greenbergwrites · 10 months
hello me again!! I absolutely loved seeing more of the possessive!stucky verse and if you could share the parts you have from them in modern day I would die of happiness 🫶🏽
Oh, I'm sorry, babe. I definitely saw your reblog/reply to that post and totally forgot to post the rest of what I have.
Here you go, the last of what I had written for the blood in my veins 'verse
It was going to be called learning to breathe again, which I thought was apt
If asked, Steve Rogers would say that the world ends on a dreary, snowy day in 1945 while he clings to the side of a train in the French Alps. It doesn’t begin again until 2014 when he stands under a bridge in Washington, D.C., surrounded by chaos and facing off with the world’s deadliest assassin.
It doesn’t matter that the world says, “who the hell is Bucky?”
It doesn’t matter that the world tries to kill him, just days later, on a helicarrier falling from the sky. It doesn’t matter that it’s his turn to fall or that he almost drowns.
The only thing that matters is his last sight before he goes into the water: familiar, beloved bright eyes staring at him in recognition.
Steve’s happy to die in that moment. It’s a good way to go if those eyes are the last thing he knows in this life.
The world - no, the entire fucking universe - pulls him out of the Potomac. Steve doesn’t remember it and there’s no proof of it but it’s irrelevant.
His name is Steve Rogers and if he’s in danger, Bucky Barnes is there.
That’s just the way things work.
“You don’t have to come,” Steve says, standing in a graveyard.
And he really doesn’t. Steve can do this on his own. He’s happy to do it on his own, if that’s what it takes. But Sam is one of the few people in this new world that he actually likes and he isn’t actually opposed to company.
“I know.” Sam smiles. “When do we start?”
They follow Bucky around the globe for months.
Most nights are spent in different beds, most weeks are spent in at least two different countries. Sometimes there’s a backtrack and sometimes they go to places Steve has never even heard of.
In all the time they spend chasing him, neither of them catch sight of a single hair on Bucky Barnes’ head.
With every dead end and every dropped lead, Sam frowns and glances at him nervously. No matter what this new century thinks of him, Steve isn’t clueless; he knows that Sam is looking for the cracks.
Sam, the good friend that he is, is waiting for Steve to fall apart. To breakdown with grief or frustration or whatever emotion is a normal response to a situation like this one. He’s waiting for anger and tears and despair and he doesn’t quite understand that none of that is coming. None of that will ever come.
Because Sam is a good friend but he’s only ever known Steve Rogers broken. He’s looking for cracks, has been since Steve woke up in the hospital after Project Insight fell and Bucky disappeared, because he doesn’t understand.
The cracks were already there and they’re finally starting to heal.
In the sixth month, Steve wakes up to a draft in his room. The window is open and the curtains billow in the breeze, bringing with it the scent of the sea. There’s no one in his room with him and everything appears untouched save for a scrap of paper taped to his shield.
It looks like it came from the bottom of a receipt and on the back of it are three words.
Go home, it says at the top in thick block letters. The word please is written underneath, smaller, like an afterthought.
The handwriting is both familiar and foreign and Steve smiles quietly to himself, caressing the note gently.
“So we’re just giving up?”
Surprisingly, Sam isn’t upset. He is, instead, bewildered and very, very curious. They’re sitting at a cafe in the airport, passing time until their flight boards. Steve bought the tickets before Sam ever opened his eyes that morning and despite what his friend might think, he feels happy with this decision.
It’s hard to explain why he’s smiling, so he hides it behind his coffee cup.
“It’s not giving up,” he says truthfully. “Bucky asked us to go.”
Sam tilts his head, considering Steve with appraising eyes. 
“It’s just not what I expected from you,” he says after a moment. “You’ve been acting very til the ends of the earth, if you know what I mean. Didn’t think you’d let him call the shots.”
Steve snorts. 
Bucky’s been calling the shots for as long as Steve’s needed him to.
