#monwinn fanfic
mrowmrowmrow9 · 3 months
guys guys guys I finished Part I of my Historical AU!!! 🥳 It's a little over 15k words, combined with the scenes I've written for parts 2&3 is a total of 22k. My goal for the whole thing is 40k, so I think I'm well on the way to getting there.
Thank you all for your support and patience with me. I can't wait to share this story with you. In the meantime, here's the ao3 summary I'm leaning towards:
The year is 1780, and nobleman-turned-soldier Mon-El is unhappy and dissatisfied with his privileged but empty life in the south. That is, until he meets a girl at his parents’ ball who changes everything. They understand each other perfectly, and with his parents pressuring him to marry, there would be no better match than her—except that they come from wildly different backgrounds. With a heavy heart, Mon-El walks away and takes a wife his family approves of. Two years later, their paths cross again, him a different man and her as lovely and sharp as ever. Will he be able to give her up a second time?
And also an excerpt from each of the three romantic relationships. Karamel is the main one of course, but this is a Mon-El centric fic first so there are a few other relationships explored throughout.
As they spoke back and forth, Mon-El found himself admitting more and more, letting her into the parts of his mind that no one else had access to. It was hard to describe, but he had never felt so…understood. They both felt that pull, to make things better, to create change instead of just being content with the way things were. And at the same time, she made him feel like a better version of himself. Like the self that he wanted to be, someone who acted instead of standing by and wishing for a miracle to get him out of his miserable life.
They scampered back to the tent hand-in-hand, already falling into each other before the flap was closed. Mon-El pulled him down to the floor and tugged at his clothing impatiently, Winn’s teeth scraping against his neck. For a precious few minutes, or perhaps closer to an hour, there were no wives or betrotheds or strict parents to speak of—just them, panting in the half-dark and drinking each other in one last time.
“But it isn’t obligation,” Mon-El said earnestly. On impulse he rose and joined her on the settee, hesitantly taking her hand in his. “Ms. Ardeen—Imra, if I may call you that—I know our relationship is not quite of a romantic nature, but I care for you deeply. Even if I had the choice of any woman in the state, I would still choose you as my bride. You are kind and clever and…” He exhaled. “I am proud to call you my very good friend. Happy marriages have been based on less, have they not?”
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
Today Is a Gift - A Monwinn Oneshot
In which Winnie Schott, with his wife, Ayla, and boyfriend, Mon-El, has to deal with the aftermath of New Years Eve
The Schott-Ranzz household was a mess.
Their New Year's Eve party had gone well - too well. Mon-El, Winn and Ayla looked wearily at the rubbish scattered here and there, wondering how they were ever going to get everything cleared up.
"I wash, you clean and Mon-El can put Mary to bed?" Winn suggested, looking to his partners.
"Sounds like a plan." Ayla smiled, quickly getting to work. "The faster we get this done, the faster we to get to sleep."
"Which means," Mon-El began, lifting Mary into the air as she giggled loudly, "we gotta put you to bed-"
He was quickly cut off by a loud screech from the small child who promptly jumped away and hid at the mention of her bed. "You have to catch me first!" She ran away laughing, giggling in delight every time Mon-El almost caught her.
"He's really good with her." Ayla smiles, nudging her husband with her arm.
"Yeah" Winn nodded in agreement, watching his boyfriend and daughter play tag, "and she really likes him."
"Why doesn't he take her out for a day? You know, to properly get to know her." At that, Winn sighed and chewed his lower lip.
"He thinks he's overstepping - like, he doesn't want anyone to think he's trying to take your place. I don't know...." Ayla raised her eyebrows at him while putting a few plates in the sink.
"It's the 31st century Winn - poly parents isn't exactly a foreign concept. I think it's something else-" She abruptly cut herself off, mumbling something about the drinks getting her. "Never mind, it's nothing."
"Hey, come on; what's up?" He looked at her with worried eyes.
"I think he's scared of being alone with Mary."
"What d'you mean? He loves Mary."
"But he's only ever here if we are too. I think he worries that she might get hurt or something." Their eyes follow the childish pair running around their lounge as they share a knowing smile.
"I'll talk to him."
"3. 2. 1. Happy new year!" The trio stood outside their house, watching the clocks like everyone else on the street and cheering when the time came. Just as the clocks stuck midnight, Ayla and Mon-El pressed a kiss to each of Winn's cheeks, making them turn a very bright red very quickly. He blushed and grinned brightly, kissing both his partners in return. "I love you guys." He whispered, hugging them both tight.
"We love you too." Mon-El replied, kissing the top of his head as Ayla smiled into his shoulder.
"You see at this point I would say something clever and sexy and mention celebrating but I'm tired as hell so you two have fun - I'm going to bed." Ayla smiled and kissed the pair on cheek, heading off to her room.
"So." Winn began.
"So." Mon-El replied, his hands finding his way to his lover's waist making Winn swat his hands away.
"Serious business first, sexy time later." He smiled, taking one of his hands and leading him to Mon-El's bedroom.
"So what did you wanna talk about?" Mon-El asked curiously, settling himself on his bed as Winn sat beside him.
"Oh I think I know her. Short, cute, has very awesome parents?"
"That's the one." Winn chuckled as his antics. "Ayla and I were wondering if you guys wanted to go on a trip together."
"Like just us-?"
"Okay - can I ask why not?"
"What if she gets hurt on my watch? What if I lose her? I'm not her parent - I don't know what to do in those situations."
"I get that you're scared, believe me, I do. The first time I saw her, I just could not stop crying. I kept thinking, 'I helped make that. That screaming bundle of joy is my little girl.' And then I realised how terrified I was because I was still eating cereal for dinner in my late 20s and I somehow had to raise a child." He let out a slow breath. "Part of me thought, 'Hey if you're always with someone then there'll always be someone who can help if something goes wrong' and then I realised that there's not always going to be someone there to help. That's why superheroes exist - to help when no one else can. When Mary was two, she got excited as she tried to eat all her food at once. She had too much in her mouth and no matter how much I tried she wouldn't let me take it out and then she started choking and at this point I was practically having a heart attack and I kept looking around for Ayla because I didn't know what to do. And then I remembered how to do the Heimlich manoeuvre on babies and she spat it up and threw up all over the table but the point is: I've been where you are and you really don't need to worry because we trust you and so does she. You're our superhero."
Mon-El looked up with teary eyes and a small smile. "Really?"
"Really - she even refers to you as her half-dad." At this Mon-El looked bewildered and incredibly happy, a wide smile spreading across his face. "She said you look after her, you love her and you're dating her dad and therefore you're her half-dad." Mon-El pulled him into a tight hug and buried his face in his neck, breathing in his scent.
