#monster town ave.
dadsbongos · 5 months
word count - 1.5 k / warnings - unprotected sex, pinv sex, vanilla :), make up sex, fem reader who wears skirt, not beta read
summary - you and pav fight... and then make up :3 with cool kitchen counter sex ~~~
“Late,” your words slice through the warm air as soon as the front door stutters open. Your icy tone dregs that welcomed warmth, blistering it down a raw, unforgiving chill, “Hours late.”
Pavel flashes a cheesy grin, manually crinkling the corners of his eyes, “My love! You’re alive, and you’re well! We’re both still alive and well,” his rambling persists as he slides through your frigid doorway and politely stops at the shoe rack, “How amazing is that, dearest? We could perish at any given moment should All-mer will, and yet we both still stand. Breathing. And well. And still…” he sighs, hesitant to break eye contact and pull off his boots (fearful your teeth will latch onto his neck the instant it's unguarded), “Still in love.”
Your folded arms remain firm over your chest, but the stiffness of such a guarded stance at least gives Pavel the confidence you won’t pounce as he unties his shoes.
“Yes, thank All-mer, my free fool has returned home. And in a lieutenant’s uniform no less… he shames us and his beloved All-mer for that. But yes, thank All-mer he’s home,” he’s wincing at the sting of your words, knowing exactly how terribly he’s set himself up, “Three hours late.”
Pavel finishes removing his muddied boots and settling them on the bottom layer of the rack in silence. Once that job is finished, he cannot hide behind the chore any longer -- now, he is forced to confront the full wrath of a woman scorned. Not just any woman, the only woman he’s sworn himself to; and not just any kind of scorn, the kind bred from arriving three hours late for anniversary dinner.
Finally, he weaves his fingers together at the pelvis and stares with those silvery sharp eyes; golden curls that have played you like a fiddle many times before falling over his forehead. As if he’s some kind hearted businessman from the center of town pleading for his wife’s forgiveness rather than the man he actually is.
He hasn’t even presented you with a ring, yet.
“I’m very, very late,” Pavel confirms, but it’s the last you want to hear. You already know this, what you want to know is what his reasoning could possibly be -- what made him think it was appropriate to come home without so much as a bouquet of flowers? He suspires sharply, so sharp it feels like a stab right in his lung, and shoulders scrunch towards his ears defensively, “I don’t have an excuse.”
“Pav…” you’re not keen as to why you trouble yourself groaning his name. It solves nothing, the only solace you scavenge is knowing it makes guilt bloom in his chest.
Even that is shallow.
“I don’t,” Pavel removes his hat and strips the monster’s hide from his back. Another way you know Pavel is not like the businessmen in town, when he steps forward more parts bare than clothed -- only a fraction of his intent is libido, “I was working, and then it was eight.”
“‘Working’,” you scoff, turning against the kitchen counter to pore into the steel sink. Colored blobs have pooled in the bottom, shifting in time with your unsteady rocking, “You’re obsessive, this is destructive. You’re going nowhere.”
“I told you,” now his sorrow is adopting irritation, brows furrowing and jaw tensing, “I told you exactly who I was, and you said you could live with it. I told you what I wanted for my life, and you went along with me anyway. I am sorry that I’m late, but don’t you dare pretend I’m doing this regardless of you.”
Unfortunately, you cannot dissent those points. Pavel was upfront that his life’s goal was different from other men. He was willing to meet standards such as marriage or pets or owning a two-story home, but didn’t need those things. He needed to kill the Kaiser. He needed revenge. He needed Godblood on his hands.
You were an unforeseen, much appreciated, highlight on his otherwise dismal path.
And now he was muddying it all, wasn’t he?
Pavel trudges further into the kitchen, naked bar the whities on his hips and socks on his feet. He’s comfortable again, and you must be too because your shoulders slacken. He feels more human now than he had during his entire drag of work. The men he bunks with are as hideous as wild animals, their immortal stench somehow worse. Pavel had begged for this temporary leave since the turn of the new year.
Only to finally return to you hours later than he’d promised. Pavel wisens himself to feel the shame searing through every heartbeat.
“I’m sorry,” he slinks up behind you at the sink, tender arms and soft cheek melting your frostbitten exterior, “I have no excuse,” he brushes loose hairs from your temple, fingertips kissing tenderly over your skin seconds before his lips do, “You’re right, dear. I should’ve paid you more mind, but I am not graced with tact. I will be better to you.”
One of the things that drew you and Pavel to each other was a mutual understanding of fire. And hatred. And hiding beneath slumped bodies until soldiers left. You understand Pavel as much as you’re irritated with him. His obsession is your obsession. If you’d been able to dedicate yourself to combat training and wearing their ranks, you’d be no better than him.
“You’re forgiven,” you heave the words as you turn, floating your arms to loop around his neck, “But I wish you’d find a way to be more sensitive to these things.”
“I will,” he soothes.
In an effort to shift the mood, you poke a finger against his bare chest, skin cool from being exposed all day even in his discarded uniform, “Showing off to your superiors again?”
He snorts, a sly smile overtaking his face, “I have to advance at every given opportunity.”
“Bremen whore,” you ‘tsk’.
“Yes, yes, I love the attention.”
“You do have a very lovely body.”
And Pavel most certainly does love your attention.
“Oh, you don’t say?” his breathing turns cursory upon the implication of your words, “Would the pretty lady be willing to demonstrate?”
“She might. If you can promise to be good for her.”
“Always,” he swears it.
You jump back onto the kitchen counter, tugging Pavel between your thighs by the ankles around his waist, “Liar. Make it up to me.”
“If I must,” he makes a show of sighing, kneading the fat of your thighs -- pulling you closer to the edge. Calloused hands burrow under your skirts, tossing the flowing material up and snagging your panties down.
Giggling deliriously, you spread your legs as easily as he maneuvers them. Pavel slicks his right hand with his own saliva, then tucking the wetted digits inside you while thumbing your clit. He’s selfish at the end of the day, removing his fingers (sans the thumb twirling your bundle of nerves) to push his trousers halfway down his thick thighs.
He slides inside you with a heady grown, hands clenching tight around the fat of your hips. His brows pinch and lips pucker, neck craning to mouth at your neck. Kissing as he bucks leisurely into your drooly cunt, always dragging you closer. Pinning your hips with his as he babbles against your skin, nuzzling as if you’re silken.
Pavel pants and whimpers into your ear, greedily soaking up the way your nails dig into his arms and moans sing his name.
“Louder, my love,” he begs, a particular thrust driving your hips back on the counter. His hands claw you back down, “The neighbors should bang down our door- be louder, my love.”
“Insatiable,” you manage to squeal out, head tossing back until your crown is smothering the cold, hard cupboard behind you. Pavel nods shamelessly, now kissing up your cheek to your lips. Drowning out your cries despite his pleas to hear every single one.
Pavel staples you in place, pausing only a moment before hurriedly stuffing you with his cock. He stretches over you, again avaricious for your mouth on his, muffling his own groans under the sloppy stirs of his speedy thrusts. His thumb matches pace, drawing the shiver of his own name, narcissistically, into the apex of your thighs. Your mixing juices soaking his skin. Were he not edging close to climax, Pavel would be tempted to sink to his knees and worship with his mouth. The thought sears through his veins, body seizing -- he hunches unflatteringly, clutching you flush as he cums.
