#moral of the story: be nice to art teachers
idrawstuffsometimes · 11 months
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The prophecy has been fulfilled
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inkbirdie · 11 months
being an anarchist in school by
not standing for the pledge
not asking to go to the bathroom, just leaving (good practice for college)
constantly wearing my headphones
not even remotely trying to follow the dress code (crop tops at least 4/5 days per week)
being unable to be called to attention with “ladies and gentlemen”/“boys and girls”
being every teachers favorite—wait no
getting all As bc i’m afraid of failure—no. no wait i cant
being quiet and unobtrusive—no no no stop
doing my work well and on time—shoot. oh no. oh crap
getting all my validation from school—damn it i screwed it up again oh man
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clivedovelover · 22 days
Very politely but sorry i was referring to ur oc aus i saw on the other blog 😭😭😭
Hello sorry i think 4 months passed since this ask was sent i'm kissing you on the forehead anon i'm sorry
Okay so there are 3 AU's or so, i'm still thinking of doing more in relation of these main 3 but i don't know!!
Folie a Deux
I don't have this one super elaborated. I just wanted an AU where Valentine beats the shit out of Clive daily
Basically is an AU where pretty much everything stays the same at first (clive blowing up london, Valentine's mom dying) but in relation of both characters they are more morally dubious, Clive goes to prison but he manages to made it appear as if he killed himself there, and then he runs away with another identity to avoid his sentence.
Valentine thinks, in this AU too, about how clive freed him from his mother and, in some percentage, they both were meant to meet. He doenst feel guilty about these thoughts (not like the original who does feel bad about thinking like that). He also doesn't believe the news about this guy killing himself in prison, he feels so upset about it and takes it as a personal attack, Valentine decides to start investigating about that, mostly because he got a fixation with Clive after the destroying of the city.
One way ir another he finds out that Clive is alive, in an almost empty town. As a said before both of them are more morally dubious SO yknow lol. Valentine's mom is dead and Graciella isn't being really helpful, he doesn't have friends or anyone who is close to him so what he has to loss?
Valentine kidnaps Clive on his own place, knowing no one would look up for him and does shitty stuff to him from time to time, but mostly just keeps him at his mercy. Clive develops Stockholm syndrome
Puppy Love
I guess the name is self explanatory, kind of.
Valentine is 14 and Clive is 17, valentine moves to London way earlier in his life. Graciella is a teen here too with the same age as Clive, they are classmates.
I did this one because i wanted something more light hearted and also because i wanted Renata (Valentine's mom) to interact with Clive in some way.
Valentine is still a lonely kid but at least has Graciella as his friend since is the only other argentinian person on his school.
Graciella doesn't like Clive and Clive doesn't mind her, they just team up when it's needed because it's easier to work with the other.
Valentine has a crush with Clive, and it's silly. He's also 14 because i was that age when i found out about Clive and Professor Layton games hehdhehhe
Im not sure how i want for this one to end, but since it's an AU i can give Clive a happier ending? Maybe
Again, i'm sooooo creative with the names
It's the same as the original story but it ends different, Clive doesnt kill himself and accepts to run away with Valentine, again lying about his own death. Valentine just leaves a letter for Graciella and she doesn't make the report to the police
They run away to the same town as the Folie a Deux AU and have a pretty calm and nice life, they change their names and formalize a relationship after some time.
Valentine becomes an art and theater teacher for the people of the town and Clive takes care of the house most of the time (for safety reasons mainly)
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bentosandbox · 7 months
I don’t know if anyone had asked this yet but I wanna know your opinions on vernal wind(after reading ur qiubai skin review) and what do you expect the story to go on after the event?
WOW sorry i took so long to reply this the next sui story already came out (although i haven't read it yet) but i did just finish reading silberneherze and it reminded me of vernal a lot so i finally managed to frame my thoughts(?) also did i review her skin i can't find the post so sorry if i repeat anything ive said before lol anyway
disclaimers: 1) didn't reread before typing this so i prob forgot a load of stuff 2) subjective as hell
Vernal was so aarhhhhgggg not bad but it was so... Traditional Wuxia which I thought I would be happy to read but bruh. they played every trope a bit too straight imo. i think the main thing that stuck with me was the crazy levels of filial piety which isn't a bad thing per se but come on. waaifu's dad. shakes my head i think ya01 should have destroyed him. i think wei should also have been bedridden bare minimum or something from the early encounter just from main story karma. only rat king gets to go scot free cause hes actually a nice dad to lin so i guess it makes sense she's like no no 'i'll continue the family business' i remember reading the story for the first time and being like (woozy emoji) over lin saying she'll take over because it was so.. girl youre probably not even 25 yet and you just put on some heavy af shackles which was so very 'the Right thing to do' great character flaw(?) for someone supposedly morally 'Not Good' i suppose
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this avengers ahh looking CG... everytime i think about the context its just SIGH they really just girlies gang up!! and then Ya just 'aight cya' maybe im just salty du yaoye isn't in it and still isn't playable just undercooked as fuck banger image but weak setup and payoff there was no satisfaction to be gained other than 'nice art' (for me)
like... basically every girl in the picture's main motivation in the story is related to some guy which was so zzzzz to chew about when thinking about a bigger picture. actually maybe even every woman even jieyun's teacher i think only lin gets to go off the hook because of that lungwrath scene (probably my fave part of the event) so pathetic... so human... ok i know im bias
Chongyue: honestly i was kinda zzz-ing at the boss fight idk i guess there is a kind of 'damn even now when fighting he's alone lol' but other than that i was just like 'okaaaaay'
anyway silver lake spoilers below
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leto's dad sucks but he's still at least 50 times better than waaifu's and i feel like degenbrecher is in a similar place where chongyue was except she basically goes idgaf and i enjoyed that very much
and just the littlest thoughts on Here A Peoples Sow (will they fix this title for global) because... funny i said how vernal was so 'traditional'. they literally flipped 男耕女织 (Men Till and Women Weave) basically feudal era? traditional division of labour with Shu and Jie lmaoooo
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miastjames · 2 days
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❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { AMELIA "MIA" ST. JAMES } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { SHE } is/are ? they kind of look like { HANNAH DODD } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { TWENTY EIGHT } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { TWENTY EIGHT YEARS }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { MIA THERMOPOLIS } from { THE PRINCESS DIARIES }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { FREELANCE } as a { AUTHOR }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { THE LOVABLE ROGUE } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { KLUTZY} at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { PASSIONATE } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { 1 ROOM LOFT } apartment beside me over in { MANGO BAY }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you! 
