chrislanier · 2 years
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#moonweb https://www.instagram.com/p/CpB2nKDrrG5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slverblood · 13 days
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This post takes a look at the knightly Selûnite order, the Swords of the Lady. This is not a detailed list of their history, members, activities, etc. Rather it's a general overview. Further details will come in future posts.
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IN THE DARK YEARS FOLLOWING Netheril's fall, the Moonmaiden's Shard gifted four enchanted rings to Her faithful: Amglaer, Emthandas, Shelmroun, Tilithar. Each ring possesses its own power, but it is only when they are brought together that their true power is known. This knowledge was revealed to Her faithful gathered at Manystreams in 616 DR. Two rings had been unwittingly brought together there: Amglaer on the finger of Randar Rheligonther, Moon Priest of Neverwinter; and Shelmroun on Amtheiera Summerdusk, Lunequeen of Danthaldown. Together, they set off on a quest to unite all the rings. The two became known as the Great Lovers and are still revered as saints by Selûnites nearly a thousand years later. Though they never laid eyes on Emthandas, Tilithar was their wedding gift from Our Lady of Silver.
It is from their legacy that the Swords of the Lady were born. They journeyed with only a handful of companions. Those who still stood when the Great Lovers perished in 686 DR were the first to swear this order's vow over their graves. The order has ever after been committed to upholding the Moonmaiden's teachings, wading into the heart of darkness that it might be driven back, and seeking the four rings that all Her faithful might be woven together by the Moonweb. This final tenet was altered when Selûne made it clear She wished for the rings to journey far on many hands and that doom was appointed for any attempting to possess all four at once. The Swords of the Lady thus keep better track of the rings movements than any others, and they are most eager to bear one.
Each member is committed to embodying the Moonmaiden's light as truly as mortally possible. Thus, though they are termed a knightly order, order has very little to do with them. Each member is knighted and will be titled as sir / dame / ser, but they possess no hierarchy. There are no ranks or formal leadership. It is at the discretion of each Sword to induct new members — though, of course, if fellow Swords do not recognize the induction then it means little. They are bound by brotherhood, faith, a common vow not some mortal law or leadership. If any of those bonds fail, the order is meaningless. This has led to a great love between its members, for that is what truly binds them, with even members who are complete strangers to one another treating each other as close kin upon first meeting.
Induction into the Swords of the Lady does not preclude one from swearing other vows. They must simply swear no vows that contradict the one held by the order. Indeed, it is common to see a Sword sworn to a Selûnite community / organization or a faithful Selûnite individual. They may even swear themselves to the defense of a particular location or relic. They can thus be found in any corner of Toril touched by Selûne's light — or Shar's darkness. They have been welcomed not only in Faerûn but Kara-Tur, Zakhara, Katashaka, and Maztica. (That they lack a formal hierarchy and tend to move alone or in small groups helps this. Even one Sword can be a formidable opponent, but there's little threat to established order in small numbers.)
As for who may join, the Swords of the Lady do not discriminate, as the Lady of Silver Herself does not. Race, class, background, point of origin — none of this matters. If their heart is true, if their soul is faithful, if their vow is sincere, then they may be knighted. This does not mean it is easy to join, however. A Sword's devotion to the Moonmaiden comes before all else — including their own life and health. This is not an ask the Moonmaiden has made of them. Rather it is the result of ironclad certainty. They know where they go when they die, and so death holds no fear for them. They trust entirely to the Moonmaiden's will. Wherever the Goddess of Wanderers leads, they will follow. Indeed, many spend their lives perpetually on the road, navigating by Her light alone. They are all of them fearless in battle. And, mad. Only the faithful of Tymora can match them in risk-taking and crazed-wits spontaneity.
One of their most famous members was Dame Aylin herself. When she disappeared in Reithwin, the Swords took great pains to find her. They all failed. One made it far enough to sneak through the Grymforge, up to the Gauntlet of Shar, and into the Shadowfell entrance hidden below. She was unable to send word of her findings to her fellows, and she never reemerged. The order did not give up, however, and fought opposite Ketheric and his Dark Justiciars in his ill-fated war. They were called together from every corner of Toril. Never before had they gathered in such great number. That war and the shadow curse unleashed after shattered them. A pyrrhic victory.
