#molly is baby in this au and not a lil shit
evillillad · 1 year
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im dying but heres the idea behind nina and mollys mob au ahehe ahoho ok i go sleep its 12am
(mob au from @clownsuu)
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swagship-sideblog · 2 years
Pinned! Read for info!!
pro-fiction pro-whatever lolicon cartoon fan. dont like - dont look
[art tag]
The main things I enjoy at the moment are: Ed Edd & Eddy, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, Ojamajo Doremi, Mob Psycho 100, Homestuck, and whatever other shit i'm into at the moment
Read more below to see my fav ships & characters!
Current Waifus:
Senoo Aiko - my baby, my one and only, I love her so much........... I relate to her on so many levels and just love her alot... I actually have 2 different narratives in my head for this one, one where my self insert is a cute lil catboy who gets sent to her universe, and one where she magically shows up in mine. I could talk about her for hours but all you need to know is that she's my sweetheart of the whole world and I love her <333
Double Dee - i would do. so many things. i shant say...
Ships I like:
Anything ed edd & eddy - any combination of the characters works for me. I love all of them so much
MobRei - been a fan of this one for years, always been there for me and I quite enjoy it [ageswap AU is my fav <33]. Many of the fics I read of them are very cathartic to me, so these 2 hold a special place in my heart
RitMob - also love this one, it's very very cute, was there for me when I was stuck hanging out with antis but my love for mob could never be fully repressed <3
Rickorty - this one's so fucked up but my brain loves it lmao... the first time I read a fic of them I got suuuuper guilty about it the next day, but unfortunately I find guilt pretty hot so this one latched onto my brain like a virus, huge fan
Stridercest - pretty much all forms of it are right up my alley. Don't post about it as much currently but it's an absolute longtime CLASSIC and I love it. Most recently was on an alpha stridercest kick because I love dom shotas and watching Dave fight for his life
Kris x Spamton - I absolutely love the themes being developed in deltarune so far, and I feel like these 2 characters and their interactions explore the themes relating to control and freedom very beautifully... both Kris and Spamton are characters whose struggles I can relate to easily/empathize with, so some of the fics I read of them can be very cathartic and comforting... alot of complex emotions arise from this ship, and I really love it. its also really hot lol.
SaiGenos - oh man.... cyborgs...... I read a fic where some of Genos' wires get fucked up and he needs Saitama to plug them back in cuz hes basically immobile until they get fixed... and OUGH it's really hot..... I read alot more im addition to this, but this one was REALLY good
Scratch x Molly: I enjoy a veeery specific wholesome flavor of this ship, but not many people draw it the way I like (last I checked), so any fellow shippers feel free to say hi lol
Style (south park) - this one is an ABSOLUTE classic, a childhood favorite of mine, and im glad to say it lives on in my heart after all these years <3
Kyman (just a little) - I can have a little kyman... as a treat :3
And many others......
Other Waifus (for historical purposes):
Bloo: jeeeze louise he's so cute. He's such a little brat I just wanna pick him up and shake him around <3 bloo crying 10 minute compilation on loop
Dirk Strider - had a big phase of liking him lol. He's really cute <3
Eddy - I need to put him in a dress and make him cry tears of pleasure
Eric Cartman - I have a thing for little chubby boys in drag btw
Brobot - yes, the battle robot dirk made in his image. It's hot. I like to imagine giving it a personality <33
Mob - unfortunately I was hanging out with antis during my original Mob Psycho phase, so I didn't really accept my love for him & he didn't register in my brain like that... but I still had dreams of cuddling with him and fantasized of being able to meet him and comfort him (and got really high an pretended to cuddle with him using my cat lol), so I believe he still counts
Reigen. - I had a pretty substantial reigen obsession during my first mp100 phase, I have a 125 image porn collection of him from back them lmfao. He's pretty alright
Hal 9000 (2001 a Space Odyssey) - I fucking love hal
Karkat Vantas - excuse my french but I need his transboy tentacle cock in my mouth he is very cute
Mituna Captor - Mituna.......... yippee!!!
Dave Strider - he's every transmascs favorite character of course I like him... tried writing a self insert kissing practice gone wrong fanfic but I couldn't get his dialogue right so I gave up lol
Charles Calvin (Henry Stickmin) - now I know this one's pretty out of place compared to the rest but uh... yeah he was probably my BIGGEST obsession with a fictional character... like it was detrimental at some points lol. But man I really wanted to fuck this stick figure X] I actually created a Google drive folder with about 230 pictures of Henry stickmin porn, even including a document with all the sources I could find lol. If you recognize me from this information, no you don't
Genos (OPM) - god I was reeeeaaally into him when I was watching one punch man and I LOVED him. I still love him just focused on other characters atm <3
And probably some others
Other fav characters
Hunter (TOH) - bro he's just like me fr fr... quite love him and want to see him happy
Scratch (tgamm) - DUDE he's so silly funny, so goofy silly..... these so underrated and ppl need to appreciate him more >:3
Kyle (SP) - mannnn Kyle is pretty cute, some of these south park characters are nearing the waifu tier, it's going to be very silly goofy
Kenny (SP) - dude kenny is one of my classic childhood crushes, shoutout kenny lol
Spongebob (Squarepants) - another one of my childhood crushes, youll see me occasionally post about him too lol.
+ plenty others lol
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[cracks knuckles] 🔪😨 some 🩸? maybe ❌?? and how about modern au with 🤫
* Talk To Me // Accepting
🔪 enemies with sexual tension 😨 one muse is using the other muse for their benefit ( specify which muse, Sender or Receiver ) 🩸 enemies tolerating each other for a common goal ❌ guilty by association 🤫 one muse is secretly an enemy/traitor to the other muse ( specify which muse, Sender or Receiver )
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Eyup yupypyupyupyuypppp yuppp yupyupyupy mhmmhm
I rlly do love the idea of ghostface n molly having 2 work together toward something cus its rlly funny cus Molly hates it and cant stand this dude fr- ASDFKIGJHG!!
and MODERN AU YES... I WOULD LOVE TO EXPLORE THAT !!! The idea of like Danny getting close to Molly and plans on killing her? Live for that shit baby love it love it-
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08 Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16 Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24 Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
Since today was very stressful (found out I had to go back to Wisconsin a day earlier than planned, my car was involved in an accident where no one was hurt but my car, and I drove three hours, most of it in the dark), I didn’t do one of my prompts for NaNoWriMo, but rather cleaned up and finished a scene I wrote ages ago.  It’s a cross between the MerGucket AU and the Stay-at-Home Stan AU, and, in my humble opinion, it’s great.
Word count: 1651
              “Come on, Sixer, breathe.”  Two large hands pressed down on Ford’s chest.  Ford sat upright, coughing up water.  Spots danced in front of his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.  “About damn time.”  Ford looked over.
              “…Am I hallucinating?” Ford asked after a moment.
              “I’m not a figment of your imagination, if that’s what you’re askin’,” Stan answered.  He and Ford were on a deserted beach, a few feet from the pale blue water.  Ford’s clothes were soaked through, while Stan, clad in only pants, seemed completely dry.
              “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt, then?”
              “Wha- I feel like that’s pretty good support for me not being a hallucination.”
              “Fair enough,” Ford mumbled.  He shook his head.  “I don’t understand anything going on right now.”
              “Sounds like we’re in the same boat, then,” Stan said.  He crossed his arms and frowned at Ford.  “Why the hell did you try to drown yourself?”  Ford’s blood ran cold.
              “You saw.”
              “Yeah.  I did. What’s going on, Sixer?” Stan asked quietly.  Ford’s brow furrowed.
              “How did you see?”
              “I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean.  How did you see that?” Ford asked.  Stan cleared his throat.
              “Answer my question first.”
              “Answer mine.”
              “Stanford,” Stan said flatly.
              “Stanley,” Ford said in the same tone.  Ford and Stan stared at each other silently for a moment.  A small smile fought its way onto Stan’s face.  
              “Heh.  You’re just as much a stubborn ass as you were…shit, seven, eight years ago?”  Stan shook his head.  “That can’t be right.”
              “No, it is.  It has been quite some time.”
              “So, why were you trying to drown yourself?” Stan asked.  
              “It’s complicated,” Ford mumbled.  “I thought I could trust someone, turned out I couldn’t, so I decided to go somewhere he couldn’t follow me.”
              “The bottom of the ocean.”
              “Hey, Stan?” a voice shouted.  Ford turned his head.  A man he didn’t recognize was walking toward them.  Like Stan, he was shirtless, only wearing cargo shorts.
              “What’s goin’ on, Lute?” Stan called back.  The man stopped a few feet from Ford, eyeing him with blatant curiosity.
              “Angie wanted to tell ya she had to go out to work.  So ya should come grab Molly ‘fore then.”
              “On it.”  Stan stood up.  Ford sighed.
              “It was nice seeing you again, I suppose,” Ford said quietly.  
              “No, Ford, you’re comin’ with,” Stan said.  Lute cleared his throat.
              “Uh, ya sure ‘bout that?” Lute asked.  
              “But he’s-”
              “We can trust him,” Stan said firmly.  Lute let out a small huff.
              “Whatever.  It’s yer head if’n he proves otherwise.”
              “He’s my twin brother,” Stan said.  Lute raised an eyebrow.
              “The same one what turned his back on ya when ya got kicked out?  Don’t sound very trustworthy to me.”
              “Lute.  You don’t know him like I do.”
              “All right, all right,” Lute said, putting his hands up.  “I’ll tell Angie yer goin’ to come grab lil Miss Molly.”
              “We’re on our way,” Stan said.  He looked at Ford.  “Comin’?”
              “I don’t understand anything that is going on,” Ford said.  
              “Just trust me, Sixer.  You’re gonna wanna come.”
              Stan came to a stop in front of a large cliff.
              “Okay, just stay out here,” Stan said.  “I’m gonna get Molly.”
              “Who is Molly?  Please explain what’s going on,” Ford said.  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.
              “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.  I’ll have to show you.  Hang tight. I’ll be right back.”  Stan brushed aside a large branch, exposing a hole in the cliff.  Ford started forward.  “No, Ford. Wait here.”  Stan ducked into the hole.  Ford sighed and turned to face the ocean.  After about five minutes had passed, a head poked above the waves. Ford’s eyes widened.  
              Is there a woman out there? The woman caught sight of him, cocked her head curiously, then dove back underwater with a flick of a bright yellow tail.  A mermaid!  What a day for merfolk!  First there was that red male I saw earlier, now a yellow female.  Ford took the journal out of his pocket.  I’m glad I thought to write on waterproof pages.  He flipped the book open to the page with his notes on the male earlier. Before he could write anything, someone behind him cleared a throat.  Ford turned around.  Stan grinned at him.
              “All right, you wanted to know who Molly is?  Here.”  Stan nodded at the thing resting in his arms.  Ford frowned.  
              “Is- is that a mermaid?” Ford asked quietly.  Stan nodded, beaming.  “Clearly an infant.  Not more than a few months old.”
              “Remarkable,” Ford breathed.  “You said the name was Molly?  So it’s female.”
              “A fine specimen.”  Ford reached out to touch the mermaid’s green scales.  Stan took a step back, a sour look on his face.  “What?”               “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Stan demanded.
              “What are you talking about?  I’m just talking about your…pet, perhaps?” Ford hedged.  Stan’s mouth dropped open.
