#modern headboard
toyastales · 1 year
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Never forget the small details!
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plushfurniture · 1 year
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Transform Your Bedroom into a Stylish Haven with Plush Furniture's Headboard Collection
What better way to give your bedroom, which acts as your own sanctuary, a modern and stylish makeover than with a magnificent headboard from Plush Furniture's collection? Whether you're searching for a modern, sleek style or a nod to classic elegance, our headboards are designed to transform your bedroom into an opulent refuge. Find the perfect complement to your personal style to create a bedroom that reflects your taste and sophistication.
Embrace Contemporary Chic: If you are drawn to basic lines and minimalistic design, our contemporary headboard collection is perfect for you. Choose from contemporary upholstery options with smooth finishes and geometric motifs. Select subdued tones or bold colours to make a statement. These headboards skillfully blend simplicity and style to create a contemporary and airy atmosphere in your bedroom.
Designing Statements: Do you want to express something bold? The statement headboard from our collection serves as the focal point of your bedroom with its distinctive and stunning patterns. Look at headboards with lovely patterns, lofty heights, or striking forms. With their winged designs and carved wood, these headboards provide a touch of drama and flare to any space.
Customization Options: At Plush Furniture, we understand that every individual has a different vision of what their dream bedroom should be. As a result, we provide customization options for a lot of our headboards.
Choosing the ideal headboard from Plush Furniture's selection will instantly transform your bedroom into a contemporary haven. Our headboards come in a variety of styles, so you can choose one that matches your preferences, whether they are modern chic, classic elegance, or statement-making designs. Elevate your bedroom with the perfect blend of style and comfort, and create a space that reflects your unique personality and preferences. Explore the Plush Furniture headboard collection today and experience the difference it can make in modernizing your bedroom.
Visit: https://plushfurniture.co.uk/collections/headboards/
Feel free to connect us at [email protected] or 01924672133
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daughter-of-lethe · 28 days
Back to December x Nessian
It's here! You can also read this on AO3:
Short OS full of Nessian fluff, I'm preparing something smutty too...
Nesta Archeron & Cassian
Song: Back to December (Taylor Swift)
angsty confession
Nessian - Freeform
they both love eachother
Domestic Fluff
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Nesta raised her fist to the black door in the marble white corridor, an invisible tug on her wrist kept her from knocking at Cassian's door, the fear of reciving a door slammed on her face was too much, but she knew that if she didn't do this now, she would never, so Nesta took a breath, atrying to focus on everything but the furious beats of her heart, she heard them pulsating in her ears. 
Nothing has changed in the building, that place screamed wealth, from the ushers at the entrance doors, to the pots with the cream-colored orchids on the forniture in that place, same color taken up by the walls. The elevator with an attendant inside who had looked at her blue wool coat in disgust when she had asked him to go to the top floor. As if he had not seen her before. Prick.
With the rhythmic heartbeats on her hear, she read again the card near the knob of her old appartment: Cassian & Nesta Archeron
She had not lived here for six months.
She had seen the lights on when she was walking around in that part of the city, and told herself "now or never, I'll go there and I'll talk to him".
 Would he let her speak? Would he listened? Nesta would have understood the chains on his door, after having broken his heart at Christmas Eve and having disappeared from the city, she would not want to see herself, if she were him.
"You're the rock against which the surf crashes, you got this." she muttered to herself the motto of the self-defense course she had devised with Emerie, Gwyn and Cassian. 
Nesta finally knocked, ready for the worst.
A wave of warm air filled with chocolate struck her as soon as the door crack open, revealing a Cassian with only gray pants, messy hair and eyes wide in shock, as if he'd just seen her from the peephole and could not believe that she was outside his door.
"Nesta" Cassian chewed with full mouth, still wrapped in stupor. 
Nesta hesitated as if struck by a vision, how was it possible that in six months he had become sexier? 
Cassian swallowed the biscuit, and Nesta's gaze followed the throat knot in its movement. Realizing the direction of her thoughts Nesta cleared her throat, staigntening her spine.
"Do you mind if I come in for a talk?" 
His gaze went to her hand, mere inches from his mouth, from the chocolate crumbs at the sides of his mouth. Quickly she hid her hand behind her back, feeling her cheek turning red. 
Old habit die hard.
