#modern sally face
lennons-lemonade · 2 years
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the sally face gang because i recently realized that there truly isn’t ever enough art of them🫶
except, in true lennon fashion i had to add all of my headcanons and modernize them !!! here’s some info about each of my designs for them!!
in my design, the gang as a whole makes up a band called LAST (their first initials). they have matching necklaces for their corresponding instruments. i’ll go further into detail for that during their personal designs!
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I was never able to totally describe Ash’s style, but some version of mall goth (not pictured here ofc) and biker-ish were the closest descriptors i could find. she and sal have hair dying parties where he’ll dye her tips and she’ll touch up his roots. idk how to draw ladder-laced docs, but if she were following lace code then they’d signify that she’s lgbtq. i think she doodles on her arms (similarly to larry) but her parents bug her about it, so she wears long fingerless gloves. ash is LAST’s singer and bassist! her necklace has a small, poorly drawn, microphone on it!
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Larry’s style was much easier to describe. he’s a metal head with a side of grunge. he’s wearing homemade patch pants with random patterns and other details about him on the patches themselves. i still don’t know how to draw ladder laces, but larry does follow lace code and his laces are yellow for anti-racist and purple for lgbtq. he’s a huge doodler and spends a lot of time in school drawing on himself. he’s got Sanity Falls’ logo on his arm nearby LAST’s logo. he has other random paranormal details (a ghost and an eye) dotted around on his arm aswell. he’s LAST’s backup guitarist and will do vocals when the song calls for it. his necklace is a pick to signify this!
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You may notice that Sal has a chest. in my mind he’s always been transmasc, but for this drawing i decided to draw him when he wasn’t binding. I describe their style as hippie grunge most of the time, but i think they also dabble further into the grunge style. he doesn’t draw on his shoes himself, but every now and then ash or larry will. since their mom was blonde and blue isn’t a natural hair-color, i thought them dying their blonde hair blue was really fun! he doesn’t always keep make up on his mask, but he didn’t have the time to clean it today. they’re LAST’s lead guitarist and have a pick necklace to reference this!
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Todd is generally under-appreciated. i think if he were to generally put more effort into his appearance he would dress in dark academia. he got his left ear pierced with ash and his right pierced with neil. i feel like in most fanart his hair is suspiciously straight, so i did my best to make it generally curlier. he’s telling larry some kind of fun fact and the gang is reacting to it. he doesn’t draw on things around him like larry and ash, but he does write poetry! dead poets society is his favorite movie of all time. he’s LAST’s drummer because i think he needs some kind of outlet to deal with his anger. he also helps with band management. there are two drumsticks on his necklace!
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kodiakjester · 9 months
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that Steven universe meme that's been going around
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vnusasboy · 1 year
salvis and modern baseball lmao ??????
// song is apartment
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akslz · 1 year
"You must be an angel"
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---- Hello!! this is my first post here so apoligies if its not formatted well. Regardless; here is a mediocre ( orignally written on a03 by me, linked here) story I wrote on a whim, about a broken family put back together once they move to Nockfell after an incident with Knives (our main character) and her mother. She and her brother meet the gang and silliness ensues. AKA a shitty modern day SF fanfic because head full, this is a self-insert character so sorry no y/n. she is loosely based off of me so blah blah ok here backstory time & yes there is homestuck refences and NO I do not care ☹ let me do what I do #autism !! English is a poor language for me so apologies for mistakes!! None of the fanart/ images used are mine, credits to owners!-----
End of the Beginning
what seem like decades ago, Knives lived with her semi put together family in the ever so urban Houston Texas. With her twin brother Vinnie (or Vin) and her eldest brother Silas everything was just peachy. That was until their father had died of heart complications when Knives was just 11.
After that sad excuse of a day the widowed Miki became a pathetic shell of a mother. She lived by her ever empty bottle of wine or shitty canned beer. To the point where she became more of a roommate than a mother. Knives had to do something about this.
She wasn’t going to sit back and watch as her older brother work his senior year of high school away at some mediocre grocery store just so Miki could blow most of his minimal paycheck on alcohol. On April 14th, just days away from knives & Vins’ birthdays, knives decided to confront her mother. Here’s how the interaction went down. (First person pov)
“You crazy bitch who do you think you are?!” you mother slurred as she quickly tried to grab the bottle of wine that you started to pour down the drain.
“Me? Crazy? Please.” You said in a monotone voice as you finished dumping out the bottle and swiftly moved out of the way of your monstrous mothers’ grasp. Your brothers used to go onto the roof when things were easier, they taught you how to fight, or ‘strife’ they called it. You had gotten well at defending yourself over those couple of months. even being able to use your newfound skills against a creep at the mall.
“Please don’t do this, I just want to help you momma I promise!” you said grabbing her hands and looking up into her glazed eyes.
“Let go of me! You brat! I’m an adult and I can do as I want! Do not tell ME what I can and can’t do!” she said as she pushed you forward; causing your smaller body to hit the counter behind you.
As brush your long hair out of your face and you steady yourself you look back to your mother to see her lunge at you. You could never hurt your mother. Not ever. She’s just a little girl who’s distraught over her husband and best friend of 16 years dying. You couldn’t punish her for lashing out. She’s just scared.
 You feel warm now, you have a stinging spot on your head so instinctually you went to scratch it. Then comes the pain, it’s almost everywhere; you groggily open your eyes to look at your hand as it feels wet, blood. It was blood. You jolt up, now realizing you’re on the dining room floor. Your full vision slowly comes back, and you’re horrified at the sight. Chunks of your beautiful hair is sprawled around you.
 Your hair that held the last memory of your father. You used to crawl into bed with him and your mother in the mornings that you woke up before them. He used to always tuck your hair behind you bejeweled ears and hum you back into a light sleep. You grasp a chunk of the mangled hair and spread it between your fingers. Slowly beginning to cry. The pain on your extremities was nothing compared to this. You just slowly lowered yourself back onto the fake hardwood floor and cried, cried because you didn’t know what else to do.
 You wanted nothing but for everything to go back to the way it was. You starred at the entrance to your apartment, watching the very minimal light from the peep hole shine in, casting light on the dust particles in the air. It felt like the world was spinning in slow motion. You were dreading the time Silas and Vin come back from the music store. You cried for what felt like hours. You eventually sat up and noticed the keys to one of the two cars your family had owned was missing. You weakly stood up and hobbled to your mothers’ room, seeing drawers strewn over the already messy room.
“Great. Pansy ass bitch.” You said as your voice cracked. Crying again as you realized your mother had fled.
 You didn’t care though as you heard your brothers obnoxiously loud keys jiggle the lock open. You shuffled into the dining room, quickly observing the scene left behind. A broken wine bottle, small spots of blood with of course your white hair scattering the room. You dropped to your knees and touched your head for the first time since you woke up. You began sobbing again. The rest was a haze. You vaguely remember your older brother cupping your head; asking what happened. The only thing you could mutter was ‘’ Momma”. That’s all he needed to hear.
