#modern family x mahabharata
mooonboy · 2 years
Rukhmini to Rukmi: no no stop. you come into my house and insult me and my husband who by the way is not that dramatic
Krshna, recreating the lion king opening scene with baby abhimanyu: it's the circleeeeee of life!
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rasnak2 · 3 years
TV and Movies
Fandoms under the cut:
Sherlock (2)
Avengers (7)
Mahabharata (2)
Crossovers (2)
Sherlock's Return:
Just another way John could've reacted to Sherlock's return.
Confessions and Deaths:
John confesses his feelings for Sherlock, but something happened.
1. Old Memories and New Beginnings:
An AU where Tony, Clint, Maria Hill and Nebula are siblings and are reunited after years one New Year's Eve.
2. Captain Spark... No Wait Stark?:
Captain Andy Spark alias Tony Stark - Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist and Iron Man. Aka, AU where Tony joins the army before taking over the company.
3. He Can't Swim... Or Can He?:
Andrew Spruce - Well known swimmer, gold medalist. Missing.
Tony Stark - Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.
One spring cleaning solves all the mystery.
4. Just Give Me A Yes Or No:
WinterIron fic. Misunderstandings happen and what was supposed to be a happy moment for the couple ends up horribly wrong.
Fanfiction | AO3
5. Can We Ever Be Together?:
Wattpad | Fanfiction
Stuckony fic.
6. The Devil or the Deep Blue Sea:
(1/2) What could've happened after Infinity War fic
Wattpad | Fanfiction
7. Time Heals Everything:
(2/2) What could've happened after Infinity War fic
Wattpad | Fanfiction
Mahabharata OS:
A bunch of canon divergent or canon-compliant OS.
Wattpad | AO3 | Fanfiction
Kirti Kriti Aur Kartik Ki:
A fic where two modern-day people are teleported to the Mahabharat times, bringing chaos with them. How will their presence change the story is the crux of the story. (On Wattpad only)
There is More Than What Meets the Eye:
Sherlock x Avengers (On Wattpad & Fanfiction)
John meets Tony Stark and Mycroft Holmes in Afghanistan. Years later, their paths cross once again. (Currently abandoned)
Blood Doesn't Complete This Family:
Avengers x Guardians of the Galaxy (On Fanfiction & Wattpad)
Join the Starks as they discover their family, lose it in the process before finding it again. (Slow Updates)
Aka, Nebula, Tony, Maria Hill and Clint are siblings. And a cameo of Peter Quill.
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captainscanadian · 4 years
Love Me Blue | Bucky Barnes x Reader (Janmashtami)
My Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Summary: When you were younger, you had always dreamed of falling in love with someone who would love you like Lord Krishna loved Radha. A dream that once felt as though it was silly no longer felt that way. 
Word Count: 4400+
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Tamilian!Hindu!Reader
Warnings: MINIMAL TAMIL SONG LYRICS (I’m more than happy to translate!) & TAMIL CULTURE, References to Hinduism, PTSD, Insomnia, Endgame References.
A/N: This is my entry for @bucky-smiles​‘s 3K Diversity Writing Challenge! My prompt was to write a fic with a Hindu reader. I decided to write this fic with a Tamilian reader because I am Tamilian. I was born in Sri Lanka and my mother’s side of the family are Hindu. Although I consider myself an agnostic theist, I do enjoy reading the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana. I hope everyone had a wonderful Janmashtami. Along with Lord Krishna himself, it’s also @jalapenobarnes​‘ birthday this weekend so please go shower Saran with all the love. This one’s for you, my chellam! <3 Pics are off of Pinterest! 
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Bucky Barnes watched curiously as he sat cross-legged on the tiled floor of your living quarters, splashing a handful of water on the bright green banana leaf that you had laid out in front of him. 
Even though your apartment had a designated dining room with an oak wood table and chairs, he wondered why you preferred to be eating on the living room floor. Not to mention the way you had chosen to serve him on a banana leaf than a plate. 
As much as he found it bizarre, he was also curious about the traditions that you seemed to follow. Not just through the way you ate your meals, but also the way you honored your dead best friend and the way you had filled your apartment with idols and paintings of your Hindu God. It came as a surprise to him that someone as young and well-educated as yourself could even hold onto the traditions that you had been raised with despite having settled away from your home for years. 
Bucky had been surprised to find that as the decades had progressed, traditions had evolved with the emergence of a post-modern society. The way people had practiced religion had also evolved with time, but the way you practiced yours seemed to be the same as the way his own mother had practiced hers back in the day. 
You did not conform to modern life for the sake of it, and he found that inspiring. The old Bucky who had always been fascinated by all that science had to offer would probably disagree with you. But having lived a whole century as one of HYDRA’s science experiments made him wish that he could return to the pre-modern society that he had been born into. He hated confirming with the status quo as much as the next guy, but seeing you made him realize that he did not need to force himself to confirm either. He could be himself, as long as he could figure out who exactly he was meant to be. 
“According to my grandmother, eating off of a banana leaf is a lot more healthier than eating off of a plate. Apparently the nutrients in the leaf can mix with the food.” You explained to him as you served him some of the rice, careful not to overcrowd the banana leaf. You knew that he was unfamiliar with the dishes, but also appreciated that he was willing to try out a new cuisine at this witching hour. “She said that it’s good for the immune system, prevents intestinal ulcers, skin diseases… soothes the stomach, helps with digestion and prevents kidney stones.” 
He nodded, understandably. “Right…” He agreed, not having the heart to tell you that the super soldier serum in his body ensured that his cells would constantly regenerate and prevent him from falling ill. Nevertheless, he found your endearment quite refreshing. You really did treat him like he was Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th and not the Winter Soldier, and he was grateful for that. 
“We’re used to eating off of the leaf during special occasions or when we have guests.” You added. “There’s a Buddhist and Hindu philosophy... Atithi Devo Bhava. It literally means that the guests must be given the same respect as you would give to your Gods. And since you’re my guest tonight, you get the banana leaf.” 
“I’m no God, Y/N.” Bucky clarified, sighing as he ran his metal hand through his greasy hair. “I’m a human being, a brainwashed assassin, a weapon of destruction who brought so much pain in people’s lives. I don’t deserve to be treated with so much respect.” 
“Bucky…” You frowned at his words before shaking your head. “As the one who spent most of my life studying the life of Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th, I beg to differ. I know that you have a lot of internalized guilt about those days and I don’t blame you for that. But you can’t let the Winter Soldier define who you are. You’re more than who you used to be when you were brainwashed. It wasn’t who you were.” 
“To be honest, I don’t even think I know who I am anymore…” He admitted, a truth that he hadn’t told anyone else at the compound but felt that he could trust you with.. “But I know for sure that I don’t deserve to be respected like you respect your God.” 
