#more like to admit to it would've killed careers
favvn · 4 months
You know what else drives me crazy about The Naked Time? This exchange:
It isn't just because of Spock saying, "Jim, when I feel friendship for you, I am ashamed" or "Understand, Jim. I've spent a whole lifetime learning to hide my feelings." Although, that absolutely is part of it, the fact that Spock is locked into his regret over not telling his mother he loved her and his shame at realizing that, despite all his work to adhere to Vulcan principles, he still feels love. It's that gap between duty versus desire, between expectations versus wants, and what remains in spite of the pressure. (I realize his words parallel a love confession in any other context, between any heterosexual couple, and that fandom looks to his shame as a confirmation of internalized homophobia, but the biggest issue for Spock is that love, sorrow, shame--all powerful emotions--still exist for him. He is not a Vulcan if he feels these emotions and gives into them. He is only a half-Vulcan and half-Human, caught between worlds and the judgments and expectations of two very different societies.)
It's because Kirk changes his phrasing of "We've got to risk a full-power start!" to, "We've got to risk implosion!" Implosion, like many words, holds multiple meanings. The intended meaning is "a violent collapsing inwards," the opposite of explosion. But implosion can mean integration, a coming together towards a single center point. We've got to risk coming together. We've got to risk integration. And Spock responds, "It's never been done." They repeat these lines twice. Repetition is a device to call attention in writing. Why have Kirk say they have to risk a full-power start twice before only to change it to implosion and repeat it twice? The two phrases mean something different, but it's important enough to bear repeating. (One could argue it is sloppy writing, or perhaps a case of actors failing to remember their lines, but what are the odds it was either of those, especially with someone as thoughtful as Leonard Nimoy. Either a writer is a professional who understands the power of words, or everything is somehow coincidental, holds no actual meaning, and writers don't think carefully about word choice and meaning, especially in an era where nuance can make or break a story on the screen.)
In the 1960s, during the time of the Hays Code, of course, two men couldn't be together as a couple on TV or in film, not even in space, in a time set centuries beyond our present. But damn if the dialogue can not hint at it, dance around it in plain sight. Again, Kirk and Spock's relationship must exist in the margins, between the lines, encased in nuance and multiple meanings, because to use explicitly clear phrasing would mean it all gets cut.
Hence, this bit of dialogue. The slaps become Spock catching Kirk's hand and holding it steady--direct sustained contact, a coming together, implosion. Spock is torn between regret and shame and love, while Kirk shouts about the ship being destroyed and ending the lives of the crew, their shared duty to the ship. The dialogue is Spock's turmoil writ large--do what must be done, accept two separate halves becoming a whole (is it Spock's two halves or Kirk and Spock? I'll leave that up to you), or remain apart and give into despair. But Kirk tells him their only chance is to risk implosion, to come together, and they have to take that chance.
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deer-carcasses · 7 months
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
a deeper look into Alastor's solo part of the final song
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The entire soundtrack has been stuck in my head since the show ended, but Alastor's part of the final specifically has been playing on a loop in my brain since I first heard it.
The slow downward pan from the Vee's feeling like they are now finally able to take over the city to the upward pan with Alasto's song starting was a fantastic choice, the contrast in their emotions, in the music, and still it all fit perfectly together.
"This place reeks of death," is such an underrated opening for this song in my eyes. We know Alastor is a cannibal, we've seen him eat a dead deer before, [^1] which would point toward him not having a problem with the smell of death and decay, but he goes out of his way to mention it smells of death. I don't think he truly meant the smell of death in this scene though. He might be talking about the death of his career if he had gotten killed in his fight with Adam. The line "Great Alastor, Altruist, died for his friends" is not him referring to himself as an altruist, it is the headlines he already sees if he truly would have died, seemingly for his friends, for the hotel. The way he follows it up with "Sorry to disappoint, this is not where it ends" shows this. It's him stating how absurd it is, but that this would be the story everyone would be thinking should it have happened. But I also feel like he says it because he knows there's the tiniest of truths behind it. Why did he fight Adam alone? Why did he fight in the first place? For the hotel, for his friends. As much as Alastor hates to admit it, he has gotten closer to the people in the hotel for sure, especially when we look at how he interacts with them all. He seems friendlier, even if it's just for show and to keep up his facade, but he truly does act like he at least cares a little but about them. The look he has while even saying it speaks volumes, he looks truly terrified of the implication that hell could see him as an altruist in this fight.
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At first, his smile was an angry snarl, aggression about being humiliated by losing this fight clearly written all over his smile. But then it turns genuinely afraid like he fears the mere concept of being seen as a decent person, not even a good person, just decent enough to fight for the people in the hotel.
He digs his nails into his scalp, dragging his hands down the side of his face, but not at the prospect of dying, but at the idea of what would've come after he had died. [^2] At the idea that all of hell would know he not only died but died for someone else. Before this thought of what other people in hell would think of him, he looked more angry, enraged that Adam even dared be an opponent that Alastor had to run from in order to get out of there alive. His reaction is surprisingly human considering how Alastor normally holds himself. Sure he was alone ignoring the eyes following him around his destroyed radio tower, [^3] There's no one here that he would have to lie to, but he knows better than anyone that you're never truly alone in hell, so it still surprised me how honest he was with the viewers in this moment. It's the most we see of him that doesn't seem to be a character, a facade.
His whole persona is this blatant mask he wears constantly, obvious to everyone who knows him. He even admitted to Charlie that his smile is not real in the slightest. But it works. Every scene where Alastor was talking before his Breakdown Ballad in the finale, I second-guessed every single word that left his mouth. Wondering if it all is a performance. I see a lot of people online with the same thought, looking at everything he says twice, trying to see any hidden meaning, any clue as to what he truly wants to say behind words that, if said by any other character, would've been the least interesting thing ever. And even then, his fake smile keeps in place, even if the actual emotions behind it are clear as day, while alone in his destroyed tower. It might be to fool himself like he fools others, but I think his smile is not able to be dropped, let it be part of his deal or part of his punishment, Alastor will never be seen without his smile. [^4]
Overall i feel like Alastor does care about the Hotel staff and guests to a certain extent. I can't fully trust it, and I'd be less than surprised if I were to be wrong, but there are scenes where he seems too much like he cares.
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Moving along on the song, the next lyrics are rather straightforward forward "I'm hungry for freedom like never before. The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor" circling back to what I mentioned above. His current goal is to escape this deal that is constricting his powers, powers that would most likely have saved him from the injury he sustained. The next and final lines"Once I figure out how to unclip my wings. Guess who will be pulling all the strings?" strongly point towards how he is unable to use his full strength, that his full potential can't be reached while he is still under this deal he made. The thought of Alastor not being at his full potential in his fight with Adam is on some level truly terrifying, a Sinner can reach these kinds of powers in hell that he is able to fight someone like Adam, the first man, someone with approximately the same amount of power Lilith must have? I've just today talked to a friend of one about it. Yes, Alastor lost the fight, but he held up quite well and was a worthy opponent to the point that Adam had to seriously take a second, stop joking around, and concentrate on the fight to get a single hit on Alastor. All of this while Alastor also got a few hits in, not as strong as the ones he had to endure later on, but still. They were hits.
Regardless, in the end, Alastor came very close to dying, and that was for a cause that wasn't just for himself. Seeing what Adam did to the Hotel (or Sir Pentious while we're at it), Alastor has to honestly be glad he even survived that blow directly to his chest. There surely was some plot armor behind this decision, but it's still believable when we trust the theory that Alastor made a deal with someone far more powerful than anyone expects.
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This show, and Alastor specifically, has taken over my thoughts completely.
[^1]: in my eyes his being a cannibal points to how he has a need for superiority. To always prove his worth. In his days alive he was a serial killer, a hunter, and now in hell, he has aspects of a deer, a prey animal. The cannibalism is purely to show that he is still on top, that he is superior even to those similar to him, to those that are the same as him. He might have characteristics of a prey animal, but he stays the hunter.
[^2]: this strengthens my theory that Alastor is also afraid of dying whiteout escaping the deal he is currently still bound to. I touch on it in this post a bit more clearly, it's almost at the end of the post.
[^3]: I'd like to link everyone to this post for some thoughts on the eyes in this scene. It's incredibly well written and I couldn't have phrased it better.
[^4]: the closest we ever get to not seeing him, or more part of him, not smiling is shortly before he vanishes from the fight with Adam. His shadow can be seen frowning in the background before quickly correcting itself. It's a blink-and-you-miss-it kind of situation.
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12romy · 10 months
32 and 54 please! Chewis!! 🩵 (you are incredible!)
Hi dearie, thank youuuu! So 32 is Pregnancy fic, and 54 is secret relationship... I decided to write something absolutely self-indulging, and went with ALL the clichés XDD
Hope you'll like it, enjoy~
With how often Lewis touches his own belly, he's scared people might end up noticing, but he can't help himself.
He started to show, and it made him feel warm every time he looked at himself. Charles is probably worse than him, anyway. He can't keep his hands off Lewis' small bump every time they're together.
Lewis is so glad the season is coming to an end. He's getting tired, and starts to have back pain - although that could be because of the car. He's taking a year off. The pregnancy was not planned, but a welcome surprise. They both cried when they found out, and Charles still gets emotional about it sometimes.
The news of his retirement - he doesn't know if it will be a temporary one yet - should come out Monday morning, after they both leave Abu Dhabi. The country is not very nice to male carriers.
After long talks, Lewis decided to announce his pregnancy and come out. His relationship with Charles, however, will stay a secret for now. Ferrari was not very enthusiastic at the thought of him coming out.
Lewis knows that Charles feels bad about it, but himself doesn't mind. He hasn't been out for his entire career, he doesn't want to force his partner to come out.
Of course, things don't go as smoothly as planned. During qualifying, Max crashes him out.
Lewis grunts in pain as his car hits the wall, Max spinning off a little further away. Panic hits immediately, and he checks his stomach, frantic. He's fine, he's not hurting, and there is no blood - only then can he breathe again.
He also realises at that point that his left wrist hurts more than it should.
"Lewis!" someone calls, and it should be Bono but it's not, it's the voice of his boyfriend.
Lewis turns his head and realises that yes, Charles is here, running toward him. He wasn't in the crash, why is he…
"Lewis, oh my god, are you okay?" he asks again, close.
"Charles, I'm fine," he replies quickly. "We're fine, everything is fine. Fuck, I'm sorry, you must've been so worried…"
"Don't apologise, it's not your fault!" Charles shakes his head. "I'm so relieved that you're okay… I thought my heart was about to stop when I saw the crash. Let's get you out."
He helps Lewis unstrap and pulls him out of the car gently. Lewis doesn't miss the arm wrapped around his waist and his hand conveniently on his lower stomach.
Max comes to them, then, a confused expression on his face. "You're a medic, now, Leclerc?" he taunts. "What the fuck was that, Hamilton?"
"I'm sorry what?" Charles says dryly before Lewis can speak. He lets go of Lewis, stomping toward Max. "That was all your fault!"
"It was not! Why are you defending him? He's fucking fine, what's wrong with you?" Max scoffs.
"What wrong with-" Charles starts, cuts himself with a laugh of disbelief, then screams. "What's wrong with me is that you crashed into my pregnant boyfriend! You could've killed my child you fucking bastard!"