After that it’s a blur. Due to your mothers fleeing and your brother being freshly 19, he gains custody of you and your twin.
Beginning of the End
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~Time skip: 3 years after incident, age:15~
You innocently lean against your bed, plucking mindlessly at your well-loved bass. The vibrations running through your fingers.
“yo“ Vinnie says as he comes into your shared room, pushing up the shades he always adorned and swooping his platinum hair out of his face. You found it funny, you rarely see him without the sunglasses.
“Hey man, did Bro mention anything about what school we’ll be goin’ to after we move?’’ you questioned as you shut off your amplifier and faced him fully. He sat down at his desk and kicked his feet up on the nearby bedpost.
“Yeah, actually he did, it’s near the shithole surprisingly, so we could probably skate to & from the hellhole instead of riding in the bus” He referred to the apartments we planned to live in as the ‘shithole’ because in all honesty, it wasn’t lavish. On the website it looked quite old, but it’ll do for the three of you. The real name of your new crib was ‘Addison Apartments’.
You set your bass down as you glanced at your mostly packed room. The stacks of cardboard boxes occupying most of the free space.
‘’I can’t believe this our last weekend in Texas...” Vinnie sighed and got up to stand next to you as you turned to glance out the window of your Highrise apartment. You’re not going to miss the hustle and bustle of urban Texas; the constant traffic and shouting kept you up frequently. You leaned onto your brother as he comfortingly wrapped an arm around you and sighing.
“I know, it’ll be a nice change though, Nockfell looks chill.” He said rubbing circles onto your arm.
Later on you go into the bathroom to take off your makeup, when your mother defaced you she gladly didn’t do as much damage as you initially thought. Your long hair now was medium length with layers. You honestly loved the change of appearance. You also decided to dye the tips of your hair a dusty rose because you’ve always liked the idea of a colorful head of hair, even if its just a little.
“Finally, I finished packing the moving van with my and my brothers’ shit’’, you thought, never understood why they needed so many electronics, turntables, keypads, electric pianos, they had it all. They sure did love their pop music. You, Knives, on the other hand liked all music types, but you really loved heavy metal. The way that Sanity’s Falls bass shook your head every time you listened to it just make your love for metal grow. You laughed at how ironic it was that your name was Knives, AND you liked heavy music, how metal is a name like that?
Vin stumbled out of the entrance to the apartment building, his headphones sitting heavily on his shoulders as he chucks his skateboard and your roller skates in the back of bros’ pickup. You had all finished getting ready for the drive, you and your twin glances at each other and then to your guardian.
Bro wiped sweat from his forehead and adjusted his pointy shades “Alright y’all let’s get this show on the road, its a long drive so let’s get started. I wanna make it at least halfway by tonight.”
You and Vin were going to drive the pickup while Bro drove the chunky U-Haul. Although you both couldn't legally drive, your brother decided on a whim to teach the both of you a couple months ago so you had a general idea of what you were doing. You were nervous to make the lengthy drive because you had a fear that if you got pulled over that you and your brother would both be sent to juvey.
Regardless, you made the drive. The 48 hour journey was taxing but when you stepped out of the car in Nockfell you realized that this place was way different than Texas and you had no clue what was to come.
After reconnecting with your eldest brother after the long drive you made your way into the lobby as your brothers unlocked the moving van. You realize that there was no receptionist desk only a small mail cubby area. you remembered that Bro mentioned you would be staying in unit 403. So you made your way over to that cubby and you realized that you needed a key to unlock. \
You did not know where to obtain such key so being the genius you are you stuck your smallest fingers' nail into the key slot and tugged & wiggled out a little bit to see if it was unlocked and thankfully it was! you grabbed the few pieces of junk mail that had already gathered and threw them away, then picked up the thin envelope that contained the apartment keys and gently opening it and removing the keys
you made your way to the elevator and hit the button for your floor you jogged quickly to your apartment and unlocked it. You push open the door to see a glum looking room with a green-gray carpet that held a few stains.
You scrunch your nose due to you smelling heavy cleaner and bleach, but at least it was clean, you quickly set down the keys and make your way out leaving the door open so you and your siblings can easily go in and out without having to worry about the door.
After you brought up all the boxes with your name on it and set them in your room you put your hands on your hips, sighing, and glancing around the room. You were excited to finally have your own room away from your brother, but it would be a change because you had been bunking with him since you two were little. Reminiscing about all the times you had spent together was making you feel nostalgic.
Vin and Bro had made a quick run to the grocery store so they could stock up on some essentials for the fridge. You sat down and sliced open one of the cardboard boxes that was labeled “CDs” you were rummaging through it when you heard some mumbling coming from outside your room and heavy footsteps. You were surprised because you thought it would take your brothers a longer time to arrive back home, so you brushed yourself off and pushed the door open.
Your eyes widened in shock when you realize that the two people you heard in your apartment were in fact not your brothers but two strangers. One being a tall male with tanned skin and long brown hair having deep set eyes that carried bags heavier than anything. This person wore a cannibal corpse shirt with a beat-up flannel and gray jeans. The other person that you couldn't assume the gender of had electric blue pigtails hanging from each side of their head & wore red ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, combat boots along with a black crew neck, you also noticed that this person wearing what looked like a mask, you didn't think twice though because a lot of people these days were very expressive. It looks quite cool.
“uh…. hi...” you said sweetly but quietly, slightly hiding behind the door frame because you didn't know if these people were a threat or not. Just in case you reached over to your desk and put your hidden hand on it to feel for the box cutter you had laying on it.
“Oh! Hey man” the tall one with long hair said as he lifted his ringed hand and waved “sorry to intrude like this dude just wanted to give an introduction because we were told that a new tenant would be moving in, I’m Larry, Larry Johnson.” He took a step closer to you holding out his dominant hand for to shake.
“Hi... I’m Knives, yeah me and my brothers just moved here, nice to meet you” you reluctantly grabbed his hand your long nails accidentally brushing against him.
“Knives? Like the utensil? That's a cool ass nickname!” He said smiling noticing the gap in between his two front teeth. It kind of made him look like a Bunny.
“Thank you! But that's my real name.” You said awkwardly smiling leaning your head fully against the door frame of your room.
“Oh, and uh this is my friend Sal, but you can just call him Sally face! It's kind of like his nickname.” Larry said elbowing his shorter friend getting a low toned laugh out of Sal.
So, the mystery person is a guy, good to know. You could tell that you and Ben would get along well with them both.
“So, you said you had brothers, right? Where are they?” The bluenette questioned while stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“They went to the store I think but they should be back soon. How old are you guys?” you questioned. Quickly stuffing the box cutter into the backside waistband of your shorts and quickly tucking your Motley-Crue band shirt over it. You swiftly moved away from the door frame and took a step right outside the door and leaned against the wall, kicking one of your ankles over the other while withholding eye contact with Sal.