              “My pet?!  Ford, look at her.  Does she look like anyone you know?” Stan asked.  Ford peered at the mermaid.  The baby giggled happily and clapped her small webbed hands.  She had thick brown curls and a large ruddy nose to match her rosy cheeks.  Ford’s heart dropped to his feet.
              “…She looks like you.”
              “Yeah.  She does. Wanna know why?”
              “I’m dreading the answer.”
              “She’s my daughter, Stanford,” Stan said.  Ford swallowed.
              “Is- I take it her mother is a mermaid?” Ford asked, trying to be casual.
              “Does she have a yellow tail?”
              “You saw her leave, huh?” Stan said.  “I told her if ya saw her, you’d probably write about her or- yep, there’s your science notebook.”  Ford smiled sheepishly.  “Go on, show me what ya wrote.”
              “Uh, I didn’t get anything down about her before you got back.  I do have my notes about a merman I saw earlier.” Ford showed Stan the pages.  “Unfortunately, I didn’t get a good look at him.  He had a red tail, and I sketched him from the back but-”  Stan stared silently at the journal, his face carefully guarded.  “Wait, do you recognize him?”
              “Yeah,” Stan said after a moment.  “Yeah, I do.” Molly began to emit a high-pitched wail.  “Shit, she can’t stay outta the water for too long. Gimme a sec.”  Stan rushed over to the water’s edge and carefully dipped Molly’s tail under.  Ford stared at Stan’s back.
              “Yeah?” Stan asked, still watching Molly splash her tail excitedly in the water. Ford joined him and crouched down. He peered closely at Stan.  Stan looked at him, confused.  “What are you- hey!”  Ford poked Stan’s neck.  At Ford’s touch, three thin slits instinctively rose up, revealing red flesh below.  Ford stumbled back.
              “You- the merman I saw earlier was you, wasn’t it?” Ford whispered. Stan sighed.
              “Fine.  Yeah. The second you mentioned the tail color, I figured it out.  Red’s actually pretty uncommon.  Mearl – Molly’s grandpa – says I’m the first merson he’s ever met with red scales.”
              “You were watching me on the boat.”
              “I didn’t know it was you, okay?  Angie – Molly’s mom – and I were taking Molly out for her first trip outside the colony.  She’s a bit young for it, but we needed some air.”  Ford raised an eyebrow in amusement.  “Water.  Whatever. You know what I mean.  When you saw me, I was tellin’ Angie to hide Molly in the family cave, ‘cause there was a ship nearby.  A little bit later, I saw someone jump overboard, and went to check out what was happening.  It turned out to be you, and, well-”  Stan shrugged.  “You know the rest.”
              “How are you a merman?” Ford asked.
              “I fell in love with a mermaid and ate a magic plant.”
              “There has to be more to the story than that.”
              “Yeah, but it’d take a while to tell the whole thing,” Stan said.  He stroked Molly’s hair absentmindedly.  “What’s going on with you, Sixer?  Why the hell would you just jump straight to drowning yourself?  Who’s after you?”
              “His name’s Bill,” Ford said softly.
              “Bill…okay.  What makes him so nasty?”
              “It’s a long story,” Ford sighed.  “In summary, he’s- he knows more about the magical creatures and items of the sea than anyone else.  And he’s not afraid to utilize that information for his own gains.  I discovered that he was using the research I was working on to disrupt natural ecosystems.  Essentially, pillaging the ocean’s magical bounty.”
              “Pillaging- oh, shit.”  Stan stared down at the wet sand.  “I know who you’re talkin’ about.”
              “Yeah.  News of mer hunters tends to spread fast.  Especially if they’re as brutal as Bill.”  Stan snorted.  “God, that’s such a dumb name for such a scary guy.”  He looked at Ford.  “So. What are you gonna do?”
              “I- I don’t know what I’ll do.”
              “Well…”  Stan glanced at the ocean.  “You said that this person couldn’t follow you to the bottom of the ocean.  And that’s where I live now.  If you want, you can crash on my couch for a while.”
              “I’m not a merman.  I would drown.”
              “Not a problem.  Angie’s mom taught me a spell that makes someone breathe underwater.”
              “Do merfolk have magical capabilities?”
              “Fascinating,” Ford murmured.  Stan rolled his eyes.
              “So, are you gonna come?”
              “…I don’t see why not.”  Ford smiled hesitantly at Molly.  “At the very least, I could catch up with you and get to know the mer family you’ve become a part of.  Such as my newfound niece.”
              “It might be more than just Molly, Sixer.”  Stan grinned.  “Man, you’re gonna lose it when you see the eggs.”  Stan stood up and began to head back to the opening in the cliff.  Ford blinked, his brain trying to catch up with what he had just heard.  He shot up with a small yelp.
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sannisideup · 6 years
the seven stages
stage 1: the meet-cute
Remus let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead, trying to ease the ever-persistent wrinkles that had started to form there. As a senior resident in the ER department of the local city hospital, it was almost as if everyone in the city were trying to get themselves killed. He had just finished his final check on a 9-year-old boy who had fallen down the stairs while playing tag with his friends.
“Exhausted already? Your shift just started,” a feminine voice said from behind him. Remus turned to find the other senior resident in the ER department facing him. Her red hair was tied in a tight ponytail and she was wearing the bright yellow scrubs the hospital had designated for all the doctors because “we want to be a friendly, cheerful hospital” as if wearing yellow somehow kept patients from screaming out in agony or from flat-out dying within seconds of entering the trauma bay.
“Ha,” Remus replied, his lips quirking slightly upwards at seeing his best friend for the first time in a month. They had become friends on the first day of med school when both had reached out for the same book on anatomy - the last book, too, mind you - at the college library, and ultimately decided to share it. “I’m on my second shift of the day,” he pointed to Lily, “you just came back from your honeymoon with James. How was it?” This time Remus gave her a full smile.
“Oh my god, it was perfect,” she replied, her eyes shining with happiness, her mouth curving upwards. “And,” Lily paused, “I’m pregnant!” Remus stared at the redhead in shock, his mouth gaping.
“Um, details, please.”
“I suspected it when we got married, and then on the second week, James had a work emergency so he was cooped up in the room all day, and then I went and bought a pregnancy kit, and,” Lily spoke excitedly, her voice rising in pitch. She held up her hand, palms facing Remus, “as a doctor I chose the most accurate one, obviously, and,” Lily squealed, both hands curving against her still-flat stomach, “I’m pregnant. You should’ve seen James’ face, Re, he was so happy. He even cried.”
“I’m so happy for you, Lils,” Remus replied, taking her into his arms. “I better be the godfather.”
“Of course,” she laughed, her right patting his left cheek.
“Dr. Lupin, Dr. Evans, if you have both finished your very important conversation, and would be so kind as to start treating patients sometime today it would be much appreciated.” Remus looked over Lily’s shoulder and spotted the hospital’s Chief of Staff, Dr. McGonagall, leaning against the break room door, her arms loosely crossed under her chest. Shit. “Congrats on the baby, Dr. Evans.” She promptly left, her steps light with her white coat swishing behind her.
Lily swiftly untangled herself from her best friend and Remus found himself hugging the empty air where Lily had stood for a very short moment. He watched as Lily squared her shoulders and walked out into the ER. He followed in her stead.
“Do you think we’re in trouble?” Lily asked as they made their way to the head nurse, Molly, to get assigned to one of the trauma bays.
“Honestly, I have no clue.” Remus shrugged his shoulders before giving Molly a small wave.
“Lucky day, today, much less patients on average. There’s a patient for Dr. Evans in trauma bay 4, GSC 15, complaining about arm pain. She slipped in the bathroom while taking a shower,” Molly greeted them. She handed her the hospital iPad which held all of the patient’s information and records. Lily ran off to treat her patient, tugging the stethoscope hanging off her neck. “For you, GSC 14, the paramedics say he has a broken tibula, and they’ve put a temporary splint on it. Trauma bay 2.” Remus took the iPad Molly offered him, walking towards trauma bay 2. He stopped in his tracks when he came across the name.
Sirius Black.
Remus had certainly heard it somewhere before, but at the moment he couldn’t remember. He shrugged it off and continued his way towards the small space that held his patient, who according to the records had been “driving a gorgeous, 1,000cc BMW motorbike that had slid and landed on his leg.” He shook his head in disapproval; he had seen enough motorbike accidents to never get on one himself. He pictured a middle-aged man with an affinity for biking (and maybe a part of some obscure motorcycle gang), with a temporary cast on his leg.
What Remus absolutely in his wildest dreams, did not expect was a gorgeous man with jet-black wavy hair that reached his shoulders lying on the white rolling bed. Fuck. He was totally fucked. As his third year in residency, he had seen more than his fair share of patients but no one could look this good. It should be illegal to look that good. Remus was certain that if someone with a cardiovascular disease or a history of heart attacks would take one look at this man, they would have a heart attack. And he was a doctor. He knew these kind of things.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Remus Lupin,” he greeted, grateful that his voice didn’t shake, “and I will be taking care of you today. Firstly, we’re-”
“You’re cute,” the man -- Sirius Black -- interrupted. Yep, Remus thought, I’m definitely screwed.
910 words
this ficlet (which is gonna be seven chapters in total, is based off the following prompt: “you’re my patient and i’m trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with you but it’s hard to do that when you’re flirting with me, seriously dude i’m not gonna be able to diagnose you as easily when you’re telling me how my labcoat complements my eyes jfc” au) which one of my friends, qanita, asked me to write a wolfstar for. it was supposed to be a one-shot but my brain had other plans. this one is gonna be funny & fluffy (which light touches of angst for character development & background & shit) which will include super-busy-bodies lily & james who cannot matchmake but decide to matchmake & i just cant wait to write more.
stage 2: the flirting here
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redrobin-detective · 8 years
It occurred to me that Damian, whether it's in canon or WG au, would refer to Dick/Rachel's kid, when s/he got one, as Grayson spawn. It might start as an insult out of jealousy (cause even though he'd deny it, he's used to being the only baby bird in Grayson's life and now this new lifeform is invading his terf). But it'd grow into a term of endearment (like his insults for Tim). In WG au I have this cute image of Dami keeping progress over Rach's pregnancy and growing fonder of meeting the -
the kid. Heck he might, in all his acting of haughty indifference, try to molly coddle Rachel. Though he has some weird ideas, like getting her to nap w/Goliath and the rest of his pets cause animals are relaxing or making unsettling baby drinks that pregnant al ghoul women drink to (supposedly) positively affect the baby genetically. Tim swears it look like crazy voodoo and bans him from the lab. Even Alfred is impressed by (the force of) nanny Damian.
Aw, I’m always a bit stuck on how I want to handle babies with Rachel in this AU. I already decided that Jan is gonna be the first momma but she’s gonna adopt a shit ton of girls who have no where else to go and protect them. Tab marries Conner and they have a bouncing baby half-kryptonian boy. Damira… she’s still a baby herself so it’s weird to imagine but I’m leaning towards aro ace who takes in “"students”“ in addition to animals but they’re actually her lil babies. But Rachel is hard cause, like Dick, she’s a wanderer and the idea of properly settling down with one person and having a family seems a bit iffy. I can see her having/adopting kids later in life.
But in your instance, yes, Damian’s overprotectiveness would reach insane levels and he’d follow after he like a little duckling. "Eat this, i read it was good for deeloping fetuses” “You must rest Grayson, you’ve been working for 20 minutes now”. It’s annoying but endearing.
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♥ ♪ ✰ ☠ ☢ gimmie the good shit
♥: Most wanted AU
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Guilty Pleasure Time.
