#monster!jimin x human!reader
girl8890 · 2 years
JM | The Cave Dweller
word count: 8.9k
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Summary: It started out as a curiosity, then you met a being that took up your interest altogether. You’ve always been the type of person to comfort those who are lonely, you just didn’t expect your new found friend to be a cave monster. A monster that teaches you tricks of magic, and you eventually teach him your own dirty tricks.
Pairing: Cave Monster!Jimin x Human!Reader
Genre: supernatural!au, magic!au, curse!au, smut, some fluff
Rating: 18+
Warnings: lonely Jimin, mean Jimin (at first), curious reader, to curious for her own good, touch starved Jimin, curses, mutual growth of feelings, first kiss, past masturbation mentioned, first hand job, reader basically teaches Jimin about sex, blow jobs, monster Jimin turns into a mess, reader is such a minx!
A/N: I don’t know if it’s just because Halloween is coming, but all my fic ideas have been about monsters. I’m kinda liking it ,though, so we’re gonna stick with it LOL. ALSO! Major PSA to everyone reading… do not do this! Do not go exploring unknown caves, especially alone, and on top of that places that have “do not enter” signs on it. This is all fiction, and you will not find a sexy goblin Jimin inside.
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“Curiosity killed the cat, you know,” Your anxious friend Hoseok says through the phone.
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see you through the cellular device that’s currently pressed against your ear by your shoulder. Shoving the rest of your hiking gear into your bag and zipping it closed.
“Yeah, but satisfaction brought it back.” You smile at your own witty come back, and you hear Hoseok chuckle through the phone, although it doesn’t sound as cheerful as he usually sounds.
“That was a good one, but seriously Y/n. There’s ‘do not enter’ signs there for a reason.” You throw your backpack over your shoulder, somehow keeping the phone near your ear as you do so. Walking out the door to set out for your hike that you and Hoseok are currently arguing about.
You’re a pretty advocate hiker, but you’ve always felt the extra thrill going through caves. Something about the dark surroundings gets your adrenaline pumping, and just as you said to your friend through the phone, any “haunted” caves or houses always ended up as empty as the rumor itself.
Those places always have the stupidest of backstories too. How someone was killed in 1802 and now haunts the grounds, or how there’s a mass grave of murder victims from the 70s.
The cave you decided to travel to this time, it’s rumors were a little different. Saying how there’s a monster cave dweller that kills and eats anyone that enters his home.
Yeah… I call bullshit!
“It’s all bullshit, Hoseok. I’ve never visited a quote on quote ‘haunted’ cave that was actually haunted,” You say to your friend through the phone, unbelieving all the stories unlike your friend.
“But what about all the sightings?”
You take the phone away from your ear, and look up to the sky to frantically mouth the words oh my god. You could tell Hoseok a witch lived underneath our old high school, and he would believe you even though he went there for four straight years. Hoseok was too easy to fool for his own good, but he was also one of your closest friends. Not many people liked you very much, and that has a lot to do with your adventures personality.
While most people your age went to malls and bars on a Friday night, you set up a whole game plan to hike up a mountain and find the cave that has so many people in the town near by spooked. All because someone allegedly “saw something move” in the cave for 30 feet away. Besides being spooked, though, you set up a whole travel schedule for the summer surrounding this one trip. 
“Dude, chill out. If you’re talking about the sighting from over a month ago, I almost promise you that guy was drunk. Even if, it was probably just a mountain lion.”
“A mountain lion! That’s even worse!”
You can’t help but laugh this time. Chuckling into the phone, but still keeping your eyes ahead of you, so you don’t accidentally trip and fall on some rock.
“I’ll be fine, Hoseok. I’ll even keep you on the phone with me the entire-“
Beep. Beep.
And… your phone lost signal. Figures. It’s then you realize you’ve traveled way farther up your path then you thought you did. Long legs and all, I guess.
You shrug to yourself, and pocket your phone. Even though you know your friend is probably freaking out right now that your phone call just dropped, you know you’ll be okay. You’ve been hiking and cave exploring many times by yourself. You tried to convince him to come with you, after all, but just like every other time you asked Hoseok to join you, he gave you the same excuse.
You’re starting to think this girlfriend is fake because you’ve never even met the girl. She also only pops up in his plans when you ask him to go exploring with you. Whatever. Not something you want to think about while you’re in this peaceful wilderness.
You brush your hand across a bush as you continue your path up the steep mountain. Taking in the beautiful surroundings, and filling your lungs with the fresh air. You’ve always love the outdoors. Ever since you were little and your parents brought you camping for the first time. It wasn’t until you turned twelve when your dad brought you on one of your hiking trails, and then you were hocked on traveling every piece of land you could.
Currently, your in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. You traveled all this way to visit the cave that caught the attention of some gullible people on Twitter - your friend included - and now you’re here to explore. Unlike most people that explore these types of things, your not here to hunt monsters or even debunk the rumor. Truthfully, you just love exploring new places. And although it’s claimed to be haunted, so much so that they plastered ‘do not enter’ signs all over the entrance, you still found the need in your heart to go and explore it.
By the time you got to the cave itself, you drank half a bottle of water and the sun was nearly set. You having to rely on your flashlight for light now.
I know what your thinking. What is a girl like me doing alone in the woods? Isn’t that the start to like every horror story ever?! Well, yes, but you’ve been to enough places in the past 8 years to survive the wilderness. Especially a wilderness that you saw a flowing stream of fresh water a mile back down the mountain.
You point the flashlight inside the cave, and the first thing you see is the ‘do not enter’ sign. You roll your eyes at it, hoist your backpack higher up your back, then enter the cave.
Even with all its rumors, no one ever said how beautiful the cave was. You actually gasped when you realized your flashlight lit up the entire cave. Blue crystals littering the caves surface, and making it look like everything around you is sparkling.
You’re in awe of it all. So in awe, that when a rock falls from behind you, it makes you jump in surprise. You turn around, seeing nothing but the curved end of the cave that’s in the direction of the entrance. You shrug your shoulders, playing it off as just a loose rock, then travel further into the cave.
Everything is still sparkling around you. Even though your above a half a mile deep into the cave now, it’s like your still outside. The flashlight helping tremendously.
Your flashlight starts to flicker, though, and you think it’s time to bring out your spare, but after hitting it a few times with your hand it flashes clearly again. When you point it back at the wall, you see something curious on it. You lean in close to the wall of the cave, seeing there’s some scratch marks there and you think at first it’s writing. You run your fingers over the sharp lines, and realize it is, in fact, scratch marks.
That knowledge makes you shiver, but you play it off as just a wild animal. It’s then, while you’re still looking at the scratches on the wall, that you hear movement from behind you. You spin your entire body around toward the direction of the sound, already pulling out your knife in your backpacks outer pocket.
When you see nothing there, you call out, “Who’s there?”
But no one answers, but the echo of your own voice. And out of all times, your flash light starts to flicker again. It flickers and flickers, and at the last flicker you see some black hair peaking out from behind one of the rocks before the flashlight completely gives out. You rush to get out your spare flashlight, your nerves taking over and making you take it out at lightening speed to the point you drop the other one somewhere on the ground.
You press the on button of your new flashlight, and point it at the rock where you swore you saw something behind it. But when you look over at the rock, nothings there. “Huh,” You say to yourself. “I must be losing my mind.”
You scream bloody fucking murder when a thing right next to you speaks. You jump away from it, going towards the other side of the cave to get as far away from it as possible. You point the light at the thing, and you see a creature wearing all black, with black hair to match. It covers its face with its arm, not liking you pointing the light at it, then hisses in your direction. It’s then you see the being has sharp teeth too, with long pointed nails to match.
“Turn that light off!” It demands of you.
“Nah, I’m good,” You say, and then you book it. You run like hell in the direction you came. You get about ten feet away from where you just were before you fall flat on your face. This isn’t one of those horror movie moments where the girl trips on air, though. Something fucking pushes you.
You spin around on the ground, pulling out your knife from your pack and point it at the creature. It’s standing on its legs now, hunched over a bit, above you. It isn’t touching you, but it’s staring down at you like you’re the one that’s scared him half to death.
“D-don’t leave… Please.”
You falter at his words. Actually scrunching your eyebrows together in confusion when the creatures begging hits your ears. Did he just say, please?
“I-I’ve been alone for so long. Please don’t leave me alone again.” The creature then drops too it’s knees, and you blink at it in confusion. He really is begging you to stay.
You swallow past the lump in your throat, still pointing your knife and flash light in it’s direction. The creature blinks up at you from his spot on the ground about a foot away from you, and blinks at the harsh light. He hisses at you again, making you crawl backwards a step.
“N-no! That thing…” It points at your flashlight with one long nail. You look at your flashlight, then back at the cave dweller. You point it away from it’s face, but not to far enough away that you can’t see it in front of you. The sparkles are still around the cave, but that’s only helping so much especially when your currently fearing for your life.
The creature breathes a sigh of relief, and something you didn’t expect crosses it’s face…. It smiles…. Well, he smiles. Now that you have a few seconds to take in his appearance, you know, for a fact, that it is a he. A very dark, sharp toothed, crazy looking he, but still a he.
“I’m sensitive to light,” The cave dweller explains, almost embarrassed. You just nod your head, like this information and formal conversation isn’t the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you.
“I see that,” You say because you have no idea what else to fricken say in this situation.
The cave dweller then plops on his butt, stretching his feet out in front of himself to the point your feet are almost touching, and continues to smile at you. A moment of silence stretches between you two, and when that moment ends, you’re back to reality. The initial shock of thinking you’re about to die going away.
You cough, awkwardly, then start to get up as you say, “Um… sorry to disturb you in your - home. But I should really get going.”
“What!” The guy jumps up, and you jump with him in surprise. Trying to be a little courteous and not point the light directly in his face again, but still pointing the knife in his direction.
“I-I have people waiting for me. Um… there probably looking for me now, so…” It was a lie, and not a very good one, but by the way the creature suddenly looks sad you can tell he bought it.
You start to walk away, not totally letting your back face him, and you’re stopped by the cave dweller again. “Will you come back tomorrow?”
Your eyes widen with his question. Truthfully, you would rather run as far away from this place as possible, but by the way this creature is giving you puppy dog eyes right now, you almost feel… bad for him?
You’ve always been a sucker for lonely people. Always wanting to comfort them in their time of need. You’ve been lonely all your life, since people claimed to dislike you before they really even got to know you. Thinking back about your earlier brushed off question, you remember that’s how you and Hoseok met. He was the lonely math nerd on the middle school bleachers, and you were the pumped up - equally as alone - band geek sitting next to him.
Sounds like the start to a bad country song, but that’s really how you two met. You both just being alone at the pep rally, and sitting next to each other because no one wanted to sit next to either of you. And that was the start to your beautiful friendship.
Anyway, back to the present. You look at the creatures eyes, and he reminds you of Hoesak in a weird way. The desperation for friendship is written all over the creatures face. Even though you really, really don’t want to make any promises to this weird creature, you blow out a gust of hot air and tell him, “Yes. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
The smile returns to the creature’s face, and even though his shape teeth make him look so menacing, there’s a innocence there. An innocence that your probably the first to see and recognize in him in a long time. 
The next day, for whatever fucking reason that you can’t even come up with yourself, you go back to the cave. Not before getting an ear full through the phone by your friend first, but as always you ignore his warnings. You should really stop doing that now. Especially after his fears of the extreme were actually fucking accurate for once.
Oh, you got a few “I told you so’s” from him too. You weren’t scared or worried to tell Hoseok about what happened to you. The man believes in aliens and werewolf’s, so you didn’t think twice about him believing you. But after that first interaction with your new cave dweller friend, you might just believe in them too now.
You walk the same path you did yesterday inside the cave, but this time you watch your flashlight shake in your hand. No longer caring about how the cave sparkles when your light hits a crystal just right. Every step you take into the cave makes you stomach churn from nerves. Nothing was actually making you come back today, but you also couldn’t get the creature’s face out of your head. He also wasn’t that creepy looking when you thought back on it later on. At least not in the face. Take away the sharp teeth, and dark as night black voided eyes, you could even say he’s kinda cute. 
You chuckle at your own thoughts when you make it to the area you were at yesterday when you met the creature. You spin around, looking for him, then you hit yourself in the head when you realize you did that. You shouldn't be looking for him. You only came back because you felt bad, not because you wanted to add “friend’s with a cave dweller” to your list of summer actives. 
Only because you felt it was the right thing to do, and so you call out into the cave, “Hey! Anyone there?” No answer. “It's me from yesterday. I said I would come back, and I did!”
You wait another moment but nothing happens. Not even a movement of rock to make you understand where he is. Maybe you made up the occurrence with cave dweller. Maybe you hit your head on some rocks yesterday and dreamed the whole thing. Although, that wouldn’t explain how you got all the scratches on your legs from rolling around on the ground yesterday. 
Either way, you start to turn around and walk back the way you came. Rendering this whole trip as a bust, and really in need to schedule an appointment with a counselor. 
“Wait!” You hear the cave dweller screech from behind you, making you stop in your tracks and turn around. Just like yesterday, he's decked out in all black. But unlike yesterday, you find him out of breath and panting. Almost like he just jogged up a mountain to get here. 
“Oh - wow - you’re actually real,” Is the first thing you say when you see him. 
The creature looks up at you from his spot a few feet away, heaving out air as he holds himself up with his hand on his knees, confused by your statement. When he finally recovers from whatever made him so out of breathe, he straightens up. His knees are still slightly bent, and his back is slouched, but it’s weird seeing him stand up instead of hobbling on the ground like the creatures by in movies. But I guess this is different since it’s real fricken life, y/n!
“Why wouldn’t I exist?” He asks.
“I don’t know, maybe because you’re a cave monster.” You gasp at your own harsh words, and you feel even worse when you see him cave in on himself. Looking like you just wounded a puppy, instead of a creature that you see eat girls like you in the most gruesome ways in movies. 
Again, real life, y/n. Real life.
“I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know why I said that.”
He recovers a little, but the sadness in his eyes doesn’t get past you. 
“It's okay. I’ve been called worse.”
His way of making you feel better actually made you feel worse. You’re probably the first human that’s ever showed him any kindness in a long time. You should’t be shitting on him for something he can’t help. You try to recover the conversation by changing the subject, “Why were you out of breath before?”
He blinks a few times, then when he remembers how he came to you, he says, “Oh! I just woke up, so running to you was difficult.”
You raise a pointed eyebrow at him. “It's 11 pm.”
“Is it? I wouldn’t know. I-I can’t be touch sunlight, or any bright light for that matter.” He really drives his words home when he looks at the flashlight in your hand like it killed his entire family. This thing is really dramatic to, I guess. 
But since you’re such a nice person, you place the flashlight on the ground, sitting next to it, and pointing it in the opposite direction of him. He smiles at your gesture, and takes a set in front of you, still keeping quite a lot of distance between the two of you. 
“Why can’t you be in the light?” 
His once brighter then life sharp teether smile fades, and once again you feel that gut churching feeling of guilt. Is there anything you can say in front of him without making him look like a wounded animal?
“It’s a long story... but basically, I got this witch mad, and she cursed me for life. Never to enjoy the sun again, and never to look like how I once did.”
“...Look like you once did?” You repeat back to him in question, and he nods his head.
“Yeah. I was human once.” Your eyes widen in surprise, and the creature grins. “I know, surprising, but it was a long... long time ago.”
You felt his sadness radiate to you. It was the most upsetting thing to hear that he only looked and lived like this because of a witch - Which by the way, witches are real. Who knew? His saddened expression, and the way he's looking at the ground makes you want to cuddle him up in your arms. Instead of doing something as weird as that, you become brave enough to place your hand on his shoulder. Feeling him jump in surprise as you do that. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”
The creature looks back and forth between your hand and your face. You think it maybe making him uncomfortable, so you take your hand off his shoulder. As soon as you do, he grabs onto you wrist and yells, “No!” Both of your eyes become wide, but for completely different reasons. “I-I mean... please don’t. I haven’t been...”
He doesn’t continue what he was going to say, but you understand immediately. The poor kid has probably been touch starved since he was left here by that witch. No one brave enough to talk or even be close to him. That’s why, less hesitant then before, you reach your other hand out and place it on top of his that’s still holding your wrist. His eyes widen again, and lets go of your wrist. You take ahold of his hand with both of your hands, then kiss one of his fingers that don’t have a long nail attached to it. The creature shivers, and you smirk when you see his face heat up scarlet. 
“What's your name, sweetie?” You ask as you massage his hand in your one hand, while the other one circled his wrist. You feel like the devil for what you’re doing, but after finding out he was once a human. he reminds you a lot of the types of guys you used to mess around with in high school. Ones that always sounded like-
Like that. Stuttering and cute as a button. 
You smile when you hear him say his name, and you don’t miss the higher pitch of his voice either. “Hi, Jimin.” You don’t miss how he shivers when you say his name, either. “My name’s Y/n.”
For the next week, you would visit Jimin every single day. You were only supposed to visit this trail for a week, and then move on to your next destination, but there was no way you were leaving him to go see some fountains in Canada. 
You know it’s stupid, even Hoseok told you it was when you talked to him on the phone again three days ago, but you couldn’t help it! Jimin was really starting to grow on you especially every time you grazed his hand. How he would act like you flashed him your tits. It was just so cute!
He was falling for you hard, you could tell too. Ever since you visited him in the cave a week ago, he would be waiting in this spot everyday for you. Continuing to blush and act like the most innocent little monster you’ve ever met… well, the only monster you’ve ever met but who’s counting?
You’re not sure when you turned into such a little devil around him, either. Getting so excited every time he became a little mess around you. Whether it was when you started laughing so hard around with him that your breasts bounced, making him run silent and follow the movements with his eyes. Or when you hugged him for the first time, pressing your body to him and feeling his reaction through his tight leather pants. With both occurrences, you felt this evil smirk rise on your face while watching him squirm in front of you. Him not understanding his own feelings and making you want to tease him... or teach him.
Today was the closest you ever got. Come to find out, although a witch cursed him to live a lonely life, she gave him a few exciting perks. One perk being his ability to conjure up some magic.
While the walls were sparkling with your camping lamp your brought - the one you found in your pack and was better for Jimin to not be blinded by the light - he showed you his abilities. Him wanting to impress you, and wanting you to look at him in that special way you have been doing lately.
With a flick of his wrists and wiggle of his nails, three white glowing butterflies puffed out of thin air. Your were in awe of the mystical butterflies you watched fly around the cave. One of them landing on your nose for a second and making you giggle.
Sadly, this little trick only lasted a few moments. The butterflies soon puffing into thin air, and leaving only your camping lamp as light.
“Is that how you’re able to see around the cave?” You ask Jimin, still staring at the place in the air the butterflies just disappeared from.
“Yeah… I guess the witch realized me being able to see in the dark was needed somehow.”
You look over at Jimin, watching his once cheerful face that was watching you swoon at his magic flip upside down into a upsetting frown. Your own once smiling face turning downwards at the sight. So, you do what you always did when the witch was brought up - you give your little touched starved monster some lovings. Grasping his hand gently, and watching a tremor course through his body when your soft skin touch’s his rougher palm. 
You smile apologetically at him, feeling bad about his situation that he can’t find a way out of. You asked him once if there was a way to reverse the curse that the witch casted on him, but he said he didn’t know any. The witch being someone he barely knew at the time even, and the only reason she cursed him was out of secret jealousy. You guess the witch had a crush on Jimin all those years ago, and when Jimin started maturing and getting closer to girls, instead of doing the mature thing and trying to talk to him, the young witch cursed him to a life of loneliness.
One thing you got out of that story: witches were indeed bitches. It’s been almost 10 years since that happened to him, and ever since then Jimin has been alone in this cave. That thought drove you to touch him further and cuddle up next to him, wanting to make the cave dweller feel loved somehow. You feel him shiver against you when your nose touches his neck as you lean on his shoulder. The reddening of the balls of his cheeks not passing by you.
You smirk, feeling mischievous as you always do when you see the cave dweller get nervous around you. Him glancing everywhere, but at you. “I guess the witch didn’t take in your other needs when she left you here either, huh?”
Jimin looks down at you on his shoulder, confused. Not understanding what your words mean or why your voice suddenly became hushed. When he sees the way your biting your lip, making your words more suggestive to his ears now, he blinked rapidly and felt his own face become redder in this dark cave. The heat burning him ever so slightly.
He swallows around the lump in his throat, digging his nails into the hard ground, but because they’re so sharp it cuts through the hard sand easily. You pick your head up off of his shoulder when you see his reaction. Not wanting to overwhelm him to much, but still smiling nonetheless. You start to look around, trying to change the subject since your mind stared thinking some very corrupted thoughts, but then you feel his hand squeeze yours. Making you look back at him and see the shy look in his eyes.
“You okay, Jimin?”
He looks everywhere but at you again, and is somehow able to answer your question with a few stuttering words. Even if the feel on your face in his neck still lingers. “Y-your skin… it’s…”
Unable to find the words he’s trying to form, he caresses your hand still in his hand with his thumb. Captivated by the soft feel your skin has against his own.
You grown a small smile, leaning closer while you quiet your voice as you speak, “Do you like the feel of me, Jimin?”
His name on your lips makes his stomach twist, and he squeezes the sand in his one hand instead of the one that’s holding yours. Feeling so sensitive to even your whispering of his name. Jimin couldn’t even believe it himself on how affected he was by you. It’s been so long since he last had a friend, and you being all female and fluid with your actions has been making him dizzy with hypersensitivity. On one but him being able to touch him for far too long, and he’s starting to understand the extent of what your small touches can do.
But he doesn’t hate it. He wants you to overstimulate him. Make him feel things he’s hasn’t in so long, and he doesn’t care if he ends up looking like a tomato because of it. To think, he almost lost you to his devilish - in a bad way - looks from the very beginning. His mean hisses and gruesome appearance making you frightened at first, but he’s glad that he built up the courage at the time to ask you to stay. To not run away like all the other people that only ever got a glimpse of him at the time, and running away from the sheer fear of what he could be.
You were the first to get to know him. Actually take interest in him, and want to find out what makes Jimin Jimin. Not just about the curse, but also what he used to love. How sitting out in the sun used to be his favorite thing, and how he has a ear for good music. Wanting to go back to the days where he could roam freely outside of this caves, but never having the ability to do so.
Jimin thinks the first time he realized he had real feelings for you, and not just the obsession with you touching him, was when you brought some headphone with you on your visit. The day after he told you his love for music, you let him listen to your own mixture of a playlist. Come to find out Jimin loves modern pop music, and seeing the way his eyes lit up when he heard the tunes for the first time had you amazed.
It may have seemed like such a trivial thing to people in the real world, but to Jimin in his little cave of a world it was everything. His heart palpating a little faster for you ever since. That was three days ago, and now he wants to experience more firsts with you. More firsts that he can’t even begin to comprehend.
That’s why, still a stuttering mess, Jimin lets out a breathless, “Yes,” to your question. Him wanting you to touch him as much as you are allowing it.
And you’re definitely allowing it today. You squeeze his hand in yours, watching his eyes light up when you pick up your other hand to inch it towards him. Your hand gently caresses his cheek, feeling his skin pebble under yours in goosebumps. Feeling a little darling, and maybe even mischievous, you inch closer to him. Tracing his nose with your own, and hearing Jimin’s breathing pick up in the process.
You don’t kiss his lips, you not being sure how he’ll react to that yet, but you do tease at the kiss. Lingering your lips so closely to his, while your other hand brushes his cheeks and goes down his neck that’s slightly exposed from his tight leather turtleneck. You start to wonder where Jimin got these clothes from, but that thought goes away when you hear Jimin let out a small moan. Your lips brushing the corner of his mouth when you move in a centimeter closer. 
You bite your lip, loving the sound he just made and how he’s practically vibrating in his seat now. His hand once digging into the sand has a fist full of it now. Grasping onto it for dear life as you continue with your teasing touches.
“So soft,” Jimin whispers in between the two of you, and if you weren’t so close to him you probably wouldn’t of heard it. Almost like his lips moved without him knowing and speaking the firsts words he thought of. You smile at his endearing compliment.
“Thank you, Jimin. You feel good too.” Jimin groans at the small praise. Somehow sounding so much more dirty in his innocent ears. “Do you want to feel even more good?”
It’s a dumb question, really. Of course Jimin wants to feel good, but it’s more of a question that is he ready for it? Ready to feel things he hasn’t been able to before. Nonetheless he enthusiastically nods his head at you.
You giggle at his enthusiastic response. Although you told yourself you wouldn’t do this no more then a moment ago, having Jimin in your arms like this is making you crave the same thing. To feel how his lips would feel against yours, and wanting to find out what he would do when you do it.
Tentatively, you slowly move in closer to him. Feeling his breathe fan your lips when he gasps and realizes what you’re about to do. You pause just when your lips were about to touch, and you look into Jimin’s wide eyes. So much innocence there. Dark eyes that you think were once brighter then the sun stare up at you. Seeming inpatient when you watch one of them twitch.
Then, you do it. You push your small pair of lips against his plump ones, and there’s an instant reaction from Jimin. A small moan being released into your mouth. He tastes like bark and sand, but his lips feel softer then clouds. Feeling a little good about how his lips feel against your own, but Jimin is on cloud 9 about yours. 
You taste like mint and sugar to him. Two things he hasn’t been able to taste in a long time. You feel so good against him, and not knowing how to express that besides staying still, he just let you take over. Thinking if he moves even a little bit, you’ll decide to detach your lips from his. But you don’t.
After a few seconds to let Jimin get the first little gentle tasting of you, you start to move against him. Inexperienced lips eventually move back with you, but you’re mainly taking the lead with how both of your lips are moving.
It isn’t until your tongue juts out to touch his bottom lip, that you feel the familiar vibration of excitement come from him along with a higher pitched moan that you swallow from him. Slowly, you allow your tongue to enter his mouth. Not touching his tongue yet with yours, but scrapping it across his shape teeth. The sharp surface making your head spin because you’ve never felt something so interesting that it gets your blood flowing against your tongue, and you can only imagine how Jimin is feeling.
Jimin is feeling fucking crazed. He’s dizzy by you still touching his hand and neck, but the way your lips are moving against him now has him melting. When he feels your tongue touch his lip, he can’t help but moan at the contact. Something so simple as a touch of tongues has him feeling as hard as a rock too. When your tongue touches his teeth, it makes him feel ecstatic. Knowing you’re not afraid of touching his sharp canines, and being so grateful to have met a girl like you.
When you feel Jimin start to slouch, his relaxed mind taking over for him, you touch your tongue against his. Besides just another moan his hands shoot you out of the sand - grasping onto your shoulders gently like he couldn’t help but want to touch you further in that moment.
After another moment has passed, you detach your lips from each other. Both of your lips feeling swollen, but you smile when you see how fucked out Jimin looks by just kissing. Him looking like he was just drenched by water because of how much he’s sweating.
“Did you like that?” You ask after another moment has passed, scrapping your nose against his like before.
Jimin breathes in as much air his lungs with allow, feeling like he hasn’t breathed the entire time your lips were in matrimony. Unable to speak now, he nods his head enthusiastically again for you. 
If Jimin wasn’t in love with you before, he sure is now. And what’s even better then that, you’re also starting to feel your heart grow a little bigger for the cave dweller.
Before you know it, a month has passed since you first met Jimin. In all honestly, you’ve never lived a more happier life before you met Jimin. While talking on the phone with Hoseok last, which was over a week ago now, you realized something detrimental to your life.
You always secretly wanted this.
Wanted a life filled around just one person. In a way, you’ve also been touch starved yourself. Maybe not by actual touching, but starved by having the sense of love from another person. That’s why you always loved the loners. Wanting to be around the people you felt needed you most. You just loved to feel needed, and right now, Jimin needs you more than ever.
That’s why, without thinking twice about it, you moved your whole life out here. To bum-fuck nowhere in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Renting a cabin from a nice family near by, and then telling you that you could stay as long as you want because no one had rented from them in years. It was cheap, and it gave you enough space to do what you needed there. You actually have a lot of money saved up, especially all the money you kept after your grandparents passed away. You being there only grandchild and actually giving a shit about them when they were alive gave you this perk.
It also didn’t matter where the cabin was or what it looked like. You only took it because it was less then five miles from Jimin’s cave, and cheap as fuck. You weren’t going to be spending much time in it, anyway.
Now, here you are, in the lap of a cave dweller that’s dick is as hard as a rock again from just kissing. You both have been in this position a lot since your first kiss. Both of you wanting to be consumed by each other in every way possible, and Jimin being surprised every time you let it happen. You’ve been taking the lead every time, which you didn’t care nor worry about, but this time it was Jimin who started the ritual of you two kissing.
All it took was you wiping some water after a drink from your flask off of your mouth, and his eyes were zeroed in on your movements. His own mouth watering when he watched you lick the corner of your mouth.
With a hesitating and stuttering, “C-can I kiss you?”
Skip to a couple minutes later, and now you’re straddling his legs, with his arms hesitantly wrapped around your back. Kissing like it’s both of your first times again. Which, no more then a month ago, it was Jimin’s first. That’s why you haven’t pushed him to far. Not wanting to overwhelm or push him to far off the ledge of his innocence.
But now you’re all for corruption at this point. It’s been so long since someone wanted you like this. Even if he was a cave monster, you want him just as much as he does you. Him asking for the kiss is all you needed to know he wanted you, not to mention the reactions he gives every time you still brush hands. But this was different. It wasn’t just his touch starved brain wanting you, he actually wanted you!
So now, your hands are buried in his dark locks, and you’re slowly rocking your hips back and forth. Loving it every time Jimin moans into your mouth when you brush his hard cock through his jeans with your thighs. You’ve been itching to touch that part of him. To see what this cave dweller has inside his tight pants, but you’re not sure how he would react to it.
Kissing and gentle rubs through the pants are one thing, but actually touching him there is different. You’re not sure if he’s ready for it too, but your mouth still waters every time you think about how’d he react when your mouth surrounded him for the first time.
You moan into his mouth at the thought, Jimin stiffening underneath you at the sound. You rarely make any noises besides the sounds of heavy breathing. Hearing you actually moan is a whole different experience for Jimin’s ears. He wants you to make that sound again. He wants to make you feel good. As good as you do for him, and that noise was the first indication that he somehow did just that.
Slowly, he detaches your lips from his. Not moving to far away because he barely can contain himself if he does. You frown at him, not wanting to stop what you were once doing, but the way Jimin is nibbling on his lips right now you know he didn’t stop for no reason.
“Um… y/n,” He says your name like he already doesn’t have your full attention.
Your crock you head to the side, worried that you may have pushed Jimin to far with your own dirty thoughts somehow. “Everything okay, Jimin?”
While looking in between the two of you, he nods his head. His face is getting redder by the second, and you’re starting to really worry about what’s bothering him so much. Before your mind can drift to what it could be, Jimin finds the confidence to ask, “C-can I touch you?”
You raise an eyebrow at him, confused. “We’re already touching, silly.”
You pet the back of his head to emphasize your words, and Jimin’s arm hairs stand on end at the tentative caress. “That’s not what I-…“ He huffs out a breathe, letting out his frustration for not knowing the words he wants to say. So he tries one more time like you taught when you realized he had this problem, “I want to - to-…”
He hovers his hand in front of you. Gesturing all around your body and making you have to figure out what he wants. You’re a patient person. You also had a gift for figuring out riddles, so figuring out what Jimin wants with small hints is usually quite easy for you.
You look at his hands, how there hovering over every part of you. Then you look at his face, seeing the frustration in his eyes, but also the way he bites his bottom lip in concentration.
After a few more agonizing seconds tic by for Jimin, you figure out what he wants with a smirk. “Jimin… do you want to touch me here?” You take your own hand, placing it on your breast.
Jimin nods his head fast, biting his lip so hard he can taste metal. “Want to make you feel good too.”
You bite your own lip, feeling a blush come on by his words. He doesn’t even know how sexy it is to hear those words come from him. How dirty they sound.
“Alright, Jimin,” Is the last thing you say before you take one of his hovering hands in yours, and press it against your breast through your thin shirt. Jimin quietly gasps, looking at the area his hand is resting, wide eyed. You find him so adorable sometimes, but right now having him hold you like this is making your own neither regions clench.
You love feeling his hand on you like this, and so does he - Clearly. Jimin starts by experimentally groping you breast, feeling you squirm a little on top of him. He glances up at you and sees the slight blush on your checks. He knows that’s how he gets when you touch a certain part of him he likes, so you must be feeling the same. It’s when his thumb caresses a bump peaking out from under your shirt, that he hears it again.
You moan into the quiet cave when his thumb rubs over your nipple. Not wearing a bra today was a good call because having him touch you like this is feeling amazing! Jimin then feels enough confidence to grab onto your other breasts, both of his thumbs rubbing your buds through your shirt at the same time. You arch your back from the ecstasy inducing feeling his hands are giving you, pushing your breasts further into his hands as you do so. You can’t help yourself anymore…
You roughly smash your lips back together, gripping onto the back of his neck to push his lips further onto yours. You both moan into each other’s mouths at the same time. You doing so because Jimin now knows what you like up top, so he keeps rubbing at your nipples. Jimin moans because you’re now roughly grinding down on him, wanting to create an even higher amount of friction than before.
Before you entered his life, he never found the need to touch himself. When it did come, before you entered his life, he would just ignore it until it went away. The feeling and need to touch his cock and cum. That feelings has been slowly nibbling at his resolve lately. Eventually breaking completely and making him fist his cock in his hand one morning after you left the cave…. that was yesterday…. But the feeling is still there, now.
He wants to be as intimate with you as possible, and have you against him instead of in his head while he cums. Maybe that’s why he found the courage to ask you to kiss him this time. Knowing what the extent of his pleasure is making him want to find that extent with you too. Having that feeling now as your core grinds against his dick through your clothing.
Your not satisfied with just grinding, though. You can’t wait anymore. You want to touch him for real, and the way Jimin is moaning into your mouth right now you don’t think it will be to much. Even if it is, you know he will tell you. He’s promised you numerous times before, that he would tell you if the touching gets to be too much, so you’re trusting that he would tell you to stop if he’s gets to overwhelmed.
You detach your lips from his, giggling at his inpatient groan because of it, and back up in his lap. Jimin watches you curiously, already craving to feel you on top of him again but being a good boy by remaining patient. It’s when your hand starts to unbuckle his pants that his eyes blow out wide, though.
“Y/n, what are you… are you..?”
Jimin doesn’t need to finish his question, because he get his answer the second you pull down his pants just enough to release him from the confides of his tight pants. Jimin wants to be embarrassed that you’re seeing him so exposed like this, but once you grab ahold of him, he’s knocking his head back against the cave wall and moaning louder then he ever has before.
You slowly pump Jimin’s cock in your hand, not trying to move to fast or to slow. All the while kissing his now exposed neck. Just like you expected, Jimin is acting stir crazy at your touches.
The way your hand is moving on him, circling his tip every now and then with your thumb, has Jimin seeing stars. He knew you would be so much better at this then him. His hands were sloppy and unsure when he touched himself, but your hands are determined and experienced. Each pump of his cock feeling better than the last. 
He wonders how many other guys you’ve done this to - been with in this way - but he pushes that thought as far away from his brain as possible. Not like the tickling of jealous it gives him, and how can he think about anything else, but your hand right now?
Jimin’s eyes are screwed shut. His long nails are diggings into the hard sand, and his sharp teeth are on full display as he hisses through his pleasure. You love this side of Jimin. The part of him that can’t control himself when he feels so good. It’s truly any amazing sight, and when you look down at his leaking cock that’s close to combusting you’re mouth waters. Wanting to taste him and have him cum in your mouth before he does it your hand. Which, by the looks of it, seems like it’s going to happen in the next few seconds.
You slow your hands movements down, moving your face closer to Jimin’s. When he looks back at you, finally opening his eyes, he almost cums right then and there. Seeing that look in your eyes does things to him. More than your little touches, and more then hearing you say his name in normal conversation. You’re just so pretty in his eyes, and the way you’re making him feel right now has him putty in your hands.
“Can I taste you, Jimin?“
It takes him a few seconds to understand what you mean, his inexperienced and oversensitive mind right now clouding his thinking, but once he watches you lick your lips his eyes widen even more. He never even thought about that before - what it would be like to have your mouth on him. His one other sexual experience with himself only had him imagining you touching him where you are now, so he’s not sure what it would feel like to have your wet... pretty... mouth surrounding him...
He makes a noise that sounds animalistic, but instead of shying away from it you start up stroking him again. Jimin flutters his eyes closed, trying to form words to your question but unable to because your hand just feels so good. Instead of saying anything, he just nods his head and then hangs it. Curious as to what it would feel like, and by the way your eyes light up when he agrees makes him think it’s anything but bad.
You bend your body over, your mouth centimeters from the tip of him. With one last look up at him, you take the tip of him in his mouth. The same animalistic noise is heard from Jimin again, but this time it sounds more monstrous. More beastly. Like you’re grinding down his control with your mouth alone. You don’t want him to keep his control, not while your mouth is on him.
So, you swallow him whole. Hearing a high pitched screech from above you as you do so. You know it could be considered a little mean to overwhelm him like this, but he did agree to it and there was no way he wouldn’t enjoy it.
Just like Jimin thought, it felt anything but bad. Feeling your wet mouth on him now is having him see stars again, but at the same time it makes his ears blow out. Only hearing white noise as your mouth slowly starts bobbing up and down on his length. It’s overwhelming, but in no way is Jimin going to stop you. It’s not like that. He wants this. He wants you.
You continue to bob your head on him slowly, enjoying the salty taste of his pre-cum on your tongue and hearing the moaning from above you. The vibrations of your own moan virberates across Jimin’s whole body. He’s feeling blood in his hands now because what was once filled with sand now it’s crushed in his palms, and making his nails hit his skin. There’s no pain to it, and truthfully he barely feels it. How can he feel anything else, but your mouth on him in this moment? Surrounding him fully, and making his mind feel cloudy with pleasure. 
The wetness of your mouth is making him slick, so you pick up speed especially when he starts to grow larger in your mouth. He was already close from your touches before, and your mouth now has him... has him...
Jimin feels it in his spine first. The feeling of pressure building and wanting to release all at once. He tries to warn you. Not knowing that you would secretly love to have him cum down your throat, but he also doesn’t have the capability to form words at this moment. So, he does the first thing he can think of when he starts to cum. He pulls you by your hair straight off of him. Cumming all over himself and keeping you as far away from the mess as possible. Not wanting to dirty you with his seed.
Jimin’s seeing fucking galaxies now as he cums. Still feeling your mouths essence on him like a ghost, and spurt after spurt is the result of that. It takes Jimin a good minute to finally stop cumming and come down from his high, but when he does he looks at you with an overall fucked out lock. He realizes then that he’s still holding onto your hair, and lets go of it. Combing his fingers through your hair next because he just can’t help himself. You’re all he sees and all he feels. You’re all he ever sees and ever feels, but right now it’s times a hundred!
You smile at your work, seeing Jimin look so out of breath and dizzy from pleasure, and giggle when Jimin’s sweaty fingers try to pet your hair back to normal. The pull of your hair was surprising, but it did send a thrill through you. A thrill that went right to your core and made your body heat up like furnace. You wondered what Jimin would say if you asked him to recuperate this pleasure for you, but you wiped that though away as soon as it formed. Looking at him now, he looks beyond exhausted and you think only one new feeling is enough for him today.
You gently put him back in his pants, then settle yourself in his lap again - making sure not to sit on his slowly declining length in his pants. You wrap your arms around his neck, and are elated to feel Jimin wrap his arms around your waist lazily. Jimin looks close to passing out, so you kiss him on the nose to spark some energy back into him.
“Did that feel good, baby?”
He hums at the nickname, smiling up at you. “So good… Sorry I pulled your hair.” He winces. “I just couldn’t tell you what was coming.”
You smile down at Jimin, happy that he cares enough about you to apologize for his roughness, but you also can’t help your chuckle that bubbles out of your chest. “It’s okay, Jimin.” You peck him on the lips. “Just next time, let it come.”
You wink at him, and watch him process your words.
Let it come…. Next time…
Jimin is once again staring at you wide eyed, and you’re laughing up a storm in his lap. Finding his innocence so adorable even after you just rocked his world with you hands and mouth.
Your little monster is in for a treat with you, and you can’t wait to teach him your other dirty tricks.
The End
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caelesjjk · 2 years
Wicked As They Come | myg
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⟶ title: Wicked As They Come
⟶ pairing: vampire!yoongi x reporter! f reader
⟶ genres/aus: supernatural au, vampire au, fake dating au, ceo au, romance, smut
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ wc: 10.7k
⟶ warnings: Yoongi is a bit mean but 😏, dom!yoongi, sub!reader, threats, dirty talk, mentions of blood, biting, blood drinking, blood play, a cheesy staircase scene, a shower scene, smut in the forms of: oral m & f receiving, unprotected sex, rough sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms
⟶ summary: you’ve been undercover at one of Min Yoongi’s many hotels in the city for the past week. you’re there because of the rumors that have been spreading regarding his vampire employees feeding off of his human guests. what you don’t expect to happen is Min Yoongi discovering your true intentions in his hotel and offering you a very interesting ultimatum: pretend to date the vampire CEO to help appeal to his human guests, or quickly find out just what kind of monster he can really be.
⟶ authors note: I know you all must be so surprised to see me posting since it’s been literal months lol. This fic is part of the To Love A Monster collab that I’m hosting with a bunch of really amazing writers. Please check out their fics as well! I have to give some big shoutouts here: M @here2bbtstrash, thank you for betaing what was obviously a mess and assuring me that it wasn’t complete trash, I so appreciate your help. Also to sav @jeonjcngkook who read it before it was even done to also assure me I wasn’t writing junk. And then to jai @gimmethatagustd for making this amazing banner all those months ago when I thought I wouldn’t procrastinate and get this done sooner lol.
I hope you all enjoy this, it’s mostly porn lol.
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You have been sneaking around his hotel for a week trying to put any weight behind the rumors that were circulating.
Min Yoongi was a vampire and a very powerful one. He owns almost every luxury hotel within 500 miles of the city. He employs vampires and humans in his hotels and none of the humans you had been talking to seemed afraid to be here. So why are there rumors the vamps are feeding off humans in his hotels?
You have been unable to find any evidence of the unapproved blood drinking. There is, of course, plenty of approved blood drinking. Humans are paid handsomely to volunteer their blood to the vamps and Min Yoongi almost made a show of how much he paid them.
Your last night in the hotel is supposed to be spent at a masquerade party being held downstairs in the grand room, but ever curious you decided to take a small detour past the kitchens. 
The dress you are wearing was sent to your hotel room with a note that simply stated “can’t wait to finally meet you tonight when you're wearing this.”
At first, you thought it was possibly delivered to your room by mistake. But the dress was exactly your size and fit like it had been made for you. You didn’t have a no clue who would have sent it, but you weren’t the type to turn down expensive gifts.
While taking your last minute detour past the kitchens, you hear something around the corner that quickly catches your attention.
“I don’t want you to if it’s going to hurt, Jimin.” A female voice says in a hushed whisper.
“I would never hurt you, princess. It’s going to feel so good,” a man with silver hair and a ridiculously pretty smile says to the female as you slowly peek around the corner. One of his hands strokes her cheek while the other holds her body against his.
“Do you promise?” Her voice trembles slightly and you’re immediately afraid for her. 
“Of course.” He leans down to kiss her and she seems to melt into him.
There are two things you are absolutely sure about at this moment. 
This man named Jimin is a vampire.
This girl is human and being coerced into letting this vampire bite her even though she is obviously terrified.
You watch as the vampire hikes up the girl's skirt, hitching her leg over his hip. You hadn’t noticed that he had removed his cock from his pants until you saw him slip inside the girl in front of him. 
You can’t look away, but an even bigger part of you wants to see more. She moans his name and Jimin praises her for taking him so well.
Was this really what they had been talking about? Were they talking about fucking and not him drinking her blood?
But while you were distracted by the scene in front of you, watching tears roll down the girl's face when Jimin slammed her back to the wall, you hadn’t realized that someone else was watching you. A hand covers your mouth and an arm wraps around your waist and lifts you off the ground.
“You aren’t supposed to be down here,” a deep voice says against the shell of your ear. You try to scream to no avail, flailing your head around trying to hit them in the face, but they’re too quick.
You keep fighting against them, even as you feel a needle pierce the skin of your neck and a scream leave the mouth of that poor girl around the corner.
“Time to wake up.” You feel someone grip your face in their hand to keep your head up. Your mind feels like a fog has settled inside.
“You probably gave her too much, Namjoon,” a voice says.
“Impossible. I never miscalculate a dose.” 
“Would you two please shut the fuck up,” a deep grumbly voice says from a little further away. “Open your eyes, little monster.”
You force them to flutter open, trying to focus on what’s in front of you through your blurry vision. 
“Where…where am I?” You start to move your limbs; your legs move fine, but your arms are handcuffed behind the back of the chair you’re sitting in. “What the fuck?”
“We need to talk about why you’ve been snooping around my hotel for the past week. And I suggest you not lie to me or I’ll kill you now.” A man dressed in a very expensive suit comes around the front side of the desk he was sitting behind and leans against it.
“If you already know, what’s the point in me telling you anything?” Your vision clears more as you focus on his face: long black hair smoothed back off his forehead and eyes that could see through your soul.
“Humor me.” His voice is suddenly at your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Is this how you treat all of your guests? Cuffing them to chairs and letting your employees drink their blood even though they’re terrified?” You glare at him as you speak. It didn’t take you long to realize that this man is Min Yoongi.
He laughs before placing his hands on the arms of the chair, leaning down until his face is level with yours.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, little monster.” His voice is low and his smirk is maddening.
“I’m calling the cops as soon as I get the fuck out of here. This is kidnapping.” You struggle against the cuffs to no avail. Yoongi leans down closer, his nose coming down to skim your throat and cause your body to freeze.
“I can smell it on you…the fear. Your heart is pumping too hard. It’s fucking divine.” His tongue ghosts along your skin and no matter how hard you try not to react, goosebumps appear after you shiver. “Does that turn you on, little monster? Knowing I could kill you…bleed you dry on my tongue?”
It does. God it fucking does. It’s so fucked up, but pain…pushing limits…a little bit of fear…you fucking love it.
“No.” You seethe through clenched teeth.
“Liar.” His words are hot against your ear before his inhuman speed takes him back to the other side of his desk in an instant.
“Bastard.” You cross your legs tightly and slump against the chair.
“You have a choice to make, Ms. ______.” Yoongi sits down in his oversized leather chair and leans back with his eyes on you. “I’m in need of a partner. A human one. Someone to make appearances with me and make it look convincing. I need the humans to book my hotels more often. You can either help me do that or I can kill you.”
“Gee, so glad you’ve given me so many options here,” you scoff.
“What will it be then?” His hand cards through his long hair but his attention stays on you.
You realize that this may give you an extra in for your article. You could have insider information about what’s going on in these hotels if you agree. Maybe this isn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened.
“Fine. I agree.” You know the smile on your face probably isn’t as convincing as you want it to be.
“Meet me back here tomorrow night to sign the contract.” Yoongi nods towards the vampires who have been lingering near the door and one of them comes forward to undo your cuffs.
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“What the hell? You’ve got an entire clause in this thing that says I can’t write any piece of journalism regarding what I see and hear at any time while or after the contract is up? That’s bullshit!” You toss the thick packet of paper back onto his desk.
“I’ll compensate you for any money your magazine would pay you for the article you were going to write about me.” Yoongi says, as if he’s bored to death as he scrolls his phone.
“How much compensation are we talking about here? Because the magazine I’m working for pays pretty decently for pieces like…” Your sentence is cut off by the sound of your phone dinging on the table. You pick it up to see Min Yoongi has deposited $20,000 into your bank account. You choke, almost throwing your phone when you see the number. “You can’t be serious.”
“Now that your compensation is dealt with, is there anything else in the terms you want to discuss?” Namjoon says, steam practically pouring out of his ears. He turns to his boss next. “Or is there any more money you would like to just throw around?” 
You glare at Yoongi, his eyes never leaving you as you reach onto the table and pick the packet of papers back up. He smiles, poking the tip of his tongue against one of his fangs.
Flipping through the rest of the contract, it occurs to you that one thing was never mentioned throughout that ridiculously long document.
“There’s nothing about sex in here.” You skim through a few pages again and Namjoon nearly chokes.
“Should there be?” Yoongi says with amusement in his voice.
“I just assumed…” 
“If you want me to fuck you, little monster, we don’t need a contract for it. Just say that’s what you want.” He leans over the desk, his elbows resting on it.
