banefulbenevolence · 8 months
morethandarkness asked:
" you're teasing me now. " [ Thraeya ]
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"A little, perhaps." He concedes, that gregarious smile claiming his lips as he gives her a rather amused look. His beautiful Thraeya! Head tilted, lips pursed, *perplexed* as she looks at him and his heart sings. "Will you forgive me?"
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elkenbulwark · 10 months
@morethandarkness cont.
A click of tusks to teeth signaled his displeasure at the deflective nature of her response. It wasn't like he was seriously questioning the bravery of a rag-tag band of adventurers that chucked themselves into a flesh-eating shadow curse, no. Though he did have to wonder if perhaps the chucking was more along the lines of running- to the nearest source of light once they had all seen what became of the Harper who didn't.
Arms crossed before him, the leather belts of his armor crinkled with each absent-minded sway from foot to foot as he observed the fire's effects against the darkness that danced along the edges of where the light from the campsite and its various candles and lit braziers fell off and died. "I figure there's worse things 'en shadows what'll clean your bones out there." He noted, voice gravelly from the last throat-shredding rage ignited in a battle against ten-foot tall shadow beings.
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"No use in screamin' bout it. Already hoarse as it is given whatcha know've me." Which was that he got very angry before he got scared. Another dry swallow had him reaching for a nearby pitcher of water which he tipped back with both hands to pour into the back of his throat.
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raphaelapproves · 7 months
Alright! This weekend, when not running errands and having to Adult, I mostly worked on getting my catch-all multi set up.
As it stands now, my current blog list in regards to BG3 is:
@darkeningdawn [ OC daughter of Lathander, Dawn // side ]
@dirgeforthedead [ Canon Divergent Dark Urge, Dirge // main ]
@immenselytalented [ Rolan // side; still under construction ]
@lionofthealliance [ King Varian Wrynn // main; World of Warcraft muse but has BG3 verse ]
@morethandarkness [ multimuse for OC & canon drow // main ]
@neveraguardian [ Khadgar // side; still under construction, World of Warcraft muse but will have BG3 verse ]
@stalwartprotector [ Halsin // main; currently on hiatus ]
@thefaithbroken [ Zevlor // side ]
@thishouseofhope [ Raphael with other NPCs // main ]
@whotellsthestories [ multimuse for canon, alternate, adapted, and OC characters set in Baldur's Gate; side ]
[ I am also still working on finishing up my tiefling multi, but have not yet done so ]
With this newest addition of whotellsthestories, you can find canon muses such as Rugan, Klaus, Tumeril, and Geraldus. You can also find an alternate take on the Dream Guardian that basically runs from the premise of: what if the canon plot twist didn't happen?
You can find muses adapted from Tolkien, RAID, Ever Legion, Path to Nowhere, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Marvel, and other sources such as mythology.
You can also find quite a few original muses, some fandomless from the start and some OCs that were originally meant for one of the fandoms listed above and have now been adapted into Baldur's Gate III.
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thefaithbroken · 8 months
ok but CAN WE TALK ABOUT how even at the tiefling party homeboy just can't bring himself to relax and enjoy himself?? Like he's just thinking of everyone he's lost and vows to not lose anymore even in this moment of joy and celebration PLEASE someone dance with him or hug him or give him a hug just... He's a huggable sad man. shout out @infernaliscor // @extraordinarygrrls
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THIS. SO MUCH THIS. Just chill at the party some time and wait for the random lines he says. He absolutely breaks my heart. "I should be out there, talking with them. In… just a moment, maybe." "No. Let them have fun. I'll be ruining it come morning anyway." There's another idle dialogue that I can't find the video for so I don't have the exact, but he basically says, "Is this all that's left… ? We've lost so many…" And I don't have the recording either for when you first talk to him and he thanks you, but the second time, he's a bit lighter [ when someone is actively engaging him and he has to keep up appearances ], tries to look out for the player character and is also even a bit playful. "Go on, do your rounds. But if they hand you something purple, don't drink it — I think they got into Ethel's potions." Yet, despite the teasing, he still basically tells you, Don't waste your time with me. Go enjoy your evening. And then he stands by himself the rest of the night, nursing his drink, watching everyone else have a great time while he reflects on the fact that they're so few in number now, contemplating the rest of the journey that begins tomorrow, and thinking that if he tries to enjoy tonight, he'll just ruin it.