They land in Washington, D.C. at night. The airport is still buzzing with activity but it’s quieter, different than it was the morning they left. Nobody glances at them twice as they loiter around baggage claim for their luggage and Steve is grateful; he’s too tired to put on his Captain America smile.
Just as the conveyor belt starts filling with new luggage, his phone buzzes in his pocket. Fishing it out, he sees a text from an unknown number.
Thank you.
Warmth starts in his chest and spreads outwards, relaxing him just a little. He still feels tension throbbing inside of him, a cord that’s been stretching since 1945, but in that moment, it isn’t so unbearable.
Steve doesn’t bother replying - Bucky probably tossed the burner phone as soon as he pressed send - but he doesn’t delete the text message, either. Instead, he saves it to his phone, where he can look at it any time he needs.
“What is it?” Sam asks, making Steve look away from the words. He realizes he’s been staring at his phone for several minutes now; Sam’s already gotten their bags.
“Nothing,” Steve says with a smile. He pockets his phone again. “Just happy to be home.”
Life settles into a routine again. He and Sam run in the mornings, have breakfast in a cafe somewhere between Sam’s apartment and his. When the Avengers need him, which isn’t often, he helps out and when the remnants of SHIELD need him, which is more often, he helps them, too.
Natasha would be proud of how well he’s taking to the ways of her trade. He and Sam are soldiers first, good in a fight, but they learn the art of blending in; moving through a crowd without anyone ever remembering they were there. It’s new, this tactic. A freshly-bought pair of shoes that he hasn’t broken in yet but once he does, he has no doubt of the comfort they’ll provide.
It definitely makes their jobs easier, at any rate. 
There’s not a lot of big battles for Captain America anymore but there are more covert operations. Steve spends most of his time after coming back helping ex-SHIELD agents move through the city without being caught. There’s one last base in DC but its stretched too thin as is with half its agents gone and the other half focused on rebuilding. Besides, not everyone wants to stay with the organization that housed HYDRA for so many years.
So Steve does what he can. He sets up new safehouses, stashes money and weaponry all around the city, sets up a network of help for anyone who needs it.
It isn’t just their own government hunting down SHIELD and no matter what he thought when it still stood, he won’t leave these people to fend for themselves. Not when it’s partially his fault that they’re on the run at all.
He tells a SHIELD agent this when she asks and her eyes widen.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she says and then blushes, like she just remembered who she was talking to. “You’re the reason we’re alive at all, Captain. A lot more people would be dead if it weren’t for you.”
It’s the Captain rather than the reassurance that Steve focuses on. His smile, when it comes, feels brittle. He doesn’t bother responding and instead, hands her a slip of paper.
“Only stay there for a night,” he says. “Burn the paper when you’ve memorized the address. Make sure to dye your hair and put on different clothes.”
She nods and then takes him by surprise, hugging him fiercely for just a moment before pulling back. Her face is an even darker shade of red but she ignores her own embarrassment, straightening her spine and squaring her shoulders. When she meets his gaze again, she is every bit the SHIELD agent instead of the scared civilian that had been in her place moments before.
“Thank you,” she says. “For everything.”
Steve shakes his head. “No need for thanks,” he tells her. It feels mechanical, wrong, when he puts a hand on her shoulder. He’s still not used to touching people or having them touch him. “You’ll be fine, Agent. Just keep moving.”
She smiles at him and then disappears into the crowd.
A month after they abandon the search for Bucky, the gifts start arriving. Trinkets from France, Germany, Italy, Russia. There’s at least one every month and always from a place they know has been hit by the Winter Soldier.
“This is weird, you know that, right?” Sam says one morning. He turns the tiny Eiffel Tower over in his hands as Steve flips through a brochure for the Louvre. “He’s not even trying to hide the fact that those hits are him.”
Steve shrugs. “Why should he? He’s hunting down HYDRA, same as the rest of us.”
