#more content for the game is nice but paying 10 dollars for an upgrade feels kind of scummy
illithikidteethling · 2 years
uh so apparently the outer worlds is getting an ultimate edition with an graphics overhaul and increased level cap in march. (And new animations? If that last part with martin was anything to go by.)
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masiesiu-blog · 4 years
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mymindykim · 4 years
10 Smart Steps to Building Trust and Getting Readers to Take Action
Getting exposure to your blog or website is the number one ingredient for a successful business. With some time on your hands and a bit of work, you can start getting visitors right after setting up your blog. There is however a more significant problem.
Many of you might already be getting some relatively good traffic figures. The question is not how much traffic you get, but are you able to get that traffic or those visitors to actually stay on your site?
Are you able to get them to subscribe or share your content? Are those same folks buying your products?
Turning visitors into loyal followers is what makes all the difference. For this to work, you need to gain the trust of the folks that visit your site.
The following article is all about helping you make that happen. In the below paragraphs you will find 10 effective and relatively simple techniques to better conversions:
  Customization and the Role it Plays
First and foremost let’s start with the platforms you use. Before you build trust, you need to find a way for people to remember you. You need to make yourself noticeable. Being able to stand out in a crowded niche holds a huge importance nowadays. One way to do so is through your blog’s layout.
There are a lot of things you can do to try and discern your blog from all the rest. More important tips I would give you are to:
Stay away from the standard themes – With every blog platform, there are a variety of standard templates to choose from. There is also the option to purchase premium templates or to create your own. If you don’t want to look amateurish, you should either go for the second or for the third option. You will hardly get noticed with a stock grey and white template unless you are a famous person already. I use Genesis, do you want to test it? Try Genesis Framework right now
Come up with a good color combination – One of your initial tasks after starting your blog should be to choose a color combination, which will define your brand. Most blogs chose to go with a two-color combination and I also believe this to be a good choice, since it adds the uniqueness you are looking for, while not being too flashy. My only advice would be to stay away from dark shades and instead go for something light and welcoming.
Stick with it everywhere – Applying the color combination you have chosen on your blog only is not enough. You need to make your brand colors visible to people who are yet to land on your blog. So using them wherever possible is a must. For example you can try to make your Twitter page as similar to your blog as it can be. Twitter gives you a good amount of customization, so it’s a good place to start.
  Let People Know Who You Are
The number one step you must follow before even thinking about establishing a reader base is your bio. Having an “About” page that tells the visitor something about yourself is nowadays a must if you want to be taken seriously.
The truth is that people don’t always subscribe to blogs only because they’ve stumbled upon a great article on them. That is a step of the process, but not the first and not the last. It might be a surprise to you but a good number of the folks who land on your blog for the first time will check out who you are and what you are “fighting for”.
Don’t get me wrong though. Having an “About” page does not mean that you should write a full autobiography or something like that.
More on the topic, you can read in the article “3 Amazing About Page Tips to Try Right Now”!
  Write from Your Point of View
So now that we are done with the “About” page, it is time to move on to the actual content your present to the visitor.
Let’s start with a question for you – what in your opinion makes an article stand out?
I would definitely like to hear your thoughts in the comments section!
Based on my experience with blogging and reading dozens of articles on a daily basis, I’ve come to understand one thing. An article that gets most of the reader’s attention is one, where you share your personal opinion and your own experience. That is what makes a blog post stand out.
Yes, the idea of a blog is to teach people a skill or to help them get a task done on a specific topic. What is really important if you want to build trust though, is that you present the information based on what you have tried.
Explain exactly which steps you have followed. Tell the reader which of them worked and which did not.
  Use the Same Profile Picture on all Social Media Sites
An important step to gaining trust in the online world is the avatar you use.
As I mentioned above, to build trust, you need to have a way to be recognised. This time we are talking about you, not your blog.
Remember that as the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”.
Having a long biography is a good thing and even a must nowadays. However the easiest way for you to be distinguished is through the use of the same profile picture for all of your social media profiles.
  Practical Information is Everything
After all good writing is essential nowadays if you want to show to the world that you are serious about what you do. Unfortunately it doesn’t all come down to fancy writing.
People won’t come, only because they like your writing style. Whoever visits your blog wants specific information that can be applied straight away and also return good results as soon as possible.
That is what you should be striving for with your writing – practical information!
Overviewing the problem is not enough. Strangely though, many are the ones doing exactly that. They explain the problem and they tell the reader what should be done. What they don’t give away are the small steps that the reader needs to go through in order to apply the advice.
  Share the Good AND the Bad
Telling your story is indeed the name of the game in blogging. However many folks end up doing half of what they should.
