#modern!jace velaryon smut
axelsagewrites · 1 year
Modern HOTD NSFW Headcannons
Contains: Jace, Daemon, Aegon, Aemond
Word count: 606
Warnings: smut 18+
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Masterlist Here
Doesn’t understand hook-up culture
Blushes like a virgin at his crush/partner making sex jokes in public
Type of guy to get a towel to sit beside the bed before starting for easy clean up later
Also has tissues and water on the bedside for after
Gets turned on by people wearing his clothes
Got worried when you asked for lube but quickly learned he didn’t need to be
Proceeds to buy 5 bottles of different flavours
Would buy flavoured condoms
Has lived with so many people he’s learned to be quiet
Goes on hikes just to fuck in the forest cause to him that’s privacy
Irl dirty talk can be hard for him but on the phone?
Mastermind at making you squirm from across the country
Got very scared by kinks at first
Now a fiend
Constantly googling aftercare tips and how to dirty talk
Watches those youtube videos about how to kiss
Whenever he’s drunk he’s a proud horn dog
Brags about giving oral
Aftercare king
Has a designated kink drawer
Possibly a straight up sex room
Organises his ropes by colour and preference
When he sexy talks irl its amazing
On the phone its great
He cannot dirty text
He uses way too many emojis or his promises don’t work without the voice
He has mastered the voice
Each gift giving occasion is accompanied by him buying you new lingerie
Every birthday he asked for the same thing: sex
Defiantly talks in online kink forums
Goes to poly clubs and swingers parties
Teaches everyone who listens about poly lifestyle
Under his sex toy drawer is a after care drawer
Tinder fanatic
Gets an STD text every other month
Is on a first name basis with a testing clinic
Considered being a porn star
Condom king
Hands them out at every party he goes to
Constantly preaching about safe sex since sex is his favourite hobby
Tider is his most used app
Will fuck in the library, his brothers bed, or in a car
Car sex is his favourite
Blow job fanatic
Did a blow job shot for his bday with his whole family watching cause he doesn’t care
Too lazy for most kinks but knows how to find the clit
Loves ball play
Constant ball jokes however
Secret bottom who will have a meltdown when you call him one
Definitely keeps himself very trimmed down there
Makes everything an inuendo
A proud whore
Nude fanatic
His snapchat my eyes only is filled to the brim
Ends up in a poly relationship for like a year but eventually bows out of it
Too deep for tinder but not for random hook-ups
Also not for only fans
Because he has one and is making bank off of it
Was ashamed at first till he used the money to buy a car
Wants to make enough to be a sugar daddy
Daddy kink 100%
Has a sex toy drawer and wide lube range
Takes cinematic level nudes
Still has a small stash of porn mags since he prefers it that way
Best gift for him is making a sex tape with his partner
Seriously considering becoming a striper on the side
Has a couple of fuck buddies on rotation rather than a new person every week
Has a mini fridge stocked with water by his bed to cool down after
Constantly researching new kinks
Has a spit kink
Runs his own nsfw reddit sub reddit
Makes thirst traps on tiktok
Asked his family for a hot tub for his joint birthday and Christmas gift just to fuck in it
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myladysapphire · 3 months
You belong with me
you and jace were childhood friends, you never left eachothers side growing up, but that all changed once you both went off to university.
CW: MDI, 18+, smut, p in v, oral (f receiving), fingering, angst, jealousy, unrequited love (kinda), love confessions, not proofread!
word count: 5,896
modern Jace x fem!reader
a/n based of taylor swifts you belong with me, lyrics and music video.i also have very little knowledge of american uni or football, but i tried my best though!
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You and Jace had grown up, side by side. Your mothers had been the best of friends, and so naturally you both were also. For your entire lives you knew everything about each other, your traits your habits, you knew each other better than you knew yourselves. You made every decision together, especially the decision to go to Dragonstone university together.
And that decision changed everything.
It wasn’t a surprise that Jace became so popular, he always had been. Always so able to draw a crowd and make friends in any situation.
And you, you had always been one to take a backseat. Happy in the friends you had, and never one to put yourself out there as he did.
And sadly, that seemed to be your first mistake.
He had joined the football team, finding new friends and a new crowd quickly.
You stuck to your old friends. Making small efforts to know the endless crowds of people at university.
And so, he and you started to spend less time together, and more and more time apart.
And then he got a girlfriend.
Sara Snow.
The cheer captain.
And the sister of his new best friend, Cregan Stark.
And suddenly you weren’t apart of his life anymore. You had found out he had a girlfriend from sitting on the bleachers at one of his games and seeing her run towards him and shove her tongue down his throat.
As time went on, your texts to one another became less and less, your replies delayed, and sporadic, and his ever more so.
Your study sessions stop, nights in together became nights in apart.
It hurt, you had loved him for so long, as a friend and a lover. Not that he knew. All you could do no was stare in envy as you lost your best friend and never even got a chance to say goodbye.
That year was a strange one, you now watched each other from the outskirts, you didn’t know each other every thought or where they were at all times.
Ther person you looked to in every room, no longer there, no longer was he the person you would text at every opportunity, or share looks as you reacted to what other people were saying.
Now you only knew each other in passing, a few texts here and there, mostly about your course, or if you were going home for summer or the weekend.
And when you both were home, it was so different. Once you would spend all day together, planning your days with each other. And now, you may sit in the same room, but little more than small smiles and small talk was shared between you.
And the few times you did feel you could talk to him; he would be, interrupted by his new friends coming to whisk him away.
The last three years you started to get used to not having Jace as a constant presence, instead you found great comfort in your other friends, you had always been close to them, and apart of you was grateful as you began to realise the love of female friendships, rather than just the love of Jacearys Strong.
It was Friday, the week before the big football game. The game everyone talked nonstop about, even Jace, as he had messaged you asking if you were coming to the game.
You had yet to respond.
Once you were his biggest cheerleader, sitting on the bleachers shouting his name. Now you no longer cheered his name, though you always sent him a kind smile when he did look for you in the crowd.
But unlike before you no longer went to every game, and as time went on you went to less and less.
 “Are you going to the game on Friday?” Maris asked. You were all sat in a private study room, preparing for your midterms.
You shrugged “maybe, I’m not sure yet”
“of course, we all are! It’s the big game, everyone’s talked about it nonstop!” Baela said beside you, “and I also don’t want to miss watching Cregan stark all hot and sweaty, now would I?” she said with a laugh, she and him had been casually hooking up for a past year, and with the way he looked at her she was sure they were soon to become more.
You laughed, “perhaps for you maybe, not that I have anyone worth ogling over”.
“Sure, you don’t” Heleana giggled from the other side of the table “poor Jacey would miss you terribly if you don’t go”.
“Oh please, he wouldn’t care if I was there or not” you rolled your eyes.
“Oh? Aside from his on again off again weird little thing with Sara Snow, Jace is, besotted with you!” Maris interjected.
“she’s not wrong” Rhaena spoke,
“Really?” you shook your head, “perhaps once, but he rarely speaks more than a few words to me anymore”.
“Perhaps that’s because he realised how hot you are” Baela said, sending you a wink.
“Oh gods, do you remember the look on his face when you slept with Justin Lannister in our first year” Maris laughed, “he looked like a kicked puppy!”
“Especially when he saw the hickey he had left” Heleana added.
You shook your head “I think he was more disgusted with the fact I slept with Justin than anything else”.
“hmm” Rhaena hummed, “and when you and Aemond dated in high school, what about then?”
“Oh gods, don’t bring that up” Heleana grumbled, “it still brings me nightmares, from when I walked in- “she fakes gagged at the memory.
“Okay stop it, I think you’ve all proved your point!” you sighed, “maybe once he had a crush on me, but not anymore!”
They all shared a look.
“And what about your crush on him?”
“What crush?” you said defensively.
They all laughed.
You stood up dramatic, gathering your books, “if I go to the game will you all shut up?”
“We make no promises!” Maris said, laughing once more.
“Ughh, I don’t know why I put up with you lot” you grumbled, as you went to leave.
“Because you love us” Heleana, answered.
“And Jacey too” Baela added.
you rolled your eyes as you left, heading home for the weekend.
You returned home often, your mother was all alone with out you there, though you did often find Rhaenyra, Jace’s mother, in her company. You loved seeing them both, finding Rhaenrya presence to be as much as a comfort as your own mothers.
Its one of the reasons your friendship with Jace fading into what it was now, hurt so much.
Before you had practically lived at Jace’s house growing up and now you rarely went over there, despite living next door, your bedroom windows facing one another. It hurt, seeing the life you knew suddenly disappear. To spend the summers in your own home, having your friends come to yours rather than to his, especially when you could see him on his bed, and you on yours.
He had changed, though not so much that he seemed a stranger to you, though his company was certainly strange. He knows hung out around Aegon a lot more, though he had once avoided him as often as he could. You were glad he had yet to adopt Aegon’s personality, the self-entitlement mixed with the self-loathing. Jace remained kind, his gaze often on yours whenever you were in the same room together. Something you had heard Aegon mock on several occasions.
As you walked into your house, the taste of cinnamon and sound of laughter flooded your senses. It was no surprise to see your mother in the kitchen, and even less of a surprise to see Rhaenyra with her, a smile graced your face as you approached the pair.
“mama” you greeted, “Nyra”.
“Oh darling, I didn’t know you were coming home!” your mother greeted, pulling you into a hug.
“I came home to study, I couldn’t focus with all the football stuff going on” you sighed, dumping your bag on the kitchen table.
Rhaenyra laughed, “yes Jace has talked nonstop about the football” she then looked at you with a sad look, “are you planning to go?”
“I’m not sure yet” you replied, stealing one of your mother’s cinnamon rolls from the counter.
“I’m sure Jace wants you there, he misses your rituals you know” Nyra spoke, coming to sit down at the table you now sat at.
“He does?” you did too, he was the reason you got into football in the first place and watching him without your rituals or watching games without Jace’s constant commentary.
“I know he does” she smiled, reaching for your hand, as your mother moved towards to the table.
“Believe it or not, darling, he talks about you often” she gave you a teasing look.
You shook your head, “if only he talked to me and not about me more” moving to stand up and head for your room.
“He said he was coming back this week, perhaps he will” Nyra called out as you started to walk up the stairs.
As you lay on your bed, your eyes moving to investigate Jace’s room. You laid there for a while, hoping they would open.
And they did. He had clearly just returned home just like yourself, his face tired, as he moved to sit on his bed, his face downcast, no smile in sight.         
You moved to sit up, and as you did, he saw you, a small smile gracing his face.
He sent you a small shy wave, and for a moment you felt as if you and he were back to normal.
But then his smile disappeared as his phone rang.
She tried to not watch as he argued with someone, his girlfriend you assumed. They always argued, she was always upset about something he had said, she never got his humour, not like you once did.
You couldn’t think of anything they truly had in common, then again you didn’t know either of them, not anymore.
On paper It made sense them being together, she was cheer captain and he on the football team, whilst you, you were on the bleachers, watching the game and waiting for his victory, whilst she would cheer him on, in his direct view. Ever the supporting act, and you the extra.
Before Uni, you and been his biggest and though you still supported him, it hurt a little seeing her cheer his name, especially since you never knew if they were off or on again until her, she shoved her tongue down his throat.
You and he used to have a ritual before each game. the day before you would always bunk of school, and he would always somehow convince you to join him on his run, you would run side by side, your phones listening to same playlist. (You and he had always had the exact same music taste, music she didn’t like, if the  though few parties hosted by his frat and her sorority were anything to go off of)Then you would spend the night staying up and watching the same three movies, before falling into a sugar induced coma only to be woken up by Nyra and Luke aggressively shilling you both awake screaming that your going to be late, and when you did finally wake up Jace would always force you both to take an ice bath, claiming it to be a good way to wake you up. You never believed him, and it would take him pulling you into the water with him for you to join him.
You would be there for every game and event, cheering from the bleachers.
And now as you watched him arguing with his girlfriend, you wished you knew what they were saying, there issues. A part of you regretted not trying harder to stay friends with him, even though it was him who moved away from you, not you away from him.
You reached down under your bed, trying to find the old sketchbook you used to use to talk to Jace before you both had phones.
You didn’t have his number anymore, having deleted it off your phone, though you remembered it off by heart, a part, something you could never bring yourself to forget it.
You didn’t want to text him, it didn’t feel right, you are reaching out first almost didn’t feel right either but eh looked hurt and you deep down still cared.
Finding a pen you quickly wrote, “you, okay?” Finding a pen you quickly wrote, “are you okay?”
He had sat down on his bed, head in his hands before looking up to see you turn the paper around.
A smile graced his face as he shrugged and reached for his own sketchbook and pen.
“Tired of drama” he wrote.
You laughed a little at his message, writing “sorry” with a sad face beside it, shrugging as you turned the paper around
And he shook his head, moving to stand up as you went to write something else, only for him to shut his curtain before he could see what you wrote. 
You shrugged of his easy dismissal, and how so few words were exchanged before he decided to end the conversation.
You had finished you studying, content and ready for your exams, so blasting your music on full volume you started to dance around your room.
Unbeknownst to you, he watched you dance, a smile pulling at his face as he realised you were the same as always. You danced like no one was watching singing along to the songs as you did. And he smiled, laughing at your antics as he remembered how you used to pull him up and dance with you.
