#molly complains about stupid shit
futureghost97 · 2 years
happy holidays
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
yoo whats up, i got an idea for a request.
fuckshit from mid90s x male reader if ur good with that,
was thinking it could be somewhere along the lines of enemies to lovers, and they could be all competitive and in envy of each other at first but are like actually lustful and and end up together? like reader is from a different skater friend group that owns another skate shop in town and yeah thanks dude
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warnings: swearing, enemies to lovers, mention of homophobia, underage drinking, smoking, partying, sexual innuendos, i actually really like this
they say they really hate each other, but everyone seems to doubt that
It was another day in the very busy city of Los Angeles. Summer break had made the local teens run rampant through the streets. Especially the ones that lived downtown with no way to get around and nothing to do besides skating.
The two local skate shops were ran and acted as home to two opposing or rival skater groups. The Motor Avenue boys were chill and easygoing compared to the hard nosed Xtreme teens. The oldest of the group was the tallest and most intimidating. A man of few words the seventeen year old was ‘lovingly’ nicknamed Myers. He never complained though.
“Myers where the fuck were you? We literally agreed to meet ten minutes ago.” The second oldest boy, MD, starts to nag.
“Yo, shut the fuck up. Hop off my dick MD. I was only ten minutes late. It isn’t like some Big Brother scouts are gonna see you or something in the ten minutes I missed.”
The three younger boys watch the two fight. They were used to it and didn’t care as much as MD did about time restraints. “Can we just skate? Sheesh. Everything doesn’t gotta be a fucking issue. Especially when a guy who’s government is so embarrassing he nicknamed himself after Molly wants to act tough.” MD turns back towards the sloppy boy.
Red doesn’t even get any amusement from how pissed the guy was. He just wanted to skate. “You know what Red how about-” The youngest kid, a newly fourteen year old, shushes his older brother.
“You’re embarrassing me. Just get your board MD. I wanna skate this pool, plus you promised you’d teach me to drop in.” The h/c haired boy sighs and grabs his skateboard. The two go off ahead of their friends, but stop before they fully get to the empty pool.
Myers and the two other guys walk over to see what stalled the pair when they see them. The Motor boys. “Son of a bitch. Who told those losers we found this place?” All eyes land on the other group of skaters.
“N****, who you calling a fucking loser? Look at yourself.” The very well known Fuckshit shouts out from the other side of the bowl. MD huffs before dropping his board.
"Loser? I'll beat your ass right here right now you wannabe hood rat! I’ll pull your head out of your fucking ass while I’m at it!" Both boys start to make their way to one another when Myers pulls his friend back.
MD glares at the taller boy who was making a fool out of him. "Nah we can't let them talk shit, they're lame ass wannabes Myers. Don't go sticking up for them now. No wonder Ash broke up with your pussy ass."
"Leave her out of this. I'm just stopping you from doing something stupid." MD tries to break free. but ultimately fails. He shouts at Myers, who doesn't even respond.
Myers eventually lets him down and walks over to the other side of the bowl to talk it out. "Yo Ray MD didn't mean no disrespect, but we found this spot first. MD is just pissed because he was the one who found it."
MD steps to Fuckshit. "Damn right I found it." The two begin to square each other up. Seeing who would win in a fight before actually fighting. Y/n would be damned if he let this guy get the best of him.
“Take it easy dawg. We can share the bowl. This shit is huge anyways.” Red negotiates the deal with the two parties. Ray shrugs and turns to his crew. They seemed to be fine with it, only Fuckshit had a problem. And his problem was y/n.
Soon enough both crews start to skate and show off their best tricks while trying to land new ones, but the whole time y/n and Fuckshit are attempting to one up each other. Fuckshit lands a simple ollie, y/n has to land a 360 flip. They just kept going back and forth even though the rest of the guys were chilling.
It starts to get dark fast. Summer days lasted long, but the nights lasted longer. “Yo my bitch invited me to a party, she said her private school friends are gonna be there. You know how Catholic school girls are, such fucking sluts!” The suggestion belonged to the youngest, about 15 years old, the infamous Brick. Why he was called Brick, he once beat a kid with a brick. Said it was ‘on accident’.
“Yo Myers can you drive us?” Red turns to the boy who just got out of the bowl. He just nods and picks up his board. Red wants to just pick up and leave, but he turns back towards the Motor guys. "Hey you foo's wanna hit up the function?" Y/n whips around almost angry at the suggestion.
Fuckshit turns to Ray who shrugs. The boy sees how pissed off y/n was and chuckles under his breath. "Fo sho. What's the addy?" Red writes down the address on some random piece of paper he had for some reason and both squads head on their way.
All of the Xtreme kids pile into Myers minivan, yeah he borrowed his moms car. "I don't know why you had to invite those losers Red, they're fucking buzzkills."
"You're just mad cause your gay as wants to fuck on Fuckshit or sum, pop a fucking xan and relax dude. You're looking hella weird with how much you be obsessed with the n****."
The rest of the car ride was boring, well to MD. Y/n thought staring angrily out the window was better than talking to his friends until they got to the house. That and he was contemplating what Red had said earlier, was he really that obsessed with the blond? No way, it was just a rivalry like Myers and Ray, but Myers and Ray didn't constantly look at each other from the opposite side of the skatepark.
Y/n had bigger problems to deal with when he was smack dab in the middle of a blaring party with a hoe on his right and a 40 in his left hand. "Shit ma you know I ain't about this shit." The girl was already getting annoyed at him. After ten minutes of her trying to get his attention y/n just stood there like a statue. His eyes not once wavering and glancing at the scantily dressed girl.
"Ugh you're fucking gay or something. I mean who could resist all this." She motions down her body with a smirk. Her hips sway like she's still trying to get at him.
Y/n makes a face, he wasn't exactly interested in the girl who the guys called chlamydia girl. "Anyone with standards that doesn't think with their std infected dick could." Her face turns bright red and she's livid, but he just decides to dip before she yaps his ear off. That girl was weird.
He was already buzzed when he made it outside. All of his friends were inside, but he needed a break from that shit. Y/n sits down on the bottom step, shivering slightly when the cold concrete touches his back through his tee and undershirt. Ignoring the sounds around him he lights the blunt he rolled before he left his house. His nerves steady as he starts to inhale the smoke.
"Can I get a hit of that?" Y/n looks up at Fuckshit who was taking a seat next to him. Y/n shrugs and passes the blunt to him. "You know you talk a lot of shit for someone who skates like shit." He chuckles while blowing out smoke.
Y/n turns to look at him. "Yeah and the bitches say you fuck like shit so who's really the loser?"
"You really are fucking annoying ain't you? Always got something smart to say."
"You're the one who started throwing jabs while hitting my blunt, weed isn't cheap. Well, my strain isn't."
"Damn homie thinks he's bougie cause he smokes fancy ass weed. Just shut up man you look better with your mouth shut." Fuckshit was obviously already on something, you couldn't force half of this shit out of him normally.
Y/n didn't really know what to say. "What you wanna fuck me or something man?" It was mostly meant as a joke and the rest meant to test the waters. They were supposed to hate each other, but now it was hard to tell where they stood.
Fuckshit hits the blunt again. "What if I do? Ain't no shame in my game n****, cause you be eye banging me all the damn time."
"I don't eye bang you fucker." Y/n gets in his face slightly embarrassed at the insinuation. Fuckshit just laughs and blows smoke into his face.
"Sure you don't MD. It's aight tho, I know I'm sexy."
"You know if you weren't such an asshole you'd be cuter."
"Nah you like me cause I am an asshole don't you? Ha look at you getting all nervous n shit. I make you nervous? Can't believe how little it takes to get the big bad MD nervous."
Y/n presses forward instinctively. His lips pressing against Fuckshit's to stop the onslaught of teases. "Fuck shit," The blond mumbles slightly when they pull apart.
"Come on, ain't no way you're driving home. I'll let you crash at my place. Give me your keys I'll give them to Ray then well walk to my crib." Y/n grabs the boy who had already smoked the whole blunt, selfish bastard.
"Can I get head?"
"Shut the fuck up."
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magewolf-the-artist · 7 months
Misc Domestic K-9 Thoughts Susan kinda acts as a shoulder to vent to whenever anyone needs to talk. She can’t really offer much in response or comfort since A, she’s the type to push things away and compartmentalize, and B… well, she can’t exactly promise everything’s gonna be okay, now can she? Still, sometimes it’s nice to just talk
Some days though she just kinda… shuts down emotionally. Just kinda lays on the floor and can’t find any motivation to get up or do anything. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same time, staring blankly into space
Charles usually stays with her during these episodes and depending on the day, he either just sits with her or rambles about random things like he would when they were both alive
Charles constantly does stupid shit and distracts himself because he doesn’t, he’ll start thinking about his daughter how he left them behind all his friends and family and how his daughter Lily is now without a father and that he never got to reconcile with his ex wife Emily and the fact he’s stuck in some stupid rusty metal cage and how his murder was never solved and-
Yeah, it’s best not to dwell on that. Ski ball is much more fun, anyways
Rocket only goes out at night to avoid unwanted attention. They exit and enter through the one window in the break room
On their late night excursions, Molly drags Edd to go stargazing and constantly gushes over how pretty the stars are here and points out the constellations. Edd doesn’t really understand most of it, especially her rambling about space, but he tries
Charles keeps track of the days via tally marks on one of the walls in the facility. Currently he is on day 2,553, which is off by a little over a year but it’s still pretty close considering they’ve all been stuck in a rinky dink bunker for the past 8 years
On that note, nobody else likes the calendar because it just reminds them of how long they’ve all been dead and trapped here. Charles kinda gets it but it gives him something to do, soooo…
Rosemary is kinda… frozen emotionally. She’s just as fragile and unstable as when they first got there and doesn’t do much beyond draw, think, and cry. Charles tries to get her to do stuff with him but she staunchly ignores him
Rosemary has complicated feelings regarding Rocket. On one hand she’s glad they at least had each other before she died, but she also feels like she failed them for not realizing Felix was spitting absolute bullshit and guilty that she can’t be fully there for them
She also feels like a failure of a wife and mother in general for not being able to find Jack and leaving behind Sophie
Charles kinda acts like the fun uncle to Rocket and often ropes them into his shenanigans
Everyone feels guilt about something in some way. Susan and Rosemary regret building and designing the animatronics respectively. Charles feels guilty about not finding Susan sooner. Rocket feels guilty because they feel like they’re deaths led to all this bloodshed
Now granted, Susan and Rosemary both know that neither of them could have possibly predicted any of this and Susan has assured Charles multiple times over that he wouldn’t have been able to do much for her anyways. Rocket though…
Susan is the most casual about her death and is very gallows humor about it. Rocket just kinda shrug and say, “haha yeah that sucked, anyways-“. (RETCONNED) Charles desperately tries to change the topic. Rosemary breaks down.
BSI employees who get assigned to stay at the K-9 facility complain a lot because not only is it dark, cold, and kinda creepy, but it’s boring. This and the fact it’s used to store everything from the original Bon’s Burgers, it’s jokingly referred to as The Graveyard Shift
I imagine Rocket overhears this one day and tells the others. Everyone kinda laughs at how unintentionally accurate that title is
Edd and Molly like to make fun of Bon a lot for a variety of things, but especially him not instantly killing his victims so they don’t scream (Geez, you’d think for someone who’s killed a bunch of people, you’d be better at it by now!)
This REALLY gets under Bon’s skin because he doesn’t understand why these children don’t fear him. The only reason he doesn’t retaliate though is because he knows he’ll get his ass kicked
Everyone else has differing reactions to Bon. Susan thinks he’s annoying as hell and isn’t afraid to let him know it, Charles is extremely unnerved by him, and Rosemary has a panic attack at the merest glimpse of him
Ashley is still a mess and everyone feels very sorry for her. They welcomed her into the fold right away and she usually hangs out with Rosemary, since they’re both extremely depressed
Ashley, Kevin, and Hilary completely covered one of the walls in drawings of penises while they were there. It’s one of the few things that can cheer Ashley up and she goes there if she’s feeling particularly nostalgic
Rosemary has banned Rocket from going near said wall and I imagine that conversation went something like this:
Rosemary: Edd, Molly, I don’t want to you to go near that wall anymore!
Edd: But moooom-
Rosemary: Don’t ‘but mom’ me! I don’t want you looking at such obscenities-
Molly: But mom, we would’ve already had the birds and the bees talk if we were still alive!
Rosemary: … *pauses for a moment, before slumping over and violently sobbing*
Edd: … Oh good going, Molly, you made mom cry!
Molly: Well it’s not my fault! I didn’t know she was gonna cry about that-
Edd: She cries about EVERYTHING, Molls. What did you THINK was going to happen?!
*They dissolve into unintelligible bickering as Rosemary continues to have a breakdown*
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cakeraa · 2 months
fred and george
ok but with molly and her siblings fabian and gideon. "gideon and fabian don't ring me up to tell me they love me; they ring me up to tell me stupid jokes and tease me when I complain about my problems."
isn't that something fred and george would do too? and i wonder how much molly misses her siblings. that she named her twins with the same initial. and how her twins are the same as her siblings. this shit is hard i need a break but i don't wanna take a break ykwim
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slytherin-girly · 2 years
Dance with me/a Draco Malfoy one-shot
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House: u choose
Year: 4th
{Y/n pov}
Professor mcgonagall was telling everyone about how the yule ball was a tradition ever since way back when
She had given an example of dancing with ron it was so hard to hold back s laugh when I looked at his face
"Alright now pair up and find someone to dance with" professor mcgonagall instructed
Everyone was scattered everywhere looking for someone to pair up with
"Drakieeee let's danceee" obnoxious pansy said
"I dont really want to parkinson"
"Okay this isnt going to work. I will pair you up"
"Pansy and... crabbe, hermione and ronald, harry and... ginny, draco and.. y/n" i was taken aback by her words but I'm not complaining
She kept going on and on until everyone had a partner
"Hi y/n"
Draco greeted me
"Hello draco" I smiled up at him
I over heard pansy trying to switch her partner out
"No you cannot switch, go back now or I will make you dance with flich" pansy groans and went back to crabbe
"Alright start"
Draco and I were dancing pretty good actually he is an amazing dancer any girl he asks to the ball would be crazy if she said no and I'd personally slap her to maybe knock some sense into her
"You're quite the dancer l/n"
"Thank you, you too" I felt my cheeks heat up oh god he's so fucking hot up close
"What do you think you're doing?!" Little miss pug face screeches
Ugh not this shit..... again..
