#monster ryuko
oomoj · 11 months
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Did some Inktober prompts this year
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ninebaalart · 1 year
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31 Days of Monsters: Vampire Ryuko
This costume design was based off a o-nashi_neko drawing, although the scarecrow Mako was my own design. I did look into maybe doing a more specific thing like a COVERS design or life fiber being but ultimately none of those felt halloweeny enough lol
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wernevergrowingup · 1 year
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Heh heh here it is. Let's hear watcha got on me
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chaotictoon · 2 years
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Cartoon Girls + Bike/Scooter/Vespa
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
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overlordlucy · 1 year
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Purple is Kagami Hiiragi from Lucky Star! Only one remains, suggest a pink character!
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cyphyree · 1 year
Kill La Kill - Fight Club episode is also about conditional love and it kills me, man
The first time i watched it, I thought that Ryuko was being selfish for wanting to step down. She puts Mako in the president position to begin with, and dissolving the club meant that the family goes back to poverty. Like, girl, you're fighting everyone to begin with, why stop now?
Later on tho, I realize that what was actually happening was that the family was exploiting her. Mako works hard as an exec of the club yes, but Ryuko's the one who's actually fighting and taking all the hard hits (literally) for them, so that they can live in overkill Top 1% luxury. She wasn't a family member anymore, but a tool to be used for the gain of others, and discarded when no longer useful. For Ryuko, love is conditional, and she just cannot meet those conditions.
Which is the struggle Ryuko is faced with her entire life, the entire show. Ryuko couldn't figure out why no one wanted her--she was carted off to boarding school by her dad and bullied by peers. She struggles with finding innate value in herself, yearning for family and friends who will accept her as she is. Even in the haha funny filler episode 4, Ryuko's would-be friend Maiko has only been using her to get to Senketsu.
The fact that Ryuko is half-Life Fiber is devastating because Life Fibers are either insentient tools or the enemy to cull. The entire show, she was treated as a tool or an enemy, and now there's indisputable, irreparable reason for her to be treated as such. There's no reason to love someone who's half-monster like her, and Ragyo exploits this by "fully embracing" Ryuko for "all" that she is. But in reality Ragyo seeks to effectively kill off the human side of Ryuko -- again, discarding what's useless.
Thus in the Wedding, Mako tells Ryuko to choose what she wants: to love and be herself, or to kill Ryuko off for good and assimilate into the Life Fibers. It's during the Wedding, that Ryuko realizes that, whatever she is, there is someone who unconditionally loves her -- not as a tool, but as herself.
Kill La Kill is about loving your body, but also loving yourself in your entirety. It's about breaking free of toxic expectations, and living a life of your choice, wearing the clothes (or not) that you want, you being you, and being loved for it all the same.
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daxieoclock · 5 months
I don’t completely agree with the reading made by the previous post, specifically I disagree that the chimera represents outing specifically; however, I do entirely agree with the conclusion. Falin Touden is a trans woman. This is an inherent and inalienable aspect to her character and her arc throughout the story of Dungeon Meshi. I think one subtle way Ryuko Kui communicates emotional context towards Falin are her eyes and her clumsiness.
Originally, as a full human woman, meek and conflict avoidant, we only rarely get to see her eyes. We most get to see them when she is spending time with Marcille, such as the ever iconic “I want you and my brother to live on” or her staring at Marcille in the bath. While Falin is not fully clumsy, she tends to move with the gait of someone whose body is not fully obeying her mind. She pushes with her whole body, falling towards enemies when she attacks, she is often in a state of partial teeter.
As a Chimera, her will is not fully her own. Her body is awkward and disjointed. When she scrambles up the wall to escape the party, her upper half looks to be reaching out for stones to help pull herself up, even as her human arcs lack the animal strength of her monster half. But Falin, as a Chimera, has her eyes open. She barely rarely needs to squint. We can infer she can now see the world brightly, clearly, more intensely than she ever could before. While her body is awkward, it is graceful, precise, controlled.
We don’t know what Falin is thinking and feeling at this moment, but seeing the world vivid and feeling in touch with her entire body, even as that body is “monstrous,” is an inherently relatable experience as a transfeminine person who has similarly been through that uncanny transitory period where dysphoria has lifted to such a degree that I can now be aware of my discomfort, where previously it was so intense as to dissociate me fully from my flesh.
And I invite those who have read the manga to extrapolate that brief and terrible euphoria into Falin’s state at the end of her arc, into the more stable joy of being in a body that delights her, a body both human and monster, a body with a soft animal that loves. Many of my sisters still do not yet know that soft animal.
And this is why trans affirming healthcare should be free. Thank you for coming to my Theodore Talk.
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frickingnerd · 4 months
the curse of the dragon princess
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pairing: ryuko tatsuma / ryukyu x gn!reader
summary: after being sent to slay a dragon, you learn that said dragon is a cursed princess in need of your aid
tags: fantasy au, dragon!ryukyu x hero!reader, injured!ryukyu (due to reader), angst & regret, missunderstandings (+resolution)
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you were promised wealth beyond your comprehension, if you'd manage to defeat the dragon looming in a cave outside of town. but nobody had warned you that said dragon was a beautiful woman with a curse on her.
“w-what have i done…?”
you dropped the sword that has just pierced through the dragon's flesh. it was a grueling battle, but you had won. but now, that victory meant nothing to you, as the fearsome dragon turned into a wounded woman in front of your very eyes.