"I love you - I never knew what the future was going to bring but I never thought it was going to be family like this. I always thought I was destined to be like my parents-"
"The past is history, the future's a mystery but today is a gift - that's why it's called the present." Winn cut him off. "You are nothing like your parents and I just know your future - our future - is going to be amazing."
"Is that just faith or time-travel?" Mon-El joked, pulling him on to his lap.
"Little bit of both," Winn grinned, wrapping his arms around his shoulders, "it pays to be a time-travelling superhero." Mon-El laughed and pulled his lover down for a deep kiss, Winn breaking away after a minute and kissing along his jaw.
"Was that the serious business then?"
"Mmhmm." Winn mumbled against his throat, lightly sucking marks on to the pale skin.
"Does that make this sexy time then-?" Mon-El cut himself off by biting his lip hard, groaning loudly as Winn rolled his hips against his. "I'll take that as a yes."
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aprincessofdaxam · 3 years
I’m not close to posting it yet because of silly work and that whole making a living thing XD
But here are some sneak peeks from my finale fix-it fic ... in case anyone else needs a pick-me-up, because I know I am still very sad.
"Finally. I need to talk to you"
Mon-El and Winn both jump - Brainy is still what passes for catatonic - as Alex Danvers - whose wedding is tomorrow, and a thousand years ago - stalks into Legion headquarters in what looks like pajama pants.
“Oh, thank God,” Winn blurts, standing up and beating a hasty path to the door. “I think she’ll be better at dealing with this. Besides, I’m still afraid of her.”
She doesn't even spare him a laugh, focusing on the Daxamite, who has schooled his face into careful, polite blankness.
“So now you owe me. For dragging you off the barstool. For not letting Maggie hit you. For me not hitting you when you showed up with Imra. For Bon Jovi.”
She's pretty sure Winn does it on purpose. She can't dance, and neither can he - which she's pretty sure neither one of them remembered from the last time they danced together at a party, a literal thousand years ago for him. So she's laughing so hard she's snorting, and the music is just loud enough, and she can’t, or doesn’t, use her superstrength to resist when Winn turns to tease Brainy - who is somehow an even worse dancer - and spins her into Mon-El's orbit. The Daxamite, left unpartnered when Esme ran off to snatch her camera and take pictures of the cake that's about to be rolled out, catches her by the waist like he’s not surprised, either,, spinning her in the opposite direction.
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cynical-harlequin · 6 years
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mon-El/Winn Schott Jr. Additional Tags: Crack, Mpreg, Alien/Human Relationships, Fluff and Humor, Unplanned Pregnancy, Treat
Summary: Turns out Daxamite + human = baby.
Mon-El doesn't even have so much as an "oops" to say in his defense. Winn is going to kill him, he swears he is!
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dkgwrites · 3 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Mon-El/Winn Schott Jr., Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Lena Luthor's Biological Mother, Alura In-Ze | Alura Zor-El, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015), Winn Schott Jr., James "Jimmy" Olsen, Rhea (Supergirl TV 2015), Morgan Edge, Maxwell Lord Additional Tags: SuperCorp, Danvarias, monwinn, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Supercorp Reverse Big Bang 2021, Fanfic, Fanfiction, Action, Humor, Happy Ending Summary:
Villains and schemes abound when the prize for this year's tourney is announced. But where there are villains, there are heroes, ready to fight with honor for truth, justice, and true love.
This work was inspired by the amazing art of mizhuin which can be found here. Check out Mizhuin's Tumblr here for more great art pieces.
Special thanks to my betas Earthling3 , Little_Writer_Babe , & fancyfanstuff
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cyclone-rachel · 7 years
Gem Legion AU + “ Are you hitting on me? ”
“Are you hitting on me?” Winn asked in disbelief.In all honesty, he’d expected this from someone like Clark, maybe Kara or Peritoo, attention in that way from any of them would’ve been nice.
But this new Gem,who looked like he could’ve been Clark’s brother, maybe, if Gems had families…he wasn’t a bad option either.
“Yeah, babe. Why?”he asked. He leaned in closer, tone suddenly changing to one of slight desperation.“You’re the only one I want now.”
Winn smilednervously. “Alright…”
Behind Aquamarine,Winn saw Kara and Peri’s surprised (and, gosh, maybe even disgusted) expressions.
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Arrowverse: My 25 Favorite Fan-Ships
After doing my favorite Canon-Ships, here are my favorite Non-Canon-Ships of the Arrowverse. Like always . This is my blog, this is my list, it is in no way objective, everyone is entiled to their own opinion, so please don’t reblog or answer just to tell me how much you disagree with me. You can’t quantify love, well except with stupid lists like this, just because a ship is not on this list does not mean I don’t like it - except when it does - so…. yeah, here we go
  25. Snowbertallen (Caitlin Snow/Julian Albert/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at in: The Flash Season 3
 While I don’t really see Caitlin and Barry as a romantic pairing, both of them did work quite well with Julian and in a world where Barry couldn’t save Iris, I actually could see him ending up with those two instead. I always wanted to write a fic about that but never came around to, but this threesome exists in my Arrowmultiverse – read „Multiversity“.
 24.  Coldwestallen (Leonard Snart/Iris West/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at in: The Flash Season 2-3
 This is one of my ships, maybe a little bit guilty pleasure, and I can’t really see this happening in canon, but before I decided to bring Eddie back, I was toying with this idea as endgame for my A/B/O-Arrowverse, after all Leonard works very well with both of them, so yeah, I definifly loved this ship.
 23.  Kalex (Kara Danvers/Lex Luthor)
 Hinted at: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Supergirl Season 4-5
 I discovered this one for me during „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ and was like … why is this ship not more prominent, I mean after all there where some hints of it before. In any way their chemistry is great and it’s a shame that pretty much everyone has given up or fled the Supergirl-Fandom at this point so no one is going to write anything about them any time soon. But maybe someone will once try a Crisis-AU where they will be found.
 22.  Karry (Kara Danvers/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: Worlds Finest, Invasion, Duet, Crisis on Infnite Earths, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
 I actually prefer them as besties, because they each have an actual True Love in their own universe, but like anyone else, I love them together. They are probably to simelar to work as a couple on the long run, but as female partners for Barry go, Kara is definitfly up there at the top.
 21. BloodArrow (Sebastian Blood/Oliver Queen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 2
 I discovered this while working on a Sebastian Blood Oneshot. I reread „Vengance“ and worked their relationship out and remembered how much I always regretted losing Sebastian at this point of his storyline, because those two had a connection. A better one than Laurel and Sebastian actually, and in many ways Oliver was more of an actual Love Interest for Sebastian than Laurel. Not that Ollie would ever go for this, but Sebastian might have. Who knows?
