#mono cross road
razypie · 1 year
Colors of Different Hue (You) || Gun Park x Reader
cw: a bit graphic in one of the scenes, wc: ~5.2k summary: gun is a lovesick idiot but doesn't want to admit it third-person pov, fem nurse!reader, ooc gun (my delulu version actually), and reaally fast-paced a/n: heavily-inspired by 'Hotarubi no Mori e' story-telling, so there are lotsa flashbacks hehe
"Oooh, look who’s got a date today!" Goo giggled as he peeked back from the wooden porch facing his partner's backyard.
Gun almost had uncharacteristically gotten on his knees in front of the chairman to let him off on this specific day, and now this weapon freak's presence was about to wreck the day before it started.
"Not now, Goo. Why the hell are you even here?" Gun fixed his tie in front of his wide half-length mirror, scooped a generous amount of gel, and brushed his hair back neatly.
"Oh, come on, I was getting bored. Samuel wasn't picking up because of his Workers' Affiliate BS, and Logan has exams this week. For real? That guy should drop out already, it's no use."
"So you decided to stroll your way here to annoy me instead?"
"You got that right!" The blonde eyesore jumped up and hopped his way on square concrete blocks to one of the bamboo trees lined up along the fence.
"Whatever. You better leave the house before I do, or I'll stick that bamboo shoot you just pulled up your ass." Gun warned his house's intruder, who reached out to one of the young bamboo plants.
"Not everything is a katana, you anime samurai wannabe." He picked up his sunglasses and black coat and made his way to his Porsche parked in the space opposite the bamboo trees.
"Says the guy who bought a Japanese mansion in the middle of nowhere." Goo huffed a childish pout. "Jeez, I was gonna use these for cooking snacks, but you just had to give me a disgusting picture."
He gave the man in the car a side glance and sighed. "I was doing you a favor here, man."
The morning sun radiated a warm glow on the dark sheen of Gun's sunglasses as he swiftly drove through the outskirts of Seoul. The wide stretches of green pastures emerging from both sides of the road whistled a soft tune into his ears.
Unlike most people who want to live in extravagance with cameras shoved in their faces every single moment, there were times when Gun preferred to settle in a remote area, far from the reeks of city lights, where he could be alone with himself, his thoughts, and his hard-earned (i.e. bloodstained) money.
But of course, the nature of his work required Gun to be by his employer's side around the clock else his grand funeral wouldn't be much later.
So he made the best of these hand-picked moments when he could persuade his boss to grant him off-days.
Gun has the whole map of Seoul memorized from his monthly crusades and made that mental map involuntarily take the wheel and let his mind wander off for a while.
He pulled his car to a stop in front of a flower shop. As he got out, he noticed a gray umbrella hanging on a covered shed's railing.
'That bastard still owes me for that… and a shit-ton of money for losing in every bet.' But then again, he wouldn't have met Y/N if Goo didn't break his umbrella.
'Hah. No way I’m telling him.'
It was a stormy night with distant rumbles of thunder.
His eyes landed on a small figure of a lady in front of him and a bit to his right; the two were taking refuge under a mono-sloped roof of a bus stop.
Even with thick layers of bright-colored clothing enveloping her figure, Gun noticed her shivering with her arms crossed to her chest gripping her shoulders.
The man had nothing to do anyways beside impatiently waiting until the rain wanes, and everything else around him was too dull and gray to entertain him. So, his eyes remained on the peculiar lady, the only other color he could see; a color that penetrated even the darkest tints of his shades.
He examined her.
'The hell is up with this woman? It's not even that cold.'
Gun turned up an amused grin at the memory as he stopped over at a flower shop. He grabbed his coat and caught a whiff of lavender-scented detergent he recognized as Y/N's.
'Oh. It's her again.' Gun recognized the woman from the other day who had now crouched down to check his injuries. He tried telling her off but to no avail.
"I knew you were a gangster five meters away, dumbhead, but that doesn't mean these 'scratches' (as you called them) will heal themselves… I'm only here to do my job."
'Okay, lady. Be my pest.'
He yielded and rested his back against the brick wall at the end of an alleyway where this meddlesome woman found him.
A light trail of lavender caught his nose; 'That's odd…” his eyes lingered on the lady. “for someone with a sharp tongue and flashy style.'
Now that she's much closer with her hair tied up in a bun, Gun could examine her more closely. Unlike yesterday, she's in full white get-up now: a clean set of white scrubs matched with white shoes.
'A nurse, huh. Probably an intern because I'm looking at a fucking dwarf.'
Apparently, patching Gun's 'scratches' made her miss the last bus.
"That's what you get for doing your job."
"Oh, shut up."
Droplets of pouring rain halted the bickering that was about the start.
Gun had to admit though, she did a stellar job mending his wounds.
Ego not permitting him to tell her his thanks, he nonchalantly dropped his thick coat over her head instead while noticing blotches of rain wet her uniform.
Recalling her trembling the other day, the self-proclaimed gentleman also offered to drive her home.
Gun's eyes lingered down his coat and figured he hadn't picked it from his wide selection of corporate attires to wear since Y/N returned it; he might've intentionally kept it there to let her fragrance rub off on his other clothes… or not, only he and God knew.
A bell chime signaled his entry to the shop, and a lady from the opposite end greeted him with a welcoming smile.
After paying for a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, Gun bowed and turned his heel to the wooden-framed glass door.
The cashier gave him a concerned look but settled with a short smile.
Gun decided to walk the rest of the way, paced long strides along the stone-paved sidewalk into the busier streets of Seoul.
Turning his head towards ordinary stalls he used to turn a blind eye to as flashes of Y/N’s twinkling eyes with her hand around the doorknob and an arm linked to his tattooed one surfaced.
A grin crept up to his cheeks.
Since their first encounter, Gun found himself driving past the hospital Y/N works at. Later on, it became a routine. Random nights when he stops by and waits for her at the bus stop in front to chat about each other's day or to give her a ride home, especially when it's raining. 
But of course, he took account of his schedule. He's a busy man, and his spare time, scarce; all of which however, have been filled in by Y/N the more they hung out:
Mondays to Thursdays, he would take the longer route to HNH Building, to have a cup of morning coffee (or so he says) at a restaurant near the hospital. Y/N would walk in, couple of squints later, then wave at him. 
"What a coincidence!"  she exclaims. "Yeah." he replies dryly. 
Fridays to Saturdays, Y/N's off-duty schedule. She would go to the public library to study for her weekly moving exams. It just so happened that Gun also reviewed for GED exams there (the real coincidence).
Surprisingly, Gun is good at memorization, so is Y/N at general trivia. It was effective mutualism.
Sundays were the wildcard. One is busy. Or both are busy. If neither, Gun would accompany Y/N to a random place she keeps going on and on about for the entire week or they would chill in his house (whether he wants it or not).
It's an actual miracle that Goo didn't catch them hanging out, really. Although, he had suspicions… getting a sweet trace of lavender in his partner's house when he barges in without notice (you don't just put "sweet" and "Gun" together). Or when Gun's mood swings become less and less frequent despite the blonde's incessant annoyance sprees.
Goo was itching to bully him for it, but he needed concrete evidence—the ones that would put the jackpot horrified look on the demon's stoic face.
Gun needs to be more cautious around his pest of a partner.
It won't be too long until Goo sees through his lies of checking into brothels on Sundays.
Ah, about that.
It's been ages since Gun set foot into one.
Guess he found Y/N a more entertaining distraction from work than any bent back he broke.
They just… instantly clicked after their first encounter–like a string of Fate wrapped each of them in a disgustingly cute bow as a present for each other.
They were inseparable. One was the other's breathing space: from Y/N 's tiring hospital duties and from Gun's major crew business.
They were each other's pieces in the puzzle they didn't know were missing.
Friends... they would call each other. But were they really? Might've been even more if they knew what the force that attracted them to each other actually was.
(Ugh. Fate was having none of this folly.)
Gun stifled a laugh. A lot has happened in the short time he met her, yet there's still a lot to be unpacked for this lady.
"W-wait!" Y/N huffed, holding up a hand between her and Gun. "Not the one to use gender cards here but… go easy on me here, man. Clearly, you have the men's advantage in stamina." Y/N pouted at Gun with what seemed like an attempt to do a puppy face, but she only looked like a constipated shih tzu to him.
He raised an eyebrow but maintained his stance.
"Oh, cut the bullshit, woman. You run around the hospital 24/7. Sparring should just be a piece of cake to you."
"You think those harassing fuckers were the same brats you fought in middle school and go easy on you because you're a girl?"
His eyes scanned her from head to toe. He sneered.
"I bet bruises aren't the only thing they'll leave you had you let your guard down."
"Anyway, I don't know why you're suddenly so adamant, teaching me how to fight." Gun didn't answer, earning a glare from Y/N.
"Besides, I only wrestled those wimps back then to keep them from bullying other kids. That doesn't mean I'd actively engage in one now," She put her hands up in the air in surrender and crossed her legs to sit down, to which Gun loosened up.
"...unlike SOME people."
"You did last time at the park." He jeered.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Well, duh. Those two creeps kept pestering me, asking for my number. I also texted you, but you left me on read. Did it look like I had a choice?" She eyed him daggers.
"Could've at least used your strength for something genuinely helpful, you sadist."
"Which I did, your punches were getting slow, and you couldn't defend yourself for two whole minutes when I got there, so I finished the job for you. Good work lasting for even a minute."
He was lying, of course.
As soon as he read her message, he sped to the location she sent. When he arrived, the fight had just broken out with Y/N caving in one of the creeps' faces with her clenched fist. He saw her give the other one a solid kick on the ribs and counter back with a knee to the face.
He could tell she had fighting experience, despite sluggish, with those limbs; and he just watched her fend for herself until she wore out…
He cringed.
Yeah… he is a sadist.
"You're right. Let me make it up to you by making you tea then." She used that as an excuse to end their training for the day as she stood up and went to Gun's kitchen.
The latter watched her back disappear in the hallway.
With how their conversation went, it seems Y/N isn't interested in becoming his successor at all. She already rejected him before he could even offer it.
"I guess beating people up for money isn't her 'cup of tea.' It's way easier than having a hospital suck your life out."
But not long after, when they were on their way to a cake shop Y/N wanted to check out, some weak-ass thief was also on the loose and unfortunately chose Y/N to be his target. 
Yes, that's right. Unfortunate for the thief.
Long story short, Y/N's hospital will get another patient.
Gun looked at the disfigured face of the stupid fucker with beaming pride at what his student is capable of (Y/N dislikes the idea of Gun calling her his student, though).
He then turned to his masterpiece with a pleased grin and noticed her with arms across her chest while shaking.
"What are you doing?" No response; she was uttering something with her eyes closed.
"I am safe; I am strong."
She seemed shocked.
