#more of the npcs please
annicaax · 1 year
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Oh damn that's a pretty expression
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grayscaleearts · 7 months
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someone should really warn singularity6 that its actually illegal not to let me hug my for real canon dad. yeah. sorry. i wouldn't want them to get in legal trouble bc of it. yeah they should get right on that.
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part two of an odd textual mystery analysis (haikaveh focus)
(part one of my thoughts can be found here!)
immediately after wrapping things up at the house of daena, kaveh takes to finding alhaitham solely in order to tell him what went down regarding the book (i've heard that in the CN, kaveh apparently looked for alhaitham for half a day??? help. the dedication)
alhaitham is shown to leave his perusing of a book stall to approach kaveh when called, which is an extra animation? (for me this is similar to the extra animations in the flashback scene within their house in cyno's story quest ii, with alhaitham putting the book down when interacting with kaveh)
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kaveh teases alhaitham, making him guess what he has in his bag - to which alhaitham goes along with, with his own dry sense of humour, guessing that it's the book, to which kaveh counters, but actually confirms by telling him that it's The Book
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kaveh tells alhaitham about the circling of names being due to him as an inadvertent instigator, to which alhaitham replies that he knew something like this would happen, ever since he saw Kaveh having circled the murderer's name - to which kaveh questions, because kaveh recalls returning the book to the house of daena after doing so?
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only for alhaitham to reveal that he read the book (previously?/after?) in the house of daena.. and that kaveh left the book in the study, after he circled the name of the killer. meaning that alhaitham saw the book that kaveh took out of the library, and was comfortable enough to open it, because he knew kaveh would be fine with it, because the study is their shared space??
(this reminds me a parade of providence where kaveh stresses that it's fine to look through documents that alhaitham has left out, since alhaitham wanted kaveh to look through them, but now it seems that the study is canonically their shared place? im thinking of kaveh's birthday letter calling it 'my' study, due to him being so comfortable with his residency with alhaitham... oh :D)
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kaveh being embarrassed about being caught out, but not annoyed with alhaitham looking through the book. they really are at so much more ease with each other!!
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kaveh then asking if alhaitham if circled a name, to which alhaitham confirms, saying that the second one (green ink... being the complimentary colour to kaveh's red ink okay...) is his, all in order to signal a red herring to throw off the people checking out the book after kaveh, in order to avoid kaveh spoiling the killer
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kaveh then questions why alhaitham only circled one, in contrast to other people, to which alhaitham rationalises by saying that circling two names is more than enough to avoid a spoiler, considering that kaveh used permanent ink when creating the spoiler
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kaveh pulls alhaitham up on this and says that alhaitham only circled one name on the first page, too, because he thought it would be funny - to which alhaitham agrees, saying it's more fun that reading the book, and kaveh agrees!
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in the line with their new rapport in bickering in cyno's story quest 2, this truly is just inconsequential bickering, they're enjoying each other's responses and chasing it, not misunderstanding the other and actively getting hurt. they've improved so much!!
alhaitham congratulating kaveh on officially owning the book, to which kaveh dismisses dejectedly - the camera pans out onto the traveller and paimon, but we see alhaitham say something to kaveh, continuing their banter outside of the player's knowledge
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this quest essentially happened because alhaitham and kaveh are that comfortable in sharing things with each other, and believing the other to want to share things, such as alhaitham perusing through a book that kaveh checked out from the house of daena, and feeling comfortable enough to interfere with one of kaveh's actions - using permanent ink to spoil the killer, in order to avoid spoilers for the next person, and, perhaps dually, repercussions on kaveh's part. kaveh shows no upset with this action, nor alhaitham looking through the book he left in the study
it nicely ties together the beginning and the end - kaveh and alhaitham dually act as the catalyst for the quest in their actions regarding the book, and we immediately cut to kaveh going to tell alhaitham about it when the problem is sorted. we start with alhaitham and kaveh, although we don't know it at first, and we end with them? it's an inconsequential quest, v fun, and v silly, but i love how we get lil insights into haikaveh's life in their home outside of the player <333
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folkloric-love · 4 months
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You see a woman seated at the table, head bowed, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. She is adorned in a torn and soiled red gown, which appears to be at least a century out of fashion, but surely must have once belonged to a noblewoman of fine taste. Her hair might once have been red, but the color has long since faded to a pale and dusky rose hue. She has the look of an antique doll that had long been abandoned, now lovingly restored by skilled hands.
As you approach, you notice that her skin is powdered white as to resemble porcelain. Upon closer inspection, you can clearly see that her flawless features are threaded through with cracks...