 20.  Tauriver (Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 1
 Back in Season 1 I shipped this, because I don’t really believe in love triangles between three people that geniunily love each other. So this would have been the obvious solution. If Oliver and Tommy would just haved shared Laurel or touched it other as well, well, that would have been up to them. I think that given it’s Tommy, Oliver might have actually gone full in for this.
 19.  Timekid (Wally West/Rip Hunter)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomororw Season 3
 After I saw Rip and Wally do karaoke and get wasted together I was expecting a load of fics, but somehow this pairings seems to have eluded almost everyone. Maybe because no one really cares about Wally? Or because Rip was in bad standing in the middle of that Season? I don’t know, but for me this was a non-brainer.
 18.  Saramaya (Sara Lance/Amaya Jiwe)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 2-3
 I really don’t know why everyone is going on about Kendra and Sara, when they could be going on about this ship were there is actual tension and actual chemistry there. And Doomworld. Don’t forget Doomworld. Where those two totally did it, you can’t change my mind about that.
 17.  Toliver (Tommy Merlyn/Oliver Queen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 1-8
 This ship kept coming and going in my mind, because aren’t Oliver and Tommy more like brothers and than like lovers? In the end I saw the potential for a romantic love between them and stettled on it as something that could have been very interesting if done right. I dabbled a little bit with TommyX in that pairing, but why not real Tommy as well?
 16.  Monwinn (Mon-El/Winn Schott)
 Hinted at: Supergirl Season 2-3, It’s a Super Life
 To bad Winn came back married to someone that isn’t Mon-El, because this is what should have happened, you know? Of course Kara is Mon-Els One True Love, but he and Winn were always great together, and given Winn is open minded and Daxamites are not hetero normative this was what we would have wanted after losing both of them in the same episode of the show.
 15.  Kanvers (Kate Kane/Kara Danvers)
 Hinted at: Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths, The one and only Season of Batwoman
 I figured out why certain hate groups afflilated with „Supergirl“ hate Kate so much (It took me quite some time to rap my head around this), it’s because Kate is Karas only canonical female love interest and those people just can’t stand that thought. Now sady as gone for good as Batmoore Kanvers was what I would have originally wanted for Kara after it became clear that Mon-El was not coming back to the show. I mean I love Kate, and Kara did flirt back, so why the hell not?
 14.  Irivarry (Iris West/Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1, Invasion, Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds
 While I stumbled over quite a few fics that include Oliver, Felicity, and Barry, I never really found this one, even though it’s much more obvious to me. After all this was set up way back in the first season of „The Flash“ and especially in Season 5 and a certain part of Season 7 of „Arrow“ I felt that it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for Oliver to visit our favourite Canon-Pairing in Central City and crash on their couch indefinitly which would lead too many interesting things among them this threesome. And yes, again a fic I never got around to write.
 13.  Atomsteelwavevixen (Ray Palmer/Nate Heywood/Mick Rory/Amaya Jiwe)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 2-3
 I prefere Steelatom and Vixenwave as bros, but as a foursome those four rock the libido and the Waverider. Given how much I do ship Atomwave and Vixensteel and that I also do ship Steelwave und Atomvixen that shouldn’t be a surprise, and you should know by now, that I do believe more partners make (fictional) relationships easier instead of more complicated.
 12. Captains3 (Sara Lance/Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 1
 Given that Sara and Rip, Sara and Leonard, and Leonard and Rip would not last together, my solution to this would be to get together as a threesome. Which was after all my endgame in my biggest Fanfiction-Verse and turned out to be a smashing idea.
 11.  Eobarry (Eobard Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-6 (so far)
 Fanboy Eobard might have come to hate Barry, but a part of him never stopped loving the scarlet speedster as we all know. What kind of love that was may have varied, but this kind was probably among it, and I think that if he would prove to Barry that he could change Barry would always give him a chance, because that’s after all who Barry is.
 10.  GreenAtom (Oliver Queen/Ray Palmer)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 3-4, Legends of Tomorrow Season 1, Crisis on Infinite Earths
 A very underapprecaited ship that I love dearly. Ray und Oliver together have so much potential. I dabbled a little bit with that, but only few other ever did. Ray would basically be a better version of Felicity, having all what the fans love about their dynamic, but none of the issues that come with her. Also Oliver would date another hero, which is always a plus.
 9.      Elongflash (Ralph Dibny/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 4-6
 I frankly never understood why people did not ship them more and there are so little fanfics about those two, I mean it’s a classic love story really. Attraction first, misunderstanding leading to years of silence, meeting again and talking it out, becoming friend and eventually more. I did dabble with it a bit and wish others would have taken to that ship around Season 4 already and not only in the last couple of years.
 8.      Allenbert (Barry Allen/Julian Albert)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 3
 For a long time I thought that that would be the reveal about Julians problem with Barry. Appearantly so did the actors. Or at least they wished it were. Their hate-love was so enjoyable and fans had their fun with this at least but could have had more fun still. Tom mentoned that was ready to come back to the show sometime back, and while I have little hope for that I still want it to happen so that we can get more interaction between them on screen.
 7.      Winniac-5 (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5)
 Hinted at: Supergirl Season 3 and Season 5
 I am one out of two persons in the world who ships this, but I ship it hard. I wanted Winn to have love, but after it became clear that the actress who played his Season 2 love interest wasn’t coming back, it probably had also become clear that Jeremy did plan on leaving the show, so the writers didn’t bother anymore, but Brainy crashed so beautifully with him so I picked him for that role. And even though I love Nia and Brainia I love Winniac-5 more.
 6.      Olivarry (Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: Arrow Season 2-3, The Flash Season 1, Legends of Yesterday/Today, Invasion, Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Arrow Season 7-8
 As unlucky as Olivers love life is, maybe that’s the case because the actual love of his life happens to be a man, which he is not willing to admit to himself of course. I mean we all remember the joke about Barry wanting to date Oliver and agree on that probably being true, but Oliver cleary is kind of in love with Barry too. He has been very different with him than most if not all other males in his life so there definitifly is something going on there.
 5.      Coldflash (Leonard Snart/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-3, Legends of Tomorrow Season 1-2, Invasion
 Leonard flirts with everything that moves, but Barry has a special place in his heart and we all love that. Leonard ist a player however, and makes sure everyone knows that, but if there is one person out there who he would be willing to change for it would probably be Barry. If only they weren’t mortal frenemies and Leonard wasn’t – you know – dead.