"What the fuck do you want Parkinson"
"Stop trying to still drakie from me!!!" Shit head screeches again
"I wasn't trying I cant control professor mcgonagal can I? Nope, so please with all do respect, not that I have any for you," I laugh, "please politely fuck off!" I yell the ending louder than I initially intended
"What the hell is going on here parkinson" draco yells coming through the corridors walking towards us
"Well- I- i- uhm-" she stammers
"Leave y/n alone! You and your little gang over there better get going before I hex you all" he snapped at them
And yet they all quickly went and followed wherever Parkinson went
Stupid bloody gits
"Are you okay?" He voice softened
"O-oh yeah I'm good," I stuttered, "but why did you do that?"
"Because y/n you're-" he stops himself mid-way into his sentence
"I'm what?" I asked generally curious
"Listen- I really like you y/n except I never got the courage to even talk to you, I've been watching you for awhile and you're just so perfect and beautiful, almost to pure for this world, like a ray of sunshine, you're perfect-"
I kissed him
His face had a mixture of shock, and happiness, cheeks reddening
"Oh shut up and kiss me"
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backgroundbaker · 1 year
Midnight: Fic 5 for @remadoramicrofics
Content warning for some mild swearing and the during-HBP-setting on this one
It's midnight on Christmas day, or maybe that makes it Boxing day. She had spent Christmas working, happy to take the increased holiday pay and the promise of a distraction from the festivities. Unfortunately, it had been so dull that she hadn't really been able to keep her mind away from the Burrow and Christmas and him. She should have gone to her parents, but she knew they'd have a barrage of questions for her that she didn't fancy answering. Her plan was to pop round for dinner at some point on New Year's Eve instead, though this was also so she could have an excuse not to celebrate it with her friends or colleagues or anyone else.
She brushes her teeth whilst sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, staring at the peeling plaster on the opposite wall. It's an incredibly boring piece of plaster and she can't stop her mind from drifting to things it shouldn't - mainly what her day might have been like had she accepted Molly's invitation to dinner. Would people have fussed over her and her dull brown hair? Would they have been awkward about her awkwardness, her inability to laugh and joke like she used to? Would she have coped with all the people? Would she have behaved around him?
She doesn't like the picture she paints in her head, yet she can't help but long for it. She misses the old normal and the old her, before everything turned to shit. Of course she knew that in war situations can change for the worse in the blink of an eye, and part of her is angry at herself for reacting so strongly to it. Why can't she just get on with it like everyone else. It was embarrassing really, that little miss auror was taking everything so much harder than the rest of them. It was positively shameful that such a huge part of her misery was caused by a bloody pig headed man, who she may or may not have driven to a suicide mission (she was unaware that her love would be that awful) and who she still loved so deeply it hurt.
Her mind was wandering too far now, it always did at midnight. She schooled herself to start thinking about the positives of the day. Hogwarts was beautiful in the snow, and as most parents no longer felt safe leaving their children there for the holidays, she'd had the grounds pretty much to herself. She had enjoyed a lovely catch up with Professor Sprout after breakfast and spent some time feeding the thestrals. No student had been cursed by a mysterious object, which was a big win these days. Dawlish had taken a whole week off for the holidays so he wasn't around to annoy her. So, all in all, she couldn't complain too much about her Christmas.
Remus was lying awake on the bed Molly had given to him for the evening. It was midnight, Boxing day, and he was allowing himself one last sleep in comfort before returning to the packs. The problem was, he couldn't actually sleep. The mattress was comfy and the room was pleasantly warm, but neither of those things could overcome his racing thoughts.
He couldn't keep Tonks out of his mind. If he was being honest, he had never stopped thinking about her and he wasn't trying particularly hard to fight it either. It had gotten worse when he arrived at the Burrow, with Molly playing those stupid love songs all Christmas Eve. He had spent that evening secretly hoping that Tonks would show up at dinner the next day. Obviously, she didn't, but that didn't stop her name being thrown around the table, nor did it stop Harry asking questions about her damn wolf patronus. He was actually grateful when Percy and the Minister turned up and the room descended into family drama, whilst Scrimgeour whisked Harry away.
Now he was thinking about her again. It didn't help that he had been given Charlie's old room to stay in, and that Charlie had littered his walls and surfaces with photos of his Hogwarts friends. Remus had done the same when he was at school, but he hadn't been friends with Tonks, who appeared in many of Charlie's photographs. Most of them moved and he felt uncomfortably like she was staring at him, watching him from all directions with a smile on her face. (Seeing old school pictures of her, that weren't really all that old, should have been an encouragement for him to stop thinking about her, but it only made her feel inescapable.)
Even when he closes his eyes, his mind plays out fantasies for him where they're together. They aren't always the inappropriate variety of fantasy - though sometimes they are - mostly he just imagines himself being happy with her, having a normal life with her by his side. Or he relives those early order missions last year, where they worked so well together. She's called Dora in his mind, the name she allowed him to use when he said Tonks felt too impersonal. He lets these scenarios with Dora play out, he enjoys them and savours them, knowing they could never be real. He feels a bit guilty about that, especially as he had told Tonks to forget him and stop thinking about him. But he reckons that he can't stop her if she does think of him and so no-one can stop him thinking of her either. Not even him. Not even when it's midnight and he really should be sleeping.
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archivesofthevoid · 1 year
Send help, I can't stop thinking about Miles in a Weasley jumper
100% Miles would have one
And it was given to him by Molly bc I'm imagining Miles being in the HP universe and he's best friends with the golden trio
Hobie would be besties with the twins,,,
Like I'm sitting here thinking about it now and Hobie and Miles visit the burrow one Christmas and just Molly already has jumpers for them. Hobie would be like "haha nice" but this man would be crying on the inside probably. Miles himself would actually start bawling-
ALSO RIO AND MOLLY GETTING ALONG??? they're going on about their silly kids and the stupid shit they do but also complain about their husbands together. I need this in my life now
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years
PowerPoint #1: Louis Weasley
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Hadley (OC), under her breath: This'll be good. James Sirius, nudging Alice II: You might wanna put the book down for this. Alice II, looking up from her book: Oh my god, this is gonna be a disaster. Fred II, sarcastically: Not passive aggressive whatsoever. Louis, ignoring him: Onto the next slide.
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Lucy, leaning over: Hey, Hads, how much do you wanna bet that this becomes very personal, very quickly? Hadley (OC): I'm not taking that bet, I'm not stupid. Lucy, under her breath, bitter: Debatable.
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Fred II: This is the most passive aggressive thing I have ever seen, I swear to god. Louis: No one asked for your opinion. Alice II, apologetically: He's not wrong, Lou.
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Lucy, deadpanning: This isn't feeling very arbitrary, Louis. James Sirius: Yeah, and didn't you make the rule that this couldn't be personal? Louis: Look, I never claimed to not be a hypocrite. Fred II: Okay, but when my PowerPoint breaks the rules, you're not allowed to complain.
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Lucy: Okay, the arson thing was one time! Fred II: We promised not to bring up the incident with the selkie! Alice II, who has been in quiet shock this entire time: I kinda wanna ask, but I definitely don't want to know. Hadley (OC): How do you have better health? Louis: Glad you asked. For example, you and Alice go to the Hospital Wing about once or twice a month. James, Fred, and Lucy however, go about once or twice a week. James Sirius: This really isn't feeling very arbitrary. Louis, ignoring Lucy, Fred II, and James Sirius' protests: Moving on.
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James Sirius: This is definitely no longer arbitrary. Lucy: Molly does not count! I have seen her do so much shit, I swear to god! Fred II, mostly to himself: I'm honestly just happy Rox isn't on there. Lucy: And does Hadley have common sense? The things she keeps in her bag.... Hadley (OC): I'm right here. I can hear you. And I have more common sense than you! James Sirius, ignoring Hadley (OC): And hasn't she been arrested? Hadley (OC): You can't prove it. James Sirius: You literally texted the group chat asking us to bail you out. Alice II, thoughtfully: I say she counts. She has common sense, she just likes to ignore it sometimes. Hadley (OC): Thank you, Alice. At least someone here agrees. Louis: I agree! That's what started this whole thing in the first place! Hadley (OC): You don't count. Your common sense is dubious at best. Louis: HOW DARE- Alice II: MOVING ON. Louis, the next slide please?
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Fred II: Yeah, this isn't arbitrary.
Lucy: Bitch, it's never been arbitrary. Alice II: Lou, how many slides left? Louis: That was the last one. Alice II, muttering: Thank god. Hadley (OC): Who's up next? Fred II, knowing full well it's his turn: Lucy's.
Masterlist >Lucy
(credit for the art: Alice is by Sam Yang, Lucy, Molly, Fred, and James are by Viria, and Hadley is by likelyhood on YouTube)
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vampyrenn · 2 years
Birthday Gift (Fezco O’Neill x F!Reader)
♡ 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ♡
♡ 𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 ♡
↠ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣: Fezco O’Neill ⌈Euphoria ⌋
↠𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: Your boyfriend Fez gets you a gift for your special day.
↠𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 1.4K
↠𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: Fluff, No Y/N, No physical reader descriptions aside from fem leaning fashion, one suggestive bit at the very end
↠𝔸/ℕ: YALL ain’t even know I’m about to fuckin explode on the Fez scene I got like 5 more of these cookin, please enjoy bbys!
The first time Fez saw her, it was across the dance floor of some shitty house party. He was dealing on the couch, looked up from a handshake, and the crowd parted like the damn Red Sea, with her right in the middle.
He was immediately hit with the thought that she looked like summer, all sheer pastels and silks against soft skin. Even from this far, in the haze and low lights, he could see the glitter shimmering on her cheeks, casting her in a glow. Maybe it was the weed, but Fezco thought she looked like a daydream, or an angel.
Time slowed to a crawl. Then she caught his eye and smiled, sweet and gentle, and he knew it was over.
When the song finished she approached him. Fez hoped it wasn’t too obvious how much he’d wanted her to.
“I like your chains.” She spoke like she was going to laugh, lilting and breathy, but her eyes made him feel like he was in on the joke, so he smirked back.
“Yeah? You got good taste, Ma.”
Her grin turned wicked and she sat down next to him, just a little too close to be friendly. Her perfume enveloped him, sugary and dizzying.
“I know.”
You hadn’t expected that night to change so much about your life, but now, sitting in Fez’s car on your birthday with his hand on your thigh while he drove you to his place?
You didn’t have it in you to complain. Especially not when he was dangling the promise of a gift in front of you.
“Don’t be stupid.” He swatted your thigh playfully “Course I got my girl somethin’.”
“Well, if I can’t change your mind…” you deadpanned, giving up the fight immediately. Even with all your protesting, you couldn't hide the pure excitement at the idea of him getting you something, and he knew it. “you know, you’re probably the first guy who’s gotten me more than, like, shitty Italian and bad head. It’s only up from here.”
Fez grinned, looking away from the road for a second to glance at you. He loved when you said shit like that, let him know that he was the best you’d ever had. He planned to keep it that way.
You were bouncing in your seat by the one he pulled up to his place, your excitement so infectious Fez couldn't help but smile the entire way into the house. With one of his hands on the small of your back, he led you to his bedroom.
Not a surprise party, then, but whatever. Crossing that off your mental list, you watched him shuffle in a drawer for a second, nervous energy coming off of him in waves.
“You remember the night we first met?”
You softened instantly, transported a million miles away, back to that sort of boring house party with the handsome stoner on the couch, blue eyes fixed only on you. “Of course, why?”
Ugh, even your voice sounded dreamy. What did this man do to you?
He placed a small, wrapped gift box in your hand and sat next to you, conveniently avoiding your eyes as he ducked his head.
The box was a little bigger than your palm, rectangular, and perfectly white with a pretty pink bow. You already felt tears welling up at the sight of it.
“Aw shit, don’t cry on me, Ma. You ain't even open it yet.”
“Shut up, Don’t judge me. Did you tie the bow yourself?”
He grinned, ducking his head again, running a hand over his head. “Duh. Tyin’ all them baggies gotta be good for somethin’.”
You snorted, “I’m sure the junkies of East Highland appreciate the pretty bows you add to their molly.”
“You gonna open the box, or you just think that’s the gift, Ma?” He was smirking now, all of his nerves forgotten. You just had that effect on him, he figured.
“I almost don’t want to untie it. It’s so cute.” In the next second you had pulled the ribbon and tossed it onto the bed next to you. Fez huffed a laugh, and you elbowed him to shut him up.
You almost regretted it when you lifted the lid of the box. Laying on a bed of pink silk was the prettiest gold chain you had ever seen. It was thin and delicate,chained together almost daintily, like a flower crown. You tried to blink away the tears that were blurring your vision, turning your watery eyes to Fez, who was anxiously watching your reaction.
He lifted his chin that had been resting on his folded hands, hesitant. “Good tears?”
You breathed shakily, trying to control yourself. “Great tears. I love it.” You whispered, looking back down at the gift. It probably seemed stupid, crying over a necklace, but you knew it meant so much more. Fez had put way more thought into this than you would have predicted. “Help me put it on?”
You both shifted, Fez taking the box from you and turning so that he could close the clasp from behind. The cold metal was offset by the soft heat of his fingers against the nape of your neck, and you shivered, from which feeling, you didn’t know.
He grumbled from behind you after a few seconds. “Damn, why’s this shit so fuckin’ tiny?”