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[ As an aside, I absolutely headcanon in my drow paladin Thraeya's playthough — @morethandarkness — she convinced Zevlor to dance with her and then sat with him and talked the whole night until he called it to be ready to travel in the morning. She got a little hearteyes at him from their first conversation where he says, "You'll find the druids at the heart of the grove. Please — make them see sense. Oh, and if it's of any concern… you're brave to walk around without hiding your heritage. I'll make sure everyone knows that you helped us at the gate."
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She wasn't even close to my furthest along character when I found out what happens with Zevlor, she literally got me hyper-focused on getting her through to where she could rescue him. She turned down Gale, Wyll, Astarion, and Halsin. Because she had entirely decided that she was romancing Zevlor, whether possible or not in game, and she had to make sure he was safe. ]
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But, as usual, I digress. I have said it several times already, but Zevlor absolutely deserves the world. I wish that Larian would at least let us bring him to the camp, the same way we can with Barcus, Aylin and Isobel, and others.
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sanguinepeccatorum · 9 months
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@morethandarkness || LIKED for a STARTER
He's resting - sat idly 'pon a rock before a roaring campfire, enjoying the emanating heat that warmed through his leathers. But his innermost senses soon flare upward, telling him of another presence through the sharp whispers of his consciousness.
Still he does not move; instead, he turns his sanguine gaze idly towards the darkness that surrounds and stares, expecting incoming movement.
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Of all of the viciousness that surrounds in Faerun, one would be hard pressed to find aught as vulgar as the sheer monstrosity that now rests within Vincent; the very essence of Chaos, waiting to consume the world when its end is nigh.
"You may as well show yourself as friend or foe - - I know you are there, lurking."
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dryadalismagicae · 10 months
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@morethandarkness asked: " You're safe here. You can rest now. " { Thraeya } // for whoever!
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Safe. Nowhere was safe.
The bitterness he had gained through living so very long twisted his consciousness towards the possibility of such things; safety had been dwindling in every place he had visited since he was a youth and it had only gotten more and more scarce the older he had become. Now, so very many years later, he began to experience it far more regularly.
Pockets of safety were rare.
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"I appreciate your help." Lyrian chooses to utter, regardless of the turmoil plaguing his thoughts. He's tired, he's cold, he's hungry and still bruised from some days prior when violence had found him with ease on the road. "Allow me t o do something in turn for you? I've ample healing supplies if they would be of use to you."
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dirgeforthedead · 6 months
Think I will be over at @morethandarkness for the most part tonight and maybe a little here. Missing my drow babies.
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morethanthedarkness · 8 months
THRAEYA & STATURE // @morethandarkness
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Thraeya is... uncommonly tall--for human, elf, and most certainly for drow. She is just barely shorter than Halsin, as a matter of fact, as pictured below:
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She is aware that can be intimidating to people. She is even more acutely aware that she can be so for the Lolth-sworn male drow who join her party, those already wary to fearful of female drow--with good reason--who are, understandably, not able to untangle the feelings or the reactions just because she's not Lolth-sworn.
As such, she has a tendency to try to mitigate, and it's so ingrained now that she doesn't even really have to think about it.
Often she will bow her head a bit or sit down, stand on lower ground, lean against something. Try to give a little more space than what the average person might. Whatever she can do to not LOOM and TOWER so much. She is also very mindful of not moving suddenly or being aggressive with her body language. She is normally quite soft-spoken and does her best not to deviate from that, even if upset.
She really is the sweetest-natured person--until you legitimately give her cause to be angry--and she always tries her best to be a calming presence and to help soothe the anxiety of those traveling with her, not contribute to it. [ The last thing she would ever want is to remind someone of places like where she spent her early years or of the people who inhabited and governed them. ]
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stalwartprotector · 10 months
Kept getting swept up into family time despite depleted social battery, so I did not get everything done that I wanted. I did, however, get the blog themes and carrds done for @morethandarkness and @thishouseofhope so if you would like anything from my drow babies, I would be THRILLED. As I would also be for any interactions with Raphael! This lot has completely taken over my brain so I may actually be Active there for a bit. 😂
Enver and Zevlor will likely be next for blog themes and carrds. Then Rolan and Asharak. Stay tuned!
