or caster sugar). A dash of instant coffee, for decorating. You can replace sugar by stevia sweetener (measure accordingly - I used this, because I was also cooking for a severe diabetic who can't control herself), with very good results. Optional: crushed tea biscuits or cookies in the US/chopped hazelnuts/pine nuts/walnuts/peanut butter (in swirls) - sky is the limit. For the adult version, feel free to add a hefty swig of brandy/rhum/whisky/bourbon/vodka/limoncello or hey, let's be totally dirty (sssh!), Bailey's.
In a nonstick pan, gently simmer 3/4 cup or 170 ml cold water with ALL the sugar. Stir nonstop (only with wooden spoon or silicone spatula, never metal - it lends a foul taste!) until you get a sort of thin syrup - basically the sugar should dissolve, nothing more. 2 to 3 minutes should be enough.
Add the cubed butter, stir gently until it melts and incorporates completely. 10 minutes max, but never stop stirring!
Take the pan off the heat. Gently pour dry milk in small batches, stirring and incorporating continuously. It should immediately thicken, sticky fudge consistency.
Gently mix the cocoa, with slow, ample bottom/top movements (you don't want it anywhere else but in that pan, for sure). Right consistency should be a thick ribbon, pouring from the spoon.
Back to the heat for about 30 to 45 seconds, stirring all the time. I have no idea why, but my grandma always insisted it was very important, go figure. Take off the heat and immediately add the nuts and (if you choose) the alcohol, mixing vigorously.
Pour into a well buttered loaf tin. Dust with instant coffee. Let cool, put into fridge for 6 hours minimum (overnight is better). Only cut with a wet knife. Devour and don't think about the damn calories.
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I am sorry for the very, very old pic (2010, I think). Tonight, it was impossible to take a proper one 😱.
This is what we do call 'homemade chocolate' all over Eastern Europe, but to be honest, it's rather some very, very good fudge. The dry milk is a dead giveaway of the real age of the recipe, which is around 1945 - postwar rationing, of course.
You are welcome. You won't regret the 45 minutes you're likely to spend making it.
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btw Oliver got asked "name something that the fluffier it is, the better" and I went "your hair lol" because let's be honest:
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this is so fluffy.
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vaggieslefteye · 5 months
HELL'S GREATEST DAD ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x05 - "Dad Beat Dad"
#hazbin hotel#lucifer morningstar#hazbin lucifer#alastor#hazbin alastor#music vids: s1#dad beat dad#my videos#anyone else think the way he was holding alastor's head twice is foreshadowing? served it to her on a plate then had it as a pic on the cak#i hope it's foreshadowing lol#he was also feeding her his eyes and shadow tentacles as spaghetti and meatballs askjdfakjshdfjkls#bro was SO MAD LMFAO#song: hell's greatest dad#charlie#charlie morningstar#mimzy#hazbin mimzy#hey hey pssst... you know those 3 cards that swing by before the slot machine?#the middle one is lucifer as the king of spades - the same card alastor was in husk's overlord flashback.#DETAILS!! I LOVE THE DETAILS IN THIS SHOW!#RIP VID QUALITY BTW#tumblr really axed this one huh#also don't get me started on the symbolism behind alastor's whole deal in this song there is SO MUCH GOING ON#lucifer is overbearing yes but all his lyrics are ''im gonna help you cuz i love you'' meanwhile alastor's are ''IM SO GREAT AND COOL''#easy. but look at the doorway behind them when he dances with her on the stairs. it looks like spidery fingers reaching out from behind#to grasp/trap her in a dark place. THE ENTIRE ''ASSISTANCE'' PART#LITERALLY PUTTING ALL THAT STRESS ON HER THEN ''SAVES HER'' AFTER#THE ''IM YOUR GUY YOUR DAY TO DAY'' HE'S LITERALLY BOXING HER IN/TRAPPING HER WHILE PLAYING FRIENDLY#and do i even have to point out the obvious ''separating you from your blood family'' thing he has going on and the whole time#WATCH IT ELKMAN I WILL KILL YOU. YOU ARE LUCKY YOU'RE MODERATELY/MOSTLY ENTIRELY LIKEABLE AND FUNNY.
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rathologic · 8 months
I've always found Alexander Saburov interesting, especially P1 Rubin's take on him where he tells how Alexander in incognito saved people from burning house and went unrecognized for the deed (nor flaunted it). Wonderful and easy to miss characterization.
YES saburov's fucked up sense of performing duty by putting himself at risk... my favorite... have had thoughts brewing in response to this that aren't quite cooked enough yet but it's very much a gendered standard that he holds himself to IMO, of idealized masculinity as a responsibility. as an active role and as the way things must be done. making the choices that he thinks need to be made regardless of how bad they are for him. pairing beautifully with katerina's self-destructive attempts to conform to the extremely feminine-gendered role of mistress, pairing wonderfully with the two of them's catastrophic attempt to conform to the heteropatriarchal nuclear family archetype by adopting the changeling :^) and especially how this is a function of how saburov relates to his Job, a role that's been passed down in his family and Actually Is critical to the function of the Town, inescapably so as long as the system of rulers exists
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theocddiaries · 23 days
Bruce: I gotta work a little late tonight. Clark: Oh, not tonight. Did you forget our date? Bruce: …No. No. I was kidding. [V.O.] Bruce: I had no idea what he was talking about. Clark, God love him, likes to celebrate every possible milestone in our relationship: the day we met, our first date… which I forgot, so we got in a big fight. Now we commemorate the big fight too.