“n-no, i– how could i…?”
you were frozen in place. your widened eyes were fixated on her. she looked beautiful, blonde hair falling onto her shoulders. and as she opened her eyes, they were a piercing yellow. a color you had never seen reflected in someone's eyes before.
as she slowly opened her eyes, you fell to your knees beside her. carefully, you lifted up her head, your hands trembling.
“you… who sent you?”
there was no malice in the woman's voice.
“the king. he set a high reward for you. but if i knew that you weren't a monster, i would've never–”
slowly and quietly, she lifted her hand and you fell into silence.
“my stepfather… huh.”
her words meant nothing to you. you understood what she was saying, but you couldn't understand what she meant.
“who are you…?”
“if i tell you, can you keep a secret?”
you nodded silently. the girl sat up slowly, her wounds slowly closing with each passing moment. it was too fast. it wasn't normal. but you had seen stranger things today, like that dragon turning into a beautiful woman.
“the king you spoke of… he's my stepfather. after he married into the family, i was soon cursed and banished from the kingdom. that dragon form you saw before, that's thanks to him.”
slowly, things began to make sense. but it was all still hard to grasp. if the king was that girl's stepfather, then she must be the…
“it's been years since i've been called that”
so it was true. the princess that had vanished years ago was the woman laying in your arms right now. the same woman with a dragon's curse on her. and all of that thanks to the royal family…
“i need you to do me a favor”
the girl's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“you could call it repentance for trying to kill me…”
“of course, anything you need–!”
you felt horrible for hurting her. even more now that you knew more about who she truly was and what she had been through.
“if i return to the kingdom, i'll need someone to look after me. i can handle myself well, but someone who has my back would be appreciated”
“why would you want to return to the kingdom?”
her own family cursed her. she was banished and treated like a monster. no, she was turned into a monster. what good reason did she have for returning there? did she plan to make up with her family? or was it something more sinister, like…
you didn't dare say a word. the mood became tense and it seemed like she had noticed it too.
“you're free to turn me down. but i can't let the king's sins remain unpunished…”
slowly, the woman rose to her feet. she seemed to do much better than a few minutes ago. as you remained frozen on your knees, she reached her hand out to you.
“are you with me?”
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i love how my friend was talking about an au that was like trauma angts and the dcast becomign monsters....then i came in and it became a whole post apocalyptic apex au, with kagami/ryuko, and zoe as the main characters with nathaniel as a secondary mc, and alix/bunnyx as an antaganist
I love how I leave y'all alone for a few hours and we get eldritch horror cannibalism zombie apocalypse.
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We Should have Stayed in Gotham pt6
(Almost every Maribat fic I read has the akuma class going to Gotham. But tell me which is more likely, a class touring the city of crime, or a class touring the city of lights? So here it is, the Daminette fic that only I asked for, where Gotham goes to Paris, and the poor students have to grapple with the fact that they have competition for the most dangerous city in the world. I wonder what will happen?)
ao3 Beginning Previous
Ladybug set Damian down on the deck of a rather messy houseboat, and began assigning positions to her team. Damian could see the value of this location. It was an open area that was easy to quickly isolate and defend should the shore be over run, with many hiding spot and easy escape routes should the boat be taken, provided they all could swim of course. There was only one problem. “Should we tell the inhabitants to evacuate?” Damian asked as the heroes cleared the space for fighting.
“The family’s out,” Viperion said as he stashed some instruments. “We often use their boat for traps, because it’s so versatile.”
“Besides,” Ryuko said moving Damian into position on the far side of the open deck. “The Government gave us acquisition rights. If, during an akuma fight, Ladybug or any of the heroes require something from the citizens, then they are all obligated to follow her orders.”
Damian furrowed his brow as Ladybug swung away with Chat Noir to draw Princess Fragrance to them. “Isn’t that rather dangerous? I can see many ways that can be taken advantage of.”
“Maybe in Gotham,” Viperion said with a sly smile. “But Ladybug knows what she’s doing. Besides, once the Lucky Charm is thrown it’s best to just roll with it and don’t ask questions.”
“Speaking of,” Ryuko said pointing. And sure enough there was Ladybug and Chat Noir running over the rooftops. There was no sign of the zombies or the akuma, but Damian knew they weren’t far behind. The plan was for Ladybug to trick them into following her, not to drag them kicking and screaming.
“That didn’t take long,” Damian said as Ladybug landed.
“Didn’t think it would,” Ladybug said with a huff. “She's turned half of the arrondissement at this point. You sure you’re ok with this? You will be in direct danger. And if we fail to protect you—”
“You have not failed Paris yet,” Damian said simply as a matter of fact, “And I have seen the lists. You will not fall to an enemy this weak. I have faith in your abilities.”
“Oh my kwami,” Viperion muttered, “He really is like Ryuko.”
Ryuko elbowed the snake, but Ladybug ignored them studying him curiously, “Even the meagerest foot soldiers can fell the mightiest General, Spikes, for a blade is a blade and cares nothing for whose flesh it mars.”
Damian blinked in surprise, “That’s an Amazonian saying.”
Ladybug’s brow raised under her red mask. “It’s rare to find a male well versed in Amazonian proverbs.”
“I have had a very thorough education,” Damian said with his usual coldness. And before anyone else could comment a shrill voice rang out through the streets.
“Come out! Come out! My sweet Ice Prince! Don’t you want to thaw that frozen heart! Please! Come on out now!”