The sensation paired with his devoted attention to your clit cinches the knot in your gut, thighs squished around Pavel’s waist and gasps ragged.
“You’re so handsome when you’re not being a terror,” you coo as Pavel lays his head on your chest.
He snorts quietly, nodding and curling both arms around you, “So tired. You should carry me to our room.”
“If we move, you’re doing the carrying,” you yawn, scooting down to rest your back flat on the counter (causing the both of you to whimper in overstimulation at the jostling).
After a brief respite, Pavel murmurs, half-asleep on your chest, “I’m content to sleep here.”
“Of course…” you yawn again, louder, and scratch your nails through his tangled hair, “I am, too.”
“Of course,” he mimics, laughing tiredly even when you sharply yank a lock of his hair.
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knightmareaceblue · 1 year
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I had an idea for an animation vs. DnD type thing. Don't know if I'm going to do anything with it, but I liked the concept and characters I came up with for it, so I decided to draw them.
Some notes:
-TSC is the DM, and thus doesn't have a character. Green's character Limerick, however, has a twin sister in his backstory, so with Green's permission Second designed her to look like them. It looks like the two have matching headbands, but actually Limerick is just wearing Melody's. :(
-As a DM, Second is very good at weaving together a world and story, and successfully ties everyone's backstories in with the main plot. They are also, however, a bit controlling and easily annoyed. Red and Purple often get things thrown at them by Second for going too off track or just being plain stupid.
-Blue's character Azure (neutral good) is technically the party leader, having been the one to gather the party and issue the main quest. They are not, however, very good at keeping the party on track. Especially Spark and Amethyst.
-Limerick is a true neutral bard that got double classed as a fighter when the sticks realized they didn't have a lot of physical fighters in their party. He's also the most stand-offish member of the group.
-Yellow's character Spark was originally going to be a chaotic evil character, but some pouting and pleading from Red and Blue caused them to relent and change to chaotic neutral. They were a little annoyed about this, but whatever.
-All of the characters' backstories take a little influence from their actual lives. Red's druid/ranger Carmine (chaotic good), however, is the one where it's most obvious, having spent much of their childhood being possessed by a forest god before breaking free, fighting them, and then the two coming to a truce and the forest god training Carmine in the art of the druid. It may look like he's wearing fur pants, but they're actually made of leaves.
-When being handed a character sheet for a rouge, Purple demanded to know why everyone assumed they'd pick that class. Red, who had been sent to get them, responded, "Well, what else would you be?" Purple couldn't respond and just huffily filled out the character sheet. Their character Amethyst is a chaotic neutral.
-MT was a last minute edition to the game, having been guilt-tripped/emotionally manipulated by Purple into joining. His barbarian Bronze seems like a chaotic neutral, but they're actually lawful neutral: They just follow barbarian law instead of the law of the country. TSC is the only one aware of this, and silently finds it hilarious.
Some Shenanigans:
-Each party member has their own motive to join Azure's quest to save the world: Bronze because of honour and also this kid's stupid and will get themselves killed if they let them go alone, Carmine because the world-ending quest has put the forest and the forest god in danger and he wants to save them, Amethyst for the promise of safety and security afterwords, Spark because research for her magical weapons, and Limerick because Azure agreed to help him with a personal matter in exchange.
-Limerick originally didn't start out with a cape. Upon realizing every other character had a cape however (Yellow tried to argue that Spark's poncho thing didn't count, but Green said it counted in spirit), they decided Limerick had to have one too. TSC said that since character creation is over, they'd have to buy a cape at the nearby town. This caused Green to get annoyed and reject every cape they 'found' in the shops. It went on like this for a while until TSC got bored and turned it into an insane side quest, complete with a vampire mafia. Limerick staked the boss vampire and stole their cape.
-Bronze is a hunter; Carmine is a vegan. They get into quite a few arguments because of this and more than once Carmine would sabotage Bronze's hunts and get them into trouble with whatever the highest level monster in the area was. Consequentially, Bronze is a little better at stealth than your average barbarian.
-Purple has a bad habit of taking inter-party conflict too personally, and at some points gets legitimately upset. They repeated have to be reminded that it's just a game, and occasionally Second will call timeout for them to cool off.
-Every weapon except Limerick's lute has a magical gem on it to enhance it's abilities. Spark has stolen the gem off every weapon except Amethyst's Golden Moon Dagger (which they can never pass the check to steal) at least once for their magical experiments.
-The most loyal, trustworthy, and responsible member of the party is Bronze. Everyone but Purple finds this surprising. The second most is Azure, but they're incredibly naive and keep getting the party into trouble by trying to help people.
-Yellow wants their character to betray the party at some point, and then have a redemption arc. Second is the only one who knows about this, and they're all for it.
-Green is convinced the campaign will have a happy ending, because 'Sec is a sucker.' He isn't wrong.
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Got a tentative list of the next tournament, best horror and thriller music themes.
1. The Shining, Main Title/The Shining
2. The Silence of the Lambs, Main Title
3. psycho, The Murder
4. Jaws, Theme (From Jaws)
5. The Thing, The Thing
6. Halloween, Halloween Theme
7. The Exorcist, Tubular Bells
8. Get Out, Sikiliza Kwa Wahenga
9. Midsommar, Fire Temple
10. Suspiria, Suspiria
11. Nightmare on Elm Street, Main Title
12. Rosemary’s Baby, Lullaby from Rosemary’s Baby
13. 28 Days Later, Main Theme
14. Alien, Main Title
15. Friday the 13th, Overlay of Evil
16. Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks Theme
17. Crimson Peak, Edith’s Theme
18. The Ring, The Well
19. Candyman, It Was Always You, Helen
20. I Saw the Devil, Devil’s Bossa
21. Stoker, Duet
22. The Omen, Ave Satani
23. Don’t Look Now, John’s Theme
24. Godzilla, Main Title
25. Parasite, Opening
26. Oldboy, The Last Waltz
27. Black Swan, Night of Terror
28. Us, Pas de Deux
29. train to Busan, goodbye world
30. Godzilla Minus One, Divine
31. Perfect Blue, Virtua Mima
32. Gravity, Debris
33. Paprika, the Girl in Byakkoya
34. Prey, Naru’s Way
35. Chinatown, Love Theme
36. L.A Confidential, The Victor
37. Beyond Evil, Who is the Monster
38. Squid Game, Way Back When
39. Flower of Evil, Flower of Evil
40. Knives Out, Knives Out!
41. Strangers from Hell, Others
42. Searching, New User
43. Person of Interest, Listening with a Million Ears
44. The X Files, X Files Theme
45. Over the Garden Wall, Prelude
46. Coraline, End Credits
47. Death Note, Death Note Theme
48. Monster, Grain
49. Ergo proxy, New Pulse
50. Erased, The Town Where Only I Am Missing
51. The Promised Neverland, Isabella’s Lullaby
52. Devilman Crybaby, DVMN
53. Chainsaw Man, Sweet Dreams
54. Tokyo Ghoul, TG Symphonie
55. Akira, Kaneda’s Theme
56. Purple Hyacinth, Purple Hyacinth Theme
57. Mogeko Castle, Main Theme
58. Ib, main theme
59. Beetle juice, Title Theme
60. ID Invaded, Other Side
61. Psycho Pass, Psycho Pass
62. The Batman, Batman theme
63. The Fly, Plasma Pool
64. Hannibal, Bloodfest
65. Death Parade, Moonlit Night
66. Elfen Lied, Lilium
67. The Twilight Zone, Main theme
68. Saw Theme
69. Children of the Corn, Main theme
70. Umineko, Katayoku no tori
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is the Best Doctor Who Story Ever Told?
