ablaske · 3 years
tonight we pour one out for momogender may she rest in peace.
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girlschasinggirls · 3 years
Did momogender get termed again or did she deactivate on purpose this time
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carharttlesbian · 3 years
i cant get over momogender implying that only radical feminists acknowledge women in terms of being a biological class
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bricksotherblog · 3 years
so far in this “TERF embarrassment hall of fame” mini-series of mine, I’ve been reluctant to show the usernames because radfems have gigantic martyr complexes. I have no such reservations with tonight’s example, for reasons that shall soon become apparent.
the offending user is momogender (don’t interact, just block and report) and here is the post in question:
Tumblr media
HOLY SHIT. This...this is truly vile.
here’s an archived version of the original post, just in case:
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terfiewerfie · 3 years
Do you know what happened to momogender?
no i don’t! i hope she remakes tho
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kiefbowl · 3 years
Momogender pursuing a nb woman is true. What tipped me off personally was how she was talking behind her back and totally making fun of her. She mentioned “fucking the non-binary out of her” or something to that extent. Someone must still have screenshots of this, because it did spark some drama at the time. Momo did state that irl she was as respectful and careful about that woman’s beliefs and identity as possible, but that hardly excuses her fowl attitude towards the whole thing imo.
Interesting. I did not see any of this, she must have been off my radar and the radar of my followers. She seems to be deactivated now. 
This one person doing something does not equal a trend. I think it’s also important to remember that “radfem tumblr” is not actually a trustable sample of radical feminists in that anyone can call themselves a radical feminist, anyone can even identify as a “terf”, and the perception of radfem tumblr is going to be unique for every single person as your dashboard is determined by who you follow and only you will see what that dashboard is. Not to mention people can just straight up lie and there’s not much you can do to verify if someone is telling the truth about their own life. 
In any case, whether we include momogender’s actions as rape by deception (which I am very uncomfortable doing without any source to read), her actions and mindset do sound deplorable, and shows a fundamental lack of respect for others.  
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
(Momogender made a gross ass post about how she wishes transwomen a 41%. I get that the rate is most likely not that high but wishing they commit suicide is evil lmao I reported it)
you should have screenshotted it first and then you should have included this message with the screenshot using the submit button
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ravensvirginity · 3 years
are you the legendary momogender? 👀 blink twice of you're
okay, i did some googling and it seems like momogender is a now deactivated tumblr blog? if this is the momogender you're referring to, no, i'm not them, and terfs are horrible and not welcome on my blog.
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menalez · 3 years
didn't momogender reblogged from nekr*m? did she deac bc of that? I remember her rb that post about being accused of being a nazi for stupid reasons. I wanted to ask momo about it and give her a heads up in case she didn't know who the op was, but she had anon off and im crypto, so...
no i don’t think that’s why she deactivated tbh
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femmesandhoney · 3 years
Is momogender cismomo?
yes same blog
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
Momogender really accused all "whitefems" of posting some screenshot of her post to r/tumblrinaction and it was revealled it was some random mra dude LOL. Imagine blaming a whole race because you have hurt feelings.
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
the user posting the momogender tantrum on reddit was an anti feminist and mra. shes crazy for blaming that on other radfems. very happy she got termed again and i hope she never comes back. fucking clown ass bitch
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
[Momogender really accused all "whitefems" of posting some screenshot of her post to r/tumblrinaction and it was revealled it was some random mra dude LOL. Imagine blaming a whole race because you have hurt feelings.]
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
Momogender needs therapy
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
Does anyone know if momogender came back?
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
yall: momogender poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!
me: oh sauce?
yall: (disappearing guy meme)
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