Cowboy Like Me
Never thought I'd meet you here
Summary: When Nesta is stranded in rural Montana, she finds herself rescued by an unlikely pair.
Day 1 of @sjmromanceweek: Meet-Cute
Also, check out this art of Cowboy Cassian from @melphss
Read on AO3
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Nesta was in hell. 
Who got married in Montana? Montana seemed like the sort of place you exiled people to die in lonely misery. She didn’t give a fuck about all the open sky, the clean air, or the nature that quite literally ambled up to her rental car looking for a snack. Nesta wasn’t built for this sort of life and maybe it said something about her that she couldn’t imagine anyone else who was.
She’d made a mistake, though. When she’d rented her airbnb, she’d just assumed it was an actual home, like the pictures had depicted, and not some ramshackle hovel with a literal hole in the ground for shitting.
For fifty dollars a night, she supposed she deserved that. Nesta thought that maybe she also deserved her twisted ankle. Heels on a gravel road had been an obvious mistake—was she supposed to go barefoot? She hadn’t brought anything else. Nesta emitted a soft scream of hatred for this new, cheerful place before propping herself up on the hood of her car to look at her swelling ankle.
All this for a wedding. The minute Nesta managed to get back into her car, she was going to book a flight home and block this friend forever. Why was she even trying to have friends outside of Gwyn and Emerie, besides? Nesta maneuvered her phone from her black skirt pocket only to find that of fucking course she didn’t have service.
She screamed again, irate with the whole endeavor.
“All right, ma’am?” a masculine voice called. Nesta whipped her head to the side of the long, gravel drive, intending to give that busybody man the middle finger for his trouble.
She hesitated. To start, the man in question was astride a large black horse. She had no quick comeback for a man who was pulling towards her shiny red sedan like he’d stepped straight out of eighteen forty six. 
He swung one of his long, powerful legs off the creature with ease, revealing himself to be at least six foot-five. Nesta had never considered herself a small woman, standing at five-nine without heels, but as he approached, his rough stubbled face hidden beneath the brim of his cowboy hat, Nesta felt positively dainty. 
He swept his hat off his head and Nesta wished he hadn’t. Holding it against the blue and green flannel of his shirt, he was like something out of a magazine ad for country living. Warm brown skin, hazel eyes, and dark brown hair that fell to his shoulders was a lethal combination on this man. His chiseled jaw, the stubble grazing his cheeks, and his rough features made Nesta think he had no trouble picking up women.
And that irked her, even as she swallowed with desire. He was absurdly stunning, the absolute dream of anyone hoping to marry a cowboy from a long-forgotten age. Those eyes of his, framed with ridiculously long lashes, swept over her, and then her surroundings.
“Tricked, huh?” he asked in a rich, deep drawl. “You wouldn’t be the first. Won’t be the last.”
“Someone should burn this place to the ground,” she hissed, one hand still gripping her hurt ankle. 
He chuckled. “I don’t think that would stop someone from tryin’ to sell it. You hurt?” he added, his eyes falling on her ankle. 
“I twisted my foot,” she admitted. He knelt, the sight emptying out all of Nesta’s thoughts. She could only stare at his thighs, bulging in his tight jeans. His hand was large enough to wrap fully around her ankle, and ever so slowly, he pulled her foot from her scuffed black heel.
“This is your problem,” he said, holding up her shoe with a frown. 
“Well I know that now,” Nesta hissed, “you must be a psychic.”
His eyes flashed. “Can you drive?”
“No,” she admitted, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I wouldn’t go around insultin’ the only person who can help…but that’s just me,” he replied. 
Nesta hesitated. “Are you a doctor?”
He snorted, rising to his feet again. His large, muscular body blocked the bright sun the way a tree might, and Nesta couldn’t pretend she wasn’t grateful.
“Cattle rancher,” he replied, “but I know a thing or two about tapin’ up a sprain. We’ll get you iced up and bandaged and on your way Miss…”
She sighed. “Nesta Archeron,” she half grumbled.
“Miss Archeron—”
“Nesta. Don’t be ridiculous.”
He smiled, setting her heart racing. “Miss Nesta, then. I’m Cassian, and I’m walkin’ towards you real slow because I don’t want to spook you.”
“Why would you—put me down right now!”
He shook his head. “And let you finish breakin’ what you started? No offense, darlin’, but carrying you is a lot safer than letting you hop on the horse—”
“Why can’t we drive?”
He looked down at her, his amusement plain. “And what would I do with Bryaxis?”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Nesta breathed, gripping Cassian’s neck until her nails dug into his skin. “I’ve never been on a horse.”
“He doesn’t bite,” Cassian replied. “I’ll be right behind you.”
She couldn’t help her squeal as he hoisted her up into the fine leather saddle. Nesta’s bare thighs touched the material, spreading her legs obscenely, though Cassian didn’t seen to notice or care. He merely swung himself up behind her. He put one hand on her hip, the warmth seeping through her silken skirt, before reaching for the reins.
“What were you doing out here, anyway?”
He nodded towards a saddle bag. “Needed a few things in town.
“And you took a horse?” she replied, trying to imagine where he’d even park it.
Cassian’s laugh rumbled through his chest. “Where are you from, Miss Nesta?”
“Chicago,” she replied, well aware she was proving every city slicker stereotype true. “Have you ever been?”
She felt him shrug. “Nope. I’ve been to cities before, but not so far south.
So far south. Nesta didn’t know how to respond to that. “You’re not missing much, honestly.”
“No? Is Chicago not home sweet home?”
It was Nesta’s turn to shrug. “It’s where I live.”
If he had thoughts about that, Cassian kept them to himself. That was just as well—Nesta didn’t want to fight some stranger when she was currently on his horse, unable to even run. He’d left her shoes on top of her car and her suitcase in the trunk. Nesta was literally at his mercy, given the small, two-lane road they were currently traveling down had no hint of civilization besides the two of them. 
She’d done such a shitty job picking an airbnb. 
“What are you doin’ up here, then?” he asked after a moment. His voice had the most pleasant gravel, deep and dark like a star-flecked sky. Nesta knew she was leaning against the broad plain of his chest and found she didn’t care. 
“My friend is getting married,” she said. “I guess her fiance grew up out here.”
“Oh yeah?” he replied, an obvious smile in his voice. “Married on a ranch?”
Nesta twisted in her saddle. “Don’t you dare—”
“Lots of people rent out my barn on the edge of the property. You can stay up with me, if you need a place. I’ll charge you a real fair price.”
She rolled her eyes. “What’s that?”
“You ever mucked out a stall, Miss Nesta?”
She poked him in the ribs, turning back to face the endless expanse of cloudless blue. “Is that your thing, then? Humbling the city girl by making her clean up shit?”
“Maybe I think you’d be real pretty with a little mud on your face.”
Nesta swallowed. “I don’t do mud,” she said, looking at her immaculate nails.
“What do you do, then?” Why did he sound so suggestive? Nesta’s hands were clammy–nervous. When had a man ever had that effect on her? 
“Law,” she told him. “Corporate law.”
He made some soft, noncommittal noise that was, honestly, a lot better than a lot of the finance men she dated. Cassian acknowledged he’d heard her without feeling the need to cut her down in service of his own ego. 
“I don’t know much about that,” he finally admitted. Nesta could have kissed him for it, though she wouldn’t. 
“It’s pretty boring,” she said, earning another of his soft noises.
“I don’t believe that for a minute,” he replied. “You don’t strike me as the type to spend your time sufferin’.”
“Well…I do get to humble really rich men with a fair amount of regularity,” she admitted with a smile. His grip on her waist tightened. 
“That’s what I thought,” he murmured, his breath fanning against the back of her neck. She shivered, unintentionally leaning further into him. She was acting like a cat in heat over a man she’d known for fifteen minutes.
“I’ll pay,” she breathed. Behind her, Cassian went stiff.
“For a room,” she clarified, wondering what he was thinking. “If you were serious about your offer, I’d pay you for it.”
“Oh, darlin’, there’s no need for that. Just a little hel—”
“I told you I don’t do dirt,” she snapped. “You can have money or nothing at all.”
“I’m not takin’ your money,” Cassian drawled. “Just keep after yourself and don’t disturb the cats.”
Her heart stuttered. “Cats?”
“Yeah. My girl just had kittens and she’s real skittish, so if you see her, be real quiet and soft.”
Nesta could have died. “What's her name?”
She wanted a cat so badly. Her landlord expressly forbade any animals at all, and Nesta was too much of a rule follower to risk a secret cat. The thought of spending three days surrounded by a mama cat and her little kittens seemed like heaven.
“Cheddar,” Cassian admitted ruefully. “She’s orange. Dad must be black, though, because half her little beans are black, too.”
A soft squeak slipped from Nesta’s throat. “Do they have names?”
“Not yet. Maybe you’ll help me out with that,” he added with what sounded suspiciously like hope. 
She didn’t dare unpack that. Not as Cassian pulled off the road, steering his steady horse down another gravel path. Untouched grass stretched for miles in every direction until the sky met mountains in the distance. 
“Your friends will be down there,” Cassian told her, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. Accident, she swore, watching the point of his finger. “But we’ll be up here. I’ll walk you down for the wedding…keep you from wreckin’ that other pretty ankle of yours.”
“Does that work on the women around here? Your folksy charm, your aw shucks—”
Cassian laughed. “Are you askin’ if being nice gets me laid?”
“Does it?”
“My good looks get me laid, darlin’.  My folksy charm, as you so eloquently put it, is just called manners outside of the city. No need to pretend.”
“You’d be surprised,” she told him dryly. Cassian merely held her close, his eyes fixated on the two story ranch just in the distance. Nesta could have wept with relief. The saddle was rubbing against her inner thigh, chafing her delicate skin and the woodsy scent of smoke and pine coming off Cassian was threatening to throw all Nesta’s good sense out the window. 
His home sprawled against the Montana countryside. Built to look as if it was made of wood—and maybe it was, for all she knew—the house had to be worth a cool million in Nesta’s estimation. She didn’t dare look over her shoulder at him, though. Didn’t dare acknowledge she knew this man wasn’t the simple, rural cattle rancher he was trying to embody. 