 4.      Thallen (Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-3
 Barry und Eddie were crushing hard on each other, there is no denying that. They even had a moment onscreen where the tension between them was aknowleged (remember the sofa-scene?). I saw a pretty accurate joke about the Season 1 love triangle once which stated that Iris felt guilty about having feelings for Barry while dating Eddie, while Eddie at the same time was doodeling Eddie Allen in his notebook and that really nails it, doesn’t it?
 3.      Timecanary (Rip Hunter/Sara Lance)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomororw Season 1-3
 Sara has many admirers onscreen and out of all her many suitors Rip is the one I would want to see her ending up with. If he wasn’t dead, that is. Rip kind of had a thing for her from day one on and during Season 2 she seemed to realize that she had feelings for him too, but sadly Season 3 ripped them apart (pardon the pun) in every possible way. But there is still fanfic. I just wish there were more of it with them as the main couple.
 2.      Atomwave (Ray Palmer/Mick Rory)
 Hinted at: Legends of Tomorrow Season 1-5, Crisis on Infinite Earths
 This is my Legends-OTP and I am still not over the fact that Ray is out of the show and so is this ship! When Iris und Barry got together on „The Flash“ even my brother was like: „Wait a moment … Barry und Iris are a couple, that means Mick still has a shot to get Ray next season!“ So yeah, no one could deny that their relationship was very prominent in the first two seasons. Sadly it faded in the backround when Ray met Nora Darhk, but in my opinion this would have been the much healthier endgame for him, which is why you find traces of this ship in pretty much all of my Arrowverse Fanfics.
  1.      Westhallen (Iris West/Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Hinted at: The Flash Season 1-3
 This is how you solve a love triangle, that does not need to be one, when all three parties have certain feelings for all the other members of the triangle: Just get them all together. I mean I love Westhawne, I love Thallen, and I love Westallen, but most of all I love Westhallen. Too bad poly is still a taboo in TV, and don’t get me started on the sin of killing of Eddie and never ever bringing him back not even an alternate version of him or something like that, but yeah in my heart those three were happy with each other and when Eddie died both Iris und Barry lost the man they loved. (And sometimes they got him back and other times they never lost him at all).
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theparkertingle · 8 years
If I Had You
Summary: Alex drunkenly jokes that she won’t let Kara date until Winn does. Mon-El, taking it very seriously, becomes determined to get Winn a date. 
Or the one where Mon-El accidentally sets Winn up with a bunch of lesbians and realizes he’s a little bit in love with him along the way. (ao3)
There’s some teenage comedy playing in the background of game night and the majority of the humans there are drunk. Alex is laughing about something really hard; Mon-El’s not really sure what, because he continually finds his eyes drifting between Kara and Winn. Winn, who’s he’s never seen so red and flustered as he tries to explain something to Kara.
Alex seems to be the only one paying attention to the movie in the room, because she’s suddenly blurting out, “I’m going to do that with you, Kara! You aren’t allowed to date until Winn does!” She seems to find this hilarious, doubling over herself.
Winn laughs too, singing the name, “Lena Luthor.” He sees Kara pout, but he doesn’t really pay attention to anything after that, his mind turning. Mon-El’s pretty sure that Kara has some sort of feelings for him and he’s not averse to the idea of dating her; he thinks he likes her. She’s pretty, they get along and she’s not mated to anyone yet. All he has to do is find a date for Winn and he’ll have Kara.
He throws himself into researching the ‘dating’ rituals on Earth, asks Winn about it, but Winn can’t seem to take him seriously and just laughs while slightly turning red. Mon-El finds himself getting subscriptions to something called Cosmo and Seventeen and spends a couple days hauled up in his room at the DEO, reading and memorizing.
He reads that a lot of good relationships start from a solid friendship and he thinks Alex might be perfect for Winn. He’s seen them interact at the DEO a decent amount and they seem to tease each other a lot. They’re definitely comfortable around each other and Alex’s family has practically become Winn’s. He doesn’t know why they haven’t started dating yet!
The next time he sees Alex, he tells her that Winn wants to have a date at his place. Alex laughs and says she’ll be there.
Being the great wingman that he is, Mon-El arranges to meet up with Winn before Alex comes over. While he thinks he might trust Winn more than anyone else on Earth, he still has to make sure that Winn won’t mess up his date with Alex. And it’s an excuse to see Winn outside of the DEO, which hasn’t happened that much since their night at the bar together. Winn claims Mon-El’s not a very good influence on him and Mon-El pretends he doesn’t know that he’s lying, pretends he doesn’t see the way that Winn’s entire being seems to light up when Alex texts him saying that she’ll be a couple hours late, meaning Winn and Mon-El will have even more time to themselves, pretends that he doesn’t like that spending time with him caused that kind of reaction out of Winn. He doesn’t know how to label whatever he’s feeling; he’s never felt so strongly about something and he’s meant to be thinking about Kara.
They end up playing on some device that hooks up to Winn's TV, apparently called a PlayStation and Winn looks so happy that he's the one introducing Mon-El to the "beautiful world of gaming." Mon-El doesn't know why he's calling another world beautiful because when Winn laughs and Mon-El sees that stupidly cute freckle near his eye, he thinks Winn's a lot more beautiful than whatever the world of gaming is. Because even if he's interested in Kara and trying to set up Winn with Alex, he can't deny that Winn Schott Jr. is something special.
He feels Winn's hands guiding his on the controller, leaning closer to him so that there’s no space between the two of them on the couch. It’s far more intimate than what's considered friendly on Daxam. He figures it must be just a nuance of Earth and who is he to be culturally insensitive? And if his heart feels a little bit warm at Winn's touch, well he's just learning and adjusting to the customs of Earth. When Winn falls asleep on his shoulder, Mon-El lets him and lets himself fall asleep on Winn too. It's the polite thing to do.
They’re woken up by Alex and Mon-El ignores the slight pain in his stomach when he leaves Winn and Alex alone in the apartment, ignores the relief the comes the next morning when Winn laughs and informs him that Alex’s into girls when he asks how the date went. Because relief doesn’t make sense, not when he needed the date to go well to finally ask Kara out, not when he wants Winn to be happy, wants to see his eyes and face and his smile light up at endless hours of the day. He shakes the thought off; he needs to find someone else for Winn. He thinks he’s seen Winn interact with Alex’s friend, Maggie, recently and he settles to ask her to hang out with Winn as soon as he can.
Maggie agrees to meet Winn at the (alien) bar the following night. Mon-El and Winn end up in the bar a couple hours before Maggie’s set to get there.
Mon-El guides Winn to the pool table. He knows Winn’s not really good at pool, distinctly remembers the sound of glass breaking the last time Winn tried to play, and if Winn wants to impress Maggie, he’s going to need to shape up.