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
Honestly I don't think that antis should be in charge of making an 'anti list for shippers to block'? It seems biased - you aren't experiencing what we're experiencing, you aren't interacting with the same people in the same ways. In much the same way you're labeling shippers in a way to block them (an effectively witch-hunt them, lets be honest), you'd be labeling antis according to your own perceptions.
dude, im labeling antis due to what they ship, much like this list. this list isn’t for witch hunting, for the 20th goddamn time.
i know there are bad antis out there, im not biased towards anyone solely bc they’re anti.
edit: also, it’s not “for shippers to block”, but it can be used that way.
-mod keith
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raphaelapproves · 7 months
I am this close not only to writing Counsellor Florrick over at @morethandarkness or @whotellsthestories but also to making the slight alteration that she's actually drow [ and Ravengard knows it ] but she can and does pass for a surface elf. Which makes the attack on Waukeen's Rest all the more upsetting and frustrating. Her kin, unwittingly taking yet another thing from her. She thought she'd gotten away from the Underdark ways by living on the surface.
Of course they had to prove her wrong.
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raphaelapproves · 7 months
I do not want to terrify any of you or myself with the sheer number of blogs I have, but the ones tied in with Baldur's Gate or easily adapted to it will be listed all together in this post [ and I will probably add/link it to it in a pinned post on my blogs as well so it's easy to know what blogs are mine ].
First, to explain, I get hyperfocused on things and end up with a ton of muses [ Tolkien, Marvel, DC, mythology, gaming, etc ], and each one [ usually, though some are constants ] goes dormant for a bit while I hyperfocus on another thing--and sometimes manage to mesh and adapt several things into whatever the current thing is, as witnessed by spareastory because I still love all the things, my focus has just pivoted. I periodically cycle back around again, usually when some thing has perked back up the braincells in regards to that thing. Sometimes multiple co-exist at the same time, sometimes they just keep to a cycle. Sometimes it's a little of all of it.
My brain is just like this. It's always been like this. I have a wheel of special interests and it spins to whatever has the most to keep the braincells interested. The last long-stint hyperfixation was Overwatch and that was eight (8) or so months. Before that was Final Fantasy VII. Baldur's Gate is going on seven (7), I think, and I don't see it going away anytime soon because it has everything I love to write and I can adapt so many of my other favorite things into it.
So I know I have a lot of blogs and, trust me, I don't expect anyone to follow all of them, but that's kind of the explanation as to why they're here and why I share them from time to time.
With that said, here is the list of the current BG3 and related blogs in case any of them do appeal to anyone, a sort of menu, as it were, to pick and choose from as, when, and if you like:
@thishouseofhope // MAIN // Raphael and some HoH NPCs
@dirgeforthedead // MAIN // Perhaps slightly canon-divergent Dark Urge
@morethandarkness // MAIN // a drow multimuse for canon, original, and adapted
@spareastory // MAIN // a catch all multi for BG3, anybody who doesn't have their own blog; Canon, original, and adapted muses present [ Among these can be found Counsellor Florrick, Guex, Asharak, Rugan, Klaus, Tiernan, and Alan the Bartender, as well as muses adapted from WoW, mobile games such as Raid and EverLegion and Path to Nowhere, as well as muses from film, television, other video games and literature ]
@thefaithbroken // SIDE // Zevlor
@immenselytalented // SIDE // Rolan; may or may not just shift to my multi, we'll see. I do really love the url but.
@darkeningdawn // SIDE // OC daughter of Lathander
@stalwartprotector // MAIN // Halsin, but he's been very quiet so he's basically on hiatus
@theperilsofadventure // SIDE // This is going to be a multi/experiment in very loose DM'ing to an extent for little mini adventures within BG3 canon/verse, if anyone is interested. I just got a bestiary book and there are several beings and such that interested me, like the Old Man with the Canaries, Stone Giants, Storm Giants, etc. And, of course, owlbears and such. I have never DM'd and I do not know any official rules. This would basically just function like an RP account, but a condensed version of what I do with my many accounts, as explained in this post here.
