#moggies best friend
rainedroptalks · 5 months
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ghosty-0w0 · 7 months
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This is the photo you can recreate or use the same theme!!
I am so happy I came this far and reached 200 followers like that’s mind blowing to me so TYSM EVERYONEEE
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You can color this if you want!!
Best coloring or ditys shall get their art work as my banner ( for a bit) and I shall cherish your art forever :3
deadline is April 1!!
@yummii-qt @gamerblade1 @averagetmntfan @allyheart707 @riseleon @mikey-rottmnt @sharkfinn @potatoeofwisdom @kittynumyum @c00kietin @b00tyyyshker9000 @kraang5 @notjustdragonspages @peoplepersonoaktree @vaudeville-moggie @donniesbrows @weirdoartsy @dluebirb @animal-lover-forever @s1eepy-0 @clanofjones @karonkar @justmesadlysry @amat3ured1t0r @alitteraladhdmess @karmacomesaround @chaos-potat @m3l0man14c @ender-outlaw @diona-98 @qeelovestea @arise-children-angel-is-here @missingleon @clown-froggi @echodoesstuff62333 @fable-the-queer-bookworm @theycallmehummus @kaidiaisamazing
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butterflydm · 9 months
More s3 hints from interviews (day 2 & Josha!)
@markantonys linked me to a masterthread of More Interviews (twitter.com/GradeKangusBeef/status/1736788980006330448), which I have scoured for more s3 hints, lol. The twitter thread is being updated as they appear, so I definitely recommend the thread as a whole.
From a screenrant interview with Zoë:
Are there any future events or character moments from the books that you know about that you’re excited to get into?
Zoë Robins: Yes, definitely. I’m going to have to tread very carefully, but there’s a moment in season three that I think Wheel of Time book readers will be very, very happy about. It was incredibly exciting to shoot. I think that’s all I can say.
Guessing this will be the Nynaeve-Moghedien confrontation! The word 'exciting' makes me lean that way -- though we may get other key scenes from the books like Lan giving her his ring, not sure that would count as 'incredibly exciting to shoot' and would more likely be described as tender or sweet.
From one with Daniel:
One thing that is less present in the show so far compared to the books is Lan being kind of a mentor figure for Rand. Is there a chance we’ll get a little more of that as the show progresses?
Daniel Henney: I would say that I personally would not bet against it. I'm being shipped off in two months to a place very far away to shoot some really incredible stuff where I have to be in very good shape. I'm eating tree leaves and protein shakes, and I'm in a double training schedule right now, which could include some of the stuff you're talking about.
Another hint that we'll be getting Lan training Rand next season.
From a Dónal one from screenrant; this isn't about s3 but it's sweet:
Dónal Finn: It's great. I love the character very much for that reason. It’s a very human experience that when you're watching, you can go, “I can identify with that, because that person is trying to use levity and humor and lightness to make ease of someone else's difficult situation.” Even though it often can feel like he's kind of punching up or trying to jeer at Rand or something, he knows that it comes from a place of, like, “God, there's so much hard stuff going on for Rand in every day of his life that he needs somebody to do that.” Otherwise, when we meet him in Cairhien, if he doesn't have that—if he doesn't have Mat at that place—he may not laugh, and that's just really crap for your best friend.
I love this point here. I don't think I even realized how miserable as a baseline Rand was this season until we got that contrast of his reunion with Mat. We may be getting that dynamic continuing into s3.
Kate Fleetwood with dragonmount:
KF: Lots of things happen in Season Three... yeah… they sat me down and were like, “This is what we are planning for you in Season Three.” I was, whoaa! Ok…
Very vague, but interesting! I wonder if Liandrin will be a tug-of-rope between Moghedien and Lanfear next season, because Lanfear snagged her from Ishamael but Moggy might snag her from Lanfear.
The tiniest of s3 hints from Ayoola:
AS: A combination of things, I think like, it’s the writers and it is Naomi, my dialect coach, and I kind of spoke about that, it is that humor that the Aiel have that's kind of, can catch you off guard and isn't necessarily funny to everyone but they find it amusing… just where that hits I think and just kind of the situations and we're able to play with that and bring that in.  Also, Aviendha is kind of a little bit more cheeky than some of the other Aiel that we will encounter and kind of her humor is very much part of who she is. Just kind of playing around with that, and it just, it just came out and felt right.
We're gonna meet some serious Aiel in s3. Not a surprise, but good to hear!
Madeleine talked to decider.com:
So far what we know about next season is it’s going to be hugely inspired by The Shadow Rising. We’re going to see Rhuidean and Tel’aran’rhiod. Egwene is now coming out of being a damane. You know, is there anything about her experience with the Seanchan that might influence how she handles, say, another hard, foreign culture like the Aiel? Absolutely. Look, I think even from Season 1, we see that Egwene’s truly been a novice of the world and is fascinated with what is out there and what other people can teach her and what other cultures can teach her. I think she’s sort of taken little bits of the Two Rivers, the White Tower, the Seanchan… And, you know, she goes on this journey to the Aiel Waste and ultimately will, no doubt, learn a lot there as well. So I think she’s just like a big sponge for the world and wants to learn. 
Confirmation that Egwene is going to the Aiel Waste, which makes sense, given that's her TSR plotline. Also, Egwene as a big sponge for the world and constantly learning is just... absolute 100% Egwene.
Josha talked to looper.com:
For Rand, Season 2 was about finding himself and realizing that he can't run away from it. He needs to do it with the people he loves. Season 3 is finally time for facing what he has to face. He's owning that prophecy more, and we see glimpses of why Rand is the Dragon Reborn and why he'll end up where he needs to end up. As that evolution's taking place, what do you do to get into character as this character is evolving? I'm very lucky that I have 14 books, which I have read, and that has given me a lot. I really understand Rand, and it's a lot of things. It's the conversations I have with Rafe [Judkins], the directors, and the writers. It's playing with all these amazing actors. It's the sets. Everything feels so real, and at the end of Season 3, we go to South Africa for two months, and being in that environment, all those things added up together, that helps you to get into the character.
Very exciting! We know that South Africa is Rhuidean, I believe, so very exciting to hear.
Also, Season 3, that keeps on going, and that is a very interesting area to explore because Lanfear is the Devil, and you can't love the Devil. It feels at times that Lanfear is the only one that really understands Rand, and because Rand is often very lonely in what he feels and sees, it seems like, at times, he can't express it to anyone else, and she's exactly what he needs — but she's the devil. That was very interesting for us to explore, and I secretly hope that Rand and Lanfear marry, but I don't think that will happen.
lol @ Josha. Anyway, yes, they're going to be exploring Lanfear trying to tempt/manipulate Rand more in s3, sounds like, so she isn't going to pay attention to Moghedien's warning for too long.
Again, without spoilers, what's next for Rand and the Emond's Field Five heading into Season 3? What can we expect? That's a good question. What can you expect for Season 3 without getting into spoilers? Well, they're together again. There is way more togetherness than in Season 2. That's exciting. It is fun to follow all of you guys, but there's a lot more momentum when you're all together. That's also quite hard for them, because these main characters all need to become something eventually. Because they are so close, it also creates some inner conflict. Rand, for example — if someone has been to your first birthday parties, it is very hard to become the most powerful channeler in the world and also the most dangerous man in the world, because they know your parents and they know who you were. That is one of the struggles they're facing now that they're together at the start of Season 3.
I would like to paste that last sentence from his first answer directly into the brains of everyone at reddit who believes that s3 is going to start with everyone all split up into separate plotlines and we're not going to get any group interactions.
Great answers from Josha in this one!
Screenrant also talked to him:
How do you interpret Rand’s relationship with Egwene in season 2? It’s romantic in the first season; do you feel like there’s a thread of that still there?
Josha Stradowski: I think a thread of that romantic relationship is definitely still there, because it gives this feeling of home for the both of them. They have been to each other's birthday parties. I think that is, on a human level, very [much] what they both need. But I think it also might transition to something else; more like a brother/sister kind of love. But that’s season three, maybe.
I'm really glad they asked him about Egwene!
Rand only reunites with his friends from the Two Rivers at the end of the season, and we haven’t seen how they are around him [after] knowing that he’s the Dragon yet. Can you say anything about what that dynamic is for season 3? Are they afraid of him?
Josha Stradowski: I think for all the main characters, they get what they need, and that is each other, but for all of them comes the internal conflict that they also feel like they need to become something else. It's like this growing pain, and I think Rand has that quite a lot. I feel like he wants to be there for his friends, he knows that he needs to be there for them to protect them, and the other way around as well, but he also needs to become the most dangerous men alive. How can you do that with someone that knows your dad, or the girl who kissed you for the first time? I don't know if that's Egwene, but in my head it is. So, I feel like they all struggle with this growing pain, but you see why they are friends, and you see why they are together; why they are the main characters of this story.
More that implies that we're going to be seeing EF5 interactions before they split up.
Collider also talked to him:
I've been reading the books, as well, and I think that's one of the sadder parts of Rand's journey, as you see how he's viewed through other characters, and the sadness of them reconciling their memories of him with the person that he now is kind of forced to become. Speaking of love relationships, though, I talked to Ceara and Rafe about Rand and Elayne's first meeting. What was important to capture in hinting at what this relationship is going to be, as well as the surprise of that connection? It feels like these are two people looking at each other for the first time and thinking, “You're going to be someone special.” STRADOWSKI: Yes. And that's what I take away, quite often, from the books as well. I have that with Selene, for example. There are a lot of moments where Rand can't get a word out of his mouth because he's so in shock at the beauty of this woman in front of him — and we didn't really have that with Selene, not like that in the TV show, but we did have it for Elayne. It's, like you said, a hint of what it could be, but I feel like it's subtle. It's a gradual thing which needs to be organic, and we might have some of that in Season 3, but I can't spoil that.
He talks a lot more openly about Selene/Lanfear in general -- which makes sense, because that's the relationship that was on the screen in front of us, while the Elayne relationship is gonna have a lot more spoilers involved -- but we get this hint here and I like hearing that the plan for Rand & Elayne is to be gradual and organic (which will be a big contrast to how the Rand/'Selene' relationship was introduced).
I will point out that Josha seems pretty careful overall about spoilers, mostly talking about things pretty vaguely and with ambiguity, so it feels like part of why he's talking about Lanfear so much is because she's one of the few things he's allowed to openly talk about at this point.
Lan training Rand is something that I think fans are excited to see, so I'll ask you the same question that I asked Daniel: can we look forward to that in Season 3? STRADOWSKI: What did Daniel say? He said he's back on the Warder diet, but then he also referenced your recent Instagram post and said that he needs to trim up to stand next to you. STRADOWSKI: Well, you can tell him I'm on the Dragon diet. Like you said, I'm also very excited to finally see some Lan/Rand swordfighting. I think it's time.
It cracks me up that Josha feels out how much Daniel might have spoiled before he says anything.
