#mon-el oneshot
thatonebirdwrites · 9 months
Answering Questions for Fun
20 Questions More
This is a deeper and more detailed version of the 20 questions for AO3 fanfic writers.
I yanked the questions from someone in the supercorp fandom. I forget who. I never get tagged since I'm not really well known writer yet (I'm still a tumblr newbie!), so I'm doing this just for funsies and because I like answering questions.
I will be answering this for the supercorp and korrasami fandoms. My works are here (though I do one-shots on tumblr sometimes).
1) How do you keep getting ideas for your ship / fandom?
By existing, reading, listening, writing, watching things, staring at the sky and watching the clouds drift by. Seriously, my ADHD's superpower is generating ideas. So I have way too many of them, and I have a note in my Scrivener projects with all the ideas. If anyone needs more ideas, I'll spin out so many. lol
2) Which authors inspire you in your fandom, and why are they so freakishly good?
So for the Korrasami fandom, that would be @korrasamibottles for their fantastic oneshots, Progman for one of the best post-series fics I've ever read (seriously, the Asami Sato of RRU is awesome), Shigan for some amazing korrasami oneshots, FuzziFox for an adorable and action-y AU where Asami goes south with Korra, lovedeathcats for the best Indiana Jones AU ever, RainbowRosie for a great AU where bending has vanished, paxbanana's Place in the World is an interesting AU take on Korrasami. @asamiontop's Modern world AU is a must read (she also has some great supercorp one-shots). For supercorp? @jazzfordshire has exquisitely written fics, everything @fazedlight writes is gold, @snowydragonscave's oneshots are adorable, @mycatismyeditor has some great AU's that really dig into the characters, @ekingston has some of the best written AU's I've ever read, @karalovesallthegirls has the most hilarious fics ever (Mime fic), robie's AUs are some of the best slow burn I've read, TheUnforgivingMinute wrote a fantastic spookysupercorp, @coffeeshib floored me with their gorgeous prose, @rustingcat not only does amazing art but the fics are such a great slow burn, @chaotic-super's back to Krypton was absolutely goldmine of fun and digging into the lore of Krypton. I could go on. Let's just say I LOVE Y'all's fics. The above are the people who had the most impact on me personally. Where I learned the art of fanfic writing. Since I'm a science fiction writer, I tend toward creative writing techniques that don't always jive well in the fandom realm, so learning from others helps me refine my writing to use the least amount of words for the biggest impact possible. It's also great practice for my original fiction honestly.
3) Aside from the characters of your main ship, who are the characters you love to write?
I really love writing Sam Arias. Nia is also super fun to write, and writing Brainy and Lena arguing about science is always fun too. Alex is a littler harder for me to write (her snark is hard for me to capture), but she's a blast once I get in the right headspace for it. For Korrasami, I really love writing Jinora and Bolin. Asami considers both of them basically siblings at this point, and Korra does too actually. heh.
4) Are there pairings or tropes you know for sure you'd never write about? Which ones?
I will NEVER EVER writing Makorra - that is a clusterfuck I will never touch. Hell, it's why I didn't rewrite book 1 of TLOK for my Shared Moments series because I really didn't want to touch it at all. lol I just skipped to the six months after and started there. I'll NEVER write Lames or any relationship that features Mon-el. Nope. Not touching it. I prefer to write sapphic pairings for the main protagonists. Sure, side characters can have het pairings (like Brainy and Nia), but I won't write a fic with them as the focus. Other folks can do that.
5) What is your writing process and why is it cursed?
Step 1: Wake up, wash up, and get tea. Step 2. Cuddle the cat to prepare myself. Step 3: Put on my compression gloves and stretch my arms. Step 4: Put on the correct playlist (absolutely essential step otherwise it'll throw off the entire scene and then I have to start over.) Step 5: Try to avoid Tumblr. (Doesn't always work, this place is cursed I swear. lol) Step 6. Open Scrivener project (who am I kidding, these primary projects are always open on m computer). Write while my brain is cooperating. (30 to 40 minutes before I got to rest for 45 minutes then I can start writing again. Chronic illness sucks like that.) Step 7: realize I need to research something and lose two hours to that. Step 8: AO3 emailed me! Who commented this time! Oh noes, now I've fallen down the looking at the Internets.
The other thing I do is carry my journal everywhere to document everything and end up with some weird random poetry, drawings, and dialogue from people I overhear. Oh, and on bad brain days, I'll draw cursed images.
I also use Scrivener and go all haywire on all its features to a ridiculous extent. Like, I try to stuff ALL my outlines, research, scenes, into that Scrivener so it's all in one place, that way I don't forget anything. It makes for large projects. ha.
6) What is your favorite part of your writing process?
Incorporating my research into the story in subtle ways to fill out the world and immerse the reader more fully. It's fun to put some of this research in the end-notes for my fics on AO3. (The power AO3 gave us writers with those end-notes!!)
7) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve had to research for a fic?
Maturation of bird species and the DNA overlap with human beings to see if I can craft an alien species that is at least 90% DNA similar to humans but is more birdlike.
I looked up the absorption of chemicals through skin. (This is why I use duckduck go for anonymity for this sort of stuff. LOL)
8) Is there a particular writing rule you struggle with (grammar, spelling, tense, reality in general)?
Reality in general - ha. Seriously though, the chronic illness makes it really hard to concentrate and have energy for writing or really anything. The second thing I struggle with is I have an annoying habit of adapting my tenses to what I'd last read. So if the story I read was past-tense, I'll jump into my writing using past tense (which most of my stories is that tense, but there's two that aren't so that's when it gets annoying).
9) What was your hardest scene to write so far and why?
The hardest scene was the end of Book 3 for Shared Moments for the Korrasami series. Both Asami and Korra (due to the bond they forged by accident at Harmonic Convergence) are captured by Zaheer, so that was a brutally painful set of scenes. Full of pain, fighting, poisoning, and a struggle to survive. I wept through it honestly. Whew. Yikes. For Supercorp, the hardest scene was when Nia assists Lena with her dreams and memories of her birth mother. Those were so sad and I totally teared up writing them. It was also hard to sort out the best way to reveal details without giving too much away either. Since Nia's powers are a little all over the place too.
10) Have your characters ever done something you didn’t expect, changing your plot completely?
All the time! For the TLOK: Shared Moments series, Asami keeps surprising me, so I often have to sit down and remap her timeline, and it always enriches the entire series. For Supercorp, Nia keeps doing things that surprise me. She's like this chaotic good agent that adds in humor and twists that enrich the tale in subtle ways I think. There's many other surprising moments the characters do. That's half the fun! Seeing where the characters end up and if I need to adjust my plans. :D
11) If you could converse with any of the characters, who would it be and why?
That's a tie between Asami Sato and Lena Luthor honestly. But then I sort of think of them as basically the same person (Lena may be more neutral in temperament while Asami is chaotic good. Also, Asami isn't afraid to fly planes and crash them for Korra. Lena would prefer no flying. lol). I just wanna talk science with them. Oh and ask them about how in-love they are with Korra and Kara respectively. (Lena will try to deny it, but Asami will gush and admit it because she's a little more in touch with her feelings). I just love these two so much. :D
12) What are some of the tropes or themes that you find yourself returning to in your writing?
Healing journeys. I really enjoy writing healing from trauma, because I feel like it's so relevant for our times, and the characters never really get that in their series (well, Supergirl characters don't, and they really need it!).
