#more convinient for fighting
musubiki · 5 months
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another mochi witch outfit -w-
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rikli · 1 year
i'm yet to watch good omens so tt became unscrollable dsdfhdl like i have enough of the ap anyway hate it pals!!!
this is the true beloved place
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kae-nyan · 2 months
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Only you my girl, only you babe, only you~
VERY clingy on her sleep actually. Don't be suprised when you find yourself to be bundled up by her. There wasn't a single night where her hands wasn't placed on you, whether it be hugging you from the back, or just hand holding.
Elaborating on this, this means none of your rare fights would last long anyways. Vertin would sleep on the other side of your bed at night and you would wake up with her crooning on your neck the next morning.
And it wouldn't matter if you were sulking or whatevs, you would always find your place at her arms no matter how hard you try to avoid it.
However, she sometimes have reoccurring nightmares. You'll know when she starts to mumbles, or maybe even groan sometimes..
She wouldn't tell you though, but rather assure yourself to not worry about her and says she's used to it. And she wouldn't forget to apologise to you if her "nonsense" disturbs your sleep.
But it's more, obvious, during her worse days of seasonal nightmares. Guilt eats her up when Vertin finally wakes up from her dream to see your worried and tired face. She would suggest that she would sleep on the sofa. But of course you wouldn't allow it.
Often rambles some weird facts when it alligns with your hobby. Vertin is the type of gal to know everything about anything, especially about history (since yk,, she's a timekeeper)
Oh? That hobby? Didn't you know that it was accidentally created when an arcanist thought it was more convinient to use arcanist items rather than human items, but found out it has other effects?
Oh, yeah? That famous old song you're listening to? Fun fact, it was created when the singer had to improvise the lyrics by memory because someone had stolen the original script.
A sucker for your home-made lunch box you made for her to eat during her long field mission. You ironically made love shapes with bits of foods and cheesy words with ketchup. And you know what?? SHE WILL EAT THAT UP IN ONE GO
Regulus once took a peek at Vertin's lunch box and boy was Vertin was teased for it.
Vertin doesn't care though.
I mean, she gets to eat your carefully hand crafted food rather than drinking unhealthy soda 24/7.
There is rarely an occasion where you and her are left alone in the suitcase. But when it does, you two get to enjoy the peace and quiet together. You two would joke around if this is what it feels like to grow old together in the future.
Or some other times, Vertin would turn on the record player for you to listen together. Vertin would read a book or on her work desk, and you will be knitting or solving a puzzle. But all in the same room.
After all, your relationship has come to the point where you don't need words to understand each other.
This girl keeps EVERYTHING you gave her. Even before you guys are official. Not to mention, she has a box dedicated to items that were once gifted from you. And it's sometimes ridiculously absurd.
Remember that chocolate bar you once gave her? Well, the wrapper of said chocolate bar is still in her possession. She said its for memories when you told her to just throw it away.
But often times, it made you two reminisce of the past where you two were still fools in love that do awfully foolish things for each other (the intensity is tone down now that you have been together for years, but still)
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dearweirdme · 2 months
Hey, I’m the one who sent you the ask the other day about taekook’s dynamic evolving. I did read your response aswell as some of the other anon asks responding to my ask and just wanted to say everything I said was from my point of view and not influenced by any other person’s thoughts. I was aware that my opinions were not going to be met with approvals because i know that tkkrs see things very differently but I just thought i’d share.
I decided to use my own life experiences because before I kinda got distant with my bestfriend, I also highly doubted the ITS talk because I couldn’t understand how they could claim taekook grew a little distant in such a short amount of time and the way we all still saw them physically affectionate and close to each other just didn’t make sense to me then but I understood how things like that could happen after what happened with my bestfriend. I am aware that sometimes too we project without realizing it but the difference between me now and the me I was before the whole thing with my bestfriend is that now, I understand that sometimes, you don’t have to have an argument or fight or issue with someone you are really close to for distance to creep in. Sometimes the distance creeps in because of circumstances not necessarily in our control like life events, physical distance from each other and stuff like that. People sometimes very naturally grow apart without having any issues with each other and that is what I meant. My bestfriend and I are nothing like we used to be before but we still love and care about each other so much and will be there for each other if needed. Sometimes it is impossible to understand certain things unless we personally experience them. I could be wrong but I just see now how things like that are possible and this is something I couldn’t see or understand before because I had never experienced it or knew anyone who had.
About Jk and Jimin’s living situations that I mentioned earlier, these are some pictures I found.
Some of these pictures are taken in Nine one. You can compare to Namjoon and Jimin’s apartments. When you add these to the timeline of Jikook sharing a car right until mid 2021 when Jimin bought the apartment, plus Jimin mentioning that he was with Jk at 4am on his birthday back in 2020 and jikook arriving late for the radio interview back in 2020 when all the members were out of the dorm already, it makes sense. Namjoon also spoke to Jk about a coffee shop that was infront of “their” house during one of their lives and there is a coffee shop right infront of Nine one which people guessed he was talking about.
I think the members shared rides depend on how close they live to each other, for example, Yoonjin have shared a car for the longest time because they live 5 minutes from each other so I guess it is convinient for one car to pick up members who live close than sending individual cars. Minimoni have been sharing a car since mid 2021, taekook too have shared cars since they don’t live far from each other and back in 2019 when Jk first had his first apartment in Hobi’s apartment complex (which he has now given to his brother) he shared a car with Hobi for sometime too.
I feel like the ITS talk is forever going to be a very confusing topic for so many people and I can honestly see why some people would have doubts about it as I did too until I came to realize that human relationships and dynamics are very complex. Nothing is a one size fits all and as much as many people try to think they know everything, there is always some context or information we are missing which might put things more into perspective. I guess so many think that distance could only come with two people having fights or disagreements and that when this distance comes, there would always be noticeable physical distance as well but this isn’t always the case because sometimes we just outgrow certain people at certain points of our lives or just naturally grow apart from them maybe because we are on different wavelengths or just cannot relate to each other anymore as we used to. My bf and I got distant because we were both on very different wavelengths and in completely different spaces that we couldn’t relate to each other anymore. Does this mean we lost the love we had for each other, no but that emotional bonding which came from being able to completely relate to and understand each other just isn’t there as much. Maybe one day we would get back on the same frequency as I believe Taekook did and only get closer than ever. Same thing happens in romantic relationships too and even marriages when at certain points you just feel yourself getting so distant from your partner that it almost feels like you don’t really know each other anymore.
Anyways, just thought I should mention that I didn’t mean anything bad with my previous ask and just wanted to explain things further but we don’t have to agree on things because as I said, I could be wrong and also sometimes it is impossible for people to understand things if they haven’t personally experienced them. Thanks for being so nice in your response and I appreciate the concern❤️
Hi again!
I think the problem some have with this, is that while you say you are a newer fan, you also make it come across as though your ideas have not been influenced by others. As a newer fan (and I am also relatively new, nothing wrong with that) we do rely on certain influences from others. The points you used before to argue your case, come from a certain side of fandom.. and we can see that, because we've seen it before. Now to you, those might seem neutral takes, but they are not. When you say for instance "I remember..." while talking about something that happened in 2018.. you don't actually remember that time and what the vibe was like.. you remember watching the footage and the vibe you felt during that time. There is a difference there that should be acknowledged. When you talk about all the rides Jkk shared.. you most likely remember people (accounts, blogs) mentioning that, because you cannot have witnessed it yourself. And I don't mean to say that Jkk sharing rides wasn't true.. I mean to point out that you are biased (as am I ofcourse) and that Tkkrs who were around during 2016 have a different recollection of how the vibes were. From what it looks like to us is that you do not weigh Tkkrs opinions and accounts as heavily as you do accounts of other sides of fandom. Having multiple angles is important, but when we show reasons as to why we disagree.. all too often our ideas are just set aside as 'delusional' when the actual footage is literally just there.
