#more like mint losing her shit
mintdragonnerd · 5 months
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mintkookiess · 1 year
I like you, okay?!
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A/N: Fluff fluff just fluff after the whole fiasco with "It's Always Been Her." (I need to recover from it)
Anyways, enjoy!
POV: Miles comes into your room at 3 am unexpectedly :3
Tags: Miles Morales x reader, slight cussing, LOTS OF FLUFF, sassy annoyed reader, confessions
Word count: 1k
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At around 3 am, your phone started dinging, making you groggily grab your phone from the bedside table.
The sudden light from the screen made you wince. "Why the fuck is Miles texting me, it’s too late for this.” You groaned as you clicked on the unread message from him.
Hey Y/n, can I come over real quick?
You clicked your tongue in frustration, placing a hand over your eyes, and rubbed softly in a poor attempt to wake yourself up before looking back down to type the shortest possible reply that you could muster at the time.
After hitting the send button, you huffed, chucking your phone across the bed.
As your eyes start to close once more, a soft stealthy tapping at the window makes you open your eyes again, making you grumble from great annoyance at how your best friend always found the worst times to sneak into your bedroom.
Spiderman or not, this was plain fucking torture.
"Are you ready?~" You hear a muffled voice as the window opened wider. "Oh God, please no." You groaned, throwing a pillow over your face. This was your last attempt to just drown him out, but apparently, nothing is going your way tonight. 
You hear the soft padding of feet, accompanied by the familiar thwip sound of his web-shooters, swinging himself into your bedroom with a soft thud and faintly landing on his feet.
"What do you want Miles?" You said with your voice muffled by the pillow. "I know this might be a horrible time to ask, but do you think I could stay for a while?" He asked with a sheepish smile. Miles stood by your bed, awaiting your response.
You nonchalantly wave your hand off at him, eager to just get this over with. "Do whatever you want man." 
Miles' eyes glistened in delight. "You're so kind tonight, what's changed?" His stupid ass question just made you want to throw him out the window.
You didn't respond, too exhausted to even think of a sassy remark. It was literally 3 in the morning, you did not have time for his antics. 
However, he merely chuckled at your lack of a reaction as his lips curved into his usual smile. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a night owl. What with patrol and all that, but I couldn't go without seeing you. Your eyes have been haunting my dreams..." He trailed off.
"Ah yes, it's me being your sleep paralysis demon telling you to stop bothering me at such an ungodly hour." You replied sarcastically, finally removing the pillow from your face as it started to give you a hard time breathing. 
You turned to lay on your side and looked up at him, clearly unimpressed. It was just too late for this shit. 
Miles sees this, and suddenly gets defensive, sitting on the edge of your bed across from you. "Maybe if you weren't always so busy with classes—"
He suddenly stopped talking as he realizes what he said. Miles' face slowly turned red and he was internally hoping to all the gods existing that you wouldn't spot it from the darkness of your room. 
Ah, maybe I should just jump out of the window. He thought as he took a deep breath in, his fingers tapping against his thigh anxiously. "I like you, okay?!" He quickly said, nervously looking up at you. 
"You... WHAT?!" You suddenly yelled, causing you to sit up in shock, mouth agape and eyes widened. What the hell is this guy on about now?! And at 3 FUCKING AM?
"Okay okay, I know. Totally stupid to just jump the gun here but it's so hard to sleep. Sometimes I lose focus when I'm being Spiderman. I spend an awful lot of time thinking about you. Y-You're funny, kind, smart, all the things I like in a person." Miles rambled on, not even daring to stare directly into your eyes for fear of seeing your reaction to his sudden confession.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing. "Is this why you deliberately tried to be my lab partner when I was new at school?" To which Miles' nervous expression became that of a guilty one.
"Maybe..." He admits, his voice sounding even less confident than before.
"Don't you like that Gwen girl from our class? I would've assumed because you two are literally so close." The guy in front of you only shrinks further into himself, feeling his heart sink and his face fall. "Gwen's like a sister to me. She isn't you." He said with a slight emphasis that really sounded more like a whine. 
Miles' words are slow but honest. His eyes trail up to the wall behind you to try to keep a brave face, which was slowly crumbling by the minute.
You snuck a glance at him before exhaling loudly. You flip your fingers back and forth, signaling him to come closer. "I guess you can cuddle with me." You mumbled, ignoring the way your cheeks are heating up. 
Not even wanting to see his reaction, you place your blanket back over your entire body, laying back down on your bed, facing the wall and away from him.
He seemed surprised, and his face instantly lit up. Miles let out a happy gasp as he grabs your blanket gently, climbing underneath it as he cautiously wraps an arm around your waist and snuggles up against your back. He even mustered the courage to bury his nose in your hair. 
Miles' heart was beating erratically, rendering him absolutely speechless as he held on to you as if his life depended on it. Well, it was a dream come true for the poor boy. He'd been practicing how he'd confess to you for the last three months. 
"You do know that you're going to have to work hard to get my 'yes' right?" You mumbled, trying to use every ounce of energy left in your body to numb the way his arm around your waist made you feel. "I'm fine with that," Miles quickly replied, his words soft and comforting. 
"As long as I can be with you, in any capacity, I am content." He chuckled. Shortly after the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep, still in each other's arms. Or more like, you were still in his arms.
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See more of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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genericpuff · 6 months
bit out of nowhere but LO Hades reminds me so much to Bojack Horseman idk how to explain it
Oh we've talked about this extensively in the ULO chat circles n such, especially when it comes to the most climactic scene in the show, the second interview:
The entire tone of the show showcases a very bitter reality with a lot of celebrities and people in power. There are some messed up things that happen throughout the course of the show, but they always feel like they're being used for comedy or brushed under the rug with comedy, because the show is, after all, a comedy. But I feel like that was the point, because it's not until the final season that everything that happened throughout finally catches up to Bojack, and suddenly... it's not funny anymore. There's no punchline. It really reflects just how much people in power don't see their abuse or wrongdoings as "big deals", sometimes they even see it as "just some funny thing that happened", all while the onlookers and victims of their behavior and abuse either become so acquainted with it they don't even see it as abuse anymore until they finally break away from it (Diana, Todd, Princess Caroline, etc.) OR they fight to be heard while the media tries to snuff them out. So then when the consequences finally catch up to them, there are no laughs to be heard, as much as the perpetrator in question may try their best to pass it off as "not a big deal" or believe they shouldn't be held accountable because "it happened a long time ago".
Anyone who sees Biscuits Braxby as the villain here is missing the overall point - Bojack has been responsible for literally ruining people's lives on several occasions, and has never been held accountable.
And yeah, I see a lot of that in LO as well, but the issue is the framing of the story isn't making it clear if it's actually going to have its "Come to Jesus" moment with Hades and Persephone, or if it's just gonna keep celebrating them as the heroes.
There were no consequences for Hades pulling out Alex's eye. They played the resolution out for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone turning Minthe into a mint plant. They played the scenario out for comedy literally by the end of the very same episode and then well into the next one.
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There were no consequences for Persephone cornering Tori at his job. The entire thing was played up for comedy.
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There were no consequences for Persephone raiding Leuce's home. She was rewarded with sex from Hades and it was, you guessed it, played up for comedy.
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Just like with Bojack Horseman, we don't see Hades or Persephone treat these situations as seriously as they ought to. They ultimately don't care how other people feel or how they may be affected by their own actions, they only care about themselves. Just like with Bojack, we see Hades enter sexual relationships with women who are in a much weaker position than him, women who stand to lose far more than he would if the relationship went south.
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(I need you all to realize that Hades is literally blackmailing her. He is trying to pay her off with a management position or some kind of severance and framing it in such a way to manipulate her into thinking it's 'better' for her that she take the deal, all for the sake of getting her out of the picture because he's with Persephone now. This is blackmail. And the narrative wants us to root for Hades here.)
Shit, I would argue Bojack is still a better character than Hades and Persephone because we 1.) see how the consequences of his actions do affect him on a deeper level (through his anxiety and self-hatred which he spends a long time wallowing in, making his situation worse, rather than seeking help for) and 2.) he actually does eventually start to seek help, but unfortunately there's only so much one person can do to fix themselves when their actions still haven't been brought to justice and their mindset hasn't truly changed; which is what we see in the final part of the show when, despite Bojack's attempts to be a better person, the Sarah-Lynn case catches up to him, and in his final moments up on that stage with Biscuits Braxby, we see his true nature come out - he thinks being an addict should absolve him from what he's done to others.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Except replace "addict" with "traumatized" as many of Persephone and Hades' actions are swept under the rug with "they went through trauma so it's fine". Despite the fact that other characters who have also been through trauma aren't given that same grace (Thanatos, Demeter, Minthe, etc.)