The theme of chosen family is another theme I come to again and again. Partly due to how my life is -- my bio family is not healthy for me (outright abusive), so my chosen family is my real family. So I like to dig into those dynamics a lot.
I also tend to write the survivor narrative a lot. It's a more interesting narrative structure, but it's also less used so that can startle readers. Sometimes in good ways? A good example of a survivor narrative structure is TLOK actually.
Another good example of the survivor narrative is Sam Arias' journey in Season 3 of Supergirl. Maybe I'll write an essay someday on it.
13) What's your most important resource as a writer?
There's isn't any one most important resource. I'd say fellow writers and artists is a great resource, lore books is another, random research books (yes, I have a guide to weapons for writers, guide for poisons for writers, guide to x or y for writers, because I'm a nerd like that), the Internet, and lots of listening to others.
14) Can you share some of your strategies for editing and revising your work?
For editing/revising, I start with SPAG: spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Once I do a few run-throughs of that, then I look at the dialogue -- Is the dialogue true to the character's personality and quirks? Can I make the dialogue more succinct?
After that, I look at descriptions: Is the description immersive? Do I utilize the five senses in a concise way? Can I pare down the description while still keeping the immersive quality? Is there any description that doesn't add to the scene or character's growth and can that be moved to a different scene or saved for later?
Finally, I do a fresh read-through and check how it impacts my emotions. Do I laugh at the funny parts? Do I tear up at the sad/angst parts? Does it feel too dry or not emotive enough? What words could be used instead to better invoke emotions?
15) Which is worse: making the summary, picking the tags, or the anxiety when you post your fic?
Ugh, summaries are the worst. Sometimes it's easier to just pick an excerpt of a scene and slap that as the summary. Tags are even worse. I never know what to use for tags, especially since people seem to be kind of random with AO3 tags. I mean, I feel like some writers just will write a statement as a tag and it's amusing but also confusing.
16) How do you define success for your fanfic - hits? Kudos? Comments? Bookmarks? Or just if you like it?
I don't really measure success.
If I get comments from folks that say they're enjoying it? That's a source of joy for me but it's not about success. Because I'm writing mostly for my enjoyment, but to hear that others enjoy it too? Damn, that's like the best news ever. It really helps me feel better about myself and my writing. Like I'm valued and not forgotten. That I actually have an impact. So yeah, go leave comments if you like stuff, please. Us writers love it.
17) Do you have a playlist for your favorite character / ship?
YES. I Always make a playlist for each project I do. I craft it based on their personality, their character arcs, the mood of the piece, and I focus on a variety of genres. I think about the lyrics of songs and try to match it all together. I might spend way more time on playlists than I need, but since I have them playing as I write, I need them to fit the mood and atmosphere to increase inspiration.
18) If fan art was going to be made from your work, which fic would you pick and which fan artist would you like to create it?
Um. Huh. This is a hard question. I try to draw my own, but I can't do color (y'all that do color, are freaking WIZARDS). I think Confession fic and the scene where Lena resurrects Kara, and if and when I have money again, I'd ask @rustingcat if commissions are open for them.
For Korrasami, I'd choose Book 3 or 3.5 but I'm not sure on the artist.
19) How many WIPs do you currently have?
UM. If I count just fanfics, probably fifteen. I'm actively working on six. (Three in each fandom. Two are usually shorter, and one is the longer fic) If we include original fiction and fanfiction? Uhhhhh. Hahahah, that's like twenty-five or so. I'm only working on one original fiction piece set on my SF world of Elivera.
20) What's your advice to new fanfic writers?
Pace yourself and take some time to edit and revise before posting. Also, take some time to review the transcripts and how the characters talk. That can give some fun insight into the characters and ways to expand on them in interesting ways.
Ask questions a lot! There's so many nice folks in the fandom, and folks are so kind about answering questions. I know because I still ask questions and talk to folks about this, and more seasoned writers have been so lovely.
Write what you want. Don't write for your readers (unless someone requests and pays you for a fic, then I guess write for them. lol) but otherwise, write what you want. This is supposed to be fun. If you're getting stressed out, take a break otherwise you will get burned out. To avoid burn out, take time to rest. Read a bit, do fun hobbies, do some practice writing, and then dive back into your fic.
Yes, it's important to try to finish things, but don't feel pressured. Remember, having fun is crucial! It's okay to take your time. Readers will stick with you if they like your tale.
Happy Writing!
P.S. I'm going to quote Brenda Ueland who wrote one of the best books on writing (If You Want to Write):
“Don't always be appraising yourself, wondering if you are better or worse than other writers. "I will not Reason and Compare," said Blake; "my business is to Create." Besides, since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of Time, you are incomparable. ” - Brenda Ueland
“I want to assure you with all earnestness, that no writing is a waste of time, – no creative work where the feelings, the imagination, the intelligence must work. With every sentence you write, you have learned something. It has done you good. It has stretched your understanding.” - Brenda Ueland
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avatarskywalker78 · 8 months
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Some more fics of mine - standalones (well, a few are part of a series but are currently the only entry so I'm putting them here):
of legacies and lies - Jack Thompson's granddaughter Alex, a SHIELD agent, deals with the aftermath of the HYDRA reveal while trying to get back home. Meanwhile her grandparents try and make sure she isn't made into a scapegoat by the authorities.
a god's reflection - a rewritten Loki oneshot set between Thor 1 and Thor 2 as he reflects on his actions on Midgard.
when one door closes (another opens) - Brianna Thawne, the Cobalt Blue of Earth-4 and its 22nd Century, joins her world's Legends after she stops Kate Allen from changing time, an action which caused a rift in Team Flash and left Brianna ostracised.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - Legends of Tomorrow AU, where Carter realises that now he's finally free of the cycle, maybe he doesn't have to be with Kendra.
you've always been (a part of me) - Krypton Post-Canon AU, set decades after the show, where Seg is hit with the reminder of his husband's mortality and doesn't deal with it well
speak (and i'll listen) - MonWinn oneshot, set post the Music Meister, in which Winn stresses out and Mon-El comforts him
to new beginnings - Westhallen New Year's Resolution fic for Polyam Shipping Day in January 2022
doubt (and the bonds of love) - when Mon-El becomes distant, Winn can't figure out why until Kara points out that he's not the only insecure one in the relationship
the future (is ours) - a Flash AU where Iris is the Flash and Barry and Eddie are the ones dating. Eobard has been defeated and everyone's made it out the other side...but Eddie fears for his relationship after finding out Barry and Iris were meant to be together...
right here (is where i'm meant to be) - fluffy, lazy morning Segdam oneshot
to live and rise (and hope again) - focuses on Eliana Kent, the daughter of Clark Kent and Lana Lang from another universe, who was forced to flee her own world with thousands of others after draconian anti-alien measures were enforced. Settling on Earth-38 with her adoptive aunts, Eliana doesn't expect anything drastic to happen...until the rest of her powers start setting in...