Before Lewis can stop him, Charles punches Max square in the face, making him stumble backward. Ouch, Max shouldn't have taken off his helmet - actually, scratch that, he's pretty sure Charles would've gone for a kick in the balls otherwise.
"Charlie, enough!" Lewis calls, Charles freezing. "I'm fine, and the baby is fine. I'm gonna get checked at the medical wing, just to be sure, okay? Just continue the quali, I'll be fine."
"No way, I'm coming with you," Charles refuses right away. I'm taking engine penalty anyway, who fucking cares."
"I'm not leaving you right now. We are in trouble, I bet, with all the cameras around… I don't think either of us should stay alone."
"I have to admit, our plan to keep our relationship under wrap is pretty much busted now…"
"I don't know if I really regret it…" Charles hesitates. Lewis takes his hand, gently. The moment was broken with Max angrily grabbing Charles by the shoulder.
"What the fuck mate, what kind of joke is that?" he spits out, angry. The marshalls arrive to separate them before it can get out of hand again - thankfully. Charles insists on following Lewis in the medical car and doesn't let go of him until they have to get out. His own hand doesn't leave his stomach for a second.
They do an echography first, to confirm everything is okay, and the adrenaline from the crash finally comes down. Lewis is crying from relief before he realises what's happening.
"Hey, don't cry," Charles tells him gently. "It's all okay, now…"
"I know, I know… I think my wrist is sprained, so I'm not gonna race tomorrow."
"You what???" Charles screams out. "Lewis, why didn't you say so?"
"Sorry, I kinda… Forgot."
Twenty minutes later, Lewis' wrist is in a sling, and they are ready to leave. The front of the medical wing is swarming with journalists waiting for them, however, same as the back entry.
It looks like they don't really have the choice but to confront them. At least, their teams had sent them two bodyguards, which will hopefully be enough.
"I'm sorry for this," he tells Charles.
"Not your fault, Lew," he shrugs. "I'm the one who rushed to your car. It might be easier, not having to hide."
"I hope it will be," Lewis sighs.
"You're ready?"
"I am," he says, taking Charles' hand. "Let's do this."
Charles pushes the door open, and Lewis' hand flies to his stomach out of habit. They would be fine, the three of them.
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Sidenote: I started both of them before you put the Canon in my ask. They're a bit wonky
Price who can't stand seeing Johnny's face anymore, so he starts to put little sticky notes over it in any photo that shows him.
He refuses to fill the spot soap left empty, regardless of how many times laswell presses the topic. Mumbling something about honor and respecting the dead.
Price doesn't want to admit it but soap dying hit him harder than anticipated, he feels responsible for getting him killed. He starts contemplating if maybe just maybe he is getting too old for active duty. Somebody younger would've noticed the ambush he thinks.
He gets to a point where he takes gaz off the team, just for this mission he says. It's nothing more than him being selfish, not wanting to see another mother lose her son.
A son that looked up to him, he doesn't want to let another person down, especially not if it's puts them six feet under.
Gaz who doesn't want the gloves off anymore, he's wanting to hole up somewhere and never go out again. His entire world is breaking apart right in front of him, he knew that this kind of career would bring tragedies like this but he didn't think that they would happen.
He isn't a coward, he never has been, kyle always prized himself on his strong mental game but for the first time in his life he finds himself waking up at 3am, drenched in sweat, dreaming of that God forsaken tunnel. If a stellar soldier like soap was so easily taken, what stops the enemy from taking himself.
Kyle doesn't want to admit it but part of him starts to distrust Price, it's not something he's proud of. It's a mix of soap dying, prices self justice and ghost going off the rails somewhere in Scotland.
Extra: something about Kyle replaying Johnny telling him that he would beat his course time someday
"Johnny telling him that he would beat his course time someday"
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Also, proof that I did think of this scenario before (for my OC's fanfic) but in it it's Ghost making the call:
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
More than whether he has a girlfriend or not, JK's persistence in feeding his y/n's delusions is annoying. And then he wonders why his fans are so crazy and stalkery. If you leave your gate open and house unlocked, I won't be able to act like it's not partially your fault when you get robbed blind. So if you spend all your time making statements like ARMYs are my girlfriends and ohh I have no time for one, and then your fans stalk you to the gym, or spend their hours trying to look into your house - I don't want to victim blame but maybe JK should take some responsibility too especially since he's obviously benefiting in other ways which is why he keeps doing this.
I'm glad Jimin grew out of this phase - he always set boundaries but he used to be a bit more lenient indulging this sort of behaviour in the past. Nowadays he almost always (sweetly) shuts y/n's down and even shipping-wise, he treats all the members pretty similarly - not that that helps much but still. JK with his y/n's and Tae with his shippers - they should really tone it down.
- I doubt JK is lying but all he said is that he doesn't have a girlfriend. He didn't confirm or deny the video. Chances are she's just a hookup and today's remarks will be enough to kill this whole discourse. Plus he posted a new Tiktok so that'll be a good distraction too.
Well it stemmed from a pretty gross violation of privacy so it's just as well I guess.
Tae should take some notes honestly. Him staying mum during the photo leaks, the whole following and unfollowing Jennie ig debacle and the (in my opinion) botched soft launch of their relationship in Paris - that was one L after another.
No, he didn't say it wasn't him in the video. And there are more photos of him inside his apartment, from the same angle of the video. I only saw one where he's cooking and it's literally the same kitchen, same trashbins and all. I'm pretty sure it is him in that video.
I also never said that was his girlfriend, just a girl he was having sex with, so this changes nothing for me because my question was "is it Jungkook in that video?" no "does Jungkook have a girlfriend right now?" There is a difference.
Besides, he said he's not going to sue them - why couldn't he have clarified that it's not him in the video in the same sentence? Just saying that someone was spreading lies about him, or spreading false footage claiming it's him would've been fine. He confirmed tho that there's something that could be sued, he's just not going to. He also said he doesn't have a girlfriend right now because he wants to work. But back then when the video was allegedly filmed he wasn't working, so.
Not to mention everyone -shippers included- saying "he should sue those stalkers" like girlssss I thought that wasn't him being stalked? JSKSJD but well. That's about the fandom and not really about him.
I can't with jikookers tho, because some others are saying "well, he's not going to admit to having a girlfriend" and they're right. Jikookers have spent two years calling Jimin and Jungkook liars but now they're trying to act like the bigger person acting like they're offended at people calling him opportunistic and an editor of the truth. Like they don't do that themselves everytime their imagination of jikook doesn't fit reality.
For the record, I actually believe they would deny a girlfriend even if they had one. I said that months and months ago, that they would deny a relationship if it was the best thing to do because they're putting their careers first. ESPECIALLY Jungkook now, who's so desperate for fame. He'd literally be the first to deny a girlfriend the most vehemently even if he had one.
Not to mention it was the wrong place and time to say "actually yeah I have a girlfriend". Like I'm going to need people to be real.
The women who date people like them know that. They know they're not going to be acknowledged publicly. Chen was it? From exo. He's not even as famous as BTS and he never admitted to having a girlfriend, even though a lot of his fans already knew about it. He only came through when he had to get married, and that's what most do. So, if idols who are far less popular than BTS are keeping their romantic lives private, do army really think BTS -who have way more to lose- wouldn't do the same?????
As fun as gossip is and sometimes you just want to watch the world burn, I also don't really believe that they should admit to relationships. Part of me thinks that in case of taennie for example, all those photos were leaked and they've been seen together, they should've acknowledged it out of respect. On the other hand, they don't really owe anyone an explanation.
There's stuff that bothers me on a personal level, like once Harry Styles said he's never had a public relationship, when in fact everyone in the world who's interested could make a timeline of every single relationship he's ever had in his life because of how public he was about it. But... the thing is he was seen in public with his girlfriends but he never acknowledged them to the public. He doesn't get asked about them in interviews, fans don't ask him about it either. He doesn't even speak to the fans outside of his concerts. He definitely never brings up his girlfriends on conversations either. He doesn't show up to events with them.
So that bothered me a lot when he said that because it's very gaslight-y imo. Like, dude... we've seen it all. We've seen you with them. And the thing about taennie is pathetic to me in a similar fashion because we've also seen it and everybody pretends it doesn't exist. And the thing about following her on Instagram and victimizing himself like the app had done something wrong to him. That was so shitty. One thing Taehyung does have in his favor is that at least he never really denied it either.
In conclusion, I'm just a girl and human and sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me and there's a lot of lingering frustration about not knowing everything. At the same time, logically and empathetically, I understand that people are under no obligation to disclose personal information.
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kiss-my-freckle · 5 months
Full Episode Commentary
1x10: The Turning Point
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A great title for this episode. It means to change direction. They're shifting from Emily's talisman to John Gilbert's journal. They have to open that tomb because it's the only way for Damon to move forward. He's a metaphoric tomb vampire. What Damon goes through with Katherine and the tomb and even her return is something I fully understand, so I have no problem addressing the fact that as pissed as Katherine is with Damon, he needed to get it open. It's not fair that she gets to fake her death and string him along for 145 years. It's time to cut those strings. There's a reason I have more respect for Isobel.
I honestly feel bad for Logan because he just patched things up with Jenna, now he has to suffer the insanity of vampirism. He tries to get her to invite him in the house. Elena is thrilled to see Jeremy sketching. She hasn't seen him like this since their parents died. She basically got her brother back. The reason she decided Damon was worth saving. A shame it would've been for Stefan to kill Damon, given what he sees in the series finale. This is not a redemption story for Damon, but a resurrection story. That's why he's given the cure.
Stefan wants to live as far away from Damon as possible. This is due to the fact that Stefan wants to live a human life. He wants to feel human. He doesnt want Damon reminding him that he's a vampire, reminding him that he should feel guilty because he's the one that turned him into a vampire, so he doesn't want Damon in his life. "Seriously, where are you going? Because we are not staying in this town." It's insane to me that Stefan still believes he has the right to dictate Damon's life. It's up to Damon whether or not he stays in Mystic Falls, not Stefan. Comments like this only showcase Stefan's need to control other people. Liz shows up at their door because Logan has been dropping bodies. Logan completely voided Damon's reason for killing Lexi, and Stefan gets to overhear Damon talk about his reason for killing her. "I'm sorry. I don't understand. I thought we solved that problem when I staked the blond one."
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It's career night at the hight school. They're hanging banners for the event. "The Promise of Your Future." Tyler's response to seeing Matt and Caroline together is hilarious. "Maybe it's for the best. I mean, what kind of future could you have had with him even if he stayed?" The future banner falls on Bonnie and Elena while they discuss her and Stefan. Here's your sign lol.
