#molly = brenda
(JD brainrot is real)
Ok hear me out . . . Jackson's Diary Hazbin Hotel AU
Exer = Husk, David = Angel Dust, Pamela = Vaggie etc
Idk, I just randomly thought of this
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the-delta-42 · 8 days
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if Lee, Lilly, Duck, and Clem were the only survivors of the St Johns?
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We Lucky Few
What if Lee, Lilly, Duck, and Clem were the only survivors of the St Johns? Prompt Submitted by BetterThanBrainiac on AO3
Lee grunted as Danny knocked him down. Kenny burst out to tackle the cannibal, only for the other man to whirl around and shoot Kenny in the chest. Lee watched his friend gasp and fall back, before he could get up, Danny turned back to Lee, only for Lee to hit him below the belt. Quickly grabbing Danny’s gun, Lee cracked him over head with it. After making sure that the cannibal was out cold, Lee left the barn and ran into Ben and Carley.
“Lee, what’s going on?” Demanded Carley, “You and the others have been gone for too long.”
“They attacked us,” Said Lee, “Larry and Kenny are dead, and they cut Mark’s legs off and tried to feed them to us!”
“Jesus.” Muttered Carley, “What about the others?”
“Clementine’s with Lilly in the barn,” Answered Lee, “but they’ve got Duck and Katjaa.”
“Shit.” Muttered Carley, “I’ll go get Lilly and Clementine, Ben, go with Lee.”
Ben gave a shaky nod, as he and Lee started towards the house, they’d just reached the gate when they heard Carley let out a gasping scream. Lee spun around and saw Carley with the prongs of the pitchfork sticking out of her back. Without thinking, Lee rushed towards Danny, just as the cannibal wrenched the pitchfork out of Carley’s gut and drove it into her chest. By that point, Lee was level with him and tackled him. Lee spotted Lilly and Clementine, as well as Kenny slowly getting to his feet.
Growling, Lee hauled Danny up and shove him towards Kenny, with the Walker tearing a chunk out of Danny’s neck. Lee looked at Lilly and Clementine, “C’mon.”
Pausing when he reached Carley, Lee picked up her gun and looked up. He saw Ben struggling with Andy, the man keeping a grip on Duck. Ben was punched in the face and thrown onto the fence, Lee raised Carley’s gun and shot at Andy. Andy ducked and rushed over to the generator and turned it on, Ben’s dying screams piercing the night. Lee took aim again, only for Lilly to shoot Andy in the face.
Lilly looked angry, “Go get Katjaa.”
Lee nodded, rushing towards the house, only for a gunshot to emit from inside the house, with Brenda coming out with blood on her face. Levelling Carley’s gun, Lee shot Brenda in the chest. Hurrying forwards, Lee found Katjaa dead on the floor of the house. Sighing, Lee grabbed their weapons, as well as some of the St John’s supplies, and left.
Lee met up with Lilly, Clementine and Duck, “Let’s go.”
The group of four left the farm, as Walkers started to climb over the fence and into the fields.
They’d managed to get into the forest safely and gotten back to the motel, after explaining what happened to Kenny and Katjaa to Duck. Lee had noticed that there were tyre tracks in one part of the forest but decided to ignore it.
“Lee.” Lilly’s voice got his attention, “Got a minute?”
Sighing, Lee looked at Clementine and Duck and stepped out of the room.
“What—” Lilly slapped him, “Okay, I deserved that.”
Lilly glared at him, getting another sigh from Lee, “Anything else you want to do?”
Lilly, after a moment, sighed, “What do we do?”
“What do you mean?” Asked Lee, folding his arms.
“We’re not exactly in the best position to defend ourselves,” Said Lilly, “I, I know I’ve kept saying we’d stay here, but… we don’t have the numbers to protect ourselves or keep this place secure if we go on a supply run.”
Sighing, Lee looked around, “I think we should take our chances on the road; we can get stuff downtown when we pass through it. Hell, maybe we’ll find a working vehicle and get around in that.”
Lilly gave another sigh, “Where do we go?”
Lee sighed, “I don’t know.”
Lee managed to find a couple of backpacks in the motel, then they’d left. They were currently in a clothing store in Macon, Lilly was getting some warm clothes for them, with Lee keeping an eye out for Walkers.
“Right,” Lilly threw a bag at Lee, “I found that in the back, let’s get to the pharmacy.”
Lee nodded, watching out for the dead as they went. Making sure Duck and Clementine were close by, Lee and Lilly started gathering supplies. They’d just finished packing up when they heard screaming.
Lilly glanced at Lee, before he jerked his head to the side, the man signalling for them to leave. By the time they got around the front, the Walkers had gone towards the drugstore. Sighing, Lee started leading the others towards a road going out of Macon. They’d managed to stock up on some food, medicine and clothes, Lee managed to find a couple of guns and a set of hunting knives, which he’d given out to the group. Lilly walked ahead, making sure there weren’t any Walkers up in front of them, with Lee bringing up the rear. Giving Macon a final look, Lee sighed and silently bid goodbye to everyone they’d lost.
They’d been walking for about a week, Lee and Lilly took turns on watch. Clementine had her first Walker kill, Lee and Lilly had taken it upon themselves to teach the kids how to defend themselves. Lee used the knowledge he had from his brief time in the army to teach them how to use a knife properly.
“Lee.” Lilly got his attention, “Up ahead.”
Frowning, Lee looked in front of them and spotted a train blocking the road, “Huh.”
“Kind of glad we didn’t drive here.” Said Lilly, looking around, “Might be a good place to camp for the night.”
“Especially if we can get into the train car.” Said Lee, looking around, “C’mon, let’s see what’s here.”
They scouted the train out, Duck and Lilly looked around the perimeter, with Duck dealing with a Walker that was trapped in a car that had crashed against the train and finding a box of crackers. Lee and Clementine checked the cab, finding a dead body, Lee found that the body’s head was caved in. The two then went down to the boxcar and found an old man staring at them.
“Are you gonna kill me or steal?” Asked the man, making Lee lower his gun.
“Er… neither?” Lee glanced down at Clementine, “Clem, go get Lilly.”
“Okay.” Clementine left through the door, leaving Lee with the man.
“So,” Lee looked him up and down, “You got a name?”
The old man shrugged, “Chuck, Charles if ya fancy.”
“Okay… Chuck.” Lee nodded, “I’m going to talk to my group, don’t… don’t go anywhere.”
Chuck shrugged as Lee left, before looking through his things.
Lee winced as the light hit him, before he walked over to Lilly, “Clementine told you about the guy?”
Lilly nodded, “What’s he like?”
“You could ask me yourself.” Said Chuck, making Lee turn around, “Since you’re stomping around my home.”
Lee silently watched the road and tracks for Walkers, Chuck let them stay, even gave the kids some candy. Duck had been left in the cab and had pressed a flashing button, which led to them discovering that the train still worked. They had decided to work on it in the morning, Lee volunteered for first watch. It’d been just over a week since the farm, just over a week since Duck lost his parents, since Larry, Mark, Ben and Carley were killed. He should’ve gone with Carley, he should’ve killed Danny before the left the barn.
“Penny?” Asked Lilly, joining Lee on top of the boxcar.
“Thinking about the dairy.” Said Lee, quietly, “The people we’ve lost.”
Lilly sighed, “How’d you decide?”
“Decide what?”
“Decide to help Kenny.” Clarified Lilly, “I knew about your past, about that senator. I want to know how you decided to help kill my dad.”
Lee sighed, “I didn’t want to take the risk, sure, we could’ve saved him, but he wouldn’t have survived much longer. The cannibals would’ve triggered another heart attack, or the stress of walking through the Walkers or even the walk back to the motel.���
“You couldn’t’ve known that.”