With a quick nod from Ladybug, Ryuko and Viperion vanished as she and Chat Noir took up positions in front of Damian as if they had just been cornered. Damian could easily see over Ladybug’s head, but in some ways, he wish he couldn’t. The small blonde ball of pink that had yelled at him in the classroom had transformed into something inhumane. Her skin was a monster green while her hair had turned into the color of chewed up bubblegum. Almost her entire body was covered in a black body suit that was puffed in places to give the illusion of a ballgown. Damian wanted to throw up. She looked like some maniac had smashed the Wicked Witch of the West and Cinderella together and tried to make it “modern.” It was so disturbing how wrongly demented she looked, that he had to say,
“Is part of Hawkmoth’s plan to burn the eyes of all of Paris, and thus ruin the fashion industry forever?”
Ladybug actually snorted as she tried to stifle her giggles, “You got an eye for design, Spikes?”
Damian shrugged, “I’m a Wayne, and my mother was very particular that I always knew how to dress appropriately for every occasion.” He left out the part where “dressing for the occasion” meant being able to go undercover in any environment and culture, but he seemed to get the point across, as Ladybug smiled and said,
“I can see how that would be useful. And for the record, when we do find Hawkmoth, I plan to strap into a chair and force him to watch fashion tutorials twenty-four seven.”
“It’s the least he deserves for forcing us to look at that,” Damian sneered.
“Hey!” Chat Noir said, “I can’t believe I’m the one saying this. But shouldn’t we be focusing?”
“Right!” Ladybug said, “Thanks Chaton, sorry. Now, Princess Fragrance!” She cried as she sped up her yoyo until it was a blur or pink and red light forming a solid circle.
The akuma saw them and Damian, and she cried, “My Prince! Get him!” Easily three hundred people filed out from behind cars and building and onto the street. They were all smiling like they were on Joker venom, as the sang in unison, “As you wish, Princess Fragrance!”
The zombies surged, but clearly unlike the zombies of a more undead nature, these had not lost any of their physical abilities. They rushed the boat in a swarm, spurred by their now instinctual desire to serve their Princess.
Viperion pulled the boat out onto the river, even as the first brainwashed victim reached the dock. That didn’t stop the swarm however, as most of the creatures leapt into the river and attempted to swim to the boat. Damian winced as a young man hit his head on the railing, but panicked as he fell backwards into the river. The training of his father, screamed at him to save him. To stop him from drowning, but Ladybug caught his wrist.
Damian looked up and saw the pain in her powerful blue eyes as she shook her head. Even as she stopped him, Damian saw the reality. Trying to save that person was pointless when the greater enemy was still baring down on them. Not to mention the fact that the cure would revive him once the battle was done. It was cold logic, assassin’s logic, that his family had been trying to coax out of him for six years. But this was a war, for the very fabric of reality.
Ladybug had never spared the public on the necessity of keeping the Miraculous away from Hawkmoth. In her very first press conference which Damian had watched three times, she had explained explicitly why no individual, no matter how good a motive, could ever be allowed to make a wish. Her speech during those first interviews had gotten the inter country on her side as no one wanted to see what a mad man willing to brainwash children wanted to alter reality for.
In the grand scheme of the fight, a single individual who would eventually be resurrected, was a price they had to pay. And as Damian withdrew his hand he could see, that it was a choice that Ladybug had had to make too many times in her tenure as a hero. He returned to his place, and waited for the akuma to eventually catch up with them. He didn’t have to wait long.
As they came up on a bridge, a figure of black and pink dropped onto the deck. She rose in the shadow, cackling as she raised a twisted black gun, and pointed it straight at Damian. “Time to feel the love, my Ice Prince!”
Damian was glad that they had chosen such a messy house boat, because he was easily able to flip behind a stack of boxes as Chat Noir nocked off the Princess’s aim. A puff of pink smoke dissipated into the river, and the akuma shrieked as she fought with the Cat. Damian peeked out when Ladybug called on her Luck Charm.
He could only stare in confusion and disbelief as a deflated balloon fell into her hands. “What are we going to do with that m’lady?” Chat Noir called out in a teasing voice, “Throw a party.”
“Keep her distracted Chat, I’ll—”
“Ryuko!” Viperion yelled as he came out of the cabin, “Zombies are incoming. Ladybug that goes on the perfume. Spikes, you’ll need this.”
Damian blinked as he caught the long thing that the Snake hero tossed him. He had no idea why Viperion was suddenly taking charge, there was virtually nothing about him on any of the websites. But the heroes jumped to obey him, as within ten seconds of him speaking they came out from under the bridge and twenty zombies landed on the deck.
“Get my Prince!” the akuma shrieked. And they charged. Damian looked down and saw that he had caught a shinai, a bamboo sword used in kudo. Who was the family that owned this boat, that they just had this lying around?
He didn’t have time to ponder as Ryuko drew her own sword and stood side by side with Damian creating a wall between the zombies and the other heroes. Damian only took the time to be momentarily impressed with Ryuko’s skill as they swung in tandem against the zombies. Knocking them down, and throwing them into the river. Unfortunately it didn’t matter how skilled or in-sync they were, because the zombies were so single minded, that they stood with broken bones and bleeding heads, trying to catch Damian and help their Princess, and all with those demented smiles on their faces.
Damian thought the smiles were the worst part, because they weren’t like Laughing Gas smiles. No, you could see the pain in the eyes of the Joker’s victims, even as their mouths were twisted. But these zombies didn’t show any pain. Even as Damian cracked one’s knee with a sickening snap, it looked at Damian as if he were the happiest creature alive, not even a flicker of pain. They lunged for him with the strength only the unhinged possessed, even as their leg twisted the wrong way underneath them.  
