roehlove · 2 years
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Some of y’all were raised like this and refuse to acknowledge it but I digress. #mommaknowsbest #explorepage #fyp #mindingmybusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CkziubFu_xM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caloyolano · 2 years
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Lami gyud mag #PitStop here at EasyGas Shell - Pusok kay naay @mommashawarma ! You can enjoy #shawarma #burger #shawarmarice and #shawarmanachos at Momma Shawarma inside #ShellSelect! #supportlocalbusiness #mommashAwarma #snacks #kalamicebu #mommaknowsbest #FoodbytesPH (at EasyGas Shell - Pusok, Lapu-lapu City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CksQtlVJvF6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kidasthings · 4 months
Echoes of Eden by Kida
Noa x Mae - #mommaknowsbest
Chapter 3: https://www.tumblr.com/kidasthings/751031002718240768/echoes-of-eden-by-kida?source=share
Next Chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/kidasthings/751482584388829184/echoes-of-eden-by-kida?source=share
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Chapter 4
They made it back to the Eagle Clan village at daybreak, just as the first rays of early light touched the earth and migrated through the trees above. It painted the ground cover with a dappling effect, shifting penumbras and warming daisies.
Mae walked among the apes wisely sticking close to Noa. Anaya gave her a wide berth all the while, nervous eyes flicking her way when she strayed too close. Soona was much the same, save for the steady eye contact when they did trade looks. The rest of the small contingent remained at a respectful if suspicious distance; only Noa seemed moderately comfortable with her in his immediate vicinity.
The welcome party at the village consisted of a few curious ape children and Dar, Noa’s mother. She threw her arms around her son, gave Mae a curious look, and then patted Noa on the back before speaking in hushed tones with Anaya and Soona. Mae stood awkwardly, highly aware of being the only human amongst sentient animals. There was still the chance one or more of them might try to assume issue with her for the flood she set upon them, and for this her guard remained up. The village, despite her paranoia, buzzed about her without fail. Apes were climbing half-built structures, connecting beams, and the young ran amongst a small herd of horses at pasture in a clearing dotted with wildflowers. Their shouts and hoots of joy reached beyond the treetops, unmarred by the fact their clan had barely survived the year.
Because of her.
Eventually Noa returned to her side, gesturing for her to follow him with that world-weary look he usually sported. Relieved, Mae followed and found him leading her off to a crude shack that resembled the one in which they had first met; it seemed these were used primarily to store fish. This one, however, had a different purpose.
Inside the raw-wood walls was a cache of human weapons and supplies. An ape of stature stood posted at the door, nodding at Noa but glaring balefully at Mae as they simultaneously ducked inside.
Everything was abandoned on the floor in a haphazard pile: a few rucksacks, dented weapons, sharp hunting knives, a canteen or two, rope, and other random oddities. There was not much, admittedly, but what Mae sought wasn’t exactly of size.
Mae drifted down to her knees, alighting on the packed dirt floor. “Is this everything?” she asked Noa without losing focus on the heap before her.
“Yes,” Noa confirmed.
“I see.” She floated her palm over the pile, mimicking a scanning device. Her hand hovered over the first brown knapsack, travel-worn and rusted at the buckles. Gingerly, she touched it and ran her fingers over the flap. It was secured by a simple button from the top, zippers being an exotic novelty rarely seen anymore. Carefully, she opened the bag and rifled through the contents.
Nothing caught her eye at first. There were three small knives, a few canned rations, a water flask made of animal bladder, and something that looked like –
Mae pulled out a crinkled piece of faded paper and held it up before her face. Dust motes floated lazily across an old illustration made by the hand of a child. Pastel paints depicted two stick figures, one larger than the other, holding hands. The taller one sported short blonde streaks, likely a representation for hair, and the shorter one had longer hair of the same hue. Both were smiling; simple lines curved their two-dimensional mouths upward to their dots-for-eyes.