One of the differences between Stefan and Elena is that Stefan never stops assuming things about Damon. Elena eventually stops because she knows better. This scene is hilarious to me because even after Damon just killed his best friend to fix their problem with the council, Stefan assumes he actually turned someone into a vampire. Stefan admits this when he speaks to Elena about it. Because it's an idiotic assumption, I very much enjoy Damon's response. "Get off of me. A... don't touch me. B... if I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it. C... There's another vampire in town." Stefan is insanely controlling. He acts like he has to stay in town as if he's the only one who can protect Mystic Falls from a vampire. "No, I can't leave now and you know that." He has absolutely no reason to stay in town when they have a vampire killing council, he's using Logan as an excuse to stay, period. You see Damon pull this same thing with Connor in 4x3. Stefan stops in to warn Elena about the vampire, which was the only thing he needed to do before leaving town. Liz already knew, so it's not like Stefan had to stay in town to take care of it. Damon uses Caroline to help him track Logan with the vampire compass. Damon heads into some kind of warehouse where Logan sneaks up with wooden bullets and shoots him to his knees.
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Damon is hellbent on finding out who turned Logan because he knows Logan was part of the council. He knows Logan wasn't turned by just any vampire. "I keep killing and I like it. I'm conflicted." Damon suffers the same dilemma because Katherine taught him how to kill and how to enjoy it. Logan lacks the teachings that Katherine gave Damon, so he's learning as he goes, but I consider them alike in certain ways.
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I consider this Damon's "future" banner, and meant to appear as it does because he wasn't able to attend. Liz and Mr. Lockwood talk about their vampire problem. Caroline walks out because she catches Matt and Elena chatting it up. They're actually flirting with each other when Stefan walks in. They cut back to Damon and Logan, both calm enough to talk to each other in a civil manner. "Well, you probably love her. Anything you felt before will be magnified now. You're gonna have to learn how to control that." Damon basically orders Logan to keep his emotions under control because he just fixed his problem with the council. This demand makes me question whether or not Damon was actually planning to let him live. As soon as Logan questions Damon about how they walk in the sun, Damon turns his daylight ring to hide it. This is when Damon first hears about the founding family journals. I love these scenes with Damon and Logan. Not only because of their conversation, but because of the lighting and the feel of their environment. It's like a two-person vampire meeting of the minds lol.
Stefan claims that he wanted to be a doctor, but couldn't because of his bloodlust, yet they had him working as an emt. He explains what life is like as a vampire. Every few years, he'd have to move on before anyone noticed he wasn't getting older, and he always left because he didn't have a choice. Elena's response is comical. Stefan basically described the kind of life Elena doesn't want to have. She's the kind of person that wants to set up roots. Being with a vampire can't offer her that. Every time they get into these little chats about the future, she never truly considers her future with him because she knows the vampire life isn't what she wants. She's more about the "here and now" rather than the future with him. That's why she can make a comment like this, yet turn around and sleep with Stefan. She has the time to enjoy the here and now.
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To put it bluntly, Elena can't be honest in her conversations about the future until she accepts the reality of what it means to be a vampire, and the very fact that a future with Stefan requires she sacrifice what she wants. Elena is hilarious, it's like she totally read my mind. "But please, if you're gonna leave, then just go." Stefan has absolutely no reason to still be in Mystic Falls. Logan is an excuse. He's only making it harder for her to say goodbye. Logan shows up at the event and confronts Stefan. It's one thing to confront Damon because he can handle a great deal of pain. Confronting Stefan is an entirely different matter because he's the stronger brother. Something both Logan and Mason are quick to understand.
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"Ok, listen to me very carefully. Do not, under any circumstances, talk to him again. I'm serious, Jenna, like ever!" Elena's response in this scene with Jenna is every bit because of Damon. Because he warned her. There's a beauty in seeing Elena take that moment from 1x6 and use what Damon told her to protect someone she loves. That's ultimately what he wanted for her because he cares. Stefan contacts Damon by phone and tells him Logan is at the high school. If Damon had plans to let Logan live, they're gone because Logan chose to fill him with wooden bullets before he left. Damon wants to kill him.
"Broadcast journalism? You don't even read the paper." Liz and Caroline are so hilarious to me. For Caroline, it's not about reporting the news, it's about the attention she gets from reporting the news. She wants the attention Logan gets. That's why broadcast journalism works for her, and she fulfills this dream in season 7. Logan confronts Liz because she's the one who buried him. Mr. Lockwood is a real piece of work with his werewolf gene. The level of violence in their home must be insane. He pulls Tyler and Jeremy out in the parking lot to finish their fight. Alaric interrupts and hilariously threatens Mr. Lockwood when he's the mayor of Mystic Falls.
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Logan abducts Caroline and threatens to turn her into a vampire. Total wrong move. Beautiful to watch Damon and Stefan pair up to save Caroline. Damon gives Liz their exact location before he deals with Logan. It's hilarious to me how desparate they are to figure out who turned Logan because they know it wasn't a new vampire. It was Anna. "I don't side with anyone. You pissed me off. I want you dead." Damon still demands to know the person who turned him, and Logan remains loyal af lol... he knows damn well who turned him.
Logan knows exactly what to say to Damon for the sake of his own survival. Another way into the tomb, so he's allowing Logan to walk. Damon is very quick on his feet. He's the kind of man you'd want in your corner in the midst of chaos. Not the strong brother, the smart brother. Strong only gets you so far. I love watching Tyler and Jeremy in this episode and in future episodes because they have these love triangle parallels with the two Salvatore brothers. Tyler and Jeremy basically try to befriend each other.
Stefan straight-up manipulates Elena. I say this, all-knowing they have a Delena parallel to these scenes in season 5. It's when Damon offers to drive Elena home. Because Stefan told her he was leaving town, he's playing on her desire for him to stay so that he has an excuse to stay because Logan is no longer an excuse he can use.
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I feel it's important to note Stelena's face-touching scene because I've spoken about this topic many times. Stefan hides his vampirism, Damon hides his humanity. It's because Damon hides his humanity from Elena that you'll never see her touch Damon's vampire face. She embraces Damon's human side.
With Stefan and Elena, it's what they are rather than who they are. He's a vampire and she's human. With Damon, it's who they are rather than what they are. That's why there's focus to Stefan's daylight ring and Elena's vervain necklace, but you don't see that type of focus with Delena... Damon and Elena are beyond that.
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See and feel the differene between Stelena and Delena. Understand why she touches Damon's face so often. lol... this scene between Alaric and Logan is fate stepping in. If not for Alaric killing Logan, not only would Damon and Elena not have gone to Atlanta together, but Noah would've gotten his hands on Elena. Alaric killing Logan is the only reason Damon leaves town to visit Bree. They pull this same fate in 3x22 when Alaric stakes Klaus... just thought I should point that out lol
Stefan and Elena after sex. "This room holds every memory that I've ever thought was important enough to hold on to." Not only the reason Damon trashes his room to get even, but the reason Stefan holds onto Katherine's photo. Denial is a bitch that way. Elena now sees what's important to Stefan. Something he should've told her before she slept with him. Hell, he should've told her the moment he admitted to being a vampire.
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Katherine will remain an issue even into season 2 because Stefan can't stop lying about her. The final two scenes, showing the fate of Delena's trip to Atlanta. Pay mind because you see the same thing in 3x22, that's where Damon's flashback comes in. "Katherine...."
Elena runs into Noah and flips her car.
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tragic-feline · 2 years
I just want to say, prompt #3 killed me, but I have a proposal. What if the trope ended with Villain being alone in some warehouse or something, and just saying “But- wait. What do I do now?” And just them being stumped, bot knowing what to do with themself.
Eh? Eh? You picking up what I’m putting down?
Time to put the tragic in tragic-feline MUAHAHAHA
Prompt 3 - part 2
Villain felt their heart sink as they watched the hero storm off for good. There was a flurry of emotions violently swirling within their stomach.
Part of them desperately wanted to chase after the hero, but they knew it would only make things worse. They didn't know how to feel. Is this good? Is this bad? What is even going on? it was difficult to comprehend the events that just played out before them.
The villain stood in the alleyway, frozen. Staring off at a brick wall in the distance. The street lamps flickered faintly as they heard cars speeding in the distance. The night felt empty, and the little things felt bigger.
There was no hero, not anymore. Only a villain. A villain who was so horrid they drove the hero away. Or at least that's what the villain thought. It was potentially the most brilliant thing the hero had ever done. Perhaps giving up was the key to ending the villain's criminal career all along.
The villain silently allowed themselves to collapse onto the ground, sitting still in the center of the dimly lit alleyway. The concrete below them was wet, It must've rained earlier in the day. The villain hadn't noticed until now, despite the recognizable scent of petrichor in the air.
Without the hero there to foil their plots and schemes, there wouldn't very much purpose in doing what they've always done. What were they to do with themselves now?
Absentmindedly, the villain slowly let their gaze fall to the ground. They felt as though what just happened couldn't have possibly have been real. This had to be some sort of bad dream, because they needed the hero.
They needed the hero more than they would've liked to admit, and the idea of losing the hero was almost unthinkable. Yet, here they were. They had exhausted the hero, and now they were alone. No more playful banter, no more schemes being ruined, and no more of those pleasant moments where they'd put their differences aside.
The villain was full of a deep and sorrowful kind of regret.
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insomniac-jay · 7 months
Singing My Life With His Words
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Synopsis: Christine's parents are gone for the weekend, and it brings an unexpected guest to her door.
@mayameanderings @floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @biandbored
Chicago was a beautiful city, Darius had to admit. It reminded him of a colder version of West Baton Rogue. As much as would've loved to take a nice tour of the city and see what it had to offer, he was only here for one purpose: his love. Amazing how easy it was to get his hands on Christine's information using her driver's license.
Christine hummed to herself as she cleaned the dishes. Soft music played from the living room. With her parents away, responsibilities of the house fell on her. Not that she minded, though, since she was only living with them until she found a good place in Central City. Afterwards, she'd pack her things and head out.
As she finished the last of the dishes, a familiar song came on.
"Strumming my pain with his fingers. Singing my life with his words. Killing me softly with his song."
The song was a personal favorite of Christine's ever since she was young, but tonight it hit different for some reason.
Christine hugged herself like there were a pair of arms wrapping around her and holding her to a strong chest. Cologne lingered, filling her senses. Silky hair brushing against her face.
She was thinking of him again.
During their last encounter, he was hiding from the authorities but still found the time for a romantic rendezvous with her. Sometimes she wanted to know just exactly who he was before he became the Music Meister.
Sighing, Christine prepared to retire for the night. As she passed by the window leading to the fire escape, a voice from outside filled her ear.
"Strumming your pain with my fingers. Singing your life with my words. Killing you softly with my song. Killing you softly with my song. Telling your whole life with my words."
Christine gasped as she pushed back the curtains. "Darius?!"
Darius smirked, taking a bow in the process. "The one and only, doll."
"What are you doing here?" Christine asked while letting him in. She hadn't even told him where she was from nor where she lived. Part of her wondered if she should change out of the lacy nightgown and into something more modest.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to see you." He took her hand in his, planting a kiss to her knuckles. "This is a nice place you've got."
"It isn't mine. My parents are away for the weekend." It always made Christine a little woozy how much taller Darius was than some of the men she encountered before. "I wouldn't steal anything if I were you. My mama will know and she don't care if you're the maestro of villainy."
Darius smiled. "Wouldn't dream of it."
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"I wanna know something, Darius."
"Why did you become the Music Meister?"
The two were sitting on Christine's bed. Darius went silent, worrying Christine. Darius liked to talk, to boast. He prided himself on talking the talk and walking the walk. Never was he silent.
Bad idea, she thought to herself.