Hello everybody and welcome to this, frankly ridiculously sized, tournament between not only every televised Doctor Who story, not only the spinoffs, not only a large number of minisodes, but over a 100 audios and dozens of other stories from other corners of the EU.
Now we will have to whittle over 600 stories down to jusst one, that is a lot of matches, a lot of rounds, just a lot, until very late in the game, rounds will be posted across several days. Right now the goal is to post (up to) new matches daily from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday's a day off for my own sake, which in my current plan places the final on the 18th of December (thats right, this'll be out of date before its even over, during round 2 in fact)
You can use this form to submit propaganda for your favourite stories (or anti propaganda for ones you hate). there is a more checkable list of nominations here if you want to know what you can submit propaganda for
without further ado
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
earlier in the year I ran some polls between televised Doctor Who stories, the top 50% for each Doctor have automatically advanced to Round 2, which is why (a) there are stories missing, and (b) the groups between the remaing stories are a lot deadlier
Every day will have groups from across the Doctor Who Universe, from Classic Who, New Who, TV Spinoffs, and the EU
Day 6
Group 1
The Twin Dilemma
Attack of the Cybermen
The Two Doctors
The Ultimate Foe
Group 2
Time and the Rani
Paradise Towers
Delta and the Bannermen
Silver Nemesis
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Group 3
The Tsuranga Conundrum
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Can You Hear Me?
Legend of the Sea Devils
Group 4
The Ghost Monument
Arachnids in the UK
Orphan 55
Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children
Revolution of the Daleks
Once, Upon Time
Survivors of the Flux
The Vanquishers
Group 5
Mutant Copper
The Custodians
Taphony of the Time Loop
Robot Gladiators
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/The Last Precinct/Hound of the Korven/The Eclipse of the Korven
Group 6
For Tonight We Might Die
The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart
The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did
The Lost
Group 7
The Last Beacon
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
A Spoonful of Mayhem
The Lumiat
Too Many Masters
Group 8
Expiry Dating
The Cars that Ate London!
A Photograph to Remember
Iterations of I
Group 9
Living Legend
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50
The Bekdel Test
Oh No It Isn't
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
Smoke and Mirrors
Group 10
Dooms Day hour 1
An Adventure in Space and Time
Shada (1992) version with linking narration from Tom Baker
Shada animated reconstruction
Return to Shada webcast with 8
Group 11
Real Time
Scream of the Shalka
The Infinite Quest
Ronald Rat continuity announcement
The Man from M.I.5
Group 12
Dr Who and the Daleks
Dalek's Invasion of Earth 2150AD
Doctor in Distress
Doctorin' the TARDIS
I'm gonna Spend my Christmas with a Dalek
previous days under the cut
Day 1
Group 1
The Sensorites
Planet of Giants
The Web Planet
The Crusade
Mission to the Unknown
The Massacre
The Celestial Toymaker
The Savages
Group 2
Marco Polo
Galaxy 4
The Myth Makers
The Ark
The Gunfighters
The Smugglers
Group 3
The Underwater Menace
The Ice Warriors
The Dominators
The Krotons
The Seeds of Death
Group 4
The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London/World War Three
The Long Game
Boom Town
Group 5
The Christmas Invasion
Love and Monsters
Voyage of the Damned
Planet of the Dead
Group 6
Invasion of the Bane
Revenge of the Slitheen
Eye of the Gorgon
Warriors of Kudlak
Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane
The Lost Boy
Group 7
The Last Sontaran
The Day of the Clown
Secrets of the Stars
The Mark of the Berserker
The Temptation of the Sarah-Jane Smith
Enemy of the Bane
Group 8
Prisoner of the Judoon
The Mad Woman in the Attic
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith
The Eternity Trap
Mona Lisa's Revenge
Group 9
The Marian Conspiracy
The Apocalyspe Element
The Shadow of the Scourge
The Holy Terror
Storm Warning
Group 10
Minuet in Hell
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
The Time of the Daleks
Group 11
Spare Parts
Creatures of Beauty
Doctor Who and the Pirates
Group 12
The Natural History of Fear
Group 13
The Room With All the Doors
Grey Matter
Lepidoptery for Beginners
Something Borrowed
Nothing at the End of the Lane
Group 14
Divided Loyalties
Fear of the Dark
Fear Itself
12 Doctors, 12 Stories
The Stranger
Group 15
Vampire Science
Alien Bodies
Seeing I
The Scarlet Empress
Unnatural History
Group 16
The Blue Angel
The Burning
The Turing Test
The Year of Intelligent Tigers
The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
Day 2
Group 1
The Highlanders
The Faceless Ones
The Abominable Snowmen
The Wheel in Space
The Space Pirates
Group 2
Ambassadors of Death
Colony in Space
Day of the Daleks
The Time Monster
Frontier in Space
Death to the Daleks
Group 3
Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Claws of Axos
The Mutants
Planet of the Daleks
The Monster of Peladon
Planet of Spiders
Group 4
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
The Girl in the Fireplace
Fear Her
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
Group 5
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Doctor's Daughter
The Next Doctor
Group 6
The Gift
The Nightmare Man
The Vault of Secrets
Death of the Doctor
The Empty Planet
Group 7
Lost in Time
Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith
The Curse of Clyde Langer
The Man Who Never Was
Group 8
Everything Changes
Day One
Ghost Machine
Small Worlds
Group 9
Arrangements for War
The Harvest
Faith Stealer
Terror Firma
Group 10
Other Lives
The Kingmaker
The Girl Who Never Was
The Condemned
The Doomwood Curse
Group 11
The Magic Mousetrap TIE
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
The Company of Friends: Fitz's Story
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Company of Friends: Mary's Story TIE
A Death in the Family
Group 12
The Silver Turk
1963: The Assassination Games
The Widow's Assassin
Dalek Soul
The Grey Man of the Mountain
Group 13
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
The Book of the Still
The Crooked World
Camera Obscura
The Gallifrey Chronicles
Group 14
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
Human Nature
The Blood Cell
Engines of War
Group 15
The Book of War
This Town Will Never Let Us Go
Of the City of the Saved
Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
Harvest of Time
Group 16
The Star Beast
The World Shapers
Ground Zero
The Flood
Day 3
Group 1
Revenge of the Cybermen
The Android Invasion
The Sunmakers
Group 2
The Brain of Morbius
Image of the Fendahl
The Power of Kroll
The Creature from the Pit
Nightmare of Eden
Group 3
Victory of the Daleks
The Curse of the Black Spot
Closing Time
Asylum of the Daleks
The Bells of Saint John
Name of the Doctor
Group 4
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood
Night Terrors
The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
A Town Called Mercy
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Group 5