This is an AU I don’t think I’d ever write, both cus trying to find a willing partner and also how like. Dark it is I know there will most likely not be any sort of consolation of any sort.
But there was this AU V and I spun that was inspired by Meant To Be Yours from the Heathers Soundtrack. I’ve talked about this AU thing before but I’ll do it again cus it’s been awhile.
Essentially the premise is it’s a Moll/astor AU, of course. Where it’s Molly and Alastor but Alastor grows more and more.. Possessive and Obsessive over Molly. She’s the first person he’s ever actually fell in love with without really wanting to actively seek to hurt her… Unless given a big enough reason (coughs like her leaving him cough).
Well. Molly sure fucking wants to get out of this but she can’t. Because. Well. He’s you know. And also she still wuvs him.
Anyway I vaguely remember the climax, but it was that Alastor ends up fucking kidnapping Angel and keeping him in his basement and all.. IIRC I think he used this as a way to try and keep Molly and offer her support and all and keep her still chained to him.
I remember specifically Molly was living with him at the time of all this happening. And was essentially kept locked in the house every time he left.
Molly eventually finds Angel. Fucking almost starved to death essentially and like fucking weak as hell. Manages to get him out and escape the house.
I remember they get to Arackniss’s place and what the fuck Alastor is there. He doesn’t show he’s angry or anything. Saccharine and sweet as he tells them to go sit at the table. Talks how starved Angel must be especially. They comply nervous and Alastor begins to feed them dinner. Nonchalant. Acting as if nothing is wrong.
Molly and Angel are fucking scared off their minds.
They begin to wonder hello where is arackniss? i forgot how the twist got dropped but yeah they’re eating arackniss. he’s not dead tho i remember V and I said this he wasnt dead but he wsnt doing great.
It’s a scenario and trope I think would be interesting to explore cus ngl I am a sucker for the. Possessive obsessive sorta shit but you know how draining it can be writing it you know but. MMMFFF!!
♪:A song (or two) that I associate with my character                
Deadwater - Wet
Brick By Boring Brick - Paramore
✰:A reaction image I will probably never use
I have a lot of those but ones I don’t think I’ll ever get to use seriously in a thread is well
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☠: A popular fanon headcanon about my character that bugs me
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I don’t know how true it is anymore, but this was way back when before Molly was ever really known about. At All. And legit is one of the reasons why I even fucking wanted to start this blog LMAO-
But when people would portray and show Molly is like… An innocent sweet lil naive baby.
She would be really ditzy and just.
Teehee! You better not be mean to be mister or I’ll go crying to my brothers!! Boohoo sniffle HMPH!! Pouty pouty.
She (was thought to be until Viv wanted 2 clown) in hell. Her name is a reference to ecstasy (as well as how her eyes are drawn according to Viv’s speeddraw of her redesign) She grew up in A CRIME FAMILY. Like. Bruuuuh. Lmao.
☢:Something about my character that I’ve never explored but want to
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HMMM Off the top of my head honestly?
Probably Molly like. Realizing her kind of. Unhealthy… like. Prioritization with her family. How she puts Angel and Arackniss especially first and above her – and in the case of certain Angels how they end up really.. Hurting her a lot.
A lot of family stuff honestly.
Just having someone point out to Molly how kind of… Unbalanced it might seem. How she needs to start worrying about her too and not just constantly worry about her family. How it ISN’T HER JOB TO FIX THEM.
Stuff like that I suppose!!
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Number 1; Wolf AU!
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
1. Corn maze
All right, here it is.  The ficlet that I’m counting as my second day of NaNoWriMo.  It takes place when Stan and Angie’s first set of children (the triplets Molly, Danny, and Daisy) are about three, and during their first family trip to the McGucket farm.  Ma and Pa McGucket are still decidedly lukewarm about Stan, but starting to get warmer in their opinion of him.
Word count: 1421
Send me a number for a fall-themed prompt!
              Stanlooked in the rearview mirror.  Thetriplets were fast asleep, snoring softly in their car seats.  Each one was wearing color-coded clothes, ahabit left over from when they were near-identical infants.
              “They’resleeping, Ang.”
              “Shoot.”  Angie turned around in her seat to look atthe triplets.  “Of course they fellasleep right when we got here.”
              “Wherever‘here’ is,” Stan muttered, eyeing the white farmhouse they had parked outsideof.  Angie scowled at him.
              “It’s theplace I grew up, Stanley.  You need to becareful ‘bout how you talk.  My folksalready aren’t that fond of you.  Don’tgive ‘em more reason to give ya the cold shoulder.”
              “Whowoulda thought that knocking you up with triplets after dating you for only ayear and a half wouldn’t improve your parents’ opinion of me?”
              “And theydidn’t like ya much before then, either.”
              “I know.”  Stan sighed. “They tolerate me more when the girls are around, though.”
              “Duh.  Yer an excellent father.”  Angie leaned over and kissed Stan on thecheek.  “My parents can tell.”  Stan grinned at her.
              “Mama?” asmall voice called from the backseat. Angie looked over at the speaker, Molly.
              “Are wethere yet?”
              “You betcha.  Why don’t ya wake up yer sisters, and we’llgo inside and say hi to Grannie and Grampie.”
              Mollygiggled loudly, excited about riding on Stan’s shoulders.  Stan strode through the fairgroundscheerfully, whistling.  Angie’s parentshad told them there was a local harvest festival happening, and, naturally, thetriplets insisted on going.  Molly tuggedat Stan’s hair exuberantly.
              “Ouch!  Careful there, Little Six,” Stan saidgently.  He patted Molly’s leg.  “You’re a lot stronger than you think,remember?”
              “Oh.  Yeah.” Molly giggled again.
              “D’aw,aren’t ya just the cutest lil thing,” Ma McGucket gushed at Daisy.  She had insisted on carrying Daisy as they walkedthrough the festival.  “Love my adorable granddaughters.  First triplets in McGucket fam’ly history.”
              “Careful,Sally,” Pa McGucket said.  He smiled downat Danny, who was holding his hand.  “Don’tgive ‘em big heads.  They already got bignoses.”
              “Adorable noses,” Ma McGucket saidfirmly.  Stan caught Angie’s eyes.
              “Make them stop,” he mouthedsilently.  Angie nodded.
              “Ma, Pa,why don’t ya take the girls into the maze?” she suggested.  Her parents beamed.
              “What asplendid idea, junebug,” Pa McGucket said. He let go of Danny’s hand to hold out his arms.  Stan reluctantly removed Molly from his shouldersand placed her in Pa McGucket’s waiting embrace.  “Hey there, sugar-cube.”  Molly responded by grabbing Pa McGucket’snose.  Pa McGucket chuckled.  “Yep, that’s my nose.”
              “Nose,”Molly said solemnly.
              “Allright, you three cuties are goin’ to come with me ‘n Grampie through the cornmaze, okay?” Ma McGucket said to the triplets. Danny’s face scrunched up.
              “But Mamaand Daddy-”
              “We’ll bewaitin’ right outside the maze, baby, don’t worry,” Angie said soothingly.  She kissed the top of Danny’s head.  “Go have some fun with yer grandparents.  We’ll be right here.”
              “Can westill smell you when we can’t see you?” Danny whimpered.  Angie smiled.
              “Of course.”  Angie’s parents shared an odd look.
              “Smellyou?” Ma McGucket prompted.  Angie waveda hand airily.
              “Just alil inside joke, don’t worry ‘bout it.”
              “If yasay so,” Ma McGucket said.  She nuzzledDaisy’s ear.  “Let’s go, honey-buns.”
              Stan kickeda clump of dirt.
              “When Iasked you to make them stop, I didn’t mean take the kids away,” Stan mutteredangrily.  “I hate being away from the girlson my days off.  Even more than you do.”
              “Let’snot make this a competition, darlin’,” Angie said.  She scratched behind her ear in a distinctlydog-like manner.  “And I asked ‘em totake the girls in the maze ‘cause it seemed like you could use a break from myparents.  They’ve been more overbearin’than I expected.”  Angie smiled apologetically.  “Sorry, honey.”
              “It’sfine,” Stan mumbled.  “You can’t controlwhat your parents do.  I’m used to parentsof girlfriends not liking me anyways.  Carla’sparents didn’t have as many guns as your folks, though.”
              “They won’tuse the guns on you.”
              “You sureabout that?  Lute was pretty pissed thelast time I saw him.”
              “I wasspeakin’ ‘bout my parents, not my brothers.”
              “So you’resaying Lute might shoot me,” Stan said. Angie paused.  The silence was fartoo long for Stan’s comfort.
              “Notlethally, though.  And not in a way thatwould take much time to recover from.  Agraze wound, most likely.”
              “This isgetting an uncomfortable amount of detail,” Stan said.  Angie chuckled.  “But you’re sure your parents won’t shoot me?”
              “Correct.  They will not shoot you,” Angie confirmed.
              “Good.”  Stan took a seat on the bench next toAngie.  He put his arm around her.  She leaned against his shoulder with asatisfied sigh.  “It is kinda nice to sitoutside in relative quiet.  I forgot whatit sounded like.”  Angie let out a barkof laughter.
              “Trueenough.”  She sat straighter, staring intentlyat the entrance to the maze.  “They’recomin’ back.”
              “They weregone for like, ten minutes,” Stan said.  “Howare they back already?  The girls didn’tget that upset about being apart fromus so fast, did they?”  Angie sniffed theair.  Her face paled.
              “I smellMa, Pa, Danny, ‘n Daisy.  But notMolly.  Molly’s not with ‘em.”
              “What?!”  Stan jumped to his feet.  “Angie, they don’t have Molly?  Molly’s not-”
              “Relax, I’msure it’s fine.”  Angie’s reassurance wasundercut by the clear strain in her voice. Her parents emerged from the maze, each holding one of thetriplets.  Angie stood up.  “Ma, Pa?”
              “Banjey,Molly ran off,” Pa McGucket said.  Angiecovered her mouth.  “She’s stillsomewhere in the maze.  There’s only theone entrance.  But we felt we should comeback and explain the sit’ation before we went to search fer her.”
              “No needto go look,” Stan said.  “I’m on it.”  He rushed into the maze.  He had only made two turns when he came upagainst a dead end.  “Shit.”  There were footsteps behind him.
              “Stan.”  Stan turned around.  It was Angie. She crossed her arms.  “Ya won’tbe findin’ Miss Molly by rushin’ in blind.”
              “Right.”  Stan tried to slow down his heartrate.  “How do we find her?”
              “With mybig ole sniffer,” Angie said confidently, tapping her nose.  “I can already catch a faint whiff ofher.  She’s not too far away.”  Stan grinned.
              “Told youwe should take your werewolf powers on the road.  Could be used to win a lot of bets.”  Angie rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
              “I’llsettle fer usin’ it to find our oldest child fer now.”
              “She’sjust ‘round here,” Angie said.  She andStan turned a corner.  “There she is!”  Molly was sitting on the ground, chewing on acorn cob she must have pulled off one of the many stalks surrounding her.  “Molly, no!” Angie rushed over.  Molly lookedup.  She beamed, corn kernels in herteeth.
              “MissMolly, this is field corn, not sweet corn,” Angie said, taking the corn cobfrom her daughter.  “Field corn is fordeer, sweet corn is for humans.”
              “I nothuman,” Molly chirped.  “I werewolf.”
              “Well, sweetcorn is for werewolves, too, then,” Angie amended.  “But field corn is very much not.”  Angie tossed the ear of corn into thestalks.  Molly sniffed.