FULL NAME: Amelia Cosette St. James Beaumont Daventry NICKNAME(S): Mia, Milly LABEL: The Lovable Rogue AGE: 28 DATE OF BIRTH: September 25, 1996 ZODIAC: Libra Sun, Virgo Rising, Pisces Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: English, Gharandrian SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English OCCUPATION: Author SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic PET(S): Siamese cat named Caesar
FACE CLAIM: Hannah Dodd HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: 110 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Right HAIR COLOR: Auburn EYE COLOR: Brown SCARS: None notable. TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Authentic, Adaptable, Passionate, Romantic. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Self-critical, Clumsy, Introverted, Naive. LIKES: Writing, hanging out with friends, trying new things/learning something new, sunshine rain, dancing. DISLIKES: Liars, people who put others down.
PHOBIAS: None. DISORDERS: Anxiety ALLERGIES: Seasonal (Pollen)
HOMETOWN: Palview Grove, FL CURRENT RESIDENCE: Palmview Grove, FL EDUCATION LEVEL: MA in Art History FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: - Poppy St. James - 55, Mother, In Contact - Sylvester Beaumont Daventry - 54, Father, Deceased
FOOD: Egg rolls / Chinese Food DRINK: English Breakfast Tea MOVIE: Serendipity TV SHOW: The Great British Bake Off, Bridgerton BAND/ARTIST: Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams SONG: Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
TW; Death mention, Bullying mention
Gharandy is a small country nestled in the corner of France and Italy. The country is mostly English speaking with French and Italian also being notable languages spoken amongst the people. They usually don’t even make the map because of how small they are. At least, that’s what Sylvester told Poppy. Did she believe him? The answer changes every time the whirlwind summer romance story is told. The product of such a thing? None other than Amelia Cosette St. James Beaumont Daventry. The Beaumont Daventry portion of Mia’s name was always dropped as she grew up. Never being able to know her dad due to his death, and no one else around them knew he was the supposed next king of a European country - Mia’s mother thought this made Mia safe. More importantly, this meant Mia could live a normal life. And a normal life Mia, in fact, did lead. She was the awkward kid who always reminded the teachers about homework. Her head was always in a book, her head in the clouds. She got bullied, but who didn’t besides those doing the bullying? Never good at sports, Mia was always picked last in gym class. It wasn’t until her paternal grandmother came to visit, that Mia’s world was flipped upside down. “Me? A princess? Shut up!” She remembers so clearly standing there in the hallway, her mother halfway down the stairs looking on. There was a face of guilt there, and Mia couldn’t take it. She went up to her room and shut everyone else out. That was, until school the next day when she was bombarded with cameras. Now aware of her royal status, Mia is still in Palmview Grove. Why? Well, the land of Gharandy isn’t safe and hasn’t been safe for her since her birth. With people wanting nothing more than the crown, her grandmother advised her to stay in Palmview until further notice. Mia is indifferent to it. She doesn’t mind not having the responsibilities she knows she one day will have to step up to. On the other hand, she finds herself coming up with plans to aid the orphanages and school programs from her balcony window.
Mia is always rebelling against her princess title, ever since it was bestowed upon her. She used to be very reluctant as a kid, but now she loves to go out and get into a little trouble to try to disconnect herself from her title. She's a romantic at heart, which is probably why her journalling turned into a romance series for all to read. Though, she isn't lucky in love. Usually, people just attempt to use her for their own selfish gain - whether that's fame or fortune for having their faces splashed across magazine articles with her. She loves art and some of her fondest moments are when her mother and her would throw paint-filled water balloons at huge canvases in her mother's studio. It was her mother that influenced Mia to get an Art History degree. To this day, she still loves to wander and get lost in art museums. Kind to a default, Mia tends to give people numerous chances - even if they don't deserve it. It's a great fault of hers and makes her come off as naive to some. You can usually catch her at home attempting to bake a new recipe she finds online, or at the local book store. She loves hanging out with friends, but also values her alone time. Mia stumbles over her words very easily. She mostly gets stuck in her head and gets caught up on not ruining moments, but then ruins them cause she's so caught up on it. In the end, she's a very clumsy but lovable person who means well - she just doesn't agree with the cards she was dealt.