“Obviously I don’t.” You cross your legs and pretend to look through the contract more.
“Get out,” Yoongi says, black eyes still staring at you.
“Excuse me?” You’re about to go off before he cuts you off.
“Not you.” He turns his eyes to Namjoon who was apparently pretending there was something more interesting on his phone. “You. Get out of my office.”
“Asshole,” Namjoon mumbles as he shoves his chair back and, quicker than any human ever could, rushes out of the door and leaves it slamming behind him.
“What is your problem? Why did you tell him to leave?” 
“My problem is that you’re lying to me. So I’ll give you one last chance to tell the truth. Do you want to be fucked?” He starts to loosen the tie around his neck while standing up slowly from his desk.
“Why do you assume that I want you to fuck me?” Your mouth feels dry as you grip the arms of your chair.
“Does your cunt usually get ridiculously wet when you don’t want to be fucked?” He stops in front of you, the silky black neck tie sliding between his long fingers.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“No? So if I got my fingers between your legs I wouldn’t find you dripping?”
“It wouldn’t be because of you.” You tighten your jaw and lift your nose slightly into the air in defiance. “Maybe I thought your lawyer was hot.” 
Yoongi has never looked more wicked than he does at this moment. It’s like any kind of mask he was wearing to hide the monster has slipped away, his eyes suddenly the color of blood and fangs elongated while he grips the arms of the chair you’re sitting in, crushing them in his hands. The suddenness of it all makes you yelp in surprise.
“Don’t forget who you’re talking to with that smart fucking mouth, little monster.” One of Yoongi’s hands lifts from the rubble of the chair arms so he can drag a finger up your chest. Even without his inhuman abilities, you know he can hear your heart.
You should be terrified. You are terrified. But you should be trying to get away. Fight him off of you. But you just want more. Want him to bend you over his desk and show you the monster he can truly be.
His wandering finger makes its way over your pulse thrumming in your neck, making him groan low and deep in his chest. But he doesn’t stop there; he keeps his torturously slow pace until the finger is resting on your chin just beneath your lips.
“Open,” he demands, the red of his eyes slowly retreating back to their normal dark color.
You decide not to argue this time, parting your lips just enough for him to slip his finger into the hot cavern of your mouth.
“Suck, little monster, like it’s my cock I know you’re dying to choke on.” He presses the long digit against your tongue, tilting his head to the side as he watches your lips wrap around his finger.
You suck gently at first, running your tongue along its length until you can taste the metal of the very expensive ring on his finger. You lift your eyes to meet his, desperate to see how it’s affecting him.
“You can do better, can’t you, beautiful?” His other hand cups your chin and tilts it up more before he pulls his finger from your mouth. “Well?”
You watch as he leans against his desk, spreading his legs slightly as he presses his palms to the top of the dark wood.
It only takes you a moment to realize what he’s suggesting, and then you’re sliding from the leather chair you’re sitting in down to your knees on the floor in front of him. You can tell he’s half hard already when you come face to face with his crotch.
“This doesn’t mean anything.” Your voice sounds strained and unfamiliar. Yoongi smirks, a small laugh slipping out.
“Don’t worry, little monster. Out there you can be my well put together princess. But here, you’re my whore.” He growls the last part, one of his fangs poking into his bottom lip as he watches you undo his belt and zipper.
You hate how hard your pussy clenches at his words. How much you’re craving exactly what you’re getting. It’s stupid. So, so stupid.
Running your hands up his thighs, you slip your fingers into the band of his underwear and pants, sliding them down to free his waiting cock. And of course it’s perfect. His cocky demeanor is well backed up by the size of the dick in your face alone. Your mouth waters.
“There will be plenty of time for you to gawk, but right now you should really start sucking.” His fingers lace into your hair and lightly grip at the back of your head. You roll your eyes at him, but take his cock into your hand anyways.
His skin is cool to the touch but still flushed as you stroke him. A hum of approval comes from above you. You look up again, taking him into your mouth and making sure to hold eye contact as you do.
Your tongue swirls around him while your head bobs slowly up and down his long shaft. His grip in your hair tightens each time you take him a little deeper into your throat.
“Good girl, fuck,” Yoongi groans, grabbing the bottom of his button up shirt and pulling it up to his chest so that he can see everything that you’re doing.
Closing your eyes for a moment, you let your throat relax and take him all the way down until your nose presses against his lower stomach. The groan you receive in return is nothing short of delicious.
“I could tell from the moment I saw you watching Jimin fuck that girl downstairs that you were going to be the sweetest little slut.” He grips your hair hard, making you yelp around his cock. “And I was so fucking right.” Yoongi uses your hair as leverage to start rocking his hips and fucking into your mouth.
This is exactly what you want. You want him to use you and say dirty things. Your pussy has been clenching around nothing and dripping all over your thighs the entire time. You open your mouth as wide as you can and let him corrupt your throat, holding on to the backs of his thighs for dear life.
“How badly do you want my cum, little monster?” His voice is breathy and full of lust.
Unable to answer him with your mouth occupied, you slide your hands up to his ass cheeks and dig your nails in, making him jolt further down your throat. God you want it so badly.
“Fuck, that’s so good. So fucking good.” Yoongi releases his grip on your hair and lets you bob your head up and down him again to finish him off. 
You bring a hand around to stroke him in tandem with your mouth, squeezing at the head on each upstroke. You watch above you as his head finally falls back with a loud moan, his hand on the back of your head to hold you down as he cums down your throat.
He didn’t have to hold you there, you were gladly going to take it all, but it’s obvious this vampire loves control. So you continue to suck softly until he’s finished and pulls his cock from your lips.
You take in a deep breath when he releases you, falling forward slightly but catching yourself on your hands.
“Let me see,” Yoongi grumbles.
“See what?” you say, out of breath. He doesn’t answer, simply grabs your chin and yanks you back up to look at him. 
“Open your mouth,” he demands and you obey. “Good girl. I like to see that it’s all been swallowed down your perfect throat.” He releases your chin, extending his hand for you to take to help you up.
As you stand on wobbly legs, you’re surprised by the sudden gentleness from the man who was fucking your throat raw just moments ago. Yoongi helps you straighten your clothes and then moves on to his own, fixing his pants back into place as if the whole thing hadn’t just happened.
“Are you going to put sex in the contract now?” you ask, genuinely curious. Yoongi laughs quietly as he rounds the other side of his desk.
“If you’d prefer it be in writing I can have Namjoon add it in.”
“That…might be best.” You don’t know why. Maybe to give yourself the illusion that this isn’t something you’re more than willing to do.
“As you wish.” He sits back in his chair and watches as you head for his door. “And little monster?”
“Yes?” You almost jump at the sound of his voice again.
“A member of my staff will be taking you shopping and helping you get settled into my penthouse in the next few days.” 
“Your penthouse? I don’t remember living together being in the contract.”
“We have to make this as believable as possible. And I want to keep you close.” He opens his laptop, ignoring the surprised look on your face.
“Possessive much?” You glare at him, arms crossing over your chest. He hums with a smirk.
“Only when it comes to things that are mine.” His words send a shiver down your spine, and in that moment you aren’t sure if it’s out of lust or fear.
You don’t respond further, slipping out of his office so that you can breathe again.
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“Was all of this truly necessary?” you ask.
“Yoongi said you were to get everything you wanted.” Jungkook shrugs his shoulders as he types into his phone.
Jungkook had come to your hotel room three days after you’d left Yoongi’s office. He’s apparently Yoongi’s assistant, and lucky for you, is much friendlier than his boss. He had other staff collect your things from your room and take them to Yoongi’s penthouse before rushing you out the door to shop.
“Yes, but you literally bought everything I even glanced at twice.” There are bags covering the entire floor of the elevator you’re riding up in, and the hotel attendants will be bringing tons more up from the car.
“Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy being the spoiled brat that you are for a few months,” Jungkook teases, making you roll your eyes with a laugh.
The elevator dings, signaling your arrival at the very top floor of the hotel. Your stomach twists as the thought of living here with Yoongi finally dawns on you. This is a ridiculous idea.
“Welcome home!” Jungkook shouts, scaring you for a moment. 
You step out into the entryway of the penthouse, immediately overwhelmed by the beautiful set up. The entire far wall is windows, of course: it wouldn’t be a penthouse without ceiling to floor windows. But the way the sun is setting outside is breathtaking to see from this high up.
You move a little further inside, taking in the black leather couches and oversized fireplace in the living room area. Fur carpets cover the dark wood floors and abstract pieces of art sit on almost every table. 
It’s an open concept, the kitchen taking up the other half of the first floor. Though you aren’t sure why a vampire would need a kitchen with their…special diet. It has lights that drop down low from the ceiling and a huge island with tons of seating. Does Min Yoongi enjoy entertaining guests? You can barely imagine it.
“Boss should be back soon. Want me to wait with you?” Jungkook says, still typing away into his phone. He’s rather sweet for a vampire.
“I’ll be fine, Jungkook.” You give him a small smile as you wrap your arms around yourself. “And thank you for today.”
“My pleasure. You’ve got my number, anything you need just give me a call.” He looks up at you, then inhumanly fast is out the door. How will you ever get used to that?
You decide to look a little closer at the kitchen, letting your fingertips ghost over the black marble countertops. Making your way to the fridge, you open its huge doors to find it fully stocked with food.
“What the fuck?” you mumble to yourself. Why did he need all of this food? 
Before you close the doors, a bottle of wine on the top shelf catches your eye and you grab it before spinning around to face the kitchen island and search for a corkscrew.
What you don’t expect to see is Min Yoongi standing on the other side of the island, watching you carefully.
“Holy shit!” you screech, your heart lurching in your chest. “Can you please make some noise when you enter a room? Jesus.”
“Making yourself at home, little monster?” He smirks, likely loving the fact that you almost had a heart attack.
“I was just looking around.” You sit the bottle of wine down and lean over the counter, resting your elbows on the marble. “Is that okay?” You know that your cleavage is pushed up by the way you're bent over and you definitely did it on purpose.
“You’re welcome to look around.” He drums his long fingers against the countertop. “I’ve got nothing to hide from you.” You scoff.
“No bodies hidden in the closets? A coffin in your bedroom perhaps?” You reach up and carefully take a wine glass down from the rack hanging above the kitchen island.
“This isn’t the dark ages, little monster. The sun being a problem for vampires is something of the past.” He shrugs out of his suit jacket and drapes it over the chair next to him.
“It seems vampires evolve very quickly.” You say it casually, hoping he will spill information that most humans don’t know; information that you can use when you write an article exposing everything about them.
“Curious little thing, aren’t you?” He loosens his tie while slowly stalking towards you around the counter.
“It’s my job to be curious.” You try to pretend that him coming closer doesn’t affect you by pouring the wine into the glass you retrieved.
“Do you think you’re going to find a loophole in my contract? Something that would allow you to write your article? Foolish…” Yoongi wraps his tie around his palm and continues his slow movements towards you. Your stomach tightens, wondering when he’s going to get sick of you and kill you where you stand.
“We don’t need to talk about the article. It’s obviously not happening.” You take a drink, the sweet white liquid enticing your taste buds.
“Your heart gives you away.”
“What?” You’re taken aback by his words, taking them in a way he didn’t mean.
“It’s picked up speed. Almost a thrum. You’re lying…but that’s okay. You want to be brave, then go ahead. But I’m not your enemy, little monster.” He moves too quickly for a moment, coming too close all at once, causing you to drop your wine glass on the floor.
The glass shatters against the tile floor, the wine spreading out and filling into the space between the tiles. You don’t even think about your next move, bending down and immediately starting to pick up the shards of glass. 
“Sorry…” you start to say, nicking your palm on a piece of glass in your rush to scoop them up. “Fuck, that hurts. Could you hand me a rag?” You don’t look up at first, but when Yoongi doesn’t say anything, you get impatient. 
What you see is the monster you know you shouldn’t want so desperately.
His eyes are red and raging as he grips the counter top with one of his hands, the marble starting to crumble between his fingers.
“Get the fuck up.” Yoongi struggles but manages to get the words out between gritted teeth.
“What?” You scoot back across the floor, trying to put space between you. You watch as his hands shove into his hair, pulling at the long black strands as he makes pained groaning noises at the floor.
With that inhuman speed, Yoongi leans down and grabs your wrist, blood still leaking from the cut on your palm. The grip on your wrist is so hard you’re afraid he might break your bones.
“Yoongi, you’re hurting me. Let go,” you practically whimper as he drags you up from the floor and shoves you against the side of the island. “Stop. Please don’t…” 
You know that if he wanted to kill you, he would have by now. He could have drained you dry and no one would ever know to even look for you here. But the fear makes you feel alive. It makes your heart hammer and your pussy clench. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Yoongi grabs your wrist again, making you yelp in surprise. He stares at it for a moment, intently watching your blood slide down your skin. He closes his eyes before making his final decision.
You decide to close your eyes too, not sure if you want to see what could happen next.
To your surprise, what you feel is the warm, wet muscle of his tongue licking along the inside of your wrist up to your palm. Your eyes shoot open immediately, meeting his ruby colored orbs.
“I want to kill you,” he whispers against the skin of your wrist, lapping at the blood once more.
“I know,” you whisper back.
“Why does that make your pussy wet, little monster?” He smiles wickedly before his lips attach to the cut on your palm, sucking gently. You can’t help the moan that slips past your lips as you watch your blood coat his mouth and run down his chin.
“I…I don’t know.” You reach out with your other hand to grab onto his shirt and anchor yourself to something.
“All of that insolence seems to disappear when your pussy is getting what it wants.” He licks one more long stripe up your wrist before he pulls away, his eyes in the beginning stages of returning to their normal dark.
“You haven’t given me anything that I want.” You yank your wrist out of his hold, rubbing at the bruise marks already appearing. Yoongi rolls his eyes, grasping your shoulders and turning you around to walk you towards the sink. He turns on the water and motions for you to put your hand underneath it.
You turn your back to him, washing your hand under the warm water until it seems to stop bleeding heavily. You start to reach for a towel before you feel his chest against your back, his arms suddenly caging you against the counter in front of the sink.
“Why don’t you tell me what it is you want then, hm?” His breath against your ear sends a shiver down your spine. “I can smell every bit of desire between your legs.” His knee comes up between your legs, making you brace yourself on the counter at the sudden pressure he’s putting against your pussy.
“Touch me…and don’t stop.” Your body shakes in anticipation. Yoongi chuckles in your ear, his tongue finding the lobe.
“You’ll take what I give you…and you’ll be fucking grateful.” His sharp fangs nip at your ear and cause your ass to press harder into his crotch. You don’t care what he wants to give you at this point, you’re too desperate.
“Please,” you whine.
“I’m feeling benevolent this evening…you sucked my cock so well the other day that I may even let you cum.” He presses his cock against your ass before pulling away from you all together.
“Asshole.” You scowl as you turn around to face him. Yoongi merely looks amused.
“I’m still hungry, little monster. Get on the counter.” He pats the marble top with his hand while he undoes the top few buttons of his shirt with the other.
“Are you always going to ask so many questions or are you just going to fucking listen?” He cards a hand through his long raven colored hair and sighs, drenched in annoyance.
“Fine.” You roll your eyes, walking towards him where he stands by the kitchen island. Before you even have a chance to call him more names, he’s grabbing you by the hips and practically tossing you onto the counter. “Fuck, Yoongi, can you try not to break me?” 
“Where's the fun in that?” He smirks, coming to stand between your thighs, your face just above his from this height. “I think you may even beg me for it.” His voice is low, a rumble in his chest as he watches your face.
You want to reach up and push some of the stray hairs away from his face. But that would mean you have some kind of affection towards this vampire and you can’t let that happen. It’s almost painful to keep your hands at your sides.
“Get on with it then.” Your lips just barely ghost his when you speak, yet another thing you have to keep yourself from wanting.
Too quickly, your back is suddenly pressed against the cold marble countertop when Yoongi grabs your thighs and pulls your ass to the edge. You yelp when his lips press to the inside of your thigh. 
“Maybe the human men you’ve slept with like that smart mouth of yours, little monster.” He shoves your skirt up over your hips, long fingers immediately finding your slit over your panties. “But me? It makes me want to devour you.”
You moan and don’t hold back the sound, shivering when you feel his fangs pressing against your skin. He sucks a trail up your thigh, leaving small blossoms in his wake. When you feel his tongue languidly slide over the outside of your panties, you almost come undone right there.
“Please don’t tease me anymore. I’m so wet already.” He licks at you again before raising his head to look at you. 
“Be a good girl and take what I give you.” His hand reaches between your thighs and, with no effort at all, rips your underwear from your body in a single motion.
You don’t have time to be snarky again before his face is buried in your pussy. Your back arches off the counter, fingers gripping at the marble to no avail.
The long muscle of his tongue swirls around your clit before expertly diving back down inside you, licking up every bit of wetness that leaks from you. The world feels as if it’s tilting on its axis, that feeling of falling clouding your mind when you start to feel the urge to cum after such a short period of time.
“You’re going to give me at least three, so stop holding back and let me have what’s mine.” The rough grumble of his voice vibrates straight to your core as the pad of his thumb strokes your clit and his tongue disappears back inside you.
“Oh fuck,” you whine, chest heaving as your first orgasm wracks through you like a hurricane on a path of destruction with no end in sight.
“Your cum tastes almost as good as your blood, little monster. Again.” His long fingers slide inside you easily as your body shakes from being over-sensitive.
“Feels so good.” Your hands take on a mind of their own and make their way into the long, messy strands of his hair, gripping at the roots and pulling him closer.
“Greedy.” Yoongi sucks harshly on your clit, letting it pop from between his lips before he soothes it with his tongue.
“Asshole,” you moan, feeling your second orgasm hurtling towards you. Yoongi laughs quietly against the inside of your thigh.
“You like the pain. Stop pretending that you don’t.” He nips at your skin with his fangs, making you flinch. “You just gushed on my tongue.”
“I can’t go again, Yoongi. I need to stop.” You can feel sweat dripping from your forehead, your skin hot to the touch.
“You can and you will.” His arms wrap tightly around your thighs and yank you back to the edge of the counter, your sweaty skin squeaking across the surface.
Your body is telling you to scream. The pleasure and the discomfort are dancing a fine line and your head is absolutely swimming. You begin to think that you may not live through this when his mouth is back on your abused pussy.
Yoongi throws your legs over his shoulders and licks deeper than he had been before, the bottom half of his face drenched in everything leaking from you through the past two orgasms.
“Bite me,” you beg. You know if he bites you that it will intensify everything you feel, but also bring the possibility that the monster consuming your pussy kills you.
Yoongi practically rips himself from you, his breathing ragged and rushed.
“Don’t ask for things that you don’t understand.” His long fingers find your swollen clit while the other hand swipes across his mouth.
“Please…please I can’t cum again without it.” Tears start to slip down your face.
“I could kill you. It would be so fucking easy.” His eyes start to turn red, the crimson bleeding into his dark irises.
“It’s worth the risk, isn’t it? Please…” You’re so desperate you have no idea what you’re saying. Yoongi scoffs.
“You really are a little monster, aren’t you?” Yoongi smiles, his fangs elongating. Your heart beats so fast, somewhat with fear but mostly with the anticipation of what you’ll feel when he bites you.
In a flash, the vampire between legs is sinking his teeth into the inside of your thigh. You gasp, all the air leaving your lungs as your eyes fly open, the light fixtures on the ceiling blurring. You grab at your breasts when a sudden flood of heat starts to spread through your entire body.
Your body jolts when Yoongi takes the first long drag of your blood into his mouth. He moans at the taste, his hands gripping your hips in a bruising hold. 
Another long pull of blood floods into his mouth and you start to see stars. Yoongi moves one hand back to your pussy, his fingers gathering wetness and spreading it up to your swollen clit. 
“Yoongi…” You’re so light headed you aren’t sure if you can keep your eyes open much longer. Yoongi rips his mouth from your thigh, his chest heaving, blood dripping off his chin and down his neck where it stains the white collar of his shirt.
“Good girl. You’re doing so well, baby.” He pushes you back further onto the counter before climbing onto it himself. 
You can feel the warmth of your blood coating your skin on your thigh, but the only other thing you’re desperately aware of is him. Him and the way he rips your dress off your body as if it wasn’t extremely expensive and brand new.
“I’m so close.” Everything between your legs aches but your greedy body still wants more.
“I’m going to keep you, little monster. You’re mine now.” He licks the inside of your thigh, dragging his tongue through the blood. “Say it.”
“Yours,” you sigh, his fingers gathering up the blood on your skin and spreading over one of your breasts.
“I’ll make you cum now, little monster. Good girls get what they need.” His sinful mouth attaches to your breast, licking and sucking the blood. 
You arch up from the counter top, pushing your breast further into his mouth and spreading your legs wider when his fingers make their way back inside you, petting your walls and stroking your g-spot until he’s making you cum again. 
Your cheeks are wet from tears and your body is weak from losing blood and orgasming a ridiculous amount of times. But somehow you manage to sit up on your elbows when Yoongi slides back off of the counter, wiping his mouth and licking his fingers clean of your juices and blood.
“You’re quite divine, even if you constantly test my patience.” He puts a hand out for you to take. When you do, he helps you down from the counter. “Let’s shower.”
“You want to shower with me?” Your legs wobble as you stand and Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“I need to make sure you don’t collapse while you’re in there. Don’t overthink it.” He looks around at the floor still covered in glass and the countertop covered in your blood. “I’ll have someone clean this up while we get you cleaned up.”
“Is it a normal occurrence for the cleaning staff to casually clean up blood?” You stumble a bit when you try to take a step. Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“So many questions.” 
“You could’ve picked any human to be your fake girlfriend, I’m sure there are plenty of them that wouldn’t ask questions.” You take another wobbly step. Yoongi sighs behind you, moving too fast for your eyes as he scoops you up into his arms. Your eyes have no time to adjust before you’re in the bathroom.
“Don’t make me regret that decision, little monster,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, carefully sitting you down onto a chaise lounge chair.
“Why is this here?” you ask, hands sliding over the soft material.
“Perhaps I’ll show you some time.” He smiles wickedly, turning away from you to turn on the water inside the giant shower. Water pours down like a waterfall from the ceiling.
You take a moment to appreciate the incredible shower before your eyes find Yoongi again, his fingers still stained with your blood nimbly beginning to unbutton his shirt and revealing the smooth planes of his chest and stomach. It’s the first time you’ve really had a moment to appreciate the details of his body.
Your eyes fall on the crotch of his pants, still tented and tight.
“Do you want me to…” you motion towards his obvious hard on.
“No. Not tonight.” He holds out his hand for yours again. “Come here.” You let him wrap his fingers around yours, helping you to your feet. He makes sure that you’re steady before walking you into the shower.
Yoongi stands back, watching you walk under the steaming waterfall and removing his pants as he does. He commits the shape of your body to memory, eager to continue defiling it every chance that he gets.
You don’t hear him approach, your skin merely explodes in goosebumps when the cool skin of his hands and arms wraps around your torso from behind you. His face finds the crook of your neck, lips seeking out your throat and up to your jaw. It’s surprisingly…soft.
“Does it hurt?” he murmurs against your ear, fingers ghosting at your lower stomach. Cool lips kiss your shoulder.
“Just sore.” You turn your head and meet his eyes when he lifts his head. “I’ll be fine.”
Looking at him in that moment makes you suddenly realize that you’ve never kissed Yoongi. Maybe he wants it that way. Kissing is intimate and this is supposed to be an arrangement with no feelings involved.
He looks at you a moment longer before he clears his throat, his arms leaving your body as he kneels down in front of you.
“What are you doing?” Your eyes widen.
“Relax, little monster. I’m going to make it better. Hold onto my shoulders.” He waits until you do as he asks before he carefully lifts your legs, turning your inner thigh towards his face. 
Blood still slowly seeps from the puncture wounds he left behind, bruises forming around them. Yoongi looks up to meet your eyes once more, holding them as he sticks out his tongue and presses it to your thigh, swiping up the blood before he drags it over the punctures. 
Shivering at the feeling, you watch as the bite marks seal themselves closed and the bruising quickly fades from your skin. It’s as if nothing had ever happened.
“That trick must get a lot of attention at parties.” You try to laugh at your own joke, but you’re honestly so taken aback by what just happened in front of you. Yoongi smiles, a real one that you aren’t sure you’ve seen until now.
“Vampire venom has healing properties. I’m not a fan of the idea of you being uncomfortable in any way.” He presses a kiss to your thigh, then stands from the shower floor.
He helps you wash your body and hair, rubbing your scalp and shoulders until you almost fall asleep standing up. 
“Come to bed.” You suddenly realize that you’re no longer in the shower, but in Yoongi’s bedroom, a fluffy black towel wrapped around your body.
“Why am I in your room?” you ask, confused.
“Because you’re sleeping in my bed. With me.” He throws back the comforter and pats the mattress. “In the bed, little monster.”
“Why am I sleeping in here? Surely you have spare rooms in this ridiculously big penthouse.” The idea of Yoongi wanting you to sleep in bed with him feels strange.
“Of course there are, but you’re staying in my room. Stop asking questions for the night, I beg you.” He rubs his temple as he walks towards his closet, reappearing a literal second later with sleep pants on. “Sleep in this if you want.” He tosses a tshirt towards you and you barely manage to catch it.
“But I don’t…” you start to protest again and Yoongi is suddenly in front of you, his hand covering your mouth. 
“I want you to sleep in here. You’re mine and that’s all the explanation I’ll be giving you. No. More. Questions.” When you nod in understanding, he slowly moves his hand down and holds your jaw. “Get into bed.”
You nod again and he releases you, walking around to the other side of the bed. Yoongi settles with his back against the headboard, watching as you drop your towel and slip on the T-shirt he had given you.
“Are all vampires as possessive as you?” You glare at him playfully as you climb into the bed.
“What did I just say about questions, _____?” He throws his hands up in the air.
“Fine. Goodnight.” You dramatically grab the comforter and pull it over you, turning to face away from him. You hear him laugh quietly before the bed shifts once more and sleep grabs hold of you faster than it ever has.
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Weeks go by.
The arrangement becomes easier and easier to do. 
Yoongi brings you to parties and meetings and formal dances, dressing you up in the most gorgeous and expensive outfits. He gets you anything that you want and all you have to do is talk about how amazing he is to all of his human investors and guests.
He keeps you close, doesn’t let you wander too far. His cool hand is always at the small of your back. 
The possessiveness is something you thought you would find annoying. He explained it’s just in a vampire's nature to be that way. But it’s easy to just let it happen when deep down, you love it.
God there really is something wrong with you.
Yoongi being possessive, however, is not the biggest problem you’ve had over the last few weeks. The problem is that he refuses to fuck you.
There’s plenty of other things to keep the edge off. Using his mouth to possess you in an entirely different way. He buries his face between your legs every chance that he gets. In his office…on top of his desk…in every dark corner he can find. You repay the favor when he lets you, letting him use your throat as his own personal fuck toy. But it isn’t enough, and he brushes you off every time you try to bring it up.
Tonight is an extremely important night. Yoongi is throwing a party to celebrate the grand opening of his newest hotel. There will be hundreds of people in attendance that need to be impressed. 
“Are you almost ready?” Yoongi’s deep voice startles you as you stand in front of the vanity mirror in his bathroom.
“Just finishing up.” You pop in your second very large emerald earring before picking up the matching necklace. It’s the heaviest piece of jewelry you’ve ever felt.
“Can I help with that?” He comes to stand behind you, holding out his hand for the necklace.
“Thanks.” You carefully place it in his palm and turn back to the mirror, watching his face intently.
“You understand how important this night is, don’t you?” His breath tickles the back of your neck as he speaks. “How badly I need it to go well?”
“I know.” His eyes meet yours in the mirror as he carefully brings the chain around your throat.
“Good girl.” His lips meet your shoulder, pressing a too-soft kiss to your already heated skin.
“You’re going to have to talk eventually.” Your eyes fall shut when his hands come around and cup your breasts from behind.
“I find it amusing that you think I owe you any kind of explanation for what I do or don’t do to you, little monster.” He pinches your nipples through the thin material of your dress, making you hiss through your teeth and lean further into him.
“Just tell me why you won’t fuck me, Yoongi. It’s been weeks.” You grind your ass against his growing erection.
“We’ll discuss this later. The car is waiting downstairs.” A scrape of his fangs across your shoulder before the feeling of his body against your back is gone.
“Asshole,” you grumble, straightening your dress and smoothing any hair that may have moved out of place. 
He waits for you at the top of the stairs, offering his hand to help you walk down them in your heels. You brush past him, taking on the challenge unassisted and making Yoongi scoff.
The universe has other plans for you though, not allowing you even a single moment of holding your head up high before you trip on the edge of one of the stairs. It happens so quickly that you don’t even have time to make a sound.
There are arms abruptly wrapped around you, too quick for your human eyes to make sense of. The next thing you know, your back is being shoved against the railing, bent, with a vampire looming over you, his nose pressing to yours while his lips ghost just above you.
“Do you have a death wish, little monster?” Yoongi whispers, his hold on you tightening.
“I’m sorry…that was so…” You can’t think straight, let alone comprehend what just happened.
“Stupid? Yes, so very stupid.” One of his hands leaves your back and makes its way into your hair, pulling the strands to make you look up at him. “Do not ever endanger yourself that way again. I can’t be around all the time to keep you alive.”
“Okay.” You nod, lips brushing his in the motion. You shudder at their cool sensation. But when you move to try and kiss him, he immediately pulls back.
“Come on. We’re late.” When he offers his hand this time, you take it, letting him usher you into the penthouse elevator and down to the lobby. His bodyguards get the two of you into the car in a blur.
Yoongi doesn’t say a word in the car. He doesn’t even look at you the entire way to the new hotel. It’s fucking infuriating.
Once inside the hotel, you immediately grab a glass of champagne off of a passing tray, downing it quickly before you feel the familiar pressure of Yoongi’s hand on your lower back.
“Easy, little monster,” he says lowly. You roll your eyes, plastering on a fake smile and joining him to talk to some very rich humans.
“I don’t think we’ve met.” A tall man in a pristine suit and glasses says when you join them. He is incredibly handsome.
“Taehyung, this is my girlfriend, Y\N. Y/N, Kim Taehyung. He’s giving me a hard time about investing in my hotels.” Yoongi’s fingers gently stroke your bare back exposed from your dress. 
“Girlfriend? A human?” Taehyung asks curiously.
“100% human,” you laugh, nervously gesturing towards yourself.
“Wouldn’t have imagined such a pairing. Especially for you, Yoongi.” Taehyung sips his whiskey, his eyes staying on you even as he speaks to Yoongi. You’re too busy trying to laugh at everything he says to notice the way Yoongi’s jaw tightens.
“Yes, well, sometimes humans can be rather surprising. Tolerable even.” Yoongi looks at Taehyung like he wants to drain him, while everyone else standing there laughs at what Yoongi has said.
“Indeed.” Taehyung sips his whiskey again. 
“We should make our rounds, baby.” Yoongi runs his finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to his. “Come,” he whispers, only loud enough for you to hear. You bite your bottom lip, nodding as you thread your fingers through his.
“I hope to see you again soon, _____,” Taehyung calls from behind the two of you. Yoongi starts to turn around but you pull him back.
“Don’t. He’s trying to get under your skin.” 
“I could snap his neck…sever his throat…” Yoongi loosens his tie a little, pulling your hand to continue walking towards the outdoor balcony.
“You need him, don’t you? Just think about that.” 
“He makes the best gambling games in the damn country, of course I need him.” He runs a hand through his long hair, the strands of it even longer now than they were when you had first met him all those weeks ago.
“So let it go,” you sigh, releasing his hand when the two of you are alone outside. “I don’t know why you care anyways.” 
“I didn’t say I cared.”
“You were acting like a jealous prick back there. Seems like you might care a little.” You fold your arms over your chest, cool night air chilling your skin.
“I don’t, you ridiculously infuriating woman,” he half-laughs, pressing his palms to the stone wall that overlooks the hotel courtyard.
“Yeah, well, I don’t care about you either.” You’re practically pouting but you don’t care.
He groans, his fingers cracking the stone beneath them. You want to close the distance between the two of you, touch his chin and make him look at you.
“Why is it so hard for you to say?” you ask quietly.
“We’re talking about feelings here, little monster. I don’t do feelings,” he lies. You roll your eyes.
“Fine. I’ll go see if Taehyung wants to spin me around the dance floor a few…” you start to say, heading towards the door. You’re cut off by Yoongi grabbing the back of your neck and spinning you back around to face him. Your body presses to his, molding to the shape.
“You. Are. Mine,” he practically growls, a deep snarl on his face as he tries to keep the monster at bay. 
But you aren’t afraid.
“Then act like it. Show me that you want me or let me walk away.” Your breaths come out rushed and uneven as the two of you stand there, nose to nose.
He thinks for a moment. Almost too long. But then he smirks, his grip on the back of your neck softening slightly. 
“You’re not getting away that easily, little monster.” And then his mouth is crashing against yours, consuming, devouring.
You’ve thought about what it would be like to kiss Yoongi for weeks. You knew that you shouldn’t, but that didn’t stop you from imagining what he tasted like or how his lips felt.
The way he kisses you now is so incredibly unexpected, you have to remind yourself what planet you’re on. 
It only takes a moment for you to respond, pulling him closer and molding your mouth to his, filling in the spaces with your tongues. It’s when your fingers find their way into his hair that you really begin to grasp that there’s no coming back from this. There’s no more pretending.
Your thoughts are shaken when his hands travel to the backs of your thighs, lifting you onto the stone wall of the balcony. You grip him tighter, afraid to look behind you and see the ground looming below.
“What’s wrong? You aren’t afraid of heights are you, little monster?” he teases, shoving himself between your legs and scooting you even closer to the edge of the wall.
“Anyone would be afraid of a two story drop.” You try to capture his lips again, anything to stop thinking about the possibility of falling, but he pulls back just enough to keep you wanting.
“As if I’d let you fall.” Yoongi whispers the words so quietly you barely hear them, his eyes staying on your lips.
“Maybe I already am.” You feel him stiffen, his body going rigid at your words.
“Don’t say things like that.”
“Stupid, stupid girl,” he sighs. “There’s too much good in you…too much humanity for you to be talking that way.”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
He stares at you for what seems like hours, gauging what could really be going through that head of yours. Then he gently kisses you again, melting away any facade either of you were trying to keep playing.
“We’re leaving,” he says after a moment of soft kisses.
“But we just got here. What about all the schmoozing we need to be doing?” 
“Screw the schmoozing. I want to fuck you.” He takes one of your hands and brings it between your bodies, helping you to cup his hardening dick through his pants. “This is what you want, isn’t it, little monster? So desperate to be filled with cock.”
You whimper, licking the seam of his lips with your tongue as you palm his cock, thoughts of literally anyone who looks out the window seeing the two of you out here turning you on even more.
“Take me home, please.” You’re no longer above begging.
“I’m going to leave you in ruins.” Yoongi means for it to be a threat, something to deter you from wanting this, but it only makes you wetter. The thrill and the danger and the possibility of devastation that making this choice could cause only make you want it more.
Yoongi grabs your wrist, walking with determination until you’re back inside the party where Namjoon immediately sees the two of you making your way through the crowd.
“Yoongi, what the fuck? There’s people looking for you.” Namjoon steps in front of Yoongi but it doesn’t stop him from his mission to get to the front door.
“Tell them I’m sick.” Yoongi opens the door, presses a kiss to the top of your hand and guides you outside. You can’t help the ridiculous smile that finds its way onto your face.
“Vampires don’t get sick.” Namjoon pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are you really going to do this to me?”
“I’ll make it up to you.” Yoongi guides you down the front steps of the hotel, your eyes landing on Jungkook at the bottom, leaning against the car and playing a game on his phone.
“What’s going on?” Jungkook asks, panic crossing his usually soft features.
“It’s okay, Jungkook. We just need the car.” You pat his shoulder reassuringly while Yoongi opens the door for you to settle into the passenger seat. You’re about to grab your seatbelt when he leans down into the car and kisses you. “What was that for?”
“It may be the last bit of sweetness you get from me tonight. Enjoy it while you can.” His teeth nip at your bottom lip.
“Who said I enjoy sweetness?” You make sure he sees the way you make your dress ride up your thighs. Yoongi groans.
“Perfect little monster,” he coos, taking one last look at your exposed thighs before he shuts the car door. You watch as Yoongi brushes off Jungkook and Namjoon’s protests of him leaving this important party and gets into the driver's seat. 
His long fingers grip the steering wheel tightly as he immediately punches the gas. And while you’re not afraid of the vampire sitting next to you, his driving is an entirely different story.
Luckily the drive back to the main hotel is short and you find yourself pressed to the wall of the elevator before you can even think of scolding Yoongi for his driving.
“I’ve pictured thousands of ways I’ve wanted to fuck you.” He hikes your leg over his hip. “But this is going to be quick.”
The elevator dings for the penthouse floor and with his inhuman speed, Yoongi moves you into the entry way and through the apartment, his mouth devouring yours as he deposits you onto his bed.
“No foreplay. Please just fuck me.” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he licks down the column of your throat.
“Are you ready for me already?” His breath tickles your skin.
“Yes.” You take his hand and move it between your legs, your dress bunching around your hips as you push it out of the way.
Yoongi takes your hint, his fingers delving into your underwear to find your soaking pussy. He groans, pushing his fingers inside to pet your walls.
“So you are.” He sits up on his knees between your legs, throwing his suit jacket off of his shoulders and tossing it across the room.
You sit up on your elbows, watching intently as he undoes the buttons of shirt and reveals the beautiful skin of his chest and stomach. The muscles are there, but he’s also unexpectedly soft as your fingers explore the planes.
You help him the rest of the way out of his shirt, leaning up further to kiss his chest. His hands grip your hair but he doesn’t move you away, letting you traverse his skin with your lips and tongue for a moment.
“Get this off of me.” You start to reach behind you for the zipper of the dress but Yoongi has other ideas.
He reaches down and grabs your hips, flipping your body over so that you’re on your stomach and face down on the bed.
“Allow me.” His mouth is on the exposed skin of your back, kissing a wet path down your spine as he unzips the dress. You can’t help the moan that escapes you, or the way your hips push back to try and find friction. “Greedy,” he mumbles against the small of your back.
“Please, Yoongi. Just hurry up.” You slide the sleeves off of your arms so that Yoongi can pull the dress the rest of the way off. It must’ve been expensive, but he still tosses it to the floor.
When you try to roll back over onto your back, he grabs your hips and holds you in place.
“No, I think I’ll have you just like this.” You hear him take off his belt and the mattress move slightly when he removes his pants. “Hold onto something, little monster.” 
There’s no time to protest; you barely have time to grab the comforter before he’s sheathing his cock inside you in one fluid motion. You fall forward on your elbows, your face meeting the bed as you cry out from the intrusion.
“Fuck…” you whine, tightening your hold on the comforter as he starts to rock his hips, burying himself to hilt each time he pumps back into you. 
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? So desperate for cock that you’d let a vampire defile you.” His hands hold so tightly to your hips that you know there will be bruises immediately. 
“Yes, I wanted it so bad.” You can feel drool begin to form at the corner of your mouth as he fucks you harder.
“Just remember, little monster, out there you’re the perfect princess for the public to see. But in here, in my bed, you’re my good little whore.” He thrusts particularly hard on the last word, shoving your top half flat against the bed when your arms give out.
“Yoongi…” It barely comes out a whisper, but you know he hears you.
“Come here,” he grunts, leaning over your body and wrapping his arms around your torso, pulling you up to press your back to his chest, his cock staying nestled inside you as he adjusts you the way he wants.
His thrusts stay deep, but slow down slightly. One hand grips your breast while the other spreads your legs wider over his lap.
“I’m going to cum…fuck I’m so close.” Your head flops back and rests on his shoulder, sweat coating your skin.
“You’re lucky that I want to feel this pretty pussy squeeze my cock, little monster. I’m going to let you cum.” Rough fingers find your clit, sloppy circles sending you into a frenzy as you chase your orgasm.
“Right there, yes yes, right there.” Your thighs start to shake as Yoongi pulls you down further on his cock, holding you there as you come apart, squeezing his cock just like he wanted.
“Good girl. Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.” He swipes your hair away from your shoulder and suddenly sinks his fangs into your throat.
His bite only elongates your orgasm…it could have been two, maybe even three orgasms all chained together. Your sight blurs at the sheer force of the climax that rolls through you.
You’re barely coherent when you feel Yoongi release inside you, hot spurts filling you up and leaking down your thighs. He moans against your neck, taking two more long pulls of blood before he pulls off, hungrily licking at the trails of blood that trickle down your throat.
Your body is completely spent as Yoongi gently lowers you onto the bed, covering you with the comforter before he gets up off the bed. 
You watch with hooded eyes as he goes into his bathroom and comes back with a cloth to clean you up.
“Let me see the mess you made, baby.” He moves the covers off of your legs and cleans you up, making you whine at the contact of anything touching you there so soon. “Go to sleep.”
“I’m fine, I promise.” You snuggle deeper into the covers.
“We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.” You feel him join you in the bed. 
“Talk about what?” Your eyes are too heavy to stay open.
“The contract.” His cool body presses against your back and his arm falls over your waist. 
“What about it?” you mumble.
“The next phase of it, of course.” You feel his finger swipe at the blood still on your neck, popping it into his mouth.
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kth1fics · 1 year
Safe Haven (M) | PJM
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Safe Haven
⟶ Pairing: Park Jimin x Female Reader ⟶ Genre: royalty, smut, 18+ ⟶ Tropes: forbidden love au, medieval royal au, royal king’s guard werewolf!jimin ⟶ WC: 16.2k+ ⟶ Warnings: mild birth scene mention (hardly any details!), mentions of d*ath, brief fighting/attacking descriptions, blood mentions, hair pulling (when attacked), weapons mentioned, poison/venom mention, random side character d*aths, soft pining, kisses, fingering, oral (f), unprotected sex, etc ⟶ Beta: Sarah bean! @caelesjjk ⟶ Summary: When a wolf protects the royal family for many years, he’s faced with one special princess who he’ll do anything for. ⟶ Author’s Note: Apart of the “To Love a Monster” collab! I took a long while to get this fic out – and I am sorry for those who have been waiting for it. It may take me months to write and readers minutes to read, but I do hope that this fic holds a special place in someone’s heart in the end! Please enjoy & leave some feedback if you have the time! ⟶ Song Recommendation: Bound to You by Christina Aguilera
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Freshly welcomed into the King’s Guard, Jimin, a sprouting young wolf, rushes around the corridors of the castle to obey the barking orders of his higher-ups. Making haste, all servants and guards make their purpose of assisting the Queen.
“Hurry!” Hoseok, another royal guard and close friend to Jimin, shuffles through the utility room. “Gather more cloth!”
“Aren’t people usually more prepared with things like this?” Jimin frantically follows, his voice rushed with the fast pace movements. 
“I’m afraid not,” Hoseok huffs a laugh.
The two younger royal guards speedily ransack each drawer and closet until their arms are full of materials. They stumble back down the hall towards the birthing chamber. A room enclosed for the parties who participate with the anticipated arrival of the next royal kin. A domestic, darkened room provided with the country's softest furnishings. Royal officials and servants are permitted to be within the room for the delivery to ensure that there are no scandals around the birthing practice.
A midwife places herself before the legs of the Queen. A moan of pain rips from her Highness’s throat. Jimin and Hoseok stand idly as the birthing of child number three crowns at the entrance of the world, preparing to gain its first breath of fresh air. The scene is natural for humans, even more common for a royal to carry out in front of an audience.
For Jimin, he prefers not to stare like the others. His polished amber eyes trail to the lines of the floorboards, using any peripheral view for his advantage.
“It’s a girl!” He hears the cries from a newborn baby, the declaration announced by the midwife who’s wiping off residue from the infant.
Placed on the chest of her mother, the newest child of the royals whines freely. The sound rings through the ears who listen. The King is joyous, regardless of being unable to create a proper heir to his throne. But with the first two daughters – and now third, the royal guards know his Highness will move quickly in trying for a son.
Servants flutter about, handling the delicacies of aftercare for childbirth. Jimin follows after his friend, handing off the pile of cloth to a maiden. Bodies move around another like an assembly line. 
For a moment, and only a moment is needed, did Jimin finally take a swift glance at the newborn who screams her upset. He locks eyes with the infant over the shoulder of Hoseok, seeing a warmth of an everlasting hearth as she cries wet droplets down her face.
Then it happened.
Jimin is struck with something that is indescribable. Something that couldn’t be defined. He’s heard through stories and lores within his lineage that this phenomenon could happen to anyone at any time in one's life. He hears about it through those he’s close to and those who experience it. It’s a once in a lifetime deal.
He can feel the shift of his weight when he locks eyes with the newborn baby. As if this new formed motion represents an outstanding astronomical level. Where his world, which once revolved around the Sun as it does for everyone, now revolves around this small, fragile child.
Jimin’s heartbeat thumps in his ears as the world freezes around him. Hoseok and the other royal wolf guards all sense a change in the wind. If it isn’t Hoseok ushering him out of the way of the other servants and departing out of the chamber, he’s sure the royal family would have done it themselves. 
With his head on a silver platter.
Hoseok’s palm slaps the side of Jimin’s cheek to gain his consciousness from whatever daze he’s fumbled in. It takes him a few good taps before Jimin blinks. His blood runs rampant inside him with warmth and excitement.
The second Jimin looked at the third child of the royal household, everything changed within him. All of a sudden, nothing else matters. The yearning of knowing and willing to do anything, be anything, for her is the only constant demand singing at the back of his head.
“You didn’t,” Hoseok’s hushed tone stays low. “Not a royal!”
“How am I supposed to control that?” Jimin stresses. “I can’t choose who this happens to! I didn’t expect this to happen to me!” He runs a hand through his soft hair, exhaling sharply as his mind begins to race.
“You’re going to learn,” Hoseok claims. His eyes are sharp and narrow. “You will learn to control it. A wolf is not allowed to be mixed with a royal. They’ll kill you.”
His imprint will be kept secret from the royals and the precious baby girl. But for his wolf mates, each of them knows the severity of the situation. Not one member will speak of it, they only can respect it. As for Jimin, he’ll spend the rest of her life – your life – being what you need him to be. A friend, a brother, a protector. Whatever you require of him, he will act accordingly in secrecy while obeying his rightful duties to the royal throne.
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White flurries fall slowly from the gray clouds above, decorating the large courtyard, you look down towards the sheet of fresh snow. Most of the garden that blooms the most gorgeous flowers is now a mess of dead plants and weeds. The bare trees stand firm. But those who stand strong in the winter months like hollies with red berries and camellias, continue to stand out next to the beauty of sheared evergreens and deciduous shrubs with colorful stems.
Your eyes are not trained on admiring the bright snow that cascades from the sky so beautifully. Normally you would. As you sit by your glass window with a blanket around your shoulders, you look down from your chambers on the third level of the castle to fancy something different.
Men – some of the royal guards – play around with one another in the cold weather. Some have shifted to their wolven form, others remain in their noble suits. The one you fixate your stare on is your personal guard, Jimin.
He stands leaning against the stone staircase beside a few of his equals. Chatting away about who knows what, watching the others roughhouse. Jimin is quite handsome, he always has been. For as long as you can remember he’s looked the same, minus the fluctuation of hair styles and added tattoos that linger his body and a few added battle scars.
As a guard he wears your family's sigil proudly – a lotus flower – on each of his articles of clothing. Customized into each of the guards’ crested plates of metal armor and sewn into each leather hide. 
Jimin possesses the unfair mix of unlimited masculine and feminine traits, having a soft-looking composure and full lips plus a sharp jawline and toned muscles. His voice is nearly angelic when speaking in hushed tones but also stern as ever when he leads with his strong confidence. He may not be as large as his fellow wolves, but he’s proven himself countless times to your family to have the privilege to be your personal guard. There’s nobody quite like him; no one you’ve met in your life that is.
You commend him in silence, appreciating what you can watch from afar. Even from a distance behind a glass window, he somehow manages to make your heart race. An infatuation some may call it. A yearning. He and your family have been consistent in your life, he’s comfort – as are they. But you knew from a young age, from when you began favoring Jimin’s company over others, that you need to call it ‘nothing’. Because whatever feelings that spin deep inside you are never to be spoken aloud. It’s foolish for your Kingdom, family, and you to long for a wolf who doesn’t see you as anything but a duty.
What’s more disappointing is that you don’t need to admit these infuriating feelings to Jimin, he already knows. He would never allow it to get far by cutting you short and being curt with clipped words and disapproving looks.