'Eh. It'll pass. I taught her enough to deal with punks like these.'
The sun's afternoon rays peeked from the thin linings of thick-smoked cumulonimbus clouds. It dulled the shadow of the man walking on copper-bricked pavement.
Gun heaved a deep sigh. A couple of months ago, he was laser-focused on managing their debt-collecting business, then working as Crystal's bodyguard and finding a successor.
That felt ages ago somehow. His recent calendars have been him dealing with Y/N's antics. Not that he was complaining, he found it amusing to know a woman he could see eye-to-eye on things. No strings attached.
There was something about how she looked at him; neither a hint of fear nor looming intimidation.
Just warmth.
Warmth that melts the iciest of his glares. A soft smile that ebbs his turbulent chaos. Words that tear down his barriers, strip him off his 'Shiro Oni' persona, leaving him with just plain Jonggun Park.
He's also seen patterns of her behavior: the way her eyebrows arches up when she looks at him, the glimmer in her eyes when talking about her pets at home, her nose scrunching up as she recalls medical acronyms, her fingers curling up as she tucks strands of her hair behind her ear, her pouty lips and rosy cheeks when he teases her (his favorite). He memorized them all; and still she continues to surprise him with more.
Stitch that with mood swings and annoying outbursts, and you have Y/N!
How can a woman be so complex yet so... normal?
'One moment she gets mad when I keep my clothes all over the place in my own house, but then when I visit the hospital, she's the one who was all over the place herself with stress and panic...'
"The hospital was packed when you came in; it was just bad timing. I'm perfectly calm most of the time." She huffed.
That didn't convince him one bit.
She continued to weave questions into his mind.
'What was this weird fixation on this lady? How very unlike me to have interest in anyone beyond their physical strength. When did I start to…'
She does have a slightly above-average physical strength; he wouldn't have batted an eyelash at her if he didn't see potential.
Was that the reason why he was so drawn to her, though? Did Gun ever really sit down and mull over his odd relationship with the quirky Y/N, who is living a life opposite to his?
That IS the very reason he got attracted to her; the fact that she's composed of a lot of things.
Unlike him, who lived the script laid out for him, she wrote her own.
Unlike him, who has only ever seen the thick crimson stains on his shirt, the light gray smoke he exhales from his cancer stick, and the overall black-and-white world he's caged in, hers was made up of different shades of life, the different hues of people she met, and different flavors of memories she savored.
All of them painted a picture of a woman that spilled color onto anyone she touched--including him.
She showed him what lies beyond his dog-eat-dog world.
"Dude, tell me. You're actually blind, aren't you?"
'Ah, shit. Here we go again.'
"Your eyes were gouged out in a fight and you spent years training with your remaining senses, didn't you? Now, you're hunting to seek revenge on those who wronged you."
Y/N gasped at her eureka moment. "I cracked the code."
"Cool backstory you've built there, but no. How the fuck could see the road if--"
"Or maybe you are a famous celebrity! They always wear sunglasses to hide their identity."
"Ever heard of famous celebrities getting into gang fights?" Gun knows one, though. But Y/N doesn't.
"There's your answer."
"Ditch the sunglasses then, you hitman try-hard." She pouted in dismay and looked away with her crossed arms on her chest.
"It baffles me how you still wear them even in training. Even now, you look more like my bodyguard instead of a friend. What the hell?!"
"Then, deal with it."
"Gah! You insufferable prick!" Y/N buried her face in her arms on the table.
Gun stared at her small figure with the very eyes that tickled Y/N's curiosity.
He had long forgotten what his inborn eyes looked like… those wretched eyes.
He'd rather gouge his eyes himself had he failed to unlock his unconscious sense.
He hated those eyes.
He hated how they made him look vulnerable and inferior.
He hated how "soft" they were and made people deem him incapable at a young age. Gun eventually made them eat their own words.
But most of all, he hated how they began to resurface around Y/N and became more frequent the more they hung out… he didn't want her or anybody to see his image that's been long since buried.
So Gun dulled them out with tinted shades. 
He called to break the awkward silence.
No response.
Gun leaned closer. At the same time, Y/N looked up.
He was caught off guard when she suddenly sandwiched his face between her palms.
"Hehe. Gotcha!" She snickered.
His sunglasses loosely fell down the bridge of his nose. Y/N caught a view of his ebony eyes for the first time, at which her eyes widened.
"Gun, your eyes..." Naked eyes meet each other for the first time. Locked as time stopped. Her sudden perplexion eventually subsided, turning soft as she rubbed his cheek.
"They are pretty."
He didn't know which pair of eyes she was looking at right now. But it didn't matter anymore.
The red string was dusted off to clarity.
He was taught to discard his humanity aside and embrace his pitch-black monstrosity all his life. Since then, that was all he saw--darkness. The void he had ever known engulfed all colors visible in the spectrum.
On the other hand, white emitted them, like how her ridiculously bright-colored clothing pierced his dark-tinted sunglasses. Her comforting rays of light were outstretched for him to latch on.
It was no wonder how he was captivated by her, ensnared in her mere presence.
He was a pathetic moth bewitched by the warmth of her lamp's flame. It was blinding. He knows she is a whole 'nother kind of destructive, and he shouldn't come close, yet her tiny blaze's euphonious crackle, egging on him to inch closer, lulled him into submission.
He was an Icarus flown to her scorching sun. He knew she would destroy him all along, and he let her.
Gun stopped in his tracks at the sight of Y/N 's family nameplate. He collected himself and took a deep breath.
"What a surprise, Jonggun! Are you paying Y/N a visit?" Her mother greeted him with a warm smile.
"It's been months, young man! We missed you!" Her father guffawed, lightly smacking Gun's back.
"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. L/N." Gun bowed his head and offered them a box of cupcakes he remembered Y/N was gushing about. He appeared calm in front of her parents, but he couldn't meet their eyes–not like they'd notice anyway.
Gun snapped his eyes open and landed on Y/N below him; her eyes closed, and her hair sprawled messily around her. She looked ethereal with white draped over her peaceful form.
He got so used to seeing her face filled with intense expressions that her relaxed face seemed fresh as her other features popped out.
It's like falling in love with her all over again.
God, does she look beautiful right now.
She resembled an angel with wings spread on the cold, hard ground.
Color drained from Gun's face as he got pulled back to reality at the sight of carmine ichor oozing from Y/N 's side, seeping through the stitches of her white dress.
It… it all happened in a blink.
She darted towards a lost kid who aimlessly crossed the highway, unknowingly about to get hit by a speeding car. She pushed him to safety and took the hit.
The lady beside Gun shrieked in panic and frantically fished out her phone to call an ambulance.
'She might not make it if we still wait for the damn thing.' He knelt down and checked for response and airway in her system.
She was unresponsive but breathing.
He knew this method. With how frequently he and Y/N were together, how she talked 80% of the time, more often than not, she had run him down the basics of first aid, even if they were out of the blue.
'Must've thought I didn't pay attention, huh? Too fucking bad, Y/N. I always listened to you.'
He carefully roamed his hands on various parts of her unconscious body to check for severe bleeding.
'Shit. Three of her ribs are broken. Her right arm is fractured, and she's rapidly losing blood.' His calloused hands cupped the side of her face where her silky strands loosely hung.
'Her temple is also bleeding, probably from the impact when she hit the ground.'
Blood. All too familiar. It never left Gun as soon as he got his first kill.
The sight of blood shouldn't faze him. But his hands were trembling the more he realized how grave her condition is.
It took everything for him to stop driving his fingers to her hair despite being spotted with dried blood. He withdrew his hands and brushed his stray locks back instead in an attempt to keep his composure.
He was planning on taking her to the hospital himself or treating her in his house (he already has enough nursing supplies for his personal use, but Y/N constantly nagged him to buy more for emergencies). But, in her current state, he couldn't carry her otherwise the issue with her ribs gets worse and affects her internal organs, if they weren't already.
"For emergencies, my ass. Can't use them right now, can I?"
Funny how Y/N remained her composure and even kept their banter going when she first treated Gun. Just goes to show that she IS calm at work.
It's kind of ironic now that they've switched places, though. Even if Y/N taught him all this medical stuff, Gun still couldn't do anything more helpful than wait anxiously for the fucking ambulance.
Gun pinched the bridge of his nose. These injuries wouldn't be a problem for Jinyoung Park. Gun could certainly vouch for that, as he and Goo were regulars in his lab when they were still on probation… when the man was still borderline mentally stable.
He would phone him immediately if he wanted to but decided against it because God knows what that maniac would do to her now at his current state, if he even agrees to tend to her injuries.
Gun withdrew his coat and covered Y/N 's upper body. He rested his left hand on her cold ones in hopes of delaying Death's touch on her.
Honestly, he was at a loss--which was a first; he didn't know what to do with it. But Gun knew he had to stay with Y/N until help arrived.
He curled his hand around Y/N's.
"She is safe. She is strong… She isn't alone."
Gun found himself uttering the same chant again as if in prayer.
He always viewed Y/N as a warrior shielding the weak, a saint devotees pray to for protection. She had always put others' well-being above hers--a trait befitting of a nurse.
But that overshadowed the image of blood and bones beneath her soft, paper-thin skin as it was under the guise of a rigid exterior.
Fucked up it may seem, but Gun knows he isn't at fault entirely for what happened: Y/N made her decision, was well aware of the consequences, and still chose to do it.
Even so, he could feel a stinging pang in his chest, telling him that he should've caught up to her had he ran and pushed Y/N and the stupid boy himself. But the four major crews were at peak then, so he ultimately chose to do nothing.
And it tore his heart--something he thought had been long abandoned.
The 'heart' was meant to be just an empty hole where every last bit of tenderness was carved out of his chest. The hollow pit that reminded him of his decision to walk the path of blood… was forcefully filled with infectious laughter, sweet melodies, and soft rhythmic heartbeats of life.
The words "Gun" and "sweet" didn't seem uncharacteristic when put together now, huh.
He gazed at what remained of her longingly, reminiscent of memories they'd shared, despite short.
"You painted my heart in different forms that I can hardly call it my own anymore."
Gun's grip on the bouquet tightened.
"We shouldn't even have met--we're worlds apart, for crying out loud. But Fate decided to fuck around people and chose us, I guess."
But at least he was able to see the world in color--for the first and last time.
He was never meant to have it, anyway.
Gun jolted on his seat as laughter echoed around the room.
Y/N wheezed. "I didn't know you could be so poetic, Gun Park!"
It took a moment for Gun to process his surroundings.
He is currently in Y/N's bedroom. A relatively small space compared to his bedroom, which is infinitely wider. Her room looks more lively and festive than his empty one, though.
Other than her working table, everything else was decorated with strings of polaroids, LED lights, and stuffed toys ranging from tiny crocheted keychains to life-size pillows randomly decorated the room.