I do understand what you mean when you talk about people drifting apart naturally without there having been actual issues. The thing with the ITS talk though, is that it's heavily implied that there was an issue that they had to work through. It's even said that things were almost back to how they used to be. It implies that a certain level of friendship should be met, which is weird. I think the ITS talk was something they used to make sense of why things looked weird before, and why they were about to change.
I think there is a lot that point to Tae and Jk still having been close on many different levels during 2016-2020 and beyond. A lot has to do with the looks of understanding they shared, but things like that are hard to point out with a single picture or vid. A few examples of what I feel speaks to their continuous closeness though:
Not an indication of closeness perse, but certainly one of attraction..
Borrowing this from Kayla (@taekooktimeline).
Jk rushing past people to walk next to Tae and holding his hand.
Yoongi's text to Tae and Jk and the way they all responded to that..
Tae himself saying that Jk listens to him when he's troubled and gives advice.
Jk wanting Tae to room with him in Malta and the way they sleep.
Besides the obvious closeness in the season greetings footage, this is quite something to say about someone.
This very confusing live in which it does become clear that at least Tae thought they were sharing a room. And during which it also seems Tae did not actually leave.
Also... a very strong year for physical closeness and magnetism.
Jk pointing at Tae.
As far as bodylanguage goes.. this cannot be more obvious. This is not two people being distant but still feeling close enough to cuddle. This is Jk being protective and comforting to Tae.
Overall, I think 2020 shows a care and connection between Tae and Jk that is undeniable. Jk's awareness of Tae and the way he was feeling is huge. The whole year leading up to the ITS talk shows moments of connection. Of them clinging to each other. It's absolutely possible that something felt off, because of the way Tae had been feeling... but that had nothing to do with their closeness I believe.
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wrathofrats · 5 months
Alpha wish pebble knew when to be quiet for his own good.
Pebble was known to have an awful habit of mouthing off even when it only made his situation worse. Endless quips and comments that only served as a shovel to dig his hole even deeper.
The problem is that alpha had a similar terrible habit of encouraging it. Always having something to say on top of whatever attitude pebble had. He can’t help himself, he loves the fight he gets out of him, loves to watch the frustration build up until alpha just has to fuck it out of him.
He tries to be light at first, working pebble up just to tear him back down. Little comments to chip away at his horrible attitude. Has to call him cute when he starts to get handsy, pulling alpha closer with an annoyed huff to rip his clothes off of him.
“Just can’t resist me can you? God you’re cute when you’re desperate”
“That’s rich considering you’re basically the abbey prostitute.” Pebble sneers, barely taking any time to look over alpha, spread out bare in front of him, before wrapping his hand around his cock to coax him to full hardness.
Alpha shouldn’t laugh at him, but it’s hard to keep it in. He knows damn well that pebble only really bottoms for him most of the time, so hearing him speak so high and mighty about his own purity is almost comical.
“Forgot you’re basically a virgin aren’t you sprout? I know you only let me get my cock in that tight hole”
“Fuck off, you’re just convinient” pebble growls, sinking down to sit in alphas lap. He doesn’t have any time to adjust to his size before alpha is speaking again, making his head spin.
“I’ve practically molded you around my dick haven’t I? Glad no one else has been given the opportunity to taint you for me”
And pebble just can’t help but look confused. He’s flustered, doesn’t know how to respond because the awful thought that alpha likes him more because no one else has fucked him is too arousing for him to admit
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i have an idea for a q x reader (specifically the one from the next generation cuz idk) but i have absolutely no writing pizzazz so id thought you’d like to hear about it:
ok so reader (can be she/her or gender neutral whatever ur comfy w/) works on the enterprise and she was betrothed to a guy when she was born. he’s a bit of a jerk, she doesn’t rlly wanna marry him BUT in grooms society a betrothal is a binding vow so the crew on the enterprise can’t interfere with it as it’s their way of life (cuz i THIIIINK that goes against the prime directive im not too sure tho). so anyways she/they is feeling a little bit down so she decideds to pray to *any* god out there to help her (i think you know where this is going accidental summoning of god trope here we go). SOOO unfortunately she summons Q. Q says “i’ll help you, but you need to get married to me instead because ever since i was turned into a human i’ve wanted to know what that’s like and fortunately ur in the right place at the right time girlfriend”. reader says yes cuz again groom is a jerk. their relationship develops (and obviously everybody on the enterprise and their mothers are VRRY mad, picard even more so).
if the reader ever does develop actual feelings for him and turn it into a fluffy fic or if she is totally disinterested and it can be a lil angsty twinge that’s for you to decide. SORRY if this is too many details and doesn’t rlly leave room for creativity i tried to keep it as barebones as possible. again if you wanna write this that’s totally up to you and i 100% respect it if you don’t but if you do see this and it catches ur interest then im glad i asked. love ur stuff 🫶
I do.
Q x fem!reader (3rd POV) Words: 3.1K Warnings: Arranged marriage, marriage of convinience A/N: Thanks again for the request @franlovesyouu and I am so sorry again, that it took so long. I changed a bit, I hope that's okay. Hope you still enjoy it :) P.S. the fiancé became a bit of an asshole. Sorry for that
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His hand lay on her back and travelled up and down. She felt sick and had to turn to the side as the mere sight of him was too much for her. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Worf and Will, among others, were sitting at one of the tables nearby, watching her tensely. She tried to give them an encouraging smile, but she already knew it would be useless. There was nothing encouraging about the situation.
Just then, she could feel Esua's hand move from her back to her waist and pull her towards her. "Hey. Eyes on me sweetie." His breath reeked of alcohol and she squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as she could to stifle the tears that suddenly welled up, but before she did, she could see Worf sit up straighter and was held back by a grim-looking Will. "Hey!"
His fingers gripped her chin firmly and he turned her face almost brutally towards him.
Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and looked at him, still fighting back the tears. He grinned smugly. "' That's good." She managed a growl and yanked her head out of his grasp. "Don't. I told you I don't like it." His fingers tightened around her chin again, this time with more pressure, and she was sure she'd bruise. "You are my wife. You have to obey me, whether you like it or not."
Her heart grew heavy and at the same time she felt like she was going to throw up. She tore herself away again and stood up this time to get some space between herself and him.
"I'm not your wife yet," she hissed softly so as not to draw attention to her, but she couldn't stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. "Which means you have nothing to dictate to me."
She turned on the spot and stormed towards the door. Will stood up, concern clearly visible, but she just shook her head. She just wanted to be alone
At that moment, she was glad that she could have mapped out the layout of the ship in her sleep, as her vision was obscured by a veil of tears that allowed her to make out nothing more than outlines. She only allowed the tears to flow freely when the doors to her quarters closed behind her and she was in the private safety of herself.
A sob escaped her, clawing at the back of her throat, and she pressed a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. Even if the walls were soundproofed, there was that small part of her that refused to shed tears over this man. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction.
"God," she gasped, running her hands vigorously over her face in the hope of getting a hold of herself without much success. "Pull yourself together. You're strong, not fussy, you shouldn't be sitting here crying."
But no matter how hard she tried to keep it together, she couldn't and eventually the first hot tears began to roll down her cheeks. As soon as the liquid wet her skin, there was no escape in sight and as much as she tried to fight it, she couldn't help but collapse on her sofa, sobbing.