"we're both fifteen, how about you?" Larry questioned eyeing you 
"same. My twin is fifteen too, His name is Vin, I think you two would get along well. He likes cannibal corpse." you lied straight through your teeth, not knowing why. Vinnie never really liked metal. Hopefully he'll lie as well to cover your white lie. You were never good with people.... safe to say you're nervous for what's to come.
Every story starts somewhere
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Hi hi I somehow forgot to mention that this story is NOT following canon events, i.e. no cult, just some vague paranormal activity   !All original characters belong to me, none of the canon characters mentioned are mine and do not have the rights to them!
You had spoken with the two for about 15 minutes before they saw themselves out. After they’d left you had mentally slapped yourself for being so socially inept, Vin and Silas would definitely make fun of you for this one.
“Hey hey Knives! We’re back with some food!” Silas said as he loudly slammed the door with his foot.
“And we bought apple juice! So come get some before I finish it all.” Vinnie barked as you made your way out of your now unpacked room.
“Thanks bro!” you said smiling widely at your older brother as he messed up your hair
The three of you lingered in the kitchen as you unloaded the groceries and unpacked the kitchen essentials.
“Something really weird happened earlier-“you said turning to face them both, you were met with darkened plastic sunglasses awaiting you to continue speaking
“These two guys from the apartments came to introduce themselves, Larry and Sal, surprisingly they were very chill. I kinda lied about you liking cannibal corpse to Larry though vin...” you said sheepishly smiling and covering your face with your hands.
“ Man what the hell why? I don’t dig metal that much” Your twin asked jokingly.
“They were just so… intriguing! I got embarrassed and it just slipped out!”
“Chillax sis its alright, don’t sweat it. So, these guys are what? Hardcore church burners?” Vin said making the demon horn motion with both of his hands.
You and Silas laughed as he obnoxiously headbanged.
“No not really, at least not from what I could tell. They were very nice. I’m pretty sure they go to our school since we’re all the same age. “Vin nodded for you to continue.
“Larry is a tall dude with what I have to say is the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen on a man” you said throwing your hands up in defeat. Both of your brothers scoffing sarcastically.
“Then there’s Sal- “you began to remember the sight of the boy, something about him captivated you. Whether it was his unique hair, His killer style, the tone of his voice…...or the way his hands looked with all those rings on them… and the way you thought they’d look on you…
Girl, what the hell are you thinking?! You just met him? Stop being weird. You seriously needed to stop letting your hormones take control of you like this.
You’d realized your brother was looking at you strangely.
“Hellooooo? Anyone in there?” Vin said waving a hand in front of your face.
“Is she having another episode?” Silas asked, setting down the box he was moving and walking over to you.
“What? Oh sorry, No I’m fine, I just got lost in thought you guys don’t worry” you nervously laughed as they back away from you, relaxing their attention.
“Shit man you really worried me for a second…Anyways continue with what you were telling me about this Sal girl” Vinnie sighed now sitting on the counter across from you.
“Sal is a guy- “you said rolling your eyes “– but anyways. He’s sweet, he has this bright blue hair that’s really dope. He also wears this mask? I’m not sure what its about but it fits him, he has the same style of Larry he’s just a liiitttlllleee short…” you said making a “small” motion with your index and thumb.
“Hey, it’s not like the little guy can control it!” Vinnie said getting off the counter and poking at you.
You and he laughed as you made your way to his room to help him unpack his belongings.
The next day was Saturday. You were making your way down to the lobby with your brother to explore the area when on your way out of the dingy elevator you bumped into someone, accidently knocking something out of their hands.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” you apologized quickly kneeling to pick up papers and a purple school folder off the ground.
“It’s okay! I should’ve been looking where I was going” the feminine voice said giggling.
You handed the girl what you assumed was her schoolwork.
“Hey…are you new around here? I’ve never seen you before? And I think I’d remember someone this pretty” the girl said.
This girl was also quite pretty. With long brown hair and piercing green eyes, she wore a long purple shirtdress with purposely torn black tights. Along with a chunky black choker and heavier makeup, you started to really like this girl already.
“Thank you so much! You’re pretty too, and uhm yeah! Me and my brother just moved here recently, My names Knives. This is my brother Vinnie.” You said gesturing to Vinnie who threw up a weak wave to her as he seemed in awe.
“Knives?! That’s so awesome! My name’s Ashley but everyone just calls me Ash. Do you have insta or anything like that? You seem realllyyyy cool and I’d love to get to know you-“she said as she pulled out a lavender iPhone from her sleeve “- but I’m supposed to be tutoring with my friends right now and I’m already late, I’m afraid they’ll think I’m dead if I’m any more late” she said holding her phone out to you.
“Yeah, I do! Also, no problem I understand, you seem pretty chill as well!” you said slightly smiling as you typed your username into the search bar and then clicked on your profile as it came up. You handed Ash her phone back, she waved goodbye and jogged into the elevator.
“she seems nice, It seems like everyone here has awesome hair…” you said looking to Vinnie
“DID SHE FOLLOW YOU YET? LET ME SEE YOUR PHONE NOW, GIVE IT GIVE IT GIVE IT” he said reaching for your phone which was in your hand.
“Jesus man here fine, have a look god!” You laughed handing it to him. Vinnie snatched it out of your hand and flying to Ash’s’ profile.
You looked over his shoulder as he looked through her pictures, she had about 15 posts. Most were landscape but there were some of her and her friends. She was friends with Sal and Larry! That’s convenient! Vinnie swiped through the post of her and the guys on the 4th of July, there was also a pair of boys you hadn’t recognized yet. Safe to say you were excited to meet them both as well.
“Yo are these the guys you were talking about yesterday?” Vinnie said clicking on the profile mention on the picture, pulling up Sals’ account.
“Yeah! That’s cool that they’re friends. Makes me excited to hangout with them.”
Your brother finally handed your phone back after sending Ashley’s account to himself, you internally laughed at how eager he was to swoop this girl off her feet. You somehow made your way back to those pictures of Sal and everyone else on the 4th. You admired Sal, eventually tapping onto his profile, your thumb hovered over the ‘Follow’ button and you hesitated.
What if he thinks I’m a stalker? He didn’t even mention his socials so what if he thinks negatively of me just following him out of the blue? What if-
Then your eyes glance up at the notification you’d just received,
“New follower: @TheOG_SF – Sal Fisher”
CHAPTER 5 (4 was an update on the story):
Why is everything different now?
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Heyyyy, finally got this damn story updated, my apologies, im learning more English now so they should be more frequent!
Holy shit, you thought, quickly swiping up the notification to dismiss it.
Were you hallucinating? You truly hoped you weren’t.
“ Yo are you alive?” you glanced up to Vinnie with a wide eyed expression
“ah yeah sorry…don’t know what washed over me, lets go” you said walking past him to the main doors to exit
You and your brother had eventually made your way into a nearby resale/music store. The both of you going to see if you could replace some of the CDs you’d had before you moved.