In Her grief, Selûne withdrew Her favor from the order. What remained underwent another transformation. For the first time in history, they have become stationery. Though individual members may go afield on specific quests or errands, the order has spent the past century guarding the borders of the shadow-cursed lands. They keep people out, keep cursed beings in, and attempt to prevent the curse from spreading. This is an inherently Sisyphean task, particularly in the shadow of Selûne's waning favor. They have diminished tremendously, becoming little more than legends to the rest of the world. When Isobel raised the Moonshield over Last Light Inn, they were drawn toward it, and they allied with her and the Harpers against the Cult of the Absolute. When Aylin is freed and the curse is broken, they leave those lands at last to end the Elder Brain's threat in Baldur's Gate. They return to Reithwin afterward, however, to help the land heal and protect the Selûnites attempting to reclaim the town. This is a chance for rejuvenation for them as well. Their goddess' favor once more shines upon them.
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polkadotmotmot · 1 month
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Patrick Hughes - Moonweb, 2018 - Oil on canvas
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Boonville: The children would often cry hysterically when the mothers would leave after a short visit.
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▲ Boonville, also known as the New Ideal City Ranch
I was a member of Unification “Church” for seven months, spending five of those months in the Oakland, California center, including San Francisco and Boonville. While in Boonville, I was aware of several cases of separation of young mothers and their small children, mainly between the ages of two to five years. The children lived in a separate trailer which was about a five-minute walk from the rest of the living quarters and activity area. “Church” members were periodically rotated to take care of these children. For the most part their mothers were not included in the rotation.
At least two of the mothers were sent to live in the Berkeley center for a period of at least several weeks while their children remained on the farm. While the mothers were on the farm, they were too busy to see their children more than once or twice a week, at most. The children would often cry hysterically when the mothers would leave after a short visit. In one case, a young divorced girl with a 2½ year old daughter wanted her child to join her on the farm but was denied the request. She was, therefore, in effect, forced to choose between Unification cult and her child. She chose the cult, leaving her child with her parents. She used to cry about this often, but always decided, with the help of several people, including myself, that the child would understand when she grew up that the mother had given her up to work for the Messiah (Sun Myung Moon) and the building of the Heavenly Kingdom.
I have chosen not to mention the names of the people involved to prevent retribution against them, but will reveal the names if necessary.
Barbara Wexler
One Family meeting with Onni Durst scarred my soul
Life Among the Moonies [in Oakland] by Deanna Durham
Moon instructed: “Whenever the Blessed couples have children, as soon as the child become 100 days old, they will put him in the nursery school.”
Michael Warder’s reasons for leaving. As a top UC leader in the US in the 1970s he reported directly to Moon.
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie)
Barbara Underwood and the Oakland Moonies
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Papasan Choi and Boonville’s Japanese origins
Mose and Onni Durst – their legacy
Onni Durst’s trips to Las Vegas casinos, New York, and Seoul – and her luxurious lifestyle.
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did some oc doots the other night! I'll add little transcripts since I know my handwriting sucks-
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Aeolanyira: *musical interlude*
Aeolanyira: *Welcome To Castle Irwell by Crywank intensifies* (that song has been my jam for the past couple of days, idk what it is but the angry screams really reach my soul)
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Moonweb being angy
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Orsal: *literally just standing*
Whiskey: I would die for you
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Zanna about to pop off
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Enador: Are these feelings other than rage???
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the-moon-pal · 5 years
MoonWeb, you are banished from the clans in book two for having radical ideas. You go on to make a kittypet cult and die from some easily curable disease.
SjGgdhdhdGSHSHDJDKD GOD, thank you i love my storyline dude
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
On the Unification Church in Japan
Taken from Moonwebs: Journey Into the Mind of a Cult by Josh Freed, published in 1980
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▲ Ryoichi Sasakawa’s mugshot
One facet of Moon’s political empire was not even touched upon by the Fraser Committee—the Japanese connection which some Moon-watchers believe to be more important than even the link with Korea. Moon’s Japanese Church, the Genri Undo, is an influential movement tied to some of the most powerful ultra-right nationalist forces in Asia.
Moon’s three principal backers in the Orient are Ryoichi Sasagawa, Nobusuke Kishi and Yoshio Kodama—post war billionaires and political forces who share a dream of restoring the Emperor and Japan to their former glory. Some observers believe they are the real power behind Moon.
Sasagawa is the godfather of the Japanese underworld and the founder of the Japanese kamikaze pilot squads. He was imprisoned briefly as a Class A war criminal after the war, then released to become a billionaire political power in Indonesia and Cambodia. He actively supports the Unification Church in Japan, and is described by Bo Hi Pak as a “true humanitarian and patriot”, by Moon as “very close to Master”.