“Maybe, but in my place, with Clem and not knowing your dad well, what would you have done?” Asked Lee, looking at Lilly, “I get not getting to say goodbye, I didn’t get to say goodbye to my parents or my brother. The closest I got was putting Bud down. I would give everything to not go through that pain again.”
“Is that why you left Carley?” Asked Lilly, making Lee bow his head.
“I didn’t realise how much she meant to me,” Confessed Lee, “until that bastard shoved a pitchfork into her.”
They were silent for a moment, then Lilly spoke, “I wouldn’t.”
“Wouldn’t what?” Asked Lee, glancing a Lilly.
“I wouldn’t be able to put my dad down.” Answered Lilly, “And… I probably would’ve done the same as you.”
Lee let out a sigh, “Clementine’s parents are dead.”
“What?” Lilly looked at him.
“Clementine’s parents are dead,” Repeated Lee, “her dad got bit on the first day and her mom was with him. They left voice messages for Clem and her babysitter.”
“What happened to the babysitter?” Asked Lilly, getting a sigh from Lee.
“She got bit.” Answered Lee, looking in the distance. The pair sat on the roof of the boxcar in silence for the rest of the night.
They got the train and boxcar free from the rest of the cars, Clementine had a piece of chalk and managed to make the instructions for how to start it visible. From there, it was just a matter of knocking things about and twisting and flipping the switches and knobs. Lee and Lilly were taking turns to drive, not wanting each other to risk falling asleep at the controls. Lilly continued with the lessons with the kids, Chuck suggested cutting Clementine’s hair, which Lilly had done, before cutting her own.
Lee took over teaching the kids while Lilly drove, setting up a plan for when they got to Savannah, Lee promising Clementine that they’d look for her parents. Then the train came to a stop. Frowning, Lee poked his head out the side of the boxcar, and saw the tanker blocking the tracks, “Great.”
Hopping out of the car, Lee walked towards the front of the train with Lilly joining him.
“I don’t suppose you have a saw on you?” Asked Lilly, after a moment.
“No.” Sighed Lee, “I saw one, but I didn’t pick it up.”
After that, Lee had got up to a ladder and climbed to the top of the bridge. He met a couple up there, Omid and Christa. The two went down and introduced themselves to the group, while Lee and Clementine went to a nearby station to see if they could find anything that’ll cut the tanker down. They’d managed to get in and deal with the Walkers, Lee had struggled with one, prompting Clementine to kick the Walkers leg, sending it to the ground and allowing Clementine to easily stab it in the head.
Lee spotted a blowtorch and boosted Clementine into the cage to get the keys, which, of course, were in the cage. There was another Walker in the cage, that Lee dispatched with his gun. He and Clementine were just leaving with the blowtorch when Christa ran up to them.
“I heard a gunshot.” Said Christa, in way of a question.
“Had to deal with some Walkers.” Said Lee, looking at Christa, “We’re fine.”
Christa looked doubtful, before turning away with the three walking back to the train. Lilly had Chuck keeping watch on top of the boxcar, while she took Duck and Clementine into the cab. Lee took Omid and started cutting the coupling of the tanker, when Chuck alerted them to a massive herd of Walkers. As soon as the coupling had been cut, Lilly started the train, yelling at Lee and Omid to jump onto the roof. Lee kicked the still ignited blow torch down, before running to the other side of the bridge with Omid. The two braced themselves, before jumping onto the boxcar, Lee landed safely, but Omid hit his shoulder and rolled off the roof, injuring his leg when he hit the ground.
Lee swung down into the boxcar, as Christa jumped out and helped Omid up. The two ran alongside the train, with Lee grabbing Omid and hauling him in. Omid started to get angry with Lee, only for the man to reach out and haul Christa into the boxcar as well. Lee gave the two a look, before walking up to the cab.
Lee sighed as he watched Clementine and Duck sleep. They’d been travelling for a little while now, leaving the Walkers and the tanker behind.
“So, what do we do when we get to Savannah?” Asked Lilly, leaning away from the controls, “I mean, aside from keeping the kids safe.”
Lee looked at Lilly, “Clementine mentioned that her parents stayed at a place called The Marsh House, we could head for there and then plan our next move.”
Lilly opened her mouth to respond, when music started playing from Clementine’s radio. Frowning, Lee picked up the radio, just as the music cut out.
“I… I thought that was broken.” Said Lilly, looking at Lee.
“So did I.” Responded Lee, looking down at the radio.
Lee was glad that they were heading towards the Marsh House, instead of braving the streets. Omid was limping behind them, while Lee and Lilly were keeping an eye on Duck and Clementine.
“See anything, Clem?” Asked Lee, as the girl frowned.
“There.” Clementine pointed at a sign that read ‘Marsh House’ with an arrow pointing upwards.
“Not much further.” Said Lee, as they rounded the corner. There were a few Walkers, but Lee noticed Clementine freezing, “Clem?”
Following Clementine’s gaze, Lee’s eye settled on a pair of Walkers, “Oh, man.”
“Those are…” Lilly trailed off, getting a short nod from Lee, “Clementine. Clem, look at me.” Clementine looked up at Lilly, “I know you’re upset, but I need you to focus, okay?” Clementine gave her a shaky nod, “Good.”
They quickly guided their small group into the hotel, with Lee blocking the doors with a couple of chairs. Sighing, Lee turned around, finding Christa had gone off to search the place, while Lilly talked to the kids.
“I’ll be back soon.” Said Lee, taking out his gun and walking into the halls of the hotel.
After a couple of hours, Lee and Christa returned to the lobby, having not finding any Walkers in the hotel. Lee checked behind the reception desk and grabbing a set of keys, within the hour, everyone had claimed a room, with Lee and Lilly quietly sitting in a room, watching the Walkers mulling around outside, while sharing a bottle of whiskey.
“So,” Lilly looked at Lee, “what’s the plan now? I mean, Clem’s found her parents and we’re at a hotel…”
“I have no idea.” Confessed Lee, as Lilly took a swig of the whiskey. Lee gave her a shrug and wandered over to the bed, with Lilly following and holding the bottle out to him.
Dropping onto the mattress, Lee took a swig from the bottle.
“It is nice that we don’t have to worry about someone keeping guard over the place.” Said Lilly, swaying close to Lee.
Lee hummed, before looking at Lilly. The pair stared at each other, then, in a moment of drunken impulse, they both leaned towards each other and kissed, before they both fell onto the bed.
Lee frowned as he and Christa walked along side the river. They’d been out on a supply run, ducking into stores and houses, looking for food and medicine. Lee and Lilly had woken up together, their clothes scattered around the room and themselves entwined with each other. They hadn’t talked about it, they’d just gotten dressed in silence and went about the tasks they had.
He didn’t know what he’d call what he and Lilly had. He knew that he had feelings for Carley, part of him wondered if he was using Lilly as a rebound, but another part of him dismissed that. Sighing, Lee looked across the water.
“That’s the seventh time you’ve sighed in five minutes.” Said Christa, getting Lee’s attention, “What’s on your mind.”
Deciding to throw caution to the wind, Lee spoke, “Lilly and I slept together.”
Christa paused, before frowning, “Okay…”
“And you know about… how we ended up on the road.” Said Lee, getting a sigh from Christa.
“I know that you and some other guy killed her Dad after he had a heart attack.” Responded Christa, “I can see how that would make things awkward.”
Lee nodded, just as they rounded a corner and came face to face with a blonde girl working on an RV, “Er… hello?”
Lilly frowned as Chuck checked on Omid, while Duck looked up at her. Omid’s condition had started to get worse after Lee and Christa went on the supply run, then Duck told her that Clementine had snuck off somewhere.
Part of her was angry, some of it because Lee helped kill her dad, the rest of it because Lee left without saying anything. Another part of her was happy to feel something other than loss, and a third part wondered how they’ll move forward from this. She and Lee had to look after Duck and Clementine, they’d only known Chuck a few days and Omid and Christa even less. Sure, they’d proven that they could be trusted, but they had practically nothing. They had a couple of rifles and some handguns, plus the knives that Lee found, and their meagre supplies were almost used up.