The only way to get rid of them was to throw them over board, which Viperion helped with even as he shouted out warnings. Damian didn’t dare look back to see how Ladybug and Chat Noir were doing, but the Cat’s unending chatter was beginning to grate on his nerves even as he tossed the last zombie overboard.
“No resting,” Ryuko called out, as she pointed to the second bridge coming close. Sure enough, another group of zombies were waiting to leap.
“Chat no!” Ladybug cried, and Damian spun to see Chat Noir get a face full of perfume as he pushed Ladybug out of the way. The perfume cloud dissipated, as the hero straightened and sang,
“At your servi—Mmph!” Viperion tackled Chat and wrestled him to the ground as Princess Fragrance swung her gun to Ladybug. Ladybug slid the balloon onto the end of the gun, right as she pulled the trigger. The balloon inflated into a impossible size, lifting the akuma into the sky.
“Ryuko!” Ladybug shouted. The dragon hero lunged with her sword and pierced the bottle shattering it. A black butterfly flew out as the akuma dropped back onto the deck. Ladybug caught it in her yoyo.
Damian sighed as the akuma was purified and the cure was released. He sat down on one of the many boxes as Viperion rolled off of Chat, and Ryuko went to comfort the small girl who was looking around dazed and confused. “Oh no!” she said, “I…I did it again! Oh Ladybug, I’m…I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…I just…I just…”
“I know Rose,” Ladybug said gently kneeling beside the girl who was now crying into her hands. “I know.”
“I just want everyone to get along! And be nice!” she cried, “Why can’t we all just be friends?!”
“It’s not always that easy,” Ladybug said gently, as she rubbed the small girl’s back. “I wish it were. But it isn’t.”
“But what do I do!” Rose moaned staring up at Ladybug with pleading eyes.
“Find the people who are true,” Ladybug said gently, “And cling to them. They’re the only opinions that matter. Ryuko’s going to take you back to school now. Are you ok with that?”
Rose nodded, and the Dragon hero swept her up into her arms, like she was carrying a child and, with an inhumane leap, began carrying her back. Damian expected the same treatment since all of the other victims had been swept away by the magic ladybugs, when Chat Noir sauntered up and said with a cocky grin and a swishing tail, “Another successful mission m’lady! Pound it!” He held out his first in celebration. Ladybug scowled. Damian suddenly wanted to jump off the boat.
Damian had survived the Batglare. He had survived his mother’s stare, his grandfather’s sneer. He had only barely escaped Alfred’s frown. But nothing could have prepared him for Ladybug’s scowl. The unearthly power behind her eyes was fanned into a wildfire, as her lips curled into a growl. And Damian felt his skin curl as it did when Superman’s eyes turned red. She stared down her partner as she shoved a finger into his face. “How many times have I told you not to sacrifice yourself for me?”
“But m’lady!” Chat whimpered, his ears falling down in dejection, “You told me to take this more seriously.”  
“Yes!” Ladybug cried, “As in follow my lead! Anticipate my movements! Not jump in front of every bast and get yourself brainwashed or killed!”
“Wait!” Chat Noir cried, “This was not my fault, Viperion said we wouldn’t need Second Chance if we used the brat’s ‘improvise’ plan, and that was clearly a lie!”
“I said that” Viperion said crossing his arms, “Because during one of the other times, when I told the truth, you refused to do anything he suggested, and it got you killed.”
There was a deep silence as Damian processed exactly what Viperion's role was. And suddenly, Ladybug's perfect record made sense. Every hero had an off day, where they just couldn't make it in time. But Ladybug couldn't have one. She couldn't fail, because of the importance of the war. So she didn't let it happen. She didn't let her self fail by controlling time itself. It was terrifying both in it's necessity and its effectiveness.
“How many times?” Ladybug asked quietly.
“Three,” Viperion said simply, “We tried your plan once, but we just ended up switching to this one in the end. Thought we’d save time and lives by just jumping to the chase.”
“And the other two times?” Ladybug asked her expression as guarded and as cloudy as the Batman’s.
“Zombies over ran the boat. Second time they killed Chat then you. Third time, Chat Noir tried to save you, got spritzed, killed you.” Damian hissed, as Chat Noir shrunk in on himself like a child trying to hide from his parents.
“What changed?” Ladybug asked.
“Spikes found the sword,” Viperion said simply, pointing at Damian. The heroes turned to him as if just realizing he was still there. Damian looked down at the shinai, and sighed. He stood and said, “My name isn’t Spikes, it’s Damian, Damian Wayne. And I was trained in many forms of combat from a young age…I am sorry this happened, I did not mean to cause that akuma. I have been told that, I should be more…guarded with my tongue. I’m just glad I could help fix the damage I did.”
Ladybug nodded at him consideringly, “Thank you, Damian. You were a great help today. I’ll take you back to the shore. But I don’t think I’ll be able to take you back to the school, my time’s almost up.” As if to prove her point her earrings beeped, as one of the dots disappeared.
Damian nodded his understanding, as Chat Noir stepped forward fiddling with his tail. “M’lady,” he said desperately, “Please I am trying! You know I am. And I’ve gotten better, right? Please, Chat Noir is the only thing I have anymore.”
Damian watched neutrally from the side, as Ladybug’s face contorted into pity as she looked at her partner. He was taller than her, and by all appearances stronger to. But from the way he dipped his head and slumped his shoulders you would have thought he was a child being chided by his parents. And like a doting mother Ladybug sighed and said gently,
“Chaton, I’m not taking your miraculous. You’re my partner, and I trust you more than anyone. But you need to trust me! You need to follow my lead. Pay attention to the others, and work with the team, instead of just throwing yourself in the way of danger. Can you do that?”