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bolilloquemad0 · 2 months
While talking with my dear friend @i-like-cats-and-stars36, he came with a crack idea. Damian's love language is free cats. If he likes you enough, or considers you as part of the family, he would gift you a cat that is personally selected.
I, cat lover, obviously said that yes, that's him. 100% Damian behavior. So when the question of what type of cats would Damian give to his family, I went a bit frantic to be honest 😔👊. And that ended in a list of cats that suddenly got to powerful and now we have, kind of, an Au for your entertainment.
We called it: Picking up Strays.
(This family has a problem, dear god)
So, buckle up Batfam lovers. I'm not kidding. (Btw, credits to all the lovely people who took pics of their cats and ended in pinterest, you're life saviors)
LET'S BEGIN (this is only pt 1, the rest of the family will come soon) (pt2 is up now!)
The first person I feel he would give a cat to is Dick, we all know why. Since Dick already has Haley and she is the precious energetic baby she is, I feel like Damian would give him a more relaxed cat. So maybe a 5 years old cat could fit, they're not as crazy as the young ones (my cat is nearly five years old and he only knows the activity of sleeping) and probably they could handle Haley without problems.
So I landed with this; a gray mixed between tabby and russian blue with blue eyes, obviously. Is a male and 5 years old. He fits the aesthetic.
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Dick arrives at his loft in Bludhäven one night, probably after his shift, to find a cat calmly sleeping on his couch next to a, now awake, Haley. There's food, a bed, some toys, sand, and a note. Something something I know you would take good care of him something something.
Dick is clearly confused, "Damian, wtf are you doing in Blud?!", but upon seeing the cat on his couch (that now was looking at him) Dick just, well, he has a cat now.
He calls the cat Zbor (romani for fly or flying) and Dick's phone is full with how many photos and videos he takes of Zbor and Haley sleeping or hanging out. Zbor would occasionally smack Haley on the head while playing and Dick finds it utterly adorable. All his socials are full of Haley and Zbor.
Next is Jason. I'm a firm believer of the hc that Damian and Jason meet at the League, maybe they didn't bonded that much, but still knew eachother. So maybe Dami has a different kind of respect for Jason.
Jay ended with a cat by accident. Damian found this 1 month old baby, lost and hungry and probably hurt and Jason's place was the closest so he bringed the baby to him. At firts it was just for a few nights meanwhile Damian found her another place.
So this 1 month old moggies ends at the care of Jay. How many nights has to pass before Jason falls in love with her. Four? Six? A whole week? Wrong. Two nights. She yawns and falls asleep on top of Jason's jacket by accident and that's it.
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Jay is a father now. Congratulations!
Later that week, when Damian goes for her Jason invents the most stupid reason for Damian to let her stay, surprisingly Dami doesn't insist, he's just like "Okay." The reality is that Damian's plan worked just fine.
He names her Cat. That's it. Cat. Everyone thinks he's pulling a Jonh Wick situation, and Jay rolls with it. Truth is (thanks Astro) that Cat is the short version for Catherine, as his mother. Jason never calls her Catherine when other people are around, but wait until he's alone in his room with Cat in his chest and Jason would scratch behind her ears while saying, "You're so beautiful, Catherine."
Cat, as she grows, becomes a chaotic good. I also feel like she would LOVE sleeping inside of Jason's shoes until she doesn't fit anymore. Lian and Cat would become best friends, and she would occasionally sleep on Lian's bed too.
Next is Cassandra. (This one is Astro's favorite). Cass comes back from a trip, probably, and the first thing Damian does is give her a black cat. Not any cat, a brainless stupid cat. Cass, eyes landing on yellow ones, and they have a connection.
Brainless eyes upon seeing Cass (with the tongue out): Mother.
Cass, looking at her cat: Stupid. No brain. Lover her.
Cass names her Blob. Is a british shorthair of 2 years old and likes to headbutt Cass. Have you seen those special bags for chihuahuas?, Cass gets one for Blob, to take her in all of her trips like the spoiled princess she is.
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(Credits of the photos and fanart to Astro ♡)
Blob follows Cass blindly everywhere. This often ends with her getting lost on some street meowing loudly until Cass finds her and carries her home calling her stupid affectionally all the way.
Blob is probably the must unproblematic cat of all of them, but I don't recommend leaving her without supervision.
When Bruce gets his cat, the rest of the family already has the idea of why Damian suddenly is giving cats to everyone. Dick cried for two hours knowing he was the first.
Anyway, with Bruce's cat is a bit more difficult. The grey turkish angora Damian gets to rescue has been a stray for a long long time. He's 6-7 years old and fights. He doesn't trust humans and Damian has a big scratch in the cheek to prove it with more adding up. No one understands why he brings him to the manor, but Damian is determined.
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A few days passes and the old cat finally seems to settle, but he's still wary of them. Nevertheless, Damian claims that the cat is Bruce's. He argues, he doesn't want a cat, he doesn't need one. In the end, Bruce treats the cat carefully. He doesn't know how to handle him nor exactly what to do.
Slowly, the cat seems more at peace at Bruce's side. The kids starts pestering him with a name but Bruce doesn't know. He doesn't know how to name things, by god's sake he named the Batcomputer. Dick jokes about Batcat as a name, you know, for the aesthetic and the Theme. Bruce turns them down while everyone laughs at him.
The problem is that the cat needs a name, he can't keep calling him The Cat and is not like Damian's constant glares makes everything better. So, for now he would call the cat Batcat. Just for now. Until he finds a better name.
He doesn't.
He never finds a better name. And all his children laughs at him. It's Batcat now.
+ Bonus story of Bruce and Batcat
One night, after a rough patrol, Bruce's arrives at his room and nothing feels quite real. Sitting in his bed, maybe a panic attack starts. Everything is too much. Bruce tries to calm himself but he just can't. Hw breathing becomes labored. A warm, heavy and soft something places himself on his lap, and slowly starts purring, Bruce puts his hand on the cat, slowly petting him. And as the purring grows he can finally calm himself enough to come back.
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buggiethedrag0n · 1 month
HAIIIII my new reference sheet 4 any1 who wants 2 draw meee :333
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i have way more outfits than just these 2 but i dont have the energy 2 draw that much lololol
the raccoon tail patterns that go infront of my chest are fake hair extensions btw :)) i have a lotta different ones
ANYWAYYYYYY the rest of mah info under the cut :33 !!!!!!!
Full name: Bugthing (you don’t get to know my last name 😁)
Aliases: Bug, Creature — Buggie (FRIENDS/FAMILY ONLY)
Species: Concept Dragon (Fire, Type 3) / Angel (Type 4) hybrid
Planet of Origination: The Concept Universe / ‘The Void’
Age: I’m not telling you that. (OOC: usually it depends on which universe i throw him it but i typically characterise him as my age. which makes him a minor.)
Height: 8’9”
Gender: Biologically female; identifies as transmasculine & xenogender
Pronouns: He/Him/His, Xey/Xem/Xeirs/ It/Its/Itself, They/Them/Theirs — Blood/Bleed/Bloodself, Gore/Gory/Goreself (FRIENDS/FAMILY ONLY)
Sexuality: Solian, fictosexual, fictoromantic (i use the term aroace in conversations tho, its easier :3)
S/O: None. Technically. Unless you count my F/Os (that being Galacta Knight, Holly/THK, Moonjumper, and Shamura)
Family: Parents, brother, a number of cousins (and technically that one fankid i made for me n holly named Moggie but. They’re not canon.)
I’m an artist and fanfic author, and Nebbie’s assistant as a newly ascended Creator entity!!!!
Buddies with uhhhh God :))) (or Jesus ig but her name is Yk here. I call her Nebulis/Nebs/Nebbie tho. Bc we’re friends :3) (he uses all prns btw)
Bc of my fun powers and rights as Nebbie’s assistant creator I get to travel to whatever universes I feel like. Both to make sure everything’s going well and nobody’s broken the space time continuum and also to hang with my favs.
I like to call myself a Nice Boy(TM) but thats only really to my friends/family (not including my brother because I fucking hate him). I can get REALLY mean when I’m upset/if i don’t like you. But yeah I’m usually pretty ok!! Not the best person out there but at least I’m not a bigot lol. SPEAKING OF BIGOTS a lot of my very outward “”””cringe”””” behaviour is from me just being comfy in my own skin and pissing ableists off On Purpose bc I find it funny (it is).
I’ve lived in the Concept Universe/Void my whole life, but I tend to wander off to various universes both for My Duty(TM) and also I Like The Characters. I was first given the opportunity to leave the Void when I was abt 8 I think? My good buddy/auntcle figure Xephyr asked me and my brother if we wanted to check out what ppl were doing down there (with Nebs’ and our parents’ permission ofc), and we agreed. I’ve never been normal since (that’s a good thing though).
I don’t USUALLY do fighting stuff (unless I’m in like a COTL variation universe or something) but when I do I usually just use fire. I might be a pyromaniac. Which is concerning because I have fire magic and can easily commit arson. Yeag :)
Hex codes
(Not including the bracelets or hair extensions)
Body/both fits or smth:
#0E0E0E — Horns / Burns / Burnt feathers / Fit 1 base
#0400B4 — Iris
#D80000 — Tail tip
#FFB7A7 — Blood / Blush
#F8D7CF — Scars / Wing webbing
#EBE6E6 — Freckles
#FAFAFA — Skin
#FFFFFF — Teeth / Talons / Septum piercing gems / Glasses lenses
#F7FBFF — Sclera
#F2F2F2 — Hair / Feathers (the ones that AREN’T scorched)
#F9DEBF — Halo star / Light magic things 2
#F3B16D — Halo / Light magic things 1
#000000 — Nose / Septum piercing / Fishnets (alt fit) / Glasses frame
Usual fit:
#0F0F0F — Belt base
#910000 — Fit accents
#C40000 — Belt accents
#BEBEBE— Belt buckle
#3A2222 — Socks (ignore the fact that this isn’t in the ref image plsss)
Alt fit:
#161616 — Shirt base
#2E2E2E — Shorts 1
#464646 — Shorts 2
#CCCCCC — Belt buckles
#DFDFDF — Belt 1 studs / Chains / Choker & cuff spikes
#F3F3F3 — Shirt pattern 1 (anarchy symbol)
#81FF5A — Shirt pattern 2
#FF5AEC — Shirt pattern 3
#FA0000 — Cuff / Choker
Funny Rainbow Checker Belt (gets its own section bc SO MANY COLOURS):
#D70000 (red)
#D76D00 (orange)
#D79200 (orange-yellow)
#D7C000 (yellow)
#65D700 (yellow-green)
#00D73E (green)
#00D7BD (teal)
#009ED7 (light blue)
#0034D7 (dark blue)
#5300D7 (purple)
#7200D7 (purple-magenta)
#B600D7 (magenta)
#D700B7 (pink)
#D70065 (pink-red)
Socks (again, its own section bc too many colours):
#FF6690 (pastel red)
#FF9997 (pastel red-orange)
#FFB881 (pastel orange)
#FDFFA7 (pastel yellow)
#84BCFF (pastel blue
#9C84FF (pastel purple)
#A210FF (magenta)
(istg if you draw any nsfw of me ill devour you)>🐜
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Back to Home | Chapter one: The Incident
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*not my GIF*
Chapter summary: You are in mission with your best friend and two ohter avengers but all didn't goes well. You need to make a choice and for your surprise you woke somewhere familiar but wuth a strange feeling.