Unfortunately for you and him some of the discs were snapped or scratched up during transit from Houston to Nockfell. The two of you slowly made it outside; you rummage through your cluttered tote to get the keys to the truck. You eventually find them and toss them to vin.
Once we pulled into the parking lot of the music store vin took the keys out of the ignition and glanced to you. You were chewing on your fingernails again, that’s something you did when you were nervous. Or in deeeeeepppppp thought.
You just kept starring at the follower request, not knowing what to do. You’ve combed through all of ash’s’ friends’ profiles except sals. You were just…too nervous. You were never this nervous.
“Dude just follow him back, it’s been like 20 minutes.” Vin said leaning over to watch your phone. “Absolutely not! What if he thinks I’m weird? Or what if he just did it on accident, or what if-“ you kept talking as your brother slothed his arm over and gingerly accepted the follow request. You sat silently in shock as he shrugged. “Well alright... ill just leave my phone in the car I think” you said hooking your purse over your shoulder. Overthinking everything that could happen if he didn’t accept your request.
You rummaged through CDs, you only had a couple stuffed in your hands; Bring Me The Horizons’ “Suicide Season”, Pierce The Veils “Misadventures”, Madonna’s ‘’like a virgin’’, and finally Dark Thrones “Transvilaian Hunger”. Quite opposites if you ask me, you thought to yourself as you maneuvered through the thin isles of the shop. As your sifting through discounted vinyl’s you hear the chime of the electric doorbell, the one that annoyingly chimes every time someone enters or exits. You decide to ignore it and continue looking.
“Speak of the devil” Vinnie breathed out quietly and smirked as he gestured to who entered the store; Of course, it was Ash and her group of friends. One of those friends being Sal. You swiftly turn back to the vinyl bin. Pretending to be interested in its contents to seem busy.
“Oh hey! Look who it is” you heard the deep grungy voice of who you assumed was Larry. You still didn’t look up, frozen from anxiety. You never really felt like this… you didn’t understand why everything was changing so suddenly. You reluctantly turned around and smiled. “Hey knives! Looks like you discovered our best kept secret” you heard ash giggle as she threw her hands up in defeat.
“yeah” Sal laughed “This record store is one of the only good things in Nockfell” he continued. “Oh yeah? Well, I’d have to say its awesome, glad I found out yall’s ‘little secret’ “you said making air quotations.
“Believe me, we have better secrets than this.” Said an unfamiliar voice. “Well its nice to finally meet you, only today had they mentioned meeting you and trust me, they were all eager for me to meet you, I’m Todd” A shorter ginger boy with rounded glasses appeared from behind the other three. “Well, it’s nice to meet you too, Todd” you smiled; “Also, this is my partner, Neil” Another guy emerged, the same height as Todd. He waved sweetly and grinned.
“You having a party without me? Unbelievable.” Your brother jokingly scoffed as he finally came to take some of the spotlight off you. “Yo, nice to see you guys in person, I’m Vinnie, but I just go by vin.” He said as he shoved his rap CDs into your arms to go fist bump your new friends. “Nice to meet you man! I heard you liked cannibal corpse, right?” Larry said enthusiastically as he looked at vin.
“Yeah man...I love them…!” Vin said side eyeing you through his shades. Making you giggle
“Oh word? That’s sick, I love them too.” You heard Sal say to your twin. You caught yourself starring at Sally. He was just a lot to look at to be fair, not in a bad way. In a way you’d look at a renaissance painting, just taking in the intricacy. The guys were all conversating about what-not, you noticed how Sal spoke with his hands a lot. That’s funny, you do that too….
“Knives? You alright?” Ashley said waving a hand in front of your face, Todd furrowing his eyebrows confused while waiting for your response. “Huh? Oh yeah sorry I was just starring off into space.” You said as your eyes widened. You catch Todd exchanging a look to Ashley, and she returned that look; you had no clue what language they were speaking with their eyes.
You and your group checked out with your minimal items, you and Vinnie ended up leaving with the group. The five of them somehow walked to the record store? They must really like this place. The six of you have to somehow fit into Silas’s truck. Vinnie and Larry in the front seats, Ashley, Todd, and Neil in the back seats… Where were you going to sit? Where was Sal going to sit?! They definitely did this on purpose. 
Chapter 6 coming soon, thank you!!!
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erik-goldenzombie · 13 days
This song is so fucking Kenneth Phelps core. Devourers of God vibes it general
(Parts of the lyrics)
"We huddled up, we held on tight
For grounded men were jealous of
The angel's flight, angel's flight
They were butterflies to them
So they brought their boards to pin
The wings and bodies of our gods
For studying
Alas, the muses through their glasses
Drift away as only madness
Drowning in the din
Of our animal skins
Every myth to crack its lips
Has nothing more to say
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay
If we can't raise the dead
We're gonna raise, we're gonna raise
We're gonna raise hell instead
I miss the days when stars were saintly
They sang to me in ways innately
Before we enslaved the symphony
Oh that bottle!
To playing anthems for selling things
I used to wonder, wander farther
Into awe, but those days were squandered
My ghost was lost to the grownup gallows
So I find my spirit in the bottle
But, oh! That bottle
Oh that bottle, oh that bottle"
@pastor-kenneth @ihatemysontravis @iamdevouring-god (//sorry )
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sinusproblem · 10 months
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"The Many Frog Faces of Sally Cruikshank"
“What I like about animation is you can get a kind of ecstatic energy from watching it,” says Portland, Oregon–based cartoonist Patrick Keck. For this month’s Drawn to MoMA, he created a tribute to the animator and artist Sally Cruikshank, whose work has influenced his own. Author of the graphic novel Peepers and the comics collection Little Tomb, Keck got the idea for this story when he came across a still from one of Cruikshank’s films while searching through MoMA’s archives. “What inspired me about this story in particular is the feeling of interconnectedness that happens when I do some research about an artist I’m interested in, and find all these points that connect back to me or other artists I admire. I find some comfort in that.”
Created for @themuseumofmodernart's Drawn Together series:
Check out Sally Cruikshank's films here:
Check out Sally Cruikshank’s original art for sale here:
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ilovebol0gna · 3 months
About me!!
hey! my name is sunny
i use any pronouns, irdc
im bisexual, prefrence for men but i still love women LMAO, im also genderfluid
i have an amazing bf!!
i dont write that much 😭
i LOVE music
my top bands/artists are (not in any particular order):
modern baseball
limp bizkit
dazey and the scouts
destroy boys
fleetwood mac
arctic monkeys
system of a down
ricky montgomery
tame impala
the front bottoms
and thats really it!! thanks for reading :)
oh yeah and my fandoms are in the tags!!
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weirdcoretrans · 4 months
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Now art i don’t really have a category or just individual fandom for, mainly portraits of my bf, me and one of my friends. My ocs Oliver, bog, ??, and Eddie. Also Barley from onward.