Cassian moved to let her in and as she walked in his-their old living room, Nesta didn't miss the slight shake of his hand when he closed the door.
"Can I offer you something to drink?" he said with courtesy while she stood there like a rigid salt statue, not knowing what to do, she didn't expect to get there, in fact she expected him to kick her out. but... The burden of the words she wanted to scream made her muscles heavier, or was it because she had been waiting in the cold hallway?
"Water is fine" Could he ever want her again? Could they get back together? Nesta found that a negative answer would hurt more than what she thought to.
Nothing has changed, even her books were still spread on the coffe table and some of them were open. On the cupboard near the sofa there were all the framed photos of their moments togheter. A tear escaped her, and she let it run all the way down to her cheek, the nostalgia of when for the first time she felt really happy ache her heart.
There was still the last book she was reading on the small end-table with the lamp - A court of Silver Flames- open, with the white bow bookmark still on the page. Nesta let the heat of the black stoned fireplace releving the numbness of her body while she sat on the couch near the fireplace, taking off her coat.
Cassian sat down on the sofa, after having put a tray with a glass of water, and a lot of chocolate cookies on the coffe table between Nesta and him. He took a sip of his coffee, still looking at her, not knowing what to say. 
"Tell me, how's your family?" Nesta tried to start easy, she just get back in town eager to know.
Cassian did't press her to go to the point, to the motive of her visit, he never did.
"Rhys and Feyre are doing good, they are very busy parenting Nyx, Elain's buisness with the Velaris's greenhouse is going great, she has a lot of requests for weddings and elite parties" Cassian paused for a chocolate biscuit, and Nesta found herself happy to hear about her sisters.  
"We have new members at the defense club" He smiled, knowing that this news would bring her joy.
"New members?" 
"Yes, we have so much of them that I had to drag Azriel to be a trainer"
Nesta smiled, with Emerie and Gwyn she decided to open this course and Cassian was more than glad to be a coach, to be part of something that brought Nesta joy.
"I'm glad to hear this" Nesta didn't miss that he choose not to talk about himself. His guard was up like a shadow darekening his soul, she couldn't stand that look, so she focuses on the pictures instead, her gaze fixed on her favourite one: the pic that shows them kissing on the beach, with the most beautiful sunset in the background, framed by the cliffs.
The memory of that day at the beach, one of the most delightful day of her life. Cassian and her had played beach volley, -he lost- they had swam between the cliffs, Nesta had never build a sandcastle and Cassian was more than glad to put a remedy at this. With the sun kissing his tan skin, he was beautiful in a way that had taken her breath away. 
Nesta never realized how much she missed licking that tan skin, tracing the tattoos with her delicate fingers, making him shiver under her touch. She couldn't help her cheeks heated at the memory of her counting his abs, going down more and more as the Cassian's breath became more and more difficult.
Nesta remembered the cold water splashing around her, the sun burning her skin, Cassian was jumping like a baby with a candy, gesturing at a small dark cave in a hidden stretch of the beach.
"Nes, Nes, come with me" he said, extending his hand, and the smile on his face warmed her heart in a way that had nothing to do with the sun. She took his hand and was lead into the darkness.
"Where are you taking me? " she worried, their breathing and waterdrops falling rhythmically were the only thing she could hear. Cassian's grip on her hand was firm, ready to grab her if she fell, which she almost did on a too smooth rock. "Can we please go back in the light? My hair is sticking to my neck from the humidity in here."
"Please Sweetheart, have some faith in me, we're almost there" Cassian moved with agility around the rocks and the falling water, guiding her throug the most impervious spot. "Look, Nes"
He gestured to a cone of light in front of him, and when Nesta looked, the breath came out of her. Her jaw dropped. 
There was a tree with a thick trunk and broad leaves, full of pink flowers, its roots sinked in a pond that surrounded all the tree. Small drops falling from the high rocks all over the three. It reaked so much quiet that everything in her mind stopped, a sense of pace so similar to her Mind-Stilling exercises.
"See" Cassian said, waving his hands as if to show her every detail of that lovely place "There's always light at the end of the dark tunnel" Nesta smiled at him gaining that lazy smile of him she loved so much, then crossed the pond, not wanting to show him how much those words had stuck with her. A soft carpet of green moss welcomed her feet, Nesta closed her eyes and breathe, feeling connected to that pure nature. The sun's rays gently filtered through an opening in the ceiling, between the stalactites, kissing her skin.