You could also go a step further and call out how the fans themselves will defend their actions as "but they're gods!!! gods were terrible all the time in the myths!" but isn't it funny how myth accuracy only ever comes up when it comes to defending Hades and Persephone? Meanwhile you'll never see anyone bring it up when it comes to Apollo SA'ing Persephone, or Hades having an emotional affair with Persephone, or any of the other number of things that Rachel rewrote for her 'retelling'. It's not funny haha, it's funny yikes.
I can only imagine how the fans feel seeing Hades and Persephone called out must be similar to how first-time viewers like myself felt seeing Bojack be put on the cross by Biscuits Braxby - "you're being an asshole, he's working on himself!" "leave him alone!!!" "the media is making a monster out of him!" "he's really not THAT bad!"
But he is. They are. And unlike Bojack Horseman, I unfortunately can no longer have the good faith in believing Hades and Persephone will have their comeuppance, or the people they've hurt will get their retribution. I have no hope that Persephone will see that she's the Sarah-Lynn of the relationship, a girl who was groomed into an abuser at the hands of an abuser, who had no chance of doing better because the person she fell for pulled her down to his level. I don't have any faith in Rachel whatsoever that she'll manage to end this story with any message besides "it's fine for Persephone and Hades to be who they are, because they're rich and powerful and really horny for each other!"
And Hades doesn't think he has any power over women.
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two-white-butterflies · 3 months
parallel lines | d. targaryen | part nine
Description: An ordinary middle school teacher moves to a desolate town with her fiancee. After suffering episodes of vivid nightmares, she realizes that his uncle looks exactly like the man in her dreams.
Pairings: daemon targaryen/reader, aemond targaryen/reader
Trope: Reincarnation
TW: murder. mentions of non-con.
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"Empathy without boundaries is self destruction; do not allow your understanding to; it will eat you whole." - Unknown
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"I remember."
The moment those words escaped your tongue, he immediately wrapped you in a warm embrace, ignoring the cord for the IV drip. You spent minutes like this - wrapped in his arms, inhaling his scent of vanilla and sandalwood. This was love.
He broke free from the embrace, staring deep into your eyes.
"Everything?" his lips quivered and you nod.
"Everything." you confirm.
All those months spent pining, praying to any god that you'd remember. It was worth it, because you were here - wrapped in his arms again, a newfound love ignited because of the eons apart.
"I'm sorry that I didn't remember sooner." you whisper, unable to look away from his face. As beautiful as the day he left. "You are here now." he replied, cupping your cheeks with his palms.
Jesus, I love this man.
"There is so much that I want to say, but I want it to start it off by saying that I love you." you breathed, the tears pooling in your eyes. He responds with a teasing chuckle. "Why are you crying, my love?" he asked, wiping the tears away.
"I can't imagine the pain that you had to go through. I was unable to remember you, unable to provide you comfort for all the suffering you went through." you cried, burying your face in his chest.
The IV Drip cord gives you momentary discomfort. "Let's take this off." you pulled away from the embrace, about to rip the cannula forcefully but he holds your dominant hand.
Preventing you from hurting yourself.
He smiles. He takes the cannula off. Safely.
He looks up at you, eyes seemingly sanpaku.
"What I went through was nothing compared to your suffering. I should've fought harder. I should've protected you." he blamed himself, but you silence him with a glare.
"It happened in the past, Daemon. We can only correct the past by not making the same mistakes in the future." you reminded, the memories from your past life making you wiser. "- the gods have given us the gift of this second life. We'll finally have peace." you smiled, the atmosphere wholesome and loving.
He silences you with a kiss.
Your tongues fought for dominance. You were intoxicated. His lips tasted like mint. His fingers combing through your hair.
You break free from the kiss.
"I've wanted to do that since the moment I saw you." he admitted.
The moment was shattered by reality. Rhaenyra opening the door and poking her head inside the room. "Aegon got arrested." she announced, and all hell broke lose.
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Daemon sat on your bedside, feeding you with porridge. It was the only thing that the hospital allowed their patients to eat. "What happened when I was gone?" you inquired, he raised the spoon to your mouth - feeding you more of that droopy shit.
"Aemond ran away. Aegon became a fugitive." he started the conversation strong, yet vague. Unwilling to share you details that would cause anxiety. Your breath hitched.
Aemond. You wanted to forget about him. When you heard his name all you could think about were those nights in Harrenhal. Your tight grip on the bedsheets, the tears that left your eyes. He was hell. He was cruel and unforgiving. You never wanted to see him again.
"How long was I out?" your eyebrows merged together. "Three days. It was Friday and now it's Sunday." he wiped your lips with a napkin.
"I'm like Jesus then." you smiled.
"Hush," he scolded, although that twinkle in his eyes proved otherwise.
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Aemond sat in that mold-filled cell with his head in his hands. He's spent seven years thinking that he was a monster, that he was the one that killed Margaux and Nick. Only to realize that it wasn't him.
He wasn't the killer.
He pointed the gun at her, but he remembers that Nick knocked on their house door. Distracting him. "I'm sorry." he apologized to Margaux, placed the pistol on his nightstand and promptly went downstairs to open the door.
He came face to face with Nick.
"Did she already tell you?" his egotistical voice almost popped a nerve in his brain. "Go upstairs and pick her up. I'm not dealing with a woman like that." Aemond sharply replied.
When Nick went upstairs, the entire house was engulfed in silence. Aemond raised an eyebrow, thinking that the two were fucking in his bed. He went upstairs, to see his room covered in blood.
He fell to his knees. Screams escaping his mouth.
Aemond wasn't a fan of violence. He could hardly stomach blood. "I'm sorry, I blacked out." Aegon excused in a chilling voice. "Why did you do that?" Aemond attempted to breathe properly.
But there was so much blood! He hasn't seen this much blood since his father killed a pig. The animal didn't bleed this much.
"I didn't do this, Aemond. You did." Aegon tried to twist the narrative.
Aemond fainted. Blacked out.
Remembered everything from his past. Prince Aemond who killed everyone in his path, that raped and pillaged women. Aemond who killed Lucerys instead of being his close friend.
This was the real Aemond. He thought.
He was a monster. He thought.
But he was wrong.
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"What is he doing here?" Daemon rose to his feet. Prepared for a fight with his nephew. "Alicent paid for the 'problem' to go away." Rhaenyra breathed, ashamed that a man like his brother walked away scot-free. "- he still shouldn't be here." Daemon argued, ensuring that his voice was loud and clear for the opposition to hear.
"I'm not here for a fight, uncle." Aemond settles. The first time in years that he's referred to Daemon as uncle without any hidden undertones. Aemond looked defeated, like his fire was extinguished.
"- I want to visit her." he added, avoiding everyone's glare.
"No." Daemon answered sharply.
He wouldn't let your perpetrator breathe the same air as you.
"I've done things that I regret deeply. I hope that the accident makes her remember, because I'm leaving. You've won." he admitted defeat.
Daemon towered over him. Daemon sees him as a little kid again. "What?" Alicent frowned, taking a step forward. "I'm going somewhere, and you'll never see me again." Aemond announces.
"You can't leave, my son. Our family's honor..." Alicent scolds.
"- it's always about honor and money in this family. While you and dad were in Africa, I was struggling here. I missed you so much. I kept calling your telephone, sending you letters because Aegon and his friends were terrorizing me, but you ignored it." Aemond chuckled bitterly, and suddenly there was a clearer picture of the problem.
"- you only came back because I failed my maths exam. Aemond, you're so stupid you can't even understand grade three maths." Aemond pointed at himself, tears beginning to flow from his eyes. "I'm the stupid one in this family. I'm the one who reached nothing. Oh, Aemond streams. Is that a real job?" he shivered.
Alicent stares at him, with those familiar brown tear-filled eyes.
"The truth is mom, you don't bother to know anything about your kids. All of you call me horrible things behind my back. Oh, Aemond killed his ex-girlfriend because she cheated on him with Nick fucking Thomson. But I didn't kill him mom! I swear on my fucking life that I didn't kill anyone. I've never killed anyone." Aemond continued to yell, to the point that it caught other patient's attention.
"Aemond, let's talk about this somewhere else." Alicent tries to pull her son away, grabbing him by the forearm but he shoves her fingers away. "Aegon killed Margaux and Nick. You don't even know that. Why is it so easy to find the worst in me?" he backed into a corner.
Rhaenyra takes a step forward, hoping to calm the storm.
Aemond's attention turned towards her.
"Did you know that Aegon killed Aunt Olivia? So mom's children could have an inheritance because dad didn't wanna bother cutting your inheritance apart." he pointed his finger at Rhaenyra. "- we all had to play second fiddle, so don't you dare try to act clean." he yelled at her, allowing his fury to guide his actions.