Instead of presenting both the cons and the pros, or what they did right and what they did wrong, they rather go for the good stuff only.
It’s not hard to understand that. People want to show themselves in the best possible light and therefore they skip some less convenient parts of the story. If you are a follower of that very same approach, it might be time to stop and rethink.
Honesty is valued nowadays and can greatly help you build trust as a blogger.
Trust in turn equals engagement, higher exposure and sales.
  Don’t Go With a “No”
Remember that when it comes to gaining trust in the online world, being positive is a must.
Whenever you receive a request of some sort that is within your expertise, be willing to take the time and help the one who’s asking you.
Those kinds of small things are the ones that end up making a big difference.
  The Twitter and Automatic DMs Issue
As the theory goes, using any kind of automatic DMing on Twitter is a bad thing. Well yes, there’s a grain of truth in that. Sending the same message to everyone who follows you on Twitter, promoting a product is to say the least not a good marketing strategy.
Looking at the problem from another point of view though, automatic DMs don’t seem that bad to me. As long as they are not promotional in any form that is.
For example setting up a really simple message along the lines of “Thanks for the follow, have a great day!” wouldn’t do any harm, nor to your brand, neither to your followers. So if you are thinking of something similar, then go ahead! Just don’t include any links and keep it short.
  Give Away 90% of What you Know for Free
There are pretty much two ways to monetize a blog if you are serious about earning those dollars. I’m referring to affiliate marketing and selling your own product.
Advertising networks such as AdSense are losing their popularity, especially amongst bloggers, since they are very ineffective and the cons overweigh the pros.
So if you are a blogger, the chances are that you will want to sell a product (or your services).
Problem is though that most of the folks, visiting you, want to get free information and are not on your blog to buy. So if you want them coming back, you should always give away the bigger part of what you write without asking for anything in return.
Free information is what gains the trust of your reader. Gaining the trust of your reader is what transforms him into a buyer.
This post at WebHostingSecretRevealed shows how to triple your subscribers with content upgrades.
  Learn that Criticism Is To Be Accepted Not Disputed
People who like and accept criticism are really not much, compared to the ones who hate being told how to do things. Throughout my almost six years of blogging, I have come across critics more than once or twice.
Honestly the feeling of hearing someone, telling you what to do is not a pleasant one. Sometimes those criticizing you don’t have a clue about what they are talking about. There are those times however, when you just need to sit down a listen.
My advice is to take all kinds of criticism positively even if their author is trying to discredit you in one way or another. Leaving an impression of a rude and offensive person is not at all in your best interest.
Reply with why you believe the critic is wrong.
If they happen to have a good point, follow their advice. Might not feel nice for your ego, but that’s how you build trust. The ones criticizing you are people who pay attention. Don’t forget that!
  Final Words
I hope that you take all of the above tips into consideration.
They have helped me build trust and will help you.
  Do you have any other tips that you would like to share with the community?
Feel free to give your two cents in the comments section!
All feedbacks are much appreciated.
The post 10 Smart Steps to Building Trust and Getting Readers to Take Action first appeared on Reviewz'n'Tips.
from Blogging Tips http://reviewzntips.com/building-trust-tips/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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mrlylerouse · 7 years
The Only Follow-Up Plan You Need for Seller Leads
Work your Seller Leads the Right Way: 10 Weeks of Proven Nurture Content
Perhaps you have the right plan in place for your buyer leads, but you’re struggling to engage and nurture your seller leads, or maybe you just need some fresh ideas. Either way, here’s a solid plan to create more conversations and land more listings. And did I mention this plan includes eleven weeks of touches? 
Best Practices for Following up with Seller Leads
Don’t forget the tried and true best practices for following up with anyone:
speed to lead. Respond as quickly as possible to new leads. Every minute counts
provide value: give them what they need before they even know they need i with helpful, relevant information
Include a variety of follow up methods in your nurture plan: calls, emails, texts, social media, etc
and remember, once you’ve gotten the response, pull that lead off of your campaign and communicate based on that lead’s specific communication preferences and needs.
Ok, here we go!
Week 1 Seller Lead Strategy
This is the most intense part of the campaign, with a communication plan for each day. Since you know there is interest in their home’s worth, now is the time for a full court press. 
Day 1:
Since the leads are registering through your home valuation page, they should automatically receive their home valuation and market report upon registration, and you should receive a notification in your CRM. This lead is H.O.T. so call them ASAP.
No answer? Here’s a sample voicemail:
Hi, this is  <Your Name> with <Your Company>. You should be receiving your home value report shortly, but I am also putting together a custom report with some interesting comps from your neighborhood. I’d love to deliver this version to you and answer any questions.