“C’mon babe. Ash can do it for me in like ten seconds.” You teased, breaking out into a laugh as Fez huffed in indignation,
“Kids got small hands, Ma.” He muttered, then breathed in sharply, “Besides, if my plans go right, by the end of the night you gonna take everything off but the chain.” Before you could even respond, he finally managed to get the clasp in place. “Got it. Hell yeah.”
“Good job hon.” You had to stop yourself from telling him it was a little too tight. He could have his small victory if it meant you got to hear the smile in his voice while he did it.
The chain settled against your throat and he kissed the back of your neck, like the cherry on top, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder as you leaned into him, sighing happily.
This was heaven, for sure.
“Happy Birthday, baby.”
“Thanks, Fezzy,” you whispered, reaching behind you to cradle his cheek, scratching his beard with your nails. He hummed deep in his chest, squeezing you tighter to him in appreciation. “Love you.”
“Yeah?” Your heart swelled at his audible joy. “Love you too, baby.”
“Mhm.” You smiled, turning in his arms to face him, “We’re such a fucking power couple. Matching chains? I love it.” He smirked.
“I see the way those fools look at you. Gotta let everyone know you’re my girl.” As you both spoke he moved backwards, shifting so that you were settled in his lap, knees against his hips. It felt so natural, trying to be as close to him as possible, neither of you thought twice about it. Fez hadn’t thought he was very touchy, but when you came along he realized he always needed to be in contact with you, like you were his new center of gravity.
That was probably disgusting, but you had changed that about him too. Ash hated it.
Trying to be smug even as your heart fluttered, you corrected him quickly, “actually, it means everyone knows you’re mine.” You gently hooked one of your fingers in his chains, pulling it slightly. He sucked in a breath, and instead of responding, he kissed you.
“What, not even a kiss goodnight?” It’s 2 am, and Fez was leaving the party. You reach out, using manicured fingers to grab both of Fez’s chains at once and pull his face to you, leaning up. There’s no real force behind it, but he feels like your half closed eyes are enough to crush him as you stand on your toes to reach him. He says a prayer in his head, something about acceptance, and bends down to meet you.
“Told you, Ma. Everything but the chain.” He breathed in your ear, and the sound that came out of you was somewhere between a laugh and a moan. It was much later, after dinner and a party, and Fez had lived up to his earlier promises. Always did. “Love you so much.”
“Love you too…leave your chains on?”
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
The Seven Potters Plan Part 1 • R.L
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Nope, just wanted to torture myself with this idea :)
Summary: Harry Potter needs to be relocated from his house in Surrey to the Burrow, however, because he’s not quite seventeen yet, he still has the Trace. Your father, Mad-Eye Moody, comes up with a Plan B. Here’s how it goes.
Warnings: canon character death, canon Deathly Hallows, cursing, death, grieving, mention of injury and blood, death eaters, Voldemort, just a lot of hurt/angst
Word Count: 2.6k
A.N: So the first like 1k words are taken straight from the book. Why? Because I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff. Implied that you’re Remus’ age, the two of you are married, why do I think of these things? I’m like 99% sure I made this gender neutral? But if I didn’t like let me know. I know this is angsty, but I hope you all enjoy. Love you all ❤️
EDIT: So the full fic exceeded 250 word blocks, which is shit because this is not meant to be split up. Meaning, the ending is abrupt because I had to split the whole thing. This is fucking stupid, but whatever. Please don’t forget to read Part 2 for the whole story
“All right, all right, we’ll have time for a cozy catch up later!” Your father roars from beside you, cutting off Harry’s conversation with Tonks.
A silence falls over the kitchen, everyone staring uneasily in his direction. You tinker with the zipper on your jacket, nervous about the next few hours.
“As Dedulus probably told you,” He continues, one eye glaring at Harry, the other rolling around in its restraint. “we had to abandon Plan A. Pius Thicknesse has gone over, which gives us a big problem. He’s made it an imprisonable offense to connect this house to the Floo Network, place a Portkey here, or Apparate in or out.” You watch his knuckles turn white, the grip on his staff tightening in anger. “All done in the name of your protection, to prevent You-Know-Who getting in at you. Absolutely pointless, seeing as your mother’s charm does that already. What he’s really done is to stop you from getting out of here safely.”
Harry’s lips tug into a frown.
“Second problem: you’re underage, which means you’ve still got the Trace on you.”
Harry glances around the room, dark eyebrows knit together in confusion. “I don’t—“
“The Trace, the Trace!” Mad-Eye continues impatiently. “The charm that detects magical activity around under-seventeens, the way the Ministry finds out about underage magic! If you, or anyone around you, casts a spell to get you out of here, Thicknesse is going to know about it, and so will the Death Eaters.”
You swallow roughly at the mere thought of being swarmed by Death Eaters unprepared.
A calloused hand grabs yours, and just by the feel you recognize it at Remus’. His hand is warm and comforting in your grasp.
“We can’t wait for the Trace to break, because the moment you turn seventeen you’ll lose all the protection your mother gave you. In short: Pius Thicknesse thinks he’s got you cornered good and proper.”
“So what are we going to do?” Harry questions, his determined tone hiding fragility behind his words.
“We’re going to use the only means of transport left to us, the only ones the Trace can’t detect, because we don’t need to cast spells to use them: brooms, thestrals, and Hagrid’s motorbike.” You father answers gruffly.
You squeeze your husband’s hand hard as you shift around. You hated this plan. It left you all open and vulnerable, and the pit in your stomach was screaming at you that something bad was going to happen. But it was, in reality, the only way to safely get Harry away from his house.
A skeptical look flashes across Harry’s face as well, though he doesn’t say anything.
“Now, your mother’s charm will only break under two conditions: when you come of age, or“—Mad-Eye makes a head gesture around the kitchen, his pockets jingling.—“you no longer call this place home. You and your aunt and uncle are going your separate ways tonight. In the full understanding that you’re never going to live together again, correct?”
He nods.
“So this time, when you leave, there’ll be no going back, and the charm will break the moment you’re outside it’s range. We’re choosing to break it early, because the alternative is waiting for You-Know-Who to come and grab you the moment you turn seventeen.”
The cool metal zipper is still between your fingers, a distraction from all of the grim looks around the room.
“The one thing we’ve got on our side is that You-Know-Who doesn’t know we’re moving you tonight.” Mad-Eye informs him. “We’ve leaked a fake trail to the Ministry: they think you’re not leaving until the thirtieth. However, this is You-Know-Who we’re dealing with, so we can’t just rely on him getting the date wrong; he’s bound to have a couple of Death Eaters patrolling the skies in this general area, just in case.”
You swallow roughly at the thought.
“So, we’ve given a dozen different houses every protection we can throw at them. They all look like they could be the place we’re going to hide you, they’ve all got some connection with the Order: my house, Kingley’s place, (Y/n) and Lupin’s, Molly’s Auntie Murial’s—you get the idea.”
“Yeah.” Harry responds, nodding once again.
“You’ll be going to Tonk’s parents.” You father goes on to explain. “Once you’re within the boundaries of the protective enchantments we’ve put on their house, you’ll be able to use a Portkey to the Burrow. Any questions?”
“Er—yes.” Harry stutters. “Maybe they won’t know which of the twelve safe houses I’m heading for at first, but won’t it be sort of obvious once”—he starts counting the heads around him—“fifteen of you fly off toward Tonk’s parents’?”
“Ah,” You scoff. “And here’s the kicker.”
Harry looks at you with a frown. Your father lightly jabs you with his staff.
“I forgot to mention the key point.” Mad-Eye scowls. “Fifteen of us won’t be flying to Tonk’s parents’s. There will be seven Harry Potters moving through the skies tonight, each of them with a companion, each pair heading for a different safe house.” He takes out his old flask from the inside pocket of his jacket.
“I hate this plan.” You mutter under your breath. Remus’ fingers trace figure eights between your knuckles.
“No!” Harry loudly protests. “No way!” His hands are balled into fists as he frantically looks at all of you surrounding him.
“I told you he’d take it like this.” Hermione lightly points out.
“If you think I’m going to let six people risk their lives—!“
“—because it’s the first time for all of us.” Ron rolls his eyes at his friend.
“This is different, pretending to be me—“
“Well, none of us really fancy it, Harry.” One of the twins jokes. “Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny, gits forever.”
Harry doesn’t smile but the other twin lets out a snort.
“You can’t do it if I don’t cooperate, you need me to give you some hair.” Harry stubbornly tells you all.
“Well, that’s the plan scuppered.” One twin dramatically sighs. “Obviously there’s no chance at all of us getting a bit of your hair unless you cooperate.”
“Yeah, fourteen of us against one bloke who’s not allowed to use magic; we’ve got no chance!” The other teases.
“Funny.” Harry sarcastically remarks. “Very funny.”
“If it has to come to force, then it will.” Mad-Eye growls.
“Dad!” You yelp, the idea of piling on top of this kid just to get a strand of hair repulsive to you.
Your father glances at you, face softening, though only slightly. You’re probably the only one who notices. The perks of growing up with him, you guess.
“Everyone here’s overage, Potter, and they’re all prepared to take the risk.”
Taking a deep breath, you focus back on your anchor. Remus’ hand is honestly the only thing keeping you from succumbing to a total breakdown.
“Let’s have no more arguments! Time’s wearing on. I want a few of your hairs, boy, now.”
“But this is mad!” Harry laughs humorlessly. “There’s no need—“
“No need!” You dad snarls. “With You-Know-Who out there and half the Ministry on his side? Potter, if we’re lucky, he’ll have swallowed the fake bait and he’ll be planning to ambush you on the thirtieth, but he’d be mad not to have a Death Eater or two keeping an eye out, it’s what I’d do. They might not be able to get at you or this house while your mother’s charm holds, but it’s about to break and they know the rough position of this place. Our only chance is to use decoys. Even You-Know-Who can’t split himself into seven.”
You let out a sigh, watching as he quickly glances at his friends.
“So, Potter—some of your hair, if you please.”
Still, he’s hesitant.
“Now!” Your dad barks, causing Harry to jump ever so slightly.
Silently, Harry brings a hand up to the top of his head and yanks at his hair as hard as he can, effectively pulling tufts of hair out. He barely even winces.
“Good.” Mad-Eye limps over to him, his prosthetic clanging against the white tiles. He waves the flask in front of him. “Straight in here, if you please.”
He drops them in and as the potion bubbles and sizzles, Ron and Hermione take a glance over his shoulders.
“Right then, all the fake Potters line up over here, then.” Mad-Eye grunts.
Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur casually line up in the kitchen like they aren’t participating in something that might just kill them.
You also notice someone missing.
“We’re one short.” Remus observes.
“Here.” Hagrid grunts, shoving his way through, practically dragging Mundungus by the collar of his brown and dirty robes. He’s placed next to Fleur, who promptly shifts to stand between the twins. You don’t blame her.
“I told you,” Mundungus complains. “I’d sooner be a protector.”
“Shut it.” Mad-Eye growls. “As I’ve already told you, you spineless worm, any Death Eater we run into will be aiming to capture Potter, not kill him. Dumbledore always said You-Know-Who would want to finish Potter in person. It’ll be the protectors who have got the most to worry about, the Death Eaters’ll want to kill them.”
A cold chill runs down your spine. You were to be paired with another protector, mostly because your dad wanted you to be protected as well as the Potter you were guarding. In any other situation you would’ve argued against it, that you were more than capable of handling it all on your own, but this was different. You were absolutely terrified of being on your own.
It’s quiet as Mad-Eye pours the Polyjuice Potion into separate glasses. When the six of them drink the space is filled with gags and gasps as they morph into Harry Potter.
The Harry’s being to change, but you’re too caught up in your own thoughts to pay attention to any witty remarks. Anxiety courses through your veins and your foot taps against the floor.
When all of them are done, Mad-Eye starts announcing the pairs.
“The pairs will be as follows.” He declares, one eyes trained in the parchment in front of him, the other gazing at everyone. “Mundungus will be traveling with me by broom—“
“Why am I with you?” Demands a Harry in the back.
“Because you’re the one that needs watching!” You shout, glaring at the form that now backs away.
“Arthur and Fred—“
“I’m George!” Laughs one of the Harry’s. “Can’t even tell us apart when we’re Harry!”
“Sorry, George—“
“I’m only yanking your wand, I’m Fred really—“
“Enough messing around!” Mad-Eye growls. “The other one—Fred or George or whoever you are—you’re with Remus.”
You bump shoulders with the man next to you.
“Miss Delacour—“
“I’m taking Fleur on a thestral.” Bill interjects. “She’s not that fond of brooms.”
“Miss Granger with Kingsley and (Y/n), again on a thestral—“
Hermione smiles warmly at you and Kingsley, though it’s actually Harry’s crooked grin.
You aren’t surprised with who your father’s paired you with, Kingsley was honestly the only person he trusted with his life. He felt safest with the two of you together. And Hermione was resourceful as well, making the three of you probably the best team.
“Which leaves you and me, Ron!” Tonk’s cheers, hair fluctuating between pink and orange.
Ron, however, doesn’t look too pleased with the setup.
Harry and Hagrid are of course paired up together on his motorbike.
“I make it three minutes until we’re supposed to leave.” Your father grunts, glancing at his pocket watch. “No point locking the back door, it won’t keep the Death Eaters out when they come looking...come on...”
You turn to Remus, eyes suddenly brimming with tears. The lump in your throat makes it hard to breathe.
“You stay safe, alright?” You whisper, voice cracking.
“Hey, look at me, love.” He utters softly. A finger rests on the bottom of your chin, faces close together. Reluctantly you bring your gaze up to his own honey brown ones, shining with unshed tears. “We’ll be alright, yeah? We’ll be fine.” He tried his best to be convincing, he really does, but it falls flat.
Whatever movement is happening around you fades away.
“I love you, Remus.” You force out almost breathlessly. You might tell him this everyday but he needs to know. He needs to understand it.
“I love you, (Y/n).” He kisses you, lips chapped against your own, but it doesn’t even matter. “I’ll see you soon.”
Hesitantly, the two of you part, him to one of the twins and you to your father.