Mia has a locket that was given to her by her father before he passed away. It's a heart with a cursive 'G' on it (for Gharandy). It is also a key for her journal that was given to her by her paternal grandmother.
When super anxious, Mia plays with her hair. It's a habit her grandmother doesn't approve of, but she just can't help it.
She collects snow-globes. She just loves how beautiful they are, and keeps all hers in a china cabinet.
Mia is the ultimate double-texter. It makes her want to run and hide sometimes, but she can't help but to text multiple times in a row.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
This post is an apology to Tom King.
I recently re-read Riddler: One Bad Day and it's actually a masterpiece!
There's something truly fantastical about how Riddler's intelect is portrayed almost as a mystical power! The scene where Edward mind tricks all the cops into killing each other by laying on the floor and laughing like a maniac is pure art and I'm truly sorry for previously calling it "stupidly edgy", "the moment the comic lost all chance of salvation", "the final proof male power fantasies are a diservice to the entertaiment industry" and "soo dark is actually hilarious".
I also need to compliment the ambiguousness of if Riddler became who he is because of the abuse he endure or if his dad was abusive BECAUSE Edward was always bad is fantastically creepy and necessary. If your narrative does not have victim blaming as one of the possibilities in your moral debate about the inexistence of redemption and the need for violent cops ... I mean heros who kill the villains because evil will never stop nor change what's even the point?
I'm also sorry for my mean coments over Riddler reveling that he was part of Joker's attack against Barbara Gordon. It is actually a really nice nod to the original, specially in the way it reinforces Barbara's place as an useless plot point without agency that only serves to motivate her father. After all why would anyone ever want Babs to actually matter in an event that changed her life forever? Gordon is pissed. That's what matters.
The RIDDLER hating RIDDLES and using them to protect the world from himself by constantly re-living his trauma because actually the trauma was what stopped him from murdering for a long time and does that mean the story is retconing itself to show he was born evil? Is the BEST plot twist. If all future versions of Edward don't hate his gimmick and his own identity and think dorky people who tell riddles are actually stupid and puzzles are dumb than the comic industry will have to live in shame.
Back to talking about the portral of woman! I'm soo happy that the comic took away the voice from Edward's mother presenting her only by what her job as a sex worker represented to the people around her! Such a feminist take! And the snapy Riddler was justified in being mad that his henchmen sleept with his mother because being a sex worker is dirty actually. Gorgeus.
This comic also has the best teacher characther ever. He is so real for ignoring a kid's cry for help, considering their neurodivergent coded anxiety and dificulties are a case of needing to chill and seing all the most obvious sings of abuse ever as "very unchill kid behavior". And the comic is soo right for portraying this man as sympathetic and good and how if Eddie had stoped being a neurodivergent abused kid for a second and just chilled he would have been fine and never became a muderer. It's a life lession. Abused kids should just stop being anxious over the very real possibility of more abuse and neurodivergent people should just chill and everything will be fine. Doing nothing except blaming the crying desperated child for asking help is the right move!
Also Batman should kill. That's just a fact. Jason Tood has been saying it for years now and he is right. All heros should kill actually. Every comic should be exactaly like a Punisher run writen by an alt-right. Yes even the non-superhero ones. Yes even the manga. Yes even Donald Duck ones.
I could write pages and pages about how this is the perfect comic - bar the art style - but I think this is already a suficient apology for my previous misleading critics.
My next post will be a long explanation of why Batgirl vs Riddler: Prelude to the Wedding is actualy the best feminist comic ever written and Tim Seeley is actualy the only person allowed to represent woman in media ever.
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grungeeuvu · 11 months
honestly i wanna say 0-44 for the nosy anon thing but if you are not bothered to do that then i request 44, 39, 37, 33, 29, 6 (if you're comfortable answering these ofc!)
I did them all for you, anon!!! Every single question is answered under the cut :DD
0: I think I'm 5'3?
1: never ask a lady her age!!
2: 5 1/2 (UK standard)
3: Nope and I'm not planning to
4: Nope and I never even want to try
5: I do not take any drugs
6: fifteen or sixteen because I've got a very round face 😭
7: nnnnnope!!
8: I do often think about to tattoos I'd like but I never follow through lol - I'd like a dragon somewhere tho :)) a small one
9: nnnnnope!!
10: I keep meaning to get my ears pierced but I forget 😭
11: my online best friend is either @astrowaffles or my friend Eren on discord
12: takennnnnn <3 (yesterday was our one year anniversary, actually :D)
13: that is a secret lol
14: Men 💪
15: my favourite film is probably How To Train Your Dragon (1)!! I know the entire scirpt lol
16: I'll love you if you let me talk about specific fixations - I often fixate in my fanfics or certain characters really badly. If you talk to me about my ramblings, I'm never leaving lol
17: I miss my grandparents
18: this one's a long story but TL:DR I made friends with a very bad person. Best way to put it is I was isolated from others a year before Covid even struck haha. I won't go too into details, since it might be too triggering
19: I have a wickedly sharp sense of humour and I love making morally inappropriate jokes
20: I hate how two-faced I can be, and I hate my ADHD
21: I love that my naturally long and white nails get mistaken for acrylics at first glance
22: I really want to be an author and tell all my stories in every possible medium
23: I have one sister and we've got an amazing relationship :)) we're very close.