And Nesta certainly didn’t let him see that she was weirdly relieved. She liked an ambitious man. And unlike all the men she’d been dating back home, Cassian wasn’t slick. Nesta would have put all the money she had on Cassian being the sort who had his heart on his sleeve for all to see. She had no business thinking about that.
This wasn’t a date.
Cassian swung off his horse and gently pulled her back into his arms.
“Don’t you go runnin’ off,” he warned Bryaxis.
“Will he?”
Cassian merely shrugged as he took her up a stone laid path towards his glass and wood front door.
“If he goes anywhere, it’ll be next door to his girlfriend.”
She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her. “Your horse has a girlfriend?”
“He’s a good-looking horse. Why shouldn’t he have a girlfriend. I catch him all the time down by the fence nuzzlin’ her with his nose.”
“Like you, then?”
Cassian chuckled. “I am very single, Miss Nesta—”
“Just Nesta,” she interrupted, breathless as he brought her inside. “The Miss makes me feel like someone’s kindergarten teacher.”
“Fine, Nesta. I, unlike my horse, am very single.”
“Any particular reason?” she asked, wishing she sounded snide and not interested.
Cassian set her on a long, dark leather sofa, He swept his hat off his head as he knelt in front of her again. 
“You want to know why I’m single? Maybe I work too much,” he said softly, sliding her his hand up  and then back down her knee. “Maybe I’m a shitty kisser.”
“I’ll bet it’s the second,” she replied. Cassian’s hazel eyes met her own, a smirk curving over his sensual mouth.
“And you? Are you a shitty kisser?”
“Terribly deficient.”
“I figured,” he murmured, turning his gaze back to her swollen ankle. Cassian grabbed a red pillow from the corner of his couch to prop up her foot. “Why don’t you stay here and I’ll get us all set up, hm?”
Cassian vanished long enough for Nesta to fire off several quiet texts and otherwise study his really nice home. The living room had a wall made of pointed windows, and though everything had that wood cabin aesthetic, it was cozy and cheerful and bright. She flipped through her work emails while she waited, dragging a knitted blanket off the back of the sofa over her lap. 
Was she insane for hanging out in a stranger's house? She would never have dared back home—her friends thought she was insane. And yet she was at the right place, and if Cassian wanted to hurt her, surely bandaging up her foot wasn’t necessary. She doubted his neighbors would have heard her scream if she stood outside and emptied her lungs of air.
Cassian returned nearly an hour later, balancing a glass of water and a plate in one massive hand, and her suitcase in the other.
“You got my things?” she asked him, surprised he’d bother. She’d assumed she’d have to hobble back out there for it.
“Of course, darlin’,” he replied, setting a nice sandwich and two ibuprofen down on the wood coffee table right in front of her. “Unless you plan on wearin’ that skirt the entire time? I don’t mind, but…”
Her cheeks flushed. “Thank you. That was really nice.”
He ducked his head. “Have somethin’ to eat before you take the medicine. You look like you haven’t had anything but coffee today. Pain killers won’t settle well on an empty stomach and while you’re cute, you’re not cute enough to clean up puke.”
Nesta was rendered speechless. That was for the best. Everytime he casually said something nice about her, Nesta was far too tempted to crawl into his lap and repay him for his generosity in a different sort of way. Instead, Nesta remained perfectly still while Cassian wrapped up her ankle with a beige colored bandage and pressed a bag of frozen green beans against the aching bone. 
“Keep this elevated,” he insisted, taking a spot close enough that Nesta could have scooted forward and put her head in his lap. She was far too tempted. 
“Want to watch something?” she suggested. “Or are you busy?”
“Not too busy for you,” he teased, reaching for the remote. “How do you feel about history?”
Their eyes met, and in unison, they said, “Ancient Aliens.”
Cassian smiled with satisfaction. “Fuck yeah.”
They wasted the afternoon that way. Nesta inched closer and closer until her head was propped up against his thigh. Cassian kept his arm casual against the back of the couch, unconcerned as they giggled their way through each new show. He didn’t stop until the sun dipped low, bathing the room in shadow.
“Want to help me make dinner?” he asked, his voice gruffer than before. She looked up at him.
“No eating out?”
His lips curved into a sly smile. “Are you asking to be eaten out?”
She smacked at his stomach, heart racing all the same. “You don’t seem like the cooking type. Isn’t that something for your little wife?”
“Are you offerin’?” he joked. “I accept. C’mon, lazy bones. At least come talk to me.”
“Does anything bother you?” Nesta asked, unconcerned when Cassian lifted her back into the air. She winced at the jolt of pain lancing through her ankle, though she couldn’t pretend she didn’t like the ease with which he carried her through his house. Cassian was careful, setting her atop a granite kitchen island so she could watch over his attempts at cooking.
“So tell me, Miss Nesta—”
“Just Nesta.”
“Nes,” he grinned. “Miss hot shot attorney. What do you think about my humble home?”
She looked around, pretending to survey with an arched eyebrow. “It’s a little rustic—”
Cassian’s fingers were between her ribs before she could stop him, tickling until she thrashed and gasped for a breath of air. 
“Stop it, stop—”
“Rustic,” he chuckled, pulling out a nice creuset pot and setting it atop the range. “You’ll have to work on your insults.”
“I think you just wanted an excuse to touch me,” Nesta replied. Cassian smiled.
“Maybe,” he conceded. “It’s not everyday a beautiful woman is waitin’ for me on the side of the road.”
“I wasn’t waiting. I was stuck.”
He shrugged. “Sure felt like you were waitin’ for me.”
“Maybe you were waiting on me.”
“Almost certainly,” Cassian agreed cheerfully. “Do you eat pasta?”
“I’ll eat anything,” Nesta agreed. Cassian nodded.
“You and me both, sweetheart.”
And God, but Nesta wanted to find out if that was true. Cassian had a box of recipes he’d inherited from his mother that he’d been more than happy to show her. While Nesta pulled the cards out one by one, Cassian made his own tomato sauce. She knew it shouldn’t have impressed her and still it did. 
He was nearly done when his cat, Cheddar, slunk into the room. Three black and orange kittens flopped just behind her, the third tumbling face first over the threshold from the hall to the tile. Nesta gasped.
“Oh my God,” she whispered.
“Where are the other four, mama?” Cassian asked his cat as she wound her way through his legs to rub against him. “What are those little demons up to?”
Nesta carefully hopped off the counter so she could scoop up one of the babies.
“Probably peeing in my boot,” Cassian grumbled, stirring his sauce with a wooden spoon. 
“Babies,” Nesta breathed, delighted when the three that had ambled in with their mother immediately bounded towards her. Her favorite, for no reason at all, was the one with the split black and orange face. She had the brightest blue eyes and when Nesta lifted her up to really look at her, the small creature meowed loudly. 
“Well now you’ve done it,” Cassian teased as Cheddar trotted over to see what the fuss was. “Be careful–mama cat has claws.”
Nesta scratched behind her ears. “Maybe for you.”
“I suppose like calls to like,” he grumbled. While he plated their food, Nesta played with the kittens until there was a snag in her skirt. Cassian offered Nesta a hand and when he pulled her up to her feet, balancing on one foot, he yanked just hard enough that she fell into his chest.
Into his lips. 
“Oh,” she whispered, unsure what to do. Cassian kept her steady with one arm, the kiss polite and chaste and just enough to make her want much, much more.
“Sorry,” he murmured, brushing a strand of her hair off her face. “Probably shouldn’t kiss the woman rentin’ one of my rooms, but…”
“It’s alright,” Nesta assured him, letting him lead her to the blocky table just outside the kitchen. It might have been awkward had Cassian not been so charming. So laid back and nice. He’d made her spaghetti and didn’t care when his cat spent the entirety of the meal winding her lithe, orange body through his feet and purring so loud Nesta felt like she was competing for his attention. 
Cassian kept the conversation going as if nothing had happened, but Nesta couldn’t get the feel of his mouth against hers out of her mind. He’d smelled crisp and clean and when her hands had pressed against his chest, he’d been all hard, toned muscle. 
“Why don’t I clean up down here, and you can get settled in your room?” Cassian suggested when Nesta had been silent a little too long. She was undressing him in her mind, and when she looked up at him, the little smile on his face made her wonder if he wasn’t aware. 
“Sure,” she agreed, if only to get out of helping with the dishes.
“I’ll carry you up,” he added, his eyes flashing. Nesta shook her head, her pride unable to stand being taken up and down the stairs.
“I can do it myself.
“Are you always this difficult?” he asked, rising to his feet. Cassian was a big man. Nesta had never felt small in comparison, had never once looked at a prospective lover and thought herself little. Cassian, though. Cassian exuded strength. In another life, he might have been a warrior prince worshiped by the masses. 
Nesta offered him a feline smile. “Maybe.” Back home, that refusal to yield would have earned her nothing good. With Cassian, though? A slow smile spread over his rugged face.
“Wouldn’t be any fun if you weren’t, I suppose. Go on then, Miss Nesta. Yell if you need me…I’ll come runnin’.”
Nesta suppressed a shiver at his sensual tone. “Is that a promise?”
He looked her up and down, his expression suddenly ravenous. If Nesta had less pride, she might have hopped over to him, pressed her hands to his chest, and let him finish what he’d started. 
“It is,” he said simply, those hazel eyes finding her face again. 
It was shree will that made her turn. As if she had something to prove. And Nesta made it all of four little hops before Cassian was coming behind her and sweeping her up off her feet. Nesta gasped, unprepared to be so close to him again.
“C’mon,” he murmured, holding her like she was something delicate.
Something fragile.
And no one thought that about her. Nesta swallowed hard, biting back the urge to snap at him. He didn’t know what she was like and maybe that was a blessing, because Nesta didn’t have to put on a show for him. She could press her head against his chest and sigh, “Thank you,” without needing to scowl, to stare him down so he knew not to ever try such a thing again.