He plucks the Tower from Sam’s hands, placing it and the brochure on a shelf with previous ones. Bucky’s gifts hold a place of honor in Steve’s home, proudly displayed in the living room where Steve can see them any time he wants to. Sam doesn’t know it but the scrap of receipt holding Bucky’s first note is tucked under the music box from Russia. When he’s alone, Steve pulls it out sometimes just to look at it; just to see that handwriting again.
“Steve,” Sam says. “He’s a mentally fragile assassin that just spent the last seventy years being tortured, brainwashed, and forced to kill for a scary secret cult. He needs time to heal, not more death.”
Sighing, Steve turns to face his friend. “Did you ever think that maybe it’s helping him heal?” He asks.
“Yes, I have, actually.” Sam shakes his head. “But that’s not a healthy coping mechanism.”
Steve shrugs. “Lotta things in this world aren’t healthy, Sam,” he says. “Doesn’t mean people stop doing them.”
Bucky’s fifth gift and the first for that month - three months after Steve came home - is an expensive set of drawing pencils and three sketchbooks. It’s also the first gift to include a note.
I remembered this, it says. No signature.
Trembling fingers run lightly first over the note and then the gifts themselves. Steve lets a harsh breath, his eyes burning and his chest aching. He’s glad that he’s alone for this gift, that no one is there to see him shaking apart like this.
He opens the pencils slowly, reverently, and when he holds one in his hand, he feels a little more tension leak out of him. The rest of the day is spent ignoring the world in favor of drawing. His first few pictures are shaky, both from his own emotion and his unpracticed hand, but the more time he spends buried in his sketchbook - his sketchbook - the smoother things become.
His hand is cramping by the time the sun sets and his latest drawing has tear stains ruining his perfect lines and he feels, for the first time since 1945, like Steven Grant Rogers.
“I didn’t know you were an artist,” Sam says when he sees the art littering Steve’s living room.
Steve snorts. “Just another thing the history books left out,” he replies, bitter.
That pitying expression is back on Sam’s face and Steve decides to ignore it in favor of getting the lines of Bucky’s face just right.
The gifts continue to come and Steve’s shelf becomes an entire bookcase of trinkets. The Avengers are called on to save the world from an artificial intelligence named Ultron. They barely make it out alive but somehow, they all do make it.
Natasha watches him closely after the battle. They’re all undressing in Stark’s version of a team locker room, unconcerned with things like nudity when they’re all too busy minding cuts and bruises.
“What is it?” Steve asks her when he’s tired of the stares.
“You’re different,” she says. Her mouth softens into her version of a smile. “You don’t try to make the sacrifice play anymore.”
She doesn’t ask, so he doesn’t tell her that he finally has something to live for again. He suspects she already knows, anyways.
It’s been almost a month since the last trinket when one of their safe houses is compromised. He and Sam arrive on the scene too late but miraculously, no one is dead. The two ex-agents that were staying there are sitting on the porch, wide-eyed and shaking. Sam kneels down in front of them with kind eyes and a soothing voice. Steve goes inside to check out the house.
Broken furniture litters multiple rooms, one of the beds is upended,  the toilet in the guest bathroom is split in two. One hell of a fight took place and it seemed to span the entire house. In the living room, there are bodies piled one on top of the other; unconscious not dead. The only thing surprising about this is that not all of them are part of the strike team that hit the house.
“He was here,” Sam says from behind him. He comes to stand shoulder to shoulder with Steve, staring down at the bodies. “The agents said he’s the only reason they’re still alive.”
Steve smirks at him. “Still think it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism?”
“Yes.” When Steve looks at him, Sam holds up his hands. “Hey, man, I’m the first to admit that I’m grateful. But this still isn’t healthy.”
Rolling his eyes, Steve gestures at the two plain-clothed people. “Did they say where these two came from?”
“Yeah, Barnes left ‘em.” He gives Steve an unimpressed look. “Said something about it being a present.”
Steve smiles, looking away from Sam’s piercing gaze. His trinkets are getting bigger.
It takes a few hours to get the HYDRA operatives secured in the DC base and to elicit a promise for whatever information is gleaned from them. He doesn’t know if he trusts the agent who does the promising but Steve will come back if he needs to. At least two of the prisoners were specifically meant for him, anyways.