"Sorry if that's-"
"I used to be a star," Darius spoke. His voice was full of solemn. "I had the best career in the world. Movies, TV shows, but most importantly: the stage. Just like my mother, grandmother, and grandfather once did."
"I can imagine you were the best actor on Broadway and beyond," Christine said.
"Not just the best, I was the king. Everyone knew my name. They loved me. But that was all a facade to hide what was really going on. I was being used."
Christine's eyes went wide. "Used?"
"Yes. I'd been rejected many times because I was blind but that never deterred me. Eventually I was discovered by a man named," venom filled Darius's voice as he said the next part, "Walter Shelby."
Christine felt like she'd been stabbed. In the past, she'd worked at a few of Shelby's clubs as a performer. He always seemed so nice, especially to her...
"Mr. Shelby?"
"Yes. When he heard me sing, he just had to get me, promising me fame and fortune if I signed on with him." Darius balled his fist. Some nights, he thought about where he'd be if he never accepted the offer. "Foolishly, I fell for it. He kept his promise only to use it to destroy me. Him and his lackeys."
Christine squeezed his hand as Darius talked about his exploitation at the hands of Walter Shelby. She couldn't even begin to imagine how betrayed he must've felt. All his hard work gone to waste in a second. It also made her look at Shelby differently despite the many kindnesses he showed her.
Suddenly, Darius turned deathly serious. "Don't let his smile fool you, Christine. He'll exploit you until you're useless to him. Afterwards, he'll throw you to the wolves."
"I won't-"
"No, you don't understand. I don't kill people, but I will if he even stole as much as a penny from you."
Christine didn't know what to say. She didn't want Shelby, for all his bad behavior, to be killed nor did she want Darius to kill anyone, especially in her name.
"Now then," Darius stood up. "I'm thirsty and hungry! Got anything I can make?"
"C-check the fridge," Christine mumbled, still trying to process what Darius said to her. She looked at him as he walked out her room.
It was amazing the duality of man. How he could switch from one emotion to another in the blink of an eye and leave her with more questions. How Darius made her question everything she thought she knew about the industry she worked in, and the people she encountered.
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Jessica Biel for Details Magazine, September 2002
JENNY GAGE AND TOM BETTERTON : When shooting all-American beauty Jessica Biel (page 256), husband-and- wife team Tom Betterton and Jenny Gage wanted to keep things real. "At this point in her career, it seems like everyone wants to sex her up," says Betterton. "But her beauty is very nat- ural." The couple has shot for W, among other magazines, and has a video instal- lation opening at the Luhring Augustine Gallery in New York this month.
"If you don't sign my ass, I'm gonna have to do fifteen shots of Jack Daniel's." Rarely in the course of a lifetime does an individual get a clear opportunity to directly affect the destiny of a complete stranger. For Jessica Biel, the chance to prevent a tragic death—or at least a long, ugly night of toilet hugging-came at 4 A.M. during pledge week of her freshman year at Tufts University.
Emboldened by copious amounts of liquor (and no doubt a few keg stands), a staggering pack of frat boys descended on Biel's dorm room with a mission- to get her to scrawl her name on a pledge's butt. Despite the obscene hour, Biel shook off her initial shock and took Sharpie in hand.
"The poor guy just drops trou and bends over right in front of me," Biel says, trying her best not to blush. "So I reached out and scribbled some illegible thing, and then they took off. You know, I hope they were serious, because I felt really bad. Fifteen shots of Jack? That could kill somebody."
While it's possible that her squeaky-clean work on the WB dramedy 7th Heaven brought her to the attention of Tufts' homy mob of chronic masturbators, more likely it was her ill-fated brush with kiddie-porn infamy when she was 17. Biel sus- pected that her Heaven-sent image had kept her from landing the meaty role in American Beauty that went to Thora Birch. So, at a magazine shoot, she had Frank W. Ockenfels 3 take pictures of her sprawled out in nothing but high heels and a thong. As if the photos weren't saucy enough, the article painted her as a foul- mouthed Lolita trying to bait Aaron Spelling into booting her off the show so she could pursue a proper big-screen career.
Part One of the equation worked like a charm: Soon after the story hit news- stands in March 2000, her character was packed off to do some soul-searching, and returns in just a handful of episodes. But the movie-star part? Well, let's
just say that the resounding thud of her first post-pinup role-Summer Catch- made her realize that there are worse fates than an eternity in Heaven.
"Yes, the pictures were supposed to be a little more mature and sexy than what I'd done before, but it went further than what I expected or wanted it to, she says. "Looking back, I would've made a different choice. I learned a shitload from the experience and grew a lot—but I wouldn't do it again.”
The year at Tufts helped bring her back to earth; tiny Medford, Massachu setts, was the perfect place to plot her next move. "I was pretty depressed, but most of all I was angry that I put myself in that situation," she says. "I never wanted to get off 7th Heaven. I just wanted to go to college."
She'll return to Tufts this fall, but not before giving the movies another shot In October she'll star alongside James Van Der Beek, Shannyn Sossamon, and Kip Pardue in The Rules of Attraction. Based on the Bret Easton Ellis novel, it'sa satiric look at a sexual triangle among friends at a New England liberal-arts col lege. Biel passed on a nude scene, but still manages to play against type-jus like she's always wanted.
"What's most impressive about Jess is that she's really brave when the camera rolls," says Van Der Beek. "There was this one scene where she had to break down and cry, and she nailed it on the first take. She absolutely grabbed the scene by the balls. The girl knows her shit."
Biel admits that returning to the cineplex after her public comeuppance is bit nerve-racking, but she's ready to put the controversy behind her. "You do crazy things when you're 17, and I've changed a lot since then," the 20-year-old says with a smile. "I'm finally ready to show people that there is very different side of me."
The woman in Bungalow 27 at the Topanga Ranch Motel is getting nervous. So is the dandered militia of meowing cats pouring from every loose shingle of her beachfront cottage. She emerges from behind her rusting screen door, kitty tucked under one arm, and steps over an assortment of food-encrusted dishes to size up Biel.
"This isn't a party, is it?" she demands.
Biel names the approaching stranger Cat Woman under her breath, then charms her into submission. "Yes, ma'am," she says, managing to sound more sweet than smarmy. "The frat boys are on their way." Curiosity quenched, the Cat Woman herds her feline conga line back into the house and retreats.
Looking like a SoCal queen with her low-slung jeans and flip-flops, Biel has and arrived at this Pacific-coast hideaway to step in front of a photographer's lens once again. This time around, she'll prove she can turn it on without taking it off. After she wraps up here, she'll hop a plane for Austin to begin filming the just remake of seventies trash classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A horror junkie,
Biel snagged the role by auditioning for producer Michael Bay himself, and she's obviously ecstatic about reimagining Leatherface's sordid tale.
She coils up on the bed of the cramped motel room and rocks back and forth as she excitedly describes one of the scenes.
"I jump out a window and gash my knee, but I'm still running," she explains, eyes wide. "I'm in these semi-stiletto clogs and I trip and twist my ankle. So now I'm bleeding and I've got a busted ankle. But I'm not the typical horror-movie wuss girl-not at all. I get right back up on my feet and keep on running." Falling down and getting back up again? It's something Biel has become pretty damn good at. Leatherface had better watch out.■
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elvenbeard · 11 months
18 and 34 for Vince on the OC ask h
game? 👀
Thanks so much for asking!! :D
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18. Their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
He has done all ofthese and is doing all of them still more or less on the regular with his line of work.
Lying comes easier to him than he'd like to admit and in a way it's become a means for him to survive in a world that he doesn't feel like he fits in well. He is very confident in himself, his abilities, who he is as a person. But he doesn't trust easily, he doesn't like a lot of the people he's dependent on or has to deal with on a daily basis, and he's well aware he's not nearly as intimidating as he'd like to be. So he puts on a charming yet cunning mask and lies through his teeth if need be, to gain the trust of the people he needs to further his own goals, and to hide his own fears and weaknesses to avoid getting hurt or used himself. That leads to all kinds of fun guilty feelings where, if he's had to keep this facade up for a while, he wonders if he can really trust anyone at all anymore, if everyone all the time is lying and faking it as much as him, and if anyone or anything is truly still genuine, including himself. Does he really like being friends with Judy, River, Panam, Kerry, or is he just "automatically" befriending them for his personal gain? So yeah... he does not mind lying as such if it gets him where he needs to be, but it's a two-sided sword where he wishes it wasn't really necessary that he lied so much all the time (and thankfully, with the aforementioned and a few other close friends, his urge to lie subsides the better he gets to know them).
Stealing on the other hand he has a lot less complex feelings about. It's part of his job, he's good at it, no one else would bat an eye whether or not he'd be upset about getting stolen from, why should he? He never had to steal to survive, as in, steal food from a store. I think stealing data or information etc. he'd regard as no big deal and... to him it's the victims' own fault for not investing in better security measures. Cracking a code or breaching a system's security measures gives him a weird sense of accomplishment and he's good at this kind of stuff. Stealing physical things, well... Ask Jackie how that went that one time (although I'm gonna die on the hill that the Konpeki Heist failure was mostly Dex' fault, not V's, Jackie's, or T-Bug's XD)
Killing is something Vince actually does not enjoy, has never, will never. He tries to avoid physical altercations as best as he can, take out enemies in sneaky ways rather than with lethal force. He had to kill for Arasaka, traitors, spies, although as he rose in ranks he more and more would've delegated these tasks to subordinates (but then again, as Jenkins climbed the career ladder similarly, he delegated his own hitjobs to V instead...). If he can avoid it, he will avoid killing, because something about it just does not sit right with him, and I think if he's not in an extremely tight spot for money he'd also usually decline the Fixer's hitjobs or only take on those where there's a potential other solution to the clients' problems than death.
34. How would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
Tying this in a bit with my previous points on Vince's lying habits... this highly depends on who he's describing himself to. Potential new client? "I'm the best Night City has to offer, a professional with references, here's my list of amazing skills. Oh, all these problems you mention? They're no problems at all. Trust me. I will come up with a waterproof plan, I have the means, the connections, the equipment. You won't regrets this." (while internally he is cursing about how stupid of an idea this person's gig is, he knows he'll have to do this alone because no one else would be dumb enough, but on the other hand, the client could have [important piece of information or other thing] he despereately needs so, fuck it... he'll figure something out, he's good at that at least).
I think in general to people he doesn't know or wants something off of he would be over-confident and a little boastful, describe himself as competent etc etc even if not all of it is the case. What matter is that he gets what he wants in the end in these scenarios - money, a boost of reputation and streetcred, information, sex, drugs, whatever.
If he had to describe himself to someone he cares about or trusts... He'd focus more on what interest him, what he likes and dislikes, all still somewhat superficial though. He's confident and unashamed of his past and wishes, but yeah... Things like "I'm really scared of dying alone and being forgotten" wouldn't make it into a description of himself, he'd just omit all his insecurities and polish what he considers strengths. He'd probably describe himself as someone you can trust (but only if he trusts you or needs you, but he'd omit that), pretty down to earth (he's not, and Judy would call him out on it at every opportunity), level-headed (when in fact he can just hide and control his panic in tense moments very well) and yeah... something like that xD He'd be fine with being described as an opportunist, an optimistic realist, cause those two apply. He's sarcastic and creative, and not someone who can easily sit still, always needs something to do, a bit of a workaholic for sure.