He regretted how he ended his friendship with abandoning you, he wasn’t even sure why he did it. He knew he hurt you. He feltBu, for his own selfish somehow, he had made gain. He had made new friends; he, he was popular and on the uni football team. He liked the spotlight always had and was half to have all these new friends. He had made a great bond with but in doing so he lost his truest friend and the woman he loved.
He had decided to talk to you, to apologise and make up for what he did. So, as he saw you at outside the bench outside both your houses he came over and sat beside you. So, as he saw yous at outside the bench outside both your houses he came over and say beside you.
“hey” you heard a voice say beside you, as you turned your head to see Jace sit beside you.
“hey” you said back, as your hair falling in front of your face. He reached his hand forward, to brush the hair out of your eyes, and tucking it behind your ear.
 “How have you been?” he asked, his hand lingering slightly. You stared at him fro a moment, he still dressed the same, with the same worn-out jeans, the same smile, but with better hair.
You supposed you looked entirely different, though at the same time you hadn’t changed either. Your curled hair was no longer a frizzy messed, but well maintained. You didn’t wear your glasses much anymore, now favouring contacts. He seemed to smile as he took you in, staring at your eyes.
“I’m good, you?”
“Good, excited for the game…” he kept talking and it felt like old times again, you thought, it was so easy, to return to how it once was, chatting about nothing in particular.
He smiled as he spoke to you, happily chatting away. His smile was the same as always, a smile you sworn could light up a town.
“I haven’t seen you in a while” you said after a pause.
“yeah” he said awkwardly, scratching his head “I’m sorry about that, I never meant to- “a car pulled up, with Sara Snow in it.
He got up suddenly, mumbling goodbye as he did. His smile had faded, and turned into a forced smile, the kind of smile you gave to a stranger you passed in the hallway, as he got into her car. She instantly pulled him in for a kiss, her eyes staring you down as she did.
You had never actually talked to her before, never known anyone who had, but you did know Cregan, though not well, and he rarely said anything nice about his sister.
They drove away after that, Jace looking at you over his shoulder as they did.
The rest of the day you kept too yourself, focusing on studying. Jace had yet to return home, the light off in his room. Not that you were checking.
He had sent you a text, “sorry”, nothing more. You hadn’t replied, you didn’t even know what to say.
From the corner of your eye, you saw the light in his room turn on.
He walked in with a downtrodden look. He had spent the whole day with her and felt only regret on not spending it with you.
He and sara were on and off again, never anything serious, no feelings past lust. Especially after how she talked about you today. He ended it officially, and he couldn’t be happier. Especially when he saw yous at at your bed.
He reached under his bed for his sketchbook, reminiscing on how even as children you couldn’t spend an hour with out talking to one another.
It had all changed after uni, and he regretted not dragging you with him as he changed.
“hey” he wrote holding it up hoping you would look, and as luck would have it you did.
You seemed unsure as you yourself grabbed your own sketchbook, writing the words.
“what’s up?”
“I wanted to see if you were okay”.
You furrowed your brows “yeah?”
He sent you a small smile, before grabbing his phone and calling you.
“Hey?” you answered, your tone nervous.
“Hey!” he said trying to lighten your mood a little, “i’m sorry about earlier it won’t happen again”.
Yous kissed your teeth nodding your head, “right” his actions early hadn’t supposed you, they only made you realise that you and he won’t ever return to how you were before. Choosing each other first always, and never up and leaving each other mid conversation.
“I…. i broke up with her, officially”.
You hummed, he nervously coughed.
“I I know I hurt you when I started dating her, and i…I am so sorry, I just got so caught up in the idea of it all, these…these past few years have been a torment to me, watching as you seemed perfectly okay with us not…not being us anymore and I didn’t know how to…how to talk to you or-“
“i wasn’t perfectly okay with it” you interrupted him “at not point was I okay with loosing my best friend” you shook your head, glaring at him through the window “I tried to talk to you  and you shook me off, you chose her over an 18  year long friendship, how would I be okay with It!”
“I didn’t!” he said quickly, his face panicked, “I-I I messaged you I swear I did I sent you so many messages and you never replied”.
“No, you didn’t, I get the odd one but the second is as her shove her tongue down your throat I haven’t received these “many messages” you claim to have sent”.
“what?” he looked shocked through the window, “I told you about her, how I got drunk and slept with her at a party and how she wouldn’t take no as an answer, you never replied, I sent you countless texts about going to study together or hanging out and you never showed up!”
“What! You never showed up when I asked you!” you were near shouting now.
“You never asked me- “
“Neither did you!”
You heard your mum call you are asking if you were okay. You went silent, “we can’t do this over the phone”.
“Meet me at the backdoor” you looked at him nodding your head.
“hey” you said as Jace opened his back door, pulling it closed behind him.
“hey” he said moving towards you, “look, clearly there was some reason we never got these texts”.
You looked at him in disbelief, shaking your head, “gods Jace I didn’t realise you were so blind!” you laughed, “look I don’t know her or anything about her but, are you sure Sara never used your phone and maybe deleted the messages?”
“Umm…no?” he said unsure, “why would she do that”.
“Oh, please Jace, you and I have known each other our whole lives, and when we first started uni, we were acting like a married couple, she probably wanted me out the way so she could date you”.
“But we weren’t…we’ve never- “he stuttered awkwardly.
“Have you never once thought of me-?”
He cut you off, “no!” he said it too fast, so fast that you were unsure if he meant it.
“Really? Because I have, I did” you replied, sending him a shy look. You had hopped he had to and that you are saying this would make him say it in return.
He looked at you shocked, not expecting your admission, then his face turned guilty.  “I know” he said looking down, “but at the time I- I saw you nothing more than a…a friend and so I…I dated Sara to push you away in hope you would stop seeing me as more than a friend.” He scratched his head awkwardly, looking down his eyes filled with guilt.
 “oh” that’s all you could say. It was the first time you had ever admitted you had actually liked him, and to be rejected so clearly. To know the reason why he was with Sara, the reason he was with her in the first place was to get rid of you, it hurt more than three years of only passing words and fading friendship.
“I. I’m sorry I… I broke up with her though”.
You laughed a humourless laugh, almost in disbelief “I well that makes what you said better” you scoffed, truing around to leave.
He grabbed your arm, “No…I” he whispered your name, “I… I do like you like that… I’m just before her id dint realise my feelings for you and I do know…”
You scoffed, “right… so it took fucking another woman and ignoring me for three years, to save me from my feeling, made you realise you liked me to?”
“Yes.” He nodded.
You laughed, a short scoff of a laugh, “by the gods Jace you’re an idiot” this time when he grabbed your arm as you went to leave you only shook him off, storming up to your room and leaving the curtains shut for the rest of the weekend.
That week you swear you saw Jace everywhere. He seemed to follow you almost.
Though you were both doing the same course, meaning 90% of your lectures were together.
“Why is Jace following you?” Maris asked as you both walked out of your seminar.
“Oh gods, I haven’t told you, have I?”
She laughed, intrigued, “no, what happened”.
You looked down laughing as you tried to tell her, “Well Jace and I finally talked and he… admitted he liked me?”
“that’s not it… but he also told me that he knew I liked him and that was the reason he started dating Sara… so I would stop liking him”.
“What the hells?” Baela said as she caught up to the pair of you, “did I just hear that right”.
“don’t even get me started! But I basically told him he was an idiot; I mean who hurts someone like that!”
“Idiots!” Maris and Baela said simultaneously.
And as they did you saw Jace appear from around the corner, two coffees in hand. He had a hopeful look in his eyes as he walked towards you.
“Speak of the devil” you mumbled, as you turned to your friends, “I’ll be back in a minute” you said as you walked towards him.
“Jace” you greeted. “What do you want now?”
“To apologise” he said handing you a coffee, “I really am sorry, I never should have done what I did, and I should have told you, and not kept it from you.” He looked at you, his face kin to puppy scrounging for food.
“Then why did you?” You said as you ushered him to an empty room.
“I was scared. “He admitted, smiling shyly, “all my life I had loved you and everyone told me you did too, and then. then you and Aemond started dating and I thought they all were lying to me and how could you ever love me and when you could be with him”
In truth it took you until after your relationship with Aemond to realise your feelings for Jace, in fact it was Aemond who broke up with you because he saw said feelings first.
He continued. “And then you broke up and everyone was telling me to take a chance, and then uni started, and I got scared and realised that you did I fact like me too. But for some reason I was convinced that being in a relationship in uni would only tear us apart. So… so I decided to take a step back and stop whatever romantic feelings we had- “
“That wasn’t your choice to make Jace, maybe for yourself but my own feelings? You had no right!”
“I know… I know. I was- I am an idiot and…I’m sorry, truly.”
You sighed, you could see he was really sorry, and yet an apart of you didn’t want to forgive him. But another part of you wanted to jump into his arms and forgive him.
“I want us to be friends.” He said, with a hopeful gaze. And your heart broke all other again.
“no” you stepped back, “you know of my feelings, and… I-I can’t be your friend, I can’t ignore those feelings, I won’t, I can’t” tears welled in your eyes at the look on his face.
“I don’t know if I can give you what you want.”
“Why not?”
“Because I have loved you my whole life, and I have already screwed that up, I can’t risk whatever we have now for a relationship.” “we have nothing, we are not friends, not lovers, nothing. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain”.
“No, I have everything to lose, I have already lost your friendship, I can’t risk breaking your heart and loosing you forever!”
“So, because you’re afraid of the possibility of us breaking up you won’t try?” you shook your head, “I can’t believe you! I don’t understand what you want! And you clearly don’t see what I want either!” you went to leave, “I can’t anymore Jace, I just want, I can’t look at you without my heartbreaking. You broke my heart and our friendship once before because you feared losing me forever, well know I think you might have lost me anyway.”
You left without another word or a single glance.
The week passed slowly, your friends were a great comfort and your exams seemed to breeze past you, but the nagging in your back of your mind was constant.
The regret and want. The want to see Jace, to take back what you said and make him realise what an idiot he was. And the regret from not grabbing his face and kissing him.
You and he had been each other’s first kiss, using the excuse of ‘practice’ to cover up you real feelings. It had been awkward, with nose and teeth clashing, and then before you knew it the kisses became perfect, casual even. You had both been sure it was the start of something. And then you ruined it by saying yes when Aemond asked you on a date. You never regretted dating him, he was your first love, your first everything. But not your first kiss. He made you realise what love was and that it was what you had with Jace all along.
Then University started, you lived in the same halls, saw each other every moment of everyday, cooking together, studying together. And then the casual kissing came back. Sweet kisses goodbye or good morning. And then one day you had lingered, and he had pushed back. Your daily routine faded, and then it all happened. The football team and Sara Snow.
It would of been better had he just stopped kissing you, stopped initiating the kisses. Instead, he left you, and now you had done the same to him.
And yet here you stood, getting ready for the big football game, with all your friends.
You wore a jersey, his. The day he got on the team he had gotten you both a jersey. It had sat unworn in a box under your bed since then. It fit perfectly, his name written in bold on the back, alongside his lucky number. The number you had picked, the number that was conveniently todays date.
You stared into the mirror taking a deep breath as your friends all readied themselves. You weren’t sure exactly what you planned to do, but either way Jace would regret ever saying no to dating you.
Everyone was at the game, including the entirety of Jace’s family, you found yourself sat next to Rhaenrya and Luke. You sat right at the front, practically, on the field, meaning Jace could see you, and more importantly you in his jersey. They had all taken notice of your jersey, with Harwin sending you a teasing look.
It was loud and chaotic, the entirety of the university at the event and for good cause as Jace’s team had won.
You hadn’t really paid any attention, your eyes solely focused of Jace.  
He made eye contact with you, solely you and came rushing forward. You stood up moving yourself and before you knew it, he had sweeped you up into is arms. Spinning you around, he whispered like a chant “I’m so sorry, I regret everything I never should have- “
You shut him up, taking his mouth with yours in a slow passionate kiss. Moaning into each other’s mouths, you realised you both had got on lost in the crowd, as everyone had run into the field. Leaving you to find a moment alone, to finally reconnect and admit your feelings.
“Come with me” he said grabbing your hand, leading you away from the crowd and field.
“I’ve never taken anyone here before” he said once you finally reached your destination, it was a sweet little outlook with a view of the island. “The day I found it I wanted to save it, for you”.
You looked at each other, hands entwined.
“I love you” you both said in unison, bringing a smile to each of your faces.  
“I am so sorry about everything, I don’t know why I said what I did, why I asked to be friends and nothing more. I’m a fool”
“You’re my fool” you laughed, “in fact were both fools, I don’t know why we kept this from each other for 21 years. “You laughed, before reaching forward and kissing him again.
It was so different from your years of practice kisses. They were deliberate and sweet. This was hot, passionate and desperate.
“Gods, I need you” he moaned into your mouth, as he backed you up onto a tree, his hands descending to your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your bodies stating to slowly grind against one another as your tongues battled for dominance, his eventually winning, as he took you in for one last heated kiss before his lips began deciding down your neck.
“Please.” You begged, as you reached down to pull of his jersey, you wore nothing underneath, your bare breasts on show.
He moaned at the sight of them, before taking your nipple into his mouth, licking and sucking as he did. Low moans spilling out of you as he did.  You gripped his hair as he continued his ministrations, before pulling him of your breast and reaching up to undress him. Soon you were both bare, if anyone was to walk by, they would easily you, but neither of you seemed to care as Jace moved to kiss you again his hand reaching down to caress your wet cunt, shuddering as he penetrated your hole.