              “Don’tcry, Little Six,” Stan said quickly, joining Angie by Molly.  “I’ll buy you some roasted corn when we getoutta here, okay?  It’s the good kind of corn,and it’s covered in butter, so it’s extra tasty.”  Stan ruffled Molly’s hair.  “Does that sound all right?”  After a moment, Molly nodded.  “Good.” Angie picked Molly up.
              “Let’sget you out of this maze, huh?” Angie cooed at Molly.  Molly nodded eagerly.  Angie looked around.  “Um…hmm. How are we goin’ to get out of here?”
              “Ithought you solved it.”
              “No, Ijust tracked Molly down by smell.  I can’ttrack the opening down by smell.  It doesn’thave a distinct scent.  And I was sofocused on tracking, I didn’t pay attention to the route we took to gethere.  Did you?”
              “Uh,no.  I was just following you blindly,mostly,” Stan mumbled.  “It’s okay, I cansolve this problem easy.”  He kicked anearby stalk of corn, breaking it down.  “Thistime, follow me.  I’ll get us outta herethe only way I know how.  Brute force.”  Angie grinned.
              “Lead theway, darlin’.”
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
You know what?  Screw it.  I was gonna try to write this big whole scene with Ford and Fidds reuniting in the Nature Spirit Big Sis AU, but after writing this first part, which is literally just Stan and Fidds meeting, the inspiration left me.  So.  Here it is.  A smaller amount of writing than I usually post.  Enjoy.
              Stan took a seat on a log at the edge of the forest.  He set down the baby carrier holding his newborn son, Emory. Emory babbled happily.  Stan chuckled.
              “You’re relieved we’re away from all that, huh?” Stan asked playfully. Emory kicked his fur-covered legs, knocking his blanket off.  Stan sighed. “It’s too cold for that, kiddo. Come on.”  He tucked the yellow blanket – crocheted by one of Angie’s magical creature friends – back around Emory.  “Your little toes are gonna get chilly.”  Emory blew a raspberry at him.  A large gust of wind hit Stan in the face.  Stan stared at his son.  “Did you do that?”  Emory grinned.  Stan sighed and looked away.  “Of course my deer kid is magic.”  He frowned, catching sight of someone walking towards the forest.  Specifically, the portion of the forest that his nature spirit girlfriend lived in.  “Hey!” The stranger stopped.  “What are you doing, buddy?” Stan asked, standing up. The stranger approached him.
              “Goin’ in the woods,” the stranger said cagily.  Stan crossed his arms.
              “You can’t go in that part of the woods.  Private property,” Stan replied.
              “I know.  It’s my fam’ly’s private property,” the stranger said.  Stan rolled his eyes.  “You don’t believe me.”
              “No, I don’t.  ‘Cause my girlfriend’s family owns that property, and there’s no way that you’re part of her family.”  The stranger cocked his head.
              “What’s yer girlfriend’s name?”
              “…You don’t need to know,” Stan said.  
              “That yer kid?” the stranger asked, looking at Emory.  Stan nodded silently.  The stranger leaned forward to peer at Emory.  Stan abruptly realized that Emory wasn’t wearing a hat.  His blood ran cold.
              This stranger is gonna see Emory’s antlers and ears.
              “Hey, uh, don’t-” Stan started.  The stranger smiled at Emory.
              “He takes after Pa,” the stranger said idly.  Stan stared at him.  “Well, not that much.  He looks a lot like you ‘n Angie.  But he’s got the same antlers as Pa.”
              “Hang on, you- you know Angie?” Stan asked.  The stranger nodded.
              “I told you, I’m part of her fam’ly.  I’m one of her older brothers.  Fiddleford.”
              “Oh.  You, uh, you don’t look, um…” Stan stammered.  Fiddleford parted his hair.  Hidden underneath his sandy blond locks were small horns that resembled closely Emory’s antler nubs.  Stan blinked. “You can hide those?”
              “I can.  My antlers got a lot smaller after I renounced my nature spirit responsibilities,” Fiddleford said.  He messed with his hair until it returned to its original style.  “Renouncin’ my responsibilities is also why I can leave the forest, if you were wonderin’ that.”  Stan nodded and scratched his cheek.
              “I didn’t know you could do that,” he mumbled.  Emory began to fuss in his carrier.  “Shit, I’ll-”
              “No, no, let me,” Fiddleford said.  “I came to spend time with my new nephew, anyways.”  He crouched down and took Emory out of the carrier.  “Aw, look at those lil toesies!”  Fiddleford nestled Emory in his arms.  “Yer the first McGucket to ever have toes, you precious lil bean.”  Emory twitched his nose in a very deer-like way.  “I ain’t never seen a half-spirit before.  Yer a game-changer, sweetie.”
              “Yeah, I, uh, I guess- I guess he is,” Stan said.  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “If you wanted to see everyone, they’re working on making a house.”
              “A house?”  Fiddleford played with Emory’s hands.  “What for? We’ve already got one.”
              “You guys might, but Molly and I don’t.  We wanna live with Angie and Emory in the forest.”  Fiddleford looked at him.
              “Is that so?”
              “Yeah.  Angie and Lute are making the house, and my brother and Molly are watching.  Emory needed a break from the noise, so that’s why we’re over here.”
              “Who’s Molly?” Fiddleford asked.
              “My daughter.”  Fiddleford raised a querying eyebrow.  “From a former girlfriend.”
              “Ah.”  Fiddleford kissed Emory on the forehead.  “Well, I’d love to meet this half-siblin’ of my nephew.”
              “Well, she is pretty great.”  Stan picked up Emory’s baby carrier and stifled a sigh for leaving the peace and quiet earlier than he wanted.  “Let’s head over then.”
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Human Again
I’ve got some other things I’m planning on posting the next couple weeks, after I’m done with finals (got one left; tomorrow morning).  But here’s a couple scenes from the Phoenix Enchantment AU that I’ve written in between things recently.  It’s...pretty long.  Normally I post things more quickly, so they don’t build up like this did.  Fiddleford and Ford figure out who Prometheus and Pele are, and after some good news, the birds get some pretty upsetting news.  It starts immediately after Fiddleford and Ford get back from Pinatubo’s vet appointment.  Enjoy.
               Ford opened the front door.
               “That went much better than I expected,” he said cheerfully to Fiddleford. Fiddleford nodded.
               “Yessir.  Pele was on her best behavior, and was keepin’ Pinatubo calm just like we hoped she would.  We should give ‘em a big ole treat later.”
               “Agreed.  I- holy shit.”  Ford cut off his sentence upon seeing the destruction in the living room.  “What the hell happened?”  The hardwood floor was full of long scratches, cushions had been torn, and pieces of ripped paper were scattered everywhere.
               “Darn it, I should’ve known better ‘n to leave Prometheus loose,” Fiddleford muttered.  There was a small chirp from the carrier he was holding.  “Pele, yer mate messed up the house big time.”  Ford frowned at the scratches in the floor.
               “Those almost look like letters,” Ford said slowly.  He crossed over to the other side and gazed down. His eyes widened.  “They are letters.”
               “Prometheus can write?” Fiddleford asked, aghast.  He set down the carrier and joined Ford.  “Oh, my.  It looks like a message.”
               “It says…‘We’re really Stan and Angie, you assholes’,” Ford read aloud. He froze.  “But that’s-”  Pele began to screech from inside the carrier.  Fiddleford rushed back to the carrier to open it.  Pele stormed out and continued to squawk passionately, pacing back and forth, flapping her wings and bobbing her head in an approximation of gesticulating.  Ford and Fiddleford watched her tirade silently.  After a few minutes, she stopped, breathing heavily.  Fiddleford got down on his knees and stared at the phoenix.
               “Angie?” Fiddleford asked weakly.  Pele let out a small croak.  “Yer- yer a bird?”  She nodded.
               “That’s impossible,” Ford said.
               “This is Gravity Falls,” Fiddleford snapped.  “I doubt anything’s impossible here.”  His eyes widened.  “If- if Prometheus and Pele are Stan and Angie, then- then lil Pinatubo’s our niece! Stanford, we took our niece to the vet!”
               “Fiddleford, it’s quite possible Pele and Prometheus are just lashing out at us for taking their chick from them,” Ford said.  “They’re quite intelligent, after all, and have heard us talk about our missing siblings before.”  Pele squawked indignantly.
               “No, this is Angie,” Fiddleford said softly, looking at Pele again.  “I can see it in her eyes.”  Pele trilled at him.  “I’m so sorry, lil sis.  Let’s take ya back upstairs and get yer baby settled in.  Then we can discuss what to do.”  Pele nodded and walked back into the carrier.  Fiddleford closed the door.
               “Fiddleford, I still don’t completely believe-” Ford started.
               “Oh, hush,” Fiddleford said snippily.  He walked away.
               After reaching the attic landing, Fiddleford set the carrier on the floor and opened it.  Pele burst out, flying to Prometheus at the food stand and chirping at him busily. Fiddleford carefully placed Pinatubo in the nest.  He sighed.
               “I’m so sorry, Stan ‘n Angie,” he said in a low voice.  The phoenixes looked at him.  He turned away.  There was a flash of light and two loud thuds. Fiddleford spun around.  On the floor, dazed and fully nude, were Stan and Angie.  “What?!” Fiddleford yelped.  Stan stood up woozily.  He grabbed the nearby food stand for support.
               “Fuck, I feel weird,” Stan groaned in a voice that creaked from lack of use.  He looked at the food stand and gaped.  “Holy shit. Holy shit, I have fingers again!” Stan stretched out his hands, flexing his fingers.  “I won’t take ‘em for granted anymore.”  He looked down at Angie, who seemed more disoriented than him.  “Babe?”  Stan took Angie by the hand and pulled her up.  She abruptly slumped against him.  “You all right?”
               “Ugh, I feel like- like I have the world’s worst hangover,” Angie croaked.  Her eyes suddenly widened.  “Molly! We have to-”  She looked over at the nest, skipping over Fiddleford initially, but then looking back at him.  “Fidds!”
               “A- Angie?  Stan? Yer- yer-” Fiddleford stammered. He ran a hand through his hair. “I- oh, Lord, I’m so sorry, I-” He paused.  “Who’s Molly?”
               “Our daughter,” Stan said.  Fiddleford looked over at the nest.
               “That’s her name?”
               “Yeah.  Like we’d actually use the weird one Ford came up with,” Stan scoffed.  He looked at Angie.  “Think you can stand on your own?  I’ll grab Molly.”
               “I’ll be fine,” Angie mumbled.  She stood straighter, still wobbling slightly.  “Fidds, you have no clue how nice it is fer someone to understand us when we talk again.”
               “Oh, my poor baby sister, it must’ve been awful, so long bein’ birds,” Fiddleford whispered.
               “Pretty much,” Angie said with a weak grin.  Stan yelped.  Angie looked over at the nest.  “What’s wrong?”                “Molly, she-”  Stan turned around.  Instead of a small phoenix chick, he was holding a human infant.  Angie gaped.  “She turned human.”
               “Whatever made us turn back, it must’ve worked on her, too,” Angie whispered. Stan walked over to her. “Oh!  Look at her lil toes, and her lil fingers and- she has twelve fingers!”
               “That explains the extra talons,” Stan said.  He tickled Molly’s stomach.  She giggled, then began to fuss loudly.  “Dammit.  She never stops makin’ noise.”