Sucking in her cheeks until they were hollow, Mae refolded the paper and placed it back into the bag. She continued, patting down the sides and coming up empty save for a small silver key on a thin ring. She could hear Noa shuffle his weight from one foot to the other, indicating he was growing impatient. Utilizing the soft sound to her advantage, she surreptitiously used a sleight of hand technique to slip the dented key into the inner pocket of her short jacket.
Mae hazarded a quick look behind her; Noa was still staring at her back, arms folded, but there was no recognition on his face that anything was amiss.
The next bag proved more interesting. This one, black and made of canvas, contained an array of pistols with silencers. Pushing past those, the brunette located a dark metal container at the bottom of the bag. It turned out to be a lockbox secured by a small gold padlock looped through a latch on the side.
The word MASTER was emblazoned on the front.
Mae ran her thumb over the worn word in the metal, realizing it was a remnant of the world before.
Reinvigorated, she turned the box this way and that, examining the angles. Inside, something rolled back and forth in a reassuring, cylindrical way. Mae pitched her chin inward towards her collarbone and a few errant wisps of hair disconnected from her braid and swept forward, brushing the sides of her face.
Her pupils rapidly dilated behind the curtain of her hair.
Without fanfare, Mae returned the box back to the bag and made a small show of picking up other various artifacts in the human-made heap. She stood and turned around when Noa made a small sound.
“Thank you,” she told him quietly, shoving her hands in her pockets. “I’m done.” Her voice, quick and clipped, followed the path of her footsteps as she carried herself outside of the ape-made hut.
Noa’s green eyes tracked her as she swept past him, the lower lids tensing at the edges. Finally, he nodded and removed himself from the structure to follow her out.
“Are you leaving to … follow them?” he called after her.
Mae stopped in mid-step, now well within the village proper. The ape posted outside the door traded curious looks with Noa as both watched the long line of Mae’s rigid back.
“I should,” she told him, voice muffled while she remained turned away, “but if you would allow me to remain a few more days, I can rest before returning.”
This caused the villager standing watch near Noa to silently reveal long canines, but Noa just shook his head at him before approaching Mae.
“I will … speak to the council … about it,” he told her, that stilted way in which he spoke comfortingly familiar. “For now … stay at the edge of the … village.”
“I can do that. I left my horse tied up over there.” Mae pointed off to a stand of trees to the south. “Hopefully, she isn’t too thirsty by now. I need to check on her.” Her expression remained stony and shuttered.
“Something … wrong?” Noa asked, tone too low for the other villagers to catch.
Mae’s head made a small adjustment in his direction. “No, I am just tired. Thank you for letting me look. What do you intend to do with all of it?” She was not settled with the idea of leaving human weaponry with the Eagle Clan. Her body turned halfway, her profile perfectly in view.
“We will … look through it,” Noa stated grimly. “It is ours.” He looked off to the woods, where both could hear the distant whinny of a frustrated equine. The breeze picked up, stirring the fur along his low forehead. “She sounds … hungry.”
“She had plenty of grass around. Water is more important. Do you have any nearby? I saw a lake to the north…”
Noa nodded, finding comfort in the discussion of logistics. Logistics were emotionless, effortless. He rolled his gaze over to hers, holding it. “We have a … pond in the meadow … she can drink from.” He pointed east, where the villagers’ horses were at pasture.
“Better yet.” Mae flashed him a too-tight grin, and then startled when an ape woman in a new blue shawl approached them.
“Noa, a word,” the ape said, her tenor deep and calm.
“Yes, mother.” Noa turned to Mae once more. “I will return later.”
Mae smiled then, a short spread of her lips with a quick nod. “Right.” She spared a second to and gave a once-over of the ape Noa had addressed as “mother”, and the object of her focus did the same. No words were exchanged, save for a small incline of the head on Dar’s part.
Mae spun on her heel and made off for the woods before slipping between the trees. Once the human was out of sight, both mother and son turned back to their conversation.
“Are the echoes gone … from here?” Dar inquired, now that they were passably alone.
She received a firm affirmative in the form of a grunt.
The older ape’s eyes slipped over to the ape standing next to the weapons hut, and then she motioned with her hand for Noa to follow. “Come.”