Pairing in this chapter: (old-variant)Morgan Stark x Teen!Reader (best friend); (old-variant)Peter Parker x Teen!Reader (platonic); (old) America Chavez x Teen!Reader (platonic) & Peter Parker x Teen!Reader (platonic)
| serie masterlist | chapter two |
[Earth 717 - June 2036, Aveneger Tower]
It was a typical day, or should have been. You had an argument with your mothers the other night; they didn't trust you, and you said some nonsense to both of them. For the sake of the three of you, you decided to sleep at the tower. You were thinking about the previous night and how you were going to apologize later, even though you had a lot of fights with them in the previous two months. You were lost in your thoughts when the IA spoke.
"Good morning, Ms. Maximoff. Ms. Stark asked me to let you know she wants to see you in her lab when you wake up," she informed you.
You sighed, "Thanks, Fri, I'll be there in 30 minutes." That was one of the things you didn't like about your life. Anywhere you went or anything you did, you were always compared to them or reminded that you were not them. After having an inner debate, you decided to go to the bathroom and take a shower; you brushed your teeth and changed your clothes before heading to your best friend's lab.
"You said 30 minutes, and you're still late," she greeted you.
"I had a good night, thanks you Morgan," you joked. "So why do you need my help so early on this beautiful Thursday?" You asked,
"Peter and America will go to a mission in two hours" she replied, and you nodded. "And we both know we'll not just stay here and wait for them," she said as she threw you something.
"What is this?" you asked.
"You broke your last widow's bite, so I made you news," she replied, and you hugged her
"I love you, Morgan Stark. I hope you know that." you said
"Oh yeah, I know you've repeated it since kindergarten," she laughed. You put your new advice on your wrist.
"Wait, they look heavier than the last," you said, and she smirked,
"That, my dear Y/N," she grabbed a tablet to show you the weapon's blueprint, "i made some modifications. I add a vocal system so you can communicate with Friday without using the comms. It's like the helmet of my suit. You can record and film, and they can play music. And of course, FRI will alert me if anything happens to you." She explained, and you groaned.
Everybody called you the reckless avenger; it's not your fault if you're stubborn like your mom, and the fact you have your mama power didn't help either. "Oh, Stark, I finished the last the mission without getting hurt," you remarked.
"Because Kate and Peter had your back," she said, and you scuffed; this was the first time you had seen your aunt upset. You were about to argue when America entered the lab through the open door.
"Are you ready, girls?" she asked.
"Yeah, Ms. Chavez, just let me grab my suit," you said. You wanted to walk to the 'changing room' but the little Stark grabbed your arm.
"I didn't tell you the best part?" she gasped, like she forgot the most obvious thing. You looked confused, and she cleared her throat, saying, "Put your bites." she ordered and you did, "now say: 'Friday, suit'." you exchanged a confused look with the older black hair girl in the room, before look at the devices in your wists.
You took a deeper breath, concerned about what might happen. "Friday. Suit?" you said loudly. You didn't have the time to understand what was happening when you saw your scarlet suit start to materialize on your body. In less than 5 seconds, you were ready, and you examined your figure in the mirror. "Whoa...Moggi, you're a genius." you exclaimed, and she smiled with her special 'I told you' Stark face.
"Okay girls, it's cool, but we need to go now." America said. The three of you made your way on the new A-jet when the multiverse woman leaned over to Morgan. "I want something like this too," she whispered, and the teen laughed.
"I'll try something," she replied.
Ten minutes later, you were in the jet and listening to Peter who talked about the mission. "-remmember, be very careful." He looked at you, "Right Y/n?" and you gasped,
"How can you say that, Pet? I'm always careful." you replied, and the three Avengers raised an eyebrow at your comment, and you gasped again. "Even you Morgan ? Traitor." You said dramaticaly and she chuckled at your antics. 
"I'm your best friend, but I need to be honest; you're never careful Y/n/n." She said,
"And who is the bad guy this time?" You tried to avoid their suspicious gaze.
"Khrono," the older girl replied, and you clenched your fist.
Khrono was a man who had the capacity to control a small part of the time, and of course he loved to mess up with the timeline. You almost caught him the last time, but he locked you in the temporal loop; you revived the same day 27 times in a week. Usually it should be a mission for Doctor Strange, but he has been more busy at Kamar Taj' recently.
"He stole a prototype of a time machine, and we are sure he will use his power to charge it," the man added.
"But why does he need a time machine?" your best friend asked.
"We don't know, but we need to find out and catch him," he instructed, and you nodded. When the jet landed, you were in front of an old SHIELD base. The atmosphere was heavy; something seemed wrong. Khrono was a man who wanted to show off, so if he knew you would come, he should be here to welcome you and quote a big man or Tony Stark (he really likes Tony even if he hates the Avengers). Your worries were confirmed when you heard the noise of a reactor, the spider senses activated, Spider-Man started to look around before a mine surprised everyone.
"Ooh, look who's here," a high voice said, "you brought your little friends Spider-Man, but don't worry, he's not alone either," the voice added. When the smoke from the explosion started to disappear, you recognized him.
"Why is the Red Goblin here?" Morgan inquired, and the supervillain looked at her.
"And who are you?" He was perplexed; Iron Man should have retired by now.
"You can call me Iron Girl," she replied.
"Not original, Iron Kid," He commented, and you fought back a laugh.
"You really need to find another name," you whispered to her,
"Sorry but Miss William already takes Iron Heart. So if you find something like that, I'm your girl." she whispered yell at you and you chuckled
"The gobling is for me, you can stop Khrono." Peter said
"Oh no, you said we should be careful, so we will not be too much if I come with you." Morgan said, and you could tell she was really angry. Spider-Man started to attack his opponent, which gave you time to infiltrate the building.
In the bulduing you walked just behind America. After a moment, she stopped, and you almost crashed into her. She grabbed your arm and led you to a wall. She took a glance at the person in the room in the corner of the hallway; it was him. You took a glance too, and you were shocked to see him using magic to charge the time machine. He seemed to notice you because he stopped and looked in your direction before standing up from the floor. You didn't let him approach you or talk; you threw him a scarlet power ball, and he was projected on the opposite wall. "Always such a savage, little spider," he said, and you clenched your jaws.
"America, stop the time machine; I can handle this," you said.
"Are you sure?" she asked. You didn't look at her, but she saw you tilting your head, and she didn't need a verbal reply; she started to walk to the machine. Khrono wanted to stopped her but you catched him with your power and lead him wtih you further in the base. You threw him against another wall when you were sure you were far enough from America.
"Oh little spider, it's been a while since the last time we met," he said, but you didn't reply. "Okay you don't to talk. Can I at least ask you something?" he asked, and you just hummed. "How do you want to hold me here if you can't use your magic?" he said.
You looked around and noticed the runes "how you—" you were interrupted by his punch to the face. He didn't let you breathe; he kicked your legs, and when you were on the ground, he was on top of you and started to punch you. You blocked one of his punches, and he seemed surprised. "Why do you think I call myself a widow?" you said. You didn't let him reply; you grabbed his neck and gave him a headbutt. He stood up and grabbed his nose. You didn't really planned to let him recover, you rushed to him. You pounched him; he may have had good power, but you were too far away from him in a hand-to-hand fight. Only a few people could beat you, and he was not one of them. After five minutes of a savage fight, he was on his knees in front of you.
"So, it's here where you kill me?" he said dramatically. You were about to punch him when a voice stopped you.
"Guys, we have a problem," America said through the comms
"What do you mean, Stargirl?" Morgan asked, and you could hear she had a bad time with the boglin.
"There's no way to stop the spell," the old brunette said. Khrono started to laugh.
"At your face, Miss Chavez just found she can't break the spell," he said, and you fought the urge to punch him again. "But don't worry, it's not her fault; only Strange can break it, but I heard someone say he's not here," he said, amused by the situation.
"Why do you need to do that?" you asked, and you were surprised to seem so calm.
"Oh, you are starting to ask the good questions, little spider." He started, "Why do I do that ? mmmh. I want to reply with another question. if you lost your most precious person and you have the power to save them, would you take your cahnce?" he inquired, and your brows furrowed
"Is that even a question?" you replied.
"One day, someone took a precious person from me," he confessed. You didn't have time to react before he stabbed you in the left leg and abdomen with a knife from his back pocket. You fell on the ground, and he brushed your hair behind your ear. "I'm sorry, little spider, but I have to do it," he said and started to walk off.
"Miss Maximoff, I finished the investigation you asked me. " Friday told you from your new device "Daniel Scotch alson know as Khrono, born on October 4th, 2011. He lost his dad, Jeremy Scotch, in Lagos," the IA said, and you started to connect the dots.
"America?" you yelled over the intercom.
"Yeah?" she replied.
"Khrono, come to you." You said and used all you had to stand up and make your way to where you left your mentor. "He want to return to Lagos before my mom...do what she did. He lost his father." you said
"That's where you're wrong, little spider." Khrono replied through your earpiece,
"What did you do to America?" You asked worried, and when you were not affected by the rune anymore, you flew.
"I don't just want to save him," the villain said. You were getting close.
"Miss Maximoff, I can sense a huge wave of magic. The time machine is full and ready to use." Friday informed you,
"I don't need to save him; I just need to kill her." Khrono said, and you were now in front of him. "Oh, look at you; you should stay where I let you. Oh no, it's better that way—I can drag you along with me and watch you as I erase your existence from the timeline," he continued.
After his words, you let your rage consume you; a red whip pinned him against a wall. You walked to him and you raised your knife, Yelena gave it to you for your 15th birthday. You pressed the blade under his chin, and you were ready to apply pressure when Friday sent you an alert. You turned around and saw the time was ready to explode; he gave it too much energy, and you thought for a moment before finding a risky idea.
"Ms. Chavez," you called her, and she looked at you "You have to punch the time machine to send it away in any other univers. If it explodes now, it will kill all of us." You used your last energy to throw Khrono away; he broke the wall and was now in front of a Spider-Man who was angry and exhausted by his fight. You stay focused and try to contain the possible explosion with a little magic barricade around the machine. Amercia's fist gleamed, as did her eyes, and she punched it without thinking. A start appeared, the device was aspired like you thought but you forget to dissiped your magic and before you notice your body crossed the portal too.