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jacensolodjo · 2 years
Im gonna be real with you, I don’t know shit about political ideology specifics. I don’t know much about communism/capitalism/socialism outside of basic high school tbh.
But I’ve always found it odd how there’s so many passionate communism defenders (especially living in western nations). If communism is so great, then why are there SO many people who ran away from their countries after communism was put into place? Or hell, not even ran away. I’m a first gen American and my social circle is mostly other first gen Americans. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people, or people’s parents, return to their home countries after finishing school, raising kids, or making enough money from a certain career. The only people who I’ve never seen return to their home countries, and outwardly have no interest in it, are the ones coming from communism.
Heh I appreciate your candor. But I'll admit the preview for this in my activity made me hold my breath lol
Sadly I find myself mentioning A LOT as to how we got here.
Unfortunately, this is actually one of the stages of genocide (as popularized by Doctor Gregory Stanton) called 'Denial' and totally continues to work even if those governments no longer exist. But it is stoked by those who want to pretend communist atrocities didnt happen. Combined with the Red Scare era which did NOTHING except make people believe now that it was these poor little communists being shat on by western capitalists. The red scare which created Boomers that loudly claim communism to be unAmerican which creates many millennials and younger to rebel against the previous generations by deciding hey communism was cool actually if it upsets that asshole generation. Or they realize some of their political opinions align with communism so communism has to be cool right? Without realizing it's pretty much human nature you're going to agree on some level with some- thing or -one terrible politics wise.
They do not read past Communism 101. But it's hardly an anti-commie's fault right? They see 'workers of the world UNITE' and they go 'hey YEAH!! Capitalism SUCKS but here's a thing saying everything I do so I'm not wrong!! it's the detractors that are!" But they fail to continue to read where Comrades Lenin and Marx literally call for blood. They want the red=communism to be literally blood. They say over and over and over again that there are too many people, that we need to lessen numbers, that it doesn't matter who we kill so long as communism is installed. Anyone against communism must pay with their lives! How is that better than capitalism then??? how is it not siblings with fascism?
But if you're going to say I'm this thing, you should know more than just a few blurbs about it right? Politics wise, anyway I guess. And no, this isn't gatekeeping. We're talking politics not fandom.
But yes, most of the vocal anti-commies I meet either come directly from a formerly communist country or are the offspring of those who fled communism. But NO commie questions why this could be. Your average anti-commie is in fact just a Red Scare War Hawk Republican, obviously. We're all just patsies of capitalism. It can't POSSIBLY be because we know the blood commies have on their (Red) hands.
It's absurd. All these people have to not only be lying about atrocities but also apparently lying about why they left and refuse to return. All these people coordinated with different cultures in order to tell Tom DIckhead communism isn't that great. And yet it takes little convincing when it comes to other things. We agree fleeing other things is viable. We don't agree people fled communism. Somehow?? I'm a first gen American born and raised here because my birth mother FLED COMMUNISM in Ukraine. If communism did not exist, I would've been born in Ukraine. But I'm wrong because tom Dickhead said so.
As an aside, I will NEVER forget the time a commie said 'you just don't like communism because you hate to see people of color winning', completely ignoring how many MILLIONS of people of color were MURDERED by communists. MILLIONS more people of color were murdered compared to white folks. Tell me, comrade, how is that 'winning'? No one hates Pol Pot for 'winning', they hate him for murdering Cambodians and Vietnamese and everyone who was against his government. No one hates Mao for 'winning', they hate him because his Great Leap Forward was more like trampling on a long line of weaker innocent people. Millions of them. None of them had to die if he hadn't ignored people who said his great leap wouldn't work out too well. Among a number of other reasons the death toll was so astronomical.
When you think of a refugee/asylum seeker from the 60s and 70s, what do you see? Is it not overwhelmingly someone fleeing from an asian country or eastern europe? You know, where communism was in spades?
But yeah. I have many thoughts on this lol like it takes so much mental gymnastics for insisting why we have so many immigrants from "Old country" who never went back there that it makes my back hurt. As you said, a lot of people work in the US for a bit then go back for various reasons. But what about those from communistic countries? Oh, certainly they also sent money back home but that was literally so their family could join them away from that communistic hellhole they came from. Kind of ironic that to get away from communism you need to shake hands with capitalism but that's not the point here. It's just simply not possible to call it 'coincidence' and move on. It's not our fault commies can't seem to grasp the simple answer because there is simply no other legitimate answer besides 'compared to where they came from the US is a cakewalk'. Another on the list of 'things commies refuse to fully think about because then they have to face their own almost religious belief in communism'.
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devilsgatewayhq · 3 months
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Name: Andrés Davila Age: 58 Time living in Tonopah: One Month Occupation: Owner and Foreman at Pick-A-Part Gang Affiliation: The Drifters - Foreman Neighborhood: Webster Village Face Claim: Benjamin Bratt
Biography (TW: Infidelity, prostitution, murder, robbery, suicide, parental death, sibling death & drugs):
Brought into the world surrounded by love, Andrés Davila had never wanted for a thing. The first few years of his life had been seemingly normal, and relatively happy. His family, consisting of his father, mother and older brother, had been a home filled with laughter — unbridled joy. Andrés's world, however, would shatter when his father walked out on their family when he was just five. For years, his father had betrayed his vows for ladies of the night: hookers in every shape or form. The money they lacked wasn't because of irresponsible spending or career choices. No, his father, in his selfishness, had spent and spent until their accounts had run dry: now? Nothing remained. His mother's discovery and subsequent confrontation of his stepping out on her saw him packing his bags the very same night. And once he walked out of that door, he never looked back. No child would ever understand how his father could walk out and cut off all contact without even saying goodbye. And it was something Andrés had spent his whole life trying to understand. For the first half of his life, people leaving became a common occurrence. It left deep, welt-like scars on Andrés, fostering abandonment issues that ran so deep, it followed him everywhere -- past and present. His mother, left to fend for her children alone, unlike she ever had before, took on three jobs to keep a roof over their heads, working tirelessly to provide for her sons. Andrés spent a lot of time in awe of her resistance, where most would've crumbled. Pressure didn't wither her, but only fueled her. Even if the purple bags under her eyes had told the tale of the sleep she missed, and the meals she skipped. And still, Andrés and his brother never went without food or clothes on their back. With their father gone, and their mother always working, the responsibility of caring for Andrés fell to his older brother. That stability was short-lived, because unfortunately, while Andrés had been just like his mother, his brother was every bit his father. While he was meant to protect his younger brother, he found that his youth was far more important to chase. Often leaving Andrés alone in the house to drive around town with his friends, causing havoc. And it wasn't long until those joy rides had the police knocking on the front door.
He'd meant to be watching Andrés, but instead, his mother came home from work to find that her oldest son had been shot, and killed in an armed robbery: carried out by him. Nobody stayed for long, a sentiment that told him life was fleeting, and every man he became attached to in his life would leave one day. Death might claim everyone someday, but he felt like those he came to love went seeking something similar every time they left the house. Without thought of those left behind. A mother, now emotionless after the loss of a child, and Andrés, unsure how he was meant to survive without him by his side. His formative years would become, unfortunately, lonely. At school, he often flew under the radar, preferring to keep to himself. Quiet, reserved with the...occasionally punctuated bouts of aggression that had him in the school counsellor's office more than he liked to admit. It was always the same story: Andrés could not stand bullying. That fierce protective streak embedded itself within him was all the love he had to give – but had never been shown or given the chance to do so. He felt like he knew what suffering was. He saw it in his mother and the hole that had been left. So the idea of others needlessly going through something similar had never sat right with him. And he had no desire to sit back. He'd find words to inspire the meek to be strong. Still, it didn't help that his grades had never been the best, and he'd struggled somewhat academically. Andrés had always been good with hands, finding his skills were usually on anything auto-related. His mother never recovered, failing to show up to work, bills piling up as a depression dragged her deeper and deeper underwater — he didn't know how to save her from drowning. He was a boy, fifteen years old and one that was trying to survive.
Despite the odds, Andrés found a way to contribute. Every Saturday, he found work in a car shop, earning a little money to support himself and (hopefully) alleviate some of the financial burden that had landed upon his mother. It was at this time, lonely at home, that he became so captivated by cars. Engines, bodywork, speed. Power to a young lad who hadn't wielded anything of the sort in his life. Andrés struggled with authority, as seen in school, which often put him at odds with his teachers. But when he was in a shop, he was focused, his attention to detail nearly immaculate. His progress began to be noticed. He was sharp. But as he grew into a teenager, he found that he might've been more like his father and brother than he realised. One night, another red warning letter coming through the door with a promise of eviction saw him stepping outside of himself. Doing what needed to be done. It started by changing parts out in the store, putting cars in through the garage, and replacing parts with older, refurbished pieces. The newer ones he removed from the car, he'd sell on. And once he got a taste for it, it became like a drug. The same addiction that had been in his father found a home in Andrés. But he was great at it, and he often wondered if it'd been because they simply hadn't put the effort in to protect their secrets. One was unable to handle the fire of his destruction, and the one over at the other end of the barrel of a gun. By the time he was eighteen, with the scuffs with the police, he found himself getting involved more and more on the streets. The taste of money was like a drug, Andrés kept to himself, but always delivered. By twenty, he was pushed out of the auto shop, unable to deal with his behaviour as it spiraled. Frequent run-ins with the law were completely unmissed by his mother, provoking no emotion. Was that why he did it? So he wasn't so invisible. He had the support of no one, no family — nothing.
Until she did something Andrés was pretty sure he should've seen coming. 2:34 am, in the dead of night, when silence was the loudest, he was awoken by the sound of a gun. Being the one to find his mother lying dead in the middle of her bedroom had been nothing like the times before: this had been soul-destroying. The loss of her family had been eating away at her for a long time until she simply...gave up. Hope blinking out like a bulb that had reached the end of its shelf life. And the lone wolf truly was all alone. His house was taken due to the debts they'd never been able to get on top of, school done, which he barely passed. His life was open and yet, he felt like he was so caged in. The life he'd led so far never allowed for any kind of exploration outside the streets surrounding his shabby home. "I can't stay here." And so he didn't.  With his car, his belongings in the boot and stolen goods under his seat: he left Colorado. For years, Andrés jumped from one town to another, stealing, selling, and manipulating his way into places that would get him what exactly he needed. It was where he perfected his skills and began to form a reputation for himself. And still, never a woman at his side, never someone of interest. His life had many fleeting flings, but nothing of importance.