Noa trailed obediently and without objection. The pair winded their way through a gaggle of giggling ape children watching two older apes practicing fish retrieval with their newly hatched eaglets. Noa thought he spotted Soona’s long stare as she tended to a nest of eagle eggs nearby, but he could not be sure.
Eventually, they ended up at the entrance to one of the two rebuilt sky towers. Dar passed through a beaded partition, beckoning her son inside.
Within the structure a wooden ramp led to higher levels, spiraling well above their heads, but Dar paid it no mind. “Let’s speak of … the echo,” she said firmly, taking a seat on a woven mat near the back of the main floor. She patted to a place next to her, offering Noa a shallow cup of water made from a hollowed oyster shell. “Drink?”
Noa had no issue understanding who she was referring to. His thoughts would not detach from that echo. Dar’s son sighed, and accepted the shell gingerly with two hands, palms up. He took a small sip and set it aside on an overturned basket. Dar gave him a reassuring smile and placed her long forelimbs before her in a pleasant mien. “Tell me what ails you, son?”
“I do not … know what to … do,” Noa admitted, lost.
“About the echo?”
“Yes,” he replied haltingly, expecting immediate censure.
To Noa’s surprise, Dar did none of that.
She signed, “I can imagine.” Her smallest finger glanced off her forehead, shooting up with her left hand. Then, switching to words, she added, “Do you … think she is dangerous to … us?”
“Not right … now,” Noa returned, although he cast his gaze over and down, indicating doubt. “I believe … she feels bad … for flood.”
“This is good,” Dar told him, nodding in apparent acceptance.
“She wants to … stay, rest,” Noa said quickly. “Could you ask … the elders if she can … stay a few … days?”
Dar thought about that for a moment or two. Her warm toffee-colored eyes scanned Noa’s face, seeking a truth he would not voice. At last, she nodded and leaned over to place a hand over the ball of his shoulder. “She saved … Soona, yes?”
Noa nodded, “She put us all … in danger, but she saved … Soona’s life first.”
Dar considered this information, an internal debate roiling about in her head as a distant expression took up residence on her face.
Finally, she gave a short nod. “I will speak to them.”
For that, she was awarded with a small smile. “Thank you, mother.” he signed.
She signed back, “Of course. For now … keep an eye … on her.” The ape matron lifted a gray-brown index finger to one eye, illustrating her words. “Could be … trouble yet.”
Noa blew out a quick exhale before his mouth made a moue of distaste. “I fear this.”
Dar nodded, mollified by her son’s suspicions. It would do him well to have them. She gave his shoulder a good-natured shake before releasing it. “Go, you have much … to do.”
“Thank you, mother,” Noa replied.
Dar nodded. “Before you see her … call on Sun. He may … help.”
“I will.”
They took their leave, Noa standing slowly before exiting the tower. He looked to the south, where he imagined Mae to be, and pondered over her loyalties before calling to his eagle in the way of his clan.
A cry sounded from above, his winged companion never too far away. As the bird alighted on his wrapped forearm, Noa snorted and welcomed the pain of the talons as they dug into his hide. The bird’s watchful, amber eye flicked towards him, head snapping this way and that, wings partially extended and at the ready.
“Sun,” he began, as if there were some secret between them that only they knew, “keep watch over Mae.” The bird, somehow understanding although it was impossible to believe it so, gave his handler a look of avian scorn. Its razored beak parted, clicked shut, and a shrill cry emanated from its trachea.
“Calm,” Noa told the bird, giving his bonded’s back one pat with his long fingers. The bird fluffed its feathers, appearing momentarily larger, and then dropped into a temporary crouch before launching himself from Noa’s arm. The heavy weight of the raptor now released, Noa watched it circle once overhead and wished it could also do the same for the weight on his chest. He rubbed his clavicle with his hand, trying to distill the phantom pain he felt there.
He might have a chance to rectify that when he spoke with her later that night. For now, Sun would keep watch. Noa watched until his eagle disappeared over the tops of the trees, momentarily wishing for the gift of flight.
How easy it would be, to fly away, he mused.