While everyone else is preparing and saying possibly their final words, your father stands alone, surveying the space.
“Let me have a look at you, yeah?” He grunts, eyes raking over your figure as you approach. “Just like your mother.”
“Mum probably would’ve thought this was a stupid idea too.” You attempt to joke.
You father rests his heavy hands on your shoulders, the weight oddly comforting.
“Yeah well, she thought all my plans were stupid.” He mutters. “She’d be proud, y’know? Fighting for what’s right.”
Your lip trembles which your father notices immediately.
“Oh, c’mere.” He wraps his arms around you, engulfing you in a rare hug.
Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody was the best Auror out there with a tough exterior that frightened most to death, but he was always a soft and caring father when it came to you.
“Don’t cry, (Y/n), hm?” His scruffy chin rests on top of your head. “I love ya, I know I don’t say it too often, but I do. I’m so proud...” His own gruff voice catches at the end.
“I love you too, dad.” You sniff, pulling away and wiping your eyes with your sleeves. “You’ll be alright with Mundungus?”
“Eh, the little bastard’s harmless.” He shrugs, trying to wipe his own eye quickly. “If you don’t come back in one piece, Kingsley’ll never see the light of day, though.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” You chuckle.
Mad-Eye glances at his watch. “Damnit.” He mutters. “We’ve got to go. Stay safe, (Y/n).”
“You too, dad.” You reply, making your way to Hermione and Kingsley at your ride.
Your thestral is dark and practically skin and bone like usual. Being in two iterations of the Order of the Phoenix has unfortunately granted you to see threstrals in all their hauntingly beautiful glory.
“Good luck, everyone!” Mad-Eye shouts. “See you all in about an hour at the Burrow! On the count of three. One...two...THREE!”
You hang on tightly to the Harry in front of you, Kingsley guiding the animal to soar into the night sky, the wind almost taking your breath away. You have your wand at the ready, pointing into the void.
Hands shake both from the cold atmosphere and the nerves running through you.
All you do is blink, and five hooded figures have you surrounded, deathly close to you.
“We’ve got company!” You shout over the roaring wind.
You and Hermione fire off spells, Kingsley trying to multitask, but getting away from the cloaked figures was a bit more important.
The two of you try to dodge the best you can, but it’s hard when you’re sitting on the back of a horse.
You don’t know what you cast in the moment, but your body seizes and suddenly one drops like an anvil to the ground below.
The bone chilling feeling of death overtakes you and You-Know-Who, shrouded in a black cloak, quickly rushes past the three of you.
The battle seems like it lasts forever, the back and forth of spells almost unbearable, but eventually you make it to your meeting point, completely exhausted.
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco @mullthingsoverinthehotwater
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futureghost97 · 1 year
cried for an hour, read some of my depression poetry from fall semester, my mother called, now back to packing up my entire apartment
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imaginedxlan · 4 years
Drivers License Pt. 2 (Ron Weasley)
a/n: You guys absolutely went off for part 1, thank you so so much!! Someone requested that I make a part 2 where y/n finally gets a happy ending, but without ron so I decided to kind of run with the idea, this time sort of from ron’s point of view.
disclaimer: the timeline in the books/movie are gonna line up in this one. I know they didn’t have a seventh year and i know ron kissed lavender before winter but this is obv not cannon, go with it, also fred dying was a prank anyway so YOU THOUGHT it would be included. absolutely not. 
After taking y/n’s affection for granted, Ron realizes he’s made a huge mistake when she’s moved on to be happy without him
warning(s): cussing, sadness, broke my own heart writing this
Pay attention to the gif, keep it in your mind towards the end. 
Part 1
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And all my friends are tired Of hearing how much I miss you, but I kinda feel sorry for them 'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do
It took a long time for you to move on from Ron, you didn’t have to look very far to do so. Ginny had told off Ron one night for hurting you without realizing the twins were awake and hearing all the nasty things Ron put you through. By that point he and Hermione were no longer together, she realized he was too good of a friend to lose to a ‘stupid school relationship.’ So now he was alone, completely clueless to the fact that someone else had begun pining over you. 
“Merlin, not this again.” Harry groans into his textbook. The wizarding world was on the verge of destruction and all Ron could speak about was how much he missed you. “Ron, we get it you fucked up with her, get over it.”
The boys had heard the same speech everyday. He would first start off with ‘I know I say this a lot’ then go onto name the things he misses most about you. Your hair, your eyes, your laugh, how small your hands are compared to his. He then groans about how stupid he is for, well, everything. 
“I never heard you talk about her before now,” Dean adds, actually semi-invested in the drama that surrounded Ron’s love life. “Whats so special about her anyway?”
How could he even begin to explain what was so special about you. As much as he wished he could say he lied to you about everything he said to you, how easy it would be if he never gave a shit about you, that just isn’t the case. You had this way of making him feel safe whenever he held you. He wasn’t lying when he told you that you felt like home, he just didn’t mean to say it to soon. Maybe that was the reason he decided to kiss Lavender Brown, knowing you were watching. He wanted to push you away in the most hurtful way possible that you never even thought about coming back to him, but immediately regretted that decision. 
You also had this weird hold on him, even when he was with Hermione, he would catch a glimpse of your smile and his heart would drop into his stomach. He would see your eyes sparkle in the light of the living room fire place when you were visiting the Burrow and want to scream out that he never meant to hurt you. He notices things about you that you probably hadn’t even noticed about yourself. The way your nose will scrunch when you focus really hard when Ginny tries to teach you wizard chess, how he wishes you would let him close enough to teach you. His heart aches when he notices you shift away from him, even after he and Hermione broke up. When you and Gin walk into the Great Hall for dinner and you go out of your way to sit as far from his as you can. 
“You don’t understand,” Ron huffs out, rolling onto his side, wishing you were laying close into his chest like you used to. “She’s something else.”
“Ron, I know you miss her and everything but I have to tell you that you missed your chance,” Harry tells him. “Ginny tells me more than she probably should about all of this, she’s finally moved on from you mate, let it go.”
But how could he? How could he move on when you’re constantly around? He can hear a laugh from all the way down the hall and immediately know its falling from your lips, he’ll hear the sound of an engine from his bedroom window and know you’ve arrived for one of your weekend stays. The way you get on so well with his family, you’re perfect for him, you always have been but he took you for granted and now all he can do is complain to his friends about how he let you go.
And I know we weren't perfect But I've never felt this way for no one, oh And I just can't imagine How you could be so okay now that I'm gone?
He thought for a long time that you were a temporary fix for his feelings that ran deep within him for Hermione, but being with her only made him realize that it was you all along. How could he have been so stupid? He refused to let his friends know you were together, in fear that Hermione would lose the feelings he had prayed she felt toward him, but in doing so he only pushed you away.
“Ron, we can’t keep sneaking around like this.” You would tell him after he pulled you into a broom closet in the middle of the day. “They’ll find out eventually, it’s not like Ginny would be cross with either of us.”
Ron was never able to give you a clear answer when it came to why you had to hide from everyone, not wanting to admit to you that it was because he was hung up on his best friend. Looking back now, it was the stupidest decision he ever made. While your relationship was chaotic and spontaneous and secretive, it was still something he now yearned for everyday, he needed to feel what he felt for you then. More specifically, he needed you to feel what you felt for him back then too. Admittedly, he never loved Lavender Brown, she was only there to stroke his ego. He thought he loved Hermione, but how can you fully love someone if your heart is connected to someone else? Loving you felt different than with anyone else, his chest burned and his hands tingled whenever you were around him. 
That’s why it hurt him so badly to see you move on, and not to just anyone. After Ginny’s outburst toward her brother over how he continued to treat her best friend, a certain Weasley grew closer to you. At first, George wanted to apologize to you for the way his brother treated you as well as help you navigate co-existing with the boy. However, the more time you spent with George, the closer you became. You found yourself laughing at his stupid pranks that wouldn’t have even warranted a grin years ago. You felt the need to be near him grow more everyday, Ron noticed your sudden draw toward his brother as well.
He couldn’t understand how after, according to Ginny, crying over him for days on end, barely being able to get into your car to drive to the Burrow in fear of seeing him you could all of a sudden move on to his brother. Now that he realized how bad he messed up, he’s miserable that you weren’t around him, that you didn’t love him like you used to. How could you not feel the same hollow feeling he did?
What Ron didn’t see was that you did feel that hollow feeling, for months actually. You watched him fall in love and out of it twice before he realized you were the one, but by that time you didn’t have anything left to give him. You were healing in a way that caused you to grow apart from him even further. You found happiness is sleepovers with Ginny, helping Molly in the kitchen, and now long drives with George. You no longer felt like you needed Ron to survive. You didn’t eat, sleep, and breathe him anymore and that killed him.
You were careful to never make Ron feel the same way you did when you saw him with Lavender and Hermione, you weren’t as cruel as he was back then, but it was no secret that you and the twin had sparked some sort of relationship. Ginny was over the moon, as she began to lose hope in having you as a real sister by being with Ron, George came in and saved the day. If you thought Ron was mature for his age, George was practically ten times more. The more responsible of the twins, he always seemed to know exactly what to do and say in every situation. He always gave the best advice. What to do when a professor wouldn’t let up, how to sneak around the halls of Hogwarts at night, and most commonly how to continue in your growth while the one person who seems to stunt it is living only a stones-throw away. While you were still in school and he was running the shop, he would send you letters updating you on his life and beg you to come work at the shop with him and Fred when you finish school, telling you that you would make an excellent addition to the team. His words never failed to make you blush.
He’s three years older than you, almost twenty by the time you had moved on completely from Ron, so nothing ever really happened with George then, but your growing companionship could only be expected to blossom from there. Ron couldn’t stand it. Of all people you could seek comfort in, it had to be his brother. He would hear you gushing to Ginny about the most recent letter you received in the Common Room or witness you and George chatting about something completely arbitrary over Christmas and seethe with anger. In his mind, if you had ever truly loved him like you say you did, you wouldn’t be so content knowing that you two would never be together.
Red lights, stop signs I still see your face in the white cars, front yards Can't drive past the places we used to go to 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe
It was no longer a secret to any of the Weasley clan that Ron was miserable. When he’s at school, he’s complaining to his friends about what he could have done differently so that he could have you. At home he begged his sister to stop bringing you around, as if he had any say in whether or not you visited the Burrow. Now being old enough to use magic outside of Hogwarts, he would apparate out any time he heard you pull up to his driveway. He would go to London mostly, distracting himself in the busy streets and crowds of people.
It never worked. Somehow everywhere he turned he thought he would catch a glimpse of your hair blowing in the wind. He would shake his head just to realize you were never there. Any white car that passed next to him would immediately strike fear in his heart, thinking you were behind the wheel, but you never were. He couldn’t decide if he was looking for you in everything or if he was so afraid to see you that he imagined you everywhere. Nevertheless, there was nothing Ron Weasley could do that would effectively distract himself from you, and he’s now starting to realize it’s all his fault.
If he hadn’t been so self centered to fall into Lavender Brown’s compliments and praises due to his egomania, he would have never kissed her in front of you. At the time he thought of it as kind of a test, how far could he push you before you were no longer kissing the ground he walked on. Seeing you still tremble at his touch or your cheeks heat up whenever he said your name made him feel good, like you would never leave him. Now that you’re gone, he’s kicking himself for pushing that limit. He didn’t know it would take him falling into Hermione’s arms in that hospital bed in front of you to ruin your good opinion of him forever, but if he did he swears he would have called out your name that day instead. 
On top of the Dark Lord plotting to take over the wizarding world as he knew it, his last semester was filled with memories of you. Any time he would walk into the common room his heart would fill with sorrow, recalling how it felt to first kiss you there. He would also replay the moment he kissed Lavender Brown in that very spot, after pulling away catching a glimpse of you rushing through the crowd of Gryffindors to get away from him. In that moment he felt like the world’s biggest arse, yet it didn’t keep him from holding onto Lavender a bit longer. He avoided certain hallways that would force him to pass the broom closets and empty classrooms he pulled you into throughout the school day, hiding you from his friends. What a stupid thing to do. Part of him knew back then that he would never feel the way he felt about you for anyone else, but he was greedy. 
Seeing you happy without him ripped his heart out of his chest and tore it to shreds. How you would smile down at a piece of parchment, assuming it was a letter from his brother. The sound of your voice carrying through the dorms as you and Ginny would stay up late in the common room talking about nothing and everything all at once. He couldn’t bear living right next to you, co-existing with you, while you just ignored him and grew apart from him.
“Y/n,” He calls your name. You’re alone in the common room, that is until he came in. You hadn’t heard him say your name in a while, you find it doesn’t have the same impact on you as it did a year ago and you’re grateful for that. “Y/n, can I talk to you?”
“What is it, Weasley?” You ask him, hoping the dismissal you intended in your tone translates. You had spent months avoiding him, avoiding the longing gazes, so that you could pick up the pieces of your heart that he shattered and put them back together. He doesn’t respond for a while, just admiring how you look in the glow of the fireplace. “I don’t have all night, get on with it.”
“Right,” He replies, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts. He takes a seat on the arm chair across from the couch that you’re sat on, careful not to get too close. Your face is cold, he almost doesn’t recognize you without your smile. “I messed up, Y/n. I know I did. I fucked it all just to have a quick fix because I’m arrogant and selfish. I was so lost back then, in my own pride, that I didn’t know what I wanted out of life. But I know now what I needed then, what I need now.”
You don’t reply. Your heart is sinking but you do a great job of hiding it. Your face doesn’t change even though your inside is screaming. After months of crying and misery, watching the first boy you had fallen in love with fawn over what felt like every girl in the school, you had finally stopped hurting. Your heart doesn’t ache when you see him anymore, you don’t blush when you hear his name and you stopped yearning for his touch. Yet now, he has the audacity to try and fix it. Months ago you would have welcomed this grand gesture of what you can only assume to be a confession of the love he never lost for you, but you’re not the person you were then, thanks to the boy sat in the armchair that forced you to grow up and move on from him so soon. 