               “Babies usually don’t,” Fiddleford said.  “No matter the species.”  Angie and Stan nodded silently.  “What happened?”
               “I don’t know,” Stan said.  He looked at Angie.  “Ang?”
               “Yer guess is as good as mine.”  She froze.  “Stanley.”
               “We’re naked.”
               “Let me modify that.  We’re naked, and human,” Angie said.  Stan stared at her.  
               “Shit,” Stan said.  He looked at Fiddleford.  “Mind getting us some clothes?”  Fiddleford turned red; it hadn’t hit him until then that he’d been conversing with two completely naked adults.
               “Sure, sure, I’ll grab the two- three of ya somethin’.”
               Ford hurried into the kitchen.  Fiddleford was sitting at the table, playing with Molly’s hands.  Stan and Angie were nowhere to be found.
               “You didn’t call anyone yet, did you?” Ford asked Fiddleford.  Fiddleford shook his head.
               “No, sir.  We were ‘bout to, but Angie had to rush off to the bathroom.  She must’ve eaten somethin’ her stomach disagreed with.  Stan went to check on her.”  Fiddleford frowned.  “I guess after so long without eatin’ certain types of food, her body forgot how to digest it.”
               “That’s…not why,” Ford said in a low voice.  “I figured out what triggered their initial transformation.” Fiddleford’s face went pale.
               “Yer not usin’ a very upbeat tone.”
               “No.  I’m not.” Ford sat next to Fiddleford and set the bestiary he had brought in on the table.  He smiled weakly at Molly.  “Hello, Molly.”  Molly giggled.  “She seems to be in a better mood than she was before.”
               “The turnin’ human prob’ly discombobulated her,” Fiddleford said. “But she’s settled in a bit.  Got used to havin’ fingers ‘n toes.”
               “Just watch, in five minutes, she’s gonna start screamin’,” Stan said, walking into the kitchen, Angie close behind him.  He sat at the table and took Molly from Fiddleford.  “That’s how it works with ya, isn’t it, Rooster?”  Molly giggled again.  
               “Feelin’ better?” Fiddleford asked Angie.  She nodded and sat next to Stan.  “I wonder what ya ate.”
               “Did you have any dairy products?” Ford asked.  
               “I had some ice cream,” Angie said.  
               “That would be the cause of it,” Ford said.  Now bouncing Molly on one knee, Stan frowned at Ford.
               “What makes you so sure, Sixer?”
               “Because…”  Ford leaned forward and clasped his hands together.  He took a steadying breath.  “Your situation isn’t temporary.”
               “What do you mean?” Angie asked.
               “You’ll revert to your avian forms within 48 hours,” Ford mumbled reluctantly.  Stan stared silently at him.  Angie froze. “It- I found out what caused your initial transformation.  Apparently, in Gravity Falls, there’s an enchantment in place that selects humans to serve as the area’s breeding phoenix pair, should the current one leave.”
               “That’s fucked up,” Stan said after a moment.  
               “Yes.  It is. The enchantment allows for the breeding pair to adopt a human form every month during a full moon outside of mating season.”
               “It’s been a lot of full moons since we got enchanted,” Angie pointed out.
               “It was only after Fiddleford recognized you, that you could transform. That’s a component of the spell, but I’m not sure why.”  Ford ran a hand through his hair.  “Judging by the lunar calendar this month, you’ll only be in a human form until the sunrise after tomorrow’s.”
               “And then we’re birds again?” Angie whispered.
               “No.  The both of you are still birds, even now,” Ford said.  “You’re just in a human form.  Due to the enchantment, you’re no longer humans.  You’re phoenixes, no matter which form you take.”  Angie covered her mouth in horror, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.
               “How do we fix it?” Fiddleford interjected.  Ford closed his eyes.
               “We can’t.  The enchantment was set in place by a higher planar being with magical abilities we can’t begin to comprehend.  Stan, Angie, I’m sorry.”
               “No,” Angie sobbed.  Stan put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed tightly.
               “Fiddleford and myself, we can arrange for whatever you want, regarding your human identities,” Ford said.  “And until you leave, we’ll do our best to make you comfortable in the attic.”
               “Unless we decide to live in the woods, we don’t have anywhere to go,” Stan whispered.  He swallowed. “We don’t have our place in San Diego anymore.  And even if we did, how- how would we pay the bills?  We can’t have jobs.”
               “Stay,” Fiddleford said suddenly.  Stan and Angie looked at him.  Fiddleford reached out and took a hold of one of Angie’s hands.  “You’ve already got a comfortable setup in the attic. We’ll take care of ya.”
               “Fidds, that’s- that’s mighty nice,” Angie said weakly.  “But I don’t think I can handle bein’ yer pet again.” She looked over at Molly, still being held by Stan, and choked back a sob.  “This mornin’, bein’ separated from Stan like that, by force and trickery, it’s- I can’t take it no more.”
               “Yeah, this morning sucked,” Stan said.  He stroked Molly’s head.  “You guys took Molly and Angie from me.  I knew you were comin’ back, but-”
               “If you stay with us, we won’t do that no more,” Fiddleford said.  “You wouldn’t be our pets.  Now we know who ya are, we’ll treat ya the right way.” Angie and Stan were silent. “We’ll give ya some time to think about it.”  Fiddleford stood up.  “Stanford, let’s go discuss how we’ll deal with Tate ‘n this mess.”
               Fiddleford walked into the bedroom he shared with Ford and closed the door.
               “I don’t think we should tell Tate,” Fiddleford said shortly.  Ford frowned at him.  “Look, he’s just a lil kid.  He could let it slip to someone, or he’d just get more confused.”
               “He deserves to know that the phoenixes are his relatives,” Ford insisted. “What’s going to happen when he gets older?  He’s going to treat his aunt, uncle, and cousins like pets.”
               “We’ll tell him not to do that.”
               “Stanford, please.  The less of the Gravity Falls weirdness Tate’s exposed to, the better,” Fiddleford begged.  Ford sighed.
               “Fine.  But we’ll revisit this in a few years or so.  I don’t like keeping him in the dark, particularly given that the rest of your family will be told.”
               “Fair enough.  When he’s older, we’ll talk again.”  Fiddleford slumped against the door, his face pale.  “Stanford, I just- I can’t handle what we did to Stan ‘n Angie.  Examinin’ ‘em, takin’- takin’ ‘em to the vet, and the stunt we pulled this mornin’.  We- we effectively stole Stan’s wife and child from him.”
               “They aren’t married.”
               “But I understand,” Ford said softly.  “I- I examined my twin and Angie, took notes on their…bedroom behavior.” His stomach abruptly plummeted. “Sweet Moses.  Fiddleford, I recorded my twin and your younger sister having sex.”  He dragged his hands down his face.  “I showed pictures of my niece being conceived to an auditorium full of students. A paper is going to published that has pornography of Stan and Angie.”
               “Oh, Lord.”  Fiddleford’s pale face turned green.  “We watched our siblings’ sex tape.”  There was a knock on the door.  Fiddleford took a step back.  Stan opened the door and poked his head in.
               “Hey, uh, if you’re done talkin’, we decided what to do.”
               Ford and Fiddleford followed Stan into the living room.  Angie was sitting in the armchair, holding Molly closely. Stan walked to her and whispered something.  She smiled weakly, but her tight posture didn’t relax.
               “You decided on something?” Ford asked.  Angie nodded woodenly.
               “We’ll- we’ll take you up on that offer,” Stan said quietly.  He put a comforting arm around Angie’s shoulders. “We don’t- there’s not much else we can do.”
               “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of ya,” Fiddleford said immediately. “You’ll get everything ya need.” Angie looked down at Molly in her arms, clearly fighting back tears.  Fiddleford took a step towards her.  “Banjey…”
               “Back off,” Stan snarled.  Fiddleford blanched.  Stan shook his head.  “Sorry, Fidds.  Our, uh, our instincts are runnin’ pretty high right now.  If either of ya get close to Angie or Molly, it’s- it’s not gonna end well.  Just so ya know.”
               “Instincts?” Fiddleford asked.  Stan nodded.
               “Turns out birds have strong ones.  Can’t fight ‘em off very well.”  Stan looked at Molly.  “We wouldn’t be parents if we could.”
               “Actually, I was curious about that,” Ford said.  
               “Figured,” Stan muttered.
               “So, during mating season, was the urge to copulate-”
               “Not now,” Angie snapped.  “We’re not goin’ to talk ‘bout that right now.  Maybe never.”  She took a breath.  “We- we have some guidelines we’d like ya to follow, when we’re stuck as- stuck as-” Angie cut herself off, her eyes filling with tears.  
               “We know we’re basically gonna be your roommates that don’t pay rent,” Stan said, “but no matter how cushy the setup you have for us is, we aren’t gonna stay if things keep happenin’ like they have been.”
               “Now that we know the truth, we wouldn’t dream of that,” Ford said. “What are your demands?”
               “Demands is a strong word,” Angie mumbled.  She shook her head.  “Don’t matter.  First off, get- get rid of all yer pictures of us…makin’ Molly.”
               “Of course,” Ford said.
               “Video too.”
               “Take down the camera you have upstairs,” Stan said.  Ford nodded.
               “No more vet visits,” Angie said quietly.  She held Molly a bit tighter.  A tear fell down her cheek.  “No more.”
               “Of cou-” Fiddleford started.
               “Wait,” Ford interrupted.  Stan and Angie stared at Ford.  “We can’t just have a blanket ban on the veterinarian.”  
               “Stanford!” Fiddleford hissed.  A low growl began to emanate from the back of Stan’s throat.
               “Stanley, please,” Ford said, holding his hands up placatingly.  “I understand you were upset by what happened this morning, but-”
               “Poindexter, you and Fidds trapped my girlfriend, stole my kid from her bed, and literally held me back from them,” Stan ground out.  “‘Upset’ isn’t even close.”
               “Clearly, the surprise vet visits will stop,” Ford said.  “But you’re in bird form for most of the time now. A human doctor won’t be able to make sure you’re healthy.  A human pediatrician won’t be able to tell you your children are developing properly. What if there’s an emergency when you and Angie are in bird form?  The ER can’t do anything for you.”
               “What’s yer suggestion?” Angie asked.
               “We find someone else.  Someone experienced with the magical creatures of Gravity Falls.  And we tell them right off the bat that you aren’t normal birds.  You’re sentient.”  Angie and Stan shared a look.  After a moment, Stan nodded.
               “We’ll concede to bein’ data fer yer research,” Angie said.  “But whenever ya want to examine Molly, one of us has to be there.  And the nonsense with invadin’ our privacy?  That’s done.” Angie glared at Ford. “Examinations can’t take our dignity no more.”
               “Fair enough,” Fiddleford said.
               “And we need to find a way fer us to communicate,” Angie said.  Fiddleford and Ford nodded.
               “Anything else?” Fiddleford asked.  Angie shook her head.
               “Not right now, at least,” Stan said.  
               “Glad we got some things settled,” Fiddleford said.  He smiled weakly at Angie.  She smiled hesitantly back.  Emboldened, Fiddleford took another step towards Angie.  Stan let out an audible hiss and grabbed Fiddleford’s wrist.
               “Fidds,” Stan growled.  “Just ‘cause we look calmed down doesn’t mean we are.  Do you remember what happened when you guys got close to the nest right after Molly was laid?”  Fiddleford nodded.  Stan’s eyes narrowed.  “Well, now I’m bigger than you.  Wanna roll those dice?”  Fiddleford paled.
