#more like peter petti-ew you nasty ass lying rat how could you betray my sweet potters
dirt-cup-draco · 5 years
Sirius x Reader- Mistakes
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Sirius was left stumped as you spun on your heel, tears filling your eyes as you brushed past Remus and James with a quiet, “excuse me”. He hadn’t see the tears however, so he assumed you were mad at him. Maybe you weren’t feeling well? Maybe it was that time of the month? How was he supposed to know? 
James’ frowned, sitting beside Sirius on the couch as Remus shook his head. “What did you say to her that made her cry?” 
“She wasn’t cryin’ Moony, she’s just mad at me,” Sirius shrugged, but he paused. Had you been crying? Why would you cry over something so silly?  Worry filled his veins but he played it off, pretending like the thought of you crying didn’t make him want to beat whoever was the cause to a pulp. And it seemed he had been the cause. 
“No, she was definitely crying,” James added and Sirius rolled his eyes, swatting the back of his friend’s head. 
“Her back was to me, how was I supposed to know turning her down would make her cry?” 
Remus and James went pale, heads snapping to their idiotic best friend. “What do you mean you turned her down? What was she saying to you?”
Sirius narrowed his eyes, standing. He felt like he was in the wrong now but didn’t understand why. He’d been nice! Or at least he’d been trying to be. 
“I didn’t mean to upset her!” He defended, “She asked if I wanted to be her date to the yule ball and I said she should go with someone better, who wasn’t just a friend, what’s so wrong about that?”
“Merlin, you are dense!” Remus groaned.
As James sighed, “You really messed up this time. Y/N doesn’t want to go as just friends,”
You sniffled into your pillow but quieted once one of your housemates came in. You felt pretty pathetic at the moment. Of course Sirius wouldn’t want to go with you. You must be like a little sister to him. You knew quite a few girls had already asked and he had politely turned them down, what made you different? You scoffed and sat up, rubbing at your eyes. You had been so excited after talking to Remus, he had reassured you that Sirius would love to go with you and it had given you the courage to ask but now you were dreading even going. 
You peered at the dress that was hung up neatly. It was so pretty, your parents had sent it not too long ago and it made you feel like a different person. It made you feel beautiful and interesting. You couldn’t let it hang and collect dust! You would find another date, and you would wear the dress and it would still be a great night, you decided. 
The next day you were in potions, fiddling nervously with your robes. You wanted to have this done before Sirius came in. Otherwise you would lose your nerve. Thankfully, he was almost always late. You slid out of your seat and made your way across the room to the handsome hufflepuff, Edgar Bones, that you had been friends with all year. “Do you mind if I sit here?” You asked and with a grin and a nod he was clearing a space for you.
“So, are you excited for the yule ball?” You questioned, trying to be sly but probably coming across very obvious. Your cheeks were already stained pink. After just being rejected, you were very worried that Edgar would say no as well, making you the least wanted girl in Hogwarts quite possibly.
“Um, I don’t actually have a date,” Edgar admitted, a shrug to his shoulders. “Besides, it seems a bit stuffy.” You deflated a bit. “Are you going with anyone?”
“Not yet, S-sirius turned me down, so no date either,” You stumbled over his name, head hung low in embarrassment. 
There was a commotion at the front of the class as Sirius scrambled in just moments before class started and you had to look away to keep your self sabotaging thoughts to a minimum. You had to be at least a little confident to get Edgar to go with you. 
Edgar noticed the sudden tension in your shoulders and flung his arm over your shoulders. He kissed the side of your head and then his lips were close to your ear, hot air tickling your neck as he said in a low voice, “Don’t worry I’ll be your rebound for the night,” You looked at him in surprise. He winked and focused back on the teacher. You wanted to correct him but he wasn’t completely wrong. You hadn’t thought to ask him before Sirius had said no. 
Sirius Black was pouting. He had been pouting since he arrived in potions and say stupid Edgar with his arm around your shoulder. You’d just asked Sirius to the ball why were you flirting with that hufflepuff anyway? Sirius liked Edgar, they were friends but why had he been so close to you? You liked Sirius. Or, thats what James had told him a couple of days ago. 
Right. He had turned you down. He had fucked up and missed his chance, as his friends had been more than happy to enlighten him about. How was he supposed to know you’d fancied him since first year? You were nice to everyone for Merlin’s sake! You’d had those big, starry doe eyes since you two met, he had no clue that to everyone else it was clear you had it bad. Sirius released a grumpy sigh and flung himself down on his bed. 
“Regretting all your life decisions?” Remus asked, strolling in with a smug look on his face. 
“Oh fuck off,” Sirius seethed, aiming a pillow right for his friends head. He ducked right in time and James released an “oof” as the pillow hit him square in the face instead. 