“Tell me if I’m wrong,” he drawled softly, taking that first wooden step. “But I’ve got the feelin’ that back home, you’re somethin’ of a ball buster.”
Nesta tightened, her hackles raised. “Is that such a bad thing?”
“No, ma’am,” he chuckled. “It’s just…I’m thinkin’ that most of those men up there don’t know how to act right when it comes to you. And because they can’t make hide or hair of you, they treat you bad. Try and break you, make you small? So you’ve gotta be real tough, don’t you baby?”
Nesta swallowed. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said crisply, careful to enunciate every single syllable which she knew only proved his point. 
“That’s what I thought,” he said softly, taking her upstairs. Nesta didn’t want him to let her go. I was a strange thing, to be so seen. To be laid bare by this man she didn’t even know. 
“Don’t get mad at me for sayin’ this, but you remind me of Bryaxis—”
“Your horse?”
“He was mistreated too,” Cassian explained. “Screamed at, whipped…you name it, he endured it. But all he needed was a soft hand. A little patience. I figure you probably aren’t too different.”
“Where are you taking me?” 
Cassian had opened a bedroom door that absolutely belonged to him. The dark masculine reds and blacks of the bed were a dead giveaway, along with the half-full glass of water on a wood bedside table and a stack of books dog-eared haphazardly. A leather jacket was hung from a chair near the open closet door, and though it was dark, Nesta could see an adjoining bathroom at the far end of the room.
“Where, I think, you want to be tonight. Tell me if I’m wrong—I’ll put you somewhere else.”
“This is your room, Cassian.”
She could see he was trying not to smile. “Yes, ma’am.”
Tell him he’s stupid. Tell him he’s wrong. Demand he put you back in your own room and—
“Okay,” she whispered before she could talk herself out of it.
Relief all but crumpled over his features. He murmured something that sounded suspiciously like Thank the good lord, and set her atop his neatly made bedspread.
Nerves shocked through Nesta, rendering her silent for a moment. Cassian, for his part, seemed to have realized that he, too, had her in his bed and didn’t quite know what to make of that.
“I ah…why don’t I wash up the dishes and you can take a shower?”
“That sounds good, Cassian.”
It sounded better than good, and though Nesta swore she wasn’t going to say so, she called, “Unless you think I need help in the shower?”
Cassian froze. For all his bravado, it was obvious he’d never thought he’d get this far. Nesta crawled toward the end of his bed with exaggerated slowness, holding his stare. He took a slow breath, those eyes of his darkening to almost black.
“Is it safe for me alone in there?”
The knot in his throat bobbed. “I reckon it’s not, Miss Nesta—”
“Just Nesta,” she reminded him, rising up on her knees so she could touch the hard planes of his stomach. “Do you think you could call me that, Cassian?”
“I…” his voice trailed off when her fingers found his belt and tugged. 
“You know,” Nesta continued with far more bravado than she felt, “I don’t think I’ve properly thanked you for coming to my rescue today.”
“You..” he cleared his throat. “That’s not necessary. I—Nes—”
“That’s better,” she crooned, having undone the button of his jeans. A lump was forming—hard and thick and Nesta was desperate to see what the cowboy had hidden in those black pair of briefs. 
“Nes,” he tried again, his hands resting on her shoulder. He wasn’t stopping her, and given the way his fingers curled against her, she thought he was trying very, very hard to be a gentleman.
That wouldn’t do. 
“I’d be a poor guest if I didn’t thank you,” she said, slipping past the waistband of his underwear. Nesta gasped when she curled around him—or, tried to. As she pulled Cassian out, she realized she’d need to rethink her plan to thank him with her tongue. Cassian was enormous, both thick and long. Hardly a grower, given he was still stiffening in her curled hand.
Neither of them spoke for a moment, each waiting for the other to do something. Deciding he was erect enough, she pumped him. Her fingers just barely fit around his shaft, and even with two hands she couldn’t have fully covered him. Nesta certainly wasn’t going to be able to fit him all in her throat.
But god she wanted to try. 
He exhaled a breath when she stroked him again, earning a chuckle from Nesta. “Tell me how you like it,” she murmured, softening her grip. Nesta had to hope that the cowboy liked it rough, because she wanted him to fuck her within an inch of her life. 
“Nice and slow?” she tried, making a sweet pass over that large cock of his.
Cassian shook his head, his dark tresses, whispering against his broad shoulders. What was he like out of control? 
“What about this?” she tried, pumping him harder, squeezing tighter. He shook his head again, allowing her to make a third, rougher pass. Nesta twisted her wrist against his head, her nails grazing the sensitive vein trailing his now very erect cock jutting from between two powerful legs.
“That's what I thought,” Nesta murmured, looking up through dark lashes. “Just like me.”
Nesta silenced him by taking him into her mouth. She had to use her hand to make up the difference and she didn’t care. A soft, strangled noise escaped Cassian as his fingers plunged into her hair. 
This was what she needed. Nesta took him until she gagged, and then she took a little more, teeth grazing his sensitive skin, hand punishingly tight. Cassian moaned, tugging at her hair. Nesta sucked again, trying so hard to communicate that she could take it. He was holding back, practically shaking from the effort. 
Nesta took more of him, widening her jaw in order to accommodate the sheer size of him. That was all it took. Cassian made a rough, snarling sound, pushing her off him.
“You’re a lady,” he panted, reaching for the buttons of his shirt. 
“And in my house, ladies come first,” he continued, eyes flashing as he shrugged out of that shirt. Nesta swore softly at the sight of all that gleaming, corded muscle. Nesta had never seen someone so effortlessly toned, so big.
“I seem to recall something about eating out,” she said breathlessly, swallowing hard when Cassian prowled toward her.
“I haven’t forgotten, darlin’,” he promised, hovering over her with his unbuttoned jeans and a smile that made Nesta’s heart race. “But first, I think I’m owed a kiss.”
“Just one?” she asked as his lips ghosted over her own.
“Let’s start with one and go from there,” he said, sliding his hand around the back of her head. Nesta had only her ripped dress between them, which provided no protection against Cassian when he pressed the weight of his body against her. 
In another life, she might have kissed him nice and slow—teasing it out, exploring him thoroughly. Right then, though, Nesta thought she might explode if she didn’t have his mouth directly on her, his tongue stroking, thrusting, tasting. He was just as excited, grinding himself into her while she pulled at the strands of his hair.
He tasted like snow kissed wind, somehow. Like the crackling of a fire and a frosted window—like some memory she’d long forgotten. Nesta dug her nails down the back of his neck and against his shoulder blades until he bucked into her, wild and nearly unrestrained. Nesta could not remember the last time she’d wanted someone the way she wanted him.
“Off—get this—off,” Cassian panted between messy, hungry kisses. He was pawing at her dress, trying to figure out how to take it off. Nesta arched her back into his chest, earning matching moans from them both as she yanked down the zipper
Nesta would never know how she managed to get that dress off her body given Cassian never stopped his frantic kissing. Nor did she figure out how her bra joined her clothes on the floor. She only realized she was nearly naked when Cassian licked down the column of her neck before burying his face between her breasts.
“Fuck, Nes,” he breathed, both hands covering them entirely—no easy feat, given how large they were. Cassian massaged them, callused thumbs dragging over her aching nipples until Nesta was certain she was making a mess all over his bedding. 
His mouth latched around her and Nesta was lost, ripping at his hair as her body bowed off the bed.
“Responsive,” he teased, his tongue tracing around the sensitive bud. “I wonder…”
“Cass—” she gasped when his hand made its way between her legs. Nesta writhed when he began drawing circles on her clit, teasing touches that weren’t even close to what she needed, even as he switched between her breasts, sucking and licking. She could feel it all in her pussy, like every nerve in her body was intimately connected.
She could have come from that—for the first time in god knew how long. At least, without her own hand, without assistance from a toy. Nesta couldn’t recall the last time a man had pleased her so easily, so effortlessly.
Cassian pulled back, wild and impossibly sexy. Holding her gaze, he nipped his way down her body until he found the red pair of panties still clinging to her hips.
“Aw, for me?” he teased, kissing against the fabric. “Sweetheart, you’re soaked.”
Nesta pushed herself against his face, but Cassian was still licking against the lace. 
“I’ll bet you could come just like this. Couldn’t you?”
If he was doing it? Probably. Nesta merely whined, arching when he hooked his fingers into her underwear and peeled them off her.
He whistled softly. “You’re so fuckin’ pretty, baby. Do you know that? I feel sick at the sight of you.”
She didn’t have a chance to respond. Cassian’s tongue slid down the center of her, rendering speech impossible. Nesta reached for something to hold on to, and found his hair for purchase. Cassian groaned, the sound vibrating against her. Her thighs tightened around his face, earning another groan of pleasure. 
Cassian’s tongue was everything. She realized, after a lifetime of thinking she was just difficult to get off—too fussy, too particular, too exacting—that what she really needed was someone who knew what they were doing. Cassian had her spread apart, licking and sucking her clit with the sort of expert precision that told Nesta he liked what he was doing. 
She regretted not sucking him more. Nesta was going to come apart in record time and she knew she was going to beg him to do this again in a few hours. All weekend.
For fucking ever. 
Release was gathering on her spine, burning hotly through her blood until Nesta didn’t recognize the noises coming from her throat. Cassian, too, was rolling his hips into the mattress, trying to alleviate his own arousal. Nesta nearly stopped him, if only to have that long, thick length in her body.
As if he could hear her thoughts, Cassian pushed one of his fingers into her. Nesta tightened around him and Cassian swore at whatever he felt, though he didn’t stop. He fucked and sucked in time, working her like she was an instrument only he knew how to play. Nesta built up, up, up, until she was fucking his hand, rolling all over his face like a wild animal. 
Nesta broke apart with a scream she couldn’t control, bucking against him as she shattered into fractals of starlight. Cassian didn’t stop, riding her through wave after wave with clear, obvious excitement. It was only when pleasure became edged with pain that Nesta released the grip her thighs had around his face and Cassian came up for a deep breath of air.