And it’s just like the time with the PlayStation at Winn’s apartment, except Mon-El’s the one guiding him this time, placing his hands on top of Winn’s, angling the stick so that it hits the cue ball without somehow flinging into the bar window. Winn’s face seems to go a bit red at how close they are to each other; he thinks he should pull away, move further from Winn, who has a date with Maggie in an hour so that he can go on a date with Kara, but he likes the way Winn’s body feels pressed up against his, revels in the fact that he can make Winn blush with such ease.
When Winn finally takes a turn for himself and the cue ball manages to stay on the pool table, he screams out in surprise, smile wide across his face and almost hugs Mon-El in excitement, and Mon-El pretends he’s not upset that Winn didn’t follow through with the hug, “Told you it was just simple geometry!”
“I think it has more to do with having a good teacher,” Mon-El smirks at him. Winn mentions something about how his lack of faith in Winn’s natural prowess is disturbing and how Mon-El should shut up because Winn “can kill him with his brain,” as Mon-El leads them to an empty booth.
“Remind you of anything?” Mon-El can’t help but ask, because it’s weird how whenever he goes to a bar, any bar, memories of that night he made Winn take him out of the DEO take up his entire thought process.
Winn rolls his eyes, “You shouldn’t be acting so high and mighty. I outdrank you then and you can’t even get drunk of Earth’s alcohol.”
Mon-El smirks, eyebrows raised, “Guess we’ll have to see what happens when I can get drunk then?” And maybe it’s another excuse to see Winn drunk, see the cute flush of red that colors his skin, but Mon-El’s signaling to the waiter to bring over some drinks for the two of them.
“Not sure getting drunk is my idea of a great date,” Winn comments, and Mon-El’s not sure why he’s referencing his date because Maggie’s not even here yet.
Four shots in, Mon-El feels himself growing lighter and Winn’s not really drinking, but Mon-El doesn’t care because Winn looks cute in any situation, even when his cheeks aren’t flushed. He thinks he might've said that aloud because Winn’s staring at him, embarrassed.
“C’mon, Mon-El of Daxam, let’s get you to my apartment. The DEO’s pretty far and I’m not sure you should really be alone right now,” Winn manages to support Mon-El’s weight as they walk out of the bar.
“Pretty, smart and strong? You’re really the package deal, Winslow Schott Jr of Earth,” some of his words are slurred but Winn seems to understand what he’s said perfectly because he feels Winn falter a little in his step, “Maggie will be lucky to have you!” Mon-El feels himself freeze. How could he forget about Winn’s date? He was enjoying Winn’s company so much that he forgot what he was there for. He’s such a terrible friend and wingman, “Winn! Your date with Maggie!”
Winn doesn’t seem to feel as distraught about this missed opportunity as Mon-El does, “I texted Maggie that we were going home. Alex and her will be fine without us; I’m sure they would prefer it considering they can give each other heart-eyes without you and me third-wheeling.”
Mon-El frowns, “I set you up with another lesbian, didn’t I?”
“You sure did."
Mon-El doesn’t remember anything between then and waking up on Winn’s couch the next morning. He isn’t sure if Winn’s awake or even still home, but he doesn’t stay around to find out. He doesn’t have the time too; he has to think of someone to set Winn up with now that his first two ideas have turned out to be failures. That night Alex set the rule about Kara only being able to date when Winn could, he remembers Winn talking about someone named Lena Luthor and he thinks she could be the one that saves this entire operation. He approaches her later that day and her and Winn are set to hang out the following week.
When the day of the Lena and Winn date finally comes, Mon-El decides to sit the ‘pre-date’ hang out he normally has with Winn out, because it only seemed to be distracting Mon-El from his goal of dating Kara and it wasn’t like it really helped Winn anyway. It doesn’t help that when he mentioned going out with Winn to Lena, her whole face lit up, explaining that she had meant to call him and set something up for the past two weeks, doesn’t help when he remembers the way Winn sang her name that night as if she was some sort of angel. He doesn’t know why he just didn’t start by setting Lena and Winn up. But, somewhere deep down, he does know. He knows that he doesn’t want Winn to be dating some random girl and somewhere further down he admits that knew Maggie and Alex would never work out with Winn, but Lena could. He leaves that thought deep down though. He has to meet Kara for lunch.
Kara’s sitting at a table at the Thai place that they agreed on, waving enthusiastically at him when she sees him walk through the door. He smiles and takes the seat across from her.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” she’s beaming, “Where have you been all week? Skipping out on training?”
And he hasn’t been skipping out on training, he’s just been training with Winn. He voices this to her and it just makes her smile wider, “Winn, huh?” The name seems to summon him, because a couple seconds after Kara says it, he sees Winn walking through the door, laughing alongside Lena Luthor as the two of them get their own table.
Kara’s about to wave the two of them over, but Mon-El stops her. Her frown forces him to come up with some excuse, “I just don’t really want to talk to Winn at the moment.”
That only seems to make Kara frown deeper, but he knows she can tell that he wants to be distracted, so she starts telling him stories about all the things that have happened to her this past week. He wishes he can focus on what she’s saying, but the only conversation he can pay attention to is the one across the restaurant between Winn and Lena.
“Filling up the room with flowers, really? How obvious can you be?” Winn’s laughing again.
There’s a playful element to Lena’s tone when she speaks, “Apparently not obvious enough.”
“I’m sorry, by the way,” the conversation is getting more serious and Mon-El almost feels bad for listening in, “There was a second where I doubted you. I couldn’t find anything wrong with the video for a while as much as I wanted to, as much as I tried. I didn’t want to fail to notice that someone I really trusted wasn’t who I thought they were again so I wouldn’t let myself get blinded by my loyalty to you, not like I did with my dad. Kara kept pushing me though; she really believes in you.”
The fondness in Winn’s voice when he’s talking to her is too much and Mon-El can’t keep listening, shifting his focus back to Kara, who had apparently stopped talking a while ago and was staring at Mon-El, confused, “Are you alright? Is this about Winn?”
“Pft, Winn? What does he have to do with anything?”
“You’ve been staring at Winn for the past five minutes and the only words out of your mouth this entire time have been about him,” Kara looks a bit pleased with herself, “You know Alex told me a week or two ago about the fact that you have feelings for him but I didn’t 100% believe it until now.”
“Feelings of friendship!” He immediately shouts back.
Kara doesn’t seem to buy it one bit and she’s suddenly flagging Winn down, “Winn! Lena!”