24: my dad is great but gets angry very easily. My mum and I used to argue frequently but then we suddenly just stopped and now typically get along
25: just walking and talking somewhere with nice things to look at :))
26: blind optimism. I'll just think you're an idiot
27: short hair, my height, and with a charming Scottish accent
28: short, very skinny, hook nose, black hair with bangs, cut just past the shoulders, and a wide stare
29: ......I wanted them to think I was cool and interesting TT-TT
30: I hate all the independence the teachers expect us to have - I suffer a lot from it
31: "Oh gods that's early 😭😭" - sent to my partner
32: being humiliated or looked down on just makes me feel like shit
33: compliments on my writing or art, usually :))
34: when they're friendly tbh
35: when they're fictional, from anime, and look like women 💪💪 (in seriousness, tho, I always trust a man who has a bright smile or cuddly disposition)
36: in the countryside of either the UK or Japan
37: I don't like my face a lot haha - I typically black it out in photos even when sending them to friends irl
38: an author-actress-artist!! Tripl threat lol
39: Vanilla
40: I wish I was Mu Qing from TGCF icl (I'll carry the trauma just to be super pretty)
41: I wanna be in my bed lol
42: a slice of red velvet cake
43: no one comes to mind lol
44: Charles Darwin married his cousin
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wafflecat2 · 2 years
My thoughts about Scarlet and Violet
This post will have spoilers about ScVi, be warned!
Played Violet so I am gonna be biased.
Overall, Scarlet and Violet is a beautiful game. If Game Freak/whoever is responsible for the game had time to polish and optimize it, this would - no douth - be the best Pokemon game ever. But if we look past bugs and glitches, it's a fun and cool game! At its core, it has mature themes and I like it.
The story is engaging and love the characters. Everyone in this game has the potential to be on their own and not just there for the plot. They have personalities and are well-written.
For example, when we first meet Arven, thought he gonna be a bitch and not likable at all. But continuing further, he had his reasonings to be mean towards Miraidon/Koraidon (technically us too since we helped M&K.)
Nemona wanted a rival that she could battle but also she helped us gain the champion rank. The final battle with her felt like a test. Penny... well Penny is Penny. She was bullied in school like the other team Star members. She didn't want to lose them because it was her only family.
The teachers and the gym leaders also are cool characters. Love them, expect Iono. I mean, she's cool but not for me. Clavell??!! Love him. Like, the dude just wants to know how the younger generations are doing and learn from them. And Mr. Saguaro!? Dude's a fucking home Ec teacher. What a chad. And the Art teacher who's part of the elite four? Mr. Hassel? He's funny af. He comes from a family that uses dragon-type pokemon but he isn't like a scary-buff dude rather he will break to tears if you show him a rock. A ROCK!
But oh boy, THE ENDING??!! Beautiful shit right here. Even tho I liked PLA's story, it wasn't really a satisfying one. But ScVi on the other hand?
Professor Turo (and Sada too) is an AI? Built by the original Prof. AND They fucking dead?!? That was a plot twist a didn't expect. And because of that, Prof. Turo is one of my favorites. (As I said, am biased towards Violet.) I wouldn't consider the professors evil, more like morally gray like Lusamine. Well... technically all the villains kinda are, expect Ghetsis. Fuck that guy.
The music is spot on! Gen 5 is my favorite, so this gens music hits hard. The environment and the cities are nice but could be better. Can see that they put more effort into the story and Area Zero. Paradox pokemon are cool too. Also, I like the new pokemon. The starters are nice too. I love Meowscarada, Quaquaval is nice, but the legs bother me. Skeledirge is ugly, don't like him.
As I said, Scarlet and Violet is a beautiful game. Wish it had more polishing time and such. If I'd give a score for the game... I'd say 8.5/10. Why not more?
The performance issues and other things... I'm sorry, they game a bitter taste, because of it.
They didn't ruin my experience and some of the bugs and glitches are funny tho. Didn't run into major problems. The only this that kinda got ruined was the Elite four and the Champion fight. The music was on a loop. My first thought was "That's it?" Later however it was due to a memory leak. But I kinda liked the Elite four loop-music-bug. It made the fight more serious.
Will I recommend these games? Yes, but if you can look past the issues and problems. Other than that, if you just like to complain, I'd recommend getting another game or emulating/playing other pokemon games.
Aaand that's about it. My review on pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Oof. kinda big post tho 😅😅
Idk might do these more.
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elphabaoftheopera · 2 years
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Tagged by @raven-curls​ and @vinkunwildflowerqueen​ thank you!
This inspired me to finally re-shelve the books strewn all about my place (and dust my bookshelf). So thank you for that.
From last place to first:
#10. Time Travel Short Stories foreword by David Wittenberg: “It may surprise readers to know that the sorts of spectacular time travel plots one typically encounters in contemporary science fiction, full of multiplied time lines, paradoxes, revisions of history and butterfly effects, are a late innovation of the genre.”
Pretty dry writing even for a foreword, and I was not surprised by the fact. Next!
#9. The Norton Shakespeare Anthology: (from the preface) “Since Shakespeare’s principal medium, the drama, was thoroughly collaborative, it seems appropriate that this edition of his works is itself the result of a sustained collaboration.”
There were like four collaborators for this anthology. I get what they’re going for here, but kind of boring. Bring on the Shakespeare!
#8. Star Wars I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole: “None of us liked waiting in ambush, primarily because we couldn’t be wholly certain we weren’t the ones being set up for a hot-vape.”
What is a hot-vape? When I googled it I just got “vape hot” which warned people that they were vaping too much if their vape was hot. Is it a Star Wars thing? Deducted points for confusion.