Sasagawa was also at the center of the old China Lobby—a powerful combination of Asian dictators, American right-wing politicians and international businessmen who influenced U.S. policy in the Pacific after World War II. In the 1960’s Sasagawa set up the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), currently the major alliance of right-wing forces in the world. Moon’s Japanese Church is a member of the WACL, and sponsored its 1970 annual conference. Moon claims his Church raised $1.4 million in flower sales and helped finance the “best WACL conference ever”.
The man in charge of promoting that conference was Nobusuke Kishi another active backer of the Japan Unification Church, a former prime minister of Japan, and president of its ruling party. At the 1970 WACL meeting, Kishi organized a grand welcoming banquet for Moon when he arrived in Japan.
According to Bo Hi Pak, both Kishi and Sasagawa help the Unification Church by “encouraging young people through their position as elder statesmen. They open doors, issue statements and attend rallies, and they testify to other important Japanese.”
The third member of this right-wing triumvirate, Yoshio Kodama, has been described by the New York Times as “one of the most powerful men in the Orient”. He recently became notorious for his role in the Lockheed pay-off scandal involving the Japanese government.
Kodama is considered one of the kingpins of Japanese politics, and has had a hand in selecting several prime ministers. He is not an active Moon backer, but acted as an advisor to Kishi and the Moonies during the 1970 WACL meeting. Moon’s links with Kodama, Kishi and Sasagawa have raised speculation that Japan is the source of his early funding; Harpers magazine even speculated that his seed money may have come through the Lockheed pay-offs, raising the possibility that Moon began his growth with American corporate funds.
Moon has at least two other interesting links in Japan. One is with recently defeated prime minister Takeo Fukuda, who attended a banquet in Moon’s honour in 1974, accompanied by two cabinet ministers. When questioned in the Japanese Diet, Fukuda replied: “He (Moon) is a very splendid man, and his philosophy has common parts with my own—namely cooperation and unity. So I was very impressed by him.”
Moon is also close to Japan’s director of the environment, Shintaro Ishihara, who received enormous door-to-door support from the Moonies in the 1976 elections. Shortly after, Ishihara attended a Church dinner and announced: “I received great help from your people…in my election campaign. I had no idea there were such fine young people in present day Japan.”
These links with some of the most powerful people in the Orient make many Moon watchers believe that Moon is more than a puppet for the Korean Government. According to Andrew Ross, a West Coast journalist who broke many of Moon’s Korean connections long before the Fraser Committee. “Moon is right at the center of a constellation of world-wide right-wing forces that is very powerful…and very frightening.”
How powerful is the Church today?
Since the outset of the Fraser Committee, the South Korean Government has gone to great lengths to disassociate itself from Moon and the Church. It has cancelled the passports of the Little Angels ballet troupe and has charged the president of Moon’s ginseng tea company with $6 million in tax evasion. (He escaped to Japan.)
The Church cites these difficulties as proof that it has no links with South Korea, while other critics have said it certainly spells the end of any “special relationship” Moon has enjoyed with the South Korean Government.
The Fraser committee found evidence, however, that as late as 1978 the Church continued to have “significant support” from South Korean authorities. The committee pointed out that in that year a Moon industry was awarded contracts as a chief weapons supplier for the Korean Government. They put particular emphasis on a strange incident that occurred in late 1977: the American weapons firm Colt Industries sent a cable to the South Korean government suggesting an arms deal. Several weeks later Colt officials received a call from Moon’s Tong-Il manufacturing plant. Moon’s representatives then told Colt officials they would work out the deal for South Korea. They said the Korean government was aware of their actions and supported them, but would deny it if it came out in public.
The subcommittee recalled Moon’s professed goals, including the formation of a “Unification Crusade Army”, and concluded its report on this note:
“Under the circumstances, the subcommittee believes it is in the interests of the United States to know what control Moon and his followers have over instruments of war and to what extent they are in a position to influence Korean defence policies.”
The assassination of South Korean president Park in late 1979 throws Moon’s future status in Korea into question. No one can say whether the new government of Choi Kyu-Hah will continue to favor Moon or simply consider him a nuisance. However, it is worth noting that one of the most powerful men in the new government, so powerful that he was considered a leading candidate to become president, is Kim Chong-Pil; the man who met secretly with the Unification Church in San Francisco in 1961 and later became the honorary chairman of the KCFF.