Then follow up with an email:
Subject: Your Home Value Report for <address>
Hi <prospect name>,
I left you a voicemail, but figured I’d send you an email in case it’s easier for you to respond this way. Thank you for your home value request on <company website>.  I’m working up a custom report for you and was wondering if you had any questions I could help with in the meantime.  I would love to deliver a copy to your home today if you’re available.  
Taking the time to deliver the report shows off your level of service and if they take you up on the meeting, it’s a great way to get face-to-face, run through the report, answer any questions, and start taking the relationship to the next level.
Day 2:
Shoot the lead a text message. Sometimes this is the best communication method for people and they prefer to talk via text rather than over the phone. (It also eliminates the possibility of your email drowning in an overly-crowded inbox!
Day 3:
Try to call your prospect again, mail the customized value report to their address (with a note). 
Hi <prospect name> this is < your name> with <company name>. Just wanted to follow up and make sure you received the home value report I delivered, and to see if you have any questions I may be able to help with. I actually have some questions for you that would help me with estimating you home’s worth even better, so please give me a call or send me a quick email.
Hand-written note:
Hi <prospect name> Thank you so much for reaching out to learn more about your home’s value. I hope you had an opportunity to look over the value estimate and report I delivered, but in case you didn’t receive it, here’s another copy for you to look through. Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
All the best,
<your name>
<company name>
*include a business card too!
Day 4:
Set your prospect up to receive automatic updates (e-Alerts) on similar listings and market activity.
Day 5
Email some similar active listings:  
Subject: Check out these comparable listings
Hi <prospect name>,
Here are some homes that are for sale that are similar to your own. Feel free to check out <company website> for more information and  properties!
Day 6:
Send an email with your customized value report attached.
Subject: Your customized report
Hi <prospect name>
I hope you enjoyed your valuation report. While they can be helpful in getting a better idea of your home’s worth, they are generated from third party data, so I made a few tweaks based on my knowledge of market activity in your area. I dropped this by your home, but thought it might be helpful to have a digital version as well. I’d love to discuss any questions or issues you may have!
  Day 7:
Make a phone call and follow up with a brief text
Hi <prospect name>, this is <your name>, I just wanted to follow-up and make sure you your were satisfied with the requested property report and value range of your home. I know the range may seem a bit broad, but we can adjust and narrow that down if I could get you to answer a few questions for me about your home. Even if you’re just curious about the market, I’d be happy to provide any advice that might be helpful. Feel free to call me any time or shoot me an email. Thanks and have a great day
Ten Week Drip Campaign for Seller Leads
If you still don’t have a response after your week-long effort, it’s time to approach your lead with the “low and slow” method. This next phase involves an email drip campaign that delivers one message per week for the next 10 weeks.
Week 2 Seller Lead Strategy 
This email is just checking back in and trying to gain some information around the prospect’s timeline and intentions
Subject: Is your home worth more than you think?
Hi <prospect name>,
I wanted to check in with you about your home valuation report and see what you thought about the provided price range. Too high or too low? I know it’s a broad estimate, but things like past remodels and updates could impact the value nicely.
Are you considering selling or simply interested in your home’s current value?
I’d be happy to help either way.
All the best,
<your name>
Week 3 Seller Lead Strategy 
This next touch is taking a new tack to trying to get a response: asking a very specific question. (If you are right- or wrong- in assuming they may be relocating, you have a high chance of getting a reply!)
Subject: Are you relocating?
Since you were curious about the current value of your home, I was wondering if you may be planning to move or relocate. Is this the case for you? If you’re planning to move somewhere nearby or relocating further away, I’d be happy to help.
Nearby: Just tell me which neighborhoods you’re interested in and I’ll make sure you receive the freshest listing information and a market report so you can get a good feel for pricing in that market.
Relocating: I’m happy to tap into my network to connect you with a trustworthy agent to help you look for homes in your desired area.
Just let me know what’s most helpful!
Week 4 Seller Lead Strategy
Here’s a check in on the e-Alerts they’re receiving and if they are the right type of parameters. If they’re enjoying the alerts then they might tell you as much, and if they’re a little off, this is the chance for them to let you know.
Subject: Staying on top of the market
I hope you’ve been enjoying learning a bit more about the market activity around your home and receiving similar properties that have been listed. I can make these alerts even more customized if you’d like to limit the search for only homes in your neighborhood, with the same square footage, etc.
Also, if you’re moving, it’s never too early to research the market you’d like to move to!  Let me know what you’re looking for in your next home and I’ll send you some homes to check out!
Week 5 Seller Lead Strategy
Remember, to be of value for your clients, it’s your job to share your expertise. That means taking the market information and translating it into terms they can understand, and relating it to their own situation. Or, as Steve Harney would say, “connecting the dots.” 