Daemon places a hand on his shoulder. Tenderly, this time.
Aemond could almost smell the scent of cinnamon and eggnog. He was thrown back into his childhood. Daemon used to comfort him. And what was left of them now? Before the older man could get a word in, Aemond takes a step backwards.
"You won't let me visit her, but let her know that I loved her with whatever was left of my heart. I'm sorry because I tried to make it right, but it just doesn't work. She'll never love me enough. I'll never love her enough. She was made for you." was the last thing Aemond said, before shoving his uncle's hands away.
Grabbing his backpack that had fallen into the ground, and leaving the hospital via the fire exit.
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Police arrest Aegon Targaryen in a significant breakthrough in a vicennial-old New York City murder case that gripped the country.
A man who has been hiding in plain sight in famous island, Dragonstone, for more than a decade was finally arrested, and on Sunday charged with murder in connection to several grisly deaths.
Police in Dragonstone, Canada, arrested the 30-year-old businessman, Aegon Targaryen. The arrest was first reported by Mayor Corlys Velaryon in his twitter account, it was said to have occurred in the early hours of the morning, as law enforcement was gathered in the St. Joseph the Worker's School in Dragonstone.
He was studying in an unknown high school during the 2008 murder of businesswoman Olivia L/N. He was only 15-years-old. According to reports by journalist Ben Blackwood, the motive for the murder would be the 49% stake that Mrs. L/N held in Dragonpine Brewery. Which Aegon Targaryen assumed would default to him at the time of the businesswoman's death.
The double homicide happened when he was 23-years-old. The victims have been named to be Margaux Mittenaere and Nick Thomson. The police of Dragonstone have refused to make further statements about the double homicide case.
Aegon Targaryen has two children from two unnamed lovers.
He is currently held in Kingston Penitentiary. He will stay there for 80 years, and two life sentences.
for more info please visit newstoday.cn.
next chapter>>
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red-archivist · 3 months
theory to chew over as we start the second season 1 break
I think Teddy is going to die before ep 30
Because I've been wracking my brains trying to think of why he is still in the story
in ep 1 i thought he was just there so Sam had an excuse to join the oiar (and to highlight that people can actually leave this job)
but he has popped up more than once now and interestingly everytime he does, he seems to be in a worse position then before
in ep 9 he talks to alice about losing the job he left the oiar for, in ep 18 he is still interviewing, and interviewing to be back in royal mint court building after just having left
i wonder if people can technically quit the oiar job but their life starts to spiral/go to shit after they leave (whether through shadowy government nonsense or eldritch forces nonsense)
(and i've just reminded myself; lena tried to kill that german IT guy, was he trying to leave but he knew too much?)
a few of our main casts have been waving big death-flags (my money is on Colin kicking the bucket too) but i think teddy dying would serve a few different purposes story-wise
first off, it highlights that no-one is safe- sure everyone is the oiar is neck-deep in trouble but teddy got out so he's okay right? wrong
second, given that alice has talked to him the most on-screen and it seems like they used to be close, his death might make her u-turn on the whole 'not-getting-involved-and-denying-as-much-as-she-can' business
third, if teddy dies due to oiar shenanigans or an external incident, it push sam further down this investigative rabbithole he is intend on following, paving the way for more plot threads/disasters down the line
just something to think about
(also to note; teddy's alchemical namesake, Thomas Vaughan passed away at about 44)
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jenoslutie · 1 year
as promised, the spoiler for his angel is here
warnings: masturbation, mark fantasizing...?, pornhub mentions, mark relying on the internet for everything !
Mark had been doing his research on you lately. Though, Haechan would argue that Mark had been stalking you but Mark thinks ‘research’ is the more accurate word for it. He’s been going through your Instagram posts and your VSCO account and he’s come to the realization that he really likes your smile, the way your face lights up when you smile makes him happier than he’d like to admit. He also really likes your lips, something about the way your pretty lips look when you pucker them to pose in photos, the way they look so pretty when you smile, the way they look when your tongue is sticking out from in between them in that one mirror selfie you posted on your VSCO. To say he’s obsessed could be an understate because Mark has been thinking about kissing you nonstop. There is a teeny tiny problem though….
Mark doesn’t know how to kiss. 
Mark has never kissed anyone before. 
And on top of that he’s too scared to ask Haechan for his help because he knows he's never going to hear the end of it. So like the troubleshooter of most of his problems, Mark resorts back to Wikihow, pulling up an article on how to kiss. 
Step 1: Initiating a Kiss
Drop hints that you're interested. You can put out some subtle signals that you're angling for a kiss without coming right out and saying it. Here's how to communicate it romantically: 
Break the touch barrier and make light physical contact, you might start by massaging her hand.
Get caught looking (briefly) at the other person's lips.
Don't purse your lips. Keep them softly parted — not so much that you could breathe comfortably through the opening, but enough that you could bite your bottom lip easily.
Make your mouth appealing. Use chapstick or lip gloss to smooth over flaky lips, and keep your breath fresh with mints or spray. Avoid gum, which you might have to spit out awkwardly if the other person goes in for a kiss.
As if Mark didn’t have enough problems with this, he didn’t understand shit about the article and he was only on step one. The only thing he got from that is he needed to invest in some more lip balm, possibly something flavored.
Groaning in frustration, he swiped out of that article to look for a different article but as soon as he clicked on the next article, suddenly he was redirected to a PornHub video called “How to Kiss” and after seeing the preview of the video, as much as he’d hate to admit but this was exactly what he needed, a visual demonstration. As the video started, a man and a woman were sitting doing an introduction and explaining a little before they got into demonstrating.
As the demonstration started, Mark came to realize that the video was nothing like what he had expected. The two of them started off slow but when he was least expecting, the kiss easily became the nastiest, filthiest, sloppiest kiss Mark had ever seen. He’d be lying if he said it didn't turn him on even in the slightest because it did. The way the woman straddled the man’s lap while they made out was making Mark lose it just a little. Now his brain was set on making out with you like that, in the nastiest, sloppiest, filthiest way possible. 
Before he even noticed, his pants were discarded somewhere in his room, he was sprawled out on his bed with his throbbing cock in one hand and his phone in the other. The video on his screen was different from the first one, the zoomed in image of a girl and a guy making out very passionately and moaning into eachothers mouths. He couldn’t help but feel guilty for thinking of you like this. Someone who he’d deemed as an angel, in very compromising positions while he kissed you like his life depended on it. 
But with his hand wrapped around his cock and the delicious visualizations he was having right now, Mark had to push the guilt aside to focus on the feeling of his hands wrapped around his throbbing cock. He felt the feeling spread inside him and rising as his climax approached. Mark squirmed, dropping his phone onto his chest as his free hand gripped onto his comforter for dear life while hot cum spurted from his cock. Though he tried to keep his cum to drop only onto his hand, it reached all the way up to his chest. Thankfully missing his phone, Mark cursed under his breath as he tried to catch his breath from all the panting, grabbing a paper towel from his nightstand to clean up the mess he had made. 
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ryuichirou · 2 months
I hadn't realized you watched the White Rabbit Fest event (I really should pay more attention to things). What'd you think of it? I loved the silly little outfits, and Ortho's thighs 👀
No worries, Anon! We never really talked about it, just started quietly posting stuff related to it on Ko-Fi lol So actually, thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about this event!
First of all, yes, the outfits were indeed silly and adorable, I really loved the pastels and all the little accessories. I had a chance to pay closer attention to all the details (you’ll see later today...) and, as it always is with twst, I was stunned by how clever and fun the design choices are. But even just in general, they’re all super adorable. Silver is like a little mint rabbit soldier, Epel is the sweetest little thing that is almost offensively cute, Ortho’s thighs and a little snout are legendary lol And Deuce looks the best out of all of them, to be honest. Deuce’s mom’s design is also very nice, I love it when twst has designs that tells you everything you need to know about the character. The moment you see her you know exactly what kind of mom she is... I get it, Deuce, I wouldn’t want to see her cry either 🥲 She’s so hardworking and sweet.
The event itself was cute. I think it was very good in terms of learning more about Deuce. Of course, we already knew that he was a delinquent that had done a lot of messed-up stuff, but it’s one thing to hear that from Deuce. Seeing the consequences of his past actions with our own eyes is a whole different thing. People either talk shit about him, or are kind of scared of him, or just yell at him for being horrible. And Deuce can’t even argue with them because he feels like this is the treatment that he deserves, and that if he wants them to trust him or even just respect him as a human being again, he needs to earn it with his actions and not his words. He knows it, and he is willing to work for it, but it still sucks when people around you treat you this way even though you are already trying your best. Watching Deuce go through that gets frustrating and even heartbreaking at times, but it feels very real, and this is why you can’t really help but feel proud of Deuce when he just keeps trying instead of giving up because people only expect bad things from him.