Ambiguity - FFN import, written for Stupid Mario Bros and a Mr L centric fic as he fights to fight his host body's brother
the truth (long overdue) - Spider-Man 2 AU where Peter goes back to explain everything to Harry and unknowingly averts tragedy later down the line
one night changes nothing (except when it changes everything) - Krypton fic where Seg and Adam sleep together one night early in S1 but Adam figures nothing's gonna change, because it's not like Seg of all people would return his feelings (hint: he's wrong)
remaining steadfast (accepting your purpose) - Robin of Sherwood S3 AU where Robert of Huntingdon stays the first time around, nervous as he is about stepping into the shoes of a hero
true friendship (becomes stronger over time) - Link & Saria post OOT (child timeline), where an older Link goes to talk to his best friend after feeling out of place recently
we have time (to start over) - X-Men 3 AU where Jean lived and brought Scott back, and now he's trying to figure out why Logan is acting so strange around him (it's the guilt)
i love you (let me show it) - Segdam fic where Seg proposes to Adam out of the blue
i will stand by you (i will help you through) - Angel & Riley friendship fic, in which Angel doesn't act like a dick in 4x20, instead recognising Riley as a young man in pain, and this has a massive effect on things
discussions and coffee (at three am) - Legends AU where Henry Heywood lived and is now a Legend alongside his grandson
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
Das Speedster-Pheromone-Verse
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Mein Speedster-Pheromone- bzw. Speedster-Pheromon-Verse wie es auch manchmal heißt begann 2018 mit der „The Flash“-Fic „Alle lieben Barry Allen“. Ich hatte nicht als Erste die Idee zu dieser speziellen Crack-Fic (also, dass Barry durch den Blitzschlag nicht nur schnell wurde sondern auch extram attraktiv für andere), aber ich wollte einen anderen Ansatz als die meisten anderen versuchen, und heraus kam ein „Angsty Crack treated Seriously Fix-It“.
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 „Alle lieben Barry Allen“ war hauptsächlich eine Comedy-Fic hatte aber mitunter auch sehr ernste Untertöne, auch weil sich die Fic natürlich mit Content Issues auseinandergesetzt hat. Ursprünglich sollte die Fic ein One-Shot bleiben, aber als ich 2019 den Trailer zu Episode 5x18 „Godspeed“ gesehen habe, bekam ich die Idee für eine Fortsetzung rund um Nora West-Allen, die ich gleich in meiner damals aktuellen „The Flash Shorts-Sammlung“ in Form von drei zusammenhängenden One-Shots umgesetzt habe. Die Fortsetzung in dieser Sammlung ist der Season 5 Plot von „The Flash“ in meinem Speedster-Pheromone-Verse; hier muss Nora das Gleiche durchmachen wie ihr Vater, das aber mehr oder weniger auf sich alleine gestellt. Da dieses Verse im Grundes seines Herzens neben einem Crack-Verse vor allem auch ein Fix-It-Verse ist, musste die Staffel hier anders enden, und um mich von meinem Kompass-Verse zu unterscheiden habe ich in diesem Zusammenhang die Legends in diesem Verse eingeführt, die es ursprünglich in diesem Verse niemals gegeben hatte, wenn auch in sehr anderer Form als im Canon.
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 Für meine „Infinite Earths One-Shots und Shorts“-Sammlung bin ich wieder zu diesem Verse zurückgekehrt mit dem One-Shot „Present Tense“ und „Alle lieben Nora West-Allen – Crisis Edition“. In diesen beiden Storys habe ich den Plot von Staffel 8 von „Arrow“ und den von Staffel 6 von „The Flash“ crossovern lassen – anders als im Canon sprechen die Charaktere also vor der Krise schon miteinander, und die Kinder aus der Zukunft, die in der Gegenwart landen, sind Nora, Caitlins und Ronnies Sohn Thomas Snow und Olivers und Laurels Sohn Connor Queen, die alle eine besondere Rolle im Plot von dieser Version von „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ spielen und dafür sorgen, dass alles gut wird. Dieses Verse beinhaltet übrigens die Fic, in der alle, die sich auf der Waverider befinden, an den Vanishing Point gerettet werden und nicht nur die Paragons, also hängen dort ziemlich viele unsere Helden zusammen herum und müssen mit dem Wissen die einzigen noch lebenden Wesen im Multiversum zu sein klar kommen. Am Ende wird der Anti-Monitor besiegt und alles wird gut, die Zukunft ist besser als vorher (schon wieder), und es gibt keine verschmolzenen Erden. Und damit endet dieses Verse 2020 direkt nach dem Ende der Ausstrahlung von „Crisis on Infinite Earths“.
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 Endgame-Pairings in diesem Verse waren Westhallen (Iris/Eddie/Barry), Lauriver (Laurel/Oliver), Snowstorm (Caitlin/Ronnie), Cynco (Cisco/Gypsy), CaptainCanary (Leonard/Sara), Atomwave (Ray/Mick) und natürlich Dyla (Dig/Lyla). Wie ihr seht multishippe ich Sara gerne, da sie in meinen diversen Hauptuniversen immer schön brav mit unterschiedlichen Partnern endet. Kanvers (Kara/Kate) spielt eine gewisse Rolle in diesem Verse, doch am Ende entscheiden sich die beiden gegen eine Fernbeziehung und kehren in ihre jeweiligen Universen mit Hoffnung auf ein Happy End für ihre jeweilige Love Interest (also Mon-El bzw. Sophie) zurück. In diesem Verse habe ich auch mein „Superman Returns“-OT3-Pairing eingebaut, auch wenn man das nur als Patchwork-Familie lesen kann, wenn man es nicht wahrhaben will.
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Für AO3 habe ich dieses Verse neu strukturiert und gepostet:
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
Today Is a Gift - A Monwinn Oneshot
In which Winnie Schott, with his wife, Ayla, and boyfriend, Mon-El, has to deal with the aftermath of New Years Eve
The Schott-Ranzz household was a mess.
Their New Year's Eve party had gone well - too well. Mon-El, Winn and Ayla looked wearily at the rubbish scattered here and there, wondering how they were ever going to get everything cleared up.
"I wash, you clean and Mon-El can put Mary to bed?" Winn suggested, looking to his partners.
"Sounds like a plan." Ayla smiled, quickly getting to work. "The faster we get this done, the faster we to get to sleep."
"Which means," Mon-El began, lifting Mary into the air as she giggled loudly, "we gotta put you to bed-"
He was quickly cut off by a loud screech from the small child who promptly jumped away and hid at the mention of her bed. "You have to catch me first!" She ran away laughing, giggling in delight every time Mon-El almost caught her.
"He's really good with her." Ayla smiles, nudging her husband with her arm.
"Yeah" Winn nodded in agreement, watching his boyfriend and daughter play tag, "and she really likes him."
"Why doesn't he take her out for a day? You know, to properly get to know her." At that, Winn sighed and chewed his lower lip.
"He thinks he's overstepping - like, he doesn't want anyone to think he's trying to take your place. I don't know...." Ayla raised her eyebrows at him while putting a few plates in the sink.
"It's the 31st century Winn - poly parents isn't exactly a foreign concept. I think it's something else-" She abruptly cut herself off, mumbling something about the drinks getting her. "Never mind, it's nothing."
"Hey, come on; what's up?" He looked at her with worried eyes.
"I think he's scared of being alone with Mary."
"What d'you mean? He loves Mary."
"But he's only ever here if we are too. I think he worries that she might get hurt or something." Their eyes follow the childish pair running around their lounge as they share a knowing smile.
"I'll talk to him."
"3. 2. 1. Happy new year!" The trio stood outside their house, watching the clocks like everyone else on the street and cheering when the time came. Just as the clocks stuck midnight, Ayla and Mon-El pressed a kiss to each of Winn's cheeks, making them turn a very bright red very quickly. He blushed and grinned brightly, kissing both his partners in return. "I love you guys." He whispered, hugging them both tight.