Sighing, Lilly looked towards the stairway door, just as Clementine and Christa appeared, with a blonde woman, “What the hell? Who the hell is this?”
“Her name’s Molly.” Said Christa, glancing back at her, “Lee and I stumbled across her while we were out getting supplies. Found her working on an RV.”
Lilly frowned, before looking behind them, “Where’s Lee?”
“We got ambushed by Walkers,” Said Christa, “the rest of us got to higher ground, but Lee had to go through the sewers.”
“Molly gave Lee her icepick.” Said Clementine, getting Lilly’s attention, wilting slightly when the woman looked at her.
“Clem,” Lilly crouched down, “what were you thinking? We don’t know how dangerous the streets are.”
“She’s actually the reason I didn’t kill your friends.” Said Molly, “Crawford doesn’t allow children.”
Lilly gave Molly a blank look.
“Crawford’s a community, apparently,” Supplied Christa, “they’re not big fans of children, the elderly, or anyone with a medical condition.”
Lilly frowned, before sighing, “Right, Chuck’s looking at Omid, other than that, nothing’s changed.”
Christa nodded, stepping past Lilly to see Omid. Molly looked around, “You know, I don’t think Crawford’s raided this place yet.”
Lee silently sighed as he and Vernon walked into the Marsh House. He paused at the number of dead Walkers lying in the lobby, “That’s… not good.” Lee looked at Vernon, “You might want to—”
Chuck suddenly appeared, heaving a Walker out of a door and dropping it on the pile, before he spotted Lee, “Oh, you’re back. That’s good, Lilly and the others are cleaning out some Walkers in the kitchen.”
Lee nodded and strode past Chuck, leaving the two old men behind. Lee drew his knife and went into the kitchen, stopped when he saw Lilly beating a Walker over the head with a frying pan, with Molly using a cleaver to put down the Walkers. Clementine and Duck were watching them take out the Walkers.
“I… guess things are under control.” Said Lee, as they dealt with the last Walker.
Lilly looked over at Lee, “Yeah, turns out we’ve got a lot of food.”
Vernon had taken a look at Omid, while Lee and Lilly talked. He told them that Omid needed medicine, and the only place they could get it was in Crawford. So, they’d decided that Lee and Christa would go to Crawford, with Molly and Vernon showing them the way. Chuck, having found out that he was a doctor, was going to stay at the hotel with Lilly and the kids watching over Omid. Molly said her RV needed a battery and gas, which Lee was going to help her get.
After seeing them off, Lilly went and checked on the kids, they’d been given the task of putting down some of the smaller Walkers, ones that didn’t have full bodies, and she found them covered in Walker guts. With a full Walker standing near them motionless, until Lilly walked in, when it turned and started limping towards her. Sooner than she’d’ve liked, Lilly found herself grappling with a Walker, before it suddenly fell to the floor and Clementine and Duck drove their knives into its head.
“What,” Gasped Lilly, “the hell happened?”
“Walkers can’t see us if we’re covered in them!” Grinned Duck, “And Clem and me kicked it’s legs making it fall!”
Lilly sighed, “C’mon, let’s get you two cleaned up.”
“I’d like that.” Said Clementine, “I smell gross.”
Lee and the others got back a few hours later, with Lilly filling them in about the kids’ discoveries. Christa had gone straight to Omid with the medicine and Lilly going with Molly to the RV, watching her back as she fitted the parts.
“How much longer until it’s ready?” Asked Lilly, looking at Molly.
“We just need to fill her up,” Said Molly, “and you can drive us outta here no problem.”
Lilly frowned, “Why am I driving?”
Molly suddenly looked embarrassed mumbled, “I don’t know how.”
Lilly blinked, before closing her eyes and sighing, “Just… just fill it up.”
There was a click behind Lilly, making her slowly turn around, coming face to face with Vernon and his group, “What?”
“This isn’t anything personal,” Said Vernon, pointing a gun at Lilly, “but we’ll be taking that RV.”
Lilly looked around the small group, finding that Vernon was the only one armed. Glaring at them, Lilly said, “No.” And pulled the trigger of her rifle, hitting Vernon in the gut, before pulling out her handgun and shooting the others. Lilly felt a pang of regret, only to get shoved by Molly as Vernon fired at her. Molly let out a cry, crumpling to the ground, while Lilly killed Vernon.
Rushing over, Lilly grabbed Molly and lifted her into the RV, before she searched the bodies of Vernon’s group and took what supplies and weapons they had and finished filling up the RV. The RV pulled up in front of the hotel, with Lee guiding the others out towards it.
“Christa, you’re driving.” Ordered Lilly, rushing up to Lee and Chuck, “Vernon’s group tried to jump us, Molly’s been shot.”
Thankfully, the RV was rather spacious, allowing Lee to put the kids and Omid a decent distance away from where Chuck was working on Molly. They watched as Chuck examined Molly’s injury, hoping the girl would be okay.
Molly bled out in the back of the RV. Vernon’s bullet had knicked an artery and lodged itself in her spine. Lee stabbed the back of Molly’s head to prevent her from reanimating, before Christa pulled over and they laid Molly to rest. Lilly didn’t say it, but it felt like they were laying the other members of their group to rest as well.
Lilly looked up at Lee from where her head was resting on his shoulder, before sighing and deciding to get some sleep. Omid was asleep while Clementine and Duck played a game, with Chuck joining Christa up front. Lee glanced down at Lilly, before looking around at the group, before finally settling on the massive stain of Molly’s blood. Closing his eyes, Lee decided to get some sleep, he’d need it if he was going to drive.
Next Story: What if Clem found out AJ was at McCarroll Ranch before she met Javi?
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mandoreviews · 2 years
📽️ The War Bride (2001)
My mother recommended this movie to me, and it seemed right up my alley so I watched it. It’s definitely my style of movie, but I found the main character extremely annoying. She was presumptuous and somewhat entitled and ungrateful. I’m not saying that what she goes through in the movie is easy, but her attitude and actions were also not good. The husband’s mom and sister were a bit confusing, as well as the townspeople. It was one of those movies that made me frustrated because communication would have fixed so much. All in all, I probably wouldn’t watch it again, but I would still suggest it to others because it is definitely interesting.
Sex/nudity: 4/10 (kissing/making out, almost sex, implied sex, sex scene with no nudity, topless female nudity)
Language: 1/10 (maybe a couple mild profanities)
Violence: 1/10 (war aftermath shown)
Overall rating: 6/10
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technofinch · 5 months
Talpidologists notes: this is an old tunnel shanty, with unclear origins. Many verses have been observed. It's possible the molefolk use this song as a way to communicate across distances about tunnel conditions and daily orders. Recorded here are a few of the most common verses. If you have more information on this or other mole tunneling songs, please contact Brenda Dunn, Department of Mole Understanding and Research: Diagetic and Ethnolinguistic Recordings (MURDER).
Well I thought I heard the old mole say Deeper, Molly, deeper It's a cozy hole here in the clay But it's time to tunnel deeper
CHORUS: Deeper, Molly [short for Mollisol?] deeper Oh, deeper, Molly, deeper For the tower can't grow with no place to go So we'll dig the tunnel deeper
Oh the coffee is thin and the worms are too Deeper, Molly, deeper You'll eat it - what else can you do? We just have to tunnel deeper
Oh the ground is hard and full of rock Deeper, Molly, deeper You'll dig until your claws fall off And it's time to tunnel deeper
Oh the mold is bad but the ants are worse Deeper, Molly, deeper They'll eat you up before you can curse But you've got to tunnel deeper
Oh the water came up clear to my eyes Deeper, Molly, deeper I don't think my fur will ever get dry But we'll dig the tunnel deeper
Oh the tunnel collapsed with a pretty mole Deeper, Molly, deeper She said "young lad, you're rather bold But we've got to tunnel deeper"
Well I'm scared of wolves and I hate the snow Deeper, Molly, deeper So the surface is no place to go I'll just dig the tunnel deeper
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emositecc · 1 year
Bad Boy Bobby Daniels and its FORESHADOWING
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Aight, let's look back to the Bad Boy Bobby Daniels episode. This episode is especially interesting to rewatch now that Ollie is introduced. Molly's line at the end of the episode "If you ever sabotage my lovelife, you're going to the after-afterlife okay?" Is so funny to look back at now.