Wow. There's a whole new world to be explored in here.
Gun waved his trailing thoughts away and finally faced Y/N, who sat on her bed. Her lively demeanor didn't cover up her poor condition though, which is painfully understandable.
He should've brought medical supplies that were piling up in his house. And cupcakes, really? He didn't go out for a picnic.
Well, it's nothing worse than her in a casket.
He cleared his throat.
"More importantly, how long since you left the hospital?"
"Two months."
"And you never even contacted me once?"
"Well, you've never visited me since… the accident. I thought you simply forgot about me, you being a busy person and all."
He TRIED to forget her, for Christ's sake.
After Kouji tracked the bastard's location with the car's plate number he sent, Gun didn't waste a second and pummeled the hit-and-runner to death.
Then… he carried on to another chapter of his life, as usual.
Gun wholeheartedly believed Y/N was just another fleeting name in his book, just torn scratched pages of requiems lacing love songs that weren't supposed to be written.
So, he let time help him forget.
Spoiler: he never did; he just couldn't. How could he when everywhere he looked, he saw her?
"I was… busy at work."
"See? Anyway, that's okay. Don't sweat it, man. My prank made up for it." She laughed it off.
Gun prepared himself for the worst when he entered Y/N 's house; he felt his stoic façade crack as a flash of disappointment in Y/N's face was conjured in his mind.
Her cheerful welcome (sneaky prank) washed all of his worries away.
In the end, it was better than what he anticipated.
"So, how are you feeling?"
She frowned, an eyebrow arched up in disapproval.
"The Gun I know doesn't give a shit about 'feelings'. Who are you and what did you do to him?"
He deadpanned. "Just… answer the question."
"To be honest, I feel like shit right now. Being bedridden for months? Getting injected with pain relievers, tons of prescriptions and rehab sessions, everyday? Now, I know how my patients felt…"
How talkative for someone feeling like shit. Even so, he let her talk–like how they usually did. It felt melancholic.
"...and I was finally discharged. They said I can go back to work when I'm fully recovered." She sent him a toothy grin.
Her eyes landed on the bouquet in his arms, and cocked her head to the side.
"Are those white chrysanthemums?"
"...Yes." He could almost see a question mark form on her lips.
"Dude, you thought I died or something? Why bring 'mourning' flowers?" She giggled.
"No? But…" He set down the bouquet on her bed.
"I heard that they have other meanings…"
"Oh? What are they?"
He plucked two flowers from the bouquet and inched closer to Y/N.
'Eternal…' he tucked one of them behind her ear.
'...and devoted love.' he pried her hands open and placed the second flower on them.
Gun rested his forehead on her shoulder, his eyes welled up at the contact.
He couldn't say the words out loud.
Not after leaving her when she was at her lowest.
This isn't how he planned it to go.
He really did love her--but he was also selfish. Distancing himself didn't do any better for the both of them; quite the contrary.
Would stitching back the torn pages heal their wounded hearts this time? Let their colors paint over the dried stains of their past and turn over a new chapter?
Splashes of rain decorated her bedroom window. The colors in her room desaturated as evening enveloped the sky.
"Gun," Y/N held his arms, squeezing them. "It's getting dark. I'm gonna turn on the lights."
"Let's… stay like this for a while." was Gun's only response.
Their close proximity. The familiar scent of her detergent. The nostalgic periods of tapping raindrops. The yoke of her shirt getting wet.
It was similar to their first meeting but a little different.
Y/N felt him shake. She chuckled and rubbed circles around his back.
"What's up with you, dummy? It's not even that cold."
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Car architecture, car-centrism, the cities and towns being built for and designed around towns, whatever you want to call it, is so fucking anti-human
We have all this infrastructure devoted to cars, all this dead area around the spaces they inhabit that's ecologically dead, devoid of life because having flowers or bushes near highways and roads can draw animals which drivers hit, or leaves and branches fall on the streets and no-one wants to pay for or be the person to pick them up.
And yet we have so few public gardens, parks, recreational areas where people and animals and plants are allowed to exist for free and for the common good. I learned about this concept kind of recently and haven't looked into it a ton so i might be misunderstanding, but there is this concept (not in the US though) of 'common ground' or 'public grounds', essentially, area that was not closed off to anyone that people could hunt or forage or garden or play or explore in, and the fact that the closest thing I have to that right now is my local municipality owned park is a little sad. If I tried to walk in there with gardening equipment like a shovel or chicken fencing and some plants trying to set up a plot of land to farm, you know there would be someone who calls the cops, I'm probably breaking some law that says you can't garden on county land.
I want to be able to garden, and plant, and forage and walk in nature, and take pictures and just vibe when the weather is nice, but instead I've got a little plot of land that's sandwiched on most sides by roads and cars.
Leading me back to car-centric cities and the highway system. If there weren't toxic polluting machines running over and life that's clueless enough to cross the road, if we designed cities and towns to be self-sustaining, people centric spaces, with abundant garden and nature areas, maybe not so many people would have to struggle with food insecurity if they find themselves without income, they'd have public grounds to tend and garden.
Of course, the cynic in me knows the reason that cities aren't designed this way (existing infrastructure overhaul expenses, a necessary public reliance on insecure food systems for corporatism to function) but it's just a thought I had while watching Frontline PBS's documentary "Poor Kids" and seeing these kids drive 2 hours each way with their dad to work, and he needs to work so they can eat, even though there's all this empty land or farmland growing mono-culture crops that're exported and not eaten. It just makes no sense, and make me so heartbroken.
Everyone should not only have food, but the ability and space to do so if they need/choose to
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helix-enterprises117 · 6 months
Halo Reloaded: Armor Up
The Spartan-II training facility's halls were usually the kind of place where silence went to die, punctuated by the constant march of boots and the stern commands of instructors. But today, they echoed with a different sort of rhythm: the slightly off-kilter stride of John-117.
Decked out in the Spartan equivalent of "casual Friday" attire – which, to be honest, still looked like something you could parachute behind enemy lines in – John was a study in youthful determination, albeit with a side of lingering awkwardness unique to 14-year-olds. The Spartan augmentation process had been a rollercoaster that none of them were eager to ride again.
Most of his fellow super-soldiers-to-be treated the ordeal like a mildly inconvenient flu, bouncing back in four days with little more to show for it than a new ability to bench-press a warthog. John, however, had been on the receiving end of the cosmos’s sense of humor, enduring a grueling two weeks that left him wondering if someone had swapped his augmentations for a particularly nasty case of space mono.
Stepping into the conference room felt like walking into a surprise party where the guest of honor is a military secret. The usual sterile, buttoned-up atmosphere of the room had been swapped out for something that could only be described as "expectant tension with a side of Spartan." His fellow Spartans, a collection of 16-year-olds who made the average Olympic athlete look underdeveloped, were all buzzing with a mixture of excitement and the kind of jittery energy usually reserved for kids on a sugar high.
Dr. Halsey stood at the front, her demeanor that of a professor about to unveil a breakthrough that would either win her a Nobel or get her a stern talking-to from the ethics committee. "Gather round, Spartans," she said, her voice a blend of command and conspiratorial glee. "What you're about to see is the result of years of blood, sweat, and an ungodly amount of government funding."
The Spartans shuffled closer, their usual poise momentarily replaced by the universal human reaction to being told they were about to get a present: unabashed eagerness.
John, finding himself amidst a sea of towering figures, couldn't help but let a wry smile play across his lips. The situation was absurd - a group of teenage super soldiers, giddy as school kids, all because of what? A new toy?
As Halsey pulled the cover off the object with a flourish, she might as well have been a magician revealing her final trick. "Behold," she announced, stepping aside to reveal not a rabbit, but the next generation of Spartan armor. "Your second skin."
The room erupted into an odd mixture of awe-struck silence and muttered commentary that sounded like someone had crossed a sports commentary box with a tech expo. "Would ya look at that," one of the Spartans whispered, voice tinged with reverence and a hint of disbelief, "It's beautiful."
"Bet it could make me run faster," Kelly chimed in, her comment floating over the crowd like a challenge.
John stood there, taking it all in – the armor, the reactions of his peers, the palpable excitement in the air – and couldn't help but think about the road ahead. The grueling training, the augmentations that felt more like an exercise in masochism than enhancement, and now this... it was all leading to something bigger. Something dangerous. But as he looked around at his fellow Spartans, their faces alight with anticipation and a touch of youthful naivety, he felt a surge of camaraderie.
"Yeah," he finally spoke, his voice cutting through the chatter with the ease of someone used to being heard, "But can it do laundry?"
The laughter that followed was a rare sound in the Spartan-II training facility, a moment of genuine human connection amid the relentless preparation for war. In that laughter was an acknowledgment of the absurdity of their situation – teenagers, turned into super soldiers, preparing to don armor that made science fiction look quaint.
The atmosphere had shifted from one of eager anticipation to cautious intrigue, thanks in no small part to Dr. Halsey's next revelation. "As part of our development process for the Mjolnir suits," Halsey began, her voice steady, betraying none of the drama that her next words would unfurl, "we conducted an initial test with a volunteer from the Marine Corps."
A collective breath seemed to be held among the Spartans. Volunteer work within the UNSC often ranged from the mundane to the suicidal, and given the context, guesses on where this story was going veered towards the latter.
"The marine was a seasoned veteran," Halsey continued, her gaze sweeping across the room, locking eyes with each of the Spartans as if to underscore the gravity of her recounting.
"Decorated. Experienced. And, most crucially, willing." Murmurs of respect whispered through the ranks. To volunteer for unknown, potentially lethal testing was a mark of courage—or recklessness—that every Spartan understood intimately.
"Upon activating the suit," she pressed on, "the marine's initial response was of exhilaration. The Mjolnir's capabilities far exceeded anything within our current arsenal. However," here, Halsey paused, allowing the word to hang in the air like a guillotine's blade, "the suit also responds to neural impulses at the speed of thought."
A sense of foreboding crept into the room, a shadow that grew with Halsey's every word.
"Regrettably, the human body, unenhanced, cannot withstand such instantaneous, powerful responses. The marine... suffered extensive injuries."
"How extensive are we talking?" a Spartan interjected, the question hanging between curiosity and concern.
"Every bone in his body was broken," Halsey answered, her tone clinical but not without a hint of regret. "He survived. Recovery will be... extensive. And yes, his career in the field is effectively over."
A heavy silence followed her declaration. The implications were clear and chilling: the Mjolnir armor was not just a tool, but a titan that demanded respect, and a certain genetic fortitude, to wield.
"Will he be alright?" another Spartan asked, the question voiced softly, a rare crack in the façade of Spartan stoicism.
Halsey met the question with a nod. "He will recover, physically. He's been recommended for an honorable discharge and will be offered a position away from the front lines. His sacrifice has provided invaluable data."
