#more kenway family drama instead XD
teecupangel · 11 months
Inspired by the Patron Desmond sends his ancestors to earlier points in time and fucks over half a dozen timelines: Desmond wishes all his ancestors had someone to support them through their worst suffering without - you know, getting betrayed by them or watching them die.
So Bayek wakes up in the prime of his life in Altair's time and adopts this child who just watched his father die. When Altair dies, he and Bayek suddenly appear, both in the primes of their lives, in time to see the Auditore get arrested. Bayek, Altair, and Ezio are there when Edward's protecting the Assassins of Tulum and take the piss out of him. The crew plus Edward are there when Ratonhnhake:ton's village burns. They all sail to France on a whim and end up recruiting Arno. All of them appear in London to help out the Frye twins. And when Desmond gets kidnapped... the Assassins have an entire historical legion show up out of nowhere to help bust him out of Abstergo's clutches.
Kassandra keeps showing up, nobody's certain if she's with them all or not, but just... all of the main ancestors glomming together as one hugely dysfunctional murder family forged across time and space who all have the biggest soft spot for Desmond.
Desmond as their Patron has no power over this. This is happening solely based on his wish and he has no control who gets transported and gifted with immortality so even he does not know if Kassandra is also part of his immortality gang.
It’s Bayek who believes Desmond is a god and their patron, giving them this power to protect the world. Of course, there are times when he misses Aya and he wonders if this immortality is a curse. But then he hears the laughter of Darim and Sef before they run after him, grabbing his robes and asking him to tell them another story, grandfather tells the best stories! And Bayek’s lips curved into a smile. Perhaps the immortality is a curse but seeing the people he cares for and loves grow up and take the future for themselves will always be a joy that makes this curse worth it.
Altaïr would be the one to try and understand this immortality that they had. Would be the one to realize that they do die after their life runs its course but they will always be awaken in the same place together, back in their prime, with the memories up to their death. His first business would be to find his Apple and, after the long road he had to take to find the seals to open his library, he decided to set it up so that the next time he needed to find his Apple, it would be in the most convoluted way possible that only he would understand. It’s because of the Apple that they got to Firenze just as the Auditores were being arrested (they saved the day but it was a close call). Then Ezio’s Apple was placed on the vault and Altaïr felt a bit annoyed of how easy his Apple was secured so… he just plopped the Apple there as well.
It is Ezio who first thought of naming the glowing god that appears before them before they are resurrected once more Desmond. There’s something about the god with no discernible features other that his entire body glowing that made Ezio think of Desmond for some reason. Altaïr is the one who tries to search for this Desmond using both his and Ezio’s Apples.
Edward was the one man out. He wasn’t an Assassin yet but he had the makings of one. So they trained him. Bayek had done this three times already, he knows Edward Kenway is the key. Perhaps the next brother that will be given the curse of immortality. They stayed with him until he started to settle down in London, focusing on his family. They visited from time to time but they were not there to save Edward.
When they are resurrected once more, decades have passed and they could only try and save as many people as they could as the fires had already started. Including the mother of a young child by the name of Ratonhnhaké:ton. They stayed in the village for a few days, with the boy’s mother talking to Edward Kenway for a long time, ending with Edward learning of his son’s fate. So they leave the village to find him, to confront him. When Ratonhnhaké:ton was 13, he followed his mother out of the village and they meet once more. Haytham remains elusive and they suggested that they stay with the mother and son for a bit to ‘relax’, only for this to end with them teaching Ratonhnhaké:ton (and sometimes even giving tips to Kaniehtí:io.
And after everything was done, they sailed to France to support Ratonhnhaké:ton who received a letter requesting for aid from Lafayette. There, they met Arno Dorian and took him under their wings, helping him with his missions but only three of them at a time, for they have their own agenda for going to France. (And if this ends with Altaïr taking a Sword of Eden, well… that’s not really surprising).
Helping out the Frye twins had been second nature. Arno and Jacob met by accident when Arno had been buying one of the pubs in London (a financial focused habit he and Ezio had developed through the years) and Bayek thought they needed support (and guidance, so much guidance). By the end of it, they were sure that the twins would become like them as well. (And if this ends with Altaïr taking the Shroud of Eden… at this point, everyone already expects him to take custody over POEs)
It all ends with them moving into the modern day where they used their knowledge and experience to have a partnership with a group called Erudito. From there, it became easier to find the Assassins but their focus shifted when they heard of Desmond Miles.
And Ezio just knows… that this was the Desmond they were all searching for.
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teecupangel · 2 months
Just fell head over heels back into being obsessed with Genloss so I gotta propose: AC and Genloss crossover? I mean, it’s super obvious we’ve gotta do Des as Ranboo, and it’s pretty easy to put Ezio as Charlie and Altaïr as Sneeg (just because there is no chance in Christian Hell that Altaïr could be Charlie), but idk what the rest would be like. Just wanna know your thoughts
For those curious, here is the “The Social Experiments: the Founders Cut” video.