“Fuck,” he said, his lips gleaming from her arousal. “Fuck, Nes—”
“Come here, come here,” she panted, scrabbling for his shoulders. Cassian obliged, kissing her frantically. His tongue was coated in the taste of her, pushed against her own. Nesta liked it, wanted more of him.
“Condom,” he breathed, finally shucking his jeans to trip over to his dresser. Nesta propped herself up on her elbows to watch, admiring his firm ass as he went. Cassian was quick about it, rolling the condom onto his cock with what she swore were shaking hands. His eyes shone, and if she didn’t know better, she would have sworn Cassian could not believe his good luck. 
“You sure?” he asked, hesitating at the end of the bed. Nesta nearly laughed, given she was spread out and still trembling from his mouth. Any other man would have jumped on her, would already be balls deep buried in her.
He was sweet, she decided.
She wanted to keep him, though she had no idea how. She’d figure it out later. “I’m sure.”
“Good,” he said with another heart stopping smile. “I don’t know what I would have done if you’d said no.”
“Sure you do,” she offered in what she hoped was a sultry voice. “You’d have gone into the bathroom and used your hand.”
“That was my plan to start,” he agreed, settling between the cradle of her thighs. “But this is much better. Have I said how pretty you are?”
“Once, at least.”
“Well.” He pushed himself an inch or so into her. Nesta gasped loudly. “You’re fuckin’ beautiful, darlin’.”
He’d punched all the air from her lungs. Nesta didn’t think she’d ever been stretched against anything half as large as Cassian. It was the sweetest pain that, with each shallow stroke inching him in deeper, became wholly pleasure. By the time Cassian had fully seated himself within her, a bead of sweat was trailing down his temple from the effort it took to go slow.
“Good,” she agreed, gripping the back of his neck for a kiss. “Cass?”
He hummed in response.
“I’m not fragile. You can fuck me, if you like.”
Cassian pulled himself out before snapping his hips so hard the headboard above them rattled. “Like that?” he grunted.
“Yes—yes, Cassian—”
He did it again, groaning loudly when she tightened involuntarily around him. This was Cassian unrestrained, his hair wild around his rugged, handsome face. His muscles bunched and shifted from the effort, held over her just enough that she could incline her had and watch his cock slide in and out of her body. 
He wasn’t finished, and Nesta already wanted to have him again. 
And again.
Cassian reached for her knees, bending them up by her shoulders to drive himself deeper. Nesta moaned, eyes rolling up into her head. The balls of her feet were pressed to his chest pushing him with each slide out, only for him to return with twice as much force. When she’d said she’d wanted it rough, well…this was exactly what she meant. 
“Nes, fuck—” he panted, eyes rolling up into his head as she came on his cock. Nesta arched hard, every muscle in her body going taut all at once. She clamped around him and Cassian came too, clearly unbidden and unprepared for the force of his own release. She wanted to drown herself in the noises he made, in the frantic thrusting of his body driving himself deeper on instinct. 
Cassian collapsed on top of her, dropping Nesta’s legs carelessly. She hissed when her bruised ankle hit the bed. 
“Sorry,” he whispered, lips against her jaw. “And I’m not, at the same time. Nesta, I…”
“I know,” she agreed, because she was certain they were thinking the same thing. Something else had happened between them, something they couldn’t so easily walk away from.
“We’ll figure it out,” he said, perhaps guessing those words were never going to come easy to Nesta. “I can hear you worryin’. Baby, you don’t have to worry about me.”
Nesta brushed her fingertips against the rough stubble of his face. “Promise?”
Cassian grinned. “I promise.”
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NEUTRAL LEANING MASC NAMES ⌇ abner.  abram.  adam.  adrian.  alex.  alistair.  andreas.  ariel.  arlen.  arley.  arlo.  ash.  atlas.  auden.  august.  austin.  avery.  bailey.  baron.  barrett.  baylor.  beauden.  bee.  bellamy.  bennett.  blair.  blaise.  bowen.  brayden.  brendan.  bronson.  bryce.  byron.  caius.  caleb.  callahan.  callan.  calloway.  callum.  camden.  cameron.  carlin.  carson.  casey.  cassian.  chandler.  chase.  cody.  cole.  connolly.  corban.  corwin.  cyrus.  dallas.  damion.  damon.  daniel.  darius.  davis.  dawson.  daylon.  denver.  desmond.  devin.  doran.  dorian.  drew.  elian.  elias.  ellery.  ellison.  emery.  ethan.  evan.  ezra.  fallen.  farren.  finley.  ford.  foster.  gabriel.  gannon.  garner.  gavin.  gentry.  graham.  greer.  griffin.  guthrie.  harley.  harlow.  hartley.  hayden.  henley.  henry.  heron.  hollis.  hunter.  ian.  irving.  isaiah.  jace.  james.  jameson.  jared.  jeremiah.  joel.  jonah.  joran.  jordan.  jory.  josiah.  jovian.  jude.  julian.  juno.  justus.  kalen.  kamden.  kay.  kayden.  keaton.  kellan.  keller.  kelly.  kendon.  kieran.  kit.  kylan.  landry.  lane.  lennon.  leslie.  levi.  leyton.  liam.  linden.  lowell.  luca.  madden.  marley.  marlow.  marshall.  martin.  mason.  mathias.  mercer.  merritt.  micah.  miles.  miller.  milo.  morgan.  morrie.  morrison.  nate.  nevin.  nick.  nicky.  nico.  nicolas.  noah.  noel.  nolan.  oren.  orion.  owen.  parker.  percy.  perrin.  peyton.  pierce.  porter.  preston.  quincy.  quinn.  reece.  reid.  reign.  rein.  remi.  remington.  renley.  riley.  river.  robin.  rollins.  ronan.  rory.  rowan.  russell.  ryan.  rylan.  sam.  samuel.  sawyer.  saylor.  seth.  shiloh.  soren.  spencer.  stellan.  sterling.  talon.  taylor.  thaddeus.  thane.  theo.  toni.  tracy.  tristan.  tyrus.  valor.  warner.  wells.  wesley.  whitten.  william.  willis.  wylie. 
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NEUTRAL LEANING FEM NAMES ⌇ abigaël.  abilene.  addison.  adrian.  ainsley.  alexis.  and.  andrea.  arden.  aria.  ashley.  aspen.  aubrey.  autumn.  avery.  avian.  ayla.  bailey.  beryl.  blair.  blaire.  blake.  briar.  brooklyn.  brooks.  bryce.  cameron.  camille.  casey.  celeste.  channing.  charlie.  chase.  collins.  cordelia.  courtney.  daisy.  dakota.  dana.  darby.  darcy.  delaney.  delilah.  devin.  dylan.  eden.  eisley.  elia.  ellerie.  ellery.  ellie.  elliot.  elliott.  ellis.  ellory.  ember.  emelin.  emerson.  emery.  evelyn.  ezra.  fallon.  finley.  fiore.  florence.  floris.  frances.  greer.  gwenaël.  hadley.  harley.  harper.  haven.  hayden.  heike.  hollis.  hunter.  ivy.  jade.  jamie.  jocelyn.  jordan.  jude.  juno.  kelly.  kelsey.  kendall.  kennedy.  koda.  kyrie.  lacey.  lane.  leighton.  lennon.  lennox.  lesley.  leslie.  lilian.  lindsay.  loden.  logan.  lou.  lyric.  madison.  mallory.  marinell.  marley.  mckenzie.  melody.  mercede.  meredith.  mio.  misha.  monroe.  montana.  morgan.  nico.  nova.  oakley.  olympia.  owen.  page.  palmer.  parker.  pat.  paulie.  perri.  petyon.  peyton.  phoenix.  piper.  priscilla.  quinn.  raven.  ray.  reagan.  reece.  reese.  remi.  remy.  riley.  rio.  river.  robin.  rory.  rosario.  rowan.  ryan.  rylie.  sacha.  sage.  sam.  sammy.  santana.  sasha.  sawyer.  saylor.  severin.  shannon.  shelby.  shiloh.  skye.  skylar.  sloane.  sol.  soleil.  sterling.  stevie.  sutton.  swan.  swann.  sydney.  tatum.  taylo.  taylor.  tracey.  valentine.  vanya.  vivendel.  vivian.  vivien.  wren.  wynn.  yael.
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1K notes · View notes
velidewrites · 2 years
Your writing is amazing and I’m literally taking notes every time I read your work lol. I’ve been looking but do you have any Nessian or Nesta one-shots???
Thank you so much!! I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you like my writing 🥹 I haven't written a lot of Nessian, but you can find some of my drabbles here and here.
There are so many incredible Nessian works out there, so I made a small recs list of some of my favourites below!!
I See You by @iambutmortal is a Nessian Medusa AU that is so insanely hot I find myself thinking about it all the time. She also writes incredible Feysand and Elucien!!
Anything @separatist-apologist writes is pure excellence but her Montana!Cassian, Cowboy Like Me, is in my humble opinion one of the BEST Nessian fics out there. It has everything: hilarious banter, sexy smut and Cassian on a horse. It really doesn't get any better than this.
I have also recently started reading the masterpiece that is Viciousness & Intelligence by @thesistersarcheron and LET ME TELL YOU. The way this fic is making me insane. Nesta x Cassian x Azriel should've been canon, that's all I'm saying.
No one does Nessian like @moodymelanist, and Where The Light Won't Find You has got to be my favourite fic of hers, but they're all so insanely good make sure you check out her masterlist here if you haven't already!
@vulpes-fennec has just started an INCREDIBLE Circus AU, Prythian's Fantasia, and Nessian is one of the featured pairings. The first chapter is already out and I promise you you're in for a TREAT.
@headcanonheadcase, apart from being a sexy Gwynriel writer, also writes VERY sexy Nessian, and I have it on good authority she's currently working on an amazing Hockey AU (and if you like Gwynriel, make sure to check out The Bargain!!)
@fieldofdaisiies writes my FAVOURITE x Reader fics (have you read her Vampire!Elucien?? It single-handedly rewired my brain, I’m just saying), and you can find her Cassian and Nessian works here!!