Greeks Bearing Gifts
They Keep Killing Suzie
Random Shoes
Out of Time
Group 6
Captain Jack Harkness
End of Days
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
To the Last Man
Group 7
Dead Man Walking
A Day in the Death
Something Borrowed
Group 8
The Blood of the Daleks
Horror of Glam Rock
Immortal Beloved
No More Lies
Group 9
Human Resources
To the Death
The Eleven
The Red Lady
The Galileo Trap
Group 10
The Gift
The Sonomancer
Absent Friends
The Eighth Piece
The Doomsday Chronometer
Group 11
The Crucible of Souls
Ship in a Bottle
Songs of Love
The Side of the Angels
Stop the Clock
Group 12
The Fallen
The Land of Happy Endings
Old Friends
Space in Dimension Relative and Time
Time in Reverse
Group 13
The Zero Imperative
The Devil of Winterborne
Unnatural Selection
Ghosts of Winterborne
When to Die
Group 14
Summoned by Shadows
More Than a Messiah
In Memory Alone
The Terror game
Breach of the Peace
Eye of the Beholder
Day 4
Group 1
Planet of Evil
The Invisible Enemy
The Invasion of Time
The Armageddon Factor
Destiny of the Daleks
Group 2
The Sontaran Experiment
The Masque of Mandragora
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
The Leisure Hive
Full Circle
Group 3
The Lodger
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
Let's Kill Hitler
Cold War
Nightmare in Silver
Group 4
Into the Dalek
Robot of Sherwood
Kill the Moon
The Pyramid at the End of the World
The Eaters of light
Group 5
From Out of the Rain
Exit WOunds
Children of Earth
Miracle Day
Group 6
K9 and Company
Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
The Bounty Hunter
Sirens of Ceres
Fear Itself
The Fall of the House of Gryffen
Group 7
Escape from Kaldor
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Companion Piece
Day of the Master
Paradox of the Daleks
Inside Every Warrior
Group 8
UNIT Dating
Here Lies Drax
The Love Vampires
Albie's Angels
Group 9
Peri and the Piscon Paradox TIE
The Cold Equations TIE
The Last Post
The Scorchies
Group 10
Death and the Queen
The Sword of the Chevalier
No Place
The Creeping Death
Out of Time (individual story)
Group 11
Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough
Sil and the Seeds of Andor
Group 12
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advert
Merry Christmas Doctor Who
Step into the 80s/On Through the 80s
A Fix With Sontarans
Dalek Weetabix advert
Famin Appeal 1985
Group 13
The Shrink
Search Out Space
Dimensions in Time
Emperor of the Daleks
The Curse of Fatal Death
Day 5
Group 1
Four to Doomsday
Warriors of the Deep
The Awakening
Resurrection of the Daleks
Group 2
The Visitation
Black Orchid
Arc of Infinity
The King's Demons
Group 3
The Girl Who Died
Sleep No More
Knock Knock
The Lie of the Land
The Empress of Mars
Group 4
The Caretaker
In the Forest of the Night
Last Christmas
The Woman Who Lived
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Twice Upon a Time
Group 5
The Jaws of Orthrus
Curse of Anubis
Alien Avatar
Group 6
The Aeolian
The Last Oak Tree
Black Hunger
The Cambridge Spy
Lost Library of Ukko
Group 7
Square One
First Days of Phaidon
Gallifrey IV
Group 8
The Queen of Time
Paradise 5
The Elite
I am the Master
Forever Fallen
A Full Life
Group 9
The Fifth Citadel
The Forgotten Villafe
The Concrete Cage TIE
Troubled Waters TIE
The Hollow King
Group 10
Born Again
Time Crash
The Naked Truth
Night and the Doctor
Group 11
Pond Life
The Great Detective
The Bells of Saint John: A prequel
The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
Clara and the TARDIS
Group 12
Rain Gods
Night of the Doctor
The Last Day
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
The Doctor's Meditation
Farewell Sarah-Jane
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sloshed-cinema · 3 months
The First Omen (2024)
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If you’re going to end your movie with an asinine reveal that we all know already, having Ralph Ineson deliver the line really softens the blow. As it takes another pass at a series that seems to kind of stumble along in the background of the greater horror universe, The First Omen is a solid enough entry in most regards. The logic of the creation of the Antichrist was never really something that needed to be explicated, but setting this as a radical sect of the Catholic Church behaving in a reactionary manner to waning power on the world stage is an interesting enough motive. For much of the film, it’s content to set itself up as a satisfying enough creepy nuns movie as Margaret tries to protect the troubled girl Carlita from the clutches of those in power at her orphanage. That Margaret is in fact to be the mother of the Antichrist is a twist easily seen from a million miles away. Everyone from the doting and fatherly Cardinal Lawrence to her liberated and open roommate Luz to the random guy she meets at the nightclub are set up to guide her path, ensure that the Beast sires the Unholy One. All of that is fine. But in occasional beats, it starts to show its franchise brain. The connection to the original film isn’t necessary to be nailed out so exactly, though I’ll take a photograph of Gregory Peck over some ghoulish digital creation any day. And we absolutely did NOT need to see Satan, or whoever that wolf monster was. Less is more, folks! Don’t listen to the executive saying “but people will want to see the monster!” It does beg the question, when not knocking up ladies, does the Beast just chill down in that dungeon 24/7?
Perhaps the film’s strongest points are in its ability to conjure memorable imagery. Margaret’s hair fans out around her bedraggled face after she wakes up following her night on the town of getting impregnated by Satan. Nuns prostrate themselves on the floor, whispering prayers and invocations, their black habits stark against the white marble. Margaret prays between arcs of candles. All of this looks very lovely, but a movie has to be more than the shots that look appealing in a trailer.
It’s amusing that Mark Korven made a serious horror score for a movie that is sometimes so silly. He continues the choral considerations of earlier efforts in this genre of religious horror, but pushes it farther than simple hymns or another “Ave Satani.” Voices, whispering, shrieking, intoning, are used to build thick and foreboding textured walls of sound that oppress rather than inspire awe or devotion. He is never dull or predictable in his compositional choices.
Someone says 'Antichrist' or 'orphanage'.
Margaret starts to pray.
Spider imagery.
Margaret has a hallucination.
Someone bites it.
Someone is born.
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swordofsuns · 4 months
So I once ran a thing that wasn't really dnd but I roleplayed over text with my friend lucy's character from a oneshot she'd done, and I played as a character I had been thinking about named Aavondale Kospith. haven't put much thought into it in ages but I found a song that reminds me of them and the brain rot is BACK so here we go
Let me tell you. I'm a sucker for warlocks. Especially ones who are less than excited about their pact. Aavondale was a human kid from a middle of nowhere settlement who went on a walk through the woods one evening to see the first fireflies of the summer and ran into a demon in the forest.