“You should let me be the judge of that. My concept of God is actually quite different from the Abrahamic religions that you happen to be familiar with.” You protested with a soft chuckle, crossing your legs to sit across from him. “My grandmother once told me that Lord Krishna… being the God of love and compassion, he’s always present in one’s heart. Wherever there’s love, he’s always there. If there’s love in your heart, he’s there. And that makes you just as Godly as anyone else.”  
“I’m the world’s longest prisoner of war who spent most of my life imprisoned in a cryofreezer. There’s nothing Godly about the life that I’ve had to live.” He shook his head. “If anything, I’m a symbol of pain and suffering.” 
“Well, Lord Krishna was born in prison.” You remarked. “His life was meant to be filled with so much love… It started on Janmashtami, in a prison cell where his parents were locked up by his own maternal uncle. Even in all that pain and suffering, the betrayal that Lord Krishna’s parents had to face… they were blessed with a child who was the incarnate of the supreme God himself. All that pain and suffering led to some kind of reward, and I’m sure you’ll get yours in due time. Sri Krishna never discriminates, and he forgives those who are truly remorseful of their sins. He’s the God of compassion after all.” 
Bucky could not help but chuckle softly at your words. For every word of self-hatred that came out of his mouth, you had your own rebuttal that was rooted in your faith. He was left with no choice but to accept his defeat and give in to being treated as your guest for the night. It was the least he could do other than make use of that computer he had been given to catch up with the world by looking up Lord Krishna. “So, what’s on the menu for tonight?”
“Okay!” You exclaimed, pointing to the rice dish that you had placed in the center of the leaf. “Ven pongal, basically made from rice and yellow lentils. It’s also got some peppercorns, cumin, turmeric, ginger, curry leaves and cashews that I fried in some clarified butter. That’s why it smells so good. Don’t worry about the spices though. This is probably the mildest dish I’ve ever eaten in my life.” 
Bucky nodded as he looked up at you. “Do you make this often?”
“It’s a traditional breakfast food in South India, but it also makes for the ultimate comfort food when I’m missing home.” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders before grabbing the bowl of sambar and pouring it over the rice. “Now this might be a little spicy for you. But it’s the side dish of all side dishes. Sambar, basically a mixed vegetable stew with lentils and spices. Great with most South Indian breakfast foods.” 
“And what about the rest?” He asked as he eyed the remainder of the delicacies that you had laid out before him. He could not deny that the warm aroma that wafted up his nostrils made them much more appetizing. Despite it being past midnight, he was starved. 
“Medhu vada… deep fried lentil fritters, coconut chutney to dip ‘em in… and kesari, dessert made from semolina.” You pointed to the items as you placed them on the banana leaf. “I hope you don’t mind eating with your hand. We don’t really use utensils and I kind of forgot to pick some up. If it makes you feel any better, the right hand is commonly used to eat so…” You motioned towards his hand. “Dig in?”
He raised his eyebrow at your words. “I guess that was very convenient for me.” He joked before looking down at the food and back at you. “Aren’t you going to eat with me?”
You chuckled softly before shrugging at his question. “It’s alright, Bucky. I can eat after you. It’s not polite to eat before the guest.”
“Y/N, come on… you just said that you made all of this food because you were feeling homesick. I can’t eat all of this without you.” He clarified with a smile. 
You looked down at your lap in embarrassment as you felt your cheeks heat up. “I kind of only bought one banana leaf because I thought I would be the one eating all of this food.” You told him, shamelessly. “I didn't think I would have company, not that I don’t want you here or anything. I invited you to eat but… my grandmother says it’s rude to eat right out of the serving bowls if you’re going to be serving the food to someone else. I don’t mind waiting until you’re done and helping myself to your leftovers.” 
A part of him could not believe how bound you were to your grandmother’s words, especially when it came to your dining etiquette. Despite the fact that your grandmother had been someone to hold you back from your potential, he admired that you still respected her enough to follow through with the culture that she had taught you. 
“Fine, then if you don’t mind…” He reached down to grab a dollop of the pongal and sambar with his thumb and two fingers, carefully holding his hand up towards your mouth. “Let me at least feed you.”
Your eyes grew wide at his gesture and you found your cheeks heating up in embarrassment once again. “Um…” You gulped, not knowing how to react to that. A part of you wanted to accept his offer, but the pitter patter against your heart mimicked the rain against your window and caused you to become very nervous. 
As much as you had denied it when you were around the rest of the team, you knew that you did have a slight crush on Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th Infantry Regiment when you had first watched through the archival footage from the war. After all, who wouldn’t. At that time, you had believed that he was dead so it didn’t mean much. But now he was very much alive and sitting right before you. He was certainly a good looking man who’s smile could light up the world, and unbeknownst to you he had just lit up yours. 
You had spent years studying his life, along with the rest of The Howling Commandos, in the name of academic curiosity. But you could not deny that now seeing him in person changed how you really felt about this man. Not many people who studied historical figures had the chance to see them face to face. But this had happened to you twice now, and it still felt surreal. Bucky Barnes really was sitting on the floor of your living quarters, about to feed you a bite of your most favourite South Indian comfort food. What kind of idiot would you be not to accept it? 
You accepted the bite of food that Bucky had offered you, bringing your hand over to cover your mouth as you chewed. Your lips curling into a small smile as your eyes glazed over, you looked down at your lap. 
For some reason, eating from this man’s hand had made you miss your father quite so much. Seven years it had been since he had passed away. You never even got to say goodbye, the last time you had spoken on the phone being an argument that you had ended abruptly by hanging up on him. Had you known what was going to happen just hours later, you would have done things differently. You would have cherished the last moments you got to share with your father. Hell, you would have even prevented him from dying the way he did. But it was all too late now. 
Perhaps you suffered from internalized guilt just as much as the super soldier who sat before you, for you did feel partially responsible for your father’s death. Being an agent who was meant to save the world and all, you couldn’t even manage to save your own father. While this did once make you doubt your skills as an agent, you could not deny that you would give anything to be able to do right by the man who had raised you to be anything more than a typical Indian farm girl. But for now, all you had to do was exist for the sake of existing and accept the position that you had been given. Do the right thing, just as your father had taught you. 
When you had been five years old, your grandmother had told you the story of how Lord Krishna was married to more than sixteen thousand women. She had told you that he married every woman who loved him. He loved them back just as much too, being the God of love after all. But the woman he loved the most, he hadn’t even been married to her. Radha Rani was the love of his life. She was his soulmate. Despite not being married, their love for each other was so pure and eternal. 
It was then you told your father, in your childish little voice, “Appa, I want someone to love me like Lord Krishna loved Radha.” 