“Say something.”
“Say something?” You ask, gawking at his audacity and slamming your book next to you. “You dangle your little relationships in front of me for almost a fucking year, pretending like I never meant anything to you and you’d like me to say something? Do you understand what kind of pain you caused? I cried until I had nothing left because you told me all these nice things about me, you told me you loved me, then you kissed Lavender right in front of me. Not only that but I spent hours, Ron, hours sitting next to your bed in the hospital scared shitless that you were going to die in there. You know who came twenty minutes before you woke up, Granger. I was there for hours and who’s name you did you call out? Hers. Months ago I would have eaten this shit up, Weasley. You could have come in here and told me my hair looked different and I would have fallen in love with you all over again. Not anymore. I’m finally happy, you don’t get to ruin that because things didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to with Hermione.”
He sits in front of you, shocked. Part of him expected you to always want him, to come back to him even after all this time but he was wrong. He looked at you, hoping that maybe you were lying, that you were just scared to get hurt again so you put on a face for him but the look in your eyes told him more than what just fell from your lips. You hate him.
“Y/n, please.” He whimpers as you start to collect your things to leave this room immediately. There are only two of you but you feel suffocated. “I love you.”
“Shut up.” You tell him, not in jest, not to tease him but genuinely wanting him to stop speaking. “Don’t you dare say that to me ever again. You don’t deserve to know what it’s like for me to love you, you never did.”
You leave him sitting alone in the common room, heart shattered from your words that dug into him like a thousand knives. He replayed it over and over again, to feel something other than the numbness that was sure to come in time when you love someone you cannot have. He still had to be around you, watch you live your life without him. He had to see you laugh and know he could never put a smile like that on your face ever again. In order to fully heal from the heartache he was facing he knew he had to separate himself from you, to leave for a while so he didn’t have to see you fall in love with his brother, but he couldn’t. He decided he would rather have you in the smallest way possible, watching you from afar, seeing you smile like you once did at him, then never see you again.
Sidewalks we crossed I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing Over all the noise God, I'm so blue, know we're through But I still fuckin' love you, babe
Years Later
Following your last year at Hogwarts, you followed George’s orders and began working at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. The twins were overjoyed to have your help, George especially so to have you around so often. With you 18 and he 21, after all these year he made his move on you, your friendship blossoming into something more.
You finally knew what it felt like to love and be loved back. George never tried to keep you from his friends, he never snuck off with you to hide your relationship, rather he paraded you around, proud that ‘someone like him was able to swing someone like you.’ He made you blush every time he looked at you, his handsome smile always pulling at your heartstrings. You had become addicted to being loved in that way.
Ron didn’t love your new relationship with his brother as much as as you did. He knew you deserved someone good, someone who would treat you right, he just wished it didn’t have to be someone who placed you in his life indefinitely. His heart ached whenever he would see George’s hand reach for yours as you giggled through the backyard of the Burrow. The worst was when he caught the two of you kiss for the first time.
It was late in the Summer, just after you and Ginny finished your years at Hogwarts. You were visiting just like you always did that time of year and late one night Ron heard rustling down from the main floor. Fearing that an animal had gotten in the house, he immediately searched for the origin of the noise. What he was met with was worse than if an acromantula had found its way into his kitchen. There you were, your hands tangled in his brother’s fiery red hair and his resting on your waist, your body pressed up to the sink. As he watched your lips against his brother’s, he felt as if a fire had engulfed his heart, his chest beginning to sting as it became harder to breathe. He didn’t say a word, he didn’t stop you two, just turned on his heels and darted back to his bedroom. When he was finally safe in his solitude, he slid against his door and broke down. The memories of the two of you in that very kitchen years ago flooded his sense.
During winter break of his sixth year and your fifth, the two of you spent your time cooking and cleaning together in that kitchen, laughing over the littlest things. Even when you weren’t right next to each other, he could still hear your laugh over all the commotion in the house. It was and still is his favorite sound. He wishes that he could bring that sound from your lips again, hoping that maybe one day you’ll realize your love for his brother is really misdirected love toward him, but that all changed.
You’re now 22 and George is 25. You have officially been together for four year. The shop had expanded immensely, renovations to the first store and new shops opening up all over the country and the continent. You count yourself lucky to be a part of it, to be able to say your boyfriend was the co-owner of the most successful joke shop in Europe. Being able to see how his eyes glow like it’s his first day of work every single day still makes your heart smile.
Tonight is another unveiling event of a new shop, this one in Spain. However, this new location being the 10th shop to open up in the continent, the boys decided this launch party would be more formal than the last, a bigger celebration. You all are dressed up, George in a tuxedo and you in a floor length gown. You loved seeing George in his everyday clothes, thinking he would look handsome in a potato sack, but there is something about that boy in a suit. All your friends and family are there, investors too. It’s a night you’ll remember for the rest of your life.
Ginny is still your best friend, you can’t imagine a day when she isn’t. You still have sleepovers in the Burrow even though you had your own lives and own flats. She’s still with Harry, a ring now occupying her left finger. When he proposed you and Ginny immediately started planning the wedding, there was no question who the maid of honor would be. She practically begs her older brother to make an honest woman out of you every time she sees him because she wants to, like almost everything in your lives, go through this experience with you.
Ron is there, of course he is. One of the biggest milestones in his older brothers’ career paths so far, he wouldn’t miss it for the world. He works at the shop sometimes, never with you, Fred and George would never be so cruel to ask him to do such a thing. He watched you for most of this night, his brother’s hand resting on your lower back every time he looked. While he knew your smile that you were putting on for investors and old friends was partly exaggerated so you could better play your role of proud girlfriend to the co-owner, he still admired how it sparkled like no one else’s he had ever seen. You grew more beautiful with every year you aged, this of course hurt him to still see you so happy without him.
You catch Ron’s stares throughout the night, you ignore them for the most part. You have come a long way, you were sixteen with you had your heart absolutely shattered by the boy and now you’re an adult. You have a job, a home, a life that at one point you could have never imagined living without him. The boy you were once completely and utterly bewitched by is now just a faint memory, a small ping in your chest when you think of how someone could hurt you so badly at such a young age. You catch his eye and smile at him, no longer angry with him. Like most things, George helped you process your anger. He couldn’t stand to see you so furious anytime you saw someone who mattered quite a bit to him. George has his moments when he hears something Ron did to you for the first time and becomes outraged, now that he loves you and everything, but he always reminds himself that its in the past. 
Ron smiles back, you can tell he’s forcing it, but it’s a step in the right direction. Something tells him that he’ll never fully get over you, that part of his heart will always be in your possession. The only way he can describe his feelings whenever he’s around you anymore is blue, every shade of blue. Sometimes are better than other, a sky blue, a bit brighter but still a hint of sadness. Other times are a navy blue, complete and utter darkness. He hasn’t decided what tonight is blue-wise. 
“Fred and I would like to thank you all for coming tonight.” George speaks into a microphone placed on an elevated surface in the new shop. You can’t help but admire his features, he looks so mature. “As you all know, courtesy of this bloody massive sign above our heads, this is our tenth shop to open across the continent. It feels surreal to say, eh Freddie?”
“You said it, George.” Fred replies. “Everyone in this room holds a special place in our heart, you’ve all, in your own ways, made this shop what it is today. We are so grateful to have such loyal and fantastic business partners, friends, and family.”
You want to cry, not a sad cry, but burst into tears over how far the two of them have come. When you first joined them in working at the shop, it was just a corner store on Diagon Alley, now it’s a world wide chain. You see the ins and outs of the business, knowing just how much work the two of them put into this dream. You’re able to catch George’s gaze, mouthing an I love you which he returns with a wink. 
“Before we let you all get back to the party, theres one person we would like to specifically thank,” George speaks again before pointing down to you and motioning you to come up with them. You shake your head at him, not wanting to impede on the well deserved attention and praise the boys are getting. “Y/n, this isn’t an option come on up here. Alright, for those of you who don’t know this is my lovely, gorgeous, smart, talented-”
“Alright, get on with it Georgie!” Fred interrupts, making the crowd of people laugh. “I think they get the point.”
“Okay, okay.” George puts his hands up in defense. “Like I was saying, or those of you who don’t know this is Y/n. She’s better known to most of you as the lady who was stupid enough to say yes when I asked her to be my girlfriend, but she was the stores first hired employee. She has been with us for all the renovations, all the expansions and has always supported us in every hair-brained idea Freddie and I have come up with. She has since become our creative director for the company as well as held a seat on our board for, well as long as we’ve had a board. Without her, I think we might just crumble to the ground.”
“Oh stop that!” You don’t mean for it to come out so loud, but you make the crowd laugh again and your cheeks heat up. You slide in front of George to bring your mouth up to the microphone. “They’re making my role seem much larger than it is, all of this that you’ve seen over the years has very little to do with me.”
“Pay no mind to her, she’s being humble.” George retorts, and you decide to stop fighting it. “I guess what I’m trying to say is our lives, especially mine, would be a lot harder if Y/n wasn’t in it. I couldn’t think of a better place, in front of a better group of people, to ask this question.”
Before you can process his words, your boyfriend is lowering down on one knee and pulling a small box out of his pocket. You hear gasps and whistles coming from the crowd, making you turn to see Ginny with the biggest smile on her face. You look back down to George, your hands going to cover your gaping mouth. This is not real. The red haired boy opens the box to reveal a ring, a massive diamond in the center with what seemed like a dozen smaller diamonds surrounding it. So this is where all the money the shops have been making was going.
“Y/n, my dearest love,” He doesn’t even get a full sentence out and you’re already shaking. “It will never make sense to me why you said yes to being my girlfriend, but I’m hoping whatever came over you that day is over you now so you’ll say yes to this one too. Y/n, will you make the happiest bloke to every walk this earth and marry me?”
You can’t even form words, your heart feeling like it’s migrated to your throat. You can only nod and pull him up from his kneeling position to pull him into the tightest hug you’ve ever given. “Yes, yes. One thousand times yes. Georgie, I love you!”
George gives you that smile that melts you in every way and places the ring on your left finger. Ginny finally got her way. He pulls you in for a small kiss and your friends and family clap and shout with joy. You can hear Molly shouting over everyone else. Everyone in the room is clapping and celebrating but one person.
Ron’s mouth is agape, watching as you say yes to spending the rest of your life with his brother. He wants to be happy for the two of you, he wants to be able to celebrate with his family but the dull ache in his heart that has been present since the night in the common room that you told him to never say the words you just shouted to his brother turns into a sharp pain. This is the final nail on the coffin that is the hope Ron held that you would one day be together. That small glimmer dying as the ring is placed on your dainty hand. It doesn’t take long for Harry to notice the look on his best friends face, excusing himself from Ginny for a moment. 
“You alright?” Harry asks quietly, careful not to draw attention to the one person in the room that isn’t happen for the newly engaged couple at the front. “Ron you have to at least pretend to be happy for them.”
Ron looks over to Harry and shakes his head. “I wish I could be happy for them mate. Everything in me wishes I had done something differently so it was me asking her that question.”
Harry is quiet for a while, watching as Ron’s face keeps the shocked and defeated look that its held since he saw his brother get on one knee. He balls his hands into fists every few minutes to keep himself from going completely numb. “You really still love her, don’t you? After all this time.”
“‘Course I fucking do.” Ron whispers, not meaning for it to come out as harsh as it did. He and Harry talk for a little while, just to keep his mind off the obvious stressor in the room, until Ginny is pulling Harry away to come and congratulate her best friend. Ron is left alone as we watches your smile, a genuine one this time, is glued to your face as you show anyone and everyone the ring. George is standing proudly beside you, holding your waist. You never look his way, too involved in sharing the most exciting moment of your life, though Ron wishes you would look over to him. He wishes he could catch your eye and sense some form of regret, then come save the day, but that never happens. Today is the darkest shade of blue imaginably, knowing for certain that your whole heart belongs to someone else. Quietly, for no one else to hear but him, he utters:
“I love you, I always will.”
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Harry Potter FRED AU (It could not be named anyhow else and you’ll soon know why)
Please bear with me I swear I’ll make the lenght worth it
I also promise this one AIN’T SAD
Few days ago I was taking a nap and when I woke up my half-conscious brain thought about the name Albus Severus again because it’s a terrible name whether he is named after anyone or not. And I thought ‘did Ginny even get any say in it or what the hell’.
I really think that Harry should name their first child (he did) James Sirius, which is fine, Ginny would name their second son and together they would name their little girl (which I think they did).
But then I thought ‘what would she name him?’ Obviously my first thought was Fred, but I was like ‘nah, that one is for George’s kid... unless’
Here comes my AU, imagine it with me:
It is the first 1st of April after the battle, it isn’t very happy for someone’s birthday, then Percy gets an idea. He cannot forget how the last thing he said to Fred made him smile and he refuses to do anything on his birthday that would not achieve the same goal. So he looks at George and proposes this... what if every one of the siblings named at least one of their child Fred or any equivalent of that, if for nothing else than at least for the chaos it will create at Hogwarts. Everyone is silent for so long Percy just wants to take it back and obliviate everyone, but then Fleur stands up to it and gets really passionate about it and then it slowly dawns on everyone and they love it. It is the first time in all those months that George gives them a non-forced smile. Everyone is super into it. Mrs. Weasley is crying because a) she is happy because her boy is smiling again b) she knows she will be super embarrassed if she ever has to talk to McGonagall after she finds out about this and c) she thought Percy was better than this. Nevertheless if it makes George smile again, she won’t be too harsh about it.
It goes something like this (I’m kind of ignoring the cannon children, but whatever):
- Bill and Fleur name their firstborn daughter Frédérique. She had some mean kids try to laugh at her for it because they thought it’s stupid. She shut their mouths pretty quickly.
- Charlie doesn’t have kids. But he did discover a new breed of dragon, which main trait is that it isn’t violent at all, it’s just really mischievious and will mess up with everyone and everything. Charlie names the breed Island Trickster, for both the experts and amateurs the nickname Fred catches on pretty quickly even though majority of people doesn’t know why.