It was there because a wandering elf had been preparing himself for a deal with it for several months, and they were supposed to meet to finalize the pact that night, but the demon wasn't used to this plane and all mortals looked the same to it, so when Aavondale came upon a clearing with the final spell circle, it told them to step forward to complete the deal and began to get angry when they froze and didn't obey.
Av didn't really know what was going on, but they could see from its glowing eyes and hear in its voice that whatever it was, it wasn't human, it was evil, and it was dangerous. When it got angry, they were scared it was gonna hurt them, which to be fair it probably would have, so they took the step forward and in doing so walked into an incredibly complex pact without any of the supernatural preparations the elf or the demon had planned.
The immense power that the elf had bargained for was only within them for a moment, and they were so overwhelmed by it that by reflex their body fired off a spell to try and get rid of some of the immense thing now inside of it, and it landed them in the middle of some other random forest. And, of course, their body didn't have the right preparations to process it, and came away changed.
So we have a fresh young tiefling with no idea yet where they are or why they can see in the dark in greyscale. They wander for a few days before passing out from dehydration near a town, some locals find them, and they end up taken to the nearest orphanage. Let's just say it isn't kind to them, and within a few days they take off in search of their home.
They wander from tavern to tavern, doing work in exchange for a room or at the very least a stay in the stable, and hang around the places for a few days in the desperate hope that someone they recognize will walk in and tell them how to get back to their family.
I'm gonna stop the plot part of the rant here. This isn't even the roleplay this is just the backstory. But the place where av had grown up was pretty much all human, and is extremely distrustful of alien races and outsiders. A drow was once stoned to death for wandering nearby by accident. And tieflings were the subject of each and every scary story you tell to children to get them to be respectful and not disobey, they're the evil creatures hiding in the shadows beneath your bed.
So fourteen year old Aavondale is fully convinced they're a monster. It hurts to look at themself because even their skin changed color. They feel massive shame for being too young and weak to have known, or to have even been able to have stopped things if they had known. They feel so small in the face of this huge world they don't know how to navigate and they're constantly reminded of the fact that they don't actually know how to take care of themself. They're just a kid, and that cost them everything, and they just want someone to make them feel safe again.
So yeah. that's my kid. I love them. you will be getting more later about when they finally DO meet someone who recognizes the name of their town. they gain a parental figure who is actually less of a functional adult than they are, but that's probably good anyway bc let's just say there is a vacancy that's gonna need to be filled.
thank you for listening to be ted talk
Oooo fuck yeah
Can i talk about my NON Jess murder evil plans
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slovenlyrecordings · 5 months
Tonight! The MONSTERS en La Mezcalli
by Susana Iglesias
(abajo en Español!)
You think about James Dean before you go to sleep, you look at his picture, I know because I do the same thing. I'm walking down the street of Gabino Barreda listening to Elvis. Since April 2016, Born to be Cheap organized wild parties, the first was very close to here, in a space above Numantina, a cantina in the San Rafael neighborhood. Denep Velasco/Denepa Panky & Matt Watson live among thousands of vinyls, they not only collect them, they spin them to exist. The name of their parties comes from a Divine song called that way. And yes, it seems that this pair was not born to do what others tell them, they have been 8 years of intense trash rock'n'roll, they play killer albums, never fillers, garage, punk, rockabilly, surf, blues Denepa is from Azcapotzalco and Matt from London, from a town called Epsom. They are a luxury, the music of their parties has elegance, style, also the beautiful and original turntables made by their ally Dr Tornas, a mysterious character who gives a turntable made by him on each anniversary of the Born to the winners of their traditional annual dance competition.
To celebrate their 8th anniversary they organized several dates with the legendary Swiss band The Monsters. The first was last Thursday the 25th at Gato Calavera, yesterday in Cuautitlán Izcalli at Sham Rock, today they are playing at a venue in the Guerrero neighborhood, tomorrow they will be in Tijuana at the Black Box, from there they will head to Reno, LA, Seattle , Oslo, Amsterdam, Berlin, Greece, Madrid, will not stop dynamiting ears, souls and minds until July 6, accompanies them on the tour playing records with Pete Slovenly who plans to take The Monsters to the We're Loud Fest in 2025 which will be in Kenya. Pete years ago took them on tour in Vietnam. It was difficult to recover after seeing them live at the Gato Calavera, it was brutal. Devastating & precise power, they opened with Search, in seconds the shirts, boots and glasses flew through the air while The Love I never had played, then came Blow Um Mau Mau, their damn rock and roll trash exploded in our faces and hearts , the frantic faces chanted until they almost fainted in the little hell of sweat and screams of wild rockers.
The songs advanced mercilessly and deadly, while Voodoo Love played I saw Brent Amaker smile, yes the famous country singer from the Seattle scene was next to me. Carrion Kids, present. Chav, a rocker, came from San Francisco to see them. Peppers, drummer of Shifters, took the playlist. Too much rock: El Muertho from Tijuana played yesterday at El Kentucky, a rebel space they set up in what was a KFC on Av. Juárez, it was the party of the unique HeYo radio station. There are not many spaces for REAL rock, that which does not whine, nor hypocritically champions anarchy and accepts change from officials. I know you cry when you remember that James Dean is dead. You spin your records thinking there is no tomorrow. Nights like cars at high speed. Please: forever: Stay sick.
Artículo original en Español
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amalgamat1on · 1 year
Haremlit Tier List
Peak: S+
- Celestine Chronicles
- Heretic Spellblade
Great: S (95 – 100) (4.5 – 5.0)
- T.A.P
- Demon’s Throne
- Tsun Tsun TzimTzum
- Neural Wraith
- Alpha World
Very Good: A (90 – 95) (4.0 – 4.5)
- The Lost Reavers
- Fight Town
- Haven
- Tournion
- Amnesty’s Adventures
- Immortal Supers
- Entangled Fates
- Ave Xia Rem Y
Good: B (80 – 90) (3.5 – 4.0)
- Shadow Rogue
- An Orc at College
- Binding Words
- The Aspect
- Herald of Shalia
- Meta Marshal Service
- Lightfoot
- Mastering Magic
- Emperor Forged
- Forsaken
- Avalar Explored
- I Don’t Want to be the Hero
- Dungeon Bound
- A Warm Place
- Princesses of the Ironbound
- Monstar Saga
- Lion’s Quest
- Top Tier Privateer
- Chimera King
- Wings of the Seraph
- Valens Legacy
Above Average: C (70 – 80) (3.0 – 3.5)
- Otherworld Academy
- Arand/Darren Verse
- Lost Fleet
- Saving Supervillains
- Mages Cultivation
- Amazon Star Academy
- Aether’s Revival
- My Cottage was Transferred to Another World
- Our Own Way (old version)
- Creature Girl Creation
- Star Justice
- Tamer: King of Dinosaurs
- Descend
- Survival of the Fittest
- Sect Wars
- Super Hero Academy
- Titan Mage
- Cultivating Chaos
- Summoner
- My Ninja Girl
- Raw
- Rise of the Weakest Summoner
- Minotaur Maze of Monster
- Forbidden Arcana
- Echo Online
- Paladin of the Sword
- Dungeonteer
- Succubus Summoner
Average: D (50 – 70) (2.5 – 3.0)
- Son of Fire
- Chronicles of Shattered Earth
- Like a Fine Wine
- Monster Girl Islands
- Dungeon Master
- Luck’s Voice
- Dungeon Delving for Loot and Levels
- Full Frontal Galaxy
- War God for Hire
- Savage Ascension
- Monster Empire
- Champion
- Four Laws
- Gryff the Griffin Rider
- The Escherian Core
Below Average: E (25 – 50) (2.0 -2.5)
- Branded
- Immortal Swordslinger
- Dark Lord’s Command
- Man Made God
- Kaos Trilogy
- Gem Knight
- Lust Witches
- Wyvern Academy
- Void Runner
- Shifter Girls
- Beyond Superpowered
- Phase Titan
- Bonded Spirits
- Outsider
Bad: F (0 – 25) (1.5 – 2.0)
- Becoming the Paladin
- The Horned Mage
- Succubus Lord
- Bone Lord
- Dungeon Cleaners Inc.