“Of course, I can!” Chat insisted.
“Ok,” Ladybug said with a nod. “We’ll talk about this more tonight. Now go home, you’re about to transform.”
As the Black Cat bounded away, Ladybug seemed to slump in defeat as she watched him leave. Viperion stepped forward laying a hand on her shoulder. “He is a good hero,” he said, “Always has been.”
“I know,” Ladybug said in a whisper Damian could only barely just hear. “But he’s not a good cat.”
“Perhaps a different miraculous would suit him better?”
“Not until I have a replacement. Have you talked to Fluff?”
Viperion shook his head, “Young and Old are being very cryptic on the matter. But I think Young is just doing it to be annoying.”
“Figures,” Ladybug muttered, but there was a small smile on her lips. She then clapped and turned back to Damian who was pretending that he hadn’t been listening, by putting the bamboo sword away. “Alright Spikes let’s get you back to shore. Viperion, can you take the boat back to the docks? Excellent. Spikes, once I’m gone you should contact your partner, but don’t expect them to answer immediately. It’s the crying hour after all.”
“The what?” Damian asked. But he never got his answer, as Ladybug caught him up by the waist, and used the nearby bridge to swing them back to shore.
@spicemallow @night-ngale @annastasha @ev-cupcake @hammalammadamdam @laydeekrayzee @itsemmylie @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks  @doglover82 @raven-ette @atiredartistandacat @theamazingfox @griffinthing @toodaloo-kangaroo @depressed-bitchy-demon @stainedglassm @the-dumber-scaramouche @fangirlingfanatic
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they-them-that · 1 year
My Trans-Lesbian-Awakening Characters lol
Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Moon)
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I believe Haruka was my first introduction to a lesbian and gender nonconforming (gnc) character! Discovering she was a girl along with Usagi and Minako blew my mind. The idea of a masc presenting girl was a revelation and I also found the fact other girls were attracted to her to be enviable, even when I watched the English version where her queerness was erased.
Trixie Tang (The Fairly Odd Parents)
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The episode "The Boy Who Would Be Queen" was cathartic for young me. Although the episode was about overcoming gender stereotypes, Trixie's story felt relatable from a trans perspective. Her male persona outside of school and her interests in doing "boy stuff" but feeling pressured to maintain a feminine image for social acceptance resonated with me deeply. It's a shame we never got to see this side of Trixie outside the one episode.
Kaoru Matsubara (Powerpuff Girls Z)
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I remember her introduction was her dodging a flock of fan girls on her skateboard. I was immediately pleased that the anime version of my favourite Powerpuff girl was that of a womanizing gender-bending skater girl lol. I felt annoyed along with her that she was forced to wear a skirt in her magical girl form.
Yui Goido (The World God Only Knows)
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Even with her out-of-nowhere appearance in the second season, I was immediately enthralled by her princely demeanor and the way she casually blurred gender roles. I had to read her arc in the manga that was tragically skipped over and it screamed trans. Yui's conflict was her being forced to be traditionally feminine. Her body swapping and getting to live as a boy seemed to have given her gender euphoria that when she returned to her body, she started wearing the boys' school uniform, changed her hair to make it more androgynous, and started using "boku" to refer to herself (which is a masculine pronoun). Her personality also becomes a lot more confident, it's like watching a trans masc person finally be able to be themselves! The show may not appeal to me now but Yui was a big comfort character.
Mettaton (Undertale)
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Mettaton's unique and subtle trans story felt so palpable to me that it made me resonate strongly with his character. When I learnt about his backstory, I felt genuine sympathy for him and his cousins. I love his charisma and how much queer energy he exudes!
Pearl (Steven Universe)
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Pearl will always be a deeply important character to me for how much she contributed to my queer actualization. I think it's because I grew up with her as the cartoon series ran throughout my entire teenhood that she has been the most pivotal character for me. Getting to see this character who epitomized lesbianism and growth felt integral to my understanding of the queer community and myself.
Special mentions of just my overall queer comfort characters lol:
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club), Yuu Kashima (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun), Double Trouble (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power), Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon), Carmen Sandiego (2019 version), Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill), Frankie Stein (Monster High), Marceline (Adventure Time)
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ninadove · 1 year
Miraculous Masterpost
Because I did not expect to write about this series as much as I did, so now my Random Ramblings Masterpost looks like a never-ending shopping list, and we can’t have that.