She should have been more composed and in control of herself by now. After all, she knew it would come to this since she was a little girl. The Drakthar, her people, were a fairly traditional people, as the humans liked to call them, and betrothals of children for political and social benefits were not uncommon and more importantly: binding. There were very few reasons why a betrothal could be broken off and Esau, as obnoxious as he was, was no fool and had taken meticulous care to ensure that none of these cases would occur.
And she had actually come to terms with it by now. However, now that the wedding date was only a few months away and the time when the bride and groom were supposed to be together began, the whole thing seemed so much more realistic and threatening.
She knew that crying wouldn't help her either. She would have to marry Esau and spend her life by his side.
Not even the Enterprise could help her, as it was already clear that he would live here with her.
There was no escape. And yet she caught herself as it escaped her lips. "Please, someone, help," she pleaded, but knew it was useless. No one would be able to help her. No one.
At some point, she must have fallen asleep, exhausted and weeping, because she woke up as a flash of light coursed through her quarters. Sleepy and a little disorientated, she looked around and it wasn't long before her eyes fell on the tall, brunette man in the captain's uniform, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and a mischievous smirk on his lips. She had never seen him before, let alone met him in person, but it was no secret who was standing in front of her.
"Wrong quarters Q," she muttered, more resigned than angry and annoyed, which was probably how she should feel. "The captain's quarters are on a different deck."
Q, however, contrary to her expectations, did not move more than a step towards her. "No, no, my dear lieutenant, I'm definitely in the right place."
She frowned, but didn't have enough energy to actively argue with him. "Q, please. I'm really not in the mood for any games."
Q clicked his tongue admonishingly and stepped a little closer to her. "So ungrateful. Even though I've generously agreed to help you out." These words caught her attention and she straightened up a little on the sofa, confusion clear on her tear-streaked face. "To help out? How so?"
The grin had returned to his face and he seemed to take her question as an invitation to come closer. "I've heard your dilemma, with this ... creature you're supposed to marry because of your parents' wishes. Truly awful, no taste this man, just his choice of clothes seems even more boring than you mortals normally wear."
She didn't interrupt him, no matter how much she wanted to argue with him. She was desperate and if he actually had a way to help her, she would take it, no matter how impossible it seemed.
"But don't despair, for I have heard your plea!" Q spread his arms out as if he were standing in front of a huge crowd and giving a speech that would be followed by thunderous applause. She didn't clap, but simply raised a brow.
"Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to underestimate you or anything, but how are you going to help me? Breaking a Dratharkian engagement is next to impossible." Q smiled and leaned forward so that his face hovered directly in front of hers, allowing her to see the twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "But not completely." He snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared in his hand with a small flash of light.
In a loud voice, as if he were standing in an open courtyard, he proclaimed, "A betrothal between the son and daughter of Drothrak is to be cancelled only if the son has betrayed the daughter; if the family of one harms the family of the other; if the daughter of Drothrak is claimed by divinity; or if the son of Drothrak is unable to provide a life for the daughter."
He rolled up the scroll again and it disappeared in another flash of light as he looked at it expectantly.
But she was only the more confused and devoted than before. "I know the rules, Q. And trust me when I say that none of them apply to me. Esau has not deceived me, at least not demonstrably, or cannot provide for me, nor do our families have a feud that can prevent this marriage. There is no way out." She pulled her knees to her chest.
Q, however, sighed heavily and dramatically and shook his head. "And here I thought I'd caught an intelligent mortal." He leaned further forward so that their faces were inches apart as she glared angrily at him. "What about the fourth exception?"
She snorted and turned her head away so she no longer had to stare into his irritating eyes. "Oh of course, how could I forget, silly me. Let me just call our neighbouring god and see if he can 'claim' me. Of course, how could I not think of that."
She expected a snippy comment from Q, but he remained silent, which irritated her even more. Although it was the first time she had met the omnipotent man, she knew from stories that he rarely remained silent. When she turned back to him, however, he only looked at her expectantly, somewhat amused, she thought, and seemed to be waiting for her to come to the conclusion he had already reached.
With a furrowed brow, she looked at him in turn and thought hard, mentally going over the things he had told her and the things she knew, and suddenly everything seemed to click into place. She widened her eyes and looked at him in surprise. "Oh."
"There you go!" Q straightened up and spread his arms. Out of nowhere, fanfares sounded and confetti fell to the floor like an awards ceremony. "The penny has dropped."
She was still a little behind, a little overwhelmed by the revelation. "You want to claim me?" Q grimaced slightly. "Claiming is such an outdated term. Very toxically masculine, don't you think? No, no, my dear. I'm offering you marriage."
The situation seemed to be slipping away from her more by the second. "You want to marry me?" Her voice got a little too high for her taste towards the end. "So my solution to escaping a marriage is to enter into another one?"
Q clicked his tongue again. "Well, I certainly hope that my presence is a lot more pleasant than that deadbeat's." She didn't even try to answer. "But why? What benefit could you possibly gain from it?" "Can't you just settle for me trying to help you?" Q was beginning to look a little annoyed and massaged the bridge of his nose, but she withstood his piercing gaze.
"You're offering to marry me. If you know our laws so well, you should know that a marriage like this cannot be dissolved. Never. So forgive me if I would like to know your motives before I bind myself to you for the rest of my life." Q stared at her for a few moments, as if contemplating whether it was worth it, before sighing devotedly and waving his hand dismissively in the air. "I've become curious." She raised her eyebrow in disbelief. "Curious? About marriage?"
He just snorted. "Don't sound so surprised. I was mortal myself. Admittedly not for long and it was an experience I would have liked to avoid, but there were definitely aspects that piqued my interest. And one of them is marriage."
His gaze slid to the porthole and his eyes flickered back and forth, as if trying to burn each passing star into his memory. "The idea that you choose one person to spend every moment of the rest of your life with... It's a strange thought, but an interesting one."
"Q," she muttered warningly. "If I agree to this, you'll be the one. This is not a game. I won't force you to spend time with me or anything like that, but I won't be allowed to have any other kind of relationship. So you need to be clear about what it means and be sure you're serious."
He looked at her and for the first time she truly felt that the man in front of her was eons old and had seen unimaginable things, just from the way his eyes looked in the dim light. " I am more than aware of the fact." She nodded slowly and exhaled shakily. She had to be insane, completely insane. Then again... What choice did she have? Q tilted his head. "I take it you'll accept the offer?"
A bittersweet smile settled on her lips. "I do."
"This is irresponsible! A disgrace!" Her mother's voice rang shrill and sharp in her ears, but she couldn't help but smile slightly herself. They were sitting in the captain's office and for the last ten minutes she had been listening to her mother and Esau's mother ranting in turn. Esau himself was sitting next to her, devastated.
Opposite her sat the captain and Will, both with serious faces, although she thought she saw the hint of a slight smile on Will's lips. "How dare you?" "Hasn't been particularly hard," she returned, which didn't make either woman particularly happy. "You've brought shame on both our families," Lytal, the mother of her ex-fiancé, screeched. "Esau was supposed to be your husband! You had obligations!"
"Ladies," said Picard, who had risen from his chair. His face was one of practised neutrality, but she could see the little sparkle in his eyes as his gaze flitted over to her for a brief moment. "I don't think this is going to get us anywhere. What's done is done."
"It's not valid," her mother hissed and she let out an annoyed sigh. "Mother, I've already explained it to you several times: Q and I followed the traditional rites. We are legally married according to Drothraki and Federation law. You can't undo it, when will you finally understand!" "You were betrothed to Esau, that's binding!" "I obeyed the law, Lytal." She was getting tired of it all. She had already repeated herself at least four times. "It is written in the law of our people that a betrothal can be cancelled if the bride is claimed by a god. That's what happened."