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arttsuka · 14 days
Why are most adult cartoons/animation in general so, ugly and unappealing? And why 90% of the times the humor is 'haha sex' etc? Do we adults not deserve pretty animations that are allowed to be more mature and have themes that wouldn't cut it if it were in a kids media?
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desnaa · 10 months
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Had a great time moderating the Mass Effect reunion panel I organized with @ladytoxie and Tali's VA (Ash Sroka). The cast is such an amazing and fun group of people to interact with, and it was just a very special experience for everyone to be together and talk about a game series we all love so much with some of its characters. As this is the first panel I have moderated EVER, I have also been so moved by the amount of people who have told me they had a wonderful time, including the actors.
Guests from left to right are Courtenay Taylor (Jack), William Salyers (Mordin), me lol, LT, Keythe Farley (Thane), Kimberly Brooks (Ashley but also Jasper yas), Ash Sroka (Tali), and a friend of ours who is cosplaying EDI.
A full video of it will be posted soon!
Photos are also by @catiecat_art on Instagram!
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corruptedplaylist · 6 months
Lance looks through the binoculars again and finds Keith at the same time Adam calls Keith’s name and points at where Lance is standing. The other boy glances up, caught between a laugh from watching Pidge and Hunk write a lewd message in the sand. He flips him off and Lance’s hand-painted skull grins back at him. Keith’s cheeks are pink from the chill, his eyes bright and mischievous as the wind catches on the edges of his hair.
Lance mechanically waves back as he pulls away from the binoculars, Keith becoming a tiny figure against the sand as a blush begins to stain Lance’s cheeks. He hikes the collar of his jacket up, glancing furtively back at Shiro and then down at the shore below. 
this was an excerpt from chapter 10 of my fic! here's some more info if ur interested:
title: looking out for you
platform: ao3 only
rating: t
genre(s): slice of life college au
ships: Keith Kogane/Lance McClain, Adam/Shiro
words/chapters: 187k/18 chapters
status: completed
summary/elevator pitch: wholesome queer vibes and healthy communication a la voltron. found family shenanigans include: paintball, halloween parties, laundromat trips, beach episode, family dinners, video game tournaments, awkward confessions, grocery shopping, and some good old angst and character development. also, lance may or may not get possessed by a ghost but it's not pidge's fault.
i was reminiscing on this fic and decided to just promo it bc why not? drop me a comment/kudos if u check it out and like it!
for anyone who has already read it or is planning on reading it, i've done faqs between the three acts. i recently updated my faq here for act iii if anyone is interested (i finally got around to putting in some more details!)
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sadistiknerd · 7 days
You're actually getting a thought tonight. I think the thought of taking care of someone has always been integral to how i feel about someone. I did it for my family and took it all, and for the longest I've felt that part was never coming back. I've been taking more of a note to write my thoughts out again. On my phone, on my pc, in a little purple spiral journal. I'll write again soon I feel, I just need to be patient with myself.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
For cold, rainy days: my grandma's cosmic rice pudding
I could never (never, ever) compare my modest and very lazy cooking skills to my own grandmother's, but this is always a BIG hit in our home, especially on cold and rainy days. The secret is boiling the rice twice and yes, the mandatory use of sweet, condensed milk.
For 4 people (keeps very well in the fridge and tastes even better the next day), you will need: 230 grams/1 1/8 cups of regular white rice; 500 ml/2 cups full fat milk; 1 can (14 oz) of sweet condensed milk; 175 ml/3/4 cup of heavy (cooking - not sour!) cream/whipping cream, in the US; pinch of salt. Optional: raspberry jam/preserves (whole fruit); cocoa; cinnamon - sky is the limit.
Bring the rice to a boil in 500 ml/2 cups cold water, with a pinch of salt, over low heat. Will take about 20-25 minutes, rice should be al dente.
It shouldn't be the case, but if the rice did not absorb all the water, drain it. Then, in a big plastic bowl (never use metal - sorry, I cannot explain why), mix it with the condensed milk, the whipping cream and the milk.
Pour everything back on the stove and boil it for a second time, over low heat (20-25 minutes max). Don't forget to mix from time to time, it tends to stick to the bottom of your saucepan and even burn. Shipper Mum and I love it when it's a bit burnt and has a subtle smoky flavor, but you might hate it. I am taking no risks, here. Let rest for 10 to 15 minutes on the stove, off the heat. Devour.
It should look like this:
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You can add cinnamon, cocoa and even raspberry jam/preserves on top. If you add raspberry jam, you can go fancy and call it riz Impératrice - allegedly Eugenia de Montijo, Napoleon III's wife, was crazy about this combo, hence the posh (and probably fake) name.
Very humble, but absolutely beloved by all of us, including Lola the corgi and Baby the Lab.
You're welcome. 😉
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