As he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you, your moans swallowed by his mouth as you felt yourself tighten around his fingers your peak edging closer and closer, before he withdrew his fingers causing a moan of protest as his fingers left you.
“Keep going” you pleaded, but he simply shook his head, before going on his knees, your leg moving o his shoulder as he licked your cunt. He lapped you up like he was dying, and you were his final meal. Licking up all your juices before finally reaching your clit, his fingers hand made there way back to your cunt, as you felt his finger penetrate you once more as he sucked your clit into his mouth.
You moaned loudly as he did so, making no effort to hide your pleasure, as you gripped his hair and started to ride his face until you finally came.
he stood up slowly, before once again pulling you into heated kiss.
“You taste divine” he moaned into your mouth, before groaning as you reached for his cock. “jump” he groaned, and as you allowing him to thrust, into you in one slick movement as you wrapped your legs around his waist, causing you both to moan simultaneously, as your walls wrapped around his length tightly, he didn’t move for a moment, allowing you both to adjust before he started to pump his hips slowly into you, building up a rhyme.
“Gods you moaned,” gripping onto him tightly, as he started to pound into you, you both moaning as his pace picked up.
His face was buried in your neck, leaving kisses you where sure would leave a mark.
He continued to thrust his hips, pounding into you as your peaks grew closer and closer, his cock throbbing inside you as your cunt tightened around his length.
“I’m going to cum” he whined. “Fuck, where?” he asked, reaching down to rub your clit, prompting you closer and closer to Cumming with him.
“Inside…I’m on the pill” you said between moans and before you knew it you felt the warmness of him spreads inside you as you came yourself, gripping tightly on his arms as you did.
You took a moment, leaning against, him and him you.
“Why did we wait so long to do this again?” he asked catching his breath.
“Because you’re an idiot”.
He laughed, “and I will spend every day making it up to you I swear” he kissed you softly, as if sealing his promise in a kiss, a promise you knew he would keep “I should have known, you belong with me”.
@apollonshootafar @flrboyd @theanxietyqueen17 @dark-night-sky-99 @zillahvathek @leavesmealobe @winter-soldier-101 @bunbunbl0gs @ka1afbr @tesha-i-guess @aemondwhoresworld @RAYNETARGARYEN2 @cloboboo @now-i-have-a-new-obsession
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gothicgaycowboy · 3 months
❤︎ Jacaerys Targaryen NSFW alphabet ❤︎
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My modern Jace’s parents are Rhaenyra and Alicent hence why I’m using the last name Targaryen instead of Velaryon <3
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
King of aftercare. Nobody else does it like this man when it comes to aftercare and he doesn’t even do it consciously. It’s just his instinct to take care of you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s not very into idolizing his own body but he likes his shoulders the most. He learned to appreciate them more when you started complimenting them.
Jace is a thigh man. He loves grabbing at them while he fucks you or feeling them squeeze around his head when he’s eating you out. Natures pillows as he calls them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically)
His favourite place to cum is on your face. It’s probably the most shocking thing about Jace considering he’s the biggest gentleman out of all his brothers, but he just can’t help it. The image of your pretty face coved in his load will never not drive him insane.
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t really have any crazy secrets, but he really wants to record the two of you fucking. He thinks about it more than it’s probably reasonable for a person to think about it. Setting up his phone to take in the sights and sounds of you getting fucked by him.
Jace knows it’s incredibly stupid and risky with the profile of his family’s name — neither of you have even sent nudes to each other for that reason. It’s just the idea of the two of you having a sextape for your eyes only is very hot to him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He went through a phase of sleeping around in high school like his brother (Aegon of course) until he realized it wasn’t for him. He didn’t feel right using girls like that, he’s a romantic to the core.
The only good thing that came out of his little experimentation was building up quite the resume of experience. You’re grateful for his little hoe phase as you called it.
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying, may include a visual)
Jace is a firm believer in the superiority of missionary. He gets to control the pace and look directly at you the whole time. If he’s feeling wild he’ll hike your knees over his shoulders.
He also loves being able to whisper dirty things in your ear while fucks you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
He is generally a lighthearted guy at all times so the bedroom wouldn’t be that different. He would never take himself too seriously but he’d also never ruin a perfectly romantic moment by acting like an absolute loon.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes?)
When it comes to shaving he prefers comfort over aesthetic. He’ll trim when necessary but you are never getting that man shaven bare. He’d want you to do the same in terms of shaving for your enjoyment, not his.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Jace is a good old fashioned lover boy. He believes in romance out and inside of the bedroom. Some people have called him corny but he takes it as a compliment.
But just because it’s romantic doesn’t mean it’s boring and repetitive. This man puts all he has into his lovemaking. Honestly he thinks it’s what he was put here to do with his life.
J = Jack Off (how often do they do it? how do they feel about it?)
Probably about once or twice a week. He would never use porn though, for one he knew all that shit was fake, and it just felt wrong especially when he had you. He likes to use his imagination when he does it, picturing you sprawled out underneath him, bouncing with every thrust he gives you, eyes rolling into the back of your head.
In his mind that’s better than any porn ever made, because it’s just for him. Although he does still want to have a real video of you at some point in the future.
K = Kink (what are they into?)
He’s pretty basic when it comes to kinks. Dirty talk will always get him going — the sound of your voice in general actually. He’s convinced he could cum from the sound of you reading him a grocery list. He also really likes watching you masturbate. Seeing the way your body moves in response to your own hands and toys is priceless to him.
L = Location (favourite places to have sex)
He’s a bed guy all day and all night. Nothing beats the comfort of his sheets, but he’s open to trying out wherever you want to.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?)
Kissing will always led to something more with Jace. Innocent peck on the cheek? It’s moving to the mouth. On the lips? You’re gonna feel some tongue sneaking its way through.
If you kiss him on the neck you are asking for it. His neck might honestly be more sensitive than his cock.
N = Nope (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Absolutely nothing that hurts you. The only way he can stay turned on is to know he’s causing you pleasure, not pain.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
If he had to choose between never eating pussy or never getting his cock sucked he will happily choose never getting head again.
Jace was built to eat pussy. It’s his idea of heaven. He will spend hours doing it without even breaking a sweat. There have been many times where you had force his moth off you because he ‘wasn’t done yet’. Your pussy is literally a drug to him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
Jace is all about taking his time with you so it’s slow and sensual all the way.
Sex with him always starts with you getting eaten out (and we all know he’s enjoying every minute of that) so after he’s had his fill of you that’s when he gives you what you’ve been waiting for. Hips rocking smoothly into you as he tells you how gorgeous and perfect you are.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often?)
He would prefer not to, but if you or him are feeling desperate then he’s not too prideful to get down on his knees for you real quick.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks?)
He’s pretty vanilla when it comes to experimenting but he will do almost anything to make you happy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last?)
A two to three rounds type of guy for actual penetration, but if we’re talking eating pussy? Days on end with no breaks.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He was open to trying them when you asked him but the idea has never crossed his mind on his own. He never thought of them as a necessity. The first time he watched you use a vibrator on yourself changed his mind instantly. Anything that gives you pleasure gives him twice as much.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease?)
Only so he can make your high last longer. He will rub your clit for hours before he lets you cum just so he can watch you squirm.
V = Volume (how loud are they, what sounds do they make?)
He’s more of a whines and moans type of guy than a grunter. He also loves praising you.
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon)
He’s never tried eating ass but he secretly wants to. When he’s down there, nose rubbing circles against your clit, while his tongue licks its way into your wet hole, he’s been tempted to travel a little lower. To spread your cheeks and run his tongue against your ass while his fingers spread your cunt open is his fantasy.
The only thing stopping him is he’s afraid you’ll think he’s gross.
X = X-Ray (what’s goin’ on under those clothes?)
Hung like a true horse. Other than just being a people pleaser to his core, the whole reason he got so into eating pussy was because he knew in order to take some of that initial pain away he needed to prep you first.
He never wants to hurt you but it’s just inevitable sometimes with the absolute size of him. BDE comes with a price.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive? how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He wants to live between your legs. Jace has ‘joked’ many times that the ideal day off for him would be having you sit on his face until he suffocates. He’d be more than thrilled to go out that way.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You run him ragged. Even if you fuck during the day it is required both of you have a power nap immediately after.
I wrote way too many of these alphabets back to back so sorry if the wording in a them is a little repetitive, hope you enjoyed ♡
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aemondfairy · 1 month
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summary: You distract Jace while he’s studying and he makes you pay for it.
pairing: Modern!Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: Explicit smut, basically porn with no plot, p in v sex, creampie, brief oral sex (f receiving), cum eating 18+ MDNI
note: this is the first time I’ve written for Jace (kinda nervous:\ lol) … so this might not be great but I was horny ok bye🙈
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You're sitting on your bed with Jace. Various textbooks, notebooks, loose sheets of paper and writing utensils are spread over your satin sheets. You’re watching patiently as he struggles with another sentence in High Valyrian. His brow is furrowed and his jaw is clenched trying to make sense of his mother tongue. Even when he is frustrated, he is undeniably handsome.
Jace is always so brooding, ever serious and tense when it comes to his studies. As endearing as it may be, you decide to try and make light of the situation, have some fun with him. You slyly lean into him, your pink, fluffy feather pen poised in your hand. You lightly brush it against the tip of his nose, then down the curve of his jaw.
"Would you quit it?" he snaps at you, and his annoyance only makes you want to toy with him further.
You giggle as you gently drag the pen across the delicate skin of his neck, causing him to shiver. Letting out a groan in frustration, he bats your hand away. "Fuckin’ – I said, quit it!"
You lean away from him slightly, a mischievous glint in your eyes. Instead of backing off, you bring the feather pen up to his face once more and lightly brush it against his freckle-dusted cheeks.
"Make me."
Before you know it, Jace is on top of you and he’s pressing you hard into the mattress. His hands snake underneath your shirt, squeezing at your tits before he removes the garment from you completely, discarding it onto your floor. His hands are now busy fumbling with the zipper on your jeans. Once he’s gotten you free of them, you lift your hips up again to help him take your panties off but he stops you.
“Leave them.”
Jace gets up, standing at the end of your bed, he hooks his arms around the back of your thighs, pulling you to the edge of your bed and closer to him.
His thumb traces the outline of your slit through the cotton, pressing firmly into your clit, causing you to jolt. You shudder as goosebumps cover your skin.
“You like distracting me from my studies?” he asks, his tone much darker than earlier.
“Maybe,” you retort, biting your bottom lip.
His hand slaps down on your pussy, causing you to yelp in response.
“Such a bad girl you are.”
Jace pulls his sweatpants down hastily, revealing his cock to you. He’s thick, hard, and throbbing — ready for you to take. He takes his hand and wraps it around the shaft, stroking it slowly. His eyes meet yours and your heart rate goes through the roof.
He lazily slides his cock under the thin fabric of your underwear and ruts against you. The lewd sound of his cock sliding against your slick folds fills the room, and you moan at the obscenity of it all.
The sticky, wet fabric of your panties clings to his shaft, adding to the friction. Hugging his cock so snug you can see every vein through the thin material. The head of his cock rubs deliciously against your clit as he builds a steady pace, causing the ache inside of you to grow.
You’re so turned on you can feel your heartbeat through your cunt. Your walls flutter around nothing and you want nothing more than for Jace to slip himself inside of you. You buck your hips up, causing him to groan.
“Please, Jace,” you beg, peering up at him through your lashes. You don’t have to say it, he already knows what you want, but you do anyway.
“I can’t take it!,” you whine, “I need to feel you, all of you.”
You’re so pretty like this, he thinks. With your hair disheveled, the tip of your nose and cheeks flushed pink, tears swelling in your eyes as you beg for him. How could he ever deny you anything? Especially when you asked him so nicely.
Jace eagerly tugs your panties to the side, revealing your pussy to him and you hiss at the exposure. All swollen and wet with arousal, a growl erupts from his chest at the sight. He taps his cock against your velvety skin, eliciting another loud moan from you. Taking a deep breath in, his eyes scan over your body.
“You’re sure?” he questions, his eyes darting back and forth between yours.
“Yes, I’m sure, Jace! Just, please —”
You lose your train of thought as he runs his cock through your thick folds a few more times, and they wrap around him perfectly. So warm and inviting, he can’t help but let out a whimper at the contact. You watch him eagerly as you bite down on your bottom lip again. You both know he won’t last long once he’s fully inside of you.
You brace yourself as his thick tip prods at your entrance. Letting out a whine, your eyes roll back as he sheathes himself inside of your wet heat once and for all. He’s so big, he’s not even fully inside and you already feel so full.
“Oh, Jace. Fuck,” you moan as butterflies form in your lower belly.
“Feel good baby?” he asks while he begins to move in and out of you at a steady pace, allowing you to adjust to his size.
“Mmm, yeah.”
“Look at you, taking me so well, just like I knew you would. Fuck.”
His intense gaze never leaves yours as he stretches you open.
Jace holds a firm grip on your soaked panties, using them as support to further thrust himself into you. His other palm rests on your lower belly, adding pressure to each thrust. With each snap of his hips, you feel yourself on the brink of insanity. Each drag of his thick length has you closer and closer to coming undone as a coil builds inside you, threatening to snap at any moment.
In one swift motion, Jace now has your thighs up to the level of your breasts, allowing him to pound deeper into you, the weight of his body against yours is intoxicating — making you a drooling, babbling mess.