The room settled into a contemplative quiet, each Spartan wrestling with the story's implications. The line between human and superhuman, it seemed, was drawn not just in ability, but in the very capacity to survive their own strength.
Then, breaking the silence with a resolve that seemed to push back against the room's growing somberness, John-117 spoke up. "He knew the risks?"
"He did," Halsey confirmed, meeting John's gaze with an unreadable look.
"And he volunteered anyway," John mused aloud, not a question but a statement—a reflection of understanding, perhaps, or a glimpse into his own unwavering resolve.
"Yes, John," Halsey replied, her voice carrying a new weight, a recognition of the courage mirrored in her Spartans. "He did."
As whispers of concern and not-so-quiet bets on who’d bite the bullet and go first swirled around, John-117 stepped forward. The runt, the Omega, the kid who was always picked last for dodgeball until people realized he could dodge, throw, and strategize like some kind of mini-Sun Tzu.
His bravery wasn’t just the talk of the town; it was legendary, bordering on the reckless. But then again, who among them wasn’t a few crayons short of a full box for signing up for this gig?
John’s choice of gear was like watching someone decide to bring a knife to a gunfight because they’d figured out a way to make the knife shoot bullets. The Mirage armor core he selected was the equivalent of choosing the sleek sports car in a lineup of armored tanks. It was built for speed and agility, the kind of suit you’d wear if you wanted to dance through bullets rather than walk off getting hit by them. Its plates were thin, flexible, more akin to the elegant armor of a futuristic knight than the hulking exoskeletons of its brethren.
Tossing aside the standard-issue Mirage helmet with a flick of disdain, John opted for the MK-VI—a headpiece that looked like it had been designed for a BMX rider destined to joust in a post-apocalyptic world. With its pronged visor and compact design, it was less about shielding your identity and more about making a statement: Here I am, come and get me.
As the suit’s pigmentation shifted to a forest green at John’s command, it wasn’t just the armor that changed. The mood in the room took a turn from anxious to awe-struck, as if everyone had suddenly remembered who they were and what they were training to become. This wasn’t just about surviving a suit; it was about mastering it, becoming one with it.
Strapping on his bandolier like he was accessorizing for the end of the world, John’s machete sheath and radio clamp weren’t just tools; they were statements. I’m here to fight, and I plan to win. His readiness was palpable, a physical thing that filled the room and reminded everyone exactly why they were there.
Dr. Halsey, ever the ice queen with a heart of, well, maybe not gold, but perhaps a sturdy alloy, regarded John with a look that might have been pride or might have been calculating the odds. "How do you feel?" She asked as the room held its breath.
John, surveying the sea of faces—his teammates, his rivals, his family—cracked a grin that was all cocky assurance and youthful bravado. "...Like I'm ready to take on the whole damn world."
The armory erupted, not in laughter, but in a shared release of tension, a collective acknowledgment that, yes, this was insane, but if John-117 was leading the charge, then maybe, just maybe, they had a fighting chance.
Dr. Halsey, allowing the faintest smirk to grace her lips, simply nodded. "Then let’s see if the world’s ready for you, John." This wasn’t just a test; it was a declaration. John-117 wasn’t about to enter the arena. He was about to redefine it.
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @authortobenamedlater, @empresskadia, @makowrites, @makowrites, @killer-orca-cosplay, @ageless-aislynn.
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distant--shadow · 6 months
there are yellows on yellows and greens on greens
merges goarse flowers' and daffodils' seams
patterning a quilt or a lightweight spring jacket
for a fox in the gutter twisted at the hip
wearing its intestines like a scarf
reds on reds on greys on drains
at another park
I make myself a temporary public sculpture next to the path
church hall disco fog machine nostrils billowing
coat the pond where a swan builds her nest
out of reeds and organ pipe cleaners and a string vest
by the north sea
in the harbour workers with cigarettes frankenstein fishing nets
I photographed, saltwatered and nicotined holding my breath
and between deaf ears sits mother's inebriated mouth
rehearses apologies around teeth that want to fall out
back at home
standing on a samaritans' bridge
my weather report is relayed from the motorway underpass
broadcasts a yellow rain warning in yellow LEDs
lands on oxidised burnt umbers and crusty eroding chromes
blends into one paint stroke as my eyes water
father mother son daughter
you always get the word wrong
empty cans crossing the road a family of ducks
mother (father) (daughter) son
cheep cheep cheap chin wag swan song
pressure washes the pavement with the acid inside my stomach
red lorry yellow lolly (you always get the word wrong)
into the gutter
mono tone
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incorrect quotes that cater to me and me only
John: Ladies, gentlemen and Six, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld! Mono: A llama? John: No. Mono: A baby llama? John: No! Mono: A baby llama with a little hat on? John: NO!
John: Mono isn't talking to me. Six: Enjoy it while it lasts.
Mono: Six got into a fight. John: That’s bad. John: John: Did they win?
John: How do you do that? Six: I'm fearless. Mono: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad. Six: I'm mostly fearless.
John: Say no to drugs. Six: Say yes to drugs. Mono: It doesn't matter if you say yes or no to drugs. If you're talking to drugs.. then you're on drugs.
Six: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person. John: Actually, Mono is my favourite. Six: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
John: *cooking* Six: *kicks down door* Six: *grabs knife from John's hand* Six: WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR? John: John: What. Mono: They're trying to tell you they want to cook.
Six: What do people in relationships even do? John: Care about someone with your whole heart and dedicate your life to making them happy. Six: Okay. Didn't ask. Mono: Asks question Mono: "Didn't ask" Six: Thanks for the play by play, Captain Fuck.
Mono: I'm not that stupid! John: Mono, you literally ate the wax from a babybel. Mono: SIX TOLD ME IT WAS EDIBLE!
John: I can be your partner for the next race. Six: Sorry, John. It's a sibling race. Mono: Maybe there's a contest for lonely children after this. Six: It's only children, Mono. A lonely child is what you're gonna be when I sell you!
Six: Hey, John. Why did the chicken cross the road? John: To get to the other side? Six: You were supposed to say “I dunno, why?“ John: Uh... fine. I don’t know. Why did it cross the road? Six: To get to the idiot’s house. John: ...Ok? Mono: Hey, John. Knock knock. John: No. Mono: You were supposed to say “who’s there?” John: Fine... let’s get this over with. Who’s there? Mono: The chicken. John: Mono: Six: John: Listen here you little shits-
Mono: Six, what do you have? Six: A KNIFE! Mono: Okay, have fu- John: NO!
Mono: Six has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them. John: That can't be true! Mono: Watch this. Mono: Hey Six, race you to the bottom of the stairs! Six: *Throws themself out a window*
John: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Six, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Mono, whispering: Because I have little hands. Six: Because they have little hands.
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airshipvalentine · 9 months
hiii whats this album youve been posting about :3c
so the album is the idyll opus by adjy!! i would describe it as, like, orchestral pop with some folky/prog rock-y influences. it's a concept album!
there's two stories: one of an alchemist trying to find a way to bring his dead twin brother back. this alchemist narrates the story of a reckless musician boy named june and a clever writer girl named july, their roadtrip across the midwest, and their blossoming relationship.
it's almost cinematic and kind of epic in the, like, greek myth sense? it kind of reminds me of shakespeare in that the lyrics have this super interesting rhythm to them, and they reference mythology and alchemy and use these WEIRD ASS WORDS in order to create a very specific vibe. its also similar to shakespeare in that on my first listen i just had to kind of... let the words sorta wash over me and just absorb it. it also romanticizes the midwest a lil bit which i do appreciate. makes me find beauty in the cornfields
it's a love story it's a tragedy it's about cycles it's about the fleetingness of summer.
it's a GORGEOUS album and i recommend giving it a listen!!! best experienced with headphones and your full attention. maybe pull up the lyrics page if you're having trouble following
my favorite tracks are in medias res (gorgeous gorgeous lyricism. and the production just fills my chest with this sense of Longing) and the Whole progression from on a road trip that summer's day (i), to at a dance where the stars cross (ii), to o tonight (iii) (i just love it when people fall in love...). though also special shoutout to secretus liber (viii) just because that exact sort of feeling of mono no aware will never not make me feel secret emotions. me when i grieve for things before they're even over
it's SO fucking good i could honestly write paragraphs about every single songs and lyrics i like and the LEITMOTIFS (and i. probably will). let me know if you end up listening to it!!! i do need to credit my dear friend sofie dhdr for getting me into it
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For the main and comic kids- they all have to take part in a science fair, what's the name of their science project?
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the Kids
Six: How Long Can I Go Without Eating? the Runaway Kid: Is Six Nice? No... Mono: Is T.V or Radio Waves Faster? the Raincoat Girl: And Now the Weather the Pretender: Why Isn't Magenta a Colour?
the Spoon Girl: Cement is Weak the Lollipop Kid: Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice the Ghost Kid: Who You Gonna Call? the Toddler: Fish R Friends, Not Food!
the Green Boy: Is It Teal Or Turquoise? the Refugee Boy: What Does Down Wind Mean? the Refugee Boy’s Sister: Are Lucky Charms Lucky? the Long Haired Girl: Keratin the Humpback Girl: 泥だんご the Mummy Kid: Bubble Wrap Armor the Tall Boy: WHY Did the Chicken Cross the Road??? the Forked Boy: Soup or Sandwich, the Universe the Strong Boy: Do You Even Lift, Bro!?
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1969 Shango - Day After Day (It’s Slippin’ Away) (mono 45)
May the odds be forever in your favor!
But  your odds of surviving drop significantly  if:
>You live in Radioactive City, Pocatello Idaho,
>You eat food produced with Radioactive Fertilizers (Radioactive Foods).
>You live anywhere in Southeastern Idaho’s 140,000 square miles of Phosphate/Uranium fields.
>You drink waters from any stream or water source contaminated by processed uranium materials stored all across the western USA on the UPRR (Union Pacific Rail Road) that leaches into every water crossing.
Enjoy all the fine food we provide for you.
Florida is now the major producer of Radioactive Fertilizers in the USA. Idaho is scared they will go to jail for killing and destroying millions of people and children’s lives.
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k1ng-t1d3 · 1 year
Six: yo Hunter there’s a road we can cross on
Mono: time to take my revenge hehehe
*Six dies
Hunter and dangel :what the shit…
Mono: hahah go die monster
*hunter kills mono with dangels guitar
*leo comes in
Leo: hey dangel have you seen hunter?
*leo looks to the road
*sees the chaos and dies
*dangel was trying not to laugh
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pamelalovenyc · 1 year
The Healing Power of Travel: Stories from the Road
In the age of rapid technological advancements and fast-paced lifestyles, the human spirit often yearns for respite. For many, travel offers an elixir—a chance to mend, grow, and rediscover oneself. The road, with its twists and turns, mirrors life's journey, teaching us invaluable lessons and offering moments of profound self-reflection. In this piece, we explore heartwarming tales of individuals who found solace, healing, and transformation through travel.