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And The moment Scratch cried when Bobby and Patty reunited after being separated for so long hits different now, now that we know of Adia. It probably reminded him of her (subconsciously)
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(OMG I JUST NOTICED THIS) Scratch felt sorry for Brenda!! She didn't want to be separated from her best friend. Also foreshadowing Adia
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Aight enough about stuff we know, let's go to speculation.
Here's my theory: What if Scratch and Bobby knew each other, Scratch looked up to him like a big brother, role model. But then Bobby left Brighton too.
At the beginning of the episode Patty talks about Bobby, we fade to a flashback montage. Patty looks out the window but oddly the writers made scratch cover her face just before fading.
When setting up scenes like these you want the character focus on the PERSON who's reminiscing. Maybe they wanted a gag? Scratch might be doing the "what's she looking at?" Joke, but they could've easily done that without taking the focus away from Patty.
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The moment he knew about Bobby he's immediately attached to the idea of him. "Maybe he'll let me ride his motor bike! We'll become blood brothers!"
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It would be cool if this is true, this episode is already PACKED with foreshadowing, Adia, Ollie, Sunnyland... Maybe just maybe... This one is too. What do you think? 👀
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godlizzza · 11 months
Fic request if possible? - I want to see Middle aged herb get into some argument with a PTA mom over the funding of the science program or something, I like to imagine he’d deny fighting tooth and nail for that kid to get a proper science education but we both know he would 😂
Ty (no rush on it if you’re busy, sorry to bug ya, love your work)
"Now then, onto the point of school funding. I- Yes, Mr. West?"
"It's Dr. West, Carol, try to get it right. Now, what I want to know is, why is there even a suggestion to blow half the budget on- what was it? A patio?"
"It's for refurbishing the auditorium to make it suitable for the children to perform plays. The current deck has a weight capacity that would limit class-wide performances."
"That's absurd. How can you even suggest that when the science lab is in its current state? I've seen run-down meth labs in better condition."
"Oh, my goodness..."
"Dr. West, please try to keep your language appropriate."
"What did I say? I didn't even curse."
"Does anyone else have any propositions over the budget, or-?"
"I wasn't finished. As I was saying, there can't be any question on funding decks until the lab is fit for students to actually learn the sciences in a productive way."
"Excuse me. I can appreciate that you're advocating for your chosen path, doctor, but what about the other subjects? Like the arts? My daughter, Molly, is an aspiring actress. She needs a suitable auditorium to perform in."
"Little Polly can do cartwheels-"
"It's Molly."
"-or the chicken dance wherever she wants. A child actually wishing to develop their education past the preschool level needs the proper equipment."
"Ms. Chairwoman, I don't appreciate Dr. West's tone."
"And I don't appreciate hippies dragging down the average IQ of the next generation."
"Alright, everyone, let's try to keep things civil-"
"I'm being perfectly civil. Brenda's the one who can't control herself. It's no wonder little Dolly can't even count to three unassisted."
"Her name is Molly you insufferable, little-!"
"Ms. Chairwoman, I don't appreciate Mrs. Gibson's tone."
"Okay, enough. Meeting adjourned. Dr. West, may I have a word please?"
"Oh, hey, Honey. How'd the meeting go?"
"Swimmingly. Though, for some reason, several people made complaints about me."
"What? I was simply advocating on the behalf of those children and their right to a proper education. If some of those parents had it their way, those kids would be doing nothing but finger painting and singing about butterflies."
"You know, maybe you should sit the next meeting out."
"Dan, you're a bystander in all this. Indifference is the true enemy of progress, you know."
"Uh huh, sure. Now, why don't you sit down and I'll make you a nice cup of tea, huh? How does that sound?"
"What a dear you are. I knew there had to be some reason why I married you."
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itsthemxze · 2 months
molly help what us a wife guy
A guy that just loves his wife!! Like John mulaney before the drama. Fandom Minho with Brenda is also definitely a wifeguy
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Urban dictionary to the rescue because I can never explain anything
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garadinervi · 6 months
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You can go anywhere – The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation at 50, Edited by Edouard Detaille and Willem van Roij, Designed by Graphic Thought Facility, The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany, CT, 2022 [Yvon Lambert, Paris. Les presses du réel, Dijon. David Zwirner Books, New York, NY]
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Contributors: Laurent Van Reepinghen, Adhiraj Shekhawat, Josh Slocum, Louis Valentin, Matthias Persson, Charles Lemonides, Charlotte Fox Weber, Robbie Smith, Lucy Swift Weber, Victoria Ebin, Fiona Kearney, Hans Renders, Brigitte Degois, Eve Tribouillet-Rozencweig, Gilles Degois, Vincent Broqua, Fabrice Hergott, Raffi Kaiser, Francois Olislaeger, Giovanni Hänninen, Alberto Amoretti, Erika Goldman, Francois Gibault, Belle Place, Nancy Weber, Patrick Dewavrin, Nick Murphy, Bruno Racine, Gerard Sénac, Louis Racine, Daniele Reiber, Robert Devereux, Elena Arzak, Marta Arzak, Daphne Warburg Astor, Atlante, Chiara Graffer, Dario Jucker, Matthew Bourne, Wayne McGregor, Rebecca Salter, Heinz Liesbrock, Paul Smith, Emilia Terragni, Michael Semff, Mando Watson, Shane O'Neill, Nicolas Fox Weber, Paolo Papone, Pierre-Alexis Dumas, Manuel Herz, Alan Riding, Elisa Nocentini, María Toledi, Manuel Fontan del Junco, Christopher Farr, Katherine Weber, Michael Beggs, Mickey Cartin, Brenda Danilowitz, John Eastman, Louise Eastman, Kelly Feeney, George Gibson, John Gordon, Allegra Itsoga, James Green, Jackie Ivy, Fritz Horstman, Charles Kingsley, Emma K. Lewis, Pierre Thiam, Philip Rylands, Andy Seguin, Clarisse Baleja Saïdi, Sarah Meister, Toshiko Mori, Melanie Niemiec, Tim Prentice, Jeannette Redensek, Ruth Lande Shuman, Anne Sisco, Christine Vincent, Molly Wheeler, Victoria Wilson, Martina Yamin, Paul Neale, David Pilling, Ruth Agoos Villalovos, Magueye Ba, Seydou Badiane, Jaime Yaya Barry, Shannon Hart, Maimouna Ka Sow, Saliou Seck, Moussa Sene, Mamadou Cisse Kante, Bamba Sagna, Lassana Keita, Massamba Camara, Abib Dieye, Saliou Diop, Augustin Diouf, Moustapha Diouf, Lucas Zwirner, David Leiber, David Zwirner
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laytonnpcbracket · 1 year
Welcome to the Layton NPC Showdown!
This is a bracket to determine which of the many memorable NPCs from across the Professor Layton games are the greatest.
GAMES INCLUDED: Every game except LBMR. Eternal Diva characters are also not included here.
WHAT COUNTS AS AN NPC?: Anyone who doesn't have a puzzle animation. Characters excluded are Layton, Luke, Flora, Clive, Emmy, Randall, Aurora, Des, Espella, Phoenix, Maya, Katrielle, Ernest, Sherl, Hastings, and Emiliana.