The tip of his cock continues to prod your sweet spot relentlessly and with a perfectly angled thrust, you’re soaking his cock, clenching down on him with force.
“See, you can be a good girl after all,” he says proudly, still pounding into you through your orgasm, “that’s it baby, cum on my cock.”
You keen at his praise, shaking around him as your cunt sucks in his length. You quickly pull his own release from him. He’s muttering profanities as he spills himself inside of you.
In the blink of an eye, and before you are able to object, Jace finds himself between your thighs and his tongue is capturing the sticky mess spilling from your cunt, groaning against you as he does so.
“You’re dirtier than I thought,” you say in awe and he looks up between your thighs with a smirk as he wipes his mouth and chin.
“Maybe I’ll tease you during study time more often.”
He reaches up and slides your panties off with quickness, tucking them away into the pocket of his sweatpants.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh, I’m keeping these,” he says with a wink.
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coryosbaby · 4 months
loser!jace velaryon with a slight older and dommy reader. she loves teasing him in public settings till he begs and then overstimming him to tears. maybe a mommy kink in there sometime. god i love jace.
18+, MDNI !!
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LOSER! JACE VELARYON, to start off, has had a crush on his betrothed since he was a child. He thought he could never have a chance with such a beautiful and alluring woman, a goddess in disguise as a human being. But when it was time for him to find a wife, boy was he surprised. She had fucked him stupid before the two of them were even wed.
LOSER! JACE VELARYON had never been experienced. He had heard about the acts of sex from the men around him because of the prostitutes they took to bed. But he was raised better than that and he didn’t see a point in those sort of indulgences.
Until he met her. Then he became the neediest and most infatuated man. He even grew out the locks of his hair so she could yank on it more when he enjoyed his meal— the one between her thighs, of course.
LOSER! JACE VELARYON starts calling his wife mommy. Mummy, to be exact, because of his accent, but for the sake of the word let’s just say mommy. He doesn’t know exactly where the satisfaction from the word derived from. He thinks it may be because she’s a tad bit older than him and makes him feel nurtured and loved.
And Gods, does he sound so beautiful and sweet when he says it. It slips off his tongue in pretty, whiny words. “Mommy, can I touch you here?” “Mommy, I need you.” “Mommy, you’re so warm.” It’d be a shame if no one got to experience the desperate sound of his cracking voice when he’s just on the cusp of release.
Which is why his wife decides to tease him. LOSER! JACE VELARYON is at a wedding celebration when her palm skims over his most perfect spot. She notices the way his thighs tense up and he tries to keep composure— he’s in a seat at the dinner table, but that doesn’t mean the others around him aren’t at risk of noticing.
LOSER! JACE VELARYON tries not to sound so whiny when the men of the court ask him questions. He grabs ahold of her hand that’s squeezing him— a beg to stop this now, because this is important, mommy, because we can’t do that— but he can’t resist her for long. No, it’s a mere five minutes before he’s excusing him and his wife for a leave to one of the mostly empty corridors, his eyes on her corseted back and imagining the way she looks spread open on his fat cock. Gods, he can’t wait.
LOSER! JACE VELARYON is pushed against the stone wall of the corridor, eyes rolling and mouth falling open when his wife drops to her knees. She looks beautiful, a true Targaryen beauty. He’s never seen someone so perfect. His hand finds its way into her hair— it isn’t done up like usual. She must’ve been expecting this.
Her fingers deftly undo his trousers, smiling when his girthy length slaps up against his stomach. He’s all flushed pink and wet, aching for a hole to fill, and she knows it.
“What a naughty boy you are,” she teases, in that angelic lilt of hers. She trails a finger up his length, and he lets out a groan. “Getting all worked up in front of all those people. Tell me, husband. What do you think they’d do if they knew their little Velaryon prince was whining like a girl for his beloved’s mouth?”
He bites his lip, eyes scrunching closed.
“They would think…” he breathes out a sigh when her tongue laps at him teasingly. “They would think im a whore, mommy.”
“That’s right, sweet one. Because that’s what you are, isn’t it?”
He nods, because he knows it’s the truth. Her hand wraps around him and lightly tugs. His hips move against the sensation, and his wrist moves up to be bitten by his teeth. She notices, and grabs his elbow. His arm is back at his side in a second, clutching onto the cool surface of the stone wall.
“No,” she says. “Let them all hear you, little prince. Let them hear you when I taste this sweet cock.”
He lets out a whine, watching as she takes his glittering, pink head into your soft mouth. She suckles him gently, playfully, and hums like a kitten at the taste of his precum. He’s delicious. She could eat him up for hours.
LOSER! JACE VELARYON is soon crying, tears streaming down his cheeks as she works her hand over him still, her fingers dripping with his first—second?— release. He can still hear the ongoing party as he shakes against the wall. He doesn’t know how long it’s been.
“Mommy. Mommy, it’s too much, please..”
“Don’t be difficult, Jace. Don’t you want to make me proud?”
Fuck, he wants it so bad he can’t breathe. He nods, plump lip quivering. He wonders when the party will be over…
LOSER! JACE VELARYON lets out a tiny whimper of fear when he hears the sounds of footsteps moving down the corridor. He comes to his senses for a mere moment, regardless of the fact that his wife’s hand is still pumping his cock. But she’s clever and she’s calm— she presses her hand to his shoulder and uses the leverage to push him against the corner of the corridor, a corner that has an extra wall built onto it and makes a tiny nook of secrecy and disretion. Jace hears the voices of his relative Alicent Hightower and her traitor knight, Sir Criston. Vastly approaching still, while his beloved’s hand works his dick, she speaks in a hushed whisper.
“Filthy, naughty boy. Cock out and covered in cum. You just couldn’t wait, could you?”
He can’t help it. LOSER! JACE VELARYON cries out his wife’s name, face twisted into carnal pleasure, and cums. Creamy white squirting all over her wrist and dress, balls drawn up tighter than a rubber band. He thinks she might’ve put a spell on him, this woman.
She smiles, listening to the awkward and rushed sound of Alicent and Sir Criston leaving the corridor when they realize the adultery occurring. Jace’s wife brings her fingers up to her mouth and gently sucks the spend off her thumb.
“You’re doing so good for mommy. I think you can handle one more. Don’t you think, little prince?”
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:: @mysticpenguincreation @nightmare-niko @iheartinkonpaper @becauseseaotters @emmalandry @princesstiti14 @aerangi @kaithoughs @jamespotterismydaddy @wildgirllz
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bucknastysbabe · 7 months
idk if your taking requests but I’m in desperate need of more modern AU Jace fics. Maybe if he was a cocky hockey player with his giant dick I need smut 🙏
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Hockey player!Jace, Actress!Reader, fake dating trope, my not sly commentary about parasocial fangirl behaviors and pressure on women in high profile industries, she has honkers and he has a horse cawk match made in heaven, Jacey is a little sweet babey always, real kittycat eating hours, teasing, pnv!sex, v!fingering, fast burn, lots of banter :)
Taglist: @arcielee @aemonds-holy-milk @targaryenbarbie @valeskafics @fallingintoyourlilaceyes @fairysluna @sugarpoppss2 @lovelykhaleesiii
The contracts were to be signed today. Jace was to be in a PR ‘relationship’ with this break-out actress. He was a star himself in the NHL, winning the Hart Memorial trophy for being the most valuable player his rookie year. He played centre, covering the ice and passing to his teammates to make a goal. He got a huge deal in the aftermath.
Suddenly his world was much more glamorous.
He wasn’t sure who sucked whose dick but he agreed to dating the starlet. He flew down from Toronto to the upscale management office in New York to meet the chick. He’d heard her name, couldn’t put a face to it, and certainly didn’t look her up. The brunette hoped she was a looker like his manager said.
He was pleasantly surprised, shaking her manicured hand. Jacaerys grinned as he introduced himself, poorly hiding his leering gaze on her tight little body. The actress was smoking hot. He wondered if she would be down to fool around. He had no desire for romance outside of planned sightings. He wasn’t much into that at the moment. Jace dated his high school sweetheart Rhaena until he’d gone big time.
She didn’t acclimate to fame and his constant absence. Jace understood why she broke it off. When they were seen— reporters interrupted. Pictures of fan girls crowding around him surfaced all the time. She deleted her socials due to harassment. He was saddened but figured it was a sign to let loose. So let loose he did.
Jacaerys had fucked plenty of puck bunnies, professional athletes, and the occasional hook-up with famous names by now. His brother called him cocky, and his mother snapped to not let the fame get to his head. He listened, truly, Jace loved his family and wanted to make them proud.
But honestly? When he was accomplishing everything he dreamed of and the money was flowing in, Jace couldn’t help but feel a bit over-confident. He knew he was talented, handsome, and a good fuck. He’d learned from a young age that his…dick…was different. In layman’s terms, he had a horse cock. By God, he was proud of that thing too.
They sat down in adjacent chairs, waiting for the agent to come to debrief them on the terms of the relationship. Jacaerys' brown eyes flicked over to her bored face, down to her busty chest, and back up. She scoffed “You haven’t seen my tits on the silver screen?”
He grinned, asking “I don’t get around to movies much. Care to enlighten me?”
Her lips turned into a frown, posture stiffening up. The actress shook her head, pulling out her phone to text rapidly. She was likely talking shit. Jace prodded, “What? Am I missing something? I’m playing hockey year round babe.”
“I literally am up for a Golden Globe for leading actress in a drama,” she grumbled, “Apparently you don’t read either.” She turned back to type on her phone again, lips settling into a pout. The athlete was a little taken aback by her attitude. He liked it. It appeared she was used to cinephile sycophants and co-stars trying to get a piece.
He hummed a laugh, spreading out in the wide chair. They waited, her nails clicking on the cell phone beginning to irritate Jacaerys. He absently asked "You like hockey? It's pretty fun to watch live."
"I don't really pay attention to sports, I act year round babe."
Jace's eyes widened in surprise. She was a spitfire under the glossy hair and now placid expression. He knew better than to irk her more, his mother taught him to respect women. The athlete was drawn in, he wanted a reaction, the attention whether it was negative or not. He smirked at her, leaning over, "Why did you pick me then? Don't like hockey, don't seem quite fond of me."
Her own lips curled a bit, the woman tucking a loose lock of hair behind a jeweled ear. She stated, "I got a list, you were single and cute. Word on the street was that you were a bit nicer than who I am sitting with now. Don't worry, it won't be too long, you'll be back to railing your way through Toronto soon." Her smile was thin, a blank look to her eyes.
Jace's chest fluttered a bit, guilt seeping into his mind. Before he could apologize the door opened. A man in a suit briskly walked in, setting down some papers. He eyed the pair to ask "Ready for the terms?" They both nodded, and Jace noticed her frown grow deeper. Damn. He felt like an asshole.
"Alright Jacaerys Velaryon, you'll be 'dating' my client for three months minimum. If you two hit it off, good job, enjoy your relationship. You two must be seen in public at least bi-weekly, my client will be at your games, and maintaining PDA is required. I'd recommend going out with your friends and playing the part. We'll sign an NDA and get this show on the road. Sound good?"
"Can't wait," she deadpanned.
They scribbled their names and exited the meeting. The actress ignored Jacaerys as she left, answering a phone call, pointedly looking away. He eventually cornered her up to exchange phone numbers. The pair had to exit the building at separate times so as not to draw attention.
Jace decided to read up on his faux girlfriend for the flight home. The actress was talented, the same age as him, and booked for the year. He decided to shoot her a text, damned lingering guilt eating at him. The hockey player was soft at heart, always had been. He could play the part of a cocky athlete but he truly hated confrontation, upsetting others, and general dickishness. That was for his uncles.
"Sorry about being a dick. Going to watch your movie tonight. Should I start with your small role in that sitcom?"
His dark eyes raptly watched the typing bubble. It disappeared, reappeared-- finally a response showed up. She had replied with an emoji rolling its eyes. "God, please don't, I look like a freak. The movie is much better. Then you can tell me about my tits. Apology accepted. See you next week in Toronto, make sure to clean the thongs outta your place."
Jace grinned, excitement coursing through his veins. He ended up making a big show picking her up from the airport. He grabbed the luggage and put it in his new sleek car. A couple of people had stopped her, even Jace for some autographs. The brunette made sure to hug the actress-- pulling her in for a searing kiss. His hand possessively splayed across her lower back, fingers grazing her pert ass.
He opened the door to let her in the car, cameras flashing now. Jace leaned in to whisper, "I have to admit, you have a beautiful body." She flushed and pecked his lips again, shooting him a smile. The hockey player climbed into the driver's side and off they went. He snuck a look and added, "I didn't really find any thongs but everything is pristine, Miss Golden Globe Nominee."
"Good, Mister Hart Trophy Winner."
Jace couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed her banter while they headed to his place. The woman was witty and playful, her icy facade melting as he listened to her. Jace carried her bags into the luxury apartment complex, while she had a roller bag. He teased, "You got boulders in here?"
"I'm staying for a bit, need to be prepared. You can run around in a tracksuit and no one bats an eye. If I look like a slob the tabloids are going to wonder if I'm a drunk or something. You won't believe the 'inside sources' I apparently have."
Jace frowned, scoffing, "That's bullshit. They put so much pressure on women in the industry."
She gazed at him, eyes softened as she thanked him in a reverent tone. Jace felt his cheeks heat up. He was beginning to wonder if he was having a moment of weakness or simply struck dumb by her looks and powerful presence. "At the least, I'm not a model."