I really love how his go-to was to aggressively confront that one delinquent who tried to harass his mom, but even then he managed to stay calm and challenge him to a race instead. Despite being teased about his cute silly outfit... Deuce is such a good boy :”)
I can’t believe NRC boys won for once... I guess the main rule of twst universe still works: bad guys always lose. Of course, our boys won’t be able to defeat the dwarfs, but if they manage to pick a fight with someone even worse than they are, then they have a chance..!
But also, what a delight to see Deuce show his “bad boy” side and tease and provoke the other guy. You just know this isn’t the first time he does that. I would love to see some of Deuce’s actual flashbacks...
The other boys were fun to watch too. Silver is still the sweetest twst boy, and it’s unusual but fun seeing him interacting with just random kohais he has really no relationship with (aside from him kinning Deuce for his relationship with his mom). Ortho’s and Epel’s ways to describe Vil while they were getting souvenirs for him was great. Honestly, there were a lot of fun moments.
But also a lot of moments that inspire unholy thoughts, if you know what I mean. The micro/macro thing with Deuce... Ortho’s obsession with acting as closely to a rabbit as possible... The delinquent guy simping for Deuce... Epel being washed away... That one police guy that Deuce remembers so fondly... Everyone crawling through small holes... This is too much.
The twistune was also funny and cute! Especially Ortho’s little jumps and Silver’s shook face as he woke up <3
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
They’re watching a movie picked by Nancy, and Robin can barely keep her attention to it. No, that’s a big fat understatement; she doesn’t even know which movie it is that they’re watching. It’s like all her senses have narrowed down to nothing but Nancy: to the movements she’s making in her peripheral vision; to the sound of her laughter whenever (apparently) something funny happens on the screen; to the scent of mint and artificial flowers not quite concealing the unique smell that Robin can only describe as Nancy; and, most important of all, to the place where Nancy’s knee is casually bumping against Robin’s from her cross-legged position.
And then, suddenly, there’s a hand on her knee. Robin swallows and tries not to be too obvious when she looks down to the pale, spidery fingers resting against her jeans. The soft pressure through the fabric of her clothes is somehow making it worse than if it had just been skin-to-skin contact: a taste of what it could’ve been and yet a reminder of what it’s not.
She looks up into Nancy's eyes, dark blue and wide, almost as if they're asking her a question. Then, she lets her gaze wander over the rest of Nancy's face, searching for something, even though she doesn't exactly know what...
And then Nancy's eyes again, still piercing into hers, fearless; always fearless. She realizes that all she was searching for is right in those eyes: she senses more than that she consciously deduces that she has her chance to kiss Nancy Wheeler, tonight, on this couch. She swallows thickly, still feels Nancy's fingers resting on her jeans.
It turns out that Nancy is the bravest of them, and honestly, that shouldn't surprise Robin as much as it does. But she can't help but utter a soft gasp when Nancy starts leaning into her space, as if it's all completely unexpected.
Nancy stills, her lips mere inches from Robin's.
'Is this okay?' she whispers, her breath ghosting against Robin's lips and looking up at her through her lashes with that innocent wide-eyed gaze.
And Robin can only nod, still frozen, letting Nancy come even closer towards her.
All it takes for her body to catch up to what's happening, is the feeling of Nancy's lips against her own. She immediately reaches out, puts one hand in Nancy's soft curls and the other around her waist, her touches gentle and soft because even though Robin knows she isn't, Nancy feels so breakable in her arms.
Nancy’s lips are soft and just as gentle as Robin's touches, but her fingers soon start clawing into Robin's thigh, and that's all Robin needs to deepen the kiss, to press their mouths together with more urgency, drinking in the taste of strawberry and mint and coca cola and Nancy.
She could keep drinking from Nancy's lips forever – she probably doesn't even need air anymore, as long as she can keep kissing this girl, and when she slightly repositions herself she feels Nancy's fingers digging even deeper into her leg while a tiny sound escapes from her mouth that starts driving Robin crazy in a whole different way.
When they finally pull apart, it feels like hours have passed, and similarly like it were only a few seconds. It feels like Robin is reborn. And it is exactly that realization that makes her come crashing back down to earth.
'Fuck,' she mumbles.
'Fuck,' Nancy echoes, breathless.
'Nance,' Robin says. 'This can't happen again.'
And that beautiful, excited smile immediately falls from Nancy's face, her eyes wide with something entirely different now. 'Wha – why?' she stammers. 'I thought – why?'
'This was – shit, Nance, this was fucking mindblowing – and this was only a kiss! If we do this again, or if we go any further – seriously, you'll ruin me, I am not kidding. I can't do that, I can't be your experiment knowing I’ll eventually lose you to some guy and – I just can't. You're too important for me to let that happen.'
'Wait, wait, wait,' Nancy says quickly. She's frowning now, but her hand grabs Robin's, and Robin is too weak to do anything about that, so she lets her. She lets her intertwine her cold fingers with Robin's; she lets her grip her hand firmly in her own.
'You're not my experiment,' Nancy says, her voice slightly unsteady. 'You're – you're fucking amazing, Robin, I would never... I've known for years that I'm not straight. I mean, yes, I've had boyfriends, but I don't need to figure anything out, alright? I know exactly what I'm feeling for you. This is not an experiment, I promise.' She takes a deep breath and Robin almost giggles at how the tables have turned; how Nancy has become the one rambling at her all of a sudden.
She squeezes Nancy's hand; the giggle makes its way out of her throat anyway. She can't help it, she's simply feeling too giddy, too overwhelmed, too... overjoyed.This is real, is all her brain can think, on a loop. This is real. This is happening. This is real.
'So...' she says, her heart beating loudly in anticipation. 'Do you wanna go out with me?'
Nancy starts giggling, now, too. She comes closer again, this time to rest her forehead against Robin’s.
'Well, yes, obviously – but I also really, really wanna kiss you again.'
'I mean, we can probably do that first,' Robin answers with a wide grin on her face.
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doubleddenden · 4 months
Wrestletuber2024 was everything I ever wanted real life wrestling to be
We got roided out sins against humanity teleporting, punching, and throwing furries
We got trash talk and a diss track from an entire galaxy to the last dinosaur
We got to see babygirls, girl and boy failures humbled and fumbled
Announcers putting their entire BALLS into the introductions
Commentators giving us THRILLING and hilarious observation of techniques like "London Bridge is Falling Down" or the diaper meta
A snake!
An AI little girl vs a Text to Speech lady's paid stand in dad she found in the woods
Bottoms vs dogs
And my personal favorite bits:
1. Smaller vtubers hanging out and befriending bigger vtubers- especially Juna and Kai from IdolEN, who had big roles to play. Juna was a fun interviewer and Kai's commentating with Octavio was hilarious
2. Surprise Mint, and also the unbridled half a braincell chemistry she and Doki had together. I need another collab with them now
3. Whatever the hell was happening in the Mint v Matara match. I was losing it
4. My first real stream introduction to Bettel being him winning by complete surprise against the diaper meta and be crowned champion for all of 5 minutes before he was folded like a lawn chair by U-Man Usan
5. Nana's complete domination over Jurard. There's disrespect and then there's just MURDER
Need more of this. Next year I hope they go even more all out
Some other VTubers I need to see next year that I think would eat this shit up
1. Ollie
2. Biboo
3. Heavenly
4. Henya
5. Alias Anono (oh my God she'd love it, she actually watches wrestling)
6. Michi Mochievee
7. Bao (God help us, there ain't anyone more of a bottom than her)
8. Onigiri
9. RPR and Regis Altare, to complete Team Snake Bite
10. And a lot more smaller vtubers that need their moment to shine, like others from smaller corps like V4Mirai, Phase Connect vtubers, indies of course, etc
And for commentators I'm just gonna highly request Matara join in, and Haruka Karibu for additional unhinged energy
And just outside this, I want more Doki Mint collabs. I just love how stupid they are together
Ah man, what a fun 2 days and 10 hours
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randomnameless · 5 months
It's crazy how SoV preluded 3H by making one of the protags have a tremendously contradictory mindset of humanity being better off without gods, while also relying on those same gods to fulfill their goals, the hypocrisy of which goes completely unadressed throughout the game; truly masterful foreshadowing
Who directed FE15?
I've recently tried to think about this "gods BaD" shift in more doylist terms - especially since I've finally played a Squenix game recently and...