Before anyone got too close or suspected, he was on to the next place. It remained that way through his youth, into adulthood. He preferred the company of engines to people, his fear of being abandoned never leaving him. However, what was life without a twist or turn? While working a job, Andrés would come to meet two teens who would spin the world as he knew it in his head. They had a knack for getting into trouble and a natural talent for sleight of hand, which had been exactly the skills he'd had as a young lad with no sense of direction or a parent guide. Andrés saw potential in them, the way any older man would in people who had no one. He, himself, included. A family, or as close as he could get to one. Fourteen years ago, in 2010, aged forty-four years old — Andrés officially formed The Drifters. The group started small, stealing valuable car parts as he'd spent his life doing and selling them for profit. But with direction, his sights grew, as did his family. For a man with deep-seated abandonment issues, he clung to them like a second skin and had a rule: once you were in the family; you stayed.  Andrés taught them everything he knew, starting with, but not limited to, cars, mechanics, and the art of the heist. Which most, unfortunately, didn’t automatically have the natural ability for. But they had the time to train them. Anyone lost, anyone in need of support – The Drifters quickly became more than just a team; they became a family. Andrés instilled in them the belief that family is everything, and loyalty is the most important part of it all. Without it, they’d never survive. 
Over the next decade, The Drifters grew substantially. He saw potential where others saw lost causes. Each new member brought unique skills, and Andrés made sure they knew their place and their role. He expected the best. Some might’ve called him strict in his approach – but it was because he cared so damn much. They operated under the radar and blended in. The only wealth he flashed was his car. Tonopah Valley hadn’t been on the original list, but a last-minute change of plans saw their next move to the desert. Nevada, to be exact... Andrés saw an opportunity, not only with the neighbourhoods - some rather wealthy, but the lower-socio-income areas that were crying out. No doubt littered with kids who needed some sense of direction. Which they could offer.  The danger is ever present, that much he’s always been aware of. But he had a moral obligation to give his people the best life, so he set his sights high. With the Junkyard becoming another opportunity, it was the perfect time to set up shop and begin planning. Slowly, they’d move in, undetected and sure as fuck quietly.
Andrés has never maintained a steady relationship. Most of his romantic involvements are short-lived, lasting only a few months at best. His partners typically leave him due to his frequent, unexplained disappearances and his struggle to show genuine affection in romantic relationships. He is, however, charming and therefore, has never had issues finding women to take home.
He doesn’t deal well with abandonment. Therefore, he will do everything in his power to keep those within his “family” right where he wants or needs them. In whatever means, he feels necessary. 
Andrés loves to save and scrimp, but his vice isn’t hookers like his father – it was cocaine. Any chance he can find to get his hands on it, he’ll be found in the bathroom. It’s not common knowledge, but it is a problem he’s going to have to work at—at some point. 
He has no respect or time for the police, in any shape or form. 
He will only use violence to defend those already under attack, he will never make the first move to start violence unless it’s protecting his family.
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putterphubase · 1 year
same anon as before. i just want to clarify that i am totally okay with bls not having any kissing scenes, like they don't have to show that kind of stuff. i was just so invested in this show that i... i guess i was hoping a kiss would happen? like that cute fluffy lil innocent moment, which i thought was going to happen when they were both sleepily talking to each other sitting in bed where they'd shy away from each other afterwards and then maybe just cuddle until they fell asleep. also dayeol's behavior towards taehyun whenever he showed an interest really was weird. i get being cautious about being turned down again but four years have passed and this guy is clearly showing an interest in you now so why act so weird about it. i was afraid they were going to make the point of 'but i'm a guy and you're a guy' and i'm so glad that didn't happen. i hate when bls do that, just say you've got secret homophobic tendencies and move on.
i also totally agree with the four year time jump being weird, not having a lot of what happened explained, how easy it was for the two to meet back up after the first two years went by - like so yeong and dayeol made it seem like they meet up often or they've at least stayed in touch but then when so yeong calls taehyun and he comes running, it's made out to be like it's the first time they've met up since dayeol left school. having it be months instead of years that they've met up and then showing over those years, even if it was just glimpses, of how their relationship had slowly developed until it got to the point where they were comfortable enough around each other to show their romantic feelings would have been better than just blindly jumping in to four years after dayeol's confession. i want to know what happened in the mean time, don't leave me guessing there.
also where the heck did dayeol wanting to be a cop come from? it couldn't have been what he meant when he said he found something to focus his passion on back when he quit the archery team. the only thing that could even lead to him wanting to be a cop would be the fact that he's a good shot but g*ns are different than arrows and i feel like that's just too far of a reach to make sense. tell me why this kid came to the conclusion that he wanted to be a cop. no aspect of his life shown tells me being a cop was his desired career path. what happened that made him want to chose that path? and yeah, what the heck is taehyun doing with his life? all we know is that he's good at math and he gets his homework done early.
don't get me wrong though, i thoroughly enjoyed the series and i'd kill for another season. or even just another series with yechan and jaehan together because they've got great chemistry and their acting was pretty good. it's probably a series i will watch again, i'll just skip the last episode and pretend like it didn't end weirdly lololol
this is extremely long so for the sanity of everyone i will be read more-ing
oh no i totally get you on the kiss, and i think after all the whiplash/their relationship changing/them growing as people and as partners/the angst and time they had to work through/i could keep going a kiss would've shown their growth through all that nicely. the ear kiss was cute but even like an earnest forehead kiss or something. edit after rereading your ask: also theres nothing wrong with hoping for a kiss!!!!!!!!!! i didnt mean it like that at all, we should be able to see queer kisses like it's anything else!!
i will admit during ep 7 i was like why did i actually enjoy their push and pull dynamic more than this....they did the flirty "i have a crush on you and im toeing the line of friendship" VERY well but (and by no fault of the actors really) the "we're finally dating after like 4 years" dynamic change shouldve done and given....a lot more. i liked their talk on the bed but at the same time like i felt like i just needed more. we can't jump from "we reunited after 2 years and im waiting on you to confess" to "ok we are dating now and everything is fine" like i actually would've preferred instead of the fluffiness them having like a really earnest open talk about their emotions. like that even really could have replaced a kiss for me. LIKE THINK ABOUT IT....the fact that we don't even know for sure if they were dating in this last ep is crazy???? and i dont mean "its just ambigious" i mean THEY NEVER TALK ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP SERIOUSLY......if they did that off screen then that makes no fucking sense, this is a romance coming of age drama and the romance is the plot....the getting together is the climax?
i need a huge emotional heart to heart, sobbing crying if you have to after all that and MULTIPLE YEARS OF PINING. i know theyve grown as people but dude the guy youve been longing for for four (holy shit at the english language??) YEARS (on both of their sides) is finally in a place where you can be together. HELLO? you skipped all that and just gave us the fluff...? (although i did enjoy the fluff but would've liked it more if they gave us this).
i totally get why you were scared of that happening and yea it sucks. you don't even have to show it on screen but they don't have to suddenly act like 2 men kissing is weird and out of left field lol yall have been gay pining for 4 fucking years.
this is probably the most important part to show to the viewer and they kinda just skipped over it. youre right, to leave us guessing on the emotional journey they went on to be where they were in ep. 7 is a huge failure narratively......sigh.
with dayeol and his cop thing.....when he quit archery, and said he "found a passion for something else" i actually threw my hands in the air. i was terrified he meant taehyun. like we can't have a crush or a relationship and still have interests and hobbies? i realize they were trying to say him meeting taehyun made him realize what being passionate about something really is and he came to the conclusion he was never really passionate about archery. but to jump from THAT to being a cop???????? like we could've had him had a convo with his dad in like 2 minutes about quitting archery and wanting to do something else and mentioning being interested in criminal justice. or was he still friends with minjung? maybe minjung couldve become a cop and that got him interested since he looked up to him? guess we will never know what happened to someone dayeol was quite close to?
all the things they missed by completely glossing over the time skip. i am choosing to believe time and budget constraints led to all these decisions. taehyun was dressed nicely but never mentioned interests or hobbies. he was class president even with all the things going on in his personal life. did he not grow any interests or hobbies? they literally never even mention things going on in the outside world besides dayeols cop journey. they dont even mention taehyun's friendship with soyeong - are they still close? she hangs out with dayeol but not taehyun? i get she had a crush on dayeol but still, how does that work and they dont meet for 2 whole years? ??? i really liked soyeong though as a side note she was the cutest.
in a perfect world this couldve been perfect i believe with time to flesh out the characters as adults because this was extremely rushed. i had high hopes bc of the other eps and the longer (by kbl standards) runtime, so i hoped that these things wouldnt be such a glaring issue but alas....we still have a ways to go.
i didnt read the source material so i wonder if that has anything to do with some of this as well. jaehan and yechan did an amazing job. i hope they act more whether together (i would die) or not (i would be seated regardless). i also hope this does well for omega x in general, they deserve it.
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slasherhaven · 2 years
What do you think the slashers would get up to in a more normal world where they just got therapy and DIDN'T kill anyone? Like I think Brahms would've become a composer tbh, I headcanon he writes his own music? And Tommy'd probably still just work in the slaughterhouse or, if the slaughterhouse still closed down, as a farmhand??
What if the Slashers never became Slashers?
Thomas Hewitt
If the slaughterhouse never shut down, Thomas would definitely still be working there. It's the only real job available for people in that town, for many it will be their first and last job.
However, if the slaughterhouse still closed down and Charlie didn't instantly jump to cannibalism, Thomas would be eager to get back to work.
I see him working physical labour. Thomas knows that his strengths are, well...he's strength.
I could see him working as a farmhand or in construction of some sort.
Plus, it would really work on his confidence. Having a job where his natural size and strength were something to be proud of, that helps him and makes him effective.
Hopefully he'll get some nicer co-workers...I just want him to be happy.
Michael Myers
Michael is in therapy his whole childhood. His family spot the early signs that cause concern and get him help.
He's still pretty quiet, not super social, but not mute or irresponsive.
I remember reading a post ages ago about Michael receiving effective therapy and receiving consistent support from his family and I wanted to link it here but I couldn't find it again, I feel like that said everything I want to say 😂
Anyway, maybe he still spends some time in Smith's Grove but gets released back into he parent's care.
He develops a really good relationship with Laurie. She grows up visiting him and becomes an encouraging factor in his therapy.
In this universe, I suppose Michael would be a 'functioning psychopath' if that's what you want to call it. He'd still have a personality disorder but he has developed coping mechanisms to help him in life.
It's difficult to say what he might go on to do career wise but I think for Michael it's more important and interesting to think about his interpersonal relationships.
Jason Voorhees
Camp counsellor Jason!
Now, I can see this going two ways.
Firstly, lets say Jason loved camp. He made at least one friend, got to a bunch of fun activities, summer camp was the best time of year for him even if it wasn't perfect.
In this case, Jason would go back to work there so he could give other shy and bullied kids the same experience.
Alternatively, everything went the same expect Jason didn't drown. He was still thrown into the lake, the kids still laughed, the counsellors still weren't around, but he somehow survived.
He would have still hated camp but that would be what motivates him to go and work there.
He wanted it to be better for other kids, to make sure that if another poor child got tossed into the lake, there would be a counsellor around to protect/save them. He would be there for them.
Brahms Heelshire
As much as I love the idea of Brahms becoming a composer, I have to admit that I have less faith in him.
Assuming that his parents still spoiled him beyond belief and let him get away with shit, just no fires or death or anything, Brahms would be a little shit his whole life.
He'd become a rich fuckboi.
He'll have gone to some private school.
He'd have every opportunity to become a composer, so it's absolutely possible, I just imagine he would go through a 'rebellious' phase.
He's smart and I'd imagine he'd get pretty good grades, it will just take him some time to calm down and actually get his mind set on a career.