WILL THERE BE NOMINATIONS?: Nope! Every NPC will be included.
WHAT ABOUT THE PUZZLE LADS/LASSES?: I only plan on including characters that we can speak to in-game, so no Puzzle Lads or Lasses. Sorry to the people who like them 😔
WHICH CHARACTERS ARE INCLUDED, THEN?: Anyone who isn't an exception listed above that is in the profiles of the game! A full list is enclosed below.
WHEN WILL THE TOURNAMENT START?: More information forthcoming on that! I have to seed the bracket first :)
WHY IS NAIYA YOUR ICON?: In my opinion, she's one of the more underrated NPCs of the series. I'll probably cycle through some of the ones I have available to me right now.
WHAT CRITERIA SHOULD I VOTE ON?: Whatever makes you happy :)
ARE ALTER EGOS SEPERATE CHARACTERS?: No. For instance, Ratman is not included because his secret identity is in the tournament.
US OR UK NAMES?: I will try to make available as many names for the NPCs as possible! Which includes their Japanese names and as many names in the localizations as I am able to obtain from the wiki and my own sources. I'll probably reliably have the English (both versions where applicable), Japanese, and French names for every character when I do the bracket rounds. The list below however is entirely in English.
And now for a list of the entries! I didn't check all of these for inconsistencies, but I attempted to ascertain that I used the US versions. Some of them might be UK versions though because that's the version of the game I have (specifically Diabolical Box NPCs and Last Specter NPCs -- I know some of their US names but not all).
Lady Dahlia Reinhold
Gordon Reinhold
Simon Reinhold
Augustus Reinhold
Granny Riddleton
Don Paolo
Andrew Schrader
Anton Herzen
Katia Anderson
Mr. Anderson
Sammy Thunder
Dimitri Allen
Bill Hawks
Dean Delmona
Subject 3
Family Goon
Hazel (UF)
Maya (UF)
Ernest (UF)
Clark Triton
Brenda Triton
Arianna Barde
Tony Barde
Doland Noble
Levin Jakes
Aunt Taffy
Hans Jakes
Chief Engineer
Roland Layton
Lucille Layton
Henry Ledore
Angela Ledore
Alphonse Dalston
Leonard Bloom
Mrs Ascot
Policeman (MM)
Mr. Collins
Leon Bronev
Hazel (AL)
Amelie Chelmey
Policeman (AL)
Old Red
Carmine Accidenti
Olivia Aldente
Zacharias Barnham
Newton Belduke
Patty Eclaire
Eve (cat)
Jean Greyerl
Knight Captain
Lettie Mailer
Ridelle Mystere
Ms Primstone
Emeer Punchenbaug
Old Rootie
Johnny Smiles
Pipper Lowonida
Phineas Barnone
Madame Doublée
Liza Wight
Grant Sloans
Cesar Chance
Mustafa Fulhold
Hans Lipski
Aleks Lipski
Maverick D. Rector
Seymore Fraymes
The Major
Eddie Torre
Bianca Teller
Security Guard
Taboras Lloyd
Douglas Dert
Mo Heecan
Mrs Slow the Tailor
Midas Pullman
Declan Swabber
Abel Seamon
Felicity Hastings
Gene Ohm
Billy Kidd
Royall Britannias
Clover Pryce
PC Beate
DC Booker
Séan Butchin
Bo Bells
Hessie Tate
Keane Fisher
Bob Bracket
Gudrun Weldon
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
Return to Amphibia
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Brenda Song
Anna Akana
Haley Tju
Justin Felbinger
Bill Farmer
Amanda Leighton
Troy Baker
Keith David
Michelle Dockery
Zehra Fazal
On Braly
Brian Sounalath
Anika Noni Rose
Wallace Shawn
Kate Micucci
Melissa Villaseñor
Dana Davis
Cassie Glow
Lakkhana Narksiri
…with Matt Braly
…and Dee Bradley Baker
James Adomian as Sheriff Buck Leatherleaf
Anna Akana as Sasha Waybright
Ella Allan as Ginger Flour
Mia Allan as Lavender Flour
Dee Bradley Baker as Bessie, Joe Sparrow, MicroAngelo, & Archie
Troy Baker as Captain Grime, Mall Cop Mark, Rodney, & FBI Agents
Marlow Barkley as Rosemary Flour
Jill Bartlett as Maddie Flour
Eric Bauza as Mr. Wu
Aisling Bea as Captain Beatrix
Jeff Bennett as Tyler
Laila Berzins as Sadie Croaker & Lysil
Susanne Blakeslee as Valeriana
Matt Braly as Frobo & Chuck Gardener
On Braly as Oum Boonchuy
Kimberly Brooks as Principal Murphy & Mitchell
Nicole Byer as Gertie
Matt Chapman as Tritonio Espada
Katie Crown as Ivy Sundew
Keith David as Andrias Leviathan
Dana Davis as Jess
Darin De Paul as Bog
John DiMaggio as Stumpy
Michelle Dockery as Lady Olivia
Paul Eiding as Monroe
Bill Farmer as Hop Pop Plantar & FBI Agents
Zehra Fazal as General Yunan Longclaw
Justin Felbinger as Sprig Plantar
Brad Garrett as Robert Otto
Cassie Glow as Molly Jo
Whoopi Goldberg as Mother Olm
Rachel House as Parisia
Matt Jones as Percy
Wayne Knight as Ned
Amanda Leighton as Polly Plantar
Marissa Lenti as Sasha’s Stepmother
Tress MacNeille as Doris
Brian Maillard as Leopold Loggle & FBI Agents
Mona Marshall as Sylvia Sundew
Jack McBrayer as Mayor Toadie
Kevin McDonald as Albus Duckweed
Jessica McKenna as Gabby Williams
Kate Micucci as Terri
Brielle Milla as Efty
Sumalee Montano as Mrs. Wu & Nee
Lakkhana Narksiri as Papu Boonchuy, Thai Woman, & Anne’s Grandmother
Joe Orrantia as FBI Agents
Nathalie Palamides as Fern
Chris Parnell as Mr. Waybright
Silver Paul as FBI Detective
Kevin Michael Richardson as Mr. Flour
Eden Riegel as Maggie
Sam Riegel as Mitch Harbor
Kaitlyn Robrock as Felicia Sundew
Stephen Root as Frodrick Toadstool
Anika Noni Rose as Dr. Jan
RuPaul as Mr. X
Kristen Schaal as Bella
Wallace Shawn as Humphrey Westwood
Keith Silverstein as FBI Agents
Roger Craig Smith as Tyler’s Husband
Brenda Song as Anne Boonchuy
Brian Sounalath as Bee Boonchuy
James Patrick Stuart as Wally Ribbiton
Rebecca Sugar as Becka Salt
Chris Sullivan as Gunther
Cree Summer as Dr. Frakes
Fred Tatasciore as Soggy Joe & Horace
Haley Tju as Marcy Wu
Daisuke Tsuji as Captain Bufo
Melissa Villaseñor as Ally
April Winchell as Tuti, Braddock, & Fens
Chris Wylde as Angwin & FBI Director
Cristina Vee as Mrs. Waybright
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andrevasims · 2 years
1980s Horror Film Character Names
I totally forgot I’d started making this last year! I think I never posted it because I wanted to find more names, but there’s already a decent amount and I don’t feel like being that tedious about names right now lol.
It’s first & last names (separated for mix & match potential) of characters from iconic late 1970s & 1980s horror movies. I think I started looking for cheesier B-movies to pull from, but yeah it’s been a whole year so I forget.