Lytal was fuming, so much so that she was sure the woman was about to burst a vein. "This is nothing more than a loophole, something added for the sake of etiquette-"
"And still part of the law!" Her mother gasped. "You apologise for your behaviour right now!" She exhaled slowly and squeezed out a forced smile before turning to Picard, to everyone's surprise. "My mother is right. I apologise for all the inconvenience I've caused you. I realise that I have caused some problems, but I hope you can understand my motives, sir."
She could see how hard it was for Picard not to smile. Will had completely given up, the smug grin clearly visible on his face. Her mum didn't think of it as funny.
"You ungrateful child!" She stormed towards her, her hand raised, but she didn't get far. A flash of light travelled across the room and suddenly Q stood between them, his eyebrow raised in warning, his expression one of amused annoyance. "Ladies, I think that's enough." There was something threatening in his tone.
"If any of you lay a hand on her, you'll have a problem with me, and believe me-" there was an almost dangerous glint in his eyes "- no one wants that." Both her mother and Lytal recoiled, frightened and the protest stifled in their throats, while Esau watched him sceptically from the corner. Picard, for his part, cleared his throat. "Q, I think that's enough."
However, he only snorted and just stepped far enough to the side for her to see him, but close enough to be able to step between them again in an emergency. "My own mother-in-law wanted to go after her daughter. My wife! As amusing as the whole thing has been so far, I would be neglecting my marital duties if I didn't intervene."
His gaze hardened as he looked back at the two women and Esau. "She is now under my protection. Any harm done to her will be dealt with in... creative ways." It truly amused her how quickly the colour drained from the three's faces the longer Q stared at them.
Will cleared his throat this time and stood up too, so that everyone present was now standing. "Let's face it: it can't be changed. The necessary documents have been submitted to prove that the marriage between her and Q was concluded months ago and is legitimate. However they managed that."
She had to suppress a grin, whereas Q presented his openly. It certainly had its advantages when space and time were no longer obstacles. "We should concentrate on what the lieutenant desires and what she wants."
He turned to her. "Lieutenant, did this marriage take place according to your wishes? You were not forced?" She nodded. "Yes, sir, it was all with my consent." "There you have it." Q raised his arms as if to say 'I told you so'. "Problem solved." Picard and Will exchanged a few glances before he turned to the two mothers. "As Commander Riker said, there's nothing we can do legally. And since the lieutenant is satisfied, we're not going to intervene. So we have no choice but to accept the whole thing and put it behind us."
Her mother turned red in the face again and seemed to want to say something, as did Lytal, but both were held back by Esau. "Leave it," he muttered, pulling them towards the door. "It's not worth it."
Q eyed her with a smug smile. "Smart decision, little mortal." He gave Q a scathing look, which wasn't particularly intimidating, before the door closed behind them and she exhaled in relief. With a somewhat exhausted smile, she turned to Picard. "Forgive me again, Captain." He just nodded. "Dismissed." She could still see Will's grin before she and Q disappeared in a flash of light and emerged in her quarters, where she dropped onto the sofa with a frustrated sound. Q followed quietly and settled down on the cushion. "You held yourself well. For a mortal."
It sounded derogatory, but she had learnt to read his mood over the last few months. He was impressed and pleased, at least a little. She turned her head slightly so that she could see him and noticed him twirling the ring on his hand, lost in thought, before he quickly withdrew his hand.
"Thank you Q. For stepping in." He just shrugged his shoulders, but she could see how pleased he was with the praise. "I would be a terrible husband if I didn't defend my wife's honour and health. I've learnt that much, after all."
She smiled. Although their relationship was not exactly a romantic one, she had grown fond of the god. And who knew what might come of it?
Don't know if you still wanna be tagged since I've been gone for a bit, but still did it just to be sure.
@bigblissandlove1 @akamitrani
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bee-named-alex · 3 months
So episode 6 of IWTV s2. My thoughts? Many. Enjoy them, I'll try to make it as coherent as possible in my current state. Spoilers and my mental breakdown below the cut
Fuck this. I cannot wait for a week after this episode, how am I supposed to be normal after this???
So I guess I'll start from the start? The tension is in every word and I get why Daniel's getting afraid for his life, I mean I am afraid for his life rn and he's not even real.
The Dubai scenes, they contrast really well with the first couple episodes of this season. The cracks in Loumand relationship are very apparent now, they can't even decide on what painting to have in their house. And I read a post that was like "season 1 was music, season 2 is art" and it's so true and this means like their relationship is empty i guess or something. Maybe just that it's falling apart.
And the way they began this season holding hands and sitting so close, acting like everything was perfect, ready to fight Daniel and now they sit as far away as possible, fight like all the time about everything and Louis and Daniel (and even Rashid I think) keep on further unionizing against Armand... I think that's just great.
And Armand knowing that they know and from the start trying to spin it. I'm not sure how the sentence "Why do you ask, love?" from Louis is like the coldest thing ever but it just is.
I'll talk more about Dubai later.
But now to Paris. Claudia's diary "Fuck these vampires" - girl's so right (in both meanings of that word btw). Claudia was never really my fave, but out of everyone I feel like she deserves a happy ending the most (not counting daniel here) and fuck, she's not getting it. i know but it still hurts like hell.
Her and Madeleine's relationship is great. Inbetween all the plotting and manipulation and murder this feels like one of the only peaceful things. In the scene where Claudia reveals herself I though that she's like Madeleine's guardian angel. But also an angel of death. But Madeleine doesn't mind and I think that's very important, that she doesn't really see Claudia as a monster - or maybe she does, but it doesn't change what she feels (after all, she thinks that she's a monster)
Then the turning. First Louis trying to convince Armand and him not obeying- as Daniel says "maitre only when it's hot or convinient" (it was hot in the art room btw and it's so not fair that we didn't get to see at least a little more i mean that whole scene was inexplicably so hot and i need moreeee).
But it also reminded me of another post, the "Armand is a willingly leashed tiger" because like yeah, Louis has the power up until the point when Armand no longer wants him to have it. (also Louis persuasion being "imagine me without the burden of her" sucks, like sorry but this hurts, even if you didn't mean it and yes it matters if you meant it. But his later method - aka kiss to shut him the hell up - seems much better.)
Then I got a little pissed or perhaps confused at his "Are you asking or making me?" because we know that Louis can't actually make Armand do anything, not when he is 100 % sure he doesnt want to. Because if he could, Armand would've turned Madeleine. (speaking of, Armand not having turned anyone is pretty interesting, but i guess that that's how it was in the books and it was important so sure why not)
Also Louis' "It's ok, it's ok" here reminded me of "Of course, of course!" and also "It's fine, he's fine, we're fine" and it's just so funny how they all think that if they say things over and over again they'll convince themselves that they're true.
The turning itself was beautiful, as Louis said it would be. Like it wasn't violent, there wasn't fear, no tears. Just love and devotion and I'm so sad that Claudia's and Madeleine's beautiful dream didn't last longer.
Louis not caring afterwards is just another exampke of his dissociative state and I worry about his mental well-being. (All of their mental and physical well-beings tbh)
In Dubai again, Armand finally talking about the erased memories and how they both hate on him for it and they're right. Like what do you mean Daniel doesn't have the right to be angry, of course he does. It's fun to see Daniel delighted about fighting Armand.
But also... Louis asked him to get rid of those momeries (if he believe him. And I, in this episode more than ever and despite my better knowledge, do believe Armand. Maybe it's just because of Assad's phenomenal acting but I believe his words and I believe his tears. Which actually makes this all worse btw.) and that makes the whole situation suddenly much more complicated.