#7. Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer: “This was the time of day when I most wished I were able to sleep.” (I had to add the next few lines just to appreciate the brooding: “(cont.) High school Or was purgatory the right word?”)
I laughed when I pulled this one out. I borrowed it from my mother-in-law like over a year ago but couldn’t make it through the first chapter. I would give it higher points for the next two lines but judging just by the first line doesn’t make it a standout.
#6. The First Five Novels The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum: (from the intro) “In 1900, a moderately successful writer for children by the name of L. Frank Baum set out to write a new type of “wonder tale” in which (in his words) “the stereotyped genie, dwarf and fairy are eliminated, together with all the horrible and bloodcurdling incident devised by their authors to point a fearsome moral to each tale.”
L. Frank Baum is obviously a fave, it was cool to learn a more about him in this long ass sentence. I laughed at the irony of “moderately successful writer”. Still, it’s a foreword and forewords are bland.
#5. Play Directing In The School (A drama director’s survival guide) by David Grote: “Play directing can be an art, but like all real art, it is built on a solid foundation of craft.”
I haven’t read this book yet and I’m not a drama teacher but I do direct plays. It’s a sentiment I agree with. No more, no less. Still a foreword! I promise I do have novels too...
#4. 1912 Facts About Titanic by Lee W. Merideth: “On April 11, 1912, many of the more than 2,200 people aboard RMS Titanic watched the green hills of Ireland slowly disappear from view as the magnificent liner steamed west into a beautiful Atlantic sunset—and into history.”
Actually kind of pretty imagery for a non-fiction foreword. A topic that interests me. I feel like if this were an introductory paragraph/sentence in an essay the teacher would write “nice work!” off on the margin. 
#3. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss: “It was night again.”
Simple. Concise. Informative. It was night again. I’m simply gripped! I have no idea what this book is about but this made me laugh out loud.
#2. Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel: “Like many fathers, mine could occasionally be prevailed on for a spot of “airplane.”
Masterful, and I mean that unironically. Obviously Alison Bechdel is a fantastic writer, but this is a really great first sentence. It puts you right into the narrative and is creatively expositional. Makes me actually want to finally read the graphic novel in full. Obviously makes me think about the musical too which is a plus!
#1. Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook by Barbara Park: “My name is Junie. B. Jones. The B stands for Beatric. Except I don’t like Beatrice. I just like B and that’s all.”
I didn’t even need to crack the cover to know what the first sentence would be. Yes, I cheated a little to get the full bit but even so I’d rank it first. This intro is iconic and just delights me every time I read or recite it. This sentence was literally the first sentence of a chapter book I ever read on my own (though I was reading Sneaky Peeky Spying), and for that Junie B. Jones will always “B” #1 in my heart.
I'm tagging @the-shark-is-a-mammal​, @character-shoes-and-misery, @amidalleia, @cultishsocialgathering, @lavalierre, @starspangledpumpkin, @itsniaeveryone, and @misosuper and anyone else who wants to participate!
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first grade
my youngest is in first grade
which means I'm able to access my inner first grader
my inner seven year old very well
my teacher was named Mrs. Hart
and she was so grumpy to everyone
especially to me because I was likely bizarre
but during all my detentions for losing things
or having a messy desk or talking or not paying attention
we'd have the best talks and I slowly grew on her
I also started piano that year
my teacher for that was also named Mrs. Hart
I was not good at the piano and never became so
when it was time for pictures I had a grey front tooth
and my mother was always one who valued
my aesthetics over literally anything else
she had been very good at softball as a teenager
and I'd never been coordinated enough for anything
but video games and art
so when she invited me to play with her
I agreed because a child always wants to play
with a willing and present parent
and since her very inconsistent and hard won approval
was impossible to obtain being myself
or anything I was actually talented or good at
maybe this was a chance to finally make her happy
she threw that ball hard enough at my face
it knocked out my front tooth
but it wasn't hard enough to give me a fat lip
almost impressive how calculated that must have been
she was never good for thinking unless it was
to fuck someone else over to get what she wanted
without just trying to obtain it for herself
no wonder I looked for it in all my partners
it's the bitterness that hurts
that festering anger I forced down after
years of being treated like that turned into acid
and my heart tries to freeze up
so I don't have to feel it
enmeshment with someone who always
saw me as completion so she set me up
time and time again for failure
I hate thinking about her
because like living that life
there's nothing to be done or said
only a deity outside of me could redeem her
that's the rage I've been facing all summer
what's triggered when my ex husband
began treating me exactly like she did
undermining my ideas and talents
telling me not to sing because it was unpleasant
lying to people about me and my intentions
gaslighting me about my history of behavior
projecting onto me all the poison of her soul
she kept to protect someone else she loved
fuck those people and how they made me feel
I have managed and regulated the emotions inspired
the best way I knew how and I was not perfect
but my integrity has a far higher score
than those who have tried to one up me
in morality when I responded to their mistreatment
Andromeda chained naked and cold
to the rock of her own soul
with a sea monster to keep her company
because of the twisted vanity of Cassiopeia
she gave me her middle name of Christine
but it should have been Cassandra
no matter my honesty it was never believed
until even I couldn't believe it
which after thirty some years it's kind of nice
because now I don't give a shit who believes me
in third grade I came up with a story
two little girls who ended up seperated
when one moved to China with her family
her name was Sally but I can't remember the other
she bought a yellow balloon and tied to it
a letter and named it 'Speedy'