Jacaerys snorted. He's had his fair share of models. He assumed they were all a bit nutty from the coke, not the horrid pressure from their nigh-impossible standards of beauty to uphold. "Good point," he conceded.
She stared around his loft, lips quirking up. The woman placed her bag down and strolled to the huge windows overlooking the city. Casting a glance back at Jacaerys she marveled, "It's gorgeous Jacaerys. Much prettier than LA." He smiled and replied, "Wait until you see it at night, I never get tired of the view."
Jace liked the way she said his full name. Maybe too much. He felt his cheeks begin to burn again. His animal hindbrain tittered "How would she sound moaning that?"
Awkwardness settled over the pair, her turning back to look out the window. Jace stated, "I'll put your things in the guest room, it's got a big bathroom and all."
"Thanks hun," she hummed. She followed along to place the luggage down, flopping onto the bed. Her big eyes followed Jace's form as she commented, "I highly doubt you decorated the place but it's nice. Very...Feng shui."
"Mom did all of that, I do try to keep it clean. I fear she'll appear and scold me. You could lick off the floor at my place growing up."
"Ha! I wish! I'm cluttered as all get out."
Jace gave her a faux glare, "Better keep it tidy, babe."
"Uh-huh, sure, what's on the docket for today? I want a tour and a cocktail to cap it off at dinner."
"You mean the club?"
Jace couldn't stop his cock from twitching when she smiled at him coquettishly, sparkling teeth gleaming as she purred "Of course stud, let's see what the rake of the Maple Leafs is putting down. I wanna see you dance!"
Oh. He was in quite deep. Jacaerys Velaryon might have developed an infatuation faster than he could pass a puck.
They held hands walking around Toronto, catching lunch as he showed her the sights. They rested on a bench in a park, Jace's arm slung around her shoulders, their heads close together as they spoke. The pair of them stared at her phone, giggling. The actress read off the Instagram post, "Starlet dating hockey star Jace Velaryon?"
"They're quick with it, for the love of god don't look at the comments."
Her pretty eyes rolled, "They call me an industry whore, nothing new, let me see this." Her red lacquered nail clicked on the comments. She guffawed, lips spreading into a smile. Jace raised a brow and looked over. He shook his head in annoyance-- how could 'fans' of his be so angry? Wouldn't they want him to be happy?
'Please, this won't last a second.'
'Pr relationship so obvious.'
'Jaceeeee whyyyyy she's such a bad actress.'
"A Golden Globe nominee is a bad actress? God, don't listen to that nonsense," he grumbled, tightening his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged and clicked on a fan page of her own. Jace seemed to settle at the more uplifting comments. He laughed out loud at one, 'Loveeee get it mother!' Jace outright guffawed at the second one, 'Be careful babes, don't get split by his infamous horse dick!!!'
"I like my fans better. I'll have to check out your fan cams at some point."
Jace rolled his eyes, helplessly grinning. His eyes flicked to a camera shuttering. Ah great, paparazzi, he thought. The brunette was planning on intentionally kissing her. He glared at the person and sniffed, "Come on, let's head back to my place for a bit." She cooed "What? Don't want your pic taken Jacey?"
"Nope, we need nap time before hitting the nightlife."
"I hope we see Drake. That would be cool."
Jace laughed his ass off. When they got into the elevator he crowded her up, hands on her waist. She inhaled, eyes widening, full lips quirking up. He murmured softly, "You're so...I can't find the words." Her arms loosely linked around his shoulders, soft lips so close. She whispered, "Actions speak louder than words pretty boy."
Next thing Jace knew her legs were locked around his hips, the pair making out as he blindly keyed open the door to his loft. Kicking the door open, the brunette pressed her against the wall, mouthing his way down her neck. The actress' nails dug into his shoulders as she moaned, breasts heaving in excitement. He nipped at her collarbone, mumbling, "Lemme eat you out, fuck, please."
"Bed now," she demanded in return.
He deposited the beauty on his bed, wildly jerking at his clothes. She was shimmying off her leggings, the sweatshirt she borrowed hitting the wall. Jace climbed atop her in his underwear, grinding against her pussy, mouth latching back onto plush lips. She whined under her breath when he lapped into her mouth, calloused hands playing with peaked nipples.
They grew sloppy, Jace finally kissing and sucking his way down her tight body. He grabbed one of her legs as he sucked on the thin skin of the hip, dark eyes blown black with arousal. She gripped at his hair, breathless, "Fu-uck Jacaerys, please, please." Jace grinned, rumbling, "I gotcha baby, screw the club, I'll show you a good time tonight yeah?" He was hopelessly earnest, swollen lips hovering above her mound.
"Yes yes baby, want it all, please, you're killing me." Jace could lose his mind at the way her voice cracked into a whimper, brows pinching in agony. She even thrust fruitlessly upwards-- Jace's other hand keeping her hip pinned. He grunted, "Spread em' sweetheart."
He tongued at her engorged clit off the rip, hands digging into the soft meat of the thighs. The actress cried out, back arching all gorgeous, tits bouncing with the movement. Her hand tightened in his curls as Jace suckled, eyes watching every little move. He snuck his fore and middle fingers up and across her sopping slit, smirking.
He delved them into her cunt as his tongue joined, playfully lapping as the excess slick, moaning at her natural taste. She whimpered again, thighs tightening as Jacaerys crooked his fingers up into her g-spot, flicking his tongue upwards and back to her clitoris. He paused to groan, "You feel good pretty girl?"
She moaned his name and babbled nonsense, pussy throbbing and drenching his fingers. Jacaerys' smiled-- she moaned his name just as he imagined. He had a rhythm alternating between teasing jabs of his tongue and suckling on the bundle of nerves. She was growing frantic, tossing her hair around and practically howling in pleasure.
He sped up the pace, relentlessly working her pretty pussy until the darling shrieked his name, clenching his hair. Her thighs twitched and clamped around his head, body arched as she heaved and cried. Jace groaned at her gushing around his fingers, long lashes fluttering in pure want. He needed to fuck her, now.
He pulled down his briefs as she laid back, panting, pretty face dazed and flushed-- a light sheen of sweat had covered her naked body. He climbed atop her, pleading, "C'mon sweets, think you can take it? Take me? I'll give you another orgasm, too goddamn perfect not too, god."
Her lidded eyes widened at his cock. It was flushed and heavy, too heavy to do anything but hang between his impossibly toned thighs. The actress rasped, "Give it to me, I can take it, ease it in." She kissed the brunette open-mouthed and wet, shaky legs pulling up to cage his hips in.
Jace's breath stuttered as he guided the fat tip of his cock into her soaked pussy, feeling the stretch immediately. She clung to him, pouring herself into his lips, nails digging into his shoulder blades. He slid in another agonizing two inches, gasping, "Fuck you're tight."
She responded by sucking blooming marks into his tensed neck, eyes rolling up when the thick middle of his cock spread her wide open. "Jacaerys, Jacaerys, you feel so good- so damn big baby!" He kept pushing against the slight resistance, settling as deep as he could.
His brown eyes clenched tight, she was like a silky glove around his cock. Hazily he felt her stomach, eyes lolling around at the bump from his cock. She was mewling wetly at the junction of neck and shoulder, non-stop babbling about being so full. Jace panted, "Mm, yeah, lookit' you, stretched your pretty pussy out."
He began to fuck in earnest, chasing a high. Her cunt dragged and clung to his fat cock, ridged insides sending sharp arousal up his spine. Jace lost himself in the moment, mouthing at a pert nipple, heavy balls slapping against her ass. She cried and yelled, worthy of a fucking porno. He knew he wasn't going to last long. But the way she was practically shivering and fuck-dumb, slurring her words of nonsense, she was right with Jace.
"M'gonna cum baby, you on birth control?"
"Fuck me, jus' keep fuckin' me," she rasped. Plan B was always an option when her mind returned to non-mush. Jace kept fucking her as instructed, groans growing desperate and guttural. His balls were drawing up, aching from how needy he was to cum.
He kissed her one more time, swallowing her noises before pulling back to pant against her cheek, hips beginning to stutter. He snuck a hand down to her cunt, thumbing her clit. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better-- she shrieked again. A gush of her slick engulfed his cock, wet noises filling the bedroom. Jace cried her name, shoving himself deep and filling her up.
He might've sent her into another orgasm but Jacaerys was whited out from pleasure. All the athlete could do was pathetically groan as his cock twitched and pumped his heavy load into her cock, thickening the slick coating on his prick, collecting around where they joined. It was delightfully filthy. He came too with a deep inhale, sliding out with a mewl and flopping away.
Overstimulation was a common theme with the girls he fucked-- Jace knew to give some space in the immediate aftermath. It wasn't too long before she complained, "Why are you flopped over there? Get over here, you just fucked my brains out."
He grinned like a sap. How did she have yet another moment where he found himself deeper in desire for the woman. Jace murmured, "My bad, my bad, didn't want to overheat you or anything." She retorted, "I'm a cuddler Jacaerys Velaryon, you should remember that about your girlfriend." He chuckled, jerking her into his embrace, tucking a chin on her shoulder.
"They didn't lie about your horse dick. Hate to tell your fan girlies that cock belongs to me now."
Jace smirked, pressing a gentle peck to her skin, "It's all yours, believe me. They can find the next rookie of the year to be their online boyfriend."
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camlovesjace · 4 months
GHOST RIDER, modern Jacexoc!fem
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SUMMARY: Jacaerys had been acting weirdly, going out many nights and coming back in the mornings, Cellys is suspecting he was cheating...but the truth was far away worst. WARNING: violence, cheating suspicion, use of bad words, murdering, graphic descriptions (also, writer is not an english native, had patience pls)
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Once again, he was gone. He had slip out of the bed at midnight and didn't come back, as usual lately. Cellys was worried, freaking out was a most clear description, her friends had talk with her, saying he was probably sneaking around with some other girl and that she should dump his ass away from her before he break her heart deeper or found him red handed. That thought made her shiver, she could barely think of it without feeling the knot forming on her throat.
Jace. Her Jace. Sneaking around with other girl?
It sounded so unrealistic, but nothing else could explain his behavior. He always arrived home in the mornings, tired and exhausted. His abstinence in home was like an empty place without solace, and she didn't realized she was getting distant when he was around.
She used to look at him, she notices everything he does or don't does.
He looked disturbed, his mind anywhere else but not there.
Then she heard the door opening, his lazy steps entering in the apartment, the sun was shining with it´s first rays of golden, it was a constant reminder of the day embracing the night. She pretended to be fall asleep, covering her back with the sheets and blankets, she heard his soft gasps of tiredness, he was coming to the bedroom.
He walked in, his presence itself was relieving, but it didn´t made her felt better. The idea of him in the arms of someone else, with his hands touching other skin, his lips kissing someone else...his love being torned apart from her, it was killing her.
His weight get into the bed, he was moving quietly but his lazy movements made the mattress move up and down slightly.
"Babe..." he murmured, his voice was low and hoarse but she didn't opened her eyes, trying to look as slept as possible. She could felt his hazel gaze on her back, then his arms wrapped her waist under covers as he cling behind her, like a hurted dog.
He buried his face on the back of her neck, his nose smelling the sweet aroma of her hair, a smell that always bring him home. She could smell a strong burning smell, like the smoke of a bonfire. The way his arms felt so heavy around her showed her how tired he truly was, and once again, that knot on her throat felt tighter than ever.
She broke down, crying as his warm body held hers, her soft almost inaudible cries hitted him like a punch in the guts.
"Hey, hey...what´s wrong?" he whispered, sitting in bed and turning her to face him, his grip was firm but gentle, seeing her eyes covered in tears all of them pouring down her cheeks -like if she were holding them for so long- while her chest moved up and down quickly in a painted breathe.
A wave of protectiveness washed over him, as he pulled her into his arms deeper but she broke the hug, getting away from him in bed. Then the realization made him felt sick.
"No" he spoke, his tone sounded more hard than he would've wanted, but into his chest he only felt guilty. Guilty for making her feel like this, for making her think he was doing that to her. She the love of his life, the best thing that's ever been his and the most precious he has.
"Do not do this worse" she whispers, trying to clean her cheeks but it was useless, tears were locked in for too much weeks and now they were scapink in a tsunami of emotions that made her stomach twist in pain "Jace, i know...i know-"
"No" he interrupted her, he moved quickly over her, holding her wrist and pinning her on the bed, his eyes held a plea on them "You need to believe me, please, please, my darling" he begged, desperately.
Knowing the truth would be dangerous for her, but he knew staying by his side would be much more. He didn't wanted her to leave, to go away from him and never see her again, to never heard her laughter or to feel her warmth on the bed every time he need solace from the dark curse on his soul.
"Aren't you? Tell me you're not doing it, tell me that even if it is a lie" she says, her lips on a soft pout, her heart was sinking on her stomach. He looked down at her, still pinning her body under his, not wanting to let go.
"I'm not! Cellys, i'm fucking not" he shouted, but his own tears made his confession sound weaker, not because it wasn't true but because he knew he was being selfish. He wanted her to stay, he told himself he would be able to protect her, to not hurt her in the path...but he was doing it by lying to her "I would rather die than betray you that way, you heard me? i would rather to be a damn rotting corpse buried in the darkest place of the world and the hell before hurting you like that" his tears were pouring down his cheeks, his grip on her arms tighten but not enough to make her feel pain.