Other Paris plot - Santiago (fuck Santiago) and his coup -, yeah that kept me on my toes for the entire episode. Like Armand says that he was in love and Louis says that he got lazy but I just think he must've been blind to not see it.
I feel like Dubai kinda reflects this (Louis and Daniel unionizing as we've said and so it's like Armand losing his power over his people again) but also. Paris and it's aftermath was the biggest crisis of their relationship, must've been (followed by San Francisco and Daniel I'm sure). But now as the recount it they are also reliving it and are also in a full-blown crisis and i hope this one doesn't end in a fire.
And the ending of it all. Fuck. I was near tears watching it.
The double-date in the cafe felt like a dream, they even said in the episode insider that they wanted it to feel surreal or something like that, like a romantic comedy. And for a few minutes it does. They let you believe that they could be happy. You know they won't, you know that shit's about to go down and everything will end in ruin but this single scene makes you beg, no please, no don't fuck it up, just stay happy, like this, it can be good. And despite knowing what's coming, you stick your claws into this idea of happiness like a lifeline.
And then it hurts that much more when this perfect bubble pops.
I admire all the actors because idk what Armand was feeling the moment he stepped outside but through Assad's acting I felt it too. And as Louis looks around, seeing the world stop, here I know exactly what he must've felt- the realization hits, the betrayl and then the immense worry for Claudia and Jacob portrays it so beautifully.
"He chose." This breaks my heart. Because what did he choose exactly, or better yet, what did he choose over? I mean this is terrible, the trial, but what was his other choice? He calls himself a coward so maybe it was Louis and Claudia and Madeleine or him that the coven would go after. But maybe this was actually the better choice idk.
But like you see the regret in Armand's face in Paris but especially in Dubai and I trust him. I believe him that he regrets it, I believe him the tears and as I've said that just makes it so much worse. Because he chose this and now they suffer for it and he suffers for it too and blames himself (rightfully so), but it still hurts.
And then Lestat. Fuck. I knew this was gonna come (I just couldn't help myself and because of my recklessness saw a spoiler, that he's gonna be there) but that in no way did that knowledge diminish what I felt when I saw him. Because, hell, idk I'm just so excited to finally have him back because I love him but also I hate him and am so scared as to what he's gonna do. He's gonna testify against Louis and Claudia sure but what if he won't? Does he want to kill or fuck Louis? Will his and Armand's past play part in this or is that a box to remain unopened until later?
"You cannot script a hurricane" they said and so this means Lestat will go off script. But to what extent? At least to which it results in burning the theatre down.
The preview didn't help my state, quite the contrary actually. Louis in Paris is scared that Lestat's gonna come. Santiago's laughing. What does Armand feel? Who knows not me, I'm just scared. And excited. I feel like I won't fall asleep for two days after this but it's fine. I'm fine, everything's fine.
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dipplinduo · 8 months
I have no idea what you have planned in your devious little mind (compliment), but i have a fluffy image that I like to HC happens after the regular DLC story and lowkey hoping itd fit after whatever the heucking angsty shenanigans youve got planned.
Basically, like right after the climax of ID but before Keiran and Carmine go have a break, ornin SSD's case sometime after Peachy-runt is booted to the moon, Keiran's out sitting out in the Terrarium. Hes feeling guilty and selfshamey, dosnt really know what to do, is just wallowing.
By coincidence, Juliana is out in the Terarium conviniently nearby, probably having a picnic bc part of this idea relys on her pokemon being out, but she hasnt noticed Kerian presence yet. Idk, hes on the other side of a small hill, he foind a lil spot where its intentionally hard to see him, hes just not in Jules' eyeline, whateber reason, she dosnt see him from where shes making sandwiches. But one of her Pokemon dose see him.
Now, I may be projecting, but after what shes been through Id suspect Ogerpon is pretty good at reading someone's emotional state based off of body language. And she get to just stare at Keiran for a while, and is able to get a better read on the kid rather than 'lowkey obsessed guy who took the answer of No poorly'.
Keiran is spaced out, trying to process everything that happened, when he feels a gentle weight on his side. Ogerpon has come up, sat down, and is leaning against his shoulder bc she recognises that this kid needs to be grounded to help fight the thoughts. Even if shes still not a fan of him, she recognises that noone should fight those kinds of things alone. So she sits with him as he starts to shed tears.
(Ok im defo projecting, but moving on,)
That scene is the main bit of fluff i like to hc, but its could also continue to Jules' other pokemon take note that Ogerpon has wandered off, sees Keiran too. And they all make their way over one by one as Jules is still making sandwiches (either shes not getting the effect she wanted and starting over, she is meticulusly placing ingredients, or is actually making enough for all of her pokemon to have one)
By the time Jules is done with the sandwich, all of her pokemon are gone (except Koridon/Miridon bc they focused on Sammich), and she finally moves and sees them all huddled around something.
She approches and gets pulled into the cuddle pile on the other side of Keiran, who is now silently crying due to overwhelm, he did not expect this level of care from her pokemon and is able to get a bit of cathartic realease rather than bottling it all up.
Im imagaining it like an animation, and it closes out with Jules taking Keirans hand and squeezing it as she leans more into his shoulder, showing her own quiet support.
God this is some good fluff, projection or no. Immaculately good.
I promise I'm gonna do ya good with end end ending/epilogue.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
It doesn't mean JK doesn't trust Jimin
Proceeds to write an essay which only means JK doesn't trust Jimin with RM at all. Oh and should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in same apartment complex???? While JK is living in whole another place ???
Tbh IF jkk are a couple I can die on a hill to prove Jimin will never be unfaithful to JK but things you all write these days are just not it. For any reader it strikes as JK is too insecure about Minimoni's relationship. All while it's obvious RM is someone Jimin respects deeply and RM is always ready to help Jimin with anything. Their bond is strong because both are very mature people who mutually respect each other.
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People like you who lack reading comprehension skills really do my head in. If you don't understand something come and ask me. I am MORE than happy to explain and clarify.
First of all, anyone with eyes can tell JK has never truly settled in Brunnen. People make jokes about him living like a frat boy because of how empty the place looks. It's coz that's not his home. His home is where Jimin is. Them fighting on that run episode was not for naught. First the lamp
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then the couch and TV
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That seemed way too natural. Like they've done that many times before. Jimin knew they would have different opinions coz its happened b4. And JK has great taste btw. Him and Jhope are the neatest members so I expect his actual home looks very stylish and very well furnished. Nine-one is their shared home so Minimoni being neighbours is irrelevant.
When exactly did I say Jimin has ever been or would ever be unfaithful to JK??? I see its come for Shaz day, today. I have said over a million times Jikook have been with each other and only each other since day one. I have also said many times all members not just Minimoni love and respect each other. But I guess u didn't see those posts, huh? How convinient.
My post was about one particular topic and that topic was the only one that I addressed. It had nothing to do with how Minimoni are outside of Jikook.
You saying that post was about how JK doesn't trust Jimin is fucking bull. JK being possessive and territorial over Jimin has nothing to do with trust. I've said it before, but if Jikook were not hiding, if they were public, JK wouldn't act the way that he does. He wouldn't need to claim Jimin.
things you write these days are just not it.
Nigga no one is forcing you to be here. Unfollow or block, you don't gotta see my shit! You're coming off like you don't believe that JK gets bothered or annoyed which is just lies Jikookers tell themselves for what reason, idk.
This man used the wrong fucking entrance just so he would be the one sitting next to Jimin and not Suga. Riddle me why he would do that? Please.
I'm guessing you also ignore the tongue in cheek thing he used to do when bothered or annoyed? Well then explain to me why he does it here when he hears that Jimin, V and Jin went hiking together.