Like I said - there are so many incredible Nessian fics out there, and I DEFINITELY forgot tons of them, but I'm working on a massive fic recs list so keep an eye out for more soon!! This fandom has so many talented people, we are truly blessed.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 8.5
Almond Day (French Republic)
Blogger Day
Bogotá's Carnival begins (Colombia)
Burnol Day (India)
Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Day
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
Financial Investigation Authorities Foundation Anniversary Day (Belarus)
40 Day
Genes For Jeans Day (Australia)
Health Care for the Homeless Day
Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Croatia)
International Huemul Day
International Suspenders Day
International Traffic Light Day
Islamic Human Rights Day (Iran)
La Vella Festival (Andorra)
Lyrical Republic Day
Mann Gulch Fire Anniversary Day (Montana)
Maze Runner Day
National Aerial Tramway Day
National Be Naked Day (UK)
National Blackmail Day
National Children’s Day (Tuvalu)
National Dash Cam Day (UK)
National Failures Day
National Health Day (Brazil)
National Underwear Day
National Youth and Children’s Day (Kiribati)
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Day
Nuestra Señora de África (Ceuta, Spain)
Return of the Queen (Johnny English)
Small Press Day (UK)
Tutti Frutti Hat Day
Umuganura (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda)
Victory Day (Croatia)
Work Like a Dog Day
World Ant Day
World Tomistoma Day
World War One Anniversary Day (UK)
Food & Drink Celebrations
805 Day
Green Peppers Day
International Petite Syrah Day
National Couscous Day
National Oyster Day
National RoosTart Day
National Waffle Day
Independence & Related Days
Burkina Faso (from France, 1960)
Constitution Day (Iran)
Constitution Day Holiday (Cook Islands)
1st Monday in August
Assistance Dog Day [Monday of 1st Full Week]
August Bank Holiday (Australia, Ireland)  [1st Monday]
August Monday (Caribbean, Montserrat) [1st Monday]
British Columbia Day (a.k.a. BC Day; Canada) [1st Monday]
Carnival Monday (Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Saba) [1st Monday]
Civic Holiday (Canada) [1st Monday]
Colorado Day [1st Monday]
Culturama (Saint Kitts and Nevis) [1st Monday]
Emancipation Monday (Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada) [1st Monday]
Exchange Day [1st Monday]
Farmers’ Day (Zambia) [1st Monday]
Frídagur Verslunarmanna (a.k.a. Commerce Day; Iceland) [1st Monday]
Heritage Day (Alberta, Ontario) [1st Monday]
Kadooment Day (Barbados) [1st Monday]
Kool-Aid Days begin (Hastings, Nebraska) [3 days from 1st Friday]
Labor Day (Samoa) [1st Monday]
La Saoire i mi Lunasa (Ireland) [1st Monday]
National Hobo Convention begins (Britt, Iowa) [Starts Monday before 2nd Sunday]
Nut Monday [1st Monday]
Picnic Day (Australia) [1st Monday]
Shop and Office Workers' Holiday (Iceland) [1st Monday]
Simcoe Day (a.k.a. Civic Holiday; Canada) [1st Monday]
Summer Bank Holiday (Alderney, Guernsey, Scotland, UK) [1st Monday]
Terry Fox Day (Manitoba, Canada) [1st Monday]
World Commerce Day [1st Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 5 (1st Full Week of August)
National Bargain Hunting Week (thru 8.9) [1st Monday thru Sunday]
National Psychic Week (thru 8.9) [1st Monday to Friday Week]
Stroke Week (Australia) [1st Full Week]
Festivals Beginning August 5, 2024
Butler Farm Show (Butler, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.10]
Here's The Beef Festival (Pulaski, Tennessee) [thru 8.10]
Summer Contrast Festival (Rogalinek, Poland) [thru 8.12]
Feast Days
Abel of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Addai (Christian; Saint)
Afra and Companions (Christian; Virgin Martyrs)
Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, and Lucas Cranach the Elder (Episcopal Church (USA))
Barsi Bhagat Puran Singh (Sikhism)
Cassian of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Clipping the Church Day (Yorkshire, UK)
Cuckoo (Muppetism)
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major (Catholic Church)
Dumuzi’s Day (Pagan)
Enola Gay Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Emygdius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Our Lady of the Snows (Roman Catholic)
Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major (Christian)
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
George Tooker (Artology)
Guy de Maupassant (Writerism)
Ilya Repin (Artology)
I. Rice Pereira (Artology)
Louis Wain (Artology)
Lucretia Borgia Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mari (Christian; Saint)
Memmius (a.k.a. Menge; Christian; Saint)
Naum Gabo (Artology)
Nonna (Christian; Saint)
Ormisdas, Pope (Christian; Confessor) [Bamberg]
Oswald of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Africa Day (Ceuta)
Oyster Season begins (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Pixie-of-the-Year Competition (Shamanism)
Putanesca Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Sacrifice to Salus (Ancient Roman Goddess of Health)
Sixtus II, Pope (Christian; Saint) [Paris]
Tango (Muppetism)
Tasso (Positivist; Saint)
The 3 Keys to Unlocking Thoughts: Drunkenness, Love & Trustfulness (Celtic Book of Days)
Tom Thomson (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the yellow car was invented.)
The Alcoholics, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
American Bandstand (TV Music Series; 1957)
Black Cauldron, by Lloyd Alexander [Chronicles of Prydain #2]
Bullet Train (Film; 2022)
Clear and Present Danger (Film; 1994)
The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell (Self-Help Book; 1930)
Crimes of Passion, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1980)
The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Eleanor Rugby, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Golden Yeggs (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Honey Harvester (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
The Killer Inside Me, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1952)
A Lad in Bagdad (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
The Long Goodbye, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1953)
Luck (Animated Film; 2022)
The Magic Fish, by Freya Littledale (Children’s Book; 1967)
Never on Thirsty (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1970)
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1967)
Prey (Film; 2022) [Predator #5]
Punch the Clock, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1983)
Revolver, by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Film; 2011)
Risky Business (Film; 1983)
Rudy Valley Melodies (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Running Up That Hill, by Kate Bush (Song; 1985)
Savage Night, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Shaun the Sheep Movie (Animated Film; 2015)
Shout, recorded by The Isley Brothers (Song; 1959)
Suicide Squad (Film; 2016)
To Catch a Thief (Film; 1955)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Improve TV Series; 1998)
Wise Quacks (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Dominika, Oswald (Austria)
Marija, Nives, Osvald, Snježana (Croatia)
Kristián (Czech Republic)
Osvaldus (Denmark)
Salme, Salmi (Estonia)
Salme, Sanelma (Finland)
Abel (France)
Maria, Oswald (Germany)
Nona, Nonna (Greece)
Krisztina (Hungary)
Osvaldo, Vincenzo (Italy)
Arvils, Osvalda, Osvalds (Latvia)
Mintarė, Nona, Osvaldas, Rimtas (Lithuania)
Oskar, Osvald (Norway)
Cyriak, Emil, Karolin, Maria, Nonna, Oswald, Oswalda, Stanisława (Poland)
Hortenzia (Slovakia)
África, Nieves (Spain)
Alrik, Ulrik (Sweden)
Aphra, Areta, Aretha, Naomi, Neomi, Noami, Noemi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 218 of 2024; 148 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 32 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 2 (Xin-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 1 Av 5784
Islamic: 29 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 8 Purple; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 July 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 21 Dante (8th Month) [Tasso]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 47 of 94)
Week: 1st Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 15 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Av (a.k.a. ʼĀḇ or Ab) [אָב] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 5 of 12]
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forever-eternal · 1 year
Family Ties AU Human Names
Gov = Adam Jones
Exec = Robin “Ro” Jones
IDC = Abigail “Abby” Jones
DC = Daniel Jones
USDA = Elizabeth “Liz” Jones
DOC = Mary Jones
DOD = Robert Jones
ED = Rebecca Jones
DOE = Christopher Jones
DHHS = Barbara Jones
DHS = Zachary “Zach” Jones
HUD = Mark Jones
DOI = Emma Jones
DOJ = Jack Jones
DOL = Jason Jones
DOS = Gideon Jones
Treasury = Oliver Jones
DOT = Timothy “Tim” Jones
VA = Matthew “Matt” Jones
Alabama = Lucas Jones
Alaska = Ivan Jones
Arizona = Eric Jones
Arkansas = Theodore “Theo” Jones
California = Brooklyn “Brooke” Jones
Colorado = Joshua Jones
Connecticut = Henry Jones
Delaware = David Jones
Florida = Ian Jones
Georgia = John Jones
Hawaii = Mikala Kameāloha
Idaho = Noah Jones
Illinois = Walter Jones
Indiana = August Jones
Iowa = Caleb Jones
Kansas = Evan Jones
Kentucky = Elias “Eli” Jones
Louisiana = Gustave “Gus” Jones
Maine = Jackson Jones
Maryland = James Jones
Massachusetts = Edward Jones
Michigan = Samuel “Sam” Jones
Minnesota = Jasper Jones
Mississippi = Rylee Jones
Missouri = Owen Jones
Montana = Felix Jones
Nebraska = Maxwell “Max” Jones
Nevada = Cassian “Cassie” Jones
New Hampshire = William Jones
New Jersey = Jacob Jones
New Mexico = Camilo Jones
New York = Thomas Jones
North Carolina = Anthony Jones
North Dakota = Andrew Jones
Ohio = Arthur Jones
Oklahoma = Eugene Jones
Oregon = Miles Jones
Pennsylvania = Patrick “Pat” Jones
Rhode Island = Stephen Jones
South Carolina = Benedict Jones
South Dakota = Aiden Jones
Tennessee = Richard “Rickie” Jones
Texas = Gabriel Jones
Utah = Micah Jones
Vermont = Isaac Jones
Virginia = Laurence “Lauri” Jones
Washington = Sebastian Jones
West Virginia = Boe Jones
Wisconsin = Chester Jones
Wyoming = Dexter Jones
Puerto Rico = Mateo Rivera
Guam = Amaisa Acfalle
Northern Mariana Island = Arwen Camacho
Virgin Islands = Addison Williams
American Samoa = Tavita Faumuina
5 notes · View notes