FE13 was the FE series last ditch effort, it will either work or end up as the F-Zero series, FE13 worked and FE14 followed suit.
Lolcalisation aside, FE14 had a nice plot and I engaging characters - to some people but not me, different tastes and all - but FE14 and FE13 were still FE games, as in part of the old FE series, aka a niche series. Adding dating sim/interpersonal relationship through avatars might have helped a bit, and yet, imo, it was still the "niche" FE series.
Comes FE15 where we basically have a remake, and can't add the interpersonal thing because Alm isn't an avatar (even if the game spends a lot of time praising his oranges) - how to make the game work? Sure, some weirdo fans of the FE series will buy it, and it was never supposed to sell as much as FE13/14, but if it was a 1:1 remake or just with minor adjustments? It might bomb like the Archanea remakes, and good luck coming after that - will they need another "FE13" to reignite the sales or??
And here I thought about it : FE15 was retconned with the "GoDs BaD" spiel, to make this game more in-tune with what I'd call "traditional" JRPGs where the protagonists often defy a corrupt church and "divine" being.
("Traditional" imo being the Squenix way, because while I didn't play all entries of this series, the Tales series never striked me as being particularly as, uh, vindicative against organised religion, maybe save for Symphonia 1 - Abyss' Church really wishes to help the people even if it is corrupted from within by some dude who doesn't want to let the world die and played by the big bad, Xillia has no church, ditto for Zestiria and Phantasia had Mint and... that's it? - compare this to Squenix's Triangle Strategy and Hyzante being comically EvIl and without any redeeming traits/points when all of the other major parties of the conflict have "token good NPCs" as forced as they are in the game, to make it very clear that they might have done questionnable things like invading and slaughtering civilians from a foreign nation who welcomed them at their wedding, but at least they have "MoRaLs" unlike those bozos in their desert...)
And this "let's make FE mainstream by kicking gods" mentality completely runs at odds with the rest of the FE franchise, and while I know RD basically ends like this bcs "uwu Ike defeated a GoD with the help of another who used the lead of that game as a soul jar and granted him exclusive powers to put her sister to sleep" the morale of RD's story - as seen in the perfect ending but in Ike's speech to Yune itself - is that everyone can and should try to live together, asking Gods not the fuck out to let Humanity alone, but to believe in them just like humans believe in gods.
So FE15 ends as this big, uh, mismatched clash of narrative directions - being a remake it cannot stray too far from the source material and Archanea verse : Dragons and Humans can live together (even if it means dragons must sacrifice part of themselves to do so because fuck them I guess) and dragons can help humans just like humans can, uh, not be asses and not target them because their ears are pointy or when they are weakened...
And we had the new Squenix direction where GoDs BaD and HuMaNiTy fuck yeah, which leads to FE15's hypocrisy : please trust and rely on us Gods/dragons and kindly help us when we're in deep shit, and at the same time "HuMaNiTy FuCk YeAh".
Interestingly, the Squenix direction loses in the post game campaign (the one where we discover Thabes) but is reintroduced in the official (tm) timeline, depicting basically how BaD Duma is and how much of a chad Rudy was, before his very tragic (bring the onions!) death.
But yeah, I agree anon, FE15 was crazy foreshadowing and I guess is part of the reason why Tru Piss has this message "Humanity doesn't need Gods" targeted at... Rhea, aka a Nabatean (while Supreme Leader got there thanks to Sothis' powers!!) because the "Humanity Fuck Yeah" narrative is a staple of Squenix JRPGS, and if FE has to become mainstream, I guess to some devs, it has to copy what sells.
That would also explain why FE16 went so off the rails and forgot the tradition FE series message about coexistence, because what the fuck do you mean by "Humanity doesn't need Nabateans", after parroting for the entire game "Nabateans are to blame for the irrational world we live in" and blame "Nabatean blood" for everything wrong in Fodlan, without ever acknowledging the "evilness that lurks in the heart of men" (who aren't called Dimitri) ?
In a series that, albeit hazaphardly at times (FE8's manaketes feel forced in the lore! and the less is said about Nowi/Panne in FE13 the better we are), tried to push the "coexistence between all inhabitants of the land is the key to peace!" card - this Squenix direction feels all kind of wrong, especially when friendship with the divine beings (dragons) have been a staple of the franchise (Y!Tiki's number of alts, imo, is telling : for better or worse, Y!Tiki is, along with Marth, the figure of the franchise. She is a dragon, and she's a kid who wants to make friends. Sure it brings the loli crowd, but all those dragon children in the different games? They are a direct throwback to Y!Tiki!).
In a nutshell, I'd say the first crack was FE10's writing that made things seem like the Hero defeated a goddess and its subsequent wanking.
But I agree with you anon, FE15's change in direction and retcons were absolutely gunning for that Squenix "GoDs BaD" while keeping the "traditional" FE message which resulted in hypocrisy that showed in the writing but I guess no one really paid attention because FE15 has other issues too (I didn't before happening on FE16... even if I remember wondering why the fuck the game kept on hammering how BaD Duma was when we had people being asses right and left on their own).
FE Fodlan completely ignored the "we can coexist" message - save for subtext you can have where the optional lords who win the war and aren't Supreme Leader can have half/quarter-nabatean heirs through Flayn but her heritage is never ever mentionned in the ending cards - by completely shitting/ignoring the local dragons, they're blamed for everything wrong and don't get their voice to the chapter.
Masterful writing lol
I can't wait for the next game, let it be a remake (pls not Jugdral!!) or a new entry (Engage was developped alongside Fodlan, not after!) to see if IS will continue with the Squenix developments or return to their roots, even if they seem milquetoast, of "humans and lizards can hold hands".
NGL anon, during 2020/2021 and the daily "Supreme Leader was right though" threads in SF, I kind of realised that what I took for granted, aka "coexistence between humans and dragons!" being the message of FE in general, wasn't, even in what used to be the most serious board/thing.
FE as a series came to the West through FE7 where Dragons and Humans were at war, but ultimately the cast learns that dragons aren't evil incarnate and the best ending reveals that the big bad went mad because his dragon wife was killed and he tried to reunite with their dragon-human children he hid away for their safety.
So it was kind of surprising to see long-time, or at least not "Fodlan introduced" members of SF parroting the "well they can't live together" by buying the most ludicrous headcanon/fanon arguments you'd find in other series like "different lifespans" - this argument is pretty much non existent in the FE series, and I've never seen it opposed to Miccy's rule in Daien when, as a Heron Branded, she will outlive her citizens, or what, are we supposed to believe that Myrrh shouldn't interact with humans and remain in her forest because she will outlive humans, or is too "different" from them thus wouldn't have the same considerations?
FE13/14 brought the fandom wars of "new fans" vs "old fans", but FE Fodlan? Brought "casual JRPG gamer" vs "FE gamer" which usually boils down to "Supreme Leader fans" vs "everyone else".
Sure, we had the religion hate boner because the dragons in Fodlan verse made a "Church" with catholic imagery which is a deadly sin to some - but the "dragon blood is indeed the reason why everything sucks in the world" being parroted? "Dragons cannot have power over humans because of the sheer inbalance"? What, are you implying Nergal was forced by Aenir to mate with her twice or what? Ninian was oppressing Pherae in the endings where she marries Eliwood, and humans were finally liberated when she died?
Kana is, by nature, someone who will oppress humans because they're part dragon and their blood will bring strife to the world?
So unless IS doesn't fully commit to one narrative - because yes, for all of its flak, FE Fodlan still takes time, when it remembers, to portray Nabateans in a relative positive light when it comes to them as characters and in the general background, it's just that, they're never given a voice when it comes to discussing about the plot - we're bound to have this hypocrisy :
Dragons BaD bcs Humanity Fuck Yeah
Dragons and Humanity can coexist and make babies for scalies/monsterfuckers out there because acceptance/diversity is a way for peace.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 8 months
May i ask for some Merrick hc? He's so sweet, but gets so little love
<3 MERRICK <3 *Slam dunks him like a basketball*
Definitely the guy who pretends to be a hardass but is a massive softie at heart. And it's hardly that. He's just very frank with his words and isn't very affectionate, but he really does love his team. They're everything to him. He's winning if they're doing well, and there's nothing Merrick likes more in life than winning.
Classical music enjoyer.
Pretends he doesn't understand the bear jokes made about him. Absolutely is aware what a "bear" is in regards to the gay subculture. Thinks it's so fucking funny and quietly eats it up every time. He also enjoys that they'll call him "papa bear" sometimes, always teasing and sometimes as a ref to the gay-subculture joke, but it makes him feel nice that they more or less know he's there to protect them.
The rock! Not Dwayne The, but he's the guy on the team everyone can rely on. If there is nothing else to hold onto, there is Merrick. He is aware and very proud of this fact.