Now as you swallowed the bite that Bucky Barnes had fed you, you couldn't help but look over his broad shoulders. Up on the wall behind him you had hung one of the many paintings of Radha and Krishna that you owned. But in that particular one, Radha and Krishna were affectionately gazing into each other’s eyes while feeding each other. 
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It didn’t seem like a sign to you then, but you prayed for some things to be made clearer in due time. After all, you were going to be here for a while. If Lord Krishna was really going to bless you with the kind of love that makes you blue after all of that pain and suffering, then you might as well accept it like you had just accepted that bite of food from Bucky. 
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“Tell me the truth, Bucky.” You looked over at the man who sat next to you on the couch, his legs crossed as he leaned against the armrest. “Why are you even up at this hour?” 
Bucky Barnes looked over at you and let out a sigh, not knowing if lying to you about his insomnia would sell. After all, you seemed to know him better than he knew himself despite the fact that you had met just yesterday. While he feared that admitting the truth would cause you to become weary of him, he knew better than to lie to the woman who was in a position of authority. He had to be transparent with you, mainly because he didn’t have the heart to lie to you. 
“I can’t sleep.” He admitted, biting down on his bottom lip as he sat up straight, his elbows resting against his thighs as he covered his face with his hands. “I haven’t slept properly in a while, ever since I moved into the compound really. Every night I go to bed at a reasonable time. But I still end up waking up at this strange hour because of some nightmare.” 
Leaning over to rest your hand on his shoulder, you wanted to give him a squeeze. But you were quick to realize that his left shoulder was vibranium, so instead you moved your hand to rub his back. “Have you talked to Sam about it?” 
Not that you would assume that his friendship with Sam was anything like his friendship with Steve. As someone who had your own demons, you knew that it was not that easy to confide in someone about something like this. But you were well aware that Sam had some experience offering support groups to veterans who suffered from PTSD during his time working at the VA back in DC. He seemed to be much more equipped to handle something like this than you were, no doubt about that. But since you were now the boss around here, you knew that something needed to be done to address the mental health of your heroes.  
Bucky shook his head. “He’s always been weary of me, Y/N. I don’t think I should worry him about this. The last thing I want is for anyone to think that the Winter Soldier is still in me when he’s not.” 
“Sam can be an asshole at times… but he means well. He cares a lot about his friends, and that includes you and me.” You admitted. “But I know what you mean. What you’re going through, it’s not easy. You’ve had to deal with a lifetime’s worth of torture under HYDRA, along with the whole thing with the blip. The world has changed so much that it’s not all that easy to keep up with anymore.” 
He looked up at you and frowned. “I feel so lost, you know? Like I don’t know where I should start. I’ve missed out on seventy years of… life. The life that I knew before the war is gone and the life that I had since then… is full of torture and bloodshed. I’m just lost in the midst of it all.”
“Bucky, you do know that… if you ever want to talk about anything that has to do with history or what happened in the world during those seventy years, you can just talk to me about it, right? I may have a Master’s degree on The Howling Commandos but I do know a thing or two about what happened in the world after the war.” You offered, finally cracking a smile. “I can definitely help you out with catching up with times.” 
He chuckled softly at your words. “Is that how you and Steve… became friends?” 
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment at the mention of Captain America, a man whom you had respected and aided in the recovery of until Natasha had decided to set the two of you up on a date. It was a brief fling while the two of you had worked together in DC. But once you had realized it wasn’t going to work, you had ended things amicably. While you had remained friends and you had helped him catch up with the world, things had changed so much around you. 
“Yeah, I guess.” You admitted with a shrug. “He needed someone to catch him up to the world and Fury realized that he hired a history major. I think it worked out for all of us.” Looking back now, you only felt blessed to have known Steve Rogers. He was not only an inspiration, but also one of your closest friends. “And that’s why I’m offering to help.”
“But how could you help me, Y/N?” He asked. “What can you possibly do to help me come to terms with who I am?”
“Well, I had Steve read through the Internet a lot and make a list of all the things he wanted to try… like Thai food and Sherlock Holmes. I know that you’re not going on any missions right now. You’re just hanging around the compound and trying to kill time, right? I’d say… make use of the computers we have here, learn as much as you can. We can talk about it. But don’t ever think that you’re alone in this.” 
The Internet was a great place to start learning, right? Surely, Bucky had been apprehensive about taking that step. But he needed to be given a little push. Thankfully, he now had you for that. “I guess I can do that.” He gave in, for he was starting to get bored of the facility’s gym. 
“There is something that needs to be done about your nightmares though.” You pointed out. “This compound needs an on-site therapist. I need one. You need one. Wanda needs one. We all need one after all this crap that we’ve had to deal with.” You made a mental note to make some calls in the morning, but for now you knew that your attention should be on the super soldier. “But right now, you really need to get some sleep.” 
Bucky shook his head in defeat. “I can’t seem to fall asleep in my bed, Y/N. Believe me, I’ve tried… for many nights. I guess I just have to suck it up and kill time until the morning.” 
You raised your eyebrow at his words before crossing your arms against your chest. “What? Do you need me to sing you a lullaby or something?” You asked him, teasingly. 
He laughed at your question before shaking his head. “As if that’s ever going to work on me…” 
“Is that a challenge, Sergeant Barnes?” 
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Bucky Barnes had no clue how it even happened. Just twenty-four hours ago, the two of you had been strangers who had nothing in common except for the fact that you both shared a past that had been perfectly entwined somehow. But now you were sitting against the headboard of his queen sized bed in the living quarters adjacent to yours, his head resting against your lap as he shut his eyes. 
Your soft hands running through his silky dark hair, you sang the words that you had pretty much memorized by now. It was a lullaby that your grandmother had sung to you when you were younger, written about how Lord Krishna himself had fallen asleep after a long day of playing around his village. 
Ayarpadi Maaligaiyil
Thaai Madiyil Kandrinai Pol
Maaya Kannan Thoongugindraan, Thaalelo
Ayarpadi Maaligaiyil
Thaai Madiyil Kandrinai Pol
Maaya Kannan Thoongugindraan, Thaalelo
Avan Vaai Niraiya Mannai Undu
Mandalathai Kaattiya Pin
Oiveduthu Thoongugindraan, Aaraaro
Oiveduthu Thoongugindraan, Aaraaro
Ayarpadi Maaligaiyil
Thaai Madiyil Kandrinai Pol
Maaya Kannan Thoongugindraan, Thaalelo
Pinnalitta Gopiyarin Kannathile Kannam Ittu
Mannavan Pol Leelai Seidhaan Thaalelo
Pinnalitta Gopiyarin Kannathile Kannam Ittu
Mannavan Pol Leelai Seidhaan Thaalelo
Andha Mandhirathil Avar Uranga
Mayakkathile Ivan Uranga
Mandalame Urangudhammaa Aaraaro
Mandalame Urangudhammaa Aaraaro
Ayarpadi Maaligaiyil
Thaai Madiyil Kandrinai Pol
Maaya Kannan Thoongugindraan, Thaalelo
Bucky Barnes had no clue how it even happened. But as he listened to the melody of your lullaby, he had drifted off into a deep slumber. When he woke up the next day, he found that you were gone. But he knew that you were the one to thank for helping him sleep after many months of waking up from nightmares. 