Subject: The right time to sell?
Our area is enjoying a market where home values are on the rise. When homes are priced correctly and marketed effectively, there are frequently multiple offers for a property within a few days of listing. (And, If you’re looking to sell and upgrade, it’s more affordable than ever with low mortgage rates!)
Here’s a helpful link to see current stats for your zip code <insert link>. Most of my clients find this really useful!
Let me know if you have any questions, I am happy to help!
Week 6 Seller Lead Strategy 
Make another call! Check in and ask things like “What’s your timeline” “What did you think of the home value range” etc.
Subject: Your home is worth how much?!
To get top dollar for your home, we’ll want to determine what a buyer will pay in the current market.
Determining the market value of your home is complex and you should use a local expert to help you determine that price.
Some key factors include:
   Lot size
   Square footage
   Special enhancements and features of your home
If you are a little ways out from selling, we can work together now on a few minor and inexpensive changes so you can draw in higher offers when you decide to put it on the market.
Call me on my cell <insert number> so we can find a time to discuss. Or send me your number and I’ll call you.
Week 7 Seller Lead Strategy 
Now is a great time to make sure your listing presentation game is strong. Offer an explanation of what you can do to market their home and show how many buyer leads you have at the ready!
Subject: A marketing plan for <insert address>
What’s the difference between listings and marketing your home? Listing is just getting it on the market, but marketing is what is done to drawing buyers in and getting top dollar for your home. That’s where I come in!
As a successful listing agent in the area, creating a strategic marketing plan with the homeowner before we list has been crucial to getting my sellers the best price for their home.
Let’s set up a time where we can discuss a marketing strategy for your home. Before we meet, feel free to send over any thoughts you have:
Who do you think will be the perfect buyer of your home? (A large family, a couple downsizing,etc).
What are your favorite features of your home? Why?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Week 8 Seller Lead Strategy 
If you’re creating fresh content for your website, blog, or social media accounts (and you should be!) share something that might be useful to a potential seller. Want a little treat? Here is some tweetable advice you can share with seller leads. 
Subject: Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Curb Appeal
Did you know that doing just a few simple, inexpensive things to your home before you put it on the market can increase your home selling potential up to 10%?
Here’s a link to my blog post, “The top 5 ways to improve your home’s first impression.” My past client found this very helpful when we were selling their home and I hope you will too.
Let me know if you’d like to chat about the selling process!
Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!
Week 9 Seller Lead Strategy 
It may be worth offering some giveaway to pique the interest of the potential seller. The below email details the opportunity for a staging consult, but you could also offer a free appraisal as well. 
Subject: Free home staging
Hey, I just wanted to drop you a quick note about a special offer for a free home staging consultation with my favorite local home stager (they help make your house look pretty when we show your property). These guys are awesome and this is a service I highly recommend. The deal is good for the rest of this month.
Let me know if you’re interested!
Week 10 Seller Lead Strategy
Testimonial time! Demonstrate the success you’ve had in a similar area selling homes, or showcase what similar homes you have sold. Now is a great time to pull in testimonials from past clients and brag a little bit (humbly of course!) about any big wins with multiple offers, time to sale, etc.
Subject: Sold: 3 homes just like yours
Just wanted to let you know that these homes, similar to your own, were all sold in under one month (and one even went above asking price!). Here are some things my clients have to say:
*Insert testimonial*
*Insert testimonial*
I would love to be able to offer you the same experience they all enjoyed. Would you have some time today to chat about this market and what your timeline is like?
I look forward to hearing from you!
Week 11 Seller Lead Strategy 
If you still haven’t had any bites after all these touches, it’s a good idea to make sure they haven’t been put off by anything, and put the ball back in their court. 
Subject: Did I drop the ball?
Hi <prospect name>
I have yet to hear back from you, so I want to make sure I didn’t drop the ball.  When you initially reached out to me you were interested in the value of your home. Are you just looking to refinance or do you want to potentially sell sometime down the road?
I don’t want to bug you, so here’s how you can contact me:
<insert name>
<insert phone number>
<insert email>
I would love to help you with any of your real estate questions or needs.
Warm regards,
<your name>
Nurturing Non-Responsive Seller Leads
Continue sending your seller leads automatic e-Alerts and market updates to stay top of mind and keep adding value. Even if they are a ways out from selling their home, or unresponsive, it’s certainly worth keeping them involved in your digital marketing efforts. That way, when the time does come when they’re ready for help, you’ll be the person they turn to. With the right technology, and automated processes, nurturing seller leads can be a breeze.