brookston · 2 months
Holidays 8.5
Almond Day (French Republic)
Blogger Day
Bogotá's Carnival begins (Colombia)
Burnol Day (India)
Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Day
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
Financial Investigation Authorities Foundation Anniversary Day (Belarus)
40 Day
Genes For Jeans Day (Australia)
Health Care for the Homeless Day
Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Croatia)
International Huemul Day
International Suspenders Day
International Traffic Light Day
Islamic Human Rights Day (Iran)
La Vella Festival (Andorra)
Lyrical Republic Day
Mann Gulch Fire Anniversary Day (Montana)
Maze Runner Day
National Aerial Tramway Day
National Be Naked Day (UK)
National Blackmail Day
National Children’s Day (Tuvalu)
National Dash Cam Day (UK)
National Failures Day
National Health Day (Brazil)
National Underwear Day
National Youth and Children’s Day (Kiribati)
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Day
Nuestra Señora de África (Ceuta, Spain)
Return of the Queen (Johnny English)
Small Press Day (UK)
Tutti Frutti Hat Day
Umuganura (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda)
Victory Day (Croatia)
Work Like a Dog Day
World Ant Day
World Tomistoma Day
World War One Anniversary Day (UK)
Food & Drink Celebrations
805 Day
Green Peppers Day
International Petite Syrah Day
National Couscous Day
National Oyster Day
National RoosTart Day
National Waffle Day
Independence & Related Days
Burkina Faso (from France, 1960)
Constitution Day (Iran)
Constitution Day Holiday (Cook Islands)
1st Monday in August
Assistance Dog Day [Monday of 1st Full Week]
August Bank Holiday (Australia, Ireland)  [1st Monday]
August Monday (Caribbean, Montserrat) [1st Monday]
British Columbia Day (a.k.a. BC Day; Canada) [1st Monday]
Carnival Monday (Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Saba) [1st Monday]
Civic Holiday (Canada) [1st Monday]
Colorado Day [1st Monday]
Culturama (Saint Kitts and Nevis) [1st Monday]
Emancipation Monday (Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada) [1st Monday]
Exchange Day [1st Monday]
Farmers’ Day (Zambia) [1st Monday]
Frídagur Verslunarmanna (a.k.a. Commerce Day; Iceland) [1st Monday]
Heritage Day (Alberta, Ontario) [1st Monday]
Kadooment Day (Barbados) [1st Monday]
Kool-Aid Days begin (Hastings, Nebraska) [3 days from 1st Friday]
Labor Day (Samoa) [1st Monday]
La Saoire i mi Lunasa (Ireland) [1st Monday]
National Hobo Convention begins (Britt, Iowa) [Starts Monday before 2nd Sunday]
Nut Monday [1st Monday]
Picnic Day (Australia) [1st Monday]
Shop and Office Workers' Holiday (Iceland) [1st Monday]
Simcoe Day (a.k.a. Civic Holiday; Canada) [1st Monday]
Summer Bank Holiday (Alderney, Guernsey, Scotland, UK) [1st Monday]
Terry Fox Day (Manitoba, Canada) [1st Monday]
World Commerce Day [1st Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 5 (1st Full Week of August)
National Bargain Hunting Week (thru 8.9) [1st Monday thru Sunday]
National Psychic Week (thru 8.9) [1st Monday to Friday Week]
Stroke Week (Australia) [1st Full Week]
Festivals Beginning August 5, 2024
Butler Farm Show (Butler, Pennsylvania) [thru 8.10]
Here's The Beef Festival (Pulaski, Tennessee) [thru 8.10]
Summer Contrast Festival (Rogalinek, Poland) [thru 8.12]
Feast Days
Abel of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Addai (Christian; Saint)
Afra and Companions (Christian; Virgin Martyrs)
Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, and Lucas Cranach the Elder (Episcopal Church (USA))
Barsi Bhagat Puran Singh (Sikhism)
Cassian of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Clipping the Church Day (Yorkshire, UK)
Cuckoo (Muppetism)
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major (Catholic Church)
Dumuzi’s Day (Pagan)
Enola Gay Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Emygdius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Our Lady of the Snows (Roman Catholic)
Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major (Christian)
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
George Tooker (Artology)
Guy de Maupassant (Writerism)
Ilya Repin (Artology)
I. Rice Pereira (Artology)
Louis Wain (Artology)
Lucretia Borgia Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mari (Christian; Saint)
Memmius (a.k.a. Menge; Christian; Saint)
Naum Gabo (Artology)
Nonna (Christian; Saint)
Ormisdas, Pope (Christian; Confessor) [Bamberg]
Oswald of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Africa Day (Ceuta)
Oyster Season begins (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Pixie-of-the-Year Competition (Shamanism)
Putanesca Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Sacrifice to Salus (Ancient Roman Goddess of Health)
Sixtus II, Pope (Christian; Saint) [Paris]
Tango (Muppetism)
Tasso (Positivist; Saint)
The 3 Keys to Unlocking Thoughts: Drunkenness, Love & Trustfulness (Celtic Book of Days)
Tom Thomson (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the yellow car was invented.)
The Alcoholics, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
American Bandstand (TV Music Series; 1957)
Black Cauldron, by Lloyd Alexander [Chronicles of Prydain #2]
Bullet Train (Film; 2022)
Clear and Present Danger (Film; 1994)
The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell (Self-Help Book; 1930)
Crimes of Passion, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1980)
The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Eleanor Rugby, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Golden Yeggs (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Honey Harvester (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
The Killer Inside Me, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1952)
A Lad in Bagdad (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
The Long Goodbye, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1953)
Luck (Animated Film; 2022)
The Magic Fish, by Freya Littledale (Children’s Book; 1967)
Never on Thirsty (Tijuana Toads Cartoon; 1970)
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1967)
Prey (Film; 2022) [Predator #5]
Punch the Clock, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1983)
Revolver, by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Film; 2011)
Risky Business (Film; 1983)
Rudy Valley Melodies (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Running Up That Hill, by Kate Bush (Song; 1985)
Savage Night, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Shaun the Sheep Movie (Animated Film; 2015)
Shout, recorded by The Isley Brothers (Song; 1959)
Suicide Squad (Film; 2016)
To Catch a Thief (Film; 1955)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Improve TV Series; 1998)
Wise Quacks (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Dominika, Oswald (Austria)
Marija, Nives, Osvald, Snježana (Croatia)
Kristián (Czech Republic)
Osvaldus (Denmark)
Salme, Salmi (Estonia)
Salme, Sanelma (Finland)
Abel (France)
Maria, Oswald (Germany)
Nona, Nonna (Greece)
Krisztina (Hungary)
Osvaldo, Vincenzo (Italy)
Arvils, Osvalda, Osvalds (Latvia)
Mintarė, Nona, Osvaldas, Rimtas (Lithuania)
Oskar, Osvald (Norway)
Cyriak, Emil, Karolin, Maria, Nonna, Oswald, Oswalda, Stanisława (Poland)
Hortenzia (Slovakia)
África, Nieves (Spain)
Alrik, Ulrik (Sweden)
Aphra, Areta, Aretha, Naomi, Neomi, Noami, Noemi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 218 of 2024; 148 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 32 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 2 (Xin-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 1 Av 5784
Islamic: 29 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 8 Purple; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 July 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 21 Dante (8th Month) [Tasso]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 47 of 94)
Week: 1st Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 15 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Av (a.k.a. ʼĀḇ or Ab) [אָב] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 5 of 12]
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fockingstedebonnet · 7 years
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Beautiful and extremely talented Latino and Latino-American actors. Because let’s be real here, Latino men don’t get nearly as much love, representation, nor opportunities in films and TV as they deserve. Give Latino men more leading roles, dammit. Consider this a long overdo appreciation post. Happy Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month 2020! [PART ONE] • Diego Luna (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, The Book of Life) • Gael García Bernal (Mozart in the Jungle, Coco) • Manny Montana (Graceland, Conviction, Rosewood, Good Girls) • Alfonso Herrera (Sense8, The Exorcist (TV Series)) • Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton: An American Musical, Mary Poppins Returns) • Jay Hernandez (Suicide Squad, Bad Moms) • Diego Boneta (Scream Queens, Pretty Little Liars, Before I Fall) • Oscar Isaac (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker) • Gabriel Luna (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Terminator: Dark Fate, Transpecos, Wicked City) • Manuel Garcia-Rulfo (The Magnificent Seven, Murder on the Orient Express)
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shallyne · 2 years
Acotar Characters and kids shows
Let's begin with *drumroll*
Cassian: Hannah Montana. For the music obviously, YOU GOT BEST OF BOTH WOOOOR-
Feyre: I don't know, something like iCarly and Zoey101 and Drake and Josh and when she grows up it turns into Gilmore Girls and stuff like that and Winx Club and Art Attack
Mor: hmmm, Gravity Falls. Idk, just a vibe and Winx Club
Azriel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Rhys: Power Rangers and Spongebob
Nesta: due to ACOSF I would say my little pony and Powerpuff girls
Elain: Bear in the big blue house and Sabrina the teenage witch
Amren: Happy Tree Friends (Iykyk)
Nyx: Blues Clues
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chiltonluvr · 5 years
Requests List
Hi! These are my official updated Requests list of characters I will write for! If they're not on the list, you can always send me a PM asking!
I write on the side and I'm sorry if it takes me a bit to get to the requests but I am always thankful for your patience and support!