1. Amanda: Rebuilding after Loss
Following the sudden passing of her mother, Amanda felt anchored by grief. She decided to embark on a solo journey to Bali, a place her mother had always dreamt of visiting. Immersed in the island's serene beauty, from the lush terraced rice paddies of Ubud to the sacred temples of Uluwatu, Amanda began the process of healing. Lighting a candle in Besakih Temple, she felt a connection, a quiet acknowledgment of the bond that death could not sever.
2. Raj: Overcoming Depression in the Himalayas
Raj was trapped in the grueling cycle of corporate life, leading to deep-rooted anxiety and depression. Seeking escape, he ventured into the Indian Himalayas. Trekking through snow-clad peaks and meditating by serene monasteries, he experienced a profound inner calm. Nature, with its vastness and beauty, put his struggles into perspective, teaching him the art of mindfulness.
3. Isabella: Finding Independence in Europe
After a difficult breakup, Isabella embarked on a month-long backpacking trip across Europe. From navigating the streets of Paris to dancing flamenco in Spain, every challenge faced and hurdle overcome made her more self-reliant. The journey was a testament to her resilience and capability, qualities she had forgotten she possessed.
4. Samuel: Connecting to Roots in Ghana
Born in London to Ghanaian parents, Samuel had always felt a disconnect from his African heritage. A trip to Ghana changed everything. He met long-lost relatives, immersed himself in local festivals, and learned the traditional kente weaving technique. Travel provided a bridge, connecting him to his roots and instilling a sense of identity.
5. Clara: Embracing Change in Japan
Post-divorce, Clara felt a deep void in her life. She chose to visit Japan during cherry blossom season, symbolizing life's ephemerality. Strolling under the pastel sakura canopies and participating in hanami (flower-viewing) picnics, she found solace in the Japanese philosophy of mono no aware—a deep appreciation of fleeting moments. It taught her to embrace change rather than resist it.
6. David: Battling Addiction on the Camino de Santiago
David, grappling with substance addiction, took the challenging pilgrimage route, the Camino de Santiago, in Spain. Every step on the 500-mile trail was a step towards recovery. The camaraderie of fellow pilgrims and the cathartic act of walking gave him the strength to overcome his demons.
7. Aisha: Rediscovering Love in Istanbul
Aisha's faith in love was shattered after a betrayal. A solo trip to Istanbul, the city straddling two continents, became her turning point. Amidst the amalgamation of cultures, she encountered tales of age-old romances and shared stories with strangers over Turkish tea. These encounters breathed life into her belief in love, showcasing its multifaceted, enduring nature.
8. Alejandro: Facing Fears in New Zealand
Haunted by a paralyzing fear of water since childhood, Alejandro confronted his phobia in New Zealand. Encouraged by Maori legends of resilience, he took the plunge, snorkeling in the azure waters of the Abel Tasman National Park. It was a victory not just over fear but over past traumas that had held him captive.
Travel, in its essence, is transformative. As seen in these stories, it's more than just visiting destinations; it's about inner journeys, growth, and evolution. Every road taken, every mountain scaled, and every river crossed has the potential to heal wounds, mend broken spirits, and ignite dormant passions.
For anyone seeking solace or a fresh start, perhaps it's time to pack a bag, lace up those shoes, and hit the road. Remember, in the words of an anonymous traveler, "Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer." So, enrich your soul, find your story, and let the healing power of travel guide you towards light. Safe journeys!
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randomwriting-misc · 2 years
Endangered | Chapter Sixteen
Paul Lahote x OFC
Endangered Masterlist
Summary: Vampires and wolves are not the only supernatural creatures to walk the earth, and they are certainly not the only ones in Forks, Washington when Charlotte Annabeth Swan, “Anna”, moves in with her uncle after the unfortunate demise of her parents.
Some may misidentify her as a witch, but that’s fine, she would rather them think that anyway. But the Volturi know the truth, and they are closing in on her.
A/N: Sorry this took forever. Work got busy and classes started up again, but I’m back! The fall vibes b ring the Twilight vibes. 
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As suspected, Bella was not handling the fact Jacob wasn’t answering her calls well. Billy had told her Jacob came down with mono, but she didn’t care. She wanted to see him, come hell or high water.
“Have you heard from him?” she asked me one morning on the drive to school, biting her lip. A tell-tale sign of her anxiety. Her grip tightened on the steering wheel as she glanced at me.
“No, I haven’t,” I say, focusing on the road, hoping if she can’t see my eyes, she can’t tell I’m lying.
“I think I should just go,” she mutters, slumping down in her seat.  
“Mono is highly contagious, Bella.”  
“Not that contagious,” she mutters.
I should have known nothing would change her mind. When Bella Swan has her mind set on something, there’s not much one can do to stop her. It will come to a head eventually.
Eventually came that Saturday morning, as Charlie and Harry were about to head out to go fishing, and I was going to go over to Emily’s.
“Wait!” I yelled at the men walking through the living room, closing the cooler on the table.  
“Here’s lunch,” I say lugging it over to them.
“Thanks, Anna,” Charlie smiles at me, “I appreciate it.”
“Thank you,” Harry follows, and I smile back at them.  
“Have a good time alright?”
Charlie begins to speak but is struck silent by Bella’s voice, his shoulders deflate at the name she speaks sadly into the speaker.
“Jacob?” she says with a frown, “Call me.” Bella slams the phone and turns as Charlie straightens to cover up his concern.
“You know, I don’t have to go today,” he says.  
“Yes, you do,” deadpans Harry, glancing at me with a bit of disdain.
“Yeah, you do. Go. What are you talking about?” she says crossing her arms, pulling herself tight, “Just be careful.”
“Always am,” Charlie replies, a reluctant expression on his face.  
“Those bears won’t get the drop on me, Bella. My kung fu is strong.”  
I can’t help but laugh at Harry, who smiles and gives me a knowing look. With a wink, they both finally walk out the door.  
Bears. That’s what the town had come up with for the missing hikers. It was a bit funny, that the wolves were being mistaken for bears, but I hated how they somehow were taking the blame for a problem they were working so hard to solve. I could tell it bothered them too, no matter how hard Sam and Emily worked to take their minds off of it.  
Once they leave, it’s just us. The silence weighs heavily between them as Bella sulks on the couch.  
“You know, I don’t have to go. I can stay,” I offer half-heartedly.
“No, I know he’s been busy. You should go.”  She waves me off with a sigh, falling over to the side to lay on the couch.
She at least has the energy to be dramatic, that’s a good sign.
She was right though; Paul had been busy. The vampire was always one step ahead of them, and it was all hands-on deck most days.
“Are you sure Bells?” I hesitate to grab my bag by the door, waiting for her answer.
“Yeah, I have homework anyway.”
With a nod, I tell her goodbye and grab my stuff before heading out.
It only takes Bella fifteen minutes before she gets too impatient, she jumps in her truck and makes her way in the same direction.
I jump off the couch, my book slipping from my hands as I yelp in surprise at the noise coming from Emily’s porch.
It’s Jacob, slamming the door to Emily’s house so hard it makes Sam take a step back before opening it for the rest of them. Paul and Jacob look particularly pissed off as they all file in, finding seats around the table. Paul doesn’t even stay or speak. He just gives me a chaste kiss on the head before walking out the back.
“Hey!” I scold Jacob, “Be respectful.”  
Jacob has the decency to look up sheepishly at Emily, “I’m sorry.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time Jake. It’s why the door stays open most of the time,” she smirks, handing him a glass of water.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, walking up to the table, and leaning on the back of Jake’s chair.  
“Bella came over,” Jacob groans.
“Oh shit,” I gasp.
“Yeah, she knows I’m not sick, and she thinks Sam “got to me.” Jacob rolls his eyes as he drops his air quotes, but I can hear the hurt in his voice.
“Great,” I groan, “I cannot wait for her to accuse you all of being in a gang yet again.”  I rub my temples to soothe the oncoming headache I am getting.
“A gang?” Sam perks up with curiosity, “Who thinks we are in a gang?”
I look down at Jake.  
“That’s all you dude,” I pat him on the shoulders twice.
“Yeah, thanks Anna,” he mocks as Sam raises an eyebrow at him. Embry is trying his best not to make eye contact with Sam and Jacob, and I can’t help but laugh.
“You’re welcome!” I exclaim, turning to go check on Paul. Before I can take a step, Jacob moves to grab my hand to stop me.  
“Wait! I might have said something about the Cullen’s to her.” Jake admits.
“Jake” I groan, pressing the heel of my palms into my eyes
“I’m sorry! I just saw her and got so mad.”
“Now she’s definitely going to grill me about how you know and what I know.”
“I’m sorry,” he pouts.
I sigh, “It’s fine. I’m going to check on Paul. What’s the matter with him?”
“Oh, he just really does not like Bella.”
“Sounds about right,” I say exasperatedly.  
Walking outside, Paul is taking deep breaths. I make sure to make noise while walking up to announce my presence before wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his back.
“Hey,” I whisper, “It’s okay.”  
He nods, shoulders losing a bit of their tension.
“She just continually makes things harder. For you, for Jake…” he trails off, seething.
“I didn’t know you two were close now,” I tease, moving to face him.
Paul shoots me a look.  
“Kidding, I know, pack bond and all” I run my hands through his hair, and he closes his eyes, leaning into the touch.
“It’s not really her fault,” I add quietly.
“Let’s agree to disagree,” he grumbled.
“Anna, I love you, and I know she is your family, but she has put you through so much. It will take a while for me to get over it. It’s hard when she doesn’t even know or refused to acknowledge those few months.”
“Well, I doubt things will get easier soon, I think Jacob would rather go all lone wolf rather than not keep Bella around.”
“Great,” he exhales, pulling me close to him and resting his chin on my head.
“It’ll be okay.”
He sighs and kisses my head, “Just as long as you’re okay.”  
“I’m okay, promise. I’ll always be okay.”
He presses his lips into mine in a needy kiss.
“I hope so,” he whispers.
Bella bursts through the door, yelling into the kitchen where Harry is standing next to him. I jump from the sudden intrusion.
“Dad, I saw them!” She yells as she steps next to me.  
“What’s the matter,” Charlie asks.  
“In the woods. They’re not bears!” She gasps out, and my entire body freezes. Oh god, no. Harry’s eyes fly to me, and with a slight shake of his head I steel my reaction.
“What do you mean in the woods? Bella, what the hell are you doing out in the woods?!” Charlie groans.
Bella doesn’t stop, “They’re wolves, I mean, they’re like HUGE wolves.”
“Are you sure about that Bella?” Harry interjects.
“Yeah, I just saw them. They were after… something.” She falters, and it feels like ice has replaced the blood in my veins.