Nesta cracked an eye open to find her date beside her, his face beautiful like this place, there was a spark in those hazel eyes. "What?"
"That look on your face, you seem so paceful, so serene" he purrs in a voice that sent electricity through her veins. He brushed his thumb along her palm "I'd do deplorable things to see that face again, Sweethart". She kissed him deeply, wishing that world-burning feeling with him never end. "Do all of them". 
So Cassian did...
Nesta hold a special place in her heart for that summer, for all the things thay share and did, but it was in the fall, after failing an important exam that Cassian had taken her there again, he tought that she could feel at peace again, that the quiet of that cave would have made her look serene again, it was when he drove her home, his tan skin kissed by the last rays of the autumn sunset. His dark long hair painted with gold,  Cassian was laughing with her, all her shadows and sadness swept away, that she realized she would gladly give up her freedom in order to stay with him forever. To feel that light forever.
"I'm sorry" Nesta said as soon as the memory fade away and reality sunk in "for what happened in December" as the words came out of her mouth, a weight lifted from her heart, Nesta clenched her fingers into fists. "I was scared and I ran away because I was convinced that I didn't deserve a good and kind person like you, well I still am-" Nesta took a sip of the water. 
Cassian made to spoke but she halted him with a hand. He wanted to make Christmas special to her that year, he managed to  to find a limited signed edition of Nesta's favorite book. That night of december he was anticipating the moment he would give her his gift, the delicious expression of surprise on her face imprinted in his heart forever.  But things didn't go that way and he found himself with his heart shattered by her spiteful words.
In the following months, he had written her, millions of times, milions of texts, without reciving any answer,  but Nesta had simply disappeared from the apartment and the city, no one knew what had happened to her, well he suspected that Emerie and Gwyn knew, but if they did not want to talk he would not force them. Until he found her in front of the door that morning.
"When I realized that I was madly in love with you, that I was truly happy for the first time in my life, I felt so scared, as soon as I saw your friends and family, the way they looked at me I knew they disliked me. I started failing in studies and the more I felt sinking the more you were kind, always telling me that everything would be fine, somehow I started thinking that I didn't deserve that kindness, that I was a failiure!"
Cassian's face remained open, his features sad but he would let her finish.
She stood up, getting closer to the fire, needing that warm "I convinced myself that if I left you you'd be happier, I was so overwhelmed by all this that I couldn't take it anymore, so I did broke your heart and mine too, and I ran away, but it turned out I can't live without you" She bit her tongue forcing the words out of her throat "I messed up everything. Your friends were right, I did not deserve you!" Nesta lowered her head, her soul lighter. 
Cassian was beside her in a fragment of a second, enveloping her in a tight hug. Her sobs broke the silence between them like glass that shatter on the floor.
"Nes" His mouth kissed the top of her head before resting his chin over it, whispering her name over and over.
Surprise and confusion muffled her tears "If I could I'd go back to that day and change it I would- I swear...swear I'd turn around and make it alright.." She began to shake with the force of her confession "I'd... turn around and change my own mind" she murmured before letting go and rest her head between his tan neck and tattoed shoulder.
"I missed you, sweetheart, come back home" Cassian held her and Nesta never felt home like that time, realizing again what she had lost, what she wanted so desperately again.
She raised her head, finding his amber gaze lined in silver. "How can you be like this? Letting me in, forgiving me so easily, it-" she forced herself to swallow her emotion "It has been months-"
"I love you Nes, I've loved you from the first moment I saw you and I never stop-I don't want to" Like it was the answer to all her questions, like it was the great solution to everything: love.
"I don't understand, I-I hurt you, I don't deserve your forgivness-"Nesta placed her hands over his chest, letting his heartbeat stabilizing under her soft touch, calming her too, while all her fears were swept away by that melody, her favourite.
"You'll never find chain on my door" He kissed her forehead before adding "I've suffered because you were suffering, and I wasn't able to get you to talk to me, now that I know I can assure you that nobody's opinion can separate me from you" his gaze softened, but remained clear to her, "My love for you is stronger than time, than space, stronger than everything-" Cassian shook his head, his voice a whisper in this throat, and Nesta moved her hands up, brushing away the tears that had begun to fall on his cheeks "None of them hate you, and if they do, what's the deal? I don't care, I love you and that's all that matters" Cassian placed another kiss on her forehead "I do not want to hear that you think yourself unworthy of love, Nes" he manages to say, this words too important to let them unspoke "You are worthy of everything good in this world. You are worthy to be loved, Nes." Nesta smiled. Something crucial settled inside her.