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As the weeks went by, you and Bucky had become quite close. As most of the team were gone for days at a time because of their respective missions, the two of you often found yourselves being the only ones remaining at the compound. Despite your loneliness, you somehow found comfort in each other. 
Your free time was usually spent cooking up a storm in the common kitchen, and Bucky found himself frequently joining you for your meals. He had taken quite the liking to South Indian cuisine, but he had also kept his promise of making you a completely vegetarian Wakandan meal - something that he apparently prepared by video-calling the Queen Mother of Wakanda herself and asking her for recipes. 
“Does this mean you have diplomatic immunity? Being the adoptive child of Queen Ramonda and all…” You had joked. “They call you the White Wolf, don’t they?” 
“Did you ever have to use your diplomatic immunity?” He had asked you mockingly. “Being the daughter of an Indian diplomat after all.” 
“Bucky, could you please give Queen Ramonda my regards? Let her know that Agent Y/L/N, the daughter of Ambassador Y/L/N, sends her regards and thanks the royal family for all of their help.” You hadn’t been all that familiar with the Wakandan royal family during the reign of King T’Chaka, but it was only after his death did you have the chance to work closely with them. After all, you understood the pain that they had been dealing with all too well. 
Bucky was not familiar with why you seemed to know them so well. He had just assumed it must be because of your career in diplomacy before you became an agent. He did not think much of it though, at least not until he had told Shuri that you gave their family your regards. 
While the truth behind your relationship with the Wakandan royal family had certainly shaken him to his core, he did not make it known that he knew about it. After all, it was a huge part of your own personal life and you were just his boss. He did not feel the need to let you know that he knew something about you that you might not have wanted you to know. But instead, he continued to learn more about you and the culture that you were raised in. 
The Internet was a great place when it came to catching up with the world. He had read just about everything he could get his hands on, from history to literature and science. While he tried to keep up with how much the world had changed, he had also read as much as he could about your religion. 
He often joined you on your visits to the temple in the city after noticing that you made it a habit to go there every Friday. When Janmashtami came around, Bucky had offered to help you paint footprints from your front door to your shrine of Lord Krishna. 
According to your grandmother, the tradition of painting baby footprints was done believing that Lord Krishna would follow them and enter your home. You had been doing that every single year on Janmashtami for as long as you could remember. But that year, you just knew. It was the first year that Krishna had entered your home for real.
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avani008 · 7 years
Tumblr-Exclusive Fic Index
Hitopadesa, 6 years later
Hitopadesa, 1 year later
Snippets from the future of “Amukha” and “Nidhana”
Amarendra and Devasena watching a teenage Mahendra flirt (badly)
Nidhana! Mahendra’s first steps
Four years before and eighteen years after Nidhana
A reformed Bhalla reflects in the future of a Nidhana AU
Sivagami POV, after the end of Chapter 2 of Nidhana
Two more things that never happened to Amarendra Baahubali
Dhivara, one year later
Nidhana-verse, four years before Chapter 1
Nidhana-verse, Bhalla, two years before Chapter 1
Nimaya, one year later
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the darkest future
Kathaavali, Chapter 14, the brightest future
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena courtship x 2
Vilomita, Amarendra/Devasena happily ever after x 4
Bidaai, one month later
Amarendra/Devasena in Marsa
Five Times Amarendra Tried to Kiss Devasena in the Nidhana Verse
Five Things Amarendra Never Told His Mother
Five Things Avantika Wished She Could Be
Five Times Nidhana-verse Mahendra Sneaks Away
Five Decision Sivagami Regrets
Five Things We Never Learned About Bhallaladeva
Fic and Graphic, Grandmama Baahu backstory
Sumitra, Poetry Fic Meme
Devasena, Poetry Fic Meme
Amarendra, Poetry Fic Meme
Kumar Varma, Poetry Fic Meme
Bhallaladeva, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami, Poetry Fic Meme
Sivagami and Baahu Canon Divergence AU
Sivagami & (Grand)mama Baahu Drabble x 2
Amarendra/Devasena, Mamihlapinatapei
Devasena & Sivagami, Strikhedonia
Sivagami & Mama Baahu, Capernoited
Five Things About Varuni (Nidhana-verse)
Shakti & Mahendra, Vanmost, (Asi-Verse)
Bhalla, Storms
Mama and Papa Deva, Latibule
Devasena & Jayasena, reunion in the rebel camp
Devasena, Five Kisses That Never Were
Sivvu, Five Things She Learned
Five Things Kattappa Left Out of His Story
Amarendra/Devasena, Happiness
Sivagami & Bhalla, Gamble
Gopu & Mahendra, post-Nidhana
Bhalla, Nimaya-verse drabbles x 4
Three Promises Devasena Broke and One She Did Not
Three Ornaments Mama Deva Valued, And One Weapon She Had
Three Ways Sumitra Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Lives Sivagami Saved, and One She Destroyed
Three Letters Grandmama Baahu Sent, and One She Never Did
Three Names Mama Baahu Considered Giving Her Children, and One She DId
Three Ornaments Devasena Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Three Ways Sivagami Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Ways Avantika Did Not Die, and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Sivagami Broke, and One She Kept
Three Secrets Sivagami Kept, and One She Revealed
Three Conversations Sivagami and Devasena Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Times Baahu and Bhalla Laughed Together and Once They Wept
Baahubali/Devasena, missing scene discussing the three-arrow trick
Multiple 3+1 fills, Devasena
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Baahu
Multiple 3+1 fills, Mama Deva
Mama Deva, Fairy Tale Fusion
Mama Baahu, Fairy Tale Fusion
Devasena, Fairy Tale Fusion
Fic and Graphic: Amarendra/Devasena, Remington Steele fusion 
Fic and Graphic, Devasena, modern AU/Abhinav prequel
One Sentence Fic Index Post - various fics, often AU, for most of the main characters (Now expanded to include non-BB fics/characters, too!)
Headcanon Meme - Not an official fic, but collections of head canons each on various characters, mostly in the Baahubali Universe.