I agree that Ezio is much more suited to be Charlie than Altaïr.
I am trying to think of which character Ratonhnhaké:ton can be ‘cause I want him to have a big part in this AU until I realize… we can totally make “The Mastermind of Warehouse” part the Kenway family drama XD
So we’ll have….
Jenny as Ethan
Ratonhnhaké:ton as Niki (the nice guy)
Haytham as Austin (where instead of lying about having a wife and kids, he lies and says he’s gay and no one calls him out)
Edward as Vinny
I kinda like the idea of Roberts being the Puzzler or maybe even Birch just to hammer in the Kenway drama? XD
Other characters:
Frank is Malik or Kadar for the lulz
Hetch is either Shay or Lucy
Showfall Media is, of course, Abstergo.
And the live audience? That’s the people of the AC world who believes this entire thing is a ‘choose your own adventure’ type livestream of Abstergo using the Animus capabilities.
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teecupangel · 1 year
idk if this was asked already but have you watched/read Red, White & Royal Blue? The movie surprised me bc it was actually well done. But consider this!!! son of the first american female president Desmond Miles meet-disasters prince Altair, second son of the british princess Maud and syrian dignitary(?) Umar. Malik is Altair's older brother bc he has the energy : D Connor is Desmond's cousin bc i love him. its difficult for Desmond as ppl expect him to live up to Altair's reputation as the prodigious but aloof prince or whatever. In the books Alex Clairemont-Diaz has a sister who pretends to date Prince Henry when rumors of their relationship was going around, Desmond needs a big sister we should give him a sister. You know what just make the whole family big and add the Auditores in the mix, they could be more Miles cousins or idk maybe Italian royalty. You can run with it however you like tho!!!
I haven’t watched it yet but it is in my watchlist XD
Okay, so let’s set up the backstory for this one!
For this one, how about Desmond is the son of Jennifer Scott, the first American female president (sidebar: in this one, the Kenways have been in America for centuries so they’re an American family coming from ‘old money’).
This would make Ratonhnhaké:ton his cousin while Haytham suffers as the the little brother of the president XD
Of course, Edward is the best grandfather who may or may not be helping any shenanigans Desmond gets into. Ratonhnhaké:ton swears he’s there to keep an eye on his cousin but ends up helping him instead.
As for the Auditores… hhhhmmmm. Perhaps they’re Desmond’s cousins from his father’s side (William Auditore Scott being the youngest brother of Giovanni Auditore) and he grew up with them so they’re more like siblings than cousins?
To Altaïr’s side…
Altaïr would be the second son of the British Princess Maud after she remarried the Syrian dignitary Umar (and it was a huuuggee scandal) who already had two sons, Malik and Kadar. This means that Malik and Kadar would be older than Altaïr (with Kadar being a year older maybe?) and would be his half brothers.
Who were Maud’s first son?
Jacob Fyre who has an older twin, the crown princess Evie Frye.
That’s right! We’re making Altaïr have a complicated big family in this one!
Also, we can change up the whole ‘sister pretends to date the prince’ and have Evie pretend-date Desmond instead, doing it as a favor to Altaïr and also because she does care for her younger brother.
So, in this case, Altaïr is torn between two families, the royal family who are pushing so much expectations and duties to him which he’s able to meet and his father’s family who worries about him and thinks all that royal ‘power’ is getting in his head (they’re worried about his arrogance as well as this problem of his of believing he has to be the best at everything). His accomplishments are also driving a wedge between him and his older siblings, especially with Evie who is supposed to be the crown princess but is always compared to her younger half-brother while Jacob ignores it the way he always does (so yeah, Altaïr’s royal family is screwed up… oh, did I mention we’ll have Minerva as Maud’s mother and reigning queen to add more drama in the royal family? I didn’t? Well, now you know XD)
And then we have Desmond Scott, the charming oldest son of the president of the United State, who always act like everything is okay and he’s having a great time, even when he has heard and read all the comparisons being ‘whispered’ behind his back comparing him to Altaïr’s reputation, not knowing that Altaïr is annoyed by Desmond’s friendly ‘laziness’ (he gets along with Jacob sooo well it’s scary) and it took him a while to realize that he was actually jealous of Desmond because he makes it look like living with such powerful parents was… easy.
Enjoyable even.
And the more they spend time together, the more they realize that their jealousy was transforming into something much more deeper…
… and more dangerous.
(I know you wanted Desmond to get a big sister but I was thinking who we could add and it was either Layla or Lucy (or Rebecca or Bishop???) in my mind but it felt like that wouldn’t work for some reason so, instead, Altaïr gets the Frye twins as his older siblings XD Desmond instead gets to have two younger siblings. One of them is Arno, of course, because Arno deserves a happy childhood and maybe… Lucy? idk)
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