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Generic 🦋
Miraculous’ philosophy of consent: all’s fair in love and plot [S5 E19]
A word on show-don’t-tell (Get it? A word? On show-don’t-tell? I’ll see myself out —) [S5 E18]
London Callin’ (Maybe) (We’re not sure) [S5 E24]
The Shadow Weaver-ification of Gabriel Agreste — Part 1 [S5 E26]
The Shadow Weaver-ification of Gabriel Agreste — Part 2 [S5 E26]
The Shadow Weaver-ification of Gabriel Agreste — Part 3 [S5 E26]
I love the Sentimonster Theory Canon and you can pry out of my cold, dead hands [S5 E26]
Felix Graham de Vanily / Argos 🦚
"Duusu, spread my feathers!" — A queer reading of the Sentimonster theory [S4 E26]
Felix is a little b*tch (affectionate) [S4 E26]
Taking risks in Strikeback (Get it? Risk? Strikeback?) [S4 E26]
On the beef between Felix and Chloé [S5 E18]
Felix’s masterplan was brilliant, actually [S5 E18]
Leave my fucking child alone — Part I: "There’s only one thing worse than Gabriel —" [S5 E18]
Leave my fucking child alone — Part II: A very chill rant about Adrien’s amok [S5 E18]
Reminder that yes, Colt SUCKS, but he’s not the only one [S5 E24]
On cracked rings and broken chains [S5 E24]
Surviving child abuse through humour [S5 E24]
Badass in the arena [S5 E24]
Plushie Parallels [S5 E24]
Felix is a ray of fucking sunshine [S5 E24]
On Felix’s wish [S5 E26]
Kagami Tsurugi / Ryuko 🐉
To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve [S5 E18]
Cutting off contact(s) [S5 E19]
Thinking about Kagami Tsurugi ❤️ [S5 E24]
On Kagami and the cousins’ silly antics [S5 E26]
Feligami 🦚🐉
On Feligami and the (absence of) masks [S5 E18]
Beware of first impressions [S5 E18]
Feligami Fastburn my beloved [S5 E19]
Feligami Flexes [S5 E19]
It’s the way they hold hands, your honour [S5 E19]
Some Ship Bingo Ramblings [S5 E19]
Incoherent screaming over Kagami’s amok [S5 E19]
Feligami / Gabemilie parallels [S5 E19]
Pretension 🥺💜❤️ [S5 E19]
The quickest prison break ever [S5 E24]
You come to MY post, you disrespect MY blorbos — [S5 E24]
A word on jealousy [S5 E24]
Finding beauty in the monstruous [S5 E24]
Feligami’s couple cosplays [S5 E24]
A word on monsters [S5 E24]
Feligami Writing Guide [S5 E24]
From queer neurodivergent child abuse survivors to lovers [S5 E24]
Draw me like one of your British boys [S5 E26]
Felix doesn’t get the monopoly of the heart eyes [S5 E26]
On defying the narrative [S5 E24]
Ryukomori x Argos… Argomori? [S5 E24]
*Fireflies from Owl City starts playing* [S5 E26]
Beauty and the Beast AU
Felix’s fanfictions
Coup de foudre
Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir 🐈‍⬛
Remember kids: necromancy bad — [S5 E26]
On the S6 Redesigns Dread™ [S5 E26]
Graham de Family 💍
Flairmidable’s formidable costume [S4 E26]
Transmasc Felix Propaganda [S5 E18]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part I: NEWSFLASH, ASSHOLES!!!!! Felix has cared about Adrien the entire goddamn time [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part II: The Path to Isolation [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part III: L’Enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part IV: Sun and rain [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part V: Sun and moon [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part VI: Mirror, mirror [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part V: First draft [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part VI: Everything I did… [S5 E24]
#LetAmelieStabABitch2023 [S5 E24]
On Felix, Emilie and Solitude [S5 E24]
On Felix, Emilie and loneliness [S5 E24]
All I’m saying is, Emilie should have been a lesbian [S5 E24]
Some thoughts on Sentisouls [S5 E24]
Adrien is a disappointment to his entire lineage (and we love him for it) [S5 E24]
Hands again! [S5 E24]
Let’s play Animal Crossing: Happy Home Paradise! [S5 E26]
A word on accents and guillotines (with a title like that how can you NOT want to click)
Aroace Adrien and Demiromantic Felix propaganda
Marinette Dupain Cheng / Ladybug 🐞
Do NOT talk shit about Marinette [S5 E26]
In defense of Ladybug’s suit [Miraculous World: Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir]
Love Square ❤️
Queer coding! Queer coding everywhere!
Chloé Bourgeois / Queen Bee 🐝
Can a bee change her stripes? [S5 E18]
That one time I accidentally made myself a Chlolila shipper [S5 E22]
Master Fu 🗝️
Ah yes, the good old cycle of abuse and neglect
Lukadrien 🐈‍⬛🐍
A word on… Swear words
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
Lady and the Scoundrel - Chapter 8 - Family
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Chloe milled about her room as she cleaned it while she stole glances outside. The leaves began to turn that signaled the beginning of fall. She sighed as she watched other students play about and enjoy each other’s company. Since the visit with Felix a couple weeks ago, she had withdrawn further. Not that anyone would have noticed. She hadn’t made any friends, and she was afraid too.
            Chloe craved the acceptance she saw her old classmates get, but never knew how to get. She thought she could try again, but why try if some people never see the change? What if it’s all a lie and she can’t change? Is there any point to her trying at all if that’s the case? She had Barkk, but Barkk was made by design to love. She was sure it wouldn’t matter what she did, Barkk would still love her.
            Pain struck Chloe’s heart as she thought of Sabrina. Tears rimmed her eyes at the sweet moments they once shared that she soured. She took advantage of Sabrina’s friendship and loyalty. She pushed and pushed until it was too late. She lost Sabrina and she feared she’d do the same to Barkk.
            A knock interrupted Chloe’s thoughts. She gasped, wiped away the tears, and turned to the door as Barkk peeked in.
            “Hey, Chloe. There is, uh, someone here that wants to speak with you.”
            Chloe raised a brow when Memoria moved around Barkk into the room. Chloe’s eyes widened and darted to the door, but it was shut and Barkk was gone. Chloe forced a smile as she met Memoria’s eyes.
            “Hello, Chloe. How’ve you been?”
            “I’m… I’m perfect. How could I not be?”
            “Your eyes say otherwise. There is a compounded grief and guilt heavy in them. What troubles you?”
            “It’s… it’s nothing. Just… memories.”