In America too there are strong indications that Moon is far from dead. His financial investments continue to grow rapidly in fishing, film, newspaper and real estate, and his annual science conference continues to attract distinguished academics the world over. In November 1979, the ICUS science conference was held in Los Angeles and drew a full house.
Moon is again living in the United States after several months out of the country during the term of a subpoena by the Fraser Committee, and he is planning a mass wedding of two thousand couples in the United States sometime in 1980. He was also hoping to plan a giant “March on Moscow” in 1980—a top secret mission in which troops of Moonies would sweep down on the Russian Olympics in the guise of marching bands, with Divine Principles and bibles concealed in their drums.
Perhaps the most telling example of the Moonies’ still-flourishing power was displayed against the man who has been most effective in exposing them—Rep. Donald Fraser.
In the 1978 primaries, the Moonies campaigned actively against Fraser in his home state of Minnesota. As the Fraser Committee noted, all aspects of the Moon organization were synchronized against him—political, economic and religious. Anti-Fraser brochures were printed up by Moon’s publishing company; documentaries were made of the Fraser hearings by Moon film crews for airing in Korea; articles derogating Fraser and making Bo Hi Pak a martyr were run in News World; and individual Church members campaigned against Fraser in the street.
The results were effective. On October 7, about a month before the release of his committee’s final report, Donald Fraser was narrowly defeated in his bid to become the Democratic candidate for the Senate.
Sun Myung Moon had proved a more powerful opponent than even Fraser could deal with.
Full text: https://tragedyofthesixmarys.com/moonwebs-by-josh-freed-3-of-3/
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antinomian · 3 years
i know for a FACT i own a copy of moonwebs. but the SECOND im actually interested in moonies i cant find it -_-
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Moonwebs by Allen Tate Wood
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wetwareproblem · 7 years
cherry bomb! :D
full name: Her license says “Lauren Moonweb,” but she might shoot you if you use it. It’s Cherry Bomb, thank you very much.
gender: Female
sexuality: She likes girls, but that’s not exactly terribly relevant in the city when you’re under two feet tall.
pronouns: She/Her
family: None left. Well, unless you count the CalFree soldier who rescued her.
birthplace: A small village in the Modoc forest. It didn’t have a name in English or Sperethiel. Now it doesn’t exist.
job: Freelance troubleshooter. She finds trouble, and shoots it. (In seriousness, she’s a combat drone pilot - she drives a miniature tank.)
phobias: Large explosions.
guilty pleasures: Guilty? She revels in every one of her pleasures.
morality alignment?: Chaotic angry.
sins - Wrath with a side of gluttony. She’s a hothead with a violent temper, and there are very few vices she’d turn down given the chance.
virtues - Justice with a side of kindness. For all her posturing, her anger is very particularly aimed at those who don’t consider the innocents they’re hurting.
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: In better days, she was fairly extroverted, but her changing circumstances have caused her to withdraw quite a bit.
organized/disorganized: Surprisingly organized. She might put up a chaotic front, but her job is technical and detail-oriented.
close minded/open-minded: If she weren’t extremely open-minded, she never would’ve gotten where she is.
calm/anxious: No room for anxiety on a shadowrun.
disagreeable/agreeable: Depends on whether you’ve clocked as an asshole to her or not. She’s pretty easygoing with friends, but can turn ugly on a dime.
cautious/reckless: Reckless as fuck.
patient/impatient: Impatient, which can be a detriment in a line of work that requires planning and forethought.
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken as hell.
leader/follower: Leader. Comes with the outspoken and impatient. Fortunately, she’s generally clever enough to pull it off.
empathetic/unemphatic: She tries to hide behind a distant mask, but her heart is soft.
optimistic/pessimistic: So far optimism has been treating her well.
traditional/modern: Bleeding edge, baby.
hard-working/lazy: She gets shot at for a living. Better believe she works hard.
otp: None thus far, actually.
ot3: See above.
brotp: Probably Shrike, our gun adept. They live together and coordinate pretty well.
notp: She probably wouldn’t do too well with Discharge, the team hacker.