When he gets home, Steve finds a pile of crushed metal and wiring piled onto his coffee table. It takes him a moment to realize what they are but when he does, he smiles; they’re bugs from all around his apartment.
Next to them is a note that reads: out with the old.
The words are very specific. Bucky doesn’t do anything uncalculated and Steve is sure that’s truer now than it was during the war. He begins to search the apartment but doesn’t have to get very far before he’s proved right. On the bottom of the Eiffel Tower statue, there’s a listening device.
And where there’s one, there’s dozens.
Steve puts the statue back without removing the bug and relaxes a tiny, tiny bit more.
“In with the new,” he says quietly, warmed by the thought that Bucky will hear him.
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somanywords · 5 months
also would love to hear about catws again!!
thanks for the ask!!! this one is another winter soldier idea i had, where basically instead of dumping steve on the riverbank and running, bucky stayed.
Slowly, he lifted one arm—his left—and felt the hand across his chest. It was metal. Steve tried to sit up and was promptly pushed back down. “Shush,” said a hoarse voice that sounded like a sunset-draped fire escape and a curl of cigarette smoke. “You’re hurt.” Steve fought back his first response, yeah, and who’s fault is that? and his second response, Bucky, oh my god, oh my god, and settled with his third. “Is everyone safe?” Bucky sighed, a gusty thing. He muttered something under his breath and then said, “Yes. They got out.” “And the Insight carriers—” Bucky pointed with his metal hand; light glinted off his knuckles. At the SHIELD headquarters, one of the ships had crashed back into the loading dock. In the river, more wreckage smoked.
Ask me about a wip?
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stuckybingo · 4 months
nothing in the world is mine for free (but my love mine all mine) by moodymelanist Square filled: I4 - Role Reversal Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: post-CATWS, POV Bucky Barnes, soft, Bucky Barnes needs a hug, Summary: Bucky finally stops keeping his distance and comforts Steve after a nightmare. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
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sjmkinkmeme · 1 year
hiiiii can I claim Turesti’s request for a Nemerie moodboard 👀 I’m working on a fic with that same premise so figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone!!
Absolutely!! We can't wait to see it!
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Happy birthday!!! I enjoyed your series showing Stucky with a bunch of kids SO much and thank you for boosting my serotonin as many times as you have! I hope you have an amazing day 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
omg thank you so so much!!!!!! throwing it back to my roots!!!!!!! honestly they still have such a special place in my heart <3 thank you so so much this makes me so happy!!!! thank you thank you!!!!!!!!
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abovethesmokestacks · 2 years
I was looking for NEC tattoo inspiration and I LOVE your Nike tattoo!! 🖤🖤
Aaah, thank you!!! The artist who designed it is an absolute genius, and I am still so immensely grateful that they allowed me to use the design for my tattoo.
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juicyfruit22-library · 6 months
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separatist-apologist · 11 months
MB! I know I’m late to the party and it is SO late my time (why am I still awake?!) but I feel like it is my duty to give The Last of the Real ones its due because I never see it on the faves list and it honestly never leaves my brain 🥺 also: Slow Dancing in a Burning Room and Treacherous ♥️♥️♥️ but human!elain falling in love with Lucien is truly my Roman Empire.
ps I love everything you write
Human!Elain falling in love with Fae!Lucien is also MY roman empire. That fic was some of the most fun I ever had. I want to recapture that kind of magic so badly. I was a brand new writer so it was an intimate, niche affair. I met some of my oldest fandom friends while writing that fic.