[Earth 616 - August 2024, Central Park]
You saw a blight light, and you fell on your back. "Shit," you mumbled. You took a moment to stand up, and on your feet, you immediately puked. You looked around; were you in New York now? "Hey Morgan, I think we messed up," you said against your widow's bite. You waited, but you didn't hear any response. "Morgan? Do you copy?" No response. "Friday?" you asked this time, but you didn't get a reply even from the IA. One conclusion, the advice must be broken himself after your fight, but fortunaly for you, you were back in new york what mean you could fix this before Morgan find it.
You wanted to use your magic to lift yourself, but something went wrong, and you couldn't. At least for the first 10 minutes, but you succeeded after a lot of try. You were now flying in New York, but something felt different; you had this feeling that someone was not right, but you didn't know until your power stopped itself and you were falling right now. You tried to activate them, but nothing came, and when you were sure you'd die, someone caught you and let you on a rooftop.
"You know it's pretty dangerous to fall from the sky," a voice said. You turned to face them, your eyes wide.
"Peter?" you asked. He retired his mask, and he looked pretty confused.
"Wait, how did you call me?" he asked, and now it's your turn to be confused.
"Uh, Peter, like Peter Parker. You know Spider-Man at least you changed your name." you said and his eyes bright.
"But how—I mean, who and why and where?" Okay, he may have had a lot of questions. He paused for a moment to think. "Okay, Pet, let's resume. You found a girl who fell from the sky, and she knows who you are," he mumbled to himself before looking at you again. "Maybe the spell didn't work on her," he said,
You cleared your throat, "Uh, excuse me, but are you alright?" you asked, and he came out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, yeah, totally fine." he replied. "It's just... you know nobody remembers who I am, and suddenly you fall from the sky and call me Peter when I wear the mask." he explained.
You looked at him, trying to find any sign of humour. Why should anyone forget him; he was one of the famous Avengers. But it was only now that you noticed it. "Wait, hold on, Pet, is it me or do you seem younger?" you obviously asked in confusion.
He raised an eyebrow at your question and seemed to understand what you were saying: "Oh no, it's fine, I suppose, I just get blipped." he replied, and you didn't see the point:
"Blipped?" you asked obliviously.
"Yeah, you know, when Thanos came six years ago. He snapped and erased half of the universe," he explained. Okay, you spent all your life around Peter since he joined the Avengers at 16, and you were used to his jokes, but right now he seems serious. You were about to speak again when he saw your wrist. "Wait, are those widow bites?" he commented, and you followed his gaze.
You quicly remeeber why you were here, "euh yeah and i think they need to be fix" you replied
"Oh i can help with it if you want," he said. You wanted to reply, but something caught his attention. "Wait, I'm late, Strange wants to see me," he said, and he was about to jump from the rooftop when he added, "Do you want to come with me?"
You thought a moment, you wanted to accepted his offer when you saw the tower, "Uh, actually I have something to do but if you see him can you tell him to rejoin me in the tower. I need to speak with him about the mission because I can't contact America or Morgan," you said. He didn't say anything else; he nodded and went. Now your new mission : enter in the tower. On your way, you saw a billboard that said, 'It's been one year since everything returned to normal. Thanks you Avenger.' There was the infinite gauntlet, so you came to the conclusion they were talking about Thanos. But how? Thanos never did anything, right? The Avenger stopped him in Wakanda with the help of the sorcerer from Kamar Taj', the Gardians, and the Wakandian. But what was the 'bleep' story about? You were confused and you saw the date: 2024. When America punched the time machine, it sent you into the past. You were now standing in front of the tower with a strategy. You can't let them know you're from the future; Strange always told you about how dangerous it is to play with time.
When you entered in the tower you alternatd a little the reality to be invisible to Friday. Fortunately for you, they haven't changed anything in over ten years; they've added space, but the lab has always been where it should be. In the lab, you saw the old Iron suits, and that confirmed your theory. You were in the past. But unfortunaly you didn't have the time to admire, you needed to fix the device and asked the help of strange to go back to the futur. You put the widow bites on the main table and turned on the light.
"Okay, Friday, can you tell me what's wrong with this?" you asked, but the IA didn't reply. "Oh come on Friday even here? What did I do to you to be ignored?" you asked dramatically. But if the IA didn't want to help you, you had to do it yourself. So you started to walk in the lab and found some tools that could help. You spent 5 minutes to disassemble the device and mentaly cursed Morgan to be a genius. "Oh yeah, I did it," you said proudly.
"Oh and what you did exactly?" a voice surprised you. Oh shit.
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sleepytimepup · 19 days
bad kids regression hcs!
baby regressor and cat regressor!
can nearly always be found in someone’s arms
he’s so stressed all the time that it’s really nice to be able to completely relax and be taken care of for once
he does have difficulty getting into that headspace but he can’t age dream because that’s even harder. often ends up regressing as a result of his friends regressing too
hisses if someone tries to pet him but will also hiss if he crawls into someone’s lap and they Don’t pet him
needs to be watched bc he Will start biting wires
so vocal he loves to babble very enthusiastically and everyone’s just like yeah!! totally buddy!! for sure!!
usually about 7 or 8, takes his role as a big brother very seriously
however he does complain about the younger kiddos being boring bc he wants to play with them and all they do is lay down and cry
very used to fighting For Real when he was a kid so he’s often a little too rough and has to be told to pull it back a little bit
will throw a tantrum if he doesn’t get his way bc he always got everything he wanted as a bio kid
the hangman spends most of his time in dog form, chasing fabian around seacaster manor (he still calls fabian sire and fabian thinks it’s cool ‘cause it makes him feel like a pirate prince)
regresses anywhere from 4-12
it starts out as much more of a stress/vent thing for her and gradually becomes more enjoyable as her mental health improves
definitely makes use of her retroactive bday gifts from jawbone
loves playing with boggy and moggy
curls up on jawbone’s lap so he can read her stories
usually one of the oldest kids. it takes her a while to unlearn the parentification and realize that she’s allowed to be taken care of, and after that she starts to slowly slip younger
the best at fixing boo boos! she always has band aids on her—even if she can heal her friends with a spell, it’s nice to have a physical reminder too (plus, sometimes it’s not Actually something that requires healing)
a very silly kiddo, always the first one to agree to any wild plan fabian or fig come up with
sometimes has breakdowns where she isolates and won’t use her words, but the second jawbone or sandra lynn come in to see what’s the matter she’ll burst into tears and throw herself into their laps. she still won’t talk about it but it’s nice to be held
probably regresses the least of all of them, except maybe riz. he’s a great big brother though!
when he does regress he likes adaine to cast reduce on him so he can be smaller. he’s so used to being too big for the things around him from a young age so it’s nice to feel like he’s small
everyone will band together with the thistlesprings to also make him Larger versions of things so he can still feel small even if adaine isn’t around
likes making flower crowns/chains and singing songs while he does it. he, riz, and adaine will usually hang out together in the shade, typically supervised by jawbone or lydia, while the other kiddos run around and get their energy out
riz loves curling up on gorgug’s chest and gorgug is a sleepy guy, so they can often be found napping together
switches back and forth between very pink bubbly unicorns and rebellious little punk monster
she likes singing with gorgug but her songs are often more of the violent nature (think the barney or my little pony songs you heard in elementary school) so it scares him sometimes
loves sandra lynn and gilear. always has to be attached to one of them or in their sight. there’s a lot of “mom! mom, watch me! did you see that, dad??”
paints the other kids’ nails (usually something with sparkles) and gives them punk rock makeovers
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lucigoo · 5 months
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A new fic written for the very wonderful @hobbityalse's Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day, becasue you deserve nothing but the best <3 Sharing Spaces (Because you want me to) (Cat Bilbo/Lynx Thorin) Summary:
Thorin has been relcated to a new zoo, he needs a friend. Well, th ehumans think he needs a friend, Thorin disagrees.
Bilbo just doesnt want to be alone anymore. And as always a snippet: Bilbo had been settled and sleeping when the human came back. Bilbo hissed and snarled at him. He didn’t like him and he was not going back to the warm fire if they were going to steal it from him, not again. As soon as the human reached for him, he flexed his claws. He would have left him be, but the fool tried to take his blanket. The one nice thing Bilbo had out here. Instantly Bilbo yowled, scratched and wrapped his teeth around the man’s hand. Feeling gratified when he was forced to let go of Bilbo’s blanket. Bilbo purred in triumph as he pulled his blanket as far back into his den as possible, his tail high in triumph. Ha, he thought at the man’s shouts. “All right, you flea-bitten moggy, stay out here. And when he comes out, I hope he bloody eats you,” the man said with a sneer as he walked off, shaking his bleeding hand and slamming Bilbo’s cage door.
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hello friends it’s going incurably critically insane o’clock ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
…Laia Costa is SO early in the cast credits WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN
moiraine and lanfear………. powerful homoeroticism I really enjoyed it. I realise that this is not a very original statement but it’s the only one I have sufficient brainpower for rn
ohhhhh I knew it was coming but “you have always been my better” still made me literally cry 😭😭😭
ANSBCNSNSNDNFNFNGN THEY REALLY SAID WE ARE GOING TO HEIST THE HORN OF VALERE AND WE ARE GOING TO DO IT ENTIRELY OFFSCREEN. like okay I don’t like it but if we can’t have 10 episodes I do have to respect the sheer audacity of that Narrative Choice. though also: WHOMST was the lady from Cairhien. and of even greater importance: was she played by Laia Costa???????
(I assume it was ~Selene~ but like. we are in Laia Costa tunnel vision modus fuckin operandi)
oh Loial my BELOVED 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
wait whatttttt no turok duel OR darkfriend reveal for Ingtar?????? bro we are speedrunning this city
“they were best friends” listen we know two out of the three were fucking so if we’re describing all three in the same way I will not be held responsible for the conclusions I draw tyvm
(admittedly I’m only far enough through the books to have encountered Graendal a grand total of once thus far and also I don’t actually give much of a fuck about Sammael yet but oooooooh my god when Asmodean and Moghedien show up it WILL be over for me bitches)
wait omfg is Lanfear staging this entire drama as a distraction so she can release all the remaining forsaken while ishy and rand are too busy fighting each other to stop her oh fuck meeeeee I’m gonna go in ZANE
no sign of rand for a hot second 👀
“…Two Rivers???” SPECTACULAR
nynaeve saying that egwene needs elayne not her… oh my god are we getting a full main babies towertop avengers assemble moment im gonna fucking evaporate
“All five of them” uh huh. uh huh. uh huh. any- any of them in particular??? perchance??? huh moggy???
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Most young dragons learn to fly by watching their parents, playing with their siblings and then simply falling out of the nest and letting instinct kick in. But what happens when an abandoned hatchling is picked up by creatures distinctly lacking in wingspan?
Little story snippet below the cut.