and he ended up delivering it
through storms and a journey and trials
when I told my mother about it she offered
to type it up for me on the computer
but when I read it it was no longer my story
she made all these changes and nothing
made sense anymore and the things I wanted
to somehow express as a kid weren't there
the things I cared about and the reasons that mattered
it was all her words and her tale
titled 'Speedy The Friendship Balloon'
I won an award for it and got to go to a conference
but the honors and congratulations weren't mine
they were hers but living through my body
the shame and the confusion and the knowing
of what it was supposed to be and how she somehow
rewrote my entire writing narrative with a story
with my title and characters but none of my words
I suppose as someone writing since I was a child
drawing pictures in stapled paper books
until dictionaries and thesauruses and my obsessive
study of them gave me all the perfect words for everything
to have that kind of betrayal was so deep to me
and I will not brush off her intentions
because her character behaviors shows her patterns
I don't give a shit if she had good intentions
it crushed part of me that I didn't know until now
likely made fresh gravel for a deep fortress of imposter syndrome
and even now I feel myself trying to somehow
take back all these words so I can hug them back to me
hide the shame I feel from this story
but instead I'll take a nap and cry and have compassion
for the bit of self that felt ripped out of me
from a place where I cared the most
the one safe place I felt I had in that life
embrace my vulnerabilities and remind that part of me
things are different now and if I write something
I'm actually going to deserve every and any accolade I get
physically though this is extremely uncomfortable
nervous system completely is completely dysregulated
and needs extra care to be soothed
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Week in Review
06/23/2024 – 06/29/2024
Week 20 of missing Cipher Academy
Undead Unluck good! I had a vague hope for something like this happening, and I’m really glad that Kururu’s Unchaste powers have developed by way of Mori’s from Law of Ueki, which is to say that it seemed silly and useless at first, but with the proper strategy it can be one of the strongest forces in the roster.
SpyFam continues to be really good…Martha learning about the realities of war…I really really really hope that they get together in the present, and it isn’t just a “oh the time’s passed” kind of thing…I need Some sort of substantial romantic development in this manga.
Read The Gay Who Turned Kaiju at the library and it was…alright? I was intrigued by the visual metaphor they were going for, and the story played out about how you’d expect it to: guy whose internal struggle with being an outsider is externalized forces him to reckon with these feelings and with being othered even more, before eventually finding acceptance… I just found the writing to be fairly trite and on the nose. I guess it’s good as a “baby’s first exposure to how gay people are treated in Japanese society” story, but the homophobic teacher and bully both felt like they were just there to spout homophobic talking points and act as points of conflict rather than being actual characters (not to mention the tiredness of the bully character acting out because he was secretly gay himself…okay…). The conclusion of the story kind of embodies how I feel about the story as a whole – the mangaka’s heart was in the right place, but it was cheesy beyond belief. I guess I’m glad if this manga actually did help someone out, but at this stage in my life it’s just so beyond anything I would find personally engaging. I’ll give it a 2/10.
Also read Beautiful Darkness at the library on a random Twitter recommendation, and it was also just okay. The art was gorgeous, and I liked the subtly dark tone it had, but eventually the “oh no, horrific things are happening to these cute little creatures” shock wore off and it was just page after page of boring, disconnected violence. I don’t know, I guess it’s supposed to be like a “look at how the innocent can be corrupted” kind of deal, but when the creatures themselves barely have any conception of the morality of their actions, it just feels like I’m watching animals kill each other for survival. While gory to watch, it doesn’t particularly stir any emotions in me.
I watched most of Tsubasa Tiger and I’m really really really liking it. Sorry, Araragi, but I enjoy the show a lot more when you’re not in it. Getting things from Hanekawa’s perspective is both fascinating and gratifying in how we’re finally learning concrete details about her fucked up home life, and it’s great to see Hanekawa and Senjougahara interact because I can understand both of their perspectives, and their motivations aren’t buried under a million layers of perversion and artifice (sorry again, Araragi). The two girls are such good foils for each other, too, both having problems with accessing their own feelings but in completely opposite ways. I got to the Hanekawa’s letter scene and stopped there, as I’m going to slowly work my way through the 40 minute Hanekawa’s letter video someone kindly put together on YouTube.
I finally finished Kusuriya after half a year… Honestly, I kind of forgot that I never finished it lol Like I’ve mentioned before, I dislike the Outer Court arc because it’s missing all the subtle political manoeuvring that I love seeing in the Rear Palace, so I’m glad to just marathon the end of it in one go. The adaptation is as standard as ever, but I did find the scene of Maomao saving Jinshi to be a great climax, and a nice way to tie together the disparate-seeming mysteries we’d been treated to ever since Maomao left the Rear Palace. And then the season ending off with Maomao getting her parents together was also great…I love that Maomao has a complicated relationship to both of her parents, and this resolution of their arc doesn’t necessarily resolve all the issues in their family – it’s just a step towards a happier future. I do hope that Kusuriya will get another season, but for now I’m going to go back to enjoying the manga and light novel.
Got around to watching the new Make Some Noise episode with my friend, and god it’s so good to see the Noise Boys again. The prompts were all great, and I loved how pretty much all of them devolved into group scenes rather than solos or duos. There were a lot of fantastic moments, but my favourite was definitely Josh essentially putting on a one-man play in the sneaking out of Grandma’s house prompt – the unexpected ending really put an interesting and funny cap on the whole scene.