  The post The Only Follow-Up Plan You Need for Seller Leads appeared first on BoomTown!.
from BoomTown! http://ift.tt/2pOofme
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mrdonaldclark86 · 7 years
The Only Follow-Up Plan You Need for Seller Leads
Work your Seller Leads the Right Way: 10 Weeks of Proven Nurture Content
Perhaps you have the right plan in place for your buyer leads, but you’re struggling to engage and nurture your seller leads, or maybe you just need some fresh ideas. Either way, here’s a solid plan to create more conversations and land more listings. And did I mention this plan includes eleven weeks of touches? 
Best Practices for Following up with Seller Leads
Don’t forget the tried and true best practices for following up with anyone:
speed to lead. Respond as quickly as possible to new leads. Every minute counts
provide value: give them what they need before they even know they need i with helpful, relevant information
Include a variety of follow up methods in your nurture plan: calls, emails, texts, social media, etc
and remember, once you’ve gotten the response, pull that lead off of your campaign and communicate based on that lead’s specific communication preferences and needs.
Ok, here we go!
Week 1 Seller Lead Strategy
This is the most intense part of the campaign, with a communication plan for each day. Since you know there is interest in their home’s worth, now is the time for a full court press. 
Day 1:
Since the leads are registering through your home valuation page, they should automatically receive their home valuation and market report upon registration, and you should receive a notification in your CRM. This lead is H.O.T. so call them ASAP.
No answer? Here’s a sample voicemail:
Hi, this is  <Your Name> with <Your Company>. You should be receiving your home value report shortly, but I am also putting together a custom report with some interesting comps from your neighborhood. I’d love to deliver this version to you and answer any questions.
Then follow up with an email:
Subject: Your Home Value Report for <address>
Hi <prospect name>,
I left you a voicemail, but figured I’d send you an email in case it’s easier for you to respond this way. Thank you for your home value request on <company website>.  I’m working up a custom report for you and was wondering if you had any questions I could help with in the meantime.  I would love to deliver a copy to your home today if you’re available.  
Taking the time to deliver the report shows off your level of service and if they take you up on the meeting, it’s a great way to get face-to-face, run through the report, answer any questions, and start taking the relationship to the next level.
Day 2:
Shoot the lead a text message. Sometimes this is the best communication method for people and they prefer to talk via text rather than over the phone. (It also eliminates the possibility of your email drowning in an overly-crowded inbox!
Day 3:
Try to call your prospect again, mail the customized value report to their address (with a note). 
Hi <prospect name> this is < your name> with <company name>. Just wanted to follow up and make sure you received the home value report I delivered, and to see if you have any questions I may be able to help with. I actually have some questions for you that would help me with estimating you home’s worth even better, so please give me a call or send me a quick email.
Hand-written note:
Hi <prospect name> Thank you so much for reaching out to learn more about your home’s value. I hope you had an opportunity to look over the value estimate and report I delivered, but in case you didn’t receive it, here’s another copy for you to look through. Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
All the best,
<your name>
<company name>
*include a business card too!
Day 4:
Set your prospect up to receive automatic updates (e-Alerts) on similar listings and market activity.
Day 5
Email some similar active listings:  
Subject: Check out these comparable listings
Hi <prospect name>,
Here are some homes that are for sale that are similar to your own. Feel free to check out <company website> for more information and  properties!
Day 6:
Send an email with your customized value report attached.
Subject: Your customized report
Hi <prospect name>
I hope you enjoyed your valuation report. While they can be helpful in getting a better idea of your home’s worth, they are generated from third party data, so I made a few tweaks based on my knowledge of market activity in your area. I dropped this by your home, but thought it might be helpful to have a digital version as well. I’d love to discuss any questions or issues you may have!
  Day 7:
Make a phone call and follow up with a brief text
Hi <prospect name>, this is <your name>, I just wanted to follow-up and make sure you your were satisfied with the requested property report and value range of your home. I know the range may seem a bit broad, but we can adjust and narrow that down if I could get you to answer a few questions for me about your home. Even if you’re just curious about the market, I’d be happy to provide any advice that might be helpful. Feel free to call me any time or shoot me an email. Thanks and have a great day
Ten Week Drip Campaign for Seller Leads
If you still don’t have a response after your week-long effort, it’s time to approach your lead with the “low and slow” method. This next phase involves an email drip campaign that delivers one message per week for the next 10 weeks.
Week 2 Seller Lead Strategy 
This email is just checking back in and trying to gain some information around the prospect’s timeline and intentions
Subject: Is your home worth more than you think?
Hi <prospect name>,
I wanted to check in with you about your home valuation report and see what you thought about the provided price range. Too high or too low? I know it’s a broad estimate, but things like past remodels and updates could impact the value nicely.