- Soul Gem Collector
- Gambit
DNF: G (N/A) (N/A – 1.0)
- Saxon Max
- Night Walker
- The John Blake Chronicles
- Rage King
- Ex-Superheroes
- Growth Hero
- Biopunk Revelation
Honorable Mentions:
- Raconteur
- Strength Unleashed
- Mud, Blood, and Magic
- Supplying Supers
- Mob Sorcery
- Wisher Beware
- Sex, Death, and Money
- Elemental Alpha
Honorable mentions don't get an official ranking due to only one book being completed in the series at the time.
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horseshoecrabs · 1 year
8 15 17 31 35 for abery + ginny..
kissing u thank you mint. for the uninitiated avery is my monster of the week PC who, in the current timeline, is a scientist turned small time crook who forges and hocks stolen magical items. ginny is my PC in a westworld-based campaign, she’s a host who’s the mailwoman and resident gossip of the town
8: do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
avery doesn’t really have a nickname! many call her Ave just as a simple shortening of her name, which she doesn’t really mind. in grad school her friend riya called her Turtles sometimes jokingly since that’s what her research focused on.
ginny is short for Virginia! her beloved dad used to call her that and it stuck immediately
15: how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
both are only children! avery lived with her parents until college, then roomed with riya throughout. now she crashes sporadically with different partners in crime when she needs a place but is currently boarding at her new employer the institute :-) ginny lived with her dad until his tragic “passing” and now lives alone. though in a town like grandera, can you ever truly live alone?
17: how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
avery read and read and read any book she could get her hands on and spent a lot of time outside just wandering through nature and taking notes on/sketching what she saw. she was that kid who would burn ants for fun and scientific enrichment.
ginny would attempt to train her horse to do show jumping, but wally was never really a huge fan of that. she liked shadowing her father on his mail route and helping out at the general store!
31: do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
avery is weird about gifts and will pretend to be cool and aloof about them but inside she is overwhelmed that someone cared about her so much to give one. she is not a huge gift giver unless you are very close to her or she’s trying to unload product. her ideal gift is your credit card number though she’ll never say no to a really high-quality journal.
ginny is overjoyed about giving and receiving gifts! getting to give the gift of communication to the residents of the town means a lot to her. she would love to get nicely scented hair products, both for herself and the horse
35: do they ever return home?
have either of them truly known it?
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avesuxx · 2 years
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Heyyy!! Im Ave!! Im an emo chick that is OBSESSED with monster XDD
im into a whole bunch of music from emo to grunge but my fav bands evaa is mcr, ptv, get scared, nirvana, TØP, korn, greenday, limpbizkit, sleeping with sirens, ghost town etc.
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tiktok: avesux
insta: avesuxx
spacehey: avesuxx
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merelygifted · 2 years
My BF and I went to see longtime friends’ great bands perform on Fri, Oct 28th.  We were headed home on Woodward Ave, one of Detroit’s main drags, and we’d come to an unlit large park just north of Highland Park.
A pair of misty, foggy, cloudlike plumes, seemingly without source, were emitted across the sidewalk and crept toward the right lane.  No fog was visible in the park.  We both saw this and were quite surprised - neither of us had ever seen such a thing!
I tentatively said that fog had been mentioned by the weatherman, but my honey scoffed, immediately insisting, “That wasn’t any damn fog! They Were GHOSTS!”
Sat the 29th, we went to see another old friends’ band play at a big backyard party.  They’re called The 3-D Invisibles, and they do great surf-y songs about monsters and spooks from film and literature.  I naturally told them about our experience the previous night, and they were suitably surprised, and amused by my BF’s response.  Not long after their first set, we then headed to a bar across town to see more old friends play.  That was another great show.
We were heading home, driving along McNichols (Six Mile Rd) while listening to Julee Cruise, passing by one of the many ambiently lit empty lots, when a pair of misty, foggy, cloudlike plumes, seemingly without source, were emitted across the sidewalk and crept toward the right lane! There was no fog in that lot - there was no way to figure out whence these ghosts had come, either!
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It hadn’t just rained either night, and the humidity wasn’t nearly as high as expected Fri night.
Sat night, I was looking out a window after my BF had gone to bed, and could barely see the homes across the street.  I went out on the front porch into heavy damp, but not still-visible fog, looked up and down the block, and everyone’s porches on both sides of the street were engulfed in fog.
I headed for the back porch and down the stairs.  For the second time in my life I was in such thick fog, I could see and feel it surrounding me.  It didn’t seem to be everywhere but near me…if that makes any sense.  Maybe this will explain it better: I’ve entered many fog banks since childhood, only to find it was as if the fog had retreated at least six feet from me in all directions.
Perhaps Sat night’s ghosts were a harbinger of the coming pea souper.
🦇 👻 🪦 ⚰️ 🎃
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asktheimmune · 2 months
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Hi, Hello, Welcome. As you can probably tell from the title, I'm making an Ask Blog, out of sheer overwhelming boredom and a desire to try reminding myself of those good ol' memories, of the early 2010's. The good ol' days of MLP Ask Blogs, ignoring, y'know, a couple exceptions.
Though, I couldn't come up with a topic for the longest time, long years dragging on and on and On. Until December of last year, when the MLP Infection AU really got going and reminded me of a classic Ask Blog that got damn near Eradicated from the internet.
I saw this overwhelming spawn of MLP assets being mutated beyond comprehension and decided "Hey, I can do that." But while Not dramatizing mental illness and gore.
I also wanted to make a Disclaimer Post to start off with, which hey, here you are!
First off, Trigger Warnings, because Lord Knows Ask Blogs needed em' back in 2014.
TW: Swearing, Mentions and Depictions Of Gore And Violence, Mentions of Psychological Damage and Breakdowns, Violent Attacks, Zombies, The General Undead, Spiders, Demonic Entities, Drugs Mentioned and Used, Mentions of Mutation, General Body Mutilations, Profanity.
Now, a General Synopsis, to see if you Even Want To Read This.
Ask The Immune follows Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer, just after surviving Our Town becoming an Undead Paradise, and running into Scootaloo and Flame Storm, a Pegasus who is likely Equestria's only professional Monster Hunter. Now, this turbulent Quartet works to make their way to Ponyville, one beatneck town at a time, to try and find the Elements Of Harmony, Survive, and Save Equestria One More Time.