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plushflower · 1 year
Art that cares….
??? What weird sounds can YOU make…..???
Available Now DM for THIS WORK!!!!
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paring: percy jackson x athena!fem!reader
warnings: swearing
a/n: this is my first time doing hc's so i decided to get it out of the way! (its scary cause like i don't wanna disappoint 😭) so if you have any tips or anything lemme know!!
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you and percy are like the it couple of camp
like seriously when you two finally (key word being finally) got together the entire camp was rejoicing that you two idiots finally admitted your feelings
you were the two most oblivious people on the planet (percy mostly)
but now you're together its no longer stealing glances in secret but openly gazing at the other and getting distracted in the middle of sparring *cough* percy *cough*
its stealing kisses in between activities
curling up in bed with stolen snacks from the camp store and books
percy's battle against your love for your book boyfriends is a constant war...
and when he introduced you to sally via iris message sally LOVED you on sight
you basically spent the entire time talking to her trash talking percy
percy who had a scowl on his face the entire time
you guys are iconic
if the campers were asked to think of their fav couple in the modern world they'd instantly think of you two
percy and y/n, y/n and percy, you're a package deal
you're like the mom and dad of camp honestly
whenever you fight (which isn't often) the campers whisper to each other "mommy and daddy are fighting again"
the campers knowing smirks whenever they see you both leaving a cabin flustered and dishevelled after making out do
ABOSLUTELY NOTHING to stop you both
percy offers to bring you home for christmas knowing your history with a non-existent family
you had excitedly thrown yourself into his arms squealing "yes!"
you had been a ball of nerves for the last few days of camp
when percy brought you home for the holidays you were ecstatic
so was he really
percy being the lovesick puppy he is, basically just followed you around where ever you wanted to go
that included nearly all the bookstores in the area.
you had happily strolled through the store and passing percy every book you wanted saying
"omigoshpercy! look at this cover!" and then scurrying over to the next book "i've been wanting this one forever!"
percy has a shit eating grin on his face the entire time
he's just happy you're happy
sally was overjoyed when you arrived whipping you into a flurry of warm hugs and smiles
you'd honestly never felt more at home
one night you and percy are curled up on the couch under a blanket reading a book with percy muttering how he was clearly much better than this dumbass
who both stay that way for a while, percy occasionally placing kisses on your temple.
that is the night you first say i love you.
when you say it out loud percy's eyes widen and he flips around so he's facing you
"I love you."
now you've never felt more at home
percy thinks of you as a literal goddess
he worships the ground you walk on
and when you said i love you, that practically just cements his obsession with you
when sally walked in on you two to offer you some dinner she smiles when she sees you asleep on percy's shoulder, percy mouths
"what?" so he doesn't wake you up.
"you really like her, don't you?"
percy nods staring adoringly at you. "yeah i kinda do."
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a/n pt2: i actually had so much fun making these so let me know if you'd ever want more hc's!!
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reareaotaku · 1 month
Keep You Here
Summary: Dipper Gleeful shows you around the town under the guise that he'll help you get home. But really he wanted to convince you to stay Pt I: Here Linktree 4 the People of Palestine
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You walked around the town, amazed at how everything was the same, but so different. It seemed this dimension had also been affected by it's own Weirdmageddon. Things were being repaired that looked like it had been destroyed many years ago. Though that wasn't the weirdest thing about the town.
Everyone's personalities were twisted to the opposite of what they were? Or maybe they were switched?
"You must be hungry. Would you like to go the Crispy Diner?"
"Crispy Diner?"
Dipper brought you to a modern diner, much different than the Greasy's Diner that you were used to. Thankfully the menu was the same, so you knew what to expect.
"So, where do you come from?"
"Uh, it's also called... Gravity Falls."
"Yeah?" He puts down the menu and look at you. "What's it like?"
"Uh... Think of here, but reverse."
"Reverse? How strange..." He hums, as he looks over the menu.
Your eyes trail from the taller male, only to widen when seeing... Lazy Susan? But both her eyes were working and her hair was a dark brown and she seemed much more active than before.
Dipper follows your eyes, "Ahh, Fast Sally." He huffs and puts down the menu as Sally quickly comes to you and Dipper.
You order your food as you observe the rest of the diner, surprised by all the little changes. Dipper watches you closely, wondering why you seemed so taken aback, but remembering you were not the Y/n that he had once known no matter how much you looked like her.
Dipper follows his uncle into the basement, rushing down the steps.
"This will be a great lesson for you, young Dipper."
Dipper frowns at his uncle's words, because he'd rather his uncle didn't make his friends disappearance a 'teaching point'.
"You know, I've never had to look for someone in another dimension, so this will be interesting. Who knows how long it will take-"
Ford laughs, "Well, we won't find her in one day! It could take weeks or months or even years."
"Years? We don't have years."
He huffs and looks over his shoulder at Dipper who freezes.
"I don't... have years. I thought you said we had to find an anomaly-"
Ford makes a sound of unsure-ness, "Well... Okay, so an anomaly can be anything from a timeline gone wrong to a plant that is somewhere else. Anomalies are everywhere, so we'd have to be very precise."
"How many universe can have a person in different universe?"
"You'd be surprised." Ford types at his computer and multiple dots appear on the screen. "Maybe this will be easier than I thought... Let's find your girlfriend-"
Dipper laughs really loud, his face turning a dark red. "Girlfriend!? She isn't my girlfriend. Just a friend that happens to be a girl, but not my girlfriend!" He awkwardly laughs and Ford looks at him strangely.
"Okay... Your friend? We'll find her and bring her back."
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tobys-walrus-crew · 8 months
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A guide through Toby Stephens’ filmography for Percy Jackson fans.
If you’ve only just discovered Toby as Poseidon and want more than 10 minutes of that face, here’s where to start!
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If you’d be into Poseidon trying to make up for his absence and trying to win Sally and Percy back while fighting to survive in outer space, look no further! Watch Lost In Space on Netflix! It’s full of adventure, family, a but of angst and lots of DAD!
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If you’d be more into Poseidon going full Odysseus on Zeus for taking everything from him and then calling him a monster while Medusa takes revenge, do yourself a favor and watch Black Sails! Peak TV. Queer af. Made by Jon Steinberg. [Trigger warnings]
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If Sally and Poseidon pining is your thing and you love your Charlotte Brontë, watch the 2006 Jane Eyre with #RuthWilson and #TobyStephens! So much romance, angst and mutual eyefucking… warning: You WILL fall in love with a douchebag! Sorry for that!
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Shakespeare Poseidon anyone? A very young and extremely pretty Toby Stephens as Duke Orsino in Twelfth Night. Lots of pining, genderfluidity, confusion and sparks. SPARKS! And a bathtub that will rewire your brain. Something something LGBT will definitely happen to you!