First Names
Alice Allen Allison Ally Amy Angela Annie Arnie Artie Axel Barry Bill Billy Bobby Brady Brenda Brent Brett Brooke Buddy Burt Buzz Carol Anne Carter Casey Charley Charlie Chili Christine Chuck Cindy Courtney Craig Cynthia Dana Darcy Debbie Demi Dennis Diane Donna Doug Doyle Duane Elaine Ellie Emma Ernie Ferdy Foster Gary Gene George Gerald Ginny Glen Hal Hank Helen Jack Jackie Jake Jason Jeff Jennifer Jerry Jesse Jimmy Joanne Jodi Joe Joey John Johnny Judd Judy Kate Katherine Kathy Katie Kelly Ken Kenny Kim Kimberly Kristen Larry Laurie Lea Leigh Lenny Leroy Linda Lisa Liz Lynn Marci Marcia Marcie Mark Mary Lou Masen Max Meg Megan Mel Melissa Mike Molly Monica Nancy Ned Neil Nick Nicki Nikki Patti Patty Paul Paula Peter Phoebe Polly Rachel Ralph Reilly Rennie Richie Rick Ricky Rob Rod Roland Ronnie Roy Ruby Rudolf Rudy Russ Sally Sandy Sara Sarah Shane Sharon Sheila Shelly Sissy Steve Steven Susie Suzie Tad Taryn Teddy Terri Tina Toby Tom Jesse Tommy Tracy Trish Valerie Vic Vickie Vicky Warren Wendy Wes Will
Last Names
Andrews Angelo Badger Baker Barnes Barrington Bates Baxter Beringer Brand Brewster Bringsley Brown Burke Burns Cabot Camber Carrington Cassidy Caulfield Challis Clarke Cole Cologne Corben Corvino Costic Crusel Cunningham Daigler Dandrige Daniels Darnell Darrinco Deagle Dier Doyle Duke Dumpkin Duncan Essmont Evans Field Franklin Freeling Frye Futterman Garris Garth Geiger Graham Gray Grimbridge Guilder Halavex Hammond Hanniger Hardy Harper Hawes Holland Hopkins Jachson Jarvis Jessup Junkins Kemp Kessler Kincaid Kopecky Kupfer Lane Lantz LeBay Lynch Lynn Macauley Maloney McBride McFadden McGregor McNichol Meeker Meisel Mercer Morgan Mott Nagle Nessler Newby Palmer Parker Parks Parsley Pataki Peltzer Penmark Perry Pervier Powers Priswell Repperton Richards Shote Spool Stanton Stark Statler Stavinski Steele Stevens Strauber Strode Sykes Taylor Thomas Thompson Thorn Toomey Trenton Vanders Venable Walsh Warner Weatherall Webber White
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wondererryn · 6 months
why did my friend send me this i thought we were past chain mail
" Hi can u put your name in it and send it to 10 different people We’re trying to make the longest iMessage for the 2021 Guinness World Records. Put your name below (copy it) and send it to 10 people, Don’t be th e one to break the chain
🐷Sadie 🐷
⚾️Matthew ⚾️
😎Spencer 😎
🥶Kayla 🥶
🌈Justine 🌈
📍Aniyah 📍
🤞Emily 🤞
😜Brenda 🥎
🐱Emerson 🐱
🏈 Vishal 🏈
🦊Sahithi 🦊
🐰Sravya 🐰
💃🏼Jacqueline 💃🏼
🏄 Reilly 🏄
💀⛓Corine ⛓💀
🤍Mia 🤍
🎀Aylah 🎀
🪴Merrill 🪴
💕 Kendal 💕
🍬Chloe 🍬
🍭 ♡Taylor ♡🍭
🐻Keira R.🐻
🐝✌🏽Hannah ✌🏽🐝
💖Johannah 💖
arlyn 🦥
🏵Emily 🏵
🏳️‍🌈 Rayno 🏳️‍⚧️
🥝🧸 Tessie!! 🧸🥝
🍍grace 🍍
💀 Lucas 💀
😭Pheobe 😭
🦻🏻 Sierra 🫀
🦖Gisella 🦖
🦋Nolah 🌼
🏈 Will 🤪
⚽️Noah 🤡
⚽️Caden 🇮🇪
🌸 Beatrix🌸
🦑 LuCiA🐳
🐾 Abby-Rose🐶
🥶Kylie 🤫
🌸Taylor 🌸
🌺Dailyn 🌺
🌮Jacqueline 🌯
🐱 Aria 🏊‍♀️
🍄 Evelyn 🍄
👾Isaac 👾
🍕Pearl 🍕
🐹Margaret 🐹
temped to put my name and pass it on now
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divinefqces · 2 months
⭑ 1980’s names!
name master list ☀️ this list consists of (fem) names that were majorly popular during the 1980s. i will most likely be making a similar post to this eventually including sur names, if you have any suggestions you think would fit well in this list please lmk!
A ; amanda, ashley, amber, amy, angela, april, alicia, allison, alexandra, alexis, alyssa, anne, annie, angelica, angel, angeline, ana, audrey, aubrey, autumn
B ; brittany, britney, brittney, britanny, brandy, brandi, bianca, brooke, beth, brenda, barbara, bridget, bonnie, bonnabel
C ; christina, cristina, crystina, cristinna, christine, courtney, crystal, cindy, cyndi, cassandra, chelsea, catherine, cynthia, carrie, caitlin, caitlyn, cait, casey, candace, christy, colleen, carolyn, caroline, cassie, carla, claudia
D ; diana, dana, dawn, desiree, divine, destini, destiny, deanna, dominique, deborah, danielle, debbie
E ; elizabeth, emily, erin, eren, erika, erica, ebony, evangeline, elsie
F ; fallon, felicia, fern, francine, franchesca, faye, farrah, felicity, fiona, fiora, flora, freya, frey, frida, fatima, florence, frances
G ; gemma, gwen, gwenny, gabrielle, gabriella, gen, genevieve, genette, genesis, gem, georgina, giana, ginny, giselle, gina
H ; hannah, hazel, harriet, heather, hallie, hayley, hailey, holly, hope
I ; isley, ivy, imogen, isla
J ; jess, jessica, jessy, jessie, jessyca, jen, jenny, jenni, jennifer, jacqueline, jackie, jill, joanna, jaclyn, jaime, jamie, jordan, jordy, jordyn, jass, jas, jasmine, jasmin, jazz, jazzmin, jazzmine, jenna, jade, jayde
K ; krystal, kim, kym, kimberly, kymberly, katherine, kathryn, kathy, kat, katheryne, krystina, krys, kryssie, krissie, kristen, krysten, kristyn, katie, kate, kaitlyn, kaitlin, kathleen, katrina, kelsey, kara, kendra, kelly, kelli, kari, kourtney
L ; lydia, lindsey, lindsay, laura, lauren, loren, lauryn, latoya, leslie, les, lesley, leah, linda, lynda, laury, laurie, laurey, lori, latasha, liv, leigh-anne, lacey, lacy, laci
M ; maria, mariah, moriah, melissa, melyssa, michelle, michele, mychelle, mary, marie, monica, monyca, megan, meghan, megyn, megin, melanie, misty, margaret, molly, morgan, monique, miranda, melinda, marissa, meredith, merida, meagan, mallory
N ; nicole, nichole, nycole, nicol, natalie, natalia, nat, natasha, nancy, nina
O ; octavia, odette, odessa, olivia
P ; perrie, priscilla, patricia, pamela, payton, paige, paisley
Q ; quinn, quinnie, quinni, quincy, queenie, quen
R ; rachel, rachael, rachyl, rebecca, rebecka, rebekah, renee, reneé, regina
S ; sara, sarah, steph, stef, stefanie, stephanie, stefani, stephani, samantha, sam, shannon, sharon, stacey, stacie, staci, stacy, susan, susanne, susanna, sandra, sabrina, sheena, shauna
T ; trina, tiff, tiffany, tifany, tifaney, tiffaney, tiffani, tara, tracey, tracy, traci, tina, teresa, theresa, tara, tonya, tamara, tabitha, tasha, tammy, tamika, taylor
U ; unqiue
V ; vera, veronica, vanessa, victoria, vic, vickey, valerie, val
W ; willow, whitney, whit
X ; xandra
Y ; yasmine, yessica, yazzmin, yazzmine, yasmin
Z ; zara, zarley, zarlee, zarli, zarhlee. zoey, zoe
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chaotic-catholic · 3 months
BACK OFF (NOT a ship)
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(Posted on Deviantart 2 days ago)
I got inspired by my own post about what Imanormalgurl said about the fangirls on the Gametoons Wiki and that I see the two having a aunt-nephew like relationship :) If you guys are wondering Molly (Mommy Long Legs) is clothed like a Cabaret Goth and the background is from "A day in the life on Mommy Long Legs". Don't ask for CatNap's claws I got lazy and yes I know I forgot Rosemary's sparkles :]
The post in question (posted 5 days ago)
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Yes please get rid of these weirdos, like I get in that Gametoons themselves ignored that he's a kid and the fangirls only know that he's a living toy BUT there's people out there who willingly simp for minors and make gross videos and comments including towards CatNap (just cause it might be ragebait doesn't make it any better) :/ I gave them names related to insects that attack lavenders for this reason :
- the pink haired one is Rosemary Budd, named after the Rosemary Beetle
- the blonde one is Brenda Darnell, named after Fire ant (Darnell doesn't mean ant but I couldn't find anything else)
- the black haired one with pink highlights is Gwen Mosca, named after Whitefly