He is a wolf and you are a royal. Two beings who have no business intertwining besides with loyalty to the family and the job of a guard. Your acquaintanceship between another is only going to be professional. Perhaps it’s to keep the bloodline pure, untainted. How every sibling of the family is betrothed to a neighboring kingdom, growing the alliance across countries. And not one of them has a blend of wolf’s blood in them. Even though werewolves are evident in the world around you.
“Aren’t you supposed to get ready for the party tonight?” A maid who's making your bed quips up as you're daydreaming down into the evergreen.
“I’ve been stuck on deciding which dress I should wear.”
“No, you’ve been stuck staring out into the courtyard,” she corrects.
You slump in your seat as you stubbornly hold your position by the window. When you look back down, you admire the off-brown and black tones of that particular wolf you fancy. She isn’t wrong, you know. His kind eyes and kind smiles make you feel warmth like no other, and you enjoy seeing them when you gain the chance.
“I can multitask,” you feebly argue. You drag the blanket tighter around your shoulders, keeping in the warmth of your body as much as possible. “Besides, the party isn’t for a few more hours.”
“Princess, you already have guests arriving. Half the guard is at the entrance welcoming the parties who show up early. Let’s not begin to mention how several potential suitors are arriving today. You’ve failed to marry even when betrothed. Such a shame what happened with the Jeon family.”
“I prefer not to be a royal. It doesn’t feel right the way we work,” you sigh as the joyful wolves down below have fun while you’re stuck in your tower with envy. “Can we braid my hair the way we did at my Aunt’s wedding? It cascaded down beautifully.” You speak while staring out of the window, purposely ignoring the heavier topic your maid mentions. “I’ll go with the silver dress. That one that comes with the gorgeous fur shawl.”
You notice the way that Jimin has suddenly turned to look up toward your window, half expecting to see you through the glass. Even in the midst of his comrades, he finds a way to give you an ounce of attention. He shakes his head momentarily, already scolding you without knowing what you’re supposed to be doing. Jimin knows looking for him isn’t on your agenda, you purposely put him there.
“For me to do that,” – you hear the voice of your maid – “I need you to get out of your chair and into your washroom.”
A small frown carves into your face when Jimin circles his finger in the air and directs you to turn around, go back to your business. He knows he’s escorting you tonight at the party, you will see him later. To make his point come across sternly, he disassociates his eye contact – bringing his attention back to his other peers and away from you.
“Princess,” your maid bids you once again.
Reluctant to leave your post at the window, you stand up regardless. You have a long night ahead of you while the castle starts to fill up with guests for your younger brother’s birthday party.
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You can’t be bothered with the chattering staff or the nuisance of guests who flutter around the halls of your family’s castle. Each moment you find open to run away, to a quieter place and away from their eyes, you take it. Swiftly moving left and right until you can find your favorite spots to hide since you were a child. 
One of which happens to be past the hallway of family portraits. If you travel far enough you find yourself at a dead end. With cabinets, paintings, and curtains outlining every inch of the stone walls. Torches are lit to illuminate the surrounding areas, bringing light to the beautiful surroundings.
But little do most know, that behind painting number two – the one in the golden frame with green shrubbery and a little boy playing the flute – lies a secret behind it. You just need to get here without anyone seeing you sneak in. There’s no point in a secret hideout if you accidentally show it to other guests.
You wait for the time, seeing when that end of the hall becomes vacant and people rush toward the call of the buffet lines. The small talk you make with a few distant relatives is only an act, pretending to walk along with them but slipping away when you find your moment to.
Pressing lightly, the nook of a room behind the large painting greets you. It’s closet sized, filled with a few pieces of your past and littered in dust from lack of touch. Tarps are draped over unused furniture; you’re thankful that this hideout is never really used. The painting that acts as a door allows you a small peeping eyehole to look out and judge when you can come out.
The silver dress you picked for tonight's gathering is a smart choice for you; you’re able to sit down comfortably without restriction. You love the look of a free-flowing gown, falling nicely with the way you walk. Patting off a layer of dust from a chair, you’re able to seat yourself as you take an old notebook in your hand.
Small doodles linger on the pages, all drawn by your younger self. You remember each of them, no matter how terrible they may look. It’s how you pass time while hiding in here. The low lighting from the cracks of the portrait gives you most of your light source, and occasionally you will add flame to the candle that rests on the top of the desk beside you.
You scowl at the dried black ink next to the quill pen, the feather beaten up and torn. It’s been years since you’ve last touched it. Maybe browsing through all the pages of your books won’t be so bad as you loiter in your small den.
“Princess Y/n.”
A spark of panic zaps through you like lightning in the sky on a stormy day. Surprised by the voice of none other than Jimin, your personal royal guard. You watch as fingers curl around the edge of the portrait-door and a beautiful, yet stern, face peeks through. His amber eyes catch you as they squint at your mischievous behavior. 
“I knew you would be hiding somewhere.” He comments as he pushes himself through the opening and into the room. Jimin wears the guards festive wear, a beautiful pink etched coat with cream leather hide armor. He’s sure to close the door behind him; he’s more stealthy than you can ever be. “Are you upset?”
“No,” you turn your head back to the book in your hands. The weight of his gaze on you is nearly suffocating. “I simply wanted solitude.”
“You know you are to be returned. They’re calling upon your brother shortly for his ceremony. It’s a big event for him,” his tone is low but he maintains a soft tenor to it. Jimin is far too kind toward you even though he’s meant to be a guard and nothing more. His exterior has toughened over the years, as it should to fill his part. Although, the sweeter half of him sticks out to you and perhaps that’s what you’ve held onto all these years.
“Sadly, I know.” You shut your eyes and sigh heavily, “I’m not quite in the celebratory mood. I would much prefer to be in my chambers.”
“That’s selfish of you.” Jimin’s hand comes to take away your book, placing it on the desk where it belongs. He bends down to level his face with yours. “You should be happy for your brother, he’s of age to carry out duties now. To be what he needs to be. Something you should understand.”
You hear the underlying hint Jimin gives you. He’s softly scolding you, as usual. 
At first you say nothing in response. Downcasting your eyes to your empty hands as you think what can be said to counter him, but you draw nothing.
You’re the third child in the family of four. A role where you feel invisible and forgotten. Always having second bests and hand-me-downs. Once your brother, who is a few years younger than you, sprouted from the womb of your mother – all chances of your favor flew out the window. As a male in this royal world is keen, any daughter is denied the spotlight. But you never craved a place to rule, or to do what a princess must do. Your oldest sister, the most responsible one of all, desires that for herself. You see it in the way she presents herself. Aces every test and diplomacy role she is given.
The second oldest is the fairest, she didn't need to do much to gain the popularity or attention she is given. It comes so unfairly natural to her thanks to the outstanding looks she’s been blessed with. A privilege only few and far between are given. Life for her is as simple as breathing, all she needs to do is point and ask.
Your younger brother is everything that your father waited for. Of course, your father, the King, treats all his children with love and passion. Keeps you sheltered, fed, and protected. However, the moment he received a bouncing baby boy – that tears any favoritism away from you or your sisters. A male has an unfair advantage in the royal family, it’s just how the world is.
“Princess –”
“– I know,” you unwillingly stand up from your chair. Jimin straightens himself as well, taken aback by your swift movement. “I want to retire after his ceremony,” you say curtly.
You take a single step toward the door as your hand reaches out to push against it, Jimin’s hand  grabs your wrist gently, like catching a delicate rose. Softly, he lowers your arm down as he steps before you with a concerned look on his face. His eyes search for signs of distress on your face.
“You’re upset,” he affirms.
“Nothing works in my favor,” you address with a choleric tone. Anger isn’t something you want resting on the surface, but it’s leaking out of the seams of your composure. “Sometimes, I truly despise being a royal daughter.”
You stare at the digits wrapped around your wrist, noticing how Jimin hasn’t let go of you yet. It feels cruel how you wish there was more meaning to the contact. Why can’t he hold you the way you long for him to?
Your eyes meet his with confusion and sadness. The pretty amber color still stands out in the low lighting, they’re beautiful to stare at. But you can’t read what’s going on in his mind. 
Jimin feels your sadness. He is connected to you deeply, little do you know. You can never know. It’s safer this way. Slowly, he releases your wrist letting his fingertips be the last thing that brushes against your skin. He can only comfort you so much without overstepping his boundaries. If he capsizes every time you give him those hopeless eyes, he’ll lose his placement in the guard and lose you indefinitely.
“Please,” he breathes, “We must go.”
Jimin pushes the hatch open steadily, peering out through the eyehole to make sure the coast is clear to sneak back into the festivities. He leaves space between the two of you as you walk side-by-side.
Silent tension surrounds you as your heels click with every step you take. There’s a dullness in your eyes, a lack of enthusiasm the closer you approach the center of the party. The amount of people here drains you even as you wear a kind smile.
Your little brother’s coronation will go quickly, you hope. Jimin’s words resound in your head, causing you to reflect on what he said.
“That’s selfish of you.”
You make your way to your designated chair at the family table quietly. The talks and commotions between the castle’s guests, family from far and wide, don’t phase you as you blur out the noise. The red liquid poured graciously in a chalice beside you becomes your saving grace; your delicate fingers grasp the cup and run over the smooth jewels embedded on the sides.
Your eyes find Jimin’s across the crowded room as he stands on guard near one of the walls. His hand rests over the handle of his sword casually, a weapon they choose first before shifting as a last resort. He can read the longing in your eyes with a mix of desperation and gloom. 
You wait to see his expected disapproving look. The one that tells you to pay attention to something else other than him – but you don’t. He stuns you confused as, instead of his typical stern look, he looks down at the ground. Deep in thought.
Are you truly selfish when nobody around you is selfless?
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Your chamber is a sanctuary. Filled with all the necessities you need to live like royalty. An abundant amount of candles have been lit to brighten the room, giving it a soft aura. 
You wear your hair down, untied from the tight braids you wore for the majority of the night. Your nightgown, cream in color and silk to the touch, is loose in all the right places. The ceremony took its time as you waited to retire for the night with the little patience you have left. You’re positive plenty of men are still celebrating at their feast. 
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
A loud thud shakes the doors to your room, a verbal grunt can be heard. You look over at your maid who does the same as she slowly walks toward the noise. There's a scurry of traffic beyond your door as the two of you try to make out the words that are being shouted. You take a step with her, but with that single step you catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye. Through the window you see a flash of red light. Smoke rises as pieces of the garden have been lit to flame. Upon closer inspection, you peer down your window into the once beautiful scenery to find brawls of fights. Men fighting enemies with swords, crossbows and guns.
Another thump hits the outside of your chamber’s doors and you twist your head to see your maid inches away from the handle, ready to pull.
“Don’t!” You turn frantic to shout at her.
But it is too late. Your maid already has her hand twisting the handle to pull the door open. But a force pressed the door faster than she anticipated – a body of a man standing guard slumped against the doorframe and now falling to the floor. A wound across his neck as blood smears across your family’s sigil on his leather chest plate.
Both you and your maid screech at the sight as you back away from the door. You can hear the commotion louder now as bodies rush past the halls as they run away from the intruders.
“Hide!” Your maid shoos you quickly and frantically while her first attempt of shutting your chamber’s door fails.
You’re not given a moment to think before you watch as two ruffians walk up to the door, one holding a flamed torch and a hand dagger as the other holds a handgun. They’re dirty from appearance, wearing torn up clothes but come armed with weapons that look like they belong to someone wealthy. They smile evilly, curling their lips at the sight of you as they advance on your maid.
“There’s a royal,” one comments in a ghoulish tone. They step over the body below them like it’s a fallen tree trunk. They laugh among each other, giggling at whatever is playing on in their minds. You definitely do not wish to know.
Your maid twists away, hoisting her skirt up high enough to let her legs lounge as she begins to run toward you. It provokes one of the men, making him chase her immediately as he finds it funny to stalk her. Threaten her with the slices he mimics with his dagger in the air.
Slowly, your feet have backed up along the path of your room. You make sure you keep as much furniture between you and the intruders. Your eyes remain open wide, trying so hard not to blink and miss any sudden movements.
You feel small compared to the man’s stature as he creeps closer and closer to you. Hectically, your hands reach around the tops of dressers and tables to find anything to use as a weapon. A letter opener? A pen? Anything to defend yourself from whoever these men are who impose your safe space.
More screams and shouts can be heard throughout the castle halls and outside. The place is being run down with bandits, unknown persons who you cannot identify from first glance. They wear close to all black attire, worn down from several years. Protected by pads and suitable armor, as if they collected stolen pieces and placed them together.
You hold your arms closer to your body with the heat of the males heavy gaze on you. His eyes look bloodshot as he studies your options of escape.
“Come here little royal,” he sneers while his beaten up boots scuff across the floor.
Your maid is chased across the wall, quickly making her way toward you as the other man follows her like a hunter. Herding his prey together before they set to kill.
They rush the two of you, forcing you to nearly trip over your own feet as your gown betrays you while you step on the very end of it. A small rip of fabric resounds but you’re in too much of a haste to notice from where.
Your maid screams in horror as you yell out for help. Your bodies fumble across the expanse of your chamber’s, trying to find the opportunity to rush out of the door if you can. To escape the men who run after you.
Where are the rest of your guards? What is happening and why are your werewolf guards not attacking? Who are these men and what do they have to attack the castle with? In all your years on this planet, you’ve never been caught in a situation like this. No intruder has ever made it past the front gates until now.
A knife is thrown in your direction, missing you but landing straight into the wall beside your head.
“Oops, guess I need to try that again,” you hear the male speak with malicious intent.
The other has gained enough momentum to grab your maid, pull her in as she struggles to fight him off. He’s rough, holding her arms as he pushes her against the wall. You're already rushing to her side, using your fists to hit the man on his arm and back.
“Get off of her!” you bawl, throwing your fist at him as fast as possible.
A hand grips your hair, yanking you back away from the two and onto the closest table. Your back hits the surface hard as the man presses you down. He threatens you with a dagger pointed at your face as his other hand holds you down by your shoulder.
The brute force immediately makes your eyes water as you stare up at the man in fear. You wrap your hands around his wrists to push him off, holding him off for as long as you can. Your kicks and screams do nothing to phase him, only fuels him.
You feel his hand slide to your throat; latch his ugly, dirty fingers around your neck. It’s brief, like a flash of lightning. But just as soon as he repositions himself, an arrow shoots straight into his head. Visibly shaken, you struggle to process the vicious man above you losing the life he has.
Your efforts of pushing begin to work as his lack of strength weakens by the second. A final push, not made by you – but from your personal guard, Jimin, knocks the man entirely off of you. He’s quick, already primed and prepped to shoot the other ruffian the second he turns away from your maid and to see his comrade passed out on the floor. Jimin launches another arrow with a flick of his finger, a perfect shot.
Both ruthless and merciless men seem to be dead, fallen to the floor of your chamber’s as pools of blood leak from their bodies.
You and your maid tremble in fear and anxiety. Frightened at the series of events and how the two of you were nearly brutally attacked.
Jimin wears streaks of blood across his face as his hair falls out of place. His beautifully tailored festive armor is now beaten and destroyed with stains. You look at him with confusion and anguish as reality sets in.
“Jimin,” you cry out in a broken sob. Your throat tightens and feels as if it’s being pricked by a dozen thorns while your hand runs up to touch the area where the man laid his fingers on.
“I’m sorry,” are the first words out of his mouth. Solemn and saddened. But he’s relieved to be here for you, even if he is cutting it short and close to being a second too late. 
It isn’t his fault the castle has been blindsided and an evil group has snuck their way inside its walls and started a reign of terror. But he takes blame for not being at your side every second that he should have been. Instead, he rushed to the frontlines once called upon. Tried to stop the invasion from penetrating deeper into the castle. 
In most cases this strategy works, but unfortunately tonight – it doesn’t.
But as the fighting continues and larger groups of people begin rushing in from all areas of the castle – equipped with tainted metals containing mountain ash and wolfsbane – the royal guards are not as prepared. A minor setback, yet it almost costs your life.
“I came as soon as I could,” he steps closer to you with sympathetic eyes. He’s hurt, more worried about how you are as he feels your dread and fear. “I’m so sorry.”
There’s still many battles being fought throughout the castle. People being slayed as guards protect as much as they can. Jimin helps you stand straight, holding you close to him as he’s escorting both your maid and you out of your chamber’s.
“Jimin,” you repeat as you hold onto him, wrapping your hands desperately around him. “Who are they?”
He brings the two of you deeper into your chamber, rushing you to a secret doorway that leads to a hidden passage. Your castle is littered with these; most guards know several entrances but not a lot of exits. It’s a maze down there; dark, cold, and gloomy as well. As a child, you would wander through some just to see how far you could reach without cowering out.
“They must be from the South. They’re fighting with wolfsbane. Their weapons are laced with it.”
It’s common knowledge that wolfsbane is rare near these grounds. It’s ordinary for them to grow down South, but they can be imported. Your family is known for being guarded by werewolves; so an attack like this must be heavily planned.
“Remember the passageways?” Jimin grunts as he pushes both you and your maid toward a panel against the wall. It’s colored like an archway, but the third one can be open with a twist of a lever. Specifically the sconce hanging to the left of it. “I need you to escape through them.”
You hear the falter in Jimin’s voice momentarily, how he sounds like he staggered his breath.
“Are you hurt?” You ask alarmingly. Your eyes frantically scan over his exterior, looking for any noticeable signs of a wound.
“Princess, I need you to go through the passageways,” he turns the lighting fixture swiftly. The secret door clicks open, a cool gust of air puffs through and hits against your skin. “Don’t worry about me. I need to protect you and the rest of your family.”
Your maid understands, already stepping through as she’s pulling you with her. Jimn is a guard, he needs to go and maintain his duty. Your maid is a servant – she is here to assist you until she can no longer. She begs you to step quickly, down the stone stairs into the pit of the passages.
“Jimin, no!” You grip tighter on his forearm as he tries to shrug you off of him. Blood tarnishes your cream colored nightgown as you’re pulled away from Jimin. It must be from those Jimin has fought already. “Come with me!”
Jimin takes your chin in his hand and inspects the distress on your face. Even when rushed, worried about your safety and life, he looks at you like he’s lost in your eyes. The gentle touch of his fingertips feels serene, featherlight even though they’re calloused through the years of combat. 
He’s moving you back into the passageway, gripping the door with his other hand to shut it on you when the moment comes. There’s displeasure spilling out of him only because he is infuriated by the way you stubbornly won’t see the concern for yourself.
“I need to protect the family. This is me protecting you,” he speaks sternly. “Please listen to me, princess,” he exhales slowly. His eyes flicker across your features with tenderness, “I am not losing you. Use the passageways,” he reminds you. “Exit at the stables. I will meet you there. You know which way to go?”
You stare at him dumbfounded at first. Like time is slowing down, but you cannot shake the feeling that you won’t see him again. You don’t feel convinced.
“B-But –”
“Go!” Jimin practically growls out his demand to you. In an instant, his amber eyes shine with a blue ring around his irises. It’s the first time Jimin has ever used that timbre with you, making you jolt away with shock. 
He warns you to watch your step and stay on the correct path toward the stables. Keep close to your maid and stay quiet. He rips off his cavalier shoulder cape, draping it around your shoulders to keep you warm as you descend into the chilly pathways. Jimin closes the door promptly, forcing you to turn with your maid and to escape to safety. Your heart ricochettes inside your chest, pounding erratically as you rush.
Throughout the narrow hallways, dripping with leaking water spouts and cobwebs, you hear the signs of savage wolf growls and barks as your royal guard begin shifting as their last resort. Cries of pain and fighting scare you further as you follow the lead of your maid, wondering how you’ll survive what comes ahead. The thin slippers still on your feet dampen with every hurried step you take as you hold Jimin’s cape tighter against your frame to stay as warm as possible.
“I am not losing you,” replays inside your head and inside your heart.
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Moonlight shines from above as your maid cracks open a hardened rock exitway. You came across many forks in the maze of the castle's passageways, but you remember from your past the correct ways to take. The two of you are at the stables, you can smell the mixture of horse and hay in the air. The area is unhit from the onslaught of violence for now.
“Shall we take a horse?” Your maid suggests as she creeps behind a bundle of stacked hay.
“Jimin said he’ll meet us here,” you remind her. 
The chill of the outside runs straight through your body. You curse to yourself at your poor choice of attire.
Together, the two of you watch the distance of all the violence. You see bloodshed with many reinforcements coming from every side of the castle. The thought of Jimin being caught in this mess sends a shiver down your spine. Wolves – your family's guards – have shifted to their creature form. They’re larger than any wild wolf; standing on all four limbs taller than most humans. 
They’re very swift at responding to the attackers, taking them out one by one. But you know the attackers are fighting against them with poisonous tactics – an advantage to go against such beasts. With these weapons, the werewolves near invulnerability, speed, and strengths are weakened once hit with the toxins. You can already witness it with a few of your guards.
“We’re still inside the castle walls, Princess. We need to get out of here fast,” she insists. Her eyes scan around for an opening, an escape route for the two of you. You’ll have to be fast.
“He knows we are here!” You yell at her in a hushed tone. “I’m not leaving unless it’s with –”
Just as you attempt to finish your sentence, the loud sound of wood snapping through the entrance door interrupts you. Men rush in, manically screaming in an uproar as the flames of their torches begin touching the fodder in the stables. Setting the straw ablaze in a matter of seconds.
You and your maid slouch back into a corner, away from view for as long as you can. Horses neigh with anger, jumping and kicking as the brightness and heat of fire creeps toward them. You cannot fathom the thought of losing these beautiful warhorses as they’re each tied to their own box.
“Release them,” you whisper to your maid before you frantically get up from your position and reach for the first horse.
Your soft hands flick up the lever to the wooden door, opening it up for the horse to run through and stumble toward the exit of the stables.
The maid begs you to stay hidden, but you refuse with stubbornness. In the same breath, you hear a shriek from her as you are in the midst of lifting another lever. The attackers have noticed her and shortly spot you as well.
She looks at you with panic, “Run!”
In seconds, she is being grabbed once again by these aggressors. Forced down with a hard shove as she hits the ground. You shout, scream, and cry at the men who flock over toward her. A pitchfork near you is the first thing you see to use as a weapon. Surely you can scare someone off with the points of the tines. 
A bellowful growl grows from a stampede of three wolves bursting onto the scene. They’re far too fast for your eyes to keep up, seeing flashes of their fur dashing around you to strike your attackers. Their teeth bare as they snarl and bite into the flesh of the men, claws digging through the fabrics and skin.
One wolf is nearly all black, slicked fur making it shine in the night. Another has a warm russet color, speckled with hues of beige but warm under the ember of the fires around you. The last wolf is your wolf – you know him far too well. Brighter shades of light brown are in his face as the rest of his pelt darkens into a deep dark, chocolate color. His amber eyes, now sparked with blue, casts over to you briefly as he takes out an enemy, his paw stepping hard against his chest and pressing down.
It’s like whiplash with how fast the royal guards cleared out the stables as the fire consumes the fixtures around you. Smoke fills the air, rising heavily as thick clouds form. Pieces of the loft areas begin to break and fall as the other roped up horses huff and puff.
The stark black wolf is the one lifting your maid off the ground as it nudges her. She’s wounded, you can tell as red covers the fabric of her left arm. You take a step toward her, wanting to console and help – but in return you are barked at by Jimin. He rushes toward you, his speed frightening you as you backpedal away from the area. He stares hard at you, growling in a low tone as ashes fall behind him.
He’s moving you away, wanting you out of the area. The other two wolves bark in his direction, some form of communication you cannot understand as Jimin glances back and responds with his own call. 
The russet colored wolf jumps toward Jimin as you watch your maid latch onto the black fur of the other. She gives you a sympathetic look, mouthing the words ‘get out of here’ to you.
A large beam from above falls and crashes in the middle of the stables, breaking other fixtures in its path. Ember’s rise from the burning building with a massive gust of wind as you turn your face away from the crash.
“Jimin!” You cough as your arms shield you. Your eyes tickle in pain from the smoke, the fire’s brightness doesn’t help either.
You can feel the brush of fur against you as a heavy body presses into your front. You smell the wilderness immediately as you fall forward, burying your face and arms into Jimin’s coat. He nudges you with his shoulder and a grunt. Somehow able to understand what he’s saying.
Quickly, you pull yourself up along his back like one would do for a horse. Your face remains embedded into his fur as you wrap your arms around his neck, hooking your fists onto his coat to anchor yourself.
You move with the russet colored wolf as he clears out the path ahead of you and Jimin. Taking down any attacker standing in the path to escape. It’s difficult to hold onto a wolf, feeling your limbs tighten around Jimin as hard as you possibly can just to stay on top as he dashes through the terrain.
His goal is to get you out of here safely, remove you from the premises. He brings you farther and farther away from the castle and closer to the woods. The last glimpse you dare to make shows you the image of the russet wolf turning back toward the scorched castle grounds.
You pray for the good safety of everyone. Hope the castle is still together after the royal guard protects and saves the night.
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It’s freezing as Jimin runs through the thicket of the wilderness, deeper than you ever dare to go alone. You keep your head down, pressed into his back as bitter cold breezes over the surfaces of your body that aren't protected by Jimin’s warmth. The nightgown you wear is thin, not topped with layers among layers of fabrics and wiring like a corseted dress would have. Not to mention the tingling burn to your bare feet as the winter air touches them. But he is warm. A heated beast beneath you, emitting a comforting temperature the more your fingers curl into the roots of his bristle fur.
His breath is labored, chest heaving as his limbs carry you fast. Jimin zips through the rough terrain of the earthy woods, jumping and dodging the obstacles in his way. You fear the tightness of your muscles as you cling on to him, feeling the exhaust of your body as they sore.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been a passenger on Jimin’s back. Everything has happened so quickly. It isn’t until you hear the noises of strangers. The padding of snow under Jimin’s paws begins sounding different. Now stepping on hardened ground.
Your eyes blink open as you take in the surroundings passing by. Glowing lights in tapered windows of wooden cabins flash in seconds. Secured doors and moss growth along the sides of several cabin-like housings. 
Jimin leads with a howl, rushing toward the only place he knows will keep you the most protected. He slows his pace as he draws near, beckoning with a warning call for the door to swing open and allow him in. You find yourself entering with him, a soft warmth from a low burning fireplace greets you as the two of you enter.
You feel the way Jimin stumbles, his body catching up with how taxed he must be. The way his shoulders shrug tells you to dismount him as his mouth pants labored breaths. Carefully, you slide until your toes touch the floor below you.
“Jimin?” Your first concern comes out worriedly. Your hands still roam his fur as you notice the warmth of red liquid staining your palms – even pieces of your clothes. It’s enough to make you feel uneasy about the open wounds you fail to find through his pelt.
He’s quick to move from you, tripping over himself as he walks deeper toward the back of the cabin. A low growl rumbles from his chest as a warning, unwanted contact from you.
You take a step to follow him, seeing how hurt he is – it only wrenches your heart tighter. Your eyes grow wider the further he steps away from you, scurrying himself as he barks in the air for help.
A soft pair of hands hold onto your elbow, keeping you from the beast in pain. You snap your head toward the contact, searching for the reason why you’ve been halted.
“Don’t.” A woman with dark, long wavy hair speaks in a low tone. Her skin is aged but glows beautifully. Bundled up in layered clothes, she wears a worried look just like you. But it’s because she is stressed about your concern over the wolf in agony. “He will be alright.”
The door behind her has already been shut tight as the woman urges you to sit on the closest couch. Your eyes flick back to Jimin who continues to pad down the end of the hallway, twisting into a new shape as his body slowly transforms back into a human state. It’s an image you never expected to see, completely magical and out of this world as you catch glimpses of a wolf morphing into man.
His deep groans turn more audible as his real voice is able to break free.
“Wolfsbane –” he curses out into the open as he’s hunched over. He breathes heavily, open mouth catching air for his lungs as his fingers now claw at the bloody abrasion on the left side of his chest.
From your spot on the sofa, you witness Jimin suffering in a fetal position with no clothes. He’s turned to the side, hiding what he can in his vulnerable state. His long hair, usually kept neatly pulled back, falls dramatically across his face. His nose scrunches as his lips pull back to show his seething teeth.
“Jimin!” You begin to stand up, but the woman holds her hands out before you.
“Stay, Princess! Please!” Her voice is soft.
She tries her best to be respectful, honoring your title even in the severity of a situation. “I’m his mother.” She claims before gripping a knitted wool blanket off the back of a chair and rushing over to her son.
You blink, stunned as you process all the movements and information playing out in front of you.
Jimin coughs as his head presses into the floor. You watch in horror the way Jimin’s body rejects the burn of the wolfsbane that entered his system. Jerking and moving in his place as some mystical natured element helps overcome his pain. Jimin’s mother places the blanket over Jimin, shielding him from your innocent eyes. She squats beside him, hand placing over his forehead as his face twists with strain.
“Fight it,” she encourages as she pushes back his bangs to inspect his eyes. They’re reddened on the edges. The infection attacks deeply within him. His blue shiny irises that come out when he taps into his wolf form is stationary, shining brightly as he internally battles the poisonous herb. “Push it out, you can do it.”
You catch him staring at you as he overcomes this annoyance. It’s not enough to be deadly for him, but it is a good amount to weaken his overall state for the time being. His body fights to heal properly, but he’ll be ready soon.
The first initial wave of pain eases on Jimin. You don’t notice it due to the blanket covering his body, but a small pool of tainted blood leaks out of his wound. Spoiled by the wretched poison. It’s what his body needs to do, reject it and remove it entirely from him.
“Can I help in any way?” You stand and step toward him as his panting calms.
“No, no!” Jimin’s mother’s hands shoot out, shooing you. “You don’t need to do anything! His body is healing,” she reassures. “It may not make any sense, but he is going to be good. Just give him some time. Wolves have an accelerated healing power.”
“But –” you begin to counter. You feel helpless, powerless. Your heart hurts from seeing Jimin in such a distraught state. You can’t shake the image out of your head.
“Stop,” you hear Jimin breathing out. His tenor voice aching as his body shivers. “Stay over there,” he begs. “Just give me a second, Princess.”
All you can do is wait. Watch the way the man you care for struggles with himself as his supernatural body convulses and kicks out the vicious wolfsbane as he rapidly recovers. His grunts and groans do nothing to help, making you worry even more. 
When Jimin finally settles, he lays limp on the floor. Relief washes over him as the surging pain seizes and his body begins to feel like normal once again. Sweat has slickened the roots of his hair, surely the rest of his skin expelled other toxins.
He starts to lift himself off the floor, using his arms to push him up to a sitting position first – then enough to stand. He clutches the blanket around him. Holding it tight around his waist and covering his lower region.
“Take your time,” his mother whispers. She, too, stands with him. Using her hands to help guide him if he wavers on his feet. He’s taller than her, but you can tell she’s strong from the way she helps hold her son up.
“I have to go back,” he says to her, but stares at you.
Jimin takes a few tentative steps until he catches the motion easilier. He walks over to you in concern, abandoning the dripped blood on the floorboard from where he once laid. You're shivering in place, not realizing it yourself.
“Mom, would you mind finding something the princess can change into? Clean her up a little as well?”
You waste no time rushing yourself to him regardless of Jimin pleading for you not to. That doesn’t stop the way your arms wrap around his torso, feeling the warmth of his smooth skin as you hold him. Your head curls into his shoulder as his free arm surrounds your back, pulling you against him.
“Please, be good. Back up,” he slowly walks you in his embrace. 
You feel the rumble of his voice through his chest as you press desperately against him, not wanting to let him go just yet. He’s homely like your favorite hiding place back in the castle or the comfort of your bed after a long day of duties. It feels right to be with him as your mind speaks these words of nonsense.
“Don’t leave again,” you beg as your heartstrings twinge with sadness. You think latching onto Jimin even more would be the answer of his choice, but alas it is not. His arm is placing you down on the sofa for you to sit as he kneels on the floor. Even when you try grabbing at him, he politely pushes your hands away.
“Mom,” Jimin calls out as his hands grip the bottoms of your bare feet. He runs his palms across them, feeling how frigid they’ve become. Jimin ignores the way your cold hands try to turn his head to look up at you, stubbornly keeping it down and focused on your toes. When he fails to hear a response, he shouts again, “Mom!”
“Jimin!” You call to get his attention, fingers running through his thick locks to expose his face. Cupping his cheeks doesn’t suffice either, even your attempt to tilt his jaw fails. He isn’t budging from his position.
His mother comes out of another room with an abundant amount of clothes. Each of them look heavy, thick. Enough to hopefully keep you bundled up in the chill of a winter’s night.
Jimin squeezes your feet with his hands, trying to circulate more blood flow as he tries to warm you. He suffers knowing you’re freezing, not in an ideal state. But he can also feel the way your heart pangs with confusion and hurt. He can smell the fear radiating off of your body as you process so much.
“Would you mind changing into these?” His mother comes into your view. She begins placing pieces out in order to dress. Layers ready at your will. “I can wash your nightgown. Rid you of those stains. I can try patching up the tears in your skirt.”
The doleful look in your eyes tells her enough at one glance. She sighs as a tear trickles down the bridge of your nose.
“Why won’t you look at me?” Your voice cracks mid sentence as you stare helplessly at Jimin.
It’s languid the way his eyes flick up to you, shrouded with sadness behind his lashes.
“You’re freezing,” he states.
“I’m more hurt that you won’t let me do anything for you,” you respond with irritation. “I’m fine. You’re not.” You gesture to his exposed chest, muddied with swipes of blood on his left side.
“There’s nothing there anymore. The wound is sealed already. It’s just drying blood.”
He looks down back at your feet, finally noticing his stained hands – how he’s holding you with his own filth. The thought upsets him entirely.
Abruptly, Jimin stands. Turning away from you and rushing over to the fireplace to place more wood in the burning embers. He tightens the blanket around his waist, pacing across the floor of the cabin for anything he thinks you need before he departs.
“Run a bath,” he tells his mother. “It’ll warm her up faster. Then she can change into the clean clothes.”
“I don’t want that,” you speak. “I’ll take the clothes as they are. But Jimin –”
“– I need to go back,” he whips around in his spot. Jimin is fast on his feet, gathering some more blankets and gripping your hand. “My old room is just over here. Make yourself at home. I know this isn’t ideal but it will keep you safe and warm. My mother,” Jimin glances over at her, “She’ll be a great help. Please, take care of the Princess before I return.”
You rip your hand away from Jimin while stubbornly holding your place on the couch. It’s an act you never suspected yourself to do so harshly. The appalled look on your face puzzles Jimin. Makes him look down at you in silence, awaiting for you to speak.
“No,” you stare back. “Why can’t you just stay?”
“I have a duty,” he responds just as fast. “One to serve the royal family.”
“I am the royal family!”
“I am a part of the entire pack fighting for the kingdom right now. I must be with them.”
The frustration causes your blood to boil under your skin. Heat rises to your cheeks as anger takes over. He’s staring you down. Jimin is right after all. But yet again, without him even speaking, you can hear his voice repeat the words ‘that’s selfish of you’. It rattles inside your head as your lips quiver with emotion.
You turn your head, eyes filled with sorrow dropping to your lap. The scolding fire from his bright eyes hurts you deeply. Yet he doesn’t have intentions to upset you, Jimin only wants to protect you.
The single word comes out so cold, so unlike your usual tone. It catches Jimin off guard.
The entire time Jimin’s mother stands in silence, trying to read the room herself as the two of you cast a tense environment. She has no place to utter a single word, not here. For a moment, she shares a cautious glance with her son. Something in her eyes that tells him that he needs to do something – say something.
“Prin –”
“– I do not want to see you.” Your voice sounds meek, on edge of falling over in the pool of emotion laying inside of you. If only he can understand how important you’ve made him in your life. How special he is and the comfort that comes with him when he’s around. Imagining him returning beaten up again bothers you. Thinking he might not come back at all is even worse.
“Just, go.” You command.
“Y/n,” Jimin speaks in a gentle voice. He steps closer to you with a heavy heart, “I’m sorry.” Slowly, he leans down to level his head with yours. It’s alright with him that you refuse to look back. Jimin knows he has your attention regardless. You feel the soft graze of his knuckle run along the edge of your jaw, surprised from the tender touch. “I really am sorry,” he smiles faintly as he leans in just enough to place his plump lips delicately on your temple.
Jimin leaves your side, turns on his heel and swiftly moves out the front door. It’s a rush from the way his body forms back into wolf and his paws press into the ground, carrying him further away from you. He wants to be here for you, but his loyalty lies deep to the guards and your family. Jimin knows you are safe, under the protection of his mother and the community surrounding the cabin. He would never just leave you.
A gust of wind blows in from outside, the chill reminding you how low the temperatures are. Jimin’s mother kindly shuts and locks the door. Silence stills softly in the ambiance of the crackling fireplace.
It breaks you knowing Jimin isn’t staying by your side. The rational side of your brain screams at you, telling you he is doing the right thing. But the emotional soft boundaries you have, that are more tender than a baby bird, weakens the further Jimin is. Like a piece of your heart constantly stripping from you. Cracking and bleeding from unreciprocated love.
The gentle face of Jimin’s mother approaches you, her soft hand places it upon your shoulder to gain your attention.
“Princess,” she begins with a kind tone. “Please know, we’ll do anything to protect you. You’re in a safe place now. My name is Mira. Let’s have you change into something warmer. I can make some tea as well.”
Her words do not stop the slow streams of tears dripping from your face. You wipe away each of them the moment they pass the curve of your cheeks, frustration and heartbreak laying deep within you.
When will he come back, you begin to wonder. Will he come back? Flashes of the ruffians and ruthlessness they project remind you how dangerous they are. What damages have they done with your family's castle? To your precious belongings?
And then it reminds you… You haven’t thought about your family. Your father and siblings, are they safe and sound? Are they escorted off the property by the guards as they clean up the mess of the intruders? How selfish of you, truly, to only think of yourself and Jimin.
Your realization serves you like the small piece of bread and tea served to you on a platter from Mira. It makes you cry more about how childish and foolish your mind is.
“He does love you,” Mira speaks again. Her eyes crinkle with wrinkles as she smiles. “He does the things he does because he loves you.”
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Jimin yearns to return to your side the moment his feet step out of his childhood home. He rushes back to the castle grounds, reconnecting with the king's royal guard and abolishing any trespasser standing in his way. He fought for hours with righteousness and duty, tearing apart men limb from limb as he dodges the poisonous silver weapons laced with a venomous herb. When the time comes that the invasion of hoodlums either retreat or have been eliminated by the brute force of the royal guard – Jimin doesn’t hesitate to rush back to you. 
He’s been given the blessing from his higher-ups. Notified that the castle will be on high alert while the rest of your family has been scattered to their own locations of safety. They too have their own personal guards who stand their grounds and hover their sides. What matters now is that the kingdom is still intact even after such a brutal attack. They are not overthrown and they will continue on as supreme rulers.
As for any hostages held from the invaders, they will be judged appropriately and prodded for questions and answers before the royal court. Jimin has seen this many times, but never to this extent. This is the first time in his line of duty that the castle was attacked – but he is thankful for the outcome.
He wouldn’t know what would have happened if it turned out different.
His chest heaves with heavy breaths as he slows his pace the moment his eyes lay on the door to his mother’s house. Inside he knows you are waiting, impatiently he assumes. But seeing your face again will give him a sense of relief. A calming vortex that sinks deep inside his body and warms his nerves.
Jimin’s blood pumps in his ears as he calls out to his mother in the form of telepathy – a unique trait wolves have with one another. An inner circle of connections that allows wolves to speak to other wolves. Mira is ready by the door, twisting the handle and allowing Jimin a swift entrance into the house.
He tries to step quietly as his heavy wolf form causes the wood flooring to creak under his steps. His pads resound a soft thud as he walks. At first, he expects to walk straight to his room as he remembered he offered you his place to rest. But as his nose picks up your immediate scent, he realizes that you’re still resting on the couch right in front of the fire.
“She hasn’t moved,” Mira murmurs under her breath. Jimin’s mother stayed up all hours he was gone, watching and keeping you company. “I’ve given her plenty of tea and washed her face with a heated cloth. I’ve kept adding more wood to the fire to help. Even in her sleep, she still shivers. She may have hypothermia,” she warns.
He wouldn’t put it past him if this is the case. You were never made for enduring February winters in just a nightgown after all. Barefooted may he add.
Jimin walks over you, his nose sniffing at your skin to seek any discomfort your body may radiate. You lay there bundled up as much as you can under heavy fabrics of wool and fur. Jimin smiles to himself fondly as he sees the way you tuck your chin into the blanket and cover your nose.
A tentative look is shared between Jimin and his mother before he nudges his head against your arms.
You rouse from your slumber momentarily and your immediate reaction is to tighten your body and move to a more comfortable position. However, Jimin doesn’t allow you. He nudges you again and this time he digs his nose between the crack of your arms, prying them open so he can slot his head through and force your arm around his neck.
Mumbling in your sleep, you groan at the annoyance of being woken up. But when you feel the soft bristles of fur against your face and the undeniable warmth coming from them, you cling onto whatever is pressing against you.
It wakes you further. Enough to make you register enough to know Jimin is in your arms right now. Your fingers cling onto him tightly, screwing them into knots as you inhale deeply into the side of his neck. He smells like the frozen forest mixed with burning embers; the smell of smoke clogging between his roots.
His warmth is what reminds you of home. It forces happiness to leak out of your eyes as a warm tear drips onto his fur the more you bury your face into him. His movement forces you to wake up, urging you with a tug to get off the couch and follow him.
Leisurely, you hang from him while he ushers you to the other room – his room. Your feet stumble as the two of you pass Mira. You don’t care how clumsy you look, you’re just happy to have Jimin back.
“Jimin,” his mother tries speaking in a hushed tone. “Remember who you are to her.”
He doesn’t stop his stride as he enters his old bedroom with you nearly hanging off of him. It’s upkept well thanks to his mom. Nothing moved or changed over the years. With a few more nudges and suggestive pushes, he has you falling into place upon the mattress. It’s low to the ground, easy for him to step on it even in wolf form and lay comfortably as you attach yourself to his back. 
This form is undoubtedly the warmest. And with his wolf form he serves as a natural furnace for you. He doesn’t mind the way your fingers dig into his fur or the way your cold body presses desperately against his. He allows anything that will warm you up.
His eyes meet his mother’s as she leans in to shut the bedroom door. Words and feelings cannot describe his unfair bond to you – but with werewolves, they have a mutual understanding of how things work.
Jimin groans with a huff before putting his head down on the bed. He stays awake, alert, and listens to the sounds and conversations running through his head. Even when the threat is over, he still stays guard. Ready to pounce on anything that comes toward you.
For now, you may sleep comfortably. Jimin will be able to tell you later about the results of the castle and your family. 
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You’re greeted by coldness as you toss and turn. The fresh chill pricks your cheeks, jolting your nerves to wake when you want nothing more than sleep. Chirps of wild birds sing outside of the window that casts a dull ray of sun into the room. It still looks dark out. There’s also an ache in your joints and muscles, particularly in your neck.
Perhaps you slept awful,  used to having your luxury linens and perfectly fluffed pillows. Instead you spent the night balled up, tight, against the only thing that holds heat.
The fire isn’t what saves you from the brisk cold of winter. It is the tender bristles of a wolf’s fur that hordes blissful heat, warmer than a copper pan filled with rocks warmed at the edge of a fire.
But you are not welcomed with that same softness of Jimin’s fur anymore. When you turn again, you realize you press against the smooth surface of his broadened back. Black ink decorates down his spine in the phases of the moon as your eyes focus from the haze of sleep. Does it make any sense to see the man you adore, shirtless with his back to you in the same bed? 
Absolutely not.
Your clogged head tries to clear the fog of confusion as you edge away from Jimin. He’s tucked under the covers, just as you. His chest rises and falls slowly, in a deep sleep. He’s more exhausted than you, his body fought all night. It makes sense he finally collapsed into a resting state; relaxed and dare you say, delicate. The branded ink shines subtly as his skin, miraculously still smooth, feels even warmer under your tender fingertips. Slowly, you trace invisible patterns onto his skin, mesmerized by the way he doesn’t pull away from you.
You feel guilty for snuggling up closer to him, knowing very well he isn’t in a conscious state for him to put you back in your place like all the other times. But you feel drawn in and addicted to his warmth and security in such a tender position.
Jimin inhales and exhales deeply, shifting his head when he feels your fingers tickle the nape of his neck. He shifts in his sleep, moving his body enough to force you to freeze. His hand reaches back, swatting away your hand as if it is a dainty bug crawling on him. But he realizes it’s nothing but a hand – your hand – and instead, he grips it. Pulling it around him and stretching your arm across his torso so that he can hold it against his chest. Jimin curls himself in a fetal position, dragging you flush against his back.
“Stop tickling me,” he murmurs in a groggy voice. He huffs out a small burst of air, humor laced with it.
Your forehead presses into his spine, a small smile creeping up on your lips.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Silence falls once again except for the subtle sounds of Jimin’s breathing. You could stay like this forever if you were able to. Ignore all responsibilities of life and stay with Jimin. Deep down, you secretly wish this. Having his protection and solace, bringing you solitude and clarity. You know that he is all you will ever need. He’s been exactly everything you need him to be in your life, even when times get tough and he guides you to do something you’re stubbornly against. It’s all for your well-being. Your overall happiness. Jimin has never steered you down the wrong path; even if it’s the path you wouldn’t pick yourself.
He is strong in many ways you aren’t. Rational and accountable. You know he will do everything in his power to let you have the perfect life and he will never leave you.
This feeling of unfulfillment with your heart always reminds you how a large piece of him belongs there. No matter how much room you make for your family and potential suitors that come your way. Nothing will fill the undeniable love you have toward your personal royal guard.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat. This time with a different reason.
You’re apologizing for yourself. For the position you put yourself in even though you never win the fight with your emotions. How you cannot control this bond between the two of you and how you cannot change the way you feel toward him. You know you could never be with a wolf, let alone your own personal guard. The years between you doesn’t matter either. Jimin still looks as you first remember him, minus the added tattoos, scars and array of hair styles he’s sported. He has always been your guard, a figure to look up to, a brother, and a best friend without being them at the same time.
The connection you feel with Jimin is unexplainable. A natural magnetic draw you feel. A compelling force screaming at you that this – he – is exactly what your mind, body, and soul needs.
“Get some more rest,” Jimin urges as he squeezes your hand a little bit tighter.
“I am being honest with you,” you declare.
“So am I,” Jimin’s sleepy voice seeps through.
Your small tiff stirs Jimin awake. He turns slowly, still maintaining his hold on your hand as he faces you. The small puff of his cheeks shows you how tired he must be as his eyes remain closed. Jimin leans in, pushing your head into his chest as he rests his face into the top of your head.
“Rosemary,” he speaks out loud. He inhales slowly, admiring the sweet scent of the herb used to wash your hair every night. “It suits you so much.”
You feel a flush of warmth coursing through your body in such an intimate position. You have never been this close or tangled with Jimin like this before. There’s faint scars across his chest from what you can see, memories of past battle wounds that cut too deep perhaps.
“Are you hurt?” You question. Wondering how his body never correctly healed these specific marks.
“Not anymore,” he hums as he pulls you in tighter.
You can hear the faint beating of his heart as you twist your head to lay against his chest. It thumps calmly, like a lullaby whispering in your ear.
“Why are you here?” You dare to question. 
A heavy thought that’s been weighing on your mind for far too long. You want to thank him for welcoming you into his solitude and keeping you warm throughout the night. Even then, you hardly remember moving from the couch to this bed. Jimin sharing a bed with you doesn’t make any sense to you. Especially how he rests with no clothes on; assumingly you believe as the blankets cover more than your eyes can see.
“Warmth,” he responds. “I had to keep you warm. But I fell asleep.”
“Why are you still here then…?”
Jimin exhales deeply. He still rests as much as he can even with your quizzing questions.
“I’m pretending I’m still dreaming.”
“Dreaming?” You blink.
“Yes.” Jimin’s hand gingerly raises to stroke the side of your head, brushing off any stray locks. His palm is so warm against you, the contact heating you instantly. “A dream. Would you like me to leave?”
“No,” you blurt out faster than you expected. “I just don’t understand,” you try leaning back to look at his face.
“Princess,” he tsks. “How can I explain this?” He questions himself more than you. Jimin places his lips on your forehead and rests them there as he contemplates his words. “A wolf cannot be mixed with a royal. But you desire a wolf. And a wolf desires you.” He hesitates with the next sentence that leaves his mouth. “However, it will never be allowed. And thus… a dream.”
“You dream of this?” You ask, stunned.
“Don’t you?” He huffed a laugh. “I know you do. There are times that I can read it all over your pretty face. I can feel it too.”