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Last but not least this anti Minimoni moment where JK touches RM but when Jimin reaches for him JK prevents that from happening. It's very subtle and easy to miss but it's been kindly zoomed in for us here with dramatic music to boot
(Watch V watching JK's hands and see for yourself that that really happened. V sees everything) Here is the original thanks to @chim-chim1310 as always 😘😘 It makes sense that JK did that since everyone was just praising RM in that moment. 🤭🤭
But my point is this is just a JK thing that has nothing to do with him not trusting Jimin. From what I've gathered its actually normal in SK for men to be this territorial about their other halves.
I know it's taboo among Jikookers to talk about this side of Jikook. But just because I came along and I ain't afraid to bring up this sensitive topic doesn't mean u can come for me and call me a liar. You don't like me, block me. You wanna stick around then bloody get used to it.
Normalise discussing Jimin and JK being bothered by certain things when it comes to eo.
Oh! And should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in the same apartment complex????
With 4 question marks. Bitch please! As if we don't all know about this account that sells beds and only follows Jikook.
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Jikook were rumoured to be seen walking into a furniture store only for this account to follow them not long after. Now they're only following Jimin but that's because Mr. Rebel deleted his IG. Jikook live together anon, so don't talk to me about Minimoni being neighbours. It means fuck all in relation to the topic at hand.
Next time fix your tone when you need clarification from me or keep your damn reservations to yourself.
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kanerallels · 1 year
Okay here are my many, many thoughts on Jedi Survivor. I'll keep the spoilers beneath the cut, so all who venture forward have been warned!
The way the game started out was so fun!! The stealth heist! The crew members Cal was teaming up with! Being on CORUSCANT of all places!
I really, really love the gameplay over all. It felt like they took the last game and just improved these tiny little details that I remember from the first one. Tiny things that would seem stupid but also made the game play that much smoother!
Also I don't know who decided we should get Fast Travel but I would die for them
I'll probably make a separate post about this, but Cal introduced BD-1 to almost everyone he met-- ALMOST. Not Dagan, and not a couple other people that it was clear he didn't trust. And I for one LOVE that detail
Jedha was so fun other than the fact that I almost died every fifteen seconds
The Merrical was *chef's kiss* absolutely amazing. They are so April and Andy from Parks and Rec I love them
As a fan of the High Republic books, I thought the Nihil references, along with Dagan Gera and Santari Khri, were pretty neat! He was a fun villain to fight
I really really loved... pretty much all the Greez content? How happy he was to see Cal, and the fact that he had a room set aside for him, and the fact that he ventured back out into the fight just to keep Cal safe. I was mostly neutral on him during JFO, but Battle Scars made me really, really love him, and this game definitely built on that! Also I love that he named his saloon after his grandma (I think?)
Rayvis was an interesting villain! I liked him a lot, especially the final battle with him. They did a good job developing his character
Speaking of villains... I do be feeling some emotions about Cal's fight with Masana Tide. I'm a redemption arc girlie at heart, what can I say? But I see why they did what they did
That one scene where the whole crew was at the campfire together and for like five minutes it felt like everything was going to be okay warmed my heart so much
Yeah I don't remember what happened after that (obvious lie)
I like the new open world features, and the bounties you get to hunt, and the customization and stuff! And those Force tear things are terrifying, but I've completed two of them, and plan to do more as time goes on!
Kriff. Okay I gotta talk about the Horrors at some point. Thanks to my lack of self control, I'd seen some spoilers and knew that Bode was gonna betray us. I didn't know about Cordova (sad) and I didn't know about Bode's secret (SO MUCH SHOCK THAT WAS AN AMAZING PLOT TWIST)
I will say, Cere's final battle against Vader was SO FREAKING COOL IT WAS AWESOME PLAYING AS HER
I also love the fact she set Vader on fire. It's ironic
Uhhh the Tanalorr plot line was pretty cool! I like the idea of there being somewhere safe from the Empire, to prevent Cal from being killed for plot convinience
Bode's betrayal... yeah I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not ready, and honestly I have an objectively awful take on the whole situation that no one will like
The part where BD-1 was going to scan the trontoshell, and Cal called him BD and THEN BD-1 like he was his mom, full naming him into safety. I love it so much
(can you tell I love BD-1?)
I also really, really loved Merrin's entrance. Ten out of ten, the only thing I would change is that Cal should have immediately proposed
Oh! And Merrin and Kata's relationship is so fun I really really like it
Ummm yeah I think I've addressed everything there is to talk about (the most obvious lie yet) so yeah! The brainrot is still strong with me so I might end up posting some screenshots and more thoughts later on!
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how does my uzi kintype affects a my identities, alterhuman and lgbt? the reason i love murder drones is because of the way the characters are portrayed. for example, n is more than just the dangerous-but-nice golden retriever. he is too nice for his own good, and by existing he goes against his designed purpose. being kind hurt him, and even though he seems fully aware of that he doesn't stop. this also applies to uzi- she's more than the angsty chosen one teenager. there are so many layers to her personality, which makes it pretty difficult to put a pin on the way that having her as a kintype affects me spoiler alert and mentions of su1cide+v1olence!
1- hooded crow theriotype in home, uzi "hacks" the mind of n (and also v's mind too. whatever) to prevent their memories from being wiped. during this, she takes the form of a hooded crow with the username 'darkxwolf17'. when i took this into consideration, i realized why my crow theriotype was so weird. i felt like a person in a crow's body, not a crow in a human's body, which is how i usually feel with my theriotypes. but being darkxwolf17, NOT a crow made so much more sense. it explained why i got bird shifts even though i didnt feel like a bird, why i felt that way, why i always wanted to make nests despite not wanting eggs. i am the body of a hooded crow, not the crow itself.
2- absolutesolver kin (violence warning) (note; when i refer to the solver, i am referring to the virus itself. not cyn, not yeva, not nori, not doll, not uzi. THE solver. not its hosts.) even though uzi neutralized the absolutesolver, it still 'lives' on in her programming. and it is a separate entity from uzi. in my mind, the absolutesolver represents intrusive, violent thoughts. that definition fits both the way i've come to see it and the canon. as someone who has struggled with intrusive thoughts for years, i've learned not to feel too much shame about them. in my experience, that only makes them worse. i know that it's not my fault i cannot control my thoughts, and i wont beat myself up about it anymore. this may sound like the thing your elementary school teacher would say if you got in a fight, but i may not be able to control my thoughts, but what i can control is whether i react to them or not. that's what uzi did. she learned how to block the absolutesolver from her mind. how to take control of what it gave her without it taking control of her. 3- monsterkin (suicide and violence warning) i am vampirekin and demonkin. for the sake of convinience, i will say 'monsterkin' and use it as a general term when i am talking about both of these identities. in cabin fever, uzi transforms into a 'monster' when she does not consume enough oil to keep herself from overheating. in my case, the consuming oil part is like seeking validation. i have always needed validation, but more than usual. i have tried too hard to be noticed and congratulated, but it never worked. and then, the overheating is like suicidal thoughts. without validation, i start to become suicidal. i need high amounts of validation to stay in a 'normal' mental state. uzi's classmates treated her as a monster, even before she transformed. just for being herself. as someone who is a queer alterhuman and has known that from a young age, this has really resonated with me. for just existing, i am a monster. a creature of sin. the subtle homophobia and transphobia i recieved from my closest friend, combined with the same hatred towards alterhumanity from even more people before i was even ten really messed me up. the way cabin fever is written just really connects to me. uzi's already so fucked up, she doesnt need another factor ruining up her life. but it does it anyways. she's proven to everyone how she's a monster. (im not elaborating for personal reasons) the fact that uzi's classmates at the end of absolute end didnt really care that much just really helps me feel better. they didnt care. why would my classmates care? 4- gender and sexuality before i even knew girls could kiss girls, i liked girls. in particular, i liked people i had a friendship with. however, my friendships were very messed up and i fell in love with anyone my age who could treat me with decent respect. i headcanon uzi as bi, and i didnt understand why (other than the doc martens) until i connected the dots that im uzi. i am bisexual. maybe? and theres also referring to v as hot at ep 8 so... angsty bi queen uzi but, although me, the almalgamation of kintypes and names that i am, the uzi part of me always feels bisexual. always. when i think of myself as uzi, i can only see myself as demisexual-bisexual and demiromantic-biromantic. this also applies to gender- i am an axenlector user. i collect xenogenders. i am cottoncandygender, i am gendersky, i am gummisharkgender, i am starricattic. i am more genders than i can count. and i dont care honestly. but once again, when i really connect to uzi, i can only see myself as feminine. this does vary from demigirl to rosegirl to just girl. 5- notes and stuff! well, thanks for reading all the way through! a like, reblog, or follow would be awesome! every time i referred to uzi as someone else it was like "why r u talking abt urself in third person! YOU ARE UZI DOORMAN!" but alas, i must differentiate between myself and my kintypes,,, maybe one day i will not have to,,, please tell me im not the only one kkkkkkkkk
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venice-1987 · 4 months
Happy pride to transmen and transmasculine people!!!!