Also Imanormalgurl, to answer your question about their age, Rosemary and Brenda could be around 15 to 16/17 but there's a detail that make Gwen older : her tattoo since in all states you need to be 18, of course she could had gotten permission from her parents but there's states that prohibit minors getting tattooed even with permission and since the state where Poppy Playtime Logic (or just the game) is never stated they could be in a state where you have to be 18, plus the fact that it's not garanteed her parents allowed her. I feel like she's older than the other two but either way EEEEW! MOMMY LONG LEGS COME SAVE YOUR "NEPHEW" FROM THOSE WEIRDOS PLEASE 🙏🏻
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historyhermann · 2 years
“Amphibia” Emphasizes Chosen Families and Self-Acceptance
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What if a Thai-American girl wakes up and finds herself in a world filled with talking frogs? Amphibia answers that question. Anne meets new friends, enemies, and tries to figure out her purpose in this strange world.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog (it will be published on there on Dec. 26), and Wayback Machine. This was the forty-second article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on June 25, 2022.
Amphibia is an animated adventure-fantasy-comedy series by Matt Braly, an animator of Thai descent. He is also known for directing episodes of Gravity Falls and Big City Greens.
As a warning, this recommendation discusses spoilers for all three seasons of Amphibia.
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Amphibia centers around a 13-year-old Thai-American girl, Anne Boonchuy (Brenda Song), who is transported by a music box to another world with her two best friends, Sasha Waybright (Anna Akana) and Marcy Wu (Haley Tju). In this wild land, filled with marshes and tropical environments, she meets talking frogs and other creatures, including a family of frogs named the Plantars.
This family is headed by the overbearing and traditional grandfather, Hop Pop (Bill Farmer). He has two kids-of-sorts: an excitable frog named Sprig (Justin Felbinger) and a spunky pollywog named Polly (Amanda Leighton). All of them live on a farm of their own in the close-knit town of Wartwood. As Anne bonds with the Plantars, she learns what friendship and being heroic means.
This all-ages animated series is filled with diversity, especially from its characters and voice actors. The latter are of Chinese, Indonesian, Pakistani, Japanese, and Thai descent. The show compliments this with wonderful animation, music, and background art.
Unsurprisingly, the series has been been nominated for four Annie Awards, one Daytime Emmy, and a GLAAD Media Award since it began airing in 2019. It includes some voice actors I'm familiar with, like Tress MacNeille and John DiMaggio, who voice characters in Disenchantment, as well as well-known gay actor George Takei.
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From left to right: Sasha, Marcy, and Anne with "cool anime" powers in the final episode of Amphibia, floating the air like anime heroes or Kid Cosmic protagonists
Amphibia is more than a series centered on a girl who is adopted by a family of talking frogs. While there is the classic conflict of good vs. evil, there is also a focus on family separation, self-acceptance, and trauma. As I wrote previously, all of the main protagonists have trauma on same level or another, as the friendship between all three of them faces hardships and strains.
This is all mixed together with fantasy and sci-fi elements, and even occasionally situational comedy acts. These complex characters are written in such a way that you become invested and concerned about them, even after ending the series. The series also has plotlines focused on human and animal experimentation, and robots.
This series is part of a recent set of diverse Disney animated series. Others include The Ghost and Molly McGee, a supernatural fantasy, and will-be-ending horror comedy and fantasy The Owl House. Upcoming series such as Iwaju, Moana: The Series, Tiana, Cookies & Milk, Hailey's On It!, and Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur portend a continuation of this focus.
In the case of Amphibia, Braly based the series on his trips to Bangkok, Thailand where he thought he was an outsider. He also was inspired by video games like The Legend of Zelda and Chrono Trigger. In previous interviews he said he wanted to make the main character a Thai-American because there were few Thai protagonists in TV series or films that he watched as a kid. As a result, he has said he become influenced by the Mortal Kombat and Sonic the Hedgehog franchises.
In a December 2021 interview, Braly noted the themes of immigration, alienation, and xenophobia drawn from his own experiences. All of these themes are deeply integrated into the series. Some of this is heavily informed, according to Braly, by the 1990s series, Pepper Ann. Braly also noted that frogs were chosen for the series because they are metaphor for change and their connection to Thai culture.
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Lady Olivia (right) looks at General Yunan (left) lovingly and tells her she wouldn't mind "settling down" in Wartwood with Yunan.
Amphibia is rightly praised for illustrating issues like emotional manipulation, bullying, and delightful characters. The series could also be praised for broadening "ethnic-racial representations" like Craig of the Creek and Elena of Avalor. This is something that groups like the socially conservative family-oriented non-profit, Common Sense Media, would praise.
A 2021 report from the organization notes that when people of color are portrayed stereotypically, it causes harmful views to be promoted among White audiences. This is coupled with underrepresentation of specific groups, such as Latine and Indigenous people, and misrepresentation of others.
Little mentioned is LGBTQ representation in Amphibia. Although it isn't as direct as other recent series, like Dead End: Paranormal Park or The Owl House, Braly stated that in the show's finale, they left it open as to whether someone thinks of Sasha, Marcy, and Anne romantically or not, as he loves shipping. He called it the "greatest expression of love for characters."
This gives queer fans who ship Marcanne (Marcy and Anne), Sasharcy (Sasha and Marcy), Sashanne (Sasha and Anne), or even all three in a relationship together some solace. This the case even if this so-called "Calamity Trio" are only be "gal pals" in the show's canon.
Even so, Sasha was hinted as bisexual in the show's final episode, and confirmed as such by Braly, as I noted in an earlier post. Her voice actress, Akana, is bisexual herself. She voiced Daisy in magical girl esque Magical Friendship Girl Squad: Origins and Magical Girl Friendship Squad. In the case of Daisy, Akana argued that Daisy was bisexual. However, other crew members argued she was a lesbian, and possibly trans, leading to confusion among fans.
Coming back to Amphibia, Sasha joins other LGBTQ characters such as Frodrick Toadstool and Toadie who were confirmed as a gay couple by the show's creator. More significantly is Yunan (Zahra Fazal) and Lady Olivia (Michelle Dockery) as lesbian couple. There's also Ally and Jess who run an Internet video channel together. Their colors are based off the bisexual and pansexual flags.