No, not cracks. Lines of stitches cross over her nose and cheeks, circle her throat and wrists. She does not move at the sound of your approach, nor does she appear to breathe.
But as the Abbot moves closer, the woman slowly turns her head to regard him with pale and glassy eyes. He takes her gently by the hand and helps her to rise, moving with an unearthly grace.
"This is my daughter, Vasilka." The Abbot smiles warmly, presenting her to you. "Is she not beautiful?"
The woman simply stares at you.
"Vasilka, please greet our guests."
She inclines her head in deference and offers a faint smile. "Welcome, weary travelers, to the Abbey of St. Markovia. Please, take a seat by the fire and rest for a while."
This was basically how Vasilka's introduction to the party went in our campaign! Though quiet and demure, she was more than happy to play host to the party, eager to demonstrate her lessons in etiquette and impeccable manners. She served them leek and potato soup that she cooked herself, made from ingredients harvested from the garden that she also tends. The party even got some choice wine that the Abbot keeps in the basement of the Abbey. The food was so good that the tiefling sorcerer actually wept tears of pure joy because the party had been eating like absolute shit for the past few weeks. Shoutout once again to @luclovestruck for designing her signature red dress! I wanted something sumptuous and baroque, befitting a noblewoman, but clearly old and outdated as to no longer be considered fashionable by modern Barovian aristocracy. The Abbot doesn't exactly concern himself with fashion trends, but one has to make due with whatever materials are available in such an isolated settlement. Now, if he can just get his hands on a wedding dress befitting his beautiful daughter...
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bug-memory · 9 months
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Demon Lord Balthazar making a frittata
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navy-leader · 7 months
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Fanartists wouldve gone craaazy with this shot
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nevermoretoleave · 9 months
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is he your lord before he's your brother? how do you put your duty to your lord before your duty to your brother? how do you tell the difference? — on rahadin, of house zarovich.
@\iasoup-deactivated20190921 / you're on your own, kid, taylor swift / rest achilles, the world will wait, p.d. ( @\lostcap ) / norwegian wood, haruki murakami / so, you're a soldier, m.j. pearl ( @\fairytalesques ) / glass and god, anne carson / infinite jest, david foster wallace / curse of strahd / mirror traps, hera lindsay bird / the cruel prince, holly black / he ain't heavy, he's my brother, the hollies / brother, sister, rival, friend: the longstanding effects of sibling relationships, joshua a. krisch / matryoshka, mabel episode 28 / this is how you lose the time war, amal el-mohtar / antigone, sophocles / sue zhao / underworld, mabel episode 16
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cath-piws · 8 months
iiiiiiiiii don’t know what to say except,,, spare me,,,,
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(I love them ok)
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feelboss · 7 months
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me when I've never played a game with a character creator before
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robo-dino-puppy · 5 months
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"be safe out there"
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schattenmagier · 2 months
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// Finally finished Lilli's boss in the vigilante verse :D I tried my best jbgghdhgf
Written out info under the cut!
Name: Wesley Brooks
Retired villain who was known as 'Archon' once
Has his own bar now, and works there now as cook and security
6'10 / 210cm
He's 70 years old
His abilities inlcude: Super strength, increased duarbility, can grow in size up to 32'9 / 10m
If he grows in size, his strength also increases. But it leaves him in terrible pain for weeks after he grew back to his normal size. So he barely ever uses this ability anymore)
Likes to make dad jokes
Sees Lilli as something like a daughter
He knows that Lilli is the vigilante Schatten but has never revealed that yet. She isn't aware yet that he knows
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iwonderwh0 · 8 months
Here’s a take
And let for a moment ignore the dbh and think of androids in general, in a more realistic way
Humans don’t hate androids because they are “perfect” or some shit like that
But because they exploit human emotions and turn human sympathy and compassion for each other into a vulnerability.
Now on how exactly androids poison human connection by mimicking it. Think of how corporate world exploits positivity and makes it toxic, uses major key music and bright colours, smiles at you with a big smile while not actually being friendly or caring about you, something that a lot of people grew so sick of that being unapologetically unfriendly and grumpy became kind of an attractive trait that in comparison feels GENUINE. So what happens when a corporation becomes so good at imitating human connection that you can’t even tell the difference? You become suspicious to other people.
You see genuine human interaction through the prism of constantly comparing it with androids. You start to pick up the exact things androids mimic and start to run new versions of Turing’s test on everyone.
Imagine being fired from your job by what looks like another human, a pretty one, that looks genuinely sorry. Genuinely sympathetic. And what’s worse – you fall for it. You leave feeling this sympathy and only when you start to think about it logically as opposed to emotionally (you just got manipulated), you realise that no real human even cared enough to talk to you personally. Not only you got fired, your company manipulated you into thinking that they still genuinely care about you. The resentment that will grow in you the longer you think about it will only be amplified with each “genuine” android you see.