“I-I,” you feel flustered. Your feathers fluffed every which way as Jimin speaks so carelessly of such a sensitive subject.
“I know how you feel for me,” he states. “I’m sorry you do. Even when I try to keep you on the right path, show you your responsibilities and guide you to your title's destiny… you found a sanctuary in me.”
Jimin continues to stroke your face with his thumb, his nose breathes out hot air against your forehead. He caresses you tenderly, holds you dear to him as if he is afraid to let you go.
“I’ve… I have always loved you,” you confess. Swallowing thickly as your throat closes up with emotion. Jimin allows you to slide your arms around him again.
“I know. I can feel everything you feel,” he sighs. “Your happiness. Your sadness. That painstaking broken heart every time you’re forced to live your reality.”
He smiles softly against your skin, peppering small kisses where his lips rest.
“I also feel the way you can’t control your emotions. How you constantly battle with what’s right and wrong. How not a single person draws your attention more than I do. I can’t really explain how I can feel these things,” he tilts your head to look down into your eyes. “It won’t make any sense.”
In the soft morning light, his features are more admirable. His skin glows beautifully, like a natural highlight illuminating off of the edges of his face. Jimin cracks open his eyes, only slightly, to peer down at your innocent expression. A face he’s seen for many years after being scolded or pressed for answers. The beauty in his eyes, that crisp amber hue, shifts a shade darker as they land on your parting lips.
“Jimin, I don’t want this to be a dream.”
You’re honest about it. The aura of intimacy is fueling the room so purely, it’s nearly smothering. Jimin allows his walls to break down for you to enter; let’s you in his space even when it goes against everything the two of you know.
His thumb flicks your bottom lip, feeling the soft flesh under his digit. He can feel the natural draw, how his body is aching with a tantalizing need to kiss you. To have you, just for now, before he must go back to reality.
“I’ll do anything for you,” he declares as he looks down at you sadly. “I devoted myself the very first moment I saw you.” His breath shakes as he lets out a breath he was holding.
“Princess,” he begins, the small curve of his lips upturning. He knows this is dangerous, it’s not allowed. Years of pining and rejecting you, fearing the system of the world and the way of life, he’s taking his one and only opportunity to be selfish. A thing you know so very well. Jimin leans down, lips nearly brushing yours, “Please forgive me.”
Your lips press together in a gentle embrace. He pours his unannounced love for you with this kiss; all those years of pent-up, hopeless desires and unfathomable attachment finally burst through with the only way he can show you. 
There’s no way of telling how long your kiss lasts; and eternity sounds like an understatement. Your breath hitches in your throat, surprised by the act and realism of Jimin – the man you’ve grown to love throughout all these years – has committed such a sinful, yet delightful, treason for the sake of his own greed. The same act you do not disgust, appall, or dislike. You greet it, after a few moments of shock, with happiness. A passion of feeling what you pined for all this time. Acceptance, understanding, and need.
Jimin’s warm fingers run along the side of your face and down the length of your arm. “Pretend it’s just a dream.” He smiles in between kisses.
A subtle tear breaks the brim of your eye as you capture Jimin in a passionate, breathtaking kiss. You bring him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck and tasting his tongue in your mouth. 
When it’s just a dream, you’re allowed to cross the lines of right and wrong. Do the things you want to do, impulsively or not. That’s why you don’t bother to wait when you desperately cling to him, tangling your soft fingers through his messy hair. You feel the way Jimin presses himself into you, not a care of his royal guard status or what your title is. He brings his love out to another being – you.
You feel the gentle pull of his hands at the lining of your padded clothes. There’s so much keeping you bundled, but he’s sure he can keep you warm with his body. His hands roam under the fabrics, feeling the touch of the soft skin of your hip. He skirts his hand up your back, pressing his palm onto you to drag you into him.
“Are you sure?” You question him as if you’re being fooled. Tricked into thinking this truly is a dream and not something you will remember.
“I’ve never wanted something so desperately,” he admits with no embarrassment. “So many times I’ve had to tell you to look away from me. Entertain these other suitors… It hurts. But I know I will always be there for you even if your feelings aren’t as they are now. Even if you didn’t feel for me. I can’t help that. I’m bound to you.”
Your eyes roam the expanse of his body that you can see against the pale sheets of his old mattress. His words send glee to your heart. Had you known this hurts him as much as it hurts you, you would do something about it. Find a way to make something work. There must be a way.
“I’m sorry for being so distant with you in regard to your emotions. But, I do it to protect you. I’m not right for you.” Jimin whispers as his lips reconnect with yours. A carnal desire brewing deep inside of him, no doubt inside of you too.
“Jimin,” you whimper against his mouth. The crack in your voice is threatening to snap.
“Tell me to stop.”
“Don’t,” you sniffle. 
Your head is a clutter of sensitive emotions ransacking your brain. Clouding your headspace as if you are in a daydream. But you accept it. Allow this illusion, real or not, to be as real as it can ever get.
You accept him and this moment of time.
The heat of Jimin’s body keeps you warm from the chilled air outside of the sheets. Slowly, he shifts to have you laying on your back as his body crawls over you. Jimin plants soft and wet kisses down your jawline to a sweet spot on the side of your neck, multitasking with the buttons of your thick clothes.
The second he is able to free portions of your body from the garments, his skin slides over yours. Touching every delicately smooth surface of your body. Rising goosebumps through each sway of his fingers across every inch. You melt into his touches, a quiet whimper and pleasant hum escaping your nose.
“You’re so beautiful,” he comments as he levels his head with yours. He takes a moment to peer down at your morning face, admiring the way you look even with a rough night. Jimin remembers your eyes the most. How genuine and curious they are. He reminisces about the first time; when a shot of an electrifying spark penetrated his entire being because of his imprinting nature… how it connected him to you for as long as you live. “I will never lose you.”
Jimin can feel the way your body speaks to him. How together all your nerve endings and atoms feel as if they join like a perfect puzzle. It leads him further to your core, trailing his hand tentatively as he waits for a clear sign for him to continue.
He presses himself gently against you, showing you his growing need for you. The hardened appendage pokes you like a soft tapping on a door, trying to be as polite as possible.
You take his face in your hands, pulling him down for another emotional kiss. You nod to him, giving him the clearing to roam your most secretive bits.
After removing the access clothing from your legs, his fingertips glide up your inner thighs. He shivers when he inhales suddenly, taking in the small whiff of your scent. Instinctively, and almost casually, you bend your knee to allow more access for him.
Jimin’s fingers ghost over your core, brushing against the edges before feeling the slick heat from your lower lips. He teases you at first but not on purpose. Jimin swallows nervously, fighting with his body to remind himself to take things slow.
He takes your bottom lip between his teeth, pulling at the plump piece of flesh as his index finger runs down your slit. You shutter with a breath of hot air blowing out, enjoying the foreign touch.
Unsure what to do with your hands, you begin to run them down his hard chest to mimic the similar style of approach he does on you. Though you’re halted the moment you hit his navel by his hand.
“Allow me to focus on you,” he requests in a soft tone. He raises your knuckles to his mouth where he plants a chaste kiss to them.
He suggests for your hands to remain away as he descends down the valley of your breasts. Each tender kiss he leaves to your feverish skin in the commute to your lower region has you squirming. You hoist the blankets over your body as Jimin disappears underneath them, taking the heat too. He’s able to maneuver skillfully between your legs, slotting himself neatly as you spread them wider.
You don’t get to see the way Jimin licks his lips when his eyes focus on your core for the first time. How your scent hits his nose at full force, reminding him how beautifully wet you’re becoming with the tension built up around you. His finger returns to you, sliding down your slit and nudging against your clit. It causes you to jolt, instinctively closing your legs around him as much as possible. But he keeps them open with his hands and body as he moves closer.
Peeking under the covers, you see the dark hair of Jimin sinking between the junction of your thighs. You capture the scene, branding it in your memory the moment Jimin’s mouth abruptly comes down on to your clit. You cry out, gripping the blankets in hard fists as his tongue languidly flicks over your sensitive bud as his finger teases your entrance.
“Shh,” he tries to tame you when he inserts his finger into you. You clench tightly, shift your legs even more as your body adjusts to Jimin.
He’s wondering what you’ll feel like if he inserts another, if it’ll pull another whimper and a moan from you. And he has to; to spread your entrance wider and stretch your walls open enough to allow him inside. Prepare your body for the intrusive thoughts bleeding into his mind of your body shaking under him with pleasure.
Jimin curls his fingers once he adds a second one into the mix, slowly pumping them in you at a steady pace as his lips caress your clit. The tip of his tongue flicks your bud so dangerously, it makes you cry out even louder and begins to disturb the silent winter morning air.
His free hand comes down to your waist to stop your hips from bucking into him. Jimin releases his mouth from you and calms his fingers as he hushes you once again.
“Quiet, Princess. Please.”
“Jimin, I-I’m-” You pant softly. Your chest shakes with the rise and fall and intense pounding of your heart.
“Don’t be sorry,” he interjects. Jimin slides himself up your body again while still securing his fingers inside your core. “I know it’s hard to not be loud.” He places a kiss to your cheek before finding your mouth, the taste of you still lingering on his plump lips. Gently, he adds a third finger into your entrance and captures your whine with a sealed kiss.
He uses this moment to experimentally widen your walls with the scissoring effect of his fingers. Fighting off the impulsive clench your body naturally does. When his thumb presses into your clit your body jumps.
Your hands rush to his head, combing through his hair as you fight to anchor yourself on something.
Jimin winces from the strength and harsh pull, but he doesn’t let it bother his actions. Instead, he is kissing your neck again as his hand wraps around your back. He lifts you up like it’s easy until you’re straddling his lap, legs still parted wide for him. Jimin removes his fingers from you, allowing him to push you closer against his hardness. The contact makes his neglected member flinch with excitement.
Your cheeks prick with sparks of warmth as you look Jimin in the eyes again. Both completely naked and in each other's own embrace. Your hot slick presses against his shaft and Jimin cannot help but use his hand to push you into him again.
The blankets have fallen around the two of you, leaving Jimin’s strong muscles to hold you upright on top of him and exposed for him and only him.
“You can’t tell anyone…” he begins as his lips lock with yours. “What happens here must stay here.”
“But what if I don’t want that?” You ask, catching your breath in between kisses.
“Want and need are two different things.”
“I want both of those though,” you exclaim. “I want and need you, Jimin.”
He silences you again, but this time with his tongue. He dives deep into your mouth, groaning with the taste of you that excites him.
“Don’t ever speak of this,” he reminds you. “You mean more to me than you can ever imagine. You’re special to me, Y/n. You will always have me.”
Your heart tightens in your chest as you hear his sincere words. Relief is an understatement. The reassurance and verbal notice of Jimin’s confession is enough to send you to cloud nine. His loyalty and dedication to your family's name isn’t the only thing he cares for. The importance of you and how you are something more to him sends your heart into eternal bliss. Maybe all it took is to finally hear it from the source.
“I’ve always loved you,” you declare as if Jimin never knew this himself. 
He nods, leaning in to capture another kiss from you as your hands tugs on his shoulders. Your mouths move together so perfectly, reminding you how you want nothing more than to do this for the rest of your life. Lightly, your clit brushes against his hardened and untouched dick. The sensation of how close you are to it sends excitement through your body, arousing you more as you desperately rock against him for more stimulation with his help. Your slick drips along his lap, making the glide easier for you.
You admire the tip of his cockhead pointing up toward you, silently requesting to be touched.
“Help me,” you whisper as your legs try to help raise you above him.
Jimin positions his cock when you’re hovering over him. Your arousal drips teasingly over him, dressing the mushroom head of his tip in a shiny coat. He breathes out a strangled breath as the curse word ‘shit’ runs out of his lips. 
Slowly, you drop down on Jimin’s cock. Allowing him to stretch you open as the first inches penetrate you. He holds you up, allows you to sink down at your own pace as both your mouths open with pleasurable surprise. A silent gasp leaves the two of you breathless as you sit flush against him, ignoring any prickling pain as your walls flutter around his cock. Squeezing and unsqueezing rigorously as your head tosses back with eyes screwed shut. Jimin groans with a string of incoherent words, muffled by the way he presses his lips into the side of your neck.
“Oh,” you whimper. 
Knees already threatening to buckle and morph into jelly, your hands hold onto Jimin’s sturdy shoulders when you look down between the two of you. There’s fascination running through you as you watch the way your breasts rub against his chest each time your body moves down his; watching the way he disappears inside of you and filling you up.
The two of you moan in unison as you experimentally roll your hips into him. Jimin’s fingers tighten around your thighs, jerking his hips up to meet yours. He keeps a leisurely pace with you as he wishes nothing but to make you feel pleasurable. You can feel the way your orgasm slowly builds within you as you hold Jimin’s head closer against your neck. A desperate way of holding onto something while you begin to tremble with sensitivity.
“Is it too much?” He questions as he holds you impossibly closer to his body.
You breathe deeply, clutching his cock with your walls.
“No,” you choke out. “I need more.”
Jimin pulls you off of him to greet your face with his. He lays you down expertly, letting your body rest soft against the mattress again. Jimin is able to hook his arm around one of your legs and gently lifts it higher, testing the new angle and watching the way your face contorts with pleasure. 
You cry out his name as you feel his cock run across a specific spot inside of you, making your toes curl and back arch. The sparks in your body flying like lightning in the sky.
There’s a tightness in your stomach that shoots down to your lower region, alerting you of your approaching orgasm. Jimin notices from the way you shake with each thrust he gives. He holds your legs wide, allowing deeper access to push into you as his abdomen flexes every time his body bangs into yours.
“Like this?” He breaths out, a glimpse of blue shining from his eyes.
“K-keep… Y-yes,” you moan, feeling him hit every mark with this new angle.
Jimin lowers himself down to catch your lips with his, closing your mouth and muffing your noises to the best of his abilities. He absolutely loves hearing the sounds of your whimpers and pleasure, but he’s not trying to allow everyone else to hear them.
Another quick and particular movement of Jimin’s hips has you coming undone beneath him, bucking your hips up to match his thrusts as you squeeze tight around him. You feel the way your nails dig into his shoulders as you shake uncontrollably as Jimin continues to thrust through your orgasm. The sounds of your bodies colliding heightens with squelching noises, your dripping arousal coating his entire pelvis and leaking onto the sheets below.
With a few more sharp thrusts, Jimin pulls out of you and spills his seed onto your stomach. Dressing your smooth skin with strings of milky residue. You catch the ending bit, watching the way his cum spurts out of his cockhead as Jimin presses his pelvis down, using both him and you to squeeze his slick-hardened cock.
Jimin moans with you, still molding your lips together as he holds you close to him. When the two of you calm down from the euphoric sensations, he places his forehead against yours. He looks down at you with soft and serene eyes. Filled with love and adoration. This new sense of energy and vulnerability flows through him.
It’s happiness he shares with you when you both shyly smile at another. Ignoring all the heated labor breathes and dampened hairlines. You get lost in his eyes, wishing that the crisp amber coloring is the solution to all your worries and problems. And in some ways – they are.
“I love you.”
Jimin speaks calmly as he declares his emotions for you. His lips press into yours once more to seal his statement.
You can’t help but look up at him with watery eyes. You want to burst into a full blown cry when you see the way his eyes glisten too, but you don’t. Not wanting to spoil the moment of sincerity for either of you.
“I love you too,” you respond as you brush strands of fringe away from his softening face. It’s almost long enough to tuck behind his ear, which you scowl when you watch the piece fall right back in his face.
You share a soft chuckle with him as he moves slowly, making sure to not spread the mess on your stomach everywhere.
“I’ll clean us up and we can go back to resting for a bit.”
“Okay,” you smile softly. Your hands begin to cover yourself the further Jimin pulls away from your body. 
Jimin is quick to find a feasible cloth from the corner of the room and just as fast to return to you on the bed. He wipes you off first, as he should, before cleaning himself. He kneels down on the mattress as you try to subtly admire his entire naked body. Realizing he is still so unfairly beautiful without the suited armor and clothing he usually wears.
“I should have you know, now that you’re awake…” he huffed a laugh. Jimin slides himself under the covers, meeting your body with his. His arm crosses over your torso, hand running down the other side of you until he pulls you close by the waist. “Your family is safe. We defeated the threat last night and your castle will undergo some reconstruction from the damages. But everything is maintained again. I’m sure we will have to return within the day.”
The news makes you happy. The outcome could have been far worse in many ways. But hearing these words from Jimin is comforting. It makes you proud and grateful for him. You aren’t sure what the future will bring. How this dreamy secret must never be spoken about. What this could all mean now. But what you do know, is that he loves you too, and that is enough for now.
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Moodboard credit: @/kth1
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taevbears · 10 months
To Be Loved - 03
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Please be our guest
⤑ pairing: namjoon x reader (a bit of reader x jungkook) ⤑ genre: hybrid au, romance, hurt/comfort ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.3k ⤑ warnings: hybrids are seen as sub-human, brief descriptions of abuse throughout the chapter, a bit of angst, the boys are very guarded and kind of mean toward the reader, reader is stress lol ⤑ note: sorry for the delay in this chapter, it's been really hectic these past few weeks being sick and super busy. i'm curious what your thoughts are and what you guys think namjoon is! also, i hope you all have a safe and warm holiday full of delicious food!
Chapters 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 (End)
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Dinner is served.
Laid out across the table is a small feast consisting of homegrown vegetables from their garden, hand-picked fruits of the season, grilled fish caught from a nearby river, roasted poultry and cooked eggs, and homemade brew that’s been aging in their cellar. Food that’s clearly been hunted and gathered from around the manor.
“You two are our guests,” Rap Monster says to you and Jungkook from the head of the table, sitting directly across from you. “Please feel free to help yourselves.”
He glances over at the wolf hybrid and gives him a tiny nod. The eldest among the pack picks up his utensils and begins to put food on his plate, and the others soon follow suit, reaching for whatever appeals to their appetites. Even Jungkook begins to pile up on the food he’s been eyeing since they’ve been set down before him, and then passes the dish to you, starving after everything you’ve both been through since you’ve ventured off the main roads.
“This is seriously so good!” Jungkook praises between bites. His eyebrows are furrowed together, as if he’s angry at how incredibly tasty everything is.
“You’re just hungry,” the leopard hybrid remarks, shoulders raising a bit as he puts some fish on his plate.
“Thank you for cooking,” you add softly, though you’re not really sure who to direct it to. Jimin had mentioned that someone named Seokjin and someone named Yoongi prepared tonight’s meal. The deer hybrid only stares at you with a frown, the leopard hybrid doesn’t even bother to make eye-contact with you, and the wolf hybrid merely nods his head without saying anything back.
The table is relatively quiet, but you can tell that it’s a level of silence they’re not used to. Although the pack of hybrids try not to make it too obvious, you can tell they’re all observing you closely.
It starts to make you feel self-conscious as you bite into an apple, not really tasting the food but going through the motions of it.
You hate attention. You’ve always had.
The pressure of everyone’s eyes on you, watching your every move, and judging your every word and action makes your skin crawl, constricts your breath, and knots your stomach. Whenever you’re forced into the spotlight – Kangdae dangling you around like a pretty thing to envy – you keep your gaze on the ground. Your voice starts to tremble. You hear people asking what’s wrong with you.
As your eyes burn on the plate, you realize that’s what’s happening now. The hybrids are making you as nervous as you’re probably making them.
Humans, after all, are the most dangerous threat to them.
“My name is Jimin.”
To your right, opposite of Jungkook, the swan hybrid speaks. He seems to sense your uneasiness and then gestures for the others to follow.
Next to him, the bear hybrid grunts, “Taehyung.”
“Seokjin,” says the wolf hybrid, gnawing on a bone.
“I’m Hoseok,” the deer hybrid pipes up from the other side of the table, across the wolf.
“Yoongi,” the leopard hybrid calls himself, sitting between Hoseok and Jungkook.
Across from you, at the other end of the table, the one you know as Rap Monster merely smiles. The dimples on his cheeks are deep as he looks at his pack fondly before his colorful eyes meet your gaze. “I don’t go by Rap Monster anymore, so you can call me by my real name. It’s Namjoon.”
Finally, you have the name of the mysterious rapper.
You tell them your name, and Jungkook finishes the round of introductions with his. With one question answered, another one pops up. This time, from you. “How do you all know each other?”
The air shifts with a sudden tension, and you instantly regret the words leaving your mouth. It feels like you’ve come across a taboo topic. Information that, perhaps, none of them feel comfortable sharing with a human. You can see, by some of the emotions that cross their faces, that it hadn’t been easy for them to get here.
“The short story is that I took them all in,” Namjoon explains lightly. “Society isn’t exactly kind to creatures like us. Humans only see us as abominations. A lot of them can be unnecessarily cruel to the things they’re afraid of. To the things they don’t understand. I found them and I offered them a place in my home.”
“Which brings us to question,” Seokjin interrupts, his yellow eyes practically glowing when he looks at you, “what brought you into our territory?”
It’s a question they all seem to be wondering. Even before the car accident in the woods.
The words get stuck in your throat. 
Taehyung crosses his arms. He looks broader when he does that. More intimidating. “We don’t allow humans to come anywhere near this place.”
“But she’s not like other humans!” Jungkook speaks up on your behalf, eyes wide as if that would help convince them of his plight. “She’s really nice, and she’s my friend.”
“Jungkook,” you start, your voice barely above a whisper. You want to stop him. To tell him that he doesn’t need to defend you. That you understand their hostility, and that you swear you’ll be gone as soon as the storm stops.
His ear twitches toward you, showing that he’s heard you, but he decides to ignore you.
“I was in bad shape when I met her, but she helped me. She treated my wounds after my owner nearly…” He shudders, unable to finish his sentence. Given the bruises and cuts on his face, and the welts and scars on his body, it’s not hard to imagine what could’ve happened. Or how far his owner would’ve gone to hurt him. “She fed me too. And bought me ice cream and banana milk.”
Seokjin snorts at that. For a brief second, Hoseok and Taehyung look a little amused by his last comment. Whereas Yoongi and Jimin visibly frown as they look more closely at Jungkook’s wounds. Namjoon’s eyes meet yours for a moment, and you feel your heart flutter before he turns to Jungkook and gives him a nod, encouraging him to go on.
“And she’s been trying to find a safe place to take me to,” he continues, turning to look at you. There’s gratitude in his eyes when he does. “We were trying to take a shortcut through the woods, but it was raining so hard and we could barely see where we were going. We’re both just trying to get away from our bad humans.”
By the silence that follows, you’re not entirely sure if they believe you’re a good person yet. That, despite Jungkook trying to defend your honor, there’s still a bit of skepticism over a human helping a hybrid out of the goodness from their heart. After everything they must have gone through by the hands of those who try to control them, you can’t blame them at all for feeling jaded.
“I believe it,” is all Namjoon says. His gaze is fixed on you now, and again, you start to feel nervous at the attention. But… not in an entirely unwanted way. “You were kind to me once before, too.”
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For years, the old manor has been something straight out of a storybook. A beautiful, old home, stuck in time, untouched by humans. Deep in the woods and hard to find unless you know your way to it. Forgotten, but with a timeless and enchanting charm.
It begins with Namjoon, who discovers it. And then Yoongi, who helps him rebuild and restore it. Then, they find Hoseok, and for a while, it’s just the three of them. But that all changes when they meet Jimin and Taehyung and take them in at the same time. And finally, Seokjin joins their pack.
One by one, the hybrids have contributed and worked together to make this abandoned place their own. You see the way they protect each other, how they take care of each other. Humans haven’t stepped near their secret haven for years, and yet, here you are – an intruding threat to their sanctuary. A walking reminder of what they’ve run away from.
Yoongi, captured and thrown into a cage, about to be sent overseas in cargo to be auctioned off had he not managed to escape from his captives.
Hoseok, left for dead by the hands of hunters, antlers forcibly cut by the time Namjoon and Yoongi find him barely breathing.
Jimin and Taehyung running away from a shelter that was abusing the hybrids, starving them out, depriving them of basic essentials, and throwing them into tiny, cramped spaces before they’re next in line to be euthanized.
And Seokjin, forced to become a lone wolf after violently losing his home, family, and everything he knows to the greed of humans until he finally found the others.
“If you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask,” Namjoon assures you, clearing the plates away from dinner to wash. “I want you to feel comfortable while you’re here.”
“I appreciate it, Namjoon. Thank you,” you tell him sincerely. He grins at you, practically beaming as his name rolls off your tongue. You can’t help but smile back at him, although shyly.
It’s strange how flustered you feel around him.
“Can we look around?” Jungkook asks, coming up between you and Namjoon. He looks at him curiously as the two of you finally look away from each other.
“Of course. Jimin? Mind showing them around?” Namjoon asks the swan hybrid, who just finishes up wiping down the table.
He looks a bit surprised, but nods his head. “Oh. Sure. Let me finish this up and I’ll be right with you guys.”
“I’ll go with you guys,” Taehyung offers, glancing at you for a brief moment before he finishes up sweeping.
“What about you?” you ask. Not that you don’t mind Jimin. He’s been nice to you. Taehyung as well, though out of obligation.
You were just hoping to spend more time with Namjoon.
“I’ll catch up with you later,” he promises as he looks at the other hybrids, all pretending they aren’t listening to the conversation. “I need to make sure no one else followed you here.”
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As requested, Jimin and Taehyung show you and Jungkook around the manor.
The east wing is where you’ll be staying. The room that you woke up in is yours, and Jungkook has his own room near you. Dinner is at the same time every evening, and it is expected that the two of you will join the rest of the pack. There are many rooms that make this place feel like a modern castle: a ballroom with a grand piano, a lounge room with board games, puzzles, a pool table, and old gaming consoles, a conservatory with curtainless windows, table tennis, a seating area, and a greenhouse.
You can see that Jungkook is fascinated with the manor as much as you are. Maybe even more so. His eyes practically sparkle with excitement when he sees a familiar game that he played as a child, or that cheeky smile on his face when he asks if you can dance or play any instruments in the ballroom. You see Jimin and Taehyung eager to show him the cool stuff around the manor too, and you suspect that at one point, they’ve forgotten you’re on this tour as well.
Still, it’s so nice to see Jungkook smiling and laughing. Despite everything he’s been through, there’s still an endearing, childlike innocence to him. A shy, friendly aura that makes him so approachable and well-liked.
You can see him being very happy here. Even if you’re not in the picture.
“What’s over there?” Jungkook asks, curious as he nods toward the west wing.
“Oh, that place is off-limits,” Taehyung explains without giving it a second glance. “No one is allowed to go there.”
You’re a bit surprised by that. The west wing looks completely normal from where you stand. “Why not?”
“It just is,” Taehyung cuts in a little harshly as he glares at you. Your mouth immediately snaps shut, a bit hurt and taken aback by the outburst.
“You’re free to go anywhere else in the manor,” Jimin adds, trying to drop the topic. His voice is gentler as he shoots his companion a warning glance. “Just not the west wing. Understand?”
You merely nod your head, not trusting your voice at this point.
While the hybrids like Jungkook, it’s clear that they don’t feel the same about you. And you’re not certain they ever will.
As the tour continues, you can’t help but notice the other hybrids’ reactions when you come within their personal spaces in the manor. Yoongi stares at you from the high wooden beams on the ceiling. His spotted tail slowly swishes back and forth in distrust as his glaring, feline eyes never leave yours. Hoseok hides from you whenever he hears you approaching. He’s so scared, he’s trembling as you catch his wide-eyed, petrified gaze, and the guilt of almost hurting him weighs more heavily on you. Seokjin covers his mouth to hold back a low growl when you come near his room. His body is tense and his lips are curled back into a snarl. Even Taehyung is only accompanying you to make sure that Jimin is safe. That you won’t harm his dear friend.
Rain continues to heavily pour outside. You wish that the storm would die down already. Clearly, you’re not welcomed here.
A hand touches the small of your back, and you raise your head to see Jungkook giving you a tiny, comforting smile. Just like at the motel stop with the scary men, he subtly assures you that he has your back.
You give him a wry smile back, squeezing his arm in appreciation. It’s a silent exchange that doesn’t go unnoticed by the other two hybrids with you.
“This is our last stop,” Jimin announces as he and Taehyung open the double-doors. Your eyes widen in awe at the sight before you.
A library.
There are two levels, and both have standing shelves full of books. Art pieces that look like they belong in museums decorate the room as well, from busts of philosophers to exquisite paintings hung on the walls. In the center is a large couch that looks cozy enough to sink into, curled up with a good book. It’s a place much bigger and prettier than the tiny book nook in your town.
“Wow…” You step inside, mood instantly lifting as you marvel at the sight before you. You could spend months here, just trying to read through the massive collection. “This is amazing!”
Jungkook looks surprised. “You think so?”
“Is it okay if I look around?”
Jimin and Taehyung exchange looks with each other, but they nod their heads. You disappear into the nearest aisle, browsing around. Your fingers run across the spines of books and their printed titles before landing on the ones that catch your interest. Things that were in your to-read list, things that you’ve just discovered now, things that you fondly remember reading before.
To the two residential hybrids, it’s probably one of the more boring parts of the manor, yet you’re absolutely enthralled by the room.
“Are there any comics?” Jungkook shyly asks, and Taehyung’s eyes brighten a bit as he takes his wrist and shows him where they are. The two leave Jimin alone as he watches you with curiosity.
“That’s funny,” he says to himself before he follows after the other hybrids. “This is his favorite room too.”
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Sleep doesn’t come easy for you. Not tonight, at least.
After everything you’ve been through – running away from Kangdae, being on the road for days, looking for the perfect home for Jungkook, being careful to cover your tracks and not get caught, and finally ending up here – you’d think you would’ve been knocked out by now, exhausted from everything.
But as you turn to face the window, the relentless storm outside seems to reflect the turmoil you feel.
The storm won’t last forever. You’ll probably be here for two or three nights. Maybe a week at most. Then, as soon as the rainy days clear up, you’ll be out of here.
But Jungkook should stay.
As you toured around the manor with Jimin and Taehyung, it’s so clear to you that this place could be exactly what you two were hoping to find for him. A place to call home.
The hybrids provide for each other. They take care of each other. And they’ve clearly taken a liking to Jungkook. He’ll have his meals, a warm bed in his own room, plenty of fun things to do, friends to talk to. He’ll be happy here with them.
You turn to face the ceiling, already dreading the inevitable conversation you’ll have to have with him. He’s become your friend, and someone you care a lot about. You just hope he won’t be so stubborn and make it harder for you to let him go.
Especially since the other hybrids don’t like you as much. Or rather, at all. In fact, you’re pretty sure they’re eager for the storm to pass as much as you are so that you can leave their secret haven.
The mean looks some of them give you. The way they snarl and hiss and tremble at your presence. It feels like there isn’t anything you can do about it. Even if Namjoon allows you to stay, even if Jungkook is there to vouch for you, they’ll just hate you no matter what, simply because you’re human.
You sigh. You can’t force them to like you, of course, and you don’t blame them for being weary of you. But the bigger problem seems to be how you’re going to get out of the woods without a car. With your face all over the news. With Kangdae’s family exhausting all their efforts to look for you.
And as you roll to face the door, you think about Namjoon.
He’s as much of a mystery to you now as he was back then. He has a charisma that commands the room, that makes it obvious that he’s the leader of the pack. That alone has all the hybrids respect him and look up to him. And to top it off, he’s also so kind for letting you and Jungkook in, for making you both feel comfortable in his home.
You can’t remember the last time Kangdae treated you as nicely. He was always so selfish and cruel, and you feel foolish to think that’s what love was.
When in reality, ever since you finally left him, you realize you know nothing about love at all. You thought, if you stayed with him long enough, you could learn to love him. That you could learn how to be loved back.
But the pitiful ache in your heart only makes you realize that, at least with Kangdae, there was never any love at all. 
And yet, Namjoon…
With a finality, you throw the covers off of you. Since you can’t sleep, you decide to do something else to force your thoughts away.
You try your best to avoid the creaks on the floor as you quietly sneak out of the room. The halls of the east wing are dark, but luckily, you aren’t met with any grumpy hybrids just yet. As quietly as possible, you shut the door to your room and try to navigate through the shadowy hall, trying to remember where exactly the library is located in the huge manor.
However, your endeavor is halted when you hear voices at the end of the hall.
“You could be a little nicer to her,” Jimin begins, standing near a window where the moonlight illuminates his face. The tone in his voice sounds like he’s disappointed.
Standing before him is no one other than Taehyung. “She’s human.”
“She could be—” Jimin starts, but lowers his voice. You barely hear him as he tells Taehyung, “I think she’s it.”
His eyes widen a little, seeming to know exactly what he’s talking about.
“You think she’s—” An abrupt silence follows when they sense they’re not alone. Both of them turn to you. Even in the darkness, you think they can still see you. Then, Taehyung confirms they can when he asks, “Little human, where do you think you’re going?”
“I can’t sleep,” you reply honestly. On cue, the rumble of thunder ominously rolls in, sounding like the roar of a beast. You’re vaguely reminded of the sound that spooked Jungkook right before the accident, and you wonder if whatever it was is still out there.
“Are you afraid of the storm?” Jimin asks with a tilt of his head.
“It’s not that.” You don’t mind the rain or the sound of thunder, especially if you can stay safe and cozy indoors, sheltered from the bad weather. Under other circumstances, you might even enjoy the ambiance it brings in the background of a good book. “I think I just want to read something before I go to bed.”
“Are you afraid of us?” Taehyung suddenly asks you. His eyes glowering as he waits for your response.
But you look confused. “What do you mean?”
“Do you think we’re monsters?”
“Taehyung,” Jimin warns with a frown. He turns back to you, opening his mouth as if he’s about to tell you to just forget about his friend’s question.
“You’re not monsters,” you tell him seriously, without hesitation, without looking away. Your answer surprises not just the two hybrids before you, but also the ones in the shadows, listening in. “None of you are.”
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You love books.
From the stories that your parents would read you to sleep, to the short stories full of childlike adventure and wonder, and later opening up to genres of drama, horror, fantasy, and romance. Even now, you love immersing yourself in the worlds of writers, escaping and overcoming trails that aren’t your own, and imagining yourself as the main character with every page you turn. It’s something that you can’t get enough of.
You love the weight of a book in your hand, the smooth texture of paper beneath your fingertips, and the earthy, musty smell of aged and worn pages that’ve been sitting on their shelves. You love being so captured by a story, you forget everything else around you, hung to every inked word across the page until the final conclusion.
Entering the library for the first time, surrounded by one of your favorite things, brings you a comfort that you haven’t felt in a long time.
Kangdae never understood your fascination with books. He couldn’t relate to that interest at all, finding it boring and a waste of time. It got harder to indulge in reading when you were with him. There were always chores to do after a long day at work that he never bothered to help with, or spontaneous trips and outings that he’d drag you to just so he can ignore you for his friends and other pretty women throughout the night. Even the books you do own, Kangdae never respected them – he never did with any of your belongings – throwing them when he was mad until the pages were bent and torn from the bindings, or using them as coasters or to spill his drinks on.
Finding yourself in a place like this brings you back to a time before you ever met Kangdae. Where no one really knew you, and you could quietly indulge yourself in the stories you’ve always loved.
Of all the books in the library, one of them catches your eye.
It’s your favorite one. The one about a far-off place with daring sword fights and a prince in disguise.
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you hold the book in your hands, flipping through the pages. It’s been well-kept, as have all the other books here. Unlike the copy you had at your home, ruined beyond repair. As you skim through the pages, the story immediately jumps out at you. The descriptions make it easy to imagine, and the flow of words make it hard to put the book down.
Even though you’ve read this story countless times, it never gets old. Because within the pages, entwined with all the action, adventure, and drama, is a love story.
To be loved and to be loved in return.
You’ve always wished for something like that for yourself.
All you’ve ever known about love is from Kangdae. The misery, the arguments, the fear, the anger. You think that’s just the reality of what love is supposed to be. But at least in this story, love seems nice. Even if it’s only fiction.
“That’s a good one.”
You’re startled when Namjoon appears beside you, looking at the book that you have in your hands. He looks wet, as if he’s been outside. Water drips from his soaked clothes, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it at all.
You smile at him sheepishly and admit, “It’s actually my favorite.”
He returns your smile. Those deep dimples pop up on his cheeks as he offers, “If you want it, it’s yours.”
“Oh! Thank you, I appreciate it, but I really can’t,” you decline, although very touched and almost tempted by the gift. “I don’t know how I can repay you for letting us stay here until the storm passes.”
“You don’t need to repay me anything,” he assures you sincerely. Perhaps to him, he’s just returning the favor you did for him years ago.
“I should at least give you money or something.” You don’t have much on you, though. Just whatever is left of what you’ve been secretly saving up.
Namjoon seems to consider it, but then, almost a bit shyly, he asks, “What about a date instead?”
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You’re not entirely sure what Namjoon is thinking when he asks you on a date.
It’s still raining outside. Thunder, lightning, strong winds, and all. Even if you could leave the old manor, there isn’t anywhere to go. You’re surrounded by a thick forest in the middle of nowhere.
Still, Namjoon has you close your eyes.
His big, strong, and incredibly warm hands take yours in his, as he guides you to wherever he plans to take you. He smells like rain, and his clothes are still slightly damp from patrolling outside.
Your footsteps echo together in the quiet manor as he leads you out of the library. You can feel his gaze on your face, making sure you don’t ruin his surprise, and taking in all your features up close. And you bite back a giggle when you hear him bump into things every now and then before quickly assuring you that he’s okay and reminding you not to open your eyes yet.
“Watch your step,” he warns as he takes you somewhere colder. You clumsily stumble over the step anyway, nearly falling if it isn’t for his hands steadying you.
“Namjoon, where—?”
“Okay,” he says with a baited breath. “Open your eyes.”
Connected to the curtainless sunroom with the tennis table and the comfortable seating area is a greenhouse. You noticed it when Jimin and Taehyung showed you around earlier, but you didn’t have a chance to look inside. Namjoon smiles eagerly as he shows you his private, indoor garden: the bonsai trees that are starting to bloom with flowers, monstera plants standing tall with giant leaves, and bundles of flowers like roses, snapdragons, and lilies.
“Wow, Namjoon,” you say in awe, looking around. It feels like walking into the library for the first time, marveling at the magic the room brings. “These are beautiful.”
“I grew them myself,” Namjoon proudly states, rubbing his neck shyly. “They’re nothing compared to Hoseok and Jimin’s garden, but I thought I should still show you this place. I like coming here when I have a lot on my mind.”
“I can see why,” you remark. It’s nice here. All the flowers and plants look like they’re well-taken care of, healthy and thriving despite the ominous weather conditions. You come across a flower that you’ve never seen before. It looks like a cross between a lily and a rose, iridescent in color but with a thing of blue and purple. Their leaves and stems shine green like emeralds. “What are these?”
“Pretty, right? I call them smeraldo flowers,” he explains. His eyes light up with the way you admire them. “In the language of flowers, they mean non potevo dire la verità – the truth that couldn’t be told.”
“I’ve never seen anything like them.” You carefully touch the soft, delicate petal of the flower. They almost look like they’re made of magic.
“They’re beautiful like you.”
You look up at Namjoon just then, a bit surprised by the compliment. He seems a bit embarrassed, trying to hide his face as if he hadn’t meant to say those words out loud.
You’ve been called beautiful before. Sometimes, you think your natural beauty is all that Kangdae sees in you. It’s the only reason he ever tried to pursue you. But hearing it from Namjoon, who seems sincere with his words and intentions, it feels different.
It feels nice.
“I don’t know about that. These are very beautiful flowers,” you reply with a shy smile. “But thank you, Namjoon. You’re really kind.”
“I know the other guys are having a… difficult time adjusting to you. We haven’t had a guest here in a long time, especially a human one,” Namjoon tries to justify on their behalf. “They’re not bad, though. None of us are. So, you don’t need to be afraid while you’re here. But if you ever feel lost or scared, you can always come here. This place, these flowers, they bring me comfort. I hope they do the same for you.”
“Thanks Namjoon,” you repeat with a small smile. He really is so kind to you. “And I get it. Don’t worry. I don’t know what any of them have been through, but I don’t blame them for being cautious of me.”
Although you haven’t had many encounters with hybrids before, you know of the mistreatment they’ve endured from humans. How they’re treated like outcasts, and are constantly on the threat of being enslaved as laborers, entertainers, or pets. You see them protesting for their rights, and how laws constantly change to their disadvantage. 
But if you’ve learned anything while being with Jungkook, it’s that he isn’t too different from you. He likes to sing and dance to music while you’re driving, he snores in his sleep, he loves the taste of banana milk and ice cream.
It hurts a little, but you understand why they’re weary of you. Why the hybrids aren’t able to easily trust you the way they can trust Jungkook, even though he’s just as much of a stranger to them as you are.
“You really are different from other humans,” Namjoon states with intrigue. The look in his colorful eyes is full of warmth and sincerity.
“I don’t think I’m doing anything different than what any decent person would do.”
“It’s because not a lot of humans treat us like decent people,” Namjoon explains again with a sad smile. “You know, you humans are so fascinating to me. You build grand cities with tall skyscrapers, you create beautiful art pieces that evoke feelings and different interpretations to your work, you write countless moving stories of wisdom, fantasy, and poetry. I wanted to be a rapper because I felt like I needed my voice to be heard in this world. All the anger I felt about being born a hybrid, all the sadness and loneliness I felt from being shunned away, all the fear of never being able to be heard or accepted. I went to the underground to prove that I can be as good as the humans are. That my voice is just as worthy to be heard as theirs.”
“It is worthy,” you tell him firmly. “I still remember the night I saw you perform so clearly. You were the best one out of all of them. Even better than some professional rappers in the industry these days.”
He looks away bashfully, but quietly replies, “Thank you. I’m glad you think so.”
“After the incident,” you start, both of you recalling that night when people discovered that he was a hybrid, “I was hoping that I’d see you again.”
“I had hoped to see you too.”
The confession is soft, but you still hear it over the sound of rain and thunder. In the greenhouse, standing in the garden where loneliness is in full bloom, you feel something stir inside you. Something warm. Something real.
You can’t place your finger on why. But you start to think about the meaning of love.
And you have to wonder, has Namjoon been thinking about you this whole time? Does he remember that night he met you as clearly as you do? Is that why he’s so welcoming to bring you into his home? Is that why he’s been so kind to you?
His eyes are so mesmerizing, you don’t realize the rain has stopped. That the roars of thunder and flashes of lightning have suddenly died down. That all you can hear is your own heartbeat in your chest as you look up at the handsome man before you.
“What kind of hybrid are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
For the other hybrids, it’s obvious what they are: Seokjin is a wolf, Yoongi is a leopard, Hoseok is a deer, Jimin is a swan, Taehyung is a bear, and Jungkook is a bunny. But Namjoon, who mostly looks human, you have a hard time figuring out what he could be.
“I’m a beast. A miserable, ugly beast.”
Your brows furrow slightly. “I don’t think you’re—”
“But I am,” he interrupts with a frown. He looks at you seriously. “Trust me. You don’t want to see me in that form. You’ll be scared.”
You want to disagree. But you can tell that he doesn’t want to talk about the side of himself that he seems to hate so much, so you drop it. “Sorry for bringing it up.”
“No, it’s okay. I knew you’d be curious.” He sighs and rubs his neck again, seeming a bit torn with himself. A clash of thunder sounds from the distance, as if the storm is about to pick up again. As if the anger and sadness in the skies reflect Namjoon himself. “It’s just… if I had it my way, you’d never have to see it. You’ll always remember me the way that you see me now.”
You nod your head in understanding. Perhaps that’s why you’re also forbidden to go into the west wing. Maybe the truth of what kind of beast he is lies in that area.
Your gaze turns back to the smeraldo flowers. Under the moonlight, they almost look like they’re glowing with an ethereal and tragic beauty Flowers that mean an untold truth. Somehow, that makes you feel a little sad.
“Whether you’re a beast or a human, you’re not a monster, Namjoon.”
He smiles at you sadly. “I wish I could believe that. But thank you.”
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The spontaneous “date” comes to an end, and like a gentleman, Namjoon walks you up to the east wing and stops in front of your bedroom.
Before you go inside, you turn to face him. “I had a nice time, Namjoon.”
You mean it, too. Quiet nights in, looking at beautiful flowers in the garden, sharing book recommendations in the library. It’s the perfect night for you.
“You don’t have to go after the storm ends,” Namjoon suddenly tells you. “You can stay here if you want. Both you and Jungkook.”
“I don’t know, Namjoon. Your pack—”
“I’ll talk to them. I’m sure they’ll come around to the idea,” he starts, looking like he wants to add more to it. Because, for some reason, you’re very special to him.
“It’s not just that.”
He’s already done so much for you already. There’s no way you’ll be able to repay him.
“How about we make a deal?”
You pause, looking at him with hesitance. “What kind of deal?”
“I don’t want your money, or do anything that you won’t feel comfortable with,” he quickly assures you. “The woods are dangerous, and the storm isn’t going to stop anytime soon. At least here, you’ll be safe. You’ll have your own room, you can have dinner with us, you’re free to wander the east wing and use the common rooms. All I ask is that you go on another date with me tomorrow night. And the night after, if you still decide to stay.”
You think about it. It seems like the best option for now.
You’ll still be hidden from Kangdae and the people looking for you. You’ll be safe from the wolves and other predators lurking in the deep, dark woods. You won’t have to say goodbye to Jungkook so soon, and you can spend another night like this with Namjoon.
“Why would you want me to stay when I’m human?” you ask him.
“Humans are fascinating. You’re fascinating,” Namjoon admits with a shy smile. “I just want to get to know you more.”
“I don’t think I’m that interesting of a human.” You can’t build skyscrapers, you can’t create masterpieces, and you can’t write stories the way your favorite authors do. “You’ll be disappointed.”
“I won’t. Because you’re you.” He seems so sure of that.
You smile a little at that.
“I’ll consider it,” you decide, heart fluttering as you half-joke, “I feel like you’re trying to make me fall in love with you.”
“You won’t,” Namjoon softly says, also just as sure. The way he looks at you makes your heart ache. “Why would someone as beautiful as you ever love a beast like me?”
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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minminyoonjii · 2 years
Ultimate Masterlist
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Stray Love Haven Series Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: MLM/MLF Short Summary: A Stray Kids Kink Book with 31 Days' worth of plot
Time Out Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Bangchan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Two idiots in love who couldn't tell the difference between platonic pet names and romantic pet names
Silent Cry Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Angst Pairing: Stray Kids Ot8/Gender Neutral! Reader Short Summary: You had a rough day, wanting nothing more than to sob your heart out alone but what if the eight men in your life felt it
Monster Under My Bed Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Tentacle Monster/Bang Chan/Lee Felix Short Summary: Stress was catching up to Chan and he wanted to relieve himself, somehow tentacles joined the mix and so did Felix
Phobia Genre: Angst|Psychopath AU|Flash Fic Pairing: Stray Kids Ot8/Fem! Reader Short Summary: You had a crush on Chan but your best friend Minho seems to disprove your liking. A night out of clubbing, swirled into weeks of terror.
My Love Genre: Fluff|Romance Pairing: Lee Minho/Han Jisung Short Summary: Minho saw a goddess rush past him, taking his breath away. Only to see the same goddess sit on the swing next to him
Sticky Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Tentacle Plant Monster! Park Jimin/Human! Jeon Jungkook Short Summary: Yoongi kept Jungkook in charge of his wild plant. He warned him about the consequences but Jungkook undermined the warning.
I'm A Charmer Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Stray Kids Song: Venom/Stray Kids Song: Charmer/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Have you ever wondered what it's like to fuck a humanoid version of your favourite song? This is that unhinged fic.
Mini Log Series Genre: Fluff|Ddlg/Mdlg Pairing: Bang Chan/Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Domestic scenes of Chanlix and their little. There will be praise, there will be punishments and most importantly, there will be tooth-rotting sweetness.
Check Up Season Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Doctor! Lee Minho/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Medical play with heavy tension. Lee Know wearing glasses and a doctor's coat is very attractive.
Limousine Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: 3Racha/Short Fem! Reader Short Summary: You pissed off Chan so they fucked you behind a moving vehicle and confessed their love.
Winter Flowers Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Fluff Pairing: Kim Seungmin/Lee Minho Short Summary: Getting stuck on a ski lift isn't ideal, especially if you have acrophobia. Enemies to friends to lovers, a 2Min classic.