Last Updated 8/9/2020
Fandoms I will write for:
- American Horror Story
- Dracula (2020)
- Good Omens
- Harry Potter
- Hannibal
- Hotel Artemis
- I am Not Okay With This
- It Chapter Two
- Knives Out
- Marvel
- Nos4a2
- Once Upon a Time
- Star Wars
- Stranger Things
- Supernatural
- The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
- The Flash
- The Witcher
- Umbrella Academy
-American Horror Story
- Dr. Oliver Thredson
- Lana Winters
- Kit Walker
- Cordelia Goode
- Fiona Goode
- Marie Laveau
- Madison Montgomery
- Misty Day
- Spalding
-Zoe Benson
•Freak Show
- Dandy Mott
- Edward Mordrake
- Elsa Mars
- Jimmy Darling
- Maggie Esmeralda
- Elizabeth Johnson
- James Patrick March
- Liz Taylor (only platonic)
- Sally McKenna
- Ally Mayfair-Richards
- Kai Anderson
- Winter Anderson
• Apocalypse
-John Henry Moore
- Mallory
- Michael Langdon
- Mr. Gallant
- Wilhemina Venable
- Brook Thompson
- Montana Duke
- Xavier Plympton
Dracula (2020)
- Abramoff
- Dracula
- Dr. Sharma
Good Omens
- Anathema Device
- Aziraphale
- Beezlebub
- Crowley
- Gabriel
Hannibal (NBC)
- Frederick Chilton
- Freddie Lounds
- Hannibal Lecter
- Margot Verger
- Mason Verger
- Will Graham
Harry Potter
- Barty Crouch Jr.
- Draco Malfoy
- Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger
- Lucius Malfoy
- Luna Lovegood
- Narcissa Malfoy
- Remus Lupin
- Severus Snape
- Sirius Black
•Fantastic Beasts
- Albus Dumbledore
- Newt Scamander
- Percival Graves
Hotel Artemis
- Acapulco
- Crosby Franklin
- Orian Franklin
I am Not Okay With This
- Sydney Novak
- Stanley Barber
It Chapter Two
- Beverly Marsh
-Bill Denbrough
- Richie Tozier
- Stanley Uris
Knives Out
- Marta Cabrera
- Meg Thrombey
- Ransom Drysdale
-Alexei Shostakov
- Bucky Barnes
- Carol Danvers
- Eddie Brock
- En Dwi Gast (The Grandmaster)
- Hemidall
- Loki Laufeyson
- Maria Hill
- Natasha Romanoff
- Peter Quill
- Quentin Beck
- Sam Wilson
- Stephen Strange
- Steve Rodgers
- Taneleer Tivan (The Collector)
- T'Challa
- Thor Odinson
- Tony Stark
- Ulysses Klaue
- Wade Wilson
- Yon-Rogg
- Charlie Manx
- Maggie Leigh
- Vic McQueen
Once Upon a Time
- Archie Hopper
- August Book
- Jefferson
- Killian Jones
- Mr. Gold
- Regina Mills
- Ruby
- Victor Frankenstien
Star Wars
- Anakin Skywalker
- Armitage Hux
- Poe Dameron
- Cassian Andor
- DJ
- Din Djarin
- Dryden Vos
- Han Solo
- Kylo Ren
- Lando Calrissian
- Luke Skywalker
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Padme Amidala
- Phasma
- Rey
Stranger Things
- Alexei Smirnoff
- Billy Hargrove
- Jim Hopper
- Murray Bauman
- Steve Harrington
- Robin Buckley
- Arthur Ketch
- Asmodeus
- Castiel
- Chuck Shurley
- Crowley
- Dean Winchester
- John Winchester
- Sam Winchester
- Rowena McLeod
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
- Ambrose Spellman
- Dorian Gray
- Lucifer
- Nicholas Scratch
- Prudence Blackwood
- Sabrina Spellman
- Zelda Spellman
The Flash
- Cisco Ramon
- Harrison Wells
- Julian Albert
The Witcher
- Geralt
- Renfri
- Yennefer
Umbrella Academy
- Allison Hargreeves
- Diego Hargreeves
- Klaus Hargreeves
- Lila Pitts
- Reginald Hargreeves
- The Handler
- Vanya Hargreeves
Other characters not in the named fandoms:
- Arthur Fleck/Joker
- Beetlejuice
- Blaine Debeers
- Charles Blackwood
- Clyde Logan
- Dayton White
- Diaval
- Erik Destler
- Flip Zimmerman
- Hellboy
- Jack Hodgins
- Jim Moriarty
- John Doolittle (2020)
- Llewyn Davis
- Lucifer Morningstar
- Nathan Bateman
- Ravi Chakrabarti
- Roman Godfrey
Things I will not write for:
- Pregnancy
- Certain age gaps
- Child!reader
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thoseindarkness · 5 years
Mistrust Goes Both Ways, Ch 6
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In which there are lots of conversations. Some of them are cold. Some of them are hot. One of them includes shouting. One takes place in a tub. Very special thanks to https://proporgo.tumblr.com/ for the artwork!
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Jyn stomped back up the stairs from her room, dressed and ready to go. She had every intention of telling Cassian to go to hell, taking Finn and getting the fuck out Montana. Poe could come too if he liked. When she reached the second floor, she thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to take one last look at the mountains before she left.
She slowed, edging closer to the wall of glass and the terrace beyond it. It had been a long time since she'd gotten to see anything quite so beautiful. The cold was bracing on the snow dusted balcony. The smell of pine wafted on the frigid breeze and conifers stretched out for miles in every direction, sloping steadily downward from her vantage point and rising up the mountain behind the house.
The terrace led to a balcony that wrapped around the house and she dipped around the corner so as not to be immediately visible from the second floor. She needed a few minutes away from the madness inside.
Everything was going wrong. For fourteen years she'd managed never to get caught. Her months in Wobani had been a special hell. She never imagined anything could be worse, but walking out of prison, imagining she would find freedom only to be told her father might be alive… that was worse. Jyn had taken to believing he was dead. It was easier not to think of him then. Sending that message had shaken things loose inside her. Old memories and older fears. Now, as the hours ticked by, she wasn't sure which she wanted more, for the message to remain unanswered or for a response.
"Pretty out here, isn't it?"
Jyn spun at the sound of Cassian's voice. "I'm not going to check now, so if you're here to—"
"I came to apologize," Cassian said. He stood on the far end of the balcony, staring down the mountain. "I grew up in a place that was overcrowded, dirty, busy. All I wanted was quiet. That's why I love it out here, there's no one around for miles."
"Is that a threat?"
Cassian sagged. "No. Just a shitty attempt at breaking the ice. Look, I'm sorry. I've been tense because this mission is important to me. I've pushed you too hard, too often these last few days. That's my fault. It won't happen anymore. You have my word."
Jyn considered him for a moment as he stared out into the void. "You're really stressed out and it's stressing the rest of us out."
Cassian chuckled. It was a mirthless sound. "You would be too if you knew."
"Then tell me." Jyn moved closer to him. "You haven't really told me anything. Only that you're looking for my father. Why?"
He sighed. She could see him retreating from the conversation.
"Trust goes both ways," she said, quietly.
Keep reading on AO3.
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separatist-apologist · 11 months
I see I missed the party where we all tell you our favorite MB Cinematic Universe fics, and I'm very sad to have missed it because if I have the opportunity to sing the praises of Montana Cassian, I'm going to do it. I'm still obsessed with him. Still think about him daily. He was so hot and so sweet with the kittens. 12/10
I was WAITING for someone to mention him 🥺. Best Cassian
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dear-indies · 5 years
Can I get some suggestions for Cassian Andor from Rogue One? I'm using Diego Luna, as he's the actor who portrayed him, but I was reading that banned fc list you've linked and I don't feel comfortable anymore now that I know. Thank you :)
Kurt Caceres (1972) Mexican / German, English, Irish.
Aarón Díaz (1982) Mexican / Irish.
Peter Gadiot (1986) Mexican / Dutch.
Other suggestions:
Pablo Montero (1974) Mexican.
Nicholas Gonzalez (1976) Mexican.
Raúl Castillo (1977) Mexican.
José María Torre (1977) Mexican.
Tito Joe Jackson (1978) Mexican / African-American.
Jay Hernandez (1978) Mexican.
Jeremy Ray Valdez (1980) Mexican / Navajo.
Luis Gerardo Mendez (1982) Mexican.
Jesse Garcia (1982) Mexican, Spanish.
Gabriel Luna (1982) Mexican.
Alfonso Herrera (1983) Mexican.
Manny Montana (1983) Mexican [Aztec, Spanish, Irish].
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican.
Michael Trevino (1985) Mexican.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican, Filipino. 
I’ve answered this before here but here are some more suggestions! -C
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lin-bi-fong · 5 years
Inner circle as year book quotes
Rhysand : I learned to say here when teacher hesitates while taking attendance.
Cassian : RIP club penguin you raised me when my parents didn't want to
Azriel: when I die I want people I did group projects with lower mo to the ground so they can let me down one last time
Mor: of course I dress well I didn't spend all that time in closet for nothing.