The promise of a swift return “before dinner, it’s your turn to set the table” fading behind her, Nesta hit the path to the shore at a dead run, calling for Mogyr to follow. The little white wyvern chirped a greeting as she fell into stride with her greatest friend, always elated to be spending time together, and doubly so to be away from the bustle of the caravans and all the judgemental eyes that went with it.
As soon as they were far enough down the twisting, dusty path to be out of eyesight, Nesta slowed her pace, breathing a little heavily and reaching out to rub Mogyr’s jaw gently.
“Can’t wait ‘till we’re back on the road again, Moggy. Da’s unbearable before we leave. I swear, he’s like two different people! Can’t wait to stop, miserable until we’re movin’ again..” She sighed and went quiet for a few minutes, worldweary already at the age of twelve, before shaking her head with a grimace and giving her companion a little shove, “but we’re focusing on you right now! Ready to practise flying again? We hafta build up your strength if we’re ever 
going to fly together!”
The little white wyvern crooned in return, trying to soothe and reassure her friend as best she could. She might not understand all of the words that she heard, but she could definitely feel the roiling emotions that emanated from the stocky figure by her side. 
It didn’t take too long for them to reach the beach, Nesta carefully picking her way down the steep path with Mogyr sliding down behind in a shower of rocks and sand, eliciting a gale of laughter at her ungraceful entrance. Within a few seconds, there was a tumbled pile of trousers and boots on the sand, and two pairs of mismatched prints heading towards the surf.
“All right now, Moggy, just like we practised!” Nesta yelled over her shoulder as they hit the compact sand of the sea line, “run and flap! Run and flap!” Laughing, she sprinted away, arms stretched out to the side in imitation of wings, feeling the sand shake beneath her at the heavy footfalls of the running dragon behind. Furious concentration was evident on Mogyr’s face as she chased after her friend, wings unfurling awkwardly as she attempted to coordinate their movements.
“Let the wind lift you! Feel that sea breeze! C’mon Mog, up, down, up, down. You can do it!” Affirmations and giggles danced on the salt laden air, all cares, responsibilities and previous chores left on a rock with her boots as the small child and her white dragon raced up and down the shore.
It was a tired but cheerful pair that slowly made their return to camp some time later, a small brown arm laid casually across a warm, white back, shoes in the other hand, silently appreciating each other as the first early summer stars graced the deepening sky.
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the-last-concert · 3 months
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Chapter Ten: Hard Times
They both looked at me intensely as I sat on the couch very still. They claimed it wasn’t an intervention. But it felt like a massive gesture of projection. All they wanted was to make sure I was okay. And I was. I am. I wasn’t harmed. But… It didn't help the paranoia that haunted my nightmares. I have barely slept since. The fireplace was all my company for awhile.
It was the middle of the night again. They both found me. Motionless. On the couch. Staring into the crackles of the fire. I couldn’t keep my eyes from it. It felt like the only thing keeping me going. Like I was an outer shell to my own existence.
“Moggie,” Pepper said sternly. “You’re freaking us the hell out. I think- we think you should talk to someone.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” I said, barely a whisper. “Nothing happened. I managed to get away. That’s all.”
“But we see how you are,” he continued. “You barely slept in your bed for two days. Speedy offered his room, you said no. I offered mine, you said no.”
“And you won’t let us near you,” Speedy pointed out. “You flinch every time.”
Pepper comes forward to kneel down in front of me. His hand brushed my thigh and I tensed up. My body cloned every nerve to be this black pit of fear. He sighed and backed away. “I don’t like this. You’re looking at us like we’re-“
“Strangers.” Speedy finished his thought.
“What do you expect me to say?” I questioned a little louder. “I wasn’t … fully assaulted.”
“But you were assaulted… period.” Speedy said. I winced a little. “We can see the storm fuming from not accepting that. Moggie… please. Try to understand, we’re just trying to help.”
I stood up, heated. “You’re not! I just need to be alone? Alright?”
“No, not alright.” Speedy fired back. “That’s the last thing you need and you know that.”
Pepper replied after glancing at Speedy dialing his phone up. “Get her here now.”
I huffed, plopping down on the couch. “I’m not in the mood to-“
“Dammit, Moggie. He’s calling Sasha.” Pepper explained. “If you won’t talk to us, please talk to her.”
“Very well.” I folded my arms. “But she’s not a therapist.”
“Does she have to be?” Speedy asked, clicking off his phone. “She’s your girl friend.”
Sasha showed up to the flat within ten minutes. Pepper opened the door for her.
“Hey Sasha, we haven’t been able to meet. But my name is Pepper.” He shook her hand and welcomed her into our home.
She pulls her glasses off as it hangs on a bedazzled chain. She shakes her coat from the rain after stepping in. She cleans the rain droplets from the lenses before putting them back on. She focused her eyesight to see Pepper fully. “Ah, the rebel boyfriend. Yes, I heard a great deal about you.”
He peers at me before saying, “All good things I hope.”
Sasha chuckles softly while hanging up her coat. She leaned on the wall to kick off her boots. Her height was closer to Peppers. “The best of things. She loves y’all very much. That I can see.”
I get up from the couch to hug her. “You didn’t have to come, you know?”
She patted my shoulder. “Hush. It was no trouble. Speedy sounded frantic. And seeing you now,” Her eyes scanned between mine. “I can see why.”
I sniffed and shrugged. It wasn’t a big deal. I was dealing with it the best way I could. But my body felt heavy and so was every other sense of my nervous system.
“Wine? Dr. Thompson?” Speedy brought around a glass for her.
She grinned and took it. “But of course.” She sipped it before her eyes almost came out of her head. “Oh my! Is this Pinot Noir?”
Speedy nods. “We just got it from a local wine shop called-“
“-Eureka Bloqué.” She interrupted off pure excitement. “An old friend of mine is co-founder of their brewery. They were based in New York. This is the first location in London.”
“Moggie likes Eureka Bloqué a lot.” Speedy bragged. “We bought this- to give her a little taste of New York.”
“And did it work?” She asked, turning to me. “A little taste of home?”
I shrugged. “Maybe in the moment.”
She pushed her glasses. “I see. Well, let’s get to the root of this-then. Moggie- what’s keeping you from sleeping?”
I stared tiredly. I fidget a little. “I really don’t know.”
She grins. “Oh, you know. You’re just blocking it because it’s uncomfortable for you, mentally.”
“I’m not- I’m not blocking anything.”
“No?” She turns to Speedy and Pepper. They were both leaning against the sofa chair. Pepper sitting on the arm, still as a statue. Speedy on the other arm, swinging his leg out back and forth. She gave some signal for them to leave the room. So they did… quietly. But not before they shot me concerning looks. She motioned us to sit down on the couch.
“What about now?”
“The air…”
“What about the air, Moggie?”
“It isn’t so suffocating.”
“Now-we’re getting somewhere.”
I took a breath. “….I don’t want to hurt them.”
She shook her head. “This isn’t about them. What you went through… was traumatic. You have to process this through before moving past what happened.”
I blinked. “How?”
“Well,” she sips her glass mulling over her thoughts. “Let’s start with being honest about what happened.”
My eyes widened. I was suddenly there, back in the gallery. In his office. With the door closed shut and his rough hands grabbing me. The air was closing in again. I didn’t pace my breathing right. I couldn’t speak. I was vibrating above the room. Above the flashing memory. I was watching it play over and over. I couldn’t change the outcome. I couldn’t erase it either. I felt… so much damage.
“Breathe, Moggie. Breathe. In from the nose. Out of the mouth.” Sasha instructed. “And try to follow the sound of my voice.”
My eyes closed. I shut out everything and did what she instructed. Once I was able to feel somewhat normal, I turned to her.
“What the hell was that?”
“A panic attack.” Sasha says. “It happens when we don’t know how to handle intense feelings erupting all at once.” Her finger is held in the air and she grabs the nearest pen and pad. “Let’s try something else. Let’s list what you’re feeling when transported there. We can go slow and identify every single emotion.”
So, we tried it. I was telling her step-by-step not missing a single detail.
I was…. angry for being hunted like prey. When I am the sole predator of my destiny. I was enraged by the hypocrisy of Jeffery’s words. His view on my knowledge, my skill set. Like I didn’t break my back for 9 years just to develop and equip the mind I have-today. Like we were back in the olden times. Where I was-to -call-to-him-like-a-whitewashed-master, as he did his bidding on my success.
Then despite everything- he spoke of them. My greatest loves. Pepper… and… Speedy. Which then made me modified and frozen with questionable guilt. Because for a moment- a split second. I almost believed him. His blasphemy tongue tried to twist my loves into a crutch or a default that I would never forgive.
He did not know them. The way I have. Didn’t learn and grow with them and somehow gain their trust back. It’s not like we were lost without each other. But we were stronger. Much stronger. Together. He had no right to judge our life. He wanted to use it as fuel for me to work with him. Like I wasn’t providing enough. Like I wasn’t enough.
He wanted…
He wanted…
Jeffery. Wanted. Me.
I felt gross. Like I had to scratch off an old body and put on a new one. Like I couldn’t afford for Pepper or Speedy to accidentally touch what’s being soiled. What wasn’t theirs anymore. I didn’t feel like theirs anymore..
My heart cracked and healed and cracked into a million pieces again. I had no choice but to sit in the void. How could I ever be theirs again? How could I be worthy of their love?
Tears kept falling. And when I got to the end, my nose was soaked with snot. I noticed Sasha’s glasses were completely removed and she was holding my hand. Not aggressively but… in support. Her eyes misty with tears too.
“I pray you get justice in all this,” she commented, dropping the pen and pad on the glass table. “Not just for you. But the assistant too. You helped her come forward.”
“Yeah but-“
She put an index finger to her lips. “Uhmp mm. No buts. You helped her. And you need to count that as a win.”
She was right. I couldn’t think about what would’ve happened if I wasn’t there. Priscilla. She would have never thought to come forward. She said she was waiting … for whom? I had forgotten. Until the conversation played in my mind again.
That’s right…. His brother.
I need to find out who he is exactly. I wasn’t done helping her. Priscilla still needed one last thing. Maybe if I’m able to help her find her peace, mine will return.
“Sasha, thank you.” I squeezed her hand. “I know what I need to do now.”
She smiled, tipsily. “Good. There’s at least a start. It'll be a long road. But-“ she waved her hand and Speedy and Pepper strides in the room quickly. “You’re in great hands.”
I scoffed. I tried to clean my face the best I could. “How long have y’all been lurking around the corner?”
“Not long.” Pepper said at the same time Speedy said, “Long.” Pepper flicks his ear and Speedy grabs it, rubbing it for comfort.
I laughed. For the first time in two days, I laughed out loud. Hard and very obnoxiously. I had to fix my breathing- I was laughing so hard.
Speedy fell to Sasha's knees, dramatically. Almost in worship. “Thank you.”
“Boy- get up!” She snaps her fingers and motions him to stand up. “It wasn’t me. Moggie just needed a technique. She did all the work.”