Very good cook! Kinda specializes in Italian american food. Really likes pasta.
Incredible guy to have a heart-to-heart with. For someone who seems pissed 98% of the time he's actually very laid back and non-judgmental, so mixed with the stalwart protector vibes and boom: Like every Ghost (Or even just teams they work with for long enough) will recall some convo they had with him that just let the world stop for a moment. Shit is healing magic. Has been in the past and will be in the future a good solid shoulder to cry on. (Just not literally. Please, he has tissues. Spare his shirt.)
Absolutely so adores the boys, even if they don't really realize it. Like even over his other teammates he's known longer, he just adores them to no end. They're Elias's kids, he'll say, he owes it to the man to look after them. But that's not his only reason, and it's hardly a reason at all. Logan and Hesh are his boys. (Yes, even Riley falls into this.) Was crushed after the beach when he realized the consequences of letting the boys go after Rorke. He lost. And Merrick hates nothing more than losing.
Hates mint flavored anything. Even toothpaste. Especially ice cream.
Merrick is unflinchingly loyal to Elias, to the point that he could point at a cliff and say "Jump Tom!" and Merrick would fly off without even a chute to slow him on the way down. It's not something even Rorke got from him, and it only cropped up once Elias took lead of the team... after Caracas.
Actually likes kids. He wouldn't mind having some of his own, but work comes first, so he's alright with just spectating rather than being a parent. Plus, he's not very sure how he'd do with the 24/7 care of a kid. Playing with them and babysitting is one thing, raising a child is another. That's a can of worms he'll leave well alone...
Mama's boy. For life.
A guilty man. He doesn't like to talk about it, unless the situation calls for it (Like during a heart-to-heart.) but it's not that he thinks he's a bad person: He just thinks he could have done better. Related to him liking winning and hating losing... he remembers each tally on either side of the board.
If you wake him up before 10 on a Sunday you better have a damn good reason. Someone dying isn't even a good enough reason. He's slept through base attacks.
Favorite color is teal, and there's a reason for it: His high school sweetheart, whom he dated for all four years and broke up with because he went to basic, ADORED the color. Painted her room the color, her nails every Friday, every notebook she owned was a shade, etc etc. He's not still mopey over her or anything, he just hasn't found a different color he'd care to like as much as teal.
Dog guy. Absolutely pats the shit out of Riley, who cannot get enough of it. He does have a favorite dog breed, American pit bull terriers cus of their big heads, but German shepherds are alright in his book.
Beard care to the max. Oils and combs and that shaving foam pot with the bristle brush. Hesh came to him wanting some advice for his own facial hair and Merrick had never been so ready for anything in his life. Broke that shit down like the birds and bees talk.
Will take the clothes off his back for someone he cares about, will ask them why the fuck they don't have their own?
All of the people he's ever met in his life remain important to him in some way shape or form.
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mintkookiess · 1 year
It's you?!
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A/N: Craving more 42!Miles screen time. Better yet, I want him to have an entire goddamn film.
Another post from the private vault! hope y'all like this one as much as I did! (。・・。)
Summary: 42!Miles and his weird ass obsession on finding out Spiderwoman!reader's real identity (and vice versa, but less obsessive LMAO she just curious)
Tags: 42!Miles x Spiderwoman!reader, some cussing, choking (not that kind) enemies -> friends
Word count: 2.3k
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The Prowler had a sick grin behind his mask as he stared at the woman standing a few feet away from him. It was almost laughable to him how she could stand for all the heroic shit, even her suit looked downright ridiculous. “You’re a brave one to try to stop me, I’ll give you that.” He laughed with his voice slightly distorted from the voice changer. “But I hate to break it to you ma, I’m going to remind you where you belong, to make you remember your fucking place.”
Though deep down he knew that he always looked forward to their fights and banters. Sure, he’s handled a bunch of big enemies and may have been beaten to a pulp once or twice, but nothing makes him feel more alive than fighting the one and only Spiderwoman. Little does he know that he’s slowly garnering some sort of obsession over finding out who she was. 
He was itching to know what kind of person this woman was who had the actual capabilities of making him excited and thrilled over fighting, something he grew to hate. 
"Yeah, I will. Since my place will always be above you." Y/n replied coolly behind her mask. As Spiderwoman, she is obligated to eradicate all evils in Brooklyn, but this Prowler dude always made it interesting for her. And today was just like their usual encounters. 
Sometimes, she admits that she wants to know who he was beneath all that tacky suit. Like why does he look like fucking Dracula? 
I hate that fucking mask. Miles thought as he scowls down at the hero. All he wanted was to rip the mask off of her head and finally see her face. He couldn't exactly understand his undying obsession with finding out. Like, why her of all heroes?
He growled in frustration with himself, clawed out his hand, and lunged at Y/n, ready to rip her apart. In response to this however, Y/n was quick enough to instantly shoot a web by a nearby building on their right, flinging herself towards it to dodge him. "Is that the best you got pretty boy?" She called out. 
"Pretty boy?" Miles raised an eyebrow behind his mask. He snarled, jumping off the ground to thrust towards her once more, this time using full force to try to pin her against the wall. He does this successfully, picking Y/n up by her throat. "Who are you?" Miles hissed, his claws retracting before digging his metal-covered fingers into her neck more. "Tell me, damn it."
Y/n kept her body calm and tried to maintain proper breathing despite being choked by him. "Spiderwoman, who else would I be?" She choked, her mind trying to find the best way possible to escape from his deadly grasp. 
"That's not what I meant," Miles glared, squeezing even tighter than before. His golden brown eyes slowly became wild in anger, almost as if something's taken over him. 
"Answer me properly, pretty girl," He seethed, his mask glitching slightly. Though he called her "pretty girl", he did so in such a mocking tone.
Miles dropped her to the ground but doesn't waste a second before pinning her against the wall with his arm over her head. With his height, he just easily towers over her.
The sight egged him on, the feeling of having Spider-Woman beneath him like this was exhilarating. 
"Who. Are. You."
"Someone who's... about to kick your goddamn ass." She murmured before her leg flew up to his arm, and with every force she could muster she kicked it down, making him lose balance. 
She shoots another web to the building on the opposite side, keeping a fair distance from the Prowler. "Why do you want to know me so badly?" She called out to him. 
"Because I want to know my enemy,” Miles yelled back, letting out a low growl as he rose to his feet and sped across to her once more. He lands back close to her, glaring at her with a slightly amused look. It's just a game to him after all. A game of cat and mouse and he was definitely not the mouse. 
"I'll stop at nothing until I found out who you are," He gritted through his teeth. "You won't get away that easily ma." 
Y/n only snorted at his words. "Oh yeah? I think I do a pretty great job at doing that pretty boy." She smirked behind her mask before instantly swinging away, leaving him.
But of course, Miles wasn't backing down, quickly chasing after her. "Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled loudly, but she doesn't answer. They both played chase across multiple buildings. Miles was determined not to lose her this time though, picking up his speed until he was practically at the same speed as her. 
This must be his new world record, Uncle Aaron would be damn proud. 
"I won't stop chasing you until I know." Y/n rolled her eyes at how persistent he was being. Miles wants to know who this hero was, and why she drove him insane with obsession, or how she got him looking forward to fighting her. 
"Well for starters, why the hell are you so obsessed with me? Honestly, don't you have better things to do?!" She called out as she continuously swung between buildings by her webs. Least to say though, Y/n was impressed that the Prowler could catch up at all. But then again, when has he ever failed to impress her?
"It's not an obsession," Miles denied, following close behind her. Even Y/n knew that wasn't the truth.
Miles is a villain. He kills. He maims. He hurts whomever he wants. But with her? Something just felt different. She's special, nothing like the rest of them. She has something he can't quite explain. Some sort of magnet that keeps him wanting to see her often? To fight her more than he does with the usual people he dealt with?
"Why do you keep running away ma?" He asked nonchalantly, but Miles knew he was just trying to keep her under his grasp for a bit longer. "You can fight. Why run?"
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Then let's fight pretty boy." She swung back around towards him, landing her foot on his torso, kicking him hard across the concrete before landing flawlessly on the ground. 
Miles grunts loudly and stumbles back, hitting a beaten-up car behind him. He looks up at her, glaring. "That's more like it ma," He leered, the sun creating shadows on his face, making him look even more intimidating.
He grunted as he stood up, getting close to her once again until he was merely inches away from her face. "You must tell me. You can't keep it from me." Miles grunted. His eyes were wild and insane as if he's lost control of... whatever he was feeling towards this Spiderwoman. 