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Finally if you love something face paced and modern with great teenage heroes, give Alex Rider on Prime a watch! Toby Stephens is a brilliant villain in S2 with loads of Elon Musk vibes. Poseidon the media mogul asshole? Maybe.
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Other highly recommended things from Toby Stephens’ backlist: Cambridge Spies, Photographing Fairies, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Mangal Pandey and Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None.
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fayes-fics · 11 months
It Had To Be You: Epilogue - Wonderful You
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU
Summary: How would you sum up your love story?
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artwork credit @colettebronte
Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, oral sex (m to f) cunnilingus. Err, there is also some swearing and soppy stuff, too.
Word Count: 1.5k
Author's Note: A multi-chapter modern rom-com retelling of When Harry Met Sally. This is the little decorative bow I wanted to wrap up this fic up with. If you've seen the original film, you know there are vox pops between 'chapters' where couples tell their love stories. This is my tribute to/explanation of that in this AU. Thanks to @colettebronte for betaing. Thank you again for reading this story, I hope you all enjoy this smidge of filth and humour! <3
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When his phone lights up and vibrates on the pillow next to yours for the third time, the name HY flashing bright, you reluctantly realise you have to say something.
You slide one hand down under the covers to shake his shoulder lightly. “Ben…. Ben, your phone…” you stutter, not wanting to do anything to stop the wondrous sensations coursing through your body, but concern overrides your want for pleasure.
“I'm doing some of my best work here, you know…” he protests silkily, muffled against your body, curling his tongue around your clit in a way that makes your knees tremble and goosebumps break out over your limbs.
“Ngggg, fuck, I know you are, baby,” you moan, “but this is the third time it’s ringing, and now you’ve got a big text pop-up saying SOS…” you stumble out.
There is a rustling of sheets, and his handsome face appears, glistening with your arousal in the ray of Mediterranean sun that cuts across the bed. 
“Whoever is interrupting us better have a damn good reason; they all know this is our honeymoon,” he grumbles, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand and crawling up over you, pecking a kiss onto the tip of your nose before reaching for his phone. As he does, it starts vibrating in his hand again.
“What?” he answers gruffly, in the way only siblings ever greet each other.
You watch as he pulls a variety of faces that make you giggle, pinned under him, his erection pressed distractingly into your left thigh.
“Hy…,” he groans after a bit, dropping his forehead onto your sternum. “How does any of this constitute an SOS?” he sighs wearily.
You can tell her answer is sarcastic by the strains of voice you hear from the phone as it's pressed against his ear.
“The answer, I'm sure, is yes, we will, and now, will you please leave us alone? We are busy…” he says pointedly. “...That's entirely none of your business,” he adds curtly after a beat.
You can easily surmise she guessed precisely what you are doing, and you chuckle. Benedict tilts his head up and shoots you a laden smirk that has you scraping your nails over the nape of his neck and into his luscious, thick hair, canting your body up into him and mewling softly as a hint.
“I'm hanging up now…” he warns, appearing to do just that as his little sister is midsentence.
“What does she want us to do?” you query, turning your head to kiss the flexing bicep that carries his weight as he tosses his phone aside.
He shuffles lower, his lips closing around your nipple, sucking insistently, making you arch under him and gasp.
“She wants us to appear in some documentary she is making,” he explains laconically, his fingers wrapping around the dip of your waist as his breath ghosts warm over the saliva he left, pursing his lips and blowing gently, watching your areola pucker under his attention.
You are rapidly losing the ability to give a shit in this moment but decide to get a little more information before you succumb. “What sort of documentary?”
“Couples talking to camera about their love story,” he hums, swapping to give your other breast the same wonderful treatment.
“She wants our story?” you frown distractedly, slightly non-plussed, running your fingertips along the play of his back muscles as he moves.
“Oh, come on darling, even you have to admit it reads like a film script,” he chuckles, rubbing the tip of his nose over the swell of your breast. “Twelve years, broken relationships, friends, not friends, both of us being idiots for entirely too long…” he trails off as he begins to wind his way back down your body, dropping hot kisses onto your diaphragm and belly.
“Oi,” you protest weakly, “I was not an idiot; I was merely cautious…”
“Sure, my love, a cautious idiot,” he amends, pushing your thighs open around his shoulders unseen under the sheets.
“Fair point…” you concede before crying out as he once again unfurls that magical tongue.
“How many couples are you interviewing for this?” you ask as Hyacinth fiddles with a microphone that will be out of shot on the coffee table in front of you.
It is three weeks later, and you are sitting on a two-seater sofa in a nondescript warehouse somewhere in Ealing—a digital camera and lots of bright lights trained on you. It all feels slightly unnerving, making you nervously pick at a tiny fleck of lint on your trousers.
“Oh, about ten or twelve, all sorts of ages and backgrounds,” she elucidates, obviously proud of what she is pulling together for her graduate film project.
“Why did you want us?” you inquire, genuinely intrigued.
“Well, your story is bloody fascinating, and I wanted to have at least one love story from my own family,” she explains. “I tried Kate and Anthony, but they bickered the whole time about what the truth of their story is. Then they started the tonsil tennis. It was too weird, even for me,” she shrugs.
“What do you want us to say?” Benedict checks, attempting to smooth his wayward curl of forehead hair that is always there, doing its own thing.
“Just go with the flow. Be truthful. Say whatever comes to mind; we can always go again,” she answers somewhat nebulously, rounding behind the camera as you exchange uncertain looks. “And ACTION!!” she calls suddenly.
“The first time we met, we hated each other,” Benedict begins.
“No,” you immediately interject, “you didn’t hate me; I hated you. The second time we met, you didn't even remember me!” you argue.
“I did, too! I remembered you! I approached you on the train,” he points out. “The third time we met, we became friends,” he smiles, wrapping a hand around your knee and shooting you a loving glance.
“We were friends for a long time,” you adjoin, nodding, before adding honestly, “Aaaaand then we weren't.” 
“And then we fell in love,” Benedict drawls, his tone laden with affection. “Three months later, and we are married!” he holds up his left hand, proudly displaying his shiny new wedding ring.
“It only took three months,” you nod in agreement, then pause, “well… twelve years and three months…”
“We had a really wonderful wedding,” he comments, turning and smiling crookedly at you.
“It really was,” you agree, grinning back.
“It was great. We had a band with salsa dancing,” he explains, leaning into you fractionally.
“Yes, lots of salsa dancing,” you concur, hooking your chin onto his shoulder as he turns his head fully toward you, you matching his little knowing smile, wanting nothing more than to draw him into a kiss.
“Ok… CUT!!” Hyacinth calls.
“What was wrong with that?” he checks, reluctantly peeling his gaze from you to his sister.
“Urgh, you are as bad as Anthony,” she rolls her eyes. “Let's try again, but this time, you know, maybe a bit more story and a shade less mushy?” she suggests.