When Speedy relaxed on the couch next to Sasha, Pepper almost rushed me, but refrained. I could see the careful movements he made when he sat across from us. “Are you- how are you now?”
I ran into his arms immediately. His body jolted from impact. I kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry I’ve worried you. But I’ll be okay now.”
He sighed for a really long time. “That’s such a relief.” He tilts my face to meet his eyes. They were endearing and almost misty. “I never want you to look at me like that. Ever again. I’m here to ensure your safety. Please know that, Mogs.”
I nodded, still cocooning in his arms. “I know that.” I turned to Speedy. “From both of you.”
Sasha finished the wine glass and set it in front of her. “Looks like you can finally sleep now. I should head back.”
I frowned. “It’s too late, Sasha. Please stay over. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with you driving back. Especially tipsy.”
She shakes her hand. “I’m not anymore. Promise.”
“Still, Sash.” I was afraid of returning back. I needed some way to make this night stretch, for as long I could. “We should celebrate after you helped me. First girl-friend sleepover?”
She laughs. “I never experienced one.”
Speedy scoffs. “What? Oh now, you need to stay. Moggie’s sleepovers are legendary.”
“Speedy used to crash my annual fall sleepovers back in Mystique,” I explained. I glared at him. “He was the only exception because Monica got tired of kicking him out.”
Sasha looks at her watch. She smiles. “Well, I suppose. I should see how legendary this sleepover really is.”
I smirked. I look at Pepper. He kisses my forehead before moving to the linen closet by the door. He’s already two steps ahead and starts pulling extra blankets and stacking them. Then he spills half over Speedy’s lap.He fans the first one lays it at the base.
Pepper tells Sasha, “Looks like it’s time for the best fort of your life.”
20 comforters and 12 pillows later, the best fort was born. We all stood side by side, marveling in the work we created. The bar chairs were used to pillar a white fluffy ceiling as the rest of the pillows were scattered like colorful skittles underneath.
“It’s really something,” Sasha said, nodding her head. Her chin was poised with her right hand holding it. “But can it hold all of us?”
“You only live once,” I shrugged, turning around and letting my feet fall. I was impacted by the softest cloud of fabrics. I breathe in the Snuggle laundry soap from all the blankets. It really was the perfect passage to sleepytown.
“Scoot over,” Speedy said. I blinked and there he was, smiling with his hand propped against his head. I shook my head, and couldn't be surprised at his speed being second to none.
“Oh, wow,” Sasha said, finalizing the freshness and softness of the comforters. “We should have started with this. Probably would’ve been less traumatic.”
I laughed obnoxiously again. Pepper crawled in on Speedy’s right side. “Shit, I forgot how much room there really is.”
“Uncomfortable Pep?” Speedy starts holding up his foot to Pepper’s face as he smacks it away forcefully.
“You wanna die?” Pepper says and he pushes Speedy into me.
“We have a guest!” I glared at them. “Behave yourself for once.”
“I don’t mind,” Sasha chuckles softly and I feel her breath staggering. “Now-this explains so much though.”
“We grew up together,” I explained. “Sometimes it’s like we never left the age we met.”
“Yeah,” She stretched her arms up and migrated onto her tummy. “I … had that once.”
I looked up at her. “With Nurse Marvel?”
“No. I didn’t meet her until college.” She smiles at the white fluffy ceiling with floral designs. “Her name was Marie. And she was my first… for everything.”
Speedy laughs. “Even fucking?” I smack his shoulder and he adds, “What? She’s gonna have to get used to us sooner or later, Moggie. I’m not filtering shit.”
I hear Pepper snickering. “Ditto.”
I sighed, hoping Sasha didn’t look beyond mortified. But the smile held on. Even grew stronger. Still I said, “You don’t have to answer that.”
“Yes,” she replied. “But if you want details, I’m going to need more Pinot noir.”
Speedy smiled. “Be right back.” He exits the fort and Pepper scoots closer to me. He wraps me into his body like a cacoon. And I’m pounding on his fists playfully to let go. He doesn’t. He never does. I stopped being so self conscious. Speedy was right. Sasha had to see our fullest. I just hoped it doesn’t run her away to the furthest corner of Earth.
“Let’s start with where you and Marie grew up.” Pepper said, impatiently waiting for Speedy to come back.
“Oh that’s an easy one,” She replies. “Arizona.”
My eyebrows rose. “Wow, I never would have guessed that.”
“Me neither,” Pepper mumbles. “I’m thinking she’s definitely an east coast girl.”
“Ha! I have spent a lot of time in New York,” Sasha explained. “But no. Arizona. Specifically- a town called Sierra Vista.”
“How hot is it really out there?” Speedy asked as he came back with snacks and a whole bottle of Pinot noir. He tosses the bags of chips and candy bars at me and Pepper. Before he settles on the other side of Pepper, he gracefully gives the bottle to Sasha, bowing. “Your grace.”
“Boy, stop praising me.” Sasha says, snatching the bottle playfully. “But it's scorched. Let’s just say-“ she paused to take a swig of the bottle. “I wasn’t this shade out there.”
“Are there pictures?” Pepper asked and we all turned to him, questioning. He chuckled, “Of Sierra Vista. Not her sun rays.”
We all chuckled over that settlement. Sasha sits up fully and crosses her legs Indian style. She takes her phone from her sweats and scrolls with one hand, balancing the bottle in another. The light on the screen was the only thing illuminating her. Her glasses casted a glare. Her face lit up as if she was remembering how it felt to live there.
“Bam.” She called. She held up an old photo with her and another girl holding each other by the shoulders side-by-side. They were colorful barrettes in their breaded hair. They were in lengthy shirts with plaited shorts underneath.
“So that’s Marie?” I asked her as she passed around the phone between us.
She nods. “The one and only.”
“Y’all could be twins,” Pepper pointed out.
“Take one to know one,” she smiled against the bottle.
“I don’t get it.” Pepper and Speedy replied at the same time.
Sasha threw her head back before replying, “You get someone always being in sync with you? Even on your off days… there was never anything like it?”
“Nope.” They both lied.
I waved my hand in front of my face. “It wasn’t like that when they first met. But yeah-'' I turned to see both of their smirking faces. I stick my tongue out. “They definitely are inseparable now.”
“Look who’s talking,” Pepper says. “You couldn’t wait to get on the plane with me.”
“Or choose me before Pepper,” Speedy laughs. I knew he had more of his share of wine. His mouth gets more recklessly drawn.
Pepper flares his lips and his hands get more possessive around my waist. “That’s only cause she didn’t know I loved her yet.”
Speedy grabs the bottle from Sasha and swings it down. “Keep telling yourself that.”
“So Sasha-,” I pivot the conversation before another Speedy and Pepper brawl. “When did you know you loved Marie?”
“I didn’t,” she responded flatly. “I didn’t know until it was too late. By the time I was out, Marie had moved away.”
We all shared her silence. Until Speedy stretched his arm to hold the Pinot noir close to Sasha. “You can have this back now.”
She replied, “Thanks. Guess I won the most pitiful love story ever.” She downs a couple more swigs of the bottle.
I shook my head. “Not necessarily. The way I saw the picture, it … didn’t look one sided.”
Her glasses dropped to the edge of her nose. “You’re kidding. You saw all that through a posed photo?”
Pepper’s snickering vibrated my body. “Moggie has a way of seeing things that aren’t visible to others.”
Speedy pushed Pepper’s arm. “Like Zany Humphrey? I told you he had a crush on you, and Mogs agreed then.”
Pepper replied, now facing him. “Bullshit. Zany flirted with all the guys on the team.”
“So why did some of your things go missing during practice?” Speedy asked. “I’m telling you, that kid had a shrine for you somewhere.”
I couldn’t think about someone else liking Pepper. Even though I knew he wasn’t fully mine then. As if Pepper felt my mood change, he wedged his head against my neck. “Mog?”
“We should let Sasha finish her story. Let’s stop interrupting.” I said plainly.
Sasha waves her hand back and forth rapidly. “I’m not bothered. Actually, it’s refreshing to hear other people’s voices for once. I haven’t had that in a while. Adjusting back to London was… not without difficulty.”
“Well-,” I started to say as I reached my hand to her. She smiled and squeezed it back. “You have us now.”
“Thank you, Moggie,” She smiled back. “Now where were we? Ah, yes. Marie.”
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Marie Ann Featherway is her whole name. Sasha said she met her at age 7. They went to church together and were inseparable ever since.
Sasha’s family was a military one. Governed by her compassionate mother who raised three daughters on her own. Her father did two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Spent almost a decade coming and going. And when her father did stay, it wasn’t the best environment. Sasha was raised to be the masculine in the household. She had two younger sisters to look after.
And though her relationship was like two peas in a pod, her mom also worked tirelessly. Her mother was a hell of an engineer and worked with a company who made monitors for type one diabetics. Helping out people ran through their DNA.
This is also how Sasha and Marie's story collided. There was a food drive going on at the church. They had games, food, and music. Sasha was helping her mom with the lemonade stand that she wanted to set-up. Her mom, Sandra, was from the south. Georgia to be specific. Home to the most tasteful peaches.
“Now, Sash, we are here to serve only. Got it? No disappearing off with the boys again, you hear me?” Sandra warned her.
She bowed as her white beaded braids fell in front of her face. At age 7, Sasha knew better than to defy her mother. But she wanted freedom just like the boys had. She wanted to be careless as they were. Her mom caught her a few times running around in dirt and playing with insects like they did. Sometimes in a dress one less.
“Help me with this, okay peach?” She called her as she handed her a pitcher full of sweet peach tea lemonade. “You can set it on the table by the lemon bars.”
“Yes, mommy,” Sasha always did what she was told. This was no different. She balanced the weight of the pitcher as much as she could. Walking carefully from the car to the table. Once she barely put it down, a girl knocked into her and almost dropped the pitcher from her hands. Luckily, Sasha had better balance than that. After she slapped the pitcher on the table, she turned to the fallen girl, rubbing her head rapidly.
“Hey! You almost ruined everything.”
“S-sorry. We were playing tag and it got outta hand.” The girl looked small and petite. Her eyes beamed with sorrow. As she got up, she dusted her hands off and had it out for Sasha to shake. “Can I help you?”
Sasha shrugged and kicked a rock forward. “It ain’t easy to sit here all day.”
“Maybe so,” the girl replied. “But everything is easier with a friend around.”
Sasha laughed in her face. “Oh we’re friends now?”
The girl's head cocked to the side. “You don’t wanna be?”
Sasha really looked at her this time. It was scary. Almost like looking at herself. If she was smaller and frail? And her hair was way too frizzy and shorter. So there were slight differences, but Sasha couldn’t help being drawn into her eyes somehow. They were green. Like emeralds.
Sasha figured if she was going to be punished, she was at least going to have fun with it. She started to smile widely. “What’s your name?”