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moodymelanist · 2 years
hi everyone! new general tag list is as follows; if I forgot to add you lmk!
and as a clarification, I generally only use one tag list for my acotar fics (with the exception of my Neris fic, which has a separate tag list!) 🫶🏽
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @houseofcalores | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav
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greenbergwrites · 10 months
hi!! idk if you’ve answered an ask about this (or if you have any interest in continuing this verse, which is totally ok if you don’t!) but I always wondered what you had planned for those 2-3 extra parts you mentioned in the blood in my veins. it’s one of my favorite stucky fics so anything and everything you’re willing to share about it would make my day 🫶🏽
ah, my first foray into stucky <3 I really loved that 'verse, I can't believe I never finished it
The TL;DR version is that Part Two was going to be them during the war and Part Three was going to be modern day where they reunite once and for all. I had 2500 words written for the modern day part, and I can share it if you're interested, but here is an interlude that I wrote about them from the Commandos' point of view but never finished yes this has been sitting in my WIP folder for almost a decade
(There was supposed to be more between everything else and those last two lines. I always knew those lines would end this part.)
Here’s what the Commandos know about Rogers and Barnes: 
Don’t try to come between them and you’ll be alright.
The facts are this: 
The war tried to come between them when it drafted Barnes, so Rogers decided he was going to enlist. The Army tried next when they wouldn’t let him, so he signed up for Project Rebirth.
Colonel Phillips tried when he wouldn’t send Rogers to the front lines and then he tried again when Barnes was captured and the Colonel didn’t plan on sending a rescue team. 
It’s around that time that people start getting wise to the idea that trying to keep them apart is pretty embarrassing for everyone involved. The crazy bastards are going to stay together no matter what. They’re gonna follow each other anywhere - everywhere - and it’s just easier if you let ‘em.
So, Rogers rescues Barnes and then the Army gives them their own team. Officially, it’s Captain America’s team but none of the Commandos are stupid. They know exactly how the hierarchy in the team works and rank has exactly fuck all to do with it.
Dugan saw Barnes’ tattoo pretty early on. The damn thing was like his good luck charm. He wasn’t shy about staring at it or running his fingers over it. Hell, he even kissed it before one fight. Dugan ribbed Barnes good about it, but he only received a sharp grin in response. Barnes never rose to the bait and Dugan was never trusted with the name of the dame to which the initials SR belonged. 
After Azzano, he doesn’t really think to connect the dots. Not until Rogers catches a knife to the shoulder in their second mission. 
Now that’s a story all its own but the long and short of it is this: they capture an enemy combatant. The plan is to take him back to base for interrogation but the sonuvabitch gets loose, manages to get some sort of shiv in the good Captain before he’s subdued.
Rogers, blood soaking his uniform, just looks at the poor bastard and says, calm as anything, “you shouldn’t have done that.”
No sooner are the words out of his mouth, there’s a bullet in the prisoner’s skull. Rogers is the only one that doesn’t jump, the only one that isn’t goddamn floored by it. Barnes appears out of thin air, holstering his side-arm calmly. His face isn’t calm, though. It’s a dark thing, that look in his eyes. Near black with rage.
He strides purposefully toward Steve, settling proprietary hands on him as soon as he’s close enough. He pats Steve down for any other injuries as the others look on in frozen shock.
No one had even known Barnes was there.
“You okay?” Barnes asks, and Rogers nods, a funny little smile twisting his mouth. 
He looks at Barnes like he hung the fuckin’ moon and Barnes is looking back like he’ll burn the world down around them if he thinks it’ll heal Rogers any faster.
It’s Dugan, Morita, and Falsworth that see the whole thing go down. It’s the three of them that find themselves on the receiving end of Barnes’ glare when he says, “Get Jones, now.”
Morita’s the first to move but he does it slowly, like any wrong move will get him a bullet, too. Dugan and Falsworth follow, helpless, when Barnes starts herding their Captain towards shelter. There’s a kind of morbid fascination to see how this turns out.
“Get to the tent,” Barnes says. “We need to get this off’a you.”
Rogers moves but reluctantly, rolling his eyes. “C’mon, Buck --”
“Shut up, Rogers, don’t give me any of that super soldier bullshit. Get in the fucking tent.”
Rogers does and then Barnes starts undressing him. He touches the Captain like he owns him, not bothering to ask about this or that before he just does it and Rogers, well. Rogers lets him. It’s completely at odds with what they know about the man.