"If I told you who I was, that defeats the entire anonymous persona thing I've got going." Y/n chuckled, placing a hand on her hip. Though she admits, she was also quite eager to know who Prowler was. Oh hell no, just curious.
"Tell me already!" Miles almost yelled, balling his hands into fists. He's getting angrier by the minute. At who exactly? He wasn't sure. Maybe he was mad at her because she was being stubborn, or mad at his behavior and the way he was acting right now.
But Miles doesn't care. He only cares about the fact that he's not getting the information he wants. 
He just wants to know who she was so badly so he could finally get over this achingly overwhelming curiosity.
"Tell me," Miles glowered once more, his voice dark and raspy. "I won't ask again." 
"You're asking me to tell my arch nemesis who I am behind this mask. You do realize how insane you sound right?" Y/n snickered. But suddenly, she was stricken with an idea. She quickly looked around, making sure no one was around them in the abandoned part of Brooklyn.
For once, she wanted to indulge in her curiosities as Spiderwoman. She grinned at him, even though he couldn't see it. "If you show me who you are, I'll show you who I am. Seems only fair right?"
"Fine," Miles grunted, uncurling his fists. He was a bit surprised at how easy it was for him to agree, despite knowing full well he shouldn't show who he was much less to the person who's been hunting him down for months.
"Show me first. Then I'll let you know who I am." His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed as he meets her stare. "After all, it is only fair ma."
Y/n laughed, nodding in agreement. "Fine, if we're playing fair, then we should just do it together at the same time." 
Prowler let out a harsh breath and nodded. 
"On the count of three,” Y/n said, her finger gripping the edge of her mask. 
As Y/n pulled out her mask, the Prowler does the same, his Prowler mask moving back to reveal himself as Miles Morales. 
Y/n's hair fell down, her e/c eyes striking with excitement as she stared back into his. Her lips instantly curved into a smile as she sees an all-too-familiar face before her. "You're that student from school!" 
Miles blinked. "What—" He stopped himself mid-sentence as it finally hits him. It's her. It's always been her. 
His eyes flash with shock, pupils widening to the point where his eyes almost appeared black. The woman that he's been obsessing over, was Y/n. Y/n L/n.
Miles would see her often in class and everywhere else on campus. He has never spoken a word to her, but she slightly grabbed his attention because she was the complete opposite of him. That and because she was obnoxiously loud.
He simply knew her as that friendly, too-nice, pure girl. Definitely did not assume that she'd be Spider-Woman.
"You're that quiet dude from physics and math class!" Y/n gushed even further. "I wasn't expecting it to be you but, that makes so much sense with your mysterious aura and vibe, holy shit."
Y/n was internally screaming inside because she did notice Miles Morales from her school. She thought he was crazy attractive with the stoic and cold demeanor he had going on, especially those goddamn braids of his.
And now here she was, finding out that he was in fact, the Prowler whom she's been fighting for months on end. 
"Y/n..." Miles breathed out. As he processed the woman before him, he started to think about how she was beautiful, far more than he could've ever imagined. He barely looks at her at school, but now he's finally got a good look.
Her smile sent unexpected fluttering to his heart and it was difficult for him to look away. He had to snap himself out of it. Y/n isn't just Y/n. She's Spider-Woman. Who knows of his identity.
Miles licked his lips forgetting all of that in a second. His eyes were still wild but now supported by a little glint. A spark perhaps. Somehow, seeing Y/n and realizing she's Spider-Woman made him feel weird. Good weird. But weird. 
"Well, what do you think? Overwhelmed? Underwhelmed? Rate the experience from 1 to 10, be honest." Y/n smirked, her eyebrows raised and arms crossed over her Spider-Woman suit. 
"You fucking weirdo,” Miles smirked. 
"Would you look at that, the infamous Miles Morales actually knows how to smile,” Y/n replied, clearly amused. 
She was definitely not screaming inside. 
"What can I say ma?" He replied with a smirk, "You bring out the best in me." He found himself teasing her. How interesting.
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes at him. "Ha ha, I wasn't expecting the Prowler to be this cheesy either." 
"I wasn't expecting Spider-Woman to be this beautiful either, so I guess we're both in quite a predicament,” Miles said with a slightly flirty tone. The situation was becoming less tense and more playful between them. 
It was as if Miles had become a different person, being less like the ruthless villain Prowler, and more like himself as Miles Morales. It's a refreshing feeling to him.
"Well thank you, does that mean you've always noticed me from school?" Y/n smiled, placing her hands on her back, and swayed side to side like a child.  
"I noticed you alright.” He chuckled. Miles was still in disbelief with himself since he never showed such emotion to anyone. Ever. But here he was laying himself out to this girl who he barely even knows.
"I thought about talking to you. Usually to tell you to shut up cause you're always so damn loud." He told her. "But then I got too much shit on my mind. You know what it's like as the Prowler."
Y/n simply nodded, "That's fair. I myself am pretty busy cause well... I am Spiderwoman, constantly thinking of how to save the city." She winked. 
"You're busy as Spider-Woman," Miles repeated. "And I'm busy as the Prowler." He grinned at her. "We have that in common, don't we?"
"Except for the fact that we are destined to be enemies." Y/n grinned, shaking her head in disbelief. "But you know, maybe we can be friends."
Her? Being friends with him? What is she even saying... as if he'd actually agree—
Miles cocked an eyebrow. "Friends huh? Maybe we should try it sometime." He grinned, but he stopped himself, almost as if what he said wasn't meant to be said at all. He cleared his throat, "Well, we aren't enemies right now, are we?"
Y/n contemplated for a while, "Hmm... Maybe enemies as Spider-Woman and the Prowler, but we can be friends as Y/n and Miles." She winked, holding out her hand for him to shake. 
Without a second thought, Miles grabbed her hand and shook it firmly. "Deal." He replied with a smirk. "Friends." And he's serious about it too. All they both thought of at the moment was,
Damn, this is going to be one interesting pair.
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More of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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autistichalsin · 8 months
I'm really fucking tired.
All I wanted was a space to obsess over a fictional man, who brought me a ton of healing, in peace.
This group has made it their mission to chase not only me away, but anyone associated with me. They called me a rape fetishizer for writing CNC fic. They called me a pedophile for making an omega Halsin headcanon. They called me a self-hating lesbian/lesbophobic for saying it's TERFy to demonize queer male sexuality. They mocked my abuse by my mom, and when called on it, laughed that I deserved it for saying how Mint's actions remind me of her sometimes. They accused me of retraumatizing myself because of the fic I wrote, when THEY were the ones who retraumatized me by causing me to have a flashback to my mom abusing me. They accused me of absolutely vile things, and today they questioned if I even was "really" abused because of the fic I wrote. They repeatedly mocked my special interests and then got offended and played victim when I said this was ableist. They've sent suicide bait to me and my friends.
They've harassed others: they harassed a bi SH fan for asking them to stop saying it was icky to ship her with men until she left the fandom, they harassed someone who made a mod to turn Scratch into Astarion so they could see the animations (even calling this person as bad as Cazador), they harassed someone for making a headcanon about Astarion dancing with Tav, they harassed a lesbian who herself headcanons Karlach as a lesbian and doesn't like Karlach/Dammon but explained why others do, they harassed my friend Mish for saying she was okay with me writing CNC, they sent suicide bait to another friend of mine and said she deserved to get raped so she would sympathize with Mint, causing her to have a mental breakdown and have to go to the hospital for 24 hours, and every time someone pushes back against them, this group weaponizes their identity by saying that person is bigoted against their identity- while ignoring (at best) the marginalized identities that person has, or at worst, furthering oppression against them (I.E. their repeated ableist comments, including one of them snarling at another user about "enjoying your grippy sock vacation")
And despite all these vile things this group of people have done, people are still believing them and sending more harassment to myself and my friends in their defense.
I'm fucking tired.
I'm tired of defending myself. I'm tired of losing people I considered friends to their lies. I'm tired of having my inbox invaded by these vile people.
They are wearing at my mental health and this already made me relapse on one of my addictive behaviors and I am fighting really hard not to do the other one. I'm tired. I loved this fandom and I loved contributing my ideas. I get so many messages from people saying I made them feel seen or made them connect to Halsin's character, and getting a message from a survivor that my posts gave them the words they were lacking for what happened to them and they were able to work through it in counseling was honestly one of the best things to ever happen to me. I really don't want to lose that. Ever. But I can't keep doing this.
I'm not bigoted to my own identity. I don't hurt people. I don't fetishize rape. I'm tired of being a broken record and not being believed because that group is so good at fragilizing themselves. I can't do it anymore.
I just wanted to share my thoughts about a fictional bear man because it made me happy and so many parts of him gave me courage. I wanted to give up cynicism like he did. I wanted to find his strength to take care of people.