She saw a vampire.
“Wolves? You saw ‘em?” Charlie repeats.
Bella nods and my heart drops.
“Alright, well,” Charlie pauses, looking up at us, “Harry. Feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?”
“Sure, yeah, I’ll just…” Harry walks out with his phone in his hand, and I am quick to follow.
I stare wide-eyed at Harry in the hallway, my breath ragged and my eyes are wide.  
“Harry…” I whisper.  
“I know. All of them are out right now, I can’t call them.”
“Fuck,” I run my hands through my hair, pushing it out of my face before it dawns on me. How far can my telepathy go?
“Okay,” I take a deep breath and meet Harry’s eyes, “I can maybe do something. Give them a warning.” He nods, not asking any more questions. He knows he shouldn’t push.
“Work your magic kid, I’m going to call the elders. Make sure whoever is coming knows the deal.”
“Thank you, Harry,” I whisper, my body shaking with panic.  
Harry puts his hand on my shoulder, “They’ll be okay. I promise.”
I nod, not trusting my voice before he starts making calls. I slip out the back door, making my way towards the forest.  
I hope to God this works. It has got to work. I step through the tree line, making sure I can’t be seen from the house.
Closing my eyes, I focus on the hum of magic surrounding me. It takes a moment, but when I open my eyes, I am met with a sea of gold. Magic threads of energy connect everything. Here in the forest, it’s almost overwhelming.
There’s always one that’s a little bigger and brighter than the rest though, the one connecting me to Paul. I reach out to touch it, and with it, I can feel a thrum of love. I focus, trying to feel him.
It works, and I know he’s alerted to what I’m doing as confusion floods through me, but it’s not mine. This is the farthest I’ve pushed our connection, and it’s also the farthest we’ve been apart while I try. Pain stabs through my brain, and the confusion turns into concern. Despite the pain, the connection to him helps me send him a message despite the distance, and by extension, the whole pack.  
There’s a police hunt happening, and they are looking for wolves. Giant wolves. You need to get out of the forest. Please, stay safe boys.
A multitude of thoughts bombards me at once, the force of it making my knees buckle. The pack bond is something I might not ever get used to. Words mixed with memories and emotions all swirling around at once. My head feels like it’s exploding. I can’t tell the voices apart with all the noise in my head.
They are looking for wolves now?
Now there’s going to be tons of humans in the woods, in her way.
Bella. That’s Paul, growling. Even in my thoughts, I can tell it was him.
I get hit with a memory, Bella standing in the woods alone, with a vampire about to kill her. What was she thinking being out there only?
I watch from what I think is Jacob’s perspective, I can feel the longing and the heartbreak. Bella’s curious gaze stares back, a hint of recognition in her eyes.
She’s so close to finding out.
I remember what happened in the kitchen, effectively replaying the scene for them, and they seem to settle at Harry’s reassurance.
I’m going to Emily’s. I say to Paul, even if they all can hear me.
No, stay home.
Not a chance in hell.
I hear Paul’s wolf form growl. In the months we have been together, he still had reservations about me being around him when shifted. It was a boundary I tried not to push too much, but it looks like that it might have to fall soon.
Sorry, love.
I close the connection and the gold surrounding me cuts off like a light. I catch myself falling completely with my hands, cutting them on the rocks on the ground.
It takes a minute before I can move, my eyes won’t stay open, and the light too painful to my head.
When I’m able to stand, I notice the blood steadily dripping down my face from my nose.
That’s new, I think. I try to clean it up as best as I can before texting Charlie, telling him Jessica was having a girl emergency, before getting in my Jeep to drive to the Reservation. On the way, my nose starts to bleed again. I wipe it away, feeling my body get heavier and heavier.
I barely remember what happens after I get to Emily’s house. I know I stumbled through the door and panicked as I told Emily that the boys were in danger. But then, it goes black. My body just… gives out.
It’s the sound of arguing that wakes me up. I can’t tell who is talking or what they are saying, but it hurts. It’s too loud. A small whimper escapes my lips as I try to move, turning away from the noise.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey,” Paul whispers, “it’s okay.” He shushes the voices in the background, his hand running through my hair. “Can you hear me, Anna?”
I nod weakly, squeezing my eyes to block out any light.
“S’hurts,” I mumble.
Paul lets out a relieved sigh, “I know, Emily is bringing you some medicine.” He kisses my head and slowly helps me up into a seated position. I finally open my eyes, closing them again after feeling the stares of all of the boys, crowding around the bed I’m laying on.
“I’m glad you guys are safe,” I say, rubbing my eyes.
Sam lets out a dry chuckle, “You shouldn’t be worried about us, we are glad you’re okay.”
I shrug, “I don’t even know what happened.”
“You gave me a heart attack, that’s what happened,” Emily declares, entering the room with a glass of water and aspirin in her hands. “You walked in, blood covering your face, and passed out. You hit your head when you fell.” She frowns. “Sue Clearwater came over and looked you over. She doesn’t think you’ll have a concussion, just some pain.”
“Ah,” I nod, “That’s why the lights feel particularly stabby.” Paul takes the water from her and helps me hold it despite the glare I’m giving him. With the medicine down, I lean back into the bed.
“I’m sorry for scaring you, Em,” I say.
“What about us?” Jared speaks up, “You scared us too.”
“I’m sorry, to all of you. But you guys needed the warning. I didn’t want anyone getting hurt.”
“Thank you, Anna,” Sam interjects, “You just rest for now.” He looks around at everyone, “Come on, let’s give her some space.”
With a groan, they all say their goodbyes, as they walk out the door, Jared peaks his head back in.
“Seriously, that was terrifying. Please don’t do that again. We all love you and hate to see you hurt Feel better Anna,” he says before rushing off.
And then there were two…
“You’ve been quiet,” I whisper. Paul had been sitting in a chair next to the bed, not taking his eyes off me. Worry surrounded him. I could tell.
“Yeah,” he sighs, “I’m just… I think I’m too worried to really explain it.”
“You’re not mad at me?”
He smiles sadly at me, then moves to sit on the bed wrapping his arms around me.
“No, I’m not. I know it won’t do much. I was worried, then absolutely terrified. Now, I’m just relieved.”
“I couldn’t let you guys get ambushed.”
He nods and kisses my head, “I know, we can talk about it later. Right now, I think I just need to be with you and hear your heartbeat. Know that you are okay.”
Looking up at him, I can see the fear still in his eyes. This was a new side of Paul. I was expecting a protective Paul or even an angry Paul, but right now he really is just scared. It breaks my heart.
“Yeah baby, that sounds like a plan.” I nod and lean into him. The silence surrounds us like a warm blanket, and Paul’s arms around me tighten, like keeping me close won’t let me slip away.
I try not to let it show, but I hold him just as tightly.
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montys-mortuary · 2 years
Blasphemy (Thomas Hewitt x F!Reader)
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A/N: so I feel compelled to write my first fic for our big gentle giant. I'm...not a good writer, but I'm gonna try because im self indulgent as HELL.
Also, I kiiiinda want to make this a Multi-part one, so lemme know if I should continue it on :)
TW: Blood, cursing, broken bones, Hoyt being yucky
The hot Texas heat beating down on your shining skin slick with sweat was talking its toll on you. You had no idea just how long you'd been walking for, but you cursed under your breath as your feet ached with a low, dull pain. You had stopped your car at a gas station, trudging inside to escape the heat and ask for directions. You had been on a long, cross-state trip to see your family, hoping to make it there within the next few days.
You entered the shoddy looking shack, to find an older woman sitting behind the counter, smoke from her cigarette dancing upwards and clouding the already stale air with a ripe smell of niccotine.
"Eh...hey there..." you began hesitently.
"Do you know how far out I am from Arizona? I feel like im lost..."
She peered at you from behind her thick glasses, a scoff escaping her lips. The ash from her cigarette falls absent mindedly onto the dusty counter.
"Bout' a ways out from here." She said, speaking in a mono-toned, southern accent.
You waited for a more elaborated response, possibly containing an answer to your question, but nothing else came. You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the lack of help and turned towards the door. Pushing past it, it let out a cringing creak, signifying the age and unkempt state of it.
Just as you had made your way outside, your eyes widened. There was a man sitting in the front seat of your car. Scruffy, sunburnt, and unkempt. He glanced over towards you, displaying a smile with absent teeth before crashing his foot down on the gas, speeding away from the station. In YOUR car.
You darted after him, nearly choking on the dry dirt that kicked up at the back of the wheels, waving your arms at him. You reached a few feet down the road when you stopped in the middle, watching hopelessly as your only means of transportation, your water, food, wallet, phone, money, and clothes were whisked away down the old texan dirt road.
Anger filled you and your blood boiled. You couldn't think of what to do.
"Hey, you fucking asshole!" You shrieked into the wind before your hands fell at your side and you stood there, the heat of the sun beating down on you. You had no other choice but to turn and stare in the way you were headed, and continue on foot. There was no way you could take a taxi out this far. You had no money and no phone. There wasnt much else you COULD do.
So here you were, exhausted, dehydrating, hungry. You felt dizzy and nauseous from the heat, and just when you felt like collapsing, the sudden whirr of a siren sounded behind you. You turned to see a Sherrifs car, and smiled weakly. The gods had answered your prayers. Surely the law enforcement around here would, at the very least, take you to the next town.
The sherrif opened the aged, rusted out door of the car, his feet slowly lifting him out. His boots made contact with the ground, causing the pieces of gravel under them to crunch. He stood by the car for a moment, hands on his belt, looking you up and down before spitting out a deep-brown coloured glob of spit onto the dirt. He walked over to you slowly, hands remining where they are.
"Whats a pretty young thing like yourself doing out here?" He said, chewing on tobacco like a cow chews cud.
You hesitated, then explained your situation. "I-I was at that gas station back there, and some...fucking maniac car-jacked me!" The frustration in your voice was apparent.
He nodded along with your words, looking you up and down one final time before smiling slightly.
"Well girly, if you need a lift to the next town over, I'd be happy to oblige." He grinned, tipping his tan hat towards you. You sighed in relief, thanking him profusely while walking over to the passenger door.
"Where was it you're headed?" He asked from behind. You turned to answer him, only for you to be able to shriek once as an old rusted hammer he had hidden connects with your left shoulder. You collapse to the ground, gripping your fresh wound, gritting your teeth. You looked up at him, shocked at the sudden attack. He stood over you, a dark, menacing grin on his face. He spins the weapon in his hand so that the back of the hammer faces you. He brings it down and it cracks into the back of your calf, fresh, chrimson blood pouring from the gaping wound. You scream out as he pounds down on your calf a few more times, hearing the sickening crack of bone with the last blow.
You attempt to crawl away from him, a thick trail of blood following you. He chuckles darkly, crouching over your crumpled form.
"Nothing personal, sweetheart, but a family's gotta eat!"