"We love you too." Mon-El replied, kissing the top of his head as Ayla smiled into his shoulder.
"You see at this point I would say something clever and sexy and mention celebrating but I'm tired as hell so you two have fun - I'm going to bed." Ayla smiled and kissed the pair on cheek, heading off to her room.
"So." Winn began.
"So." Mon-El replied, his hands finding his way to his lover's waist making Winn swat his hands away.
"Serious business first, sexy time later." He smiled, taking one of his hands and leading him to Mon-El's bedroom.
"So what did you wanna talk about?" Mon-El asked curiously, settling himself on his bed as Winn sat beside him.
"Oh I think I know her. Short, cute, has very awesome parents?"
"That's the one." Winn chuckled as his antics. "Ayla and I were wondering if you guys wanted to go on a trip together."
"Like just us-?"
"Okay - can I ask why not?"
"What if she gets hurt on my watch? What if I lose her? I'm not her parent - I don't know what to do in those situations."
"I get that you're scared, believe me, I do. The first time I saw her, I just could not stop crying. I kept thinking, 'I helped make that. That screaming bundle of joy is my little girl.' And then I realised how terrified I was because I was still eating cereal for dinner in my late 20s and I somehow had to raise a child." He let out a slow breath. "Part of me thought, 'Hey if you're always with someone then there'll always be someone who can help if something goes wrong' and then I realised that there's not always going to be someone there to help. That's why superheroes exist - to help when no one else can. When Mary was two, she got excited as she tried to eat all her food at once. She had too much in her mouth and no matter how much I tried she wouldn't let me take it out and then she started choking and at this point I was practically having a heart attack and I kept looking around for Ayla because I didn't know what to do. And then I remembered how to do the Heimlich manoeuvre on babies and she spat it up and threw up all over the table but the point is: I've been where you are and you really don't need to worry because we trust you and so does she. You're our superhero."
Mon-El looked up with teary eyes and a small smile. "Really?"
"Really - she even refers to you as her half-dad." At this Mon-El looked bewildered and incredibly happy, a wide smile spreading across his face. "She said you look after her, you love her and you're dating her dad and therefore you're her half-dad." Mon-El pulled him into a tight hug and buried his face in his neck, breathing in his scent.
"I love you - I never knew what the future was going to bring but I never thought it was going to be family like this. I always thought I was destined to be like my parents-"
"The past is history, the future's a mystery but today is a gift - that's why it's called the present." Winn cut him off. "You are nothing like your parents and I just know your future - our future - is going to be amazing."
"Is that just faith or time-travel?" Mon-El joked, pulling him on to his lap.
"Little bit of both," Winn grinned, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, "it pays to be a time-travelling superhero." Mon-El laughed and pulled his lover down for a deep kiss, Winn breaking away after a minute and kissing along his jaw.
"Was that the serious business then?"
"Mmhmm." Winn mumbled against his throat, lightly sucking marks on to the pale skin.
"Does that make this sexy time then-?" Mon-El cut himself off by biting his lip hard, groaning loudly as Winn rolled his hips against his. "I'll take that as a yes."
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ynsimagines · 3 years
Supergirl: B!D is Off-Limits.
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You walked into the DEO in search of your big sister Kara. The two of you had planned to have lunch together. Normally you would meet her at Catco, or some restaurant, but she told you she’d be at the DEO training today. Usually you’d invite Alex to join you but she was currently in DC so it was just you and your favorite alien. You walked into the entrance with Big Belly Burger, and eventually reached the training room where you saw her sparring with someone you weren’t familiar with. He was tall with brown hair and seemed to just barely be keeping up with her. They went on for a couple minutes until Kara noticed you. 
“Y/N.” she greeted excitedly walking over to give you a hug. 
“Hey Kara, are you ready for lunch?” You asked holding up the sacred bag of food.
“Yeah kiddo, we were just finishing up” she said gesturing to Mon El who was now looking at you in a way that made you uncomfortable.
“Hello beautiful I’m Mon El of Daxam,” he said causing Kara to shoot Daggers at him. “Kara never told me that her sister was such a babe,” he said.
Before you could blink Kara had him pinned up against the training room wall, “Dont call my little sister a babe. she’s not some girl you can just flirt with and objectify she’s off limits,” she said harshly before letting him go while you stood there shocked in silence. 
Mon El apologized and practically ran out of the room as you walked to Kara and placed a pacifying hand on her shoulder. “Kar, are you okay? That was bit harsh?” You asked a bit concerned. Kara was always protective of you, but that outburst was a bit shocking. 
“He deserved it, are you okay?” She asked turning the question back on you.
“It did creep me out a little bit, but I’m okay. Thanks for defending my honor,” you said.
“Always,” she replied giving you a hug. “So lunch then?”
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lettyfanfics · 4 years
Supergirl Masterlist
Masterlist Principal
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Something new (smut)
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atanearerdistance · 7 years
The Distance Between Us - Post 3x07
Summary: After the events of 3x07, Mon-El and Kara share a heartfelt moment. They both learn more than they are prepared to handle. 
Click here to read on A03.
The air was crisp that night, and as he stepped outside the DEO he took off at a human's jog to warm himself up in his thin clothing. He had to get away, couldn't think from all the faces staring at him, expecting a person he didn't know how to be, a man he hadn't known in the better part of a decade.  He hadn't forgotten her, as if such a thing were possible. When he'd looked down the barrel of the gun and seen her face, it had been exactly as he had always remembered it, soft, exquisite beauty, gentle curls defying gravity and wind as if she were an enchantress, not a superhero. Her eyes were just as delicate as he'd pictured them, always betraying her every emotion, every thought. He'd seen the instant she recognized him, his heart dropping the instant a look of hope had fixed itself upon her face.  He ran faster. The buildings and greenery surrounding him was achingly familiar, and it seemed almost like a dream to be back after so many years away. The world he had known as a younger man had been gifted back to him, the world that had taught him the value of kindness, of honor. He remembered the innocence of his time in this century so clearly; he'd treasured it deeply in the form of the chain around his neck.  Not for the first time, he wished to himself that he remembered how to be that man. He had seen the expression of hurt on Imra's face as he excused himself from the DEO, but standing in between the only two women he'd ever loved, he felt the air sucked out of him like he'd never been cured of his lead allergy, like his mother had thrown him back in prison. He'd needed desperately to get away.  He was moving quickly now, and he vaguely recognized that he need to slow his pace, that he was approaching the speed of Olympic runners and could soon attract too much attention. He slowed down as he entered a park near the bay of National City, turning to run alongside the edge of the water, reflecting the lights of the city through the darkness. He'd traveled merely a few hundred feet along the bay when he saw Supergirl standing alone near the edge of the boardwalk, her head bent over as if in prayer.  "Kara," he said hoarsely, the words slipping out before he could stop them. She was facing the water, her leather-covered arms hanging over the railing, and she jumped slightly at his voice, but didn’t turn to face him. "Please go away," she said, her voice breaking. He hadn't seen her since he'd revealed the truth about his relationship with Imra, but even the side of her face revealed that the look of anguish had not left her. He swallowed deeply. "Kara, I'm so sorry..." "I said please go away," she said, and her head snapped toward him. There were tear tracks going down her face, and his heart stopped. He stared at her, and for a moment, there was silence, the sound of flowing water its only companion.  "I was flying just a minute ago," she said eventually. "I wanted to clear my head. I used to do it all the time to relax." She turned away from him and he joined her at the railing. "I used to listen to your heartbeat when I was flying, Mon-El. Six million people in this city and I could pick yours out in a millisecond, whether you were with me or all the way across town. After you left I couldn't do it. Couldn't clear my head because I knew something was missing, my personal drum beat keeping me safe in the night. And tonight," her voice caught on the word, "I couldn’t figure out why I was flying faster than I have in months, why the air felt so clear, but it was because your heart was beating right alongside everyone else's, right as if I never sent you off into space and threw your heart and your trust with it."  She flipped her head down so he couldn’t see her face, but his superhuman hearing caught the faint hint of tears hitting the boardwalk. "Kara,” he said desperately, “it wasn't your fault. You had to do it to protect Earth. You're still protecting Earth." His attempts to console her were pointless and he knew it, but what was left of the man he had once been urged him to keep trying. He sighed, lifting a hand to run through the hair on the top of his head. "For whatever it's worth, I was a mess for two years after I left." She looked up at him suddenly, eyes rimmed with hopelessness and just a hint of confusion. "My friends in the pod... They sort of adopted me when I crash landed on Earth in the future. In the future, there are more people like us, more powerful refugee aliens taking shelter on Earth as more of the universe gets discovered. We all helped each other become stronger. I never wanted to do anything when I got there, or make any friends. It lasted for a really long time, Kara. There were so many times when I wished I had just died." He took a deep breath. "Finally, enough time passed that getting out of bed in the morning didn't seem so impossible. I let them in and they became my family."  "And Imra?" Kara asked softly.  "She lost her first love, too. I guess in wallowing in our misery we ended up finding each other." He carefully put a hand over hers on the railing, noting where the metal had bent from her strong grip. "Kara, I didn't go out looking to hurt you. If I had ever thought in a million years I might see you again, I never would have..." "I know," she whispered. She was silent again, stepping back and forth in a nervous pattern and looking between the bay and his face. "You-you're different." He nodded slowly, taking his own pause to glance out at the ocean. "There are things you don't know about the future, it's...it's not what you would expect," he said, choosing his words carefully. "I've seen things I never thought I could see, I've had to do things I never would have thought I could do, to protect others, to take care of the people I..." "Love," she finished gently. She gave him a soft smile. He swallowed nervously, looking her directly in the eyes. "Kara, the man you were or are in love with, I don't even know him anymore." She pursed her lip as if at a loss for words. "I do," she said after a moment. She slipped her hand out from under his, turning her body to face his completely and grabbing his arm. 
He stared down at her, and he could hear her heartbeat quicken as she looked back up at him. She took a tentative step toward him as if in a haze, and she was suddenly so close that he could feel her breath against him. She was still in love with him, he realized with a start. The knowledge hit him so suddenly it felt like a punch to the gut. For one painful second, the years faded away and he was a young man again, fresh off his home planet and thrust into a world of heroism at the side of the most powerful and beautiful woman he’d ever known.
Before he knew what he was doing, he’d leaned forward and met her forehead with his own, and time might as well have stopped. For a few heartbeats, the world was still.
Imra, a voice inside his chest murmured finally, a gentle reminder. He backed away from Kara, and she opened her eyes, snapping out of a trance. They were quiet again. "I think my team and I are stuck here, for the time being,” he offered up ultimately, shifting them back into safer territory. She nodded, the mask of Supergirl slowly coming back over her face even as he could see the leftover redness in her eyes. "I'll make sure everyone who passes the DEO security checks gets a social security number and ID, as well as anything else they might need while they are here. You might be stuck sleeping there for a few days, though." "I'm sure they will all be grateful for the hospitality," he answered diplomatically, offering her a half-hearted smile.  "Mon-El," she said, the superhero mask lowering once more and hesitation emerging. "I-I don't know if I can be your friend. Not now." He nodded slowly, walking a few paces away from her and bracing himself on the railing. "Kara, I..."  "Don't," she answered quickly, mirroring his actions two feet away. She was intentionally looking away from him. "Anything you say will just force me to love you more and that will make it hurt even more than it already does."  He frowned, looking at her just as intently as he had before despite the increased distance. He didn't know how to respond, so he didn’t. They stayed there for a while, standing a few paces apart on the edge of the water. Every couple minutes, one of them would turn towards the other, as if to start a new conversation, but the words died in their throats at the sight of the other. There was a distance between them now, one Mon El wasn't sure could be bridged, and yet he was frozen to the spot, suddenly unable to contemplate running away again.  Rao, what could I possibly do to fix this?
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appleesaucey-blog · 7 years
click to find all that the tag applies to
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cosmic-rainestorm · 2 years
Supergirl Masterlist
You can request any character :)
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Kara Danvers:
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The Damage is Done
Brainiac 5/Brainy:
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Vertical Lines (!!WARNING T/W!!)
Jealousy Looks Good On You
Winn Schott:
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Panic and Ice Cream
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Can you recommend any good sickfics?
Sure can!
The Devil and the Flu by dino76 Summary: Shameless Lucifer fluff. Our favourite devil has an unpleasant encounter with something called “the flu”.
Precocious Parasite Oshii Summary: Lucifer eats something unwise and Chloe tends to him. When she has to leave, Trixie steps in and volunteers her services as resident physician. H/C, sick!Lucifer.
Thermophilic Bacteria by ElenaCee Summary: Lucifer manages to get sick, which leads to its own kind of reveal.
Nurse to the Devil by CastleMorningstar Summary: When Lucifer suddenly falls ill at a crime scene, Chloe takes it upon herself to make him better, with the help of Trixie
powering through by Oshii Summary: Sick!Lucifer, heedless of his fragile state, invites Chloe over to the penthouse to go over some missing links on a case. Things do not end well for him. Chloe sticks around to help him out. Emeto, h/c, nausea and back rubbing!
The King and the Taco Truck by Oshii Summary: For all his infernal splendor, Lucifer still falls victim to one of humanity's most troublesome grievances. Mazikeen, ever the faithful assistant, is there to pick up the pieces. AU!Lucifer, sick!Lucifer, emeto, mild H/C (mild because it's maze).
Thomas Barrow
The Illness dustnik Summary: Set in 1924. Thomas becomes very ill, and Andy is concerned.
A Little Help by Once_More_With_Feeling Summary: A missing scene from Season 5, episode 6, after Miss Baxter takes Thomas to see Dr. Clarkson.
Danny Williams
Chicken Soup for the Soul by MDJensen Summary: Danny's homesick, and sick sick. Chin's a good friend. Set soon after 1x08
Rising Temperatures by Candy_A Summary: Danny's bout of the flu leads the guys to discover that there may be something better than just soothing each other's pain.
Warmth by Nymaria Summary: Steve is falling in love. (How there is paperwork, a stage production of Wicked, Danny is sick with the flu, a murder case pops up, and Steve has to deal with feelings.)
Klaus Hargreeves
Sick of Pills by SheepShit Summary: Klaus is sick, Ben is trying to help, Diego is helping and Luther is absolutely no help
asset by painting Summary: As it turns out, "leave me alone, I'm sick" isn't an adequate deterrent when directed toward the living or the dead.
Malcolm Bright
Common Cold by Bowtiez Summary: Malcolm is not the kind of guy to admit when something's not right. And, well, something's not quite right. Gil's not the kind of guy to just ignore when one of his team members is not doing so good. Even Dani and JT can see something's going on with their profiler.