“You shouldn’t have shot him in the head,” Rogers says but he doesn’t sound angry. He sounds almost amused.
Barnes pauses to give him an incredulous look. “He fuckin’ stabbed you, Steve. What did you want me to do?”
“Try a kneecap next time.”
Next time. 
Jesus, Dugan thinks. Rogers expects this to happen again.
Barnes grunts, assenting, as he carefully peels the uniform off the Captain’s injured shoulder and then shoves it down around his waist. Blood trickles down Rogers’ bare chest and Barnes uses the cleanest rag they currently have to wipe it away. He doesn’t leave Rogers alone until the rest of the team arrives–Morita dragging Jones, Dernier taking up the rear–and then he moves to stand behind Rogers, a hand on his uninjured shoulder.
“He got stabbed,” Barnes says, short and angry. “Shoulder. Fix it.”
Jones blinks, surprised by the venomous tone, but nods and goes to work. There is a careful wariness in his movements as he goes to touch Steve, the barest of glances toward Bucky that ask for permission to touch and Barnes knows it because he nods his approval. Morita must have given them the quick and dirty of what happened. 
As the wound is tended, Barnes’ fingers dig into Steve’s flesh and Steve reaches a hand up to soothe him. 
That’s when they see it. It’s there and gone in a flash, a blink and you miss it twist of Steve’s wrist that gives them the show, but none of them actually miss it.
They glance at each other to make sure–Jones tilts his head to Dernier for just a second, Dernier to Morita and Morita to Dugan, Dugan to Falsworth–and then just as quickly, they all glance away.
JB, the tattoo on his wrists says--a mirror to Barnes’ own.
Well. At least Dugan knows who SR is now.
They bury the body in an unmarked grave and when they get back to camp, no one mentions the soldier they captured. It’s as if there never was one.
Barnes never does it again but he comes close enough that Dugan knows if it hadn’t been for Steve’s words, there’d be a lot more dead bodies left in their wake.
There’s a shadow over Barnes and there always has been. Dugan saw it the first time they met; past the pretty boy face and the charming smiles, darkness lurks. It didn’t matter much back in the beginning and it doesn’t matter much now.
Shadow or not, Barnes is a likable guy. He’s a good shot and a good soldier, tells good stories by the campfires, and he’s loyal to boot. Not just to Captain Rogers, either. He’s been loyal to his men since day one and he’ll do anything he can to see them through to the other side of whatever shit the Army puts them in. 
That doesn’t change when Rogers comes along but there is a noticeable shift in priority. Barnes will always protect Rogers first and nothing anyone says is gonna change that. Dugan thanks his lucky stars every goddamn day that Rogers is a man who can take care of himself, otherwise the rest of ‘em might be fucked all to hell.
Nobody is surprised when Steve crashes the plane. They’re just surprised he lasted as long as he did.
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somanywords · 5 months
No winter soldier au 👀
thanks so much for the ask, @moodymelanist! <3 like the title suggests, this is an au idea where bucky doesn't fall off the train and instead ends up on the valkyrie with steve and both of them wake up together in the 21st century.
i'm interested in exploring the ways steve and bucky would react to the future together, in the relationship they'd have with the other avengers, etc. have a snippet!
“We’re over the arctic,” Steve whispered in Bucky’s ear. “It’s gotta be soon.” “Okay,” Bucky said, brain racing frantically. “Here’s what we’ll do. You look around here for a parachute, take it and jump out while I crash this thing, and then—” “No,” Steve said, horrified. “No.” “Then you come back and dig me out, idiot! If you’re fast maybe I’ll even be able to keep some of my toes. Besides. You know I have a decent chance, Steve, you know what they did to me in there—” Steve stared. They had never discussed what they did to Bucky in there, but the same way Bucky could make a few guesses, he knew Steve was making a few of his own. Bucky didn’t sleep as much. Bucky was always hungry. Bucky could make a shot in the dark before the other men could see the next set of trees. “If that’s your logic, then I have an even better chance. So you take the parachute—” “No,” Bucky said. “Broken arm, remember? I’ll be no good swimmin’.” Steve shook his head. “I won’t leave you, Buck. I’m sick of us always leavin’.” They tried to sit behind the tall impenetrable pilot chair, but Bucky’s legs gave out and he toppled into Steve, so it was more like falling. “Fine, you stubborn mule,” Bucky said, tired now. “We’ll try our luck together, then?” Like we always have, he thinks.