Stray Kids Scenarios Series Genre: Undetermined Pairing: OT8/Reader Content: Tucking You In|First Time: Calling Them by Their Title|Pillow Fort|Nightmare|When They Notice You Crying During Sex|Lost My Way|Types Of Spankings|Sneak In|Types Of Aftercare|When You Start Being Bratty|9th Little Member|When You Feel Sick|When They Get A Nightmare|Fussy Diaper|Second Chance
Mirror Genre: Fix-it Fic|Hurt/Comfort|Angst Pairing: Father! Seo Changbin & Son! Bang Chan Short Summary: Coming out is never easy but imagine coming out to your adult son. Changbin just wants to explain to his child why he divorced his mother and left for ten years.
Monster On My Ceiling Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Tentacle Monster/Lee Minho/Hwang Hyunjin Short Summary: Hyunjin wanted nothing more than to get railed silly by Minho but before anything could've happened. Our tentacle friend from Chanlix's endeavours joins in.
Adore You Genre: Fluff/Slight Angst/Smut Paring: Fem Dom! Reader/Bang Chan/Lee Minho/Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix Short Summary: Hyunjin had a rough day, so you decided to make love until his brain turns fuzzy.
Champagne and Cigarettes Genre: Fluff/Smut/Abo Pairing: Virgin! Reader/Bang Chan Short Summary: Jisung has been courting you for months, you already knew everyone in the pack and tonight's the night you become a pack member. The only problem is that you didn't know what you signed up for.
Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing Genre: Fluff|Smut|Age Regression Short Summary: It's the few days before your actual period where you just want to get railed. You got overwhelmed and ended up slipping into little space. What are your responsible CG's going to do?
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Nightfall Genre: Fluff|Hurt/Comfort|Slight Angst|Age Regression Short Summary: Snow covered the backyard, and you wanted to play in it. Nightfall came, and the members promised you could play more the next day but why wait until that morning when you could play while they were asleep?
Sanrio Carnival Sanrio Carnival Visualizer Genre: Fluff|Domestic|Age Regression Short Summary: You were a big fan of Sanrio characters. Varying from the mainstream to the niche. One day, your caregiver bought tickets for the Sanrio Carnival. Tons of prizes were won, and many characters were seen. What did you do? Who did you see? 
Monster In My Closet Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Tentacle Monster/Kim Seungmin/Yang Jeongin Short Summary: Seungmin wanted to tease Jeongin into a pile of mush when slick pooled up to his ankles, holding him down.
Threeway To Heaven Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Bang Chan/Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Raves were something your best friends go to frequently and this time they wanted you to join them. Things don't go as planned when you get served a free shot.
Topline Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin/Fem Dom Leaning! Reader Short Summary: You drove home thinking it was just another day. Hyunjin wanted to try something new to spice things up, who else to ask except his beloved members to help him out?
Teacher's Pet Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin/Fem! Reader/Lee Minho Short Summary: Mr. Hwang's course has always been a pain in the ass for your GPA so he decides to confront you on it, but you couldn't hold back from snapping at him. Mr. Lee heard the commotion and wanted to lay some advice.
Moral Of The Story Series Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Angst Pairing: OT8! Straykids/Fem! Reader Short Summary: When a poly relationship starts turning cold, with regret, fear, and betrayal tying the strings of fate.
I Need You Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Fem! Reader/Lee Felix Short Summary: Dance practice ended early and Felix had pent up energy. Carving is a strong emotion to deny when it comes to handsome men who can't stop holding you against them.
Chasing That Feeling Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Lee Minho/Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Movie night snacks are always essential. Who knew bumping into a wall would lead to this?
Guilty Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: What's a little bit of teasing, when you're dating two most sexually driven men with the sheer need to ruin you.
9th Little Member Series Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Fluff|Age Regression Pairing: OT8/Reader Short Summary: You always felt that being a little was troublesome for the group. Hiding it was the only option you had. But you forgot one thing, your members can see through everything. Kidult|Tea Party|Otter Chaos
I'll Be Your Man Series Genre: Smut/Fluff Pairing: OT8/Fem! Reader Short Summary: A Stray Kids Smut Book with a crazy twist
Stray Heart Untold Series Genre: Fluff|Hurt/Comfort|Smut Main Pairing: Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Hero/Villain, betrayal enemies to lovers plot with world building and live writing ARG. Cause of writing: The 2023 5 Stars Trailer - Bang Chan.
Your Fault Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: All you wanted to do want watch a movie. You warned him, you told him it was slow. It's all his fault that his cock took over his brain.
Mommy's Home Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: There's nothing a good old-fashioned BJ can't fix, especially when you're stressed.
Double Trouble Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Seo Changbin/Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Princesses always had the right to feel full. It's not wrong to beg your boyfriend for another set of dick.
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886 notes · View notes
lilacmingi · 5 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. Ageless blogs and blank blogs risk getting blocked
Pairing: Vampire!Jimin x human!fem reader
Word count: 2,380
Note: This one is just a little angsty and Jimin is a total jerk but he gets better. This imagine is from my Wattpad so there won’t be any extra parts or continuations
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That monster has had you locked in this godforsaken room for at least three weeks. A room with no windows and a door that was constantly locked. The only time it was unlocked was when he came in.
You weren't allowed to go outside and all your meals were brought to you via your captor.
A dull, throbbing ache was still present in your neck from where he fed just the day before, the skin still tender where his razor-sharp fangs pierced your artery. Being bitten was something you never got used to; it hurt just as bad every time and the pain would persist and linger for days. He never gave you a break either and hardly gave you time to rest and recover. When he was thirsty, he would barge in and take what he wanted.
Every day was exactly the same and it was hard to tell just how much time had passed. At first you assumed three weeks, but you were beginning to think it had been closer to a month now.
You heard the sickeningly familiar click of the door being unlocked, your heart racing rapidly.
No. Not again. You thought.
It felt like he was just in the room two hours ago and with how often he fed, he very well could have been.
The door opened, revealing the deceivingly handsome, yet depraved man that was keeping you there. Park Jimin.
"Hi there, sweets." He grinned. "I'm thirsty."
You shook your head. "Please don't."
"You have no say in what happens." He strode towards your cowering form.
He chuckled at the way you scooted back towards the headboard, amused by your fear.
In the blink of an eye, he had you pinned to the mattress, hovering over you with a gleam in his eyes that slowly shifted from a warm brown to a sinister red.
The tips of his fingers caressed your neck as he brushed your hair away and leaned in.
"It still hurts." You whimpered, hoping he might postpone his feeding.
"Aw. Well then, I guess I'll bite somewhere else."
"No don't."
"Shh." He placed his finger over your lips to silence you while bringing his face closer to the side of your neck he hadn't bitten, stopping to take in your scent.
"Oh, you smell heavenly." He practically groaned.
You squirmed underneath him in a feeble attempt to free yourself, but his grip on your wrists only tightened, further reminding you that your strength was no match against his.
Jimin pressed a soft kiss to your neck before positioning his fangs on the surface of your skin. Your eyes squeezed shut in preparation for the stinging pain that followed not a second later.
An involuntary yelp was released from your mouth, which you were quick to snap shut. If you made too much noise, Jimin would often clamp his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet. As he fed, you tried your best not to move, if you did, the pain would be worse.
The sound of him gulping down your blood made your stomach churn. It was a sickening sound that you never got accustomed to. He was quite literally draining the life out of you.
Just before you could start feeling faint, Jimin pulled away, licking away any blood that clung to his lips as he stared down at you.
He must enjoy this. You thought. He probably takes pleasure in seeing me helpless like this.
He released your wrists and ran his thumb over the spot on your neck where he had just fed from, collecting the leftover blood that seeped out of the puncture marks. You winced at the uncomfortable and painful sensation, watching as he brought his thumb up to his mouth, licking the blood off.
"You're always so good for me, Y/n." He murmured before climbing off of you, exiting the room just as quickly as he arrived.
Even after he left, you didn't move a muscle, staring at the white ceiling trying to distract yourself from the throbbing pain in your neck that now accompanied the already existing ache on the opposite side.
This is what your life had been like for roughly a month. Jimin would come in and feed, leaving you to deal with the aftermath. Not once had he offered to bandage any of the bites he created.
How unlucky you must be to have ended up in such a miserable situation.
Jimin never disclosed any information as to why he brought you there. Just that he had been watching you and that he wanted you all to himself because your blood was the best he had ever tasted.
A shiver rattled your spine at the thought.
The only emotions you had felt since being shoved into this room was fear, anxiety, and longing.
On the bright side, you had a nice bed to sleep in, he fed you, gave you clothes to wear, and he let you bathe. It could be worse, you often reminded yourself. You could be locked in some dark, damp cell with no clothes and no bathing privileges. Though being locked in this room all day every day wasn't exactly enjoyable. Not to mention how often Jimin barged in to feed off you.
You sighed, sliding your eyelids closed while leaning to rest against the headboard. The same sentence that played in your head like a broken record made it's way to the forefront of your mind once again.
I want to leave.
The sound of the door opening caused you to flinch, snapping your eyes open and jerking your head in the direction of the room's entrance. Jimin walked in holding a plate of food and a glass of water.
"You've gotta keep your strength up." He placed the food on the bedside table and turned to leave.
"Jimin?" You asked meekly, the sound of his name coming from you mouth making you feel nauseous.
"Why are you keeping me here?"
"I already told you. You have the most delicious blood I've ever tasted. I need you."
"You don't need me." You shook your head. "I want to return to my life."
"You really want to leave me?" His voice lowered.
"Yes. I want my life back."
"This is your life!" He snapped. "Do you know how good you have it here? I take care of you! I put you in this nice bedroom and I bring you meals! The least you can do is be complacent."
Fed up and sick of being scared all the time, being treated like nothing but a blood bag, you stood up from the bed.
"You think you take care of me, but you keep me locked in here all the time! I can't roam around the house or even go outside! I'm miserable, Jimin!" You retorted. "Not to mention you feed off me at least once a day! My body can't handle it!"
"You ungrateful brat." He hissed. "I've given you so much and you're still not thankful."
"What's there to be thankful for?" You snapped back.
The look on his face was petrifying. He was so engraged that his eyes were turning a darker shade of red, almost black. He took a few steps towards you, but you backed away, afraid of what he might do if he got his hands on you.
"How bold of you, Y/n. Yelling at a vampire like that." He grabbed your wrist, jerking you towards him while leaning in close to your ear and speaking in a low growl, "Are you aware of what I'm capable of? I could snap your neck or drain you dry like that." He snapped his fingers. "So, if I were you, I'd be grateful for what I have and not complain about it."
With that, he released your wrist and turned on his heel, storming out of the room.
You dropped down onto the edge of the bed, afraid that your knees would buckle due to the rush of adrenaline and anxiety that coursed through your veins. A tear fell down your cheek as you nursed your wrist, which was burning from Jimin's inhuman grip.
"I'm never getting out of here." You sobbed.
So much for trying to stand up for yourself.
Part of you wished he had just killed you. Maybe if you had pushed him a little more, he would get so angry he'd snap. Then you'd be free from this nightmare.
Feeling a whole new level of despair and hopelessness, you cried, which was something you hadn't done much of since being tossed in this room. You let it all out, crying until you became tired and somehow fell asleep.
The sound of the door creaking open was what pulled you from your tear-induced slumber. Your first instinct was to try and get away, until you saw Jimin's appearance, that is. He had his head lowered, slowly walking into the room.
"What do you want?" You asked sitting up, your eyes puffy and still burning from all the crying.
"I thought about what you said." He spoke quietly. "You deserve to have some freedom. I'm treating you like an animal by keeping you locked in here all the time. I know it doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry."
You only stared at him, not sure what to think about his apology and if there was any genuine sincerity behind it.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked when he received no responses from you.
"I guess." You slowly got out of bed, slipped on your shoes, and followed him out of the room for the first time ever.
When you were first brought here, you didn't get a chance to see the rest of the house. It was surprisingly cozy for a home that belonged to a vampire.
You kept some distance between yourself and Jimin as he led you through the living room and out the front door, seeing the outside for the first time in what felt like forever.
The house was secluded with no other structures in sight; not even a road, just a concrete driveway leading to the abode.
You followed your captor through the front yard, watching the green leaves fluttering in the breeze, gazing at them in wonder as if it was your first time ever seeing the foliage.
Not a single word was said during your stroll in the front yard. You merely kept to yourself and took in the fresh air, following behind Jimin until he led you around the house to the backyard. You let out a quiet gasp when you were met with the breathtaking sight of rose bushes planted about the spacious area.
You glanced over at Jimin, hoping he didn't catch your unintentional reaction. His expression was still somber, his hands shoved in his pockets while his eyes were cast to the ground looking absolutely pitiful.
You reached out to nudge him, but before you could, he grabbed your hand. You flinched instinctively, wincing at the soreness in your wrist. He glanced down at the spot where he had grabbed your wrist earlier, a noticeable mark splotching the skin.
"Did I do that to you?"
You swallowed.
He dropped your hand. "I really am a monster. I don't know why I've been treating you so terribly. I was human once. I should know better than to treat you like a blood bag."
Jimin never wanted to become a monster, but now he could see himself turning into one. Giving into his cravings and feeding on you whenever he pleased, kidnapping you, treating you as a lesser person just because you were, what, human? He was human. He knew how it felt to be bitten and drained within an inch of your life. After all, that's exactly what happened before he was turned.
He released a drawn-out sigh, trying to gather his thoughts. "I like you. At first I only followed you because you caught my eye, but you smelled so good, I thought I could bring you here and have you all to myself while keeping you away from any other vampires that might've come along. It was the wrong thing to do. I was being selfish and letting the inhuman side of me take over." He paused. "I was beginning to regret bringing you here, but I knew you couldn't leave, not after everything you've seen and experienced. So, I tried to keep you scared so you wouldn't run away."
The air went completely still as you processed his words, your face showing no emotion whatsoever.
He liked you? That's why he locked you away? And he was mean because he didn't want you to leave?
You shook your head. "That's messed up."
"I know." He lowered his head. "I meant what I said earlier. I really am sorry. If you want to leave, you're free to go."
Your feet didn't move.
He was giving you the opportunity to walk out and here you are standing still when you could be running towards freedom.
Something about Jimin's apology struck you, and as much as you disliked him, you also felt sorry for him in a way.
When he saw you hadn't moved yet, he lifted his head.
"Go." He told you. "I said you could leave."
You pressed your lips together, internally kicking yourself for being so stupid and sympathetic.
"Why are you still here?" He questioned.
You released a reluctant sigh. "I can't fully accept your apology and I most certainly can't say that I return your feelings."
He nodded. "I understand."
"It's going to take time, and I mean a lot of time, for trust to be built, but I don't totally hate you."
"You don't?"
"Unfortunately no. At least not after the apology."
"So... you'll stay?" He asked almost hesitantly.
His shoulders slumped.
"I would still like to go back to my own home and return to my life. However, you can still be in it."
His eyes became brighter at that. "Thank you."
Jimin stepped towards you to embrace you in a hug, but thought better of it and retracted. "I'll do everything in my power to earn your full trust. I promise."
Jungkook ♱ Yoongi ♱ Taehyung ♱ Namjoon ♱ Hoseok ♱ Jin
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz @laylasbunbunny @iammeandmeisiam @akashababy
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kingsuckjin · 2 years
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• Title: knock knock knock (k3)
• Pairing: Jimin x reader
• Rating: 18+ (for adult sexual themes and spooky stuff)
• Genre: Horror
• Words: about 3k
•Summary: “Emergency broadcast alert: please remain indoors at this time. Close all curtains and windows, and do not open any doors, do not let them in. This warning will be in effect until the next update. Please stay safe during this time”
• Warnings: horror, haunting things happening, paranoia, smut, making out, edging, nipple play, dry humping, Jimin has a marking and ownership fetish, biting, dirty talk, female fingering, Jimin is the biggest fuckboy, this has a few cliché horror tropes if you can catch them in here.
•Notes: Thank you to the sweetest of sweethearts, @flurrys-creativity for letting me be part of her Halloween Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me collab which is by far one of the coolest collabs I've ever done 🖤 Happy Halloween y'all 👻
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“I can’t believe this” you murmured to yourself as you took a step back from your candle-lit bathroom counter and stared at yourself in the mirror. This couldn’t be happening. You looked back at yourself and wondered if your outfit looked too cheap or not. You worried about every little thing tonight from your dress to what was under it.
“I look fine.” You had to remind yourself “he’s human too”
It was a shock to you. Never for a second would you have ever believed Jimin would’ve liked you. He was a friend of a friend and from what you’ve heard a massive player, but it didn’t matter to you, it wasn’t like you were looking for anything serious anytime soon. All that you wanted was tonight.
It felt almost dream-like as you continued to gaze at yourself. Was it a dream? You have had a crush on Jimin for almost two years now.
Your hand went from the cold marble countertop to your face. You just didn’t feel like you tonight for some strange reason. Your hand slightly shook most likely out of nervousness. If you were already this nervous you couldn’t imagine how bad it will be once he’s here.
Buzz buzz buzz
Your phone vibration was jarringly loud face down on the countertop.
You knew it was him, but you needed a second to compose yourself. There was no way you could take a call or read a text from him like this.
You continued to stare at yourself, ignoring your phone.
You must’ve been staring at yourself for too long in the dimly lit room because you started to look less and less like yourself until your brain recognized you as a stranger. You felt so… odd. Your strange face began to morph and change into something else entirely, something more hideous and shocking. The more you looked at it the more it became more of a monster. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt fear run through you and that’s when you tore your eyes away from your reflection.
You finally picked up your phone from the countertop just in time to see a notification at the top of your phone
“Emergency broadcast alert: please remain indoors at this time. Close all curtains and windows-“
The notification was cut off and went away fast.
You blinked at the screen not knowing if you had been just seeing things or not. You searched through your phone to see if you could find it again, just to see what it was talking about but to no avail.
Was there a storm of some kind out?
You stood still for a moment and just listened for rain.
Knock knock knock
The knocking was rapid.
You jumped a little at the sudden sound.
Was it Jimin? You went back to your texts with him and saw that the last one was him saying “I’ll text you when I’m there” It wasn’t him.
Knock knock knock
Should you answer the door at all after the notification?
You went for your door hesitantly even though your brain was screaming not to. You brushed off the feeling knowing that you had simply just scared yourself.
Your hand reached the knob and unlocked it before slowly opening it.
“Happy Halloween” Jimin’s cheerful voice said
You looked him over and noticed the massive bag of assorted candy he was holding.
“You okay?” He asked as you let him in.
“Yeah, why? Does it look like there’s something wrong?”
“Just a little nervous” he replied as he took off his jacket and hung it on a hook by your front door. You thought it was cute how he was just making himself at home.
“Hey” you began, still on the fence about telling him what happened. “Did- did you get a weird notification on your phone?”
“Hm? No, I don't think so. What kind of weird notification?” He took his phone out of his pocket and seemed to be looking for the notification.
“It doesn’t matter” you brushed it off again but this time so you didn’t look crazy. Park Jimin here and all you could think about was some dumb notification.
“You said we're watching a scary movie?” he lifted an eyebrow at you in interest.
“Yeah,” you said, wishing you would've never offered. You both sat down on your sofa and handed him the remote.
As he scrolled through the horror movies you got a bit more nervous when he settled on a home invasion movie and you weren't quite sure why.
Ten minutes in you decided it wasn't so bad, especially since you were more focused on sitting right beside him. He had scooted in so that your legs touched.
You had liked him for years until finally your best friend caved and stopped telling you he was just going to hurt you and set you up with him. You were determined to make this a night he wouldn't forget. However, it was just a boring movie so far, you had to make some kind of a move.
“I'm glad Yoongi set us up,” you announced and turned to look at him. He played his eyes away from the tv and smiled at you.
“I am too. You're really pretty and you seem-”
Knock knock knock
Your heads both turned towards your front door.
“Hm. Maybe the trick-or-treaters will go away if they think no one is home.” Jimin seemed to think out loud and you mentally agreed and turned your head back towards the tv, sneakily placing your hand on his thigh.
Not even three minutes later a buzzing came from your phone where you had set it on the coffee table, you didn’t know why- maybe it was the strange notification from before- but you quickly picked it up.
Your stomach sank further than before as you tapped the notification.
“Emergency broadcast alert: please remain indoors at this time. Close all curtains and windows, and do not open any doors, do not let them in. This warning will be in effect until the next update. Please stay safe during this time”
You read it out loud and felt Jimin silently looking at you from beside you. The hair on your arms began to price up until they stood in goosebumps.
“What is that?”
“It's- the notification from before that I was talking about, it just popped up again” you answered.
He pulled out his phone once again and his face lit up in the dark living room.
“Huh.” he went silent for a moment as he looked to scroll through his phone. “My phone went off at about the same time and I have an Emergency Broadcast Alert on my phone but when I click on it nothing happens, it just doesn't come up.”
Something just wasn't right.
“This is the weirdest Halloween prank I've ever seen.” He put his phone down. “We should just concentrate on enjoying ourselves.” he now placed his hand on your upper thigh and gazed at your lips.
Right now, you couldn't have agreed more with him especially since things seemed like they were about to get hotter.
You leaned in and pressed your lips to his. His were soft and moved slowly with yours, letting you set the pace. His breath tasted fresh and clean like mint. As the kiss deepened, you slowly pulled him back onto you in a laying position on the couch.
His mouth went to your neck and hovered over it for a moment.
“So what are we going to do tonight?” He whispered so you could feel his warm breath on your skin.
“This” you replied.
“Just this?” His voice almost sounded like he was teasing you.
“No, I want more than this. I want all of you.” Your hands came up to thread through his hair and urged his lips onto your neck, he obliged with a long slow kiss to the crook of it.
“All of me, huh?” He pulled at and positioned your legs until his knees were both between. He pushed his hips into yours to let you feel just how hard he was.
His lips were by your ear now.
“Well, are you going to be good and take all of me then?”
A small sigh escaped from your mouth as if his comment had been so brave that it knocked the air out of you.
“Yes.” You tried to answer but it came out as a short squeak.
“Good” he placed another long kiss on your neck as a hand snaked under your shirt making it ride up. “First, I’m going to suck at your skin and leave marks everywhere so everyone knows I fucked you.” He lifted your bra up over your breasts and came back to your ear. “And then I’m going to slide my fingers into your underwear…” his fingers danced around one of your nipples, you could feel it harden by the time he ran his fingers over it. “And I’m going to finger fuck you.”
Your breaths were already shaking from his physical and mental torment.
Knock knock knock
“Damn it” Jimin sighed at the drawn-out knocks at the door. “I’m going to get it”
“No! No, let’s just keep going” you argued, half scared.
“They won’t stop until one of us goes out there. I’m tired of these kids playing pranks.” He stood up from the couch with a full erection. He stuck his hand down the front of his pants to try to adjust it.
“What if it’s Yoongi doing all of this? He knows we were supposed to hang out tonight.”
You could see Yoongi playing a prank on you like this maybe with Jungkook. It all suddenly made sense now. If it was those two, you were going to kill him for this.
Jimin went for the front door.
“You stay here.”
“What? You’re going out there?” Your eyebrows raised in shock, you thought he was simply going to answer the door.
Jimin didn’t answer but instead opened the door.
“Hello?” He peered out into the very dark night.
Nothing. No answer.
He shut the door behind him as he slipped out.
Gut-wrenching screaming came from the tv, as you watched one of the main characters be brutally murdered by the home invaders.
You say there in the dark, nearly shaking from nerves and a bit of fear.
There was something in the house.
a scooting noise came from the kitchen that sounded like your kitchen chair being pulled out against the hardwood floor.
You paused the movie. Your ears felt like they perked up like an animal as you listened for anything else.
“Jimin?” You called out.
Only dead silence answered you.
Every part of your body was on edge, your pulse was fast. Your body was ready to fight or run at any moment. But where would you go?
Your phone buzzed from the table which made you leap from your seat a little.
“Yoongi: are you okay? Where are you?”
Your fear filled with rage at the confirmation in your mind that he was the one scaring the shit out of you.
“You’re not funny and I’m kind of pissed off at you, so stop.”
The moment you sent the text was when you heard a muffled screaming coming from outside.
You jumped up from your seat again.
“Jimin?! Jimin!!” You called loudly. You decided to head for the door.
You had almost reached it when it came open and Jimin busted inside laughing.
“Did I scare you?” He grinned.
“You’re going to get the police called on us.” You slapped him from embarrassment.
He grabbed your hands and held them in his.
“Oh come on, it was funny.”
“It wasn’t, I thought I heard things moving in the kitchen and everything I was so scared! Oh! That reminds me.”
“Hm?” He still held your hands in his slightly chilly ones.
“Yoongi texted me asking if I was okay, he’s definitely behind the texts or whatever they were.”
“It makes sense. It’s all just yoongi and trick-or-treaters. But the good news is, it’s getting late and there doesn’t seem to be any more running around out there so we can get back to business.” He gave you a sly grin and wink. “Come on back” he pulled you towards the couch.
He sat down first and pulled you onto his lap facing him.
“There we go. This is better.” He leaned in and purred into your ear. “Now all we need is you in your underwear, what do you think?” His lips came so close to your skin but they didn’t touch it.
“Then be good and do it for me. Don’t you want me to touch you?”
You stood and did as you were asked. You peeled off your dress slowly and revealed two-piece black lingerie as watched and sat back down on his lap straddling his thighs.
“Beautiful.” He commented, looking up through his lashes at you. His gaze seemed darker than it was originally.
His hands landed on your back as you leaned in to kiss him, but they didn't stay there. They drifted down your back slowly and gently, over your ass, down your hips, your thighs, and then back to your hips where only one stayed constantly. The other hand went to drift over the front of your panties.
As soon as his lips left your neck, you let out the breath you were holding in.
His fingers traced the outline of your slit as he sucked at your neck, doing just as he said before to leave a mark.
Your clit began to throb for extra attention without the barrier of your underwear separating his hand from it but his mouth just kept lifting and repeating on a new patch of skin, surely leaving a trail of marks.
“Please?” your pleading was for anything more at all.
He moved his hand down between your legs and pulled your underwear to the side.
His thumb slid up your wet slit to your clit and gently slid a finger inside of you.
You let out a small whimper and your head fell.
His fingers were still as he tilted his head to try to look at your face.
“Look at me.” your head moved a little up but he still had to hold his head.
“You like me don't you?” his smile seemed so sweet yet toying.
“Y-yeah.” you were suddenly feeling a bit shy.
“Tell me you're mine then, tell me you belong to me, okay?”
You nodded.
He threaded his free hand through your hair and tugged it to the side so he could once again attach his lips to your neck, this time you could feel his teeth nipping at you.
His hand in your panties began to move, his fingers inside of you pushed into a spot that made you weak and his thumb rolled over your clit.
“I belong to you,” you said weakly just trying to process everything that was happening to you right now.
His thumb sped up.
“Oh, God.” you gasped. You spread your legs as wide as you could to feel him as much as possible.
How was he doing this to you? How was he able to push you so close to orgasm this quickly? It could've been all of his alleged experience.
“It's so effortless,” he said into your neck, almost answering your thoughts.
You were so close.
Knock knock knock.
You both froze. This time it was at the window.
“What the fuck?”
“No. I'm going to make you finish. Give me five seconds and I'll go check.” he urged.
“There's someone outside.” You were on the fence about what to do.
“They can wait,” he replied. You let him pull you back in. You could feel your pussy already tightening around his fingers and your clit needed his thumb. You desperately wanted to cum.
He started again.
It would only be a few seconds, no one was outside, it was a prank.
You let your body succumb to him once again.
In just seconds you were gasping, throwing your head back, and moving your hips into his hand, helping him lead you to an orgasm.
“That's it, fuck my fingers.” he coaxed. “Cum on them.”
“Fuck.” You panted as you felt it hit you hard. Your orgasm pulsing through you. You rode it out on his fingers as you felt his eyes on your face, taking in every last bit of your bliss.
The moment he pulled his fingers out of you, your phone began to buzz nonstop.
You got up off of him, stood, and reached for it on the table.
“Yoongi” the contact read, you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
“Stop it Yoongi.” There was no amusement in your voice as you walked off a bit and answered the phone.
“Y/N oh my God, please tell me you're safe.” his voice was panicked.
“This isn't funny.” It was nearly a tell.
“You didn't get the emergency notifications?! Don't answer your damn door y/n! These- these things are out there. They can do things with their minds, and make things happen. People are getting attacked by family members, but those things aren't their family. I-I don't know what they are, but they look like us, they are not us y/n.” he got out the information frantically.
“There has been knocking-”
You froze. Your sentence stopped as you realized.
“Help.” you said weakly into the phone before it flew out of your hands entirely. You heard it land somewhere across the living room.
You were far too afraid to turn around. You felt a presence behind you, waiting for you to turn around and look at it, for you to look at him.
“J-Jimin?” you were now trembling.
“Yes?” it was a cheerful sing-song reply, it told you everything.
“How long have you not been Jimin?” your voice was cracking in fear, your body screamed at you not to turn around, that this would be easier.
“It doesn't matter.” he laughed. “Did you like all of my tricks?”
You refused to answer. It was all him, this whole time, knocking, moving things, keeping you in fear.
“You know, you should've listened. You Shouldn't have let me in”
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
Killing Me Softly
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synopsis; you wake up from a night of fun, yet one you barely remember. your vampire bff ghosts you and your past comes to haunt you in the worst way possible. OR they say that blood is thicker than water, but what do you do when the person you trust most turns out to be the monster you’ve always been warned about?
pairing; vampire!jungkook x human!reader
genre; angst, fluff, humor, horror, smut(for later chapters), f2l, vampire au
warnings; cursing, jealousy, lots of confusion on reader’s part, moments of self doubt, flashbacks, mentions of blood, mentions of committing a violent act, familiar faces, soft vampire!koo moments, more horror tropes, some new competition for reader??
rating; 21+ MINORS DNI
w/c; 5,444
a/n; FIRST OFF THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE. this is part two of ‘sucker for love’. highly recommend reading that first chapter in order to understand what’s going on. don’t be a silent reader! <3 i can’t express enough how much all of your kind words and encouragement genuinely fuel my inspiration. feedback is always appreciated and helps keep this writer motivated in order to put out more content – like this! all the love, always.
networks; @thebtswritersclub, @btshoneyhive, @kflixnet, @k-vanity
01. 02. 03
“Have we learned our lesson now?”
Your roommate, Valerie, leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom, arms crossed over her chest. You flipped her the middle finger without looking, head still inside the toilet as your stomach relieved itself of whatever poison you ingested. An insult was on the tip of your tongue, but was silenced by another strong heave taking over. She had a point, you were never good when it came to parties and going overboard on drinking, but you would never admit it to her.
Your stomach was still churning from last night’s events, but settled enough for you to sit back against the wall of the bathtub and actually try to think on what the fuck happened. The last thing you remember clearly is Jungkook ditching you, hanging out with Jimin and Yoongi who saved you from being a loner at Namjoon’s party, leaving said party to head to another party once Namjoon shut his down with a group of people you weren’t quite familiar with, and then – nothing. Literally, nothing. It’s all a blank in your mind.
November 1st, 2022 9:04am
When you woke up this morning, you were in your own bed. Your head was a rat’s nest, your makeup was smeared, your clothes were dirty, ripped, and there was little specks of blood on the collar of your costume. Upon further inspection, you realize your cape was long gone and one of your heels was broken. So how you managed to get home on one working heel is beyond you.
What boggled your mind further was the flurry of texts you found on your phone once you plugged it in to charge. Apparently, your phone died sometime during your nightly shenanigans. Reading the texts, it was Jimin asking you where you were and if you were okay. Multiple calls and voicemails followed.
He sounded worried, scared even.
But, that made no sense, why would he feel the need to be so worried about you? Wasn’t he with you the whole time? Yoongi? As soon as you could focus well enough to type out a reply, you told him that you were at home and alive and left it at that. Shortly after sending, the ‘read’ notification pops up, those three bubbles form, and then disappear. You give him another few minutes, but they never return. Huffing, you throw your phone carelessly on the bed, it bounces off and lands on the floor.
Groaning in annoyance, you sink to your knees next to your bed when you realize it must’ve slid underneath when it bounced. Feeling around, your hand bumps into something sharp. You flinch and hiss, cradling your hand to your chest as you inspect the little dot of blood that builds on your fingertip. What the hell?
Now laying sideways on your stomach on the floor, your head turned to look under your bed, you get a better view. Instantly, you hone in on your phone, then use the flashlight on it to illuminate the sharp mystery object.
It was a knife. A bloody knife.
Your eyes widen in horror.
What did you do last night?
November 5th, 2022 7:52pm
Remember, remember—
You needed answers.
You needed to remember.
Ones that would explain why you’re currently concealing a potential murder weapon that’s now wrapped in an old raggedy shirt, in a dusty old shoebox, underneath your queen sized bed that ironically has a ‘Halloween’ themed throw blanket on top of it. The main antagonist wielding a knife that looked the exact same, the tip of it also adorning blood.
What can you say?
You’re a major fan of horror movies.
That’s not suspicious at all, though, right? It wouldn’t scream that you have a bloody knife of your own hidden just beneath the surface, right?
Even as you tug down the sleeves of your Freddy Krueger replica sweater you bought from Hot Topic in hopes of fighting off the bone chilly air of November, your thoughts are not only on the fact you may or may not have participated in someone’s demise last night, but they also drift to Jungkook who you haven’t heard or seen since he left you on Halloween night.
Normally, on nights where he has to feed, you wake up in the morning with him in your room just reading one of your books. The curtains are drawn, but he basks in the little warmth of the sun that his skin can handle as he lounges on your reading nook. Generally, it’s a Stephen King novel. He’s finished majority of them. Those days are the best, cause he chooses to be with you, knowing he can’t leave until it gets dark again.
Getting lost in thought, you mindlessly keep walking down the cobblestone path that’s usually quite popular with locals, but right now is barren all except for you—
—and the black cat that scurries across your feet, making you fumble before catching your footing in time so as not to fall flat on your face. The split second fall triggers both an adrenaline rush and a memory you thought you suppressed. You freeze. The wind whips your hair back and forth, some strands get stuck on your wet, slightly parted lips. Your eyes are unblinking, lost in the nightmare. The creases of your eyes begin to fill with tears and you feel a scream bubbling up your throat—
A hand on your shoulder brings you back.
You blink, the tears cease. You close your mouth, pushing your hair behind your ear. Turning around, you follow the hand to the body it’s attached too. Confusion flickers on your face, then is replaced by surprise.
It was the girl. Dracula girl.
From the party.
The ‘lady of the night’ that Jungkook chose.
She’s wearing a tight smile, lips painted a light red. It’s a sharp contrast that stands out against her pale, almost ghostly white skin. Though, that’s not what shocks you the most.
No, it’s her eyes.
Her red eyes.
“You’re y/n, right? Jungkook told me about you. Have a moment to talk?”
What the fuck did Jungkook do that night?
Your voice is hard, resolute. Your hands dig into the fabric of your jeans that are hidden from the top of one of the wooden picnic tables scattered throughout the local park. Your body is shaking, but it’s not from the cold. You refuse to believe what she – Jules – just told you.
It was impossible.
“Yes. It was your roommate. Valerie.”
Memories flash through your mind of the many years you’ve spent being best friends with your roommate, Valerie. She had her weird quirks, sure. Maybe you thought it was a bit strange when she would go out every Halloween by herself and never tell you where she goes. But besides that, she was just your sarcastic, mutual horror enthusiast, slightly odd and reserved best friend. You didn’t think she was capable of murder.
Nonetheless, be the hunter of vampires.
When you met Valerie, it wasn’t too long after the incident. It was at this local hole in the wall two in one book store and cafe called ‘Novels and Noodles’. You were slurping on some noodles when she first walked in. Your eyes flickered to hers for a moment, but then you went back to eating and paying no mind. A seat was open opposite you that she soon took upon herself to occupy, yet still, you didn’t bother attempting small talk. Back then, you became more reserved and cautious of those around you. He being the sole cause of it.
“Have an interest with vampires?”
After one last loud ‘slurp’ of a noodle, you pushed your now empty bowl aside and dabbed your mouth with a napkin before speaking. Bookmarking your page in the book you were reading, ‘Vampires for Dummies’, you then folded your hands on top of it and looked at her, fully.
Her style stood out the most to you. It was very gothic, yet girly. Mainly black, with subtle bursts of color here and there. Kinda like how you liked to dress when you weren’t wearing horror franchise merchandise. She had a few extra piercings in her ears where a small silver, slender dagger hung off a chain from her left ear. A necklace of a silver cross dangled surreptitiously between the exposed cleavage of her breasts due to the low cut neckline of her shirt as she leaned towards you with her elbows on the table, hands flat. A variety of rings were on her fingers, but one always stood out to you, cause it looked like a family crest you would see from the medieval days.
“I do, do you?”
“You could say that. Do you believe in ghosts?”
“I don’t have the ability of seeing them like Cole Sear, but I do believe in the idea of an afterlife.”
“I see dead people.”
You gave a snort at her reference, especially since she made an effort to sound small and scared to recite the line, leaning her body even more towards yours to the point of no longer sitting in her chair and rather fully bending in half over the table so you can hear her whisper it clearly.
She gave a light cackle of laughter as she plopped herself back down in her chair, her smile wide with mischief and eyes full of trouble. It was then that you knew you would get along well. Nothing was suspicious about her then, but now you wish you did ask the question that was on the tip of your tongue. Maybe you wouldn’t be as shocked as you were right now.
Jules atleast had the decency to play the part of a sympathetic human being, but you knew she found the whole thing entertaining, if not for the slight twitch of the curve of her lips that she tried to conceal with her hand over her mouth.
“Can we start at the beginning? Please? Like what the fuck happened the night of Halloween?”
“Well, you know I left with Jungkook.”
“Yes, well aware, thank you. But what happened after that?”
Her once playful demeanor turned into a more closed in one. Her smile dropped, flipping upside down into a frown. Her eyes became hollow as she stared at you, yet right through you at the same time. For a minute, she actually did look human.
“He took me to that cemetery that’s a few streets away, I can’t remember the name–,” her brows furrowed as she genuinely tried to remember it. You decided to help her out.
“Pearly Gates?”
She snapped her fingers, pointing at you to indicate you were right.
“That’s the one. We were–,”
You put a hand up, dumbfounded look on your face.
“Wait, wait, wait. You willingly went with him to a cemetery so late at night? You didn’t see that as some kind of red flag?”
She chooses to ignore you completely in favor of continuing the story. She knows you’re not wrong, she should’ve seen the multiple red flags, but by the time her rose colored glasses were removed – it was too late.
“We were strolling through gravestones for almost 10 minutes, then he made us stop at this above ground mausoleum that was located near the back. I remember thinking the design was so beautiful. It blew my mind the amount of intricate detail that was used on it, even though it was centuries old.”
For a few minutes she got lost in explaining the design in vivid details, and though you agreed with her completely, you were getting impatient.
“Right. Yes. Sounds amazing. And then?”
She pauses midway through her spiel to give you a piercing glare, but obliges your request.
“He had a key. We went inside. We made out. He’s really skilled with his–,”
“I do not need those vivid details, thank you.”
She just shrugs you off with a sinister smirk painted on her lips.
“I thought he was going to leave a hickey with the amount of pressure I was feeling against my neck, but before I knew it his teeth were sinking into me and surprisingly I didn’t care.”
You blanched at her words.
“Uh, what?”
“Honestly? Yeah, it hurts at first. But eventually it just feels so fucking good.” Her voice gradually turns light and airy at the end of her statement, eyes glossing over as if she’s reliving the moment right there in front of you.
A feeling grows within you at her reaction. Jealousy. It was stupid, it was illogical, but there it was. Casually growing within you, and soon, it’ll take over and blossom into a flower of chaos. You’re sure of it. For now, it was but a vine, but as it curls around your insides and slithers it’s way towards your heart, thorns prick and dig in to ensure a home within you.
“That’s when she came. Your roommate. Knocked on the side of the threshold to announce herself, twirling a wooden stake in one hand, and the other was placed on the hilt of what looked to be a knife that was latched in a sheath on her belt loop.”
Her breathing began to pick up, eyes now downcast on the table in front of you. For the first time since she started talking, you felt your own sympathy for the newly turned vampire. She didn’t ask for this, that much was certain. The only question that remained was as to why Jungkook decided to turn her – or rather what occurred to spur the life altering decision.
Offering a moment of solidarity between you both, you place one hand over hers on the table. If she’s consoled by it, she makes no move to show, though she does describe the events in morbid detail.
“She was so fast, aiming the stake for Jungkook. That much so, it didn’t register to either her or I when the stake missed Jungkook, who was gone in a flash it felt like, and instead sunk in right below my breast.”
Your eyes widened. You stayed silent.
“As I looked at her, she showed no remorse. Not an ounce. At least Jungkook had the decency to show some semblance of guilt. Probably why he ended up turning me after their little fight was over and she fled, couldn’t handle the fact that an innocent life was taken in place of his. Whatever it was, as much as I appreciate the gesture of goodwill–,”
Her voice quieted, eyes remained downcast as she spoke her next words with eerie confidence and absolute truth.
“I wish he had just left me to die.”
A sharp inhale could be heard from your end as you squeeze her hand to comfort her in the only way you as a human know how.
“She only used the stake that night, correct? Not the knife?”
She finally tears her gaze from the splintering wood to stare at your curious ones.
“Yes. Just the stake. Why?”
You let go of her hand in favor of running yours through your hair anxiously. It causes Jules to now stare at you in curiosity.
“Why are you so worried about the knife, y/n?”
You bite your lip, contemplating on whether or not you can actually divulge such a truth, then think, fuck it.
“There’s a bloody knife hidden in a dusty ass shoebox underneath my bed right now and I have no remembrance of how it came into my possession or why there’s even blood. Safe to say, I’m freaking the fuck out.”
“You think you actually have the gall to murder someone? Or do you believe it’s the same knife as your vampire hunter roommate?”
“The latter, hopefully. But if you didn’t see her use it, that begs the question on if she used it later on that night, or I did.”
“That’s quite the conundrum you’re in, y/n.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Blowing out a puff of glacial air, you glance at the lock screen on your phone that’s been laying on the table next to you the entire time. Not once has it gone off, but when you tap the screen and see Jungkook’s fangy smile, does your heart drop into your stomach.
Working up the nerve, you once again look across into the eyes of Jules.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
Her shoulders raise as she lets out her own puff of air, her body going lax with indifference.
“No idea. Woke up in his house, he gave me some lessons on how to be a good vampire for a couple of days, then left on some kind of quest–,” she puts air quotes up. “–his words not mine. Gave me your address and showed me a picture of you incase I wanted some company that knew about vampires. Then promised he would be back soon and to behave.”
“How did you know the person who attacked you was my roommate then?”
“Oh, he told me. He didn’t sound surprised with her appearance though. It’s like they had some sort of familiarity with each other as they fought. Like they could predict each other’s moves. It was weird.”
“What the fuck.”
You were thoroughly confused. How the hell could they know each other and not tell you?
“That’s what I’ve been saying from the moment I was reborn, as Jungkook so poetically spewed at me.”
After your epiphany of a talk with Jules, who swore up and down she wouldn’t go on a killing spree in your small town, you found yourself once again walking back home. Instead of the short, creepy, dark forest route — you opted for the long way home surrounded by various mom and pop outlet stores and eateries.
Big mistake. You should’ve known that being from your small town and daring to venture near a popular hangout strip of said town would promote the dreaded small talk to occur with people you’d rather avoid at the moment.
You pretend to not hear the owner of the voice in hopes they’ll leave you alone, picking up your pace. It does nothing to dissuade them from getting closer and using one of their long, lanky, arms to swivel around your shoulder and veer your short frame towards their broad chest. Your feet tangle in the process, and you lean more into the figure in hopes of regaining your footing sooner rather than later.
Their other arm joins the first to fully envelope your body with theirs in a now tight hug, something they’re famously known for. That and–
They pull away enough for you to inhale a good amount of fresh air, before your lips feel a chaste pressure against them. The feeling is light and feathery, then it’s gone just as quick as it arrived. A boxy smile is now taking up your entire line of vision and you internally groan at the male before you, Taehyung — your ex.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, y/n! How’ve you been?”
“Oh, you know. Chilling, killing.”
He lets out an exaggerated bellow of laughter that he leans his whole body backwards to get into. You take the chance to slither out of his hold and gain a few feet of sweet, sweet distance. You purse your lips, only half joking with your statement, since you’re still not sure what the story is behind the bloody knife.
“Ever the horror fanatic. You haven’t changed one bit, y/n.”
“When Jimin told me that you hung out at a party, I must say, I was very surprised. Never thought you would step foot in one since you didn’t seem interested in them when we were dating.”
Jimin. Right. Though your ex left town years ago, even before the incident, he makes a point to come back every now and then to visit his dear friend. Maybe this meeting can be fruitful for you after all. You just have to endure his touchy, feely personality for a little while longer.
“Yeah, well. You know better than anyone that people change, Taehyung.”
His smile is still present on his face, but it becomes more tight, losing its previous sincerity. He clears his throat and goes to talk when he’s interrupted by another voice you recognize.
“Leave y/n alone, Taehyung. She doesn’t want to hear about your ridiculously expensive travel expeditions.”
You can see Taehyung’s face clearly annoyed when he rolls his eyes at the comment made on his lifestyle. It takes all you have not to laugh, biting your lip to prevent the smile that wanted to make it’s debut at the male’s displeasure. Taehyung turns sideways to make some kind of snarky, yet good natured retort back and thus shows your savior in all his glory.
Min Yoongi. One half of the truth that occurred that Halloween night. Maybe he could help shed some light on the shadowed memories of your mind.
Yoongi makes a point to step inbetween you both, hands firmly tucked into his black windbreaker. His medium length long hair whips back and forth for a moment when the wind kicks up, leaves caressing your feet and ankles due to the strong gust. Some even float across your face that you subconsciously follow with your eyes until it becomes one with the night sky.
It’s not until Yoongi addresses you with a warm hand on your shoulder blade, does your attention get diverted back. Thankfully, Taehyung is long gone, presumably within the confines of one of the many stores around you.
“You feeling okay, y/n?” His voice is both the usual monotone, yet there’s a hint of warmth within the question, as if he’s genuinely concerned with your well being.
It takes you a moment to digest, then repress the urge to lay everything on the poor, unsuspecting guy. He doesn’t need to get dragged into your shitty problems.
“I’m uh, good. Thank you.”
You try to sound convincing, you do. But he sees right through the minuscule tremble in your voice and narrows his almond shaped eyes into yours.
“You’re a terrible liar. You know that?”
A nervous grin appears, and you hug yourself in an attempt to play it off. He was always too keen on reading nonverbal cues, being ever the silent one for as long as you’ve known him. Him preferring to talk with gestures and grunts.
“Did they do anything to you?”
Your brows furrow in confusion, head tilting to the side.
“Who are they?”
“You don’t remember?”
“No…? Should I?”
He runs the hand that was once on your shoulder, now through his silky black hair. He puffs his cheeks for a second, then let’s it go.
“I knew I shouldn’t have let you go with them. But your friend was with them so I thought–,” he scuffles his foot on the wet cobblestone beneath you in aggravation.
“What friend, Yoongi?”
“I’m not good with names, uhm. Veronica? Vicky?”
“Her. Yes. She was with these guys who were all dressed in the same black garb and wore this white mask, it was weird. She was the only girl, but didn’t seem intimidated in the least bit by them. And now that I think about it..,”
You may have been physically in front of him, but in your mind you were far away. Men in black, with white masks? The only image that fits that description for you is one from your nightmares. You can feel your heart rate increase, and it takes everything in you not to break down in front of Yoongi.
“…neither did you, y/n. Actually, you went more than willingly. What made me cautious for your safety was the knife that your friend was brandishing so haphazardly in front of your face as she waved bye to us and you all were gone.”
“Knife? Like, a real knife? Not a prop?”
He nods his head in answer before explaining his reasoning.
“Would’ve thought it was fake, had it not been for the glare that caught my eye and reflected back on your face.”
“Huh, that’s quite–,”
He deadpans at your joke.
“Kidding! It’s all good. I’m alive, aren’t I?”
You take a step back, shooting finger guns at him.
“Gotta jet. But it was nice talking with you. See you around!”
Before he can utter a reply, your figure becomes nothing but a dot in the distance until he loses sight of you completely. He lets out a low exhale, face void of emotion. You didn’t give him the chance to tell you one small, minor, detail from that night.
That right before you left with the group, he could swear that your eyes flashed this mixed shade of your usual color and red.
“What a fucking day.”
You mumble face down in your pillow as you ungracefully threw yourself on your bed, having finally made it back home to the safe confines of your bedroom without running into anyone else. Not even your roommate, who seems to be out and about, and for that, you’re grateful. Lord knows you’re not good at acting.
“Tell me about it. What took you so long to come back home?”