Mike Warren
Sick Mike Oneshots by Miss DiNozzo Summary: As a huge sickfic fan, I’ve really wanted to see more sick!Mike. So naturally I wrote a million stories about it.
Crowley (Good Omens)
Honour by DictionaryWrites2 Summary: Just a very small, sick!Crowley thing!
Eliot Waugh
Time is Limited; Love is Precious by clarapaget Summary: Eliot gets sick. It's been a few months since Arielle passed of a similar sickness and Quentin is on edge.
Chroma by kangamangus Summary: Set during A Life in the Day, Eliot gets sick and Quentin frets.
Illya Kuryakin
Something New by moviegeek03 Summary: Illya couldn't show weakness. No matter how much he hurt, or how bad that annoying cough got. He was the muscle for their team. He couldn't get sick. Right?
Russian Immunity by lovelydarkanddeep Summary: "I am Russian. Cold does not bother me. I do not want to deal with you getting sick because you have inferior immune system." Illya let's Gaby borrow his coat, but it seems even the Red Peril isn't immune to a common cold.
Too Bad by floral cactus Summary: Illya is sick, and of course he doesn't tell anyone until he ends up puking on the very nice, very expensive hotel carpet. Gaby/Illya one-shot.
Night Fever by PerilousCowboy Summary: Illya gets sick, but luckily his team is there to watch out for him. Shameless fluff.
Never Alone (or the one where Mon-El gets sick) by Write-To-You Summary: This was the first time Mon-El had gotten sick since he was 8. It brought back memories of Daxem, some welcome, most not. Because he was alone now. Or maybe he wasn't, and he just didn't know it yet.
John Sheppard
Nightcrawlers by coolbreeze1 Summary: Just a little self-indulgent whumping fic to get myself back into the writing habit. There's only the thinnest hint of an actual story here, so don't expect too much beyond sick!Shep...Not for the squeamish! Otherwise, no spoilers of any kind.
Killian Jones
Nightcrawlers by coolbreeze1 Summary: Just a little self-indulgent whumping fic to get myself back into the writing habit. There's only the thinnest hint of an actual story here, so don't expect too much beyond sick!Shep...Not for the squeamish! Otherwise, no spoilers of any kind.
Pale by SignoriaSickFic Summary: Set in the 6 weeks of peace in S4. Killian catches a nasty stomach bug and, feeling sick, fails to answer his phone. Enter a worried Emma who finds herself playing nursemaid to her indisposed pirate boyfriend. Warning: mentions of vomiting.
Killian is Sick by KatofDresden Summary: Sickfic! Killian Jones is a survivor, but that doesn't mean he can't be hurt. A series of oneshots where Hook is sick or injured. Lots of vulnerable Killlian and Captain Swan feels. And some angst. Suggestions welcome.
Silence by SlytherinElektra Summary: Spoilers for 3X20 Kansas. AU-ish. Sick Hook. After the drowning incident, Hook is more hurt than he lets on. The consequences of the trauma catch up to him dramatically. Whump, angst, Emma feels.
Cabin Fever by CSIBeauty Summary: When Emma goes to the Jolly Roger to question Hook about a recent theft in town she finds him in a less than healthy state. He refuses to leave the comfort of his ship leaving her no choice but to take care of him there. AU Sick!Hook NOW COMPLETE
Neal Caffrey
My HeroJosieStyleNeal is in need for a hero, because he is really sick. He wanted something that took away his pain. Peter and his wife helping the young man out, with soup, trashcans, and a lot of patience. Read, and make my day!
Neal's Sickness by PoeticJustice84 Summary: Neal comes down with a nasty bug and Peter and El have to nurse him back to health in this installment.
Sick Day by Stealth Dragon Summary: This is not the first time Peter had seen a sick Neal, but this is the first time he's had to deal with a sick Neal. Neal and Peter friendship. Poor sick Neal. Gen all the way, baby.
Neal's Sick Day by pineapple dreamer Summary: Neal's a bit under the weather. Just some random Neal whump. I do not own any of these characters.
Tony DiNozzo
This is Home by Emiliana Keladry Summary: Tony almost dies in a house fire and finds himself fighting a respiratory infection that his lungs aren't strong enough to take. He needs someone to take care of him while he's so very sick.
A Doctor's Love by Fictionnaire Summary: The DiNardo/Benoit life... Tony's body has trouble keeping up with the double life and becomes sick. Can Tony keep up the DiNardo persona while sick? And the Director's Conspiratal web grows. Warning! DiNozzo/Benoit pairing.
The Deepest Significance by bananacosmicgirl Summary: While working on a case, Tony gets sick but pretends nothing is wrong. When Gibbs sends Tony and Ziva out to track the possible murderer, things take a turn for the worse. Gibbs/DiNozzo, slash.
Riley Poole
In Sickness and in Health by Craic agus Ceol Summary: Oneshot, pre-NT1. Riley comes down with an illness. Ben is less than thrilled at the way he handles it.
Red Jello by Ryo314 Summary: Riley is sick. What more can you want?
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inagetawaycarxo · 7 years
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Got an idea for a headcanon. send it in 
Teaching him the human ways
Helping him fit in with the help of Kara
Finding it super cute when he gets confused
Getting drinking with him
A lot of kissing
Sex with protection of course cause you don't want to have an alien baby
Cooking him a lot of food
Mon el finding it cute whenever you blush
Breaking beds
Partying with him
Saving you when you get into danger
A lot of I love you's
Movie marathons
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Hello and welcome to my account!!! I am a writer and a minor graphic designer! I do take requests for oneshots, series, playlists and graphics! and my requests are open!! I do not write smut, incest, or mentions of rape, suicide, etc. Below are fandoms you can request for!! I write for male, nonbinary, and female readers! If they don't specifically say male! reader or female! reader than it will be gender neutral or nonbinary!! I also speak a couple languages so tell me if you need your request in a different language! ( i speak french, spanish, german is my native language, english, itallian, and a little bit of dutch! )
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the fandoms i will make/write for are:
supernatural (season one to season fourteen, no spoilers!)
characters include: dean winchester, sam winchester, castlel, jack kline, and the actors!
ships include: destiel, sabriel, platonic jack x dean, platonic castle x jack
harry potter
characters include: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, ginny weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ron weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, george weasley, fred weasley, cho chang, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, pansy parkinson, neville longbottom, blaise zabini, narcissa malfoy, regulus black (male reader only bc that's my head cannon for him)
ships include: lily, wolfstar, drarry, hedric, pansmione, harry x cho x cedric (poly), blairon, bleville, ronmione, linny
percy jackson (I'm only on the fourth book of hoo, no spoilers please!)