“Mushy?” Benedict echoes, his brow knitting. “How am I supposed to talk about my wife, the love of my life, and not be ‘mushy’?” he appends with air quotes, as if what he just said casually is not the sweetest thing ever… and makes you want to mount him instantly.
“Y/n, stop eye-fucking my brother,” Hyacinth sighs.
It’s your turn to whip around to her and look indignant. “I am not!”
“Please…” she withers, arching a single eyebrow, and you slouch down a little, realising you are being entirely called out.
“Okay, fine. But tell him to stop doing the same,” you mumble.
“Believe me, I’m trying,” she answers, fiddling with one of the lamps trained on you. “Now okay from the top,” she says. “I liked it until you got to the salsa dancing bit. Please, let's not cover that; it's obviously a trigger topic for both of your hormones,” she eye rolls.
“What do you want us to talk about then?” he shrugs.
“Tell me more about the very first day you met,” she proposes, then circles her finger silently to show she’s recording again. 
“So it's the last day of university in the depths of Scotland, and both of us are driving to London...” he starts.
“Excuse me, I was driving my car to London; you very much hitched a ride,” you interrupt again.
“Please, it was your mum’s car. And you refused to give me a Malteser,” he disputes, pouting at you.
“Really? It's been twelve years. And still with the Malteser thing? You could have brought your own, you know,” you remonstrate logically.
“And you could have tried not to make me crash into a bus shelter, but here we are…,” he argues back, shooting you a sideways look that is all challenge and heat—it makes you want to strip him bare.
You can't help it; you lean in and capture his lips this time.
“For fuck’s sake, not these two as well,” Hyacinth mutters, head slumping into her hands. 
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb @sya-skies
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prismuffin · 1 year
Masterlist 2:
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Full Fanfic Masterlist
How Peter Parker and Steve Rogers react to their crush asking to play with their hair
Hobie Brown helping trans!male!Reader with dysphoria Hobie Brown reminding ftm!Reader not to overbind Hobie Brown turning into a cat and causing chaos in the SpiderSociety
How Miles Morales acts on a rooftop date with another hero Miles Morales reacting to grieving reader Miles Morales being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie Miles Morales reacting to his crush suddenly asking him out in the middle of a normal conversation Miles Morales with a younger!sister!reader
Platonic!Miguel O'Hara comforting transmale reader after a breakdown Miguel O'Hara reacting to reader coming out as trans (ftm)
Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader with brain issues Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader getting a good grade on an exam
Pavitr Prabhakar and german!male!Reader bonding by learning about each other's cultures
SpiderTeens reacting to gn reader adopting them all
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Nothing yet!
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
Mission: Impossible:
Ethan Hunt reacting to his son being a part of the syndicate
FarCry 5:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor helping male!trans!reader with testosterone shots Connor helping gn!Reader calm down from a panic attack Connor with a s/o who's a maladaptive daydreamer Connor with an insomniac s/o Connor with a s/o who's a wild/active sleeper
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Nothing yet!
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
COD: Modern Warfare2:
John Price dealing with being a sleep talker
Konig reacting to short!male!Reader climbing him like a tree to see something Konig reacting to short!male!Reader being on his shoulders^^Part 2
Ghost, Konig, and Price (separate) reacting to male!Reader with dermatillomania Ghost and Konig (separate) reacting to having to cuddle up to male!Reader for warmth Ghost and Konig waking up to cuddling male!Reader ^^Part 2 Ghost and Konig (separate) having M!Reader be their gay awakening
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Nothing yet!
Dc Universe:
Batfam being jealous of the readers pet/animal Batboys reacting to Tim Drake's "bad-boy" boyfriend Taking care of Batboys (seperately) after they got their wisdom teeth removed Batboys reacting to boyfriend!Reader smacking their ass and running away Batboys + Conner & Wally being caught wearing masc!Readers hoodie Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son ^^Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son pt2^^ Batboys reacting to getting hard during training with M!Reader Anthro!Batboys having their ears and tail expose their romantic feelings for male!reader Batfam reacting to Tim Drake making a contract with a demon!male!reader BatBoys reacting to them thinking male!reader called them a goodboy
Sugar Daddy!Bruce Wayne accidentally falling for male!sugar-baby!reader Bruce Wayne with an energetic anti-hero husband
Conner Kent accidentally using X-ray vision on trans!male reader
Male!Justice League members reacting to rogue!reader moving out of Gotham and into their city
Jason Todd reacting to male reader falling asleep on him Jason Todd reacting to a gn reader who can't swim Injured!Jason Todd waking up to Reader in his hospital room
Damian Wayne with a child!brother!Reader Damian Wayne being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie
Dick Grayson reacting to a very cuddly male reader Dick Grayson waking up his cuddly guy crush Dick Grayson reacting to a sad!male!Reader needing cuddles
Hal Jordan's (Green Lantern) reaction to reader having a lot of lantern rings Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x recovering!male!Readers Hal Jordan reacting to being bitten by masc!alien!Reader
John Constantine reacting to a food-pusher Reader John Constantine with a werewolf s/o (gn reader) Hungover!John Constantine waking up in a caring Readers bed John Constantine reacting to a male!Reader that reminds him of his younger self ^part 2. John Constantine reacting to similar!male!Reader reading his soul John Constantine being bullied by a cat in a pub John Constantine reacting to a Reader that smokes John Constantine having a demon!Reader be attached to him John Constantine reacting to reader being turned into a baby John Constantine reacting to male!Rader lighting his cigarette with John's
Kid Flash (Wally West) reacting to accidentally courting alien!reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a night owl boyfriend Kid Flash (Wally West) accidentally petting one of winged!male!Readers arousal zones Kid Flash (Wally West) and winged!male!Reader finally getting together Kid Flash (Wally West) cudding male!naga!Reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a partner who's part of the BatFamily
Tim Drake reacting to guy crush reader accidentally cuddling him Tim Drake reacting to Rogue!Reader flustering him Tim Drake with a caring and patient boyfriend Tim Drake with a boyfriend who's very physically affectionate
How Superman, Batman, Hal Jordan, The Flash, and John Constantine react to someone handing them the unconscious reader out of the blue How Batman and Superman reacting to their long-term partner being their worst enemy
How Wally West, John Constantine, Hal Jordan, Dick Grayson, and Conner Kent react to falling asleep on their crush (male reader) How Wally West, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Conner Kent taking care of their drunk guy crush How Dick Grayson, Wally West, Tim Drake and Conner Kent react to playing seven minutes in heaven with their guy crush How Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and John Constantine react to their crush asking to play with their hair How Tim Drake and Damian Wayne react to their crush randomly asking them out in the middle of a conversation (seperate) How Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Wally West and Conner Kent (sperately) react to Alien!Panther!Male!Reader cuddling up to them randomly
How Justice League boys react to empathic color!alien reader turning pink around them How Justice League boys react to male!Reader being turned into a cat How the Young Justice League reacts to a male!Reader with an Eating Disorder
Back to directory;
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glitterforashes · 4 months
hi, i was curious if you could do sally face character w someone who plays the bass (guitar) it can be platonic and gender neutral if you want. feel free to ignore and dont forget to take care of yourself (sorry if im not doing this right, its the first time i've made a request)
𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 ; 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
>>> thank you to @flo0werry for requesting! i am so honored to be your first request experience. i am very sorry for taking so long to get to this, had to have a break from social media for a while! that being said, my writing is probably very bad and rusty so not too much on me please. 🙏🏼 mainly fluff and giggles, gender neutral reader, platonic-ish (?). hope you enjoy!
sally was a quiet, odd little dude and everyone knew it. he didn’t have many hobbies besides playing video games and ghost hunting, but when he met (y/n), that changed. they were like the modern day stevie nicks to everyone in the apartments, known to carry their base strapped across their back at all times. he avoided them for a while, not knowing what to say to spark up conversation, but that changed when fate brought them together in the way of getting them stuck in the rusty old elevator.