Kara stands up to hug them both when they get there and Mon-El wonders why her arms linger for longer when she’s hugging Lena. She gestures for Winn to sit down where she was sitting, “Mon-El has something he wants to talk to you about. Lena and I will leave you to it.”
“Are you sure you aren’t using this as a chance to get some more alone time with Lena Luthor outside of work?”
Kara looks away, embarrassed, before mumbling, “Maybe we have something to talk about too, Lena.” Lena grabs Kara’s hand as they walk away and Mon-El really did not see that one coming.
Winn smiles, watching the two of them walk away, “Finally! Hearing both those two moon over each other without doing anything was infinitely worse than Kara and James doing the same thing last year. Such a season one thing.”
Mon-El doesn’t have any clue what he’s talking about and he still is trying to process the fact that Lena and Winn aren’t interested in each other because apparently she’s also into girls just like everyone else Mon-El tried to set Winn up with and Kara’s clearly off the table but he doesn’t feel upset in the slightest, especially not compared to the way his stomach churned at the thought of Winn and Lena. His brain is apparently trying to process too much new information, so he can’t stop himself when he blurts out, “I think I like you.”
“I take that back. You deserve better than some cheap confession. That’s not how we do it on Daxam,” Winn just kind of stares at him, but Mon-El takes a deep breath and continues, “I know that I like you. A lot. I find myself getting lost in your touch, your sometimes blue, sometimes green eyes and that freckle next to the right one, your smile, your laugh, your infuriatingly cute excitement whenever you surprise yourself at how smart you are. There’s something breathtaking about you and I don’t really know how you do it and sometimes I just watch you to try to find out.”
Winn looks so vulnerable in that moment and when he speaks, his voices takes a deeper fondness and tenderness than Mon-El heard when he was talking to Lena, “I like you too. I have for a decent amount of time. I don’t know if I can pull the same romantic speech you just did, but I do like you. More than like you, actually.”
Winn kisses him from across the table before Mon-El can properly adjust to what’s happening, “Winn, I-,”
“Mon-El, your mouth is talking. You might wanna look to that and put it to some other use,” and Mon-El’s done ignoring the feelings that overtake him whenever Winn flirts with him, whenever Winn’s close to him and goes in for the kiss himself this time.
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santiagonex · 8 years
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Supergirl 2B looks wild
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putthechocolatedown · 8 years
Hey guys! Check out my new MonWinn fic if you'd like.
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nedyma · 8 years
A quick MonWinn fic for Valentine’s Day. Thanks for reading! 
Prompt I based this off of: “I could kiss you right now!” 
The DEO has been busy for three days, with agents rushing back and forth, others clicking furiously away on their keyboards, while a few stashed away in conference rooms as they work their hardest to find their newest threat. 
Winn was stuck in the middle, running back and forth with Alex to gather new intel. And when he wasn’t running around with her, he was working on his keyboard to try and find any new leads. 
It was something that had the agents all stumped. An alien managed to steal a new piece of technology that the military was working on, which created a force field that was nearly impenetrable by anything that wasn’t human. Obviously another tactic to lower the rate of aliens on Earth. 
While Winn didn’t agree with the invention, it was the DEO’s responsibility to take it out of the hands of that alien before anything bad happened... which was an understatement.
That’s the brief explanation as to why the DEO’s been running rampant. It’s like the agents are grasping at thin air since they have no leads, no idea what type of alien may have committed the crime, or how. The most they know is the oily residue that was left behind that closely matched gasoline but wasn’t identical. 
J’onn had finally gathered the team around the center cortex, his face reading exhaustion. Alex was on his right, Kara on his left, and going on was Winn and Vasquez. 
“Alright,” he starts, bringing an image back onto the screen. It’s the crime scene, where the technology is gone, only replaced with a streak of the gasoline-like substance which leads no where. “After three days I think it’s safe to say we’re viewing this entirely wrong. We need some knew ideas. Let’s think at a new viewpoint.” 
Everyone grows silent as they lift their eyes to the screen. The gears are turning as they try to wipe their brains and do exactly at J’onn suggested, but it’s not easy. 
Especially when a specific Daxamite decides to interrupt. “Hey! What’s everyone up to?” Mon-El greets as he jogs the few steps up to the cortex. He plants himself in the open space between Kara and Winn, glimpsing between the two. 
Kara’s clearly holding back a heavy sigh, but manages to answer politely. “Something important. We’re trying to track down an alien thief but the only evidence we have is this.” She lifts her hand towards the picture, guiding Mon’s eyes right to it. 
He narrows his gaze at first as he inspects the picture, then turns towards Kara with a mix of disbelief. “You’re not familiar with that?”
Kara looks back at him with the same disbelief, although now her expression is also matched with agitation. Before either of the two can say anything, J’onn’s butting in. 
“Mon-El, if you have some information on this we’d like to know.” He presses, his exhaustion now leaning into his sarcastic tone. 
Mon nods back, now turning his attention to the screen. “I’ve only encountered a few before but this is from an Asnadon. They’re planet is pretty far from Daxam but I was able to visit. Their bodies are like metal, and they feed off of other metals, oils and...” he trails off as he turns to Winn, “What do you put in cars again?” 
“Gas.” Winn answers quietly, too enraptured with Mon’s answer. 
He smiles happily, snapping his fingers at the answer. “Things like gas.”
Winn’s eyes are widening childishly, a smile full of wonderment gracing his features. “You mean to tell me transformers are real?” 
Mon turns to him, his brows quickly drawing together in confusion. Before he can even ask Winn what a ‘transformer’ is, J’onn’s interrupting. 
“What else do you know about these creatures?” J’onn continues professionally. 
Mon’s eyes dance across the room as he thinks. “I bet they’d be around those places... junkyards? Are there any near here?” 
J’onn’s eyes immediately move to Winn, but he’s already jumping into action. He retrieves his tablet and starts to type a few things and soon he has two of the closest junkyards pulled up. He points it out to J’onn instantly.
“Alex,” J’onn starts, “Get a strike team ready. Supergirl, can you cover the other location?” 
The two sisters nod and quickly move into action. 
Winn’s blown away that their three days of work has been practically solved by one visit by Mon-El. He turns to the other as J’onn walks away, off to inform the other agents. The smile he gives Winn is something of the sun, as if he’s holding Mon in the highest regards. 
“I could kiss you right now!” He breathes happily, lifting his hands at his sides minutely and then letting them fall. 
The statement registers for Mon quickly, and his eyes grow playful instantly. His gaze dances down to Winn’s lips and he moves forward a step. When he’s leaning in closer, Winn finally realizes that Mon is going for a kiss after all.
