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Trigger warning: Mention of rape, sexualized violence
that was quite something these last few days.
Most courier and cycle affine people who follow this page have probably heard that there is some rough and serious talk around the NACCC 2019 in Indianapolis. We won’t go into detail (you can inform yourself via @bostonbma and @starbma and hopefully @naccc soon).
We have only a few but immensely important things to say (as this is a damn social media post, it will never cover everything):
1) BELIEVE SURVIVORS (victims, affected people whatever you want to call it).
2) RAPE AND RAPE CULTURE IS REAL and happening all round us. Every gender, every class, every place – no matter if we believe it or not.
3) STAND TOGETHER against survivor/victim blaming – stand up, speak up, do something.
4) It’s unbelievably important to have these rough and serious talks about this subject matter.
5) WE need and must have more of those rough and serious talks – preferably in a safe spaces without fear and shame.
6) It’ll be always super hard to address anything like this and there will never be the right moment – nonetheless, WE need to do it! It’s extremely courageous of the survivors to have come forward!
7) It’s the purest of clusterfukks you can get into. Rape/sexualized violence has so much explosive power – both in the narrow and in the broad sense. It’s okay to feel bad about it. It’s okay that you don’t want (these or any) allegations to be true. We urge you to think very hard about this. It’s okay to feel bad, but just take a look around you. Again, it’s everywhere. You don’t need to study statistics to see that it’s true.
8) We support the resolutions/demands of the Boston BMA and *BMA.
9) We call upon the NACCC 2019 organizer to address this issue. Until this happens we have to withdraw all support or sponsorships (which we were asked for, especially for being an independent, radical collective - this is acting on these believes!)
10) If you have made it this far, please keep reading.
If you are a survivor and/or have experienced sexualized violence of any kind. You are not alone. You a worth so freaking much. It’s okay to seek help and there are many, honest projects and programs around the globe where you can get help. For #Hamburg we can recommend:
The leaflet from Nexus – Netzwerk Hamburger Einrichtungen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt
basis praevent (for boys and men*)
or go to your doctor and any major hospital.
International #messfam. Please show you solidarity or at the very least your true opinion. You can not be silent about this. Please post your tips for projects and survivor networks below.
Black Spoke Collective St. Pauli, Valentine’s Day 2019
#standwithsurvivors #standwithvictims #survivor #solidarity #metoo #whyididntreport #timesup #nomeansno #yesmeansyes #nudityisnotconsent #takebackthenight #rape #rapeculture #starbma #bostonbma #naccc2019 #messlife #messfam #blackspokecollective #bikepunks #moreimportantthanyourbike
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