Well, that's the description! Send in any asks, but there are some rules.
Rule 1: No Anon Tomfuckery. It was funny 10 years ago (Ave Maria Time How I Hate Ye'), but this is a serious story. And even then, who even posts Anon Asks anymore? Other than death threats, ye' godless heathens.
Rule 2: No items or magic messing around. Oh, how I miss ye' Fluffle Posts, but it's time long forgone.
Rule 3: Plot. No spoilers, ya' goof!
And that's about it!
Well, that's all I got. Here's hoping this actually does something, and I get to have fun muckin' about writing and modeling.
(Blog Hosted by @fxcf)
(Art by @fxcf)
(Story Written by @fxcf and Friends)
(Characters by Hasbro Entertainment, OC's by @fxcf and Friends)
(FXCF Industries makes no claim of ownership of My Little Pony or My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and it's associate properties. This is a nonprofit fan parody.)
(Kindly, don't sue me.)
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parkheritage · 3 months
Apartments for rent in Venus
This charming apartment for rent in Venus, The Park at Heritage Hills, is a top pick if you are in search of an exceptional neighborhood where comfort and elegance coexist harmoniously, offering the allure of premium living. These sleek, contemporary apartment houses are nestled in the highly sought-after Midlothian School District. They feature a timeless, sophisticated design and a host of carefully curated amenities to enhance your quality of life. From the well-equipped fitness facility and clubhouse to the inviting pool and lively pickleball court, each element has been thoughtfully designed to enrich your daily experience. Some homes also offer the added benefit of private fenced-in yards, creating a tranquil retreat at your doorstep. Reach out to The Park at (682) 277-9597 for more information about this delightful Venus apartment for rent.
Employment in Venus, TX
Venus, Texas, has limited job opportunities, but its proximity to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex makes employment opportunities. The leading employers in Venus are local businesses like retail stores, restaurants, and gas stations. Job options are concentrated in retail, service industries, and light manufacturing. Venus' proximity to the metroplex offers a wide range of job opportunities in finance, healthcare, and technology. However, commute time can be significant. To find employment near Venus, you can explore general job boards like Indeed or Monster and specific Dallas-Fort Worth job boards. So if you’re planning to move to Venus and you’re worrying about employment, don’t because you can find any jobs here or in Dallas. 
Fort Worth Stockyards
This Fort Worth Stockyards is a historic district showcasing the region's rich Western heritage. It was originally a hub for cattle drives in the 19th century; it has evolved into a popular tourist destination, offering cowboy culture, rodeos, and Western-themed shops and restaurants. The visitors can witness the Twice-Daily Cattle Drive, explore shops, watch live music at Billy Bob's Texas, and visit the Cowtown Coliseum, the world's first indoor rodeo arena. Then, the Stockyards Museum offers historical insights, and the Texas Longhorn Museum showcases the American Longhorn. The area offers a variety of restaurants, family-friendly activities, and guided tours to provide insights into the history and culture of the Stockyards.
Yellowstone drama films on Venus
Crews are transforming a North Texas town into a perfect backdrop for scenes of the hit drama "Yellowstone." The series will be filming in Venus tomorrow, with the town square repainted and the Montana town of Hardin replaced by the Zion Café. The historic look of the square is a big draw for the production, which follows the drama surrounding a Montana cattle ranch and the family who owns it. The season five premiere of "Yellowstone" has reportedly drew 8.8 million viewers, a 10% increase from last season. The town, in preparation for the filming, has made significant changes, with the town square repainted and the Montana town of Hardin replaced by the Zion Café. The Venus Police Department is bringing in extra officers to deal with street closures and crowds. All streets in the town square and some surrounding roads will be shut down for the day, with sporadic closures of FM 157 as well.
Link to maps
Fort Worth Stockyards 131 E Exchange Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76164, United States Take N Main St to TX-280 Spur 10 min (3.2 mi) Continue to Mansfield 21 min (22.5 mi) Follow US-287 S and US-67 S to your destination in Ellis County 10 min (10.5 mi) The Park at Heritage Hills 261 Heritage Hills Pkwy, Venus, TX 76084, United States
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realtorjamier · 9 months
Things to Do in January in the DMV!
Views: 11
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If you’re prone to the post-holiday blues, we’ve got some ideas for January rejuvenation, starting off with a New Year’s Day run or hike and ending with a Monster Jam. Whether you’re a car fanatic, a gamer, or a yogi devotee, you won’t have to hibernate this January.
January 1
New Year’s Day 5K
Run a 5K on New Year’s Day! Start the new year with a healthy activity and set a precedent for the rest of 2023. Ashburn, Bethesda, Reston, Gaithersburg, Arlington, and several other cities in the D.C. area will offer up their streets for a cold-weather frolic into fitness. 
January 1
First Day Hikes in Maryland First Day Hikes in Virginia
If hiking is more your speed, check out the First Day Hikes (ranger-led or self-guided) available as part of a nationwide initiative led by America’s State Parks.
January 1 to February 12
Winter Lantern Festival Lerner Town Square 8025 Galleria Drive Tysons, VA
If you missed experiencing this dazzling landscape of lights in December, there’s still time to see it. Over 1,000 Chinese lanterns – all handmade by artisans – display their light and warmth for your amazement and for great photo ops!
January 3 – 22
Wicked The Kennedy Center 2700 F St NW Washington, D.C.
What happened in the Land of Oz before Dorothy arrived? The Broadway sensation tells the story of a misunderstood young woman with emerald-green skin and her bubbly blonde friend. This is the untold true story of the Witches of Oz. Check the website for specific days and times.
January 5 – 8
Super MAGFest Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center 201 Waterfront Street Oxon Hill, MD
MAGFest (Music And Gaming Festival) celebrates video game music, gaming, and the gaming community with the goals of education, appreciation, and preservation of the culture and history of video games. 
January 6
Dancing with the Stars MGM National Harbor 101 MGM National Ave. National Harbor, MD
The live Dancing with the Stars tour will recreate the most memorable dances from the program’s previous seasons and showcase brand new never-before-seen routines.
January 6 – 8
Jurassic Quest Fredericksburg Expo and Conference Center 2371 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg, VA
This family friendly event allows people to interact with life size animatronic dinosaurs, including the T-Rex and 50-foot long Megalodon! It’s a huge hit for both kids and adults.
January 12 – 16
Interfusion Festival Crystal Gateway Marriott 700 Richmond Hwy. Arlington, VA
Founded in 2016 under The Institute for Integrative Wellness, this festival includes educational offerings in positive psychology, meditation, and expressive arts. The Interfusion Festival aims to bring awareness of practices that may help combat mental health crises.
January 16
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration Richard Montgomery High School 250 Richard Montgomery Drive Rockville, MD
Join the City of Rockville for the 51st annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration. Performances and awards recognizing Rockville community members who carry on King’s legacy.
January 20 – 29
Washington Auto Show Walter E Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW Washington, D.C.