I played about halfway through Undertale Yellow months ago, stopped because I got bored in the Wild East section, and then never picked it up again lol I mean, for a free game, it’s very polished and I applaud the team for working for years on this passion project, but…the writing is just not that good. They have the gameplay down pat, sure, and the art is leaps and bounds beyond what Undertale was, but what made Undertale so special and memorable in the first place was the writing. The main story was understandable but still held a lot of depth and surprises, all the main characters had distinct voices and motivations, and every side character and NPC had pathos and humour injected into their scant lines… In contract, Undertale Yellow’s characters feel like they were all someone’s beloved OC being thrown into this project without thinking about how they contribute to the overall story/world, and the writing was just kind of “haha look at how silly this is” without any of the intrigue that Undertale had. It got really bad in the Wild East, when I had like ten new characters being thrown at me all at once, and they had a weirdly complicated relationship web and history with each other, but the writing just didn’t endear me to them enough to care. I was excited to get more “Undertale” content, but the few bits of fun gameplay just weren’t enough for me to power through the long conversations between people I absolutely didn’t care about. Unfortunately I’ll have to give Undertale Yellow a personal rating of 3/10.
Man…the new Monogatari season is in like a week…now I Really need to buckle down and marathon it…
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salwaerlita · 11 months
Appreciate the 39th selected work of Denny JA 'the Voice of the Teacher' professionally
In the world of Indonesian arts and literature, it is undeniable that Denny JA is one of the figures who has a big contribution. In his 39th birthday celebration, Denny JA presented his latest work titled The Teacher's Voice. This work managed to amaze the connoisseurs of art and literature with their extraordinary expertise and professionalism. The teacher's voice is an essay poem that tells the life journey of a teacher full of dedication and enthusiasm. With a beautiful and flowing style of language, Denny Ja managed to present a story that inspired and touched the heart of his reader. In this essay poem, Denny JA conveyed important messages about the importance of education and the role of teachers in shaping the younger generation. One of the things that made the teacher's voice so special was Denny JA's expertise in combining a beautiful language style with the selection of the right words. Every sentence in this essay poem feels so deep and meaningful. Denny JA managed to describe the feelings and emotions of his main character very well, so that the reader can feel what the teacher feels. In addition, the research and in -depth knowledge possessed by Denny JA towards the world of education is also reflected in this essay poem. He clearly described the challenges and difficulties faced by the teachers, but still gave hope and inspiration to them. Denny JA also presents innovative solutions to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Not only that, the teacher's voice also has a message that is relevant to the current educational situation. In the era of technological and information that continues to develop, Denny JA reminds us of the importance of human and moral values that must be upheld. He stressed that education is not only about the transfer of knowledge, but also about forming good character. Denny JA's elected work also received many appreciation from literary critics. They admit that the teacher's voice is one of the best works ever written by Denny JA. The style of language used by Denny JA in his essay poetry is considered so natural and authentic, thus making the reader carried away by the atmosphere of the story. Critics also appreciated Denny JA's commitment in raising important educational issues, as well as providing constructive solutions. Not only in writing, the teacher's voice was also adapted into a stage drama that was performed in various cities in Indonesia. This drama performance is able to present a very deep and attractive atmosphere, not only through words, but also through the role of the role that is played so nicely by the actors and actresses. Denny JA's enthusiasm and dedication in his work also deserves a thumbs up. In his 39th birthday celebration, he not only launched the teacher's voice, but also held various events that aim to inspire and motivate young people. He gave a seminar and workshop on literature and education, as well as inviting young people to share their ideas and ideas. Through his beautiful and inspirational work, Denny JA has managed to touch the hearts of many people. He proves that with high dedication and enthusiasm, we can create extraordinary works that can inspire and change the lives of others. The teacher's voice is a real example that Denny JA is a very talented and professional author in his field.