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art-now-uk · 5 years
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moonweb, Sara Willett
Site specific installation of hand crochet shirring elastic, commissioned by the Nunhead Museum for the 2013 Telegraph Hill Festival, London UK
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ets2world · 7 years
Car Colors Pack 1.28.x
This mod increases a huge amount of available AI car colors, focusing mainly on the most common and therefore realistic mix of hues. If the mod is set to a high priority it should change the car colors included in other mods without much trouble. Highly recommend  to use with Jazzycat‘s excellent vehicle packs and Truck Colours Pack.
Credits: Moonweb Compatibility: ETS2 latest version
How to install mod for ETS 2:
Download this mod.
Extract it!
Paste the .scs file(s) into your My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod folder.
Run game ~> Mod Manager ~> Enable mod.
Download Car Colors Pack for ETS 2:
Source: Car Colors Pack 1.28.x
Readmore: http://ets2downloads.com/misc/car-colors-pack
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Mose and Onni Durst – their legacy
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I remember when the Dursts were a big deal, what with her being the notorious Onni, and him becoming the UC president in the U.S.
Dr. Durst used to be seen a lot on TV, and even when I was still in the church in the mid 80’s, I thought his TV manner was just a little too inauthentic to be believed by a lot of folks who might watch him. For example, his oft-repeated “If our eyes are glazed, they are glazed because we are crying for the world”, just came across as practiced and obvious. After the Oakland church was no longer the recruiting powerhouse it had been in the 70’s, it seems like its time had just sort of passed. It had been sort of a cult within a cult, with some of the older members, especially women, speaking in near-worshipful terms about “Omma and Oppa”. I always thought it was kind of weird, the level of admiration those members held, with the Dursts (and Kristina Morrison/Seher) being regarded as infallible. I wonder how the Dursts got along with all the later changes: becoming rather marginalized, the loony stuff like Black Heung Jin and the Hyo Jin revelations, the fractures in the so-called “True Family”, and the developments of the last year or so. I wonder what they think now? What is their relationship with the present and recent UC leadership really like? Do they (or Dr. Durst, anyway) see the deficiency of the Korean and Japanese leadership’s understanding of how to reach Americans? I wonder what they really think of the (ahem) “True Children”. They brought a lot of people into the church. They must know how many longtime members have left, and why. Do they ever wonder how it is that all their grand ideas for an “ideal city”, all the pie-in-the-sky they promised the members, all the statements of how things would be by now, have come to naught? Do they ever lie awake at night and wonder if drawing people in with big ideas and big words (and all the deception, dissembling, and subterfuge they used to retain recruits), was a mistake? That their lives have produced little of lasting substance? That they hurt people?
“Onni Durst is a woman of guts. While she was at a slot machine in Las Vegas, she completely ran out of coins; she went to the next person, smiled, and borrowed some coins.”
Sun Myung Moon (May 19, 1980, New York City)
Onni Durst’s trips to Las Vegas casinos, New York, and Seoul – and her luxurious lifestyle.
Childcare in the Unification Church of Oakland
$27,000 Mercedes for Onni Durst – “Take it back”, she said, “It’s the wrong color.”
Onni Durst lied under oath
Onni Durst is a supporter of the Woo group – led by another illegitimate son of Moon
The “sophisticated honey of 1960’s counterculture jargon” by Mose Durst
Boonville – “It was a very complex set of manipulations”
UC/FFWPU Recruitment – The Boonville Chicken Palace
Barbara Underwood and the Oakland Moonies
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
Inside Look at a Boonville Moonie Training Session
Papasan Choi and Boonville’s Japanese origins
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie)
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Camp K, aka Maacama Hill, Unification Church recruitment camp
The Social Organization of Recruitment in the Unification Church PDF  by David Frank Taylor, M.A., July 1978, Sociology
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this is how Aeolanyira and Moonweb met! Aeo saw Moonweb just standing at the bar and went "ok time to ~serenade~" and it actually worked-
do not repost my art! click for quality!
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pizzazeta · 9 years
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moonweb, 1966
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MOONCHILD 1981 (True Story) short film
True story of Chris Carlson and others, who joined The Unification Church run by Sun Myung Moon. The cool thing about this film is these are not actors, most are the actual people who escaped the cult.
Moonwebs by Josh Freed (the book was made into a movie) 1 of 3
Ford Greene – the former Moonie became an attorney
Crazy for God: The nightmare of cult life by Christopher Edwards
Background of those times and techniques in this outstanding paper:   1978 - Social organization of recruitment in the Unification Church by David Frank Taylor – The University of Montana 
Sun Myung Moon invested nearly $3 million in a cruel chinchilla farm at Boonville
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