@lathandertolight // SIDE // Lathander
@selunetoguide // SIDE // Selûne
@kelemvortojudge // SIDE // Kelemvor
@andpassageprovide // SIDE // Thanatos, adapted from Greek mythology // SIDE
@lionofthealliance // MAIN // King Varian Wrynn from WoW; has a BG3 verse
@neveraguardian // SIDE // Khadgar from WoW; has a BG3 verse
@glamglitterandgoblins // SIDE // Jareth, the Goblin King; I'd say he has a BG3 verse, but it's pretty much just his regular verse but with access to BG3. Jareth is Jareth. I draw heavily from the movie, but also the comics that released regarding a prequel to Labyrinth. Great comics, if you haven't read them
@nosehabladebruno // SIDE // Bruno Madrigal; was a main, moved him to a side so that I could write him more easily, absolutely will have a BG3 verse
@lovebeyondproof // SIDE // Alice and Cyrus [ who is a genie ] from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland; its main verse can basically fit right into BG3
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raphaelapproves · 7 months
I am going to try to do some replies around the various blogs today. I have just 😂 been in one of those weird moods where I want to do EVERYTHING [ writing, gaming, drawing, reading, etc. ] and so can decide on NOTHING. 😂
If I do get to anything, most likely is @dirgeforthedead , @morethandarkness , and maybe trying to get things started at @spareastory [ also finally getting Asharak and Guex properly added ] .
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dirgeforthedead · 7 months
I'm may not 100% say that Dirge and Thraeya [ @morethandarkness ] are romantically exclusive to @banefulbenevolence and @hopeteased , but I will say that it would take some phenomenal chemistry for me to run any other romantic ships with either of them. And I mean chemistry both in ability for writers to talk and interact in a friendly and collaborative way, as well as for the muses to click in a romantic sense.
These two are my oldest friends, online or otherwise and. I dunno. I won't absolutely say it's completely impossible to romantically ship with Dirge or Thraeya, but considering the ships they already have going with these writer's muses and how invested I am in them and how much plotting and whatnot that we've put in, I will say that it's highly unlikely.
Raphael [ @thishouseofhope ], I will outright say is not available for romantic shipping outside of Bro's discord Haarlep [ who they let me keep as an NPC on my blog ] and Shadow's Haarlep on tumblr.
I am happy to explore all other sorts of ships—platonic, familial, hate, etc—but I have been giving it a lot of thought and I will just go ahead and say that romance is highly unlikely.
I will likely be adding this to my rules/info pages, too.
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dirgeforthedead · 7 months
I will maybe talk heights over on @morethandarkness in a minute but.
This is a reminder to myself to post the pictures here for Dirge and over there for Thraeya and Co.
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morethanthedarkness · 8 months
THRAEYA & LOLTH-SWORN // @morethandarkness
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I haven't said much about Thraeya's backstory, as I've been fighting with my old laptop and just didn't have the energy for much usually by the time it booted and then I had to wait another hour for the page to load once I clicked 'new post'.
But! New laptop and here we go!
I don't 100% know if all of this 100% fits DnD lore or not—as I am still learning and researching—but Thraeya isn't Lolth-Sworn and never was, though she did spend some of her earliest years in Menzoberranzan.
She and her family were part of a group of wanderers/nomads who just roamed through the Underdark. [ I have kind of turned over the idea that if they had a little business they ran where they would gather things down in the Underdark, like the couple you help with the Noblestalk. No storefront. More likely just out of a wagon they would bring into town and sell from when they needed to reup on other supplies. ]
Regardless, their group came under attack by a group of Lolth-sworn. Some were slaughtered. Some were taken. Thraeya and her older brother Szaryn [ who is actually her middle brother but she was so young at the time she didn't remember and Szaryn wasn't going to remind her of someone else lost ] were among those taken and put to work at a noble house, mostly doing chore type work.
Within my own self-contained verse, it was the same house where Halsin was a "guest", and she was, in fact, there at the same time. Though she didn't fully understand because she was so young, she knew something wasn't right and she would sneak him food and water when everyone was busy. She treated him with kindness. Asked him questions about who he was, where he was from. She was a very curious little one and Halsin seemed friend-shaped.
Szaryn realized Thraeya was sneaking to talk to the other and, worried for his sister, he approached Halsin, too, talking to him to decide whether or not he trusted him... and then asking that if he managed to get out at some point, would he take Thraeya with him.