- Percy’s first child is also a girl but he refuses to let anything stop him from naming his child Fred, because a) it was his idea and b) he’ll be damned if anything keeps him from making this prank, that he created in honour of his brother, work. She gets the name Frederica. She hates it and demands her family calling her by her second name. They do and none of them mind, but before she departs for Hogwarts her parents take her aside and explain why they named her this way. Her prankster blood kicks in and from the moment she steps on the train she introduces herself as Frederica, Fred for short.
- George’s first kids are twins, boy and girl. There is no hesitation - their names are immediately Fred and Freda. When they have the second child, there is a mild discussion, but eventually his name is Fredrick. Proud of their legacy, at school neither will respond to anything but Fred. They become Fred & Fred and Fred.
- Ron, who through Hermione discovered Queen, decides to name their son Freddie. Hermione doesn’t see a reason to protest, she loves it.
- Ginny lets Harry name their first son. First, she likes the name James Sirius. Second, whatever happens that child will have prank as their blood type, so there is really no need to add onto that. Third, she is naming their second child and it will be a version of Fred. Harry does not protest at all, because a) he already has his son named after his father and godfather and b) he refuses to stand in the way of this prank. Also Ginny, being the undercover little shit she is, names their son Fred George... everyone keeps calling him Fred and George. They both also talk about naming their daughter Lily Luna Freda or something and they do, it’s just not that public so she can do with that potential whatever she wants.
It also happens that the whole former gryffindor quidditch team joins in on this (including Lee Jordan, who is considered part of the team) as well as bunch of other friends.
Mrs. Weasley is still a little sceptical but she can���t deny that her boy would be proud. Her job also gets a little easier, because now she just automatically makes her grandchildren sweaters with F. Sometimes she makes more of those that she should but the kids love it (cue later).
Meanwhile in heaven James, Sirius and Remus are both really excited and really jealous. Fred is waiting for the chaos to take reign.
As for Hogwarts, most of the professors are losing it sometimes with entertainment (they mostly enjoy it when someone else is in pain because of this and they love to watch it), sometimes with annoyance, sometimes with both and sometimes actually losing it about to break down and cry (especially when some of their colleagues would just watch and smile). Alltogether in all the houses there is about twenty Fred Weasleys (boys, girls, first names, second names) and the Potters (James Sirius, Fred George and Lily Luna) plus the other Freds - all of them there for two or three years, which basically translates into destruction of the highest level.
There are family gatherings frequently at the Burrow, where they all just sit around the table writing letters to their kids and all of them writing one howler.
The howler arrives to a random person, usually a friend of one of the Weasley/Potter kids and the whole Great hall hears, “FRED! WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME?!”
All the Fred’s look at each other, because they all did something they shouldn’t (which their parents don’t know, but the kids don’t know they don’t know). No one also knows which Fred it is meant for. No one knows if they are being scolded or messed with.
Very rarely the howler would yell, “FRED WEASLEY”, and in the fat pause after that, every single person in the room can hear, Fred George Potter say “oh, thank Merlin’s nightgown.”
Sometimes the howler would shout, “FRED. I AM SO DISSAPPOINTED IN YOU. YOU WERE NOT GIVEN THIS NAME TO KEEP PEACE AND TRANQUILITY AT THE SCHOOL!” Molly Weasley may or may not scold her children and children-in-law for this one. (Obviously if the kids weren’t into pranking their parents would never force them or out them like this, but since they are all openly on board this happens way too often for the professors’ liking.
Then there is christmas time. Most of the kids leave for home... most of them except for the Weasley/Potters and some of the other Freds, whose parents are friends with the Weasleys. The sweaters come and... every signle one has a F on it. None of the kids protest. They wear it proudly. There are attempts at making fun of them. It doesn’t work.
James walks around announcing to everyone repeatedly and very loudly that his name is Fames Firius Fotter. In the meantime, as long as Lily is wearing her sweater, she refuses to react to anything but Fily or Funa and that includes the teachers.
Everyone tries to resist, everyone breaks down eventually.
McGonagall wants to look stern, but she is loving it.
There is a relatively new professor trying to complain to the colleague sitting next to him. Neville Longbottom, who names his children Frank Fred, Alice Fredricka and Augusta Freda, nods sympathetically while sipping his tea. “I know,” he says. “Imagine if one of them named their kid something like Prank. We would call them a normal name now.”
That is the moment Minerva McGonagall loses it and actually chuckles. Every single one of the kids writes a letter to their parents about that one.
All hell loses all the breaks on April Fools. McGonagall wanted to go easy on punishing the pranks for several reasons and one of them is that it is the twins birthday. It takes one April Fools when the kids take it relatively easy for them to figure out the punichments are quite mild. The next year they go Wild and  McGonagall understands that her nostalgia is a dangerous thing. She stops it then and there, because she knows it won’t stop them, it might just stop some people from getting hurt.
Sometimes Peeves won’t have the mood to come up with something himself so he just goes with calling everyone Fred. Some teachers take from it, figuring that if they don’t remember someone’s name it must be because they decided they will deduce it later, which translates to “the name is Fred”.
Years later when the children leave Hogwarts there is formed a new quidditch team. The name is “Flying Freds”. They are all married and stuff, so their last names are all different, but all of them share the name Fred, which only increases the children named Fred, because who wouldn’t name their child after their favourite quidditch team, amiright?
People in both the wizarding and muggle world are astonished as to Why is there suddenly such a popularity to the name, while in the afterlife Fred won’t stop saying shit like “The students have surpassed the teachers.” and the Marauders are both upset they didn’t manage something like that, but also impressed and really loving it.
McGonagall once talks about it with George and he says it was Percy’s idea. Percy, always perfect prefect Percy, blushes as McGonagall looks at him and says: “All those years I was worried you aren’t an actually Weasley and you’ve just been hiding all that potential, hm.”
It is that moment they understand she might have always been strict, but she loved those little and big pranks simply because they were creative and smart and she was always so proud of the Marauders and the twins for it.
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halstudandruz · 4 years
Always Have, Always Will ~ Part 3
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Sequel to Part 1 & Part 2
Warnings: Swearing
It had been about a month since Will found out. He avoided you and Jay at all costs only talking to you when he absolutely had to at work and you still felt just as guilty as before. Which only caused you to get into your own head. Yeah, you loved Jay but was it just the old Jay you loved? You both were different people now and that scared the hell out of you.
“Jay, do you want olives?” You yelled from the kitchen pulling the jar out when he came walking.
“No, I hate olives.” He answered coming up to wrap his arms around your waist.
“What?” You asked after a few seconds of silence.
“I hate olives, and so do you. Why do you even have them?” He asked, but you went stiff in his grip.
“Cause you love them, what do you mean you hate olives? You used to eat a jar a day.” You explained grabbing a hold of his wrists to loosen his arms around you.
“I know, that probably wasn’t good for my blood pressure. They got a little old after eating them so much.” He chuckled.
“But..what about the olive theory?” You turned to face him and a confused look came over his face.
“Why do you look like you're about to have a meltdown over olives?” He looked at you concerned taking in your features. Your mind was running rapidly, your chest starting to tighten.
“Because I am!” You exclaimed causing Jay to take a step back to get a good look at you by putting space between the two of you.
“Babe-“ He started going to grab your shoulders but you shrugged him off.
“I just..I need a minute.” You shook your head slipping past him into your room to shut the door. Tears were crowding your eyes and you were starting to breathe harder pacing around the room when Jay quietly earned.
“Babe. [Y/N]. Hey, come here. Talk to me.” He reached for you, setting you down on the bed beside him as you stared down at your shaking hands, “what’s going on?” His hand ran through your hair.
“I’m just scared. Terrified actually.” You admitted glancing at him.
“Of what?” He questioned grabbing a hold of your hands, steadying them.
“It’s just...we’re such different people now. Ya know? I feel like I know nothing about you.” You explained.
“[Y/N]..” Jay sighed.
“No, I’m serious. You’ve gone through things I can’t even begin to fathom. I mean obviously that has to change you, right? We’re not these teenagers who were clueless about the real world anymore. What..what if the people we are today just don’t fit like we used to?” You looked down into your lap, and were surprised to hear a small laugh come from Jay.
“Look here,” he whispered tilting my chin up with a finger, “no, we aren’t the same people we used to be, and yes we have a lot to learn about each other again. A lot of stories to catch up on, but we’re only the people we are today because of those clueless 18 year olds. We may have been through some shit since then, but I know with my whole heart you are still that stubborn, smart, gorgeous girl I fell in love with and that is the part of you I know I’ll always have.” He smirked at you, palm against your cheek.
“What if I can’t save you from everything you’ve gone through?” You worried.
“Baby girl, I don’t expect you to save me from anything. I just need you here that’s it and I know everything will be okay as long as I have that.” He assured you.
“I love you Jay Halstead.” You bit your lip.
“Even if I don’t like olives anymore?” He joked making you giggle.
“Even if you don’t like olives anymore.” You nodded leaning into to kiss him deeply, breaking when his phone began to ring. Sighing moved to dig it out of his pocket,
“I swear I’m gonna get rid of these.” He complained before answering, “What? Yes. Okay see you soon.” You looked at him, eyebrows raised. “Ruzek said they’re on their way to Molly’s.” He explained kissing your forehead as you nodded both moving around to change before going to meet with his team.
It was the first time you were actually going to be around them so you were sufficiently nervous walking over to their table Jay’s hands clasped tightly with yours.
“Hey, wait I know you!” Mouse looked at you intently.
“What? You sleep with Greg too?” Erin asked eyes on you.
“I-I uhm no?” You choked out nervously under her intense gaze, only relaxing a little when a smile took over her face.
“I’m kidding, come on sit down.” She patted the seat beside her.
“You’re the girl from the picture.” Mouse continued his thought.
“What?” You asked, confused.
“Mouse.” Jay jumped in giving him a hard stare that seemed to be some kind of warning.
“But it’s her isn’t it?” He defended pointing at you.
“Mouse. Drop it.” Jay scolded. Causing Mouse to put his hands up defensively nodding his head. You knew better than to push with Jay sitting there so you dropped it as well falling into conversation with those around you. Well until Jay went to get drinks and the rest of the team dispersed to mingle, leaving you alone with Greg.
“So, spill.” You rested your head on your hands smirking at Mouse once it was just the two of you.
“Yeah, in case you haven’t noticed Jay could probably break me in two.” Mouse raised an eyebrow at you.
“Maybe, but then I’d yell at him so it wouldn’t really be worth it.” You shrugged sighing loudly Mouse looked over his shoulder to see Adam and Jay still standing at the bar.
“Okay, he just..he had this picture the entire time we were in the army. Never left it alone, always had it in his pocket. You know like most guys do. Have pictures of their family and girlfriends. Anyway he was so attached to it one night we thought it’d be funny to take it and hide it when he was showering. No big deal right? He can just get someone to send him another. But he freaked. Said he couldn’t get another, tore his bed apart. I’m his best friend and anytime I asked he just avoided the conversation. We just figured you died or something.” He explained shrugging.
“Alive and in the flesh.” You joked just as Jay arrived with your drinks,
“What were you talking about?” He questioned looking between you two suspiciously.
“Football.” You both answered at the same time giving each other a surprised look. You were going to like this kid.
An hour or so later you had come out of the bathroom just in time to bump right into Will, who was coming back the hall. Laughing bitterly he shook his head turning to go right back where he came from,
“Wait no! Will just..” You begged, grabbing a hold of his arm which was tense underneath your fingers. He turned to face you, jaw tight, body stiff. “Listen I know you’re mad and you have every right to be. Hate me all you want, but don’t hate Jay, please. He’s your brother.” You pleaded.
“That’s exactly the issue, [Y/N]. He’s my brother and he had no problem stabbing me in the back.” He shot back, anger clear in his tone.
”You know as well as I do that every morning he wakes up it might be his last. He’s really not all that careful.” You admitted blinking down at the floor, voice shaky. Sighing loudly Will ran a hand through his hair,
“I’m still so pissed. At both of you, but Jay’s right I played a part in this too. I should’ve been upfront and honest with both of you and I wasn’t. I knew in the back of my head something like this was going to happen. I’m not stupid [Y/N]. I could clearly see you never felt about me the way you did about him, and you were never going to. It wasn’t fair of me to expect you to, and it wasn’t fair of me to put you in that position that day at the hospital. It was petty of me.” Nodding you reached for his hand,
“I’m really sorry.” You apologized looking at his now relaxed face.
“Me too,” He gave you a small smile.
“You want to grab a drink with us? I’ll buy.” You bit your lip making him laugh,
“Yeah I’m not quite ready for that yet, give me another couple months.” He winked at you, squeezing your hand before turning to walk away. Swallowing hard you closed your eyes to run a hand down your face before feeling strong arms encircle you,
“If you wanted a quickie in the bathroom you could’ve just come and got me.” Jay whispered into your ear making you jump.
“Where’d you come from?” You asked, turning to face him.
“Well I came to find you and saw you talking to Will. So, I kinda avoided that one. Trying to explain black eyes aren’t as fun as it may seem.” He chuckled, “How’d it go?” He asked looking down at you.
“Pretty well actually.” You admitted, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“He still pissed?” Jay questioned
“Well yeah, but I think it’s gonna be okay.” You smiled up at him.
“How couldn’t it be when I have you in my arms?” He grinned tilting your chin up to place a soft kiss on your lips, “Ready to go?” Nodding you grabbed his hand letting him lead you out of the bar after saying goodbyes to his friends. Jay grabbing your hand over the center console as you headed to his place,
“So like Kim and Adam are totally boning right?” You started the conversation.
“What?” Jay looked at you confused.
“Are they not dating?” You questioned.
“They were engaged actually, but then they broke up.” He explained.
“So friends with benefits then?” You negotiated, they were definitely still sleeping with each other, there are few things better than your girl instinct and you very clearly saw the looks they shot each other all night.