You turned back to him, holding your hand up weakly in defence as one final blow of the blunt end of the hammer comes crashing down on your head, allowing darkness to envelop you.
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15aac-k · 4 years
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P1 Day 10 : Godfather . . . . . . #singapore #asia #isaaccapture #paradise #beautifuldestinations #beautiful #wanderlust #travel #globetrekker #isaackiat #ik #tgif #summer #crossing #travel #2020 #godfather #road #japan #mono #Canon #1d4 #40mm #isaaccovid #safe https://www.instagram.com/p/CBU_GcLna3OtjkmP3aZO_d9ndRUvBG_b6jyDro0/?igshid=1dg8e1nzes1n7
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chuuyanaurkahara · 2 years
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i saw these comments by @untamedeventuality and it filled me with the creative juices
for you dear person👉👈
writing under the cut
i apologise for any bad grammar, english isn’t my first language
i don't know how to write good stuff, sorry
The trio was walking alongside an old road. Mono was in the middle, RK on the left and Six on the right side of him. The girl was talking with Mono about how their economy is in shambles and that the world is going to die soon, just like the queen did.
"-and yeah. That's why I eat soap."
"None of these points made any sense, Six,", Mono replied, "Also, please don’t eat soap, you're gonna die."
The girl quickly replied, "Trust me, I won’t. See?" She got out a soap bar from her pocket.
Why she was carrying soap with her will remain a mystery to Mono. Realising too late that Six is actually going to take a good bite, the boy could only watch in horror how she stuffed half of it in her mouth.
"What the fuck Six! Are you having a death wish?"
Six laughed. She laughed hard. Between laughing and even some coughing, she explained the soap bar was actually just chocolate.
"Why the fuck, but also that's a really cool idea", Mono replied.
Six handed him the chocolate and nodded her head towards RK, who was lost in his thoughts, and then at the 'soap' in Mono’s hands.
The boy grinned. He knew what Six was trying to tell him. A small prank won't hurt, right?
"Hey RK, wanna have a bite?"
The boy looked at Mono, then at his hand with the soap before looking at Mono again. "That’s soap, Mono."
"And? Do you want to have a bite or not?"
"What- I- Did you eat soap?"
"Yes? Why wouldn’t I?", Mono replied and bit into the chocolate.
"Mono, I mean this in the nicest way possible; What the fuck is wrong with you."
Six started to giggle and soon was full on laughing. Mono chuckled too.
"Hehe, pranked you. It’s not soap, it's chocolate", Six giggled.
The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and looked away from the other two, ignoring their following apolgies.
"Aww, c'mon RK, it was just a small prank", the girl said, "Don’t be like that..." Pause. "Alright, Mono hold his hand, he's gotta accept our apology that way."
Mono shrugged. "Sure." Mono grabbed RK's hand and interwined their fingers.
"Sorry for pranking you, RK", Six apologized.
"It’s- it's okay..."
Six grinned. "See? As easy as cake." She began walking again, the two boys following soon after.
"Holy shit guys! Look, a worm!", Six suddenly exclaimed, crouching down.
RK perked up at the mention of a little creature and let go of Mono's hand. He moved next to the girl and crouched down as well, examining the worm with her.
"Hello little slimy guy,", Six cooed, ", look at you, you're such a cute little fella, aren’t you?" She carefully pet the animal with her pointer finger.
"Can- can we move on?"
"Shut up Mono, it's wormin' time,", RK replied, and then to the worm, "Such a cute, little guy. I'm gonna call you...-"
"-Wormius!", Six piped in.
"Yes, Wormius! Great idea Six. It fits perfectly." The boy pet the worm too.
They both mumbled some other stuff, occasionally interrupted by small giggles. Mono awkwardly stood at the side, playing with his fingers as he waited.
Suddenly a crow flew by and snatched the worm off the ground, seemingly not bothered by RK and Six.
"Noooo, Wormius! You were so young!", they both said in union.
Mono won't admit it, but he was glad that worm was gone. His friends got up, RK taking his hand and Six already starting to talk about their previous topic again.
The trio continued on their way.
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tashas-life · 3 years
Summer Shenanigans
Paxton and Devi spend the summer together and have a banging playlist
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Nothing really.”
“I’m outside, let’s go to the beach.”
Devi threw her bag through the back window of Paxton’s jeep and jumped in the front seat.
“Did you bring my suit?” Devi asks as she pulled on her seatbelt. Devi’s mom would never let her wear a bikini so she had to save up her money from working at the summer camp to buy it. She usually hid it at the back of her underwear drawer but since she’d been going swimming with Paxton more days than not, she just kept it in his car.
“Yep, I threw it in the laundry.” Paxton pulled out onto the road and Devi started messing with the music.
Her and Paxton were both working at the same summer camp so they spent most days together. Paxton had spent the last two summers working at the camp and Devi wanted to make her own money so she had applied too. It was also convenient because she always had a ride to work instead of asking her mom or Kamala. Paxton had promised to teach her to drive this summer but she always chickened out whenever he offered.
Devi always insisted on picking the music when they went anywhere and Paxton didn’t mind. She settled on Ariana Grande’s album and turned up the volume as Motive filled the car. Paxton rolled down all the windows and stuck his arm out to feel the breeze. It was one of the hottest days of the summer so Paxton’s shirt was mostly open and Devi had her new sunglasses on. This was the first summer that Devi was making real money and she tended to spend most of it by the time the next pay day had rolled around.
Once they got to the beach Devi jumped in the backseat and Paxton got out to stand guard. Devi was a pro at the quick change at this point and quickly shimmied into her bikini without having to take off her dress completely.
Once Devi hopped out of the backseat, Paxton grabbed the drinks cooler and Devi grabbed their towels and a speaker. Usually the beaches were packed on hot days but Paxton had a special super power of finding an empty part of the beach to spend the day. They found a spot to settle and Devi started applying sunscreen.
“Did you hear Kenny is sick again. Mono.” Paxton said with an eye roll and Devi groaned.
“You think he’s going to be out all week again? Taylor should just fire him and hire someone else at this point.” Devi tossed Paxton the sunscreen and laid down on her towel.
“Yea right, Taylor probably gave him the mono. He’ll never fire him.” Devi laughed and closed her eyes.
“I don’t even understand how they find the time to mack. Those kids never stop.” Devi said.
“Yea well, next week they’re going to be our problem again.” Usually each camp leader had about 5-10 kids to watch but with Kenny constantly gone they always ended up with more kids.
“Honestly, fuck Kenny.” Devi grumbled and Paxton nodded. “Did you see Eleanor’s insta post? Her and Trent are like embarrassingly in love.” Devi asked as she pulled out her phone to show him a boomerang of them kissing on some hike.
“I think it’s cute.” Paxton grinned as Devi made a vomiting face. “I invited them to come today but apparently they would rather be aloneeee.”
“That’s so nasty.” Devi said and Paxton laughed.
“I’m going in, you coming?” Paxton asked but Devi shook her head.
“Nah man, I’m working on my tan.” Devi said but really she just preferred laying on the sand and watching the water than actually being in it.
“Your loss.” Paxton replied, shoving her as he got up to go swimming.
“Okay, the thing is that I just don’t think I’m coordinated enough for this.” Devi said as she stood on Paxton’s skateboard. She felt a little embarrassed at how wobbly she was and that she was wearing her bike helmet that she got when she was ten. Paxton had his car door open and Lizzo’s album was playing. Juice blasted into the street and Devi knew people would complain soon.
“I’m literally holding on to you. You can’t fall.” Paxton said as he led her down the road.
“I feel like I could still fall.” Devi said as she started tipping back and Paxton’s grip tightened as he pulled her forward.
“I won’t let you fall Devi. Would you just trust me for once?” He asked playfully annoyed.
“Shut up, I literally trust you all the time.”
“You shut up.” Paxton countered.
“Wow, real mature.” Devi replied sarcastically.
Devi was too busy arguing to notice them start to go faster. Of course that is until she did notice. Then she was falling again and she was falling fast. Paxton managed to grab her before she fell on her face and swung her off the skateboard. Devi held onto Paxton as the skateboard started rolling down the street without them. They looked at each other and immediately started laughing.
“I think you might be right about the coordination thing.” Paxton said and Devi shoved him away from her.
“Or maybe you’re a bad teacher.” She grinned at his shocked face as she ran to grab the skateboard.
“I’m never teaching you anything ever again” he retaliated.
“Come over here and help me loser.” Paxton crossed his arm in defiance.
“Tell me I’m a good teacher.”
“Stop being a baby.”
“Wooooow, even more insults. Bad teacher and a baby.”
“Fine, you’re a good teacher. Now let’s get on with this.” Devi said as she started to get on the skateboard again.
“Thank you.” Paxton replied satisfied. He grinned and went to help her again.
Usually, they were separated during their days at camp since each group rotated through activities but on Fridays all of the kids got to go to the community pool. Those were obviously Paxton’s favourite days because he got to hang out with Devi but he also loved getting to teach some of the kids how to swim.
Usually, Paxton stayed in the shallow end with the younger kids and Devi sat at the deep end with the older kids. Vacation by Dirty Heads was playing over the pool speakers and Devi had her legs in the water as she chatted with some kids.
“Yea, high school kind of sucks. What you gotta do is find a popular kid and force them to be your friend.” Devi told some kids who were going to be freshmen in the fall.
“That’s terrible advice.” Paxton laughed as he came to stand next to her in the pool. He had switched with Kenny who was now watching the younger kids. They had given up on learning to swim and were mostly just playing and splashing water at Kenny.
“Really? You got anything better?” Devi asked crossing her arms.
“Yes. Find something that makes you excited to go to school, for me that was swimming, for D it was being my best friend. And also don’t give a shit about what other people think of you.” Paxton told the kids and Devi kicked his arm. “Oh shit, I mean just don’t care what other people think.”
“I meant the best friend thing.” Devi rolled her eyes.
“You were literally obsessed-“ before Paxton could finish Devi had jumped in and shoved Paxton’s head underwater.
Paxton managed to push Devi away from him and had his arm out separating them.
“Hey, you better stop or your top is going to fall off again.” Paxton laughed and Devi’s face started burning up. Yes, the bikini was cute but it wasn’t the most reliable bathing suit she had. Rough housing had led to a very embarrassing incident that Devi was trying to forget.
“I’m going to kill you.” Devi lunged at him and Paxton managed to grab her arms.
“Hey anger issues, chill out.” Paxton said with a grin. Devi managed to pull her arms away and splashed Paxton.
“Go do your job loser!” Devi yelled as she turned to go back to her post.
Devi swung the door open and was surprised to see Paxton. Usually he just texted her when he got to her house.
“Let’s go for a drive.” Paxton said as he held up his car keys.
“Okayyy.” Devi said as she grabbed her backpack from the door.