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woman-human · 5 years
"You're building a boat. A boat? It's what I used to tell Owen's dad. They're gonna sail away from us, I said. It's inevitable. Our job is to build a boat strong enough that, when they decide to go, they can get back to us safely. Right."
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Amelia is building a boat ❤️ #greysanatomy #mommaknowsbest #bettyongreys #omelia • repost: @caterina_online (at Grey+Sloan Memorial Hospital - GA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo2J1pXHWb_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mve4kyyzah9r
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diddamarh · 6 years
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Skrapp á @jessiej gat ekki verið betra. Ég dáist svo mikið að henni hún er algjör hetja. I went to Jessie J it couldn't have been better I thought I was going to faint when she looked in my eyes and waved at me. She is my hero she tells it how it is and her music just talks to you it always makes you feel better. She has the most amazing character, she is nice, considerate and such a beautiful human being I am so proud to call my self a fan. #jessiej #numberonefan #loveher #godess #queen #pricetag #mommaknowsbest (at Laugardalshöllin)
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Preordered Patricias birthday cake. I know her birthday isn’t until November 26th but I want it to be an awesome day for her. You only turn 8 once. #birthdayprincess #onlythebest #mommaknowsbest #iloveunicorns #amommasloveneverends https://www.instagram.com/p/CHMSzS3HtMq/?igshid=10hhw64b30r7l
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simplejoiephoto · 4 years
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Hey lovers! It’s me again! Thinking about my mom in this post because of a lot of recent things that remind me about her that resonate in me Right in time for Mother’s Day! My mom is a story teller. She got that from her mom. I remember when we were children & how we’d spend the weekends filled with folktales and stories of our journey to America. Some of the visuals she painted for us are forever burned into my memories. Mom never got to go to school formally but she is intuitively smart. She knew how important it was to learn English and while raising 7 children on two minimum wage jobs, she went to adult night school to learn. I see her hard work ethic and sometimes when it gets too hard, I realize if my momma can do it then maybe I can do it too. I think my love for story telling and creativity actually all came from her and I can’t wait to have a little zoom call with her this weekend and have her share more stories! #thinkingaboutmymom #immymomstwin #igotitfrommymama #pinkflowers #lovelyblouse #creativechild #mommaknowsbest #pnwweddingphotographer #pdxweddingphotographer #risingtidesociety #tuesdaystogether #tuesdaymotivation #loveissimple #destinationwedding #fineartphotographer #pnwweddingphotographer #simplejoie #thevangfamily #loveissimple #communityovercompetition #fridayintroductions #happymothersday #motherdaughterlove (at Simple Joie) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8BexlD7EX/?igshid=fxcmu81m2x21
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roses4sandy-blog · 5 years
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We all have experienced rude and unfair treatment. I dare y'all to give it a try and walk through your life and greet the prople you meet with a smile and kindness! Turn anger into love and you will be surprised what you will achieve! Kill 'em with kindness! ❤ . . . . foodforthought💭 #weallhaveapath #trustyourintuition #walkthewalk #inspiringquotes #empoweringquotes #motivationalquotes #ichooselife #warriorgoddesstraining #killemwithkindness #lovethyneighbor #jesuslovers #godiswatching #sprinkleofglitter #mommaknowsbest https://www.instagram.com/p/B12pIKSIpeV/?igshid=qc9xdpxdv2es
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stonecold1378 · 7 years
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So when I was growing up I didn't always receive physical punishment. When my mother felt like I didn't have enough to do I or felt like I was bored she would make me put together a puzzle. So the for the last couple days i've been missing her. I was out with a friend and saw puzzles. And it brought back memories of how I use to put them together. I picked the villains puzzle because all my life No matter how I've treated someone in a friendship or relationship I have always been the villain. Brenda has always seen the best in her "villain" and reminded me that no one is perfect. So I put this puzzle together for her which I am planning on having it framed for her to put in her home. I love u mom. #mommasboy #thispuzzlewastherapy #mommaknowsbest (at Home)
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Don’t mess with your original .... #Mommaknowsbest #Mothersdayweek #HappyMonday @eloise_at_theplaza @haveaballstyleanddesign https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZlpndlDks/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=129sdy3nio40c
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sosphotography-blog · 7 years
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The Transition
I was determined to breastfeed my son. I knew that it was the best thing for my baby, and for me. But as the weeks went on Michael started to become more and more upset. I knew babies would cry, but this was beyond just crying. Michael would go through these periods of pure screaming, and the poor little guy looked like he was in pain. Steve (my fiance) and I knew something was wrong.