She felt completely devastated, torned by the suspicion of his cheating and his sincere voice when he said he would never, she wanted to believe him so bad. She wanted to say she choose to trust in their love, but what if she was wrong? what if he lied? once again.
What if...?
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It´s been a while since they talked, Cellys was out with a female friend on Verona, for the long weekend. But he knew it was an excuse to stay away from him, from home. She didn't believed him, and he understood why, he was lying after all. But not in the way she thought he was lying, her suspicions of cheating made him felt offended, but how could he blame her? He was, in fact, being distant and having an erratic behavior.
But there he was, sitting in a dark place in the middle of nowhere. The blood slipping through his fingers, the bone still noticeable under his knuckles. His body was sore, he could feel the heat of the fire around his neck. Even if his own fire could not hurt him he still felt the wound.
The sun was still hiding, extending his course.
The man sat next to him, in the bench, his pale skin was similar to the white tone of his bones, that were covered in an orange and blue flame.
"It is done" he announced, not disappointed but neither proud. The dead body of a man behind them, his soul was lost...as well his own.
"I know it's fucking done" Jace says, his voice was lifeless and rough, like if it carried a demoniac tone with it. The sun started to rise, the golden color was heavenly, and it reminded him to Cellys. Her sweet smile, her gentle touch, how it was to feel her breath against his neck when he held her.
He was losing her...
"Be careful in the way you spoke at me, child" the man says, the rage on it was heavy but Jace was not afraid of him, he was mad too. This was ruining his entire life, he wanted to give up.
He would rather die but not let his girl to think he would cheat on her like a bastard. No when he would fight with the devil himself to protect her and her feelings.
"I don´t wanna keep doing this, i wanna go home..." he says but the man only laughs.
"You think you have an option?" he mocked, then his gaze darkener "if you don't do what i say, i guess i must start to give you reason to..."
Jacaerys felt his skin burning as the sun rises more and more, he gasped in pain when his flesh started to cover his bones back, his fingertips found his jaw when the skeleton under was being replaced by skin and muscles, the fire dying.
"What...do you mean?" he asked, breathless. The smell of smoke burned his nostrils, it was the smell of his flesh killing the fire that was around his bones. The process was painful but more bearable than the first time he was turned into this monster.
"The girl" the man says, a smile pulling of the corner of his lips "She is pretty, isn't she? An angel"
A shiver ran down his spine with that protective instinct over him he had felt so many times before, but this time was much stronger than ever.
"Touch her and you're dead" Jace threatened but it sounded like a pathetic and useless warning in the ears of the devil.
"Oh, boy, i'm already are"
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dt; @nebulamorada <3
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madame-fear · 1 month
* COUNTERPUNCH. read the plot for the series here!
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bunbunbl0gs · 1 year
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Jacaerys ❤️🖤
house of the dragon masterlist
join my tag list here :)
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
A modern headcanon Jacaerys Velaryon x fem reader, about how he loves his girl and loves getting between her Legs even more because she tastes good, can you do that?
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jacaerys velaryon masterlist
Jace is the dream boyfriend and there's nothing to dispute that fact. He is affectionate, cute, humorous and cheerful. Living with him is naturally easy but he makes it even more so. You never had to worry about other things when he was there. There are many ways he makes you feel special and wanted, from sweet kisses on your face and shoulders, gentle touches on your waist, constant hugs, and almost weekly token gifts.
When he accuses his beautiful girlfriend of being a spoiled girl you can only agree and point out that he is the cause of it, as your handsome prince — as you sometimes called him — has accustomed your taste to exclusively fine things. But you can't complain, and you don't want to, you love being spoiled and loved by him, it's like floating in a pool full of love and affection, you love him so much.
And he loves you too, Jace loves that you're his spoiled girl. If you want something he'll buy it, if you want to go somewhere he'll take it, if you want to stay home and watch a movie he'll do it. Whatever you want, he will do it without batting an eyelid. He loves being with you, he loves your relationship and he needs to show it all the time. And that includes getting between your legs too — not that he needs a fervent request really.
Sex with him is amazing, you've never had anyone care as much about your pleasure as he does. There's a need on your sweet boyfriend's part to be totally intimate with you, looking into your eyes as you fuck so deliciously. That's why when he's between your thighs nothing else in the world matters but your liking.
Jace always tries to make you come before him, but sometimes he finishes before and immediately advances — after coming out of the fog — to touch your bundle of nervous things and strum your core until you're satisfied, as you taught him. The thought of leaving you in denial almost offends him. His girl deserves only good things.
When he lands between your legs it's always so good, like, really good, the boy really does some damage with his mouth. You love to pull your prince's hair while he slowly eats you, and that's something to point out, he eats you like he's tasting a haute cuisine dish, slow and intense.
Jace loves the way your thighs squeeze his head as he greedily sucks on your pearl, he also loves hearing your moans and encouraging words during the act. And last but not least, your sweet boyfriend loves, truly loves when you pull his hair while fucking his face — he gets totally hard. Your taste is so sweet, so good, he can't stop.
Usually he is gradual in tasting you, but don't underestimate him, he can be fast and make you come so fast with a screeching sound. He's a vision with his nectar-wet lips and disheveled hair, and almost makes you jump to kiss him and cage him in bed like he deserves.
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aemondsvisenya · 2 years
Dating Modern!Jace would include…
Tumblr is being dumb and not letting me edit my draft of the Jace smut so… I’m gonna do another post until it sorts it’s shit out 💀
The SFW section is pretty gender neutral, there’s a NSFT section below the cut and that’s more female reader (sorry!)
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🌿 SFW 🌿
Jace is quite literally the single best boyfriend EVER, that boy is so attentive to you and to your needs it’s unreal
Feeling sad one day? Jace is right by your side, softly asking if you’re okay, do you need anything, do you want to talk about it? And he just listens without any judgement, so understanding and wanting to be there for you
If you tell him you need space, he’ll give it to you though - he might not be happy about leaving your side but he doesn’t want to push or upset you further. He knows you’ll talk about it when you’re ready
He’s absolutely a romantic, he loves holding hands and pressing kisses to your cheeks, loves telling you that he loves you and is proud that you’re his
He knows all of your favourite foods, all of your favourite drinks, favourite tv shows, movies etc. Jace has taken the time to remember everything about you, about what you like and dislike, what’s important to you etc. Not really in a stalker way, he just wants to show he cares about you and what you enjoy
If it’s cold out or you’re out late one night, expect him to give you his coat - he’ll shiver but insist that you need it more than him, he’s absolutely not about to let you get even a little cold while he’s with you
Jace is an absolute gentleman and always polite to your parents, to your friends etc. It’s just so endearing that he makes sure to be nice to everyone. Your parents are never worried when you go out together because they know Jace is a good guy and won’t let you get harmed, that he’ll ALWAYS have you home on time.
He would absolutely want to pay for all of your dates (Targaryens and Velaryons are WAY too rich for their own good) but you insist that you help pay too - you’re not a charity case, and while you know he offers because it’s the gentlemanly thing to do, you want to be equal in your relationship
Most of your dates consist of little dinners, movie trips, and evenings in his room. Most of the time you’re in his room, you just curl up together and lazily kiss as TV or music play in the background.
Jace was nervous to kiss you the first time, worried it would make you uncomfortable, so you had to be the one to initiate that first kiss - he loves kissing you, he’s fine initiating after, but that first time he waits for you to make the first move because he doesn’t want to force you into it
You love meeting and having dinner with Jace’s family: his mother is nice, his brothers soon become like little brothers to you too, and you get on very well with Baela and Rhaena, his cousins/step-sisters. His stepfather is harder to read, but Jace insists Daemon likes you well enough - “you’d know if Daemon didn’t like you,” He admits, chuckling somewhat anxiously.
He knows that you’re the one for him the day you meet Vermax, his dog; all of his family have pets, and Vermax is his German shepherd. You’re absolutely thrilled to meet Vermax, and the dog soon happily licks and plays with you - and Jace knows you’re it for him, because Vermax has clearly given his approval and loves you
Once you’ve met Vermax, a lot of your dates soon become going on walks together with him, which both you and Jace love
You know that while Jace loves his family, it can admittedly be somewhat of a sore spot at times; his “father” Laenor died when he was young, though he admits to you in private one night that he knows his father was another man who also died, that he and his brothers Luke and Joffrey were actually the result of an extramarital affair. It’s something of an open secret in his family, something his uncles on his mother’s side constantly sneer and mock him about
Speaking of those uncles… You met his uncles at a family gathering you attended with Jace once, surprised that they were around Jace’s age. Aegon tried to make a move on you, touching your butt, and the gathering ended awkwardly with your handprint on Aegon’s cheek, Jace being held back by his stepfather, and Aegon’s brother Aemond getting into fisticuffs with Luke. Helaena, his aunt, seemed nice though, if nothing else.
Jace 100% let’s you borrow his clothes, he absolutely LOVES seeing you wear his t shirt when you sleep over or you wearing his hoodie when it’s cold. You love wearing his clothes because they smell like him, and it makes you feel all warm inside
🔥 NSFT (under the cut) 🔥
Much like kissing, Jace doesn’t want to push you too far, so it got to the point where you were wanting to sleep with each other so badly but you were worried he didn’t want to.
You were the one who had to say to him “I want to do it”, which made him flush a little - but he still managed to smile and nod, because “yeah, I do too”
Your first time is sweet, a little awkward but still nice, and afterwards he pulls you to him, still panting, and murmurs that he loves you because he’s an absolute romantic
That boy EXCELS at foreplay, he makes it his life’s mission to pleasure you until you’re a writhing sweating mess, and that’s just by using his fingers and mouth - you always have at least three orgasms before you even get to penetration.
Jace was a little anxious at first about his cock, he was worried about size etc. He really didn’t need to be. He’s not extremely thick but he is long, and you wondered initially if he’d even fit. Safe to say, he stopped feeling insecure about his cock pretty quickly once he realised how much you enjoyed it
He was also a little worried that he wouldn’t be able to make you feel good - again, a needless worry, since you discover he’s MORE than able to pleasure you
His favourite position is probably missionary (because he likes looking at you, of course, he’s a total romantic), but he also loves when you take control and ride him; the sight of you bouncing on his cock, seeking your pleasure, is a HUGE turn on for him. He’s not opposed to other positions - he enjoys them - but those two are his favourites.
He always makes sure the two of you have protection; it’s not that he’s against the idea of children with you, but he doesn’t want to risk it until you guys are older and married - that, and he also wants to be sure neither of you have any diseases etc. He is VERY responsible, it must be said.
He prefers to have sex in a bed, whether it’s yours or his, and to take his time so he can make you feel good - but he’s absolutely not opposed to the odd quickie here and there
He absolutely would not want to share you, so he’s not really into public sex - though you two do take a few risks, like in his mother and stepfather’s room, upstairs whilst your families are downstairs, etc.
He also wouldn’t want to hurt you, but if you asked him to spank you… he wouldn’t say no 👀 he’d be a little nervous about it, but your moaning would spur him on
Jace always makes sure you cum before him, he’ll force himself to wait until you’re squeezing his cock and clutching him, all but screaming his name, and then he’ll let go
You never thought someone could be beautiful as they cum - but Jace is. His moan is so primal and guttural as he buries himself deep inside of you, entire body trembling as his arms struggle to support his weight, breath shuttering out of him from the effort of it
You never thought it possible for someone to be beautiful when they cum - but Jace is. He groans so wonderfully, a noise from deep in his chest, hips stuttering before he thrusts so deep into you that you can feel him hitting your cervix, like he’s trying to bury himself inside of you
Afterwards, you hold each other and just glow in the aftermath of your love making, and he smiles at you so softly 🥹 he just loves you and would do anything for you
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axelsagewrites · 7 months
Hey, can I please request Jacaerys x aunt!reader where he goes to her after the dance as she had been imprisoned in the dungeons and he offer her to let him have her or she'll be sentenced to death or sum. And reader is as pious and religious as Alicent and she is horrified by the idea of being sullied by ""bastard seed"" but she reveals to be c0ck-drunk by the end of it?
Jace Velaryon*Perfect Wife
Pairing: Jace x f!reader
Word count: 2809
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Warnings: dub con, imprisonment, held at knife point (not during smut), praise, degradation, nipple play, p in v sex, hickeys, spanking, bruising, forced marriage, smut 18+c
Masterlist here
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You weren’t much of a warrior. You had been raised the way a princess should have been. Well, that’s what your mother told you. However, when two days had passed since Aemond and Aegon had left to confront Rhanerya, and everyone refused to tell you what was happening you decided to get the hell out of there on your dragon.
Maybe you’d end up in Essos and sell a dragon egg for a home. Maybe even Dorne. You could try throw yourself on their mercy. After all, their ambassadors had always seemed to enjoy your company. However, all your plans soon crumbled when you accidentally flew into what you’d assumed to be an empty clearing.
You’d landed in a small field and had quickly tried to ‘borrow’ an apple from a local farm when you felt a strong grip on your arm and a sharp blade on your neck. So cold it had to be Valyrian steel. “And who do we have here?” you recognised Jace’s voice clearly. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you pretty girls shouldn’t go about dawdling?”
The stone floors bruised your knees each time you knelt to pray but you didn’t complain or even wince at the pain. You’d counted the days you’d been here by etching marks in the stone with the corner of your Seven-star necklace your mother had given you. 27 days so far. Each morning you prayed. Well, what you thought was morning. Then each afternoon then evening. Each time to a different member of the seven. Even the stranger since perhaps the god of death was the one you truly needed right now.