Winn recoils back a step, his smile falling and cheeks turning bright red. “Mon, I can’t kiss you now. I mean - I can’t kiss you in the DEO.” Winn lets out a heavy sigh as he’s struggling with his words. He opens his mouth to clarify, but finds Mon not looking deterred at all by the slight rejection. 
He nods at Winn as he rocks back onto his heels. “Oh, I understand. Professionalism,” he says as an explanation and then winks with an infuriating smile. “I’ll see you later, Winn.” He then says and turns on his heel and makes his way out of the DEO. 
Winn hasn’t realized he’s still staring after Mon with a look of shock on his face until Kara joins him a few seconds later. She gives Winn a strange look as she notices his frozen exterior. 
“Winn? Are you okay?” She presses, tilting her head to the side as she inspects him. 
“I might have said the wrong thing to Mon-El because now he thinks I want to kiss him.” Winn starts slowly, an edge of whining cutting into his tone. 
Instead of the sympathy that he was expecteing from Kara, he only receives a snort of amusement. He turns to her in betrayal, watching as she laughs again. “Why does he think that?”
“I was really happy that he was able to give us some information and I might have said I could kiss him.” Winn’s face immediately pinches together as he hears his own words, bringing a hand up to work at the bridge of his nose. “Oh, Kara, I’m such an idiot.” 
Kara tries to hide her smile but it peaks through. She crosses her arms over her chest and nods as respectfully as she can manage. Her voice is hesitant as she starts again. “Do you... want to kiss Mon-El?” 
Winn’s head snaps in Kara’s direction so quickly he feels the burning at the back of his neck. “Kara!” He says accusingly, but the heat behind his words quickly diminishes as she gives him a knowing look. “I mean, maybe! Why can’t I control my mouth?” 
Kara’s brows tilt up in a fashion that has Winn blushing again. “Maybe it’s best for Mon that you can’t.” 
Winn rolls his eyes at Kara, his face still burning red. She seems to get the double entendre and she lifts her hands to cover her mouth from laughing. 
“You know what I meant!” Kara says, reaching out to swat Winn on the shoulder. 
“Kara,” Winn pouts, “What do I do?”
Kara’s head tilts forward as she looks at Winn with a knowing expression, telling him he already knows what to do. 
“Supergirl, first strike team is headed out. You ready to go?” Alex stands patiently by the front door, her eyes glimpsing between. 
Kara gives Winn a consoling pat on his shoulder before taking a short jog to join Alex.
The strike went off without a hitch. The alien was conveniently at Alex’s location, so Kara got the news and hurried over to help the rest of the agents. They had the alien apprehended within a few minutes and were able to locate the missing tech. 
After the team returned, Alex and Kara decided to have a night in and watch some movies to relax. Maggie was invited of course, but sadly had to work the late shift. Winn was also invited into Kara’s abode, with the choice of delicious takeout, delicious ice cream, and nerd movies... but he couldn’t accept whole heartedly. He had things he had to do first, and if they wouldn’t take all night he would arrive as soon as he could. 
Then he heads off to the bar, where he knows Mon will be until his shift ends at 9PM. He was lucky enough not to be working the night shift, which is also lucky for Winn. So he promptly catches a cab and heads straight for Mon.
As the lights pass by and he grows closer and closer to the bar, Winn starts to think about all the ways he can word his confession... and starts to wonder how Mon will take it... and eventually gets to the point of second guessing himself up until the cab pulls up at his stop. 
He considers asking the driver to turn around and head towards Winn’s apartment instead, but he swallows the suggestion and hands over the cash needed. Then he swings his legs out and finds himself standing on the sidewalk. His eyes refuse to leave the door of the bar as he swings the cab door shut, finally allowing the car to drive away. 
Winn stands like that, with the night breeze swaying around him and his hands in his pockets, for a few minutes. He can’t find the power to get his feet moving forward, into the very location Mon is... because even if he wants to tell the other how he’s feeling, everything else is revolting against him. 
His internal battle could go on for another ten minutes, he’s not sure, but the door opens and the man of his desires walks out while pulling his jacket tight around himself. At first he looks right, and then left to find Winn standing a few feet from him. Immediately, his smile grows. 
“Hey, Winn! I’m so glad you’re here. Look, about before-” Mon starts, now stepping to Winn until he’s standing in front of him. It causes Winn to move his head back so he can look the other in the eyes. 
“Mon, I want to talk-” Winn finds himself interrupting, and then realizing Mon was going somewhere with his words. He stops immediately, looking at him apologetically. “Shoot, sorry. What were you saying?” 
Mon laughs it off, shaking his head at Winn fondly. “It’s okay. I was going to apologize for earlier. A customer helped me understand that the expression you said doesn’t always mean you actually want to kiss someone. And I misinterpreted that-”
Winn’s heart swells at Mon’s words, shaking his head with a growing smile. He’s the one who’s confusing Mon, taking Earth expressions and no doubt causing Mon’s head to whirl. Yet Mon is the one apologizing... So Winn won’t take it any longer. He grabs the front of Mon’s shirt, and leans up onto his tiptoes, pressing a light kiss to the other’s lips. 
He’s happy to find Mon’s lips respond to his own, capturing Winn’s bottom lip just as he pulls back. Winn grins at that, giving Mon another peck before being released. 
“I do want to kiss you, actually. I have wanted to kiss you for quite some time. Since you landed on Earth...” Winn adds the last part for extra measure as he falls back onto his heels, looking up at Mon under his lashes. At no point does he plan on letting go of Mon’s shirt. 
Mon’s wearing a light smile, as if he could drift away now that he has Winn in his arms. “I’m really glad to hear that,” he says teasingly, “because the feeling is pretty mutual.” 
Winn laughs at that, but this time brings his hand up to cup Mon’s cheek. This time he tugs the other down to him, making Mon meet him at his level instead. 
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portiialin · 8 years
I got bored and so here’s a MonWinn ficlet. Mon-El tries to court Winn and kinda gets it right.
“Winn, how do humans court each other?” Mon-El asks.
“Uh,” Winn pauses, confused, “why do you ask?”
Mon-El blushes lightly, “There is someone I wish to court.”
“Well,” Winn begins, “you could partake in activities they are interested in.”
Mon-El hums, “Thank you, Winn.”
He turns around and walks out of the room, leaving Winn to shake his head wistfully.
Later that day, Winn walks into the DEO, only to see Mon-El angrily slamming a keyboard.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Winn shouts in alarm, rushing over. “What are you doing?”
“You said to do activities that the person I am trying to court are interested in,” Mon-El grumbles as Winn pulls him away from the computer.
Winn hesitates, hope blooming in his chest, “But…Kara doesn’t hack.”