“Marie. What’s yours?”
“Sasha, you got another stool? I scraped my knee on the way down.” Marie looked down at her injury.
Sasha reluctantly pulled out her moms first aid kit underneath the table. “Take mine. I’ll patch you up.”
“Really?” Marie’s eyes beamed at her for the first time and Sasha’s heart stopped. Then it started to race really fast.
She kneeled down and started applying ointment, followed by a hello kitty band-aid. “Don’t make a big deal about it. You owe me labor hours now.”
“Funny,” Marie cracked up and almost fell off the stool. “I would’ve done it for free.”
Sasha kept in touch with Marie off and on. When her family moved to Texas, they would send each other letters back and forth. No distance mattered. They both got stationed at the same place in high school.
But by this time, Sasha had a boyfriend on the football team. And Marie was dating a volleyball star. Sasha knew that feelings were there, but she ignored them. She ignored them for as long as she could. Until a heated conversation broke underneath the bleachers.
“I can’t believe you!” Marie screamed at Bianca. Sasha was walking by to go meet her boyfriend at practice when she overheard her ask, “How could you possibly have cheated?”
Bianca was trying to calm Marie down, but it wasn’t working. “It was a late practice and we all weren’t sober. We were playing drinking games- one thing lead to another-“
“-Spare me the fucking details, Bi.”
Bianca started laughing. “What’s it to you ? It’s not like we were in love and anything.”
Marie slapped her. And grinds her teeth. “Fuck you. I don’t need this.”
As Marie storms off down the pathway to the cafeteria, Sasha caught her arm.
“Hey, Ma. Are you good?”
Marie turned and looked at Sasha blankly. It took her a second to realize she was still holding her arm, Sasha put it down.
“This is so fucked up,” Marie confessed, wiping her tears and snot on her sleeve. “She was my first actual girlfriend after coming out. And she stabs me in my back.”
“Shit. I know, I’m sorry this happened.” Sasha said. She grips the straps of her backpack tightly. “Anything I can do?”
Marie sniffs and whispers softly. “Be my first.”
Sasha’s jaw dropped. “Wha-what the hell?”
“Face it! It won’t happen with anyone else!” Marie talks like she’s losing her mind. “If I’m going to be alone, I would rather not be a virgin and alone.”
“You’re insane.” Sasha protested.
“Maybe,” Marie shrugged. “But you’re the only person I trust now. I … I’d rather it be you.”
“But I’m with Chris.” She continued as her glasses fogged up. She tried to ignore the multiple flips her stomach was doing right now.
“That loaf?” She snickers. “Please. He never pays attention to you, Sash.”
“How would you know?” She was provoked.
“Because I watch you.” She started to say. “And him. Together. And there’s nothing.”
“Marie,” Sasha sighed. “I know you’re in a lot of pain right now. This is not the best time.”
“Chicken.” Marie spat. She started to turn into the cafeteria and Sasha reacted before she realized what she was doing. She dragged her inside the doors and pinned her against the wall.
“Take it back.” Sasha ordered. “Now.”
“Make me,” Marie grinned. She was giddy to think she got her way. But Sasha wasn’t playing in her hand that easily.
“Okay,” Sasha says softly. She backs up and takes her hands above her head. “What do you want me to do?”
Marie breathlessly asks, “Touch me?”
Sasha stared into her eyes so intensely. “Where?” She probed, sliding down one of her hands around her breast and near her torso and then finally stopping near her pants. “Here?”
“Yes…. “ Marie begged. “Yes please. There.”
Sasha shakes her hand, “I don’t know Ma. You gotta convince me otherwise.”
“For shits sake, Sasha.” Marie got impatient and grabbed Sasha’s hand to shove down her pants. Sasha froze there for a second until she heard her moan for the first time. It sounded like birds chirping in the morning. She couldn’t get enough of it. Sasha started to go back and forth with the palm of her hand as she edged Marie on and on to climax. “Yes … yes. Fuck. How are you so good at this already?”
Sasha couldn’t say. She just knew however Marie was going to come, it’ll be with her only. And that made her feel totally invincible. Sasha kept going as they were secretly tugged away in the furthest corner of the cafeteria. No light was reaching them, and everyone was down at the field. She knew if there was anytime to push her limit, it would be now.
“Get on that table in front of you.”
Marie paused but eventually did. Sasha pulled her pants down and off her body and tossed them. She pulled Marie’s petite legs out in front of her and spread them as far as she could. She could see Marie perfectly placed in front of her, dripping. She stuck her finger inside her walls slowly and Marie called out so loudly. It echoed all the walls.
“Just remember,” Sasha warned. “You wanted this.”
Sasha’s tongue went inside Marie’s dripping hole and back out again. She found her mouth craving more as Marie’s whole bush shuddered under her grasp. She was responsible for every reaction she was having. And it fueled her even more. She started to remove her pants and climb on top of Marie. She got a firm placement between her legs and began to grind her up against the cold table. It was shaking a lot. They were shaking a lot. And both collapsed as the peak was falling.
“-Fuck.” Sasha finished Marie’s sentence. They looked at each other and laughed so much. They held each other for a moment.
“I think….” Marie started to say.
Sasha turned to her before she even got the chance. “I know…. Me too.”
Sasha yawned and stretched out more into the fort. “Man, it’s been so long since I talked about her. I’ve forgotten… how insane she was.”
Most of us were half-asleep or already sleep. Pepper was still clinging to my body as I faced Sasha. My eyes were closed, but I knew she was facing my direction as well. Pepper wedged his head against my shoulder and Speedy was passed out over both of us. Pepper and Sasha was the only ones talking now. But I still heard everything.
“What did it feel like?” Pepper asked softly, trying not to wake me up. “Your first love?”
“Heart-gutting.” Sasha answered. “I could've handled things with Marie a lot better. But at the time… I just wasn’t ready.”
“Yeah,” Pepper scoffed. “I’d hate that too.”
“Pepper,” Sasha called. “You didn’t mess up with her, though.”
“You don’t know what happened before.” Pepper said. “I really did lose her at one point.”
“And now?”
“Now? Now- I still feel like I will. If it isn’t me pushing her away, it’ll be my health.”
“These fears are only there to keep you from moving forward with her. You realize that she’s here … regardless of the narrative you’re trying to tell?”
Pepper sighs against my body and snuggles his head down more against mine. “Yeah. She even agreed to have a baby with me. I just- I feel completely guilty. Of all of it.”
“I think you're too hard on yourself. Moggie is willing to fight for you. With you. No one can control the balance of nature. You push, it’s gonna push even harder back.”
“So you’re saying to stop making a complete ass of myself?” Pepper joked.
“Not in those words,” Sasha chuckled. “I’m saying trust her heart, Pepper. Trust that she has you in it.”
“You know- you’re not bad at this advice thing.” Pepper continued to joke.
“Yeah,” Sasha agreed. “I could have gotten a degree in psychology and studied aromatic behavior.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Sasha's smile was through her voice. “I love pussy too much.”
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petnews2day · 6 months
Worcester RuPaul's Drag Race star visits Cat Protection shelter
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/ZGOOm
Worcester RuPaul's Drag Race star visits Cat Protection shelter
RuPaul’s Drag Race race star Ginny Lemon with her new best friend. (Image: Cat Protection Evesham) A CAT-loving RuPaul’s Drag Race race star has visited and given a homeless cat a new drag name. The Worcester-born Ginny Lemon visited a Cat Protection shelter in Worcestershire to meet and greet the moggy and give it a new Drag Race-style name. Ginny, […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/ZGOOm #PetCharitiesNews
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killed-the4rtisan · 10 months
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This is about Space/Dib
Basically, they’re enemies turned friends turned lovers, they do real sappy and cute stuff
In the beginning, Space was literally out on the streets being homeless, cause how he got to Earth was by crash landing in a ship he was held in. He was really young, and survived. He knew staying around the ship would lead him to more trouble so he ran till now. Where he’s still running and getting by via stealing food or whatever he can get his hands on.
This is till he’s able to get set up in school. Weird stuff happens and he’s able to go there, at least a while till he either wants or has to leave again. He gets up his human form as best he could, the eyes he couldn’t change so he just walks in with sunglasses. As he steps in class, he instantly notices the weird alien. He knows that’s an irken, he’s seen them before.
He just ignores the irkens bad disguise and sits in the back. But one kid is watching him, actively. It’s a kid in the front with the huge head that’s looking at him suspiciously. Space is able to ignore this, through most of the day. He finds out their names are Zim and Dib. He ignored Dib and mostly had his sight on Zim. Since as he was sitting in class half paying attention, he got a bright idea.
He’d get the irken to take him back to his home planet. He’d be home safe and sound, with his own kind. Not on the dirty stink planet called Earth. So with this in mind he’s able to get him and Zim alone, or that’s what he mostly wants.
Dib is always there, spying. So the next best thing Space had was to speak to the irken in his native tongue. He half hoped it would work, since he knew irkens didn’t speak the areas Earth language, and it did. They spoke about how the moggie wanted out, how the irken didn’t want another alien on this planet.
They shook on a deal, the irken would get Space home and Space wouldn’t do anything to stop his invasion. Zim invited Space to stay at his place, so to keep an eye on him. He agreed and as they left school he went to the base with him. Dib would always be behind, and was so confused on how the new kid was able to get into Zims base to easily. And why he could speak a language that was so different from theirs.
Dib would obviously think it’s an alien, but he acted too human. Other than, mostly eating meat and, fish. Dib would just decide that Space would be put in an off category, without any other place to put him. Cause he was weird and didn’t fit in, like him.
This continued for months, but in between would Dib try and speak to Space only for Zim to shove him away. Space knew too much already, so him spilling the irkens secrets to the stink would be hindering. So Space stayed away from Dib for as long he could.
Space hated Dib, but this wasn’t either of their fault. Zim had been telling him that Dib was slowing the process of Space getting home. Since Space hated Dib, Dib hated him back. Space wouldn’t give Dib the time of day, or any answer to his questions.
This would continue, Space waiting for Zim to take him out of this shithole and blame it on Dib for it not going fast enough. The wait would be days, to weeks, then to months. Then as years went, so did school.
During highschool Space would find out that Zim just didn’t want to get Space home. He was just using him as a second set of hands and to keep Gir out of things. This has him leave Zims place, out of anger and hurt that this would happen. Gir would be there, obviously cause they had become attached to the moggie. Space didn’t care, he was just hurt, and it would take a great big apology.
Space had to find refuge, and sadly that would be with Dib. Dib had his fun with making Space give up information, but the catch Space had was it had to only be about himself, cause he still hoped Zim would get him home. Dib would then have his fill of information on Space, where he came from, and what he was. Space wasn’t able to lie, that well. So the truth always came out wether he liked it or not. After that, Space was able to stay at Dibs place, choosing to sleep on the couch rather then in anyone’s room.