Your head instantly shoots up and you lock eyes with a welcomed intruder who seems to have made themselves comfortable on your reading nook, a decent sized book held in one hand lazily as he flips the page with a bored expression. His focus is on the words, his eyes moving back and forth as he reads.
“You little shit.”
Your hostile tone is what causes his eyes to flicker to yours in amusement, one brow arching in question. Bookmarking the page, he closes the book gently, laying it on the window sill next to him before slowly standing up to his full height. You scramble to your own feet, standing on the bed.
When he gets close enough, you flying squirrel yourself at him, him catching your body effortlessly. Your legs hook around his waist, arms securing around his neck as you bury your face into his cool skin. Your words are muffled as you speak, and he can’t hear you clearly when you berate him.
“What was that? I don’t speak mumble, y/n.”
His voice is teasing, as he mindlessly and ceremoniously breathes in your comforting scent with closed eyes. Oh, how he’s missed this.
How he’s missed you.
When you break away enough to be face to face with him, he’s surprised to see tears streaming down your face. His once playful exterior turns into one of concern, his mouth opening to question your current state, but there’s no need when you explain in detail what’s been going on the last few days.
He takes it all in, all the while maneuvering you both to your bed where your butt still rests on his closed legs. His hands now find purpose in cupping the sides of your face, his thumbs wiping away the tears as they come. When you finish, and the tears slowly dry, does he speak.
“I guess now is a good time as any to come clean.”
“Jungkook? What do you mean?”
“About your roommate, your best friend, Valerie.”
You don’t miss the way he sharpens his tongue when he says the words, and you wonder if he’s jealous, or just downright loathes her.
“Yes, that would be fantastic.”
“We should get more comfy, it’s gonna be awhile.”
He then goes on to explain how their paths initially crossed. It was long before you ever came into the picture. Back then, she wasn’t alone in her pursuit of him and rather preferred to hunt in a group. Much to your dismay, he confirms Yoongi’s prior description of the people she hangs around with and what they wear. It makes your breathing hitch. He notices, pausing in his rant to make sure you’re okay with him touching on the next subject of your attacker and that traumatic night. All you do is nod. He continues.
When he saw your attacker in the same outfit as the ones who hung out with Valerie, he knew that she must be closing in on his whereabouts. Something, he said, he’s been successful up until this point with concealing. It wasn’t until he caught sight of her with you at the bookstore where you first met her, that he knew positively she was back.
He never in his wildest dreams imagined that she would go so far as to use you to get closer in killing him. He wanted to believe she just wanted to make an honest friend of you, and so he made sure to only come to you on the days she was gone so as not to intervene. So long as she didn’t hurt you, he didn’t see any problems with you maintaining the friendship.
That was, until Halloween night.
She showed up with her usual minions in tow, but what he didn’t expect was for your little red riding hood costume clad figure to be standing next to her, with a knife.
Your eyes widened in horror at his next words.
“…..that’s when you stabbed me, but don’t worry, it can’t kill me obviously. And it’s already healed. What I don’t know is how she was able to control you. That is the mystery I’m currently trying to solve.”
“You’re saying that the bloody knife that I hid underneath my bed has your blood all over it?”
“Yes, but y/n, you have to realize–,”
It physically pains him when you tear yourself away from him as if he’s a raging fire and you just got third degree burns. Even more when you place yourself as far away from him as possible with the guiltiest look on your face he’s ever seen anyone wear.
His eyes soften, and he cautiously gets up to walk close to your shaking form.
“Y/N, love–,”
A broken whimper comes from you, and if he had a heart, it would be split in two at this point.
“It’s not your fault, okay? I don’t blame you, I’m not mad at you. And I’m fine. See?”
He shrugs his jacket off to then unbutton his long sleeved dress shirt. Sliding his right arm out of the material, he showcases his now bare chest to you. You inch closer and he grabs your extended hand to place it on the spot right above his heart. The skin there is flawless, no blemish in sight. Even though your fingers still glide over his cooled skin and you can feel the truth in his words, you believe your eyes are just deceiving you, letting you see only what you want to see in order to keep you sane.
“This is where it went in, and let me once again reiterate that it was. Not. You.”
His hands are on your shoulders, lightly shaking you. His voice is firm, yet soft.
“I know my y/n wouldn’t hurt a fly–,”
“I own a fly swatter and have murdered millions of fly families.”
He ignores you.
“–nonetheless me. Just like I would never hurt you. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there to prevent them from using you.”
“I’m sorry, koo.”
Your voice is small, so small, it’s a good thing he has very good hearing or he wouldn’t have heard your sorrowful apology. It makes his undead heart weep.
“Baby, come here.”
He pulls you taught against his chest and you take solace in his embrace. As he sways you both back and forth, you know you should be focused on solely him, but your mind can’t help but wander to forbidden, repressed territory.
It only makes you press further into him until you both are essentially one, your shaking increasing as well as the sound of your muffled sobs. Later, you’ll apologize for getting his shirt all wet and throw it in the dryer to make dry.
A loud slamming of the front door is what ceases your movement, your breathing. A voice echoes throughout your apartment and your fear only heightens.
“Y/N! You home, girl? I got this new horror movie that just went straight to DVD and plenty of snacks to fill our bellies!”
Her footsteps quiet, before becoming louder as she decreases the distance between the living room and yours. You can even hear the jingle of her metal chain belt she chose to wear today, the clinking only making the weight in your chest that much more prominent.
You and Jungkook look at each other.
Valerie was home, with Jungkook in your room.
taglist; @hoseokteardrop, @thunderstormsandrainbows, @tea4sykes, @slinekyu, @dif-imagines, @thedarkwinterrose, @whipwhoops, @copycat-namjesus, @misteriouskitty, @kakasuka, @angieluvstae, @bangtanxcoffee, @han-nah-banana, @djasheyash99, @bex-92br, @noonas-magicshop, @bobakkoo, @scuzmunkie, @girl8890, @ellavyuubts, @hopeoncrackkk, @jk-190811, @yoongimetita7
I apologize for those I couldn’t tag for some reason, but I hope you still see this somehow.
Anyways, did you expect that twist?? Let me know your thoughts 💭
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sailoryooons · 2 years
What are your fav fantasy fics???
Hi okay so I compiled a very long list of both new and pretty old fics on both Tumblr and ao3. Some of this I have reviewed, some I haven't, it's a really heavy mix of things. I will say the one thing really lacking were the Namjoon and Hoseok fics - they are much harder to find in the supernatural/fantasy genre so if literally anyone has recs please send them my way so I can read! These are in no particular order, I just slapped them on here like a lunatic
Also if u see anything on this linked wrong or info isn't right pls correct me!!
Blackthorn by @sweetestofchaos
Pairing: Dragon Emperor!Yoongi x Impundulu Empress!Keena
Type: Series 
Status: Ongoing 
Umbra by @kimvvantae
Pairing: King!Taehyung x Dragon shifter!reader
Type: Series
Status: Ongoing
Sanguine by @caelesjjk 
Pairing: Vampire King!Jungkook x Human Queen!Reader 
Type: Series
Status: Ongoing
Sacrificial by @miscelunaaa
Pairing: Cursed Beast!Namjoon x Sacrifice!Reader
Type: Series 
Status: Complete
The Land of Erlan anthology series by vminite
Pairing: Two Jungkook x Jimin and one Taehyung x Jimin
Type: Multi-series 
*On ao3
Status: Complete
The Seventh Key by agustjrg
Pairing: Witch!Yoongi x Witch!Jungkook
Type: Series
*On ao3 - twtfic turned full fic but it’s not written in threads
Status: Ongoing
Paths Crossed by @borathae
Pairing: Bandit!Seokjin x Healer!Reader
Type: Oneshot 
Status: Complete 
Trip No Further by @matchy6812
Pairing: Yoongi x f. Reader (soulmates)
Type: Series
Status: Complete
Soul on Fire by @vyduan
Pairing: Seokjin x f. Reader (soulmates)
Type: Series
Status: Ongoing
Again by @kth1fics
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f. Reader
Type: Oneshot 
Status: Complete
Nectar by @gimmethatagustd
Pairing: Human!Jimin x Vampire!Reader
Type: Twoshot 
Status: Complete
Monster for Rent by @yoonjinkooked
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f. Reader
Type: Oneshot
Status: Complete 
The Hooksborough Demon by @nabiolive
Pairing: Yoongi x reader x Jimin
Type: Series
Status: Complete
Lifetimes Before by @amethystwritesbts
Pairing: Immortal!Hoseok x f. Reader
Type: Oneshot
Status: Complete
Vulpine by @jincherie
Pairing: Gumiho!Yoongi x f. Reader
Type: Oneshot 
Status: Complete
Repeat Offense by @gimmethatagustd
Pairing: Demon!Seokjin x Demon!Reader
Type: Oneshot
Status: Complete
Gods-blessed by @kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Demon!Taehyung x Blessed!Reader
Type: Oneshot
Status: Complete
190 notes · View notes
yoonieper · 1 year
Pecattiphilia— Part 6 | PJM
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Pecattiphilia is the sexual arousal from performing an act one believes is a sin.
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✽ Pairing: Jimin x Reader
✽ Genre: Angel Au, angst, fluff, smut (yep, we’re here now!), this is a slow burn (kinda?)! 
✽ Rated: M for Mine
✽ Series Warnings: This series will include discussion of religious aspects such as the afterlife and concepts of heaven and hell (There are no direct ties to any specific religion besides the mention of angels and demons— all aspects of religion was created by me for this series), this series includes a lot of violence (sometimes graphic depictions) and gore (nothing extreme, Jimin and the boys fight monsters sometimes), and mentions of sin (particularly revolving around sexual topics)
✽ Chapter Specific Warnings: jealous Mimi, Mimi’s going through a bit of a crisis, drama!, smutty elements– making out, grinding, etc~ green flag chapter!
✽ Word Count: 12.5k
✽ Summary: Jimin is sent to watch over you and as the years go by he gets more and more curious and sometimes just wishes he could get to know you. But he knows that’s forbidden, it's sin. However, a freak accident somehow causes Jimin and your eyes to meet for the first time with purpose. He knows it shouldn’t happen but he doesn’t want to break away. He wants you to look at him, wants you to touch him, wants you to be with him. The problem is none of this should have happened in the first place… what’s happening to him?
✽ Now Playing…: We Go Down Together by Dove Cameron & Khalid, The Girl is Mine by Michael Jackson (with Paul McCartney), ALL MINE by Brent Faiyaz— visit the masterlist for the full playlist!
✽ Author’s Note: Eeee already, the two parts I hoped to get done this year! Now I also hope to post part 7 this year! It’s already started and I have it all planned out and should be a shorter chapter than these last two~ I’ll let you know more info later on in the year, but hopefully it comes out soon because I hate to have a big gap from where this leaves off 😭 Hope to be back soon guys AND hopefully I’ll finally make the Spotify Playlist before the next part comes out! Also if you see any mistakes this was a tiny bit rushed so I will be coming back and fixing whatever I missed! Anyway, enjoy~ 
No reposting, modifying. Translating is not allowed unless given explicit permission. Thank you so much :D
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Human vs Angel.
It was a battle that relentlessly raged on with an alarming ferocity in his mind. The damage at this point was catastrophic, no clear winner, only bloodshed and more to come on the horizon.
Human or Angel? Who was he?
It’s not like Jimin or any P2 angel could remember what their experience was like as a human, yet they still weren’t seen as entirely angels either. 
That’s because they weren’t.
They still had wants, desires, cravings, needs, and they even maintained the vessel that once contained their souls. Their souls were long gone, now replaced with the angelic light that gave them the power to fight against sin, but that still wasn’t enough. Something that forever confused Jimin was why they still bleed— all higher up angels didn’t bleed, why did they need to? It was messy, unnecessary, red, too human for exalted beings like them. 
From the very moment they opened their eyes there was this immediate barrier preventing them from being like the other higher up angels. They sometimes certainly didn’t see them as such— they were impure, sinful, depraved, degenerative creatures who would be better off joining the cycle then working with them.
It was a bit of a shock at first hearing this when their team was first allowed to wander through the winding halls of H.E.A.V.E.N. Celine and Atara had tried to warn them of the higher up angels, yet during their lessons it was hard not to admire them. 
Their capabilities were beyond anything they could ever do and they had every right to have the very air they flew through worshiped. Maybe that was why Jimin and the rest of his team were a little too optimistic when Celine and Atara gave them the tour and some would pass by.
They heard the comments— Taehyung had even tried to go up to one in his excitement and was immediately met with the repercussions he deserved. 
This first encounter was all it took for their team to want to put as much distance as they could from their human past— a past they couldn’t remember, but resented because they truly took the higher ups' words to heart. 
And that proved to be successful. 
Their numbers topped many of the leaderboards, the less human they were the better they did— the more they truly helped the goal of maintaining the balance of the universe.
However no matter how well they did they would never be truly an angel. To be so pure and in control to the point where weapons weren’t necessary, a single glance at a sinful creature was enough to vanquish the being from existence.
Namjoon was rare in the sense he was one of the few P2 angels that had gotten the chance to experience something similar. However he still needed the bandages wrapped tightly around his hands to prevent him accidentally blasting a hole through spacetime, doing far more damage than just demon blood on his hands. 
He was respected a little more than the rest, but there was always this wall that even he could never cross. 
Not entirely human yet they certainly weren’t people. No one could remember what it was like to have a soul anymore.
They were too “human” to be an angel but too powerful and glacial to have that same passion that humans live with. 
It was confusing and while Jimin never truly felt like a real angel the gap felt even wider when he was around you. The reason was simple, Jimin would never be able to feel as much as a human could. He was and forever would be detached from the human experience.
That much was just a fact. 
He would be called emotionless in comparison, a husk of the vibrant soul that once inhabited this vessel, built solely for the purpose of vanquishing sin from this world. All emotions besides the blissful sensation of purifying his enemies was practically reduced to nothing. 
That was how it was supposed to be at least.
With each day you’ve been in his life, it was like a distant memory was returning to him. Never clear enough to fully remember, but the warmth that bathed him whenever he was in your presence was oddly familiar. You’ve given him the opportunity to feel more than he thought he was capable of anymore. 
It was a little confusing to navigate through, but you were there to ground him and despite his growing concerns at least he was here with you. 
With you this beautiful orchestra of emotions would sing anytime he’d just gaze upon your beauty. You were honestly beyond words, your enchanting presence was enough to rival the angels he worked with. It was mind boggling that you were human. 
But as much as Jimin just wanted to ignore the obvious, that more sensible half made sure he never forgot. 
He couldn’t even if he wanted to, but that created this strange fire that burned brighter, hotter, and more violent with each and every one of your meetings.
The emotion that seemed to dominate his mind anytime he was with you these days was this searing, unexplainable antipathy— or better put— the closest thing he could experience to it.
Jimin hated you with every fiber of his being and you were completely unaware. 
It was obvious as the weeks passed by he needed to talk to you. He honestly had no right to hate you, the issues being completely unestablished to you and there was no way you could have known, but that didn’t matter. Jimin still found this confusing flame growing hotter and hotter and it just got worse each time you’d meet in your dreams.
You didn’t do anything wrong, you still thought he didn’t even exist so of course you would never think anything of it. 
You were more so caught in the crossfire of his frustration with himself. He thought he was stronger, but time and time again you proved to be the one human who could bring a superior being like himself down to his knees. It was always so easy for you, you weren’t even aware you were doing it.
Jimin’s tried so hard to make this work.
He saw you every night and he’d always try to plan these elaborate dates to distract his troubled mind. They worked most of the time and proved to be fun just having you by his side. But that didn't completely stop the days you’d stay and relax underneath the big tree you first met under, which was oftentime a request made by you to just talk and admire the clouds passing overhead, but Jimin tried his best to avoid dates that were so casual because they usually never ended well anymore…
Were things different now because you were together? He didn’t know what changed but instead of the tranquil moments where you’d gaze upon the setting sun, Jimin practically had his tongue down your throat every time he’d see you. 
One minute you were discussing the most obscene thing ever, mole science it happened to be that time. You had sat up so you could be closer to his face while you examined every dot across his skin and attached this arbitrary symbolic meaning behind their placements. It honestly didn’t make any sense to him, but you were so pretty and cute as you gently poked the dots and explained what each and every one meant. 
You must have noticed he was confused because suddenly after you explained what the one on his cheek meant, you leaned down and kissed it. He was left giggling like a schoolgirl when you pulled away, the tingles, butterflies, he just felt so whole in that moment. The cute instance was short lived because the next one you went for just so happened to be on his neck (something that may or may not was on purpose), in a spot he quickly learned was so fucking sensitive the minute your lips met his skin.
He couldn’t even describe what came over him. It was this rush that flowed through his body to pull you close because how were you real and how were you his? You both had been laying on the picnic blanket but suddenly you were on your back staring up at him with those eyes he couldn’t help but get lost in.
All he wanted to do was kiss you, he felt like he had to in the moment, but once your lips were on his the harder it became to pull away. How could he? 
The way you made him feel was so complicated, he honestly didn't have words but this fuzzy feeling mixed with just this innate, carnal desire he knew was a vestigial emotion from when he was still human. It was overwhelming almost, the need to have you, to claim you.
It proved to be one of the most revolving yet exhilarating experiences everytime that rush would hit. Your touch, your lips, your body, he just couldn’t get enough.
And each time it was getting harder to stop, to remember it was sin and that promise he made to his team that he absolutely couldn't, under any circumstances, break.
It was so pathetic, he was horrified every time he’d come out of your mind and back to the reality he faces.
What was he doing?
This road was a path filled with sin and he was still choosing to go down it? 
What was wrong with him?!
Jimin wanted to have more faith in himself, that this was just the ‘honeymoon’ phase of your relationship and things would settle down eventually, but as the weeks passed it was just getting harder and harder to stop himself. 
As much as he loved to pull you close anytime you were near, it was impossible to deny he wanted you closer. He wanted to feel you, touch you, love you in a way he knew how to. 
You’d manage to stir awake a beast that had laid dormant for eons and Jimin didn’t know what to do.
The more logical side was saying as much as he loved being with you, this wasn’t healthy and he should stop now before things get any worse. Yet every night, he was back with you.
He couldn’t leave and he didn’t want to either. 
Every time you’d fall asleep and that smile on your face when you’d finally notice him, he never wanted to stop seeing that.
It was almost hard to forget the times you’d gaze right through him, never once being aware of his presence. How could he go back to being nothing to you?
You were his and he was yours. He’d find a way to overcome this, if it’s the last thing he does. 
That doesn’t mean it hasn’t been hard.
You made things hard. 
You and your filthy mind. 
You’d think about him all day, it would catch him off guard every time when he would watch over you at your job and you’d be so innocently sitting at your desk, like you weren’t thinking about the night before, in a scenario where you never woke up.
Your thoughts, painfully loud as you shifted in your seat. That date where you both rode on the backs of unicorns, you pictured his physique as you clung onto him that night as you and the herd rode into the sunset. It would just get worse, so much worse as you thought about when you both ended the ride, how he held you in his arms.
You wanted him to take you right then and there. It played so vividly in your mind, just like the countless other sinful fantasies that bounced around in your head all day. And he knew exactly how hot they would make you feel, the special bond you have making it all so clear what you wanted.
It was torture.
Jimin was forced to sit there and he couldn’t do anything about it. He’d even considered on a couple of occasions, merging down to the normal plane just to beg you to take pity on him. 
Jimin hated you for it, it was pathetic. 
You never realized it was Jimin’s doing, you always would curse to yourself whenever things got too hot and then you woke up in your apartment once more. You simply thought you got yourself too excited and would wake up as a result every single time. 
In actuality it was the most speedy way to stop himself from going any further than he has.
He’s tried so hard not to go beyond kissing, so hard, and it was so pathetic that he wanted more every time. Every single time.
One day you had asked Jimin to take you back to the diner because you were craving their breakfast. The date had gone similar to the first time he took you, Laura served you a mountainous amount of food as you chatted about anything that came to mind. You were a little braver this time in getting up to explore the diner, wanting to see the extent your mind came up with the smallest details.
You went over to the jukebox they had sitting in the corner and bet that nothing would play because none of the songs were ones you recognized. Low and behold the random song you picked ended up overcoming the murmur of the other customers at the diner. 
You were stunned but that officially meant you lost the bet. Jimin knew you would, but his wish was simple. He just wanted you to dance with him. 
He laughed at your defeat but didn’t hesitate in pulling you close as you both began to sway to the soft strums of the guitar and drum of “My Girl,” one of his favorites from when he visited the time period. The moment had been a chance to have you in his arms, the others in the diner disappearing as you both just enjoyed the moment. 
It was perfect, you were perfect. A warm feeling spread in his chest as he held you, that Jimin used his hand to make you look up at him so he could just kiss you.
It should have been a perfect, sweet moment— it was all up until your filthy mind was back and he knew you wanted more. The warm, sweet feeling turned into something darker almost instantaneously.
At this point he had it. 
Jimin knew you were confused when suddenly you were pinned up against the counter a couple had been eating ice cream at only moments prior. 
If things had gone your way he would have taken you right then and there. He would have had your dress bunched around your waist and fucked you so maybe then you would learn to behave.
And he nearly did, he nearly took you right against that counter. His hand on your waist had been shaking because just a thin piece of fabric was in the way of having you like he wanted. And your mind… you just made things worse.
That’s how every meeting would go between you these days. It was horrible and it was all because of you. 
If you hadn’t done this to him he wouldn’t be in this position.
If you just listened to me you wouldn’t be in this position.
If he wasn’t so weak he wouldn’t be in this position. 
But at the end of the day, he made his choice, and he continued to make the same one every night when he visited you. 
No one was forcing him to continue this. You still thought he was just a dream, you would eventually forget about him and things could go back to the way they should be.
You were innocent in all of this, yet this fiery heated emotion was constantly directed towards you. He hated it, he hated all of these new emotions. As beautiful as the orchestra was, all of them felt strange, unnatural, dangerous even. 
Jimin shouldn’t be feeling anything. He should be the soldier he was trained to be, obedient and with only one thing in mind— maintaining the balance and continuing the cycle of life in the universe.
A new emotion manifested all on its own as a result.
A gray cloud of gloom would storm, thunder, and pour continuously over his head when he watched over you throughout the day. Jimin couldn’t control it, and that just made things more confusing. 
Was it sadness, depression, maybe some watered down version of it? What if it was something else entirely?
As happy as he was to be with you, it wasn’t right, nothing was right anymore. 
Jimin had disobeyed the commands of his leader and now he was struggling to keep the one promise that his team had made with each other and had maintained for eons. 
Jimin wanted the solution to just be that he had to stay in line, but that line kept being moved and manipulated. He just knew things would only get worse.
Was this what happiness was meant to feel like? All the humans he looked after, was it always this confusing for them? This pain that just didn’t make any sense— no end, no beginning, no wound, no blood, he could never place it… it just hurt all over. 
Was this what he wanted when he decided to be with you? 
He was happy, he was sad too, he was angry, he hated you, he hated himself more. It was all too much and Jimin felt like a hurricane was whishing and whirling around in his head— his mind was a horrible, tumultuous storm and maybe if he was human he would understand how to navigate this. 
If he was human the problems he faced wouldn’t exist, he could be with you no consequences whatsoever. But at least if he was human he would be used to these strange feelings. 
Maybe the answer would be clearer.
But every night Jimin came back to you and he never wanted to stop, because through the storm you were his beacon, his lighthouse, his safety, his refuge.  
You were the only thing that made sense anymore and he just wanted to be with you, even if it was from far away it was still something.
Jimin hoped it would have stayed that way, he wasn’t entirely content but he respected the boundaries your relationship needed to have. 
It was fine, and everything would have continued to be fine if he didn’t exist.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You were enjoying your lunch break that day by yourself. Your friend Mina had been at home sick so you were eating your tteokbokki alone and mindlessly scrolling through your phone to occupy your time. 
You weren’t truly alone though, you never were.
The cafeteria was minimalistic— the white, sleek, modern walls and tables, contrasted nicely with the bright chairs and accents throughout the room. It was a style something your office loved as they were a fan of bright colors, that being evident even in the office space. 
Jimin sat with you at the table in the blue chair and you were in the red one right across from him. 
You were completely unaware of his existence or all the rain that flooded the cafeteria as the cloud above his head continued to storm. Jimin was soaked but he’s grown used to it at this point.
He felt numb, but sitting here with you was nice. 
Maybe in some other world you both might have been coworkers, a secret romance that blossomed between you two that eventually you couldn’t keep a secret any longer. The storm wasn’t overhead instead you both were sharing a meal together as everyone around you sighed at how single they were.
They were jealous and you would always laugh because you both really were lucky. 
He couldn’t help but wonder sometimes, if you met while he was human would you have liked him? What if the only reason why you said yes was because you thought he was a figment of your imagination, your desires making you look past the glaring fact you didn’t find him dateworthy if it were real life?
Would Jimin have been a nice human? One your eyes would have been instantly drawn too? Would he have been charismatic, would he have you laughing with each and every joke he told?
He was human once, surely out of all the lives he lived at some point there was one that would make you fall for him. 
But here right now? The Jimin you would have met, would you like him? 
Jimin’s thoughts were interrupted when he noticed you turn toward the sound of the clicking of shoes against the tiled floor— ultimately looking at the guy who was walking over to your table. 
Name: Pyeon Jin-Sang
Age: 28
Occupation: Lead Financial Officer at Divine Pharmaceuticals
He was a fellow coworker and you both had spoken on a couple of occasions. It was mainly about work, you both didn’t see each other much working in different departments.
It was why you were a little shocked to see him coming over to you. 
Jimin instantly felt his blood run cold because he knew what he wanted. 
“Hey Y/n…!” He was a little awkward, maybe nervous, but he was still cheerful as he took a seat at the green chair in between you two. 
Jimin didn’t like him.
“Hi!” You smiled back as pleasantly as you could considering your mouth was full of tteokbokki.
“How have you been?”
“Ummm….” You were definitely confused, you normally didn’t have these casual conversations like this. 
“I’ve been ok I guess, things have been a little busy in marketing, but I’m making it.” You were wondering if this was about work or something along those lines. 
“I heard things were busy over there. You’re doing ok, right?” Jin-Sang seemed genuinely concerned.
You nodded. “I’m fine, but I think it was a little too much for Mina— she got a pretty high fever after staying late the other day.” 
“Is that why she’s not here today?” Jin-Sang asked, looking around. 
You nodded once again, taking another bite of your tteokbokki.
“Mmm well, you take care of yourself, alright? Seeing you around the office always puts a smile on my face.” He cheesed, cheeks dusting pink in the process. 
You only halfway picked up on the flirting attempt— noticing it, but choosing to ignore it because no way was Jin-Sang trying to flirt with you.
Your face flushed nonetheless. 
The conversation grew more natural with the uncomfortable icebreaker out the way.
You both talked a little more about seemingly anything and everything that came to mind, a little work, but you mainly focused on the personal details that you both just never seemed to discuss before. 
He was a nice guy and a lot more interesting than you would have guessed from your brief interactions in the past. You laughed as he told you about the time he and his friends went kayaking down the rapids in Australia and how they nearly went down a waterfall after they made a wrong turn. 
Jin-Sang was exciting, nice, and really funny.
The more you talked the more you picked up on his shy attempt at flirting with you. It was cute, he was cute.
He wore a suit that nicely fitted his frame, his sharp eyes would crinkle up anytime he’d smile at you, his dark hair neatly styled with a sharp undercut on display, but his cute round glasses and soft pink cheeks just made him look like a teddy bear. 
There was no denying it, he was handsome. 
You both talked for pretty much your entire lunch break and it was just as you were about to leave when he finally asked you the question.
“Uh… Y/n.” Jin-Sang called out to you as you started getting up. His voice wavered slightly and he quickly started playing with hands. 
“You probably already know I didn’t just come over here to talk about my Australia trip or the logistics of blue cheese…” 
It had been a strange conversation looking back on it now.
Jin-Sang paused and looked around like he was trying to find the right words. 
“Alright, fuck it. I meant what I said in the fact I look forward to seeing you everyday, and even though we only talk on rare occasions, I really want to get to know you more.” Jin-Sang paused once again to gauge your reaction and you couldn’t stop the smile on your face growing even wider when he noticed yours.
“Uhhh…” He giggled as he scratched his head.
“Sorry you’re really pretty…” He tried to laugh it off, but you heard it and you couldn’t deny the butterflies you felt at the compliment.
“I really came over to ask if you wouldn’t mind hanging out with me outside of work.” He smiled at you.
Oh that smile could kill someone. 
“Like a date?” You asked, a giddy feeling spreading in your chest.
“Yeah, a date.” You noticed his smile grow wider at your mention of it.
This should have been easy. Obviously there was enough chemistry here that trying things out would be worth it in your opinion. It was on the tip of your tongue to ask him for the time and place and tell him you’d be there. 
Maybe things would make a little sense if the only reason for your hesitation was your concern of pursuing a workplace relationship. Those can get messy and there should be a little caution before being ready to take that short of risk. But that’s not why you hesitated. 
As much as you enjoyed Jin-Sang’s company, a certain angel that made his way into your head every night was what ultimately stopped you in your tracks. What you actually were about to say, was that while he was a nice guy, you had a boyfriend already. 
But that just served as a reminder that Jimin was nothing more than a figment of your imagination. As much fun as you were having with Jimin, at the end of the day, he was just someone who lived in your head.
And maybe this was a sign. You thought you had sworn off relationships for a while, but Jin-Sang was nice and a date or two wouldn’t do any harm. If things worked out then that’s great, but if they didn’t then so be it.
Jin-Sang noticed the way your smile started to drop as the proposition lingered in the air. 
“Uh— you don’t have to respond right away! This was pretty sudden so I can give you some time to think!” He panicked and you instantly felt bad. This wasn’t fair.
“Oh yeah… um— can I have your number so we can talk?” You asked and he was quick to give you the digits before you could even open up your contacts list.
It was cute.
He gave you a slightly awkward goodbye as he made his way back over to his table of friends who had been eying you both intently since he walked over here. 
As soon as he was gone, the guilt you felt nearly overflowed. To make matters worse you didn’t know who you felt more bad for, the fact you didn’t give Jin-Sang an immediate answer because of a figment of your imagination or… did you feel bad for what you might be about to do to Jimin?
It was crazy right?
Maybe you might have been, but you didn’t know that the Jimin that had stopped you, wasn’t in your head but sitting across from you.
From where he sat the storm that had poured over his head had filled the entire room, lightning flashed, and thunder crashed, as the wind blew everything around. 
Jimin could hardly see you anymore, the rage he felt burning from within making a hollow gaze settle onto his blue eyes. 
He didn’t scream, he didn’t yell, none of that would have done anything anyway. 
Instead he let the embers burn, catching ablaze faster and faster and faster. It was a new emotion— it wasn’t rage, hatred, or anything in between but he knew it came from a place he didn’t like. 
His confusion didn’t help but the storm raged on anyway and by the seconds grew even more powerful somehow. He couldn’t think straight, only one thought seemed to pierce through the storm.
You were his.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Jin-Sang texted you by the time you made it home for you to tell Mina he hoped she felt better soon and also invited you out for coffee or ‘your preferred drink of choice’ on Saturday. Apparently this new cafe had opened up and everyone was talking about it. You wanted to text him back and tell him you were down and you were excited for Saturday, but it was like this little nagging voice in your head anytime you tried to type anything out would stop you.
It was stupid, incredibly stupid.
You knew Jimin only existed in your head, but sometimes it was so easy to forget that. Jimin was unlike any other person who’s made their way into your dreams, especially as someone you never met before, he felt very… real.
Maybe it was because of how vivid they always were, but Jimin felt like a real person. He had likes and dislikes that didn’t match your own, he had stories to tell you that you don’t remember, and something about the way he’d look into your eyes. 
It felt real, too real that you often wondered if you had actually lost your mind. 
Maybe you had and Jin-Sang was a sign you needed to wake up.
You had been lying on the couch trying to come up with an excuse why it wouldn’t be a good idea to go out with Jin-Sang besides your make-believe boyfriend, but apparently your mind was tired from the day, too much had happened. It also didn’t help that you had ASMR playing in the background, you were out before you even realized it.
You don’t know how long you were asleep for, but eventually you opened your eyes to find yourself looking out to the familiar field you found yourself at every night.
But things were immediately off. 
You were propped up against the tree like you had been sleeping under it, and from this view you could see… well, you couldn’t see. 
A thick gray fog covered the field so you could hardly see in front of you, thunder rumbled in the distance, and a light rain steadily started to sprinkle across your skin.  
It was pouring though, you could tell in the heavy pitter patter sounds of the rain hitting the tall grass of the meadow, but you figured the large tree overhead was what was giving you a little coverage. 
What was going on? The weather was usually so nice when you came here. 
You looked around a little confused, things weren’t normally like this. But just as you were about to start calling out to him you were shocked when you finally noticed Jimin sitting around the tree. 
He had his knees to his chest and his head was buried down in between. 
“I’m sorry… the clouds just seem to follow me these days.” Jimin sighed.
And he was off too. Jimin was usually so happy to see you, always greeting you with a hug knowing how much you love them. It was clear something was bothering him.
You scooted closer so you were sitting right next to him. 
“Are you ok?” Your voice was soft as you rested your hand on his shoulder.
You didn’t get an answer right away, instead the rain filled the growing silence once more. Part of you thought he might not have heard you so you were about to ask him again, but slowly Jimin lifted his head to look out to the foggy meadow.
You could see his eyes now, the vibrant blue looked like a violent storm at sea, the waves reached astounding heights and the rain poured overhead— the chaos of nature itself. Yet it was a quiet storm, one not a soul on land was aware of.
“Please don’t tell me you’re thinking about it.” Jimin sounded like all the life had been sucked out of him, his cheery smile gone and instead this plain, dead expression on his face.
For a second you had no idea what he was talking about, but the moment was truly small because of course the Jimin in your head would know about your dilemma with a certain coworker.
“You told me you were mine, that we were going to try…” If you didn’t know any better you thought he sounded like he was on the verge of tears, but your angel couldn’t cry, instead a heavy emotion with no way of release was filling his head.
In the distance the rumbling thunder grew a little louder. 
You sighed and scooted even closer so you could put your arm around him. 
“Please tell me you aren’t going.” Jimin tried again, this time finally turning to face you. For some reason he seemed slightly agitated, his gaze dark but filled with a pain that made your heart ache.
“Jimin… I’ve enjoyed our time together. Shit, you have no idea how much I wish you were real— actually, you probably do, you know everything I think—“ 
You took a deep breath.
“But you’re not. None of this is real. I can’t go out and introduce you to people. We can’t walk down the street and hold hands. Jimin you don’t exist, you’re just a figment of my imagination.” Your words were a little harsh but he had to understand.
You finally turned to him and you hated the look on his face, you could tell he was hurt. If that wasn’t a sign enough rain suddenly started pouring down from the sky.
It was violent, the cover of the tree wasn’t enough to shield you from the droplets that continuously hit your skin. You were soaked in seconds.
“Jimin!” You exclaimed, just a little annoyed he was reacting this way, but you felt bad as well.
“I’m sorry…” He grumbled the apology yet he didn’t feel bad at all. 
He hated you.
He hated you because you were right in a way. He was real but he couldn’t do any of those things with you. To you he might as well be a part of your imagination, this is the farthest your relationship could go. 
You could tell he was upset so you scooted closer and wrapped your arm around his shoulders. 
“I wish so fucking much you were real and we could do all those things. The fact that I’m even contemplating this date over someone who doesn’t exist should tell you that much.” The pain in your voice, the sobs, you hoped he could feel how much you wanted him. Your tears ran down your cheeks, but you were thankful for the rain to cover it up some.
This was the perfect opportunity.
Everyone was right.
Jimin couldn’t even look at you, the grass that was being flooded by the rain held his attention. He watched as the water would try to soak into the ground, but too quickly there was more to take its place.
The grass was drowning.
This was one of those moments Jimin wished he could cry, something, because the reality of the situation was too much to handle.
He didn’t want to say goodbye, he didn’t want to let you go.
But it made sense. 
His other half was right, this was the perfect opportunity.
Jimin knew Jin-Sang wasn’t a bad guy. His intentions were pure and he knew the date you would have would go well. You shared a lot of interest you’ve yet to discover and he would treat you well. He worked a well paying job, he would love you— he almost did already. 
Jin-Sang could be the one. 
Maybe things would be easier if he was sure, if he was like the higher up angels and he could know what stopping you from going on that date would do. He could be stopping you from your chance of happiness, something that he could never give you.
But he only knew the now and now hurts so much.
He didn’t want to let you go.
“Jimin… say something.” You cried seeing he was just playing with the grass underneath him.
The rain just got harder and harder. You were almost in a hurricane.
Now was the perfect opportunity.
He could say goodbye to you right now. He was only a dream to you. You would forget about him eventually. He could right the wrongs of this situation and go back to his position as it should. He was meant to be your guardian, nothing more.
Things would fall back to line eventually. Maybe with Jin-Sang there you would move on more easily. You would be happy and he would just be forced to watch it happen.
He wasn’t meant to be part of your life.
He didn’t belong here.
It might be hard now, but he would have had to say goodbye to you eventually. This was his opportunity. 
It might hurt for a while, maybe even forever, but you would eventually fade into all the other souls he watched over and guided into the beyond. 
Things could go back to normal, he could make his team happy, he could finally follow his leader’s orders. 
This was it.
Jimin just needed to say goodbye.
The clouds that raged around you almost dissipated instantly, the dark gloomy overcast replaced with the shining sun you were used to.
You looked around confused before turning back to Jimin wondering what was happening. 
His head was still buried in his knees, but slowly but surely he lifted his head to finally meet your eyes again. 
You certainly weren’t expecting to meet his dark gaze. His light blue eyes that reminded you of the ocean were replaced with something dark, black, a void almost. It’s like the storm itself had condensed small enough to rest behind his sad gaze.
It was scary only for a second.
“You’re right… I just… I don’t want to say goodbye.” He sounded like he was about to break. It’s like you were looking at a dam seconds away from exploding. Even though you knew he couldn’t cry it almost sounded like he was but the tears never flowed.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, it hurts and I don’t— don’t know how I— how to—“ He didn’t know what to say, how to articulate these feelings. All he knew was that it hurt somewhere deep inside to look at you right now.
You quickly pulled him into a hug.
“I get it… it hurts too.” Your voice was shaky as the tears streamed down your cheeks.
Jimin didn’t like the way this felt, you shaking in his arms, the ache he just couldn’t pinpoint in his body. It felt worse than a darkened blade piercing his skin. He wanted to scream but instead he just stared off into the endless meadow you meet every night.
When you pulled away, your tear streaked face made it hurt even more.
He didn’t know what to do, but seeing you like this, he would do anything to take the pain away.
Jimin cupped your cheek lightly and pulled you close. He was so gentle as his thumb lightly wiped away the tears. 
You stared into his dark orbs and you could just see the pain on his soft features. It was so hard to remember that look was nothing but your imagination being cruel to you. It hurt worse knowing you were the one who caused this.
More tears slipped past your eyes and Jimin wiped every one away. 
He was so sweet and you nearly melted away when he finally closed the gap between you two. His lips were so soft and kissing him felt like touching a live wire at the way your body tingled.
How could you let this go? You didn’t want to—
Suddenly your eyes shot open and you were staring up at your living room ceiling. It took a second to process where you were, to calm your heavy breathing, and to realize the fact you were soaking wet.
You hurriedly looked around and noticed the glass of water you had sitting on the coffee table was knocked over, but you were soaked. Just as soaked as you felt in your dream with all the rain pouring over you. 
You looked around confused, but decided not to think about it too much as you steadily got up to grab a towel. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“What do you think about Pyeon Jin-Sang?” You ask absentmindedly to your friend who was sitting right in front of you.
You and Mina had gone out to this cute cafe for your lunch break instead of staying in like you usually did.
Mina had been sipping on her strawberry latte, something she claimed was the cure to getting rid of her sickness entirely. You doubted it, knowing your friend, you knew she just wanted something sweet.
“You mean that guy from finance?” You knew it took a second for her to remember who you were talking about. 
You nodded, picking up your galaxy lemonade. It had been a new addition to the menu and seeing the pretty colors, you just had to try it.
“Ummm… I guess he’s nice, pretty good looking, I don’t know we haven’t really spoken much. Why?” She was genuinely confused, you couldn’t blame her though, this was coming pretty out of nowhere.
“The other day while you were out sick he asked me out.” You watched her face intently and you see the shock on her features almost double at the news.
“What?!” She nearly screamed, making you quickly need to shush her.
“What?” Mina tried again, this time only a little quieter, emphasis on little.
You nodded. 
“And you’re just now telling me?!” She almost sounded a little hurt at this.
“I would have said something sooner, but…” You started but trailed off.
“Are you thinking of not going?” Mina’s attention turned to the little tea cakes you both were sharing. 
“That’s the thing, we talked that day and he was really sweet, funny, and I think I’d be willing to try out the date…” 
“I’m sensing a but coming.” Mina knew you too well.
You had to think about how to phrase this without sounding absolutely crazy. 
“Well there was this guy that I really, really like who I was already kinda dating—“
“WHAT?!” Mina definitely screamed this time as she firmly slammed her hands on the table. “And you didn’t tell me??!! Who is he? Do I know him? Why didn’t you tell me you liked him, let alone dating?!!” 
“Let me finish first!” You tried to calm her down.
She had to take a deep breath before finally letting you continue. You didn’t blame her though, maybe this wasn’t the best way to go about this.
“Well he lives far away and as much as I like him the relationship just can’t work.” Your heart pained at the thought of Jimin so far away you can’t reach him. You miss him so much, you didn’t see each other yesterday.
“Oh…” You knew she had more questions but she was letting you finish first.
“Jin-Sang is nice and I want to go on that date with him, but as stupid as it may be, I—“
“Keep thinking about this mysterious man from far away?” Mina finished it for you and you nodded at her words.
Mina took a minute looking out the window, trying to find the right words.
“And you can’t do long distance?” She asked but you quickly shook your head.
If only it was as simple as a few hundred, you would even take thousands of miles in between you and Jimin. Unfortunately he wasn’t of this realm, only accessible through your mind.
Mina had more questions about that but she stopped herself again.
“We broke up when I told him about Jin-Sang.” You threw that in but did you and Jimin truly break up? It just felt like your relationship just started. The words still hurt.
“Like it was fun while it lasted, but Jin-Sang is here. It’s not worth continuing something that can’t go anywhere.” You doubled down, but your hands were shaking in your lap. You didn’t mean anything you said.
“Well then I don’t know what’s so complicated, go on the date and have fun. One date never hurt anyone and if things have ended between you two it shouldn’t be a big issue. Like you said, you had fun, but if things aren’t going anywhere why waste your time.” Mina made it seem so easy.
Maybe it really was that easy.
It should be that easy.
“I get maybe you’re struggling because you still have feelings for this mystery guy, but they’ll eventually fade and going on that date might be a great start to putting that all in the past.” She smiled at you, taking another sip of her strawberry latte.
You didn’t want to move on. You didn’t want to let him go.
Your mind had been filled with his eyes right before you woke up from your dream, the pain and hurt in his dark orbs. You actually felt like you betrayed him.
But she was right.
You could be missing out on a really good guy for someone that wasn’t real. It was ridiculous.
“But this is the step in the right direction. I’m honestly a little shocked after I thought you said you swore off dating.” Mina recounted with a chuckle. 
She had been by your side after your last relationship and had been that shoulder you cried on while you were going through the breakup. She knew how bad things were and the pain you felt that made you swear off from dating entirely.
“I’m proud.” And this was the nail in the coffin for you as she reached her hand over the table and rested it on yours that was playing with the edge of the napkin your drink sat on top of. 
Mina was right. 
You really have come a long way.
The fact you were even considering going out again was a step in the right direction.
Jimin… you knew he was there because no matter what you said about dating being a thing of your past, you still craved the touch of another human being. You had shut out everyone after your last relationship and after your time with Jimin you truly felt like you could try and let someone back in.
Slowly, you knew the relationship would have to move slowly. You weren’t there entirely yet and especially after Jimin— moving on would still be hard. But you were willing to try. 
It just sucks you can’t thank the person who’s gotten you this far.
“It was him.” You tried to smile but your heart still hurt. 
“Even though we were separated. He was truly there for me. It just sucks it didn’t work out, but I think you’re right. I should give Jin-Sang a try.” As much as it hurt now you didn’t regret your decision. 
This felt right. 
You and Mina clinked your drinks together in celebration and on your way back to work she helped you draft up your message to Jin-Sang after you told her how awkward things got after he asked you out. 
By the time you were back, you and Jin-Sang were on for Saturday.
Jin-Sang [1:46pm]: can’t wait :3
And as much as you couldn’t stop thinking about Jimin, you honestly couldn’t either.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You couldn’t see him but Jimin was right by your side every step of the way. He was there with you and Mina sitting at the empty table beside you both. 
For some strange reason he’d hoped your talk with Mina would deter you from going through with this, that for some reason she would say to choose him despite it being impossible. Even in the vague way you explained your situation, she still chose Jin-Sang. 
Jin-Sang was the correct choice after all. 
Jimin had taken a small break yesterday from watching over you in order to get his head back in the game. That weird pain he felt deep down just got worse anytime he’d look at you.
He’d tried his best to convince himself that this was the right choice, that saying goodbye was what you should be doing. It was easier to accept when he was far away from you, in the refuge of that forest he found himself at whenever things got too hard.
It was easier to look at things objectively and accept that he had his fun with you, but now it was time to say goodbye for good and for things to go back to normal between you too.
Jimin only saw you briefly yesterday, anytime there was a sin that he would detect he was back next to you in a flash and taking all his frustration out on the monstrosity. 
Today he thought things would be different, he thought the day yesterday was enough to get past the worst of it and for you both to begin your path to normalcy again.
But hearing you and Mina talk… when you said that you and this ‘mysterious guy you couldn’t be with’ had broken up he nearly lost it entirely. 
A violent tornado formed around him in an instant and he just screamed out into the void that he lived in. Hearing those words made the realization hit him so much on how you would go back to staring right through him.
You were so close yet so far.
He would be nothing to you.
He remembered the pain he felt only months ago watching you live your life and he couldn’t be a part of it no matter how much he wanted to. 
He didn’t know what to do. 
He knew you texted Jin-Sang about the date but he was gone to the forest all over again. His head was swimming with all these unfamiliar emotions and he didn’t know what to do. 
He had no one to talk to, he couldn’t tell his teammates— they all thought he was done with you already and certainly if he revealed it now he wouldn’t be granted with the advice he craved for. 
Instead in his rage he nearly turned to the most drastic measures. 
Alone in the forest, he felt cursed. He detested the life he lived, if he was normal, if he was human there would be no reason you both couldn’t be together.
His handle had turned into a small blade, his shirt had been discarded somewhere in the brush. The words that painted his skin all were blackened out and he still had healing scars from all the repenting he had to do. 
At first this was only meant to be a reminder of the reason he needed to leave you, to see the damage you had caused him. But he wanted it to hurt, to hurt more than this burn he felt more from the inside because even then he still wanted to be with you.
Jimin had unfolded his wings and had them resting in his lap with the blade only centimeters away. He’d gotten as far as the knife had managed to graze the delicate feathers and it sent him screaming. 
His knife had managed to put a slight tear in one of the feathers and that alone made him pass out.
He’d wanted them off entirely but his wings were too sensitive to try and do it willingly. Apparently his body rejected the idea.
Or really he didn’t want them off, he just wanted to be normal so you both could have your life together.
When he woke up merely seconds later Jimin felt different. 
It was strange.
Beforehand, despite all the pain, he was going to try to leave you alone. He was going to try to say goodbye, no matter how much it hurt.
But now… His other half was silent and for once he felt like he could think for himself. Suddenly it all made sense now and what he wanted became so clear.
Why couldn’t he be selfish for once?
You were his after all.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
It was the big day, Saturday.
Jimin had been watching you as you started getting ready. Your date wasn’t till four but since it’s been a while since you’ve gone on a first date, you were feeling nervous with an extra need to make yourself look presentable so you started the process early so you didn’t have to rush. 
Jimin hated the way he felt, he hated the way you felt even more. 
You were giddy, eager for tonight— for a man that wasn’t him. 
Jimin had no right to be upset. 
But he was.
This flame just grew as he watched you get ready steadily. And you looked so good too…
You always did…
The situation just felt unfair.
Why did Jin-Sang get to have you?
The whole argument centered around the fact you thought he wasn’t real, but he existed just like anyone else in the world? Why did he have to give in for the sake of some human?
He would be better to you, he knew he would. So why did he need to be the one to let you go?