But I am honestly very close to regretting ever joining this fandom. I have gained so much from it, it helped my mental health immensely, but this shit has put me in an even WORSE place mentally than i was before I joined.
I don't know what to do. I'm just tired of the way, no matter how much I epitomize "living your best life" I get treatment from these people that I honestly wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
I have a lot of painful feelings right now and I don't know what to do anymore. It just hurts and I think everyone would be better off if I'd never made this blog to begin with.
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kuningannasansa · 9 months
spoilery thoughts on the spin off
i'm glad they didn't whitewash Berlin and kept him as the psycho creep he is, i was laughing so hard when he was having his "fuck the french" rant, that's my boy! i've seen some reviews complain that the love story doesn't work cause berlin is creepy but i'm glad he is, he is meant to be a creep and nobody does it better!
they do try to go full romantic in the end there and I dont like that he's still obsessed with her months later, it's more in character for him to lose interest now he's had her and she's become sad and a human being off the pedestal, plus he got the better of the husband so there's no competition left, i figured that's where they were going but apparently not... but then it's left open ended enough that i don't really mind. and i'm glad she got the money though, she deserves to get something out of all this.
i'm glad the blackmail didn't work, that would have been silly if they got the better of Berlin so easily, especially given that camille is... dumb... i'm sorry but... "who could possibly be framing my husband? definetly not the creep who showed up 2 weeks ago and has suspiciously large sums of cash lying around". she's waaay dumber than his usual type, tatiana & palermo & nairobi were all intelligent
i'm glad they explained why this gang isnt in the mint heist, they're all blown and the police has their pictures
i'm cool with bruce/kayla they're cute
i do not give a shit about cameron and her dumbass backstory, she's not tokyo and i didn't like the callback shots or the fact that a guy in a band dating a teenage fan isn't seen as fucked up
damian is also a creep and it makes sense that he would be, as berlin's friend, but I hated that lady hearing him yell at his wife and then still go for him, have some self preservation god!
Idk if they intended for Andres and Roi to come across that gay for each other, probably not, but dude literally emerges from a steamy bathroom with his shirt open and sighs "Roi" come on!
Loved every second of Alicia and Raquel and I wish they'd had more to do!
feminist masterpiece this ain't, but it was a very fun heist romp and kept me entertained and amused throughout
my biggest complaint - WHY THE FUCK DO THEY CALL HIM BERLIN????? that is a code name he doesnt pick until the mint heist!! have some respect for your audience, people are not dumb they can understand that andres = berlin
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barbwillbrb · 2 months
just wanted to jump in an say words can't explain how much i love your ocs. i want to know everything about them. what are their favourite colours? what do they do when they can't sleep? do they like certain fabrics? EVERYTHING.
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What are their favorite colors?
Rackal: Blue, gold (like goldenrod, not jewelry), dusty pink/red (if you guessed the last one is because of Meirin, you are CORRECT)
Clairice: Purple and silver
Mortimer: Any shade of green that you can find in nature (because he didn't see much of the outside world while imprisoned)
Lucille: PINK.
Hubie: Yellow, pastel blue, mint green/pale green and blueish grey (like stormclouds)
What do they do when they can't sleep?
Rackal: He will go off and train/work out privately, in hopes that he can exhaust himself to sleep. Walking Scratch, if he's awake as well.
Clairice: Going to take a sleep potion. If she can't fall sleep, she will make herself sleep.
Mortimer: Usually up reading/journaling or working on cantrips (canon/warlock) or spells (AU/still wizard)
Lucille: Will go for a walk. Will come back with pockets full of shit-- most likely carrion, cool rocks, and flowers. Alternative: stargazing.
Hubie: Crochets or knits. If it's early in the morning/they reason they can just stay awake, Hubie will just start their day.
Do they like certain fabrics?
Rackal: Prefers cottons and linens (gravitates towards light, cool fabrics), and likes lose-fitted, easy-to-move-in clothes. HATES wool and silk.
Clairice: Cottons for the most part, but also loves leathers. Not a fan of silks--on her. Likes silk on her lover(s).
Mortimer: Likes linens, silks, and very soft, warm wools, but usually wears something more durable-- sturdy cottons and leathers.
Lucille: Wool. She runs very cold.
Hubie: Both linens and soft wools.
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barely-coherent · 10 months
What Class 1-A smells like
A/N- It's here y'all
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Smells, for lack of a better term, feminine
There's of course the smallest trace of cheese but we don't talk about that
We do not tolerate Aoyama Yuga slander in this household 😤
But he smells like really expensive feminine perfume
There's like floral scents along with this hint of almost sweetness?
Girl is spicy
Not too much
It's residual acid that adds the spiciness
But other than that
She smells like candy
You know the smell of strawberry taffy?
She smells like that
Ever been out by a lake at night with the crisp, cool air and you can't help but breathe in deeply?
She smells like nature
She reminds you of lazy days, sitting with your legs in the lake
I'm not gonna lie to y'all
He smells like smoke and sweat
His engines are part of his body, naturally he's gonna smell like an engine
And that reciprocal burst?
That works up a SWEAT
He's very hygienic though
He showers often because he can't tarnish the Iida name by smelling bad
So you can always smell the exhaust but more often than not, you smell his soap too
He uses that dawn bar soap though
She smells like how bubbles make you feel
Just the simple euphoria that popping bubbles brings
She smells like that
That's just how she smells, I don't make the rules
Mans smells like the "clean laundry" scent of deodorant
You can also smell hair gel
Cause you can tell his hair is PACKED DOWN
That shit is going NOWHERE
Wouldn't doubt if you told me his hair is just full of glue
I haven't seen a single strand out of place this whole damn series
He smells... burnt?
Okay, probably not, but have you ever been electrocuted?
He smells like how that feels
If y'all haven't been electrocuted... I can't help you
If you have a taser you can like use it on yourself? For like 0.1 second and you'll get it
I love this man but you cannot deny that he uses axe body spray
Fortunately he doesn't use a shit load
He uses just as much as he needs and that's it
Thank fuck, am I right?
Once he was like "I should ask Todoroki to make a flame thrower!"
And Todoroki was like "No"
Shut him down immediately
He trains his quirk by being outside and talking to animals, of course he's gonna smell like he's outside
He smells sweet, like sugar
His quirk relies on baking and sugar, he's gotta smell at least a little like sugar
But it probably makes him smell like freshly baked pastries and such
I like to imagine he smells like sage and cinnamon
He just gives off sage and cinnamon vibes
I dunno what to tell you
Look at that man and tell me he doesn't smell like that
Try and tell me he doesn't smell earthy
Try and say he doesn't smell warm
Ever met that alt girl in your high-school class?
Everyone is scared of her but then she's the sweetest girl you've ever met?
You know the one
They all smell the same
I'm only saying this because every "alt baddie" I've ever met...
They know I'm neurodivergent
They know that I find comfort with aromatherapy
I heavily subscribe to the latino Sero theory
He smells like traditional Spanish cooking
You can smell the saffron and paprika
Occasionally you get a whiff of cumin
He smells good, that's all I'm gonna say
If I hear anyone say he doesn't smell like charcoal I'm gonna lose it
He gives off STRONG charcoal and mint vibes
I can't explain it, I just feel it in my soul
He smells like charcoal and mint and I stand by that
He also gives mint vibes
Maybe like mint and cinnamon?
Either way, it's a sharp scent
Who knows, maybe he uses mint body wash and cinnamon toothpaste
But either way he has a very sharp smell about him
She smells like... nothing
I feel like she'd have to
Like, her quirk relies entirely on her being undetectable
If she smells strongly of something, people are bound to notice
Not very helpful if she's trying to sneak around
I'm about to say something basic
And I'm also about to get way too scientific
So he sweats the equivalent of nitroglycerin right?
Well, a fun fact about nitroglycerin...
It smells somewhere between caramel and burnt sugar
He smells like CARAMEL
Supposedly it also tastes like caramel
You're welcome Bakugou nation
Let's be real, this man probably smells like baby powder
Baby powder or gym chalk
Probably a touch of something else that you would find in deodorant
Probably like the "fresh breeze" one or something
If there was like an All Might merch deodorant, he'd do that
He's such a fan boy hsjdjhdhd
I don't wanna spend too much time on this
He smells like grapes
He also probably ordered that cologne that was like "it has pheromones in it!"
And then it didn't work for him
That's it
She's got that brand name shit
But she probably smells like tea leaves
Like, she's lowkey a tea enthusiast
Remember when she made tea for the entirety of class 1A?
It's hard for me to imagine that was a one time thing
She has expensive perfume and smells subtly of tea
A queen
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