Everything was going to be alright.
Both their hearts beated with one voice, a symphony only they could play, Nesta kissed him and felt as if life was blossoming again after a long and harsh winter. Cassian broke the kiss and smiled to her, holding her tight. "Welcome back home, my love"
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crystalgemzine · 2 years
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Bedroom - Contemporary Bedroom
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janedoodles · 1 year
Master Bedroom
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Inspiration for a large contemporary master dark wood floor bedroom remodel with gray walls
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halcaeyon · 1 year
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Orange County Bedroom Paneling An illustration of a mid-sized minimalist guest bedroom with white walls, multicolored wall paneling, and porcelain tile flooring
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hayleymulch-art · 2 years
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Bedroom - Master
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the-sleep-shop · 4 days
Discover Elegant and Stylish Headboards – Upholstered, Leather, and More at The Sleep Shop
Transform your bedroom with a stylish headboard from The Sleep Shop. Explore a wide range of upholstered, leather, and fabric headboards in various sizes and designs. Find the perfect headboard to complement your decor and enjoy added comfort and elegance in your bedroom. Shop now for the best deals.
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luxurygoodshaven · 2 months
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Zinus Kai Bamboo and Metal Platform Bed Frame with Headboard / No Box Spring Needed / Easy Assembly, Queen, Brown
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Product Description
The Kai Bamboo and Metal Platform Bed Frame is beautifully designed to fit your industrial or modern aesthetic. Its slatted headboard and low-profile footboard are both made from beautifully finished sustainable bamboo, while the rest of the frame is constructed with sturdy steel. With its clean-lined silhouette, this modern bed enhances your primary suite, kid’s room, or guest room with style and function. Designed for use without a box spring, you can rest your mattress directly onto the metal slats for long lasting support. All parts, tools, and instructions are neatly packed into a single box that ships right to your door for quick and simple setup. A 5-year worry-free warranty is also included. With the Kai Platform Bed, meshing your style with a dependable and affordable piece of furniture can be easier than you think.
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About this item
Durable Steel and Sustainable Bamboo
STYLE, DEPENDABILITY, VALUE – Crafted from attractive bamboo and durable steel, the Kai Platform Bed features a modern, streamlined look and high-quality design that fits your budget
MADE WITH SUSTAINABLE BAMBOO – Headboard and footboard are made from sustainable bamboo with exceptional durability and a beautiful look, so you get peace-of-mind in addition to great rest
NO BOX SPRING NEEDED – Made with a sturdy steel frame, the Kai bed is built to support any mattress without the need for a box spring; supports up to 350 lbs for twin and up to 700 lbs for other sizes
EASY ASSEMBLY – All of the parts, tools, and instructions needed for easy setup are included in one compact box that ships to your door directly
5-YEAR WARRANTY – A limited 5-year warranty is included against any manufacturer defects
You can try this product Click & Buy Now
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zillifurniture · 9 months
Indulge in a restful retreat with the Graphite Cal King Bed, meticulously designed to redefine your bedroom space. Crafted with a perfect blend of elegance and style, this bed offers more than just a place to sleep – it's an expression of refined taste and comfort. The upholstered headboard, coupled with its contemporary silhouette, adds a touch of sophistication to your bedroom decor. Elevate your sleeping experience with the Graphite Cal King Bed, where luxury meets functionality for a truly remarkable ambiance.
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carinuseanpaganism · 11 months
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Dallas Bedroom Large contemporary master bedroom idea with a medium-toned wood floor, white walls, and no fireplace
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treskoff · 11 months
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Las Vegas Industrial Bedroom Inspiration for a small industrial master vinyl floor and brown floor bedroom remodel with multicolored walls
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ruralcity · 11 months
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Bedroom Loft-Style in Toronto Bedroom - mid-century modern loft-style light wood floor bedroom idea with white walls
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diybongs · 11 months
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Modern Bedroom Inspiration for a small modern guest carpeted and beige floor bedroom remodel with white walls
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