“What? No, they’re broken up.” He reiterated.
“Honey, you may be one hell of a detective but you don’t always have the best intuition.” You joked as silence filled the car for a couple minutes before Jay broke it again,
“Oh my god, they’re totally still fucking.” Jay looked over at you wide eyed causing your laugh to fill the truck.
Crawling into bed with Jay that night you wrapped your body comfortably around his listening to his heart beat against your ear, and that’s when you decided to take the leap.
“Do you still have it?” You wondered.
“Have what?” Jay looked down at you skeptical look on his face.
“The picture.” You answered.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Jay sighed moving to grab his phone but you snatched it away from him giving him a look,
“Why didn’t you ever tell him about me?”
“I don’t know. It’s embarrassing.” He shrugged, and even in the dimly lit room you could see the pink tint on his cheeks.
“Loving me is embarrassing?” You replied.
“You know that’s not what I mean. It’s just..everyone carries around pictures of their wives and their kids and I just have one of my ex girlfriend. Then I’d have to be the one who admitted I broke up with you. Relive the biggest mistake of my life. Have to listen to all the guys make fun of me and call me an idiot, because I was. I don’t know it was just a conversation I didn’t want to have.” He confessed.
“Well..do you?” You asked again.
“Yes, of course I still have it.” He chuckled.
“Can I see it?” Beg coming out a little, huffing Jay unwrapped himself from your walking to his dresser to retrieve his wallet. Laying back down beside you he opened it pulling out numerous cards before the picture emerged behind them. Handing it to you.
“I completely forgot about this picture.” You admired it, torn edges, little tears along the side, color faded showing the wear it had been through.
“It’s always been my favorite.” He smiled lovingly.
“It’s not posed. It’s not fake. It’s just us and we look so happy. Like nothing in the world could ever stop us. Get in the way of us, but then...I let it.” Jay explained. You remembered the day it was taken very clearly. Seated on Jay’s lap in his backyard as he sang to you the song that was playing on their old radio, Jay’s mom sneaking up on you to capture the moment.
“Jay.” You sighed, grabbing a hold of his hand to entwine your fingers with his.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you and I’m sorry I pushed you away. I just was doing what I thought was best for you regardless of how much it might’ve hurt at the time, but then I never stopped. Every time I thought of you, it just...hurt the exact same as it did the day I left, and I swear god my life flashed before my eyes whenever I watched Will put his arm around you.” He shook his head, jealousy seeping into his voice.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was hoping if I faked it then it would somehow become real and I wouldn’t have to miss you anymore.” You admitted.
“I’m just glad you came back to me.” He said brushing a piece of hair beside your ear.
“Why do you still carry it around?” You wondered.
“Regardless if I’m over there or here it’s still the only thing that got me through.” He grinned leaving a gentle kiss on your lips.
“You know I could’ve been married. You could’ve been jacking off to a picture of some other guy's wife.” You teased.
“Haha, you’re so funny.” Jay said sarcastically, rolling his eyes before flipping you underneath him to cover your face and neck in kisses causing you to laugh loudly as the picture fell out of your hand onto the floor. He didn’t really need it anymore. He had the real thing in front of him again to help him through whatever he may face.
All Tag List:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @smclelli
Jay Taglist:
@justadreamxx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @queen-of-arda @toomuchtv95
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
The Friends to Lovers Cliché
George Weasley x Reader
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Prompts: 13 and 15
"I'm so happy and not at all Jealous."/"I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by taking you roughly in the barn."
Warnings: Light Swearing.
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Not many things in life had been clear for [Y/N]. She could never understand why her parents fought. Or why Snape despised Gryffindor so much. Above all she couldn't understand why the Weasley Twins had taken so much of a liking to her, not that she was complaining. The Weasleys were the type family she'd always dreamed of being apart of.
There was one thing however she knew for certain. That was, George and her were never meant to be 'just friends'.
The transition was simple. Hell, they practically melted together into the perfect couple. After 4 years of friendship they both just knew they were right for one another.
Today, however, there was one other thing she was sure of. The fact she was positively shitting herself at the prospect of spending this Summer at the Burrow. Yeah, she'd done it plenty of times in the past, but they were different. This time she was wasn't just 'the Twins best friend', she was 'the Girlfriend'. The thought terrified her for reasons she couldn't understand. Evidently, her nerves must have been playing painfully obvious as George noticed and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.
"Relax, love" he whispered, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. She'd been bouncing on the balls of her feet, biting her nails, while staring fixedly at the train tracks in front of her. George wasn't sure whether she were willing the Hogwarts Express to speed up...or to slow down.
"You realise you've been to our house before, right?" Fred joked as he watched her amusedly.
"Ah, but that was before", Ginny spoke stepping closer to her family and friends, "before she'd began smooching our precious, little, Georgie all over the school." She pursed her lips, making various kissing noises while she did.
"Oh shove off, you two." George swatted away his pestering siblings as the Train rolled into the station before them.
"They love you, my parents, you know that. I'll be with you the whole time, don't worry." He kissed her cheek and gave her waist a reassuring squeeze before they made their way toward the carriages. She nodded once in response, sighing deeply in uncomfortable anticipation. George, walked beside her, hands intertwined, trying to restrain the giggle that formed in his throat at the look that had appeared on her face.
The train ride went by in the blink of an eye. Much to [Y/N]s displeasure. Walking onto the platform she kept a firm grip on her luggage in one hand, and a firmer grasp on George's hand in her other.
"Love, I know you're nervous, but you're sort of breaking my hand." He chuckled. His words broke the girls intense focus that had set on the pounding of her own heart beat and the crowd of people bustling about the train-line, as she scanned the various faces for the familiar features of Mr and Mrs Weasley.
Quickly shifting her gaze to see the whites of her knuckles and the red tips of Georges fingers she gasped, dropping the hold immediately and apologising.
"It's okay" he laughed, shaking the pins and needles from his hand as he threw his arm over her shoulders. "There's Dad." He nodded, feeling [Y/N] tense under his hold at the words. She whipped her head around so fast she saw spots. Mr Weasleys attention was set directly on the couple, with an endearing smile on his lips. Ducking her head away in an attempt to hide her blushing face the other Weasleys laughed leading the way.
Arthur was greeting Ginny in a tight embrace when George and [Y/N] approached. George saw his chance for a laugh and took it. As Ginny stepped back from her father George nudged his girlfriend forward with his shoulder, watching her fumble forward slightly to stand infront of the man in question. She glared back at him, eyes like daggers.
"[Y/N] DEAR!" Mr Weasley exclaimed in excitement, greeting the pale faced teen, shaking her hand with both of his, "so glad you could join us for the Summer." He was grinning broadly. "Thank you for having me" "No problem at all! Molly and I were thrilled when we heard the news", he let go of her hand. "Hope you've been keeping our boy in line." he looked between her and Fred who promptly shook his head and pointed to his brother next to him - who stood with poorly contained laughter. Arthur turned his attention back to [Y/N] who was blushing a deep red as she tucked a stray hair behind her ear, bowing her head. What was she meant to say to that? Control George Weasley? Talk about the impossible.
"Right then." Arthur spoke to the group of redheads, and [Y/N] "if this is everyone we'd best be off. Your mother's got dinner on already, hate to be late."
"Excellent!" Added Ron eagerly as they departed for the Burrow.
Okay so, maybe [Y/N] was a little out of her mind to be so worried about visiting this Summer. Everything was exactly as it had been before. Molly had greeted her with a warm hug and smile which always made her feel at home. Although, this smile was considerably brighter in [Y/N]s opinion. Molly couldn't restrain herself from gushing over the happy new couple whenever she saw them together, even if they were just talking at the dining table. Her compliments prompting countless redcheeks from [Y/N] and more than a few snide comments from George about 'personal space'. But other than that, everything was exactly as it had been.
At the beginning of their second week home the restless teenagers currently occupying the Burrow found themselves bored beyond death. Not that Molly hadn't done all she could to keep them busy with a surplus of chores, of course. Now however they found themselves faced with an entire day free for whatever their desperate little hearts desired. If only they could think of something fun to do. There was always Quidditch...but without Harry due for another few days they were left as an odd number. Rather it was decided that a leisurely stroll into town would hold them over for now.
The day was spent simply browsing through the many stores which lined the small streets. Fred and George were sure to drag everyone to their favourite muggle joke store. Ginny and Ron didn't miss a beat in rushing to their favourite sweet shops. [Y/N] wouldn't have changed it for the world. Between the laughter and joking, and Georges ever present hold on her - he hadn't let go of her even once all day, much to the disgust of Fred, Ron and Ginny, it was perfect.
But as they say; all good things come to an end. At least they did for George.
"[Y/N]?" an unfamiliar voice rang through his ears.
"Oh my goodness...JEREMY?" [Y/N] had replied.
The Weasleys turned to see a, very handsome, boy striding quickly toward their friend with a wide smile.
They exchanged various pieces of small talk, [Y/N] being sure to introduce everyone as they caught up. Jeremy had attended Hogwarts briefly. He was a year older than Fred, George and [Y/N] and had transferred to Ilvermorny when his parents were needed in America for business reasons. Apparently the two were quite close before his final year.
George was torn.
He couldn't help but admire his girlfriend in this moment. How happy she looked. How passionately she spoke about school, and her friends. She was truly glowing.
That being said. George was not so fond of Jeremy.
Of the way he leant himself slightly toward [Y/N] as he spoke. Of the way his lips curled as she got lost on her own stories tangent. How his eyes traced her body whenever he thought she wouldn't notice. Of that look he held toward her. George knew that look. It was the same one he had everytime he saw her.
"They're just friends." He told himself. "She's with you." He repeated the words over and over in his mind seeking comfort in the fact she was his and his alone. That, after their little reunion, she was going home with him.
Still he couldn't help as he stood there, grinding his teeth slightly, but to size him up. No contest. He could take him easy.
A slight tug on his hand brought George from his thoughts. Everyone was saying goodbye. With the sun already set low in the sky the group were pressed to get home. Unwilling to tempt the wrath of Mrs Weasley lest they be late.
"So, [Y/N]" Fred began, making conversation on their walk home, "how'd you get to know Jeremy at school?"
"Oh, ya know through the grape vine. He was a-ah friend of a friend." She seemed nervous. Why did she seem nervous?
"He's not...that Jeremy, is he?" Ginny asked grinning with a knowing look on her face. "The one you-" [Y/N] smacked Ginny hard on the shoulder to stop her talking.
"Oooh, the one you what?" Fred asked wiggling his eyebrows..
"Nothing. It was nothing."
"Doesn't sound like nothing" George said with a forced smile, tickling her sides.
"We just-UGH! It was a dare. Stupid really. Seven minutes in Heaven or whatever you call it." She tried to play it off. "Can we please talk about anything else." She shrugged with a pleading look.
"Awe, our little [Y/N/N]. Such a sinner!" Fred teased pinching her cheek.
"Lay off." She swat his arm.
The mocking would have continued if it weren't for the call of Mrs Weasley as soon as they entered through the house doors, calling for them to head straight up stairs to clean up for dinner as Percy and Mr Weasley would be home soon. [Y/N] offered to help prepare dinner but Molly insisted she could handle everything. Shooing them upstairs while she did so.
Fred and George were changing in their room with their backs to one another. Abnormally silent. It was making Fred uncomfortable.
"So. [Y/N], huh? Was about time you two made it official." George hummed in response. Fred glanced over his shoulder to watch his brothers reaction as he continued. "I mean, Mum loves her. Wouldn't be surprised if she tries to get her living here before the holidays up." He joked turning to face his brother who hadn't moved, shaking fluff from his favourite green sweater. "No doubt that'd make you happy." Nothing. " unless you're not happy she's here? That or it's just the jealousy" "What?!" George turned his head over his shoulder to stare at his twin, looking insulted by his insinuation. "No. Of course I'm glad she's here!" He threw his jumper over his head. "I'm so happy, and not at all jealous." He grumbled, pulling the ends of his jumper to cover his waist with a little too much attitude for someone who was "so happy".
"Right, cause you always sulk like this when you hear something you don't like. Forgot sorry, that I was talking to Ron." He threw a sock at his brother.
"I'm not sulking." He sulked, rolling his eyes and turning his back to his twin.
"What's the big deal? You've snogged loads of girls before [Y/N], don't see her pouting."
"I know!" George snapped, turning to sit on the foot of his bed with his head bowed. "I don't know what's wrong with me. So they kissed. What's the big deal?" He looked up to Fred, arms wide in question.
"Jealousy, mate. Gets to the best of us" Fred laughed walking to the door past George, clapping him on the shoulder as he did so. "You'll get over it. Come on, let's eat."
George stared at the wall for a moment, before rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. "Get a grip." He told himself, following his brother. They stopped by Ginnys room where [Y/N] had agreed to meet them. They could hear the girls voices through the door. Fred was about to knock when...
"He's so cute though!" Came the giggle of their sister. His hand froze centimetres from the door, eyeing his brother curiously. "Like, ridiculously cute!" She squealed causing [Y/N] to laugh. "They're not still talking about that tosser, surely?" George wondered aloud.
"I know he is, Ginny. You forget I used to snog him." She replied. Unknowing to her, [Y/N]s comment had made her eavesdropping boyfriends heart drop. She said it was just one time.
"Why didn't you two date?" Ginny asked.
"What we had was way more fun." Smirk evident on her tone of voice.
"[Y/N]!" Their sister shouted.
George had heard enough. His blood boiling he stormed away. Fred watched as his Twin disappeared from sight followed shortly by the unmistakable open and close of the front door. Fred hesitated, unsure of what to do next.
"I'm kidding. To tell you the truth I was too hung up on your brother at the time."
"Of course." Fred thought, "the one bit he doesn't hear!" He shook his head. Knocking lightly on the door, pushing it open. "Hey" he spoke awkwardly "uh, [Y/N], mind if I have a word?" "But of course, Fredrick." She giggled. Following the boy from the room.