He's going to be living off of his family's money for a while.
But maybe he ends up being a composer and becomes his best self...
Bo Sinclair
I can see a few options for Bo.
I think he would still be a bit of a wild card in his teenage and young adult years but in the end I think his brothers are still important to him and he would want to stay close.
He might help Vincent run Ambrose a little.
If he does have a genuine passion or talent when it comes to cars, he might become a legit mechanic. I imagine he likes the process of fixing up cars, it gives him something to focus on.
I could also see him owning his own bar, somewhere near Ambrose, he and Vincent sending business each other's way.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent stays at the wax museum.
He continues his mother's legacy and brings a whole new life to the infamous House of Wax. He modernises the museum while still paying tribute to his mother.
And he does a good job, managing to bring a whole new life to Ambrose again. The tourist just keep coming to visit the House of Wax.
Maybe he even sticks to the Town of Wax idea and fills the abandoned town with wax figures but in a less murdery way.
That would serve to bring more tourists in.
I like the idea that he also sells some of his artwork, kind of like a side hustle.
His main focus is the House of Wax but he occasionally sells his other creations.
Lester Sinclair
Sure, Lester might just stick with his roadkill clean up gig but I think he is likely to remain close to his brothers either way.
I kind of like the idea of Bo being a mechanic and Lester working with him, likely his only employee but Bo can be a bit of a control freak.
Lester is a simple guy and finds joy in the smalls things.
Whatever job he has, he's likely happy with it.
He lives for time at home with Jonesy or dinners with his brothers.
And he's always more than happy to help Vincent out around Ambrose.
Bubba Sawyer
He would love to just work on his family's farm. Family is important to Bubba and I think he would love farm work.
He wouldn't mind working out in the sun, planting and tending to crops.
He doesn't mind the heavy lifting and manual labour.
However, he would love working with the animals.
He would work so well with them and they would love him.
Just imagine Bubba cuddling a little baby cow!!!
Billy Lenz
Hmmm Billy's is kinda difficult.
We don't get to know much about him but I headcanon that he's a big fan of movies and tv.
Maybe he had a part time job in a movie theatre as a teenager, just feeding his love for media.
Anyway, he goes through a shit ton of therapy. And it's effective in this case.
Maybe after leaving the institution he received his care in, he'd go back to school.
Hopefully he will find a passion for something there, starting to develop a more clear plan for his future.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
I mean, I think I've made my stance on this pretty clear.
Professor Emory.
He teaches entomology, of course.
The students either love him or hate him. He's very strict but if you perform well in his class, he'll take that into consideration.
In his time off, he's a pretty secluded person, preferring his own company.
He sticks with his usual hobbies, just with bugs instead of people.
His home is covered in preserved specimens, it's a genuine hobby that hasn't been twisted horrifically.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
Jesse likes power and he likes money.
So, with the less psychopathic, sadistic, murderous desires, he's going to be a CEO of some successful business.
It's difficult to picture Jesse in anything but that black suit of his.
However, in that one flashback we get in the second film, it seems that his father was a mortician.
So if certain fetishes hadn't formed, maybe he would take over his father's business, owning his own mortuary.
Otis Driftwood
I think in a world were Otis wasn't already obsessed with death and torture, meeting the Fireflies would have been great for him.
They're an eccentric bunch but they'd love him unconditionally.
Otis doesn't want to do anything big with his life, especially not with his career. He still wants to focus mostly on having fun, so he gets small job to make some money.
Probably working with Spaulding at the gas station or in some dive bar.
That being said, I don't see a world where Otis is a model citizen.
He might not be a murder in this universe but he has a history of violence, stupid bar fights and the like. He's also a bit of a petty thief.
If some drunk leaves his wallet on the bar...he can't not take it.
Baby Firefly
The last thing Baby wants to do it work. She just wants to focus as much time as she can on having fun.
Plus, she can't stay focused on one thing long enough to hold down a job with a real boss.
She knows how to get things for free, how to get other people to pay for things, how to get her family to give her what she needs.
It's in her name! She's the baby of the family, they'd do anything for her.
Her and Otis have mastered the art of petty theft.
The two of them can be quite the con artists when they put their mind to it.
However, I can see her doing the hair, makeup, and nails of local women in the area for some pocket money.
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
'someday maybe' | t.h.
tom holland x singer!reader
warnings: one swear? fluff and angst? kisses
summary: you're so close to finishing your second album when your manager pushes the deadline, your ex tom helps you write the final track.
{listen to someday by michael bublè and meghan trainor (if you want)}
wc: 2.1k
Tumblr media
"Someday maybe when we're old and grey,"
"Yes, yes. I know. You are not being a very helpful manager right now, Noelle." you spoke to your phone as you paced around the living room, "Okay. I'll get working on it. Bye." you huffed and threw your phone against the couch.
Your album was due to be released in two months and you needed one more song to tie it all together. Your manager, Noelle, was pushing you to finish the song so she could start the promo of the album.
You were incredibly grateful for your career, but the pressure weighed down on you everyday. Never ending.
With a final groan you picked up your acoustic guitar and sat on the couch. Picking at the strings, trying to find a melody. You hit record on your voice memo app before strumming away.
"Someday maybe when we're old and grey, we can be in love once more. 'Till then I won't give my love away. Darling, I'm forever only yours." you sang softly.
You and Tom had a joyous relationship. A love that only ever existed in movies and fairytales. The type of love story that gets told for generations and onwards. But alas, all good things must come to an end.
Your breakup was calm, serene and clean. A mutual agreement as if your whole relationship had been a business deal. There were no loose ends or jealous passive aggressive remarks made. Just maturity and respect for one another.
Your pinky still held the promise ring he gave you. A token of appreciation. A reassurance that he'd always be there for you. And he lived up to his word.
Tom walked in and sat across from you, startling you, "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Whatcha writing?"
"Need a final song for the album. Sorry for showing up unannounced. I just get better inspiration here, with all the memories, you know?" you timidly looked back down at the guitar.
Tom nodded, "No need to apologize. We gave you a spare key for a reason."
You couldn't stop yourself from spilling the words from your lips, "That was when we were together."
You could hear the awkward silence start to fill the room before he spoke again, "Still our best friend, Y/L/N."
The pain that crossed your features was instant. Being addressed by your last name felt like a stab to the gut. Especially by Tom.
You nodded before playing again, "Can I help you write it?" Tom asked as he sat next to you.
"Dancer, gymnast, actor and now songwriter. How many hidden talents have you got, Holland?" you teased making him laugh.
He shrugged with a smile, "It's kind of like writing a poem, right?"
You pondered on his analogy before slowly nodding, "Yeah, it kind of is. Give it a go."
You began playing the melody and he listened intently for a few moments before singing, "I love seeing you happy. I miss seeing that smile. It's been such a long time. A– Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh. I can't do it." he shook his head aggressively with a loud laugh as you stopped playing.
"No!" you quickly protested, "That was amazing! Don't leave me hanging, c'mon." you nudged him with your shoulder before strumming again.
"Alright, alright." he ran his hands down his face, "And although I don't have you, I know now that I need to?" he paused and gave you a skeptical look before you nodded again, "Somehow make you mine. Mmm."
"Oh, okay. He's giving ad-libs and all. Get it." you nodded as he laughed.
You were so engrossed on Tom actually writing a song with you that you didn't focus on the lyrics he was singing.
"And I won't lie, it's hard seeing you with him 'cause I know he can't hold you like I can." his mood seemed to drop by a thousand as the words left his lips.
"When can we meet this boyfriend of yours?" Harrison flicked your forehead from across the booth.
You, Harrison, Tom and Tuwaine were all sat in the local pub. Pints of beer in front of each of you as loud music and chatting filled your ears.
You shrugged, "He's picking me up, so possibly tonight."
Tuwaine's eyes lit up, "Fina-fucking-lly. I swear you've kept him hidden for years."
"We've only been together for three months, T." you laughed lightly with the group of boys.
And they met him. It wasn't the smoothest of introductions, but an introduction nonetheless.
"Boys, this is Kai. Kai this is Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine." you gestured to the parties as they all shook hands and gave polite greetings.
"So," Harrison started, "What do you do for a living, Kai?"
Kai cleared his throat, "I'm a Senior Resident at Kingston Hospital. Working towards being Head of Pediatrics."
Tuwaine and Harrison both nodded, impressed by his profession. Tom's face remained expressionless as he stared at Kai with cold eyes.
"Do you have any siblings, Kai? Any psycho ex-girlfriends? Any wacky cousins?" Tuwaine joked making everyone laugh. "'Cause Y/N has a lot of wacky cousins."
"We could be in love once more,"
"Hey!" you gasped with a laugh.
Kai pulled you closer to him as he laughed, "No, no wacky cousins or psycho exes, but I do have an older sister and a younger brother."
This game of ask and answer continued on for a few more minutes. Tom didn't say a word, just sipped his beer and burned holes into Kai with his eyes. If looks could kill, Kai would be six feet under.
Kai was a sweetheart, but you two ended ages ago. His work got too much for him and your job had you touring and travelling every second.
You picked up after him with the chorus before diving into your own verse, "I remember that love song. I sang every word wrong, but you didn't mind, no, no."
"I love the things you do. It's how you do the things you love. Well it's not a love song, not a love song. I love the way you get me, but correct me if I'm wrong. This is not a love song, not a love song!" Tom belted the 'Austin & Ally' song from the top of his lungs.
"Your turn!" he pointed the pretend mic in your direction.
You laughed, not knowing any of the lyrics, but still wanting to participate, "I love that you not a licket! And you own a watch and chicken! We got a car!" you sang with full confidence, making Tom burst with laughter.
"Yes! Sing it, darling!" he cheered you on, "Absolutely butchering the lyrics, but sing it!"
"Being stuck inside a car. If it's not a doe, don't kiss it! I can't hear a missing, when there's a shoe inside the ceiling! If you really need to fart, you can lunch on a pig farm! Love song! Love song!" you couldn't even hear the song in the background, your voice overpowering it.
Tom was hunched over from laughing before he came back up and planted a soft kiss on your lips, "You are one hundred percent ridiculous and I love it."
You brought yourself back to reality and sang again, "And I'll admit that I miss you, but only if you do. 'Cause you know that I'm shy. And I can't lie, it's hard seeing you with her. 'Cause I know she can't love you like I can."
Tom's eyes met yours as the words fell from your gentle lips. His mouth was slightly agape as you continued to strum.
"You are absolute rubbish. Imagine coming in eighth. Embarassing." you laughed as you crushed Harrison in a game of Mario Kart.
He shoved you with his shoulder, "You're such a try ha—"
"—It's always the same, Tom! How can I trust you? You follow gorgeous models on Instagram and expect me to trust you?" Nadia's voice cut Harrison's words off.
You looked at him with wide eyes, his expression matching yours.
"Those women that I follow have been my friends for ages. Who I follow on a stupid app shouldn't effect how much you trust me."
You paused the game, cutting off the theme song, "How long have they been fighting like this?"
Harrison sighed, a long groan following, "A few weeks. I think it started when she saw that he liked your Instagram picture?"
You stammered, "M-my post? She got mad about my post?"