We talked to the doctors several times, but they all kept saying to keep breastfeeding and that this was normal. To be frank, we didn’t agree. So we made the decision to switch Michael to formula, just to see if there was a difference in his behavior. Low and behold it was like he was a different baby. Michael was always so happy, and smiling, instead of the awful screaming and retching. It was amazing, and I didn’t want to go back, but I started getting looks and everyone had an opinion.
“Isn’t formula not as good as breast milk?” “Isn’t that not good for the baby?” “Why would you switch to formula if your producing just fine?”
On and on...so out of guilt I started breastfeeding him again, and we almost instantly regretted it. The acid was back, the gas was back, and so was the screaming. That was it, we couldn't watch Michael be in pain.
My advice to anyone, not just new parents would be to stick to your guns. If deep down you know something is wrong, go with your gut. The only thing that matters to me is that Michael is healthy and happy, it’s that simple.
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swanofsnow · 4 years
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thatguythensome · 5 years
Be sure to check out my friend @kamicoochee he's lit 😂🤣 Tag a friend and laugh together 👍 . . . . . #bulletjournal #funnyclips #funniestmemes #hellafun #hellomay #cosplaylife #funnyhair #wsh #wshh #worldstar #hellagood #worldstarhiphop #fun #videomaking #comedyclubs #worldstarhiphop #worldstar #sportsbar #easydoesit #likes #mommaknowsbest (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGy9uhB8ef/?igshid=a7q1h21hnrt8
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nev87 · 6 years
Yesterday I got this NEWS, this amazing news, but for some strange reason, I just couldn't post, upload anything to do with media of any kind. But now I can!! Enjoy and share in my happiness!! #momwin #mommaknowsbest #drmom #natureheals #naturespower #natureknowsbest #naturalmomma #seedtoseal #sustainable #ecofriendly #younglivingispure #ylcanada #essentialrewards #happymom #happykids #happyhome #crunchymomma #savingmoney #nopharma #drconfirmed https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu_bsKiAcPB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fxnfkh8mikj7
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simplejoiephoto · 5 years
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Hey lovers! It’s me again! Thinking about my mom in this post because of a lot of recent things that remind me about her that resonate in me. It’s not Mother’s Day or her birthday.. just thinking out loud. My mom is a story teller. She got that from her mom. I remember when we were children & how we’d spend the weekends filled with folktales and stories of our journey to America. Some of the visuals she painted for us are forever burned into my memories. Mom never got to go to school formally but she is intuitively smart. She knew how important it was to learn English and while raising 7 children on two minimum wage jobs, she went to adult night school to learn. I see her hard work ethic and sometimes when it gets too hard, I realize if my momma can do it then maybe I can do it too. Even though my mom will never call herself a creative, she was a pioneer in her own time and in her own way. Mom picked out the fabric and sewed this blouse in the early 90s that I’m wearing in this very photo. She’s pretty sentimental but you might tell me the same because no matter how many pieces go in and out of my closet to the donation centers, I never tossed this one because she made it and I took it from her the moment I knew how to appreciate fashion for older women, like me. I think my love for story telling and creativity actually all came from her. #thinkingaboutmymom #immymomstwin #igotitfrommymama #pinkflowers #lovelyblouse #creativechild #mommaknowsbest #pnwweddingphotographer #pdxweddingphotographer #risingtidesociety #tuesdaystogether #tuesdaymotivation #loveissimple #destinationwedding #fineartphotographer #pnwweddingphotographer #simplejoie #thevangfamily #loveissimple #pinkhairdontcare (at Sherwood, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8bE1hQDbho/?igshid=1d0w6wt10dara
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