It just pissed him off even more. Were you so easily forgetting who you belong to?
You were his and he was yours. Why did he need to suffer and watch you live on? It was unfair, this shit was so unfair.
He’s sacrificed so much for you already and now he was the one who had to give up? 
Jimin didn’t like the nasty emotion that just kept growing as he watched you.
Anytime you’d text Jin-Sang about later he felt like he wanted to slam himself into a building. He felt an even greater urge to fly over to his apartment and set things straight. He didn’t know what came over him. 
This was meant to be the right choice yet it didn’t feel like it. 
And then…
Though he was here with you, he knew at the moment Jin-Sang was on the phone with his friend about whether it was weird to bring condoms on the first date or not. Jin-Sang was saying “what if she thinks that’s the only thing I want?” but his friend was saying to bring them “just in case, you never know how this date might go.”
Jimin wanted to go over and slap him for even thinking about it, but again he had no right. It just made him think back to what things were like with your last boyfriend. It was hard then to manage, but now… now…
Anger cursed through his body the closer the time got because it wasn’t fucking fair.
You were his. He was your boyfriend, you were his girlfriend.
He should be the one you’re so giddy to see later, he should be the one you’re so tentatively getting ready for a date for. It should be him, it should be him, this wasn’t fair.
Because it truly wasn’t.
If things were different— no fuck that. 
Jimin should have left, given himself another day, maybe to cool off. Maybe even a more official break would have been the best thing to do to give himself time to reset. He shouldn’t have stayed but it was that same strange, nasty emotion he hated that brought him into a whole new problem. 
It was only a few hours to your date and you were chilling on your bed, a silk robe the only thing covering your body. You’d already showered and done all the pampering you needed to. You even had your dress laid out on the bed beside you after you spent nearly two hours on the phone with Mina about what to wear. 
You both decided on something casual enough since you were just going out to coffee, but still was sophisticated in its slight pretty elements. It was a simple, black, short sleeve dress that had cute heart shaped buttons going down about halfway, its white collar and the way it gently hugged your curves gave it that level of spice that Mina said it would be perfect for the date. You also had this tiny white purse and fun, cute shoes that also had hearts on it to match.
It was very different to how you dress at work but that was exactly the point.
All you needed to do now was get your clothes on, do your hair and makeup and then you were out the door. It might seem like a lot, but you knew you wanted to give yourself some time to make sure everything was perfect.
Laying here though after all the hectiness of trying to get ready, it was only for a split second did you feel sleepy. You didn’t think too much of it though, you were about to get up soon anyway, but it’s like this wave suddenly overtook you and before you had time to react you were out cold. 
You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep until suddenly your eyes shot open and you were back underneath the tree you used to find yourself every night under. It had been a few days since you’d last seen Jimin, nearly a week at this point since that emotional fiasco happened last time. 
Even though you’d tried to end things with Jimin, you were honestly glad to find yourself back. Last time just didn’t feel like the right place to leave on. 
You looked around a second wondering where he was until suddenly you heard footsteps on the other side of the tree. You moved around and low and behold there was Jimin leaning against the tree with his arms crossed.
“Jimin?” You tested already sensing something was off. 
“So you’re really doing this…” His voice was low and you sensed the attitude behind his words. 
“We talked about this already, as much as I want to be with you, you know that can’t happen.” You sighed, slightly annoyed you needed to repeat yourself but understood this was hard. But why was your consciousness doing this to you?
Jimin finally looked over to you and he was staring at you with that same dark gaze that you saw last time. You could still see the raging storm in his eyes, you could see the pain and hurt you’d caused.
Jimin started walking closer to you.
“And after everything we've been through, you still think I’m not real?” The question seemed to ring in your head as the words settled in the air.
Jimin kept moving closer and you were just stunned because you didn’t know what to say. Of course this wasn’t real… it couldn’t be real.
You never stopped him as he came close enough so your back was against the tree, his arms coming up by your head, effectively caging you in. 
“You really still think that…” He looked shattered as he stared into your eyes.
“Jimin…” His name fell from your lips unintentionally, it was almost a sob seeing that look in his eyes. He backed up slightly, disappointment written all over his features. He paced around for a few seconds.
“Or is that what you want that to be the case?” Jimin suddenly turned back to you, he was angry, malice laced in his words. 
“What?” Your eyes were teary but you were confused. Where was this coming from? 
“Jimin you know—“
“Do I?” He laughed.
“You just keep telling yourself that I’m not real so you don’t feel guilty about doing shit like this.” The accusation was insane and entirely unfair, but Jimin wanted it to hurt as much as you hurt him. 
You had been sympathetic at first, but that quickly was wearing thin the more he talked, because this made no sense. 
“What the fuck are you talking about? For someone who’s always in my head, this one time you’re choosing to ignore any it and make these stupid fucking claims?” Now you were angry, more than that actually because why was Jimin making this so hard for you?
“Hard for you?! Do you even know—“ Jimin had to stop himself real quick, the pain was overwhelming at this point. Why did this hurt so much? He didn’t know how to handle this at all. 
“You promised we’d try…” You don’t know how much those words meant to him back then. To hear that you’d be willing to put up with his incompetence when it came to this type of relationship, it meant the world to him. He’d been so scared of messing things up, he’d already had but you’d so easily forgiven his mistakes and he thought things were going good so far. 
“I did! But… Jimin we tried, and we tried as far as we could. I love the time we spent together and I wish, Jimin please hear me, I wish we could try more— into the real world. I wish I could go out and introduce you to people as my boyfriend, but I can’t! Look around, we’re in my head! This isn’t real, none of this is real and as much as I’ve enjoyed my time with you Jimin this is just a sign I need to move—“
The pain just got worse and worse.
“That would make things so much easier.” His attention wasn’t on you anymore, he couldn’t look at you, instead he stared down at his bare feet in the lush green grass.
“What are you sayi—“ Before you could finish he took a step closer to you once again.
“It wouldn’t hurt as much seeing you go off with him.” He’d gotten real quiet, but you could hear the quiver in his voice.
He took another step closer so he was standing directly in front of you. His hand came up steadily to intertwine his fingers with your own, so soft and gentle.
“I’m sorry… it just hurts so much and I don’t know what to do.” He steadily lifted your hand so it was resting on his shoulder. He finally raised his head to look up at you and you could have broken down right there seeing how dark his eyes had grown. 
“I’ve never felt like this before and it just hurts so fucking much. I’m sorry.” He truly did feel bad about what he said. It wasn’t right to take this out on you. But he was still mad, this was all so unfair. 
“I wish— I wish things were different.” You looked up at him with sad eyes, hoping he could sense your own pain in this. 
“Why couldn’t you be someone I knew— a coworker, a highschool classmate I forgot about, a stranger I pass by everyday on the way to work— anything.” You sighed, frustrated honestly. 
Even if the real life Jimin wasn’t anything like the one who’s made his way into your dreams every night, it still would be a relief to know he was there, that you could actually reach out and touch him, that you haven’t gone absolutely crazy over a person who didn’t exist.
“Why do you keep saying that?” Jimin cried once again in your head when he shouldn’t be. 
“Because it’s the truth—“ 
“I wish this wasn’t real! If I didn’t exist then I wouldn’t have to live like this— watch you run off with some other guy because I can’t be with you. Maybe then it wouldn’t hurt so much…” It really would be better.
Every time you’d leave the dream he wouldn’t know what was happening, he would cease to exist until your mind conjured him up once again. Things would be so simple, wouldn’t it? He wished that was the case. Did you seriously not know?
He already knew that answer.
“Jimin… you seriously can’t tell me you think this is real?” Your eyes were sympathetic as you lightly ran your finger over his shoulder, before moving up to rub his neck. 
Your words flipped a switch inside, you saw it happen with your own eyes, his sad gaze turning dark all in a second. 
Suddenly Jimin started leaning in close, he was only centimeters from your lips.
“Is that what you want?” His voice was low, dangerous, like that was a challenge. 
“Huh…” You were out of it, you couldn’t concentrate with him so close.
“Is that what you want— you wanna run off with him?” He was pissed again and back with the outrageous claims. 
Suddenly you felt your other hand being lifted to rest on his shoulder as well, to which you finally wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“This isn’t real?” He looked you right in the eyes.
“You’re trying to tell me what I feel for you isn’t real?” You hurt him again and you didn’t know what to say. Of course to him this was his reality but for you—
“Stop doing that!” He exclaimed, his gaze staring right through your soul. 
You didn’t know what to say and Jimin didn’t want you to anymore, instead he finally closed the gap that was between you. His soft, plump lips melted against yours as you felt that fiery explosion of butterflies you did every time you and Jimin kissed. 
You tried to pull him as close as you could, you wanted him to feel how no matter what, you truly did wish you could be with him. 
But then he pulled away enough to separate the kiss, making a whine escape your lips. 
“You’re mine.” He breathed out as his hands traveled down to rest on your hips. 
“Jimin—“ Before you could finish you were silenced by his lips on yours again. 
“Shut up— please, please shut the fuck up.” He sighed in between kissing you. 
And this time you listened. For all you knew this might be the last time you’re seeing each other and there was no point going back and forth like this. Instead you wanted to leave this off on a positive note.
“You’re mine.” Jimin reiterated again because apparently you weren’t understanding. 
This just made you kiss him harder. It quickly grew hot, heavy, and needy because you just wanted him close and this just wasn’t cutting it.
“Fuck—“ You moaned as he hurriedly pulled on his sweater. 
“Do you understand? You’re mine.”  He needed you to understand. He was tired of playing the act that he was fine with letting you go— no you were his. It was just that simple.
Jimin had your back pressed hard into the bark in the tree, one hand on your waist the other sliding up your arm to finally cup your cheek to angle you just as he needed you. 
His body was on fire faster than he could handle and he didn’t know why. This strange rage just made him want you even more than he could process. It almost hurt— he needed to slow down—
“Jimin, please— fuck, please!” You cried needing more. You didn’t have to ask again before suddenly you were falling once again and your back was against the soft grass with Jimin hovering right on top of you. 
Your breathing was heavy as you stared at each other, his dark eyes staring right into your own, a pained expression on his features. 
But the moment apart was short lived as Jimin dove straight down to your neck, hastily planting kisses across your hot skin. 
“You’re mine.” The grit in his voice, it was almost if he growled right in your ear and you nearly lost it all together. 
Your legs hurriedly came up to wrap around his waist to pull him closer. 
It was then when Jimin panicked a bit— you were so close— sin, so much sin, he needed to stop he should stop but—
Jimin’s lips were back on yours in a hurry, you moaned lightly as you felt him start to rock into your heat. So good, it felt so good. 
Your hands, your hands coming up to quickly tangle in his hair, this— then your lips were on his neck, kissing, sucking, marking him up like he hoped it would.
Jimin let out a pained moan because the words on his body were burning so much it hurt but you felt so good. This strange mix of pleasure and pain had his body confused and he bucked faster into you because fuck—
He should have stopped, he needed to stop but it just never felt like it was enough. He needed you to know who you belonged to.
By now he would have stopped because the longer you kissed the more excited he knew he was getting. He never wanted things to get that far, scared he might reach a point of no return, but something about today was different, he wanted you to feel just how much he wanted you.
And it didn’t take very long for that to happen…
It was too much. Every touch, every kiss he gave to you, he could feel it all. The connection you shared allowed him to feel for the both of you and it quickly got overwhelming.
He couldn’t control it and it just made that fire burn uncontrollably as your fervent hands ran down up and down his back and through his hair.
He loved kissing you, he loved touching you and he loved how it felt when you did it back. And to think this was sin— it was, it had to be in the way you practically bewitched him.
“Jimin…” You moaned softly because you could feel it now. 
Jimin broke away from you slightly to grab your hand and trailed it down over the fabric of his toned chest, down to his waistband of his sweatpants, and then you could feel the outline. 
Jimin groaned as he lightly rubbed himself along your hand. 
“Does this not feel real to you?” He could hardly get it out, his mind was fuzzy and he was screaming at himself not to push this any further but he just couldn’t stop.
Your eyes stared right into his with pain because as much as you wanted to—
“Stop doing that!” He whined, your hand was right there.  
He couldn’t think straight anymore, he wanted to fuck you, he wanted you to understand how much he wanted you, he wanted you to realize it.
Jimin quickly pulled your hand away and was kissing you once again with even more ferocity. He had to make you understand, he couldn’t lose you. 
He pushed into you, faster, harder, so fucking desperate.
You weren’t quite understanding the situation, you honestly thought that this was just going to be a heated goodbye. You thought this was your consciousness giving you one last hooray with Jimin before you needed to come back down to reality.
You just knew if you both weren’t naked in the next thirty seconds you were going to lose your mind. But Jimin thwarted any attempts you made at pulling down his sweatpants, even taking off his sweater proved to be an impossible task and you might have been more confused if Jimin didn’t make sure your attention stayed on him nonetheless. 
You had never felt this turned on yet sexually frustrated simultaneously, but you enjoyed the grind, the hurried pace he set and you just wanted him too—
Suddenly a pain whined left his lips and you felt his hips falter slightly. 
Oh? Was he close?
You pulled him closer, needing him as close as he could get.
If only—
You were so distracted by Jimin you hardly noticed things started to change around you. The beautiful meadow in your mind slowly started to drift away but all you could focus on was Jimin’s moans and his lips on yours.
It didn’t dawn onto you until it steadily started to realize you didn’t feel the grass against your back. The thought was brief compared to the feeling of Jimin hastily pulling off of you. 
You finally opened your eyes and you were shocked to see you were staring up at what you quickly recognized as your bedroom’s ceiling.
You blinked a couple of times before you finally turned beside you where all the commotion was coming from.  
Someone was beside you. 
It almost sounded like they were in pain at their low groans and how they almost seemed curled up beside you. And it almost sounded like—
You hesitantly sat up and low and behold you saw Jimin’s pained face as he was clutching onto one of your pillows.
It was Jimin but he looked slightly different, gone was his blue hair, matching sweater and sweatpants— instead he was wearing a white, short sleeve shirt, with matching white flowy pants, he was also blonde again.
What was going on?
“Jimin?’ You finally said something.
The longer you sat here the more you realized something was off. That haziness, dreamy, whimsical feeling you always felt when you were with Jimin wasn’t here. 
You looked down and you weren’t wearing your pretty white dress, instead your silky olive green robe you had thrown over the lingerie you had put on.
You looked around more and in fact this was your room, it looked exactly like your room eerily similar. Even the clothes you had set out for your date crumbled up underneath Jimin’s feet.
This seemed real… too real.
You felt awake.
“Jimin…?” You tried again, this time lightly placing a hand on his shoulder.
You weren’t seeing things, you could feel him, and at your touch he finally looked at you for a split second.
Light brown eyes looked back over you. 
You could touch him, he was warm, and his pained whines…
Suddenly your whole conversation came back to you.
“And after everything we've been through, you still think I’m not real?”
You sat there waiting for you to wake up for real but the more you stared at Jimin the more you felt like that wouldn’t happen.
“Are—are you happy now?” His voice was muffled beside you by the pillow. 
“I told you, you were mine…”
Suddenly it slapped you in the face.
You weren’t dreaming… were you?
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candywife333 · 10 months
Magic In the Room
helpless romantic chubby reader x idol/celebrity jungkook
-I don't know why all my works lined up for December are more comedic than angsty, but that's sort of how they are working out😆
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"It's a magical time of year Namjoon!! The time I may get to experience my first orgasm" , y/n squealed , clutching her arms excitedly around herself, face contorted into a huge smile. Namjoon side eyed her, questioning her , "Girl, what are you on about? Are you trying to tell me and all the guys huddled in the living room, that you have never experienced an orgasm".
The undeniably jubilant glint in Y/N's eyes flickered out as she morosely stared out at the snowing window, "I know it's an utter travesty for someone my age", she wailed in grief. Y/N beseeched to some deity up in the air, "Is it too much for a girl to ask for a monster cock stuffed up her pussy and man who will play with her tits for 5 minutes straight"? y/n turned around to see Taehyung stare at her as though she were an alien and Jimin spit out his hot cocoa all over the coffee table.
Namjoon shook his head , clutching his forehead in his hands, "Y/N you need to stop this behavior. Too much desperation turns men off". Y/N scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion, "But men have fucked corpses before, that's why do not have many male handlers at mortuaries. What screams desperation more than dudes who would pork the unliving"?
Yoongi started choking at Y/N's bold statement. The girl always came over to spend Christmas with them every year since she was in college, being a close friend of Namjoon's since childhood.
Namjoon quietly stated to Y/N, "Why don't you make up your mind Y/N? Pick somebody to show you a good sexual experience then". Y/N ignored Namjoon as she started to pick up her novel , giggling to herself as she came across the part of the paranormal romance book where the monstrous kraken tentacle would fuck the heroine. The kraken lifted up the girl in the air with one tentacle, as he slid another one to clutch her nipples and stroke her pussy. Y/N sighed, it all sounded so dreamy. If only she had a kraken to abduct her and fuck her. And then...........marry her and put a ring on her, proceed to savagely take her against a flat surface everyday, and put five kraken babies in her. Then all her problems would be solved.
Namjoon grunted in frustration, "Y/N, we both know reading about monsters fucking women is going to get you nowhere. You need real human men to do you right now". Y/N glared at him, piqued at his insensitive statement. "How could you even suggest that preposterous idea to me Namjoon?!", she barked out. Namjoon continued without even batting an eyelash, "what about Jungkook? He is around your age group and he's a brilliant man whore. If anyone could get you to orgasm, it would be him". The room fell silent at Namjoon's proclamation as all the other boys in the room started laughing like a pack of hyenas.
Y/N winced , rubbing her palms together in fury, ready to knock Namjoon out with her bare fist. "HE CALLED ME AUNTIE, NAMJOON! AUNTIE!!! He saw my romance novels and insulted my fabulous taste! Flung dishonor upon my werewolf, kraken, and vampire book hubbies!!! I am not doing anything with a self righteous man whore who disdains the men of my dreams like that"!!
Before Y/N or Namjoon could continue their arguments, a doe eyed, coconut headed man entered the room bringing in the cold with him as he flung off his scarf and mittens. He smirked as he saw Y/n, "Hey Auntie! How you doing"?
Y/N simmered in indignation as she bit out, "Just peachy you ugly man troll". She reached for the remote and her face melted into a surreal smile as she saw her on screen husband, Edward Cullen. She forgot about Jungkook as she clutched her hands to her cheeks, rapturously exclaiming, " Just look at that jawline that could cut glass. My beautiful sparkling man. At least fill Bella with a bunch of your vampire babies if you can't fill me with them". To the irritation of Jungkook, she started sniffling as though it was her husband getting killed by the Volturi.
Jungkook smiled mockingly, "Why don't you let me show you a good time Auntie? Maybe then you would forget about your imaginary boyfriends".
Y/N stopped sniffling as her eyes burned flames of vengeance and pure hatred, " I'd rather have my mouth stuffed with troll dick and be fucked up my ass by a garden gnome, than to spend one more minute in your presence". She stomped out the living space into her room, slamming the door behind her, leaving Jungkook in shock at her dramatic vow. Why was feeling just a bit envious of the mythical garden gnome?
Namjoon sighed in exasperation, turning towards the younger man, "Did you really have to rile her up like that? I think for once she is truly making it a mission to get fucked by someone. She seems to be dissatisfied by her book boyfriends and her on screen husbands". Jungkook drawled out , "You sure she is going to actually get out of this phase? Even if she does, she is not so attractive that she would have guys jumping up to fuck her like that".
Y/N slammed open the door, wearing a sleeveless black lace corset dress that cupped her breasts and hips just right. She trudged towards the door screaming out, "I am leaving"!
All the boys watched as she pulled out of the drive way in her red maserati. Jungkook felt an irrational pang of jealousy as she left. Who the fuck was she going to see dressed like that? He inquired quietly, "Namjoon, where is she going"? Namjoon sighed again, as though he held the weight of the world on his shoulders, "Probably to worship at the shrine in her house, like she does every Sunday".
Jungkook sat there confused, "A shrine of who exactly"?
Namjoon took a long sip of hot chocolate, as he calmly said, " Mr. Rochester. The book husband she recently divorced. He is her ex so it should be fine".
Jungkook bristled in his seat silently. He shouldn't be feeling this way, but............why the hell was he feeling slightly bitter towards Mr. Rochester?
Mr. Rochester in the flesh , just for reference
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kookieswan · 2 years
Red Light - Tea and Crumpets
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Nightmare!Hoseok x Psychologist!Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Genre: Horror AU, Monster AU, Psychological horror, kind of angsty? A little fluff? Idk?
Warnings: Jimin. Talk of biting off appendages, blood, bad language, all the good stuff. It should be noted that this story will contain themes of horror/psychological horror and also explore obsessive behaviors and codependency. Many characters are morally gray. Please be warned!
Summary: Gearing up for your second session with Jimin, things seem to be going surprisingly well until a surprise visitor arrives.
Notes: WOOOOO more Jimin finally (and another character teehee). This takes place a few days after Dripping Clouds!
This Part 28 of the Red Light series. Find the Masterlist here ♥️
“Jimin, it’s good to see you again. I’ve been informed that there’s been a number of happenings since we last met?” Walking into the room, you plop down with as much elegance as you can muster into the chair that sits in front of Jimin’s cell. He’s curled around himself, eyes in slits as he pokes his tongue out to wet his lips.
“Nothing you need to worry yourself with Doctor. Just a few minor inconveniences that came about. Blame those bastards if you’d like.” Jutting his chin out, you turn in the chair to see two guards peering in. Raising a brow, you gesture for them to shut it without a word, glare intensifying when they don’t make much of a move
There’s a sudden violent slam, causing you to flinch as the guards finally getting into gear. Turning back towards the reptilian Nightmare, you see that his tail has stretched out, now smooshed up against the wall. Well… At least they’re gone. Giving Jimin a small smile, you dig into things as carefully as you can, pulling out the incident report folder Williams not so gently shoved into your hands.
“Let’s see here… You bit someone’s finger off, managed to break some of the most expensive equipment that’s kept down here, called Dr. Williams a ‘piss baby’…?” It takes everything in you not to lose your mind, your lips making an odd shape as you cough to hide the laugh. You really wish you could have been there to hear it.
“All very fucking warranted considering the situation I think. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a man kept in a cage.” Sighing a sympathetic sigh, you adjust your papers and pen, knowing that he’s right. They’re all right honestly; being kept against their will is a horrid thing. They’re not humans, but they’re sentient. They’re people, and they deserve better.
“Although I cannot personally connect to it, I understand where your anger is coming from Jimin. I’ve been sent in today mostly to reprimand you, but that’s not what I’d like to focus on. If you cooperate, that would make both of our lives a lot easier.” You think he gets that though; he’s already been a lot more docile than he’s been in the past. Jimin shrugs his shoulders with a sigh, inching forward a bit until he’s relatively close to the wall. You write down that you gave him a thorough talking to even though you certainly did not.
It’s quiet as you jot down some more quick notes, a moment of time you take to look the Nightmare over again passively. He’s definitely the least human looking in appearance with his tail, not even wearing a top, just going completely bare. You wonder if it’s odd to think that his scales look almost pretty in the light.
“Well? Ask whatever you want to ask Doctor. I’ll answer the best I can.” This makes your raise a brow. Not only is he being relatively docile but he’s also letting you do what you wish. A curious thing, but it leads you to believe even more now that your initial meeting was more of a front. That, or he was just extremely pissed off.
Jimin raises his hands up, tongue poking out yet again to wet his lips…? Or perhaps to smell the air. Twirling you pen, you wait for him to reply. He smirks a little as he speaks, though there’s a bit of caution on his voice.
“Don’t look so shocked. I’ve heard some things along with what you’ve personally told me. I don’t want to be on your bad side, and it’s not like I can leave.” So maybe he knows of your relationship with Hoseok? As far at you know though, he’s had every little interaction with any of the other Nightmares. You hum a little, tugging on your skirt as you ponder his words.
“I already know why you’re causing an uproar; it’s because you’re angry. Angry that you were stolen away from your life and locked in a cage. So, instead of exploring that, I’d like to look into your background.” It’s something you haven’t asked the others yet, but you wish to ask them all. Starting out with Jimin might be the best way to tackle that he stares for a minute before giving in, a bit of a hiss in his words.
“There’s not much to say. I was a wanderer, never really settled down anywhere after my life began. I had no ties I guess is what I’m saying… So plucking me up out of a back alley in New York was easy for those fucks.” New York? Quite a large city, an odd place to be if he were to look like he does now. It’s likely he took on a more natural form, but then again…
“I killed from time to time, never caused a fucking massacre though. I still have no idea how they found me out; I blended in pretty damn well when I wanted to.” You don’t know how they found out either. You don’t know how they go about capturing Nightmares, but they’ve got to have some sly way because they’ve managed to capture the others and they’re certainly not dumb. Deciding against leaving a paper trail, you store away the information.
“So you chose to try to integrate yourself into the human population? For at least some of the time?” He had to of blended in somehow. Nightmares can take on grotesque forms but many chose to blend in to get closer to their prey. Jimin tilts his head back, looking toward the ceiling.
“Yeah. I liked to go out, liked to party and have fun. I liked to get high, liked to find a good fuck. I liked it all, and now it’s been taken away from me so I can be ‘researched’ and tested on.” So he was just living his life like any other young person. It makes you frown; Jimin is the newest patient here, sure, but you also think he’s the youngest out of the group. Perhaps you’re wrong but he can’t have many years on him, not with this mindset.
“… Have they hurt you at all?” Jimin looks far away at first before focusing back in. He slowly shakes his head, and a sigh of relief leaves you. If any of your Nightmares get taken down there, it’ll be the day you turn into a Nightmare.
“No. Even if I’ve been having some issues, I’ve been trying to be a good egg. Sometimes there’s yelling from the guards but that’s about it. They don’t like when I spit in their faces.” You’d imagine not since his spit seems to be acidic. There wasn’t a mention of him burning anyone’s face off in the report though thankfully.
“You don’t mind having a room to yourself? From what you’ve said, I would guess you like company. I don’t want for you to feel completely isolated or lonely.” At this Jimin scoffs, tail whipping out behind him. He can scoff all he wants but something tells you that he craves more, that he really craved attention… Perhaps that’s why he acts out. Down here though, it’s not going to get the best response.
“I like the company of my choosing. I’m not sure the other Nightmares and I would get along. I can be a little brash as I’m sure you’ve noticed.” You’ve already made a mental note to keep him and Yoongi separated. The other three would likely be alright with him, but his anger mixed with Yoongi’s ruthlessness… No thank you.
Before you can continue on, there’s a knock on the door. Turning, you see none other than Taehyung Kim popping his head through the entrance, bright boxy smile on his face as he spots you. You can hear… a sob..? From outside the door before Dr. Kim slams it shut behind him.
“I hope you don’t mind Dr. _____, I wanted to sit in and observe one of your sessions. Well, that’s a lie. Williams wanted to but I told him to bugger off in much nicer words.” You don’t doubt he did. If there’s anything you’ve learned about his man, it’s that he doesn’t care about consequences. Mostly because you don’t think he faces any. Gesturing for him to come in further, you shake your head.
“Not at all Dr. Kim. I’m sure Jimin doesn’t mind either?” Glancing at the Nightmare, he’s not even looking at you. His eyes are trained on the other doctor, slowly looking up and down as if sizing him up. Interesting.
“As long as you don’t try to cut my fucking tail off or something, you can stay. Too many of those other douche fucks like to get handsy.” Taehyung shakes his head, thankfully not interested in cutting any tails off. Looking down at your mostly blank notes, you decide to change things up for now. The past is something that can be revisited another day when Dr. Kim isn’t present.
“Now, is there anything you’d like to talk about specifically? Anything troubling you?” You’re curious to see what happens if you give him complete free reign of the situation. Especially now that you have an audience, and an apparently relatively powerful one at that. Jimin looks back toward you finally, eyes narrowed.
“You’re the only psychologist down here? There aren’t any others?” You’re sure there are others, just none that you’ve met. You’ve only had the terrible displeasure of meeting all the other doctors and scientists on this floor.
“I’m the only one on this floor specifically. I don’t see to any other Nightmares, only the ones on level 13.” You don’t see it but you’re not sure if you could handle more. Five seems to be the magic number, one for every day of the week to focus on. Jimin just nods, eyes sliding back to where Dr. Kim stands next to you.
“What about you?” The man adjusts his glasses before walking closer to the clear wall. So close that they’re face to face, Jimin staring in what almost looks like disbelief. You still don’t know exactly what Taehyung’s position is down here but it’s obvious that he’s very comfortable with Nightmares.
“I see to all the floors technically, though I usually stay in the deeper levels but I became bored. As I’m sure you can guess, I’m not from here originally, but I craved change. So here I am.” Bored… It’s not that shocking. If you were to guess based on what little you’ve analyzed, Dr. Kim isn’t used to being told no. Instead, he used to free reign and being able to do what he wishes without question. Jimin snorts loudly, hand slamming up against the wall, clawed fingers scratching the material.
“That’s why you came here from tea and crumpet land? Wanted a change in scenery? Wanted to rule over this shitshow?” Well, they seem to be making fast friends. Jimin’s mood is quickly turning sour, and you know the rest of this session will be going no where but south. Oh well, you got to know a little bit more about him at least.
“Tea and crumpet land hasn’t been home in a while. Let’s say I’m up here for number of reasons; a new doctor and a new patient being a few of them. Color me surprised when I heard we got ourselves a competent psychologist and a pretty pet snake.” Avoiding the question is one way to go about things. You can’t help but to wonder too, most of the other Doctors seem to be from the states although you know there’s other facilities scattered. Jimin hisses loudly, face nearly smashed up against the wall as he spits his words out.
“I don’t think pet snakes usually have terribly homicidal thoughts about their owners.” Dr. Kim hums, raising his hand up to meet Jimin’s. The Nightmare stares back in a mixture of anger and confusion, quickly ripping his hand away and backing up from the wall.
“But apparently small little Nightmares do… I’ve decided that I like you very much. Try not to misbehave Jimin, I don’t want to be seeing you on the deeper floors.” With that, the doctor turns around and looks your way. You stare back at him, not really sure of what to make of the interaction. It was odd… And also revealed a lot about both men.
“Dr. _____, when you’re done I’d like to have a word with you. Nothing extreme, just a few things I’d like to discuss. Pip pip cheerio for now.” An overwhelming urge to laugh is back, this one a single strangled giggle as Taehyung exits the room. Looking back to Jimin, it’s apparent he won’t be giving you any more information today.
“Well… if there’s nothing else, then I’ll-“ The snake man cuts you off, voice not nearly as angry as you though it would be. On the contrary, he sounds almost… Delighted? Happy?
“I want him at our next session.” And then it clicks. He craves attention even if it’s not positive. Maybe Taehyung’s attention wasn’t positive but it’s got to have been better from what he’s been getting. Giving him a nod, you can only begin to imagine the bargaining you might have to go through with the eccentric doctor. The things you do for your patients…
“Consider it done.”
Tags: @parkdatjimin @sugarflywme @pamzn @mizz-kraziii @hiii-priestess @winkii @noonas-magicshop @xuxibelle @lookhere-2seok @m1sss1mp @jukoo @thickemadame
(If you’d like to be tagged, send an ask/comment. All I ask is that your age (18+) is somewhere on your blog! 🌸)
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caelesjjk · 2 years
to love a monster collab
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Things are not always as they seem.
A bump in the night. An eerie feeling creeping down the back of your neck. A cold chill blanketing your skin in goosebumps. All things that make you think you may not be alone.
Mythical creatures and dangerous monsters walk among us without us being aware. Supernatural beings with abilities beyond our comprehension. Some with mind boggling magic. Some with an intense thirst for blood.
But what happens when you fall in love with these beings? How do you continue to navigate through a world you thought you knew now that it’s been turned upside down? Hosted by Sarah @caelesjjk and Sav @jeonjcngkook , Our magical collab participants are here to show you how to give you heart, mind, and body…to a monster.
Posting of the works will tentatively be in the early months of 2023.
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✧ What Lies Beneath ✧
➳ written by: sarah @caelesjjk
➳ pairing: bogeyman!seokjin x f. reader
➳ genres/aus: supernatural au, smut, romance
➳ summary: Seokjin has been gone for awhile. People have forgotten who he is.
And what he is, is the monster in the shadows and beneath the bed. He walks through dreams and turns them into nightmares. It’s more of a curse than anything else.
But when he finally returns to the town he once called home, nostalgia for the girl he once loved making him seek out her home, he finds you instead. And you know all of Seokjin’s secrets, the ones he hoped would never surface again.
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✧ Wicked As They Come ✧
➳ written by: sarah @caelesjjk
➳ pairing: vampire!yoongi x reporter! f reader
➳ genres/aus: supernatural au, vampire au, fake dating au, ceo au, romance, smut
➳ summary: you’ve been undercover at one of Min Yoongi’s many hotels in the city for the past week. you’re there because of the rumors that have been spreading regarding his vampire employees feeding off of his human guests. what you don’t expect to happen, is Min Yoongi discovering your true intentions in his hotel and offering you a very interesting ultimatum. pretend to date the vampire CEO to help appeal to his human guests or quickly find out just what kind of monster he can really be.
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✧ The Wood ✧
➳ written by: hali @sailoryooons
➳ pairing: Witch!Hoseok x human!reader
➳ genres/aus: 18+, strangers to lovers, modern-day southern gothic, smut
➳ summary: From the moment you step foot in Kill Devil, you know something about the town is off. Determined to find out exactly how your sister went missing in such a small town, you receive unlikely help from the man staying in the motel room next to yours. But there is so much more than what meets the eye with Hoseok and the citizens of Kill Devil.
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✧ Read Between the Lines ✧
➳ written by: sav @jeonjcngkook
➳ pairing: ceo incubus namjoon x erotica novalist human reader
➳ genres/aus: supernatural au, incubus au, office au, forbidden romance, smut,
➳ summary: after the success of your first novel, a place on the New York Times Best Selling Authors list and multiple book tours, it's now time to write the sequel to your highly anticipated series. But with success comes mind numbing writers block. Unable to shake yourself from the rut, no amount of research seems to aid your issues. That is until someone gives you a more hands on approach to help your troubles.
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✧ Safe Haven ✧
➳ written by: maggie @kth1
➳ pairing: royal guard werewolf!jimin x princess!femalereader
➳ genres/aus: 18+, royal au, semi-modern day au, forbidden love au, smut
➳ summary: When your families castle becomes overrun by ruffians on your niece's birthday celebration, you (the youngest princess of your family) are seized in the crossfire of the outrageous invasion. Caught at the wrong place and wrong time, you are taken for ransom as you protect those of your family. With the rebels holding you captive, hoping to exchange you for their own diabolical agenda, your most regal and trusted royal guard takes on the task of bringing you back no matter who or what stands in his way.
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✧ Love You for Infinity ✧
➳ written by: jai @gimmethatagustd
➳ pairing: ghost!taehyung x human!reader
➳ genres/aus: 18+ | supernatural | strangers to lovers | fluff | smut | angst
➳ summary: Kim Taehyung and his ex-fiancée met their untimely deaths when they were young and in the midst of heartbreak. When he's doomed to roam the earth as a ghost with unfinished business, Taehyung is convinced that finding the soul of his true love and righting his wrongs will set him free. You, on the other hand, aren't easily convinced that you're the reincarnation of Taehyung's true love, and you have no intention of being haunted for the rest of your life.
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✧ Only When You’re Lonely ✧
➳ written by: lati @jjkeverlast
➳ pairing: human!jk x succubus!f.reader
➳ genres/aus: supernatural au, demon au, college au, frat party au, humor, smut, sub!jk and semi strangers to lovers
➳ summary: jungkook has never dated anyone, because of you and you're soft touches that bring him to orbit. it's all it's ever been, just sex between you. although, it brings an unexpected turn when jungkook accidentally blurts you out as his girlfriend to his college friends which results in them expecting you at the upcoming frat party. what jungkook doesn't know is that you're much more than just someone he meets when he's lonely.
623 notes · View notes
dalchiid · 2 years
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 21
A story of obsession, fear, and lust. You're a maid whose Masters forbid you in meeting their guests for the night but your luck runs dry when you run into them and catch the attention of Lord Hoseok himself. He's smitten from the beginning and thus, your fate has been decided.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Hoseok x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 6,405
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Possessive, Angst, Fear, Blood, Biting, Dub-Con, Eventual smut
Will add or remove warnings based on what's in each chapter.
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
Chapter 21 Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession
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Time passes you by as you and Namjoon talk more in the library. You learn that he loves nature and has several plants in his room. When you told him how you loved to do gardening back at your old home he was surprised but intrigued. He asked you what your favorite plant was and you told him it was the Dahlia Karma Choc. He said they didn't have that in their garden but he can always check with the gardening team to have it planted for you. You told him that was too generous of him and that he didn't need to go so far for you but he insisted that it was okay. He also told you he doesn't know how to drive and rides his bike whenever he's given the chance. You told him you don't know how to drive either nor do you know how to ride a bike. He said he'll teach you some day. He also learned of your life with the Baeks. You didn't tell him everything but he now knows how Hoseok came into your life and slowly ripped you from your formal home. He gives you a pitying look and apologizes on his brother's behalf.
You enjoy his company as he does yours and sooner rather than later it starts to grow late. At some point Namjoon checks his phone and realizes the time. Dinner would be served soon and the news shocks you. You wasted so much time conversing with the vampire before you that you did nothing in regards to your earlier plans of checking your bank account. You berate yourself internally over having wasted your time but did you really feel that way? Did you really feel like you wasted your time? A part of you says yes but another part says no. You did enjoy talking with Namjoon and he seemed to enjoy himself as well. At times the man would smile when you spoke like he was truly interested in what you had to say. It felt refreshing after dealing with his other brothers who seemed indifferent about you save for Jimin. But Jimin didn't seem interested in you the way Namjoon is so it felt nice you had to admit.
Though you've only gotten to know him for these short hours you felt yourself warming up to him. A part of you still had your guard up because in truth he is your captor's brother and you weren't sure what he may or may not relay back to Hoseok, but for the most part you felt comfortable you could say. You felt somewhat relieved. To have an ear to hear you out when you mostly felt like you were talking to an impenetrable wall with his brother. He made you feel okay after walking on eggshells to avoid problems. Made you feel human when you were turned into something more by a sickly passionate monster with a vice. You don't voice any of these feelings out loud of course and if Namjoon notices you still have a wall up he doesn't say. He is just treating you how you would like to be treated and vice versa.
He laughs a little to himself and you ask him what was it.
"Nothing it's just I normally don't talk so much yet with you I feel like there was so much I wanted to say."
You give him a tight lipped smile that threatens to open up and show your teeth. "I feel the same way."
His eyes seem to glisten under the ceiling lights at your admission. "Good to know."
You hum. "Thank you."
Namjoon's whole body perks up at this. "What for?"
"For being nice to me." The air around you two begins to grow serious the more you talk. "I wasn't expecting to find someone like you after having dealt with your brothers. Especially Hoseok." You look down at your hands that are on the table before looking up at him worried. "No offense. I mean..."
"No you're fine," he chuckles. "I know what you mean and I hear you. I'm sorry about them. About him."
Silence engulfs the two of you as you think on his apology. It doesn't feel awkward though. He seems to be in deep thought as well before he parts his lips to speak.
"Do you," he pauses as he thinks some more with a hum. "Do you ever plan on leaving? On running away?"
It's then your heart beats painfully against your chest. Could you - would you tell him the truth? Though he's been nothing but kind to you you have to remember that he is Hoseok's brother. Your mind goes back to the picture Hoseok showed you of the two of them as kids. You think on how Hoseok said he trusts in Namjoon. Brothers who are very much close.
You hesitate to answer as your eyes dart around anywhere that isn't Namjoon. Your hands come to clasp one another as you wring them a little. You have to give an answer but you couldn't say the truth. Not now and possibly not ever.
"I uh - I don't know," is all you can say.
Namjoon hums. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to. If not just know I'll be here for you. To hear you out. I know we just met but everyone deserves to be heard. You especially."
Your eyes draw up to him. He was too kind to you and you appreciate him. When back at the Baeks you had Sunmi and here you could possibly have Namjoon. The thought makes you smile and he mirrors it with one of his own.
"So," he says after a moment. "What are your plans after dinner?"
Your brows raise a little as you think. "I don't know, honestly."
"If he's been diligent - Hoseok might be all caught up with work. Emphasis on might."
You hum but it isn't a pleasant one. Namjoon catches on to it and it makes him laugh a little.
"Guess you wouldn't want to spend time with him."
"What gives you that idea?" You're clearly being sarcastic and this time Namjoon laughs out loud.
"Sorry if it seems like I'm laughing at your expense. I don't mean it that way."
You wave your hand in dismissal. "No, I know. You don't have to worry."
His smile is warm as he throws it your way. It ignites something unspeakable within you and you decide to keep it that way - unknown to you. Sometimes some things are better left undisclosed to oneself.
Namjoon sits up straight in his seat and gives you an expectant look. "Should we go and meet everyone in the dining room?"
You're hesitant as you bite your lip. It's a look clear on your face and Namjoon takes note of it.
"We can always come back here afterwards."
He's right, you know. You're not entirely alone anymore or at least you hope that you're not. So it's with a resolute nod do you go to stand with Namjoon following right after you.
You know you have to check your bank account. The reminder playing over and over in your head. You decided you'll check it after dinner. You hope Hoseok will be busy so that it will give you time. For now though you'll be stuck with him and his brothers.
Namjoon leads you out of the library and you walk side by side. His hands are clasped behind him while yours are crossed in front of you. You're not feeling as defensive around him and you figure he notices because he doesn't appear tense in your presence. It's nice like this until you make yourselves known in the dining area where his brothers are already piling in. Everyone except Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi are present. Jimin is leaning his arm on Jungkook's shoulder as he talks. Taehyung looks up your way and his lips part slightly as he eyes you two. Jimin's smile falters for a moment before it returns - blinding with enthusiasm.
"Y/N! It's unusual to see you without my brother. Where is he anyway?"
Namjoon pulls out your chair for you and it forces your cheeks to grow warm. You're about to tell him that that wasn't necessary of him but his wink shuts you up. Instead, a warm smile replaces your once parted lips.
Jimin looks between you two as his face drops. He doesn't know what he's seeing but it's enough to catch him by surprise. He looks at Taehyung whose expression stays carefully neutral while Jungkook looks just the slightest bit interested. Just the slightest. When his eyes go back to you he smiles before leaning his elbow onto the table and placing his chin onto the palm of his hand.
"So," he starts. "What's this?"
A servant pulls out Namjoon's chair across from you for him so he can sit.
"What's what?" Namjoon asks.
Jimin squints his eyes as he stares at his brother. "I think you know."
You try to ignore him as Taehyung's eyes bore into you. It's like fire courses through you beneath his gaze because you're growing warmer by the second.
Jimin leans back into his seat as he hums. "It seems the two of you have grown... close."
Namjoon makes an "Ah" sound as if he didn't know what his brother was referring to before. "I was just showing her around. Keeping her company until Hoseok and her reunite."
Call for the devil and he sha'll come because in enters the remaining three brothers of the clan. Hoseok smiles when he sees you and nearly rushes the servant to hurry and pull his chair out so he can sit by you. As soon as he's sat he wraps an arm around you to pull you in and places a long kiss onto your temple. It's loud and filled with affection as he kisses you again but this time on your cheek. You frown but he doesn't seem to care as he tosses a glance Namjoon's way.
"I take it all went well?" His question is directed to his brother who nods with a smile.
"We enjoyed most of our time in the library. For being so quiet she has a lot to say."
Your expression grows dire at Namjoon's words but he doesn't elaborate on what he means by that. Hoseok only laughs out loud - a charming giggle as he squeezes your shoulder.
"As long as she's getting along well that's all that matters to me."
You look Namjoon's way and see as he gives you a small nod with smile. It eases you by the slightest bit and so you return his smile with one of your own. You feel like you're being discreet enough to not garner any attention but when you look around you see Jimin's and Taehyung's eyes never leaving you. It forces you to gulp loudly before clearing your throat.
"Well I'm feeling famished. What is there to eat?" Seokjin questions.
A servant in attendance goes to the kitchen and shortly after returns with others in tow with food in their hands. They place before you all a variety of fried and baked chicken. Your brows raise the slightest bit and it's with a smile does the one serving you say they ordered this dinner.
"From the Masters' favorite restaurant."
You nod as the men around you make noises of approval.
"It's been a while since we had this." Seokjin says. "You'll love it, Y/N."
Hoseok hums as he puts on the gloves that were handed to him. You follow his actions when you are also presented gloves and take a tentative sniff of the food.
"Eat, my love. Enjoy yourself."
You didn't need Hoseok's words of encouragement and so you ignore him as you take the first bite. You have to admit, this is the first time you've eaten chicken like this. You never had the chance to growing up and you don't know if it's a good thing or not. Right now though your taste buds come alive with the spicy and creamy flavor. It's unlike anything you've ever had before and so you can't help the soft moan of approval to leave your lips. Hoseok chuckles at the sound as he and brothers enjoy their meal as well.
"So how was work?" Namjoon starts off the incoming conversation. "Was there a lot to catch up on?"
Seokjin hums before swallowing his food. "A bit but nothing I can't handle. The most annoying thing was our cousin continuously pestering me for a solid answer on if she can come over. She said besides visiting us there are some things she wanted to talk about in regards to the family business."
"What about the family business?" Yoongi asks.
Seokjin shrugs. "Probably the usual. Wondering if there was anything to pass off to her despite us and our parents still being alive and well."
You try to not listen in on their conversation but being in their presence makes it hard not to.
Yoongi sighs a little. "Money makes people brave."
"And even if any of us were to die who's to say she would inherit anything?" Jimin's tongue lashes out angrily.
"If not to family then who?" This time Jungkook chimes in.
There's a pause as no one seems to have a good enough answer until Seokjin speaks up.
"We can always depend on Hoseok and Y/N for children."
You nearly choke on the chicken you swallow as Hoseok laughs.
"As enticing as it would be to make children I think it's a little too early to want to have any."
Your face twists in disgust as you try to swallow your food. Gently, you place your wrists against the egde of the table - trying to avoid getting your soiled gloves on any surface before you. Your body wriggles in discomfort as you try to avoid looking anyone's way. Some of Hoseok's brothers laugh along with him but you can't bring yourself to. At some point you make the mistake of looking up and catch Namjoon's eyes. His brows are pinched together as he looks at you in small concern. Your face flushes with heat - embarrassment coursing through you. He doesn't say anything to comfort you but his eyes tell all. He's pitying you.
You look away before taking another yet smaller bite of your food. Your appetite is slowly leaving you the longer you stay around these vampires.
"Do you still plan on inviting her over?" Namjoon tries to ease the conversation towards another way. You're grateful for that.
"Well if everyone is okay with it. I don't see why not."
Namjoon and Hoseok weren't entirely against it you recall. How the others felt you didn't know. Yoongi merely shrugs while the other three seem to think on it. After a moment Taehyung shrugs before taking a bite of his food.
"It's whatever to me."
Jimin looks down at his place in mild irritation before sighing. "It's fine with me."
Everyone looks Jungkook's way as he continues to eat. His eyes draw up to look at everyone when the weight of their eyes become too much. With a mouthful he shrugs before speaking.
"I don't care."
Seokjin hums. "Well that settles it then."
You recall what was said during breakfast - about their cousin. How she is just like Hoseok. An uneasy feeling coats your insides as you think more on it. On her. Without having to meet you already feel anxious about her being here. You highly doubt voicing your distrust over a vampire you haven't met would matter to these guys. Especially considering how you got here. They could care less about that in of itself.
At this point you can only stomach one more piece of chicken before you begin to remove your gloves and to wipe your lips with a napkin.
"Are you done eating, love?" Hoseok questions you but you don't answer him back.
You grab your glass of water and favor it over the beer that was served on the side. Everything was delicious until everyone started to speak. Their talk leaving an uncomfortable pit to form in your stomach. A weird mix of nausea and a burp is trying to work it's way up your throat but you take deep even breaths to try to avoid it coming out. Your frown is clear on your face and it takes Namjoon to ask if you were okay for all the attention to be drawn over to you.
You lick your lips before nodding - your brows still furrowed. "Yeah. I'm just full is all."
Hoseok leans over to get a closer look of your face and you watch as his expression morphs into one of concern.
"Are you sure you're okay? Was the food not to your liking?"
You shake your head no. "No the food was fine I'm just not that hungry tonight."
The sooner you get the vampires' attention off of you the better.
You hear a hum come from Seokjin as he looks over you. He doesn't elaborate on what he means by that sound but you don't know if you actually want to know.