Harrison nodded before opening his mouth to speak, but Nadia cut him off again, "And she practically lives here! How do you think it makes me feel seeing my boyfriend play house with a superstar?!"
"Aw, a superstar? I'm flattered." you joked making Harrison stifle a laugh.
"I've been friends with Y/N since we were in nappies!"
"I can't be with you if you're going to be friends with her."
Your laughter abruptly died at her words. Harrison stiffened beside you.
"Y-you can't be serious. You can't make me choose between you and her."
"Why? Because you're gonna choose her?" you could hear her voice crack.
"I-" Tom couldn't make out a sentence for a few moments, "Yeah. I'm gonna choose her."
Your heart fell from it's place, stopping at your feet. Harrison brought a hand to his mouth, "H-he chose you. He chose you!" he whisper shouted before you shushed him.
"Of course. I don't know why I expected anything different. I think I'll be going now." Nadia's footsteps approached the living room.
You and Harrison scrambled to look as if you weren't eavesdropping on their argument/breakup.
Tom followed close behind her, "I'm sorry. I really am."
She nodded, hand on the doorknob, "I know. Goodbye." she stepped out of the house, slamming the front door shut in the process.
Tom let out a breath of relief before turning to you and Harrison who were staring at the Mario Kart home screen with the infamous tune playing.
"You guys are terrible actors."
"'Till then I won't give my love away,"
"I'm forever only yours." the both of you finished the song in unison.
There was a moment of silence before you reached over and ended the voice recording.
"T-that was really good. You can change what I wrote, I know it isn't as good as anything you would've written, but I tried. And it was actually pretty fun and I never knew how difficult songwriting was un—"
"—Kiss me." you cut Tom's rambling off.
His eyes grew wide, "W-wha—"
"—Kiss me, Holland."
He swallowed, a small smile stretching on his lips, "Thank God."
And with that, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. Interlocking like missing puzzle pieces. Moving in sync like waves in the ocean. Soft and sweet, but filled with passion. You could feel his smile against your lips causing you to grin.
His hand came up to pull your face closer into his. Caressing your jaw, fingertips playing with the hairs on the back of your neck. His other hand holding your hip in a tight grip. Pressing the pads of his digits into your flesh, scared that you might slip through his fingers again.
One of your hands was pressed flat against his chest. Steadying yourself, the heat of the kiss threatening to throw you off of your axis. Your other hand tangled itself into Tom's curls. Pulling and tugging lightly causing small groans to fall from Tom's lips. Your fingernails scratching his scalp. Pulling him impossibly closer to you.
"I want my ten pounds." Harrison's voice snapped you and Tom out of your make out session.
Him and Tuwaine stood in the doorway, shit eating grins on their faces.
Tuwaine laughed before placing a ten pound note in Harrison's palm, "You guys couldn't have waited until next month to get back together?"
"You two were betting on us?" Tom laughed at his mates who nodded.
You shook your head with a smile, "Absolute idiots, all of you."
Harrison let out a happy sigh and pocketed the money, "Today was a good day. Had a sick ass shoot. Got ten pounds. And my best friends are finally together again." he waltzed into the kitchen with Tuwaine, leaving you and Tom alone again.
Tom's shy expression met your gleeful one before he spoke, "Someday came a lot sooner than expected, huh?" he chuckled.
You nodded with a laugh, "It certainly did and I am not complaining."
He sent you a wide grin before cupping your face and connecting your lips to his again.
"Darling, I'm forever only yours."
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On Kong Kenan/Super-Man
It should've been him. He should've been the Superman of 5G/Future State/right now not Jon, and he should be the one getting an HBO Max series not Val. Hell he should be getting a movie!
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God this dude is literally the best legacy character Superman has ever gotten, wholly his own person with his own lore and status quo while still building on the idea of "Superman". I am so pissed at DC for essentially just dropping him after his ongoing ended, what the hell Lee? You keep trying to make the Wildstorm characters happen, I need you to get my man Yang another Kenan book.
Have to admit I was a bit nervous at first about whether or not Kenan would be a worthwhile character. Yang's New 52 Superman run had been a disappointment to me overall, with only the the arc where Superman has underground wrestling matches against forgotten gods really sticking with me. Now he was introducing a brand new Superman? Didn't feel like he had "earned" that yet. But from the first issue I was hooked on this new character.
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Kenan was unlike any other member of the Superfamily. He wasn't kind or sweet, he was an asshole! He was a bully! He was fantastic! Right from the start Kenan was set up to undergo a very different kind of character journey than the other members of the Superfamily. Empathy, humility, respect for people weaker than himself, these are all traits most heroes wearing the S-shield already posses by the time they first don the crest, but not Kenan.
Like all bullies he was even a bit of a coward himself at first, trying to bail on the experiment meant to give him Superman's powers right as it begins. After "saving" Lixin (the kid he bullies and steals lunch from every day) from Blue Condor he demands all the money Lixin has on him as payment. He's not courageous or selfless either at the start, Kenan is as much of an opposite of Superman as you can get short of being Bizarro. Learning the appeal of these traits formed the basis for his growth over the course of his series.
Seeing Yang bring in a lot of recognizable "Superman" elements in the series, but with a twist, was also great. Kenan is the one who bullies "Luo Lixin" rather than the traditional Clark/Lex friendship of Pre-Crisis and Birthright. Initially Kenan develops a crush on intrepid reporter for Primetime Shanghai, Laney Lan, but she dismisses him as too young and Kenan eventually ends up pursuing Avery Ho (Flash) instead. Baxi the Bat-Man of China has a similar relationship with Kenan as the traditional Superman/Batman in terms of being vitriolic best buds, however Baxi is the one who has the most respect for authority while Kenan is the rebel. Kenan is a part of the "Justice League of China" which does not meet with the approval of the already established Chinese superheroes, the Great Ten. That contrasts nicely with the good relationship the Justice Society and Justice League have, as well as seeing Yang lampshade the "Chinese copy" trope and incorporate that into his storytelling.
One of the funniest differences is how Kenan chooses to immediately reveal his identity as Super-Man to the world by taking off the compliance visor he was forced to wear, contrasting with Clark's choice to hide his identity. He was so eager to impress people that he never gave any thought to the danger he could put himself or his family in by revealing his identity until it was too late, something Clark is well aware of and has taken great pains to keep his identity secret. Was a missed opportunity for DC to have Kenan comment on Clark copying him for once when he outed himself under Bendis.
But one of the most poignant differences between Clark and Kenan is the gulf in separation between their relationship with their parents. Clark has a loving relationship with Ma and Pa Kent, trying to live up to their lessons as best he can. In contrast Kenan's mom was believed to have died in an airplane crash when he was just a child, and he never really knew her. His father was distant from him after that and the two weren't really close despite Kenan's attempts to impress him. So Kenan lacks that strong connection while still clearly loving both of them.
Pa Kent's death is one of the most tragic examples of Clark's love for his parents, and I've always been a fan of takes where Clark promises his father to fight for the powerless on Pa's deathbed. Kenan gets a similar scene at the start of his career, his dad "dies" (after being exposed as Flying General Dragon, a pro-democracy "supervillain" from the Chinese authorities perspective) and wants Kenan to promise he'll fight for Truth, Justice, and Democracy. But because Kenan's dad never really bonded with him, Kenan doesn't know what those mean, and can only promise that he never wants to see people die, something his father takes comfort in at least. In classic comic book fashion it's revealed that Dr. Omen, Kenan's "boss" and the one who gave him his powers, saved Kenan's father, because she is Kenan's mother! Kenan's relationship with his parents forms a lot of the crux of his character arc, and seeing how Yang utilizes the classic Superman concept of family kept the storytelling exciting.
Yang's brilliant exploration of the concept of "Superman" through the prism of Chinese culture was a great way to differentiate Kenan as well.
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I absolutely freaking love how he tied to the concept of Qi to the S-shield in particular. Connecting the shape of the shield with the way Kenan has acquired his powers along the path of the Bagua (eight trigrams used in Taoism that represent the fundamental principles of reality), with his octagon S-shield outline representing all eight principles together, was mindblowing! So was the idea of restricting Kenan's access to his powers unless he was actually acting in a Superman manner, that tied his character growth to his power growth in an entertaining manner. There were so many characters and concepts that meshed Chinese and DC lore together, like how Emperor Super-Man was Kenan's "Doomsday", they even recreated that iconic dual kill shot! The Chinese Wonder Woman Peng Deilan, being based on the Chinese Legend of the White Snake! There was even some Korean mythology referenced with the Aqua-Man member of the JLC "Dragonson".
Yang also managed to do a Superman Blue/Superman Red story with Super-Man Yin/Super-Man Yang!
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Shameful that it took me a while to realize what Gene Yang was doing but once I caught on I was touched. You can tell how much Yang loved Superman and his mythology, and how he was excited to incorporate as much from Clark as he could, while still using it in a way that was solidly Kenan's. And not just Superman's mythology, but the history and lore of the entire DC Universe. I-Ching got to be brought in, fleshed out, and used as Kenan's mentor! The "Yellow Peril" villain from Detective Comics #1, the comic DC gets its name from was brought in and revamped as I-Ching's twin brother All-Yang! Hats off to Yang for taking a racist caricature and attempting to make him into something more.
This series was a beautiful attempt by Gene Yang to build a space for Asian heroes and villains where they could be more than stereotypes, Kenan himself being a defiant mold-breaker in every regard as the complete opposite of most Asian characters in Western media (a jock, a bully, loves his dad but not on great terms with him, a powerhouse as a hero, etc). So much thought and hard work was poured into this by Yang and his team of artist collaborators.
Especially the costumes, man Kenan had so many great looks. From his starting outfit (which is my favorite Superman variant not worn by Clark himself), to the one with the Yin/Yang shield he acquired later on, to his Super-Man Yin & Super-Man Yang outfits, Kenan looked damn cool. Part of me is bummed they didn't go with the Chinese character shield they toyed around with, but I loved how Yang used the "s-shield" as a plot point, so I'm not too broken up over it.
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All that great work Yang did to build that space up has been more or less forgotten sadly. It was nice to see Kenan in the DC Asian Month Celebration issue. Avery is going to be in Justice Incarnate at least (unsurprising considering she was created by Williamson). So fucking bummed that Superman Family Adventures cartoon didn't happen, they were going to have Kenan and John Henry Irons in it! Would've been a dream come true for me to see Irons in animation again, and Kenan making the jump to outside media! Maybe that would've encouraged DC to let Yang keep writing New Super-Man, or at least encouraged them to use him elsewhere instead of allowing him fall into Limbo.
Unfortunately I'm not sure what the future holds for Kenan. Jon is being pushed as Clark's replacement in the comics, with DC keeping all the other contenders such as Kon benched. Calvin is leading the Justice Incarnate team likely due to the upcoming Coates reboot that will make Clark black. Val will probably get something once Taylor leaves Jon's book or once they officially announce the HBO Max show is happening. So where does that leave Kenan, my new favorite PoC legacy hero? Currently my only hope is that Yang is working on something for DC involving him. Yang left Batman/Superman, where I was hoping to see a Baxi/Kenan team up, to go work on "exciting other opportunities" per his Twitter. So fingers crossed that there's something in the works for Kenan!
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One day I hope he gets his day in the sun again.
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