Ask me about a wip?
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Announcing Cassian Week 2024!
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Join us in celebrating our favorite bat boy from July 22 through 28, 2024!
Welcome to Cassian Appreciation Week 2024! Feel free to participate in any way you can, from headcanons, fanart, moodboards, fics, drabbles, playlists…. no matter how big or small, anything celebrating Cassian is welcome! 
Please tag @cassianappreciationweek and use the tag #CassianWeek2024 so we can see all your lovely posts!
And if you plan to post on Instagram, make sure to follow us and collab with us on the post!
This year’s prompts are as follows:
Day One: Flying ⚔︎ Cassian feels most at peace when he takes to the skies. How do you see him showing off or sharing his love of flying?
Day Two: Hair ⚔︎ Cassian's hair is one of his most defining features. Does he have a multi-step hair routine, or is he a 3-in-1 kind of guy? You decide!
Day Three: Family ⚔︎ Amongst the Illyrians, within the Inner Circle, with Nesta, and even with potential future children, we can all agree that Cassian loves his family! How do you see him showing that love?
Day Four: Lover ⚔︎ Cassian has had many opportunities for love across Prythian — who do you ship him with? Nesta? Azriel? Eris? Lucien? Any and all ships are welcome!
Day Five: Scars ⚔︎ As a General, Cassian has earned a number of scars, some visible and others not. How do you see him getting them, tending to them, or healing from them?
Day Six: Birthday ⚔︎ Although we don’t know Cassian’s official birthday, we know how much Fire Sign Energy he gives off. How do you see Cassian celebrating his birthday and channeling his inner Leo?
Day Seven: Free Day ⚔︎ Any topic of your choosing!
Thank you to @talkfantasytome, @dustjacketmusings, @c-e-d-dreamer, @moodymelanist, @melphss, @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk, @kale-theteaqueen, @podemechamardek, @perseusannabeth, @unhealthyfanobsession, and others for helping to plan this event!
We can't wait to see what you create!
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stuckybingo · 2 years
“What, Like It’s Hard?” by moodymelanist Square filled: O5 - Found Family Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts, fluff, avengers movie night, legally blonde references, Steve’s list Summary: Steve and Bucky settle in to cross some movies off Steve’s list. At least, it was supposed to only be Steve and Bucky. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
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kale-theteaqueen · 2 months
To Choose Her
Alright, sleepy head! Rise and shine-”
Halting in her step, Mor’s speech cut off abruptly when she was met with a sight that was distinctly not Cassian buried under the blankets in deep sleep.
Instead of wings, there was long, dark blonde hair fanned out on the pillows, a thin arm that hugged a pillow this figure now rested her head on, as if she’d turned to grasp onto it whenever her bedmate had risen. Her breaths came slowly, deeply, a sign of an easy sleep.
She was beautiful in the sunlight, which caught on the freckles sprinkled across her skin. Not even Mor could deny it.
But what was most striking, what caused her jaw to drop and any and all words to flee from her mind, was the fact that, underneath the sheet that had been drawn up to her shoulder, Nesta Archeron was decidedly bare in Cassian’s bed.
A shocked sound choked past her lips, and her eyes lifted, roving over the rest of the room until she met the bright, gold-flecked ones of her initial target.
Cassian stood in front of his dresser, his back facing her, yet had turned his head on her arrival. Seemingly frozen in the middle of buttoning one of the sleeves of the cotton shirt he’d donned – distinctly not his usual training leathers – he was looking at her with an expression Mor didn’t think she’d ever been on the receiving end of.