“Here ya go.” He said as he tossed the keys to her. She just about dropped them and didn’t move from her front door.
“Naaaa, I don’t think today’s the day.” Devi said nervously. She had failed her drivers test last month because she hadn’t practiced enough. It was the first time she hadn’t prepared and it was also the first time she had failed a test.
“Come on D, your test is in a few weeks and don’t you want to have your licence by the time school starts?” Paxton asked as he opened the drivers side door. He motioned for her to get in and she groaned before going to the car.
It wasn’t legal for Paxton to teach her how to drive but her only other option was her mother which hadn’t worked out. Devi was pretty sure she failed her test because driving with her mom had made her so anxious that getting behind the wheel made her want to throw up even when her mom wasn’t around. She had even done drivers ed but that apparently wasn’t enough because she still failed.
“Are you sure? What if I scratch your car or something?” Devi asked as they both got in the car.
“Then I’ll literally kill you, so don’t scratch my baby.” Paxton said as he gently caressed his dash.
“That’s not really helpful.” Devi muttered as she nervously changed the seat settings.
“We’ll go to the school parking lot. It’s just down the street and the lot will be empty.” Devi nodded as she turned the car on. She kept her foot on the brakes as she looked at Paxton desperately.
“Listen to Tai, you’re going to be A-O-K.” Paxton said as he turned up the music. “Also, don’t forget to signal, you lost so many points for that.”
Paxton didn’t look nervous at all which made Devi feel a little bit better. If he could be confident in her driving skills than so could she. Devi signalled and did a very exaggerated shoulder check before she pulled onto the road. There were no cars around the whole way to the school so the only thing she had to deal with were some stop signs and one set of lights. She totally could do this.
Devi’s whole body relaxed once they pulled into the parking lot and she didn’t have to worry about hitting things or people anymore.
“That was pretty good actually. How did you fail?” Paxton asked.
“Probably because I suck at driving?” Devi told him as she put the car in park.
“Shut up, you had issues with the parallel park right?” Paxton asked as he got out of the car.
“What are you doing?” Devi asked as he closed the door.
“Im going to teach you how to parallel park.” Paxton grinned sticking his head through the window.
Devi waited as he grabbed stuff from out of his trunk. A bin full of blankets and an empty cooler he had forgotten about. He set them up as pretend cars and he went to the drivers side.
“Okay, line yourself up.” Paxton said as Devi slowly moved the car so the bin of blankets was lined up with the back of the jeep.
Paxton gave her instructions and ran around indicating for her how far to back up and how much to turn the wheel and eventually she got into the spot.
“I don’t think they’re going to let you guide me into a spot on the test.” Devi said annoyed that it took so long.
“You just gotta keep practicing, eventually it’ll just be second nature.” Paxton said as he got back in the car. “Pull out and this time I’m not going to help you.” Paxton said as she groaned.
“I hate this.” Devi said getting frustrated.
“You won��t hate this once you can drive yourself anywhere you want. Now start moving before I force you to practice highway driving.” Paxton said as he relaxed into his seat.
Devi wanted to hit him and get angry but she knew he was her only hope of passing her test in a month so she contained herself and kept practicing.
When the day of Devi’s test came around she felt pretty confident she was going to fail again. Paxton had given her a pep talk before he left her house the night before but it hadn’t helped with her nerves.
“You got this, okay? Just make sure you signal, and don’t forget the emergency brake when you do the hill park.” He told her as he held her shoulders. “By this time tomorrow, you’re going to be fully licensed because you’re a great driver.”
Devi was just as shocked as her mother when she pulled into the DMV and had almost no deductions on her test. Nalini didn’t know about Paxton teaching her to drive but she managed to convince her that is was because the tester was a lot nicer than the last one. She had smiled the entire time she got her new license and had raced back to the car. She knew Paxton would be waiting for her at her house and she was beyond excited to tell him that his methods had actually worked.
Paxton was leaning on his car checking his phone when they got home. She had to stop herself from running to Paxton to tell him the good news. She got out of the car and Nalini kissed her head before going into the house.
“How’d it go?” He asked as she crossed her arms and pretended to look disappointed.
“I passed babyyy!” She screamed as she whipped out her temporary license.
“I fucking knew it! You never trust me.” Paxton grabbed her and spun her around.
“Where do you wanna go? I’m driving.” Devi said and Paxton laughed as he got in the passenger seat.
“Can you spot me ten bucks?” Devi asked as she searched through her backpack for some money.
“You have literally worked all summer, how are you always broke?” Paxton muttered as he pulled out some change from his console.
“I just don’t have any cash on me.”
Paxton gave her a handful of change and Devi looked at him annoyed.
“Quarters? Really?” Devi struggled to hold all the coins and Paxton shrugged.
“Take it or leave it, but if you want boba I suggest you take it.” Paxton grinned and Devi rolled her eyes as she realized she couldn’t open the door holding all the change.
Paxton laughed as he leaned over to open the door for her. “Get me a milk tea.” He said as she hopped out of the car.
“If I even make it there without any hands.” She grumbled.
By the time she got back with their drinks, Paxton had all the windows down blasting Young Dumb & Broke by Khalid.
“Really?!” She had to scream for him to hear her over the music. He lip synced to the lyrics as he pointed to her and dramatically danced to the music. “You’re so annoying!” She screamed as he took a big sip of his tea. He pointed at the drink as if to say that it tastes good and gave her the ok sign with his fingers. Devi just rolled her eyes and sipped on her mango slush. She guessed it was worth the embarrassing amount of quarters she gave to the cashier and having to listen to Paxton call her dumb and broke.
“Are you going to make it to Trent’s this weekend? Last party of the summer.” Paxton asked as he turned the music down.
“Have you met my mother? She’s not going to let me go to Trent’s house for a party.” Devi replied looking through Paxton’s Spotify.
“Since when do you tell your mom about going to parties?” Paxton asked snorting.
“I’m trying to turn over a new leaf this year. No more lying, especially to my mom.” She said as she put on Savage by Megan Thee Stallion and Beyoncé.
“What if she knew I was taking you?” Paxton knew the party would suck without Devi there.
“Yeaaaaa, my mom might like you now but not that much.”
“Come on D, it’s the last party of the summer. You have to go!” Paxton pouted as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Fine, fine, I’ll figure out a way to go out but there’s no way she’ll let me stay out past 11.” Paxton smiled at her and agreed to be DD so he could get her home by 11.
By the time the weekend rolled around, Nalini didn’t even seem bothered by Devi leaving. Her and Kamala had been going crazy planning her wedding and Devi tended to be unhelpful in that area. She was only good for the grunt work, which she was sure there would be a lot of once it got closer to the day.
All she had to say was that she was going to Eleanor’s house for a back to school hangout and Nalini quickly agreed to get her out of the house. Technically she wasn’t lying because they had to pick up Eleanor at her house and they were having a back to school hangout. It was just a hangout with most of the school and alcohol.
Devi acted as casual as possible as she closed the front door but she sprinted as soon as the door closed. She didn’t want to risk her mom seeing her actually getting in Paxton’s car instead of Fabiola’s. Devi had been asking her mom for a car for weeks but still nothing. Her mom was convinced that she should have enough money saved since she had a summer job but summer camps didn’t exactly pay top dollar and Devi was pretty irresponsible with her money this summer. She figured she had two more summers to hustle before she went to Princeton.
“You look so pretty in that dress.” Paxton said as soon as she got in the car.
Devi blushed and couldn’t control her smile. “Shut up loser.”
Paxton smiled back at her as they went to pick up Eleanor and Fabiola.
Trent’s house was packed full of people but he was standing at the door waiting for Eleanor. He hugged her tightly and dragged her off to the back of the house.
Paxton went to grab them some drinks and handed Devi and Fabiola beers. “Bread soda.”
Devi rolled her eyes and shoved him away. Fabiola had learned a long time to ignore their inside jokes and she wandered off.
Paxton was always treated like a god at parties and everyone wanted their time with him. Paxton gave people his typical cool guy head nod and pulled Devi outside where it was less crowded.
“So, you excited for school to start?” Paxton asked and Devi looked confused.
“Sure, I guess.” Paxton looked nervous which made Devi more confused. “Why are you making weird small talk?”
“I just guess this is the last time we’re hanging out before school starts.” Devi’s confusion became anger very quickly.
“What is that supposed to mean? Like things are going to change when school starts?” Devi questioned starting to get upset.
“No, chill Devi. I mean I do want things to change but not the way you think.” Now Devi was back to confused.
Paxton looked frustrated and looked around them. No one was around or paying attention to them. Paxton turned back to Devi and got way closer to her than she was used to. Kiss Me More by Doja Cat and SZA was playing in the house but it sounded far away.
He touched her cheek and lifted her mouth to his. “Is this okay?” He asked nervously.
Instead of answering Devi pushed her lips against his. Paxton smiled against her and pulled her tight to him.
“You want me to pick you up tomorrow?” Paxton texted and Devi smiled when she saw the message.
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” She replied quickly.
“No worries, we’re both going to the same place. Better for the environment and all that”
“I’ll make a driving playlist.” He sent back a smiley face and an ok hand.
Devi couldn’t wait for tomorrow. This was going to be the best summer of her life.
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midnightbot-archive · 3 years
𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖘 : 1, 2, 3, ...
" are you sure about this Siyeon? "
" well, no. But we dont have a better option right now. But why would Lucifer turn down the offer of you helping serve him along with yunho..? You are one the strongest demons there is.. "
" i know but, you know if we ever screw up you have another person to pull out of these kinds of messes.. "
" dont screw up. but i know jeno, we'll cross those roads when we need too, right now we need to get yunho out. You should go rest, tommorow is gonna be one Hell of a day. "
[ jeno has left this morning, him yunho and siyeon will be offline until the plan happens.]
tags: @/yanlee ( OG! ) @mono-minji @dmonchan @babie-sanie @song-mingi-cb @moonlightchn @bloodlustbots @thewitcherhhj @mafia-bots @skz-cb @vampiremomo @thewolfpack-cb @cb-museclub @vamp-minho @killerbots @demon-nct @fullmoonpack-bot @hybrid-ateez-straykids-nct @mafiaxnct127 @yanderetzuyuu @dem-oneus @kang-seongdaeshim-oc @ares-bc @mono-rowoon @uridealbf-cb @uridealgf-cb @subby-superm @slasherbot @got7sinsbot @betrayerjongup @dd-dawwn @jinju-oc @hernameisangel-oc @wolfyjulia @kittyhhj @temptationcb @originalscb @moongoddesselene @e-bots @cbcity @divinity-ocs @sirenscb @forsakenwolves @teatimeonthemoon @supernatural-lix @ynderebot @cbcrib @supernaturalgirls-cb @hbkyeom @7deadlysins-chan [ dm to be +/-]
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