Check more: Appreciate Denny JA's elected work 39: The teacher's voice in a professional manner
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hub3jokes · 1 year
Good Joke
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mxb3jokes · 1 year
Day Joke
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jof1jokes · 1 year
Funny Joke
baseball jokes - romantic texts - monkeys funny - army jokes - history jokes - engagement quotes - you lied - olds - student jokes - irish jokes - butterfly wings - school quotes funny - insurance humor - drunk humor - funny old age quotes - funny analogies - siblings funny - prince charming funny - amazing stories - butterfly quotes - fishing quotes funny - poor quotes - christmas gift jokes - irish funny - mom life quotes - success quotes and sayings - birthday jokes - married life quotes - firefighter humor - lost wallet - serious quotes - funny english jokes - shoe repair - priest - beautiful quotes - sympathy bouquets - eye jokes - beer jokes - ceramics pottery art - casual relationship - funny marriage jokes - funny street signs - rorschach test - the donkey - construction humor - sister jokes - i do love you - grape bunch - poor - prayer stories - mom humor - i take a nap - snow quotes funny - solving - government jobs - job humor - country jokes - inspirational friend quotes - being there for someone quotes - dear self quotes - straw - animals funny cats - old married couple - polished man - hotel humor - good wife - angel quotes - motivational poems - funny wednesday quotes - high school funny - pilot humor - wisdom quotes life - catholic men - funny women quotes - how to look better - butter - fat pig - new funny jokes - funny feelings - funny cartoon quotes - bad mom quotes - cute little kittens - paddy jokes - cute little animals - good looking women - funny jokes - presidents - guys be like - wolf - husband and wife love - funny physics quote - funny relationship jokes - funny cartoons jokes - wedding anniversary wishes - trumpeter - wrong number - engineering student humor - bible jokes - tax day - cat jokes - church quotes funny - ways to show love - doctor - janitor - angel stories - inspirational poems - sleepless - anniversary quotes for husband - nice poetry - funny math jokes - broken arm - friday night at home funny - teacher quotes funny - good morning happy - father son quotes - find a boyfriend - silly jokes - beautiful roses - how to order coffee - army humor - lesson quotes - kintsugi - doctor care - good clean jokes - condoms funny - collision course - caught in a trap - hospital humor - funny love story - stories with moral lessons - marital advice - positive quotes for life motivation - whiskey and you - big family dinner - horse jokes - fart jokes - funny p - passbook - funny toasts - graze - two men - life quotes family - in high school - love deeply - sarcastic quotes funny - fudge recipes - grandma funny - cooking lessons - wolf call - public execution - funny images laughter - elderly man - first date funny - shadow wolf - best dad jokes - old quotes - cute funny animals - east village - fishing humor - did you know funny - funny true stories - chocolate chip - clean humor funny - italian joke - blonde jokes - dear daughter - hair jokes - high school teacher humor - funny billboards - lady - studying funny - morning jokes - late night jokes - boyfriend and girlfriend jokes - funny work jokes - cold calling - funny jobs - christmas tale - old man funny - moral stories - lawyer humor - husband jokes - poop jokes - being a landlord - love good morning quotes - drive all night - funny truck quotes - mom thoughts funny - inspirational stories motivation - russian humor - blackest night - projects to try - retirement humor - wake me up - inspirational quotes about love - inspirational christmas stories - jolly phonics - stormy - garden bridge - inspirational quotes god - amish men - poultry farm - funny words - funny old sayings - encouraging bible quotes - third grade teacher - jokes photos - friends quotes - life quotes pictures - bad day humor - overworked quotes - blonde guys - wooden bowls - cookies recipes chocolate chip - funeral jokes - boyfriend humor - fox - women jokes - moving to canada - lectures funny - just smile - birthday quotes for daughter - it hurts - wisdom quotes funny - dog jokes - funny inspirational quotes - local butcher - running jokes - vocabulary words
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Tumblr media
inspired  by  :  anna of arendelle / frozen I & frozen II || anne shirley cuthbert / anne with an e || jess day / new girl || adora / she-ra and the princesses of power || mia thermopolis / the princess diaries
full name. anna arnadalr. faceclaim. abigail cowen. dob. june 21 (summer solstice) . zodiac. cancer. occupation. birthplace. arendelle. orientation. undefined . song. that’s my girl by fifth harmony.  film. frozen. education. literature teacher major temperament. sanguine. mbti. enfp. alignment. chaotic good. abilities. none.  hogwarts house. hufflepuff .  emoji (🤩) .  
present !!
anna came to elias as soon as she heard her sister was here! there was no way she was going to let her leave when things were still a bit hectic.
the education and jobs were said to be part of the magic but anna is slowly realizing is the people in it.
after a lifetime behind closed doors it is time for her to make things happen and meet actual real life people, perhaps even, the one?
past !!
full official bio here
 anna went to a far more large quest to find her sister, in the road she faced lots of trials and met all kinds of people, good evil, morally grey. . . she never judged, she learned from them and hoped she made an impact backwards
the quests and adventures led her to become stronger, emotionally and a bit physically if anything she has learned the world is huge and it can be very beautiful as long as we don’t forget to do the next right things
those beliefs of the past are imprinted in her, she believes they come from her dreams, fantasies and stories she read, but the remnants are there
in her solitude, after always being shut down out of her sister’s doors, anna tried all kinds of things tot never get bored, art, writing, reading, knitting, workout, sellf-defense, anything that would help her release her energy
future !!
anna’s main goal is to reach her big sister’s elsa’s heart, to be as they used to, they are family after all, she wants to be there and keep what is left of said family alive and tight, can her love thaw the distance?
she’s naive and can be easily deceived when it comes to her own heart, so gaining strength and a sense of self love and worth would be something she must learn to keep on going
taken connections
elsa arnadalr; biggest sister whom she loves and adores, and wishes to be closer at, if only she weren’t awkward about it
wanted connections
allies and friends, either from a past life to a new one from this doesn’t matter, as someone who couldn’t really be free for years and lost contact with people, true friends would be nice
enemies and rivals, not everything is ice cream and flowers, with anna’s way of act first think later attitude she could’ve made her own list of rivals, besides as much as she tries she can’t please everyone
friend, foe or ‘the one’? someone that takes her need to be loved and is actively deceiving her for their advantage would be interesting
fated true love, or do we defy the stars? yes, a true love for anna would be nice too, she highkey dreams of it, but would treasure it more if it’s real and something that works with time
mentor? someone that maybe has looked over anna and believes she only needs a little guidance, as someone with no parents and a distant sister, she would listen and admire, but above all learn from too
found younger sibling, maybe both were born in different families, realms even, but fate brought them together and anna wants to adopt you into the family, perhaps not literally but you get the deal, everything will be all right because anna will be here not only to protect you but to cause mischief together
hans & kristofflet's twist fate, have fun and see what happens
pinterest moodboard
note: everything is up to change depending on future development and plottting
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