               “Fidds, please,” Angie whispered.  “I know ya just want to comfort us.  But we can’t handle that right now.”
               “Okay, okay,” Fiddleford said, stepping back.  Stan and Angie visibly relaxed.  “Are ya up fer callin’ Ma ‘n Pa?”
               “No,” Angie said softly.  “But I don’t think I’ll ever be.”  She stood up. “At least they’ll be excited they’ve got such a cute lil granddaughter.”
               “The cutest granddaughter they’re ever gonna have,” Stan said proudly.
               “Cuter than any future daughters of yours?” Ford asked.  He shrugged.  “Well, we can always find out after next mating season.”
               “Don’t remind me,” Stan muttered.  “You’d think I’d like knockin’ boots 24/7.  But it’s not as fun as a bird.”
               “Why?” Ford asked, curious despite himself.
               “First off, it’s-” Stan started.  Fiddleford cleared his throat.  Stan and Ford looked at the McGuckets, who were wearing identical discomforted expressions.  “…I’ll tell you some other time.”
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
NaNoWriMo ‘17 Day 18 - New Parents
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08 Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16 Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24 Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
Summary: Stan and Angie welcome their first child, or rather, chick. [Phoenix Enchantment AU] Word count: 2074
               Stan tucked an extra stick in the nest.  
               Gotta make sure this thing’s stable and warm and shit like that.  He glanced at Angie, who was brooding the egg, half-asleep.  Gotta make sure the two of ‘em are comfortable.  Angie’s tawny gold eyes opened at the sound of voices coming from the stairs.
               “It’s been a couple weeks, do you think Pele’s forgiven me yet?” Ford asked.
               “I don’t know if she’ll ever completely forgive ya,” Fiddleford replied. “But she might be a bit more willin’ to let ya take her vitals.”
               “Perhaps I can check her cloaca.”
               “No,” Fiddleford said firmly.  The two men arrived at the attic landing.  “It’s a miracle she didn’t do the same thing to the vet she did to you. Don’t know why she held back.” Fiddleford smiled warmly at Stan and Angie.  “Howdy, Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix.”
               “Mr. and Dr.,” Angie crowed.  She adjusted herself slightly.  Fiddleford frowned.  
               “What?” Ford asked.  
               “I thought I saw somethin’ when Pele moved.  Somethin’ under her.”
               “Something under her?  Like an egg?” Ford asked eagerly.  Fiddleford shrugged.
               “Might be.”
               “I’ll look into it.”  Ford made a beeline for the nest.  He reached out to pick Angie up.  She hissed at him.  “Maybe you should grab her.  She likes you more.”
               “Sure.”  Fiddleford walked over and reached forward.  Angie eyed him suspiciously, but didn’t make any threatening noises. “It’s okay, honey.”  He picked her up.  His eyes went wide.  “Goodness, would ya look at that.”
               “I’ve never seen an egg like this,” Ford remarked.  “And now we have an explanation for her odd behavior.” Ford reached for the egg.  Angie let out a screech.
               “Ford, don’t,” Fiddleford said.  
               “I need to-”
               “Ya still haven’t recovered from Pele bitin’ ya.  Do ya want to reopen yer stitches?” Fiddleford asked.  Stan snapped at Ford’s hand.  Ford removed his hand from the nest.  Growing increasingly agitated, Angie nipped at Fiddleford’s fingers. “Oh, okay, sweetie, down ya go.” He carefully set her in the nest again. “Sorry ‘bout that, hon,” Fiddleford said, stroking her.  Angie burbled apologetically.
               “Sorry, Fidds, I don’t know what came over me.”
               “Why did you put her down?  I wanted to examine the egg,” Ford protested.  Stan hissed, his feathered crest rising.  
               “Stanford, Pele just laid it.  Both of ‘em are goin’ to be on edge fer a while.  It’s a miracle Pele didn’t draw any blood tellin’ me off.  She held back, and so did Prometheus.  Next time, it won’t be a mere warnin’.”  Ford sighed.
               “Very well.  Perhaps in a few days, they’ll have calmed down enough to let me examine their progeny.” Stan let out another sinister hiss.
               “Don’t count on it, Sixer.”
               “Hmm?”  Angie was woken by movement under her.  She blinked blearily, decided to dismiss it, and closed her eyes again.  The sensation of something rocking grew stronger.
               What is that?  I’m not sittin’ on anythi- the egg!  Angie abruptly stepped to the side, accidentally elbowing Stan close to the nest’s edge.
               “Angie, it won’t be sunrise for like, three hours, what’s the deal?” Stan croaked, waking up.  
               “The egg,” Angie chirped.  “It’s- it’s-”  Stan looked over.  His mouth dropped open.
               “Holy Moses, is it hatching?”
               “Looks like,” Angie whispered.  She and Stan watched with bated breath as the egg rocked back and forth viciously.  As suddenly as the movement had started, it stopped, and a small crack appeared in the shell.  “Oh Lord, oh Lord,” Angie whimpered.  The crack grew wider.  A small, fuzzy head poked its way out of the egg.  “Goodness.”
               “We’re- we’re-” Stan stammered as the chick struggled free from its egg.  “We’re parents.”  The chick turned in a small circle before catching sight of its parents, huddled together in shock.  Stan and Angie stared silently at their child, unsure of what to do.  The chick let out a soft chirp.
               “Oh my Lord, she’s beautiful!” Angie screeched.  She walked over to the chick and nuzzled its head.  “Stanley, look at her!”
               “I’m lookin’,” Stan said.  He joined Angie.  “You’re right.  She’s the most gorgeous kid in the world.”
               “Clearly,” Angie crooned.  
               “Wait, how do we know it’s a she?” Stan asked, cocking his head.  Angie blinked.
               “I’m not sure.  I just know.”
               “Same here.”  Stan stared at his daughter.  “We decided on Molly for a girl, right?”
               “All right, kid, here’s the deal,” Stan cawed.  The chick looked up at him with big, tawny gold eyes.  “Your Uncle Ford is gonna call you Pinatubo.  That’s not your name.  Your name is Molly.”  Molly blinked slowly.  “Oh yeah, and Fiddleford and Stanford are your uncles.  They’re humans, but you aren’t.  It’s weird.”  Molly let out tiny chirp.  “Good.  Glad you’re on board.”
               “Her feathers,” Angie whispered. “She clearly gets her pretty plumage from you, Stan.”
               “She’s got your eyes,” Stan replied.  Molly opened her mouth.  “What’s she doin’?”
               “I’m not- oh.  She must be hungry,” Angie said.  She looked over at the food stand. “Shoot, we’re all out!  Fidds refills the dishes in the mornin’!”
               “Think you can wait until then?” Stan asked Molly. She closed her mouth, looking disappointed.  “Yeah, it sucks, but we’ll get you some-” Molly abruptly opened her mouth again and began to emit a loud screech.  “Ah, fuck!” Stan yelped.  He stumbled back in shock and careened over the edge of the nest.  
               “Stan!” Angie squawked.  
               “I’m fine,” Stan cawed at her. He shook his head.  “A bit dizzy, but I’m fine.”
               “We need to get this baby some food.”
               “Agreed.”  Stan ruffled his feathers, preparing to take flight.  “I’ll go grab somethin’ from the kitchen.  One of the nerds had to have left some fruit on the counter, right?”  Doors slammed from downstairs.  “Never mind, we can just get the nerds to get the food.”
               “Come back up here,” Angie said.  Stan took off and landed in the nest.  
               “Molly, it’s okay,” Stan said desperately.  Molly paused her screech for a moment to breathe, then started again.  “She’s never gonna shut up!”  Footsteps raced up the stairs.  Fiddleford and Ford arrived at the attic landing, disheveled and in their pajamas.
               “What on Earth is goin’ on up here?” Fiddleford demanded.
               “Hey, we’re not pleased about the kid screamin’, either!” Stan squawked.  
               “Fiddleford!  The egg!” Ford said, grabbing Fiddleford’s arm.  “It hatched!”
               “Goodness!” Fiddleford gasped.  “The lil chickee must be hungry.”
               “No shit, Sherlock!” Stan screeched.
               “I’ll get some food,” Fiddleford said, already running downstairs.  Ford stared at the phoenixes.  
               “Pinatubo hatched,” Ford whispered, his eyes wide.  A broad smile appeared on his face.  “Pinatubo hatched!”
               “Great, just what we need,” Stan grumbled.  “Ford getting all emotional.  He doesn’t even know she’s his niece!”
               “I think it’s nice,” Angie said. She winced as Molly’s screech increased in volume.  “But I agree, it’s not what we need right now.”
               “I’m back, I’m back!” Fiddleford said, coming up the stairs again.  He rushed over to the nest and deposited some banana slices, dead crickets, and walnuts in front of Molly.  Molly stopped screeching for a moment.  She knelt and looked at one of the crickets, then nudged it towards Angie.  
               “Why didn’t she eat it?” Stan whispered.  Angie grimaced.
               “Stan, I- I think we have to feed it to her.”
               “Okay.  Then what’s with the wigged-out expression?”
               “Ya know how some birds feed their young, right?” Angie said.  Stan stared at her for a moment.  “Darlin’, I- I think phoenix chicks feed from their parents regurgitatin’ things.”
               “Oh, come on!” Stan screeched. “Why is bein’ a bird so gross?”  Clearly getting frustrated, Molly began to screech again.  Stan and Angie winced.  “Fine!  Fine, kid, we’ll do that!  Anything to get you to shut your yap.”  Stan turned to Fiddleford and hissed.  “Scram!”
               “I think they want some privacy,” Fiddleford said to Ford.  
               “But-” Ford started.
               “Pinatubo will still be there in the mornin’.  We should go check on Tate, see if he got woken up by the noise.”
               Angie hummed softly to Molly as she preened her daughter’s downy feathers.
               “Baby girl, I can’t believe yer already a month old,” Angie chirped.  “Seems like yesterday that I laid ya.”
               “Yeah, well, you know what they say,” Stan squawked from the toy stand.  “Time flies when you’re trapped as a bird.”  He viciously grabbed at one of the toys, a dangling knotted rope, with his beak.  “It’s about time they gave us somethin’ to do up here,” he said in between attacks. Angie chuckled.
               “I think I like watchin’ ya mess with the mirror most.”
               “That one’s pretty entertaining,” Stan agreed.  “When we’re back to human, don’t tell Ford I played with it though, okay?”
               “If that ever happens,” Angie sighed.  Molly chirped at her curiously.  “Oh honey, I wish I could see what you look like as a human baby.”
               “I already know,” Stan said.  “Cuter ‘n hell.”
               “That goes without sayin’,” Angie said.  She and Stan looked over at the stairs, upon hearing footsteps.  Fiddleford walked into the attic with a large animal carrier. “Oh, joy of joys,” Angie said flatly.  “What is it this time?”
               “Pele, mind comin’ over here?” Fiddleford said.  Angie clacked her beak.  “Okay, I’ll sweeten the pot.”  Fiddleford opened the carrier and set a handful of peach slices inside.  Angie’s eyes widened.
               “Holy shit, he really wants you to get in,” Stan said.  “They never use that much food to bribe us.”
               “All right, I’m curious enough to do what ya want,” Angie chirped.  She nuzzled Molly one last time, then took flight and landed inside the carrier.
               “Any luck?” Ford called from downstairs.
               “Got Pele,” Fiddleford shouted back.  “So, we’re halfway done.  Get up here so’s we can finish.”