“My lady,” a sing song voice called out, “Lunch is ready,” Jace said as he approached your cell with his usual grin. He didn’t come every day but when he did it only seemed to add to your punishment. “I made sure to pick you the freshest apple,” he crouched down, holding it out to you.
You kept your eyes on the ground as you tried to finish your prayer, “C’mon now. They’re clearly not listening to you,” he mocked, sitting down the tray in front of the bars to your cell.
Still, you ignored him as you wrapped them up. Jace sighed and just as you finished your prayers he stood, taking the tray with him. “Where are you going?” you called, moving to stand on your feet and grabbing the bars, “That’s my food,”
“No this is my food,” he said, as if he was calling the sky blue, “And you never took it,”
“I was praying!”
“Not fast enough,” he teased. “Maybe next time you’ll remember to acknowledge the heir to Westeros,” he said as he turned to leave.
“My brothers not here,” you mumbled, turning around to go take your place on the wooden bench they called a bed.
The wine cup clattered against the wall, missing your head by only an inch. You span on your heels to confront him, but the only trace was your food dropped on the ground in a head and the apple slowly rolling towards your cell.
It stopped just out of arm’s length of the bars as if the gods really were mocking you. It took you laying on the ground, stretching out the tips of your fingernails to manage to roll it closer so you could grab it. You consoled yourself knowing he never came twice in one day.
Yet this time he did.
Jace arrived with a meal so nice looking it almost reminded you of what you used to eat. There was even a whole chicken leg on it. when he saw the apple core in the corner of your cell Jace couldn’t help but laugh. “Here,” he said, reaching it out for you to try manoeuvre through the bars when he suddenly pulled it back, “Aren’t you going to thank your prince?”
“Thank you,” you glared, reaching your hand out.
Jace just smirked, “Thank you what?”
“Thank you, dear nephew,” you offered with a fake smile.
“Say it. say that I am the true heir, a true prince, and I will be most obliged to give you this chicken leg. Straight from the queens table,” he said, showing it to you once more just to rub it in.
You could feel your stomach rumble, but you couldn’t say it. not after all this time. Not after all the battles. Not for a chicken leg. “My mother isn’t here,” you said through gritted teeth.
Jace reached through the bars, grabbing your neck before you could react. His grasp was tight but despite his fingers digging into your skin you weren’t afraid, “I can only be so patient,” he warned before letting you go. He turned to leave, taking the food with him, “besides, who said your mother is even alive?” he mocked before slamming the door shut behind him.
The stalemate continued for another day and a half and suddenly you were regretting not rationing the apple. At least the guards had kept your water jug topped up, but you didn’t want to risk that being taken too.
“I have a new deal,” Jace said, walking in empty handed.
“Where’s my food?” you said, not even standing from where you sat on your bed.
“That’s not very polite,” Jace tutted, leaning against the bars, “How would you like to get out of here?” you couldn’t help your eyes widening at the idea. Something Jace seemed to revel in. he unlocked your cell and despite wanting to run you sat still as he closed the door behind him. “Come here. Let me get a closer look at you,”
You wanted to slap him but instead you stood up and slowly crossed the floor while Jace’s eyes scanned your frame. “Still so beautiful,” he mumbled before he finally brought his eyes back to yours as your cheeks burned, “I have a new proposal for you,” he said, reaching to stroke your cheek. He was gentle but you still flinched at his touch.
He stepped closer, moving his hand down till he was toying with your necklace, his eyes not so subtly on your chest, “Marry me,” he said, and you instantly grimaced at his words, “Be my wife and I will let you free,”
“I wouldn’t be free,” you snapped, “I’d be the wife of a bastard, a nobody, a waste of space- “you began to spit your venom at him only to be cut off by his tight grasp around your neck.
“I wouldn’t be so hasty if I was you,” he warned, “What I’m offering is generous. You should hear what Daemon had planned for you,” he dropped his grip and you instantly stepped back, trying to recatch your breath.
Jace slowly began to circle you, eyeing you up from every angle as you silently thought over his offer when suddenly a thought popped into your head, “What’s in it for you? Last time I checked you already had a betrothed,”
“Alliances can change, we both know that” he drawled, his chest pressed against your back while his hand grazed your hip. Not mine, you thought, but you stayed silent instead. “Besides I need a wife. Someone to show off in court,” his hand trailed up from your hip to your waist making you shudder through the thin dress they’d gave you, “Someone to bear children. Someone to warm my bed,” he said, his lips pressed against your ear.
His hand went to move to your front, but you grabbed his wrist before he could touch anything, “I’d rather die,” you spat.
Jace grabbed your hips, spinning you around and pulling you flush against his chest, “That can be arranged,” he warned but he still wore his teasing smirk, “You think you’d survive here without me? A pretty young things like yourself in nothing but her night dress roaming around court, think of the scandals. Gods help you if you even make it out the castle. What do you think the small folk would do with a princess like you?”
“Perhaps they’d save me. If they believed in the true king,” you said, trying to hold firm but feeling yourself shake.
He chuckled under his breath, “There is only a queen. C’mon, I can’t be that bad surely. You saying you’ve never thought about it?” he said, his hand moving down to your ass, his lips moving to your ear, “Its not just the gods who know your dirty little secrets,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning your neck.
“I want my dragon back,” you said suddenly making Jace lift his head from where he’d been dragging his lips across your neck, “If I’m to be your wife,”
“As soon as your belly swells with my seed,” he said, “Anything else?”
It felt like a trap, but you tried anyway, “And separate rooms. I don’t want to see you more than I have to,”
He chuckled this time, “That can be arranged, anything else?” you eyed him carefully before shaking your head no. one child and then you could escape with your dragon. It would take a year, maybe two, and then you’d be free. “Good. I shall have them draw up a treaty. But in the meantime,” he said, grabbing your ass so suddenly you gasped, “I want some kind of reassurance you won’t back out,”
“And what’s that?” you asked through gritted teeth.
“I want to fuck you,” he said making the words dry up in your throat, “And if I didn’t know any better id say you wanted me too,”
“And if I say no?” you asked.
Jace dropped his grip, but a smirk fell on his lips as he began to walk away. “Then no deal,” he said, reaching for the door.
“Wait!” you called, reaching out to grab his arm. Jace turned his gaze back to you with a knowing smirk, “I suppose if you are to be my husband. The gods, they’d understand,” you said, trying to rationalise it all.
Jace moved closer to you till his chest was flush against yours, “I’m sure they’d understand after all,” he said, pushing the hair out of your face, “Who could blame you for wanting some pleasure in your life?” he said, his hand trailing down till he grabbed your tit, squeezing it softly, “Why would something that feels so good be so wrong?” he whispered in your ear, his hand traveling lower to your thighs, toying with the hem of his dress.
His lips moved to kiss down your jaw, across your neck till he was kissing your undiscovered sweet spot making you moan softly. His arms moved to slip around your waist, pulling you somehow closer to him as your hands rested on his shoulders. You gasped when he squeezed your ass and winced at the quick slap, he gave it before his hands moved to the hem of your dress.
The cold air rushed over your frame, making your nipples harden as Jace pulled the dress over your head in one swoop. The only thing to cover you was your necklace but right now that felt even worse. Jace’s eyes travelled your frame, soaking up every inch, “The gods have blessed me with you,” he murmured.
“You do not know the gods,” you glared but Jace just chuckled as his hands went to cup your tits, stroking his thumbs over your perked nipples making you whimper.
“Perhaps you don’t either,” he said as he led you by your hips to your bed. He sat on it, his hands resting on your hips as he pulled you into his lap.
His lips moved to your collarbones, kissing and nipping at the soft skin. Your brain told you to push him away, but a strange feeling was overcoming your body as his hands moved to your hips. You could feel a hard bulge under his trousers as he began to move your hips, pushing your core onto his clothed cock. You moaned at the friction, his bulge rubbing perfectly against your clit sending shock waves up your body.
Soon you felt your hips begin to buck and move of their own accord. You felt his smirk against your skin as his hands moved to your tits. You gasped when he pinched your nipples, rolling them between his fingers making you moan. “Oh god,” you couldn’t help the moan that slipped out when he took one into his mouth, sucking on the perked bud.
You weren’t sure what had come over you, but you felt a knot tightening in your stomach, your moans growing louder as you took the gods in vain at the top of your lungs. You felt your peak hit you like a boulder before you slumped into Jace’s chest.
He moved to kiss your cheek with a chuckle. “Not even fucked you yet and look at you,” Jace said, slipping his hand down to rub against your sensitive core making your body lurch, “So wet for me,” he praised, his hand moving to unlace his trousers. “Can’t wait to see what my cock does to you,”
Before you could protest you felt his tip pressing into your entrance. You gasped, your hands moving to grab his shoulders, “Aw,” Jace pouted, “Does it hurt?” he mocked, pushing you down further, “Too fucking bad,” he practically growled as he used your hips to push you all the way down.
You almost screamed at the feeling, as if you were being split in half but Jace groaned, throwing his head back against the wall as you felt his cock twitch inside you, “Fuck you’re so tight,” he praised, giving you a moment to adjust. Your hips betrayed you again, moving without your mind thinking making him chuckle.
“Such a desperate little thing,” Jace mocked, grabbing your jaw as you tried to move away. His thumb ran over your bottom lip before using it to pry your mouth open, resting it on your tongue, “Good girl,” he praised, his free hand moving your hips.
“Fuck,” you gasped as you felt him hit all the right spots. You gave up trying to resit as your hips began to grind onto his cock.
Jace’s hands moved to your hair, grabbing it suddenly and pulling it back so he could have full access to your neck. You were sure by the way he kissed it there would be marks tomorrow but that didn’t matter now. Your hands went to his hair, tugging it softly making him growl against your skin.
His free hand went to your ass, grabbing it tightly before suddenly leaving stinging slaps against the soft flesh. You could feel your second peak fast approaching and when Jace moved to run quick circles against your sensitive bundle of nerves you felt your cunt squeeze around him as it came crashing down again.
“Fuck,” Jace mumbled, a stream of profanity tumbling from his lips as his hands moved to your hips so he could fuck you through your orgasm, “You feel so good,” he praised, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
You felt yourself coming down from your high and his movements began to slow, “Don’t stop Jace. Please gods don’t stop,” you began to beg, and you could feel his smirk.
“Begging suits you,” he teased, grabbing your jaw so he could make you face him, “You look so good right now. So drunk on my cock. Is that it?”
“Yes,” you whined, “I need you please,”
“Aw my poor baby,” he teased, “So desperate for her king,”
“Yes,” you weren’t even thinking any longer, and a spark ignited behind his eyes, “Need you. Want you my king,” you moaned.
Jace grabbed your hips tightly, standing suddenly before turning as you back slammed against the wall. You winced until you felt his hips begin to snap up against yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him tight against you. This new angle had him hitting newer spots that had your legs wrapping tight around him.
“So good,” Jace mumbled against your skin as you felt a third orgasm approaching, “My perfect little wife,” his words sent you tumbling over the edge.
Jace couldn’t resist anymore as your cunt squeezed around his cock and with a couple more pumps, he began to spill his seed. His thrusts became slow as he rode out his own peak, fucking his seed deep inside you. You were both panting as he pulled out, his forehead resting against yours as your feet finally hit the ground again.
“I always knew you had a dark side in you,” Jace chuckled as he pulled away.
“Tell anyone and I’ll kill you in your sleep, husband,” you threatened but the last word made him smile. Maybe this was a good trade after all.
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brightlilith · 1 year
1. Where the reader wakes up in the HOTD universe.
2. Where the reader opens a portal to see her father, Tony, one last time, but ends up trapped in another universe.
3. The Prince and the Commoner.
4. Where Jace dreams every night about the reader, and Morpheus knows it.
5. Where the Targaryen-Velaryon go to a universe where they are a tv show.
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jacemond-addict · 2 years
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Um, Do You Think You Can Buy Me Lots Of Diamonds ? | 6,728 W | R. M | 1/? |
* Jace squinted at the watch that sat snuggly on his wrist, a apology gift that his uncle gave him after he fucked his mouth and left him with a sore throat for a whole week. Jace must’ve forgotten to take it off last night. It was 5:00 A.M.
Did the dickhead really woke him up to have sex?
“I don’t wanna.” He whined, angrily. Who in their right mind wakes up a 5:00 to have sex, when they could be peacefully sleeping. ”Too early.”
“Some of us have to work, to be able to afford pretty boys like you. Get up, I want to fuck you before I leave to work.” Aemond nosed the back of Jace’s head, he let out a groan when the sleepy boy lifted his leg up to curl himself around the pillow, slightly arching his back towards him.
Aemond is Jace’s uncle and sugar daddy and Jace ain’t that happy about it, or at least that’s what he tells himself. *
Sidenote: I’m posting my shit late over here, I’m sorry, they all were for JacemondWeek2023, but I think y’all have, or some of you have read this fic, which I apologize 🫢🙏🏼.
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ravensareheretostay · 2 years
Soaked in the neon glows
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“Oh my. What a treat”, Cregan sighed, his gaze scanning every inch of his skin with satisfaction. “A perfect thing for me to ruin.”
The blush just deepened on his cheeks and he wondered did the man just sense what he needed, or was this his natural behaviour.
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aemondfairy · 3 months
Bad Idea, Right?