characters include: percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, nico di angelo (male reader only), will solace, jason grace, piper mcclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, hazel levesque, clarisse la rue
ships: percabeth, solangelo, jercy, valdangelo, frazel
skam (ive watched all of the remakes but will only write for original and germany, this might change later)
characters include: nora sætre, jonas vasquez, isak valtersen (male reader only), christoffer schistad, evan næsheim, sana bakkoush (platonic only please), eva mohn, william magnusson
ships: evak, nora x william, eva x chris, eva x nora
skam druck
characters include: mia winter, kiki machwitz, amira mahmood, hanna jung, jonas augustin, matteo florenzi, alexander hardenberg, nora machwitz
ships: david x matteo, mia x alexander
teen wolf
characters: stiles stillinski, derek hale, issac lahey, scott mccall, lydia martin, allison argent, peter hale, theo raeken, liam dunbar
ships: sterek, scissac, lydia x allison, thiam
stranger things
characters: steve harrington, will byers (male reader only for personal headcannon), mike wheeler, eleven/jane hopper, dustin henderson, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, robyn buckley (female reader only), max mayfield, lucas sinclair, joyce byers
ships: byler, elmax, nancy x robyn, jonathan x steve
IT (2017)
characters include: mike hanlon, ben hanscom, beverly marsh, richie tozier (male reader only), eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, stanley uris
ships: reddie, stenbrough, mikeverly, benverly, mike x ben
marvel and x-men
characters include: peter parker, steve rodgers, peggy carters, peter maximoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, charles xavier (young romantic or older platonic only), wade wilson, tony stark, bucky barnes, thor, loki, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, stephen strange (more that I'm probably forgetting tbh)
ships: stony, parley, ironstrange, stucky, 
characters include: conner kent, clark kent, jonathan kent, damian wayne, tim drake, bruce wayne, jason todd, dick grayson, selina kyle, barbra gordon, helena bertinelli, harley quinn, poison ivy, cassandra cain, kara danvers, mon-el, alex danvers (female reader only), oliver queen, barry allen, bart allen, wally west, miss martian/megan mores (more im not thinking of, just ask)
ships: damjon, lena luthor x kara danvers, superbat, dick x wally
there are probably others I'm not thinking of, just ask please!!!
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
by MystBlBk
Two galloping stallions race through the thick Enchanted Forest, each leaving a trail of disaster under their hooves. They were ridiculed and shunned for their idiocy and incompetence after both appeared within minutes of each other at the Royal Assembly. In the end, both princes were forced to mount their steed and ride towards their first goal all the while thinking of their deplorable situations. ----------
An Into The Woods inspired Oneshot!
Words: 2364, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), James "Jimmy" Olsen
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/Nh5TeEI via IFTTT https://ift.tt/Nh5TeEI
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avatarskywalker78 · 3 years
Fanfic Masterpost
Now under a read more due to the growing number of fics.
even if we can’t find heaven (i’ll walk through hell with you) - Part 1 of The Shieldmaiden Saga, focusing on Steph Taylor - Eddie’s childhood best friend - as she gains powers from the particle accelerator, and soon finds out she’s not the only one, gaining new friends...and discovering that the accelerator was flawed.
to save the world (with a friend by my side) - Longfic for SyFy’s Krypton, where Adam Strange and his friend Ashley Tanner travel back in time to save Krypton. Problem is, the villain they’re after’s already arrived, Kandor’s a powder keg, there’s an extremist group making things even worse, and Adam and Ashley are about to find their different approaches are going to clash. 8/11 chapters
flufftober 2021 - A series of mostly shortfics I wrote for flufftober 2021, mainly dctv but a few Marvel and Ace Attorney ones as well.
emerald legacy - An AU spanning from Arrow’s S1 finale, where Oliver was the one who died saving Laurel, not Tommy. In the midst of dealing with Oliver’s death, plus the revelation that Thea’s his sister, Tommy knows that sooner or later the city is going to need a protector again, and decides to take up Oliver’s mantle.
of legacies and lies - Alex Thompson, Jack Thompson’s granddaughter, goes on the run after the SHIELDRA reveal, and has to deal with the fact that her entire career in SHIELD has been a lie. Meanwhile Jack and Sarah - his wife - are making sure she’s going to get a fair trial when she reaches the US.
a god’s reflection - a rewrite of an old FFN story, written from Loki’s POV after his initial imprisonment post-Avengers as he thinks about his actions, and regrets that he’ll never really have a chance to make amends because he’ll likely be imprisoned for the rest of his life.
when one door closes (another opens) - In the 22nd Century on Earth-4, Brianna Thawne takes Sara Lance up on her offer to join the Legends, and this is only the start.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - an AU of Legends’ S1 finale. Kendra isn’t the only one dealing with destiny, but Carter too - and since he’s the one who always remembers first, it’s unlikely he’s ever had much chance to be with other people like Kendra has. Featuring a more self-aware Carter and a heart to heart with Sara Lance.
you’ve always been (a part of me) - A Seg/Adam fic set 40 years after Krypton’s S2 finale, where they’ve been together almost as long - and Seg is hit with the realization that he’ll eventually outlive Adam.
speak (and i’ll listen) - a short MonWinn fic set in an AU of Supergirl S2 (the AU being that they’re together, and not Mon and Kara). Winn stresses over not being able to stop Music Meister. Mon does his best to comfort him.
to new beginnings - A Westhallen short fic written for Polyam Shpping Day #14, set in an alternate season 2 and featuring the three of them discussing New Year’s resolutions.
Cobalt Blue and The Flash - an AU series where Malcolm Thawne and Barry Allen are best friends and both get struck by lightning, becoming speedsters. Malcolm wakes up first - and this changes everything.
doubt (and the bonds of love) -  Another short MonWinn fic, set in an alternate S3 where Mon-El never left Earth. Mon-El has become distant all of a sudden and Winn is determined to find out why.
to live and rise (and hope again) - longfic about Eliana Kent, Clark and Lana’s daughter from an alternate universe, as she experiences a massive power boost, becomes a hero, and joins the DEO, while still dealing with her family’s loss and having to work with two of their counterparts.
the future (is ours) - a short Thallen fic, set in a AU where Iris is the Flash, Eobard got defeated without any casulties, and Barry and Eddie are dating - Eddie second guessing his relationship with Barry after Eobard’s manipulations.
right here (is where i’m meant to be) - A lazy morning Segdam fic set post-canon.
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites - a series of unnconnected oneshots that will rewrite various scenes of the show that I felt didn’t work or were flat out bullshit. Currently has 18 stories.
bad boy (no more) - my collection of Mike Barnes redemption fics. Currently has 3 stories.
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ynsimagines · 3 years
Supertimes with the Superfriends Chapter 1: M Is For Monopoly
A/N: What kind of mayhem do the Superfriends get up to? Featuring B!D she’s new to National City. Starts to take place at the Beginning of season 2. 
It was Game night and you were currently helping Kara set up for her friends to come over. You were pretty nervous because it was your first game night since you just moved to National City to be closer with your sisters and to get out of Midvale. You were currently going to school here to become a special fx and creative makeup artist so Kara had you move into her apartment when she found out about it. 
“Its gonna be fine, little one they’re all gonna love you,” she said giving you a hug and kissing the top of your head. Alex walked into your apartment with Maggie in tow. The detective was the one person you already knew, you’d met a couple of weeks ago and hit it off.
“Maggie!” You said excitedly running to hug your sister’s girlfriend. 
“Hey kid, how’s my favorite Danvers?” Asked Maggie, receiving a simultaneous “hey” from both of your sisters. 
“It’s good to see you too sis,” you said hugging Alex.
You spent the next few minutes chatting with Alex and Maggie about school until the rest of your guests started to arrive. You met Winn, Kara’s nerdy tech friend the two of you instantly hit it off talking about your mutual love for video games. Then James, who was running Catco while Cat Grant was away. He was tall and to be honest kind of intimidating, but at the same time warm and friendly. Then you met Mon El or “Mike” of the interns...he was ok. 
“Lena, this is my sister, Y/N! Y/N, this is Lena,” said Kara as she introduced you to THE Lena Luthor.