Are you considering selling or simply interested in your home’s current value?
I’d be happy to help either way.
All the best,
<your name>
Week 3 Seller Lead Strategy 
This next touch is taking a new tack to trying to get a response: asking a very specific question. (If you are right- or wrong- in assuming they may be relocating, you have a high chance of getting a reply!)
Subject: Are you relocating?
Since you were curious about the current value of your home, I was wondering if you may be planning to move or relocate. Is this the case for you? If you’re planning to move somewhere nearby or relocating further away, I’d be happy to help.
Nearby: Just tell me which neighborhoods you’re interested in and I’ll make sure you receive the freshest listing information and a market report so you can get a good feel for pricing in that market.
Relocating: I’m happy to tap into my network to connect you with a trustworthy agent to help you look for homes in your desired area.
Just let me know what’s most helpful!
Week 4 Seller Lead Strategy
Here’s a check in on the e-Alerts they’re receiving and if they are the right type of parameters. If they’re enjoying the alerts then they might tell you as much, and if they’re a little off, this is the chance for them to let you know.
Subject: Staying on top of the market
I hope you’ve been enjoying learning a bit more about the market activity around your home and receiving similar properties that have been listed. I can make these alerts even more customized if you’d like to limit the search for only homes in your neighborhood, with the same square footage, etc.
Also, if you’re moving, it’s never too early to research the market you’d like to move to!  Let me know what you’re looking for in your next home and I’ll send you some homes to check out!
Week 5 Seller Lead Strategy
Remember, to be of value for your clients, it’s your job to share your expertise. That means taking the market information and translating it into terms they can understand, and relating it to their own situation. Or, as Steve Harney would say, “connecting the dots.” 
Subject: The right time to sell?
Our area is enjoying a market where home values are on the rise. When homes are priced correctly and marketed effectively, there are frequently multiple offers for a property within a few days of listing. (And, If you’re looking to sell and upgrade, it’s more affordable than ever with low mortgage rates!)
Here’s a helpful link to see current stats for your zip code <insert link>. Most of my clients find this really useful!
Let me know if you have any questions, I am happy to help!
Week 6 Seller Lead Strategy 
Make another call! Check in and ask things like “What’s your timeline” “What did you think of the home value range” etc.
Subject: Your home is worth how much?!
To get top dollar for your home, we’ll want to determine what a buyer will pay in the current market.
Determining the market value of your home is complex and you should use a local expert to help you determine that price.
Some key factors include:
   Lot size
   Square footage
   Special enhancements and features of your home
If you are a little ways out from selling, we can work together now on a few minor and inexpensive changes so you can draw in higher offers when you decide to put it on the market.
Call me on my cell <insert number> so we can find a time to discuss. Or send me your number and I’ll call you.
Week 7 Seller Lead Strategy 
Now is a great time to make sure your listing presentation game is strong. Offer an explanation of what you can do to market their home and show how many buyer leads you have at the ready!
Subject: A marketing plan for <insert address>
What’s the difference between listings and marketing your home? Listing is just getting it on the market, but marketing is what is done to drawing buyers in and getting top dollar for your home. That’s where I come in!
As a successful listing agent in the area, creating a strategic marketing plan with the homeowner before we list has been crucial to getting my sellers the best price for their home.
Let’s set up a time where we can discuss a marketing strategy for your home. Before we meet, feel free to send over any thoughts you have:
Who do you think will be the perfect buyer of your home? (A large family, a couple downsizing,etc).
What are your favorite features of your home? Why?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Week 8 Seller Lead Strategy 
If you’re creating fresh content for your website, blog, or social media accounts (and you should be!) share something that might be useful to a potential seller. Want a little treat? Here is some tweetable advice you can share with seller leads. 
Subject: Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Curb Appeal
Did you know that doing just a few simple, inexpensive things to your home before you put it on the market can increase your home selling potential up to 10%?
Here’s a link to my blog post, “The top 5 ways to improve your home’s first impression.” My past client found this very helpful when we were selling their home and I hope you will too.
Let me know if you’d like to chat about the selling process!
Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!
Week 9 Seller Lead Strategy 
It may be worth offering some giveaway to pique the interest of the potential seller. The below email details the opportunity for a staging consult, but you could also offer a free appraisal as well. 
Subject: Free home staging
Hey, I just wanted to drop you a quick note about a special offer for a free home staging consultation with my favorite local home stager (they help make your house look pretty when we show your property). These guys are awesome and this is a service I highly recommend. The deal is good for the rest of this month.
Let me know if you’re interested!