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summary: A night of drinking with your friends lands you at your ex boyfriend’s apartment — which is ultimately a bad idea.
pairing: Modern!Aemond x Ex girlfriend!Reader
word count: 3k
warnings: Explicit smut, alcohol consumption, angst, brief mention of drug use, language, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, p in v sex, creampie, Aemond is a fuckboy. 18+ MDNI
note: idk how I feel about this but Modern!Aemond is my weakness, and the grwm of Ewan ruined my life. Feedback is appreciated! Feel free to send me requests!
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If someone were to ask you your own personal example of girlhood your answer would be simple: getting ready for a night out with your girlfriends. While going out and partying with your friends was fun, you considered the act of getting ready together art in itself.
It was tradition, a ritual. Filled with laughter, inside jokes, excitement, and anticipation.
Glitter, hairspray, memories. It was your time to bond and let go of everyday stress.
And that’s where you found yourself right now: sat in front of your best friend’s vanity, large curlers in your hair. The sweet smell of vanilla coming from Rhaena’s birthday cake scented candle filling the room.
Six months had passed since your breakup with Aemond and the twins had declared that you had spent more than enough time moping. It was time to get you back out in the world.
“I’m so happy that us girls are going out tonight,” Baela said as she finished up applying her mascara.
You involuntarily scoffed at her comment.
“What?” She questioned, glaring at you.
“It’s not like it’s just us,” you say matter of factly.
“Oh, come on! You know Jace is basically one of us!”
She wasn’t wrong. If you had to pick a guy to be in your friend group, it would be Jace Velaryon. He was easy to talk to, kind, considerate. A breath of fresh air from what you were used to. You understood why Baela was into him. Plus, he donned a beautiful set of chocolate colored curls matched with an adorable, toothy, grin.
“Do not beat around the bush, Bae!” You admonished, “I know Cregan will be there too.”
Cregan Stark was Jace’s best friend. A rugged guy from the North. He had a thick beard and piercing gray-blue eyes. He had quiet confidence, basically a big teddy bear. There was no denying he was rather handsome. It’s not that you would be opposed to sleeping with him, per say, you just weren’t sure if you were ready yet; although Baela begged to differ.
Once the three of you were all ready to go and the Uber was on it’s way, Baela pulled you to the side.
“Look,” she began, holding each of your hands in hers, “I know you're nervous. You’ve been through a lot and it can be hard to put yourself back out there — but you deserve this. Aemond’s out living his life, you have to live yours! It’s going to be fine! You look incredible, we are going to have a great time.”
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Baela, as usual, was right. You were enjoying yourself. You were now on your third drink, tapping your finger nails on the glass as you half heartedly listened to Cregan tell an embarrassing story about Jace from when the two of them were in high school when you felt your phone vibrate.
A text from an unknown number flashed against your screen, paying no mind to it you opened it immediately. Your stomach dropped.
Hey… it’s Aemond.
You swore that men had some kind of radar that would let them know when a woman was finally happy without them. When that radar went off, only then was it that they decided to try to contact you again. Not during the months where your heart was left in ruin, not when you would do anything for answers. Only once you were healing, on the brink of reaching that light at the end of the tunnel; they weaseled their way into your life once more to ruin everything — and Aemond was right on schedule.
It had been months since he last contacted you, you felt as though your stomach was gonna fall out, your nervous system in a frenzy.
You could not let him ruin your fun.
“Let’s take a shot of something,” you suggested.
And then your phone buzzed again.
I know it’s been awhile, but I wanted to see how you’re doing?
Been awhile? That’s the understatement of the year. He didn’t care how you were doing when he broke up with you over a text. He didn’t care when the rumor of him sleeping with a professor spread around campus, humiliating you.
Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.
Relief washed over you once you saw Baela return with 5 shots of Tequila in hand.
“Heard this makes your clothes come off,” she said as she handed you the shot glass, shooting a wink over to Cregan. You downed the shot quickly, ignoring her comment. The liquid burned down your throat as it settled into your stomach.
Slamming the shot glass onto the table, your head spun and you could’ve sworn you felt your phone vibrate again. You needed air.
“I’ll be right back, I need a cigarette.”
“I’ll come with you!” Rhaena chirped.
“No!” You shouted, almost too enthusiastically.
“No, that’s okay. I know you hate the smell of smoke, Rhae. I’ll just be a minute.”
With that, you frantically made your way to the patio of the bar. Just as you lit your cigarette a familiar voice called out to you.
“Ohhh shit! I knew that was you!”
Now you were sure that the universe was certainly conspiring against you. It was none other than Aegon Targaryen. Aemond’s drunken, perverted, older brother. Wonderful.
Turning on your heel abruptly and puffing smoke out of your nostrils you gave him a reluctant wave.
“Hi, Aeg.”
“How are you?” He asked, wrapping his arms tightly around you, “how have you been?”
Not sure if it was the liquid courage or the need for someone else to witness the audacity of your ex, but you just shoved your phone into his chest, eyes glued to him as he scrolled through the messages with his eyebrows raised.
“Damn, I never would have thought Aemond to be the type to beg!” he laughed as you shot him a look of disapproval.
“Listen,” he said before taking a long drag of his own cigarette, “Aemond means well. He was pretty shaken up after you guys broke up.”
Yeah, right. What was there for him to be shaken up about? He broke up with you.
“And if you ask me,” he continued through puffs of his cigarette, “you’re the best thing that ever happened to him.”
“Isn’t he seeing someone like, twice our age?”
“Not anymore.”
A pregnant pause filled the air between the two of you as he handed you your phone back.
The conversation was becoming awkward, so Aegon tried to comfort you the only way he knew how.
“I know you’re stressed and all… do you, uhhh, want a bump?”
His question took you by surprise.
“A bump? Um, I’m good, Aeg.. thanks.”
The blonde lifted his hands up in defeat.
“Good call, if you do go see Aemond, I doubt he would be happy about that.”
“I’m not going to see Aemond,” you answer flatly, hitting his arm lightly.
“Well, whatever or whoever you decide to do tonight I wish you luck!” he smirked, “but, I know our mom would be thrilled if you started to come around again.”
“She misses me?” you blurted out, the desperation clear in your voice.
“Yeah,” Aegon shrugged, “we all do.” He smiled as his large palm patted against your back before he made his way back inside the bar.
You stood in silence as you finished your cigarette, unsure of what to do when you received yet another text from Aemond. You responded with the first thing that came to your mind.
Have you been drinking?
No. Come over. I want to see you.
Your phone buzzed again, but this time it was a picture. A photo of his cat Vhagar. The elderly feline was sprawled out across his leather couch, the caption reading: “she misses you too.”
She did not. She only ever liked Aemond.
Well, I’ve been drinking so… can’t drive.
Where are you? I’ll come get you.
No. He couldn’t. You couldn’t risk Baela seeing, she would kill you.
Nah. That’s okay.
God, this conversation was going nowhere. Why were you entertaining him anyway?
Let me get you an Uber.
Gods, he was pushy.
Fine 🫠
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Once you found yourself back inside the bar, you decided to use that last shot of tequila as your reason to leave. You had said something along the lines of the mixture of liquors wasn’t agreeing with you and that you were gonna head out. The girls were disappointed, but they understood. Baela’s only condition is that you were sure to text her once you were home safe. You bid Jace and Cregan goodbye, and even agreed to go out for drinks with them again in the upcoming week.
As you sat in the backseat of the Uber, your palms filled with sweat and your heart raced as you made your way to the other side of the city to Aemond’s new apartment. You couldn’t help but feel nervous, wondering how he might react and if this was the right decision. Your mind raced with thoughts and emotions, but you tried to stay composed as you you pulled up to the building.
Aemond was waiting outside the apartment complex for you. His expression was unreadable as he puffed on the last few drags of a cigarette, quickly flicking it to the ground and stomping it out so he could make his way over to you.
“Hey,” he greeted, offering a shy smile before extending his arms out to hug you. “I’m glad you decided to come.”
His scent alone was intoxicating. A mixture of nicotine, spearmint toothpaste and musky cologne. Being in his embrace again had your head spinning, you felt as if your heart was going to beat out of your chest. It was almost as if the two of you never parted ways, like he never left. Damn him, you thought to yourself .
“Well, this is my new place,” he said as he opened the door to the lavish apartment. It was absolutely was stunning. Beautiful, mahogany cabinets and stainless steel appliances. The living room was spacious with high ceilings and a giant window that had an incredible view of the city. It was very Aemond-esque. It felt familiar, safe.
You spotted Vhagar on the dark green velvet couch in the center of the room.
You watched carefully as one of her eyes opened, she rose from her spot almost instantly once she spotted you. Making a beeline to Aemond’s bedroom.
“I thought you said she missed me?” you asked playfully.
"I may have lied," Aemond replied, giving you a shy smile.
An hour had gone by and you had spent the majority of it arguing with Aemond about your past. You listened to him attempt to apologize, explaining that it wasn’t you, it was him. He made a mistake, he’s changed. You weren’t having it, and yet, in the midst of it all, you had found yourself sitting so close to him you were almost on top of him. Mid sentence he had crashed his lips against yours. A rude interruption, for sure — but now, all bets were off.
The kiss was rough and intoxicating, a clash of teeth and tongue. He grazed your bottom lip with his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. Your head spun.
"More," you whispered against his lips, "I need more of you."
Aemond took no time to pick you up and carry you to his bedroom, as he placed you down on his bed gently. You feel his hands tearing off your clothes, striping you down to your underwear. Your heart raced with anticipation and desire. The intensity of his touch sent shivers down your spine. He lowered himself on top of you, reaching his arm up over his shoulder to remove his own shirt.
As he leant back down over you, his tongue trailed from your chin to your lips. A soft moan escaped your throat as he sucked on your lips, taking control of the kiss.
Arousal stirred inside you as he nipped down at your neck, licking and sucking until you arched your back under him, desperate for his touch.
“Missed me baby?” he teased, “because I sure missed you”, his violet eye scanned over your body, blown with lust as he made his way down. His slim fingers ghosted along your stomach, then gripped harshly onto the meaty flesh of your thigh. Your legs parted, letting him know what you wanted. He didn't hesitate, pulling your underwear off with one swoop. Leaving you completely bare in front of him.
“I missed this pretty little pussy too, fuck,” he groaned before biting at your thighs just before lowering his head between them, licking a stripe up your slit. You bucked under him, pushing him harder against you, driving his face deeper into your center.
A low groan left your throat, his name falling from your lips as you tugged at his silver hair and held his face against you. His tongue circled around your clit, the small bud swollen from his attentions. His fingers found their way inside you, exploring your cunt.
His thumb replaced his tongue on your clit as he rubbed harsh figure eights against you. He continued to rub your clit harder. Your breathing quickened, and your body legs began to shake.
"Oh, there’s my girl. You gonna cum for me?"
The combination of his words and a few more thrusts of his fingers made your mind go completely blank. Your ears rang, your vision blurred so much you had to squeeze your eyes shut, eventually seeing stars. Aemond finger fucked you through your orgasm as you soaked his hand.
You laid there for a moment, total blackness surrounding you until your Aemond’s calm voice brought you back to reality.
“Holy shit. You good baby?”
You nodded your head eagerly at him, “More than okay.”
After giving you some more time to come down from your first orgasm, Aemond crawled on top of you, as he began to slowly drag his cock between your already swollen folds, swirling the tip in your wetness; almost pushing in, but not quite.
“Aem,” you moaned, “please, I need to feel you. All of you .”
“Still so needy, hm?” He teased as he buried his cock inside you to the hilt. You winced at the length of him.
“Littleeee bit of a stretch baby,” he said as he let you adjust to his size, “there we go.”
"Oh.. Gods," you moaned. You forgot just how big Aemond was. The stretch was almost unbearable and yet, you craved more. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him deeper into you.
He began to rock back and forth into you, pumping his cock in and out. The louder you moaned, the harder he pounded into you. Eventually, the head of his cock pressed against your cervix.
"Please, please don't stop," you begged. He began to pound into you harder and faster, the lewd sound of his balls slapping against your ass filled the room. You felt your second orgasm of the night building inside of you as he continued to fuck you.
"Oh, Gods! Aemond, please, you’re going to make me cum again,” you babbled as your orgasm ripped through you once more. Your cunt clenched around his length as the tip of his cock bullied the spongy spot inside you without mercy.
Your slick coated walls contracting around him was all it took for him to lose control. He let out a loud groan as he spilled himself inside you, filling you with his seed as he bit down hard on your neck.
“Fuck,” he groaned as the aftermath of his own orgasm coursed through him, his cock still twitching inside of you. After placing a wet kiss on your cheek he positioned himself upright, placing a hand flat on the headboard behind you to help keep balance, he slowly pulled his cock out of you. You winced at the emptiness, a pool of warmth leaking out of your cunt and onto the bed sheets.
“Oh, shit. Here, let me help clean you up.”
As you came down from your high, you also came to your senses. No. Him cleaning you up would be too intimate of an act — as if he wasn’t just buried inside of you.
“No, Aem. It’s fine, I need to go to the bathroom anyway.”
He shrugged, “there are washcloths under the sink if you need one.”
Your heart sank as the bathroom door shut. A red lacy bra, that definitely didn’t belong to you was slung over the door handle. Memories of your past relationship came flooding back, along with feelings of sadness and regret. You couldn’t help but wonder who the bra belongs to, your first thought was that older professor. It's a painful reminder that not only had Aemond had not changed at all, he also just took advantage of you.
This was definitely a bad idea.
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