To everyone else: no, transmen are not tolerated by transphobes, no we are not overlooked by terfs, no we do not have it easy, no we do not have cis male privilege, no it isn't that easy to pass especially if you are plus sized.
This pride, I implore you to help fight transmasculine erasure and invisibility by starting listening to us, reading up on the transphobia that primarily affects us, and learning how to combat it. Learn how intersectionality affects us, and how male identity does not necessarily mean we earn plus one privilege point upon declaring ourselves as men, or even in medical transition. Privilege and oppression is more complex than that. We are failed women, or failed men, when it is most convinient to our oppression. Especially in the case of trans men of color, disabled trans men, gay trans men, neurodivergent trans men, etc.
Transunity is key to liberation, and happy pride to everyone, especially trans men and trans mascs!!!
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I hate how She-Ra tries so hard to demonize the heroes/main characters of the show to make the villains looks better.
Like calling out Glimmer for her actions depite her being the only one with an actual plan (i mean, she was being a little shit but at least she accomplished more than Adora), making Adora looks like the villain for leaving Catra, the heroes attacking Scorpia depite her not oposing any treat, Bow and Adora going after Entrapta only so she could help them (like, for real they only think about Entrapta when is convinient for them) and the constant remarks about them leaving her behind.
I like when heroes have flaws they have to overcome, but the princesses um She-Ra always act so unfriendly sometimes that it makes the show looks way more cynical then it should be, which is weird since is supose to be a show about friendship, but none of these characters seem to have any reason to be friends other than necessity
i totally agree! i'm a sucker for flawed heroes, but the thing with she-ra is that their characters are just not well-written at all. they've clearly not done any prior planning to the story so it all seems like muddy water.
for example, some mistakes that the princesses make are considered worse than the others. glimmer lashing out at adora was given the narrative weight it needed, and she had to apologize later. but perfuma and the others being ableist towards entrapta is never mentioned. instead entrapta has to prove herself to them, when she had no reason to.
and yeah, entrapta was really just a tool for the princesses (and for catra too ofc). they only needed her because she was useful. like you said, the "friendship" between the princesses make no sense because half of the time they're fighting and the other half they're begrudgingly working together. they seem more like coworkers than anything. and there's nothing wrong with that, but the show wants us to believe that these characters are close friends while not bothering to write them that way.
remember when the S1 finale had that whole "power of friendship" trope? i swear it was so painful to sit through. the only real friendship i could see was between adora, glimmer and bow. the rest of the princesses always had trouble working together and even seemed to hate each other sometimes. but then out of the blue, they're suddenly the closest of friends and defeat the evil villain with the power of believing in each other or whatever.
i went off on a tangent, but i think the reason the princesses were so unlikeable is because the writers wanted to make them “different” (they're not your standard princesses, they're cynical or aggressive or whatever) but didn't want to give them enough depth to make us like or relate to them. if you want to look at well-written flawed characters, there's korra from the legend of korra, wirt from otgw, literally all the protags from infinity train. this is because these characters have depth, we see enough sides to them to understand why they are the way they are. not to mention, each of these characters explored their issues and got good character development by the end of the series.
for example, korra is arrogant and reckless because she was the prodigy raised almost in isolation, and she didn't know enough about the real world to navigate it. tulip was cynical and quick to anger because her parents got divorced and she had been secretly blaming herself for it. lake was aggressive and rebellious because she lived in a system where she would be killed for not fitting the norm. all of these characters are relatable in some sense, because we get enough character exploration.
meanwhile, why is mermista so cynical and sardonic? who knows. why is perfuma impatient and prone to anger and ableist? couldn't tell you. frosta had something of a character arc but it still didn't go anywhere, besides stripping her of any unique personality she had, and turning her into the typical chaos child. these princesses are so 2d that they're not relevant to the plot at all. take them out of the show and i'm pretty sure there would be no difference.
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aotopmha · 1 year
I think FF16's ending specifically is going to be living in my head rent free for a while, so I'm just going to spell it all out and dissect it to process it a little better.
I'd love to start a conversation about it and welcome feedback on whether I missed something around it.
- At first, during the battle with Ultima, Joshua dies and his powers completely transfer to Clive. We assume Joshua is dead for good.
- After defeating Ultima, Clive absorbs Ultima, but the final crystal is still standing.
‐ Clive remembers his moments with Joshua, as he is holding his dead body and it looks like his powers work on him because of his love. So we presume Joshua lives.
- Clive destroys the crystal with all of his strength.
- We see Clive washed up on the shore, turning into crystal and presumably breathing his last breath. He saved everyone at the cost of his life because even he couldn't truly contain Ultima.
- This is underlined by the red star fading from the sky. Jill is heartbroken, but a new symbolic dawn rises on Valisthea and Edda's child can be born into a free world. Clive's sacrifice wasn't for nothing. Nor was Cid's or anyone else's and Jill smiles.
- Final scene is of children in a world without magic, where the Eikons are myth. We see a book authored by Joshua presumably about Clive's story, implying he survived to write it.
Ways in which I think people might dislike it:
- It's an ending where the main couple, who we grew to love across the story, does not get together. It gives Valisthea an happy ending, fulfills the most selfless wish of all that Clive made, but Clive, Joshua and Jill do not get their personal wishes. After so much suffering for them, this might seem really cruel and unsatisfying.
- Although the central struggle the story started with was about surviving and living through loss and pain, Clive conviniently gains the power to bring Joshua back. This might seem really cheap and feel like it is undermining his character arc that had so much effort put into it because it "undoes" Joshua's death, the reason for his character arc taking place in the first place, even if Clive dies and is not there to reunite with Joshua. (<----- This one's the issue I have.)
Reasons to like the ending:
- Clive saves everyone, but most of all, Valisthea. What everyone was fighting for in the first place.
(<----- This is my favourite part of the ending. Even if it is not happy for the individual characters, it is a happy one for the people. The old system is gone and everyone is free. In the post-credits scene we see Valisthea covered in plantlife and children running around, implying the lands recovered.)
- Joshua lived to record Clive's story and it lived on in myth in turn. Clive died, but he is forever remembered. His or anyone else's struggle wasn't for nothing or forgotten.
Spelling it out like this actually does make me like the ending a bit more.
But I do think this kind of ending is super ripe for unnecessary retcons and sequels.