* Also check out the Pongal Prompt-a-thon Index Post, which lists even more of my Tumblr-only fic, as well as the amazing things my friends wrote which should not be missed!
Brooklyn 99
Ensemble, 10 sentence fic meme
Jodhaa Akbar
Bakshi Banu Begum, 10 sentence fic meme
5 Times Jalal and Adham were Brothers, and One Times They Were Not
Graphic: Movie Star AU: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Five Things That Never Happened to Ataga Khan
Bakshi & Jalal & Adham, childhood
Five People Bakshi Banu Begum Never Loved
10 Sentences, Jalal, Jodhaa, and Sujamal
Jaidev/Jalal  x2   x3   x4   x5  x6   x7  x8   x9  
Bakshi & Sujamal, Hogwarts AU
Sujamal & Bharmal, Oneirataxia 
Salima & Neelakshi, Psithurism
Bakshi/Sujamal, Post-Canon AU
Five Gifts Jalal Gave Jodhaa
Three Promises Hamida Broke and One She Did Not
Five People Who Taught Bakshi Banu Begum Something
Three Places Rani Padmavati Wanted To Visit, and One She Did
Jalal and Jodhaa, the swordfight scene
Salima, backstory
Jodhaa, just pre-Azeem-O-Shaan-Shahenshah
Fic and Graphic, History AU, Akbar and Elizabeth Tudor Form an Alliance
Arjuna, Poetry Fic Meme
Subhadra & Draupadi
Kunti & Others
Brihannala & Uttara
Five Scars on Draupadi’s Body
The Mythology Alphabet Fic Challenge Index Post
Bhanumati, Amorevolous
Devaki/Vasudev, Tenderness
Uttar & Uttara, pre-Kurukshetra
Five Things We Never Learned About Sudheshna
Savitri: Five Sentences
Lakshmanaa: Five Sentences
Devaki/Vasudev, Trembling Hands
Rukmini & Draupadi, Friendship
Balarama and Krishna, Good Cop/Bad Cop
Five Things the Pandavas Took With Them Into Exile
Sudeshna & Her Children, Happiness
Bhishmuka & Krishna
Rukmini & Her Mother
Five People Who Visited Bhishma
Five Kisses That Never Were- Karna/ His Wife
Krishna/ Rukmini
Krishna/Rukmini, Celeberrimous
Krishna & Balarama
Five Times Draupadi Trusted Yudhisthira
Flower Meme, Multiple Couples
Three Things Draupadi Learned From Her Mother, and One She Taught Her Children
Three Secrets Kunti Kept, and One She Revealed
Five Times Arjuna Surprised Subhadra
Parikshit’s Favorite Family Member
Three Lives Kunti Destroyed, and One She Created
Three Gifts Radha Gave, and One She Received
Three Letters Rukmini Never Wrote, and One She Did
Three Names Draupadi Wanted to Give Her Children and One She Did
Three Ways Draupadi Did Not Die and One Life She Never Lived
Three Promises Bhanumati Broke and One She Kept
Three Conversations Krishna and Arjuna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Stayed Silent
Three Ways Karna and Arjuna Never Met and One Way They Parted
Three Times Arjuna and Draupadi Dreamed of Each Other, and Wish They Made
Three Conversations Draupadi and Krishna Should Have Had, and Once They Should Have Remained Silent
Devaki and Ugrasena, after their release from prison
Vaivasvati (Savitri & her siblings, gen)
Miscellaneous Movies
Om Shanti Om: Shanti, Five Sentences
K3G: Pooja, Five Sentences
Sholay, Radha, Pillar
Sholay, Basanti, Unclaimed
Untitled and unfinished Padmavati & Mehrunissa fic
Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa, cultural differences
Untitled Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa & Nagmati follow-up 
Untitled Nagmati & Padmavati &/ Mehrunissa follow-up
Another Padmavati & / Mehrunissa followup, after the Compass Rose entry (see link below)
Canon-verse, Soulmark AU
Mehrunissa and Malik Kafur
Five Names Mehrunissa’s mother could have had
Five People who Noticed Padmavati/Mehrunissa Before They Did
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Hunger Games AU
Padmavati/Mehrunissa, Mahabharata fusion
Pride and Prejudice
The Bennet girls turn into their parents as they age—but not as they expect
Five Sentences: Urmila
Sita and Her Sisters, Nightfall (Now with beautiful art by @allegoriesinmediasres)
Rama and His Brothers, Accost
Sita & Rambha
Five Scars Sita Has
Five People Who Taught Lakshmana Something
Kala & Indrajit
Indrajit & Sita
Lakshmana & Angad
Angad & Ruma
Three Ornaments Sita Valued, and One Weapon She Mastered
Kaushalya & Dasharata & Kaikeyi & Sumitra, Soulmark AU
Kaikeyi and Sita’s exile
Star Wars
Han/Leia, epistolary 
Five Times Rey Felt Lonely
Rose & Rey, TLJ AU
Multiple Fandoms
Five Headcanons About an AU Index
Platonic Relationship Headcanons Meme Index
An Alphabet of Legendary Ladies
Four Seasons Meme Index
Compass Rose Index
Mythological Character Headcanon Meme Index
3+1 Fics Index 
Trading Places Meme Index
Six Squared Meme Index
Another, Multi-Fandom Headcanon Meme
Baahubali/Jodhaa Akbar Crack Crossover
Baahubali/Hogwarts Crossover, McGonagall and Sivagami  x2
Fake Movie Meme Index Post
Shakespeare, South Indian Style: x1  x2
Racebent Arthuriana: x1  x2     x3
Devil’s Cub by Georgette Heyer
Women of the Ramayan x1  x2   x3
Baahubali Photosets   x1     x2    x3  
Fancasting Meme: Mary Rose Tudor Bala and Ambika Baahubali
Star Wars: The (Racebent) Skywalker Family
Female! Krishna AU
Ramayana Cafe AU
bhaginī       x2
Vaidharbi    Kaushalya     Kashi-yatra
The House of Panchal, daemon AU
Kishkindha Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Sita, Urmila, Ruma, Mandodari, daemon AU
Lanka Royal Family, Harry Potter AU
Harry Potter AU:      Abhimanyu & Pradhyumna     Arjuna        Subhadra 
                                 Mohini            Krishna              Rukmini      Panchal Siblings
Draupadi (& Arjuna), after the war
Rukmini/Krishna, the shadow of her beloved
Rukmini/Krishna, Bollywood AU
Devaki/Vasudev, half sick of shadows
Sarama, Katiya Karun
Yudhisthira/Draupadi, the rubble or our sins?