Week 10 Seller Lead Strategy
Testimonial time! Demonstrate the success you’ve had in a similar area selling homes, or showcase what similar homes you have sold. Now is a great time to pull in testimonials from past clients and brag a little bit (humbly of course!) about any big wins with multiple offers, time to sale, etc.
Subject: Sold: 3 homes just like yours
Just wanted to let you know that these homes, similar to your own, were all sold in under one month (and one even went above asking price!). Here are some things my clients have to say:
*Insert testimonial*
*Insert testimonial*
I would love to be able to offer you the same experience they all enjoyed. Would you have some time today to chat about this market and what your timeline is like?
I look forward to hearing from you!
Week 11 Seller Lead Strategy 
If you still haven’t had any bites after all these touches, it’s a good idea to make sure they haven’t been put off by anything, and put the ball back in their court. 
Subject: Did I drop the ball?
Hi <prospect name>
I have yet to hear back from you, so I want to make sure I didn’t drop the ball.  When you initially reached out to me you were interested in the value of your home. Are you just looking to refinance or do you want to potentially sell sometime down the road?
I don’t want to bug you, so here’s how you can contact me:
<insert name>
<insert phone number>
<insert email>
I would love to help you with any of your real estate questions or needs.
Warm regards,
<your name>
Nurturing Non-Responsive Seller Leads
Continue sending your seller leads automatic e-Alerts and market updates to stay top of mind and keep adding value. Even if they are a ways out from selling their home, or unresponsive, it’s certainly worth keeping them involved in your digital marketing efforts. That way, when the time does come when they’re ready for help, you’ll be the person they turn to. With the right technology, and automated processes, nurturing seller leads can be a breeze.
  The post The Only Follow-Up Plan You Need for Seller Leads appeared first on BoomTown!.
from BoomTown! http://ift.tt/2pOofme
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Minimalism: another boring product wealthy people can buy
Minimalism is just another form of conspicuous consumption, a way of saying to the world: Look at me! Look at all of the things I have refused to buy!
I hate minimalism.
I hate it as the incredibly tedious piece of personal performance art it has come to be in our society, but I also hate it as an aesthetic: your white-on-white-on-white life and meticulously crafted wardrobe of only the most wispy products Everlane and Aritzia have to offer are, frankly, a saltine crackers idea of what a Cool Girl would wear.
In terms of its visual merits, or as a capital-S style, the hyper-curated minimalism really only conveys one thing: I wanted to take the very safest route to chic, cut away every possible misstep or risk. I saw the French Girl Chic articles and I was like thats pretty damn homogenous, but smoking tests poorly in focus groups and those occasional striped shirts are too bold. Time to reduce my look even further until literally every item I purchase tells people I could get something more interesting, but I have enough money to choose not to.
Because lets be clear about what the minimalist aesthetic, at least as a personal style choice, actually is: its a way of aping the connotations of simplicity and even, to a degree, asceticism, without actually having to give up those sweet, sweet class signifiers.
Our favorite budget backsplashes on RM today. Share your favorite low-cost design solutions at #RMbudgetdesign. (Here: Nina Holst’s -@stylizimoblog – dramatic black ply version.) #rmkitchen
A post shared by Remodelista (@remodelista) on Jan 18, 2017 at 5:35am PST
Being minimalist in this way Stop wasting money on all that IKEA nonsense! With this $4,000 dining table hand-whittled by a failed novelist in Scandinavia, you will never need another piece of furniture! really just means having enough upfront disposable money to invest in your wardrobe and surroundings. Reducing a wardrobe down to a few painfully elegant cashmere-cotton blend tops is only really possible if you can put down at least $1,000 in one go for the creation of your capsule wardrobe.
The visual cues and undercurrents of moral superiority it apes, the no-makeup makeup because youve bought $250 worth of nigh-invisible Glossier products, the vaguely Japanese home decor because we assume literally anything that isnt crowded with color and pattern is somehow automatically Japanese its all about spending an incredible amount of time and attention to look as if you hadnt thought about it at all.
And these are all fine things! You are allowed to enjoy having precisely 10 sweaters in slightly different shades of taupe, or meticulously keeping your all-white dining set on white open shelves, despite the fact that it clearly implies at least once-weekly dusting of your entire kitchen, but what is #problematic about it is pretending that this is somehow a noble or morally positive way to spend your money.
It is just another form of conspicuous consumption, a way of saying to the world: Look at me! Look at all of the things I have refused to buy, and the incredibly-expensive, sparse items I have deemed worthy instead!