Peter scrambled around them and sat on his bed, silent for a moment but piping up eventually. “I saw Edgar and Y/N walking around by the black lake during lunch today, they looked like they were having a good time. Lily told Marlene who told me that they are going to the Yule ball together,” 
“She told Evans and didn’t tell us?” James scoffed but he hadn’t really been paying attention to Peter until Lily was mentioned. 
“I-I guess it just happened earlier today when they had class together,” Peter squeaked. 
“Who bloody cares who Y/N is going with!” Sirius finally exploded, leaving the dorm room with a whirl of his robes. 
The Yule Ball approached much sooner than you had anticipated but you had renewed your excitement. You and Edgar had been spending more time together, just so that it wouldn’t be awkward when you two had to dance. You’d been friends before but not as close. Now you could happily say that he was as close of a friend as the marauders are. 
You touched up your hair as your friends shuffled out of your dorm, giggling and smiling. Everyone was so excited. You met up with Edgar and couldn’t fight the smile that lit up your face. “You look great!” 
“And you look even better than that,” Edgar complimented, placing a kiss to your cheek. You had learned he was a very affectionate person. It didn’t bother you, you knew he was just being friendly. He led you into the great hall and another compliment and you were beaming. This was how tonight was supposed to go, all smiles and wonder.
It was much later in the night, a slow song was playing. Edgar’s hand was warm against your back, the other one gripping your free hand gently, as you swayed to the music. “He’s staring,” He said, lips close to your ear once again. “Sirius, I mean,” 
Your heart jumped in your throat, “He is?” You croaked. Edgar nodded. 
“I don’t think he has a date, he’s been looking at you all night though. Hell, half the people here have been,” Your cheeks burned at the compliment. And Edgar laughed softly. 
“Have more faith in yourself, love. You’re stunning,” His fingers fell away from yours and tilted your chin up. You weren’t able to meet his eyes but you nodded, knowing he was being honest. Edgar was truly kind. You almost wished you had feelings for him. 
You were startled when Edgar let out a bark of laughter and you looked up to him in confusion. “I don’t think Sirius likes me being so close to you, he looks like he wants to rip my head off,” 
You felt some anger surge through you. If he was jealous it was his own fault! You had asked him to come with you and he’d said no. It was his loss. “Well, I don’t care what he thinks,” You said, stepping closer to Edgar so you were hip to hip, chest to chest. You let your nails slide down the back of his neck as you leaned up to kiss him. Edgar kissed back but after a moment pulled away, hands sturdy on your hips. 
“Y/N... You don’t want me, love. Lets not do anything you’ll regret just because youre mad at Black, yeah? You’re....very attractive and I hate myself for stopping you but I know your heart isnt in it.” 
You were ashamed of yourself. He was right. “I’m so sorry Edgar, I really like you,” 
“And I like you too, you’re an amazing friend, now go get him before he hexes some poor kid out of spite,” You laughed softly and kissed Edgar’s cheek, stepping away as you saw Sirius bolt out of the great hall. Taking off your heels you chased after him. 
“Sirius wait!” You hollered as he sped off down the corridor. Damn his long legs. He spun around and an unreadable look passed over his eyes. 
“Y/N...” He spoke softly, not giving away anything except for the tense position of his jaw. He was certainly wound up about something. Edgar had given you some hope it was you. “Why aren’t you back in there with what’s-his-face?” 
Sirius knew Edgar, he really liked the kid but he was feeling petty. He was surprised that you had even noticed he’d left. You’d seemed to enjoy snogging Edgar just moments early. Your lips were still slightly plump and red. Your dress was amazing, that couldn’t be denied. But the dress wasn’t what made you beautiful. You always had been and Sirius was cursing himself for not saying yes.
You rolled your eyes at him and some anger sparked in him. “I wanted to talk to you, is that alright?” You said with a surprising amount of sass. 
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“It just seems like you’d rather be anywhere else right now,” 
“Well, wouldn’t you rather be snogging Edgar? Maybe if you ask nice you’ll get laid and loosen up a bit!” 
“What is your problem!?” You seethed. “Where did that even come from? And who I’m with is no concern of yours whether we are kissing or more or doing nothing at all, you prick!” 
“Well Prongs and Moony told me you fancy me, but now your attached to the hip with some other guy! You’re more fickle than I thought,” He sneered. 
Angry tears were already beginning to spill. You had wanted to talk to him but he was being impossible. How could he say those things about you? You’d done nothing to him. 
“Fine you bastard! I don’t need you anyway, maybe I will go back to Edgar. At least he cares! I was going to tell you that I hadn’t wanted to go to the yule ball together as just friends but now I don’t even want to be your friend...” You sniffled, all your anger gone.
Before Sirius could say anything you were gone. With a frustrated groan, and tears of his own fighting to be released he sagged against the stone wall of the corridor. He really had messed up big time.  
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