She stood patiently on the landing behind him while he closed the door, she couldn't help but notice the serious expression on his face. One that didn't look like it belonged on the face of Fred Weasley. "This is awkward, but..."
"Don't tell me you've come to confess your undying love for me now, Freddie. I only just got with your brother." She teased, pushing his shoulder playfully. "Ah, not exactly. But this is about him actually. You need to go talk to him." "Why...what's wrong?" Her cheeky smile suddenly fading.
"Well, um, Georgie may have gotten a bit jealous today, of that friend of yours. Aaannd he may have also just heard a snippet of your conversation with our darling sister." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling greatly uncomfortable. "You're joking." Fred grimaced. "But" she laughed exasperated, "George doesn't get jealous!..does he?" "Apparently so. Go see for yourself. He stormed off out the front, he'll be by the pond for sure." Fred gestured down the stairs. "Thanks, Freddie."
[Y/N] was at a loss. What could George possibly have to be jealous about? I mean, yes it was unfortunate timing that he had overheard her joke with Ginny but, other than that, Jeremy and her were just friends! And it's not like George hadn't had his fair share of flings before they got together.
Walking out toward the pond, [Y/N] could just make out the silhouette of her boyfriends body. Standing rigid by the waters edge, hands in his pants pockets. The sky was all but dark now, a mere sliver of orange and cream way on the horizon. Not a cloud in the sky as the stars shone brightly over head. She walked toward him wishing she were wearing warmer clothes as the nights air nipped at her exposed skin.
"Hey, Georgie." She spoke softly, standing just behind him. He turned his head to the side at the sound of her voice, able to see her only just by the corner of his eye. "Hey" he mumbled before looking back to the water.
Taking a deep breath she stepped toward him, shivering slightly. "A little birdie tells me..." her voice was soft and playful as she put her arms out wrapping them around his waist "that you're a little jealous" she nuzzled into him. Eyes gazing up to his profile. George opened his mouth to speak before closing it deciding against whatever retort formed on the tip of his tongue. She tilted her head walking in front of him to hug him once more, her tone now sincere. "I'm sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you by...taking you roughly in the barn." She chuckled against him.
He shook her off him turning away again. [Y/N]s face dropped slightly while the last of her giggles faded. She'd never seen him like this before. Even when they weren't dating.
"Oh, George..." "just don't." He snapped. "You don't have to say anything." "I'm sorry about what you heard. But it-it was just a joke-" "so you didn't sneak around with Jeremy while he was at school?" He interrupted. "Well...yes that happened but" he scoffed.
[Y/N]s temper began to rise at the reaction. "Hey! Wait a minute you can't hold that against me. We weren't together at the time and it's not as if you were an angel before us! Need I remind you of your time spent with Katie. And Alicia. And Felicity. And-" "ALRIGHT!" He turned to face her now, brows furrowed.
His expression softening as he looked at her. "Alright...I'm sorry, I know I don't have any right to get angry. Or any reason to be jealous I just...I don't like to think about you with anyone other than me." He stepped forward, "and after the way he was looking at you today. Looking at you the way I do, and hearing you with Ginny I just-" he cast his eyes over to the House. Not knowing the words to say. "I just need to know that you're mine." He moved into her, placing his hands against her sides and leaning their foreheads together.
They stood there for a moment, eyes closed just feeling each others warmth in the cold night air. [Y/N] was the first to open them again, searching his face which bore a painful expression. As if worried she were going to say she weren't his.
Placing a hand gently on the back of his neck she pulled their lips together. Kissing him tenderly at first before filling it with as much passion and love as she could. Wanting him to feel just how badly she needed him. [Y/N] pulled her lips from his, pushing her forehead against his again as she spoke softly, "I'll always be yours, George."
He leant into her, lips crashing with hers hungrily. Lifting her into his body while she giggled. He placed her back down layering quick, sweet, kisses to her cheek and neck.
"Feel better now?" She teased.
He smiled against her skin. "Absolutely."
Pulling back to whisper in her ear, his grip tightened on her hips, "Now, about that barn idea..." he grinned, biting his lip.
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marybethsjournal · 4 years
Just For Tonight
Summary: Abigail makes a promise to join when he’s injured in Colter; John is determined she make good on said promise.
Pairing(s): John Marston/Abigail Roberts
Word Count: 2146
Warnings: 18+, smut, face sitting, the works
More Abi/John works from me was requested by @redeadepression, so here you go! I hope you like it! 
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29810562
“Shit, woman, if you need a place to sit, come here”
Abigail had been mortified when she heard John say this in the Colter cabin in front of the whole gang when she had been complaining about not having a place to sit. She had scolded him profusely at the time, telling him how that was only their business, not the whole gang’s, and that he was far too weak to even be thinking about that. John had just been devoured by wolves and now he was trying to have her ride his face? That man was relentless.
Later the same night however, when everyone had long since gone to bed and she was checking on John one less time before laying down with Jack to finally get some much needed rest, John grabbed her hand.
“When I heal we can do it, though right?” he asked, gently running his hand over her. A rare moment of pure affection.
“What are you talking about you silly man?” she responded, having forgotten all about earlier.”
“You’ll let me appreciate you, like I said earlier. I know we don’t do that much anymore, but it’s the least I can do, with you nursing me back to my dumb, ugly self.”
Abigail hesitated before uttering a quiet, “Okay. Once you get better.” Before letting go of his hand and going off to bed.
Abigail was sure John didn’t remember that now. She didn’t think he’d remember much of Colter at all. His brains had been half eaten, after all. And even despite that, now that they were setting up camp at Horseshoe Overlook, both of them were real busy. John had better things to do than any funny business than her, especially funny business that put her first. A part of her wanted all this will we, won’t we bullshit to end for good, but part of her wanted him to pull her into his tent and rock her world. She didn’t suppose that she could be blamed for this, she had a Hell of a looker, despite what John said of himself.
She couldn’t think much about John and having her world rocked, however, because Jack was running around asking everyone questions when they were just trying to set up camp. She walked up to where her son was, asking yet another invasive question.
“Why do you cry all the time?” Jack asked Molly innocently.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Molly retorted, visibly uncomfortable.
“No I heard-” Abigail grabbed Jack’s shirt before he could cause anymore damage to Molly’s mood.
“Where are we going,?” “Let go of my shirt, mama.” Jack, not getting the hint, kept babbling on. 
“Jack Marston,” she started in a stern voice when they were out of earshot, “What did I tell thoughts in your head?”
Jack thought long and hard for a moment before responding with an air of uncertainty, “That some thoughts are Jack-only thoughts?”
Abigail nodded. “Yes. And when you have a question about someone, how about you ask Mama the question first, okay?”
“Okay Mama!” Jack affirmed.
“You play right here, okay? Mama and Aunt Tilly are gonna set us and Pa places to sleep. I’m gonna find your toys somewhere in all this mess too and I’ll bring them back to you.”
Jack nodded and after ordering him to behave himself, Abigail began helping Tilly to pitch John’s tent. She grumbled a little when reflecting on the fact that she and Jack’s tent hadn’t been saved but John’s had. A cruel world they lived in. She pushed the thought aside. The mood in the camp was tense enough, what with all the lives they had lost. She didn’t want to add her dumb complaints into the mix
The whole camp worked until sundown to get the large clearing to start to resemble a place they could call home. Not as glamorous as the Blackwater setup, but it would do just fine. The camp was something to be proud of for the gang. They had all worked together for what they had and that, in of itself, was a beautiful thing.
Abigail had just sung Jack to sleep and was walking over to talk to Sadie (she wanted to make sure the poor woman was alright) when John stopped her outside of his tent. “Where do you think you’re going?” John blocked her path.
“Leave me alone, John.” she tried to push passed him but John, having other ideas, held her in place and tutted her.
“Don’t talk to me like that. Come here, we had a deal.” he gestured towards his tent.
“You remember that?” Of course Abigail knew what he was referring too, she had thought about it on and off again all day today. She was just surprised that he remembered and was serious about this.
“‘Course. You changed your mind, huh? And I’m the one that breaks promises.” John teased her, his tongue dripping with sarcasm.
God, this man knew how to make her blood boil. “I keep my promises, John Marston. Come on then.” Abigail dragged him into the tent.
Abigail turned around to see John wearing the goofiest grin, as if he had won. She wanted to wipe that grin off his face immediately.
“What are you waiting for? Lie down. Now.” Abigail told him sternly, hands on her hips.
John chucked at her tone, amused that she was trying to boss him around. He began to unbuckle his belt but Abigail promptly stopped him.
 “What do you think you’re doing, Marston? Don’t think having a lady riding your face requires that.”
“I-” John was speechless at Abigail’s assertiveness. He did what she said and lied down on the cot, a little unsure of himself. What had he got himself into?
“You are a piece of work, you know that? You invite me to come sit on your face and then try to pull your dick out. That’s not gonna fly anymore. Someone’s gonna need to teach you how to be a gentleman.” Abigail scolded as she dropped her skirt and bloomers to the floor.
John, still unsure of himself but not dropping his cockiness act, responded, “By all means, darling, go ahead and show me.”
Abigail sure was glad she was about to make him shut up. She walked over to the cot and swung her legs over either side, sinking herself down on top of his waiting mouth. It had been a while since he had eaten her out, she wondered if he was as good as she remembered him being, or if she had simply been a young girl blinded by love at the time.
She got her answer almost immediately. The man annoyed her to no end, but she had to admit that he knew how to use his tongue.
“Fuck, John.” she moaned involuntarily when he licked a line down her cunt hungrily.
“I am a gentleman then, yeah?” He smiled beneath her, stopping momentarily.
“Shut your mouth already.” she grinded herself on his face to make him.
This time he finally took the hint and focused all his attention on her, not on talking. He spent most of his time running his tongue along her folds, focusing on the areas where she gave the most audible response to. Abigail was trying to keep up her domination act but couldn’t help but praise her man. “Good boy” “so good for me” and “such a gentleman” kept spilling from her lips without her thinking. Before long, however, she realized how well he was responding to the praise and continued on purposefully. He was being so attentive, she wasn’t used to that. He used to be like this, before Jack, but a lot had changed since then. She wondered if after today, he’d go right back to his usual, stubborn self. Probably.
Before Abigail could go too far down the rabbit hole of remembering all the stupid things John seemed to love to do, he brought her back into the moment by sucking on her clit.
“Y-yeah, keep doing that.” John didn’t snap back with a silly comment, but Abigail could feel him smirk beneath her.
A few more minutes of this and she was going to come on his tongue. That was rare for her these days. She usually finished herself up after John was done with her. That made her feel a little bit used and not appreciated, to tell the truth. This was certainly a welcomed change and as much as she would like to finish like this, she knew John must be straining against his pants by now and she didn’t have it in her to deny him release.
She pulled back from John and he looked up at her with a quizzical face, as if to ask what was wrong. She noticed the coat of wetness lining his lips and stubble.
“You look good like that” she complimented him, biting her lip. He sure was a sight to be beholden.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” he responded, grabbing at her thighs to pull her down once more. She shook her head as a warning for him to stop.
“You hard for me, Marston?” 
“Uh huh.” he gulped, eyes glazed over in lust.
Abigail felt behind herself below his belt and was rewarded with his large bulge. She smiled unabashedly and unbuckled his belt, freeing his rock hard dick from his pants.
“You know, if you’re good, I’ll let you fuck me.” Abigail purred, lazily stroking John.
“Haven’t I been good?”
“Yes, but I want you to do something for me.” she continued in the same tone.
“What-,” John let out a labored groan, “What do you want from me.”
Abigail knew he’d do anything she wanted to at this point. She had him right where she wanted him.
“Tell me you love me.” Abigail demanded, stopping his stroke now, leaving John without any friction. She laughed lightly when he instinctively humped the air, trying to find any friction possible. 
“Abigail you know-” Abigail knew what he was about to say. He always had a hard time saying those words, for some reason. She had gotten it out of him before, but it was rare. Even Jack heard it from him more, not that that was saying much.
“Fine then.” She bluffed, picking his skirt and bloomers off the ground and going to start putting them on. 
“No! You know I do. Ugh- I love you, Abigail. I really do.” He whimpered, frustrated out of his mind. 
Abigail dropped her clothes but made no effort to move. “There sure was nice, you stubborn man, but I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know? I said I loved you.” John was becoming more desperate by the second.
“You know you’re mine, right? Every part of you, mine.” Abigail walked closer to him and bent to eye level with John, maintaining intense eye contact.
“Yeah, I’m yours.” John nodded, fully aware that his cock was twitching.
“So how about,” Abigail paused, “A ‘I love you, mistress’?”
John looked up at her bewildered, but after a pause of no longer than a second, repeated, “I love you, mistress.” 
“That’s a good boy. You’re doing such a good job listening today.” Abigail praised as sunk down on his cock. Fuck, she had missed this.
“God, you feel so good,” John thrust up into her “and so tight. Fuck.”
“We could do this more if you weren’t such an ass” Abigail retorted in a faux sharp tone.
“Yeah, yeah. You’ve teased me enough tonight.” John retorted, grabbing her hips roughly, pulling her down towards him. She let him, she liked enjoying herself and letting him do the work.
It didn’t take long of bouncing on his thick length before Abigail came undone (before John for once), moaning her partner’s name loudly. He helped her ride out her orgasm and subsequently tried to pull out.
“No, cum in me. Please.” Abigail requested, sensitive but still turned on. Abigail knew John preferred to finish in her and he had earned the privilege today.
Abigail didn’t have to tell John twice. The words themselves almost sent him over the edge. A couple more strokes and he finished inside her, happy as a lark. 
The two of them laid down in silence for a moment, Abigail on top of John, before John lifted her head and said, “Y’know, I really do love you.”
“I love you too.” She gave him a quick kiss. He smiled against it.
“Thank you. For this.” he told her, he looked in her eyes in an attempt to signal that the sentiment was genuine. 
“Sure. I best be going. Goodnight, John.”
And just like that she was gone. John knew they’d probably be yelling at each other in the morning, but at least they had enjoyed themselves for the night.
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