Amren : Hannah montana said nobody's perfect, But here I am
Feyre: I used to be jealous of Harry Potter for being able to talk to snakes but turns out I've been doing it for years.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 8.5
Almond Day (French Republic)
Blogger Day
Bogotá's Carnival begins (Colombia)
Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Day
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
Food Day (Canada)
40 Day
Genes For Jeans Day (Australia)
Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Croatia)
International Huemul Day
International Traffic Light Day
La Vella Festival (Andorra)
Mann Gulch Fire Anniversary Day (Montana)
National Aerial Tramway Day
National Be Naked Day (UK)
National Blackmail Day
National Failures Day
National Health Day (Brazil)
National Underwear Day
National Youth and Children’s Day (Kiribati)
Nuestra Señora de África (Ceuta, Spain)
Return of the Queen (Johnny English)
Small Press Day (UK)
Tutti Frutti Hat Day
Umuganura (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda)
Victory Day (Croatia)
Work Like a Dog Day
World Ant Day
World Tomistoma Day
World War One Anniversary Day (UK)
Food & Drink Celebrations
805 Day
Green Peppers Day
National Couscous Day
National Oyster Day
National RoosTart Day
National Waffle Day
1st Saturday in August
Campfire Day & Night [1st Saturday]
Caribana (Toronto, Canada) [Begins 1st Saturday]
Festival of Nations (Red Lodge, Montana) [1st Saturday]
Home Fermentation Day [1st Saturday]
International Alopecia Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
International Blues Music Day [1st Saturday]
International Hangover Day [1st Saturday]
Mead Day [1st Saturday]
Mustard Day [1st Saturday]
National Clown Day [1st Saturday]
National Czech Festival (Nebraska) [Starts 1st Saturday]
National Disc Golf Day [1st Saturday]
National Jamaican Patty Day [1st Saturday]
National Mustard Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day [1st Saturday]
National Riddle Day [1st Saturday]
National Summit Day [1st Saturday]
National Sunflower Day [1st Saturday]
National VFR Day [1st Saturday]
Railway Workers’ Day (Russia) [1st Saturday]
Sandcastle Day [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Taxpayer Appreciation Day [1st Saturday]
Independence Days
Burkina Faso (from France, 1960)
Feast Days
Abel of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Addai (Christian; Saint)
Afra and companions (Christian; Virgin Martyrs)
Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, and Lucas Cranach the Elder (Episcopal Church (USA))
Barsi Bhagat Puran Singh (Sikhism)
Cassian of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Clipping the Church Day (Yorkshire, UK)
Cuckoo (Muppetism)
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major (Catholic Church)
Dumuzi’s Day (Pagan)
Enola Gay Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Emygdius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Our Lady of the Snows (Roman Catholic)
George Tooker (Artology)
Ilya Repin (Artology)
I. Rice Pereira (Artology)
Lucretia Borgia Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Memmius (a.k.a. Menge; Christian; Saint)
Ormisdas, Pope (Christian; Confessor) [Bamberg]
Oswald of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Putanesca Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Sacrifice to Salus (Ancient Roman Goddess of Health)
Sixtus II, Pope (Christian; Saint) [Paris]
Tango (Muppetism)
Tasso (Positivist; Saint)
Tom Thomson (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the yellow car was invented.)
The Alcoholics, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
American Bandstand (TV Music Series; 1957)
Bullet Train (Film; 2022)
Clear and Present Danger (Film; 1994)
The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell (Self-Help Book; 1930)
Crimes of Passion, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1980)
The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Eleanor Rugby, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Golden Yeggs (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Honey Harvester (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
The Killer Inside Me, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1952)
The Long Goodbye, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1953)
Luck (Animated Film; 2022)
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1967)
Prey (Film; 2022) [Predator #5]
Punch the Clock, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1983)
Revolver, by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Film; 2011)
Risky Business (Film; 1983)
Running Up That Hill, by Kate Bush (Song; 1985)
Savage Night, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Shaun the Sheep Movie (Animated Film; 2015)
Shout, recorded by The Isley Brothers (Song; 1959)
Suicide Squad (Film; 2016)
To Catch a Thief (Film; 1955)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Improve TV Series; 1998)
Wise Quacks (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Dominika, Oswald (Austria)
Marija, Nives, Osvald, Snježana (Croatia)
Kristián (Czech Republic)
Osvaldus (Denmark)
Salme, Salmi (Estonia)
Salme, Sanelma (Finland)
Abel (France)
Maria, Oswald (Germany)
Nona, Nonna (Greece)
Krisztina (Hungary)
Osvaldo, Vincenzo (Italy)
Arvils, Osvalda, Osvalds (Latvia)
Mintarė, Nona, Osvaldas, Rimtas (Lithuania)
Oskar, Osvald (Norway)
Cyriak, Emil, Karolin, Maria, Nonna, Oswald, Oswalda, Stanisława (Poland)
Hortenzia (Slovakia)
África, Nieves (Spain)
Alrik, Ulrik (Sweden)
Aphra, Areta, Aretha, Naomi, Neomi, Noami, Noemi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 217 of 2024; 148 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 31 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 19 (Yi-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Av 5783
Islamic: 18 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 7 Hasa; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 22 July 2023
Moon: 78%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Dante (8th Month) [Tasso]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 46 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 15 of 31)
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 8.5
Almond Day (French Republic)
Blogger Day
Bogotá's Carnival begins (Colombia)
Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead Day
Fiesta de San Salvador (El Salvador)
Food Day (Canada)
40 Day
Genes For Jeans Day (Australia)
Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Croatia)
International Huemul Day
International Traffic Light Day
La Vella Festival (Andorra)
Mann Gulch Fire Anniversary Day (Montana)
National Aerial Tramway Day
National Be Naked Day (UK)
National Blackmail Day
National Failures Day
National Health Day (Brazil)
National Underwear Day
National Youth and Children’s Day (Kiribati)
Nuestra Señora de África (Ceuta, Spain)
Return of the Queen (Johnny English)
Small Press Day (UK)
Tutti Frutti Hat Day
Umuganura (Harvest Thanksgiving; Rwanda)
Victory Day (Croatia)
Work Like a Dog Day
World Ant Day
World Tomistoma Day
World War One Anniversary Day (UK)
Food & Drink Celebrations
805 Day
Green Peppers Day
National Couscous Day
National Oyster Day
National RoosTart Day
National Waffle Day
1st Saturday in August
Campfire Day & Night [1st Saturday]
Caribana (Toronto, Canada) [Begins 1st Saturday]
Festival of Nations (Red Lodge, Montana) [1st Saturday]
Home Fermentation Day [1st Saturday]
International Alopecia Awareness Day [1st Saturday]
International Blues Music Day [1st Saturday]
International Hangover Day [1st Saturday]
Mead Day [1st Saturday]
Mustard Day [1st Saturday]
National Clown Day [1st Saturday]
National Czech Festival (Nebraska) [Starts 1st Saturday]
National Disc Golf Day [1st Saturday]
National Jamaican Patty Day [1st Saturday]
National Mustard Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day [1st Saturday]
National Riddle Day [1st Saturday]
National Summit Day [1st Saturday]
National Sunflower Day [1st Saturday]
National VFR Day [1st Saturday]
Railway Workers’ Day (Russia) [1st Saturday]
Sandcastle Day [1st Saturday]
Satyr's Day (Silenus, Greek God of Beer Buddies and Drinking Companions) [1st Saturday of Each Month]
Taxpayer Appreciation Day [1st Saturday]
Independence Days
Burkina Faso (from France, 1960)
Feast Days
Abel of Reims (Christian; Saint)
Addai (Christian; Saint)
Afra and companions (Christian; Virgin Martyrs)
Albrecht Dürer, Matthias Grünewald, and Lucas Cranach the Elder (Episcopal Church (USA))
Barsi Bhagat Puran Singh (Sikhism)
Cassian of Autun (Christian; Saint)
Clipping the Church Day (Yorkshire, UK)
Cuckoo (Muppetism)
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major (Catholic Church)
Dumuzi’s Day (Pagan)
Enola Gay Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Emygdius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Our Lady of the Snows (Roman Catholic)
George Tooker (Artology)
Ilya Repin (Artology)
I. Rice Pereira (Artology)
Lucretia Borgia Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Memmius (a.k.a. Menge; Christian; Saint)
Ormisdas, Pope (Christian; Confessor) [Bamberg]
Oswald of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Putanesca Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Sacrifice to Salus (Ancient Roman Goddess of Health)
Sixtus II, Pope (Christian; Saint) [Paris]
Tango (Muppetism)
Tasso (Positivist; Saint)
Tom Thomson (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because the yellow car was invented.)
The Alcoholics, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
American Bandstand (TV Music Series; 1957)
Bullet Train (Film; 2022)
Clear and Present Danger (Film; 1994)
The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell (Self-Help Book; 1930)
Crimes of Passion, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1980)
The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Eleanor Rugby, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Golden Yeggs (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Honey Harvester (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
The Killer Inside Me, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1952)
The Long Goodbye, by Raymond Chandler (Novel; 1953)
Luck (Animated Film; 2022)
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1967)
Prey (Film; 2022) [Predator #5]
Punch the Clock, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1983)
Revolver, by The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Film; 2011)
Risky Business (Film; 1983)
Running Up That Hill, by Kate Bush (Song; 1985)
Savage Night, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Shaun the Sheep Movie (Animated Film; 2015)
Shout, recorded by The Isley Brothers (Song; 1959)
Suicide Squad (Film; 2016)
To Catch a Thief (Film; 1955)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Improve TV Series; 1998)
Wise Quacks (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Dominika, Oswald (Austria)
Marija, Nives, Osvald, Snježana (Croatia)
Kristián (Czech Republic)
Osvaldus (Denmark)
Salme, Salmi (Estonia)
Salme, Sanelma (Finland)
Abel (France)
Maria, Oswald (Germany)
Nona, Nonna (Greece)
Krisztina (Hungary)
Osvaldo, Vincenzo (Italy)
Arvils, Osvalda, Osvalds (Latvia)
Mintarė, Nona, Osvaldas, Rimtas (Lithuania)
Oskar, Osvald (Norway)
Cyriak, Emil, Karolin, Maria, Nonna, Oswald, Oswalda, Stanisława (Poland)
Hortenzia (Slovakia)
África, Nieves (Spain)
Alrik, Ulrik (Sweden)
Aphra, Areta, Aretha, Naomi, Neomi, Noami, Noemi (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 217 of 2024; 148 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 31 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 19 (Yi-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Av 5783
Islamic: 18 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 7 Hasa; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 22 July 2023
Moon: 78%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Dante (8th Month) [Tasso]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 46 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 15 of 31)
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ACOTAR Senior Quotes
Rhysand: “Hannah Montana says no one is perfect, yet here I am.”
Cassian: “If you have two apples in one hand and four watermelons in the other, how many waffles can you fit in the sun?”
Azriel: “I don’t struggle from depression. At this point , I have it down, and I’m damn good at it.”
Mor: “I like my coffee like I like my men. I don’t like coffee.”
Amren: “May the odds never be in your favor, idiot.”
Feyre: “No I’m not crying, I’m having an allergic reaction to life.”
Nesta: *doesn’t deign to submit a quote*
Elain: “Save the bees, protect the trees, clean the seas.”
Lucien: “My computer screen is brighter than my future.”
Tamlin: “Roses are red, violets are blue, why did you leave me Feyre? I love you.”
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