It is also implied that Mr. X, voiced by RuPaul, is gay, and there are some other minor LGBTQ characters. Similar to Sasha, the sexual identities of these characters are never directly stated. Mr. X is an effeminate FBI agent assisted by a silent assistant named Jenny. After Anne and frog family escape to Amphibia, Anne's birth family convince Mr. X to hear them out and to be on the same side against Andrias. This results in the military and FBI assisting Anne and her friends in the final episode.
The relationship of Yunan and Olivia, was embraced by reviewers like Jade King, who calls herself "TheGamer’s Queen of Gay Cartoons." Braly told King that the ship of these two characters was their favorite ship. He called it "very organic" and "awesome." Fans were jubilant about the news, and fully embraced it. It undoubtedly helped that Fazal was inspired by the protagonist of Darkwing Duck in voicing the character.
Considering that the final episode has a ten year time-skip, it makes the series ripe for a possible spin-off or continuation that happens in that time skip, with different protagonists than this series. While some are conflicted about a spin-off, the show could go a route a la Steven Universe Future, focusing on the aftermath of a victory, with Anne, Marcy, and Sasha having to pick up the pieces.
All three seasons of Amphibia are currently streaming on Disney+, YouTube TV, and Prime Video.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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My Bio
Age: In my early twenties
Name: Can’t tell you
Birth Date: December 14, 2002
Favorite Adult Animation Shows: Solar Opposites, Robotomy, Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, South Park, Regular Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Triptank, Lucy, Disenchantment, Futurama, The Simpsons, The Brak Show, Metalpacolypse, Soace Ghost Ciast to Coast, Central Park, Bob’s Burgers, American Dad, Clerks, Duncanville, Great North, Housebroken
Favorite Superhero Shows: Invincible, Villains of Valley View, Koala Man, Miraculous, Lab Rats, PPG ‘98, Hamster and Gretel, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Danny Phantom, Super Friends, Justice League ‘01, DC Super Girls ‘18, Static Shock, Horrorbots, Spider-Man ‘17, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Kim Possible
Favorite Cartoon Network Shows: Amazing World of Gumball, Camp Lazlo, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Dexter’s Laboratory, Time Squad
Favorite Nickelodeon Shows: SpongeBob SquarePants, Santo Bugito, Invader Zim, My Life as a Teenage Robot, El Tigre, Wonder Park, Modern Life, ICarly, Victorious, Kenan and Kel, All That
Favorite Disney Shows: Amphibia, Owl House, Ghost and Molly McGee, Hailey’s On It, Kiff, Star Darlings, Phineas and Ferb, Milo Murphy’s Law, Hannah Montana, Good Luck Charlie, Kickin It, Lab Rats
Favorite Discovery Family Shows: MLP ‘10, Aquabats Super Show
Favorite Streaming Shows: Centuarworld, Glitter Force Doki Doki
Favorite Food: Steak, Fries, Burgers, Chicken fingers, doughnuts, pancakes, bacon, fruit pastries, French toasts, fried chicken, turkey, duck, baked potatoes, hash browns, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, enchiladas, pork chops, ribs, Korean BBQ, Japanese chicken, steak fillet, Doritos, Ruffles, Cheetos, CC’s Chips, banana bread, Cheez-It’s Snaps, Goldfish
Favorite Sweets: Ice Cream, Hershey’s Chocolate, Reese’s, KitKat, Toffee, Cake, Cupcakes, Ice Cream Cakes, Skittles, Starburst, Cookies, Crumble, Cookie sandwiches, ice cream sandwiches, ice cream pops, animation character ice cream pops, sundaes, Nestle’s chocolate, Oreos
Favorite Fruits and Veggies: Asparagus, Carrots, broccoli, potatoes, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, like, grapes, apples, lettuce, cherry, bananas, coconut
Favorite drinks: Mountain Dew, Water, milk, root beer, coca-cola, tab’s, Mr. Pibbs, Pepsi, Dole’s juice brand, Fanta, Crush, Dr. Pepper, soda floats, Nesquick, smoothies
Favorite Actors: Patton Oswalt, Dan Stevens, Thomas Middleditch, John Gemberling, Will Forte, Charlie Day, Mike Sinterniklaass, Roger Craig Smith, Dan Mintz, Josh Gad, Dee Bradley Baker, Rob Schrab, Nate Corddry, Rob Corddry, Chris Pratt, Jack Black, Brian O’Halloran, Justin Feilbinger, John DiMaggio, Billy West, Oded Fehr, Michael Cusack, Zach Hadel, Phil LaMarr, Robbie Daymond, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Matthew Lillard, Kevin Michael Richardson, John Mulaney, Antanio Banderas, Richard Steven Horvitz, Brandon Rogers, Sam Riegel, Jon Heder, Andy Daly, Zeno Robinson, James Marsden, Dana Snyder, Fred Tatasciore, Rob Paulsen
Favorite Actresses: Felicia Day, Mary Mack, Lacey Chabert, Brenda Song, Stephanie Sheh, Kate MiCucci, Riki Lindhome, Kari Wahlgren, Grey DeLisle, Jenny McCarthy, Melissa Fahn, Cristina Vee, Lana Condor, Sandra Oh, Odette Anaboe, Edie Mirman, Cathy Cavadini, Tara Strong, EG Daily, Olivia Olsen, Hynden Walch, Christina Hendricks, Libe Barer, Marieve Harrington, Sarah Nicole Robles, Kimberly Brooks, Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Vannessa Hudgens, Tika Sumpter, Reba Buhr, Erica Lindbeck, Vivian Nixon
Favorite Music Genres: Rock, Classic, Pop, orchestra, country, funk, techno, dubstep, heavy metal, Christian
Favorite Band: Ice Nine Kills, Adelitas Way, Bowling For Soup, Hansen, Disturbed, Slipknot, System of a Down, Hollywood Undead, Kiss, Queen, A Day to Remember, Thousand Foot Krunch, Nightwish, Evanescence, Seether, Imagine Dragons, Skillet, Newsboys, Simple Plan, Play, Nickelback, BTS, Blackpink, aespa, Black Eyes Peas
Favorite Singer: Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, P!nk, Katy Perry, David Quetta, Jennifer Lopez, Sia, Halsey, Kelsey Belleriny, AJ Michalka, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, China Ann McClain, Ashley Tisdale, Avicci, Kelly Prickler, Aloe Blaccc, Lil Naxx, Post Malone, Eminem, Kelli Monologue, Paul Simon
Favorite Tv Genres: Animation Drama, dramedy, slapstick, comedy, animation, sci-if, romance, buddy, superhero animation, manga, anime
Favorite Movies: Hulk ‘03, Sky High, Kim Possible: So The Drama, Clerks, Incredibles, Ruby Gillman, Boy Who Cried Werewolf, Ratatouille, Alvin and the Chipmunk ‘07, Muppets in Space, Kickass, Belle, Elemental, Madagascar, Rugrats Go Wild, Wild Thorn Berrys Movie, Peanuts Franchise, Turning Red, Encanto, Emoji Movie, Ice Age Franchise (but not the Buck Wild one), G-Force, PPG Movie, Ben 10 2008 movie live action, South Park The Movie, PeeWee’s Big Adventure, Captain Underpants, Napoleon Dynamite, Jay and Silent Bob, Mallrats, Finding Nemo, Frozen, Super Mario Bros. Movie, Mitchells vs. Machines, Veggietales, Cars, 102 Dalmations, Romeo + Juliet, Small Soldiers, Godzilla vs King Kong, Godzilla: World of Monsters, Van Helsing, Hotel Transylvania, Secret Life of Pets, Sing 2
Favorite Wen Series: Annoying Orange, SMG4, Sunset Paradise, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Meta Runner, Amazing Digital Circus, Eddsworld, Murder Drones, Most Popular Girls in School, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Island, Villanos
My Skills: Typing
My Weakness: I can’t draw
Favorite Monsters: Aliens, Kaijus, wereanimals, Kaijus weremonsters, robots, werewolves, vampires, mutants, giant beasts
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