               “Look, I don’t care what you offer,” Stan hissed.  “I’m not gonna leave Molly alone.”  Ford walked upstairs.
               “Ready?” Fiddleford asked him.  “We’ll have to move fast fer this to work.”  Ford nodded silently.
               “What’s goin’ on?” Angie cawed. Fiddleford closed the carrier’s door. “Hey!”  Fiddleford marched over to Stan.  Stan eyed him.
               “Howdy there, Prometheus.  Yer quite the protective dad,” Fiddleford said.  Stan frowned at him.
               “What’s your angle?” Stan asked.
               “Stanley, Ford’s takin’ Molly!” Angie screeched.
               “What?!” Stan shouted. Before he could move, Fiddleford grabbed him firmly.  “Lemme go, Fiddleford!  Your boyfriend, my twin brother, is stealing my kid!”  Stan writhed in Fiddleford’s grip, but couldn’t break free.  “Fine!  You wanna play dirty?  I’ll play dirty!”  Stan snapped at Fiddleford’s hands.  Despite the thick leather gloves he was wearing, Fiddleford winced in pain, but didn’t let go.
               “I know yer not happy, but we need to take lil Pinatubo in fer a checkup,” Fiddleford said calmly.  Stan’s eyes widened.
               “You’re taking her to the vet? Bastards!  She doesn’t deserve to be treated like a damn animal!”
               “Look, we’re doin’ what we can to keep everyone calm and happy,” Fiddleford said.  “Pele’s goin’ to come with, so lil Pinatubo’s not alone.”  Stan could hear the carrier’s door open and close quickly.  
               “Ouch!” Ford yelped.  “Dammit, Pele!  I was giving you your chick back!”
               “You manhandled my baby!” Angie screeched.  “Yer takin’ her to a veterinarian!”
               “Stanford, go load up in the car,” Fiddleford instructed.  “We can’t have Prometheus flyin’ after us.”  Still trapped by Fiddleford, Stan couldn’t see Ford leave, but he could hear Angie’s screeches of protest getting quieter, and Ford’s hurried footsteps fading.  Downstairs, a door opened and closed.  
               They’re gone.  Stan drooped.  
               “Hush, it’s okay,” Fiddleford said soothingly.  He stroked Stan’s back.  Stan let out a sad croak.  Fiddleford carefully set Stan down in the nest, then immediately bolted down the stairs. Stan screeched angrily and flew after him as fast as he could.  However, he was still a split second too late; Fiddleford beat him to the door and closed it before Stan could escape.  Stan let out another furious screech.
               “Assholes!”  Stan landed on the floor, deciding to walk back to the attic.
               And if I make a mess on the way, so be it.  Stan ruffled his feathers angrily.  If they knew who we really were, they wouldn’t pull this shit.  If only I could tell them.  He looked down at the hardwood floor.  There were some scratches in wood, from when a possessed badger got loose a few months ago.  Hmm…  He experimentally dragged his beak down the hall, leaving a long, jagged mark.  Stan crowed triumphantly.  Fuckin’ finally!  It’s time to let ‘em know they’ve been treating their relatives like birds for months.
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
NaNoWriMo ‘17 Day 9 - Big News
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08 Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16 Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24 Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
Summary: Angie and Stan pick Molly up from school.  [Big Sis AU] Word count: 1221
               Stan hummed to himself as he sat on the floor by the front door, getting ready to leave.  “Stan?” Angie said hesitantly.  Stan looked up.
               “Oh, hey babe.  I was just about to go pick Molly up from school.  You wanna come with?” Stan asked, pulling on one of his shoes. Angie sat next to him on the floor.
               “I- there’s somethin’ I have to tell ya,” she whispered.  Stan frowned.
               “You all right?”
               “I’m pregnant,” Angie blurted out.  Stan stared at her.  “I- we were so careful, but my fam’ly, y’know, there’s- there’s a reason I have five siblin’s, and my pa has six.  The McGuckets are- well, we’re pretty fertile.”  She looked down at her hands.  “So…”
               “You’re pregnant?” Stan said.  Angie nodded.  “Holy shit.”
               “I’m so sorry.  This is gonna make things difficult, and-”
               “Babe, it takes two to tango.”
               “Yes, but-”
               “The only thing I’m worried about is your folks killing me for knocking up their unmarried youngest daughter.”  Stan took one of Angie’s hands.  “You’re really pregnant?”
               “That’s why I went to the doctor yesterday.  Fer confirmation.”
               “Damn.”  Stan let out a low sigh.  “Maybe this time around, I won’t steal so much of the baby supplies.”
               “I know that raisin’ Molly on yer own wasn’t easy,” Angie said in a low voice.  
               “Yeah, but you’re not gonna ditch me like Carla did.  I mean, if you even tried to do that, your folks would drag you back to me kicking and screaming.”
               “I wouldn’t do that.”
               “I know.”
               “Yer not mad?”
               “Ang, we’re gonna have a baby.  Hell, I should thank you.”
               “This is goin’ to make things difficult.  My parents haven’t even met you yet.”
               “Yeah, that’s gonna be brutal.”  Stan scratched his head idly.  “And kids tend to take a bite out of the old finances.  Well, when you pay for baby supplies, they do.”  Angie frowned at him.  “Which I’m gonna do this time.”
               “Yer not panickin’.  Why not?”
               “Hell if I know,” Stan said with a shrug.  “Maybe ‘cause I’ve done this before.”  Angie smiled weakly.
               “That makes one of us.”
               “Hey, it’ll work out.  I mean, look at Molly.  I raised her on my own, most of the time in a car, and she’s great!”  Stan’s eyes widened.  “Shit!  I gotta go pick her up.”
               “I’ll come with,” Angie said, putting on a pair of shoes.  She stood up, then offered a hand to Stan.  He shook his head.
               “Nah, don’t pull me up.  You’ll strain yourself.”
               “Stanley, I’ve been shovelin’ horse manure, balin’ hay, and hiking through difficult terrain my entire life.  Ya don’t need to worry ‘bout me strainin’ myself.”
               “You’re pregnant,” Stan reminded her, standing up.  Angie scowled.
               “Yes.  A whole six weeks.  Only difference is that I’m just a bit nauseous and fairly hungry.  Don’t treat me like I’m made of glass,” she said firmly.  Stan grabbed his keys from the hook.  
               “No dice, babe.  I know what the doctor said when Carla was pregnant with Molly.  The first twelve weeks are the most dangerous.  Those are the highest risk of miscarriage,” he said. He patted his pockets, realized his keys were in his hand, then opened the door.  “Dammit, it’s raining.  Grab a jacket or umbrella or somethin’.”
               “I’ll be fine.”
               “Nope.”  Stan marched down the hall.  “What if you get sick?”
               “I can’t decide whether I prefer this over what I expected, which was panic,” Angie called after him.  “That’s what I get fer thinkin’ an experienced dad would make it easier.”
               “Like I’d make anything easy,” Stan shouted.
               “Yes, that’s definitely somethin’ yer pregnant girlfriend wants to hear.”
               The Stanleymobile pulled up in front of the school.
               “You’ll have to stop handling your reptiles, since they can have diseases on their skin,” Stan said.  
               “They’re amphibians, and how do you know that?” Angie asked, leaning against the window.  She idly traced the raindrops running down the glass.  
               “I do listen…sometimes,” Stan replied. Angie rolled her eyes, but made a small smile.  “We’ll have to go get a crib, and a rocking chair.  We’ll just turn the spare room into the nursery.  It’s the easiest thing to do.”
               “Stanley, darlin’, please stop,” Angie begged.  “I love ya, and I’m so happy yer excited about this, but let me take a breath! Yer actin’ like Fidds gets when he’s worked up.”
               “No need to insult me like that.”  The back door opened and closed.  “I thought you’d appreciate me being prepared and making plans.”
               “Yes, I do, hon, I really do,” Angie said.  She groaned.  “But this is too much, too fast!  I found out fer certain I’m pregnant yesterday.  We have time fer preparations and plans!  Eight whole months!”
               “What?!” Molly shouted from the back seat.  Angie froze.  “Mom, you’re pregnant?!”
               “I didn’t hear ya come in, honey-bun,” Angie mumbled weakly.  “I was too busy bickerin’ with yer father.”
               “Dad, is this true?” Molly demanded.  Stan nodded.
               “Whoa.”  Molly leaned back.  “That’s kinda weird.  I mean, there’s usually not such a big gap between kids, right?”
               “Ah, well,” Angie stammered.  “Things- things happen.  Ya can’t always control ‘em.”
               “Especially when you have a big family,” Molly said.  Angie frowned at her stepdaughter.  “Mom, I’m ten.  Not stupid. I know how genetics work.  You’ve got all those siblings.  And doesn’t your dad have a bunch of siblings, too?”
               “Yes, Pa has six siblin’s,” Angie said.  Stan took the car out of park and drove away from the school. Angie groaned.  “Good Lord, Pa.”  She put her head in her hands.  “Tellin’ him is goin’ to be rough.  He’s been sayin’ he wants to meet you and yer father.”
               “Two birds with one stone,” Molly said.
               “I mean, in theory, that would work,” Angie said slowly.  “But in practicality…”
               “Who was it that wanted to stop planning?” Stan asked snidely.  Angie let out a small huff.  “Don’t worry, Ang, we’ll figure it out.”
               “And yer not worried ‘bout this, Miss Molly?” Angie asked, looking at her stepdaughter in the rearview mirror.  Molly nodded.
               “Yeah.  As long as I’m not expected to change diapers or move to a different room, I’m good.” She shrugged.  “Might be fun to be a big sister.”
               “That’s a relief,” Angie sighed.  She rubbed her forehead.  “Not like Lute.  When Ma ‘n Pa told Lute he was goin’ to get a lil siblin’, he lost his mind.  He was not happy about it.”
               “Again, as long as I don’t have to change diapers or move.”
               “I heard ya the first time, sugar-cube,” Angie said tiredly.  “We’ll be settin’ the baby up in the spare room, and unless ya showed an interest, I wouldn’t ask ya to change diapers anyways. I’m not that kind of parent.”
               “Okay, good.”  Molly rummaged around in her backpack and pulled out a book.  Stan drummed his fingers against the steering wheel.
               “Hey, let’s go get ice cream,” Stan suggested.  “To celebrate Molly getting a little brother or sister.”
               “Sounds lovely,” Angie said.  
               “Ooh, yes!” Molly enthused.  
               “Great!  Ice cream it is.”  Stan made an abrupt right turn, the wheels screeching against the asphalt road.  “No chocolate for you, though, Angie.”
               “I’m more of a strawberry person anyways,” Angie said breezily.  Molly frowned.  “Somethin’ wrong?”
               “Is the baby gonna have your last name or Dad’s last name?” 
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Mystery moms angst?
I actually wrote this a while back, and I cleaned it up a bit for this, because I felt like it applies.  For those who are curious, in this AU, shit goes down over and over again, starting with the portal incident, where Angie finds Ciphord attempting to harm Molly.  In the fight she has with him, she ends up getting the brand.  And Molly ends up being hospitalized.  And then Stana, who is pregnant, goes into labor a month early, and there are some issues with the birth.  And poor Angie, who has been trying to be her family’s (her family, which has four kids by this point) rock, has been putting everyone else before her.  She’s in a rough place.  Anyways, I’ll stop rambling and get to the writing.
               Angie leaned against thewall.  Someone said something over thehospital intercom, but the world was too fuzzy and unsure for her to make outany words.  She looked at the door toStana’s room right next to her.  The burnon her shoulder throbbed, a terrible reminder of everything her family wasgoing through.  She swallowed and foughtback tears of frustration, loss, and despair.