Shakuntala & Pramadvara
Female! Pandavas
Urmila & Nidra Devi, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar, Daemon AU
Bhanumati, Soulmark AU
Subhadra, Soulmark AU
Satyabhama, Soulmark AU
Golden Girls AU, Soulmark AU
Jodhaa Akbar,  Jodhaa & Jalal Soulmark AU      
The Mothers of “Jodhaa Akbar”, Soulmark AU
Savitri, Daemon AU
Rama/Sita, Space AU
47 notes · View notes
marymosley · 6 years
Dowry: The Goose with the Golden Eggs
“I thought that if lokas existed at all, good women would surely go to one where men were not allowed so they could be finally free of male demands.”-These are the words of Panchali aka Draupadi in Mahabharata. This sentence clearly shows the plight of women in older days. From the time immemorial, women have been submissive to men. Practices like sati and child marriage were prevalent in a country where Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati are the three main goddesses of knowledge, money and power.
After independence, a wave of change saturated different classes of Indian culture and significantly amended their thoughts, propensities and traditions. One of the striking changes in Indian Social life is in the status of ladies. Ladies began leaving their draperies and started going to schools and universities and began asserting their rights yet they are being suppressed in the general public on account of an abhorrent practice called dowry which is responsible for all other violence against women like sexual slavery within marriage, infanticide, feticides, murders, suicides, demand of dowry, dowry-death, dowry burning etc.
Various laws have been established every now and then to raise the status of women yet the crime rate is still high: –
“Crimes against women increased 34 percent over the last four years to 2015, with cruelty by husbands and relatives being the most widely reported crime, according to the latest data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). The rate of crime against women – defined as crimes reported divided by women population – has gone up from 41.7 to 53.9 between 2012 and 2015.”[1]
Sadly, awareness and education, has not helped to palliate the situation. In fact, families of people who are better educated, especially those with foreign degrees want the fattest gold laying goose and when the goose stop laying the eggs then they are tormented physically, mentally and economically sometimes to the verge that they take their own lives just to escape from the greedy clutches of the in-laws and husbands. Value of the girl has nothing to do in the finality of the marriage proposition; dowry is the first and final thought for a marriage union. One may characterize this custom as the unchallenged thought that a girl’s family is substandard to the boy’s family. Therefore, they should be on their best conduct and offer sumptuous “gifts” to satisfy the boy’s family. This principle is so deep-rooted in the minds of Indians, they either destroy themselves monetarily to pay the suitable cost of the picked groom, or annihilate the possibility of this money related weight by female feticide/infanticide. This exploitative arrangement of necessity for dowry, regard and subjugation, is one of the major contributing elements thwarting the development of the Indian culture where being a lady is still seen synonymous to being a burden.
Various laws have been brought in action to curb the menace but have turned out to be a sham. Dowry Prohibition Act has been a major failure as it doesn’t stop the problem of dowry but tells how to take dowry and go around it because of the loopholes it inhibits. For ex- s.6 of the act provides that the individual taking dowry needs to give it to the bride within 3 months of marriage which can be very easily exhorted from the girl’s family and later escaped from. However, with the ascent in modernization, training, monetary security and the freshly discovered freedom the radical women’s activist has made 498A and dowry prohibition laws a weapon in her reach. Numerous helpless husbands and relatives have progressed toward becoming casualties of their wrathful daughters-in-law. It is further contended by many that in most cases where one is accused under s.498-A usually turn out to be false, blackmailing endeavors by the wife and her relatives when faced with a strained marriage. The problem of abuse under s.498A, IPC and s.304B is increasing day by day.
The legitimacy or truth of assertions will be demonstrated later (at times decades later), however until at that point, it is viewed as that whatever a woman has affirmed is the total truth. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) information clearly states in most cases U/s.498A, the conviction rate is just 13%, and pendency stays as high as 89%. Cases are recorded and stay pending in the court for a long time. Yet, all the accused are to be captured when the case is documented, as this section of the IPC is non-bailable, and only a court can concede bail to them, only on producing sureties of required amount. This arrest makes s.498A the most startling among other family laws, and makes it a criminal case.
InSushil Kumar Sharma v. UOI & others[2], the Apex Court observed the problem and stated, “The object of these provisions is to prevent and control the menace of Dowry.  But, many instances have come to light where the complaints are not bona fide and have been filed with oblique motive…. Merely because these provisions are constitutional and intra vires, does not give a license to unscrupulous persons to wreck personal vendetta or unleash harassment… But, by misuse of the provisions a new legal terrorism can be unleashed. The provisions are intended to be used a shield and not an assassin’s weapon. “
The police have an exceptionally critical part to play, with its examination control. It unquestionably brings up an issue that, why, after their watchful examination, such a low number of accused are sentenced. But, they will undoubtedly do this, because of the law requirement, which considers that whatever a lady has expressed is obvious truth. They even can’t decline to enlist a FIR. Afterward, the court additionally takes a similar technique when the accused applies for a bail or a stay on the arrest. The courts deny bail on the basis of prima facie allegations confirming the probability of crime happening.
In the event that somebody needs to be guaranteed of arrest of accused, the assertions are to be surrounded such that the court effectively observes the likelihood that the crime has happened prima facie. The measure of harassment that the accused and his family confront is indescribable. The disgrace of being captured, the dread of the police, who regard the accused as though they have carried out a merciless crime, and the blackmail that occurs in the process makes numerous breaks and confer suicide.
The key feature of this horrendous dowry problem, however, is that givers detest the practice of dowry but they either silently accept it or even like it when it comes to receiving it. Therefore, measures to control the dowry problem must be brought out after scientifically studying the social background and the society. Enacting a law no doubt activates social conscience and gives some backing of the law to victims but we cannot eradicate the evil unless the people understand the viewpoint behind the law. However, some of the things that can be done are-
Inter-cast and inter– religion marriage must be supported in public so girls would get an extensive variety of choices in finding an appropriate mate for marriage.
Expenses of the marriage should be divided equally (50-50). While researching the author came across a website discussing the dowry customs of USA, although there is no such custom as of dowry but it is a common practice that the parents of bride spend on party and celebration and groom’s parents spends on furnishing the new house of newlyweds like furniture, car and other gifts (which is the original reason behind dowry and the same is the ideology behind tradition marriage). So similar provisions from other countries could be taken and practiced in India.
Husband and wife must live in a separate home and not with in- laws. This will also help in reducing the demand of a male child over female child and promote equality. This will also help in reduction of cases of female feticide and infanticides.
People should be made aware of their rights as common people still don’t know that a bride is supposed to maintain list of the presents given to her even though The Dowry Prohibition Rules, 1985 providing for maintenance of list by both bride and bridegroom was passed 32 years ago and so it will be injudicious to think that they are aware about IPC sections or other laws.