You decided you were gonna try your hardest to be cool and not fangirl all over the place. So you shook the beautiful CEO’s hand hoping that it wasn’t dripping in sweat all while thinking to yourself how much you really want to do her makeup, if you could ever get up the courage to ask her. I mean it would’ve been nice if your sisters had warned you a genius billionaire CEO was coming tonight.
“Its a pleasure to finally put a face to the name nice to meet you Y/N"
“Same, Kara doesn’t shut up about you, and I can see why you’re really pretty” you blurted out.
“Y/N!” Kara scolds while Alex goes into a hysterical fit of laughter. While you’re sure both yours and Kara’s cheeks turned several shades of red. However you didn’t like the CEO like that. You just really admired her she was in her 20′s running a company for Pete’s sake. Plus she’d be really nice to do makeup on.
“What are we playing first?” You asked curiously trying to get rid of the awkwardness. 
“Monopoly?” Maggie suggested. Due to her case load this was only Maggie’s 3rd game night and she was still naïve.
Alex face palmed, she forgot to warn Maggie about that game. 
“I dont think that’s a good idea,” James said suddenly.
“Why whats wrong with monopoly?” you asked briefly forgetting about your sisters competative side.
“You’ll see.”
It had been nearly two hours when your memories of your over competative (mainly Kara)  sisters came rushing back. 
“I give up,” James sat back. 
“Come on James, you cant give up now,” replied Winn.
Kara, Lena, and Winn were all completely engrossed in the game a bomb could go off and you weren't sure they’d here it. 
You were currently struggling since monopoly wasn't really your strong suit, “so who usually wins?” You asked.
James Shrugged, “Winn or Kara,” as you can see we try not to play to often.
By the end of the night you understood why you shouldn’t say the “M Word” at game night. Despite the craziness it had turned out to be a really fun night. You got to make some new friends including Lena FREAKING Luthor. You still were hoping you could do her makeup.
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lettyfanfics · 4 years
Something new
Imagine: Imagina que o Mon-El te salva e todas as noites visita-te. Tornam-se bons amigos e numa dessas noites decides mostrar-lhe coisas que lhe são desconhecidas.
Avisos: Nudez, Sexo.
Supergirl Masterlist
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Há um mês atrás tinha passado por uma das piores situações da minha vida, mas acabei sendo salva pelo herói Mon-El. Depois desse acontecimento, ele passou a visitar-me todas as noites e atualmente tornamo-nos bons amigos...
O relógio da cozinha marcava 20:00, a hora exata em que ele costuma aparecer e como se lesse os meus pensamentos um leve bater na janela chamou a minha atenção. Esta noite havíamos combinado de não só conversar como também jantar juntos. Ele era realmente atraente e ao longo do tempo acabei por me apaixonar por ele. Como hoje era mais especial produzi-me um pouco…estava usando um vestido simples rosa claro, uns sapatos pretos, alguma maquilhagem leve e o meu cabelo solto caindo em cascata sobre os meus ombros.
Abri a janela e ele entrou muito alegre, segundo alguns jornalistas, ele tinha conseguido salvar mais um cidadão que se encontrava entre a vida e a morte. Ambos nos sentámos no sofá enquanto falávamos um pouco.
- Olá, hoje foi um dia em cheio não?! Salvaste muita gente?
- Sim, até houve uma rapariga que me agradeceu dando-me um beijo.
- A-ah s-sim…que bom. - Respondi sentindo uma dor no meu peito.
- Algum problema?! Pareces alterada e o teu comportamento mudou de um momento ao outro.
- N-nada de importante…Problemas no trabalho.
- Hm…- O silencio instalou-se entre nós durante algum tempo. Ele parecia encontrar-se numa batalha interior. - Há algum h-homem na tua vida q-que eu d-deva saber. - Ele perguntou meio envergonhado.
- Não, eu já mentalizei que vou morrer sozinha ou então ser uma daquelas solteironas com imensos gatos. - Dei uma risada, mas rapidamente foi cortada por algo macio que cobriu os meus lábios.
O Mon-El beijou-me docemente e imediatamente as minhas mãos dispararam para o seu pescoço enquanto as suas mãos acariciavam a minha cintura. O ambiente rapidamente aqueceu com o beijo subindo de intensidade.
- No que depender de mim nunca vais estar sozinha. Isto pode ter começado apenas por cortesia, mas acabei por me apaixonar por ti (T/N). - Entrei em choque durante uns minutos antes de voltar a beijá-lo.
O beijou voltou a tornar-se intenso e eu empurrei-o de maneira que ele agora estava deitado de costas sobre o sofá enquanto eu ficava por cima tomando as rédeas da situação. As minhas mãos vaguearam pelo seu corpo retirando em meros segundos a parte superior do fato. Assim que o seu peito ficou exposto comecei a beijar cada centímetro de pele exposta deixando as minhas unhas arranharem um pouco a sua pele conseguindo vários gemidos de sua parte.
- (T/N) e-espera. - Ele gemeu e assim que essas palavras penetraram nos meus ouvidos o meu corpo congelou no lugar. Os meus olhos baixos, demasiado envergonhada para o encarar. Agora estraguei tudo. - E-eu tenho de te d-dizer que e-eu s-sou i-inexperiente… A-ainda sou v-virgem. - Ele murmurou a última parte envergonhado e os meus olhos subiram para o encarar.
- Queres que pare. - Mon- El negou com a cabeça. - Tens a certeza, e-eu não levaria a mal se quisesses. - Ele interrompeu-me rapidamente.
- Eu tenho certeza. Continua por favor, s-só não fiques desapontada se não souber fazer muito. - Dei-lhe um sorriso e voltei a beijar-lhe o peito vendo contrair-se debaixo de mim enquanto as minhas mãos desapertavam o seu cinto.  
Em poucos minutos estávamos nus, as suas mãos exploravam cada parte de mim testando as reações que me provocavam. A sua boca passou desde o meu pescoço até ao vale dos meus seios fazendo-me suspirar. A sua experiência não era a muita, mas podia ver que ele estava se esforçando para me agradar, o que me fez gostar ainda mais dele. Provoquei-o um pouco com os movimentos contra o seu membro e depois de o ouvir suplicar introduziu-o em mim começando a cavalgá-lo.
Esta posição permitia-o atingir-me mais profundamente e em alguns meros minutos ele já estava mais confiante e controlava os meus movimentos agarrando a minha anca.
- Mon.. - Gemi o seu nome quando ele encontrou o meu ponto-G dando-lhe a perceber que continuasse assim.
As minhas mãos prenderam-se no seu cabelo enquanto sentia o seu ritmo aumentando arrancando gritos que abafavam os gemidos que ele ia soltando à medida que o prazer aumentava. Alguns minutos depois ele havia perdido o ritmo e apenas tentava ir o mais rápido que lhe era permitido sem me magoar. Os meus gritos aumentavam de tom e as minhas paredes começavam a contrair-se ao redor do seu membro, essa nova sensação provocou-lhe gemidos mais altos.
Acabámos por chegar ao ápice ao mesmo tempo ficando sem energia. O meu corpo caiu sobre o dele e as nossas respirações permaneceram alteradas durante alguns minutos criando um silencio entre nós até que Mon-El encontrou forças para voltar a falar.
- Eu amo-te (T/N).
- Eu também te amo. - Respondi beijando-o uma última vez antes de adormecermos ali mesmo no sofá da sala.
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