[ "We both know it is only a matter of time. She is too kind for too cruel a place, and one way or another, it will kill her." ]
Now, when the attack happens wherein Halsin escapes, what follows is verse and other writer dependent.
He either gets both children out, manages to get just Thraeya, or he can't find them in the chaos and has to flee [ in the latter scenario, Szaryn grabs Thraeya and runs, though they are caught not long afterwards and separated ].
If Halsin managed to save one or both children--again, within self-contained lore--he practically raised them. If he had to escape without them, he may or may not remember them to start, but once he does, I can't imagine that there wouldn't at least be a little bit of guilt over what happened.
I say all of that to say this.
In the 'blog-run' of the story where all things are possible:
When they encounter the petrified drow, she plays tank the whole fight from the moment she realizes the Spectator will keep releasing the drow if the fight continues. She makes sure everyone is onboard and knows the plan, draws the attention, takes the damage, and doesn't give word to kill the thing until the very last of the drow are free of stone. This included one loss, Dhourn, who was snapped out of it after taking a hit from one of them , attacked the Spectator, and then was subsequently killed. That was how Thraeya realized they just had to take the hits and not hit back until everyone was freed... and then attack only the Spectator. Though not possible in game, she will--or more likely get her brother to do so--invite the un-petrified drow to join the camp. As per blog canon, at least two of them do so: Moy and Tecothy. The latter is more than a bit hesitant and wary but agrees at the encouragement of the former who sees it as "Anything is an improvement from returning home, isn't it?"
She will not kill Minthara. First of all, this decision is made because Halsin quite plainly states how the True Souls are basically made puppets to the Absolute, carrying out its will, and she struggles to find a definitive line where a True Soul can be held wholly responsible for their actions while still under the influence of the Absolute. She will not kill someone who she cannot even be certain is guilty in their hearts of the actions taken. Second, she is willing to help Minthara and give her a place in the party later. This is because she understands what Lolth-sworn society is--has seen it and suffered it for herself--and, in her mind, it is equally difficulty to condemn someone when they have never known anything different. She can also see, whether Minthara will openly admit it or not, that the woman has been through something traumatic. To abandon her would be cruel.
She will not kill Nere. She accepts the task from Sovereign Spaw, having seen through their eyes someone who was slaughtering their people without remorse and being worried for the safety of the myconid colony. But when she gets there, she sees someone afraid and a little disoriented after his ordeal. She grieves the loss of the gnome--though in EA, apparently, he didn't kill anyone so I may stick with that?--but, again, she struggles to find a definitive line where a True Soul should be held responsible for their actions while still under the influence of the Absolute. She talks to him. She convinces him to free the gnomes. And the longer they all remain there and she talks to him, the more his demeanor begins to shift. He becomes uncertain, almost addled. He goes from talking about himself in the third person... to talking in the first. He seems... confused. And, while it doesn't completely exonerate him, it does affirm for her that he deserves a chance. Even if it were to break her Oath, she would spare him, because she felt it was right. And, again, though not possible in game, in blog canon, she offers him a place in the camp, safe from the Lolth-sworn that he betrayed--however unknowingly--and safe from the influence or command of the Absolute. As with Tecothy, he is wary of her, but he doesn't see that he has much choice under the circumstances...
Now, if/when Halsin goes off about sparing and bringing in Nere, and later about doing the same with Minthara once he realizes, regardless of which path they walked to this point, Thraeya will look him dead in the eye and telling him that everyone deserves a chance. They both know what the Lolth-sworn society is like. They have both suffered from it. In different ways, yes, but still suffered even so. How then can they condemn someone who has never known anything else? And with a tadpole on top of that? He said himself that True Souls become little more than puppets for the Absolute! The only thing that protects their little band is this artifact. They HAVE to give them a chance. She will not condemn someone when there is no possibility in the moment to discern what level of accountability they hold for their actions. Which, at least with my Halsin, I feel would likely sway him, even if he still wasn't happy about it. [ Particularly if she also brings up the matter of "If we will not condemn someone even for their worst decision when the consequences were so dire, how can we condemn another for a decision we cannot even know was theirs." which takes a direct jab at Kagha and with him not dealing more harshly with what she did and intended to do. ]
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