Obviously Dib would see Spaces actual form he was most comfortable in, it was just surprising that Dib didn’t jump him and start poking him. During his stay they would speak, normally to each other. Dib would later question why Space hated him when he did nothing, he would answer with what Zim had been saying. They would have a truce, and would try and be civil with each other.
The apology did come sooner or later. Zim had to over do it for Space to accept his apology, but this would only scratch the surface on why Zim didn’t do anything. Space was able to return to Zims base since there was room there anyway. Since he had no bad feelings toward Dib, they were able to become fast friends. All the way to graduation and past.
Space and Dib were able to hang out more now that there wasn’t anything to keep them away from each other. Sooner enough Space would start to get, feelings for Dib. He didn’t know what to do, so for a while he just waited for the feeling to die down. But it obviously didn’t. He had to get his feelings out, so one day he just walked up to Dib and said
‘I think I like you. Wanna be my boyfriend?’
Dib is obviously surprised, and definitely flustered about the question. He says yes though, and Space is happy. Turns out that ever since they actually became friends Dib had started catching feeling for him almost instantly. They laugh about it, and then they start becoming lovey dovey. Zim is just annoyed about the whole thing.
That’s it, the end. They’re like in their 20s at this point
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survey--s · 10 months
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Do you have a large dog? If not, are you afraid of them? No, Archie is medium-sized and weighs just under 20kg. I'm not afraid of large dogs but I definitely have a healthy respect for certain breeds lol.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? Yes.
Who is your favorite photographer? I love taking photos but I've never been all that interested in looking at other people's. I couldn't name any famous photographers.
Were you shy in high school? Yes, but only in school. I had plenty of friends outside of school that I was really confident and happy with.
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? He does but he doesn't wear jewellery in them anymore.
Do you actually love your parents? I do.
Do you know anyone autistic? *waves* that's me! And my dad, and my cousin, and basically most of that side of the family, haha.
Do you like your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents? I do like my in-laws, yes. They're lovely to me and good eggs, overall.
Do you like Polaroid photography? I've never used a Polaroid before.
Who was the last family member of yours that died? Uh. I honestly don't know, probably my granddad, I think? He had prostate cancer and died in his sleep at 93 or something. We weren'tr remotely close.
Do you have any gay family members? Yeah, my dad's sister is gay.
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No. I don't really agree with porn as a concept but it wouldn't bother me if someone chose to look at it. That's not up to me to police.
What is your favorite type of cat? I LOVE Maine Coons. I remember going to a cat cafe that had a massive ginger Maine Coon boy and he was the soppiest thing ever. I would love one but they're just so expensive so we have moggies instead. Two black and one ginger - all boys.
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? Probably Chris, actually.
Were you raised by someone other than your parents? No.
What’s the last chore you did? Washing the breakfast dishes and cat bowls.
What is your favorite jungle animal? Tigers.
Is your father injured? He is not.
Are you part Native American? No.
What are your pets’ names? Archie, Purrlock, Toby and Simba.
Have you ever worked two jobs? Not at the same time, no.
What are the names of all the dogs you’ve ever owned? Archie.
Would you ever get a face tattoo? Noooo. I think they look absolutely horrendous.
Who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect? My pets, I guess, because they have nobody else to look out for them and I chose to bring them into my life.
What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you? I don't know, really. Nothing really stands out, I have to say.
Who have you most feared in your life? David, probably.
What is your strongest reason for your opinion on abortion? Because I don't believe the government should have any say on what a woman decides to do with her body.
What one natural thing would you most like to see? I'd love to see the Northern Lights again. You can see them from here fairly regularly but I'm too lazy to get up and drive out lol.
Do you like the game Tetris? Not really.
What’s the most rebellious thing you��ve ever done? I'm really not a rebellious person.
Have you ever wanted to be a model? No.
Do you like your name how it’s spelled? Sure.
Who was your first online friend? I honestly don't know. Maybe Sara? We're still in touch actually.
Your last ex: how did you two get together? We worked in the same place, then after he left he messaged me to go for a drink and it just went from there.
Does your mom dye her hair? She doesn't. She's embraced the grey, lol.
What’s the best kind of video game? (Adventure, shooting, etc) I like quest ones or music ones mostly, or those merge ones.
Do you know anyone who has road rage? I definitely get annoyed with idiot drivers lol.
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes.
Have you ever tried to break up anyone because YOU liked the guy/girl? Nah, that's really shitty behaviour.
Do you draw fanart of anything? No.
What was the last music video you watched? Did you like it? I have absolutely no idea. Probably some random one that came to mind from like, two decades ago.
What’s a condition you have that you haven’t been officially diagnosed with? How can you know you have it without a diagnosis?
Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? Academically speaking, my dad. Emotionally speaking, my mum.
Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? Nope.
What band has the power to make you cry by splitting up? None of them. I really don't get people who cry over celebrities or bands. It makes no sense to me.
Can grills be sexy on a guy? That's a blast from the past lol. They're not sexy on anyone.
What’s your favorite comic book/graphic novel? None of them.
Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? Original, but sour are good too.
Do you find it easy to pass the time or do you get really bored? I'm pretty much never bored, there's always something to do.
Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Nope.
Who was the last non-relative you rode in a vehicle with? Uhh, probably Susie.
What was the title of the last song you listened to? She Likes the Beatles.
Who is the lead singer of your favorite band? My favourite band/singer changes all the time.
Do you expect to be married in the next 2 years? I'm already married and I certainly hope that doesn't change.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No.
Who IMed you on Facebook last? Ella.
Is there an item that you bought on a whim, but now consider it a crucial part of your life and you would or have purchased it again? A wax burner.
What flags do you have in your room, if any? None.
What was the last thing you ate? Blueberry and banana pancakes.
What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Flooding and storms.
Do you or your parents rake your yard? Nobody does.
If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? ...
Where did you meet the last person you swapped numbers with? She's a dog walker down south - she needed help finding a walker for her mum who lives a few miles away.
Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? I honestly don't remember, probably Ella or Sarah.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Pet-friendly hotels: Where does Australia rank?
The late Doris Day, honey-voiced star of Hollywood’s golden era, will be remembered for many things. One of them is establishing the 44-room Cypress Inn in Carmel, California, dubbed one of the “pet-friendliest” hotels around. And yet despite offering dog-sized showers, “yappy hour” in the bar and customised food bowls and beds, the Cypress has been sadly overlooked by insurance company Budget Direct’s 2022 survey of the world’s best cities for a pet holiday. Demand for pet-friendly hotels in Australia has risen, thanks to the pandemic and fewer people travelling overseas. Credit:iStock Drawing on data from Tripadvisor, and canvassing the 50 most-populated cities, the survey ranks Paris and Milan equal first for animal hospitality, with 594 and 359 pet-friendly hotels respectively (33 and 17 of them five-star). Next is Rome, with 1242 Fido-favourable lodgings, followed by Berlin, New York and Colombia’s Medellin. Loading And in Australia? Sydney rates 23rd and Melbourne 29th, prompting questions about our reputation as a pet-loving nation. Are we not moggy-munificent in our five-star lodgings? Must Rover endure boarding kennels instead of hatted restaurant fare? Carla Francis, author of Travelling with Pets on Australia’s East Coast, is surprised at Sydney and Melbourne’s placement on the list. “The demand for pet-friendly accommodation here is phenomenal,” she says. “That’s largely due to the pandemic and people not travelling overseas as much.” She adds Sydney and Melbourne have 29 and 17 pet-friendly four- and five-star hotels respectively, but increasing numbers of B&Bs, resorts, caravan parks, camping grounds and holiday homes are also allowing pet-stays. “I think Australians prefer to do beach holidays and country escapes,” she says. “However, in the past two or three years, there has also been a massive spike in pet-friendly city hotels.” Loading Shandos Cleaver, writer and blogger for dog-friendly travel site Travelnuity, has travelled to 35 countries with her miniature dachshund, Schnitzel. She says Australians who want to travel with their pets are increasingly spoilt for choice. “But always check beforehand,” she says. “Hotels and accommodation sites change their pet-travel policies all the time.” Meanwhile, Francis is impressed by some of Sydney’s pet-friendly hotels, particularly the luxe, art deco Kimpton Margot, which accommodates any breed that will fit through its doors for free. But she believes Melbourne has the edge when it comes to restaurants, parks and activities for furry friends. She cites river cruises and a pet cafe in St Kilda called Chez Misty that serves dog-friendly French crepes. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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curiousb · 3 years
The Steele Family Album: Volume I
The lives of the next three families in Merybury are so intertwined that it’s a little tricky to tell the story in a way that has a logical flow - but I’ll do my best!
After graduation, Merybury’s most Ambitious couple, Lucy Steele and William Collins, move into a small new-built property in the trendiest part of town.
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The new residents get the seal of approval from the official welcoming committee (i.e. local moggy Moonshine).
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They also bond very quickly with the neighbours - George Wickham and Kitty Bennet - over a shared love of Smustling and gossip.
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Gossiping about the dead - classy, Lucy!
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Thanks, Risky Woohoo - that definitely wasn’t part of the plan!
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William launches his career in politics - to great success!
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The house is a frequent venue for debating public policy late into the night for the three local up-and-coming politicians - William and his friends Philip Elton and Caroline Bingley.
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And as a result, Lucy has little option but to give birth in front of a live audience!
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Deciding that their home is really a little too small for a family, they move to a more traditional property on the edge of town, where there is room for William to have the garden that he hankers after, and even more importantly for Lucy to have her longed-for car! New-born Nancy Steele seems a bit of an after-thought...
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Get used to it, kid, this is going to happen a lot...
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Ah, Lucy seems to be getting the idea at last!
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OK, maybe not.
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Everyone’s friend Charles Bingley is a regular visitor.
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Fortunately, little Nancy survives frequently being abandoned to her fate in the back garden - and she’s definitely daddy’s girl!
~ Scorpio 10 / 6 / 8 / 2 / 1
~ Devious / Anxious (probably the result of being dumped on the ground outside all the time)
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Charles - amongst his many talents - is also a keen entertainer of other people’s children.
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William takes the Inappropriate trait to new levels.
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Despite making a good living in politics, William somehow feels that passing judgement on other people is much more his cup of tea, so he opts for a change of career and enters the law, gaining immediate promotion!
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And still poor Nancy gets very little parental attention.
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Lucy and George have become the absolute best of friends - but despite having three bolts of chemistry, there’s never any hint of romance between them, which I think is rather nice!
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Ill-advised, late-night pillow-fighting in the kitchen threatens to put Lucy’s second (planned, this time) pregnancy into jeopardy!
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Mercifully, it’s just a scare.
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I’m very, very relieved that the Steeles have no neighbours in that direction...
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Nancy has a little sister - Catherine Steele! Hopefully her parents will be a little less negligent, now that they have some parenting experience under their belts.
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Ah, it seems not.
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