#momo fukugarasu
dragonpigeons · 1 year
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Scene from Chapter 7
Shizuka, Momo and Ruka head to the Kujo residence for a barbeque. There, Jotaro's grandfather, Joseph Joestar, regales the girls with tall tales about their trip to Egypt. Or are they? Shizuka tries to piece together what Jotaro's mother has told her with what is coming out of Mr Joestar's mouth, finding many inconsistencies but also a little bit of truth.
Also, imagine meeting three of your grandson's school friends and they all happen to be girls. You know Joseph would not miss an opportunity to play matchmaker, much to Jotaro's dismay.
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dragonpigeons · 1 year
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Scene from Chapter 6
Ruka, Momo and Jotaro are over at Shizuka’s house for a summer study session. Shizuka’s mother shares a photo album showing pictures of baby Shizuka. There are also pictures containing Shizuka’s father - little did she know that he was a delinquent back in his high school years! Ruka and Momo pick up on this and are forming schemes in their heads: here is their best friend, Shizuka, with the class delinquent, Jotaro, spending time together during their third and final year of high school. Could Shizuka meet the same fate as her mother who began dating her delinquent of a father in high school too?
Shizuka takes after her mother not only in physical features and height, but also her mother’s work ethics and temper. Shizuka can get pretty angry but her mother is two times worse. Unlike her mother’s more outgoing character, Shizuka inherited the calmer temperament of her father. Her purple hair also comes from her father’s side. Shizuka is basically the perfect mesh of her parents, with the exemption of her father’s delinquent side (that probably manifests in her Stand, Rick).
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dragonpigeons · 1 year
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#OC_tober Day 5: Bedroom
I drew Shizuka hanging out with her friends, Ruka and Momo, in her bedroom. Like her, Shizuka's room is organised and tidy. It's not cluttered but it still contains her favourite books and sentimental items given to her by loved ones (the long cat pillow was given to her as a 16th birthday present by her friends).
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dragonpigeons · 1 year
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Scene from Chapter 9
After weeks of tutoring the delinquent, Shizuka returns to cram school with Momo. Jotaro tags along, wanting to know what cram school is like. There, they meet Shin-kun, an old friend from middle school who goes to an elite private school. Shin-kun has high respect for Shizuka and her permanent spot at the top of the test scoreboards, self-proclaiming her as his eternal rival. So it surprises him greatly when she introduces him to a 195cm giant delinquent from her class. How can Shizuka be friends with someone so frightening?
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dragonpigeons · 11 months
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OC_tober Day 18: Free - Halloween
The gang dressed up for trick or treating. Thanks for joining me for OC_tober, it was lots of fun.
OC_tober prompts by @/ohprcr
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dragonpigeons · 11 months
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OC_tober Day 11: Friend
Shizuka's two best friends in high school are Momo and Ruka. Momo is the mystical airy type who practices in the occults. Ruka is the hyperactive, athletic type who forgets to do her homework. They both love to shower Shizuka in hugs.
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dragonpigeons · 1 year
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#OC_tober Day 4: Daily Life
Shizuka lives her life routinely. She wakes up and goes to bed at the same time every day (exceptions would be late night cramming during exam period). Her day to day life is very well organised and she sticks to her weekly schedule pretty much like clockwork.
One thing that's missing is that around 9PM she does her stretches and gets ready for bed.
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dragonpigeons · 1 year
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Ruka and Momo.
They are Shizuka’s best friends in high school.
Ruka is the energetic tomboy of the gang and she has a perpetually filling stash of snacks on the go at all times. She’s very athletic and strong, possessing a natural affinity for sports and physical prowess for battle. She hates math and regularly forgets to do her homework, mainly because she prefers to play videogames in her free time. This prompts regular scolding from Shizuka, though Shizuka is also very giving of her time to help Ruka with her studies so she doesn’t fail her classes. Shizuka met Ruka in the first week of high school when the latter caught the former feeding a biscuit to an ‘invisible being’. Despite being a non-Stand user, Ruka was very laidback about the whole thing and readily accepted that Shizuka had an invisible pet of sorts, even asking to feed it too, much to Shizuka’s pleasant surprise.
Momo is a very beautiful girl, invoking an air of mystery and grace. She’s very into the occults and the practice of reading the stars. Often being asked out by her fellow male peers, she turns them down with a look that suggests she is seeing beyond their corporeal forms into the unknown. She gives the impression of an otherworldly medium connecting the world of the living and the spirits, and indeed she does possess the ability to sense and communicate with beings of the non-physical realm. It is thanks to this ability that she believed Shizuka had nothing to do with the harm inflicted upon the latter’s aggravating bullies (at least not on purpose; Shizuka had no idea what Rick even was and therefore had no control over him). Momo is a non-Stand user but she can sense a Stand’s presence with her mysterious powers. Shizuka became friends with her during middle school.
The three remain best friends for life even when they part ways after high school.
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