               I have to be strong fer them. Fer my kids.  My girlfriend.  Angie rubbed her eyes in an attempt to chaseaway her tiredness.  They’re all goin’ through so much. They need someone who’s collected. She sighed, tears pricking the corner of her eyes despite herattempts to hold them back.  I’m so dang sick of bein’ in this hospital.
               “Banjey!”  Angie looked up, startled at hearing herchildhood nickname.  Her parents wererushing toward her.  The minute they cameto a stop in front of her, she let out a sob and fell into her ma’s waitingarms.  “Oh, my poor baby girl,” MaMcGucket said softly.  “Ya don’t deserveall this.”  Angie felt her father wraphis arms around her as well.  
               “Junebug, I’m so sorry thingsain’t goin’ well,” Pa McGucket said. Held in a tight embrace, Angie continued to cry.  It was like she was a child again, beingcomforted after a nightmare.  As thoughsummoned, the image of Ford when she last saw him appeared in her mind.  She shuddered, remembering the unhingedexpression on his face, his disturbed voice, his eyes.
               Notto mention the way he tried to hurt poor lil Molly.  Ever since that day, it’s been one disasterafter another.
               “Hush, hush,” Ma McGucket said,rubbing her back.  “It’ll be okay.  Yer fam’ly’s here.”  
               “We’re so proud of ya fer bein’so strong durin’ all of this,” her pa said gently.  “Yer quite the young lady, lil Banjey.”  Angie nodded, unwilling to break off thehug.  “But ya don’t need to be strong allthe time.  That’s why we’re here.”
               “Th-things just k-keephappenin’,” Angie whispered.  “We- we’vebeen in this dang hospital so much lately.”
               “I know.  I know. But this time ‘round, it ain’t all bad. You’ve got yourself another lil baby.” Angie nodded again.  “An’ I knowit feels like Emory weren’t born under the best of circumstances, but thatdon’t mean ya can’t celebrate him joinin’ yer fam’ly,” Pa McGucket said.
               “Banjey, we’re here fer ya.  I know Lute’s been helpin’ out some, butwe’re goin’ to stay fer a bit ‘til things get better.  We ain’t leavin’ ya alone in this stressfulof a sit’ation,” Ma McGucket said soothingly. After a few more moments, her parents broke apart, releasing her fromtheir tight embrace.  Ma McGucket gentlywiped away a few stray tears from Angie’s face. “Let’s go see that lil boy of yours. I heard he’s got yer eyes ‘n Stana’s nose.  I love him already.”  Angie smiled weakly.
               “He’s a cute lil bugger, that’sfer sure,” she said.  Pa McGucket kissedher on the forehead.
               “Wouldn’t expect anythin’ lessfrom my lil junebug.”
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thelastspeecher · 8 years
Proper Introductions
Part 1
I said there would be more, and lo and behold, there is more.  This is the second part of my probable series of drabbles with the mashup Stanley McGucket/Mystery Dads AU (thought up by @agent-jaselin), which I’m gonna start tagging as “Teen Dad Stanley McGucket AU”.
Oh, and to accommodate the timeline better, ages have been slightly adjusted, and Lute and Angie are twins in this AU.  Also, Stan comes to the McGuckets’ when he’s about to turn 19, so Fiddleford has already met Ford at college.
I’m not cross-listing this to AO3 (at least, not at this point), because these are mainly just drabbles, and I don’t have a name for any of the things, or an outline.  I'm mostly just writing down ideas and thoughts.  Anyways, enjoy.
               Stan didn’t remember falling asleep, but he remembered waking up.  On his own. Without being prompted by a screaming infant.  He looked over at the crib, wondering why Molly hadn’t woken him up.  
               She was gone.
               “Shit!”  Stan catapulted off the bed and out of his room.  In his haste, he ran the wrong direction multiple times, but somehow managed to find his way to the kitchen.  
               “Howdy, Stanley, how’d ya sleep?” Mrs. McGucket asked him.  She was standing at the stove, cooking something.
               “I- it’s- fine, I guess, but where the hell is Molly?” Stan demanded.
               “Over here,” a voice said from behind him.  Stan spun around.  Angie was sitting on the couch in the living room, holding Molly.  
               “Why the fuck do you have her?”  Angie’s eyes widened.
               “That’s some awful strong language.  I was just tryin’ to help ya out.  I walked past yer room and heard her fussin’.  You were asleep, so I figured I’d take care of her.  That way ya wouldn’t have to wake up yet.”  Stan ran a hand through his hair.
               “You’re like thirteen.  What do you know about babies?”
               “I’m sixteen, thank ya very much.  And I’m from a big fam’ly.  I’ve been takin’ care of babies since I outgrew diapers.  Ma is right nearby, too, just in case.  But I didn’t need any help.”  She looked down at Molly.  “Did I?” she asked in a goofy baby voice.
               “What did you do with her?”
               “Fed her, changed her, sang to her some.”  Angie kissed Molly on the forehead, eliciting a small giggle from the infant.  “Didn’t use any swears, unlike her pa.”
               “All right, hand her over,” Stan instructed.  Angie patted a spot on the sofa next to her.  Stan begrudgingly took the seat she had indicated.  She handed Molly to Stan.  “Anyways, I’m not her pa.  I’m her dad.”
               “When I have kids, I’m goin’ to go by ma,” Angie said idly.  “It’s what everyone in my fam’ly does.”  Stan scoffed.
               “I don’t wanna do what my family did.  Especially not my pops.”
               “Why not?”
               “…Doesn’t matter,” Stan muttered.  Lute wandered into the living room.  
               “Howdy, Stanley.  Howdy, lil baby.”  Lute sat down on the other side of Stan and peered down at Molly.  “Aww, she’s sleepin’.  Hold on.  Is she a polydactyl?”
               “Yeah,” Angie said, before Stan could reply.
               “Wow.  She’s a special lil girl, ain’t she?”  
               “How did you know she’s a-” Stan started.  He paused.  “No, wait, you figured it out when you took her from the crib without permission.”
               “I didn’t think I needed permission,” Angie protested.  “That’s what we do here.  We help out.”
               “Yeah, well, I’m not from here, okay?”
               “Sorry,” Angie mumbled, casting her eyes downward.  An awkward silence fell.      
              “So, uh, which one of you is older?” Stan asked, trying to break the tense atmosphere.  
               “I am,” Lute said proudly.  
               “Yeah, by a whole minute!” Angie retorted.  
               “A minute?” Stan wondered out loud.
               “We were C-section babies,” Lute replied.  
               “Lute Everett!  That’s not information ya need to share!” Mrs. McGucket said, walking into the living room.
               “Sorry, Ma.”
               “But yes, Lute and Angie are the first McGucket twins.  We’re very proud of our lil miracles,” Mrs. McGucket continued. Stan’s heart sunk.
               Of course I get stuck with a pair of twins.  A pair of twins who, by the look of things, are just like Ford and I used to be.
                “It’s a good thing Angie ain’t a boy,” Lute said idly.
               “Why, ‘cause then bein’ overprotective wouldn’t be the same?” Angie asked.
               “No, ‘cause then we’d have to share a room.”  Mrs. McGucket took a seat in one of the armchairs.
               “In no world would the two of ya share a room.  I like the house still standin’,” Mrs. McGucket said.  She looked at Stan.  “We call ‘em the twister twins sometimes.  They’re always gettin’ up to mischief.”
               Sounds familiar.
               “Mrs. McGucket, your husband said something about how my job with you guys is gonna be farm work?”
               “I’ve never been on a farm before,” Stan confessed.  Mrs. McGucket smiled.
               “I figured as such.  Don’t worry. We don’t expect ya to do any work ‘til Fiddleford gets here.  The twins can handle it just fine, and you’ve got a baby to worry ‘bout.”
               “And Fiddleford is…?”
               “Our older brother,” Lute supplied.  “He’s finishin’ up his second year of college right ‘bout now.”
               “When is he goin’ to be home?” Angie asked.
               “A week.  Pay attention, Banjolina,” Lute said snarkily.  Angie reached across Stan to shove Lute roughly.
               “Watch yourself, Lute.”
               “Oh, ya want to go?” Lute said with a gleam in his eye.
               “Ya know I do.”
               “Kids!” Mrs. McGucket intervened.  Angie and Lute stopped.  “No fightin’ or horseplay in the house, and especially not ‘round a baby!”  Angie and Lute looked down, abashed.
               “Sorry, Ma,” they said in sync.  
               “Don’t just apologize to me.  Apologize to Stanley and Molly.”  
               “Sorry Stanley, sorry Molly,” they said dutifully.
               “Uh…thanks,” Stan said hesitantly.  “And you can call me Stan, by the way.”
               “Sure thing, Stan,” Lute said.  Tires crunched on gravel outside.  A dog rocketed down the stairs and towards the door, barking loudly.
               “Who could that be?” Angie asked Lute.  Lute shrugged.  “Ma? Do you know?”
               “No, sweetheart, I don’t.  It’s too early fer yer pa to be back.”  The front door opened.
               “Howdy, Joel,” a southern voice said.  “Down, boy.  Geez, clearly Harper’s trainin’ didn’t stick.”  Angie and Lute looked at each other, excited.
               “Fiddleford?  Is that you?” Mrs. McGucket called.
               “Yes, Ma.”  A man walked into the living room, the dog at his heels.  Stan looked him up and down.
               Damn, why does everyone in this family look the same?  Angie and Lute jumped up and embraced their older brother.  He chuckled.
               “Hey there, twister twins.”  Fiddleford ruffled Angie’s hair in a friendly manner.  “Ya haven’t changed a bit, the both of ya.”  While the twins seemed to take after one of their parents, Fiddleford looked more like a proper blend of Mr. and Mrs. McGucket.  He was taller and more gangly than his siblings, with a thin, almost delicate frame.    
               Why is he wearing reading glasses? He’s not reading anything right now. The dog barked eagerly, waking up Molly, who began to cry.  Fiddleford frowned.  
               “What in tarnation?”  He looked over at the couch.  “Oh! Howdy there, stranger.”
               “This is Stan,” Mrs. McGucket said.  “He’s goin’ to be our farmhand fer a while.  Him and his daughter ‘ll live with us.”
               “Yeah,” Stan said.  
               “Her name’s Molly, and she’s the cutest lil munchkin ever!” Angie enthused. “She’s a polydactyl.”  Fiddleford froze.  The blood drained from his face as he looked Stan up and down.
               “Ya don’t say…” he muttered.  He shook himself suddenly, and stuck out a hand.  “Pleased to meet’cha, Stanford.”
               “No, Fidds, Stan is short fer Stanley,” Lute said.  He rolled his eyes.  “Why do ya got to make everythin’ complicated?”  
               “Sorry, Stan, I was just assumin’,” Fiddleford said quietly, still holding out his hand.  Stan reluctantly shook it, his heart racing.
               “Lute, Angie, why don’t the two of ya help Fidds unload?” Mrs. McGucket suggested.  “You’ve got enough energy to power Gumption ten times over.”  The twins made a dash towards the front door, followed by Fiddleford, who moved at a more leisurely pace.  Mrs. McGucket stood up and went back into the kitchen, leaving Stan in the living room.  He could feel his heart continue to beat quickly.
               He called me Stanford after Angie mentioned Molly was a polydactyl.  He knows something.  The question is, what?  
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