A post shared by make_it_simple (@make_it_simple_ana) on Mar 3, 2017 at 7:24am PST
And we are entitled to buy whatever we like, but to pretend that the intentional and costly upfront implications of a minimalist-chic life are anything but privileged posturing is ridiculous. But I believe that we feel these things because the minimalism-as-luxury-good phenomenon is extremely caught up with the minimalism-as-faux-spiritualism phenomenon, which is its own can of farm-to-table, artisanal worms.
Long story short, the past 10 years or so has sold us one of the most oddly logical, yet no less cloying, answers to our hyper-consumerist late capitalism: minimalism as a secular kind of religion, an add-on to the cultures of yoga and green juices and general living well by putting together a tapas platter of cultural and spiritual practices without ever fully committing to one.
The premise of minimalism in this way is very vague, and ever-shifting to accommodate the tastes and stomach for consistency of the individual practitioner, but the overall theory is the same: by paring your life down as actively as possible, you are almost guaranteed to appreciate what remains more, and are likely to pick up some serious wisdom in the process, which usually makes for excellent self-serious Medium content down the road.
There are a million variations fitting all your belongings into a single box, small-house or van living, radical de-cluttering, extreme purges of technology or social activity, etc but they all hold the same vague, usually unspoken level of superiority.
Didn’t love today’s outfit for the #winter10x10 so I decided to change it up last minute — see the original outfit on the blog, see the outfit I decided to wear instead in my IG Stories. @leevosburgh is having a similar “How fascinating!” moment in her IG Stories today too — we must be on the same wavelength today. Anyone else having one too? #unfancyremix #stylebee10x10
A post shared by Caroline Joy Rector (@caroline_joy) on Jan 17, 2017 at 11:07am PST
They all imply that they are in some way a moral upgrade from the life of mindless consumerism, and as a bonus, allow you to take on some of the desirable aesthetics and morality of poverty without ever having to be poor. Youre not homeless, youre on the road, doing some chic van-living and following the good weather! Youre not unable to afford basic home goods, youre choosing to pare everything down to a single cardboard box! If life were a video game and there are some scientists who seem to believe it may be minimalist spirituality is a great way to get all the gold coins of poverty without ever having to be one of those icky poor people.
The implication of this kind of minimalism is obvious, and yet it somehow never seems to get addressed: the only people who can practice minimalism in any meaningful way are people upon whom it isnt forced by financial or logistical circumstances.
You cannot choose to declutter if you are already living in a sparse home you cannot afford to furnish. You cannot reduce the food you consume if you are already only able to put one good meal on the table per day. And when nearly half of Americans would be unable to pay their bills if they missed a single check, this forced minimalism is much, much more common than we would like to imagine. We cannot pretend that performative reduction in consumption, or choosing to only consume in certain ways, is not one of the most gratuitous displays of privilege out there, and to frame it as in any way a moral choice is more than a little offensive.
#tinyhousemovement via @emgrayy88 & @getawayhouse
A post shared by #TinyHouseMovement (@tinyhousemovement) on Feb 27, 2017 at 11:24am PST
But the truth is that, as with so many other social phenomena that insufferable white dudes have co-opted, this spiritual minimalism has essentially become yet another competition for who can be the best at whatever youve chosen, even if that whatever is literally having less shit.
Even ignoring the class angles, this idea that any decluttering in your life is automatically a positive thing is simply an aesthetic choice being reframed as a moral one because, lets be honest, its really easy to look at a lot of what (mostly) women own as being totally frivolous. Makeup, more-elaborate wardrobes, cozy home decor, art, supplies for hobbies, nice home goods its not a coincidence that most of the stuff were being told to flush away from our lives happens to be stuff that women mostly accumulate.
And, yes, there is a very strong capitalist-critical argument to be made about buying in more intentional and ethical ways, but color me shocked that very few of these minimalist troubadours ever really take things to an economic or class-based argument. Its about reducing for personal enlightenment and pompous blog posts, its not about arguing for a more equitable society in which people consume proportionate to their needs. (If you need a perfect example of this, note the fetishization of the curated simplicity of the ultra-rich: their clean loft spaces, their designer capsule wardrobes, their elaborately reduced diets. These people are still conspicuously consuming in mind-boggling ways, theyre just filtering it through the convenient prism of simplicity, and that allows their million-dollar wardrobes to somehow be aspirational for someone advocating for minimalism.)
The point is, the points being made by the minimalism crew are neither truly spiritual nor truly socioeconomic. Theyre another style, as superficial as anything else that might come down the runway at Fashion Week, just with an added layer of condescension. At the end of the day, we shouldnt kid ourselves: this kind of minimalism is just another boring product that wealthy people can buy.
This piece was originally published on The Financial Diet
Read more: http://bit.ly/2lMWFEh
from Minimalism: another boring product wealthy people can buy
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