I think bringing Clive back, for example, wouldn't sit well with me because while it would be great to see him and the others be happy, I think it, once again, would lessen the point about walking on and having hope despite experiencing suffering.
It would feel like all of the struggle meticulously built-up over all of these hours would be solved by a snap of the finger and not actual earned character development. Personally I also don't like characters just randomly being okay because I think it's terrible thematic writing – death exists and I don't agree with burying this truth.
If you're going to kill a character, do it or don't and immediately directly show us, especially at the end of the story.
What *I* think would be great is a DLC where Jill and Joshua work through their loss and find new happiness. I think one of the reasons why some feel betrayed is because we just see Jill and Torgal lose Clive and not much else about them.
So instead of thinking about how the goal of saving Valisthea actually came true and all of the crystals are gone, people focus on Jill and Clive not getting to live together.
Basically undoing any kind of death in a story about perseverence through hardship rubs me the wrong way.
FF14 sort of did something like this, but told me in a very clear way it was going to be a fakeout and the point of the story wasn't the death.
16 is so unambigious about Clive's death tying into the themes of the story.
The great thing about this is that I find what I like and dislike about this story interesting. It's a lot more interesting when this is the case. Stories with boring flaws aren't nearly as fun to dissect.
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junegirl06 · 3 months
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An analysis of the funny lil gremlin:
Jevil is a pretty facinating character. He's gotten obviously overshadowed by characters like Spamton. Which is justified as Jevil played an admittedly insignificant role on the plot of chapter 1 and was more confined to his role as a "secret boss" than Spamton, who did play SOME role in the plot (even though he kinda barged into it) and had a much more fleshed out backstory than Jevil. Though the clown man does play a pretty important role in the bigger picture of the game by introducing the theme of freedom in characters other than Kris, and setting the predecent of future secret bosses exploring said themes of freedom.
Jevil's whole "I'm the only one free and everybody else is the one trapped" thing is kinda odd, but it starts to make sense when you really think about it. Gaster, or whoever it was that drove him to insanity most likely gave him some degree of knowledge of the nature of Deltarune. (Or at least a bit MORE knowledge, as even regular darkners seem to be a little aware that their world works on video game logic- ie. the tutorial puzzle guys- Lancer and his sign telling you not to take the darkfruit) This is a videogame. With main characters, npc's, and a set storyline everything is supposed to follow. Everybodies actions are dictated by the plot, the creators, (toby fox) and everything in this world isn't even for the darkners or the lightners. Everything is just for the convinience and enjoyment of some otherworldly being. (the player) Nobody can choose their own fate in this world. Nothing anybody does truly matters because the story will find SOME way to keep going. (take the weird route as a prime example of that)
This knowledge obviously broke Jevil, but his mind rationalized it in an extremely strange way. If nothing he does matters, than that means he could technically do anything. There are no consequences. At least to him. This is what he means by "being free." He is free from the limitations of society, responsibility, morality. This, of course, led to him doing whatever he did to get himself thrown into prison. A prison separated from even the ones in the normal basement.
Though, even faced with obvious consequences, Jevil was way too deep in his insanity. Being stuck in a prison alone defnitely didn't help his mental state either. That's part of what makes Jevil scary in my opinion. He's somebody with absolutely no restraints. He has absolutely nothing to lose and nothing to gain from fighting you. He just does it because he's desperate for SOMETHING to happen after probably years of being stuck and alone.
He represents the joker card (I mean it's pretty obvious, but is there anything actually confirming he's the joker card?) pretty well, with all that said. Obviously there's the whole thing of "being abandoned," as typically for most card games, (there are actually games that require the joker card) the joker is set aside without being used. And also to my knowledge, joker cards can be used for pretty much any purpose you want. They can replace a missing card on a deck, be used in magic tricks, be put in the bottom of the deck to prevent anybody from seeing the bottom card, or even be something like a "skip card," forcing a player to skip their turn. It's specifically because of their lack of functionality and adherence to the 4 suites of the deck that they are able to [I CAN DO ANYTHING!] I found that pretty cool.
I also find it interesting that Spamton seems to have the exact opposite mindset as Jevil. Jevil probably(?) didn't have to struggle too much to get his position as court Jester. Even before he went crazy, he most likely always was just a little goofball who just happened to get the attention of the king with his antics. In contrast, Spamton most defnitely struggled a lot to even keep himself afloat - Wondering why all the other addisons seem to be doing fine, when he was (probably) doing the exact same thing. (at least before gaster/the mysterious entity) He was most likely given the same knowledge the entity gave Jevil, and he absolutely hated it. He actively tried to fight against it, unlike Jevil who basically embraced the idea of a world where your choices don't matter and used it as an excuse to do whatever the hell he wants. Spamton didn't want to be confined to a story. This... game. He desperately wanted freedom, and he would do anything to get it. Even when he failed he would keep trying. After all, perseverence did let him become a big shot, even for a little while, so he just had to keep trying... right? Uhh... this wasn't supposed to be a Spamton analysis, but I just found that contrast cool.
All in all, Jevil and Spamton set a really interesting precedent for the future secret bosses and I'm excited to find out how toby fox handles the next one and how that boss will tie in to the whole freedom theme.
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Master Ryba (they/them) and their ghost Kvet (one/one's)
Cogito-4's mentor! I still haven't decided when SotCorrupted takes place so they're still taken. Rambling about them and Cogito copied from Discord below 👇
So like (storytime)
Ryba was a warlord during the Dark Age (then was enslaved, freed and then they were just kind of a vagabond), not a very good one. They essentially came to the City to not get killed by the enemies they gained at that time.
Enter Cogito-4, blueberry flavored. In short, in his previous life he lost his leg and replaced it with a one of another exo (and failed! He ended up needing a cane), also he damaged his memory banks - he forgot most of the commonly used languages. So this is how he got to the City - unable to run, speaking only Polish and broken Eliksnii and with a ghost who got traumatized by his friends death during the Great Hunt and didn't want his guardian to fight. Let's say that not many Warlocks wanted to take him as a student.
But Ryba eventually did and teached him everything they knew (including levitation which was super convinient). But they were too unthinking to even consider that Cogito would follow them (while Cogito very much perceived this as his parental figure abandoning him)
Tl;dl Ryba went to get milk and never returned
They were this kind of a Warlock who just gets up one day and dissapers, Osiris style. So Cogito obv went on this grand adventure (despite never leaving the City before) to find them and he never did :'(
Cogito is currently trying to figure out how to "un-take" them before shit hits the fan *big time*
Also I wonder if a ghost can be taken? Sloane case seems to stand against it but I'm not sure (maybe it's because Síocháin didn't get taken?) (lore help appreciated, I'll probably ingnore it anyway tho).
I've been crafting my original Destiny season (I think there will be no more seasons after FS? They are episodes now. Damn [that image of an ant with a penny-cress]) and this is the plot basically. Just Cogito going, "Guardian, this month we will be saving my mentor with power of friendship and Awoken magic I stole from a Tech Witch"
"Did Ryba treat Cogito well?"
I mean, yeah, pretty much. At first it was like "Ugh, Ikora told me that no-one else wanted to have anything to do with this guy so I guess I will because I don't have any better way to spend time" to "this is my friend and sidekick and assistant and if anything happens happens to him I'll start killing"
Also one last nail to the (angst) coffin! Ryba's last mission's objective was to find the Eliksnii that taught Cogito their language in his previous life. Unfortunately they got caught in crossfire during Reef Wars, got stuck there and then got trapped in the Ascendant Realm.
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(Bonus: Their name means "fish" and they are Slovak)
(also the red patches are from skin condition)
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