“well this blows.” (y/n) said, slumping down into a seated position against the wall, which was probably the most unsanitary thing they had done all day. sally nodded slightly in agreement, stealing a quick glance at them from the corner of his eye. “so what’s your deal?” they asked, looking up at him from their spot on the floor. sally’s face flushed behind his mask and he turned to face them as they said, “you talk or what?” he looked down at his shoes and moved his hands behind his back, tucking them between the wall and his bum. “uh, yeah. yeah i talk. my names sally.”
“cool. i’m (y/n).” they reached behind their back, took off their guitar, propped it up between their folded legs and started to fiddle with the tuning pegs. “i know.” they paused briefly, as if shocked, before going back to what they had been doing. “you know? you some kind of stalker or something?” sally’s face fell, his eyes going wide. “what? no! no, i’m not a stalker. just, everyone knows you here. you’re kinda hard to miss when you’ve got that thing poking out of your back all the time.” he pointed to their base.
“oh, this ‘ol thing? yeah, guess you’re right. her name’s daisy.” sally blinked. “you named the guitar?” (y/n) turned their head up to him and grinned, raising an eyebrow. “do the things you love not have names?” sally didn’t respond, only slid down next to them and tucked his knees close to his chest. “you play?” they asked, strumming their fingers over the freshly tuned strings and nodding in approval at the sound. “no.” he said, scooting towards the corner nearest to him to give them and ‘daisy’ some room. “wanna learn?” he was silent for a few moments, feeling (y/n)’s stare on him. he might never get the opportunity to talk to them again if he turned this down, so.. “sure.” he muttered, scooting back as (y/n) lifted daisy and handed her to him. “i know all the strings.” he said as he took the guitar, holding it awkwardly like it would explode.
“why’re you holdin’ it like that? she’s not gonna bite you. here,” (y/n) gently grabbed his arms and adjusted his hold, placing his fingers on the b and a strings. “i’ve just never held something so expensive before.” he said. (y/n) laughed and moved so they would be sitting in front of him, optimum placement for teaching. “we’ll start you off with something easy, yeah?”
(y/n) and sally spent close to thirty minutes learning the opening to a song (y/n) loved, sally impressing them with his knowledge of rhythm and pace. “that’s so sick, man. start from the beginning.” they said, scooting back a little to observe him. sally strummed all the strings once, twice, before breaking out into the music, playing each chord perfectly. (y/n) was grinning like an idiot when they picked up the chorus, starting to sing the words. their voice was raspy and smooth and edged and feminine all at the same time and it made sally feel ways he didn’t know were possible. (y/n) was watching his hands but he was watching them, the smile on their face as they sang like it was the only thing they knew how to do. (y/n) didn’t even notice when he started playing past the part they’d taught him, too lost in the song to care.
just as the song came to an end, the elevator doors dragged apart loudly, making an awful screeching and groaning sound. “oh, hey man.” a male voice said from behind them. (y/n) turned around to see larry the rocker boy and lisa the maintenance lady standing in the doorway, larry with a crap-eating grin and lisa with a doe-like expression on her face. “hey.” sally stood up from the floor with daisy still cradled in his arms as lisa started apologizing about the inconvenience, saying how the elevator was such a piece of rusty old crap. (y/n) stood up next, running a hand through their hair as they faced larry and lisa. “i heard you playing. i didn’t think you still knew that song.”
larry said. (y/n) turned to sally with an eyebrow raised, hands on their hips. “still?” they asked, looking between the two boys. sally had gone stiff and they seemed to almost be communicating telepathically. almost, because larry continued talking. “oh yeah. that was the first song i ever taught him on base.”
the gears clicked into place in (y/n)’s brain and a slow, wicked grin spread onto their face. “you, sally, are a liar.” they said, taking daisy back from him and slinging her over their back. they huffed a little laugh and looked between the two boys again, shaking their head. “see you around, sally.” they sauntered out of the elevator and regarded lisa with a few kind words and a gentle pat on the shoulder as they went, giving sally one last smirk over their shoulder before they disappeared around the corner.
larry turned on sal immediately, a ‘no-way’ expression on his face. “you talked to them?” he asked, grabbing sal by the shoulders. “yeah.” “and you told them you don’t know how to play??” “yeah.” “you sly dog, you!” larry slapped him on the shoulder like a proud dad, a smile breaking out onto his face.
“did you invite them to the thing tonight? at the lake?” “…crap.” “Sally!”
(y/n) stood around the corner, hand covering their mouth as they giggled and hurriedly scribbled some words onto an old napkin they found in their pocket. when they were done, they oh-so conveniently dropped the piece of paper on the ground, knowing they’d see it and pick it up.
the note read, “room three oh two, seven o’clock. be there. see you then.”
(y/n) quickly turned and hurried to their room as they heard sal and larry’s voices get closer, slipping through the door before they saw them.
one second. two, five, ten. then, the most excited whoops and shouts. (y/n) laughed so hard their stomach hurt, shaking their head. “aw, man.” they walked across their living room and pat their cat on the head, a little extra pep in their step as they walked towards their bedroom to get ready.
“imagine if he knew that i’ve been watching him too.”
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lubtubby · 4 months
About Me! 🫡
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Hi yall my names Brian. My pronouns are she / her nothing else. I am also a minor !!.
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(Caps means they are my main ones)
HORROR MOVIES (slashers n shit to many to name), the outsiders, ZERO DAY, sally face, CLASS OF 09, smiling friends, MARBLE HORNETS, ELEPHANT, CREEPYPASTA, homestuck, DUCK! THE CARBINE HIGH MASSACRE, TRUE CRIME, BRIDGE KIDS
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The Beatles, Pink Floyd, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, McCaffery, Lana Del Rey, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, TV Girl, Mitski, Pearl Jam, Elvis Presley, Richie Valens, The Rolling Stones, Hole, Green Day, Guns n Roses, Van Halen, Melanie Martinez, My Chemical Romance, etc
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Nobody <3 just don't be creepy or whatever
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