Bride and her family must be strong enough to dial 100 or 1091/1090(women helpline no.) when someone ask for dowry.
Women should be given formal educations so they don’t have to say yes to a man who ask for dowry.
One should not attend such dowry or extravagant gifts have been demanded or given. The NGOs and women organizations can play an important role in this.
   The police must raid marriages where dowry is being exchanged. This will also completely stop the 498A extortion racket.
Court marriages should be the only legal form of marriage. This will avoid extravagant marriages. Or incentives should be given to people opting for court marriages.
Investigations should be made in marriages of high officials like IAS and IPS because they are the ones with most demands.
A separate helpline should be made for dowry so that people can report dowry exchanges as police and government officials cannot be present in every nook and corner.
Now coming to the problem of misuse –
Take no gifts and give no gifts, and get this fact recorded by atleast four witnesses.
After the wedding also, keep a record of all gifts given by groom or his family to his wife because she can drag him and his family to court for misappropriation of her stridhan.
Parties should sign prenuptial agreements so as to protect one’s interests from false cases when a marriage goes down the hill. for e.g.-before the time of marriage mention your income and during divorce she will be given ¼ x monthly income x no. of years from marriage until the last day of marriage along with any dowry given in respect of marriage or anything else as the court may deem fit.
Husband and wife must live in a separate home and not with in- laws so no case can be made against them.
In court marriages, a dowry prohibition officer must be a witness and he must sign an affidavit that no dowry has taken place and later no complaint can be filed for dowry.
Also Read:
Analysis: Indian Women in Detention & Access to Justice
Marital Rape: An Analysis
  [1]Prachi Salve, Crimes against women up 34% in four years; most reports from UP, Maharashtra, West BengalFirstpost (Sep 06, 2016 08:02:15 IST), https://ift.tt/2SCh0MH.
[2]Sushil Kumar Sharma v. UOI & others,JT 2005(6) SC 266
The article is submitted by guest author through our open submission at legaldesire.com/submit
The views expressed are solely of the author.
The post Dowry: The Goose with the Golden Eggs appeared first on Legal Desire.
Dowry: The Goose with the Golden Eggs published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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foryourart · 7 years
Tumblr media
Josely Carvalho (Brazilian, b. 1942),  Waiting, 1982Silkscreen and crayon on paper (diptych). 30 1/8 x 22 1/4 (76.5 × 56.5 cm) each. Courtesy of Josely Carvalho. Artwork © the artist. Image courtesy of the Hammer Museum. 
Thursday, September 21–Wednesday, September 27
Thursday, September 21
Special: Signal Tide, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 9:29am.
African Masks from June Harwood Collection (Silent auction) and "Sharpener" (Faculty Exhibition), Pasadena City College Art Galleries (Pasadena), 12–1pm. Also October 13.
Artist talk: Jaime Guerrero, Skidmore Contemporary Art (Santa Monica), 4pm.
Talk: Meditation and Art—Dutch Paintings, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 4pm.
Historia Plantarum, The Huntington (San Marino), 4:30–6pm.
Dialogue: Leonard Koren and Mário Ramiro on Zines, University of San Diego (San Diego), 5:30pm.
Picturing Prince: An Intimate Portrait by Steve Parke, Mouche Gallery (Beverly Hills), 6–8pm.
Radical Women Walk-through: Beatriz Cortez, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Hot is Cool Summer Film Series, Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs), 6pm.
BORDERS, Self Help Graphics & Art (Downtown), 7pm.
Film Night: The Mahabharata, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 7pm.
THE PAWNBROKER / MUDHONEY, Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles (Downtown), 8–10pm.
Sorry, Atlantis: Eden’s Achin’ Organ Seeks Revenge by Asher Hartman, Machine Project (Echo Park), 8:30pm. $20–40.
Charlotte Dos Santos, Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock (Eagle Rock), 9pm. $10–15.
Art Matters Fall 2017, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), $60–75. Also September 28 and October 5, 12, 19.
Friday, September 22
The Artist Business, The Mistake Room (Downtown), 3–5pm. RSVP recommended.
Educator Open House: The Scratch and Sniff Museum, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 4–6pm.
Ism, Ism, Ism: Experimental Cinema in Latin America, REDCAT (Downtown), 7pm. $8–10. Through September 24.
Mercado Los Olvidados, pskaufman... gallery (Downtown), 7pm. Through September 24. $10–35.
Facing, BBQLA (Downtown), 7–11pm.
Cool World, Previously Invisible To Me, and YIELD: Poems and Drawin's, Club Pro Los Angeles (Downtown), 7–11pm.
Latinas Out Loud: ¡Pa’rriba!, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30–10:30pm.
Saturday, September 23
Around the Table, Long Beach Museum of Art (Long Beach), 8:30–10:30am.
Dino Fest, Museum of Natural History (Downtown), 9:30am–5pm. Continues September 24.
Flower Arranging: Succulent Wreaths, The Huntington (San Marino), 10am–12pm.
Latin American and Latinx Art Via South Bay/Long Beach Shuttle Art Tour, various locations (throughout Los Angeles and beyond), 10am–5pm. Continues September 24.
Workshop: Feeling One Self (a relational practice) with Melanie Maar, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 11am–3pm. $30.
unDocumenta, Oceanside Museum of Art (OMA) (Oceanside), 11am–5pm.
¡Murales Rebeldes! L.A. Chicana/o Murals under Siege, LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes (Downtown), 12–6pm.
Smithsonian Magazine Presents Museum Day Live!, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 12–5pm.
Chakra Mapping And Art Workshop, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 1–5pm. $24–30.
Children’s Flower Arranging: Mini Succulent Wreaths, The Huntington (San Marino), 1–2:30pm.
ECLIPSE: A Discussion and Q&A, Art Center College of Design (Pasadena), 1pm.
Talk: From the Kilns to the Grave: Pottery from the Three Kingdoms Period of Korea, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 2pm.
From Latin America to Hollywood: Latino Film Culture in Los Angeles 1967–2017, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Beverly Hills), 2pm.  
Marathon Sketching: En Plein Air, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 2–5pm.
A Woman's Place…, The William Grant Still Arts Center (West Adams), 3–6pm.
RESTORE: Modeling Alternatives to the Criminal Justice System, OCHI Projects (Mid-City), 3pm.
Billy Al Bengston: Dentos, 1965 - 1970, parrasch heijnen gallery (Downtown), 3–6pm.
Jaime Guerrero Artist Talk, Craft in America Center (Beverly Grove), 4pm.
Film: "Chocolate" and "Still Alice", LACMA (Miracle Mile), 4pm.
Robert Rauschenberg: Horsefeathers Thirteen and John Baldessari: Hands & Feet, Gemini G.E.L. (West Hollywood), 4–7pm.