            “Which ones? Marinette? Adrien? Sabrina?”
            “Would you like to talk?”
            “No. And why do you even care? You don’t even know me!”
            “I do. I know Barkk would have told you by now. I saw her and Velze in your memories.”
            Chloe took a step back. “You did? Why didn’t you say something?”
            “It wasn’t important for the Graham de Vanily’s to know. Besides, it’s not my secret to share.”
            “Then… why are you here?”
            “May we sit? It’s… it’s a lot.”
            Chloe nodded as she and Memoria took a seat. Memoria took a deep breath and sighed.
            “Every word I said before was true. I don’t believe young like you should be abandoned. It was long written by Velze that the elders were to teach their young, that only through knowledge and memory could we learn. If the elders don’t impart that wisdom and leave terrible memories, how are they to expect better of the young?”
            Chloe’s eyes widened as she jumped up. “Yes! Exactly! I-!”
            “I know. I saw it all, and that’s what upsets me. You don’t know any better. You were left to fill in the blanks. You cried out, but no one saw further than the bullying. Even when they did, they were quick to turn on you when you relapsed. No one gave you the chance as they saw the monster you were becoming. You were dealt a bad hand in your past, but you can still draw a new hand.”
            “How? I… what’s the point? If people can’t see the change I’m trying to accomplish, then why bother? What if I can’t really change? I thought I was doing good as Queen Bee, but when Ladybug picked Ryuko to save my parents with over me, I just… I messed up. I fell into Hawkmoth’s hands and ruined everything.”
            Memoria gently took Chloe’s hand and drew her into a hug. “It’s ok. It wasn’t your fault, dear Chloe. That is the horror of manipulators. They know how to strike you, make you vulnerable, and play you for a fool. The worst of it is you are the one left to pay the price. No one ever blames the manipulator, but always the victim.”
            Tears sprung from Chloe’s eyes as she clung to Memoria. “It’s not fair! I could have been a hero! I could have been great! But Ladybug and Hawkmoth ruined everything! Then that half-of-a-sister showed up and I… I couldn’t do anything. Nothing I did was good. I just… I lost everything.”
            Memoria smiled sadly as she cradled Chloe. She rocked back and forth as she hummed a lullaby. Chloe sobbed until she calmed down. Chloe sniffled as she relaxed in Memoria’s arms.
            “How do you feel, dearie?” Memoria asked.
            “A little better,” Chloe admitted.
            “Crying will always help. Never forget, you can’t always be strong. You must allow yourself a moment to slow down and reflect. Crying will help with that.”
            “Thank you.”
            “Always. Actually, that’s part of why I’m here.”
            Chloe furrowed her brows as she shifted to look at Memoria.
            “See, I am the kwami of memory. Everything that ever was I am to remember. That includes the memories of mortals. You mortals have always fascinated me. The lives you lead, they’re never the same. Everything you all experience is so… mundane and magical at the same time. But most of all, you grow. You’re allowed to be more than your past. To invent and design who you are. It’s all so… fantastical.”
            “It doesn’t feel that way,” Chloe grumbled.
            “That can change. I may not be the best for this. You may need something more, but if you’ll permit me, I’d like to be your guardian, parent, or whatever you call it.”
            “What? Why?”
            “Because that’s something I’ve always wanted to experience. I see the joy, frustration, sorrow, and pride of raising another lifeform. I see it in mortals, but most of all, I saw it in Velze. As I was, I could never experience that myself. Even as I stepped into the memories, it wasn’t enough. I wanted to experience it for myself. I thought I had that chance with Felix, but he doesn’t regard me as anything. Then I saw what happened to you. I hated it, but not as much as the joyful selfishness I felt that I could be an elder.”
            “I don’t know. I don’t exactly want to be a Graham de Vanily, or Fathom, or whatever. No offense to Amelie. She’s sweet and loving, but Felix… you know.”
            “I do, and Amelie is respecting your wishes, but I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. If you would allow me, I would like to be your guardian. I hope in time you’ll see me as more, like a parent, but for now, I’ll be your elder. After all, you’re still so young. You have your whole life ahead of you and you’ll only learn to be better with guidance.”
            “I mean, I have Barkk.”
            “I know. And Barkk is amazing. She’s done so much to help you and will continue to. However, there is a limit to what she can guide you on, and I want to be the one that helps you where Barkk cannot. To help you grow into the fine mortal you can become.”
            “Do you… do you really think it’s possible? You don’t think I’m a lost cause?”
            “No one is a lost cause, Chloe. Mortals just… lose themselves in that thinking. They hear it all their lives and nothing else. What are they supposed to think otherwise? It must be true at that point, and nothing else matters, but that isn’t the case. You were never beyond hope, Chloe. Not for a second. Who you were is not who you are now. Never forget that.”
            Chloe’s breath caught. “Are you… are you sure?”
            “I know it. I saw it all. You have changed, and you’re doing amazing.”
            Chloe smiled as fresh tears fell. She giggled as she squeezed Memoria. Memoria smiled and returned the hug. She sighed, wiped away her tears, and sat up.
            “I… suppose it might not be the worst idea to have you as my guardian.”
            Memoria beamed as she squeaked like a dolphin. Chloe’s eyes widened as Memoria cupped her face and planted kisses on her cheeks, forehead, and top of her head. Warmth bloomed in Chloe’s chest as more tears fell. The affection was small, but full of love, and the type of affection she had craved from Audrey once.