More than 600 new car models from over 35 manufacturers will display their engineering prowess. This year will include an all-new EV Pavilion, classic cars, exotics, and more. VIP tours will be led by award-winning automotive writers, and there will be a special exhibit area for live painting of “art” cars. The Washington, D.C. Auto Show is the largest public show in the nation’s capital.  
January 22
Lunar New Year Parade Near Gallery Place – Chinatown Metro Stop Washington, D.C.
Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit with Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs (MOAPIA). The afternoon will feature colorful, traditional performances topped off with a fireworks finale. 
January 28
Mandy Patinkin in Concert 5301 Tuckerman Lane North Bethesda, MD
Emmy-winning TV star and Tony-winning Broadway legend, Mandy Patinkin’s BEING ALIVE is a collection of many of Patinkin’s favorite Broadway and classic American tunes. From Irving Berlin to Stephen Sondheim, from Cole Porter to Harry Chapin, Patinkin takes you on a dazzling musical journey.
January 28 – 29
Monster Jam Capital One Arena 601 F St., NW Washington, D.C.
If action-packed motorsports are your jam, you’ll enjoy watching world-class driver athletes competing in intense competitions at Monster Jam. The trucks’ engines generate 1,500 horsepower due to a supercharger that forces air and fuel into the engine. The Monster Jam Pit Party (requiring a separate admission ticket) allows you to see these massive trucks up close and participate in Q & As with the drivers.
[BONUS]: February 4
February First Saturday | Fire in Ice Downtown Frederick, MD
So it’s technically not a January activity but it’s close enough and it’s much too exciting to leave out! From in-store tastings to gallery openings to vendor exhibitions, there’s tons to explore in this unique event as Frederick is turned into a winter wonderland. Visitors can also explore more than 100 ice sculptures all over town!
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justahumblememefarmer · 9 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 1
After putting through every modern Doctor Who episode through a poll by season, I have seeded them all for a bracket.
Here are the original polls
Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | 10th Doctor Specials | Season 5 | Season 6 | Season 7a | Season 7b | Season 8 | Season 9 | Season 10 | Season 11 | Season 12 | Season 13 | 60th Anniversary Specials
And just for fun I also did polls for each Doctor's top episodes aside from 9 and 14
10th Doctor | 11th Doctor | 12th Doctor | 13th Doctor
Using the results of the first poll I created seeds for each episode. The higher their percentage in the poll, the higher the seed, with some built in tiebreakers based on the amount of votes the episode received.
There are 152 stories in total, with most two-parter episodes being consolidated into one story. I've put those into a single elimination bracket to do polls and find the top 2 stories. Since 152 is not a power of 2, the first round will be seeds 105-128 facing off against seeds 129-152 to make it into the regular bracket.
The Links to Round 1 will be under the cut
Round 1
107: Hide vs. 150: The Caretaker
110: Fear Her vs. 147:Victory of the Daleks
118: Love & Monsters vs. 139: The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
123: The Lodger vs. 134: The Bells of Saint John
106: Twice Upon a Time vs. 151: Kill the Moon
115: The Vanquishers vs. 142: Into the Dalek
119: Orphan 55 vs. 138: Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
126: The Vampires of Venice vs. 131: The Unquiet Dead
111: Face the Raven vs. 146: The Girl Who Died
114: Aliens of London/World War Three vs. 143: In The Forest of the Night
122: The Woman Who Lived vs. 135: Cold War
127: The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood vs. 130: Sleep No More
108: Nightmare in Silver vs. 149: Survivors of the Flux
109: The Idiot's Lantern vs. 148: War of the Sontorans
117: Resolution vs. 140: The Curse of the Black Spot
124: The Lazarus Experiment vs. 133: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
105: The Christmas Invasion vs. 152: The Long Game
116: Legend of the Sea Devils vs. 141: The Lie of the Land
120: Last Christmas vs. 137: The Shakespeare Code
125: Night Terrors vs. 132: Boom Town
112: The Return of Doctor Mysterio vs. 145: Voyage of the Damned
113: Empress of Mars vs. 144: The Tsuranga Conundrum
121: Under the Lake/Before the Flood vs. 136: Closing Time
128: The Pyramid at the End of the World vs. 129: The Eaters of the Light
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ultimaonlinefan · 1 year
Pirate Quest
Whirlpools were introduced in the Naval Warfare Reborn expansions. They are whirlpool water tiles that occur randomly over periods of time, similar to how Random Dungeon Adventures work. Fishing in these Whirlpools offers unique and rare rewards, mostly pertaining but not limited to the new Galleons and Ships. Whirlpools are dangerous ventures not only due to other Pirates but the creatures that dwell within. Fishing is required to fish items from these Whirlpools
Whirlpool Quest
Located near the bridge exiting the town of Britain, there is an NPC named "Bearss The Pirate".
Bearss The Pirate
The map location of Bearss The Pirate
Speaking with him will open a quest gump offering the location of Whirlpools as they occur. In order to accept this quest, you pay the pirate 10,000 gold. Having the money in your bank is acceptable and will automatically be removed if you agree to his terms. Note that once you've accepted his quest and paid him, the Whirlpools will not be instantly revealed. They happen randomly and all other pirates who have accepted the quest will receive the same coordinates that you do, so be ready to sail on the fly and fight over the resources.
The quest accepting dialogue gump
Once enough time has passed and a Whirlpool has spawned, a gump will appear on your screen. This gump contains the coordinates to the Whirlpool and the adventure begins.
Finding the Coordinates
Finding the coordinates can be tough if you're not familiar with the waters or old fashioned Treasure Hunting. It is recommended that you use UOAM or an online coordinate map to assist in the process. The Whirlpool will be located at the exact tile of the coordinates.
Fishing in Whirlpools
Once you've reached your Whirlpool, it's best to get an idea of your surroundings. Saying "Scan The Horizons" will reveal potential enemy pirates on a Mini Map.
Using the Scan The Horizons command to find enemy vessels
If the coast is clear, sail to the coordinates and find your Whirlpool. Whirlpools are hard to see since they blend in with the water, running into one will stop your ship and you cannot pass through them. It's a single water tile. Park your Ship next to it and cast your line into the swirling water tile. Once you've cast, your line will get pulled under and a few moments will pass. Do not interrupt the Fishing process, even as monsters spawn. Interrupting the fishing process will reduce your chances of finding Whirlpool rewards. It's best to have people with you to assist in combat while you are Fishing.
Kill and loot the creatures. You have chances to get items directly from the Whirlpool as well as from the monsters that spawn.
Whirlpool Rewards
Barnacle Encrusted Hat
Barnacle Encrusted Robe
Barnacle Encrusted Gloves
Barnacle Encrusted Apron
Barnacle Encrusted Boots
Barnacle Encrusted Spellbook
A Dead Man's Chest (Bone Armor)
A Dead Man's Arms (Bone Armor)
A Dead Man's Legs (Bone Armor)
A Dead Man's Hands (Bone Armor)
Ship Paints
Treasure Chest (Cosmetic)
A Sunken Treasure Chest
Ring of Aves
Ancient Anchor
Ship Recipes
Forged Metal
Ship Rib
Message in a Bottle
Bloodwood Log
Frostwood Log
Heartwood Log
Crumbling Relics or Crumbling Relics
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