There was no kindness there, no warmth that he usually greeted her with. Instead, there was a fierce irritation, a protectiveness, even. The message was clear even to her basest of fae instincts.
A warning.
A submission for @cassianappreciationweek Day 4: Lover
Tag List: @c-e-d-dreamer @podemechamardek @talkfantasytome @moodymelanist @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @doriansgf @eerievixen @sweet-pea1 @thewayshedreamed @agents-assemble @jsmelodies @aelinchocolatelover @unlikelypersonalknight1 @slipknotvol3 @stylishmuser @lady-winter-sunrise @bri-loves-sunflowers @misswonderflower @acourtofladydeath
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nestaarcheronweek · 7 months
♕ Announcing Nesta Archeron Appreciation Week 2024 ♕
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Join us in celebrating Nesta Archeron from April 21 through April 27, 2024!
Welcome to Nesta Week 2024! Feel free to participate in any way you can, from headcanons, fanart, moodboards, fics, drabbles…. no matter how big or small, anything celebrating Nesta is welcome!
Please tag @nestaarcheronweek and use the tag #NestaWeek2024 so we can see all your lovely posts!
This year’s prompts are as follows:
Day One: Queen of Queens ♕ Nesta has accumulated many titles, but one of our favorites is Queen of Queens! How do you see her living up to this title?
Day Two: Metamorphosis ♕ Nesta has undergone many changes during the series — physical, mental, and emotional, just to name a few! How do you see some of the changes she’s gone through?
Day Three: Self-Care ♕ Nesta has experienced a lot of hardships during the series, making it all the more important for those moments of self-care. How do you see her taking care of herself?
Day Four: Lover ♕ Nesta has had many opportunities for love across Prythain — who do you ship her with? Cassian? Emerie? Eris? Gwyn? Azriel? Cresseida? Any and all ships are welcome!
Day Five: Wolf ♕ “So Nesta had become a wolf. Armed herself with invisible teeth and claws, and learned to strike faster, deeper, more lethally.” How do you see Nesta using her teeth and claws?
Day Six: Birthday Girl ♕ While Nesta doesn’t have a specified birthday in canon, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate our favorite character turning a year older! How do you think Nesta and the people who love her would celebrate her special day?
Day Seven: Free Day ♕ Any topic of your choosing!
A huge shoutout to @dustjacketmusings, @c-e-d-dreamer, @talkfantasytome, @kale-theteaqueen, @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk, @melphss, and @podemechamardek for helping to organize this event!
Please contact @moodymelanist with any questions. We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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fuckyesnessian · 5 months
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Creator Highlight #5 - @moodymelanist
Welcome back to Nessian Creator Highlights!! We want to take a moment to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use up so much of their free time and creative energy to share their work with us!
It was only a matter of time before we recognized @moodymelanist. You may know her as the GOAT of Nessian and the organizer of some of the best events in the fandom, like @sjmromanceweek, @nestaarcheronweek and @nessianweek!
You would think that would keep her busy enough, but besides throwing our favorite fandom parties, @moodymelanist also writes some of the filthiest, angstiest, and funniest Nessian fics around.
Check out:
Where The Light Won't Find You: Nesta Archeron descends into the darkness.
What if Nesta went into the Court of Nightmares?
I Guess It's Half Timing (And The Other Half's Luck): Nesta and Cassian have a steamy one-night stand while out celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, but their lives are changed forever once Nesta realizes her period is late. Follow along as Nesta and Cassian navigate preparing to become parents, balancing their other life stresses, and figuring out their feelings for one another!
Can't Help It: Nesta and Cassian at their most toxic and self-destructive. There's enough hate sex and emotional denial in here to make a grown man cry.
bonus (because I found it impossible to pick just three):
The Better To Eat You With: Nesta has to make it home from her aunt Ripleigh’s before dark. Too bad the big bad wolf lurking in the woods has other plans.
You can find more on her masterlist!!
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