            “Now, here’s my number. Text or call whenever you need me or just want to talk. I’m always available, never fear. I also have talked with Amelie, and her house is open to you for whenever you’re allowed out, like on weekends and on holidays. If you aren’t comfortable, I’ll be sure to visit here instead. I believe that should be everything, right?”
            “I think so?”
            “Wonderful! Now, you have dinner soon, yes?”
            “I do.”
            “Then I’ll leave you to it with Barkk. I’ll be sure to see you this weekend, dearie. Oh, and one more thing.”
            “What’s that?”
            “Keep up the good work as Chloe and Queen Spaniel.”
            “What? But I’m not doing anything as Queen Spaniel. I’m supposed to be hunting that supervillain, instead I’m occasionally helping random people with their small issues.”
            “Maybe, but never forget this: it’s the small things that matter most in life. You’ll find it’s those things that will always bring a smile to your face without fail or tear you down.”
            “Well, I suppose it makes me happy, kinda, sorta, maybe to help people. But should I make a habit of it?”
            “Does it put a smile on your face?”
            Chloe considered. “I’d say so. Yes.”
            “Then keep doing what makes you happy. As long as you smile, it is worth doing. Just as you should keep being with people that make you just as happy.”
            Chloe smiled and hugged Memoria. “I will. I promise.”
            “I’m glad. Keep up the amazing work, and I’ll see you soon, dearie.”
            Memoria planted a kiss atop Chloe’s head, then vanished. Chloe grinned long after Memoria left and Barkk returned.
            “So, how’d it go?” Barkk asked.
            “It was incredible. Thank you.”
            “What’d I do?”
            “You encouraged me to test socializing with Felix. If not for that, I wouldn’t have you and Memoria.”
            Barkk’s eyes widened before her face softened. “I guess she’s right, eh? It’s always the small things.”
            “It really is. Then let’s keep doing what we’re doing, yeah?”
            “Yeah! Oh, but after dinner. C’mon, we can’t be late.”
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
one kill la kill detail that's particularly dear to me that ive never seen anyone talk about is how blatant mako's crush on ryuko is from the get-go
like, mako doesn't really go out of her way to make friends. she's sometimes friendly with people, especially when she happens to be around them (i.e. maiko, gamagori, satsuki), but we don't really see her seek out friendship in the way she does with ryuko. they meet briefly before school, but ryuko doesn't even say a word to her. but then mako does stuff like immediately eagerly waving ryuko over in class, trying to tackle-hug her, declaring them besties because they're desk neighbors. do you think she and that guy ryuko replaced were bffs bc of this? or any of the other people mako has sat next to? no. and while one could argue that maybe she tried and failed with everyone but ryuko, her persistence when it comes to ryuko (which ryuko herself comments on and which is evident before ryuko really accepts her company (i.e. before she moves in with the mankanshokus)) doesn't seem to be present with anyone else. mako knows what it's like to be lonely, but she has no reason in particular to latch on to ryuko, other than, perhaps, that shes someone she hasn't tried yet. but she meets new people pretty often, and that doesn't lead to much interest on her end.
it seems more likely that something about ryuko caught her attention from the jump, likely how cool and pretty she is (something she talks about a LOT.) she talks (with her family) about how hot ryuko's body is, how good her old pajamas look on her, compares her tit size to satsuki's (which means she was either staring at both of theirs or that she simply feels that ryuko's are bigger, likely out of loyalty or respect for her (think big dick energy)), etc etc etc. like she's always fawning over her and cheering her on and showing her off as her "bestest friend" to mikisugi and aghhhghdfhgdjdjdh she's so gay man. what the fcuk
this isn't really present throughout the series, but she's often seen blushing or sprouting nose bleeds or ogling ryuko in early episodes. like any time there's a WOAH!!! HOTTIE BOOBA NAKED crowd reaction shot there'll often be a little mako alongside the horny guys blushing or peeking between her fingers or whatever like. she checks her out
she also is immediately very welcoming and supportive of ryuko. she tells her family to leave her alone when she's talking to senketsu and that it's not that weird, defends her in the fight club episode, literally invites her to uhaul on day one (classic lesbian maneuver) like. and she's also always talking about how close ryuko and senketsu are, that ryuko and senketsu are closer to each other than anyone else, that, while she's in ryuko's corner, she never really asserts herself as ryuko's best friend, even though she's very clear that ryuko is her best friend. she thinks she comes second. she's a very good sport about it, but something about that natural assumption that she's not her #1 is a little sad to me, though maybe she's just giving ryuko space and understanding in a very generous way. again, she's very supportive. like she's always doing what she can to cheer ryuko up or help her along, like bringing her lunches and standing up for her when the students of honouji bend the rules in their favor (like in the tennis episode). she's very "ily!!!! no pressure. but you're great :D" and i love that for her (though occasionally when shit gets dire she'll put her foot down, especially as the series goes on, i.e. rebelling against satsuki, the wedding dress scene, insisting this and that about the ryuko she knows (esp right after the time skip)
she's also got her cuddly streak. about half of it's reserved for hallelujah moments but there's also the scooter ride and her calling back monster-ryuko and the post-recovery nuzzling (i love that scene ehehhehdhdhshdgcvzkzh) and the epilogue moments and her GLOMPS
anyway my point is she loves ryuko and she does from the jump and she's great and i love her and ryuko loves her too but that's a separate post and yeah!!!!! girlfriends <3
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overlordlucy · 1 year
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And finally, Pink is Callie from Splatoon! And with that this is the final product! This was super fun to do and I hope everyone who supported enjoyed! Please consider giving a like, reblog, and follow!
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