“Kara?” Mon-El asks in disbelief. “Why would I court Kara?”
“Because you like her?” Winn mutters.
Mon-El tilts his head, “I believe Kara is courting someone by the name of Lena Luthor.”
“Wait, what?” Winn says, his head shooting up.
“Nonetheless,” Mon-El states, “I wish to court you.”
Kara and Lena disbelief is immediately dropped in Winn’s mind as he exclaims giddily, “Wait, really?”
Mon-El nods but looks pensive, “Am I…am I doing it wrong?”
“No!” Winn shouts, hands held up in front of him. “No, you did it right. I just…didn’t know you liked me—like that.”
There’s an awkward pause before Mon-El says, “What do I do next?”
Winn laughs, “Ask me on a date.”
“Okay,” Mon-El says, standing straight and taking a deep breath for courage. “Winn Schott of the DEO, will you go on a date with me?”
Winn nods, smiling, “Of course.”
All heads turn as everyone in the DEO hears Kara’s excited squeal as she cries out, “Finally!”
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So I’m looking at two different (long) stories I could write at the moment and I’m having trouble deciding which one to start with. (Or if I should try to do both of them at the same time.)
The first one is a Coffee Shop/Private Investigator AU called “Keep Holding On” where Alex is a PI working out of Kara’s coffee shop investigating a string of disappearances surrounding aliens in National City and she ends up working with Maggie (who’s still NCPD) to try to track them down. This one has a cool SuperCorp sub plot and features MonWinn as well. Also has a couple OC’s (Maggie’s partner at work and an alien employee of Kara’s who both have pretty big roles.)
The second on is a three book Hogwarts/Soulmate AU with the series title being “My Life, My Love, My Choice” (Which are the names of the three parts.) This one has Lex and Lillian Luthor as a recently outed pair of dark lords, leaving Lena living with the Danvers during the summer before there fifth year. Maggie’s an American witch who just moved to England, unknowingly helping set into motion an ancient prophecy that could destroy the wizarding world for good. This story has a lot more SuperCorp than the first one (which is saying something) partly because the Lex/Lillian storyline is SUPER important. (And partly because SuperCorp is adorable.)
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TtQ. Ohh, that's very interesting indeed🤔 Diluc's even fitting with his nightly hero activity being like Alex superheroing🤔 And Ohhh, Winn as Barbara/Kokomi/Mona😍That means I have a Winn, yay! (Well, two technically😂) Yeah, Kara and Noelle is just Perfect😁 But ohhh maid!Kara? Now you definitely can't complain about catgirl!Kara😅(...She'd never get rid of Mon's teasing🤣This is golden, esp. If you imagine full anime-maid outfits)But ohh, right, Jean was a sword anemo character, too🤦🏻‍♀️
TBC: I have to admit, I kinda forgot about Jean and first thought of Kazuha😅 Or Traveller/Aether/Lumine🙈 All are kinda fitting tho, if you think about it🤔😂 But Winn and Mon as brothers? Oh hell YEAAAAHH😍😍 MONWINN BROTP FOREVER!!😍😍 (Tho how sad would it be to have the younger bro be in love with Kara only for her to end up with his older bro🙈🙈😭)Aghh, now I want Supergirl/Genshin fanfics to be a thing😫 I should stop with the AU-thinking😅(btw, 4 messages today& have an awesome day)
TtQ. Yeah but at least Diluc looks so much more stylish than the fashion disaster that's Alex's superhero costume... AND him not covering his face can be excused by the fact he only operates at night while Alex is walking around in broad daylight expecting a hoodie and ten gallons of eyeshadow to hide her identity... >_>
Congrats on having two Winns? XD
Imagine maid!Kara with cat ears like May Queen Nyan-Nyan's uniform... (Mon-El wouldn't just take pictures, he'd record video... HOURS of video...)
Haha, Jean came to mind first because of the Venti connection but yeah, there's Kazuha and Aether/Lumine too.
MONWINN BROTP POWEEEEERRRRRRR!!! (...Yeah okay, that would be sad... Let's just bring Eve in ASAP to solve the issue...)
...You're not convincing me to write it...
(Thanks, you have an awe&some day too!)
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queen-haiz · 8 years
recommended supercorp fanfics?
in no particular order:
anything by elly tbh, start with the newest ones (they update often btw)
Cuffs and Consequences by acoolusername
One And The Same by acoolusername
Not Gay by monwinn (trust me, it’s not what it seems)
second star to the right by sam_kom_trashkru (listen, this is one of my absolute faves but the writer doesn’t update often i gotta warn u)
Our Souls Are Connected by Aeon_Wolf
heroism is a full time job by unicyclehippo
Bringing Back the Christmas Magic by waitingforagoodidea (i didn’t finish this one but it was good in first few chapters)
Special Deliveries From 'L' by theonewithpurplehair
Lord, Save Me from Your Followers by anamatics
What She Came For by mel_dr
The Last Luthor by fleimkepa
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winnschottjrwrites · 8 years
Hey! Do you know of any good Win-centric fic? Ships or lack thereof don't matter. I'm dying for content.
i do indeed! i threw it in a read more becuase i added a little personal description next to the fic because im obnoxious lol there are also totally more than this but these were the ones i had read multiple times.
Prove to me - LegendsofSnark: some monwinn angst that made me want to grab winn and be his boyfriend myself.
Losing the Battle- AllisonDiamond: super angsty. super sad. pretty gay. 
Visiting Day -  StangeInterests32: this isn’t super winn-centric but i really love this fic. it’s so cute and it updates pretty regularly. plus im obsessed with siobhan/winn
Not a Rebound - acrazyfangirl: smut with a whole lot of heart. probably my favorite winn/james smut ever and i will never recommend this enough.
been with you such a long time- buckybunnyteeth: kara and winn being superfriends plus a little gay.
The Earth and The Stars - BxsicTrxsh: not much to say except a cute little angsty winn/james oneshot!
Stop Holding Back - arrowsshootyouforwards:monwinn smut that i ADORE.
Jumping to Conclusions - TheNameIsBritney: three words. fake. dating. trope.
Something In The Air (Is Giving Me Bad Ideas) - lady_ragnell: one of those fluffy little 5+1 fics ft. james and winn being kind of boyfriends. 
.... im also totally promo-ing my fanfics:
what a strange being you are: my monwinn fic i wrote right after watching 2x03. it’s more mon-el centred but eh anything for a promo.
memories painted with much brighter ink: a look into winn’s past romantic life starting when he’s 11. 
What the Hell Would I Be Without You?: my multi chapter siobhan/winn fic that i probably won’t ever finish. it’s just 4 chapters of pining. 
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