Now when you see another beautiful human you can’t even appreciate their beauty because they are too much like an android. People who are pleasant to be around suddenly make you feel uncomfortable because they are a little too much like androids. And the more “genuinely-looking” androids get, the less genuine humans who do the exact same thing will look in comparison. Their behaviour will be subconsciously registered as an attempt to manipulate.
Now, think of millennial “grumpy” response to toxic positivity multiplied by ten, the one that spreads into each human interaction you have. Everyone is a test subject. Nothing is genuine. When it looks like it is –you are being manipulated into liking someone who isn’t even fucking real. Suddenly being near assholes becomes weirdly comforting, because at least you can be sure that this is real. As a protest to androids becoming better at imitating love, you start to sparkle your casual interactions with hate. It becomes new way of assuring your humanity, authenticity, your real life “I’m not a robot” badge that you exchange with other people that are equally testing you for authenticity as you are testing them.
And living in a society where you subconsciously start to view interactions as only genuine when they are expressing negative emotions (to be more specific, egoistic and hostile ones) — this is hell. It will make you miserable. It will make you hate androids for stealing something so precious you didn’t know it could be stolen. And seeing people who fall for this emotional trap every time, going as far as defending androids, preferring them to real people — will only make you angrier. And there is nothing you can really do with this anger either, other than to gradually become more and more hostile towards the androids and the people who defend them.
Sure, you hate the company(ies) responsible for androids, but you don’t interact with their representatives every day – you interact with androids. The product. And under this angle, will people hate androids? Yes. Yes, they will. And if you are not delusional, you’ll learn to hate them as well. The hatred is justified, as androids are the walking embodiment of a dark pattern*. It’s not about them “stealing jobs” (company executives made a conscious decision of “optimising” their businesses), it’s not about them “being perfect”. It’s far deeper than that.
* dark pattern is basically psychologically effective manipulative design. As an example – infinite scroll, gambling games, fake close buttons that make you click the ad, etc.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I've been rewatching clips of Dottore on youtube because I miss him dearly, and once again I've fallen in love with him. I also miss Boattore dearly. Let's just remember how some of the clones also have different voices from each other. Like Omega's voice is hella deep while other clones speak in a softer tone. I find this adorable. And also funny because you'd get whiplash from the difference in voice from speaking to one clone to the next. Now just imagine them both reading you the same bedtime story, but you get totally different vibes and portrayals because of their voices. Not to mention they have a list of who to send in when you're feeling sad because of which one has the most soothing voice 😭
Also, does anyone remember that one npc Elchingen from the 3.2 fungi event? it's funny to think there are actually characters in game obsessed with Dottore, when most people are terrified of him 😭
Another random thought, I can't imagine how much identical clothing the clones own. They honestly probably mix them up with each other and then wear the wrong sizes or something 😭 (I'm not sure what solution you'd come up with besides getting them new wardrobes 💀)
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crunchy-criss-1 · 1 month
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i was scrolling through my disc alt account dms because that's where I usually post my rambles / inner thoughts and other stuff like that and found this screenshot and just absolutely DIED. I don't remember what story was this but now that I actually read this it sounds so wild 😭😭 average enstars moment ig. Kohaku's sisters wtf have you been up to.
Also I do think that they should mention older siblings more often bc I was surprised to learn that Shu had an older brother and sister in the wiki. actually I think it's better to post a screenshot of me being pissed at this newfound information.
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i know that in some stories they do mention older siblings like that one Kaoru event where he wanted to so something for his older sister's wedding and how Adonis mentions that he has 3 older sister's and so on and so forth (and I really like the Pretty 5 event about Tori's little sister, that was pretty funny and sweet). And I do know that Leo has a younger sister, Ruka Tsukinaga from Ensemble Girls
But as the curious little bitch I am I HAVE to learn more about these older/younger siblings. And I kid you not I've been coming up with designs for them, such as Tori's younger sister and Kuro's younger sister (I really like both of them such as Adonis' older sisters)
Idk how this turned on to a ramble and I'm sorry if you don't wanna read allat but it felt good to let everything out 😭😭😭
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muchmossymess · 5 months
Hrrnggg caines a human guys I'm calling it now mkay
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parallasso · 1 year
i need jrwi to do a campaign or oneshot where they all play women. i need to be able to see people talk about a campaign without seeing the one woman be characterized as “the braincell” or “the one dealing with everyone else” or “just an accomplace to these homos” because guess what, theyre all women. 
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