You look over to Jimin who is unusually quiet tonight. After your entrance with Namjoon he was left feeling stumped. Surprised even. Gone was the instigator who enjoyed toying with you much to your content.
He doesn't look your way at first until he looks up to Taehyung and follows his brother's line of sight. You look over to Taehyung as well and note that he's staring at you. He gives a tentative smile your way before taking a bite out of his meal - his attention momentarily distracted. You swallow deeply when you look back to Jimin and for a while he just stares before a smile breaks out across his face. There's slight amusement in his eyes. The longer he stares the more irritated you grow but say nothing as you look back down to your plate.
"You know," you hear him say. It takes great strength from you not to roll your eyes. "After seeing Namjoon with Y/N today it really interested me."
No one responds to that but you look up to see Namjoon eating his food unperturbed.
"I think family time is good and all. Maybe Y/N should spend some alone time with the rest of us."
Your attention shoots towards Jimin's way. Your eyes widen a fraction with your brows pulling together. What was he on about with this?
Again no one says a word until Hoseok does.
"Are you saying this because you want to spend time with her yourself?"
Jimin giggles. "It's only right, no?"
You look at Hoseok as he takes a bite out of his food. He seems to be contemplating an answer as he chews. It's awkward this silence but neither of the men seem bothered by it. It's just you as you wait for Hoseok to speak up again.
He notices you staring at him and he looks up to give you a smile. After swallowing his food he raises a brow in your direction.
"That's completely up to Y/N," he says.
Your heart skips a beat as Jimin calls out your name. What was Hoseok doing? You don't want to spend time with anyone else here. Despite enjoying your time with Namjoon, if it weren't because he offered you would have never spent time with him either. Playing nice with Hoseok until you could escape was one thing. It's another to play nice with his brothers who you are sure don't like you.
Jimin calls your name again and you slowly look his way. He has a shit eating grin on his face.
"Would you mind spending time with me?"
Your brows are furrowed as you look around in discomfort.
"Don't make it sound so weird." It's Taehyung who speaks.
Jimin pouts in his direction. "It's not weird at all to want to have a pretty girl for company."
Taehyung frowns. "It is weird when said pretty girl is in a relationship."
You want to scream that you're not in a relationship but can't bring yourself to. You know you'll get in trouble for it so you keep your mouth shut.
Jimin sighs out loud in a sort of dramatic way. "She gets to spend time with Namjoon but not me? Because I make it sound weird? Didn't you say back in your room that you wanted to get to know her. To see if she was here to break Hoseok's heart or not?"
And suddenly there's a loud screech as the table before you is scraped against the floors when Taehyung pushes it roughly. You jump in fear at the sudden movement that forces the drinks to slosh viciously. It causes Jimin's and Jungkook's beers to fall over. Some of it gets on both of them as the servants hurriedly go to clean the mess up.
"Seriously, Taehyung?" Jungkook sounds irritated.
You look over at the brother in question and you see his eyes are lit up by a fiery anger. It's a huge difference to the somewhat meek appearance he's shown you so far. You think back to what Namjoon said about Taehyung having anger issues. Are you seeing firsthand what that means?
Taehyung's nostrils flare and he grits his teeth. "Don't you ever shut up?"
Jimin looks taken aback as he glowers his brother's way. "Why are you mad? It's perfectly normal to be curious."
"What's stated in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Why do you always have to put my business out there?"
You look between the brothers as they exchange heated words.
"I didn't think it would matter."
"That's the thing, Jimin. You never think about anyone but yourself."
You're starting to feel uncomfortable. The servants do their best to clean up the mess and you watch how they maneuver around the vampires like nothing. Like they weren't phased by this happening. Are fights like these more common than you think?
Jimin sucks his teeth as he rolls his eyes.
"Jimin." Yoongi calls out to him.
Everyone keeps their eyes to themselves. Even Yoongi who looks down at his plate as he calls to his younger brother.
Jimin gives a questioning hum.
"Just apologize and let it go."
The other vampire seems like he wants to object but he frowns instead. He sends that look Taehyung's way before he closes his eyes with a soft laugh. His eyes slowly draw open again as he looks at Taehyung the words "I'm sorry" falling from his full lips.
Taehyung's nostrils flare again as he takes in the apology. You can see the way he visibly is fighting himself to argue back but he clenches his fists instead. Again without looking, Yoongi places his hand upon one of Taehyung's and squeezes it gently. You watch as the young vampire's fist sits as it is for a moment before he releases it to hold onto Yoongi's hand. From there you watch and hear as Taehyung takes slow and even breaths to try and calm himself down. It's fascinating to you as you watch the way Yoongi wordlessly helps his brother to calm himself. You figure this isn't the first time something like this has happened.
Once Taehyung is calm he releases Yoongi's hand and the two of them go back to eating. Just like that. As if nothing had happened.
You purse your lips as you look around. Everyone continues to eat like nothing. The spill from the beers have been cleaned up and the mugs are replaced with new ones that are filled to the brim.
As if feeling your eyes Namjoon looks up at you and smiles. You can't help but smile back though it feels a little awkward after what just happened.
Jimin for once in his life is quiet and it adds to the awkwardness you feel. Your fingers fidget between each other as you wait until everyone is finished because you want to leave.
After a while Hoseok hums. You look over to him as he begins to remove his gloves and grabs his napkin to wipe his lips.
"You know," he says. "I don't mind Y/N spending time with you all. Just as long as you don't try anything disrespectful."
"Of course, dear brother." Jimin voices with a smile.
"And to Taehyung." Hoseok looks his way. "It's different this time. You don't have to worry about me having my heart broken again."
Taehyung doesn't say anything but he gives you a unreadable look before nodding at Hoseok.
You look down at your hands in quiet discomfort. Why did your life have to turn out this way? It oftentimes feels like a nightmare. In moments like this you think back on your Masters. You could care less about Hyung-Won. Hyun-Sik too for wordlessly agreeing with his brother and although things started to change for the worst between you and Hyun-Woo you can't help but miss him. What was he up to now? Is he hurting now that you're gone? How is he around his brothers? Does he resent them the way you do? And what about Ji-Woon? After having been a part of your life for so long you wonder how he feels without you around? You miss him most of all.
What became of your room? Is someone living in there now or is it empty? Left untouched for years to come? So many questions swirl in your head and you can't bring yourself to answer any of them without some form of proof to back them up.
You purse your lips as a wave of sadness falls over you. You miss your old life. Now more than anything.
You feel Hoseok's hand come to rest on the back of your neck. He massages you gently until he pulls you in close to his side.
"There are some things I still have to catch up on but you're more than welcome to accompany me in the study."
Your sadness morphs into irritation but you do your best to hide it. You know he expects an answer from you but you're too busy biting your tongue to talk.
"Actually Hoseok," Namjoon starts.
You look up at him to see him send you a certain look before switching his sights over to his brother.
"Y/N wanted more of an in depth look at the library. I was going to help her with that."
Hoseok's brow raises in interest before he looks at you. "Is that so?"
The two men stare at you as they await an answer. Clearly Namjoon is trying to save your ass and you appreciate it. Truly, so you nod.
"I uh," you clear your throat. "Still don't know where everything is so I'd appreciate the help."
Your captor stares at you as if he's trying to pry the lie out of you for all to see. You feel like you're not nearly as convincing as Namjoon was just then and with Hoseok's unreadable look upon you you feel like you're about to fall about with the truth.
Just when you think you're about to crack Hoseok smiles at you. He's clearly feeling endeared towards you as he leans in to kiss your forehead.
"Understandable," he says. "But I don't want you so far away from me for too long, yeah?"
You nod your head.
"I'll find you once I'm done so don't stray away from the library."
You nod again.
This time he leans in to kiss you on the lips. You don't return it but he takes from you all the same.
A minute after that Namjoon removes his gloves and cleans his mouth. Seokjin and Yoongi follow him right after and go to stand. Each of the men claiming they have somewhere to be. The other three vampires choose to stay seated to continue eating and as if what happened earlier between Taehyung and Jimin never happened they begin to converse animatedly.
"Are you ready Y/N?" Namjoon asks.
You hum with a nod before going to stand but you're cut short as a hand goes to grab your arm. You look down at Hoseok who has you tight in his grasp. His expression is unreadable as he stares at you. You give an experimental tug of your arm but his grip is steadfast.
"What," you ask him. Your tone of voice is low but you know everyone in this room save for the servants can hear you.
Hoseok softly shakes his head before bringing you closer so he can kiss your lips again. "I love you," he says.
It makes your stomach turn.
After a moment more he releases you - a ghost of his touch lingering on your arm. You hurriedly make your way around him to join Namjoon who waits for you by the door. He doesn't say anything about the way you begin to close up around his brother. Nor does he react to Hoseok when the vampire tells him to take care of you. From there, everyone but you, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook go to leave the dining area to return to their respected studies. Between you and Namjoon though you walk back towards the library. Your steps are slow as you watch Hoseok make his way to his study. Your eyes are on his every move and so when he disappears you stop in place. Namjoon doesn't notice at first and it's a few feet in front of you does he come to a stop before turning to look at you.
You look behind you and back at Namjoon as you begin to fidget in place.
"Are you okay," he asks.
Now was the time. You have the chance to go back to Hoseok's room to check on your bank account. You don't know when you'll be afforded the time to go and check again.
"Um," you start. Your hand goes to point behind you in an awkward manner. "I just remembered. I have to check on something back in Hoseok's room."
Namjoon's brows furrow in question. "Oh uh, okay? It has to be now?"
You nod your head. "Yeah. Just real quick! Then we can come back to the library."
Namjoon stares back at you in question but he nods. "Okay then. I can accompany you."
"No!" Your voice is a little loud and it forces you to cringe. "Sorry it'll be fast. I don't want to bother you either."
Something about the look in his eyes let's you know he's questioning you but he doesn't voice it out loud. He just gives you another nod before angling his head towards the library.
"I'll wait for you here then."
A feeling of relief washes over you. "Thank you. I'll be back."
Before he can get in another word you walk off towards your new destination. Your feet are fast over the floor beneath you - the sound of them almost quiet as you quickly make your way. Sweat pricks your skin as your nerves begin to work over time. You can feel the way your heart beats painfully against your chest as it begins to pick up pace.
This was it. This was your chance to grab your laptop and check your bank account. Besides the worry of being caught your also nervous of the idea of your account being deactivated. Hyung-Won has had enough time for him to do that but you hope he hasn't yet. Better yet, hasn't and will not do so ever at all.
You're quick as you make your way down the halls that lead you over to Hoseok's room. You grab the doorknob and twist it open before closing the door behind you.
"Okay, okay, okay," you say to yourself in a hushed voice.
You go into his closet and find your laptop. It's on the shelf with some of your things and you quickly begin to open it as you bring it down to the floor where you sit. You press the power button and wait impatiently as it takes its time to turn on. Your hands tapping your knees in a restless manner. When it finally comes to life you log in and open the web browser. Swiftly you access the saved tab on your laptop that'll lead you over to your bank's website. Everything is loading as fast as it can but your nerves tell you it isn't fast enough. Soon enough the website loads and you log in to your account. You wait with bated breath your heart accelerateting just a tad bit more.
"Come on, come on." More words rushed out of you in a hushed voice.
Just when you think you'll get an error the site loads and there before you, you see your balance staring back at you.
"Oh my god," you cry out.
You try to refrain from crying in relief. Thank the gods. Your account has been left untouched. You stare at the numbers before checking any pending payments that may be in action right now but there's nothing. It's just you and what you have now. You feel nothing but comfort in knowing you have your money. Now it was just a matter of getting out of here to then use it. You take that chance to search online for nearby stores with ATMs as well as hotels or motels. There are a few places to stay nearby but the further away the better. The plan was to successfully runaway and not risk the chance of getting caught. You take note of a few of them and begin to calculate how much money you'll be able to use. See where else you can stay that won't cost too much as you find a job and eventually find your own place. You don't have much time before you're sure Namjoon will come find you or even worse Hoseok so you type out in a notepad a list of places to look back into when it's time for you to leave. After you're done you quickly close everything up and shut the laptop down before placing it back on the shelf it once was on.
You feel a lot better now knowing you still have your bank account. You don't know how long before it won't be available anymore so the next few days need to be spent on finding an exit you can slip out of without being detected. You're wondering if Namjoon would be willing to give you an extensive tour of the place out front. You believe Namjoon can in comparison to Hoseok. Just as long as the former keeps quiet about it. You hope.
You exit the closet and the bedroom as you make your way back towards the library. It's like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders as your steps are a lot lighter than before. You head down the stairs and just as you're about to reach the library you hear the call of your name. You stop in the hall to turn around and see Taehyung. Your eyes widen a fraction as your brows raise up on your forehead. He slowly approaches you before giving you a tentative smile. You smile back though yours is a little more unsure. He bites his lip once he reaches you as he slips his hands deep into his pockets. When you think he won't say anything it catches you off guard when he apologizes. Your brows furrow in confusion when you ask about what.
His lips hang apart for a minute before he licks them. "About earlier during dinner. What Jimin had said."
Oh. He was apologizing about the exchange of words the fight started out over. What was it again? That he was curious about seeing if you would break Hoseok's heart or not? The reminder of it sends you into discomfort as you bite the inside of your cheek.
He shifts a little in his spot before looking down at his feet. "You have to understand," he says. "I'm very protective of my brothers. Especially of Hoseok after what happened to him."
You don't know what to say but your discomfort grows evermore.
His eyes shift back up to your own and there's a seriousness to them that makes your heart skip a beat.
"Maybe I'm wrong to assume the worst will happen but you understand, right?"
Your hands begin to worry between each other. It's becoming apparent by the second that you're uncomfortable beneath Taehyung's gaze. You want him to stop looking at you, talking to you, perceiving your presence. You take in a shaky breath before releasing it.
Taehyung says nothing about your sudden need to stay quiet but he continues to talk unperturbed by it.
"I don't know you and you don't know me but we can learn about each other at some point. For Hoseok's sake that is."
So he didn't want to know you for reasons like Namjoon. He only wanted to do it because of Hoseok. That was a big red flag for you. You know for sure he'll tell Hoseok anything and everything about you. From your words to your actions. You know then not to trust Taehyung.
He raises a brow at you expectantly as he awaits for an answer from you.
You clear your throat and force your hands to your sides to keep them from wringing each other. "Okay." It's all you can say.
Taehyung pinches his bottom lip between his teeth lightly before nodding. "I guess I'll see you around." It's not a question but a statement.
You guess so and nod his way.
He gives you one last look before departing away from you and heading the opposite direction. A breath you hadn't realize you'd been holding is released and it leaves you in small tremors. You look down at your hands and see how they shake. After today you can say Taehyung scares you and you wanted nothing to do with him. Wanted nothing to do with any of these vampires. Hoseok especially.
How much longer are you going to have to deal with them? Knowing you have your money you hope it's not too long. Just enough time to finally find your freedom and leave everyone behind.
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taevbears · 1 year
Magic Shop - 09
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One day, when I wake up at 3:00AM, unable to sleep, I will look next to me and you will be there, Sleeping peacefully beside me. And suddenly, the world won't seem so lonely.
⤑ pairing: OT7 x witch!reader, Jimin/Yoongi focused ⤑ genre: magic au, romance, angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.5k ⤑ warnings: implied smut, interrupted foreplay, heavy angst, oppression against mages, jimin as a warning himself tbh ⤑ note: surprise!! i took a few months off from writing this story to pursue other story ideas, but i ended up wanting to come back to this one lol. i have another story in the works, but i do plan to start posting semi-regularly for this series again soon ^^ i hope you guys enjoy! this takes place right after the final of pt 1.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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From the distance, the haunting, sonorous tolls of church bells ring in the hour for the sleeping town of New Haven.
Once. Twice. Three times.
3:00AM. The witching hour.
Monsters and magic are most active at this time of night. Their connection to the Veil – a realm of dreams and demons – is at its strongest peak, opening a window of chaos and mayhem and spilling them into the living world.
For mortals like Park Jimin, the witching hour is dangerous. Humans become prey to these abominations. Kidnapped and sacrificed, they become targets of dark magic, tortured for a mage’s sadistic greed and pleasure.
By law, those cursed with magic are condemned to their high towers and impenetrable castles. But there are some who’ve managed to escape their confinements. Who’ve garnered sympathy from fools they’ve bewitched, and who’ve hidden their unnatural powers to inconspicuously blend in with human villagers.
That’s when the hunters come in.
While the wardens are busy keeping the monsters locked away, allowing them to practice tricks and spells deemed safe by the Devoted, and silently killing them through deadly trials like the Harrowing, it’s the hunters that protect the towns and villages from mages outside their gilded prisons. People who, without law or regulation, take matters into their own hands when facing the Wicked.
History speaks of the war between humans and mages. The human sacrifices, the stolen blood of innocents, the dark summonings, the ominous hauntings, the deals with devils. Magic, after all, is the root of all evil.
And the latest of these horrendous acts is what happened at Blackstone Castle.
Several apprentices rebelled against the teachings of the Devoted and performed a forbidden summoning. The mutiny caused mages to attack the wardens, unleash creatures beyond nightmares into the mortal realm, and escape the castle’s defenses. The leader of the apostate group is rumored to have transformed into a hideous beast that the Warden-Commander had successfully defeated, but by the time the monster was slain, it was too late. Many mages have fled from Blackstone and found refuge in nearby villages, causing fear and suspicion to strike within the communities.
Any mage, surrounded by the temptations of the mortal realm, is a dangerous threat.
Two months ago, when news of Blackstone Castle hit the capital, there was no doubt in his mind what he must do: he had to return to his hometown in New Haven, make sure there aren’t any mages infiltrating his town, and eliminate the ones he finds.
With the key to his grandmother’s floral shop and the blessings of his family from the capital, Jimin returned to town, surprised to see not much had changed since he was last there.
Except for one thing.
The unnamed shop across the street.
The one odd place in town, full of mystery and wonder. What once was ruins and a disarray of abandonment is now warm and cozy with whimsy and comfort. Colorful and mix-mashed, yet in a way that works together. Like it was made of magic. 
And, to his dismay, the cutest shop owner he’s ever seen works there. One that he’s hopelessly fallen head-over-heels with. 
Even though he highly suspects that you are, ironically, the very thing he hunts down.
Jimin reminds himself of that as he sits back on a chair and faces the bed. Under the gleam of moonlight, the dagger in his hand shines. Embedded in the blade are ancient symbols of the Devoted. Once penetrated, it will render even the strongest mage useless, temporarily paralyzing them from using their powers as the effects of the enchanted markings sink in.
An heirloom and a prized possession of the Park family. One that his father used when he became a hero of the town. One that his grandfather used to kill the mage that murdered his parents. And now, one that belongs to him.
He flips the nullifying weapon in his hand over and over. Keeping it close to him, just in case.
In case you suddenly wake – snapping your eyes wide open, the colors of your pupils turning into an eerie, bright gold – and lunge toward him in inhuman speed. In case you levitate off the bed and hurl things flying in his direction. In case the devil’s mark sears red on your skin during the witching hour and turns you into one of them.
Like those corrupted mages – easily trading their souls for wealth, beauty, power, and fame – that the Devoted has warned them about. Like the ones he’s seen attack humans with their unnatural strength and twisted powers. Like the ones who had surely killed his parents.
After all, magic is the root of all things evil.
And you, a mage, are a monster. A human vessel that will inevitably succumb to the darkness and unleash chaos into the world with your cursed power.
His eyebrows furrow together and a deep frown is set on his plush lips
You – the most evil, dangerous, wicked thing to ever exist – continue to sleep soundly on his bed, blissfully unaware of his inner turmoil. The black dahlia – doused with potent lavender extract – is disposed of, but it’s already done its job. Keeping you unconscious. Keeping you vulnerable. Right where he wants you.
Time ticks on and Jimin tightens his grip on the dagger. He has to act, and he has to do it fast. He’s certain once the sleeping effect wears off, you’ll attack him.
One minute passes. Then, two. Then, three more.
Abruptly, Jimin stands with the dagger at hand. The chair legs scoot back against the wooden floorboards as he steps closer to you, blinking away the drowsiness from the potent side-effects of the flower.
Was he wrong?
No, he’s certain you’re one of them. He’s certain that one or more of them in that shop are like you as well. Mages and monsters.
Yet, there’s no trace of a golden glow in your eyes. No objects suddenly falling out of shelves, no picture frames or doorknobs rattling, no unexplained knocks or whispers. No faded bite mark that a demon left as a claim on your skin.
His fingers barely touch your neck when you make a sound.
A moan.
Of someone’s name.
Jimin freezes, eyes wide as he looks at your sleeping face. He can’t be certain if you said his name or—
A chuckle of disbelief comes from his lips and he runs his fingers through his hair. This should be easy. Insultingly so.
Yet, Jimin finds himself sitting back on the chair and facing his bed for the fourth time that night. He’s had that dagger in his hand since you fell asleep hours ago. He has every intent to kill you and the others in that shop.
But not tonight.
Tonight, he silently takes you in. The distinct features of your face that he likes, the way your lips part slightly as you sleep, the slow sound of your breath and the way your eyelashes touch the top of your cheeks. The way the moonlight is cast upon your bare skin, almost making you look ethereal in the night. 
He thinks about earlier that afternoon, when you came to his shop, picking flowers to lay out a message of apology and confession. He thinks about the genuine surprise in your face when he admits that he loves you too, that you already have his heart. He thinks about how he meant what he said too.
And as the shop closes and the afternoon rolls into evening, he thinks about his hand in yours as he leads you upstairs to his room. He thinks about your shy giggles when he kisses your neck, your collarbone, and the top of your breasts until you start to remove your clothes for him. And as Jimin takes in your body, he whispers that you’re beautiful without realizing the words came out of his mouth.
This should’ve been easy. If he had known you were a mage sooner, before he caught any feelings for you, perhaps this would have been different. 
But tonight, Jimin sheaths the enchanted dagger and lets you live for one more night.
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Your dreams. They always start like this.
High walls of a strong, impenetrable fortress made of dark brick and stone. Willow trees in the courtyard, and a prism of sunlight peeking through the weeping, green leaves. Rows of old books stacked together on long shelves with worn bindings and stain-aged pages. Faceless apprentices in uniformed robes, passing through the candle-lit hallways from one lecture to another, their disembodied voices echoing down the long passageways. Plated armor and concealed weapons of guards that look down at you with disdain.
Blackstone Castle.
Once upon a time, that place was all you’ve ever known. An institution where you’ve excelled too well in the classroom lessons and teachings. Where your exposure to the outside world is limited through words on paper and stories from fellow apprentices of what they could remember before coming to the castle. A so-called home where you had the promising future of becoming one of the best enchanters among your peers.
You lean back against your chair in the lecture room. Notes in your handwriting are on the desk, detailed with whatever you thought is important to note. You tilt your head, frowning a bit in confusion as your hand continues to write.
You’re … actually not sure what you’re taking notes on. The longer you look at the scribbled words, the more ineligible they appear.
The sound of giggling catches your attention. When you glance at the source of the noise, you drop the quill in shock.
At the back of the lecture room, Hoseok and your old roommate are snuggled together. Neither of them are paying attention to the lesson, shamelessly making out and touching each other through their clothes. You see her running her hand through his hair and tugging him closer as their tongues slip in each other’s mouths. Although they’re sitting a bit far, you could hear Hoseok as if he’s right next to you. You hear him tell her, “It should’ve been you that made it out of the Harrowing instead.”
“Hoseok?” you utter, your voice pathetically soft. Why would he say that?
When you finally force yourself to look away, Namjoon stands before you. No longer are you in a lecture room, but at the library. His face is completely neutral. Guarded. He asks you, “What is it that you want?”
“I just…” you begin, but before you could answer, he pushes you down on the table.
“I’m not your boyfriend. I couldn’t care less about what we are,” Namjoon tells you as he pins you down. His hand flips up the end of your dress. “There’s only one thing I want from you.”
When you exhale, it’s shaky. Like you’re trying not to sob.
Before anything happens, Namjoon is shoved away. When you turn around, you’re in the ritual room. Seokjin has his hands full, fighting beastly creatures from the Veil with a sword and shield. He shouts for your help, and it takes you a moment to process that you’re in the middle of a battle.
You need a weapon.
The tower rumbles and debris falls from the ceiling. Your heart races as you look through the rubble for a wand, a tome, anything to help Seokjin.
But you’re too late.
An anguish scream cuts you deeper than any blade. Panic and fear seizes your entire body as you watch him slump to the ground. The battlefield is deathly quiet, and you’re sitting there, alone, cradling his head on your lap and crying apologies for what feels like hours.
Through your tears, you see one other person standing in the distance. You sniffle when you recognize who it is. “Jungkook?”
“You did that to him,” Jimin says from the other side of the room, opposite of where Jungkook is. “You couldn’t save him. This is your fault.”
“I know, but—”
“Scary,” Jungkook repeats, both of them looking at you like you’re something evil. Black smoke swallows them whole, thick as clouds. It takes over the room, Seokjin, and eventually, it takes over you as well.
But once it clears, you find yourself in a séance room. Taehyung sits across from you in a black and gold cloak and a crown on his head. He shuffles tarot cards and asks you the same thing Namjoon does. “What is it that you want?”
“Love,” you answer. Exhausted. Heartbroken.
You don’t want to be seen as a monster. You don’t want to have these doubts. These insecurities. This nightmare.
He sets down one card in front of you. The Reversed Hermit.
Betrayal. Isolation. Paranoia.
As it sinks in, you realize that Taehyung has disappeared. Vanished into thin air. Truly, you are alone again.
You’re not sure how long you sit there in the deafening silence. Wax melts from the candlesticks as the fire burns down the wick. The shadows in the room stretch longer, surrounding you in darkness. But the thoughts in your head are loud, calling you loveless, weak, incompetent, never enough.
Suddenly, you hear music playing. A soft, faint melody from a piano.
You don’t want to be here anymore, so you run toward the sound. A sense of déjà vu hits you as you exit the séance room and find yourself in a long, dimly-lit hallway full of identical doors. Just like your Harrowing, each door you enter leads you to the same hallway over and over and over and over. Despite how gentle the music sounds, you feel desperate to reach it. To see him.
Relief washes over you when you finally do.
In the domain where you first saw him, Yoongi stands behind a piano, dressed head to toe in all black with silver jewelry. One hand presses the black and white keys of the grand instrument, absently playing a tune you vaguely recognized. One he’s certain would bring you right to him.
He glances at you expectantly. A faint smile tugs on the corner of his lips.
Without hesitation, you run toward him, lost and then found. Grief, fear, doubt, and anxiety melt away the moment you’re in his arms. “Yoongi!”
Your familiar pulls you close, brushing his lips against your hair, just as a sharp sting claws into your inner thigh. You whimper and gasp from the pain, squirming in his arms, but Yoongi grabs your jaw and continues to kiss you like nothing is happening.
When the pain subsides, Yoongi finally lets you go. You back away from him, breathing hard, and finally, you notice the golden color in his eyes. He doesn’t move as he peers down on you, lips tugging a bit with an arrogant smirk.
Hesitantly, you lift the bottom of your dress to look at your thigh. A strange, red mark is visible on the skin.
Yoongi merely tilts his head and reminds you, “You’re mine.”
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A loud wail is what wakes Jimin from his sleep. His body jerks in reaction, and before he realizes it, he’s tumbling off the chair and onto the wooden floor.
As clumsy as he is, this isn’t unusual for him. He is, however, surprised to see your black cat glowering down at him. Its tail swishes back and forth slowly as an annoyed grumble comes from its chest.
“Sorry,” you apologize, holding a blanket over your body with one hand and shutting the window with the other. “He was crying outside.”
Jimin blinks slowly at you, and then turns his attention back to the cat, who continues to glare down at him. He squints back and whispers, “Isn’t it too early in the morning to be a menace?”
Yoongi gives a grunt of a meow. As if Jimin should’ve known better than to question it.
“I should get going anyway,” you tell him, your voice soft and sad. If Jimin wasn’t wide awake before, he certainly is now. He pushes himself up and sees the redness in your eyes and face. You’ve been crying. “I didn’t mean to stay overnight.”
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jimin gently asks, jumping to his feet. He starts to approach you, but stops himself. His eyes linger at the blanket you have loosely around you, and how, somehow, you’re even more beautiful to him in the daylight. 
You peek at him with wet eyes. Even now, there’s not a trace of wickedness in them at all. “I’m okay. Bad dream.”
Yoongi meows and rubs himself against your legs, trying to comfort you. A wry smile touches your lips as you bend down to pet him, quietly assuring him again that you’re okay. It feels like this is something that happens every now and then.
When the connection between you and the Veil are the strongest.
It’s subtle, but it’s still proof that Jimin isn’t wrong about what you are after all. He’s never been to a Harrowing, and he knows very little about the Veil itself, but mages leave their physical forms behind to enter that dream-like realm. In order to seek truths, gain knowledge, enhance their skills, and meet both good and evil spirits that reside in that world. It shouldn’t surprise him that mages that fall into a deep sleep during the witching hour could be affected by the Veil.
Jimin crouches down to meet your eye-level. There’s a pleasant smile on his lips as he reaches over to rub your back. “Why don’t you stay a little longer?”
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You feel good after a long sleep, a good cry, and dipping into the warm water of a bath. The others at the shop are worried about you, even though you’re just across the street. Yoongi tells you as much as he helps you wash up.
“I know. I meant to go home last night.”
Your memory is a bit fuzzy, but that much, you know, is true. Sometimes, when it feels like you’re dreaming in the Veil, it’s hard to distinguish reality and dreams. You look at your thigh, where you envisioned the devil’s mark to be, and see nothing out of the ordinary on your skin.
He doesn’t say anything as he continues to rub soap on your back and shoulders. It feels nice. You start to lean in on his touch and sigh with content. Then, he asks, “Did anything happen?”
“Other than the obvious? No. I just fell asleep,” you answer, almost certain that there isn’t more to the story. Wake pulled you out of sleep as gently as the nightmare ended, and as you laid on Jimin’s bed, you were overwhelmed with emotion. Every detail, every word from your dream, you remember it. But through the tears in your eyes, you saw Jimin sleeping on a single, uncomfortable chair, facing you and dressed in his clothes from the night before. He had let you sleep on his bed throughout the night, watched over you, and kept you safe. And somehow, just seeing Jimin there with you after a terrible nightmare only reassured you that you were okay. That a dream was just a dream. “I really like him, Yoongi.”
“I know you do,” is all he says. You don’t need to face him to know that he isn’t entirely happy with it. “I just want you to be careful around him.”
“I will, Yoongi. You don’t need to worry about me.”
It isn’t long until you’re out of the bath and dressed up. The two of you are relatively silent as you face a mirror and use magic to fix your hair. Then, Yoongi asks, “Do you want to talk about your dream?”
You glance at him from the reflection. He’s dressed in black clothing and silver jewelry, just as you imagined him. His eyes, however, are normal. Dark, inquisitive, and gentle. Unlike the haunting yellow from your nightmare.
“No. Not yet,” you reply, your hand twitching as you try not to touch your thigh. There’s no pain and no strange mark, but it’s the first time you’ve dreamed of it. The mark that Yoongi mentioned once in passing to further strengthen a bond between a mage and their familiar. “Soon, though.”
You’d think those kinds of dreams would’ve stopped by now, especially after hearing from the boys themselves that they loved you. It feels silly to even question it when it’s obvious that they do. Yet, the same dreams keep occurring over and over, filling your mind with doubt and insecurity.
“Okay.” Yoongi stands next to you as you finish getting ready. “You look nice today.”
You grin at him, a little shy from the compliment, but tease, “Are you saying that I look bad other days?”
“You look nice every day,” he corrects with a shy kiss on your cheek. Then, before you could retort, he’s back into his cat form. You smile at him lovingly and hold him in your arms, feeling the rumble of his purrs vibrate from his body.
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Downstairs, Jimin finds himself in a bit of a dilemma.
He has nothing to eat for breakfast.
Work has him traveling out of the shop often, delivering bouquets to customers, picking up new supplies and flowers, and even stopping by local guilds to pick up any magic-related reports to take up. It doesn’t occur to him that he’s rarely home to stock up on his personal pantry.
He’s still rummaging around for something when you finally come down with Yoongi in your arms. “Jimin?”
“I’m back here!” he shouts, grabbing pieces of stale bread and a half-empty jar of strawberry jam. This will have to do for now, he supposes, though it clearly isn’t enough for both of you. When you enter the back room, he tries to bite into the hard, jam-coated piece of bread and asks, “Breakfast?”
“I think I’m good,” you tell him, looking around. It’s notably empty, you realize, as you turn your attention back to his plate. “Is that all you’re having?”
“Maybe it’s a better idea that we eat out,” Jimin agrees, pushing the half-bitten bread aside. He isn’t hungry for that anyway. If it were up to him, he’d take you right back upstairs and have you stay with him a little longer.
He takes a quick glance at the cat in your arms, who seems to hold a steady glare at him. As if daring Jimin to make a move on you while he’s around.
You smile at him. “I know a place we can go.”
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Across the street, the aroma of baked bread and brewed coffee welcomes you into the little shop. Seokjin is up bright and early, humming quietly to himself as he carefully puts pastries on a display case. Hoseok pours coffee into several mugs and adds cream and sugar to everyone’s preferred taste. Namjoon is doing an inventory check with Taehyung and Jungkook, writing down what he needs to shop for when he goes to the market later that morning. But as soon as the bell chimes from the front door and you step through the threshold, a sweeter welcome awaits you.
“You’re home!” Taehyung exclaims with a big, boxy smile and pulls you and Yoongi into a tight hug. The cat meows in protest in your arms, but it’s muffled when Jungkook giggles and joins in the group hug as well.
“We were worried about you, pretty girl,” Hoseok comments, holding two mugs for you and Yoongi in his hands, though he seems relieved to see you.
“Yeah, you didn’t come home last night,” Namjoon agrees as he and Seokjin come into the entrance together.
“Sorry, that’s my fault,” Jimin says from behind you. He steps into the shop with a sheepish smile on his face, seeing that he’s faced with the very over-protective men you live with.
Seokjin scoffs under his breath. “That explains a lot.”
“Is it okay if he stays for breakfast?” you ask them, hopeful. There’s a bit of hesitance, as if they’re not really sure what to make of you and Jimin still.
“Yeah, why not? The more the merrier,” Namjoon quotes with a shrug.
Your heart feels warm at their acceptance. Seeing the boys all together in one room, all seven of them, it feels right. It feels complete.
Both Hoseok and Namjoon look at you with so much care in their eyes, scolding you lightly for making them worry. Seokjin smiles at you, alive and well, before he takes Yoongi from your arms to help him in the kitchen. Taehyung and Jungkook refuse to leave your side, still keeping you in their hold until Seokjin bats them away.
If this is all a dream, it’s the cruelest one yet.
Hoseok hands you your coffee and smiles brightly at their guest. “I’ll get another mug. Do you like cream and sugar in your coffee, Jimin?”
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Breakfast goes surprisingly well. Laid out on the table are sunny-side eggs, crispy pork belly, toasted bread with butter and jam, a bowl of fresh fruits, vegetable pancakes, and leftover stew from the night before. It’s a feast compared to what Jimin tried to eat at his own shop earlier that morning.
Everyone sits together on the long table, happily chatting and eating. Hoseok feeds Taehyung and Jungkook food from his plate before he eats himself. Seokjin tries to fish for compliments from you and Namjoon for working so hard in the kitchen. Even Yoongi – who strangely appears when the cat disappears – takes a seat beside you and immediately reaches into the fruit bowl for tangerines. 
It’s a little strange, but Jimin seems to fit in really well. Both Hoseok and Taehyung include him in their conversations, asking him what his opinions are about if tigers or bears are the superior animal or the types of cool dances that they’ve seen at the town square. Namjoon and Seokjin make him laugh at their witty banter, and how they bring out the goofiest sides of each other. Even Jungkook is excitedly clapping his hands and giggling at their antics before cutely asking Jimin if there’s any pork belly left on his side of the table. And while he’s certain that Yoongi hates him, he’s surprised when he is offered a piece of his peeled tangerine.
There’s a sense of belonging that Jimin can’t really describe when he’s around you guys. Something that he hasn’t really felt anywhere else.
It’s a stark difference to when he returns to his lonely flower shop afterwards.
Floral fragrances greet him as he walks in the door instead of the aroma of baked good and brewed coffee. There’s a notable silence that fills the room when there aren’t any customers around, unlike at the lively shop across the street, where there’s always music playing and people talking. It feels cold and empty, far from the warm and homey feelings of yours.
Running a shop by himself keeps him busy. It’s hard work and long days, but he likes the smile on people’s faces when they find exactly what they’re looking for, or when he delivers things he’s made to his customers.
Today isn’t any different. Except, it is.
Because just across the street, you’re there. He can see you welcoming curious people inside, checking on the plants outside the shop that Jimin helped you garden with a raven perched on your shoulder, going to the market as Namjoon holds your waist and Jungkook holds your hand, and coming back to the shop less than an hour later and being showered with affectionate greetings from the others upon your return.
Because Jimin can’t stop thinking about how you and the others across the street are supposed to be wicked, evil, vile creatures that feast on the blood of innocents and animal sacrifices instead of tangerines, coffee, and bread. That you must’ve bewitched humans to do your bidding, even though it clearly seems that Seokjin has a mind of his own and wants to be with you all. That you’d use your power to bring chaos and destruction to the world instead of love and comfort in your shop.
Because Jimin realizes that he can’t kill you because he loves you. Even though he shouldn’t. Even though it’s his job to eradicate people like you from his town. 
Yet, here he is, thinking about how concerned he was when you woke up crying. How troubled he felt when he wasn’t able to make breakfast for you. The way he felt a bit nervous entering your shop and facing your other lovers. How they all tried to make him feel welcomed anyway, even if there’s some uncertainty with how they feel toward him. How the morning after with you was nice until he had to return to his shop alone.
The enchanted dagger upstairs is locked away in his room, waiting to be used. Eager for that next opportunity when you’re alone with him. But Jimin, who watches you from his shop’s window with a forlorn sadness, wants to keep you with him a little longer.
And that, truly, is a problem.
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“We need to talk.”
Your heart stutters nervously at the words. Silently, you exchange looks with Seokjin, who is washing dirty dishes next to you. But you know why Namjoon is suddenly summoning you all for a family meeting.
At the market, you noticed it. You’re certain Namjoon and Jungkook did too with the way they tightened their hold around you.
In the town square, they were there.
Many of them are talking about Blackstone Castle and the mages that have escaped. They’re asking townsfolk if they’ve noticed anything suspicious, advising people to stay indoors at night, taking notes of any clues they find through their investigations. The three of you manage to avoid them on the way to the market, but it’s clear that their very presence is a threat: the hunters are here, and they’re looking for you.
“It’s too dangerous now,” Seokjin whispers, worried. His thumb caresses the back of your hand as you sit beside him. “We’ll be safer if we get out of town.”
“Where would we go?” Namjoon questions, a bit frustrated. You can tell he’s trying not to raise his voice. “This is our home. We’ve just started to settle down.”
“All the rooms aren’t filled yet,” Taehyung points out as his eyes lock with yours. He’s been certain that Jimin is the last one. That the final room in the shop belongs to him.
Jungkook sighs heavily. “What do we do?”
Running away isn’t an option. You guys already did that, and you don’t want to leave this place behind. Fighting them would only bring more unwanted attention toward you and the shop. Even you’re a bit stumped with what to do next.
“More and more of those hunters are coming into the town,” Hoseok says with a frown. “We have to be careful. We have to look out for each other.”
Namjoon nods his head. “Just as we always do.”
Yoongi catches your eye this time. “Are you sure we can trust him?”
The others look at you as well. Yoongi doesn’t have to say his name for you to know who he’s talking about. You’re the one who knows Jimin the most. They trust your judgment, despite any divination readings Taehyung has on him.
“Yes,” you answer without hesitation. “I trust him.”
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By the late afternoon, as things begin to wind down, you return to the flower shop with containers of food from your shop. “I don’t know if you ate your dinner already, but we made these for you.”
He smiles fondly at you, touched by the sweet gesture as he takes the containers from you. “Thank you, baby. I’ll eat it well.”
As he leaves to put the food away in the back for later, you take a walk around. His shop is empty of customers. Various flowers in full bloom sit prettily on display in arrangements and in pots. Everything is beautiful and pleasing to look at.
Though, you notice that there aren't really any personal touches in Jimin’s shop at all. No family pictures, despite his father being a hometown hero or that his grandmother had owned this shop prior. No food that he keeps in stock with favorite dishes and snacks. Even his bedroom feels minimalistic compared to what you’re used to at one of the boys’ rooms. 
If he ever decides to live with you, in that empty room on the second floor, what would his room look like? Would it be like this shop? Would it be something different?
As you lose yourself to your train of thoughts, you nearly trip over something.
A bucket of lavenders.
It sits innocently near a painted cart among other buckets of bouquets. Its calming fragrance is masked by the other floral scents in the shop. But it makes you back away from it as if you just saw something truly horrifying.
Arms suddenly wrap around your midsection and pull you into their chest. You nearly scream, wiggling to get free, until you hear Jimin’s infectious laughter behind you. “What’s wrong? Did I scare you?”
“Yes! How dare you!” you playfully shout, relieved it’s just him. He chuckles and starts to kiss your cheek and neck in apology. His lips feel soft against your skin, and your hand reaches back to touch his neck, turning a bit to kiss him back.
It’s easy to be swept up in him. To get lost in the heat of the moment and not think about anything or anyone else. To push your worries about bad dreams, hunters, and the other boys aside and just melt in his arms. You trust him. You know you can.
But something is bothering you. His mouth moves away from your lips to kiss your jaw and the spot just below your ear, and as you turn your head and sigh in content, you notice the bucket of lavenders again. 
“Stay tonight?” he asks against your skin, eyes hazy with lust. 
You’re tempted. But you answer, “I can’t, Jimin. Not tonight.”
With the hunters in town, you have to make sure that the shop is safe. Hoseok and Namjoon have prepared to sage the entire shop to ward off any harmful intentions to you and your family. And you need to cast added protection spells on the doors and windows so that your shop won’t be easy for them to find.
He hums but places another kiss on your face. “We got a bit carried away last night, didn’t we?”
You glance away from the lavenders and meet his gaze. Again, you remind yourself that you love this man. You can trust him.
“Jimin, about last night…” you begin. His smile fades a little as he arches an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue. “Did something happen?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m having a hard time remembering how the night ended.”
No matter how hard you try, you can’t remember how you ended up falling asleep in Jimin’s room. The last thing you remember is telling him you had to go back home. That Yoongi would be upset, and Jimin said—
“You just fell asleep, babe. Nothing happened.”
“I see.”
“You don’t believe me?”
“It's not that,” you tell him, not sure how to state this without sounding accusatory. You glance over at the lavenders again and quietly admit, “I just feel like I’m missing something. I don’t know. Did… Did something more happen?”
His hands cup your face, warm and a bit calloused. They contract a bit with the cold, silver rings around his fingers.
“What makes you think I’d do something to hurt you?” he questions, trying to sound a bit offended. But for a split second, you could’ve sworn he almost looked amused.
“I don’t know.” Your eyes flutter close as he tilts your face up, greeting you with soft kisses again. His thumb gently caresses your cheeks, hands slowly gliding down your neck, fingers tracing your collarbone. Despite the light touches, your heart pounds hard in your chest, and you feel yourself chasing after his lips. 
“Should I remind you then? About last night?” he asks, nose bumping against yours and a hand against the back of your neck.
“I can’t stay,” you remind him, eyes fluttering close. But his lips feel so full and soft when he kisses you. Each kiss entices you for more, and he chuckles when he feels you tug on his bottom lip.
“Then should we stop?”
He pulls away from you a bit, teasing you, but you don’t allow him. Your arms wrap around his neck as you needily answer, “No. Don’t stop.”
“Good girl,” Jimin praises and rewards you with another heated kiss. You could only moan in agreement, far too distracted to pay attention to anything but the way his tongue slips into your mouth or the way his touch warms your skin, igniting memories of last night with the way his hands roam your body.
With Jimin, it feels easy to love. It feels easy to simply be. Whether as friends, lovers, or something else you can’t quite place, it feels easy to get caught up in the moment with him. Without overthinking of what this all means, without the worry of what you are to him, without caring when the dream ends.
Your back hits the counter, but it doesn’t break the kiss. He feels you over your clothes, and your hands tug him closer.
“Jimin…” you gasp, panting hard when he finally pulls away. He spins you around so your back is against his chest again. Vaguely, through the lust-filled haze, you’re reminded of the night before.
Visiting the flower shop, an apology and a confession, a night spent together. You were trying to get home. Yoongi was upset. The tattoo on Jimin’s chest. A black dahlia.
“Don’t think about it,” Jimin whispers against your skin. He starts to push you down over the counter. Had you been able to see his face, a chill would’ve run down your spine from the way he looks at you in that very moment – like a predator to prey. “Just trust me.”
The chime of a bell snaps both of you out of it.
“What the hell?” a last-minute customer exclaims, unable to open the door all the way to get through. As if, somehow, the door got stuck. “Jimin? Are you there?”
Immediately, Jimin backs off and clears his throat.
“Yes, I’ll be right with you!” he answers, running his fingers through his hair. He stands over you for a moment, protectively shielding you from anyone coming in. When he glances over at you, however, you’re already smoothing over the front of your clothes. Your face is a bit flustered, but not a single hair is out of place. “Are you okay, love?”
“I’m fine, Jimin. I should get going anyway,” you tell him bashfully. He kisses you one last time before he finally lets you go.
With ease, you pull open the front door as the customer nearly stumbles inside. 
When you look back at Jimin, he seems to be staring at you and the door curiously. Then, his eyes lock with yours, and he gives you that same, knowing smile from last night.
The kind of smile where he knows something you don’t. A secret he isn’t meant to find out.
And it dawns to you, just then, that his smile was the last thing you saw yesterday before your world turned black.
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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bangtanwritershq · 1 year
BangtanWritersHQ Presents: “Uncover The Mythos of Bangtan” Masterlist
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For June 2023, we put together a collection of fics that focus on the mythological, folklore, and urban legend types of alternate universes! We asked our members to share with us their mythos-themed stories so that we could share them with you! If you are in an enchanting and whimsical mood, this masterlist is for you! In this post, you’ll find fics from our network members that feature any and all members with various mystical AU types and tropes!
Browse at your leisure and ENJOY!
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🔞 - nsfw (mature themes) ✅ - sfw (no warnings) 💖 - smut ⚠️ - other warnings
SET UP - emojis: Title (if link is to another platform) | Author [parts] pairings, genre/aus, rating, word count
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🔞 💖 ⚠️ Curse of The Serpent | @colormepurplex2 [2/2] Pairing: Perseus!Namjoon x Medusa!Jimin AU Type: Gods & Monsters | smut, angst, mild fluff Rating: MA WC: 12,046
🔞 💖 ⚠️ Dream For Us | @colormepurplex2 [2/2] Pairing: Hyung Line x f.Reader AU Type: Demi-Gods & Monsters | light smut, angst Rating: MA WC: 15,255
🔞 💖 ⚠️ Flowers of Fate | @colormepurplex2 [4/4] Pairing: Fae!Yoongi x Human!Reader (ft. x Jimin/Namjoon/Jungkook) AU Type: Beltane, Scottish Folklore | smut, angst, fluff Rating: MA WC: 56,072
🔞 💖 ⚠️ Ambrosia & Nectar | @hisunshiine [1/1] Pairing: Dionysus!Jungkook x Phanessa!Reader AU Type: Greek Mythos | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 5,112
🔞 💖 ⚠️ Petals With Luv | @hisunshiine [1/1] Pairing: Emporer!Jungkook x PalaceWoman!Reader AU Type: fantasy au | royalty au | angst | smut | thriller/spooky | fluff Rating: MA WC: 6,241
🔞 💖 ⚠️ The Eight | @noonasto [125/125] Pairing: OT7 x OC AU Type: Soulmates | smut, fluff, angst Rating: MA WC: 153,256
🔞 💖 ⚠️ Mate | @7deadlysinsfics [7/9] Pairing: Alpha!Jungkook x Omega!Reader AU Type: A/B/O Soulmates | angst, fluff, smut Rating: MA WC: 25,920
🔞 💖 Sanguis | @7deadlysinsfics [1/2] Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Vampire!Reader AU Type: Vampires | smut, angst Rating: MA WC: 2,270
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All stories copywritten of the specified author. The authors provided consent for their stories to the network to be shared by submitting their stories. Stories posted in the order of submission to the event.
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