LA / LA / LA, Robert Berman Gallery (Santa Monica), 5–8pm.
Artist talk: Kathy Curtis Cahill: Childhood Matters, Diane Mann: ...Continued, Carole Garland: I <3 DTLA, Elyse Wyman: Positive From Negative, TAG Gallery (Santa Monica), 5–8pm.
Alfredo Ramos Martinez and Latin American Modernism, Louis Stern Fine Arts (Beverly Hills), 5–7pm.
HANS BURKHARDT IN MEXICO, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts (Fairfax), 5–8pm.
Coastal/Border and Southbay / Long Beach Hub Opening Reception, Angels Gate Cultural Center (San Pedro), 5pm.
Frank Bowling, Marc Selwyn Fine Art (Beverly Hills), discussion with Gavin Delahunty, Senior Curator of Contemporary Art, Dallas Museum of Art, 5:30–7:30pm.
Christina Fernandez: Prospect, Gallery Luisotti (Santa Monica), 6–8pm.
Axé Bahia: The Power of Art in an Afro-Brazilian Metropolis, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 6–10pm. Opening day programs, September 24.
Skip Arnold: plus ou moins and Stephen Neidich: not necessarily necessary, ltd los angeles (Mid-City), 6–8pm.
Retna: Mano A Mano, New Image Art (West Hollywood), 6pm.
David Armacost and Nilay Lawson: Untitled, 2017, AA|LA (West Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Pedro Friedeberg: Tetragrammoebius, M+B (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Claire Anna Baker: Suspended Wire: Suspended Wire, Moskowitz Bayse (Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Amir H. Fallah: A Stranger In Your Home, Shulamit Nazarian (Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Jagdeep Raina, Grice Bench (Downtown), 6–9pm.
Renaud Jerez, Jenny’s (Silver Lake), 6–8pm.
Live Broadcast of Carmen, Exposition Park (Downtown) and Santa Monica Pier (Santa Monica), 7pm.
Sonorama! Latin American Composers in Hollywood, Getty Center (Brentwood), 7pm.
A Cut Above / aka In Taglio, Loft at Liz's (Mid-City), 7–10pm.
D*Face: Happy Never Ending, Kristen Liu-Wong: Conflict/Resolution, Ray Caesar, Corey Helford Gallery (Downtown), 7–11pm.
The Neutra Contemporary 2017, Neutra Institute Gallery & Museum (Silver Lake), 7–10pm.
Recuerdos de un cine en español: Latin American Cinema in Los Angeles, 1930-1960, UCLA Film & Television Archive (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Summer Happenings at The Broad: Basquiat, The Broad (Downtown), 8:30pm. $25.
Sunday, September 24
Get The Job: Résumé Crafting, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 9am–1pm. $48–60.
KIDS SCREENINGS: Family Flicks Film Series: Duck Soup, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 11am.
L.A. Artist Grant Opportunity Workshop, Craft in America Center (Beverly Grove), 11am–12:30pm.
City of L.A. Master Artist Workshop, Craft in America Center (Beverly Grove), 11am.
Coffee and Conversation with the Artists, Studios of Echiko & Minoru Ohira (San Gabriel), 11am–1pm.
Caribbean Festival, Museum of Latin American Art (Long Beach), 11am–5pm.
Axé Bahia Opening Day Programs, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 12–4pm.
Ruben Ortiz Torres: White Washed America, Royale Projects (Downtown), 12–5pm.
Marco Kane Braunschweiler: MONKEY, Human Resources (Chinatown), 12–4pm.
A Clay Workshop with Andres Payan, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 1–5pm. $50–60.
Jesse Benson: Miracle Grow, Michael Benevento (Koreatown), 1–3pm.
Super Workshop: Design Your Very Own Superhero, 356 Mission (Downtown), 1–5pm.
Chalk it Out, California African American Museum (Downtown), 1–3pm.
Families: On-Site: North Hollywood—Imagining the Shakyamuni Buddha Today, LACMA (North Hollywood), 1:30pm.
TOURS & TALKS: Radical Women Curator Walk-through, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 2–3pm.
Danza Azteca: Honoring the Past, Blessings for the Future, Beta Main (Downtown), 2–3pm.
China Art Gardens, China Art Objects (Highland Park), 2–6pm.
Artist Walkthrough: Lineage Through Landscape with Fran Siegel, Fowler Museum (Westwood), 3pm.
The "Minor Players" of Art History: Reassessing the Field, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 3pm.
7th Annual Beyond Baroque Awards Dinner, Beyond Baroque Literary | Arts Center (Santa Monica), 6––10pm. $60–70.
Getting Real With Money, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm. $60–75
Monday, September 25
Pinch, Slab, Coil, POT! A Clay Workshop with Andres Payan, Craft & Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 1–5pm.
Families: On-Site: North Hollywood—Art Workshop, North Hollywood Amelia Earhart Regional Library (North Hollywood), 2pm.
Lecture: Old 'New Media': Xerox Art in Brazil, University of San Diego (San Diego), 6pm.
Screening: Teach us All, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–9pm.
The Isherwood-Bachardy Lecture - Isherwood, Auden, and Spender Before the Second World War, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Tuesday, September 26
Film: The Wiz, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
ARTIST TALK: Rodney McMillian, Art + Practice (Leimert Park), 7pm.
Wednesday, September 27
Suzanne Lacy & Pablo Helguera at the Art, Design & Architecture Museum, UC Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara), 5–6:30pm.
Talk: Panel Discussion—The Diversity Bonus in the Knowledge Economy, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7pm.
In Conversation: Malik Gaines and Tavia Nyong'o, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–9pm.
SCREENINGS: Las Madres: The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and Después de Terremoto: Two Films by Lourdes Portillo, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
1 note · View note
mooonboy · 2 years
Krshna: you took a three hour nap yesterday
subhadra: i was tired from the marathon
balram: the keeping up with the kauravas marathon!
subhadra: that family is exhausting
197 notes · View notes
mooonboy · 2 years
Yashoda with baby Krshna: ...you think i smother our child?
Nanda: now honey, it's not your fault, "mother" is part of the word
Balram: yeah you never hear of anyone being sfathered to death
124 notes · View notes
mooonboy · 2 years
Bheem: oh, by the way if you ever speak disrespectfully again about my wife, i will kil u
Bheem, chuckling: sorry. that sounded like a joke. i will actually kill u
88 notes · View notes
mooonboy · 2 years
Karna: you are your teacher's top student and that's the best that you can shoot
Arjuna: no-
Karna: *shoots an arrow* *hits the target* *10/10*
Karna: and that's with pretty nails
Arjuna: but improper stance!
Karna: practise more
150 notes · View notes